HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-09-14, Page 4. - I I � t i- I A I _V" �� I, ; �� ... - . . �.- � ­ � , .: t ,;,.-. ; i - � -1 , ­ ., �1: 1; ,1- - . ; I � �- �- A �- - , - . ... � : - - . I , - � 1 7 .1 , . - - � 11 . - - i�-, ,q - I . �- � . . . . - 'ik - � -;- P � � , - � �; zz N: : � 2. , - . J �L 7 . .... . I I I . —, - "' - '7' - , , -- z "I � -,.� r , �. --- I � � �;L � i Y� . 1 � A , :. . i� ­�Iq H - . w ; , � - -, 1,,Z� RA �� 11 4 �, , , , -4 , 1 51 I - , I . jl.;,L�,t.,; -1 , 1 1P , .� -,' ; " ,�, - I ;k - Z , , , � - 7. -. . - - . ­ � ; . � I I P - - I - i.�. � � : � : . � � F- . - � - , � 5 �, 1� - � - - - I I . , I ri � � I � . t I , 1 - :� - � � AT .- ! - , . I I I - I - I 1 T . . , . P�11 I : - I I, . - , �, - � 4 ?� . 1. " , - , �', - i � , �- � . - P , , til Z Z - 1- , I 4, . � . � , � ,_. .� , * ; . I I F �,,, � .- I 7 ? -. - ; , - - - , � , i I ,I,; �k; � ­ -, i� , 10 - . , , � . , - � , . V, , �� : ,�� 1 - �- - X-- " � f - -- - � 1� - , I . - W - i = ; I -� - ii I � � . � L. - . � � � - I I . . - Z N r- I I � , � I � 1, � ` T I � - - , L � � . ,;,-� I I : I � - - - i� .: �q t -- 4, ,� . #.� 0 - 4 , , ; , i � � i -, : , , - 11 - , . I , I ; : - - 1 , .- � � . , I � � . I �4� � , I -- ,� fl : I i 1i � I � � .. . - � I 11 .; � 11, � , . 1;k, t� � f i � - . - i� : .4; . 7- �g i � ­ -1 , , . � I ., '. � I t �� � - , - � 1. ; , u� I lei. : i I , 9, - ­ ; . , . - �= = � 1 . �:? I � 1� I , - . - 4 - , , ; � C � I V - I Z i I -1 . q - - ­ ` �� . 1 � � �� , I I ;? � I I- . �, . I �il , ; � T-� 14 ;­ , , I :V . * . Z 1, � - : � . � i I i , � I - . : � I �- A � ;� ; �, � ., I , - , . -, 1: � ., , 1 A, . ; �, '5 , , . I I A p � - . - ` -1 , - - - I : i 1� , . � , - I p 7 .. - - ; , . � i , - , , - . . ? , - i L. - Z � , ; � A t r � � 8- � X � I- T. - . , 01 ,.--,� W .. T � - — ± . I :.... . , #­*­.... I . . . � . - .0-- -wo. .-� ' -7 � 1 2 - 3 4 0- 6 of that place'. -Mr. W. : Bon & Carflng's law office. has gone age of the farmers of tbiaz locality . the evexing there was a sacr�dl song 'to ' I 9 - 10 11 12 i 13 14 * -as a member� of the Governmeht as ' 1 �., . - , � " �:4 -1 �--- I t ­ , - 11 - T;x- � � T I � � r 1 - nesday of next week, and' th' of Dr. Buchanan, whd hm� been at, the pacity In the office. -of Reeve Bobler, barber has also oper-d tip 8� tonsor-, soil . QQrd 'while 'Chicago, 223 24 2 0 '926 27 29 30 I ...... , . ...... ... # .... ... . �. .... � I—, � t, W.4 MF 44,-V- ­.� -*---.. &---- .- ­ --n -- r -------- - -- ­-­ -- �- -­ --- -- C�,- -.----- . VON 0: a wwww . . Te7iorapie ever�T. peiw�en aimmil UOU . --JL7UVrAkkb1y VVF�A�ALJ$f Wv,vwv%�A& W �Jx W W � -_- i I AWWWWWRORWO I I I - . . - 4 � . `R - s h .14 i 1he h0h0l* Toll Ofthef SPriNglPirp � e �- Al� . I - S � th likewise only Mon - ' , � but -t horc I . ­ � � ­ -- .. J. , .' St�kt ,,OboOen from the UOrth MA '. . ,� - � I . .. I , � -1 I -- 'a " I - .. � I 4 is' of Shorthoina it the 0 ollit 1 1 0.� � - � I'll ton, Are. Always hotfoot after Gamey �-Dlnsley street. Though the game wa. � or a , Uhl-� , al exhibition In, ihe Queerr Cityi last - � " , - I I - . I I I . I I I I . I - bition in add low'to tho mwmame - � � �- Thurodsy and Friday � � � I -a do e Of r1la I I 1 when�be Is ln.olght and(he does ndt �01 'of errors, it .was very', close, re� It d last , week. -On Friday afttr,noon of last. % � � . I - . . , September 2Cth sud 21,st. are th ,t r, , I ­ - � i -1 'house on the� farm I r, -mud present indicatio time erovr4 I I I . - � often . They. - always get -I si . t1ting In a tlo,j , I . - *6ek.,. Mr. H. Smith was aWaAe'd let week the dwelling � � th All Nil � us poiut -to an CU- i A I fall them. . 9 - I I I . - - sestor . "I. I - - I a somethIng from him. To an Inter- - � I -10 - - 1. -prlie for steer' valf- under� one ,year, , of Mr. James' Shortreed was corn ­ � 4al Nir. When in tovu on Fair DAys, mo, � A ----;- � - and it very gneceser t we iu* . � - �:-, - I - - � ' This I - . . � I : I I vlewet he said., 'Ilro-lii.M&A'Itoiulin1� sired by Shorthorn bull, . mikes T deatroyed by fire. The fire, I , , S'lia I Ni. , ' � I Wroxeter. . pletely - your headquarters.' -Leave your,l) � , i .1 �2 � we've -had,' the poorest haryes . .text prizes carriedt Off AY,,Y1.thI4 herd ' which to s osed to have originated -you to make our store - arcel's i A t In" , leve� UPP '. : i Briefs.-Mlos Sarah Allan.of ' ha�lng started wraps in our chargi—&op in as of OR as You like ta rest a bit, - I - i ' ,4t the largest and 'lleading -show, In i Irom the -c4irriney; . . . if i - i , - . , �, 29 . \ ears. The hay and'grain cr4s have oth ,--- Mrs. - - . . I - hile the Inmates of the housek were . .. a need of Foot - -- om,ag 4 -, " � I . 'y been somewhat light." V 7 land, Is the guest of her, ra danada.- . < , r�,w you are i *ear, -either fdr,present use or for the c ; - ... ... I � N. Alian.-Mr. Robert Lang t for . ­­ ----- I . I ;, - I I i C� I -at dinnerand bad gaI,ned*.stTcb1 boad- 1 4w b&aa+h,a wa Ai vp-aAv to serve and Live you the ben6fi,t of ov., .--- I �, W I % I A( I ---- - — . ,Toronto last week, where no ,as me- - TTV A$ � . #-, — 3it Bayffeld. - I . � I way, as the house was 'a fra-ine, one, 11 ! -- Xitjn"M. orial Notes and Comments I cured a !Mositlon as book-'keep6r.- ' quarter -of e, century's experiende tO aid you in;your selection, : - - JJkW AIYV,HW Incerreet.-Last week we stated and in this exceedingly dry timeo. It � � . i . , I . . The ,Gen' al Methodist Conference, ' Miss lean' Davidson, who has spent -to the 'devouring faab that we have one of the -1-argest, e,ailix. , I I er � . I that Mr. G. E. Greenslade w`as� talk- soon fell a prey We want to impress upon you the. . - � . . I . . . � � I I V m � I I The a ,, hich , eet every five years, .1m; Irt,: t�e ,past two weeks Iry Troonto and � - - . elemerits. It was very soon a mass eat and best sixorted stocks of J3,)otsj Shoes and Rubbers in, tMi a a V : gure between the Parththesis after eaob 'is 0. 4 . I .toule denotes tbe, page of ,.�he paper on which the' �,H&mtlton, has rdt*ned home. -Mr. Ing o� leaving our village. Mr. 'Green-., , in lik i � . . of ruins. The loss will be consider- ccasion—shoes for ,every -walk' � seAsion this week in Montreal. Rev. - Blade Informs us that ho hasc -no iin- .. - flout W hu*e shoes for every o - I i I I. : I - I I I 11 � tcb�ll, of Toronto, spent several Z ., . -1 I .;&aisementig foun( . I . - �entlon of leaving Bayfleld. !We able t6 Mr. Shortreed but he; bas al- (" - m, the baby to gTandfather, ani every p4ir de- � &Tternbar 84le-Williams & Purebli-2 Dr. Carman, the veteran conference ilys with, Ci 'son, -Dr. 'Mitchell.- arted to excavate the ,collar z shoef, to fit an feet, All . - ; . Tg­v1_gItcr&­-S-tem,,art Bros. -S . gladly make the correction , and ready st . - ' president, Is presiding. -New Hamburg, 10 visit I 9 pendable in price. . 4 . I I � Forroatopening-19. 310PA"I co� --- 8 . t -1 Mrs.* Kerr, of - for the purpose of eretting a' new . in quality and ra6st reasonable * I ' I . . J -4, . p&U, l000--Wyn. Pickard & Son -5 . 