HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-09-14, Page 3Ct a - 0 POSTTOR - -onomy a limited num n to Imre" GRAFI:Iv .8. to seven mo n.cluate and la ing from $45 t Splendid oppo vancement. lsomely tra eh book 8 We mail , : ant-aarnalsy ---tetticft to have: opts ittardwris Ilse &worries Itigak sf *Awing* ravanot. Ast4est pairL4 Oases a *eat. Mett,onritrraney 4. _.Ti inert** get*verkett. yet 'moan*. flyers, Principal Moo/ of 7 -deg - Railroading E STREET EAST, fltONTO •eshers est you in 4 Cylinder full line of blo seleamtors. TWI 50 feet to the Fe Manilt. DU run no rrisks, pries and quality. sample oar lnadliJ bur harvest toot& !a, dware Sto Age SilIs Ontar HOW A ; 4111 *uttertian Snit ufnaha. HENSALL, CNT: rand Trunk Railway System. Rallireny Time Tablet Woe leave &Worth sat:Mows : na in.: 1-.1Buton, Goderieh Wiugham an Hines:Mine. For Clinton and Goderloh For Clinton, Wlugham and Einem 21.46 j). m- 11.18 p. ni• ' dine. 10.88 p zn. For Clinton and Gederloh. 7.�L ut For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Orillia, North By and points wet; Belleville and Peterbore and points east. tyg p, ne. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon. treat and points east, - jsa p. m. For Stratford, Guelph And Toronto, , London, Huron and Bruce. ontu Nears - London./ 08114•TALWLme • am Heasall- it.• • ••• law Kippen- tww-se-efolfeil•.• •. 0.1•••• 011atOrias 111...0 1.011, It Yoe** Londeehor0 Myth.- OW In I •-•••••'011FIllf if if MI.. Be1graVes00 11111, ••• IMP Wine:tam aniVe. O., ft .8---orn- fflaghsta, deport.. 1301griVern. ma. sow 0* 0 em• Passenger. 8.15 A.K. 4.50 r 0.18 5.48 9.80 5.54 9.44 6.05 0.50 6.11 2.58 6.12 la 15 6.85 10.30 6.52 10.88 7.60 10.50 7. 8 11.10 7.35 Paeseogsr. 6 Al A.m. 8.80 r. 6,62 8.44 Blyth au....crows•ga 7.66 8J6 Loodeel;r0-.........i. ...as 7.14 4.04 .... 7.47 4.28 3rucelield..•......• =Er •• fai: 8.06 4.80 11=,... . es iks • * ••• 6w gm tt. .. 8,15 4,47 N . . . . 8.22 4.52 teeter- qw-s.rea,.., its •••••• 8..85 5.06 Centralia-. ,....................- 8.46 5.15 Lordo\ o, riv'ei......eva r a ors wt 9.45 A. . 6.10 4. Painuirston and Kincardine. goose Mime Pam Paes. Mixed Palmerston- 7.55 p.ut. ••• olt. 8.41. Brandi.. .... 8.51. ens 9.15 sote Souza. PASS. WIngham- 8.4S&.m 6.52 7.05 g helot, 4..0..0,, 7.16 aco 12.4J p.m satt aan 1.34 8.20 1.44 9.10 1.56 0.80 9.08 1.11.16 Mixed. Few 10.40a.ra. 2.40 p.m 10.56 2.49 11.96 - 8.02 11.45 8.18 1.20 4.00 41okCillop Dimtory for 1906 • VOIDIT M GOVBisTLO9K, Reeve, "Wilethrop P. fk. - • . IL ROWLAND, Councillor, Walton . P. Gounoillor, St. Colum... ON MoDOWELI2 OounelIlcr, &a -- torah P. O. fi. BYERMAN, Cooneillor, Brodhag- MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Winth- role P. 0; k. R. HOLLAND, Treasore.r, Beech- ; wood P. FOLOMON S. SHANNON, X. P., San- itary, Inspeot or, Winthrop P. O. ft)k's Cotton Root Compound:, The great Uterine Tonic, and only aafe effectual Monthly tor on which women can depend. Sold in three de,grees of strength -No, 1, fl ; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger 113; No. 3, for special cAsarper box. Sold by all. or sent epaid on receipt of price. .ee pamphlet. 'Address THE ME14101102.,TONON70, UHT. &twat/Windsor) NUM.' rornn ouff�r tint 41 athing baeksth ittt ache. A ac.be. Under oral -nu -II t. to be strong ass r4sa:r e burdens of life, ousework with an t misery at leistn• z only knew tho from sick kidneys, eick kidneys cause -- A lp ft. If more ley can stand it _ _ they get out of oreow. their cry for help. 0 NE y're helping over the ng, bealthys,nd -vi tgLOrtWT1teni - A troubled with 6nable to move rt kinds of pisate ot were no use. Ati r*tn's Kidney Pills three.vartors a the bro".'; ctrong and -Well as wren -ictr box or three ror The Doan Wane [*'• Trythe New Store Where they don't trifle with other people's bisinesa, but pay strict attention to the wants of everybody's Deeds in the line of Fresh, Oured and Cooked Meats Bologna and Sausa,ges,.Gro- eeriest Fruits and Vegetables, all at right