HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-09-28, Page 6MAT TO RENTet-To elCillop, 100 acres in of yeam. Apply O1jtOW BITS., Se11ortb 1006atf To Las...The undereIgned- will rent his farrn the Lake Shore to agood tenant for a Winter, five years. The farm combats of 210 adores et get% Yana, needy all under culthettion and in- good .con ditto% For fall terms and partielliara aPP13r at awn DANIEL SMITH, St. Joseph. P. O. 19814f C° iriOrre.on FOR S tf.,R-A:ststry end- a half beak cottage in Harptirliey. The house is twitted with furnece and hes %frame kitchen end woodshed at - tooted. There it a good Well, good etable and hen Muse on the property., There are 3 1.5 acres (Aland. Apply on the prembles, FRANCES FOWLER. 2000-tf ROFITABLE INVISSTMEMTS. I can lend j. money on improved quarter seetions of 160 area eacb. at from 81 to 10;,a, per ennui% Only iirsb mortgneeee taken. Atuiple security given. Torrens 'Title System is perfect. From POO up can be lent en Janne worth from 41,000 to $2,001. For further particulars write to me, J. A. JACKSON, Barris- ter, etc., Formica, Alberta. ' 195041 "L""IARIE FOR SAL -Tho subscriber offers for sale his farm of 103 acres, being lot 31, 8rd conees. - -.anion, 1.1. R. S. TuciccesmitliAU cleared and Under ., !cultivation except 3 nares, all hat'18 acres in gress. - Frame bowie, bank barn, hay barn and other out, , buildings, bearing orchard, good water, schoolhouse " On thepremiees. It is withm six miles of Seaforbh ssel five trom Clinton. Will be sold on easy terms. WILITFIF,LD ostOrr, Clinton P. O. 2000-x8tf 1DE8IDEN0R FOR SALE. -The comfortable and -Lae oommodious new reektence of the undersigned -en North Mein street is for We. There le a. splendid drg cement cellar., a parlor, Sitting toms, dining room and kitehen downstairs and four bed.roones up- ittatm„ together with patitriee andelosete. Softevater *totem inside and rt. thatallass well. The house has only been occupied about two years and will be sold cheap ana on ea ey terms. Anply to the proprietor, J. TYERMAN, or to- JOHN BEATTIE, Seaferbh. ANANIAON TJOUSE FOR SALE. --For tale, a story -and -a -half house in flarpurh-ey, just outside the oorpor- ation of Seaforth. There are nine rooms, and weed ' Food and coel shed in conneation, ale° hard and sett water in the house. Thore are'll ares of, land, with bo. small and large frui of the best varieties, also stable for emir and horse and hen house for about 50 hens. The house has been reeentiy painted and pap - oared and is in tirat-chtse conkteon and would be a very suitable home for a retired farmer. For further particulars apply to MRS. S. .T. HUGIT,t,, or to MRS. ABRAHAM suoiLL, Seaforth P. 0. 2011x16. _ . UM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, 'Concession 3, 1. L. R. Se Tuekersinith, containing 100 acres, of which 9 acres is good hardwood bush. The balance well fenced, tile drained and In first-class condition. There are two good barns, one a bank barn 86 x 78 it. with stone stabling underneath and the other 66 x 46 ft,, and a ccurifortablo frame 'house, three good wells and a never failing spring at the rear of the lot, and a good bearing orahard. The ploughing ie done and 14 sores of fall wheat. It is within two miles of the flourishing village of Hensel' and within halt a mile of itscshool house. Apply on the premises sr to 3, CALDWELL, Hensalt P. 0, 19874f VAital FOR SALE. -For slue, Lot 24t Concession 2, Stanley, containing 100 aores. Ninety acme are cleared and in a good state of cultivation there ate Itt acres of good hardwood. bush. The farm is all underdrained and well fenced. There is a two- storey brick house with slate roof, a first-elass fa.rin house. Bank barn, 401t, x 801t., cement silo, pigpen, driving- house: Thu% are two never -failing wells, end an core of orchard. and small fruit. This excellent farm is three miles from BrucelleId and five miles from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further particulam apply on the premises or tatclressALBERT Nam, Clinton P. 0 194841 PR' S FOR SALE -100 acres, Lot 3, Concession 6; H. R. S.; Tuekersmith, Huron County, all seeded to grass. , except 15 acres of bush. Frame_ house. orchard, 2 good wells, land and bush the best. Also West bait of Lot 6, Concession 4,dauskersinith, 50 acres, , school on corner, Beedield river crossing it. On this place there is a bank barn, brick house, work -shop, driving house, pig and hen holm, Yamig' bearing orchard with handsome shade trees, 2 wells, water first class,. The buildings are new and up-to- date and the land in the hest coupition. I good lo - dime 3 miles from Seaforth on a good road. These farms are offered for sate together or separately. If ot sold soon may be offered for rent. Apply to JOHN SPROAT, Egmondville P. Or, Ont. 1996 -ti GOOD FAFOR FOE SALE. -For sale cheap and on easy tares, Lot 25, Concession 4, MoKillop. This teem contains 974acres, all cIerited and in fine -conditiontray acres, are seeded to grass, six or seven in fall wheat and the rest all ploughed and. ready for spring orop. There is a tine spring for Watering the stock close to the buildings, a good brick house, two Large barns, one with good stabling underneath, also lenge stable and implement house ittid a large orchard. It is within e. mile rind a half of the Town of Sc -earth. If riot sold, will be 'eased for a term of years, , Apply to the undersigned, box 192, Seaforth P. O., ROBERT GOVENLOOK. 