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The Huron Expositor, 1906-09-28, Page 7
MIR aac Cr raps an mplaints tak anent WWI ne 'es, but procure too d the test of Sias stood the test for 60 never failed to give twat-. rapid, reliable and effectual id does not leave the bowels_ -,R1-,T.FUSR ALL SUBSTITU ROL'S. Le, Aylmer, Que., welteet. Extreet of Wile Straw ieveral years pest ao4 1 find p‘e wbich brings relief la to sheet& LO TAY FENCI. Utley -4' teee 1-oeoe One you wal want m.41-4. msg. da e Debs1ty or TeeeaLe: lee *Akins oreXCesws. reme(b• known for alt disessee stqluence of abuses, 1,c.s n the Rack. Dimness of Visicu. Age and mane other diserieee -steel Weakness, Insanity ate t Mailed, to any addresg on tee 0 cents, or five boxen for $2. COe Stratford) O to Creditors. '‘Villiane James Padrick Allen, bee Ilibbert, in the County of Path, - elven pursuant to R. S. O., -that ell pereons having dahlia ,f the said William. James Pad-, 23 on the 25th day of June, le" before the lst day of October, prepaid, or deliver toJ. want). Solicitor tor TAnnie of the deemed. their names and :ienlars of their claims duly vete. ,e of the security (if any) held by is further given that after Mt ti adittinistratrix will proceed to :Ars of the said ectate among the iereto, having regard only to the e shall then havereeeived notice. • of September, le0B. KILLORANe Neaforth, Ont., , Solicitor for the Adininistrateire aissasoasassis kiNTEDBaLTAIL bout united Metes and Canada,. lick our goods, tacking up- stow eat* lges, an all ecmgPialloWl Plac44;4fLk. rtising rnatt,er. Conunission or salad ;pewee* $3 50 a day. Steady aroloi- 110 men. We lay out your week fee • needed. Writo for partletaars. Co... London. Ontario. Camilla to Creditors. .7rfaneeelliv11n, late of the Town of ;ante of Huron widow dedeased. esven ua pursnt to IL S_NY., P et all personsi having vlabus A the said Frances Oliflin who f 1000, are required,on or oetoher. 1900, to send by pose* so J. L Killoran, Sea.forth, °nee vlin, Administratrix of the dee and addresses, full particulars- of ified, and the nature of the See • them. And notice is bother date, the said administratrtx onto a,;sets of the said el. le entitled thereto, haying re. !4 whieh she *shell then have of September, 199�e LAN, Seaforth, Oat. i Inc the A hninistret: - reditors . 1as Ward, late or tne Tinge he County of Huron,. Retire even Fir:maid t� Revised State ep. 1e9, See. ee, that all pereons -t the eetate of the said Thome* l to send by post prepaid, or of the Town of Seaforthein the ,ileitor for Margaret 'Ward, Grhe4er :marine! Ward, the executors- a 't eefewd, on or before the let day atentent in writing of the and -full particulere- of their e that after the said lst cur etid Exeetit-ore wilt proeeed tee the estate among the persons w4" regard only to the claims, of have reetrived notiee, Seaforth, Ontario. eolieitor for the Executor& , lee& IL at ale$ SOK AidoRLiaaTirr ads •teem Suites, Iron -Be and Eaey Chaire are the do the rest. answered ethodist chtir VWXBRith. ART. JOHN GIUM-VE, V. S. graduate of Ontario Vet' T7 °allege. All diseases , of Animals treated. Calls attended to and ohargee rate. Veterinary Dentistry Ity. Oafis,e and. residence in Gederieb etreet, one .a„,oar mit Or. Soott's office, Seadorth. F. dIARBURN, V. a. Honorary graduate .of the Ontario eragerivary College, an Honorary ber of the Medioal Association he Ontario Veterinary Celle s diseases of ail Dome:sale nnals by the. most made= prinoi- pies. Dentistry and Milk Fever a greeialty, Office oppesite Dick' Betel, Main street, Seaforth. Ali orders loft at the hotel will tree ve peompt attention. Night calla eelved at the office. 1871142 LEGAll. t; L. KIBLORAN, Tiartster, Solisitor, Notary Pati - etc. Money to loan. In Sento h Mondays, Fridaya and Saturda'ys. Of - fie mean every week day. Oyer Plokard's Store, Main street, Sea - f 1904 orbbs 8• HAYS. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer zibtary Public. &inciter tor eN Dominion Bank. Office -In rear of tale Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Moneg to loan1285. M. BEST. , Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer JKt Notary Public. Orifice up -stairs ver Fear'a drag dare, Main street, Worth. ' 132/ E.ROLMESTED, Ear -rester, Solicitor, ' Convey - Notary Public. Solicitor for eele Canadian Batik of Commerce. Meney to loan. Farms for sale. the- nce in Scott's 13looke. Main street, *alert h. DICKINSON & GA.RROW. ; Barristers, Solicitors, eto., Gede- ride Ontario. E. L. Dickenson, Chas. Garrow, L Id. B. '1833-t f DENTISTRY. DR. H. J. HODGINS. Graduate of Royal College of Den- tal Surgeons of Ontario. Successor to Dr. Tweddle. Office -Over A. Young's grocery store, Main str et, *atort h. 1915 MEDICAL. DR. JOHN MoGINNIS. Office and residence Victoria S fleafortle Phone 73, DR. H. HUGH ROSS. Graduate of University of Toronto atm:salty of Medicine, member of 'Ole - lege ef • Physicians and. iSurgeonis of Ontario; pass graduate coursein Chicago Clinical &loot, a Chicago ; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, England.; University College Hos- pital, Londen, England. Off,ce- Over Stewart Bros.' store, Main St., Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night oa11s answered from residence, Vitoria fitreet, Sea.forth. a.890 DR. F. J. BURROWS. Office and Residence-Goderich etreet, east of the Methodist ch;oh, eeraforth. Phone No. 46.. Co ner for the county of Huron. 1.386 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY. Goderich street, opposite Meth°, gist ohurch, Seaforth. J. G. Scott, graduate of Viotoria eud, Ann Arbor, and member .of the atatario College of Physiciane and. gurgeoes. Coroner for the ciounty ef Huron. C. Mackay, honor graduat4 of friaity University, gold medalist of frinity Medieal °allege. Member of the, College:id Physicians and Sur - mons, Ontario. 1483 AUCTIONEERS, THOMAS BROWN: Licensed auctioneer tfor th.e come - Ilea of Miran and Perth. Orders Sit at A. M. Campbell's iraplemsnt re -rooms, Seaforth, . or at the positer Office, wilt -receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or set °barge. 1708-tf JAMES G. MoMICHAEL. licensed auctioneer for the coma- ty of Haron. Sales attended to in sntr part of the county at traodeeate Sates and satiefaotion guaranteed. erders left at the Seaforth poet office, or on Lot 2, Oancessidn 2, Rullett, will receive prompt at- tention. 1832-tf B. S. PHILLIPS. Licensed auctioneer far the, eosin - Iles of Huron and • Perth. Being a eractical farmer died thoroughly understanding thee value of farm etook and. implements, places raig in - better ['position to realize good prices. Chargemoderate. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Hensel) post _ _office or at Lot 23, Concession 2, Hey, will be proraptly attended to. 1709-tf The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Corapany. •••• .8mq. FARIVI AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED. --- OFFICERS. 7. B. McLean, rFresiclent, Kippen P. 0.; Thomas Fraser, vice-presi- dent, Brucefield P. O.; Thoraas E. -Rays, . sec retary-treasilrer, Seaforth L o. DI.B.EoroRe. William Chesney, Seaforth ; John G. Grieve, Winthrop, George bale, Seaferth ; John Benneweis, Vanses Evans, I3eeohwood ; John Watt, Harlock '• Thos. Fraser, Bruce- ; John 13. Masan, Kippen ; Jas. connolly, Clinton. AGENTS. Robt. Smith, Harlock .; E. Hinch- Seaforth ; Jaraes Cumming, Eg- J. W. Yeo, Holintsville ter O.; Geo, Murdie and Geo. Steph- 'boson, auditors. -Family Groups and Qhildren's Photos Are a Specialty with us, We do tiae kind cf work you will be pleased with. We have exceptional facilities fcr maks Ing family groups and children's photos. Come in and see us. Picture Framing and Mouldinst. JACKSON BROS, Seaforth. EXPOSITOR. Res For the Kidneys if your kidneys *re all Warne TI*1--41itifne are sharp, shoot. ing pains in the small of the back , and, dull ache through the hipe-if theie is a coneetet desire to utinatel-ff the urine is hot and sealdizer-if the head aches and specks' flag before the eyes - you caul Vela ine what relief there is for you in THE GENTLE RI DPI EY CURE The woudedid little pills soothe and -boli " reeteke away' 1 1,pain-- clear the urine-cpuble one to go throuxh the • e e without arising - and every irace of your kidney trouble. Cowen Rheumatism Too. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL Co., LiferrED, Woman, 'OWL' NSW YORIC, For Me Stomach. tient aitti, Kidneys Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a Caine Cure -r -not a Symptom Cure. It is a &amnion mistake to take artificial digeo- ters for stomaela troubles—or heart stimulants for w'air heart --or so-called kidney-rernedleafor, aisemsed Itidneys. These organs do not ace gaper - lately orof their own accord—they have no con - r d ovor thernsolves—and not, once in 800 times is the eiekness the faulb of tbe °rote. It Le tho fe.:IIor tho nerees which control the organ— teel on ty through tlaeee nerves can stomach, Jaime; s. or heart ars orders be mired. Dr. S'Ilme. oi