The Huron Expositor, 1906-09-28, Page 41. JOL A 4 01 -91 4 JU mm� 0 LEA-ILDING' ON" sird ,Dr 401 -go 7 -4 aid L 8 -,A1VRT"#S­ k'jnd WIth or _boaW ed'4th in- tho dvry doing, a gqod� ws in) AR 0 J� 15.L _ _at ib In the 4Qnt J Of JJUC Muitt 40AI, pbell. 11. 01 &Ahury rec e 11E hL wojrlto. �r L L . , . . , ot � the dew e t - a,- F M& OU16 T; J-ohnw No- 1h on JtVL#l1),C." *ro,. numb r f t' one: i b6dj, r�&W� , effioli-, icaff, gri. , I th of er 0 own drove, out 16 -the In ]ELAURER 1-906 , I, L - I- #q mol*oWr Jewel, Wadding of Mt a Marl& MbOowsink to uniforM, _110. �ftluett; je�th�eL Ealst dd, of- clater and,' tbov" D woo. ency, 6 Omer r stitchmIr a ;,* T. oTobown'; Ity of of. 'bntaklo _1 e administration would' bo, wur- woldrurs, on ftnu-01, Mm'Blqett ; collection ladies bf-' �he. main mt. W. asking on Vedhemday of th Ifferchants ]Rubbers. t, Mrs, Blitetto A. Deakar ; honikoix lace str M h hUr h are Tprepar- v. Dr an. ous 8 'U, L T, Johnson - lace - week. Ito -XcLo tted 'the k tot. The Fam thorou 1-04� The same th ng might, bd Said 10t. - Ofdur� We") eet ot o4i t 6 h6n(lkerchioL4 "NJloqJ(, Cam At -ertaln- -MrO. A. M. BAbb and Son) *0 Toes A and sarisfactor, .01 MWAUM the xisheRes. present- there, -is �.ollnr Ural 9113ett,* embrolrdiorvid. contre pidee'i Dr. 1119'tOr a grand muoidal mant L 'days L fter a do, W divided Jurisdiction and considdrableL.,- onibroldefrod ment on the evening of VhanksgIv- water, -spent a.. fe -here the* their wearing tial the put two 44# Johnson tray cloth,�Dr. 1PAMpbdil� E. Kaercher Ing Day.-,�-Mr. J. G. Jone% our on- Past week with her jpkrentA Mr. jan& btive pw- Pe L unipbell ; Toneriffe lace centre -place, torp we are again g for this Season a 8,- orra'bl7fty as to - the:'res tou Cosy, Dr. C I - ,ot , arm 2 3 4 5 ,b,6-Db;n1-hIonf -and- the Provinces. napit I netting Conti% piece or d oylie, risin'g Merchant bad In bis gar- Mrs. Hugh McQuarrie.-Meo Me- pletp stock th� -oolebrated if Xer&6*`mi 0, Viltzi T. J* The reoult Is.-Vonfuslon,:,uncOrtainty Mrs. Bluett; gv 10' 11 12 13 1& '15 T JohnBoh awn thread -work, H. den-% plurn tree which * as last w4*.k Rhersoji BKOfil. who , recently pur-- d 16 17 18 19 -04'20 R 22- an L Often friction, All - this -might Well, Allis �a�Sloll colleobion drawn work, T. In' full blOo Im. It to likely. Jack obased the*ardware and -tinware buo-- !��6bers of -Berlin,; The unequalled Johnson, 411los I a �oll; ot6fng,�T. Johnston, t Ito' lboaxing fruit. Woos at 3. G. -Moser & Sou, openeiAi prevented 'by an.- understanding, un- J,LCoohrane; Bulgaran ani Frost will. preven Merchants".Rubbers has been tk*, - - IT, ?a broldery, Mrs, Bluett-, -44 23 24 25 26 21 2 8 29 te I on' -A fe W 44: A90 Ur. - Wm'. Welgh up oii Saturday atter being, closed der which contr*61 should be vested In pillowwU1111 E'Kaerohor'a Dooher: sofsk cosbi, the fact that, althodgh the faotory -has bem vi tL 30 Okt. .00 ff not 0 Xia X. &nibell, -T. n, r apron, U. had the ralsfortune to get kicked ibn for a few -days tak ftir Atock. TheY the central- Government.- It. I exist, -.Doe but a eoup a of years, these L Of -ro :Uereher, Mrs. Bluett , Mount Moffllok nent"'o N,11ce, the face,. br a colt.,,. He- bad his jaw are boM eue.rgetic young tMen and be �xpected , course, thiat the T 0. Plitz ;. laundry bag, J. qelgO; j. 0. 1411 rest; the widest popularity th NEW ADTBRT-18919914ft vinces 'd ui� made in they will 0 to -day. evioy- would 'surrender any rights oroohotlace, V hhnsoii toilet inats, J. Drown i a broken an a severe c a good business In �he Jh Careful which they now possess w,'IthoUt &do. 0. Foreit; table inats, Dr. Campbell,- J. Cochrane, his face. He to getting on nicely old Stand. It to itte Intention or Mr. the Dominion* L hetwdon tbLe. pore The figare qu&te' compensation nor is. there 'any Collection tattia but It Will' %e Vome time, b4ore he *ooer to Continue In it. coal jbuoi� -nthesis aftek eauh 0. 1614, T, Johnson 1. kn The -ad, deft;tea tile pa:,y,1 of ttle pydr on, which tile curtains, U, $ee line woolon. qniltf. 11 ]Bender finish and a perfect fit -are always found in Xero*ts Riabbers, and desire that they should do so. Th4d, - w6ol coverlet, P. Bender,. T. Johnson ; silk log cabin Is all, right again. -As appears by negs. _ei adoertfaerneilb Is wear, nothing will surpass them. A complete Tangt -of lAferchatits and other are proper sub- quilt,Urs. 111luett,, Cotton log Cabin quilb H. Rader the Ontario Gazette The Exeter Ift: L � ­, � 1 shleff-6 . #L 0 feW L ,&uetion. , J. �Dechor ; Cotten patchwork I TiMes L P'rin Ing CompanT, of Exeter, Varna, all sizes for men, women and Bees for Sale�W. Hartry-S jects for consideration,. and shoulU lillt, -T. Johnson GL t children, now -on ourAalyes, A 4 Holtzman; silk patahwork qiii b, TL. joh�666 - 'Silk' Vorably regardedi - might Ital of 110,000 (urt NVanted-Urs. W, X Willis -8 they be' fa With A cap' bao en Crazy wdrk quilt T. Johnson i. Cochiane I tton Notes.-Ther� to a good deal of sle'k- whi rition 00 1 9 ch w6 here me' 0--d I - form the- basta of.. a re-arrangem.Vnif, crazy w)rk qulk, also vool 0 'k fit T. incorporated. mzy or orster-8 nesp n -this vicinity just now.