HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-09-28, Page 5Tetit efrefinpamimase.,ammai,,,,asifs bbers, -'„ trtd satisfactory teat ef the past two sewn; o ar this seaaon a cern.. Lebrated "Marchers** re unetenalledzaerite ef has been attested b ;he faetory has been In �f year, these rubbers* pepularity throughout ut workmenehtp, fine Rabbera, and' es forr Merchants Rubbeee ens. A few peices,tf dian :7 " Granby* men, ana the)" gluon nen. BANK DANADA. a $1.000.000 $ 303,000 .AN Garet Mgr. BRAN reeneistent With eon ed the public Of DularWi territory. ieY °Mere isseed. a ertvinga Bank depotdat a. farmers' for baying motif, plied free of charges 0,1iNgisis, Manager fm-r-iiffigwnxi‘--ief-seAriffasisafarasiffilafait rillthrOP be given in the Winthrop haI ae lath of October. Dancing' k, -Good music and a good ta a. couple. Mats?. REGISTER. oer 4th, at 1 o'clock p. in,, Ey, one mile and a quarter wesk Eak. Implements and Hounholi rmquair, proprietor ; Thome 20214 at 2 o'clock p. at. the iensall, Farm Property. Raw* I% S. Phillips, auctienmer. DNI4 Ler 2ith. at one o'clock et. ale ri Eleltillop, Farm Stock. Oriet'or ; Thomas Brawn, alma 20214 12th, at one o'clock p. ;L. It. S., Tuckersrnith, one and Kippen, Farm Stock and Ira-, McKay, prop.; Thos. Brown, 20234 ,n• Sth, at one o'clock p. in., ow Ilibbert, Farm Stock and fin- ; Matthews, prop.; Thos. Brown, 20234 2., at one o'clock p. m.,on Lot Roll), Farm Stock and Impleat rop.; Thos. Brown, -auctioneer ober 3, at one o'clock p. ro.„ McEillop, Farm Stockand Vrn catty, prop.; Thos. Brown, ant - 2092 -2 5th, at one o'clock p. sos MoKillop, Farm Stock and Ink- "ii.oe, prop.; Thomas Brown, 2,023-3 er 6tb, at one o'clock p. ma EL R. S., Ttickersinith, Farr MON. Forsyth, prop.; Thos. 20%34 26th, at two o'elock p. m., at a, Farm, Property. M. Shea, Killoran, Solicitor for Admia- 20234 r Oth, at one o'clock p. OR 2?- miles east of Se- d Horaes 4nd Cattle. James um Brown, auctioneer. 2024-2 ober 10, at 1 o'clock p. in., on. flibbert, Farm Stock and Allan, Proprietreee Tbomag %Bea , st, at 1 o'clock p. na, on Lot lop, (gearing out of Forel 5. Charles Smith, proprietor ; oneer. 2024-1 ,er ilth, at one o'clock p. m. 4, Ilay, Farm. Stock and Im- ainaton, proprietor Thomas 2024-2 ifan at one o'clock p. 111., ea R. S., Tuckersmith, Palm Thomas Lane, proprietor ; 2021-3 umn, and the colder hat Streamer ia paste is the time. Later ome while there is supplying yoreeer,ith coat. oats. We are the will rest& in the ents you hsve ever '7%, OS edy 'es and sure. secretions without any ottle - E E , esae-aaae,ss,-, ' „ MARKETS. ati shows SiereaTit,September 27, 1906. te 30 08 tete, per bushel (new),.. .......... s 0 30, to 080 -taw per Michel (014)-. 0 83 to 0 33 reese. per bUshel . .• 0 70 to 0 70. stria?, per bushel.... .. . 0 40 to 0 40 Buse, per toil., ......., . . ... . 16.00 to 10 00 maybe per tOn. • • ... . 20 00 to 20 00 Lew Grade Flours perl ton. . 23 00 to 23 00 flour, per 100 Os 2 po to 2 75 Ratter, No. 1, 1oo8e-....s. . . 0 18 to 0 20 aide, 6 . ... a. 00 1180 toto 00 1270 Eggs, per dozen Reaper ton, ... • .... • . • 6 50 to 700 elides, per 100 !ha 5 00 to 5 80 &seepskies, , . . 0 80 to 0 36 ,el 0 40 to 0 50 rrels-......... - 1 00 to 1 25 ;Otaiteesretaipie; pebusth ba Weed per cord(long). s,„ „ 6 00 to 6 20 weal ewe cord (short). • - 2 FO to 3 00 Avtes Rer baK 7 00 to 8 00 () 50 to 1 00 -TioxaiCreeraliereeSecietlib. .. .. . . 0• 1 0425 t,,,t(t; 02 n ,w000rkf wasr hled00).1be , 7 50 to $ 20 • ..„ 0 29 to 0 80 wool unwasheA5`... .... . 0 17. to 0'18 Dairy Markets. Toros% Sept. 95 -Butter -The inarket holds firm intone. Receipts continue light, while there is still anantive demand for choice. Creamery, 23 to 25e; was, 22. to 230 ; dairy prints, 21 to 22c, pails, 18 to ; tubs, 18 to 20o, inferior, 17 to 180. Oheese ..-St,aady to firm at 13/c per pound for large, and 14c ler twine. Eggs--Prfeea are showing firmer tone. With improvement in quality of arthale there is a aeavier demand. They are quoted higher at 18. to 190. Morranat, Sept. 25 -Eggs --Selects, 21 to 21c; Ro. 1 candled, is to 1St. Rutter -Choicest cream - Airy, salted and unsalted, 23t to 24e; medium gmdes, aal to. 23fc. Cheese-Ontarte, 131 to : Quebec, 121 ta 18e. Grain. etc. rewire, Sept. 25 -Wheat -Ontario No. 2 white, t1caked Outside; No. 2 red, 72c asked outside) wane bid, main line east Wheat -Manitoba -No• 1 hard, 79yi bid Point Edward : 1 northern,'79f vacs:I,. Point Edward. I3aled Hay -Steady to eaay .at$6.50 to $10 for No, I timothy, and $3 for No. 2, +Lear lots here. Baled Straw -About steady at $6 per ton in ear lots on track here, Seeds. TonOrre, Sept. 26. -The markets are very quiet as yet, without export demand, and without change in cas. Alsike, No. 1, 3G25; extra faney, 38.50; No, 2,0.75 to 0 •, Na. 3, a4.85 to $5.10. Lower mctes, badly raixed, from 3c, to 5c per lb.. Red ver -No. 1„ '$6.25 ; fancy, 38.50; No. 2, $5.75 