The Huron Expositor, 1906-10-05, Page 3e,
gete as What you ive oii pay
=day that deternuries your
ttire =Mess. Therefore get
the habit of Saving as much
possible every pay
vereign Bank of Canada
$1.00 opens an account, and
interest is paid 4•times a year.
biscuit and rtost
n you think of
think instantly.
rs erfecho
flk Sods
any °seer mase.
nes toyGzrgrc
stand best. eo
thool in the worI
rt Canada. Eictn_ s "of
iterent departments&
tudents are shown in
rnely illustrated tele-
.. A. postal brings it
:it, to Tout to -day e_
Ozners, Prim/lid
School of Tele
& Railroading
MCI rg
s for Sale
• (hof!(
W• ATT, Real Estate Agent,
Brueefield, Out.
:n and
tareheea, C
'ma) ChOlOPAr
antUresf Seta
ODeplainte and ilk
ASO for nearlY E.4Yerliwt
led tte Ole rain
11 Pay Bay?
3rand- Trunk Railway
Railway Time Table
Trelle leave SeatOrth as followe :
For Clinton, Goderieh Wingham an
For Clinton and Goderioh
For Clinton, %gingham and Kilmer
For Clinton tied Gederich.
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
Orillia North By and points west ;
Belleville e,nd Peterboro and points
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon.
treat and pointe cut.
For Stratford, Guelph aud Toronto,
L5 L
11.45 P. In.
418 p. in.
lessp m,
sea a m
1.82 Pi
6.83 a En.
London, Huron and Bruce.
igeraci NOME-
, London, depart- •-•• •-••
Centralia-• • • • • ...1‘ 44 •
11.4 ./.0
gen941... re * ...Oar
raPPen *of •••• • if art-
Brueefielda. fsisq..
[101:14b0r0 *0 it fw• gni •16.
MAN=ft* MS IMF esiis,•••••••••••
Belgravia- rat* eta ••• -4--
Wiughare arrive......
elhogham, depart.... 04 -
Blyth...*fp •••• ••••• • *If
Londeeb;reira • 10 **llnSon -.
- 4.4
Owen- a•a• • I or MS .1 ea raw
HAUSAii 0494 .V.R. for • • •••
Z.Xetel Its ow Kw 0••••• tr. eti
attainhilli • • • *AI OW., elk fat **
8.-15 A.N. 4,50F
9,18 6.43
9.80 6.54
9.44 6.05
9.50 0.11
9.58 5.19
10,16 6.35
10.80 5.52
10.50 7.18
11.10 7.35
5.43 A.II, 386 r,
6.52 8.44
7.40 8J0
7.14 4.04
7.47 4.28
8.05 4.89
1.15 La
8.22 4.52
8,85 5.05
8.46 5.16
8.46 A. U. 8.10
Pabnerston and
,13100Ne NOW111. Pass.
Palinerston..... 7•55 P.111•
•• V* OM • • 8.41
Braiefela.,- . • 8.51
BItlevele•••••...... 0.08
ion haul a 9.16
ants SOUTEI. Pass. Mixed. Pees.
Whighare.. .• a. 48 10.40a.m. 2.40 p.m
8.52 - 10,55 2,49
•••• .• 7.05 11.25 8.02
PM. Mixed
1.2.43 pan M.0
1.84 8.20
1.44 19.10
1.50 0.80
2.08 111.15
bast... • • • • RS al** *. 7.15 11.46 8.18
8.00 1.20 4.00
olegillop Directory for 1906
•tmt.slatot ••••••elor
Weethrop P. O.'
M. ROWLAND, Odaneillor, Walton
AlreQUAID, 0011=111*r, St, Colem-
ban, P. O.
- leOHN MoDOWELII, Cottneillor, ea
forteh P. O.
BYERMAN, Councillor, Brod
en P. O.
MICHAEL blURDIE, Clerk, Winth-
rop, P. 0.