prices. Try our 27c Tea: Rus int,„„ 111)38 SEAFORTH, .The originators of low prices in meats Phone 96 °online dal Block, Opposite the Post Office. Wiughanz Business College la a high grade Ofyintneroial School Three Uourees : Commercial - Stenography Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin JOHN BEATTIE Lae Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop erties for sale or to rent, atnong which is a good kuiNing lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No. 45, Bast Ward, in George Sparling's Survey, Beaforth, which will be sold on reasonable terms. Insurances effected, debts collected and loans wide on satisfact. orr security at reasonable rates. Call eyid see me .andbe ceaviaced. Late Division Court Office, Rea - forth, 20/841 HO! FOR THE WEST. ••••......./.1•••••••••• 89,009 AORF.2 OF SASHATOITEWAN 'ILAND FOR SALE in the Regina district, along the Arcola line, and in the famous Davidson, Hanley and Elbon dis- tricts, at prices to suikeverybody. Write, or call on DAVID A. REID, Box 602, Regina, formerly of Ontalio. 2014-12 1 he Best Place For Zer.--The Olin. Tablets, pwders, drugs �f!any kind will NOT cttte heada-ches. Simply becauie t ey never reach the CAUSE of the headache. , What causes headsches? Poisoned blood, always. '7 If the bowels are -Constipated:- If the kidueys are weak,. If the millions of pores of the skin are,/ not active- . , ton New Era of last week, Says; Miss •Luey Phillip% a woman well known here, where she has resided, off and on all her life, WaS arrested( in Gods - rich last week and corm:flitted tet Jall on a charge of insanit . Her friends here were teenrnanicated with. and 'arrangements have been made for her Incarceration in London, Slie is undoubtedly insane at times, but is not regarded aS at all dangerous, and is likely to improve afterat short term in the 'asylum, where elle an get the particular treatment her ail- ment calla or. s t * :Where 'are the Chilciren.-The Mit- chell Advocate -moralizes thusly and there is a, great deal of solidi truth in what -it says. Its :remarks apply to both town and country alike : ,The pu'blicschool reopened oa irtzetiday after the holidays, 'but the streets did not 'appear t hronged wfth the little folk as they used tci be years ago, nor could the men.* chatter a their voices be hoard. A Asevere cha:nge 'let , tprevalent over the countryle the younger generation growing less 9 We are inelined to think this the ease and the many., towns are suffering from the effects. Tradesmen . of all classes are getting scarce and it is almost impossible to find la lad who `wisheta to take up /meehanical work. The world; is changing, or ail least the man and the +children. Years back when the married mate had a ntuch harder path to tread, .he gen- erally reared` a large family. The ex- pellee was felt, and as the boys grew ;up they entered the shops that they might earn for themselves. The Tar- ents. could not afford to give them more than a public school education, e,nd even with that they are; some of reel brightest men of to -day. How' is t now / The large* faimilleo fate re - Placed ley a household of one, two and. three. The father is lin• a better financial position and each child; in i an coked upon as the one only: suited. cr .or a, college 'education an00Ine igh profession. In this they 'meet easier We with better results, hut will it continue sof Thee coun- try is becoming. overly crowded with Professiona,l'. men of all classes and Oen' at this- date many as the +young- er - graduates are finding it .difficult the worldly needs, Men•are scarce, wages lexe goingi up and the time Is ahead.