11101-tf _ WARM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 5, Concession 141 Hada eontaining 120 acres. The farm is al, - cleared and in a high state of cultivation. It is well 4 -drained and well fenced. There lea large two-storey brioa house witle woodshed and kitchen. There is a largebank tarn and tsvo smaller barns and driving stied. Two good orchards. There are two never tailing springs on the farm, which inake it an excel- lent one for either stock dr cropphig. There is also spinet) at the barn, with windmill. Tide excellent farm is two mites from Harlot& P. O., four mile from Blyth. Terms to suit purchaser as the prop- rietress wishes to leave the 'fann. and, If not sold, will be rented, This is the farm of the late Joan Mlle- For farther particulars &poly on the premised lir address, Ilarlock P. Q., MRS. JOHN MILLS. 2014xtr TIARM roa SALE. -For sale, Lot SS, Cencession 1 7, in the Township of Hay, 100 acres; 80 acres under first•olass cultivation and ureferdrained and tem balance pastureland. On the premieee there is a. large bank barn, 62 x 64, with stonestabling under- neath and an erch root house under the drive -way, x 22, and a good cement floor in the stable and root bouse. There Is a driving shed, 20 x 86, and a build- ing, 18 x 40, for hogs and hens, and a _large .briek house anclaritehen and a. large woodahed and summer kitchen. Hard and soft water convenient to Voth• house and barn. Everything is in good reaair. It Is situated 4 melee from Kippen station and six miles frOrn neutral', half a mile from two churches and post office and general store and one mile ftom school house. There is a good bearing orchard. For further particulars apply to E. .L TROYER, Hills Green I'. 0., Ontario. 2016-8 00 ACRE -FAR31 FOR SALE. -The tinders/a-ti- ed offers for gale that most desirable prop-. 'arty known as Lot 6, Concession 1, Township- of Itlanehard, Perth County. There are, on the prem- ises, a good brick house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach- ed, Iftsx..2e. both in good, repair; a large bank barn, 70 x 70, with gooll stone sra,bline underneath ; one first-class cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front and in the rear arid is adapted both for grain aid stock raising and is in a high state of cultivatioh, which is v ell known from the fact that the propriet- or has resided thereon for nearly fifty yeses, being one of the most successful farmers in the township. It is centrally located, being near both church and school, and within easy reach of it good•market. For further particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, ICirkton P. 0. 9.909-tf FOR SALE. -An excellent building Jot, containing three-quarters of PM acre of land, part of the Mealann property, Fermi/thane, opposite the recre- ation grounds, all ready far building. There is a good fence all 1-0111111 the land, a good hard Neaten well, the cellar is dug out and a drain all round it, also a, drain from it. There are about 17 thousand of kiln run brick. The brick can be bought separate- ly if desired. There are abicee number of loadof sand and grevel and eneugh done, to build a founds. - tion for a large house. This property will b i sold cheap, asethe Little cannot drive the Bayfleal -and worth stage and live in Egmonville and would like, to dispose of' his property there. Any persoe desiring to buy that property may learn all particulars from R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. or II. LITTLE, Bayfield. - 2001x4t1 "MARX FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 29, on tbe Oth ...aa Concession of Fribbert, containing 100 acres, all in a good ewe of cultivation. There is on the prem- ises a brick house with brick kitchen and a good cel- ls._ There is also a large bank barn, GO x 40, and a ean-to of 12 feet, with stone stabling underneeth. Also a shed, 80 x 30, and a, driving home with evary- thing complete. There are three never -failing wells ,kOP the premises, there is also a large orchard and good garden. There are 10 acres of fall wheat sown and there are 40 armee seeded down. Either suitable for hay or pasture. All the fell ploughing is done. The farm -is well underdmined with tile and well fenced with wire fences. It is in a good locality, be - !rig situated two -and -a -half miles froni Chiselhurst where there is a post office and two churches, Meth. odist and Presbyterian, 8 miles from Seaforth, and there is a godd gravel road running past the farm. Ib is in good condition and will be sold on reaeonable terms as the proprietor wishes to retire. For further partierdare apply on the premises or, to CHARLES ABERHART, Staffs P. 0,, Ontarie. 1 tf latOOD FARM -FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 2, Cort cession 12, IL It. S., Tuckersmith, eont ining 100 acres. This farm is well fenced and thoreughly and systematically underdrained, and, havisg been kept in a high state of cultivation, isadmitterily, one ef the most productive farms in the township. There is a first class fmme house with kitghen and woodshed, and equipped with cistern and other mod- ern conveniences-. There are two good bank Items and other itp-to-date out -buildings. There isa Rood bearing orchard and also a- new orchard of welt se- leoted fruit trees. There are two never failing wells, the one at the house and the other at the barn. This faren is most desirably eituated, beim+ three mires from the prosperous village Of Hensall and one quarter of a. trifle from Chiselhurst, where there are two churches, a store, post ofect and blacksmith strop. As the proprietor is in poor health, it will be sold on reasonable terms, when one half of the pur- elease money, or more, if necessary, may remain on the farm at a reasonable rate of interest. For fu.r- tiler pertiouiare apply on the preratees ler to ROBERT NEWELL Chiselhurst P. 0. 