The Huron Expositor, 1906-09-28, Page 8te•-•
}-4-47` 4E. •47-
aetory Heating
We make a specialty of Hot Water
and Warm. Air Heating, and always
/endeavor to install systems so as to
give the Brae RESTILTS and greatest
P.00etomY or !Lust. We handle only
the most modern styles of Furnaces,.
and. guaratttett satisfaction. '
Lowest prices --on Galvanized Iron
Pipe, and a nice- line of Force and,
stack Pumps, in which we Mit save
you moneyse e •
Let us- give you an ettieo*te on
your work in heating, plombing and
general tinsmithing.
Our prices- tire eight. Give us a call.
Hardware, Sto,ies and Coal.
HEAD OFTIOE, troBowo.-
rotipitail FulfrPaid Up--$3,000,coo.eo
Reserve Fund and un-, '
divided PrOfits $ 3,839,000
Deposits by Public $32,000,00*
Totat Assets , 48,cco,occ
very faeility for the transacting of a
* neral banking business.
OoReetione made on ig./ points in Canada
sid abroad. •
A,dvaneee made to Fanners. Special et -
tion paid to the collection of Sale Notes. -
Deposits of one dollar and upward* re-
volved, .arid interest paid or added June
30th and Deeember 3ist. 'Withdrawals
resay be made at any time. .
" Manager.
It.4 EL HAYS, Solicitor
James Watson;
Successor to W. N.Watson
General Fire, Life and Aorsident Insur-
ance agent, Real Estate and Loan
Dealer In first-olass family and 'Manulae-
tering Sewing Maohines and Crean
Separators, ; '
New Raymond and White Sewing
Maohlee. and National and
ITneeda dream Separatork
Aloe sewing machine needles, °ill attach-
mento4 repairs and sundries I for all
kinds of sewing inaohines.
With over 25/ yearn experience in the above
bUg1neii3 you can rest assuted of prioes
right, square dtaling and satisfaotion
am:ranee , Agent, and dealer In Sowing Machine
ime.Bicyolete North Main street, Seaforth.
B AR BER8 and
—We carry a C/hoide Line
Try us for an EASY 'SHAVE and
Opposite the Ciontmercial Hotel
—A Famous School=
cOvr- Alp //
&.45 040'
Thie school is recognized to be one of the bea.-s,
fleraniercial Schools in the Province. Our courses
are therough and up-to-date. We give a practieals
trainiqg and assist our graduates to good positio
It is illopossible for us Vo satisfy the demand maie
son us for office hey,. Those interested in their own,
-welfare should write for our free catalog -tie:
• Principals,
Need Cleaning?
No watch will keep correct time if
it isn't oh aned and overhauled ocoar-
ionally. If your watch has not been
cleaned for a year, it'a pretty certain
that it needs attention.
We promite entire satisfaction in
the matter of cleaning and repair-
ing. ,
We will loan you a watch While
yours is being repaired.
*Ewan. .1•••••••ma
Jeweller kOptieian
Issuer of 'Marriage Licenses.
With its damp, cold, cheerless
Protect Yours41i Against
it ; Take -
Robert's Peruvian Tonic,
Blood Maker.
Robert's Emulsion Cod -Liver
-- Tissue Builder
' Dawson's 'Cough Syrup :
Stow that Coup you has e
Pipcs ani China,
Going at Big Reductions.,
Chemist & Druggist
Y, Manager,
r esifor
Dr, Ovens, Surgeon, °pullet and
Specialist, Eye, Ear and ,Nose, will
be at Commercial Hotel, Seaford), on
Wednesday, 6 p. m. to- Thersday, 1 p.'
m:, October 4th. Glasses preper,ly
fitted, son-ta
,On Friday Night. -The °Miens of
Seatorth have procured suitable taw
efentoeer to be preeented to the mem-
bers a the Huron ifoot ball ateamt
who so signally digithigaieshed them-
selves, , and won honer and notoriety
for the tont* )by their magnificent
play with the Corinthians, the Eng-
lieh champions. A, 'handsome gold
locket and a picture of the teem will
be presented to peach member, The
presentation will be publie_and will
take place in Oardno's hall this, Frie
day everting, at eight o'clock. In ad -
ditto') to the presentations congratu-
latory addressee willeite givett by the
'Mayor and otheriaVAll are teordia,l-
Ily invited. i ,
. Concert. -The cOncert in Cardno's
tali," on Friday evening last, was
fairly well attended, and the pro-
gramme was good, although at timea
the pleasure -a it was matred,etcy a
certain extent, by the- noise, Mr.
Roy Willis was Well teeeived, an this
rendering of the different selections
showed the quality and range of his
voice. The violin playing, of Mr.