-Tbe Johnson ; counterpan6 -tufted, W. Battler, Deoh- of -Igubsidies'to "the Provinces. A. New Venture. -A: 'new VrM of Thankoffer Men's Rubbers— 60,.900, 950) $1 a palx- 0. Govenlonk-6 er -, counterpane knitted., Viss. X, Campbell, John Ing meeting of the o horse aealera 'has; just lbeen 'formed men's Foreign Missionary Society was Womens.Rubbers-60c, 65c, 70c, 75o a p4r. v- S-teer-Chom Dulmage-5 aci er ; counterpane crochet, Miss A. Carlisle, H. ftU it Wnthrop, - 8 in Winnipeg', known, as Ha�dfprd & held In the Preo'terlmn-ehurch oil 'the, Zurieh Sliow We counterpane etching Work, G- H6167111RUt D, Sheep Loot -G. U. Chesney -5 Misses" Rubbers, 460, and 60o a ladloil spair- 18ifool cape, crochet, G. Holtzman, MCLean.' Xr. Thomas E. Handford, Tuesday atern4clon. There Notfoo-A. G. Smillie -a- he Ray Branch shoW, held on the ''G. Schfoeder; home made O%Mcb,' H, Well the *ell known horse [dealer of gx� good attendaned nd an jinteresting B6ys:l ubbers-550 and 70c a Ara' Notice -L A., Wilson -5 * r 4 - home made Wool hearth P grounds; of tho . society ift Zurich - on ,All xitlinory-E. HaVaul-8 t I'lig T. Johnson. Atiss eter, L deeferves great credit for the' xcell- 'Rubbors-R, Wiil!&&$qn-4 Wed.nesda and Thursday . dr llg'i home inade rag hearth and profitable meeting. ' An ie I air. �Oatnpbell ; wool yarn, honie spuli"W- Rader, a. energy and enterprlie' displayed the ent address was given iby Xrs.'(Rev.) Ohildren s Rubber# --40e, a P Week. Was, fir every irespect, a Com I Neeb , tidy, crochet ootton. Mis BlAtt - T, John- pait number of years ad this locality -rmb many ko Itted sotton, U. Ne;b, W. fia&r ;silk C willis-2 plete success. Indeed a good Boll; ildy Purchasing 41to, of Goderich. Mrs. Hamil- We also sell the most popular lines of the Ca an and ov.erwats-Orelg Clothing Co. -I a�ent In for Messrs. ton was a delegate to the -annual afghan or slumbir rug, T. Johnson, U. Neel); Cotten Say It was the anodt successful -oveir, Rbbers, prices- Oi which are the same as the Mere autor --Johnson, 11, Well; bond sawing, Mrs. S. Roberts-$ 16tr and this Is, Saying held by the soc sto*ingsj�T, Ryan and FiCred, of Winalpeg, the meeting of the society t Winnipeg J. Cidolimne; coarse woollen stockings, H. Neeb, W. largest dealers Id horses the lVatch-Oleaning-J, V. Daly -8 last spring and 4ie gave a very 4n- ROW Wanted -G. K. Holland"6 a : gboa deal. The 4ndoor departmm Ba'�ttier; fine woolen mitts, IV. Battler D. Surerus , cioti During the PaSt Six Vb&rs he terepting account of what 4o belng . . . . . .... Brick for Sale -G. W� Close &I ao.-o - wag ritmarkable for the very full dia- Course woollen mitts, W� Battler, W. Rade�; quilt, Music--W.Menn Campbell -8 play in everr department and,the ex- sewed oil ground work, J. Doohor, 1-1. Rader� Ispec �has bought fron! the tarmers In Hu- done along the many lines of work. 22 For Beattie-$ ials-Centiie 1310c Crewel worb,,L.Yrang , head res ro�n and. Middlesex between 4,000 and The' thankoffering was a liberalon & cellenoe �of many of 'the exhibits, es- Miss If, (jampbell ; band embroidery, T. Johnson.. 5,000 of the be6t class of borses, for Uorie for Sale -,W. 0harleaworth-5 pecll�y in. th# mots and Trults; J udges-Alro. 'Will. Fritz, G, rand bond,; Mrs. Bu- -Itey, and Mrs. Brown have returned chanan, which he baU paid the handsome oum from Montreal, where they were at - poultry w%.nted-Jas. Calitillog-8 WaS a oubJect of': generil remark., -Th Igood g -S. B. Ba, --S 4 of. nearly a mi;llon do ars, krid has tondin CupnteraWdated gohaw ouf6ide show Wag equally FIND ART. onference and enToying, a the show Ift horses being - evon jar�ger, oil pmliltbig, porteilt, J. G. Voresh;'Al painting, by fair dealing and 'correat business re sorry to learn that oliday.-We (Rev.). landscape- J. G. VoregbL- 0. lf'rtft; Crayon w6rk, or- methoda, establIsbed In thii vicinity Mrs, tavidoon Is quite, III, and beit thari, In former years. 'I tmit; J. 6. - Forest'; off or water color, Ilowers; 10. one of thel largest and boo . SEA .4 ri ORrA ff i t borse Thd - farmers find grub doing con- Vorest, Bluett ;, pencil drawing, J. 0oohrane, J. The .'so er clety � this( yea procured, ok markets In Ontario, With char. acterts- alderabld Injury L' tb th Sole Agents for the "Slater'! W -Alk -Over Shoe* for men, sad the] fdsofonalL judge,' furnished b -the 0. Forest ; pon and,ink etch, J. G. Forent, tro. e potatoes In ro y Bluett ; p(innianship, D. Surerue, T. Johnson ; paint- tie pluck Mr. Hwndfbrd has Agultural- .,Department, for i the decided io 'this vicinity, -Thanksgiving dav to Quality1p ond 44 Empress "Shoes U. W01210110 =AFORTH, FRIDAY, Sept. 28, 1906. in oil felt, J. 0. Forest, T, Johnson; painting on go more e xtensively Into ithe bui- 0 horses and he gave etober - 18. The people ihave much to AeSS, Land With! that end In vfew baS be thanktul for this iyear.-Bayffeld BANK Ithe m6st �general J. Cochrane . 0. Forest; painting on. plaster --sattaffietion. The ZuAch band Wks par", J. Cochrane, T. Johnson. on Electrie Power for Huron In attendance during tbo, day and dei- JuAge-James'Weeks, Exeter. Just formed a partnership with Mr. show on- T esday *and Wednesday tess hands. Of the king of Iterrors PLANTS AND FLOWE I . ES'L'JM.RN wlth �their leXCellent muo- The Ontario Hydro-EleCtric Com- lighted all McLesir of -Winnipeg, formerly of next. There uwlll be large turnout Friday, September 14M it the age Of missioni 61loction flowers, X Johnson; Auaple leaf, T. -All who h ck 54 years, 5 monthoand; as epOrt dealing. to. Ther -OF was ;a 1 a Dungan�on.,. 