• G. le. HOLLAND, Trea,sarer,, Beeoh.-
wood P. 0,.
itary Inspector, Winthrop P. 0.
tiilek's Cotton Root Composuit
The Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulatoron which women can
depend,. Sold la three degrees
of strength -No. 1, $l; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger .3; No. 3,
for special cases, per box.
Sold by all drug sts, or sent
repaid on rece pt of price.
.? o pamphlet. .A.ddress : .THE
:OK ED15111.8 CO.,TORONTO, mfr. (formerly Winasor)
Try the New Store
Where they don't trifle with
other people'e businesa but
pay strict attention to the
wants of everybody's needs
in the line of
Fresh, Cared. and Cooked
Bologna and Sausages, Gro.
cozies, Fruits and Vegetables,
all et right prices.
our 1.),7c Tea.
er. aliWn. I UM,
The originators of low prices in meats
Phone 96
Commercial Doak, Opposite the
Post Office.=
is a high grade Commercial School
Three Colima :
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy
Write GEORGE SPOT1-014, Prin
Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop
erties for sale or to rent, among which is a good
building lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No.
45 East 'Ward, in George Sparling's Survey, Seaforth,
wiiieh will be told on reasonable terms. Insurances
effected, debts collected and loam made on satiated
-4u security at reasonable rate; °Cali and gee me
and be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea -
forth. 2912-tf
- - - - -
SALE in the Regina district, along' the Arcola lin;
° and in the famous Davideon, Hanley and Mon dis-
triota at prices to suit everybody. Write, or call on
DAVID A. Box 002, Regina., formerly of
Brueofield, Ontario, 2011-12
95 Per Cent.
Despeesite isaihrestieueBelching 01
pa teter eating an weakness.
By means of its smelts, the stomach
shoekl churn the food--cheeiging,ateldie
into WTI:ids-mixing in the,gtstric juice
to statt digestion.
If the stomach is weak -then food is
not properly churned and mixed with
enough gastric juice. Then you have
indigestion and then dyspepsia.
rourrtivE a TABLETS"
strengthen the stomach -just as juicy
beef and eggs and milk strengthen the
wasted frame of a patient getting over
FR.UIT-A,TIVES contain the elements
that give new vigor new energy -
to the muscles lining the stomach -
stimulate the digestive glands and
assure a cbpious flow of gastric juice
for each meal.
More than that, FRUIT-A-TIVES
correct the Constipation which usually
attends stomach trouble -and by acting
directly on kidneys and liver, put the
" whole system in healthy condition.
PRITIT-A-TIVES are a peculiar com-
bination of fruit juices and tonics that
are known all over Canada for their
wonderful cures in all stomach, liver
and kideley troubles.
5oo. a box or 6 boxes for ease
Sent on receipt of price.
If your druggistdoes nOt
handle them.
A Superior School
During July we had 66 times as many calls for
office help as we had graduates going out, arid
dining August we had 87 times as many; This 10
the sohool that is constantly going ahead," and
not "standing sttll " or baoldng
Write for beautiful catalogue.
Now is the time to enter.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Cor. Yong° and Alexander Sta.
. •
Now Open -
Fall Term In • The
Central Business College,
Enter any time. Twenty teacher; 120 type-
writing machines. Unexcelled facilities for as-
sisting graduates to pooltions. Write for new
W. IL:TRAW, Principal
Yonge and Gerrard' streets, Toronto
The Berlin
Business College.
Write for catalog of the 4361°01
that places more students in posi-
tions than any similar school in
Western Ontario,
All Graduates get Positions.
Eater at any time.
W, D. EULER, Principal.
Personal Mention. -Ws notice that
Captain Robson, 'of Ilderton, County
clerk of Middlesex, the well known
breeds' and importer of Shorthorn
cattle, .who has nmay friends 'among
our readers, was married on Thurs-
day of laot week to one of London's
„fair daughters, in the person ot Miss
Lila, yonnest daughter of Mr. A.
