The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-05, Page 64:
ee011 4, Me
rented for a terra . App
MORROW 13R08 8eforth
Ers-The anotersigned will ront, hie atria
43 Lake Shalt to a ociti tenant ler tome,
The Win oonenite of 210 acres of gooe
all under otiltivatien and in ,rood oen,
di fun terms and partieuiare Apalstat Onee
TH, St. Joeeph P. Os 198141
,FOR, EtsLE--A *try P40(1 a, bait brink
Vein Hatparhey. The hotree Is heated .with
0 and haa fmtne kitchen and woodshed at.
'There is a good well, good eteble end hen
the propertoo There are 3 1.5 acres of land.
Apply on the premises% FRANCES FOWLER,
.1.. Money on Improved (waiter tactions of 160
aeres each at from 8.-a, to 10;arper annum, Only lint
mortgages token. Ample security given. Torrent;
Title System is perfect. From 8300 up ean be lent
on farms worth from $1,000 to $2,001. For further
particuloza write to me. J. A. JACKSON, Barris-
ter, etre, Portoka, Alberto,. 19594f.
ARM FOR SALE.—The subscriber °dere for sale
his farm of 103 acres, being lot 81, -Brd moms -
on. IL R. S. Tualteramith. Aa cleared and under
outtwatloii except 8 acres U but 18 acres in grass.
Pra e house, bank barn, hay barn and other out-
bniklinger bearing orchard, good water, schoolhouse
on the premises, It is within six miles nf Seaforth
and fist from Clinton. Will be sold on eisey terms.
WHITFIELD CRIOH, Clinton P. 0. 2009- xStf
ESE:AMOR FOR SALE.—The comfOrtable and
North ale. There ia eplen
a clid
ealMain street is for simodious new residence of the undersigned
n Nor
dry come it cellar„ a parlor, sitting room, dining
room and kitchen downetairs and four bed rooms up-
stairs, together withpautrics and elosets. Softwater
oistern inside and a first-class Well. The house has
only been ottupied about two yearn and will be aold
sheep an on on term. Apply to the proprietor,
J. TYERMAN, or to JOHN BEATTIE, Seaforth.
_ _. o....... .__„. . . . ...__....
11111(OUSE FOR SALE.—For sale, a story-ancha-half
.1.1. house in Harpurtley, just outside the coepor-
ation of Seaforth. There are nine rooms and wood
wood and coal shed in connectionralso hard and soft
water in the house. There are llacres of land, with
both small and large fna of the best varieties, alas
stable for cow and horse and hen house for about 50
hens. The house bas been recently painted and pap-
ered and is in first-class condition and would be a
very suitable home for a retired farmer. For further
particulars apply to MRS. 3. J. HUGILL, or to
MRS. ABRAHAM HUGH,T„ Seafoeth P. 0.
' 2011x16
FWARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot8,°0oncess1on 3,
_flaosle R. S„ Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres of
which 9 acre; is goodhardwood bush. The balance
well fenced, tiledmined and in first-class condition.
There are two good barns, elle a bankbarn 86 x 78 fb.
with stone stablrng. underneath and the other 56 x
L'a ft., and comfortable frame house, three good
%yells and 'ever -failing spring at the rear of the lot
I ,
and a good earina, orebard. The ploughing is all
done and ltacrea of fall wheat. It ii within two
miles of the -flourishing village of Hensell and within
half a mile of a school house. Apply on the premises
or to J. CALDWELL, Hensall P. O. 1987-tf
FARM FOR SALE—For sem, Lot 24, Concession 2,
Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety ores are
clearedand in a good state of cultivation ; there are
10 acres of good hardwood hush. The farm is all
well underdrained and well fenced. There is a two-
storey' brick house with slate roofa first-class farm
house. Rank barn, 40ft, x 801t., cement silo, pig pen,
driving house; There are two never -failing wells,
and an acre of orchard and small fruit. This excellent
farm is three miles from Brumfield and five miles
from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further
rticnlars apply on the premises or Address ALBERT
OTT, Clinton P. 0 • 194841
FARMS FOR SALE -100 acres, Lot a, Concession
5, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, Huron County, all
seeded to grass, except 15 stems of bush. Frame
house. orchard, 2 good wells, land and bush the best.
Also West half of Lot., Concession 4, Tuckersmith,
50 acres, , school on corner, hayfield river crossing it.
On this place there is a bank barn, brick house,
'work hop drivinahouse, pig and hen house, young
bearing orehard with handsome shade treea, 2 wells,
water first class,. The buildings are new and up to .
date cool the land in the best conpidon. A good lo-
oaticm, 3 miles from Seaforth on a good road. These
farms are offered for sale together or separatoly. If
. not sold scene may be offered for rent. Arrolit to
JOHN SPROUT, Egmandville P. O., Ont. 109641
fl OOD FARM FOR SALE.—For gale ahem,' find on
eagyeterr4 Lot 25, Concession 4, Maltillop.