to 41 Lower grades at a big discount. Live Stook Markets. Lenox, England, Sept. 25 -Canadian. cattle are steadier at 10f to 110 per Ib,; refrigerator beef, 9 to *err lb. Livaarooa, Sept, 25 -Canadian cattle, 5d ; ranch - seas fid to 40 - memo, N. Y., Sept.25-Cattle-Fairly active and etee"dy, Prine steers, $5.75 to 3625, shipping, 35 .35.7&; butchers, 34.25 to 35.40 • heifers, $3.25 to ; cows, 0 to 34.25 ; bulls 32.5'0 to 3425, stock - as awe feeders, $2.75 to $1.3.0 ; stook heifers, $2.50 tees ;fresh caws and springers, active and steady aogahigher, $20 to $56. Veals-Aceive and steady, saw to $6. Hogs -Active and a shade higher; Heavy, 36.25 to 0.90 ; mixed, and Yorkers,36.60 to agsaa a, taw at 37 • pip, 16.66 to 38.75.; roughs, -3550 to 35-75 ; stags a 34 to 34.75 ; dairies, 36 to 36.85. Sheep and Lambs -Active ; sheep steady ; lambs, 5 to 10e higher ; lambs, 15 to $7.90 ,• a few •-at ; yearlings, $6 to $6.25 .; wethers, 35.75 to 86; ewes, $5 to $5.25 • sheep, mixed, $3 to $.5.50 ; Can- ada Iambi:, $7.60 'to $7.75. MONaasaa, Sept. 25 -Cables from Liverpool on ganadian cattle were easier at 10e, and those from London were f to lc lower, at 10 to /0o. Ranch cat- tle inLiverpool were /lc lower, at 8f to 90. Receipts et kogs w,ere fairly large, there being 1,400 on the market, but out of this number one lending packing -ioncern had contracted for 1,050 in the west, conse- quently, the supply for sale was very limited, for which the demand was good, and this, coupled, with -higher cairleson Canadian bacon from lion.lon, Liv- erpool and Bristol, credited a stronger feeling here for hogs, and prices advanced 15 to 250 per ewt,with -.sales at $6.75 to $6.00 per cwt, weighed -off the cars. Amongthe offerings were a number of prime, North- west cattle, which sold at 4a to 4-.10 per lb. ; pretty rood cattle sold at Si to 4c, and the common stook 4.2i to 3c per lb. Milch cows sold at 325 to $50 eeoh. The calves were nearly all grassers, and some et them very lean at that. These sold at 2 to 3te per lb. ; good at 5 to 5th per lb. Sheep sold at 8a to 4c, and lambs at 5 to 64c per lb. Tcaolaro JuNcriox-Union Stock Yards, September 15 -The quality of fat cattle es'as fair ; trade was good. Export prices ranged from 34.25 to 84,75; talk selling at 34.40 to $4.60 ; ex -port bulls, 33.50 to .34 25 ; butchers' prices for picked lots of choice rang- ed from $4.40 to.$4.60 ; good from $4 to $4.30 ; medium, $3.60 to 33.90; common, $3.25 to $3.50; butcher cows, $2.50 to 33.50; canners, 31.25 to 47. Veal calves gold at $5, to $6.60 per 100 lbs. Mich cows and springera at 350 to 352 Sheep and Lambs --Expert ewes from 84 to $4.40 ; bucks, 33.25 to 33.75 ; spring lambs, $5 to 35.60. Hogs -Selects sold at Kee ; lights, 36.15 per 100 pounds, fed and watered. TORONTO, September 26-ExportCattle--Trade in this line was quiet. Few cattle were offering and the demand was light. Prices are quoted unchanged. Choice at 134.70 to 34.00 • medium to good, $4.40 to $4.60 ; bulls, $3.5) to '33.75 ; Tight bulls, $3.25 to 33.50; cows, $3.50 to eal. Butchers' Cattle -Choice cattle were again in good demand, but' vga•y few were offering, and prices held steady. A fest cattle el moderately good quality were on the market, and these sold fairly steady. Any number of in ferior settle syc re offering. The- demand for these was light, and they were srow of sale at pricee that show- ed an easy tone, Cholee are quoted at 34.40 to 34.50 ; medium to choice, $3.75 to 44.30 ; inferior to med- ium, 32.50 to 33.50; bulls, 32.25 to 33; cows, $2 to ' *3; eannera, 31.50 to 32. Stockers and Feeders - The demand for feeders is now getting into good swthg, although only a few are coming forward. Iltose offering to.day were generally of poor qual- ity, but some good cattle were picked out here and 4here, Good cattle of 10 ro 11 .wt sold at $3.25 th 63.50 fox steers, end 82 ta 32.25 for bulls. Stockers quiet. Prices are quoted about steady. Choice stockers, 3840 33.65; light, 82.25 to 8-3 ; cows, 32 tot2.40.; bulls, 31.7540 32.25 ; short -keep feeders, $4.35 to $4.50 ; heavy feeders, 34.20 to 34.25. Mitch gows-The market holdesabout steady. Good cows eantinue in active demand. The range of prices is quoted unchanged at 320 to $60 each. Calves -Are wenerally-quoted steady at 3c to die per pound. Sheep and Lambs -The market held steady and sheep pricesare quoted unchanged, while lambs are Augher. Export ewes, $4.25 to $1.50, bucks and Saki $3 to $3.50, and lambs 150 to 26c up at 35.50 te 65.90. Hogs -The market has taken a firmer tone mil is quoted 10c per cwt. higher, at 36.60 per cwt. for choice light weights and 36.35 for heavies, fed and watered. 0 TARTO. 