MeAkVoy, bounty Treasurer, of Middle -
ex. We understand it is Mr. Rohl-
tion's intention to etire from ce.arml-
ing and stook breeding business after
his sale this 'month, and to reside
in London, devoting his whole time
to his otficial position and the con-
cluding of thorobred stock sales, as
he has gained a wide reputation in
that field and is a very Mueeessful
and popular auctioneer.
-Broke His Leg. - One day, last
week as Harvey Dorrance, son of Mr.
James Dorrance, a MCKillop a, tied
about 13 years of age, was taking
a pair of horses to ithe blacksmith
shop lit :Winthrop, the met with an
urifortunate accident. He *as 'driving
orie horse in a buggy and, leading the {
other behind. The horse -which he I
was leading stopped icick
off a ,fly land the (young lad was
, drawZi out over the back a the bug-
, gy, falling on the hard (ground and
breaking his leg. Fortunately the
horses stopped when he called to
tbetn to do so. He wee lunible to
help himself or get Wick *Ito the
buggy again, and had to eernain
where he was until a good Samarit-
an, in the person of Mr. McFarlane,
of liensall, came 'along' and coveyed
Aim to his 'home. He is gettins along
nicely and will *Joon be all' right a-
Success. -We notice by the Win-
nipeg Free Press that Mee eThos.
Jarrott, principal of the Carlyle,Sask.,
public scheol, has ° purchased the
Herald, in that town. Ur. 'Jarrott is
an old Stanley boy, having eirst seen
the light ce day on the homestead
farm near Hiles Green. Before go-
ing 'tiVest he was principal of the
Courtwright public' -school tor a
good many years, and distinguished
himself in that position. He was, al-
so, a valued correspondent of The
Expositor, "(said we can (almost claim
him as one of "our old 'boys." He
is a ready ,and clever writer, and, a
good news gatherer, and should
make an excellent all-round news-
paper man, as he possesses, in a
high degree, the real newspaper in-
stinct. The Expositor wishes Mr.
Jarrott success in his new venturee
and 'predicts that he will climb to
the top in his new profession,as
be did in +the one which he is leev-
A Fine 'Farrn.-The Winnipeg Free
- Press says " J. J. McHugh, a well-
known raneher- of Cagey, came in
from Crystal City last night, where
he had been on a 'business trip to
the Prairie Home stock farm, and left
' for home by the night -train. To a
representative of the Free Press
Mr. McHugh expressed himself In the
warmest terms about Hon. • Mr.
Greenway's` splendid farm, which he
had seen for the first time,. Mr. 'Mc-
Hugh, who is a practical rainier on
a large scale, with wide experience,
said that in his judgment there was
nothing in the West, not .even in
the Dominion Government experi-
mental farms, that in their eine state
of cultivation, beautiful location,
handsome and tuleful buildings and -
everything that lends itself to suc-
cessiful farming, that can at all com-
pare with the 1,000 acaes which; ,go
to make ua Mr. Greenway's wheat
and stock farm,"
-In this connection we noticethe'
following despatch, dated from 'Crys-
tal City, September 24: The thresh-
ing separator belonging to Ex -Prem-
ier Greenway, was burned to -day- on
the farm of his brother, Reeve. W.
, H. Greenway. The outfit was idle en
account of the gieree wind. Two Men
were lett in charge, but the'rire ig-•
• rifted straw near the engine, areePthe
blaze spread rapidly through the
Stubble, leaving them powerlees. The
loss will be $1,500. The daniage
° the crop Wess slight.
, P.M.401108•ENZI WM,*
if, you knew it was going to rip
you wouldn't buy the kind of under-
wear that gives out at .the Seams
after you have
worn it a couple
of times, would
you ?
seams are
rough and chafe
the skin.
is what they call "Full
The machine widens
and narrows the pieco es
t makes it and builds the
prrnent to fit' the limbs.