Stewart, of Guelph, was one, of the
best parts at the entertainment. Miss
Tilt has a sweet, clear voice, ibutI it
rather lacks the volume to fill so
large a hall. The tootle part of the
programme was supplied by Mr. Will
White, and his selections were ap-
parently appretiated.
.•••• EIVE •
Travellers.- The follewing were
ticketed to distant points this we*
by Stewart Brose, C.P.R. agents: T.
Jackson, Egmondville, to Edmonton
and return; W. L. Keys,- Varna, Ito
Brandon and return ; Joseph Sproat,
Egreondville, and :Iva workmen to
;Sault Ste. Marie by }steamer. •
•--The following were ticketed by,
W. Somerville, town agent G. T. R.
telex, Miller and Mrs. W. J:
and daughter, Crornerty, to' High Riv-
er, Alberta; D. Moore, Egmondviller,
to Cleveland and return; 111001 Alice
Trott to Grand Rapid, Michiganotral
1,eturn ; Mrs. Jag. McTavish and her
daughter to Oxford„ Michigan, and re-
turn; Jas. khart, iticKiliep, to
prince Alberti and return.
Matrimoniat-A quiet wedding took
place on Wednesday last at the re-
sidence of Mrs.'4.ndrew Xcung, in this
town, when Mt. Keith McLeere fourth
son of Mr. M. Y. McLean, and a mem-
ber of The Expositor staff, Watt mar-
ried to Elizabeth Idelyoungeet daugh-
ter et the late Mr. A. Young. Thecer-
emony_ was performed by Rev. F. H.
Larkin and was witnessed by only a
ttew of the more immediate. relatives
of the young couple. Mr. and Mrs.
McLean left by the atternoon train
on their wedding 1 tript, „ and carry
with them the good wishes of a large
circle of friends. -On the previous
Monday evening Me. McLean was giv-
en a farewell" 'entertainment by a
number a his gentlemiii 1....1ends at
the Queeney hotel and wee presented
by them with two handsome chairs.
Married In Teeswater.-The Tees -
water News of last week says: "The
Teeswater Roman Catholic church
was the Scene of a very pretty wed-
ding on Wednesday meeningi Septem-
ber 12th, when Miss Margaret M.
McKinnon, third deughter of Mr.
and Mrs, Angus MoKinnon, of Kin-
loss, became the wife of Mr. Wm. J.
,Atlin, a Seaforth, late of Lucknow.
The knot was tied by Rev. Father
endeau of St. Augustine.. flhe
bride was dressed in a blue broad-
cloth travelling suite with hat to
match. Miss Florence McKinnon, cou-
sin of the bride,acted as bridesmaid.
The groom was assisted by Mr. 'Done
aid McKinnon, brether of the bride.
After the ceremony a -sumptuous din-
ner was seryed at the Vendome House,
Mr. and Mrs. Allin left on the 3.05
train from here for Toronto and
7,Schrieber for a few weeks trip,
iafter which they will snake their
home in Seaforth wherd Air. Allin has
a successful implement business." Mr.
Allin's friends here will 'unite 'in
hearty congratulat Lentil and Will
join in extending a. remit cordial wel-
come to Mrs. Allin.
The Late George W. Sparlinge.--Mr.
George- W. Sparlinge, one or the pio-
neer residents of $eatorth, .p.,nd one
of its most respected residents, de-
parted this life on Tuesday ,morning
lest. Mr. Sperling had been '1111 for
•ver a year:, and this death -was not
timexpected, but it 10 none . the iless
deeply regretted. The deceased Was a
carpenter and contractor and for ov-
er a quarter of a century (in com-
pany with Mr. JasTyreman„ 'they car-
ried on that; business there. He was
a quiet, unaSsuming - men, (but was
well liked and implicitly itrubsited by
all who knew him. He was ah (active
and consistent . member (the Meth-
odist church a,nd an enthusliStic and
warm advocate of the 'temper=
since cause, having been - cennected
with many temperance organteations
and at the time of his .death l was a.
member of • tite Royal Remplars of
Temperance. He also was a 'member
a the Orange Order and it was his
special wish that the funeral should
be conducted under the auspices of
these orders. He leaves,ia widow and
two sons arid' two eaughters, The fun-
eral services ;were held In the Meth -e
odist church ;on Thursday and the
remains -were laid to rest fa the
Maitlandbank1 cemetery. '
I E,
Death of M. McIntosh. -Many of
our readers *ill regret to learn of
the death of Mr. Wm. McIntosh, for-
merly oe eicKillop. The sad intent-
gen_cie was reCeived here by his bro-
ther, Mr. Jarnas McIntosh, of the
read, Tuckeremith, on Friday last.