Reclue. Wieconeln, learned tet rev- in his metlical erperienee th 0; 1 now.;.retitie vezvt s were the power eerves — tile t e through. them oniy wee it Ime- sibletocurein- e'eesteon, heart- burn, belch - in e, hi eimnia, / bac k a c li e, eeate, weak- ee re, riesses. and liri.rhrq die. , ectie atift all o.o..e affect lens • of the kid- neye. For ailed thOne ailments aro not seri:trete , sieknasees and are not Lo be tr lL IW as stieh. They ilea - . merely stilielnome of siutt nerve weak- %- n 4i -i, an I when the ,eerve .4 lira Tee tared re 0 emptoms and tlie .1 etekneese dietippeee, '1 110 remedy wlitele Dr. Shoop pr escrtbed for these ailing laer-V03 IS known as Dr. lehooe's Resterative. It ret teves ten pain anti, distress of kidney, stomach and ',leer t troubles quicker evert than thoSe reEAletirioS designed simply to give temporary relict. Dr. Shoop's Restorative amb- lers or lemma) caa now bo had of drutetiete everIvrbere. For sale and recommended by CHAS. ABERITART. MIL 1,1 N'S Heart and Nerve Pilis© Are a specific for all diser.ses and dig- ofders arising from a run-down condi- tion of the heart or nerve system, suet as Palpitation of MIA; Heart, Nervous Prostration, Nervousness, Sleepless -' nes, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Brain Fag, etc. They are especially beneficial to women troubled with irregular men- sturation. Price 150 carats per box, or 8 for el.21 • All dealers, or Tries T. Mrrartrate" Co., Lnambliegp. Toronto, Ont. •••=01111. IN THE SURROGATE COURT OE THE COUNTY OF HURON. owe* M.o....Noma In the estate of Susan 3. Seale, deeeased. ' Notice is nerebY eiven pursuant to R. 5.0., 1S07, Chap. 129 and Amending Acts, that all persone hav- ing claims againet the estate of Susan J. Seale, late of Deer Greek Township, in Webster County, in the State of Iowa. U. S. A., Spinster, deeeesed; aeho died on or about the 20th clay :of January, 1902, are re- quired to deliver or send by post prePaid to the un- dersigned, Solicitor for Elva Harlon, Administratrix to the estate of said deceased, on or before the 20th day of September,,1906, a statement in writing of their names addresses and descriptions, with full particulars of their ohems and the nature of the ee- ourity (itany) held by teem Under oath. And take notihe that after the said 20th day of September, 1000, the said Administratrix will pro- ' ceed to distribute the esets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, baying regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and thix NM the aid adminietratrI not be liable Tor the staid assets or any part theeof to any person or persons .,f whose eltaim she shall not then leen had notice. • Dated at Seaforth, Ontario*, this 24th day of August, 1906. R. S. HAYS, Solicitor for Elva Martin Administratrix to the estate of Susan J. Seale, deceased 2,0204 Poultry Wanted. The undersigned is . prepared to pay the highest cash price for all kinds of poultry, liv'e and dressed,, during the months of September, Ootober, -NovenVe bei' and Deeember, delivered every Tuesday, on Lot 29, Coneeesion 2, McKillop. 'If dressed, must he dry plucked, necks pulled, and fasted 24 hours before killing. No thin or crooked breast bones or deform- ed birds of eny kind taken. Full particulars how to kill and dress will be given Dri application. ROBERT G. MCBDIE, Seaforth. 2024ett 'hehbizy of the cur 14 There are four verses. Verse 1, Ayer's Hair Vigor stopsifalling hair. Verse 2. Ayer's' Hair Vigor makes the hair -grow., Verse 3. Ayer's Hait%iVigor cures dandruff. Verse 4. Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the scalp healthy, and keeps it so. It is a regular hair -food; this is the real- secret of its won- derful success. The best kind of a testimonial - "Sold for over sixty years." Mede by 3.0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mame Aloe manufzeturort3 of SARSAPARILLA. tiersPECTORAL. 