'Onta;rlo, and bought out from here. -be 27 days. The _.Isguo(1,: a,�r arge attendance firm of OF CANADA* -tore aijid' -the igate receipts ohnson, W. Battler ;'bouqiiat ant flowers T. John- the Ryan land Fare,.and will. longing to, the autograph q of rernalng 6me- with the 'water power and the, lele6i�- -,Of apect ;jn,.&1rs.U. Zeller; T.Jolibson, J. 4. Forest; carry 0A the great Sale and oxchange the Methodist church will pleao re- tery for Inhumation on Sunday, the were quite satlegaetory. The t011OW-; gemniume, W. Battler Calla lillies, T. Johnson trical requirements of the Lake 'Hur- 'ing id thY -prize''list:. stable business there., Mr. Handford, turn them as soon 4a possIbleas the 16th 1HAD O�FIUU I pansies, 0. Schroeder; f ischlau, Ji 0. Forest. Inat.- when a vory large 1nUM- -as In the past conducti g the !buying ladies In Charge *.ould' like to fin- her was liv attendance to ; ay their Judgq-James Weeks, Exeter. n on. and, * Georgian Day districts. The HORSES., P THE RACES. and shipping from Exeter land other Job them qp this im.�onth. last Tepects ti% 'the departd Who �CApJTA former is of mo;e ammedlate�, Interest DR&ttGuT­Broo.4 Alare, J. & B, Smillie foal G will be grealy mlesed.-Mr. wren, J. & B. Smillie, X Glos �ar-old, 0. bole: Two-year-old Colt Race-Ist, Noah Samms 2nd, parts of Huron, As ia Huron ibe- Stelck on on .ta our,rea�ders- Am g the 1pqbsible. man; �?w);ear-oldi E. Troyer, J. 0. Coleman - gain Hey; 3rd, John Hoy, Jr. Ing born -In, Stephen townrihtp. Vel de-. bebalt of himself and family wishes locatfons. Is - mentioned IV. MeAfflitel-, 0.. MoAlfloter, ; span, Farmers'Trot-Ist, G. Schroeder's S. 8, 2nd, W o be 'congratulated on h1a be(LdVurv. the press, 'big -per undeveloped to tenderi through Hunter. )Vitzel's Little Broncho. new venture for L startin-g out from Notes. -We purposed making, some; T. M &M I LLAN the Maitland River near Goderich. AORICULTURAL-Brobd mare, 0. Wren, E, Gies, . heartfelt thanks to friends andneig- lid 11 ver eginnings( as farmees bord for their tender AYMPSthY and 13 -$filiflie foal, J. Caldwell, P. Delchert, J. MeAllis- Y� smal b remarks about Toronto arid he Bx- om- b"h-3 BRAN Of this th6 2 - report says, tiome 4 j;W; year-old, L. H, Willerb, it. Kraft, G. Eisen- Lakeliol;. son of small m6ans, (he has iby Ina hibition fn:Tlho Expositor last weeld, - thu -year-old, S. Hunter, D. Schnelli R. XaAr. miles east of Goderich ion the wait but act ally ha:d no itime fo it.- great kindnegoes,L Shown during .,the DUBLI IL itable pluck an:d perseverance ilsen spaiii E. Gie Breezog.-There to to- be a big our- Illness of Mrs. Stelck, and the p5ora dembt0p­� GVWMAL VURPOSPI.—Broodmare,, P. Doichert, is t6 be onef of -the largept dealers In There aVpeo;rs tof be a boom, 441 Wal- y aoility contlatept wlth_ land River at the Ox -Bow 'a affliction of the family. -Com-, prise party it the whome of the head ton )4etbodtst circuit this yead. The bankiegis iffordecl ths Imblie of Foster, G. 919enbach - foal , 9. Xosseau, G. Eisen. horses In Cana:da. ment of u f ee-t aiLad' -can the obtaln� bach� 2-year-ola', L. Walper, H -Kraft, . Of the bridgei " across the lake 'on gfegations and offerings are! larg- surroutiffing territory. athe.r Hey, or.; 3-y �ed by the construction Of a Ir 1). Schnell, W. Smfth, F. Wil. Monday night when, he Willi be pre�i hieued, er than fo�, some -years.-Mrs. Jack- lert, -, span, Johft Peoher ; buggy horse. in .harness sented -,with a gold watch. All ithe Waltoni e uk expensive dam, which- will provid and, buggy, H. :ftid of Morils, was 'visiting her 1par- 113tarept P%jd on Savings Bit er 8, Beaver. of 4 iDfL 'JARRIAGE.-BV00d -mare, J. Procter, A. 11annic, 1). dIgnitarles-of Clifford- and surroun& Breezes. -Every person- should re- ents, Mr. amd Mrs. Barrows� ?or a Local tems.—Ther carpenters -are at ustoa upwar&- stofage fflelent to. take care f armer� for Uaybg suf hnell; foal, J. Preeter�. D. Schnell, E. Pinder ; I- Ing country will be In attendanea.- mbmber the Bayffeld- * show. which couple of days last eek.­�-Xr. -J. F.� Work on thel new istore of 8. H -Mr- Lu0b my46 t6 an'Y reasonable peak oad within the D. Solinell, W. Smith ; 2 -year-old-. G. -Cole- J R. L' Alebesod, of ithe Clifford 1BX-. takes place on Tuesday and Whdnes- IV. Smiti1i; 3- )ter, L. McIntosh Wai away filling, corn silos Laughln's.-The station to now also mayear-old, S. Hut limit of he temporary overload cap- 11. Ille 3, Ruby; �s Ireland preso,. has Ira D. Hicks beaten *.a mild day next. Wednesday, of course,,will to the iou k of here for V weelc. mmpletl6n-, and, our ditizens Sal's -X-ote� euplifed free of ib an, 0.,WelKer, J. � t nearing i J, as low well;__ g;v hers fin harness and buggy, a weather propb�et. On Wednesdai be the big day. There Is* lal*ays it A IrvInA who ihas been -are Watching With hopeful expect- IPR.ANIK acity-.11 From this.LmoUrce, according Mri Herbe er n n, mon J. Taylor. he prophesied :rain- in rthe course of good crowd a;t BavfIeld nd. the -pros- In New York State, the greater rpait any to cat6h' the first glimm' - 6f J. to th rep following -Brood mi re, ester, J. Qoiger e -ort -the 'R 'J.'Gelger,- J. Foster', 1 -year-old W: a few dayo -and on Thur-Oday ta Mitch pects re tha;t the, show this iyelar of the summei� has. treturned home. - teheadlight of tber construction traln. foa E. 99ler,' can be supplied *1th electrical en- J, Hey, Ir ; 2 -yea J� Dedher, E. Bk�de,, needed , -refreshing shower . came will outi6trl mi of 71ts prd'd4cessors, Mr. John ilolden Was hually engag- -Miss Maud E. J41mliton Is visitin 'Truly the editor of the Ex- who bag been bust- e 'do n, with relatives. I'd Cleveland, Phlothe. BALt�-A h M will be given in the Winthm- -Na.. Ogeg� et th 1� hoell W. down. -John Benderma;nL ergy Ifor power, pulip 'e Ifo k % ;. 