This farm contains 97? acres, all cleared and in fine
condition. Fifty acres are seeded to grass Mx or
seven in fall wheat and the rest all piouglied and
ready for caning Crop. There is a fine spring for
watering the stook Mose to the buildings, a good
brick house, two large barns, one with good stabling
underneath, also horse stable and implement, house
and a large orchard. It is within a rule and a half
of the town of Seaforth. If not sold, will be leased:
for a term of Years. Apply to the undersianed, box -
192, Seaforthia. 0., OBE= GOVEN140011..
s • 109141
WARM FOR SALE—For sale, Lot 5, Concession 141
Hullett, containing 120 acree. The farm is al,
cleared and in a high state of oultivation. It is well
drained and well fenced. There is a large two-storey
bra& house with woodshed and kitchen. There Is a
large bank barn and two smaller barns and driving
shed. Two good orchards. There are two never
failing -springs on the farm, which make it an excel-
lent one for either stook or cropping.. There is also
a pump at the barn, with 'windmill. This excellent
fano is two: mike from Mario* 0., four mile
from Blyth. Terms to suit purehaser as the prop-
rietress wishes to leave the farm and, if not sold, it
wilI be rented. This is the farm of the late John
Mills. For further particulars Apply on the premises
or address, Harlook P. O., MRS. JOHN MILLS.
WARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 24, Concession
.1.` S. Stanley, containing- 100 acres. There are 85
acres cleared and the balance is good hardwood
bush. The farm is well underdrained and well fenc-
ed. There are, on the premises, a, 'two-story frame
house with stone foundation and good cellar. sThe
house is In first.class concifiton. There is also a good
frame barn. There is plenty of good Water both at
the home and barn and a good spring creek runs
Dorms the back of the farm. This farm is in first -
claw shape and is one of the best in the township.
It Is three and a half -miles from the village of Brum-
field and five miles from Clinton. 'Will be sold on
aos,v terms as the proprietor Is going. west. For fur-
ther particulars- apply on the premises or address,
Brumfield P. 0., MRS. JOHN GILMOUR.
1 00 ASTLYMrs:.;(ent,hVIL—Zrirliterpsrp:
erty known as Lot 6, Concession 1, Township of
Bianshard, Perth County. There are. on the 'prem-
isas, a good brick house 32 x 24,.with kitchen attach-
ed, 16 x 20, both in good repair-; a large bank barn,
70 x 70, wttiteg000d staue stabling- underneath; one
first-class cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful
letiliclines. The farm is well watered, both in front
and in the rear and is Adapted both for grain mai
stock raising and is in high state of cultivation,
whieh is v ell known trom the fact that the propriet-
or has resided thereon for nearly fifty yaws, being
one of the most soceeshil fanners in the township.
It is centrally located, helm; near both church and
school, and within elm react of agood market. For
further particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND,
litirkton P. 0. 290941'
FOR SALE.—An exeellent bedding lot, containing
three-quarters of an acre of land, part of the
MeMann property, Egmondville, opposite the recre-
ation grounds, all ready for building. There is a
-good fence all round the land, a good hard waten
Well, the cellar is dug out and a drain all round it,
also a drain from it. There are about, 17 thousand
of kiln run brick, The brick can be bought separate-
ly if desired. There are also a number of loads of
sand and gravel and enough stone to build a founda-
tion for a large hose. This property will b (sold
cheap, as Mr. Little cannot drive the hayfield and
Seaforth stage and live in Egmonville and would like
to dispose of his property there. Any person desiring
to buy this property may learn all particulars from
R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. or H. LITTLE, hayfield.
WARat FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 29, on the 9th
Concession of Bibbed, containing' 100 &Tea all
In a good state of ciativation. There is on the Prem-
ises a brielc home. with brick kitchen and a good cel -
There is also a large bank barn, 60 x 40, and •a
ean-to of 12 feet, with stone stabling underneath.
Also a shed, 80 x 30, and a driving house with every -
thine; complete. There are three never -frilling welle
on the preinieee, there is atma large orchard and
good garden: There are 10 acres of fall wheat sown
and there are 40 acres seeded down. Either suitable
for hay or pastor°. All the fall plocrhing is done.