1 JE G RAU/ TA 1.; Y Ole By GEORGE BARR M'CUTCHEON. Author of "Greustark" _ CopYrIght,f904;b1iDodd.Mead and 'company "You can send word to them that ou are sound and safe, and you can tell them that Grausterk soldiers shall be instructed to pay no attention to them whatever. They shall not be die. turbed." He laughed outright at her enthusiasm. Many times during her eager conversation with Beidom she had almost betrayed the fact that she was not the princess. Some of /her expreekons were distinctly =regal, and some of laer slips were hopeless as she viewed them In retrospect. "What am I? Only the humble goat hunter, hunted to death and eager for a short respite. Dehwith me as yen like, your highness. You shall be my princess and sovereign for six menthe at least," he said, sighing. "Perhaps it is for the best." "You are the Strangest man I've ever seen;" she remarked, puzzled beyona expression. That night Franz appeared at the hospital and was left alone with Bal. dos for an hour or more. What passed between them no h outsider knew, though there ,n -ere tears in the eyes of both 0 the parting. But Franz did not start for the pass that night, as they had -expected. Strange news had come to the ears of the faithful old follower, and he hang about Ganlook until morning came, eager to catch the ear of his leader.before It was too late. The coach was drawn up hi front of the hospital at 8 o'clock, Beverly tri- umphant in command, Baldos came down the steps slowly, carefully, fa- voring the newly healed ligaments in pie legs. She smiled cheerily, at him, and he swung his rakish hat low. There was no sign of the black patch. Suddenly lie stetted and peered teutly into the little knot of people near the coach, A look of anxiety crossed his face. From the crowd ad- dvanced a grizzled old beggar, who boldly extended his hand. Baldos grasped the proffered hand and then stepped into the coach. No one saw the bit of white paper that passed from • Franz's palm into the possession of Baldos. Then the coach' was off for Edelweiss, the people of Ganlook en- joying the unusual specthele of a raysterious and apparently undistinguished stranger sitting in luxurious ease be- side a fair lady in the royal coach of Graustark. CHAPTER XII. T was a drowsy day, and, be- sides, Baldos was not in a conummicatiee frame of mind. Beverly put forth her best ef- forts during- the forenoon, but after the basket luncheon hed been disposed a in the shade at the roadside she was eontent to give up the struggle and sur- render to the soothing importunities of the coach as it bowled along. she dozed peacefully, Conscious to the last that he was a most ungracious creature and more worthy of resentment than of benefaction. Baidos was not Inten- tionally dis a greeabte ; he was morose and unbappy because he could not help It. Was he not leaving his faends to wander alone in the wilderness while he drifted weakly into the comforts - and pleasures of an enviable service? His heart was not in full sympathy with the present turn of affairs, and he could not deny that a selfish motive was responsible for hisaction. He had the all too human eagereeas to serve beauty; the blood and fire: of youth were strong in this wayward noble- man of the hills.. Lying back in the seat, he pensively studied the face of the sleeping girl whose dark brown head was pillowed against the corner cushions of the coach. Iler hat had been removed for the sake of comfort. The dark lashes fell like a soft curtain over her eyes, -obscuring-'the merry gray that had overeome his apprehensions. Her breathing was deep and regular and peaceful. One little gloved. hand rest- ed, carelessly in her lap, the other upon her breast near the delicate throat. The heart of Baldos was troubled. The picture .he looked upon was en- trancing, uplifting; he rose from the lowly state in which she had found him to the mialtion of admirer in ;se- cret to a princess, reafor assumed. He found himself again wondering if she were really Yetive, and witb that fear in his heart he was envying Grenfall Lorry, the lord and master of this ex- quisite creature, envying with all the helplessness of onewhose hope is blast- ed at birth. The, note which had been surrepti- tiously passed to him in Ganlook lay crumpled and forgotten inside his coat pocket, where he had' dropped it the moment it had. come into his posses- sion, supposing that the message cons tabled information which had been for-. gotten by Franz and was by no means of a nature to demand immediate at- tention. Had he read it at once his suspicions would lio.ve been confirmed, and it is barely possible that he would bave refused to enter the city. Late in the afternoon the walls of Edelweiss were sighted. For the first time he looked upon the distant house-' tops of the principal city of Gratistark. Up in the clouds, on the summit of the mountain peak overlooking the city, stood the famed monastery of St. Val- entine. Stretching up tbe gradual 1.n - were the homes of citizens, access- ible only by footpaths and donkey roads. Beverly was awake and impa- tient to reach the journey's end. He had proved a most disappointing com- panion, polite, but