0 * * . # .. I , Ing with Mrs. N. Allan.-Reea Broth- are pleased to know that he, to still brick residence,. . - if 1v ou"aie' ready for your Fall Shoee,.ve are ready to serve you, but whet.16 � . - - r, � - a . rhllFair��R- W - -Son-�-4' I I � .What 10' kno aporator, In the old� foundry to 'be -a citizen tv ourr -pretty village. . I ' :, I - -. llfl$ & - - wri as - the Macdonald � era' evi 11 ­­­ - ­­ g, m er were -always glad lo see you. I . Xilllner�r-poplpstoae "�rdiner-o I ServIceo.---;Rev. Mr. Neilly, of Dover I looking. or buyin re emb I 11 . Cotning:­Prof. Dbren:.Wend-S . . Consolidated School. wa.s . establislied " stand, will commence work on Thurgw Centre, 'Ont., will occupy the pulpit I . Leadburv. I . I - I - I i - . - arab� sale-jobn Bulger -,4, - Iii connection with the AgrIculWral i,day of this we6k,-Mr. Will McLean of St. Andrew's church Sabbath morn- 1, Will J. White In 25 Comical Characters at the . - I . . . . . I I & 19% - I � I -.11 . . ; � , . .Auction Sales -5 ', ' - , left on' the excursion t9 the West �on . , � d 1, � -1 - " I - I xctico- to, Creditorg-2-J. L. Hilloran -5- College at,Guelph as.an ,experiment, 'Friday. He will spend a co%iOler of Ink next. In the everting the, service ' Colicerb on Fall Fair night, Sept. 21 at. 2022-i I I I - I - : � : 1. . . . Leicester Sheep for Sale -James Dorrance-5 I , will be taken by Mrs.. H&mil�on, of : Notes. -Messrs. Smith and Irvine I � .� � I -11 1� I FhMouff School-Eltiott &XcLachlau--s' . to ascertft bow the system would ,, months, at- k. -Mr. ' ffireshing oAtit are I . . I .� � � . I Goderich, who will speak under. the � with their new ,. I I . I �, Facts -J. F, Daly -8 Work In this province� The bUildlng i W. Ly-nton, of ,Tumberry,,10 slowly, too .- . I � � � I . � �. �­ . Taraworths for &le -Wm. Burke -5 i i recovering from - a very serious 1117,.4 auspices of the Women's ForeWi ' at woTk around and about Leadbury . . I I � -11� I Cow Estrav-P.'A. aSullivan-6 I , . . . was erected by'Sir William Macdon- y Society. A thank Off er- this w6ek. There are' no b6tter farm- a I I lop - 111�0p� I �: . . ­ - ; ness.-The agniveroary serylees of ' Missionar, - 0.1 11 AER01 ; I I - - .�-- to R�ntL-Roteer Papper-5 ' , a Npaidan - .. - Farm I A - ,!- I . ald, the Montreal tobacco millionaire I the Salem Methodist church will be .Ing collection In aid of foreign' Inis- ' era and no. better farm - ifnywbere � Fair Night Concert -8 I F1- I . . � , , � 4 � I I - Sion work wIll be taken: ati the close than therey,,&r6 In thla section. -Mr. 0000 W � I -� ���� Campbell -9 and was under the joint management �, hold on, Sunday, September 16th. . � ; : . I - Z' I . I . & Co�---s i dT the service. - f. . , � , ,- and Mks. William Hackwell, of Strat- I SEAFORrAff . --1 � of the Ontario dovernm6nt or - their I Rev.' Mr.' � Anderson,. of Blyth, will . � � I- . 7hreshere Supplies --- Chesney & Smiley --9 I I i � Death'of Mr. S. Bates. -Mr. 19amuel ford, were vIgIting relatives In- this � I , ,- I ' representatives, and Dr". Robertson, I conduct morning and, evening `servl� . 'SlAter" sua 11 Walk -Over " Sho6s for men, and the] 11 Queft I � - TaUorV Hasterplece-Grei.- Clothing Co. -I I , Sole Agents for, the 16 . 1. - I � Bates, only Bon -of - Mr. &ndt Mrs. section In, the early' part of' 6e week. � - I � I 1: � . : � .:. . e. time dairy exper I ces.- Tfie 9 lity 11 and "Empress " Sh 0*es for women. . . — ­- ­- I the on # acting for � following Monday evenin - Qua I . Matthew Bates, of the Ba:yfleld' Toad, -Miss Min'nie Menarey, of Cranbrook, ; - - - . - 1 a- fowt supper .will be served�­which � I I . Mr. Macdonald. There haO been con I - - . . I elderable f ription I and unnecessary 'I will ter, followed by aft excellent eaet *of this village, dled� oj� Saiurda has been visiting at the r6sidened', of - --=.=- i, I � I ; - . � , X . ; I ­ - '. � Tht Murn fxposltov . ihe ' parties . last,. okf ter qn Illness -of ' several Mr J. J. Irvine -for W week. -Mrs. J. i .,-. 1­� I I Tangling ,between , In '11 musIcal and literary programme.- . i . I — I * i. Mrs. Schledel will resId6 In niece, Miss Alma Jewitt.-Laaft Sava I - I I I Mr. am�c I � -- ' -_ -- I months. ,The deceased was an- ex- ' Barrows hap been,a,wa:y fdr ac, week i .1 � — —­ - . -- I authority for some time, but &41 . ax- : Mrs.. C. Lbwis .has moved(, her mil- -bride: has a larg-w-, tir- bath afterno0il Rev. H. M- 0 -mitt I I - . e . - � FRIDAY, Sept. 14, 1906.! range -ntly . made which - linerk stock to� the �offfce lately v t, Intelligent p,nd win- , visiting her daughter, Mrs. -Halst. . of Detroit. The ! - . SEAFORTH, � merit was rece k- ceedingly brigh ' � cle of friends, who will J0119- In con- .preached -a stirring arid truly evima 11 - �- - . � � . � young man. He att6nded the Bluevale.-Mr. . James .Story Is put- i I - I . � I it was supposed, had. made matters -cated by Mr , McKercher.-Mr. here,.7 .. — . - I . W. S. some - � gratulations jji1d. good w1ahe&-The gelistle sermon in the church! I 1. — I . -now m- . Seatorth. Collegiate Iiistltute for .ting down a well and has, reaclied � a 11 As c6ld; waters U; � I - I I . � right. It see s� however, that George Lackie'-was in Wingham last I � toilowlng� raceft will take place on HIS text was, � -,. Mr Fielding's Positioxi- several terms,. until compelled by distance of nearly 40 feet. A' num- I �ftow ; 1, - ­ � � - I - ; this -is not the case'. 'the Guelph Her�- -1 Wednesday aftending the wedding of - his. studies and ber of wells have gone dr3r and the the Zurich race track oV Thursday, a thirsty BOUI ,,89 Is' 9PO(X Inewo o � - I - 111 -health to cease a far' countr . I I � . . A great deal o�: noriiientie and Tnts- ald says: " Things are not all sun- I his 'brother, Mr. ,C,rosby Lackl&, to . i ,,y "-'Rev. H . � . - shine at ihe -Cons6lidated Sebool-In was -a; universal f a7oilte -with big f el- pastures which wer6 excellent during, September 20th Fa'tmerW trot or I I ' . . 9� � sea employed on the Evanget ! � � I Miss Jobe, of that place. I : e 0hur& � � irbpre entation has . appeared in the,, I low students. .He was the only child the summer have become very bare Pace -For hor Ist, will pre-cb.I. ih,an" - .- - - 1 fact the situation is almost asi ppr.L � ­ Sabl�atb afternoon. Mr. R I . -- ---�-_-T!t---� heats, 2 Inf -8, let. t(pilze, lilaxt antft � - I , Conservativ -s especting, the I plexing as it was a few weeks, ago, � of Mr. alo,L Mrs. Bates. Death W sad7 In most. places. -Mr'. Young, df Sea- farm,, mile . , 'he � - - Brnssels, . . � ; .2nd, SO; 8rd, $4. Nd entrance L�o fa an excellent Preat T -amll a noblo 1 - " ea­tlng� of' Ron. Mr. Fielding, Do- Miss Joah Hamilton the -new domes- i .under aTf!r eircurnstancep, but In t4is forth, preached at Bethel church last $10 , , . � =0 . - man, who has risen trora a W. * � I , Noteo.