Mr. McIntosh , died at ithe reeidence
of his son, John McIntosh, at Stough-
ton, Saskatchewan. It seems that he
had been on a trip to the coast and
stopped at. his son's to visit Im on
his way to his .tharhe in Rapid CitA
Manitoba,. -While there be look sick
and died after; an illness of only two
days. He had not enjoyed good health
for some time, but his case was not
considered in ,aer way serious. Hisl
sudden death wals a severe shock to
his family and friends. The deeeased v
was el years Leaf age. He was born t
on the Mill road, TUckerernith anti
about 38 year ago took -up a, farm
on the llth cencession of MeKillom
where he =tamed to reside until a-
bout four yeers ago when he re-, I et
tired and took up his residence in
Ninthrop. Matta a Year "a"ge 'he t
went to Manitoba; to TOSida with his
daughter,' Mrs. H. McIntosh. Wife
whose maiden. name was Sarah Me-
Lean,- a daughter of the late Raft.
MaLeera of the Mill road, predecease
ed him about two S''eftsr0 ago, She
died while on a visit to Manitoba. Mr.
McIntosh leaves a family' of one ton
and two daughters, the latter residing
in- Rapid City. The deceased was well
known iirt this vieinity land was 'thigh-
ly respected by all who knew (him
on account of his Efriendly, obliging
dispottitioa (and his thcprOughly up-
right character. His death will be
deeply regretted by many efiency,
hie' old home county who will- Amite
In ,extending sympathy to Itae be-
reaves' family and friend's.
- Presentation. - .Repreeentativen Of
the Rirst Presbyterian ehurch, Sea7
forth, waited on Mrs. Robert Laid-
law, at the: Commercial hotel, pn
Wednesday evening and on theball cif
the congregation presented her with
a purse of -gold, a gold olock an a
band satchel. These tokens were give
en in recognition of eVIrs. Laidlaw's
Jong and faithful services lh connec-
tion with the work of the church,and
especially in the choir, of which she
has been a leading member tor a
great many years. Mrs. -Laddlaw left
o Thursdey. morning ..for Detroit,
Where she contemplates residing. Mies
Laidlaw is still here but 'will folow
her mother in about a week. They
botb have many Wanda here who,
while regretting their departure from
Sea.fOrth, will utate he wishing them
well in their 'new home, t • ;
REMEMBES the 1st of October as the _date on
'which twine 4000=0 are due, Please call and settle
by that date.' J. J. Holland, St, Columban.
WANTED Ian apprentice to learn the Drug bug
-ness. Apply at ISear's Drug Store, Seaforth. 2022
BUTTER AND EGGS. -A. G. Ault, Seaforth, will
pay the highest price in cash for any quantity of
good freeh hater and eggs.- Bring them right
GIRL WANTED for general housework, A20111:t•fto
Mrs. IL W. Brown, Goderich street. .
Try Oharlie Hines' bend laundry, Seaforbh, for nice
work. Always gives satisfaction. Clothes called for
and delivered. Oharges vasonable. Laundry two
doors soutlrof Reid & Wilson's hardware Store, Sea -
forth. ,
DOG eosa,-Lost, %black English Collie1,9848;htfite
on breast and nose, straight haired and bob , tailed,
answers to the name of "Jack." The finder will be
rewarded on giving information to D. *Gregor, box
72, Seatorth.,, . • 2023x3
BEES FOR SALE. -Will self aliunaber of full col.
onies of bees. Without, hives or honey, $1 ; with
hives and frames no honey), $3. This is a splendid
chance to secure first-class bees. Must be taken
within two weeks. William Haag, Seaforth.
s , 2028.2
' -GIRL WANTED -To do general honsework in
family of four. Good wages. Apyly to Mrs. W, H.
Willis, Goderich street, Seaforth. 2024-1
Pianos 1 We are agents for the old Beintzman,
Mason & Riseh, New Scale Williams, Atoll, Dominion,
and Palmer. R. H. Peck & 0o., Seaforth. 2024-U
SALE. -We have for sale a =liner of prize winning
cookerels and pullets. Apply to Town Bros. Sea -
forth. ,
DR. FoirtsTEn, Stratford, specialist in eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at, the Queen's Hotel, ,Sette
forth, on Monday next, October 1st, from 10 a. al. to
ffiorpd.. in. Dr, Forster has recently returned from
nearlytwd years' study abroad and located in20S24t.rait-
OUT IN IDAHO. --The Vigilantes of '41) and later
years were a power in the far west, in enforcing law
and order and in ourbing the vicious element. They
were- the forerunners of the regularly ,organized
courts. In the melodramatic comedy drama, "Out
in Idaho," Jim Dexter is falsely accused of murder
and is tried by Judge Lyrioh. The rough, uncouth
ministers establish a ootut, appoint officers and en•
deavor to observe the ordinary procedure. The re-
sult is a piece of farcical comedy that is a scream
from start to finish. "Out in Idaho" is not a blovl
and thunder drama of the dime novel variety, but a
sterling melodrama, founded on the -best incidents
In Brete Harte's stories, It is a play that follows
nature with answering fidelity. A noted English
critic tersely termed Brete liartess kstaries the
"Western Classico," Mr. II, Webb Chamberlain, the
young romantic actor, will produee "Out in Idaho'
with as strong a cast as money and experience ,can
secure. The engagement is for one night only,
-Monday, October 1st, in Cardno`a Hall, Seaforth.