1:11.1313. Seaforth, on September 25111, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Talbot, a. daughter. McKillop, on September 23rd, to Mr. and Mra. John L. Kerr, a daughter. sennere–In Turnbene, on September 24th, th Mr. and Mrs. John E. Horouth, (nee Agnes Grieve), a daughter. PIISINGER-In Goderich, on September 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Filsinger, a son. PATTISON-In Wingbam, on September 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Pattison, a son. *HUT011-In Varna, on September 21st, to Mr. and nes. Ed. Chuttor, son. Marinas:res. 'MeLEAN-YOUNG -At the residence of the bride's mother, Seaforth, on September 26th, by Rev. F. IL Larkin, Keith M. 'McLean, of TIM EXPOSt- TOR, to Elizabeth M., youngest daughter of the late Andrew Young. IELLINGTON-SMITII-At the manse„ Seaforth, by Rev. F.ILLarkin, on September 26th, Thomas Kellingthn, to Dollie Smith, both of Morris. ALLIN-110KINNON-In the R. C. church, Tees - aster, on September 12th, by Rev. Father laurendeau, of St. Augustine, Iffin. J. ABM, of 8 -Worth, to Margaret M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKinnon. of Kinloss. lIchRIEN-YOUNGBLUT-At the residence of the bride's parenta, :Maitland Brock, Hullett, on September 19t11, by Rev. J. L. Small, Cllara, daughter of Mr. George Youngblut, to Jasper 1,1013rien, all of Millen, 1ANDERS-KESTLE-At the parsonage, Hensall, on. September 18.th, by Rey. Mr. Toll, Harley 0. Sanders, to Lillian Kestle, daughter of Thomas Kestie, of Stephen. cz gRIM-41ARTUNU— At the home of the bride's mo- ther, Zurich, on September 11th, by Rev. E. Scheulke, Tena Hartung, to Edward &hie both of Zurich. allANNON-STEVENSON-In Ilowick, on Septem- ber 12th, at the home of the bride's mother, by Rev. A. B. Dobeoni Arthur E. Sha.nnon, of Drew, to Annie E. Stevenson. roseea–eoe–In Howlett, at the home Of the bride's parents, on 8( ptember 12th, by Rev. J. Maser, M. A., B. D., _Lorne Foster, of Myrtle', Ont., to Suide Roe. WAGES -If ATDEN-ain Ilowick, on September 12th, by Rev. J. Russel., M. A., B. D., George Magee, tG Minnie Hearten, both of Ilowick. RUSSELL-MeNICOL-At the manse, Thames Road, on September 124h, by Ray. Mr. Fletcher, Cecil Ressell, to Bella, third daughter of the late David McNicol. Deaths. *ARLING-In Seaforth, on September 254h, George VI. %Arline., aged 64 years and 8 months. WILLER-1n Seaforth, on Septernber 24th, Richard Johri Henry, only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Miller, aged months and 10 days. kLUMPP-In Crediton, on September 14th, Agnes; Catherine. wife of John Klumpp, sr., a.ged 71. Yearasnd 22 days. WeCORMICK-At Khiva, on September 174h, Mrs. Agnes McCormick, at a ripe old age. 7ROY-In Kinloss, on September 13411, Johanna rIalln, wife of Mr. Patrick Troy, aged 58 years. WESTLAKE-At Farquhar, On. September 14th, Rhoda Marie, daughter of John Westlake, aged 8 years, 6 months and 9 days. APPLEBY -Killed, in Mullett, on Septamber 16431, Samuel Appleby, eget 41 years. Bayfields • . • flOtiober " LIMA 11115* fa kir it; ;cr.; r if 2 larkton, . • WV '''‘f --- Runlaannon...• ; a'r • r• r,• • :+1. " 4 Broesela, : e. . • . ; ;ry,, " 4 - A UOTION SALE of Iferses an 60 Head of Cattle- jaines Carlin heti itietruOteti Mr. Thoinas 8 Brown to sell by public Relation on Lot 15e, Huron 5 Road, Maltillop, 2 miles east of Seaforth, on Tuesday, 6 , October 9th, at one o'elOok p. ie., the following val- 5 uable property, viz : Homes, 8 two-year-old heavy - draft gelding, 3 two-year-old heav,y-tIraft filliere I one -year-old gelding, heavy draft ; I Oleo-year-oil:1- ,a_ e • 0 it.g.alarf kirttl:ILLES. • filly, driver, 3 sucking colts two lieaveedraft and'ones , driver, Cattle ---40 twos 'ear-bld stock steers, 10 2- 'mese FOR SAtat --A good Miring mare tom. Ing k for Bale. Would Make good third horse for a fanner. Apply to WILLIAM: CHARLES - WORTH, Eginoridvkile. 2074X2 - SH EEP LOST.---Stirayed from Lot 84, Concession 1 IffeKillop, on Sentember 25th, 16 ewes and one Iamb, marked with tar on the facie. Any information leading to their recoaery will be rewarded. Ge M. CHESNEY, Seaton - • 2024-4r STRAY STEER. -i -Come into the premises Of the 1'4 undereigned, Lot 28, Cloncessi in 7, MoKillop; about the 22nd of September, a two-year-old ether. The owner oan have the same on proving property and paying charges. t CHAS. MILMAGE, Winthrop. 2024x8 airb.cy lar—e SALE . -A n Inn bred our 01 DOS Coleman's standard 4.ed. mares He is a brother in blood to Merry D., 2:16+; who was see,ond at Kola- rresztio Mich,' about 2:014, is absolutely s any sort and will Apply to W. C. GO AVO weeks ago, a, ourth-beat in land and without a blemith of sold ohea for one of his kind. , NLOOK, ondville. 2024x4 A UCTION SALEof Farm Stock and Implements. 21.. -Mr. .Thomas Brown has been instructed by Mr. John Johnstonetoseli by public auction on Lot 28, Concession 4, Hay, on Thursday, October lith, at one o'clock p. na, the following property? viz :-1-lor- ses,-1 mare 7 years old, supposed to 771 foal, with le foal at foot; I mare 4 years old, sup osed to be M foal ; I horse, 6 years old • 1 filly, 1 ar old ; 1 driv- ing colt, 3 years old ; 1 diving horse, 12, years old. Cattle, Eth.