-Among the visitors- to Lo IT '- � bl' . ­ ce Minister, f or 'the . tic sciened teacher, daughter n- Instance it is p rtictilarly so. Be- Sabbath, the pastori.'Rev. Mr, Currie, memlers. - -wo­ Year old., colt,- race, i " minion Finan - of Mr. �- Ircumatances to be . Aba i � I don this week'. were Miss Maggie Mc�- Ing the only childa he 'was fhe aight having taken Rev. Mr. Birk's work balVintle beats, 2 in 3, Ifit,, $1; ,26d, poor C one or I I- , � � � I - i ronititueney of Queen's and Sfiol- John- B. Hamilton, -of Atwood, is ,not $5; 8rd, $3. -Mr. and, Mrs. L. 0. � beat preachers: ancl most Uccefflod. I � Lauchl in,' A- J. an& Mrs. 'Loweryj of the home, and many bright hopes In Seaforth.-Amorig those who. at- - a � .1 . I Ipt quite satisfied with her position and ' ent aay-.� � -11 � ' � � burn. There is a persistent i�tten feels that the work Is too burden- M. H. and Mrs. Moord, J. F. Rowland, were ,centered around him, wrvd he( tended the Toronto ,Exhibition last Charlesworth Intend, leaving, - I elists of` the pros � I I A. B. Macdonald and J. H. Kerney-- n- shortly, Mr. Charlesworth �having - I—— � I - - ; to make it appear that Mr: Fielding some. There is- ,some talk that she . I was out down Just am 'he( was corn- week were Mr. and Mrs. J. F. ,MeI � �- ' - I . I �* , - Stratford, was a mencing to enter upon a 'promising foili, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Miss' Rosa disposed of his busIneag to Mr. Proton. Taekersmith-- - � ,- gal technical, objections will not . stay unless- her allotment , Lawrence Addle, of I .- I . . I � ig placing le - I . � ' esidende her-# Ur. aWd 11r. Roy Willis ­111 The L%tesb song$ j, at the �Cft P -� I n - . - * , t - of the'w6rk Is less'than, that,of hei ' visitor In' town. for a co 10 of Idays career. Uove �ne, During their r , g I ithe cour. � UP ver, the bereaved par- Lai gford aad Messrs. J. J. Irv] Mrs-ch'arlesworth made many frienft, ceit on FaU Fair night, Sept. -21st. 1 2mi � - in the way of the findta . � predec ssor. But: that to not the this week. -Cleve Baeker was 6ff duty �ents have many pleasant memoiles to George Dundas, Thomas Irvine, C. 1. � - i� ,� � * . ". ' - - . I - , � � becoming effective. The very reverse - erlous state of aft alirs. Dr. , vercome w who will always be pleased W bear I ­ . nibst -.: for a few daysi being 9 Ith cherish, arid to console them, ad the WbIte, Robert Holmes and David September Wedding, -A -very hharys - - 7i . - -- F � is the case. As, f 6ur readers know, ]Robertson want's a new agreement ' the beat. -D. J. McLauchlin, of Ches- deceased was a most exemplary aud Bo�d- Your corresporident, who was of their well doing wherever located. , &� I i I Ex- -The fine bank barn of, Mr. Jacob event took place on ThursdW, - I I � . I The Expositor is not Irtelined td ex-� between himself and. the board with ley, spent Sunday In town. -W. - 1H. dutiful eon, who was t1ways careful there for a week, may, wItb The tember Ulf, at the bovio- oll ir. - �� . . I . � - I . .. I I . p I I ' . several new concessions, granted him. , Kerr and W. J. Fawcett are away tto to, jelleve �is parents of afixiety.. coh- poaltor's permission :h.kve something Koehler, one mile mouth -of bere, wa's Mrs. Henry Carter, Tucke � I., . �, � , I lcuoe;'Mr- Fieldingf where he is( blam-. to the--cerning his welfare. The sincerest to say about It next * burned to ,tbe ground on: Saturday ' I *Montreal, being delegates week.�Mrs. Jae., � I . The decision at the recent confer- ymp t morning -last. The seagows threshed when their second '�, 4augbter, - ; - - .. � able, but, fair becea, was unitea In 40' U, I - -� - I ii ay Am right Irf 'all ence to continue under the old agree- ; General Cdnferencd of the Methodist 0 a by of all will...bef - extendedf to Bell and Miss Clara Stimore, both �(ital . mati'l .1 -1 I , i - I cases and Mr. Fielding Ig notf �re- merit was not sanctioned'by Dr. , churcb.'-Wm. James and son, of Lon- Mr. and Mrs. Bates In'thW the ,hour 6f Stratford, are visiting friends and grain, with hay -and straw, IiX a I Mr. Leo,nard Ta,ylor, a, ptftpero" i -- . ' i diving fair play from,the -Cortserva- Robertson and the matter - hangs Jn -. don, are spending a few days- with of their severe bereavement. The re- ' relatives around here this welak.-The loas. The Implements and itock were farmer of Grand Bend. Rev - - 7 - 51 c ' the former's brotberi Mr. H. James- malne ,Were laid to rest Ili! 'the Day-- Misses' McNab, of Brussels, spent*Sun- flavbd. Mr. Koehler noticed swoke I woo .-, I ,the balance. One .of- the princtpal - . Shaw, of E,gmohdvllle, assisted, ty - ,. i : tivc- papers. The facts are'tliatwbat- powers asked by Dr.. Robertsov to CouncIllor Alf. Baeker arrived -home 'field cemetery ork Vuesday afternoon. ' day with - their frlendl Miss Mary pouring out through the toof at 8 Rev. Mr. Carierre, of lGrand, Bend, d ,� '. - - ' ever technical - objections are being I , frqm his seven weeks' trip, td,, the!,- � ­ ­- Coats. -Mr.' Robert, Brotherston, a ,o'clock Ite the morning,. The arigin of emmony was ferform4l �- -- . to control the expenditur' of thi flelated. -The ce I � � - / . P, � Wegt last SaturdkY, and 'he has evety,J., t- ­ * former resident of this section,- but the firo Is :a. mystery. VT. Koehler. eram a ­: ­ ' imposed it Is Mr. Fielding's oppon- school.. But ihe board don't take Verna ed beneath an arch, of f - 0 --_ I ' ' appearance- of big journey having I ho bas,been residing In Dakotw'for has an Insurance -In the('IT&Y Mutual, flowers the house being tatteAft �. � . " I ents and 'not himself that are re- kindly to the idea and the sky Is , � L - r4otes.-Mr. and Mrs. John DennP - w -vy - - � I ­ . - ­ clouding up and trouble wlll� likely be akreed with -him. He thought so very 'tupwards of ten years, to back; on ja but his loss wIllbehea overhisin and v-ddt# - - I � Oponsible for -the obstructions. Mr� uch of the country that he(, 'Invested son left. on Tuesday morning for( an - I .1 U I( I surance. it also coynes at a veryf,bad decomted .-with green #. � I . - 1, . k I MondelEsdWs wedding -inamt W" , 11 1� . i In a quarter section of land n ear - . � � - �. time ot the year. Much sYrftpithY 19 utifAilly rendered by M1fiW0?e&4 - - -'-- . -Plelding was unaeg&d by, the election experiment will have to'be abafidon- the westerrf provinces. Their many 1 . � . the ultimate outcome." We fear the & m extended trip through Manitoba and visit ' Z bea - " . ftount of,briberY bY'agents. e'd as a failure. .Dr. Robertson is, ' Milestonp, and, ten lots In Winnipeg.- friends, here ,will wish .them a very I Kippev, I felt for, Mr. Koehler, who( hadL -a tfine Woodley, of Seafortli,, an ther brldo&- - - -. I . unquestionably, a very clever man. , George Coates, of Idaho, to here( on a ; ANG PLOW REPATRING-T. bam and everything about it In, good 1 party ,entered. The bride restlng,-W, : � - . . Mr. F,Ield+g has loyally accepted the But he is human like the rest of us visit with his parents and other old pleasant visit and a safe retUrA.