The farm Is well underdreined with tile and well
fenced with wire fences It is in a good locality, be-
Ingsituated two-andot-half miles from Chisellumet,
where thero is a post Oat and a.vo churches, Meth-
odist arid Presbyterian, 8 miles from Seafoitla and
there fa a good Rowel road running past the farm. It
is in good condition and Will be sold on recteonehle
term as the proprietor loathes to retire. For further
partiettlare apply on the premises or to CHARLES
ABERIIART, Staff& P. 0., Ontario. 19894f
clOOD FARM FOR SALE.—For ale, Lot 2, CO
XX cession 12, IL R. S.: Tuckers! ith, containing
100 Ivrea That farm is well fenced nd thoroughly
and systematically underdrained, and, having been
kept in a high state of eultivetion,dsadmittedly, one
of the most prochietive farmin the township.
There isa. first ciao; .frame house with kitohen and
woodshed, and equiphed with cistern and other mod-
eril convenienree. There are two good bank barns
and other up-to-date ont-bitildinge. There la a, good
bearing orchard coul filen a new orchard of well se-
lected fruit trees. There are two never failing wells,
the one at the house and the other at the barn.
Tbia farm Is most deitirably situated, belt!? three
Jones from the prosperous village ea Hensel -I and one
quarter of a mile froln Chiselluiret, where there are
twachurchee, -a- sake. post office and blacksmith
shop . As the prope tor is in poor healthit will be
sold on reasonable. me, when one half of the pur-
ohaee money, or merp, if necessary, may remain on
the farm at a reason ble rate of interest. Far fur-
ther partite] tars appl on the premises or to ROBERT
NEWELL ohisalburet P. 0. 2e0f4 :
When you go to a drug store
and ask for Scott's Emulsion
ypu know what you want; the
man knows you ought to Wave
It, Don't be surprised, though,
if you are offered something
else. ItiViries, cordials, extracts,
eto., of' cod liver oil ace pent'
fu but don't imagine you are
getting &id liver oil When yoU
take them. Every year for thirty
years we've been increasing
the sales of Scotts Emulsion,
Why? Because it has always
been better than any -substitute
for It.
Send for free semen"
*tee* wesetasysaa.......•
19ixelee otftco 1P1oody, Toron-
to8 last week lzoci two illicit
Skey stills on ie premieee of
two prominent farmers 4n the town -
hip of at 'Williams, near Parke
bill. It, will be a serious matter
for them as a heavy tfina and irn-
prisionment is the penalty.
Mr.- John Criag brought inte the
Times office, Walkerton, the other
day a curiosity in the form of a
three -headed cabbage. He graftea the
plant 'earls in the f3eason so as t
bring about this multiplicity o
—Remi Martin aluPePeter Reaume
Sandwich farmers, discovered the
body of a new-born babe the: othe
afternoon while owing in the vic
hefty of Grassey Island, near (Wind
son The body was enclosed in a
pillow caste, securely tied. A poet
mortem revealed that the . child was
alive when placed in the water, The
Provincial deteotivee have been noti
fled and will at once an-vestigata
—Kenneth -Chisholm, County Regis-
'trar, died at Brampton on Wedieei-
" day of last week. He wale labrn in
the county of Peel, on the 17th of
March, 1829, and resided in the 'Sarno
totinty almost continuously until his
death on the (nth of September, 1906,
For thirty-five yeare 'ie wae lone of
the most fi,ominent m6rolia.nts outside
of Toronto, tte SC. Chisholm land Co.
doing a very large business as gen-
oral storekeepers, grain buyers and
Millers, the headquarters Of the
firm being at 'Brampton. They were
aleo_owners of earge quarries ati the
; Perks of the Credit, from Which the
celebrated Credit Valley stone used
. SOD. Mind $1.00. All druggists in so many buildings ineporonto was
' taken. The Parliament Buildings -in
RE-A_Le, ESTATE OR Toronto, amongst many others, were
Fon SALE, a comfortable frame home in E g
out iilits ones are =strait eatfa
FAH and Winter weather. _ Thm will
catch . Do you know *bout Shilois`r
Coption Cum, the Lung Tonic, and
what it has &melee so many? k tag
to he the only reliable- remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in elkihken.
it h absolutely hornless and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to cute or your mon?,
Ls rettentei. The price h 25e. per
d all (Wen in medicine sell 34
This reined ev hous.
" 01APTet+;.
SCOTT di BOVVI4E, Chemists
Toronto, Orkt.
• mondville, with three acres of land, cellar a n
also a stable. The house contains 1 bad room, par-
lor, dining room and kitchen downstairs and two
bed rooms and a large hall upstairs. There is plenty
of hard and soft water The property is olose to both
Oureli and gallop'. Will be sold cheap. Apply to
JAMES S. BROWN, or box 867, Seaforth P. 0.