20094 oat CU A tickling in the throat; hoarseness at times; adeep breath irritates it;---theSe are features of a throat cough.. They're very de- ceptive and a cough mix- ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal the inflamed , membranes, enrich the blood and tone up the system *C • 4. • 0 0 • Scott's Emulsion is justsuch a remedy. It has wonderful and nourishing power. Removes the cause of the cough and the whole system is given new - strength and vigor Send/or free sample SCOTT & BOWNE,'Cbemirii Toronto, Ont. oc. tf.r.00. 4111 druggists ,irmaapaareamiamaa, ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. "fiatOR SALE, a comfortable frame house in Eg 1 mondville; with three acres of land, cellar and ale° a stable. The Louse contains I bed room, par- lor, dining roora and kitchen downstairs and two bed rooms and alarge hall upstairs. There is plenty of hard aid soft Water. The property is close to both church and sohool: Will be sold cheap. Apply to JAMES S. BROWN, or box 857, Seaforth P. loro - •20234f 11 IN TumEnsmta FO1 SALE, -Lot Coneeesion 15, containing 42 acres, good for either grain or growing. 14 18 situated about 11 mites froze • Chiselhurst, where there are two churchee, blaeltsmith shop, store and post office. It is rdeet about Smiles from Herman. On the farm is, it good barn and a brick house, a good orchard and a good spring olose to the barn. Apply to HENRY DOUGAL at his farm, London Road or to Hermit P. 0. • 202341 M FOR SALE. -Lot 71 and one-helf of J. 72, Goderioh Township, consisting of 96 aor s. There without 40 acres bush, containing a lot of hemlook and other valuable Umber, 8 acres young orchard, the place is well watered and fenced, spring creek, good barn with stables under, good hen house and pig pens, frame house with stone cellar under- neath with cement floor, three miles from Bayfield, 6 from Clinton, on the main road between ithe two places mentioned, and one hall mile from saw mill. •14 wiil be fold oneasy terms. For,parbioulars apply to IIRS.°C. PARSONS, latyfleld P. 0. 201841 FAR* FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot- 24, Concession 3. Stanley, containing 100 acres, Them are 85 acres °Jeered and the balance is good hardwood bush. The farrri is well Undeedrahled and well fenc- ed. There are, On the premises, te two-story frame house with stone foundatioe andood nellar. The house is in first-class condiltonkere is also a good frame barn. There is plenty of go&i water both at the house and barn and a good spring creek ruins , across the back of the farm. .This farm is in firstclass shape and is one of the best in the township. It is three and &half miles from the village of Bruce - field and five miles from Clinton. Will be sold on easy terms as the proprietor is goingwest. For fur- * ther partieulare apply on the premises or address, Brucefleld T. 0„ =S. JOHN GILMOUR, • 2019x4tf QPIIENDID FARM ros SALE, -For sale, Lot 29, te./ Concession 10, Hibberb, containing 100 mores. This farm is well fenced with good Carter wire fence ing- anil fitted with wire and iron gates. It le well un- derdrained with tile, has always been well otiltivated and properly looked alter and is, consequently in the very best condition possible. There are 10 acres of good hgrdwood hush, unoulled, nearly all maple, a first -Wass brick house, storey and a hall, lately paint. ed and remodelled and made up-to-date ; soft and hard water convenient at both house and barn, a good well at the bush, making three wells that as yet have never failed, windmill at the barn. There are two good barns both with good stooe foundation and up-to-date stabling, water Weide,' good hen- house, hog pen and dreving house. ,There Is it good bearing orchard and small fruit trees. This property is well situated at a good locality, convenient -to gro- cer, post otilee, effureh and school, a mile and a half from Chiselhurst, 6 miles from the prosperous village of Hensall and 9 miles from. Seaforth, good gravel roads in all directions. As the proprietor has acquir- ed interests elsewhere that demand iremediete eaten tion, he is prepared to dispose of this property ab a bargain, and anyone desiring a flriet-class farm in a ftrst-clase locality will do vteil to investigate. For further particulars apply on the premises or addrese • JOHN TAYLOR, Chiselhurst P. 0. 20144f ItOR SALE. EICESTER SHEEP AND SHORTHORN CATTLE _LA FOR SALE. -The -undersigned has for sale sev- eral Thorobreci Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle of both sexes. Address Egmonriville P. O., or apply at farm, Mill Road, Tuckesmith. ROBERT CHAR- TERS & SONS. 18724f "DULL FOR SALE. -For sale, a thorobred Short - ..1./ horn bull, with registered pedigree, 23 months old, and red in color. He was bred from Vice Chan- cellor. Apply on London road, Tuckersmith, a mile south of Brucefield. JAMES PATERSON, Bruce - field P. 0. 200841 • rnAMWORTH BOARS FOR SALE. - The under - 1. signed has for sale tour Thorobred Taanworth Boars, two months old; also some young pigs. Ap- ply to WILLIAM BURKE, Staff& P. 0, 20224 T EIOESTER SHEEP FOR SALE. -For sale a LA number of Leicester IIRMS and ewe Lambs, all registered and.prize winners. Theyate bred from the firstprize ram at' Toronto. Apply on Lot 26, Concession 5, aloKillop. JAMES DORRANOE, Sea - Ruth P. 0. • 2022x4 Cow ESTRAY. -Strayed from Lot 14, Coneession 8, Melcillop, about the firsb of August, a brindle cow, with small turned horns. Information leading to the recovery of this animal will be liberally re- warded. P. A. O'SULLIVAN'', Seaforth P. 0. 