Even the ends are made
right on the garment and
ntit sewed on,
Not sevvcd on the sew-
ing machine, there' are no
irritating seams.
insist upon teeing this
trade nark. If avec. e
k or all we elide) take
it bftek awl your driiler1f CEETE, E
Will rere 11uNe it. Liti1:70°
uplac it. A.Lishotog
tes tp.11,11111Still Ca. LTD.
G.A.12-1", CANADA.
to Policy Hold
!. No Place Like Home. -Mr. C. =H.
Sanders, of the Exeter Advocate, who,
with others, -recently returned from
,a trip to .New Ontario, having explor-
ed a considerable portion of the coun-
try along tbe (Tersiscaming and North
Ontario Railway from North Bay to
the end of the track, with: n.umeeous
side trips, in a letter to his' paper/
sums up the whole situation as
lows "-We cannot shout amen Itce all.
vre leave heard toncerning the great
possibilities', of that country for
farming, because real good land is
certainly not there -at least we trail-
ed to find lit in our 'travels. That
which they called good land would
not even compare favorably with our
poorest. sections. Thus we think we
will be borne out in eles etateinent.
when we say that there ite no rilace
on God's green earth that atfords
better advantages, 'more comfortable
surroundings and equal chances than
are enjoyed by 'the farmers -of this
southern part of 'Ontario. Its valu-
able resources 'are simply timber and
mineral. But apart tfrom the 'fad of
the farming aspect New Ontario is
a great' cteuntry, and year by year
railways have found the businese of
transporting -tourists to end -from
Northern Ontario -one of rapidly In-
creasing profit. This year, (according
to current report,this traffic has been
great beyond -all /precedent, and the
indications go to show that it is only
beginning. The Northern • part of
Ontario and Qeebee ifor many
years to come be the tmost (popular
(summer and autumn iregions lth9
world. It has an 'indescribable var'-
riety of attractions in its ravers( and
lakes, its fish send game, the Socks
and forests, and above,, all In Its
bracing climate.
Something New.-*. Hugh McIn-
tosh, a former alcKillop boy, is a
leading member of the company Which
made the display at the trecent Ex-
hibition in London, so highly Opoken
of in the o1'" '°"°'' paragraph by, the
London Free Press: "One of the
most interesting exhibits on the fair
grounds to that of the (Maple Leaf
Automobile and Electrical Manufact-
uring Company, Limited. Their ex -
The LONDON LIFE" was the first Insurance Company iu rianada to hibit consists of one of Itheir spec -
guarantee 95 per cent. of the prolel type dynamos, which produces a
fits to policyholders. . steady light and full voltage, driven
You cau exchange your earnings for a -London Life insurance policy in bY a ,three-horse.aower 1 H. .0. 'gaso-
any truantity, ant KNOW that you are getting VALUE "as good an gold .for line engineThe exhibit is nicely
every dollar. decorated by 'various colored lights,
Investigate "London Life " Policies before taking any other,
W. B. ROBINSON Inspector, Seatorth.
. •
tastily wired and Is one of which
the manufacturers may be justly
proud. Tbey have sold tbe plant on
exhibition to Rev. 'Hub. Asymeus, St.
Agatha, Ont., to light church, con-
Many housewives think
it cheaper to buy than to
bake. That is because their
baking isn't' successful every
time. Their failures run
the cost up. Get
Royal HouPho
and follow directions. The
result will be light, whble-
some bread or pastry every
time. You pay a few cents
more for Royal Household,
but those few tents buy
certainty and purity. Your
grocer can supply you.
Ogilvie Flyer Mills Co. Ltd.
155 illenteaLez,
ae.,....ereeseameatie assamearseessesses
vent and the reverend gehtleman's
residence.. The company's trade in
this line is growing wonderfully, laft
the intermit shown in their 'exhibit
would demonstrate. This new (feature
In lighting should be a Wood thing
for private and 'public places .wlelih
are now without artieiciel light. A,
representative of a Chicago factory,
which has experimented a 'great deal
with this line of electric dynamos,
and abandoned it es a (failure, made a
trip to London last week to investi-
gae the machine, and went away
thoroughly impressed that the Maple
Leaf Company have 13ucceeded in
overcoming all difficulties in op-
erating a dynamo for light lay gaso-
lite engines. The Western. Fair board
have awarded this firm a =dyriame for
their exhibits, Whim eudgmeat will be
heartily endorsed by the thousands of
eye witnesses of their dieplay."