202841 !
de Concession 15, contaitang 42 acres, good for
either grain or growing. It is situated about 11
miles from Chiselhurst, where there are two
churches, blackmail shop, store and post office. It
is also about 8 miles from Heosall. On the foam 'le a
good barn arida briok house, a good orchard and a
good spring close to, the barn. Apply to IIENRY
IDOUGAL at his farm; London Road or to Hensel:
P. o. 20284a
-filitteThtaa SALE. -:-Lot , and one-half of Lot
_lc 72, Goderich Township, chneistiagof 96 worm. _
There is about 40 acres bush d containing a lot of
hemlock and other valuable_ timber ; 8 acres young
orchard, the place is svell watered and fenced, spring
creek,. good barn with stables under, good hen house
and pigpens, frame house with stone cellar under-
neath with cement floor, three trifles from Bayfield,
6 from Clinton, on the main road between the two
places mentioned, and one-half mile from saw mill.
It will be sold on easy terms. For particulars apnly
to MRS. C. PARSONS, hayfield P. 0. 201841
SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.--Pcm sale, Lot 29,
This farm is well fenced with good Carter wire fenc-
ing and fitted with wire and iron gates. It is well un-
de.rdrained with tile, has always been well cultivated
and properly look& after and is, consequently In the
very best e,ondition possible. There are 10 acres of
good hardwood bush, uncoiled, nearly all maple, a
' first-class brick house, storey and a half, lately paint-
ed and remodelled and made up-to-date ; soft arid
hard water u-Onvenient at both house and barn, a
good well at the, bush, making three wells that as
yet ha,ve never failed, windmill at the barn. There
are two good baits both with good stone foundaticin
and up-to-date -stabliag, water inside, good hen
house, hog pen and driving house. There is it good r
bearing orchard and small fruit trees. This proyerty 0
is well situated in a good locality, convenient to gro-
cer, post office, °hurl* and echool, nine and a half
from Chiselhurst, 6 miles from the prosperous villae
of Henson ancl 9 miles from Settforth, good gravel 0
Coneession 10, "fibbed, containing 100 acres. *
built ostone !from their quarries.
—The Clifford Ekaresssays: A
peculiar case was tried at (Durham
•the other day. A In11111 named Sproat
hired a horse from one of the liv-
eries at .Durham to drive to Cey-
lon; be drove eome place nlse, and
the horse on the way broke its leg.
The liveryman then Sued for, the
sum of sixty dollars for rtresspass of
contract. Judgment was reserved. It
seems to be the law that if a man
hires a horse Ito go to a certain
place, and anything 'happens to it,
the owner is' responsible, but ef the
party evlo hire'd the horse does not
go where he agreed to tgo, 'then tin
case anything happens to the horse
or rig, he 'is responsihle. These a -re
facts• of the law whicht we think
are not generally twell
—Mr. R. B. 'Cochrane, fee- the past
five months assistant pastor of Knox
church, Woodstock, is the unanimous
choice of the 'congregation. 'to tfill the
vacancy in the 'pulpit that min oc-
cur with' the approaching- resigna-
tion of Rev. Dr. McMullen, who for
Petty seven years has been pastor
of the church. At a meeting- of the'
congregation it was 'unanimously de-
cided, to extend to him a crilt to the
pastorate as successor to Rev. Dr.
McMullen upon his rretirem t, or las
co -pastor and successor, whichever
arrangement may be deemed
able. The. session was 4nstrueted to
request the Presbytery to ta,ke such
!steps as =ay the required for his
ordination and induction. Mr. Coch-
ane is a graduate of 'Knox College
f 1905. He has Teceived calls to
Smith's Falls and Owen Sound.
W, Brick, defaulting manager
f the W. IC. Wampole Company at
roads in all directions. As the proprietor has mg nir-
ed interests elsewhere that demand immediate atten
tion, he is prepared to dispose of this property at o
bargain, and anyone desiring a first-class farm in a p
first-olass locality will do well to investigate. For o
further particulars apply on the premises or addreeo
JOHN TAYLOR, Chiselhurst P 0, 2014-41
Perth, Ontario, who lipappeared on
July let last, has, s,ccordinr
bee,n arrested dn Japan. The
Frost is said to have been made by
TOR SALE.—The undersigned boo for sale my -
end Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle
of both sexes. Address Egmondville P, 0., or apply
a farm, Mill Road, Tokesmith. ROBERT CHAR-
TERS bONS. 18724f
B1ues.. FOR SALK—For tale, a thorobred Short,
-horn bull, with registered pedigree, 23 menthe
old, and red in color. He was bred from Vice Chan-
cellor. Apply on London road, Tuckersmith, a mile '
south of Brneefield. JAMES PATERSON, Bruce-.
field P. 0. 200341 I
frAMWORTH BOARS FOR SALE. — The under, -
1 signed has for sale four Thorobred Tamworsh
Boars, tVi � months old; aleo mode young pigs. Ap- ;
ply to WILLIAM BURKE, Staffs P. 0. 2022-4
. number of Leicester Rams and ewe Lambs, all 1
registered and prize winners. They are bred from c
the first prize ram at Toronto. Apply on Lot 20, ,
Concession 5, aloKillop. JAMES DORRANOE, Sea- .