. 2024
MUS10.-Mr: W. Glenn Campbell, oiganist and
ehoir-master of Willis Presbyterian eburoh, °linter],
who is well known throughout the county as a thor-
foourthh ("Terns and nuacessful teacher, will vieit Sea -
day of each Week, and will receive
pupils for instruction in all grades of piano -forte,
pipe organ, and theory study at lt. H. Peak & Co.'s
music store. Terms awarding to grade. 2024-3
For Sale. - A good brick house on John street.
rurnace. well, lawn, shade trees, walks, all in good
order. NOW's your time to purehase. Apply to
JIIIIMS Beattie or J, M. Bast, Barrister, SC11102r0G2114,4
Pianos 1 The finest collection of Iiigh grad pianos
you ever seen in Seaforth at R. H. Peek & Ca's, Sea -
forth. 2024-tf
Twenty Carpenters Wanted ab Once. -33 cents an
hour will be paid to first-elase men, Apply to 8. 13,
Bagshaw, '477 Marion et, Toronto, Ont. 2024-2
POULTRY WANTED. -On Tuesday, October 2nd,
A will commence to handle chiekens and old fowl,
live and dressed, and I will continue throughout the
season. Fowl to be delivered before 2 p. m, et my
store in Dublin. James Canning.
O ' "244
Millinery Openings. -As is always
the case, our. ' dry 'goods merchants
delighted the public on Friday and
Saturday with that. display of mil-
linery, dress goods, coats, house fur-
nishings, fancy goods and all the
other. articles that one can find An
these places' of business but can not
take time to mention. We have to
talk more especially about millinem
for the hats were the main attrac-
tioh, though the other (pretty things
came in for a glare of the,admiration.
There seems to be quite a variety in
the styled this season. One can have
as large hat with a wide brlml, the
back tunred down and a high crown,or
a smeller hat wah the mushroom or
sailor brim and a high (crown or 4
small hat more like the to lees which
and bends the brim up at the side(
have been worn.- There Is etill an-
other style that takes, so t felt 'hat
or up in the front and side till it
has a three cornered effect. Red, or
more (piroperly speaking, raspberry,
mid all shades and tones of crett seem
to be amohg the leadinecolors. Then
there is a good deal of purple and
prune, brown too, is showneand indeed
one sees, green arid °rue so that
any color one might choose could be
called 'fashionable. The show rooms
were tastefully decorated and (as on
termer ' days the E. McFall). Co. Ihad
spared 'no pains" to make their decor-
ations as pretty as could 'be, " The
hats in this establishment were of an
endlesstvariety in style and color,and
ehoeved marked taste and skill on
the part of those in charge of the de-
partment,' One feels quite unable to
give an accurate description of the
hats,- but a few (might just be men-
tioned. We had to stop Brit at the
windows.' One in red was a joy to
look t, hate, bbons, 4,lowers,
and all the rest were in 'smell perfect
taste and harmony. A rakpberry felt
hat with Itrimrning of velvet, a %lovely
plume and a flower of different shades
of the pr va ing color was much 'ad-
mired. T e other window was full et
pretty th ngs of many shades and 'col-
ors, and lit too had its pretty hats.
Another hat that every one liked was
a prune 1 velvet with narrow brim,
tilted at the side. It' had a soft velvet
crbwri and a beautiful ehaded feather,
and a roes for trimming. One of he
b has w he back turned down
had a itzoft velvet erovVre a white
moire bri with Wide facing of black
elvete aid' an ekquisite pink retie et
he b
leek velvet 'hat, with
.the mush -room brim, trimmed with
pale blue satin, was' very stylish.
They also had. a number of the soft
elts in 'reds asrid greys, that ,wero
aught up at the 'side With 'pretty
Wings, or at the front and side, anZ
rimmed 'with feather Fs and flowers.
Freosia 8
W. E. Kerslake,
: n, -Mr. la. A, Shea, of Ba.d:WIWI,
and sou of the late Robert
was in tow* this Week. ,Mr.
a 14 0.3T old Watley hoYe and he
is now a proeperous mercb.ant in the
weet. The town in which eft. Shea le
located is only Octal fifteen month
old, and now, has a popluation bf a-
bout six hundred,, as as aurrounded
by a thickly vettled and prosperous
farming country. About two-thirds of
tbe people are Americans. -W% are
sorey to learn that r,Paul Shaver,
Who awe been 111,0r two imonths, is
not improving aa , Tepidly ite his
friendevould like.. e lo, able to
walk out occasionall 0 but is still
quite weak. -r�. -(Dr)t Lynch and lit-
tle daughter, Elsie, , intend leaving
next week tor the West - They will
Visit In -Winnipeg and lEdmonton, and
tend spending the w nter in Brit's,'"
Jumble., with Mr..,s. ynch's sister,
Mrs. J. IL Benson. - n Wednesday
afternoon a horse, belonging to Mr.