with a baffling- in- difference that irritated her considera- bly. There was a set expression of de- flan.ce in his strong, clean cut face. the C7 ea. iSa Ma (la XL X lie Kind You 1.1ave Always SRN Bears the Signature of SOLITAIRES ----- AND THREE -STONES b•-/01.1TAIRE and Three-, Stone Diamond Rings.are the most favored of p.II finger adornments — especially as engagement tokens. In both styles Diamond Hall has particularl attradte ive values at $25,00, $50.00 and $100,00. These would cost you considerably more were we not Canada's largest import- ing gem -dealers. Drop us a Pos.fal card and we ..an71 seadyou free of caarge our large sllus. irated catalogue. Totodo.Ont. look of a soldier advancing to meet a powerful foe. . "I do hope he'll not always act nig way,a she was complaining in her thoughts. "He was so charmingly 1)21- pudent out In the hins, so deliciously e a clam. Yetive fool if he doesn't human. Now he is lik will. think I am such a live up to the reputation I've given " he said, half to him!" "Here are the gates, himself. "What is there in store for uldn't be so dis- me beyond those walls?", "Oh, I wish you wo real!" she cried in despair. "It seemsies, your high - with a sudden 'Just like it funeral." "A thousand apolog ness," he murmured, lightness of speech and manner. a most amiable h -fel Alla Fanny "Henceforth I shall be Jester to please you." Beverly and the fait were driven to the castle, where the o her new knight fornier bade farewell t until the following morning, when be her for personal uinnox escorted was to appear before instructions. Colonel Q him to the barracks of the guard, where oom with young he was to share a r Haddam, aecorporal in the service. "The wild, untamed gentleman from the hills came without a word, I see," watched the ap- said Lorry, who had proach. He and Yetive stood in the wiudow overlooking tlie grounds from Beverly had just berself upon a said shortly. the princess' boudoir. entered and thrown divan, 1 "Yes; he's here," she "How long do you, with all your hoodwink him cleverness, expect to into the belief that you are the prin. cessr •asked Yetive, amused, but anx- for --being hood- ious. . "He's a great fool vtinked at all," said Beverly, very much at odds with her protege. "In will know the ling like a mad. an hour front now he truth and will be how man for his freedom." _ "Not so soon as that, Beverly," said Lorry consolingly. "The guards and officers have their instructions to keep bim In the dark as long as possible." "Well, I'm tired and mad and hun- gry .and everything else that isn't com- patible. Let's talk about the war," said Beverly, the sunshine in her face momentarily eclipseby the dark cloed of disappointment Baldos was notified that duty would be assigned to him In the morning. He went through the formalities which bound him to the service for six months, listening indifferently to the words that foretold the fate- of a 'traitor. It wait not until his new uni- form and eqUiPment came into his possession that he remembered the note resting. in his pocket. He drew it out and began to read it with the slight interest of one who hag antici- pated the effect. But not for long was he to remain apathetic. , The first few lines brought a look cif understanding to his eyes; then he laughed the easy laugh of one who has cast care and confidence to the winds. This is what he read: She is not the princess. We have 'Seen duped, Last night 1 learned the truth. She Is Miss Calhoun, an American, going to be a guest at the castle. Refuse to go with her into Edelweiss. It may be a trap and may mean death, Question her bold- ly before committing yourself. There came the natural impulse to make a dash for the outside world, fighting his way through if necessary. Looking back over the ground, he won- dered how he could have been deceived at all by the unconventional American. in the clear light of retrospection he now saw how impossible it was for her to have been the princess. Every at, every weed, every look, should have told him the truth, Every flaw in her masquerading now presented it- self to him, and he was compelled to laugh at his own simplicity. Caution, after all, was the largest component part of his makeup. The craftiness of the hunted was deeply rooted :hi his being. He saw a very. serious „side te the adventure. Stretching himself. upon. the cot in the corner of the roigia, he gave himself over to plotting, plan - rang, thinking. In the midst of his thoughts a sud- den light burst in