- Mellis, the old fartnorV friend In the plow line, would shape. -A good maify f rom thilt vi- -�W - ' , declatort � (not * All the pupils of Varna public school remind all that he is again on hand with a new Steel, I the -arm of her fs:ther, 1&;.k f jobsrvlr� � _J . �j the Court -bmd hasf I and he has been so'hibeli petted and friends. -Ivan Crooks, of Toronto, cinity are attending the WesternFair, Ing In 8, �dreso of Parisian lawn tr1w - - 'ho, tried for the entrance e ow at London, this week �' , , � I attempted \to Impose any legit ob�- * 1, epent a couple of days last week uh- w xamin- -of all plow repalrA aud castings, mould boards 11 . Some say they i" A I , pampered by the,powers that be, on ation were successful In pasging. This ;handles, skinitners, wheels, bolts and all repai;�. PlA nAd with valeneletnea, ana �; - � '� der the parental roof here. -The new )lt)-,vrel)airinf,intrui3ted�%ilI receive prompt atten- like the London Fair better thaW the jeetions to' this decision. But, In both side' of politics, that wiy fearhe . Is a record alike creditzble'to,,the I � carried a boquet of bridal rowIfte � -­! � Crystal .. Palace ' fa now completed tion.- Alull ine of wagon axles, wagon tongues, Toronto- Exhibition. � �� I t . I addition -to .the charges of bribery has developed Into somewhat of a and all ready for the Fall Fair,which pupils, the school and, the efficient bolsters, htigg,y shaft9 and all wag,on and bugxy re- wwwwv� bride was� attended by. her alstet'"­0 I,- � , -6, 1 - ­ � ­ I otte , �b,y - I � . -nk and that ,no person can work , ; teacher, Mr. Shdre.-The song service � -, " - ,om, being supp, -: I , . . I I era, 4 dairing. ThoinasUellis, Kippen. 2018-4 Jenni% the gro by agents, -which were pr6ven and will be � opened by Hon, Wm. Pat- . o6jast 11� . brothe , r � harmoniously withi him unless they . Notes. -Mr. James- McGr6gor, � ;,­�,- pme�-"� �Va r Lloyd, while. Ki&W 14t; ,: �.J I. he in the Methodist church on Sunday from - . I �-w­ ili;��­ .1 ­ which vacated the seat. It was . glerson, Minister ' of 'Customs. T .i.w , a:d,& a I -1 . give him all- his own way-. - At 'iany � . was good and was, lar,gely attended. Smiths Falls, 4as -been enjoyin - "t,mi%11-al�Ptilt uIll sing the latest popular airs at tle M 'Ottty young flowerl � . . - I charged that 'at the same election Mr. rate under existing circumstances, the Stratford band hits been engaged to I , I the Concert on Fall Wu night, Sept. 21st.. 202N-1 con atulatiorts, the guestA J - supply music. -C. 13. Conery and staff _Rev. Mr. Brown and Mrs, �Brown pleasant visit a�l the bGme of! hi§Ul- . . After' gr I � - � . . system has n ot bad a fair trial. at . v0hielf numbered about sixty, retired . I I - ' - Fielding had been gitilty of- personal have gone away for a well earned ter, Mrs. Thos. Oke. ThIAL41' years Farm Sold.-Mr.'Johy� Wilson has - , rrived In town this week, aritil- are - -� Y. I . � to the dining rwrn. where�­R Eluralit- . A -evidence Guelp� and sliould 'not be finally a , holiday. -Mr. Ep�s has bought out have passed since Mr. I as sold We farm -*n the lu _;� -� bribery. At the trial no was . now ,busily engaged at the new, ee- � wtkegor *w McKillop -Huls- . or. -1 - l 0 condem,ned, because of Its, failpre there. . .p Mr. D. McNaughton's blacksmithing here before and 11,6'-se6ja gre uous dinner was pa*Aaken .iL - - - Offered to.prove that .1hese personal merit sidd ,walks. -The Brussels Post , at mahY lett- town line, south east bt the vil- 'hicli the 'y0ung' -00OU144 , -4 1 . It -loolra aff If It fEr. the sydtem that holiday *-next shop and business and has alre'a'dy changes in tb-g people.1-Much anxie- lage, ,to Mr. Miller Adame, 'am' of esteem in w - � charges, In so far aer thlar. election was f yet have to be adopted[ through-.-, Will take Its annual. . -r. McNaughton tY.-Ifa �66� felt by the, ' ople �of this Mr. X. T. A,ffams, of thIs( -plaze. The - Aume�n: - 1 - ,�rilll , will be -Issued.- , taken - possession. M pe I are held was evidenced by t2fe , I - , bmt the Province. if public, schools � Weeki and, no paper I -- � concerned were. Justified 'but av 'at- . The, case,bf Mrs Wm. Wilkinson. a- talks of going with the cro*A� ito.-"4icInIty on account of the very Berl- price to .$7,000. It contains 100 acres ! ous' and costly 'glf tis of WhICU thoy - - ` - : I � are to ,be kept up. In! a section where Grey ' ous Illness of Mr. Alex. McBeath, of every- were ther redipt6rits. -the i9rMth - tempt was maAJe`to(,Iug.ITf eildence Ito . , two'to ten child- , gdAnst the, Basi Huron and, ' - 'Mahitoba and the west, whert-blabli- -with aplendid buildings and and it I prbsent 16 the bride *-as a bands6rps - '- -- " , _�� - show that at a former, election; ,M . r. Branch Agricultural . Societies for smiths get one doll5r..f$Xr"setting[ four Stanley, the well known lumberman. thing In first 'Class colfditlOrr , At 1` - - ' .. ren to attend school , Where 'twenty * i gold bracelet, and to the bVide0nne - � I years ago there was an iattel ance $i,000 damages, for Injury f-ta her aT grass. [bribery. The Court held that at the I . V Of new Ong&r"But it In likely that ical condition for some time'but his good many ,years. It to ono bT, -the j and organist eadh a beautiful Toot - -'�' � Fielding had been guilty of p6rao-nal I shoes and two,_detl i f6r a full] set Mr. McBeath has been In a very crit- has b;eetf- mostly ,f;nder , ' fori a - I - � of -from fifty to -&-hundred, people foot- received at the "Palace" 'last there are ' * - . many'friends will be ple .1 - � a in the county a I sepat. The happy you coupieleff 1. - - . election which was being Inquired' ln-� - fair day, will come tip for hearlrfgl I at ,,,some- other drawbadke to ag beat f arm , iW Mr. ! ere I 119� . - � -J," cannot an& will not'afford the, pay , on t1i6 5.20 train for. t6 611 to there was noev1den Goderich on October 3rd. -Alex. Mc- lace Rgiffist these advantages. How- that the prospects for his final re- Adarno Is td be dongratulated ory his , 'S��trliy ' 'y � . - -4 �., , �� �­� I ce t6 prove the for a good� teacher and the school , P west before', is-ettling down wr tbor .- � ,,� candidate g6ilty of - personal bribery Lennart to spending a few 'days In,, VVer Mr. McNaughton will see - covery are improving. -Mrs. Wm -Cud- purchase. Mr. , .. Wilson, has not been - � __-:i . - - , mitst ultimately be closed. There airie. . � z farm at- Grand Bend. . I - T I ; ? -1 . � and that evfdence to prove personal , Ottawa this week, the guest of Mr � - for himself,- but will look around., a rob �'.heiltb. f ­ Diany such schools now In thiv Pro- W. more has been in Sarnia fort he past enjoying 1� ­. or aorne I L. 1A 1 - I -11 I - 1. bribery. at a, former .election was F. Scott. � I t " bit before he locates. His successor, week, attending .the funeral of her time, And, Is aaixi�us to bavei, a, rest I I . - � . ­ � 11­�. I � . . I � . 'his tibil. The vince and some ln,this county. What. ----.- ­ ,�!!M� Mr from the � Incessant duties �of farm � I : . - -. .- not admissable at t I � Mt. Epps, has got right downF to a mother, s. Wm. Philips. - The de- � t � court therefore, dismissed the per- ars the �eople to .do I . - . -/ � : lumselhumt. I . ­­ , I - Seafbith I .,.