-Virile Reidy, of McKillop, came tear-
ing down Goderich etreet, drawing
the eovered buggy on' its side after
It, It was captufdd at the Royal
1 Hotel corner. "No damage was done.
-MTh. Dickson, of Cleeland, is ), visit-
ingl her parents, Mr. d Mrs. A. F.
Phillips -Mr. Josiah T armee was in
Toronto last week, ,attending the
Oddfellowe gathering, 1Mr. Myerman
is a member of a New•Tork lodge and
was lookleg up some of hie old lodge
mate. -Mrs. Thos. Allan, of Torone
tol, • is a guest of Mrs. A. iYoung.-
Mr. H. Town; .returned. on Monday
from a visit to .Toronto, Hamilton
and other points. While] in Toronto the
took part in the big Oddfenovv's pro-
cession. -Mrs. A. H. 1Aletander, a
Stratford, visited friends in -Wean on
Wednesday. -Professor J. L. Hogg,
M.A.., Ph.D., 'gate of Harvard Uni-
versity, has accepted the position of
lecturer in, pbeisics in .UeMaster Col-
lege, Toroato, Prof. Hogg As abroth-
er of the Messrs. dicergi,1 of McKillop.
-Mr. Will Thpmpson, o. Grand Rap-
ids, Michigan, has been lqpendLng thei
past week with his parents, Mr. land
Mrs. John C. Thompson,i John street.
-Three rihkil of Clinton bowlers
were' here on Wednesday afternoon
and had a game with 'the Seaforth
playdrs. _ The game resulted in a
victory for the home players by 417
shots. -On Sabbath evening next,Reve
F. IL Larkin will preach to eaung
men on the " Masterhood of Life." -
At the Thank Offering meeting of the
Egmondville Women's Foreign 'Ws-
siOnary Society on Tuesday east, the -
thank offering collection amounted to
$103. -The ratn of :Wednesday even-
ing freshened up. fegetation, but
there is more needed yet.. -The Staffa
Threshing Co. have /31aced an order
with the Bell Engine and Thresher
Coe of this tbwn, or one of .their
New Imperial separators, with mind
stacker, Stewart patent straw }cutter
and Ruth self feeder. •The Staffa
company purchased a Ben ; engine 3
year ago, and. with the 'addition of
the above machines will s' Ow have a
complete outfit of this corripany's
manufacture. -Mr. Wm. Kehoe and
Miss Laura • Kehoe, of oledo, are
home at present enjoying a few hol-
idays. Mr. Kehoe's health es nof An
first class conditipn, but 4he change
and met will likely bring him round
all right before�. James
Richmond, of Blenheim, 0 ford coun-
ty, is the guest of her ei ter -in-law,
Mrs. A. Young,-" Out in lIdaho". is
a very interesting and thraling play
to be given in Cardne'd hall on
Monday evening.
Thiele, of course, were only samples
of the many. At the Wm. Pickard htt
Son establishment there *ere very
many pretty things, arid thate were
Shown that were eicceedingly etYlieh
and becoming. Their windows 'mere
full .of the new eoats, furs, hits' and
faileT goods, that delighted the eyee
.of the women who visited the store.,
A -beaver hat with a wide brina and
trimmed' with beautiful shaded os-
trich plumes, was °rib to be adartired.
A pretty hat in shades of purple( and
mauve velvet had a trimming of.inal-
ine and a cluster of tips at the side.
A ennart white felt was caught up at
the side, and had the brim (bound
with black and a cockhe plume over
the crown. There were two (pretty
bonnete in thig show iroomj, one in
mauve and the other In grey,. One
.must not forget the alaids that P e
shown in silla and ribbon for trim-
ming the bats. They lighten up a
dark het and give it a ifilmarb'appear-
ance. Altogether one views our
shop� with a good deal of satisfaction,
.for they wre fax abovethat of ,the
average ton", and this 40 certalnlY
verified by the fact that they ;have
so many out-of-town cuetemerse
Get Your Head Bumped. -Professore
O'Brien and leis wife, Countess Bon -
vial O'Brien, ere at the Queen's hotel
and as will be seen by their announ-
cement -lb another column, they are
prepared to give charts to all whe
pia favor them' with a cell. The
press Wherever they have teen, are a
unit in praise of their skill tin 'the
science and their correct readings.