• of us *when the man who is in the' shop' or factory' Will have the easier titne of :gaining to -locate. ......Chi_ta_he;0-d_thhaind trades- _er •_ ; t pnes positively cured' with Dr. Shoopha Magic Ointment. • 'It's made for piles alone, and it does the work to perfection. Itching,painful, pro- trticling or blind piles, disappear like magic. Sold- by a0. Aberhart, drug - glen, Seaforth. - e , . . ‘-• ‘. • Goderich. There are bound to be headaebes, OR "FRUIT LIVER TAIII.CTIF4 cure headaches because they cure thel cause of headaches. They do not drug ; the nerves. They go to the root of the I trouble, invigorate and strengthen the liver and increase the flow of bile into the bowels, which cure constipation. Act directly on the kidneys, heal all kid - nay irritation. Act on the skin, stinm. late and open the. pores. With bowels, kidneys and skin all healthy and werking in harmony, the btoodita Ja.t pure and rich and there can be no leadaches. /*RUff-A4TVP,8 are pure fruit juices --combined by a secret process with taimand intestiW antiseptics. soe. a box or 6 boxes for g2.50. Sent of price if your druggist -does Illeff-1141VIS LURID OTTAWA. FACTS TALK This is to -day, the leading Com, reercial-dchool in Western f)ntario. All Graduates get Positions. Write the Principal for free cat- alogue ndenter at any time. TIED' BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, W. 0. EULER, Principal. 2018 A Sujierio0 School IN EVERY RESPECT. ELLIOTT • TORONTOw ONT. During July we had 50 times as many calls for office help as we had graduates going out, and during August we had 67 time as many. This is the school that is constantly " going ahead," and not "standing sail " or "backing up." - Write for beautiful catalogue. Now is the time to enter. W. J. ELLIOTT, Princfpal Cor. ionge and Alexander Sta. 2022-3 WIWI! -•••00.31.4110••••••••••• MINIMEMMonmeINIZIO Now Open Fall Term In The Central Business College Torontot Enter auy time. Twenty teachers, 120 type- writing- machines. Unexcelled facilities for as- sisting graduates to positions+. Write for new calendar. W. H. THAW, Principal Yonge and 'Gerrard streets, Toronto 2018.26 . VIIIIIINDAVVEM6111111■0111MINIIIMM11141. SHOE PoLisff Black amid White You will hardly believe how goad it is for ladissi shoes, sr how aarilly applied. ShMing row awn shoes bemuses a politive pleasure with "2- in 1.1' Don't take a sabatitate. Farms for Sale Write for free list of choice farm, town and village property in Huron County. 6 4. A. WAIT, Real Estate Agent, Money to LOAR. Brucefield, Out. 2020-tf A Home Institution. The London Life is a Canadian Company Its investments are all made in Canada, 'and in only the best of securities. ri:"' A favourable mortality on the one hand, with large interest earnings and 110 investment losses on the other, is bound to produce splendii results. Before deciding d efinitely, it will pay you to investigate ther:recordIand licies of the Londcm Life insurance Company. W. IL ROBINSON, Inspector, Seaforth. )4arr1ed.-Ai tinettge wedding took plane on •Wednesday ‘rattrningnot last •weaR, et St. nfileores' contracting ' pasties being. kona, Weatherald, 'youngest daughter of Mr.! Themes Weatherald, C. E., and Andrew V. Irving, of the McGregor, Gourtlay Co., Galt.. The ceremony •was performed by the sector,- the Res. Mark Turnbull. The bride wore white and carried White roses, and was un- attended. The church was prettily decorated. Miss Weatherald is a graduate of Galt general hospital. The guests included a number of people from out of town. Mr. and Mr0,1 Irving left .Goderich on the 2.50 train, and after a trip' to a number of eastern points will reside ini Galt. Another Factortn-A manufacturing: concern from the Western•States had a representative. In Goderich iooking over the ground with fa YleW t0( the establishment of a Canadian branch. The proposition provides for e., loan of $50,000, payable in yearly „Instal- ments and $150,000 to be expended on building:a and plants. The industry is one with little 'competition in Can- ada, the manufacture of baby car- riages, go-carts, rattan work, ete., while there are said to be 119 Ruch concerns in the United States. The gentleman was driven Wont the town by representatives of the +domicil and Board of Trade and expressed him- seisf well pleased with the location ail shipping facilities of the town. He