2022x5 SUORTHORN CATTLE -Seven firsteclass young bulls, 2 from imported COWS, for sale ab moder- ate prices and on easy terms; good young cows and heifers also for sale. All interested are cordially in- vited to inspect the herd. Faros adjoins town, long distanee telephone to farm. Write for catalogue. 4. SMITH, Exeter. 199341 RROISTERED STOCK FOR SALE. -The under. signed offers for sale on Lob 27, Concession 8, Hibbert township, a number of heifers and young oows with calves at footel yearling -bull, 1 Berkshire boar 9 months old, a right good animal. The ogee r stock are all registered in the National Stock e - cords. Prices moderate,terme easy, visitors welcome. DAVID TULL, Stara P. 0. 190041 SHORTHORNS. -Choice bred bulls and females o different ages for stile, about two dozen to select from. Prices reasonable. Herd now headed by " Countsylvanus" (56900), He is got by the beat scotch bred imported stock on both sides, glossy dark red in color, and well set on short legs. Terms :- resisted cows 85 insur others on applicable% Visitors welcome. JOH ELDER, Homan. P. 0. and Station. 198041 VARM TO RENT. -South half of Lot 36, Canoes - A: sion 3,Tuokeramith to rent -tor a, term of years. Would like to rent as soon as possible. Apply to the undersigned on the premises or to Brucetield P. O. ROGER PEPPER. N. B. -The eider mill will be in running order after September 25th. Rocina PEPPER. 2022-4f - IMPORTANT NOTICES. .QTRA.YED on to the premises of A. Tyndal, Lot 7, le, Concession 4, L. R. S., Tuckersmithe about the 1st of August, a one -year-old roan steer. , Owner can have hini by proving property and paying • expenses. A. TYNDALL, Egmonclville. 2023-2 QTRAYED from the premises of the utdersigned, .1.3 rt year-old red steer, dehorned, hastbeen miss- ingabout two months. Suitable reward to any one giving information leading to the recovery of the same. J. W. THOMPSON, Constance P. 0.; 2023x1 TISTRAY COW.-Ca.me into the preniises 01 the '41 undersigned, Lot 32, Mill Rond, Tuokeismith, about the last of May, a cow. The owner can have the same on proving properby and paying charges. It. CHARTERS & SON, Egmondville. 2023-3 • LiYava PRIZTh. .00.90 The following is the not of sue- ceseful competitors at the fall ehow of , the 3/levee branch Agricultatral Society held at Myth last week : HORSES. lioavY Draught -Brood mare, A. Knight, 0, Riddell ; foal, M. ATM - strong, A . Knight ; two year old gelding or filly, B. "Reid, C. B. -Wilkinson ; year Old gelding or fuly, James Vaal Egrnond, John Scott, team, j, Forster, John Denham; fobs colts, D. W. Hamilton, Robt. Bober - ton, W. -Collinson, G. D. Rowed, E. McVittie. .A.gricultural-Brood mare, E. Mc= Vittie, 0. Ruddella foal E. McVittle, C. Ruciclell; team, J. Forster, Nr. •Hemengway. General Purpose -:-Brood mare, W. Collinson, A. Spier; foal, W. Collin- son, C. Ruddell; two year old geld - ling or filly, M. Lockhart, -Joseph Calclough; year old gelding or filly, W. Sholdice ; team, C. W. -Taylro, Miss Nott. Carriage -Brood mare, j. M. Arm- strong-, C.W.Taylor; foal, 3. M.Arm- strong, C. W. Taylor, two year old gelding or filly,J.M.A.rmstrong, 'Evans Broe.•'Year old gelding or filly, M. Lockhart. Roadsters -Brood mare, S. Spier; foal, Jas. Ventig-mond, A. Spier, two year old gelding or filly, Ernest Rozell, Hugh Campbell; year old geld - Ing or filly, A. Spier, J.M.-Armstrong; single driver in buggy, Robert King, It &Kilian team, Lot & King, J. W. Elliott, sadle horse, A. Spier, J. B. Tierney; sweepstakes, Robert Reid. 2.40 Speed Test-lat, Topsy, j. Gal- braith, Brussels, 2nd, Texas B., T. Carbert, Teeswater ; 3rd, Tedd,y, G. Johnston, Bluevale. . 2.19 Speed Test-lst, Col, .Hunter, T. Murdock ; 2nd, Little Harry, CutiV more & Archibald, Seaforth. CATTLE. Pure-bred Diirhame.--Milch cow, R. Corley, T. H. Taylor ; two year old heifer, 'Jas. PoIler ; year old heifer, John Barr, R. CorleY; heifer calf, fr. H. Taylor, aged bull, John Barr ;bull, three years old, John Bari', T. H. ,Taylor; bull cal!, J. S. Scott, Sloan; herd, John Barr. • Aberdeen Angus-M:110h cow,s17W. Collinson; heifer: -calf, A. Elliott. Herefords -Milch cow, H. T. Perdue, E. L. Farnham t twoyear old !heifer, II: T. Perdue, E. L. Farnham.; heifer calf and bull 2 years old, E. Fern - sham lst and 2nd; herd, H. IT. Perdue. Grade --Milch cow, R. B. Laidlawast and 2nd, two year old- heiferJames Cumin, R. B. Laidlaw, year old heifer,' R. B. Laidlaw'1$t and t2ndif heifer calf, ;13. La,Idlava, J. • 'B. Tierney; two year 'old steer, D. Laid - Tierney ; steer telt Sohn Barr, J. B. law, lst and 2nd, year old. steer, A. t. W. Sloan, R. B. Laidlaw; ,herd, j. Barr, fat ox or-soteer, John Barri It. * B. Laidlaw; fat cow ,or heifer, Laidlaw. SHEEP. • Cotswold -Aged ram, shearling and ram Iamb, Jae Pater; aged e Jas. Potter, John Barr; ewe la, I am bs, , Jas. Potter, Jobe, Barr, shearlin'g ewes, Jas. Potter, E. L. Farnham Leicester -John Barr took all the prizes in this class. Shropshiredowns-Aged ram, James Alton. Any Other' 13reed-Aged. ram, Jas. Chisholm, shearling. ram, -Jas. Chis - beim, MTh lamb, Jas. Chisholm R. Corley; ewes, Jas. Chisholm, -..Cor- ley, shearling ewes, ewe lambs, It. Corley; fat sheep, John Barr, R. Cor- ley. sa r t. - • Yorkshires -Aged baor, A. • Elliott, James .Alton; brood sow, Jas. 