The Berlin News Record says:
There is no doubt a great diff.
ence of opinion! abotit the value of
phrenology and palmistry, but the
most skeptical would be (inclined to
revise their° opinions after a visit to
Prof. O'Brien, who, with this accom-
plished wife; Countess Bonvini 0" -
Brien, are guests at the Grand Cen-
tral hotel,"
The Collegiate Institute. -The Cole
legiate Institute board have been
baying some trouble with the teach-
ing staff, but we are pleaeed to learn
that matters have now been satiefac-
-Willy and amicably arranged. Pre-
vioesly to 'the holidays the several
teachers were engaged for the cur-
rent year and the salaries a,greeed
upon. This engagement, however,
was subject to the school law 'which
provides that an engagement be-
tween teachers and the board can 'be
terminated at any time by a month's
notiqe on either side. During the hol-
idays Miss Kirkwood' was offered a
position in Lindsay at an advance)
of $200 over her salary- here. Bin!.
tendered her resignation giving the
nehessary month's notice. But rath-
er than dispense with her services
the board offered her an increase
Of $100, which she accepted. This
caused dissatisfaction in the staff
and a re -adjustment of the salaries
a the teachers became necessary. Mr.
Rogers, the principal, has been giv-
en an increase of $75, making Ihis sal-
ary, $1,425; Mr. Coiling an Increase
of $100, making his, salary $1,100;
Miss Kirkwood, an increase, of $100,
making her salary $1,100 And Miss
Doherty, an increase of $25, malting
her salary $725, The staff 'is an ex-
ceptionally good one as it stands;
teachers 'ire in very (great demand
and salaries arei continually on the
increase, making it difficult to re-
tain really good teachere and irt
view of dile situation we think the
board have acted wisely ad in the
best interests or the school. Mr.
Brown has arranged to 'continue en -
til January. I
• Local Briers. -The resideece of (the
late Mrs. Fa.clx, in this toWn, which
was sold by -auction on Saturday daSt
was purchased by Chas. Smith, of .1de-
Killop, _for $660. Mr. Smith- is thaving
a,.ti auction sale of alls tarn') 'stock on
Monday next and is (coming to Sea -
forth to reside and will, heve a neat
and torefortable home. -Mr. A. tG.
Smiilie, deerk of Tuckerstnith, (recent-
ly sold a yeest handsome 1 Shorthorn
cow and 10 months old calf (to Capt.
Thos. Robson, of Ilderton,hfor which
he received a good price as they are
both choice animals -Mr. john Cottle,
of the Thames Road, dhaboree, was sin
town on Friday last attending the
show and • meeting old friends. Mr.
Cottle is on of it pioneer aarmers
of that beautiful pert of tleborne. He
is an enthusiastic and = successful
floriculturist, and his garden is a
real beauty. spot, He (is also a suc-
cessful prize winner. -The furniture ,
factory was closed down on Friday
afternoon in order to perrrilt the tem-
ployees to visit the ehowe-Mr. Beat
Archibald, second son of Mr. James
.Archibald, leaves this week to at- I
tend Toronto University. -Mr. J. 11'.4
McMann sold a handsome Clydesdale
gelding to Mr. Thomas 1 Handford,
of Exeter, on Friday laet ,The ani- I
Mr. McMann (received $265 (for it.- I
mal weighed over 1,700 pounds and
Mr. Alex. Sutherland has sold his
Merchants' Salt Works to Mr. Mare
residence. near the. site ef the old
eitall :Smith for $400 -The l thank of- i
ferinie in connection with the Har-
vest Festival of St. Thomas' churchi, I
amounted to over $400.-9n Monday
last Mr. T. E. Hays while assisting'
at a threshing on his Caren in 'Mos
Killop, slipped arel fell, striking this
Fortunately no bones were broken
side on the edge of a ater tank.
and although pretty sore he was not
laid up. -Mrs. J. E. from, of Goderich,
was here this week visiting her eincle
arid aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Johns
anti other friends. -Mr. !and Urfa
Goldthorpe, former reeldents of
this vicinity, have came to Seaforth
. to reside, -Mrs. Ramsay Heiman who
was residing bere for some time hes
returnecL to Toronto with her family.
where Mr. Holman' makes his head
quarters. -Miss Boswell, Of Toronto,
who has been the reek Of I).(fr. and
, Mrs. Robert Beg for the' past two
weeks' ha,s left to visit 'friends in
Stratford and London before r eturn-
ing home. -The Salvation- Army. are
having Harvest Home services on
Sunday, and a social and musical 'en-
tertainment on Monday evening. -
The next regular meeting of 13ritannia
Masonic Lodge will be held in tho
lodge room, on Monday evening next,
at eight o'elock.-Next Sabbath is
FlOwer Sunday in the Presbyterian
church, and e. special service, suitable
for the occasion, 14111 be held ire the
B sechwood.