-When the tip of a kloes nose is
cold and moist, that dog is not sick.
.t& feyerish dr" nose means kliiekness
with a dog, and so with the human
lips. Dry, cracked and colorless lips
mean feverishness, aird areas melt
ur appearing. To have beatitiful,
pink, velvet-like lips, apply at Ibed-
time a quoting of (Dr. Shoop's !Green
Salve. It will soften and (heal any
akin ailment. Get a free,trial to,
at our store and be convinced. Large
nickel capped jars, 25 centre C. .Aber -
hart, Druggist, Seaforth.
Notes. -Mrs. P. Campbell' and Mrs.
John Moffatt have gone to Chicago,
on a visit to friends there. -Mr. J. 3.
Cameron and Miss Kate Thomson took
ad -vantage of the excursions to visit
relatives and acquaintances in De-
troit. Miss Ella Graham is also
spending a few weeks with eriends
In Detroit. -Mr. Angus Gerdon and
wife, of A.shfeld, were visiting at the
home of Mr. Thos. Baird during the
last week. -Mr. John 'Foot and his
daughter, Miss Ann, have gone to
Bay City, Michigan, to spend a few
days among friends there, -Mr. Thos.
'Carr, of Brucefield, has finished put-
ting in the Cement floor in the barn
of Mr. Thos. Baird. Tomnile is a
first-claes workmen, tend always
makes a good 'job. -Petitions 'to the
townethip council to submit the Local
Option Act to the vote ref the ratee
payere at the imunicipal elections, are
being circulated and signed during
the last two weeks. If there its a sweater ete supposed to account ,for
municipal election, so as to bring the terrible roistake„
the votes out, the probabilities are -Mr. Alexander Kirklande, a well
the by-law will carry in Stanley, as known railroader, wbo Alas been in
there is a ',strong temperance element the employ of the Grand !Trunk in
in this township. -Mr. George Doug- Stratford for tairity-nine yeare, le
dead. In the eerie. days, w -hen woOd
was an use on the troad for firing
ptarposes, he was fuel • buyer, but
since col superseded wood, he bad
been coal inspector. Ile 'was born in
Glasgow, Scotland, 64 7ears ago, and
came tot Canada with his parents
when a baby. He spent his boyhood sold close to the cost of product
days at Drayton, end lived foe many a
yearat Sarnia, end Ansa Craig. 13e- suana.
ornest ?es -wear -To
James Reynolds, who e year ago er-
ected a commodious bank tarn, has •
fitted up to provide the grestteob
j amount ot convenience, and the least
unnecessary labor, as he cultivateee ,
200 acres taid . a progreselve farm-
er, :it is 'important that he should
have everything handy.
Torments of Tetter and Eczema
Allayed. . •
The intense itching characteristic of
eczema, tetter and like &kin diseases
is 'instantly allayed by aePlering
Charnberlain's Stave, and really se -s
very calies have ,been aermanehtly cue -
ed by its use. For sale by ail drugs
To, Father.
Verses in theniiiry of the late John
O'Reilly, of Beechwood, Ont., whose,
sad death took place August 22,1908.
0, father you have gone from the home that you
Gone from the light and the cheer,
Gone front the ones that loved you,
Gone from ti e faces so dear.
Under the clay we have laid you,
Hallowed a chamber of root;
Shut are the dew e Ms and folded
The hands of toil on your breast.
tone and our home -is so lonely.
Gone and our beads are so ead:
Gone from tile paths that 5 ou brightened,
Always so happy and glad.
0, how ellen we live here withoni you?