- . . I . Exeter , !..good business. -Mrs. and the Misses ceased was a kind amiaVe lady, and life and' talke -of -,going t6r a 1i Bonal charges against Mr. Fielding. . — ------T!!0 , - ./-- � I Ward, .of Seaforth, who have beerr will be remembered by the older- re- to reside.; I . � -Change o� Ddt,e,OivAng to tbi� Herk . � � -'-'� ­ , I - , "� � . Briefs, -Remember the Wteter show . � . . I � Now Mr. F!eldlng's opponents are ap- : � . - visiting . in and around Varna, have sidents of this district, as she ' Ban I-Iorse Show beingifixeci tbr ,kuew' I � v'rag Notes. -Miller Adams, Richa d HO- ; F 1. .. . Li - ]$Ivth. . , on. � Monday' and Tues"'y next. 4et ent of this vicinity several i day, Soptember' 25th Mx. Jd�ft* 0 -Tsr-� --' ' - - . - PF . P&allng to the higher 'court against Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. W. E. camp- "-every person who 4" anyty4i-n ­­ gone to Wyoming to visit friends & r6shd- tham and ' Elliott Spooner, left for he'date ot h1ji Sale - �-- j i . g the . 9 I -a not ere recently MI) Ied* 'in think good bring -%-, %ill u w - - . - - 411 the decWon of the trial judge �y there. The many friends of *Mrs. years ago.-Mles Jennie Murray, of . lor has changed t W bell, who w arr ,,�,% out. aA - P Gorrie, is In this -vicinity' visitng, &- the eat on Tuesday morninif.-Wm* , . to Wednesday,, Sev-ternber -2.6 1 AU' . ;�! tovnq.u1r'e Into ther proceedings 0. an � - Ward will regret to learrfi that she � � Hugill, our enterpilaing carriage i -- �- I electi6n held four years prior to the Winnipeg &�6 at present visiting � Mr. the, hall )kud,Athe groun'do 4pd- 0611 is not enjoying good health, but( we motig her friends. Miss Murray to a ! Interested -ahould bear this atte IM L� - � w) bug -a I ' -�' � - --- A . Clampbell!s parents In town on their let. eve builder, turned ,out three ne rnitia. Mr. TA71or is 19116m,19 VU,W , -j -% one a�out which complaint had beim . ,r�Wy, both -old anP- young, hope the change will dd herif good.- former resident of Kippen and vic- I � � wedding - trip. On Sunday evening c0rn"ut on Tuesday and: gee - the gles last week.-Qulte a number'froin - � , i 4 madei 'and which they w e- - Ned Fulton has; purchased Mr. Me- InIty and her young comparilons e -h- U- - r Y� there was a very, large congrega- �,BA . this locality are 4ttending London I all ,In good shape the ,sale( *111 draw, %-, . � 01 - I er tbox� 't ,W* dnd-, bear the milsic. Such an- joy her company and she cannot makei i out everything and I as 1hW ,!stuff I Ing. It will be seen1rom thiv- that - Naughton's . chopping machine and - - -7 tion at the Presbyterian ob'urch te other opportunity may 'not occ i exhibition thin week. -W. B. Cook -t ", . I � I ­ r a bi. - % I ­ �, en the Conservative paper' u . a- business and will be 'plepse4 .to[ re- her visit too extended to -pleasethem. to visit I , g`- erlomm - - �i � ,,; `b s ac- hear them sing a duet and all' gain. for manny :years. Do not miss went up, north Saturday lauv 1 - -� w - , I - I . i I -1 - Cuse Mr. Fielding of Interposing tech- _Who - celve the liberal patronage 'a. the -Large crowds, as usaal, 1hav6 been -- -- wm� � � ' I � were there enjoyed - the singi .- , his son, Frank, for. a few da7s. Frank I � I i nical objections and- thus causing de- ��'very it MT`- Wm. Fisher, a former ;real- 7 farmers In the district, in thq chQp�- taking In the Western Fair it, l'on- H - 12 IJ - . ".Ee . r�, � - - � . much. Before Ed. left hero, is a telegraph operator. -Richard, I � .7----- . . ` e was dent of Exeter died at C11;Aon' last ' "d to .&Y i - I h , uo vou il lay they accuffe him falsely, as( it is. a good singer but h!e,,49,ir ping line and he will try( his beat to don this week and report the show Proctor arid George Cbateo are apel)d- I Tothe'Visitom--suk upyour Into st 4 . -, � � . - i . M I their own friends and Mr. Fielding's . ' Improved 'week after a. trying. Illness, - of give them satisfaction. -Mr. James to be EL success. -Mr. Wm. Sproat, Seaf6rtb for the Concert on Pan poi night, - - I I- - . r cancer. White, the lufty - "t iow'm � -� I wonderfully the fe " v. P,T Ing a few holiddys among friends and . are avallipg them- - )k yeaTs.,he has He was nearly 83 iyears of ' 21A. Taleut-will J, kyman; I ­ - ,� opponents who e Ie ' I I Keys had the misfortune to 'have his Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parsona ind, Mr. ' t, soprano -, Mr. Rdy Vidlia,.%enor, And *0 I - r I �' -- , --e miveg of technicalities and very non- been in ,Winnipi . Mrs. Campbell Is age.-Tbe excursionists from here to foot hurt In the sand pit-, the )sand Jae. McDonald lef t here off Tuesday relatives In this locality. They In- maud Tii . ­ - -, J - -�f paid soloist "I tend returning 10 ,their ranches In, IORLU6mestkid quartette. . "Mi I , n �d' the Cobalt (regiork re . : -�� e of the large Win- Muskoka a - I -, i � � . sensical objections too. Because If ioiry - � - having fallen on him, ;but fortunately on the excursion to the 'west. The'y Idaho In about two weeks� We; are ; Farm Sold. -Mrs WW. J� Allaw fto - ­ n1peg churcUl turned last Week,. They 'all enjoyed � '4 ,s. Her voice Is rich no bones -,were broken. -Mrs. 'Aa�ims, go to visit friends and have a eight ' a �� an election that had taken place six 1 -2 ; I pleased to know they are meeting told her f arm, oif the R14 toncession! - �i I and full, xeter bet- ­ � -i -,W- e 1. - . I � -years ago could be enquired two voices blen4� that much vq,un�6d cr . - i I intd In � ,ng their outing but they like E of Glencoe, daughter of Mrs. -Weeks, Of - - - - - i .. vell AL,�re , . with such good ,success 'In! .their wbrl�), of Hibbert, to, her 'nelghbwz� Mr , -� I get - k - conneetion with' one held two 'Years 'v her. it is' not of ted that , ter than ever. We have not learned of this place, Is Ill atf her ,mother's tarms in this vicinity will soorr be ­ - Itar . = . - : 1 :? I that estern, Josel�h Arkison, for � �, "i t V congregation enjoys such a_, whether or� not agy ot theirf Invested ' and speculation In � $2,600. The I .- ­ � �X -� �i -- ugo, there would be nd drawing df ;�-' home bere.-Mrs.'(Rev.) Davidson and open for bomeateading.-Mrs. Mur- country. -Miss Mina' Meltorlew, who] contains fifty acres, and Is aC choice .,I � -, - � , the line and no freeing, of the ican- Ireat-QuIte a number from here i In a silver minib'or anything, 'oA that . daughters are expected home this ray, of McKillop, was this week' vlo- for- r - f. , I , I I 06yr� "In[WI I --- " . - - I -1� 1 441 Ut 11 - -, , has beerf vlatting with -her ilsters, lot, 'and' Is corivenleAquy -situated , -1 - taking In the London Fair 'this -Mr. Chxrles� Birney is the I I I - - - A Urs. Joseph Hood and: oth- � I did -ate of responsibility. - They migh -Are - - kind. week. from their trip ta relatives' and iting with . - 11 I . 11 week. -Mr. T. McKay, of Shelhourne, 1 happy possessor of a violin which, is , Mrs. W. Britton anil Mrs. Jew,IM for 'MT. Arkleon. There Is Ito lb am,-. 