INew fall stock of Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies ar,
z-hpd this week. Beautiful goalie and the very latest
kes. Samplee in north window. W. IL Willis,
ie Agent, Seaforth. 2020-1
Notes. -Mrs. William. Evans left
last .week for Detroit., to visit her
sons, Joseph and Robert and her
daughter, Miss Lucy. We hope she
will have a pleasant trip and a safe
return. -Mr. and Mrs, F. Curtains of
Chicago, are over on a visit tO their.
friends here.-leliss Addle vans, of
Detroit, is home on a, visit and also
to assist ai bridesmaid it0 Ier mister,
lelise Emma. -A, large numb r of our
citizens attended the funeral of Mr.
John Flynn, of Hullett, on 1Tuesday,
Ile was a respectable young' men -and
his early death was deeply regretted
by all who had the pleasure of his
acquaintance. s
' 1
Wrox ter
Notes. -Miss Aggie jLowry of Bel -
more, spent several, days . itb. Mrs.
(Rev.) Osterheut.-Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Paulin have gorse to .W1 rton to
ppend a Week with their - aughte4
Mrs,. W. Greer. -Mrs, 'Thomas (Walker,
of Turnberry, entertained th Ladies'
Aid of the Methodist churon to - tea
last, Thursday afternoon. -Mr. Harris
Hamilton, of Toronto, is spendirig a
weeks' holidays at his horre near
here. -Mr. W. Haney bad his ankle
sprained on Saturday, while working
in Gorrie.-Miss Higgins has eturned
to Glenfarrow; after spendin a -few
weeks with her grand -mother, Mra.
A. McMichaea-Messrs, John Douglas
told George Paulin were sin Toronto
last week, as delegates for the
L 0, 0. F. of this( place. -M'. -.Alex.
Montgomery, of Edmonton, Alberta,
formerly of Htnvicks tenewedt a,e-
quaintances in the village ilast Wede
nesciaee-airs. Lewis .held heri millin-
ery openings on Tuesday and We6-
needay of this week. -Miss alla Sand-
erson returned to Wallacehurg on
Thursday. -.-Mrs. Minoan, of Orillia,
was the guest of ,Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Harris last week. -Mr. John Rae,
of Bolton, spent a few days with: his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Rae, k of
Howick.-Rev. H. M. Lang-tord, of
Brussels,- will conduct the Harvest
Thanksgiving services in the Epis-
copal church on Sunday afternoon. -
Reeve Harris was ,a Judge of .horses
at the Markdale fair last week. -Mr,
James Paulin, ja., has gone to Sim-
coe, where he will spend ai few
weeks. ,
I =
si --____. 1
lc rtmovn
Notes.- The children's day ser-
vices, appeinted by General Assem-
bly, will be held In St. ,Andrew's
church next Sabbath forenop and
promise to be an intatestin an, pro-
fitable occasion. -Mr. Davihe". Mc-
Lean, the sale of whose tarnY we' not-
ed last week, reserved a nice build-
ing *ate almost opposite the Menace
and intends erecting a b.andsorne re-
eidence thereon for his own Occup-
ancy. Our people will thus be ple;a0-
ed to know that Mr. McLean entends
to continue to reside in Kippea.-
Miss Ellen Stewart, who recently re-
turned from' a trip to Scotland and
who had a most enjoyable time, has
taken a position in the store of
Balfour & Caldwell.- Mrs. Charles
Bingey, of Port Huron, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Anderson, a this
village. -Judging by the number of
auction sales that are slated to come
off in this vicinity, our people will
have a busty time if they attend them
all. -Mr. R. MeMordie, of London, was
chatting with old friends in the vil-
lage during the week -Mr McM
ve 111
'Tit; easy to buy 4be ordinary every day stiles
Many of them are pretty enough, too, yet th
something lacking and that something.distinctive
We obtain our *Winery ideas from the best s
newest, styles, and,) Its a result, produce millinery
ity, striking and varied,,, with many exquisite
therein, such as cannot be found elsewhere in thi
To say that our d• play of Fall millinery - is m
ever, is not raakin the announcement emphatio
you to appreciate t e fact that we can shove
goodnees, more rea4 millinery art and exelusiven
other plsce within your easy reach We also
the new goods we' xhibit, whether you come to
opinion will lend distinctien to our slimly en'
you should see—if only for the sake vf seeing
i. hats and bonnets.
y invariably have
ees, excinsiveness,
urces, we seek the
bat hasiretividualt
shade harmonies
re interesting that
ough. We mitre
ore real millinery
it, than is in an
t youfko see ad
.ou7 or hot„ your
ieble pnsitiont and
what is nicest and
heNei Furs and C
. , •
JaOkets are II ri-
This particular section of our Ready-to.wear department 'Makes its
); "ti,spection of tb.era is requests:1.