--.5 COWS supposed to be le calf to a thorobred hull, 2 heifers, 2 yeti's old, 2 heifers 1 year old, 1 steer 2 years old, 1 steer 1 year old, 8 spring. calves, I brood sow, le pigs 4 weeks old. Implem- ents. -.i l'ilaseey-Hartaa binder nearly new, 1 seeil drill, 1 diso nearly may, I set diamond harrows? I spring tooth -cultivator, 1 land roller, 1 walking plow, 1 gang plow, I -Maxwell mower, 1 sulky hay rake, 1 Massey-Haerislacuffier, 1 hay raok, 1gravel box, I sugar kettle, 1 lumber wagon, 1 pair bob- sleighs; 2 daisy churn, 1 cutter nearly new, 1 goat robe, 2 single buggiesone aearly new, 1 double car- riag•e, 1 log dray, 1 faening mill, 1 stone boat, I set double harness, 1 set plow harness, 1 set double light harness, 2 sets •single harness, 75 hens, 75 cedar post's, 1 water trough,l, parlor stove with pipes, 1 heating stove with pipes, scythes, forks, chains,hces, whiflietrees, neckyokee and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. All will positively be sold as the proprietor is giving up farming. Terms of Sale. -All sums of $5 end under, cash ; over that amount, 12 months' credit on approved joint- notes. A discount of 4 per cent. per annum allowed for cash on credit arnounts. JOHN JOHNSTON, Prop. ; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. 2924-2 GRAND TRUNK VelsLAV Hunter's Excur§lons At Single Fare GOING OCTOBER 940 TO NOVEMBER 640. To akpoints in Terna,gaini on T. & N. 0. Ry. To points Mattawa to Port Arthur. To Sault Ste. hfarie and Port Arthur, via Northern Navigation Co. 'To Georgian Bay and Lake Superior points • via N. N. Co. • GOING OCTOBER 25t31 TO NOVEMBER 6.411, To Penetang, Midland, Lakefield, an points Severn to North Bay, Argyle to Cobo- conk, Lindsay to Haliburton. All points Madawaska to Depot Harbor. All points on Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Maganetewan River. A Ur TICKETS GOOD RETURNING UNTIL DECEMBER, 3m. For tickets And full information call on W. SOMERVILLE, Town .Agent. .A. F. PHILLIPS, Depob ITiokeb Agent. Brick for Sale. • Am4ly to G. W. CLOSE & Co., Seafoith, Agent for the Close Brick Co., 2024-1 Stratford, Ontario. Six Young Women For finishing off men's trousers. Neat, fast sewers earn from $4 to $6 per week, piece work; hours 8 a, m. to 6 p. m., with Saturday a balf holiday -49 hours a week's work. We guarantee $4 per week to be- ginner. ; steady employment. Apply by letter or in person. The English Woollen Mills Co„ 2023-2 pso Clarence Street, _London. Wanted! The undersigned will pev the hi market price for . * Good'BrightQuartered ° Dry Apples, deIlvired at our*Htor es. 2,500 lbs. wanted before Oatober 15th. Also we wanb Turkeys, Geese, Ducks( Chickens and Hens - for shiPment about Deeember let. We Will pay as high as the highest, ali ve or dressed with the heads or.. We will also be shipping live poultry every Wednesday, beginning Ootober3td. Bueter and egge wanted for cash or trade. A special price fee choice butser. G. X. HOLLAND, Beechwood and St. Columban. P. S. -Twine accounts are now ready, and all old accounts and must be paid once. Long Speeches Do nob inorease vai- n e e, . • T ateing at length does not add one atom of merit to 4nytlaing. The Drugs sold here require no extravagant praiea. They prove their own merit in actual use. • Water Glass Egg Pre- eerver, 15e a tin. Jar rings that are made of rubber, 10o a dozen. Pickling spices of ev- ery kind L)dia Pinkham'e Com pound, $1 a bottle. Dr. Shoop's remedies, a hill line. Give us a call, We will give yOu Satis- faction or refund your money. TALKING AT LENGT 111.1 • Arfif ".2.0`or 0. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S - - BLOCK t=1. MTEt Agent for up-to-date Trueses, Syringee, Hot Water Bottles, Shoop's, remediee, Cook's Cotton Root Compound and Wood's Pboeuktedine„ = a year-old heifers, 10 yeae olde, 1 brood sew to pig about tune of salsa. Everything will be sold without reserve. Terthe.--12 moriths'• credit on approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. off for cash. JAMES °ARLIN, Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, . Auctioneer. 2024.2 UCTION SALE Ok` FARM STOOK. -Mr. Thos. Bro wii has been instructed be; Mr. John Mc. Pheison to sell by public auction on Lot 7, Comes- siou 18, Maintop, on Friday, September 28 1906 at one o'clock p. in., the following valuable farm stack : 12 cows supposed to be in calf ; 1 thorobred now with pedigree, supposed to be in calf ; 1 thorobred bull with pedigree, three months old ; 1 steer ..two years old, 2 heifers two years old, 2 steers 1 year old, 9 calves. The stook is ell well bred and in iirst-Olass condition, and will he sold without reserve as the proprictorhas rented his farm. Terms of Saba -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount, 12 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. will be allowed for cash oh credit