has shim, however, visited several other -cities on the same errand( and he ifs likely to locate where' he will receive the best cash .inducements, other things being nearly equal.' Our Bowlers at Stratford. -The Stratford Beacon says: Eight rinks of yisiting bowlers -from proud Gode- rich and from. proud Brantford -came to enjoy friendly games with the local devotees of the bowl -on! Labor day, and the weather being a a de- lightful nature, the afternoon .was a most pleasant one. An amusing In- cident is related IIT connection with the visit of the Goderieh bowlers, some of whom had not been here tfor 25 or 39 year, lariCevidentla: hadendt heard of the rapid strides of advance- ment the classic city was making. On the occasion of the last visit of one ot the number -the old Albion hotel had been in existence and, a bus from the hotel rnet all trains On stepping off the train: the( one'.in question p'assed the remark, "Why, where is the old Albion' bus?" It was indeed a surprise when he noted the non- 'blocks, beautifully paved streets, and other marks of progres- eivenessi The bewlers from Brant- ford were victorious, while the Gode- rich men went down to defeat be- fore thel local bowlers. 'Brantford defeated Stratford by 18 and Strat- ford defeated Goderich by 42 shots. As a dressing for sores, bruises and burns, Chamberlain's Salve's all that an .be desired. It is soothing and" healing iv its effect. /t `allays the pain of a burn almoat instantly. This salve is also a certain cure' for chapped hands and diseased of the skin. Price 25 cents. For sale by all druggists., *odel Schools. The Model schools of Goderich and Clinton 'are more largely attended than for',several previous seesions. At Goderich there are 42 'student n as compared With 27 the flaet terrrn The following are the names of those at the reepective echools: GODERICH. Annabel Swann, Holmesville ; B. Smith, St. Aug-ustine; Mona M. -Wal- ter, Saltford ; Margaret Jackson, Auburn ; Emma Johnston, Lhnes; Md GIrvirt, - Nile; Victoria; Miners, Exe- ter,* Helen' Drysdale, epoderich ; Maliough, Goderich; Fra 'Hess, of Zurich; Charlotte Sterliiig,. Bayfield; Belle McDougall, Hurondale ; Jessie Goderleh; Elle ,Goldthorpe, , ote Sanford; Nellie Sullieare Kinker' ; Arthur BOyce, Goderich ; DeeeiaBrim- icombe, .Goderich; Susan McNair, of Goderich; Mary. Culbert, Crewe; Minn Pinglarid, Auburn; Evelyn A.. lior- toei, Hensall ; Donald G. McLean, of Blyth; Cassie A. 'Finn, 06derich ; L. McManus, Sanford ; Lottie Robirsion, Ooderich; Mabel Spaeloi, Henseli; 4. Brintnelt, Exeter; Olive Foster, of. Shepparciton ; F.raliklin Yeo, Staffs; Ethel °epilog, Blake; Annie Law, Delmore; Norman Boyce, Blake; ClIn- ton Hogarth, Exeter, Mary: E. Bar- clay, Dungannon; Martha Johnston, Lanee; Gordon Stewart; Allsa Craig; Miss Tidy, Whitechurch; Alex. Mc- Lennan, Goderich; Mr. Siddal, ;Aillea Craig. , CLINTON. Female -L. Ansley, E. Burns. Cameron, G. Campbell, R. Govenlock, J. Murdock, IC. Marshall, M. Mc- Gregor, V. Petrie, J. Rands, L.(i.Saw- erg, J. Scrimgeour, C. Sher r, B. Taylor, H. Triok, ti", Blake, Me Oluff, A. Cowan,' E. Davidson, S. Henderson, E.' McKinnon, O. McCracken, A. I. Petrie,- E. Robb, M. Rose, ICA Sales, L Sheriff, W. Stewart, P. Toll. Male -A. Anderson, P. Eberhart, R. Forrest, S. Gardiner, J. Hutton, Purcell, F. McD. Seett I3adourtF. Fraser, F. Fowler,' D. Grassi*, 3. Love, J. Reynolds, N. Owen. k Rheumatism is not incurable. Stub- born 7 Yes 1 But Dr. Shoop's Rheu- matic Remedy will, if faithfully used, drive it .out of the system. We, the blood that's at fault. Poisonous crystals like sand get into! the Joitnts and muscles. Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy prevents this. It drives Rheumatism from*the blood, and then Rheumatism dies. We recommend and sell It -C Ab erhart, druggist, ea - forth. 