'Alton, A. Elliott; boar, J. Alton, lst and 2nd; sow, Jis. 'Alton, John Haggett. Tamworths-Sow, let and .2nd Jas.] Alton. -Improved Berkshire-A.g•ed boar, J. Haggitt; boar, A. 'i. Plunarner lat and 2nd; sow, Jas. Potter. , POULTRY.! Bronze turkeys, John Barr, R. ,Corley; geeSet, J Haggitt, J. Alton, ! Rouen ducks, J. Matfett, J. Bair; any ducks, J. Alton; orpingtens, Ms. Howrie; leghorns, white and brown, John Fairservice, J. Haggitt; minor- eas, langshans, Mrs. Howrie, J. Hag- gitt; dorkings, J. Fairservice ; sil- ver wyandottes, J. Haggitt, John Fairservice; any wyanaottes, ' Mrs. Howrie, J. Haggitt; barred Ply- mouth rocks, J. Alton, Mrs. Howrie; White 'Plymouth rocks, -3. Fairservice ; guinea fowl, A. W. Sloan; pigeons, Vaster Bell, J. itt. S CIAL PRIZESa By •Wnn. Hugill, for best colt sired by Hackard-F. Haggitt. ByHowson, Beadle. & Co., for best seen sired by Pperry Down -E. McVittle, W. Collin - (ton, R. Robertson. By .G. H. Besse, for best bread -W.' Plunkett, A. El- liott. ' t GRAINS -White fall wheat and six rowed barley, C.. W. Taylor; white oars, James Alton, C. W. Taylor; synall peas, C. 'W. Taylor; timothy seed, James Alton, Adam Elliott; red S AFT gR THE FIRST NIKO "The dealer said it wouldn't shrink and just look at it now. Well,!guess Johnny can wear it. That is what happenswith com- mon underwear. • HEE LE UNDER is oltsolutely-guaranteed not to aLrmnIl,get out of shape or become hard in was ace. Perspira- tion1ifl no1 shrink it. will re sin all its good qualitic until worn out. '1,-,qfpt tlpoij peeing this t1.,(1., matte If . 'eetee is Lot 4 vlains tiitt ; Feir4i yobr • ater will re. a e ere it. AO ae. 14 I.';: dealers ,r.- 4uric woe' :TURNBULL en - .. °ALT, C.21.1.sst.A...DA. • SUFFERING , THE SURE PENSLTY Health rims Lost lo Restored by Lydia E. Millburn's Vegetable Compound, How many woinen do yeti. know -who are perfectly well and -strong? We hear every dav the Earn° story over and over again. 111 do not feel ; 1 am so tired all the time 1" More than -likely you speak the some words yourself, and no doubt you feel Lan from well; The cause may be eaeily traced to some derangement of the fe- male organs which mapifests itself in . depression of spirits, reluctance to go anywhere or do anything, backache, bearing -down pains, flatulency, nervous- ness, sleeplessness or other f: nae weakness. These symptoms are lint warnings that there is danger ahead, and unless heeded a life of Suffering or a serious 9peration. is the inevitable result. The never -failing remedy for ali these symptoms is Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Miss Clara, Beaubien, of Beauport, Quebec writes: Dear 14s. Pinkham: "For several years I have suffered with a female weakness which proved a serious drain on my vitality, sapping my, strength and causing severe headaches, bearing -down pains and a general wojii-out feeling, -until I really had no desire to live. I tried ninny medicines, but did not get permanent relief until I took Lidia E. Pinknatn's Vegetable Compound. In two months I was much better and stronger, and in four months I was well; no more disagreeable discharge, no more pain. So I have every reason to praise the Vegetable Compound, and. I con- sider it without equal for the ille of women," For twenty-five years Mrs. Pinkham, danghter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, has under her direction and Once her decease, been advising sick women free of charge. Her advice is free and always helpful. Address, Lynn, Mass. NellefetereeMerellelMetertleMPOIRMIIIIIMSWIP444t.4-VIPPITYVN clover, James Alton: ROOTS -Collection garden produce, W. McCracken, W. Fenwick, early potatoes, late potatdes, Po Willows, John Haggitt, collection potatoes, P. Willows, W. McCracken; field car- rots, A. Plummer, W, McCracken.; red, carrots, P. ;Willows, John Barr, Svvede turnips, W. McCracken, Jahn Barr; turnips and beete, -John Barr, W: McCracken; sugar beets, W. Mc- Cracken', M. Lockhart; long man - gold wurtzels, W II. McCracken, R. Laidlaw, globe mangel wurtzels, W. McCracken.; yellow mangel wurtzels, 'W. McCracken, A. Plummer; pump- kin, J. Haggitt, W. McCracken; squash, W: McCracken, W Fenwick; red onions, Mrs. Howrie, Mc- Cracken, MTS. Howrie; silver pia - ling onions, W. Mberacken, W. J. Fenwick; white field beans, Sto Carr, .A. Sloan; field -corn, J, Potter, D. Hamilton; citrons and watermelons, W: McCracken, James Alton; cab- bage, P. ,Willows, .W. McCracken; red pickling cabbage, W. McCracken; W. Fenwick; cauliflower and celery, W. McCracken. DAIRY AND PROVISIONS. -Tub of butter, W. Plunkett; crock butter, W. Plunkett, D. Hamilton' ' butter in rolls, W. Plunkett, 13. 