amounts. Positively no outside stook will be offered for mile. _JOHN biePHERSON, Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer, 2021:4 A UCTION SALE of Horses, Cattle and Pigs. -Mr: 211... Zif. Matthews has instructed Mr. Thomas Brownto sell by public auction on Lot 28, Concession 4, Hibbert, on Monday, October 8, at 12 o'clock, the following property : Horses. -4 span of Percherons coming (a 1 heavy draft gelding corning 5, 1 heavy draft gelding 7 yld ears o, 1 general purpose horse 5 years old, 1 gelding 2 years old, sired by Pride of Glasnick, 1 pair of fillies coming 2, sired baaSunlight, 1 pair Of spring colts sired. by Best Man. Cattle. -5 cows to calve in October, 10 steers 8 years old, 12 hei- fers coining 8, 16 two-ye:week! steers, 7 yearling steers, 6 spring calves. Pigef.--54 store hogs about 120 lbs.; 80 pigs 2 months old, 5 sows with litter at foot, $ sows about to litter. The whole of the above will positively be sold and no bidding in. Terms. - 12 months' credit an approved endorsed notes. A discount of 5 per mint, allowed for cash. J. M. MAT - THEWS, Prop. ; THOS.' BROWN, Auctioneer, 2024-2 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE Of Farm Property.- .Michael Shen, Administrator of the estate- of Mrs. Bien Shea, late of the Township of Ribbed, hi She County of Perth, widow, deceased, will ,offer for sale by public auction at Weber's Hotel, M the Village - of Dublin, on Friday. tile 26th day of October, at 2 o'clocipp. m., the following farm property, viz: The North Half of Lot No: Twenty (20), in the Third Con- cession of the Township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, containing 50 acres of.lend, be the same more or less. On the property is a good frame dwelling house, nearly new, with small orchard, and good frame barn and stabling underneath. ,The farin has fli•st-class soil, and is conveniently located about twis miles from the village of Dublin' and six miles from the town of Seaforth. Terms ofSole-Ten per cent, of the purehase money to be paid at the time of sale and the balance within thirty ,days thereafter. The sale will be subjeot to reserved likL For further par- ticulars and conditions apply to J. L. K1LLORAN, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for the Administrator; MICHAEL SHEA Dublin, Ont., Administrator. 2023-6 = , AUCTION SALE .of Farm Stock and Implements. -Mr. Charles Smith has instructed Mr. Thos. Brown to sell by public auction on Lot 81; Concession 14, Molaillop, On Monday, October 1st, -at one o'clock p. m.' the following : Horses. -1 driving horse 7 yrs. old, lgood roadster, perfectly quiet. Cattle., I. cow supposed to be in calf, 2 spring calves, 65 hens, all choice and young. Implements. -1 Massey -Harris binder, nearly new Deering Giant mower, almost new ; 1 Massey -Harris 10 -foot steel rake ; 1 Wisner seed drill." 1 hay rack 1 plow, 1 set harrows, I root seuffier, 1top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 set double harness, 1 set single harness, lamilk box with cans, new ; also forks, hoes, shovels and other small articles. The whole will be sold without reserve, as the proprietor has purchased town property and is moving. to Sea- fotth. Terms of Sale. -All sums of $5 and under, cash ; over that amount, 12 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 5 cents on the dollar allowed for cash on credit amounts. CHAS. SMITH, Proprietor; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 2024-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Horses and Cet- tle.-Mr. T. N. Forsyth has instruoted Mr, Thos. Brown to sell by public auction on Lot 18. Concession 8, L. R. S. Ttickersmith, on Saturday, October 64h; at one o'clock p. in., the following-Lval- vable property, via.' : Horses. -1 brood mare suppos- ed Eo be with foal to Prior's Hero, 1 draft gelding 2 years old and 1 draft filly 1 year old, both by Prior's Hero, 1 driving mare 6 years old, a good worker, I roadster yearling gelding by Wilder Lee. Cattle. -1 milk cow due to.calve November 1st, 4 cows due to calve about Mari% 10th, 1 cow due to calve May 1st, a grade cow lately calved, I registered heifer with calf at foot, 1 two-year-old steer, 2 steers rising 2 in December and January, 1 yearling heifer, 5 steer calves and 2 heifer calves, 1 brood sow with litter of pigs 4 weeks old, 12 pigs about af months ,old. Ev- erything, will positively be sold. Terms of sale. -12 months' credit on approved ° joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. off for cash. T. N. FORSYTH, Prop. ; THOMAS BROWN Auctioneer. 2024-2 A UCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements. 21 -Thomas linavn has been instructed by Mrs. W. J. Allan to sell by public auction on Lot 27, Con- cession 4, Hibbert, on Wednesday, Octobsr 10th, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following property viz, : Horses. .a-1 general purpose mare rising 6 years old, 1 gener- al purpose horse rising 6 years old, 1 carriage horse rising. 