,foith P. 0. 2022x4
ClOW ESTRAY.—Strayed from Lot 14, Conoession
3,.MoKillop, about the first of August, a brindle '
me, with small turned horns. Informatioff leading
to the recovery of this animal will be liberally re- !
warded. P. A. O'SULLIVAN, Seaforth TO 0.
Q IIORTISORN CIATTLE—Seven firsaclass young
bulls, g from imported cows, for sale at moder-
ate prices and on easy terms ; good young cows and
heifer e also for sale. All interested are cordially
vited to impeet the herd. Farm adjoins town, long
distance telephone to farrn. Write for datalogire.
II. SMITH, Exeter, 109341
signed. offers for sale on Lot 27, ,Concession 8,
Hibbert towpship, a number of heifers and young
cows with calves at foot, I yearling.bull, 1 Berkshire •
boar 9 months old, a right good ammal, The oho,
stock are all registered in the National Stbok e -
cords. Prices moderate,torras easy, visitors welcome.,
DAVID HILL, Stage P. 0. 199641
SIIORTUORNS. —Choice bred bulls and females e
different ages for sale, about two dozen to select
from. Prices reasonable. Herd now headed by
" Countsylvanus" (56900). lie is got by the best
scotch bred imported stock on both sides, glossy dark
red in oplor, and well set on short legs. Terms :- -
registed cows $5 insured; others on application.
Visitors welcome. JOHN ELDER, Hensall P. 0,
and Station. 198641
WARM TO RENT.—South half of Lot 86, 'Comes-
sion 3, Tuckersinith to rent for a term of.yeare.
Woulli like to rent as soon -as .possible. Apply to
the undersigned on - theapenuses or to 13rucefield
N. B.—The cider mill will be in running order
after aeptember 254h. Rotten Peepea. 2022-41'
• .•
141STRAY COW.---eCearte into the premises of the
undersigned, Lot :32, Mill Road, Tucikersinith,
d boa the last Qi May, a cow. The owner can have
the same on proving property and paying eharges.
R. CHARTERS & SON, .Egniondville. 2023-3
ORSE FOR SALE.—A good driving mare, coin -
11 ing 5, for sale, Would make a good third
horse for a farmer. Apply to WILLIAM. CHARLES -
WORTH, Egnionelville.202002
- •
Q HEEP LOST.—Strayed frqm Lot 34, Conoession I
McKillop, on September 25th, 16 ewes and one
Iamb, marked with tar on the face. Any information
leading to their recovery will be rewarded. G. M.
CHESNEY, aealoPth, 202441
rlSTRAY STEER. --Come into the premises of the
1 ' undersigned, 1.04 28, Cloncessi in 7, MoKillop,
about the 22nd of September, a two-year-old steer.
The owner can have the same on proving property
and paying charges. CHAS. DULMAGE, 'Winthrop.
WOR SALE.—A standard bred three-year-old !mid-
i.' ing, sired by Tarentum and out of one of T. la
Coleman's standard bred mares He Is it brother -in •
blood to Harry D., ar:161; who was aeons!. at Kama- _
mazoor Moho about two weeks ago, a fourth heat in
eat, is absolutely sound and without a blemish of
any sort and will be sold cheap for one of his kind.
Apply to W. Cs GOVENLOOK, Egmondville.
EN throughout United Statesinenerrey=twe.
eadyorto, oar goads, tucking up Show cards
entrees, fences, bridges, and all consplououn s1 ;
tributing small advertising matter, aommisel, on or salary
580 a month and **patinae SBA it day. SteadY employ-
ment to good reliable men. We lay out your work f
'You. No experience needed. 'Write for partlonlare.
8ALLI MEDIOMML 00,. L01111017, Ontario, Canfirt
This is the range that bakes
better because the diffusive
oven flue draws in cold air from
the kitchen -floor, carries it
around the oven'and pours it
HOT down hits) the oven
FROM THE TOP in a current
that moves all round the whole
oven and up and out the flue.
When that clean, hot air leave
the oven it takes with it all the
moisture, all the odors, which in
OTHER ovens stay in and satu-
rate the baking food. Perfect
draft control, perfect oven,
draw -out oven rack for easy
basting, —all points singular to
Owning one costs little
because there's such great
economy of food and fuel
and bother with this range.
It saves its cost in
the juices it doesn't
bake out of roasts alone.