3 -year-old, T. Decher, IQ. Be pan, Ha in 4ros., W. F. 'Truemner J L tbrebing for. the. farmers W press Is becoming a '-prodigy.-Quite ling about town for some yearw, at tb6 east end,of this line -last pastfew weeks Miss 9A)rtbp;PO1I4rd, On the evenitif -of L e b 'of October, lowl n J. Spalri le '�e W ' ' b? ge -ng rites, Be k( he e, J. !UcNaiighto t 7 -at eiglit $0100k. Good muslendl 0 ' a number fro* - here attended the starts -n o ggy d ver, .1. lilcNaugh n, nOwn week.- ekets, cour Goderich, full load, 625 h. tp., D. Bell I ri J Decho took his departure for (parta unk John -is a Id band at tle- of Yellow Grass, Sask., is Tone P Dell, per. T! ALIM D vale of Mr. 'Loos, of Clifford, v% Sat- last week. -Mrs. Ya;nstone, mother of work and understands It thoroughly. friendi4bips In Waltmr vicinity,.- $19.44;-t�hree- uarters load,. 468- h. p. CATTLE. Mr. Loos, who once, tan a Urp. Too.100g, has rrbved lier house- -lvfr. Thomas Leeming bad a well Mrs. George E. Hamilton and famfl-f, i" th q urday. $1&75, and half load, 612 h. ip., $26.- DuRtwi-Mil6h cow, R. Rader, 1, 2, 8 2 -year -01(i hotel SALE URG19TER. ;� L 1-1; 1,- 1-, in 'Clifford, to going west.- hold effects to Goderich, where she drilled the latter part of last vkie -of Indian Hei4, &Te isiting, with �Mr.- T - heifer, J. Chambers, I and 2 *; yearling heifer, E. Henry Hamilton On Thurafty, 4th, ist I wplo* V Klo E. Rader, J..,Glhambers; bull calf, 19M, W. 'Mr. Richard Hamilton, dental utudent Intends to reside for somd tlm' e.- arM got a fine supply of water iat a anaf other frlens,- teTA6wn Lin% Statiley- one mile and A aftw For Clinton,. full load, 250 V p of Toronto, and Miss Bessie H Ili- Miss F. Nott has re�opene& herdress reamonable deptlj�Mr. Richard R-ob- Swamp Ilres' arel devastating the big of pen, iz;!� W�W, Implements-Atid MCA li-ster, P. Dbichert; heifer' call, wo, E. Xlepp, $22.08 three-quarter load, 187 h -'p., W. McAllister E, Ruder. to -mp to thel e4:st of our vill-age, and "m ture, A- Traquair, 'Proprie r; 0*-. wa Vtot,bati day, of HarrIston, visited R..G. We nuking -shop for the ifall and win- mt $26-69; 'half lead, 125 1h. p., $36'.18 OTHER TuA.N Tff0R0HftNDDUA11A.*-21fil('h COW, Ineft, v��o was severely hurt in a - -d CaDrown, auctioneer. Pfaff, B. Rader, E. Klopp-; heifer D. 'Haug, ofi Saturday. -There -was, not a pick ter trade -after a month's -rest. Dur- runaway accident some time s!gol to the damafg will -be eonsiderable to -b� full load, 487 For eafort h: 9) and 2, R Rader; 2-yei%r.old heifer, R Klo""p, W. Nfe- of mail here on�-Saturday, owing to. Ing ber,holidays she visited 9t h OnSaturday, Sept 2ftb, -at2 Volock 4 VW :Bros. -0tr 4 4. $21.03, tbree�-quarter tonal, S28 b P.1 ex lmprovIng.,-Munn have had standing timber, Which to vblry val- Commercial Rotel, Hensa11, Farm. Property. lliater, D. HauF; yearling heifer, R. -KILOPP, E. the. smash up near iduelph. Railway home near Clinton and at Hensall the.' bouse reshingled. Havfng a; uable. Besides burnfur a large- 'jitreteb Carlisle, p rieto .8, Phippo, aubtl $25.43; half lead, 219 Jb- p., $3 8.10. Rader, W. McAllister; 2 -year-old sWer, J. humbe rop, r; B. rib. For MitcheIL 'full -loxd, -250 h. (p.,,. W. a; fat cow or heifer, E� Rad4r, accidents are becoming a very com- and took Iry the fair at iToronto.-John shingle mill of their bwn� It was to the railroa:d fence It also tbreat- Mon and serious affair (these dayff.- Falcone On Friday, S�pb.mber 9Stli,at *'no eolock V- VJ McAllister Yiarline steer, E, Rad6r, It 2 & 8 ; Jersey r,' who bad been.-, fishing on easy. w Zeigler, jr.,wbaf- hao been ens destruction to th ng1w -.40b. e ritdl hich WAT; three-juaxter loaliL 187 'h. P-; onLpt 7., Concession 18, UCIU[Iop, 0-DJ6 cow, W. H. . Hoffman ; steer calf, 9. Klopp, D. Our dress-makerst Misses Russell and. Lake during tite mumme:4, If proprietor; Thomas 3mm aw, somewhat afflicted mentally since at this tim6 would be a�herlouv tin- John Mel $3116; b- loid, 126 h p., Haug,E.-Klopp. Ogram, are quite busy land doing sat- returned last week. 'The fishing was JUJME.�H. Smith, Exeter. last ipring, log getting better, nd It convenience to the company, -Mr. and tioneor. aOn FAday OeWber i2th ut one dcloW. IN -#a- 'The above f igureo axe or a tull Isfactory work. -Mr., W. Lewis, of the. 0t up to,. the *average this lyeatf.which to to be 'hoped he will lber.lftilly reW Mrs. Philip SUEUP. Jameo, of Xfthell, MmItIf, one l6th concession to. building a -very a�counts for bls[ return ai month )ear- "tim Lot 1311 twenty-four hours' s�rvlc&.- It to ses� LoNGWor,.-Aged rain, G. Penhald; yearling storod to'bis former ron�djtfon. i one time worthy anid respected real - fine bilek house this-laummer. It Will 'ifer thad a quxrter miles emt of Wppon, Farm Stookmid ft-- t1mated that ther6 0. Penhale -'pair dged ewes, G. Penhalo I & 2 - last year.-�-A numbTr from George T. XON&Y, -would be a- min, dents -of thlo vfidnity, are now visit- `Thft.