'Hamilton; butter in prints, -W. Plunkett, ,W. J. Fenwick; extracted honey, A. Carr, A. Sloan; honey in comb, .A. Carr; home made bread, D. Hamilton, W. Plunkett; plain tea biscuits, James Potter, A. Elliott; maple syrup, 3. McDowell, G. Powell; canned or pre- served fruit, W. H. McCracken; grape wine, Mrs. W. Campbell, W. McCrack- en; catsup, W. Plunkett, 3. McDow- celrIajakpeicnk.les, W. Plunkett, W. Me- e FRUIT -Winter apples, A. Sloan, 3. Potter; fall apples, J. Potter, A. Sloan; Baldwin., 3. Potter, Mrs. W. Campbell; King of Tompkins, James Potter, J. McDowell; Northern Spyi J. Barr, A. Sloan; Rhode Island Greening,, -A. Sloan, 3, McDowell; Ribston Pippin, 3. Potter, A. Sloan; Golden Russet, R. Laidlaw, J. Mc- Dowell; Roxboro Ruseet, M. Lockart, 3. Alton; Seek no Further, A. Sloan, R. Laidlaw ; Gideon, D. -Laidlaw; Wagner, A. Sloan, J. Potter; Ben- davis, A. Sloan, '3. McDowell; Gray - stein, M. Lockart, Mrs. W. Campa bell; Mammoth Pippins, A. Sloan.; Tolman Sweet, .A. Sioan, 3. Alton; Mann, A. Sloan; Maiden. Blush, Jas. Alton, R. McGowan; Soows, G. Pow- ell,, 3. Allan; Ontario, G. Powell, 3. McDowell; PewauSee, R. McGowan, A. Plummer.; Wealthy, A. Sloan, R. McGowan; Canada Red, 3,. Potter, J. Alton; Calverts, A. • Sloan, J. Me - Dowell; Alexander, J. Potter, J. Mc- Dowell ; 20 ounce ,Pippins, A. Sloan, G. Powell; any other variety, R. McGowan, A. Sloan; crab apples, Miss P. Not, G. Powell ; collection of ap- ples, A. Sloan. OTHER FRUIT -Winter Pears, A. W. Sloan" J. Haggitt; fall pears, J. Alton, A. Sloan; plums, W. McCrack- en, F. Metcalf; collection a Plums, F. Metcalf, W. McCracken; tomatoes, J. Barr, W.' McCracken; peaches, A. Plummer, Miss P. Nott. LADIES' WOR K -Lace handker.(' chief, Mrs. Hele, Mrs. Hanson; 'but- ton holes, Mrs. Hanson, W. Plun- kett; patching, 11. Hamilton ;gentS' mitts, Miss Symington, W. MeCrack- ; pillow shams, G. Stewart, Mrs% Hele; cotton patch! quilt, Mrs.Hele, Miss P. Nott; cloth patch quilt, Pi. Stewart, W. McCracken; silk crazy quilt, Mrs. Hale, G. Stewart; creche et quilt,. W, McCracken, Mils. How- rie; knitted quilt, Dam Hela, Mrs. E. Duffield; woollen aocks, Mrs. Hele, W. McCracken; afascese work, Miss Nott, Mrs. Duffield; embroid- ery on bolting cloth, Mrs. Hele, Miss Symington; embroidery on silk or satin, Mize Symington, G. Stewart; Kensington embroidery, G. Stewart, Mrs. Howrie; Roman ombroidery, Miss LIVingston, Mrs. .0r1eid; parlor STOPA For Infants and Children, The Kid You Have Always Bought Bears the Signaturi semen, Miss Nott;', sofa Citsbion, Miss Symington, We.Hansen; Pan- el, Mrs. Duffield, ,Miss $y mington ; scarf,' Mrs. Duffield, Miss Nott; drawn work, Mrs. Hanson, Airs. How- rie; honitan, Mrs. Duffield, Miss Livingston; I tioveity,- lifrs.',,Hele, G. 'Stewart; silk crochet work, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Hele, cotton crochet, O. Stewart, Mrs. Duitield; slippers, MSS NOM Mrs. Duffield; toilet set, Miss Nott, Mrs. Howrie; foot stool and applique, G. Stewart, MiSti Matt pincushion, Miss Symington, G. Stew- art; handkerchief case, Miss SM.- tngton, Aire. Howrie, Mould work, Miss Symington; knitted cotton lace, G. Stewart, Mins Nott, wool shawl, W. McCracken, Miss Nott ; table mats Mrs. Hele, Mrs, Howrie; doylies' Stewart, W. McCraccken; battenburg, Mrs. Hanlon, Ws. Livingston ; glove case, Mrs. Duffield, Miss Livingston, tatting, Mrs. Hele, Miss Nott, Netting, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Hele; Queen Ann darning; Miss Syria- .ingtone Mrs. Duffield; collar and cuff ease, Miss Symington; centre- piece, Mrs. Hele, Miss Livingstone, table cover, Mrs. Howrie, M. Stew- art ; tray cloth, Mrs. Duffield, Mies Symington, tea cosy„ Mrs. Dusts field, .Mrs. Howrie; picture throw, Mrs. Duffield, Miss( Symington ; lamp screen, Miss Symington, Miss Liv- ingstone, lanndry _bag, Miss Sym- ington, Mrs. 'Howrie; shopping bag, Mrs. Duffield, Mrs. 'Hele; etching, Miss Nott, Mrs. Hele; knotted bed spread, M. M. Stewart, Miss Syming- ton; drepe, Miss Symington, Mrs. Duffield; slumber robe, and teneriffe' lace, Mrs. Duffield, Miss Symington; Pyrography, Mrs. J. G. Moser; braid- ing, M, M. Stewart, Miss Symington, combing, Mrs. Duffield, Mra. Howrie; collection of Work, Miss Livingstone, Mrs. Hanson. MANUFACTURES. Wooden pump, P. Willows ; wool flannel, jas. Alton, Miss Nott; union flannel, 3. Alton. 'Jae. Potter; wool blankets,' G. M. Stewart; union blan- kets, 3. Alton'• horse blankets, G. II. Stewart, jas, Potter, coverlet, Mrs. Hanson, Miss Nott; rag mat, M. M. SteWart, Miss Nott; yarn mat, Mrs. Hanson, "Miss Nott. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S COMPETITION Writing, -Flossie Brown,. Dela Mc- Cool, Gertie Vodden., ', • - FINE ARTS. Ornament and Plaque! in oil, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Diffield; burnt work„ in. leather, Mrs. Hele, Mrs. Duffield; burnt work in tydod, Mrs. Hanson. Miss Livingstone; picture of Huron scenery, Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Duf- field; painting on bolting cloth, Mrs. Hanlon, Mrs. Duffield; cups and saucers, Mrs. Hanson*'plates, Mrs. Hanson, M. M. Stewart; oil paintings, Mt M. Stewart; water colors, M. M. Stewart, Mrs. Fldwile; figure in ori, Mrs. Duffield, Mrs. 'Howrie; figure in water color, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie, animals in 011, Mrs -Hanson, Mrs. Howrie; animals in water color, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Howrie; land- scape in oil, McDowell, Mrs. Duffield; land -scene in water colors, Mr's. Duf field, Mrs. Hovirle; pencil drawing, /M. Livingstone, Mrs. Duffield; •psen eketclies and -china! painting, M. ,Liivngstone. Mrs. Hansen; Painting on loll, i3ilk or -plush, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Duffield; on glass in oil, 'Mrs. Duffield, Mrs. Howrie. PLANTS AND ',FLOWERS. Foliage and fuchles, -W. J. 'Fen- wick, hanging basket, F. Metcalf, 'display of plants, W. J. Fenwick; table boquet, Mrs. `3 0 Moser, Mrs. W. Campbell ; band boqueti G. Pow- ell; Mrs, Campbell, dahlias,, W H. McCracken. • JUDGES. • , Heavy horses-Robt, McLean', 'Oode- itch ; light' horses -G. Graham,Gode- rich; cattle -Jas. Connolly, Holmes- ville ; P. Lamont, Zurich; roots -John Stafford, Walton; dairy -D. E. Mun- roe, Auburn; M. 