Many styles to be seen
at our store—please
comeandask questions
FOUNDRY CO.; Limited
Toronto Montreal Hamilton
Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver
For Sale by G. A. SILLS, Seafor
a detective employed by the iToronto
General Trusts Company. He will be
brought .bacle for trial. H. W. Brick
waS formerly the 'Toronto represen-
tative of the -Henry K. Warnpole Co.,
of Philadelphia, and lived in Toren -
to for a 'number of 'years. He lea
the city some months ago, prior ,'to
the diecoverY of defalcations amount-
ing to between forty and fifty thous-
and dollen/. His downfall ds attrib-
uted to urfprofitable speculation.. It
was through Brick's disappearance,
and the diticlosuree following it, that
Henry K. Wampole 'became indane a,
short time ago, and committed Isuleide.
—It is stated that the plans of the
four new normal schools contem-
plated under this !year's educatiohal
expansion programme are 'ready for
submission to the Cabinet for ap-
proval. As son as this Is obtained
tenders, will be called for and work
on the schoole; will be commenced.
Before Christmas it Js hoped to
have work on the whole tour wen
under way. The schools, It will be
remembered, arEi to be located at
Hamilton, .Stratford, Peterboro' and
North Bay. The Legislature 'at, its
last session' made a _nreliminary vote
of $100,000 for these. schools, but as'
they are to cost $50,000 sach, angd-
ditional grant a c.00,000 will be
asked at the mext session ifor their
comeletion. This will be exclusive
of the amount which the 'Hou -se will
be asked to, vote next alession for
other normal schools, the policy a
the Government being, 4t is said, to
have at least three more (next year,
In addition to those now Contem-
Sick Headache Cured
Sick headache is caused by de-
rangement of the stomach aid by
indigestion. Chamberlain's Stomaeh
and Liver Tablets correct these die -
orders and effect a cure. By taking
the tablete as soon as the first In-
dication of the disease appears, the
attack may, be warded off. For sale
PY alb druggists.
Manitoba and. Northwest Notes
—J. C. Drewry, a former Toronto -
journalist, recently sold a coal prop.
erty, near Pincher Creek, Alberta,
clearing up $108,000. (
—Alex. H. ',Mahood, of Napanee,
Ont., purchased section 27-26-5 eat Or-
cadia„, Sask., near Yorkton, from Mr.
August Gruhert. The price paid was
$17.50 an acre. 1
—A, Rennaut, of St. Pierre, 'Man
has a pumpkin., grown lin his garden,
which weighs over 140 pounds, and
has a eireumferenee of 6 feet and, 8
—Harry Sims, of Snowflake, Mani-
toba, while scuffling with his broth-
er, had the misfortune to break his
leg Just above the ankle A Short
time ego his 'brother had his leg
broken in a similar manner.
—The wheat -crop in the district
of Elgin, Manitoba, is very dis-
appointing. It will net average more
then ewe lictt (twelve buehels Oer acre.
—Fire destroyed 40 tons of hay,
8,000 bushels of grain and all the
buildings on the farm of Mr. Eagle,
near :Wentworth, Sask. An effort
was being made'to burn stubble,when
the fire 'became 'uncontrollable.
—Ericeburg is the name of the
new town eon !Rat Root adver, On
the new Cl/Me 'Iot the Duluth, Rainy
Lake and Winnipeg railway. Build-
ings have already been started, al-
though the road has not yet Peon
built into the town.
—Peter McKinnon, Of Brandon;
who oeans farms near Pipestone, will
thresh twenty • et housand tbueiheAs tet
No. 1 bard off his section of eand
,his year. This is regarded as /prob-
ably the finest 'yield in western
—Rev. Mr. Patterson, late of Glen.
bort), has accepted a call from the
congregation of Binscarth and Fox -
warren, and has been placed in 'the
charge tn
r these cogregations.
- —At acleod, Alberta, a tfew days
ago, the Hon. A. L. Sifton, chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, sen-
tenced Wilson, sub -agent of Do-
minion lands in that town„ to two
years' imprisonment for over -charging
a settler for a, 'household entry.
—Sixty guests of the Strathcona,
Hotel, at Emerson, escaped In their
night clothes at mid -night,' as the
walls were falling in, A terrific
storm was raging at the time. They
were awakened at the last moment.
—A party of between /25 and 00
young Methodist preachers, ieecured
by Rev. Dr. Woodsworth lin England
for tbe home mission isork in west-
ern Canada, arrived- ins Winnipeg last
week and after visiting a day in the
city proceeded to their several ap-
pointments ;throughout the western
—The,, money taken: from the safe
In the attempted robbery of the
Bank at Kinistino, has' teen found 'un-
der the stairs in the Bank of Com-
merce. The Bank official,- who was
maid to leave 'been shot Ian by therob-
ber when attempting to save the
money, has beeei arrested on sus-
picion of being the thief.