-*VM. pair ewelambs, G. Fenbale, J. Haberer pair year' be. up td date drr every particular he -20234 re a;vsembled- at. the cemetery to Ing old neighboa, who are always ucovalable for electriCL Installation In' ling ewes, G. Penhit�le, . Haborer; ram -lainl)) G.. Chiselhurit 4. V6Q )er Sth, at,one wtloek Penhale, T& 2. - will be( Just about the nicest sbe the lam�f fundral- rites of . Mrs. pleased to welcome 'them as honored. -imah -om the several tong named in this house of thel mWny nice ones OjT the Stelck.'- Deceased was the mother of. Anniverory,The Methodist -con- ' r lAmbs-4 -Fihz ftor,.-A Duncan took all the prizes for guesfe.-Some, from ou - locality ex - county, the horse power - ed ram, yearling ram, and yearling ewes; fat line. -Alf Taylor who lives vwefgt of Mr. Robert Stelek, formerly teacher gregation here will bold their alfril- to vibi-tTe west -lit thet near fu- ep, G. Penhale, A. Duncan-; aged ewes, A. Dun. God Ch horso power; Axeier: -'%e here, IS having ' a big auction sale In Zurich, and was W6511 known iEere. versary on Sunda and Monda oct- -new windmill has been plc- 260"Tri ' 500 cwe Jainbs, A, Duncan ; min. lambs, A, Dun. Mitchell, 200 Segorth 360; 1 L $ on October let. J. - Purvis will be ober 7 a:dd, 9. Rev. J. W. A-ndrewA oan, 1 and 2. ied on th farm, jot Mr. And. Hfolop� Clinton, 200; Brussels, 176 iWingham, JUDop--1. Armstrong, Exeter.� auctioneer. Mr. Taylor who has w UM Blvtb. of Crediton, *111 prbach at 11 a. m# to -replace the Ong destroyed the 2-001 LIstowel,e400; ucknow,1150. troublesome k"e is giving up farmn an 'k & 7 d'k 'M on S�nday. On Monday ok The operating 0 expenses for the eddin.9,There wag a quiet home wind some weeko go. Another has On Wednesday, Octobers. at one O'Clo YOVKsnum.-Aged boar, 0. Harvey, J. England Ing' and going to ive in '1WIngbam, night -,&-harvest homel supper will be ol Ut 18, Voncessi6ii n, ifjiWo�, Farm a wedding held at the Tesidnce of Mr. been erected on, the term of Mr. :Tho Mltland River worko ae ebtimateid aged-sow,'C. Harvey, lat and 2nd ; a." Harvey tooi, The cream haulers will make bu� a given in the basement of the phur' 01onients. ThomuoBeatt)rprq1%1 of 6 Brown, ch all the s fo spring sow, 1 -year-old boar and 1-� Willamson. These wort both suppli- a1- $24,174'per anuin. Thetotal arl k S. H. Gidley last Thursqay at high we year.0 sow. future. .'The cream a week Irr -om 6 lafter which, P�Ad'enter- ed by Humpbrleo Son.-ShortreeA �t 'day, October 5th- At ono noon, when h1a, seco4d daughter, Fn MWIlill0j, n=gtoek M41 -b Moen nual charges on the Maitland Rt�L-r has deereased to such.,an- extent (that tainment. will be given. Miss lHeartt Bros. lost a vaIuable brqw-n POULTRY. Miss,'Efflei, wad marri6a to Mr, D. mare Lot rZ, Concession g4eneraing plant, Including step-up of Glenc T fAv running mor than once a weeJc _had F to he plements. Iffe fine, P ,; 'ThoInas rSomers, by the( Rev. -Mr. -A:nde�rson station, are divided as W. Battlgr. auctioneer. A"f- 0 W� Hainburgs, W. Battler; Wyandottes, G. Olauslus,* 00, elocutionist, will assist-. Vast week tran! Inflammation. transformer raises expens too high. -Mr: and - The neighboring clergy Will Qr-1ve ad- BlackSpanish, W. Battler; Dorkins, P2., aOVV'- IV. Battler; Red Capsi W. Battler, IV. Smia Ing,and going to live In ingharn, dso, th On Saturday October oth, atneelooki). 'Goderich, - After hichl, prepared' I by the host- loss will be- a serious ione as fto an. foll'OWS .692 h. ed with' good mu- imal Whibe Leghorns, W. Battler; Brown Leghorns b happy couple drove to Sea- as vAlued at something near Lot 18, 0one4;Zlon 8, U U. S., Tuckersmith VAM- An e", er tension power, $9,298, or,$18.44 p G. who paid a two weeks' iVisit to Mrs. ale. Miss- Heart to one of theP irst $30 W I*diumLl Clauslus 14 & 2nd - Rhode Island Reds, G. Olausius to 0. StoA and 1inplements. Theis, Forsth, prop annum; Clinton i SeafortU and Mitch- McLauclilan's old home,, Mrs. fRit- forthl, arid troni there left r lth�dr In her W. Battfer; Vekin "oks,�!W. Battler; Rouen ducks' rank and it will The a treat Drowili -aucti left for lie, wheireithe. t the people of Chloftursf. ell, 990 h. A., high-tension POWP-'r;-- G. 014ushis ; ge future home In'* DunnvI ese, W. Battler; turkeys, G.. 0)&us' ch e? s, 17th concession, ins; Toul best wishes of their riends go with th $14,87,6, or $16.0.k.-.perl h. p.,, iper a;nnum. Ouse geese, G. Clausfus, their home In the vt on Wedneev., Notes. -The weather -continues. dry Hills Greeti. JUDOEs.-J. Sararus and W. Wenzel. them, This howev6r only he cod, of day Morning. and water Is getting'"Acarce, Some Briefe.--r-The�ba'rveot home festival Notea.-Mr. Geo. R. -Tr.oW gotfirst piroduction a�dy transmission. To GRAIN -AND SEEDS. - springs going dry that have not he prize for hft - two iyear old -,Igelding 06 tha must be added fthe cost of d1S_ White f�ll Wheti A,'.Rannie, D. Haug, A. Foster; ld In thef Episcopal church la?lt been drY for years. . Some $armers red fall wheat, E. GieA, G. glausius, 0. Colosky Exeter Sunday was well, attended. ev. Mr at Zurich fairMr-Win. Muldrew and '86vP4ral sprihg wheab,'F. Rumin 0. Tkucinner; 0-roWed B have to drive their cattle to the no e 0 ;tribution In eacli of the 2 -rowed barley, A. Ran- W towns naed -fair 'day well known Boyle, of ingham, freached two wife Sent part of last ee In Sea,- Carlin barley, W. Rw To. ageartalp this lat river for water. -:Geo. "W. r otor; Thomas Brown, Auetionear- nie to The ' church ag en. sold ter cost the report it-akes as an' ex- k"eS, 0. - Colosky, A. Bannic -,* farmer from Tuckeromith, while at- splendid