upon him. His eyes gleamed with -a new fire, his heart leaped with new animation, his blood ran warm again. Leaping to his feet, he ran to the window to reread the note from old Franz. Then he settled back and laughed with a fervor that cleared the brain of a thousand vague "She is Miss Calhoun, an American, going to lie a guest at the castle;" not ; the princess, but Miss Calboun. Once 4 more the memory of the clear gray eyes leaped into life. Again be saw her asleep in the coach on the road • from Panto* Again he recalled the s remelt throbs his guilty heart had felt 'es he looked upou this fair crea- ture, at one time the supposed treasure of another man. Now she was -Miss Calhoun, and her gray eyes, her en- trancing smile, heti wondrous vivaeity, were not for one man alone. It was marvelous what a Change thls sndden realization wrought in the view ahead of him. The whole situation seemed to be transformed into something more desirable than ever before His face cleared, his spirits leaped higher and higher with the buoyancy of fresh re- lief, his confidence in biraeelf crept 'be& Into existence. And all because the fair deceiver, the slim girl with the brave' gray eyes who had drawn him Into a net was not a princess: Something told him that She had not drawn him into his present position with any desire to injure him. or -with the slightest sense of malice. To her it had been a Merry jest, a pleasant com- edy. Underneath all he saw the good- ness of her motive in taking him from the old life and putting him into his , present positiOn of trust. He had helped her, and- she was ready to help' him to the limit of her power. His position in Edelweiss was clearly enough defined. The more he thought of it the moee justiflable it seetaed as viewed from her point of observation.-- How long she hoped to keep him dn the dark he could not tell. The outeom,e would be entertaining. Her efforts to deceive, if she kept them up, would be amusing.. - Altogether he was ready, with thl leisure and joy of youth, to await developments and to enjoy the comedy from. a pobit of view which she could not at once suspect His subtle effort to draw Redden into a discussion of the princess and her household renulted unsatisfactorily. The young guard was annoyingly un- responsive._ He had his secret instruc- tions and could not be inveigled" into betraying himself.. Baldos went to sleep that night with his mind con- fused by doubts. His talk with Had- don had bat him quite undecided as to the value of old Franz's warning. Either Franz was mistaken or Haddam was a most skillful dieseinbler. It struck him as utterly beyond the pale of reason that the entire castle guard should have been enlisted in the scheme to deceive him. When sleep came he was contenting himself with the thought that morning doubtless would give him clearer insight to the situa- tion. Both he and Beverly Calhoun. were Ignorant of the true conditions that at- tached themselves to the new recruit. Baron Dangloss alone knew that Had - Ian was a trusted agent of the secret eervice, with instructions to shadow the newcomer day and efight. That there was a mystery surrounding the character of Baldos, the geet hunter, Dangloss did not question for an in- stant, and in spite of the instructions received at the outset he was using :all his skill to unravel it Baldos was not summoned to the cas- ' tle till noon. His serene Indifference to " the outcome of the visit was calculat- ed to deceive the fAendly but watchful 1 It's not what you pay, but hat you get, proves the bargain. 0 STEW Haddam Dressed carefully ha, the close filling uniform of the royal guard, taller than most of his fellows, hand, seiner by far than any, he was the most noticeable figure in and about the barracks. Haddon coaehed him in the way he was to approach the princess, Baldos listening -with exaggerated in- tentness and with deep regard for de- tail. Beverly was in the small audience room off the main. reception hall when he was ushered into her presence. The Servants and ladies in waiting disap- peared at a signal from her. She arms .to greet him, and he knelt to kiss her hand. For a moment her tongue was bound. The keen eyes of the new guard had looked into hers with a di- rectness that seemed to penetrate her brain. That this scene was to be one of the most interesting in the little comedy was proved by the fact that two eager young women were hidden behind a heavy curtain in a. corner of the room. The Princess YetiVe and the Countess Dagmar were there