0 . In The Old.en Days. 11••••• •••••• salmi Interesting , sketches, of the eerly days.' of Seaforth and. vicinity, taken from the files of The Ex- positor. Seaforth, June Ith, 1872. Rev. D. Kennedy, agar of the Wesleyan Methodist' church here, has resigned his charge, and Intends go- fog- to Europe fot the benefit of his health. The scholars oft the Wesleyan Sun- day school receVy presented their superintendent, r. Hill, with handsome photograph album. ' Seafort Juneet 14 1872 The volunteers - nder :_bapta:in son lea,ve here on Monday fon Wind- sor, where they go iota camp: Mr. and t Mrs. Wm. M. Gray end Miss Sparliag, of this village'left here on Thursday of laet week for a trip to Scotland. - Mr. Scott Robertson' of the Sea - forth cheese factory, is turning out 18 large, cheeses daily. •••• ' Seaforth, June 28, 1872. John • R. Carnochan, of Tucker- smith,'youngest son of Mr. Robert H. Carnochan, died in Scotland on the second inst. Deceased had gone to Scotlandi in November last for the benefit of his health. • Messrs. B, Schantz and M. R. Conn- elciti&nthie village, left 'yesterday morning'fiirl,„" lit,Qston to attend the Peace Jubilee Theitta, • Adam Mulholland, I* of Mitcb- ell, has purehased the Roxthoro mills. Mr. Moodie, who has been., ehation agent here. for a number of year - has resigned to take a good position 'with an express company in Toron- to. On :Wednesday everting last he was entertained,at a complimentary supper at Knox' hotel, -and present- ed with a puree containing $180. Seaforth, July 5, /872. Messrs. McIntyre and Willis have purchased' from Mr. Sprague his entire stock of boots, leather, etc. Mr. Sprague intends going to London. The business men along Main street petitioned the council at the last meeting td have the street watered, but the council refused to take any action as they did not think it right to take money for that purpose out of the general' funds of the village. Dominion bay was celebrated in Seaforth, but as the day was so hot every person' who could get to a, cool spot did so and as a conse- quence the attendance at the races was rather slim. ft.'s. • ,•••• •••••• ; Seaforth, July 12, 1872. Mr. -W. Scott Robertson has sold Ms grocery and provisionbusiness to Messrs. Logan and Jamieson. Seaforth, July 19, 1872. Two valuable cows belongitig to Mr. Brewer, of Haxpurhey, died on. Monday of last week from the effects pelsori., t A matched trotting 'race on Tues- day' last caused considerable excite- ment among the sports. The race was between Mr. Wm. :Fowler's brown horse, " and Mr. G. Whitely'bay mare, "Limping Gitus." The race was for a private bet, mile heats, 3. in 5. The first heat was won by the -mare but thel. next three went to the brown horse. ' .The Seaforth cricket team played a match with Goderich in that town' on Saturday last. The game -was won by Seaforth by an innings and 36 runs. --- Seaforth, August 9th, 1872. A matched trotting race between Thos. Bell's "Grey Eagle," and a horse owned ,by Mr. Polley, off Gode- rich, takes place in thattown., to- day. Messrs.- Julius and Thomas Duncan have purchased the dry .goods . busi- ness of E. Hickson. & Co, 1 Messrs. Logan & Jamieson have purchased the entire stock of dry goods, groceries, etc., of Mr. John; Logan. I Seaforth, August 16, 1872. The first fall wheat of thig year's growth was brought to Seaforth by Mr. ;Wm. Fowler, of the Huron Road. it was sold to Messrs. Strong & Fair - ley, for $1.26 perbushel. + Seaforth, August .23, 1872. The matched trotting race between Mr. Thomas Bell's "Gray Eagle," and Mr. Polley's "4 George," came off at the Seaforth driving par on Monday, and resulted in favor ot Gray Eagle. The fastest time made was 2.24. Jas. P. Kendall and Martin' Charles- worth have entered into partnership, and have purchased from Mestere. W. A. Shearson & Co. the Seaforth flour- ing mills.. , 'A fatal accident occurred -at' the Seaforth station on Saturday morn- ing taut. A band from Stratford was going through to Goderich, and when the train was stopped the band get off to place Thts gathered. the children, and In their has e to -reach The band a inumber of them ran under eome care. Just tie a little son: a Mr. Shearer, of till's village, was' go - lug under, the ears were nibved, Enid the little fellow w_as sun over; He only lived, a ette minutes atter, the ace eident. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROM° Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE,'S signature is on each box. 25o. A Local Romance. The Listowel Banner narrates the following somewhat peculiar inci- dent, which happened an old arid well-known resident of that tawn. During the Old Boys re -union, held in Listowel, a couple ,of months ago, Mr. 3 W Scott 41c•st ai *diamond via. The pin was fastened by a spinal /to his shirt front when: he started across Main street at the square, through the crowd that was viewing the trades procession. The crowd closed round him and he .was Jolted quite a bit, particularly by -one man, who brushed Tight up against him. He naked this man particularly, hut was not aware of his game, and did not imagine that the erowding was done for a !purpose. He did not notice till night-time that his diamond was gone. Then he got wise to the whole scheme, but there was no use cry- ing over prigged diamonds any more than spilled. milk, and he traid noth- ing about It. When he noticed that a gang of pick pockets and thieves had been rounded up in Toronto, and that a man t from Florida, J. E. Iverstclaim- ed diamond stied found on. one of thent he took a pointed interest hi the ease, and thought tit' worth while to run down to the city; to !took into the matter a bit. As soon as he saw the pit he was certain it was his, but he had no .mark on it and 'could not ,swear absolutely to Its identity. Inspector Duncan showed him a group of photos 'and salted himi if he recognized any of them, and Mr. Scott at once picked outera man turned Tompkins, remarking, "That's the man who jolted me on • the street. I am positive of hirndh- Mr. Scott had purchased the stone from Eyrie, the Toronto • jeweller, two years ago, and a -careful search disclosed a record of the sale and the exact weight of the stone. The pin was gent up to Ryrie's. the [dia- mond unset and weighed and its weight corresponded exactly with the one sold: to 311,T. Seat. eAt the police eourt sass week, in Toronto, Mr. Scott positively identi- fed Tiompkins as the Mall Who( shov- ed ancl jostled bim,and said he was sure the diamond was his. MT. Eyrie identified the pin almost positively as one he sold to Mr. Scett August 6t1t, 1904. 1 Police Magistrate Dennison 'reefs= tered a conviction against Tompkins, and the pin was given over to lifri Scott. -Mr. Ivers was satisfied that -the pin was not this, because he +had a mate of the one that was apst, and it was different from this one.; , • Think a Dr. Shoop's CatarrhCure if your nose and throat dischargee-_ if your breath is foul or feverish. This snow white soothing balm con- tains Oil of Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc., incorporated into an Imported, creamlike, velvety petrol- atum. It soothes, heals, purifies, con- trols. Call at our store for free trial. box. C. Aberhart, druggist, in eafortlit ,. An Exciting. Incident A 136/ha-what exciting incident oc- curred last_ week at the .Toronto ant . of the day was tIthe dheeV dog ',trials, Exhibition. 'The outstanding feature whicb attracted 1Ee crowds. least year's champion, Mr. Rape_ hagationg hcoolnloier;,-"at.Bob," dnagainthe etcearnrrooiasn heat wtahes called upon to herd five , sheen in" front of the grand stand, successfully penning all five in good time. While this was In progress, an incident oc- curred 710t down on the programme. The trained elephants were +perform- ing simultaneously with the sheep herding exhibitkin. One of the sheep became obstreperous, scaled the fence -and darted in the direction of the platfornf upon which the 1 ele- phants were cavorting. "Bob," true to his training, almost immediately left his other -charges and went af- ter ,the lost animal. ;When the dog and sheep bore down (upon the plate form the elephants became