sermons. forth visiting fr1endoHaga;rr Bros. large peas, "Clausius,C.Truemer ; collection of 'tending to one? of (his- horse a sucking colt at jHensall fair - ithis s which beautifully decorated with flowers On Widne�da, October 10, at I Welook )�G =6 ft _Um ple the cost Of distributing got firvit ;prlte at Zurich fair tor first Lot 27, Con ion 4� Hibbert, Faym Stock aNd 116 - grain in hea44,,G, Clausius, W. Battler, W. Rad�r $150. This ColtL took fine black" i3pan their a plant -in Collingftod. T.he,,expdndl- cloerseedi.4;, Foster, P. Sohwulm,.W. Batt . ler; Tim was sldk,, In,* a hotel- otable, remcfved ind grain and' the 'choir rendered, W Of' rOad ters. plements. W. Allan, ProprIetress; 1610000 priftee a In )the ng It on ithe, oin In some fine selections,Mr. and Mrs. -Mr. and, MT& Geo. rott, of Uen- hrow, au his c6at,,'und hu Exetef and ffesall ture for,.- a 'dis"ribiAing -plant 'in othy seed, WS, Phillips, L. Rader, W. Battler. orking. He, Jae. DaVis' baby took suddenly Ill salt, spent Sunday t MTs. Jae. Hag- On Mon October Ut at:L,0`410�ekp. heavy, aught class. on�er. -73umes Moore, Hensall. the stall: where he was �ff heavy, Collingwo6d would"be $31,000 and the is, or. -Mr. oncess had occasion to go (rom the stable -very" The ast Summono.-A!, gentleman. an S. E. Fauit, f Zurich, 31,10 , cost of distribution to (the consumeA ORTIOULTURV last week and passed away hd n'14, AICKillw tw ant 4 widely !beep a very favorably -know E. -Gies, Snowden -yed i Colleoblod of apples; 10 varieties 4 er annum. for a few minutes and when he vre�- quickly, the Teminig being conve n ap6nt Sunday Iv the vicintty.-Mrs. Stock and plements. Chaf] $4.57 per horse powe, 'yp In tbe pdrson, o -f -kr. -John Rice, Imes- Thomas Bro�vn, ikuctioneib prow Bros.,D..Haug- fallapples E Gies, D. Haug Uln turned and res ' ed b1s.coat hefound to the Uiilon -cemetery on Monday.- BrI am- of Toronto, to 'visiting with. This addiff6hal would mike the cost ed t�' the gTeat beyond on ithe 11th 'gh On Thursday October 11th, at one *14 k ter appleig, B.'Gies, X Br��erick,- D. Haug Wn 9 that hia pocket book *h1ch was In Mr. and Mrs. *R. Smift of London, friends in the Ticinitye-Mrs. .0has.L 'on Lot 28, Con say lfi Sestorft $�15..60 ifor a �Ull Tompkins, E. Rader, 0. Sehroedey; snow aF I Inot., after a brief illness. -Ahl is Itil Cession 4, Hay Farin 1p eS, J. one of the pockets Troyer to a:t present ion the islek- list -n Spie W 11 t, as mIssing It visited friends in town -the pastweek. le ents. 'John iblinaw, proprl*�,;. contained bout, t�venty-flve d la eer.' year for -a balf load. C n, aute�lon orse power, peLr Brown.j. Hey, Jr. ; Northei 8 P er P. had been totally blind ifor about 12 Schwahzi-, Baidwins, 0. Truemuer, 9. Jacobe; Green- a ol rs� Mrs. Case,, of Seifortli, visited her and her many friendo Wish her a UpIte, arm sduring which, time, ing, J. Hey, Jr, H. Rader; Canada Reds, E. Rader, Another 1 f er If tb e calculations who had a pair of cousin, . Mr. McT,,-,ggo,,rt, In town, Jn the reort speedy Tecovery.-Mliss Helern Bagler, 01 tober Mn, at t J. Hey, Jr.; Ribston Pippin, E. L Gib, W. Battler signed himself to his fate,he bore his Lot 8 Con$esdon 2, L it. S., Tuckeromith, TA horses on thel sbow 1ground rethoved this week. -Mr. Murchison. of Bar- s rles &rb even approximately -'correct und Golden Russet,H. Rader, S. Jacobe,; Ben Davis, D. affliction with patience and Christ-' Stock' d lInplements. om" Line, auctioneer. L. Rader; Swaars, W. Smith; Wagmera,,W. the blankets from, them ito take them rie, solicitor for the Blyth estate�, to I - we are Justified in concluding that- er�m VAMOT- Rader, 0. Truemner Mann ki -Ra� et la fortitude. The late Mr. Rice was Troy 'they are, it haa- been demonstrated ler, C Truem- Into the show ring land left the blank- was here last week ito me Mr.Steph- and i n er ; Maiden's 13lush S. Jacobe, J. Haberer ; Bien a native of England and a:t ithe time ets on the grass where the ihorseEl enson- of -the, carriage work that It Is practicable (to supply lth s, and e heim PiBptn,.,S. Jae e, G. Schoellig; Pewaukea L of his death was In him eightieth had been standing. When hi most qf this county with electrical Rader, . Haug; C mr6s, F. Willert, G. Schroe a return-, while' In town Mr. Stephenson pur- Grloria,Alundi, 0. Schroeder, 11. Rader; 20 ounce)' ed the blankets we �ear. His wife, a very tarritable lady, 'energy from the, Maitland ,re gone, -some chased four acres from tthe Blyth eo- pin, B. S. Phillips, P. Schwalm:' TMIMan Sweet, per n predecbased him about five years. River pip falls near Goderich and at prices be-- L. L SO Who tate and Intends starting ibuildingOP- They 'had a family ot two Soria aid Wer, H..Sadler ; fall and winter pears,J. Haber - low the present cost of team or4 any er, W, Battler, Bartletti pears, Snowden Bros., T. worse tha;n the owner, had, � evidently eriftions at once. He has a piece of F I -Al roa . . . . . . . . ther �power that' is! now used. A Johnston; Fleniish Beauty, G. Schroeder, J. Decher; purloined them. -Mr. Taylor, of ttbe land -near.. the C.P.R.., and they arel two daughters, vlz: Jobft, a %member company has already been (formed for Clalip's Favorite, J. Haberer; Peaches, G. Schroed- Ross -Taylor dompany, who was 4a: going to put ' a switch of the teaching staff of Aurora (Col-- Fact is -coming quickly. The cool dys Autumn, and the oolder 8 