7 years old. Cattle. -5 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 heifer rising 2 years old, 1 heifer rising 3 yrs. old, 2 steers 2 years old, 4 yearlings, 5 calves, 'fi pip 3 months old, also some hens. ImplementS.-I Mas- sey -Harris binder, 1 Massey -Harris mower just run one season, I horserake, I drill, 1 t•oller,'l top buggy, 1 fanning mill, I lumber wagon, 1 set diamond har- rows, 1 gang plow, 1 single plow, 1 cutter, 1 set single harness nearly new, 1 set double harness, 1 hay rack, 1 wheelbarrow and other articles including some, household furniture. Also EA quantity of hay. Everything will be sold without reserve as the farm has been sold. Terms. -All stuns of 35 and under, '• over oat amount, 12 inonths' credit on op - pr ved joint netes. A discount of . 5 per cent. for eagle MRS. W. J. ALLAN, Proprietress ; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. 2024-2 AUCTION SALE of Farm Property. -B. 8. Phil- lips, auctioneer, has been instructed by Mr. R. Carlisle, to offer for sale by public auction at the Commercial Hotel,. Hensali on Saturday, the 2040 day of September, 1906, at tWo o'clock p. m., his farm, containing 100 acres, pore or less, being com- posed of north half of Lot 2e and south half of Lot 26, .m the 3rd Concession of the 'Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. On the term is a good, comfort- able house, also barn 40 x 60 hi fair state of repair, 2 good wells, one at the house and the other at the bait' ; a row of maple trees Meer across the front of the farm, about an acre of orchard. Fairly well Ione - ed and underdrained, nearly all seeded to grass, about six acres of fall wheat in on summer fallow; alxnit 12 acres of hardwood bush with plenty of rock elm for building purposes. The farm is well situated being a quarter of a mile from school and two miles from the thriving village of Hensali (about 1,000 in- habitants) on the le H. & B Railway, one of the best grain markets in Western Ontario. Reasons for sell. Ing, old age and no help at hove. Tei -ms of Sale. - Ten per cent. of the purchase monese on day of sale and the balance of 32,000 in 30 days. The remainder can be left on mortgage, if so desired, at a fair rate of interest. For further particulars inquire of the undersigned. ROBERT CARLISLE, Proprietor; B. S. PHILLIPS. Auctioneer, 20214 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and ImpleMents. -Mr. George T. McKay has instructed Mr. Thos. Brown to sell by public auction on Lot16,..0on. 2, L. R: 8., Tuckersmith, on Friday, October 12th, at one o'clock p. m., the following ; Horses. -1 heavy draft mare supposed to be in foal, 1 heavy draft foal, 1 aged draft mare, 1 team of general purpose horses, 1 driving pony. Cattle, --7 cows supposed to be in calfi 1 heifer rising 3 supposed to be in calf, 3 fat steers, 3 years old, 3 one -year -old' -heifers, 1 one -year- old steer, 8 spring calves, abut 100 hens. Implern- ente.-1 Massey -Harris binder, new, I Massey -Harris. mower, 1 Massey -'Harris drill, 1 Deering corn harvest- er, 1 Thorns ensilage blower with steel pipes, 1 steel roller, new, 1 spring tooth cultivator, new, 1 Balky rake nearly new, 1 set harrows, 1 wagon and rack, 1 Chatham fanning milrewith banger, 1 Verity gang plow, large size, new, 2 walking plows, 1 set weigh 'scales (2,000) lbs,), I seuffier, 1 turnip drill, 1 turnip plow, 1 Melotte cream separator, 1 buggy, 1 pulper, outter, 1 set heavg haruess, 1 set light double har- ness, 1 set single harness, collars, whiffietrees, neck - yokes, eto. All the above to he sold without reserve as the proprietor has leased his farm. Terms of sale. All sums of $5 and under, cash ; over that amount, 12 months' credit on approved joint notes. ' A dis- count of 5 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts., GEORGE T. McKAY, Proprietor; THOS. BROWN, -Auctioneer. 2024-2 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. -Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed by Mr. J. A. Traquair to sell by pub- lic auction on the 3rd Concession of Stanley, Town Line, one mile and a quarter west of Kippen, 011 Thursday, October 4, at one o'clock p. m., the follow- ing :-Horses.