to en- joy Beverly's first hour of authority, and. she was aware of their presence. "Haire they told you that you are to act as my especial guard and eseert?" she asked,- with a queer flutter in her voice, Somehow this tall fellow with, the broad shoulders was not the same as the ragged goat hunter she bad known at first. '- "Noi, your highness," he said easily. "I have come for Instructions. It pleases me to know that I am to have a place of honor and trust such as this." "General Marlanx has told me that a vacancy exists, and I have selected you to fill it. The compensatibn be attended. to by the proper persons, and your duties will be explained to you by one of the officers. This after- noon, I believe, you are to accompany me on my visit to the fortress, which I am to inspect" "Very well, your highness," he re- spectfully said, He was thinking of Miss Calhoun, an American girl, al- though he called. her "your highness." "May I be permitted to ask for in- structions that can -come only free your highness?" "Certainly," she teplieti. Hie man- ner was more deferential than she had ever known it to be, but he threw' a bomb Into her fine composure -with his next remark. He addressed her In the Graustark language: "Is it our desire that I shall contin- ue to address you in nnglishr Beverly's face turned a bit red, and her eyes wavered. By a wonderful ef- fort she retained her self control, stam- mering ever so faintly when she said in Enalleshi (To be continued.) Bean the Signature of The Kitul Yto Have *an Bought / ..--...........;.., ,i ,.•-.1...-' -r- -, --,,;44,94( Progress Brand' Clothin returns, in goo(' loo KS and good service, an and more ihan you pay for it. RT/ BROTHERS HAS TRIUMPHED OVER AND VANQUISHED CONSUMPTION Had Galloping Consumpt n Tw&cives Years Ago—Lives To y Through Using Psychine, "it is twelve years ago stnce Psyching: cured of galloping consurnption Ij caught the cold work' as fireman on the The doctors said there was no hope for me. 1 had ight Sweats, Chills and me and frequently coughed pieces of my lungs, war fast sinking away, Was advised to try Psychine and two months treatment put me right on my feet again. Have had no return of lung trouble since Psyebine saved me. To -day I work on my ram near here. I am six feet tail and weigh over teg pounds. Use my testimonial and photoif yisu so desire," Aug. 27th, ase. A, E. MUMFORDe PSYCHE -NE is pronounced 81 E E N. For sale by all druggists at $ams per bottle, For filrther advice or information write or call at Dr, T. A. Slocum, Limited, mg King St West, Toronto, Canada. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. mart.ma*.earasemntratzar......,,, ‘, has rot a fault from t to 1 don't bellev you. can find fault with any p4t of the 'Ifeela. Waterpan—is slaced so that it does just wtlat is wanted— the is, it evaporates the water abd keeps the az fro getting dry. Door —big enough to admit big chunks f wood. Lined, to irevcnt escape of heat into th4 celiqr. Patent gra ity catches keep the door shit. Dust Ble —car es ALL the dust up the chi ney. Ash Pau —broi., deep, strong pan—big '.nottgii to hold the dai y fall of ashes. Fused Joints —tha ese the The "Hecla Send me a rough dr will cost to install • catalogue of Hecla it you write to "He • absolutely prevent gas, SL OA— and dust ping into the house. FUSE JOINTS are only possible way of having a clean house: is the only Funiace having 1 used joints. wing of your house and I will let you 14ow, just what it the right "Itecia " Furnace1will fu:so scud our new Furnaces, and Peniusular Stoves and Ra.iges, All free a Burnace Builder," care of CLARE BROS. & LIMITED 86 ORESTON, ora. SEAFOR 411 AGENTS : CHESNEY & S Four Young Walmen To learn to o7erate electric sewing ma- chines to make men's trouser; to bright steady girls we will pay $* per week to start; experienced operatc41 earn from $5.50- to $7 per week of 49 hours. Steady employment. Apply by letter, giving form- er employment, if any. • The English Wollen ills Co., 2022-2 380 Clarence treet, London, THE NAY JOHN ELM has n for another season's wo WEDNESDAY and FRI 1st of December. Pleas also hats a large COPPETt KETTLE with revolving stirrer to let out to eniettomere, so they ean make their own apple butter. 1Terms as usual 0 cents; for; a two and a half bush I bag. w got his cider mill readk and will grind MONDAYS, AY of each week until the remember the days. Be Thanking my many in the past, and bopin 2020-4 niers for their patronage them all back ripen. ELDER, Near Helm% :mat e_.