00 . - -1 - - 1 �,S,uat as reasonably enquire Into an; e�� f riendg In the old country. -Ox er friends."The hot, dry weather is �--Snff - I I . I- spent a- few days of the past - week !� said to be 200 ,�ears oldi It was left I . . the past month, returned ta her, home it, simply a AlwellIng and, -stable t .5 f I � .. I Labor Day Mr. William Foot met ma 1 A 1 ection. that had taken place tr *' . king a good harvest for the black - i ,� . enty visiting his brother here. He drove .' to him by an cddl friend( ,who precen4y, I In Lambton -' eounty, I& -at Saturda&. driving bouse. Mrs. Allan . Integ4ff, -A , -- - -years ago. . ( , lr�n with an unfortunate misbap. He ..'emiths Irk the way of tire, getting. tit .i ,� � . C She ,Was accchnpahled Vy bier little corhing to Egmondville to "010, - - ­ � - . 11 i= . ­ the whole distance -of 90 miles . ac- , died In Windsor. -Dr. Rollins forrnbr- ' , � K I .1 . � �d I 4-f Th�re Is, '&UfO, was . driving on the road- whery a is arr Ill wind that blowa no ,,person I - . � z ;i/ff ieu it . - . -1 a -- -, . 1. but It Is the court 'r n -'ff lcult4 I companied by Mr. James Nichol,' who ' lY of this 'place Is how located In -Rev. D. Urqtthart's, driving - ­ -*--- - - ? ­ -- 11 . . .. . . - Mr. Field- 4. -4-141- .V,I- ­�­f­ 1� W­11.�+ - : 'Pavme%nd- Alhortim- ha.vinv rAMnVAd earryall-from Dublin rwn.jntof his good. - - - - -- . � - � . I.% I . I 1. � - I i I . - ­ . - .- ----- - �, .F­t5- --.--- .­..Xz�--e.Leetion having lie 1XV), or, K al J. &L W 4.Y . -01 A: . X L" L W kttf L;V11- ­ -r,-, 7� - ' iW - - --- Z been de4lared _--e gus, are at present visiting at the ;.Leavitt's ­-cocket spanfel which 1- . .nov;'��'tb7e'j;�;�d.-ir­ 'de'o. McKay I . ­ vOlVand the conatitu- siderably cut and bruised and' 'his , . .�. � .act 'should be('re manse, Mr. McVlear , occupyfng the sold some time ago to Mr., Douglass, ­ 'bowing our .1 - 'f' - , ency YfL,ftted, Mge ' ' adly broken. -Mrs. Austin Is during the Week was 0 I- ted direc. -��r pulpit of the Presbyterlan church orr I of Woodstock, took three iprizesi at ., Por ­�y to the Sjjeaker og the laid up with (blood poisoning, in, the citizens some fine clusters of rasp- - 'i . House o i:e-,�-'. 811nlday.-Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Gidley, I the recent dog show at Toronto* a- I � � I o, learni !hat berries of the second crop this' sea - j . ?� Uommons. The other judge are visiting relatives in London and -1gainst strorig c6mpetItioft..:-Mrs., G. hand., -We ar r sorry t y and is . held.X'git as the opposing party, had, . . .� at Aidgetown last week i . - I son, which were fine In 4,up-lit i ' Mrs Johnston Is very poorly. lif Exeter� this week. -Mr. A. .W. Sloari . Mansoh.was . � ; . 71 911-'. en notice of an appdal to; the -Su- ' 0-0� � very palatable for -this time of the , and son, Roibert, are judges at thd I attending the funeral of her nephew, I � .-- - ,--"-- I I , year.-T-wo, grand g6spel sermons � i. "�.reme Court on the matter of recOlv- Brussels show this year one in -fruit ! a Mr. McGregor. 'Mrs. R. Christi6 has I Walton - * - Sab.bath last by - - were preached on lw Ing evidence relating to the old el- ,� and the other in vegetables. - Dr. ' reiturned home' -from her visit tor her , -Local Items. -Dr. 'P. C. Neal, Of Rev. N. Shaw, of Egmondville, ln� St. A ''bation, -the voidirig .of the const'tu- Gunn, of Clinton, I , �- . . was assisting' Dr. I -daughter, Mrs. Rogers - 'In Chicago.- Peterboro, Is at present visiting ixn- Andrew's church. Mr. -Shaw, was to, 'i T to the - ency should also be reportec Charlesworth In a . difficult case on Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw Ld her daugh- der the parental roof. He bag been - , ­ same tribunal, Instead of -as la usual- Monday of this week. -Mrs. J.- Hab- -ter, Miss, Jeani 'have n6-�r, got com- on the sick list for the past "It all appearances, In big best element il-I I : I and his words were spoken w�lth. pow- _: . � Pw - ly the case �eportlng tq the Speaker Wrk and family, of Brussels, . spent fortably located In heir residence weeks and Is therefore enjoying the .. ,df the House. And thug the matter s I er. His discourses have been much - � I stands at the present time. If the. � unday with friends In town. -Mr. lber ' e which 4tly ipurchased quiet and' rest of his: native t9wn commented on during the week. and Mrs. W. Campbell an(t. family I'from* Mr. H. Gjdley.-Mr. J. J. Knight with the hope of rebruffing his,health. � W � - Conservatives persist In. �thelr ap-'- I , , I � � . visited with relatives in.' Bayfleld has returned ' frdin. big visit tb( the . -Mr. John Ryan. has been suffering I peal, it Is likely the matter, In Idl i .1 I I Zurich. � I � g- this week. -Mr. D', Somers has pur- Westerp PraVinces. He spent a good trom a severe attack of -appendicitis, � T - .pute between the Judges- will have I -to undergo an " chased a barber shop at Dunnville, , part of, the time around,, Yorktown, , an1d may' possibly have I Notes. -Remember ' that the Zurich -- to be decided firdt-and therV the aP- 'and intends leaving for there next Savkatchewaft.-Tlie Advocate 'staf f opekatlon�-Tbe neNy station house is show Is to be held on ,,Wednesday -and . 1 . ;. �. . I _ 11 . - . . peal. from the decision of the judges � . �. I - weel� He will be missed here in : have cease(f from their labors this dow well on towards completion and Thursday next'and it promisek to� be -t 90 to the receipt of evidence orr the i � - I sporting lines, having always taken I week and haY6 been enJoying a holi- I will be finished up ta date. The frame ­ better this year than ever. Nearly I - I � . .� , Pereonat charges will 'have to -f 'be an active part In games. of, I woik is 'being done by Mr, H. tEdge. evety person will be there Thursday. ;i � all -kinds. day hence there to no Issue( 6� that , � -� Vassed upon. And until these mat- I . �.4 , -To - - � The best wishes of his- many friends i paper this week. -Dr. Roulaton, our I of Seaf orth, and needleas to say a -Mr. and M - 0. Bealver, '*hof have " ;�-11 ters are decided no elec�lon can be , � . .� -- ,- - will go with him bi his new venture. ' dentist, -has opened rooms'In Oredl- I good ,Job( is, assured. -The iron work been visiting Mr. and Mrs, G., Holt7.- � �, ., - beld. Judging from - the --� f ae'llty -Mr. Stewart, who. had his two colliq ton and will visit that 'burg every , has - been plac6d on the r6of of the ., man, have returned to their home� In. - A with wbich the courts usually mo-ve . I ,�& dogs at the ,Toronto Exhibition, was , Fr�lday evening. -Kr. �F' S. Harvey ne.w store being .erected by Mr. E. Elkton, Michigan. -Miss Fred& Hess ' il;-i � there will likely be a general elec- I umi'dccessful , In securing a prize.