--1 draught mare, 7 yeats old, in foal ; 1 draught mare, 6 years old, in foal; 1 carriage horse 7 years cad ; 3 carriage horse 8 years old. Cattle. -4 eows due to calve in October, 1 cow due to calve in Deoember, 2 cows supposed to be with calf, 8 two- year-old steers, 1 two,year.oldleifer, 6 one -year-old heifers, 1 one -year-old steer, 1 calf, about 100 hens. Implements. -1 Massey -Harris binder, 1 Massey -Har- ris mower, 1 Massey -Harris seed drill new, 1 Frost & Wood disc harrow, 1 Frost & Wood cultivator, 1 set iron harrows, 1 gang plow, I long plow, 1 set bob. sleighs new, 1 wagon, 1 root pulper, 1 wagon box, 1 hay rack, 1 cutter, 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger, 1 hay fork, I horse rake, I grind stone, 1 water trough, I top buggy, 1 rubber -tired road wag- on new, 2 sets double harness, _2 seta single harness, 1 roller, 1 cross -cut saw, forks, shovels. Furniture. - 2 cook stoves, 1 coal heater with oven, 1 wood heat- er, 1 bedroom suite. The whole will be sold without reserve, as the proprietor is giving up farming. Terms of Sale. -All eums of $5 and under, cash; over that amount, 12 months' credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per eent, will be allowed for cash on credit amounts: J. A. TRAQUAIR, Proprietor; TAIOMAS BROWN, Aasbleneer. . ' NADIAN BANK .4 OF ,COMMERCE Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO gi E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager BB,ANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA,. AND IN THE UNITED STATES. AND ENGLAND A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED FAR1VIERS'"BANKING Eveilliy facility a,Vorded Farmers for their banking business. Sales Notes cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL. --Deposits may be made or withdrawn bk mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention. SEAFORTH BRANCH. HOLMESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES; Manager. OPLESTONE & GA NE R9 (SUCCESSORS TO MESSRS. MoKINNON & CO.) EILITTII, - 1131,VTARIO, AAAAAAAAAAAAAA,A,Now~"A" The reat Dress -Goods House. Never before have we shown a greater or better display of Dress Fabrics. One purchases have been large, thus'‘Inaking our selection greater than other establishments lwith more pretentions, e.Thsse goods have been bought at close prides and to-daywe can place before you the best of values. See our Big Dress Goods Show. Keock-Out Tweeds in green and navy,- at 25c, Tweed Suiting in green, brown and navy mixed, at 50c. Grey Check Tweed Suitings at 50e. Check Tweeds, in brown, green, navy and black, at 50e. °ley Homespun, soap Skrinken, at 70e. Check Tweed Suitings,in green and navy mixtures, at 756. Tweed Suitings, in medium, light and dark gteys, soap sheinken, at ,75c, Orahre Check Tweeds, in dark shades, at 75c. Grey Worsted Suitings, 54 inches wide, at 9Ce • fancy chock Suitings, in grey and dark grey, 54 inches wide, at 900 ; Tweed Suitings in brown,' navy, olive and green mixtures, 66 inches wide, at $1 ; embroidered Tweed Suitings, light grey -vvhite dot, dark .grey with white dot, mid gray with blue dot, 75c; spotless velore Vicuna, in navy and black, 54 inches wide, at 50o, satin clothes in blaele, navy, green, brown and fawn, at 50c 750 and $I; amazon cloth, all wool, in popular shades, at 50c; ccad de chene, Bedford cord, cream and White, figured tustres, at 50e. Ask to see our celebrated Kharanta Dress Fabrics, best dress goods made in England, by George Carr and Co., of Bradford. One hundred and .fifty 0ver3oate,,, up-to-date, $7,50 to $10. Poplestone & Gardiner, Blyth. Auction Sale ! Trotting Stallion YOUNG SIDNEY, 16188, HARNESS, RIGS, glom Thomas Beown has been inebrteeted by the Estate of tbe late George Whitely sell by public auction, on the premises, in the TOWN OF SEAFORTH, ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1906, At 2 o'clock p. m., that well known California trotting stallion, Young Sidney, 16188. He is a on of Sidney, 4770, sire of Lena W., 2 on; Mortimer, 2 091 ; Dr. Leek, 2,04, and 96 others in the '2 30 list. Sidney's sone have eked 62 in the bet, embraeing Loa Dillon 1,54, and Twinkle 2 05i. Young Sidney is a splendid individual, and has been most successful In the sbud. Tabulated pedigrees ean.be bad on application. There will alit° be sold at the same time and place the following chattels ; One buggy, one trotting sulky, one cutter, one . trotting sleigh, harness, boobs, belle, robes, eto. Everything will be sold, as the estate must be wound up. TERMS -CASH. T. BROWM, Auctioneer. MRS. el-. WHITELY, Prop. Ill SLAUGHTER. Owing to the increased cost of material and -labor, the manu- facturers of Buggiea are advancing their prices for next season. In order to give our customers the benefit of the information gained, and to make room for Fall and Winter stock, I will offer FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS. My stock of Buggies at greatly re -i duced prices. legreall and see what we have. Wx J. SEAFORTH • Next to Richardson sk McInnis' Shoe Stem, The famous Oockshutt Riding Plows in stock. toves and Ranges You'll need one next menth, and remember, we give you the benefit of our experience, the longest in town. When we offer you Moffatt's Welcome National Four Hole Classic National Six Hole Canada Steel Ranges they are without peers and are to be seen any time at the Central hardware Store George A. Sills, College Shoes - The College Shoe is a great favor- ite pose days. The young lady is vecy partial to the style. The Col- lege Boot has a sort