panic stricken and the leader started off in the direction of the castle that doss duty in Iyanhoe. The Ibig brute was bellowing with tear. The antics of the bandsmenand attendants In their eager scramlling to get out of the way of the stampeded, beast occe.s- sioned considerable merriment to the spectator, as it was plaid to see that the thought uppermost in the elephant'd mind was to get to si place of eafety as quickly ag possl- ble. The innocent cause of his wild: stiem,pede quietly pursued the evert tenor at his ways and 800111 had the 1 recalcitrant sheep Safely penned with the other four. Beautiful and Brilliant Colors Guara teed When Ladies Use - Diamond Dyes. Simla r Irtmeng Each year thousands of letters come in from all pants of this vast Doinirt- ion, telling of -victories and successes with Diamond Dyes in the hornet The marvellous and immense sales of Diamond Dyes in Canada have in- duced adventurers and speculators (who know nothing about the chemis- try of enders) to go into the (putting up of package dyes. Such dyes are adulterated and crude; the' +colors arte muddy and blotchy, bringing suin to the materlalis you try to dye. / Diamond Dyes, the choice of -wise women, are the kind +used when bright full, fast and bliilliant Mors are Wanted. No disappointments posslble when you use Diamond Dyes. Diamond Dyes are sold by air lead- ing druggists and dealers.. Refuee to accept substitutes when you ask 'for Diamond Dyes. Send to Wells & Rich- andeon Co., Limited, Montreal, P. Q., for New Direction Book, Diamond Dye Cook Book and Illustrated Booklet,en- titled "Diainond Dye Longlohns'Win- ter and Summer Sports." Sent free 'to eny address. t 1 -The North Bruce Liberals will hold a convention at Tara, on Fri- day, September 21. to nominate attain.; e didate for thHoutse of Commons b ye -el e c tiont • A;Guaranted Cure for Piles Itehing, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles, Druggists are authorized to refund Money if PAZO OINTMENT fails it's+ reAre in 6 to 1.4 i‘ Sa action or your one Atitititiltitfte•tess63•Equigi itetRAMt 0 VISIPO OF EAF-4:.RT.11.'8 We take this opportunity to call the atte tic) tors to the Fall Fair to our immense stock of that has been arriving daily fisr the past month stock, whieh is larger than ever, is almost compIee, and our store is now filled with this season's rewest production in every department of men's wear. No matter what your taste is, you will find variety in both style and prico to snit the most exacting. f - WO Large Doable Stores Filled with New Fal Devoted entirely to Men's and Boys' Hats, Gaps, Shirts, Overalls ant General Men's Plum If you require anythiag itt the clothing line, see\ our stock before you buy, We claim pre-eminence ii the clothin business, as we handle the productions of reputable raakerx only Quality is our Watchword, and only the best makers' best finds its way into our 'gook, and, while the _quality is always kept up, our prices are at the very lowest mark consistent with satisfaction Two Creat Buying Chances for Men. \-s-ss.--sOne of the best pieces of suit kar% jug yV.U, or any other man was ever priviiegoi44o indulge in -a special line of men's 1,rogress Brand Suits in blue b (Yser* and Scotch tweeds and worsteds, ds, with ''*Tr splaid effect, beautis. rally tailored,substlAtisir a good solid, wellab 1.1 every suit labeled and gross Brand guarantee os if not satisfactory. nowt see them. flan linin s suit; Pro- ney bacx. Men'sPrioe Crav t Raincoat 'These coats we've made a specialty of, and we've spared no pains to get the very best; made in plain. Oxford grey, grey with overplaid, olive with stripe, latest cut, best linings, handsomely made, sizes 34 to 46 Price $7.50 to $10 Men's Working Clothes. SMOOKS--Black, blue and striped, ilouble stitched- 50c to 95c OVERALLS -Black, blue and striped, double stitch SHIRTS --Black with white figure and .stripe SOX -Union, wool and ootton fall s.lx ST EWART SEAFORT# 3 pair giltt f.F•6,6, _ - - - - - - - a. •