—The students registered lit local
Catholic Inetitutions, in 'Winnipeg,
arb 'reported as follows by the Cen-
ral Catholic: St. Mary's acaderny,90
()orders. 86 day scholars, 133 mu-
te puplls, 32 in the art studies:
t. Boniface College, 218 etudents, of
whom 113 are boarders afid twelve,
re half boarders.
—.Calgary. is tri have a bistetit 'free
ory of .no small dimensions, to be
perated by Ceimpany. known las
he 'Alberta BiscartA. The cost of
he building and c teary will be
bout $55,000. In addition to this,
nother $25,000 or moo 10 required
or stock.
—During the abeneee erom home
f the men folks of: 'he iplaCe child -
en pla,ying with —.etches on the
arm of Joeepli Armstrong, four miles
ast. of Cartwright, Manitoba, set
re to a hay stack containtee fifty
rug of bay. The ihay and la etaeli.of
at sheeves was destroyed, 'A 'erne
able stood within eight feet of
e auk add was only leaved through
e effort e of a neighboring thresh -
e gang, who drew the water tank
p to theesnot and kept the buildiefi-
et. A nuriber of horses, Ineluding
e $2,000 stallion Sopraeo, were in
e stable when the Ore broke out,
• I
. et
but W n out by,
women a the place bofore help
-eVegrevil I Alberta, is to have a
new hospital, the gift of Mrs. Ro-
land M. Boswell, Elora, Ont., and is
to be known as the "Boswell hoe-
pital." It is built under the aus-
pices of the fee`omen'e Rome Ulssion-
ary Society of tbe Presbyteriatt
church of which Mrs. Boswell is a
member. The cost will be about $6,-
—A. (IV. P. Survey party es laying
out the final:Survey" tor the nom-
pany'e air line from Regina to Bran-
don, and Is now tin tne vicinity of
Regina. Ate indicated by the gutter,
this will be an air line in. reality,
making a muel shorter route than
either the two Canadian Pacific con-
nections or the proposed Canadian
Northern extension.
—Gold has been discovered at Innis -
fail, Albertee A centre steam shovel
at work in the dry bed of an ancient
river has unearthed the mineral, and
. whether in paying quantities or not
remains to be seen. 'Samples so far
discovered are said to be remarkably'
rich. °Jaime have been already stak-
ed out, and the townspeople are Icon-
eiderably worked up over the dis-
—A fatal accident occurred on the
farm of .Arthur Bearden, near Ab-
ernethy, Sask. Threshing wast in
progress, wheat being run into a
granary' beikle the machine, which
when almost full, collapsed, crush-
ing a young Englishman named Pack-
er, who was standing against it.
Before the grain could be remeved
to extricate him, life was extinct.
The .youri(g( (,man, about twenty yearei
of age, had no relatives lin this
cou try.
he worst fire in the history of
the town of Manitou. Manitoba, at-
tehded with fatal - results, occurred
at noon on Monday of last week,
when R. J. Chambers' tine new Teel-
dence was completely destroyed and
his little sea Ronald, aged 2 years
and 28 days perished in the names.
The fire started in the attic where
the children were 'playing, !probably
with matches, and before kelp -could
arrive it was impossible to enter the
A Guaranted 'Cure for Piles
Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding
Piles, Druggists are authorized to
refund money of PAZO OINTMENT
fells to num in 6 to 14 days.. 50c.
Perth Items
—The young Men of Atwood have
formed a literary and amusement
Marys, and daughter, have returned
—Mr. and Mrs. q. &later, of St.-
from a visit to Scotland.
—Mr. William :White, Licease In-
spector, Hibbert, intends retiring
from farming.
—Mr. Arthur Mutton has purchas-
ed Mr. Chas. Honey's 75 acre farm,
In Logan inece, $4,230.
—The -W, A. Watt Harness Co., of
St. Marys, have made an assignment
for the benefit 01 their treditore.
—Mr. J. 0. Nicholson, of Logan,
was badly hurt some days iago by
being thrown from a rig and bas
been quite ill.
—The Alert' lacroeee, club, of St.
Marys, were tendered a banquet by
the citizen e of that town, one e vene
Ing recently.
—Mr. Will Laidlaw, who had (been
in the employ of A. iBeattie & Co.,
St. Marys, has gone to Cranbrook,
British Columbia.
—Mr. Gillean McLean, of St. /Marys,
has goes 'to the West, dn the hope
that the climate may help, him to
rid himself of asthma.