of individual style and smartness MI It's own. The young woman, who takes pleaeure in having a trim, welltdreies. ed foot, should ask for the how Top College Boot We have this style in the beet of leathers only. Therea nothing cheap about the College Styles. $2.30, $3 00 8r $3.50 The thing In footwear is our Col- lege Boot. Richardson& Winnis SEAFORTH, Seaforth - - Ontario Agents for the Sovereign, Hagar and I Just Wright Shoes. HOMER -TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held pursuant to the "Voters' List Act," by Bis Honoa the judgeof the County Court of the County r, Huron, at Wilaon's Hall, Brucefield, on the 18th dof of October, 1.906, at 11 o'clock a, m, to hear and ay ternune the several compleints of errora and o de- ems in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Tmie- ersmith for 1906. All persons having business auok. Court are required to attend at the said timet the place. - and Dated the 26th lei of September, 19964 A. G. 20254 , Ole* 0 Teskersmitle NOTICE. Town of Seaforth. Notice is hereby given that a. Court will be held pursuant to "The Ontario Voters' Lista Act," bs His Honor, the Judge off the County Court of the County of Huron, at the Town Hall, Seaforth, 00 4310 20th day of October 1906, at nine o'clock in the fore- noon, to hear and letermine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the Town of Seaforth for 1906. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. - Dated the 25t11 day of September, 1900, JOHN A.. 26244 Oletle of tit* aid Muni1raty0 • Corner Male end MerJret Sreete Seatorth", °otter's. iokard as' I The Lerdost I:try Goodie and Ci•thing Concern its Fourleountlite CTO IS :NO Fall 11111111110NeffaiNgsapy fernmuommomme READY OR— usin • • 111111111111MINNIMMEI ,6doiateadmasatamaam0P1I.Irrii -Una Quality and Variety are the Strong Features of his Season's Showing. We have done all the planning and scheming for you. We have solved all the little problems that stand between you and - the best for the least. That is why we can. say to you come and buy merchandise here of unquestionable e:it, as low, if. not lower, thanyoucan bt'r goods elsewhere, where the guarantee of perfeot satisfaction is lacking. MILLINERY, Our showing will e of the very latest. Come and get a HI that is different. Ladies' Jackets and Skirts. Few customers vieit this plied. We give the selection o the very best styles from. the be inspected, both as to style and We now place on sale over 300 new arrivals in the very latest styles, no two alike. Come and let as show yo'u now you look in one of our new Fall gar- ments, and how remonably yoa caa get oae here. Dome early and get a first choice. department 'without getting thar wants sup - each garment careful attentidn, and buy onlyi t known makerb. Each garment is -carefully orkmanship, before we allow it to go on sale. Ladies' a d Mn's Furs. -^ Our Furs are now on exbi ition—the largest stock of Fars we have eve shown. For yeats this store has ben headquarters for furs of all kinds, and our leadership will be more than ever noticeable this season. We want you to see our slOwing---get our prices. We will be sure of your bueiness later. ; There is always a cornfortuig sense of satisfaction and security in buy. ing • furs here. Where so much ha to he taken for granted, as la the case when you buy furs, ie niturally su gests the advieshitity,of making your pur- chase from a firm like. this, whichigustranteea every article they handle to give absolute satisfaction. Clothing Departm.en IleliNeentleattarneffreetenneelegAileftem4 We want to figure with ye' on that new Suit or Overcoat. For years we have been. sa 'ag 'other.people money—see ou steck to be convinced that we can save you. money. Our leaders this season itt uits are 87.75, heavy blue worsted.. Our $9 50 violated in black ar blue, is worth $12.00. Pee our Overcoats this seasokn. at $6 75, $8.50 and $10, Highest Prices Oaid for Butter Eggs anti Wool. PICKARIO &SON Corne Main and Market Streets, Seaforth Opposite Town Prof. O'Brien, Canada's Grestest Phrenologist and Scientific !mist, of Toronto, IS. NOW IIN SEAFORTH For a few days only, at THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Speculators and those content lating a change, of business, should not miss consulting him Call and see the 'autographs of prominent people who have become rich, and others holding rominent positions through his practical and sound advice. Prof. O'Brien't work is all done on a scientific basis, benee the truth. Parents should bring iheir children and find out what they are best adapted for to be it suceessen life. Fowler's New York latest phreno- . t logical chart used. Your past, pr sent and indications of future events, as me marked on your hand by nature, rrectly delineated. Locating diseases a specialty.Marriage adaptions explained. Ohildron half price. Hours3'10 a. m, to 10 p. re. • A - •