'L. Green,- Carlow ; fruit -A. Asquith, Auburn; manufac- tures—a Gerry, Brussels; ladies' work -Mrs. W. A. Carter, and Mrs, W. 3. Pyle, Blyth, fine arts 'and plants -Miss McInnes, Ripley, ppultry -G. Swallow,. Holmesville; pi Levi Trick, Clinton; 'speeding- G. ender - son, Seaforth ; 3. E. Blacka Hen- s . To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE 13110M0 Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25e. Manitoba and Northwest Notes -J. .1, Currie, formerly principal( of Indian -Head public school, has been elected the first mayor of Miles stone. -The syndicate separator, owned by Messrs. James H. Andrews, Wm. Mc- Laren, Fred Smyth and R. Cowan, was burned last week ' at Hanley, Saskatchewan. -The new $6,009 school 4n course of erection at Stoughton, Sask., wall burned to the ground. The origin a the fire is unknown, but it is sups posed to have been. incendiary. -The -corner stone or the GrenteK Methodist church has been laid. The cost of the edifice will be $14,000, of which $11,000 has been subsribed. The spire will rise to a height of 751 feet. -,A xnan from Illinois has purchas- ed R. Gibb's half -section farm for $11,000. The land is near Portage la Prairie, abd was sold on August ast for $10,000. Quite an influx of Am- erican buyers has _begun. -A Syndicate 9; 'London, Ont., cap- italists have purchased tour town- ships. The territory Is thrity miles from Winnipeg, and covers 81,160 acres. The price paid was $12 per acre, amounting to $963,920. -Sherry & Vickers' jewelry store, at Portage la Prairie, was entered by burgulars a few nights ago, who secured $8,000 worth of diamonds and watches from cases. Entrance was effected through the front door. -After Monday next, a man who wants a ten sent drink in Prince Al- bert, Sask., will have to buy a aol- Jar's worth. The hotel -keepers in the city have conspired and combined to raise the .price of drinks in amen quantities and abaft posted in their bars the followlog notice: Regu- lation prices for drinks from. Sep - Dear Mother Your little ones are • constant care in Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh' Consum. Core, the Lung Tonic, and • -what it done fax so many? h is said to he the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air' passages in Martz It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. kis guaranteed to cure or your money returned. The price is 25c. pet bottle, and an dea)ers in medicine sell SHILOH This -remedy should be in may hisnehoid. ' qF ...ro ea, Dy naaen Cramps and all Summer Compiaii take To Pleased Cusitmers The wise groce studies his, customers—knows their likes and dislikes—knows that his best trade want Mooney's -Pe Wiwi Cream So as He lets them ovv that he has their femora biscuits —and sees that the are not asked to buy somet ing "just as good," which s NOT as good, Grocers who want to lease their patrons always have VI ney's Per Cream Sodaa in their hygienic packages -al -tight and moisture -p 40t010001triliawm"..ummlurcumfraws xelormuTzorkm-m- temtber 15, 1906. Single inks, two drinks, 25e, three illfour or five drinks, 50e, ixokr8'4sevten, drinks, 750, eight, nine o ten drinks, $1.00. This agreement is signed un- der penalty. -An Infant with two VI develop- ed teeth was born in the ity of Win- nipeg during the past 1weeIr. The parents of the child ar Mr. anti Mrs. G. A. Johannson. he infant is a remarkably well devel ped child „In all respects. Both motheif and daugh- ter are doing well. -The. execiative, of th Edmonton Liberal Association, has decided, to tender a banquet US Hor. Frank Ol- iver, On tie return to th44t city early next month. The banqu4t will be a political one, and will b attended. by leading Liberals from 11 parte of the province. -While attempting to itop a run- -away team with a 'bind , at Oxbow, Sask., one day last wee John Mill- er was taught by the 13 aTtli guard and horribly cut by t knife. It was with difficulty tha the unfort- unate man was extrica ed, and the flow of blood stopped, b t hopes mare entertained for his reco erya -A peculiar disease ha broken out among the horses in ne of the 'threshing syndicates so h of BOlel- IliVaille, Man., Verblell is uzzling the local veterinetys, and which . has robbed T. Tyreman of hree of his best horseswithin a fe days. The fever." is known as h rse scarlet era of Saskateliewan, -One of the most in e stintrosougrhn-t within. easy mess by t e advent of the a N. R., le the *Id -breed; set- tlement of Bresaylor, a out twenty miles west o f Battle ird. These people, who are all pro perons, have been settled in that d strict since the '70's. As a rule the have torn- fortable, substantial but dings, nest- ling In shady poplar blut s. Their till- tivated land is carefull fenced with poles in the old style kn van assanake fencing. Most of them ava quite a herd of stock around 111 re and some families are 's careful reeders of horses. Bresaylor -Is of en referredfi to as the old. Scotch half reed settle- ment and it is curious o find tpeoa, pie with typical Scotch names talk- ing french as their, tiler tongue. The haltbreeds do net e press pleas- ure at the advent of he rallwaY. They seem to value ihe seclusion they have enjoyed for long, and many of them, especiall the iyoung- er ones, talk of moving' out to the Peace River country. • As a dressing for acres, bruises and burns, Chamberlaia's Salve Wall that can be desired. It is soothing and healing in its effect. It allays the pain of a barn almost Instantly This salve is also a