Autumn bo* this w air, and makes it with style and low !niceties& -,
The garments are s art in style, and considerably above, the average
in value, An. earl
Plain weaves are again among the favorite drees goo& fabries,
While beautiful in their simplicity, attractive trimmings enhance
the beauty of the phut materials when made lath gowns Our new
trimmings are both p:etty and inexpensive, and arshown in good
itvariety. Our range of all-over Lacee is now at it best.
The new Dress Goods are fai3ciaating enough to
-woman to early huyin this Fall. Among the pia
{.„ some Suiting Cloths hich are guaranteed to
dye and finial—to be Iabsoluteiy uncrushable and
have that soft ba die " which will drape
Specials in 'Venetian. Illoths are on sale at
win over every -
n fabrics we have
erfect eave,
uspetable, and to
toot becomingly,
50o, 60o, 75c and
We have New Fall
Skirt Waists
and Rainoaa
The accompanying ut is an exaet -
'544 $3 50 Vicuna io1h
which come itt navy blue, r4rtle green and black.
die is always a 'welcome vlsitor in
these parts, -The many friends of
Mr. Alex. MeBeatta of StanleY, who
has been very 111 with typhoild teves,
will be pleased to learn that /he is
now nicely on the way to recovehla
-All :should bear in mind the Sab-
bath School social in the Methodist
church this, Friday, evening. 1 There
will be a pleasant time for ell who
attend. The proceeds will go a to aid
the Sabbath school. :We hope 1 to eee
a large attendance.
Tuckeritini-th. 1
New fall stook of Dorothy Dodd shoes fori ar-
rival this week. Beautiful goods and the Alery latest
Sole Agent, Sectforth,
styles, Samples in north window. W. ' Willis,
The 6.euriell. - The Tuelter2:m281.3th
council will meet in the tounc11
room, Seaford', on gaturday next,
September anig, at 10 o'clOck, a, um
All interested will please take inotice.
Railway Troubles.-Vor some time
there has been trouble between the
Grand Trunk and C. P. R. ov r" the
track being laid ,by the C. R.
down the hill to the wharf. I1ie C.
P. R. purpose going over the op of
the Grand Trunk tracks Lastj week
the Grand Trunk 'started puttifrig in
a switch at the elevator an4 this
work was endangering the C. P. R.
construction work. Tbe trouble came
to a climax on Monday last. Short-
ly after seven o'clock on that 'morn-
ing a sensation started the Ipeople
in the vicinity of the G, T. , and
Ooderich and Gue1p1 lines, which
piece of property is in diopute. On
Saturday an injunction was jranted
preventing the G. T. R. fro con-
tinuing the work of laying d wn. a
siding. This order was igno ed by
the G. T.. R. employees' work tig on
the aiding and using the big Isteani'
shovel. They started to v Irk the
usual way. They had hrdly got
properly started when the off cells of
the law appeared and arrestied all
hands. When they placed the work- '
Imen under a; est they Wok Wale- of the steam -Shovel and locked it Itl1te
The number the men arrested W
order to understim
tIftsG T, R. off -
veyor to measure -
about 25. In
- their position
sent up a s
the ground.
ReturneL-s iso Mary Murdock,- ,
h-asabeen vis ting in Toronto Awl Ate •-
• Thomas on her ',return trip '.#4)1*.
Sconand„ ha returned botee, be
- a Most max tale visit itt
I land, and like the others who
ponied - her was delighted with tW
the :sights and scenes there t lett -
- likes -Canada better than ever.
777 -
Notes. -Owing to the ilinese
Hutton, assistant teacher of No. e
the room has been eloseci this wee -s-
-Rev. Mr. Banton, the evangPtr
is doing excellent work bere.-
ter c. Crawford is under the doc
!care at present. -Miss Bean, of late
doe, is a guest of Mob le isirpftrei,
at present. -Mr. and Mrs. B. Bell ere..
visiting at Listowel this .week. -
and Mrs. John Mills, of Halowere guests of Mr. Brigham on Sane
day. -Mise .Alice Mountain has CO
molted e, dress making shop lam
op. Ewa
-On Saturday, September Oda VW'
people of Monkton arid vicinity
their utmost to show their Byrn
for Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shade J-
their sad bereavement. The inner_ "
of the two little girls, Vicda
Olive, their only children. who l'am
killed in the C, P. R. wreck st A
was attended by an immenee
count° of sympathizing neighbors
friends, About 40 little girls marell-
ed itt the procession, each °cares:*
bouquet of flowere. At the Sao_
-they sang "Safei in the Amp
Jesus," and then deposited the 'DA
ecerisi: inthte ehgrwarvecek. The. parents
still suffering from injuries they e