—Mrs, John Henderson'St. Marys,
had ripe respberries In her garden
last week. This is considered re-
markable, as the berry season .was
over about two months ago.
—Mr. Louis. Jewell, of Mitchell,who
went to England with a load of cat-
tle for Mr. Wm. Forester, ha,s return-
ed. The cattle stood the journey well
and when delivered were in good coo-
—A very pretty wedding was cele-
brated on Wednesday, September 26,
at the home of Mr, land Mrs. John
Botterill, Fullerton, when their sec -
orad daughter, Clara 'Maude was mar-
ried to Mr. Jesse Newton White, of
Cotten, Ontarioe Rev. C. C. Purton
was the officiatitigiclergyman.
—Mr. James Blake, of Toronto, a
former resident of St. Marys, )a.nd
brother-in-law of Mrs. J. D. Man-
ley, of that town, died on. Thursday,
September 20th. Interment was matie
in St. Marys cemetery.
—Mr. Knox,.an old St 'Marys! boy.,
and brother of Dr. A. A. Knox, of
that town, lately in the office of
Balfour & Martin, barristers, in ,Ree
gime has been appointed assistant -
deputy registrar in the Land Tit-
les Office there.
—Mr. and Mrs. Richard Babb, of
Mitchell, 1 eft last week for the
West. Mr. Babb will go as fair as
Calgary, where he is interested in
a tract of land. Mrs. Babb will stay
with her daughter, Mrs. Tucker' at
Weyburn, Assa., where she willthe
met by Mr. Babb on ills return.
—Mr. George Tuffin, of Staffa, met
with a eerious 'accident a short time
ago. While oiling the erachinery of
the cutting box of the threshing
machine when it was in +motion, the
back of his head came in contaet
with the knivee, resulting in till -ug-
ly gash on the skull, the bone being
laid bare.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Livingstone,
who were married in North Easthope
and spent a number of years bn a
farm near Stratford, recently cele-
brated their golden wedding. They
are now 11vin in 13111SCarth, Manito-
ba, where they went after a few
years spent In the states: iPhe fam-
ily of two sons and tfour daughters,
with the exception of one son, were
—As a result of shock and excite-
ment due to the fire on Tuesday of
last week, Mr. Thomas Pearn, trath*
of 'Mr. Joseph Pearn, of St. Marys,
whose residence was 'burned, passed
away during the afternoon. The fire
started in; the old gentleman's room
but be escaped bodily injury. The
late Thomas Pearn was a native of
to Canada, settling. at 130welanvIlle. People in every walk of life are troubled,
;England. At the age of 23 he cams •
wasLstonhee of
tvheed teear1331eiseatnesheatrtTersanodf wisotrhkeinflersp
Have you a Backache? If you bave if
the kidneys_are not
the township. The deceased vvas —
A neglected Backache leadto ieriouS
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The fact that Bileans
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rirst, Bileans are purely vegetable. They centaIn none of
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the older pills. They aro Trepared from a formula altogether lull,
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Sluggish Liver,.Comitiinttion and Indigestion Cur
The liver rules the body—Bileans rule the liver. "A sluggish liver in my ease
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until I got Means. I have never found anything to equal them for eonstipatiou, I
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Since then I feel like a different woman. I am bright and buoyant in epirite, 130
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Heedache, Indigestion, buzzing in the head, di.zzineu,
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health, and lived with bis on, Mr.
Joseph Pearn. Two sons and three
daughters survive.
One day not long ago Set Aso an
peddler going from house to house in
Stratford, was certainly unacquaint-
ed with' the different residences. !He
unluckily hit the home of Chief of
Police McCarthy,- walked 'bravely in
an h began to unroll his pack. The
chief asked his caller "tor i'how Ms
hawker's license. He did not have
one, and was pleeed under' arrest.
His fine .was $25. . —
—An event which Interested many
and brought friends Baid congratula-
tions from a diste,nce was the pret-
ty wedding of Miss Violette Florence
Thomson, daughter- of Mr. an Mrs.
Walter Thomeon, of Mitchell, and
Mr. William Melville 'Martin, B. A.,.
barrister, Regina, son of Rev. W.
M. Martin, B,D.,. and Mrs. Martin, of
Exeter. The marriage took place on
Wednesday, Sept.- 26th, in Knox
church, Mitchell, which had been
beautifully decorated by the many
friends of the bride. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. M. Martin,
B.D., assisted by the Rev. 3. '
Intosh, M.A. Mr. and Ws. Martin
are spending a short time in On-
tario before going to their home in
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When the, food is irnperfectl d
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nosreat knowledge to know -when o
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The great point is to cure it, tOE
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is constantly effecting cures of 4ysp
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Do not accept a substitute for —
There is nothing "just ea good."