certain cure for chapped hands and diseu.ses at the skin. Price 25 cents. Fo sale by all druggists. I -ver,lonsim RES DysOepsia, Boils, Pimples, Hea. aches, Con tipation Loss of Appetite, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero fula and all troubles aris ng from the Stornaeh, Liver, Bow is or Blood. ANNOONINNAANINIAIN• ofM.ity-feutatilanOgn44, : "1 bellevss I wlvtioul have been in had long n utgoor Burd ck Blood Bit- ters. I was run &Ivan to s ch. an extent that could scarce- ly re TO abOut the bons. 1 warestilject to so ero headaches, hack chea and dizza rotes ;J xny appetite was ono and I was unab e to do my hou$work. ,After using two betties of B.BJB. Ifoundmy health fully restored, watauly recommend 14 teti all tired and wont out w7wenm;:mmili Don't experiment untried romedies, but pro which has stood the test -of Dr. Fowleir's has stood the test for 41 Tears, and has never failed to faction. It Is rapid, reliable an in its action and does not leave the constipated. REFUSE ALL Seam THEY'RE DANGEROVS, MRS. BRONSON LUSK. Aylmer, -Que.., have used Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild for Diarrhcea. for several ycarss past and I fi the only medicine With brings relief in lime." liflagrafringiCit IceiPOST lase Awe - 11 I arri.aemairmT:manir penees... otratadtaanglegIc experumns oirwall:111:4aroillIllfjswtaapIIIIoa:ellirpkor:tfiiveILnfxoucowitija!waatl7.iatatottligvtioiesmrr:rf LL G E'STAY FE 'ger s, The Great French Fitedicer Promptly, cures Debility or Wealm ing from indiseretions or excesses. Beet and suresterentedy known for that follow as a sequence of abuses, Memory, Pains an the Back, Dinnrets - Premature bid Age and many other that lead' to Physical _Weakness, Thss an early .grave. Mailed to any add szeipt of price, 50 teets; or five boxe.s THE RAY MEDICINE CO., Stra Notice to Creditor In the estate of William James Padrick ef the Township of Hibbert, in the County Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 129, Seetion 88, that, ,a1.1 persons has egainet the estrite of the said J rick Allen, who died on the 25th day of Ji are required, on or before the 154 day el 1906, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver! Killoran,Seafrth, Ontance Solicitor for the Adminiatratrix of the deceased, thew addresses, full particulars of thew claims fled, and tbe nature of the security (itan them. And notice is further given said date, the said administretrix will distribute the assets of the said %tate persons entitled thereto, having rea.ed chains of which she shall then have Dated this Sth day of September, 1006. J. KII,LORAN, Sestorth, 2022-3 Solicitor for the advertise oas goO4S, t$1,011.1n NTED MEN WA thronehout United Stotts triaabtrtMemaleller' adbrivad.--tineo- Igelt. it-n=a-td. atex114224ng. * oni $90 is toonth end expenses 83.50 a -d. meat to good, reliable men. We lee oat e lasts. Mt evetienoe needed. Wiltelor 8,01/9 MED/0-/NAL M. LOFICIOIL 0 godc Notice to Creditors. an the estate of Frances Galin, late of Wire= Seaforth, in the County of Huron, widow, deemed. Notice is hereby Oven pursuant to R. Sa 0„ 129, Section 38, that all pereons have n*ainst. the estate of the said Frene died on the 8th clay of April, 1900, are teti before the let day of October. 1906, to send prepaid, or deliver to J. L. Killoran, SestotI Solicitor for Sarah Glynn, Adminiatratrix Or ceased, their names and addresses, full psrMt13si their claims, duly verified, and the nature cif tha:ris. curity, (if any) held by them. And notioe1.8 t,Wt- given that after said date, the raid admInieteat will proceed te distribrite the assets of the mid tate among the persons entitled thereto, liestinalt` gard only to the claims which ehe AO then bate notie,e, 4 Dated this Oth day of September, 1090. f.J. L. KILLORAN, Seafortb, OM. 20223-3 Solicitor for the MO118114(.4,7 Notice to Creditors In the estate of Thomas Ward, late Of the WSW or Egniondeille, in the County of Huron, Weld Farmer, deceased. Notice ia heyeby Oven pursuant to Reviled Vett ides of Ontario, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, that all aatgaut having claims againet the estate of the said Ward, are required to send by post deliver to J. M. Best, of the TO= of Safe County of Iluron, solicitor for Mareraret W toptier Ward and Emanuel Ward, the executor* the will of the fetid deceased, on or before the isti of October'1906, a statement in writing of ewe names and addresses, and full particulars ef tlak elating. And take noticenthat after the mid of October,1906, the said Executors will distribute the assete of the estate among . emitted thereto, having eegard only to the eliateldeal which they obeli then have received notiee. J. M. BEST, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for tile Existed**. eaforth, August 31s4, 1006. umber, and Shin xxx & xxxx N. CUFF & Plan lig Mill and Lumber Y SEAFORTH FURNITURE BARGA.I i ................. . If, you requite Fu nistuuirt: ygueu.t °I& prices for -Bedroom Suites, 0 Our Couches, Parlor Suites and Easy Oh very best, and prices wi i Springs and Mattresses Don't fail to see our Dining Room Tables and Chairs. We want you to c1-1 and see our stock then you will do the rest Ti..14- -Rl..Rrrl._._A_IKTik-TG ht. or day. Night and Sunday calls answered es, Goderich street, opposite the Methodist Promptly attended to n residence of S. T. Holni Seaforth. BROADF Orn BOX & Oa, , SH S. T. HOLMwS, 4110Ser, aa iznderA Altos* bett vrices. b.ctior orders or at be Prt The FAR Pft tneeen,' - < • Pi