er, E. Rader; Prunes, Snowden Bros, ; red crab up -to al's leglate*In titute. whd died very sud- the devel-Gpment the London -hospital, has T6turned a' days of Winter, will be h re before you alize that Sanamer of the Maitland- apples, S. acobe, F. Willerb : yellow crab apples, H, nd doors, so big obipping facilities will denly a feV tronths tago; Mrs. John a r 1 River power. Judging from this Ire- Rader, E. Broderick ; grapes, W. -Battler, J. Huber- Is now nearly recover -6d,. -Mrs. John be 6f the beet. -A numbal, from, there -t- 'Alitclaell, and Mrs. sPrank Horton You' should be ep&Ted -for the charize, and now is the time. LOW er ; collection of graves, J. Haberer, 0. Sohraeder Pr SL Wrt, the scheme Is inot ouly team- H w shaw, who wad the subJect of. drove over 'to the Seatorth fair �ast both. of Tuckererith, and Roger oil the ruh -will b on, and yoa-may get nipped. Oome whils thero'k -able, but can be carried out at com- plums, T. Job nson, 0. Colosky ; collection of plums, an operation In 'thb )hospital recent, Week, mong the attractions- of the� J#BroNvn;caunedfrtiit,F,.RWer,J.Decher. A paratively moderate �cost. And If the JUJOU.-D. A. Cantelon, Hensall. ly, Is recovering rifeely.-Hisses 'A.F Inside show here last tweek was a the homesteaa' liv Hibbort. T -he f un- �imp, and lt' ua prepar's you for the change, by supplying you loft, power cam beautlful . shield - a;nd anchor made oral took pla"O' from the iesidence ba furnished at anything GARDEN VEGETABLES. Martin and Jessie Dow' have gone to 5aw. Mr. Frank Hor- your like the prices given In the treport Toronto to attend the Conservatory from -roses of his son -In- Ear or late Rose potatoes, G. Schroeder 0 and carnations y Mrs. ton, when many relatives of the 4e- e, of music there. -Some evil dlopos6d" W. Campbell, a4d although thlB kind arge concoure Schroeder, J. Decher, NV, ceased, as welt as 'an 1 192TL P-11 the power that can be developea W,- Battler; Elepbant potatoes: g: .1 could be readily disosed lof lariff It Smith, Colorado Red po. persons broke liAto the &fice' of of woik Is -,not !reurarded by to -1-7a Fall I d,: 'nta Suit an 04e* of symPathe c friends were -present. we are tht - tatoe8, G. Schroeder, W. Smith ; Michigan Blue po. Reeve Bo1iier one night last week it bertainlY ought � to )be(, We have the latest and best inSuitings would be a real boon to the 1pub�ic. tatoes, G. Schroeder, IV. Smith, W. Batble� ; Rural and carri *d -off some entry bookff and aff- "It 10 After a, . lohort service tat the housd A] Now York potatoes, A. Geiger, A. Foster, W. 13attler; will res alt iU e quite a:n expense and labor. But If pre tailors in this vicinity�� The c mium o*bination conducted by . Revds, any variety potatoes, C4, Schroeder, A. Rannie, IV, cheques In connection with big pig any, imcfety or Individuals Doherty and beat fittiug, best wearing and most - servio4able garme U -to you hsve erO ConfarRnce of Premiers Smith -, C01100ti011 potatoes, not less bban 4 varieties are in Hart, the sad oortege iproceeded to buying business. They �evldently de- need of wreaths and bouquets It 4s blatween representa- W. Smith, G, Schroeder I W. Battler ; White Join poya - some information sired to obtal,,jx A conference toes, G. Schroeder, IV, Battler Empire petat. the church &`f Statfa, when after fia worns in ridedless for thbii� to send out of tiven from the several Provindes a:nd bea, (4. Schroeder -A Rannie, IV. Batt, er ; small connection wltlf the( recent law suit town. -Mr. and Mrs. KCCallum� most Impressive ceremony by the t3r GIV E US A CALL of white beans, W. �fttiler, G. Olausius an.,v variety which they' thought th' Pastor, Rev. MT. Doherty, 'the body the Federal Government bas been ar- ey could ob California, are visiting relatio in ri§ was- lald to rest An the, 1Thlon beans, J, Gel,­er, P. Delchert ; yellow eorn,'SnoN8 den tain better `bY theft than In a lq-gtt- this neighborhood. -Miss H. mci;ic tem - ranged to take place at Ottawa. ion Bros., R l(aerclier ; sweet cor�,. A. Geiger, H. Welt h- otery. V largo red onions, EA(aercber, 0. Sobi lma'te w&y.-The, late Thomas Puddl- -oeder ; yoljo�; lan,',6f Plattsville, visited U October 8th. Thi her unclej a conference may be onions, W. Battler ;Dutch setts, P. gebwalin Ezra Of combe, Nevi Hamburg,/who was Mr. Wm.- Slm%- the.tpapt week. -Mrs,' Kaeroher; white field carrots, W. Smith, G. Sabroed- frought w1th very Importani results killed In thei railway Wreck near T-,am*orit., of B�y City, Michigan, Is Hills Green.. er; -red field carrots, W. Battler.; redkgardep car - Sudbury, was a friend and,tr In old frlmda In and 1�hay be followqd by several con- rots, G. Schoellig, T. Johnson ; Gwed!4- turnips. J. equent at present visit g The Late Mrs. Stelq-k Mary Jama Decker W. Smith white turni0q, L. Roeder ; yel- Ylsitor of th6 Messrs. )Carling of this town. -Next Sunday to children -Is day Luk of Charles Stelek, stftutlonal changes ollatraendmeiits iowglobelmaq& er ' beloved wife -Qlds, G. Schroed er W. Battler; long town. -Mr. W.m. Crlcl�,- who rw&s cofi- In the Presbyterian church, wh%1 Of the Parr Line. Stanley, was lborn X to fh a British Worth America Act. -red mangolds, . eeb, L. Rader 0 ciord cabbag-es, IV. Butt- sidera'bly InJured by Piling trom a.' the- %holars take the centre pews PV March, J. Hey, or,,. M Neeb ,:flat Dutch cabba In the Pr ince '6f Quebea( in But, It may result only, In a Pleasant