How reach the end of the day?
Shadow; and darkness have fallen
Thick o'er the desolate way.
o father, you have entered the mansions of glory
Safe forever with God ;
Walking in the hisbwv.ys of Ileasen,
Where your three little angles have trod.
Free from all care and soarow,
° Pure from the staining of sin;
While, after great tribulation
Glad the fair city to win.
.Satisfied there with your Savior;
' Ceased from all toil and owe ;
Never agein to be Widened ;
Never a heart ache to bear.
0, 'Tow glad we wait till we meet you,
How shall we yearn for the day
When forth from the gloom and the darkness
We too shall be called away.
Farewell then dear lather
We hope to meet you again
In that far-off land of glory
Where there le no sigh or pain.
.....,.......... it ....--.--....
• iteveritics, aft the name implies,
prevents all Colds and Grippe when
"taken at the 'sneeze -Stage." • :
Preventies are ttoothsome canOy
tablets, Preventics dissipate all colds
quickly, and taken early, When 'you
fire feel that a cold sig emning,they
cheek and prevent them. Preventies
are thoroughly safe for children and
as effectual for =adults. Sold anal: e'ea
commended in 6 cent and 25 :' cent
boxes by 0.i Abethart, druggist, Sea-
eortia 1 ' c
Dr. Salida, a, veterinary surgeon,
who lives earth of Calgary, met with
a serious ac ident through a runaway
horse one veaing last week. He
was found y the side of the Edmon-
ton trail in an 'unconscious condition,
by some duck shooters and removed
to an adjoining ranche house, where
his iniuries were attended to.
--" Where ignorance is bliss,' 'twere
folly to be wiee" was deMonstrated
a few days ago in Winnipeg, when a
happy ,pewly married couple were,
being driven down the street to the
depot, for had they been aware eh -at
their big trunk perched usi by ' the
driver, bore tire conspicuous legend
"Married at 2.32 p. ne," they would
have better understood the smiling
faces which greeted their, progreels
through the city.
-Thos. Keyes, of St. Catharines, a
Government Fire Ranger, was found
dead with a bullet in hid 'iliestr it
far from the{ lite of Oa ..Tarses Bay
Railway, between Sudbury and the
'French River. A few days ago the
Attorney General's Department lei -
calved a telegram that Joeeph, Bel -
lair had given ;himself up to( the pol-
ice at Sudbury, seating that hei bad
shot Keyes in 'mistake for a bear.
Benair wm be detained at Sudbury
pending the result of the Inquest.
The fact , that Keyes wore a 'black
las, of near =Blake, wao !lost his barn
by fire recently,ebought a large build-
ing near Dashwood, =and, with ithe as-
sistance of his numerous kind tneigh-
brso, hall it taken down and brought
home ready to erect.-IsIrs, Hugh Mus-
tard and her two daughters, who
were visiting old friends in Me vi-
cinity, have returned to their itome
in Kansas. -Wm. McQueen, ,who has
"Satisfactionor you
a ."
QF a
The most famOus philosophy of clothes 8V51 Wfltt011
dealt largely with the exposure of hams.
How many men of to -day rec gnize the clothing
that are parading themselves befo e the public eye ?
Have you seen the r e Suit or Overcoat that is
as good as a tailor made?
Yet some storft, in order to obtain high pnee for
their readymades, will tell you t seyare equal to tailor-
madeso-it's a sha M.
And no permanent or respons
afford. to practice sham argume-Pts
ible business house 041-1.
011 a custom°
1f4 a man wants a Fuit speffla ly out for himself by an
expert tailor, we cat supply him vith it at a comparatively
low price.
If a man. wants .clothing that is ready to
give it to him for about half that ow price and it
straight honest
been assisting James McDerrnit on the ceased took ill en June 'aat, whilet
farm, has left tor .Alberte, where he imapecting at the mines in Sydney)
will follow ranching.