- hap returned from bla �Isit to( the I when complete daughter of ,Mr. Fred Hess, or., Is att - - tion before their decisions are ren- Mrs, A. DaInton, who baa beent visit W6stern . provinces. Re enjoyed big . will certainly present a very fine , tending, the Model ,� school at Gode- , dered, It the Conservatives destiFe to Ing- her parents In Chesley for, th; I trip and speaks highly of.the( coun- 1 appearance. We eongratulate Mr. Mc- rich and' her younger shater Is, at- � taoilitate, mattere arid are 11%nong past few weeks, returned.home Satur- try but 'sa!ys, Exeter 19, Will -good �Laughlln on his enterprise and' trust tending I the Collegiate Institute at .. 'for an election ln�'whieh they can test day. -Miss Maggie Tamin, who has , e&ugh for fil 1m, -George' Manson can 1 -that be will meet with the patronage Seaforth.-The annual Children's Day, their strength Rgainst the Finance been visiting her parents her -e for I grow big tomtoes as well aK make I and approval of the people of this vl- - Harvest Rome Celebration was held � . - Minister, all. they have to, - do( is �o, t6e past . six weeks, left fb,r ,Reed ' good shoes. He -has tomatoes grow- I cinity and- trust that more, of' the In the, Evangelical 'church 0XV Sun - I .witbdraw 'their appeal to the Supre"me b , , 1�,, Court. I The -election trial court can City, Michigan, last week, where she ' Ing In his garden, wbich weigh ovAr I monled men' of our village will' Jol- day last. The - pastor delivered an. -� the : low big examnle and add tof the lben- "excellent practical sermon at the kc, . 4-U 11. was to be married on: the 10th �of this-' a pound each. -The Ladies' Aid of . a -7,!�­ -- - , - � ­ T.-:- 1- - , , - - �- - , - � .. � , � ... - t;v­ - 1. V11i JVVYVIL . their uemsion to the Speaker ot 1hd House of 'Commons lan-d , - i 1, - month, by, her � brother-in-law, Rev. ts,main -street Methodist church held a I efits and ,material growth of our forenoon service and In the after . , -1 � : - I , -1� 1 P 11 - .- - .1 � - � T-.- �w r "I I Pf- �: �� . � air electiort will be held Inside of ,,- Mr. Irvin, to a popular young m � - ch6pping r an i very pleasant meeting at the retty burg. The mill being .e - � noon addresses were delivered.by Rev. � , ' � .1 �� 1� , .., -1 I I V � . �-, ­­ - �7 - . . . month. If they are not preparod' to of that city.-Migs Jean McInnes left I home of Mrs. Ked(ty, Thames road, -ected' by, -the Messrs. Hoegy its now Mr. Bean, , of Crediton; Rev. Mr. � i I . ", 17� �­f I � . 1-1 - I I - - � T , . . ­ I ­ ,, I..- ;' - -, . � do this their: organs should be hon- , ' . for Zuric . - nd Mr. Arthur h this week, Nvlhere she, has , last Thursday after oon -Miss Min also nearing completion and trust Edit, of Dishwood, & n - harge of one of the millinery de- i ers, who was stenographer In Dick- that -they also will share'thel patroa- ! Killerman, of Na�lervllle College. In . , i.. 1. � 1, ,� I I... I �� - eat enough 4hd fair enough to� place cartmento �, ... - - = � � - . - - ­ . - �� -I:,- � - �i .�, . ,�. - . the blame for , deliy - 6n the right of that place'. -Mr. W. : Bon & Carflng's law office. has gone age of the farmers of tbiaz locality . the evexing there was a sacr�dl song 'to ' I I I .I- -� -,,, : I i . - I . . I ­ I I I , . Bhoulaers. In * the meantime Mr. - Fleffron visited friends In Weswater attend the Model school at Gode- Ad we know that the people of IlWal- service. All the nervices were Inter- 'over I I - . 11 ­ � . I 11 � � - I - � I - ; , :,: I -'i -­� � - � I . � I - ­ I I � ' - Fleldtng will - likely continue tiy act Sunday, -Don't forget that. the rich a,nd Is succeetled ty Miss, May ton will f Ind thehm to beL honest, up- , esting and profitable, and were large- I ' � . ­ � � ­ . - - - � . I I � , - , � - !,�­ I � , . 4 . I -as a member� of the Governmeht as ' Blyth Fair Is on Tuesday and Wtd- I Quance, who acted in a. similar ca- r1kht and useful citizens. - A' new : lY attended. -Mr. M. A. Buchanan, �., . - , � " �:4 -1 �--- I t ­ , - 11 - T;x- � � T I � � r I well as a rep�esentative In - the - nesday of next week, and' th' of Dr. Buchanan, whd hm� been at, the pacity In the office. -of Reeve Bobler, barber has also oper-d tip 8� tonsor-, soil . QQrd 'while 'Chicago, ; --Z., . " �. 1 I 1 I I '. .. - . I ­; , � - House the same as 'if no legal pra, � . battalion band, of Goderich, will 1 Miss Allice Howard -takes the fal parlor in the r(,,--,,3 of, the Royal * lecturer in the University of - - � � I - � , I . . � . �: ". � 1. �­ ­ �� oeedinge, had been takon� or were pend- be Ili attendance the 'last day. Then .-Mr. Thos. hotel. So don't forgct bays to c . po'sition with Mr. Bobler ome freturned home list Saturday night, t, ; . I - � -z . � � I I I �', - I � I � Ing and properly so. I . also ther coneprl In Industry Hall, - Carltng had a valuable bound killed along and have your whiskers push- ! for a few weeks 'rest, when! be will � L I ' ,� - , � I i � .­ - I I - - I L, i 4 1 -�4 , , I I . . I 1-0 both evenings of the fair, will no on the railway a few days ago by I ed. -A new brick school bo,a-,e has � take up his ne-W duties In. the Noronto I I I Z , , . I � I ­ . ,I L � . 2 - I . . 1; - � - � - I 4 . � Strange that � ' i1oubt be good, ag thel talent se- being run over by a traln.-Mr. "W. been considered,, b -- � -niversity as lecturer on French! and A y our tri, ,11--s and . , Xr ' I � . I � ,.. . ", , I .. �- I . ; . 1, -- ,m.,; � � - . . , .� � - while .every part Of cured Is of thebest.-Miss Addle Gib- I pretty'wedding H. Levitt hag. his le evaporator they.have decided% to- build at an early i Spanish. -A quiet.but � app [ - left ' ­�. 1-1 �. . ­ 1- - Z I . 11 Canada Is ifiJUIng opulence and son on Tuesday for Milverton, to going' -full blast and farmers having I date, so that the education' o' the , took - .place at Rosedale Farm, the -1 I . -, - - I "I i'� �, . -i- P- 90 little Island ot 'Man- . , take c' 0 - ' home of Mr. and Mrs. George Seboe-' hargO of"& millinery deparN, �-appleis of the right k1ndL t( .6 I q disp se young and rising generation wl 1 not I I . �.� I . I ­ ­ � t � I I - ­ I I �- . - . ­:­ - � � � � - I �'. - - ,he . Itoulln, represerited br the'only R. R. � � I I ment.-Uri E.'-Wf�tson I 1111g, ov Saturday,, 4eptember ist� . p[hipped a car �7 of will find Tead,v �ale for. them.- be' neglected. Walton ban already � � .� ----,.I- .. ­­ - . 7 . - " - 1: load of cattle and one of lamb 9 lto When 'you come Into ihe shoV, njeA I sent lorth studenIx who have. womi A ,1 wher� their dkughter,, Miss Susan,, W"as ' � � ­- r . � I . , - � 2 v . luk - ­ . I � . - I . - . � - I . - - - I % - Gamey, M - P. P., should. be( the vIc- - Toronto on SaturdZy.-Mr. lg4a,e -Tuesda;y be sure an'd arranke t(awalt I brilliant name' In the widbr spheres ; united, In' marriage to MY; R X- - 7. - . - I -1 L - � . P I I I � 1�� ­ , -: 7 i, i ; � I " -, tim of a bad year. Mr�,,G,�me was ' y In, Brown now bas hts apple evaporators over for the' groat Vi6tor's Venetian I of 11fe'ta other lands! a,adl what ibas .Schledel, of Detroit. - Rev H. .1 I * . E. - -_ �. �. I . -, f �r I� - 7- ., I - - 1, I I - - - . - � - i �� r - ; � - - . . - . .. � , , i � , - I . i , - � '. 