for, J. -Rey, ir. ; blach: Spanish radish, Vsk Phillips, building last week is now nearly as and. the service In itbe inorning IS, all 1"862, slid, when quite small came with CANAD i A N W. Battler white m)ish, IV. Battler ; cauliflower, her father, the late John Lu consultofflon among the' leading men W. good as ever. He bad is close sbave Ior them. -Quite a number 'from here ker, and Battler, P. Sollwaltil ; pumpkin, any variety, W. from* serious Injury. -Mr. `�Slmon 'are taking in the 06derich and W the rest of the if ai�tjy. t Ba! I., e Hey, Jr. ; ffiammoth pumpkin, C. irritz, �g- Of Dominion. It Is said a demand 'a o Ithe township r, J In er ; celery,� R. R. Johnston, T. Johnson; as. An - will be inaAa on behalf of the Tro- squash, 11. Rader; b'lqod beets, IV, Battler; H. Well, auccess(ful breeder and ex- dereon,' who bag beert' seriously Ill the Zurich Toad,,, west of Hensall. rooted beets, W. Battler watermelons, 0. 0916 Tinces for a re -arrangement of the S hroe� Hunter, & Usborne, who 'has long haiii fairs this week.�Mrs.. J of R&7., atrfdl ttled ion a farm on iarrh a e eoy� hibitor, of horses seems. to Improve- for the past few weeks� we al G. Schroeder; mifskt�olons, G. Schroeder, A. Ays! -e glad sabsWes with. VI'lle still quitel young., she gave a VIOW, to a genairal ter ; red tomatoes, NV� Smith, W. Babbler with age -as he -uolw -has a I bettef-4 to laay,la slightly better. -Mise C.Mof- her heart- id the -�Lord� st Fansv:llle� Increase all along fhe lingf� Oft ithe tomatoes, NV. Battler� T, Johnson; black sweet com, -lot than eyer before land swe�t bril"- fa -t, who has been assisting Mr d united Wlth the Methodist chur3h r other hand It Is stated. the Provindial W- Battler, T. Johnsqn ; citrong, H. Rader S. -jag. an representatives will be 'sounded as Sudges--J, J. Iler or, -Zurich; R. J. 'Dry@dale, liant honors this year at t he tWest Hamilton In h6V sickness for the of which she remal-ned -a constatelftt A scientific ren2edv for this trouble—safe and sure. ern fair at London as - well -as at past montly, returned to her home dn member until the time of her death. to how they would regard the iproA It neutrahzes the acid and poWnous seeretions. 'Mr. On October 2nd, 1917, she was united MA14UPACITURES. the local faliln.-Mr. Warren Hunter Toronto Junction, oxy Saturday.- P091tion to surrender power to aubal-, , T has gone to Winrilpeg w1wre 'he lhas W. Davis. of Ayton. In the bonds of matrimony to Cbairles Col!ectlon shoes, 0� Fpitzj P. Bender; piano, H . -sited his im6th- In the bowels, and relieves tSe �.aiu, without suy d1ze. rallways and the interest which Well. taken a ppsitioll In the Vhlon Bank. Or the past weeki.-"-% U. Brewet4 Stelek, aInd the' fruit of their imar they have in -the sea cGafit tand Island . Judges. -J. J. Afeliner, Zurich J.. Dry d I -The many friends- of Mr. Adam Brussels, was hen3" on a bus . of danger 01' bad after effects. It 8 a e, "Hensail, Weas ried, life was two eons, Robert of f1s"heeles. With respect to the form Whiteford, of Virden, Marittoba, and trip Rdmondton, and Arna il., who lives or, the 'granting of -Uubventlong to DAIItY. PRODUCE. Monday of this week. -Mr. 4nd formerly of this I placef, who re- Mrs. Robt. Jobnatone, who 4troved'ln� at home. These with a sorrowing Frlice� 25 cents **r boftle 10 lbs- butter in tub, J, Brown, IV. Smith, H. Rad- hus- . . . rallways haii impoverished most of P er ; 5 lbs. table butt&, W. 'Battler, W. Smith, D. centIv underwent a critical aurgiceA to town from East Wawapcei about band ahe leaves to mourn the loss of the Provinces and has lead to the -heese, J. Geiger; h a good bome-maker, a dutiful wife 0 64 0 *,# 6 4 Surerqs ; home madq r, oney ]a operation there, will,' be pleased to a yeax ago, celebrated ittieir golden ereation of divided Jurisdiction. There comb, J. Riberer ; h0me made by 01auslus, T. learn t'ha:t he ls.'imuch' improved, land wedding op- Monday of ithier wP2k,,, b ead, G and a loving motber. Besides those maple syrup, G. Claupus,. J. Decker ; collection of a are R growing feelingg against - the 'Berry; extraoted. bpney, W. Smith, J. Haberel ; hope en - iertalned for 1his final ha;vIng a family ca1hering at itholk, named she leaves mWaY others less any railway Subsidies at honey, 1 flaberer. recovery. Among' those who *went home here. The wishes of , their' many closely connected. The deceased with all, but If the People's indneylsto �*ae Jud�,es.--JiJ. Xe!ner, Zurich;. R. J. Drys&le, frorn here to 'Sea -forth on Priday Aast- frle�nds alre thatt they r�ay. llvQ-- to -a naotur.ally fratl con-sfitution, aff�,-ri T1 b-� A X* used for this purpose it IS urgedthat WORK. to attend the s'hom� there were Messrs. beldbrate t1letr diamoifd Jubilee. -T. -suf Lerl patiently for three wed LArPIES it Is better, that'it Should be done, I FIRST DOOR WORT, K OF ]�ICKARDSt R. Christie, A. G1, 0-ker, Thomas -,Rus- 13. MeArter WeAt -to Albia Cr&IF on tr6m a Complication of -diseases whl-.h through, central authority, Five o'clock te& 01 Codirane, L. Pmng; tray removed BEEAFORM 4 At Cloth" him. Bluett; 01h J kind 'hai %fhionrop a -.A 6 tt sell', WM. D'aMiden, W..,D- Sanders Tuesday to the fair there and while baffled the efforts of piece, T. Murdock mw. AIL V tX koup. Jor Medical skillt slaccumbe4 W .0 Va d J. White. -A: few days ago Xm. there 'he opened a photo igallery 6 A;— T ------ ------- --- ---- - --------