The 'new pure food and drug law
will mark it on the, 'label; of every"
cotSger were containing opium, chlo-
roform, or any other stupifying or
poizonous drug. But it passes Dr.
Shoop's Cough Cure as made for 20
years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all
along has 'bitterly opposed thte epee
of all opiates or narcotics. De.Shoop's
Cough Cure is absolutelp sale eyen
for the youngest babe -and ttures
it does 'not simply suppress. Get a,
eafe and Reliable 'Cough Cure, by
simply insisting on having Dr.
Shoop's. Let the law be erourrarotece
tion. We cheerfully recommend and
Sell it. C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea -
Notes. -Mr. Miller Adams, of near
Constance, 'has returned from his
trip to the Wet. While there be dis-
posed of his 'property in that coun-
try, 'making a:good profit. -The tram
belonging to 'the estate of the late
'Jonathan McBrien, eihicli was offered
by auction, has been sold. Mr. Jos.
Rapson gets about 10 cres adjoin-
ing hi 4 own /place an4 (Mrs. Wat.
Mair the balance. The t tal :price is
in the neighborthepd '$4,200. -Mr.
Geo: A. Hart, of= the l. th tm
oe sion
died on Saturday, Sep't. 22nd, after
an illners, of about eight 'months. He
tettled in this township last eerie-
aey. His wife died about tour years
ago. He was 135 years tot age a,nd was
an industrious well doing man. -An
other well known and reenected re-
sident of this township, in (the person
of Mr. John Flynn, wile removed sud-
denly on Sunday 'morning, Sept. 23.
He had always enjoyed good health
and on the 'previous Friday was In
Clinton. On Friday night he was at-
tacked by eliarrboes„ and despite all
that medical skill could do for his
relief, be died on auricles (morning,
He was unmarried and died on the
eerie on wilier* he was born, and
wber ehe had made his home in tome
pally with his 'brother. He -Was 46
years of age and his audden death
Is much regretted by many friends
-Mr. John Shanahan, of the 4th con-
cession, has now got -comfortably eat -
tied in. hie new residence. It is of
cement brick (tail! 4.s ene of the heed-
Cured Through the'B11, Red 13lood
Dr, Virilliams' Pink Pills Actually
k Male.
housands of women suffer from
h a,daches, backaches, dizziness, lan-
guor and nervousneis. Few realize
that their misery ell comes from the
• bad state of their blood. They take
a one thing for their head and an-
other for their otornach, a, (third' for
their aerves. And yet all the while
It is Simply their blood that is the
• mese of all their ,troubla. tDr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills cure MT these and
other blood troubles, because they
, actually make Inew, Tleh, red blood.
Mrs. J. H. McArthur, of St: Thomas,
Ontario, says: Dr. Williams' Pitec
Pills have done 'me a worldt of 'good.
For about eighteen ;months I was is
corietant sufferer, I was terribly
run down and the least exertion
left me fagged out. I slept badly at
night,and this further .weakened me,
an finally I bad to giveup =house-
keeping, and go (boarding, as was
quite unable to do any house -work., I
took doctor's medicine, but it was of
little or no benefit. One day a neighbor
told me how mach benefit she
had derived from Dr. Williams' Pink
I Pills, and advised ,me to tile them. I
seat: sand got three 'boxes. and by- the
time I had used them, I could, feel. a
change for 'the 'better. Then( I Isedt
four boxes more, and before they
NV ere all gone ray health was fully
retetored. To see me tow one :would
not think I had ever been sick for a
day, and I ean honestry say I owe
! my renewed bealth`to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills,"
Dr, Williams' pink are ithe
greatest etruee There tfor wait -
nese and backaches and sideaches of
anaemia; the distress of indiges-
tion; all the pains and aches of
rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, and
the weakness and the ill -health tlia.t
follows tend disturbance of regularity'
. in, the blood supply. Sold by all
mbdicine dealexa, or by mail at' 600
I box or. six boxes for $2,60 from I
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., i
! 13roakville, Ont.
no extra
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