1, - , , . Toronto the other da h Ying Just . - I I I � . � 'r . ., i , - at Bl�th, and Wingh' am, running at Band . concert in the operm, house, In ! already beom done ca - - Bean, cousin the brlde� officlaW. -n also be re ." at L I . � , � - I " . I I . . I .. � I , . - . .- . . � I �,, : , . .,I I � . I 1. . . I I � � . . . . . 11 : - -- - . q. 1, -e - i . I . - . � -� t - . � � � . I.-.- I - . - I I ,j , ,� - I � I t I - , , ,, - . � - .-. - . � � - . � , � 11 � - � I , . .. - - i- , -t , I- � , � . . -; i�, - , - - . I I I . , - . -- - : I. .� I . . I . I � � 41 I I � - � . . . . . . I . � -- - ­ . I - - . � - ­ . � - ! I � � � .. � I , . - . - . I - - - �. - . - I � - . I I I . I . . .. . . - e - - I , . � - , I I . N - . -- � - .� I I �, �­ - . , 1 16 �i � . I . I - I . . I I � " I I � , I I . :. � I �:1 . I , ­ � � - . I - . � � 11 - I � - .. �.. � ;. ­ . 1. -11 . � -1 � I - : � I � . . -X-- - . .1 ­ . I- - I I . . . I - � - . .. I ,.­ I . L . . I I - I � .-w !� _­ � . - ­ . , . 1. . - � - I ­ . I � I . , . I I � . I . I I , ''. ­ - 1 - : -- . . , . I - I . � I— . ., - t, �. .-- � "�, . -, -� - . �,� -- i- ---$ -.J- � Z � . - 1. I - - - . .1 I � -f . - I Z *_1 - - - I . � I I I . , ­ . , .�, - � � I ­­ �, - I I �- I - �-., -�­ - S­�­­.�. . I -L �. . �. -..- . - . -1 - , . � � '­ � �. -- � - I .� ­� ,- - . ­ - 4 . � ., .. ­ , .:, . I ­'�­ I - - 1-1. . I , I . � , � I -, � �­ - -, , "-,-� 1- � , - : k; ,­­­­ � � . � � .­ - - - � .. ­.- 1. . 11 - I ­�;, - I J� �. � , - - - , - , ��� - - 1. .1 Z . . - I - . �� , � -- , " , - `��, �. .,"- - - . ­ � - - ��- -,! �� ­ , , � ­� - -- �� - 1- . . I . . I I . . ­� . -- I I - ­­­ . - 1, .- � . '.1. 1. 1, ..�!� , -:2 I �., - . � .­ ­ . - - a -,�­ � ­ .- � - -. - - I , I ­ ". ., �' -- , - ��� ��­ - I -'� -" ­- I . �� - - - -� ! I . I I � - - ­ ­ I f:- � - - ., � � Z , � � . I . , - � -,� . - - --. . ,w 1`- - , �-! ­ �: - ,� - -,� �-;� - -, - -'-'- �', I- , - .�: 11 I - .. ,�­ ,, �7, :" - , , --� �, - , - .; - - - , , - 1, �. . � - � -, � T. � I - -1 , - -� ­ :. - ,- �-��'-�- , , ;­­ - -_4 �, ­ � . , - ,xj�- - I ­, I . , . , -­ 1-Z, � . , ­ , , --- � � �. tT- , ',%, �: � -.- -� ,-,. ,: � - - � n �"` - . ­ - , , - .1 - - -1 I - - - � --- -, �. ­- - j�'­ ! I ­ . � -- .% " � �,� , ,­ '�e.,� , , � -1 1 , � . - ­ , � , . , , ". I I � � I - , - , - �,- - - --:i, - .- � - - - � , - - �­ I � - . -� . � � ,., ,� -, " � , , , . . , � ��. -11- , - ---­-, ,�­ L� -1 �� --­----------;.- ­­�­;��- � -:1.1 ---*-'--'1. - ��­�­�,-,- ,'­�Z�,'&----'V'1� - - - - ­:,­�' - � � I � , "i�'-� , -.­-�,' ,-_-, ­­ .6� - ". ­,�!!�: � . I - - � - .1. . - I I ��--�.� zl- ­�� - �� � �� ­ � I " . - , �� �-�,�- --- ­;��;­�­ I I � - . . I � I . I ­ -­­­­ -----­­­ -­-­---- ­­ - ­­ � . �`­­­ ­­­­ ----1-1.---. - ..--.-1---- . � . � � . - ..-- --­..­. ­­­­.- - �. . - . - -1-1 � � I ­'� ­­­ ­-­­­­ 1. I - � , I . - . � � 1; � - I . - . � . . . I I . � � . . ­ ., - I � I I . I . ­­ ­­­ I ­­ ---­:­--- --­,��. . ­­ .---I--,- - - I - ­--------- --.-- - -.--- -- I - ­--­---­ --- ----- ----- - . - - � . � -� . I . . 0 1 earan ce G rab . Sal e. " 7.-?� 1 - I.- � . � I I � . � � . I � " ­ I I I � On FRIDAY "11"t "'ay ' Seafoist Fair, ­ . I of the I b - I - � ., . � . I � -- - I I z �- L ­ - . +4;-F+++++4 4k4l++++. - % - - . . . . . I lar kT is A GRAB SALE I ­ I WA . I . We bave taken from car stock several hundred arti3les-price frezr(Slo to 266­�,.'. - --�-- . . I - uone worth less thar the latter pries. These articles are : I � - � . - . - I I I . - Rings. Knives, Forko, 8poons, Opera Glasses, Silverwarev-0hawt - - ---- I . I � � -.. - . Arooches, Pins, Belts, Alarm Clock$, ete-s belUding ai Lsffiee I ­ --. I . . I � I . . - I . I - I .-:-.- I Gold Watch, a Geuts' Watch, a FOcy Black:010dr, �W- 1.�- I - ­-, I - � . - . I ' � - � These will all be put In paokag6a and put in our window on Fri,d&y -mornih b- 000� � , : . 9 - -, - I . I � � - .. the sale opens., Be on band early and make your grsb. . � I - . I . . � I I I A ARTER-25 cents—A GRAB. - I- . --. i -]' 1-1 ,:,� I �- E&A purablee . r wilfxeeeive & obanee o . n a diamond ring, ,Wh1oh will be IhOvm J11 I - ,� I � I . I , . -1 the window during the sale. - . .i� * 1. -�l -1 - - I � I li . I � . � i JOHN BUDGIER, JEWELLER, SEAFORTIL -, 2; XJ � I � . � .1 I I I : I I . IS$UER OF MARRIAGE LIORNS98. � I 1-�-: .. � .. 11 . , . � . . - � - I -- I ­ . . � . I - - � I � . - . - I- I � ! I A 0 A N A D I A N , � � :-i . � - � - - -I J . � A . ` ' ­` -1 � I - -n -4 -i . - - -1, . .-� � rr, ' d�y, . J - � ' a " hoe - flia a R e e --.----., � � . : -- 1. I . - A . 4 . I - . I . - i . � . - 4 A scientific remedy for this trouble—safe audisurle. - -I-- --,' ' " - 1, . , .� - 1-1 - It neutralizes the aold --and. poisonolas Secretions - -y- �, . in the bowelff, and relieves the .pain, ,96thout my . .- -,.� .11 - . dangeril of bad after. effects, . . ­ -­� � // � � . C. � ", - am . . - � pricep 25 cents per bottle ­ ...- .1 � . - ­­�- - --- - -1 ---- .1 - ­.�­­ -­ � 44 low - I � � � - � . - -11 I -- I � I Wr I - .�- � � � I W r I i A - � I"rr-- 0 T T so N1, - -- , -- . I I- � � FIRST - 00R, NORTH 01f PICKARID'811 . 6 . - I . - � . - I � - � . � -: SEAVORTA . I I 0, . - A a OWTARMP - - Z '. I i � . 4 - I � . I � � - . . � . - I - I . I � - -71 1 1 - -� - 6 . . - I . ­ � - - . . - � �- - �. - � - I -1 I - - - . . � I . - . � .. I � - . i - I - . I -1 � - � ­ I I I- I I - I - � � 1. I- I I . I ..%%I-. Z I I - I'll, - . .. . .. - - - - .. � I - il �. ­- - . -. ­ L - - - -­ - I ­ I- - I - 1 4 - - - -- -- - I.. ­­�­���� —--1 -- I—— ­­ ­­­ '' , . , , - — I . I � - I � � I . . , . I : . � -,� - +1 � � . ­ -- " - � � - gwli�---- --- ------------- WiMaiim 0 -. M,::::1. ak� s V 129 - I . . I I � .11 . 0. M* . . I � - - . � I I I ­ - t I , W r ku - R 10 10M - �Xoto aaw � - : � . I I - � I - P "-I- I ­; - -M I ­ I . -.,-- � � I .,-.:. - . � � . - I � � � " I 7 � PWAT011 &I I - !�­,# "Sto a - -**em -�, � - 46 -,Lop P -e . - � � .rp" I - -1 , - � � I . . - 1. I � . - - - I I �1- - . � , . I - ­ — . - . %� � 4w�- - - �- ... , - , � . � � � - I - . � ­ - I - I � � - I - - - . - I ­ , , .- . - .. 4 --1 - I � , � , �� - I A I ­ ,11-= � --. �, C� - m �- I - � - , �c i ­: - -.3 1 1 . ­ - . 9.. �� ­ - I - I , . - :- -A - - I �­ . - - - - . I . I , . � - ­ - . -- t --- .... - . - , I � I . �- - - - 11 . - IN E. - - . - - . - I 1� - -1 � � . - �� .. - ,..- - - I - - . - � . . - � - - - - I=, - . . 1- � I .. - I - LL r - - � - . � I . f - - - � � . - � - I � � : - i ­ 101 � --1 - � . - I I - -- . 1�. . n�l , �ft, �, _- - Ze , � -- ". 4 iT � t �, f� -on - � - * A hi b � � I IV— It . - V, - �� - OftUAI I W, � � �,7 �1, on - t , )91* SIWW � ` , - �� �14, - it 1( - . , . - I � - � Iftu k*t1w �,­''- M%wit - � -. , I - �­ -0. stiol I � _-- . 04 .. .1 7.- 1 1. � �;­ - - I �­�w - 14-1 . I - , -A Nr I'low- - 4VOL- VA ,, - - . . __ - *4t - , , , 44 ADOM blo ** ,i*. - -� - - h. - a 16. , I . . - - - Ift i � -- . . ­ -- - . i � - . � � - . I �� - - . At � I - �� " I . ,� - - -- - - ,� - I � � � . - .1 - I � I " - � - ,� , - - q I . - I , - I - - . - -- - - . Aig - .- -. - lift - . - , , �' I ­ At, mi . .4 , - I . ! ­ - , ­ - . I .1 � �