HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-31, Page 80 Satisfactory Heating We make a apeoalty of Hot Water and Warm Air Heating, and always endeavor to install - s stems so as to give the BEST nEslr. and • greatest ECONOMY OF FUEL IVO handle only the most modern styles of Fur*naoee, and guarantee satisfaction. Lowest prices on Galvanized -Iron Pipe, and a nice Zane of Force and stook Pumps, in. which we can save neon money. Let us give you an estimate on your work in heating, plumbing and general tinithing. F •t par prime are right. Give ns a oali. ANISSIIEY it SMILEY, fl AF RT Hardware, Stoves and Coal. • • iD0311NION BANK. READ OFFICE, TORCNVO. [pitai, Fully Paid Up --$8,000,000.00 Reserve Fund and un- dMded Profits S 86839,000 Deposits by Public $ 32.000,oso Total Assets $ 48,04,000 BEAFORTH BRANCH Rai - DISTRIOT MATTERS. S.` The Town. :Vetere List. --There . are' "889 voters ' on the Seaforth voters' list,. Of thee 464; are entitled to vote -at both. arliarnent and munici pal elections'; 286 at munleipal elec- I tions only, . and, 90 at Parllamentar to elections only, ' There- are; there- 'foie, hem 'fore, 749 muniolpal effectors and- 553 Parliamentary - ,electors. There - are 246 eligible to serve as jurors.. There are 127 female voters, as follows Polling sub -division No. 1,=47 ; No. 2, 1 -®25 'No 8 —20 ; No 4 —7 • No. 5.--281. The' -.last da+,, for lodging appeals a- gainst the list is Monday, September the 3rd. . r • ,t , e seen many' of : tiara develop into use- gs#stot• ful and influential Men and worsen, j livery facility for the trusting of a enteral tanking business. Collections made on ell points in Canada and abroad. Advaneee made bo Faimors. Speoial at- tention paid to the oolleotion of Sale Notes. c:` SAVINGS BANK. Deposits of one dollar and upwards re- oetved, and interest paid or added June kith and Deeember jest, Withdrawals may be made at any time. A. E. C IBSON, Manager. 'fat. O. HATS. Solicitor James Watson, Successor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. , General Fire, Life and Aooidenb Insur- anee agent,; Real Batiste and Loan . Agent. Dowler in first-class family and Manufac- turing Sewing Machines and Cream Separators,, viz. New Raymoud and White Sewing Machine', and National and Uueeda Cream Separators. ` Also gewieg machine needles, oil, attach- ments, repairs and sundries for all kinds of sewing machines. With over 2.5 yearVexperience in the above businesa.yon can rest summed of prices right, square dtalizg and satisfaction There's One Little' Thing • You should be careful about 'buying, and' that's Othe Buttons Some kinds bwear out your button holes — some kinds wear out themselves. • Two points we've paid particular attention "to is choosine our stock. Joh n Bu Iger, Marriage Licenses Issued. STAPLES BROS — We carry a Choice Line of — PIPES Try us for an EASY SHA.VE 'and NIFTY CITT. Opposite the Commercial Hotel Fall 'Term Opens Sept. 4th. Those interested in Business College work should write for our large catalogue. This is the largest axd best Cenimercial and Shorthand School in West- ern Ontario. We give a practical training and assist our graduates to responsible positions. Many of the • leading business colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Write now tor a free catalogue. Watches ? There is no watch for everyday uee like a good American one. The best makes of American watches are here and the prices are very reasonable indeed. The more customers 7e have the better we can do for all; For that mane we do Our hest to serve all classes, n bother they are blessed with big purses on modest ones. Oar Special Gettts' Watch gold filled screw back and bezel dust proof case, fitted with a gen- uine Elgin or Waltham works. Special Price. $10 00 WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY WITH US J. F. DALY Specials at,4 Seeforth Fair. k couple of errors- occurred in the list o = spec- ial prizes for; Seaforth fair I on Thure day- and Friday, September 20 and 21. Mr. A, Stoble gives a special of $1: for. first.nc 50 cents for recon prize for the beet two dozenbrown eggs, instead''. of prize in the print- ed list. The special prize of $3, for - ',butter credited to W.. Kerslake, was donated by F. Dill, of the Maples Leaf store. In addition -to the list publish- ed, .Mr. D. Donovan - gives a special of -$5' for, a 100 yard foot race - open to men 65 years* of age and! over ; second prize of $2 will also be giv e '• 1 For the 014. Scelai-Mr. Gov- enlock, of Seaforth, left on Monday last for the old ;country, taking With him e lot otatatI cattle. On the same day Mr: Alexander Gardinere of Mc- Killop, Mr. John Murdock, of Bruce - field,' and Mr. James Wright, of Lon- don, all. left for Scotland. These late ter gentlemen ,_go on pleaSure bent and will make 'an extended tette, vis- iting Scotland,. likigland, Irdandt and possibly France berce•e. 'their. ,return. pleaSant voyage,. a good time in the Mrt ,E. Barnett diove a lead of flax to the Seafortli Mtn, Which weighed 10,448 pounds. ;When vire consider that this amonnt of flax was gethered up and pitched on 'the wagon by StretS. Neely, while " teddee" built it, all - in the eipace of 8 1,-4 hours from the time they left the mill till- they re- turned again, the Performanee seems maryellous, while it at the same time shows Mr. Battled to be tisgooS load builder. What d� the Heusi/11 and St. Marys men, whci have been boasting of big loads, Bey' to this County Model Schools.—The Board of Examiners' for the county of Huron met in the pubile school, Seatorth, on Saturday, August 25th, to artange for. the session of the Model schoels of Goderich and Clinton. All the members were present. , It 'was re- volved to admit students to the Model schoels, who will be eighteen years of age chr or before _the openings_ of the schools at the autumn Orin a 1907. Teachers holding expired third class certificates will. bp granted re- newale for three years on passing the final examination of the Model school in December. The final examination be -gins on Mondey, December 10the _1907. The meeting then adjourned to meet on December 24th, at Seatorth. —GEORGE BAIRD,. Secretary. Huron's Recora.—The British Bowl- ers have now completed theirs -tour. They played with' 61 Ontario clubs and they won out against 47 and were defeated by 14. This is a prette good record, but Huron players made a better. The Britishers played with representative rinks of five different ,,clubs in Huron and were defeated by four. Huron-- is, ' also, the only county in the province' in which the British suffered en all round defeat. The Corinthian Football Club, the champions of Eitgland, defeated every club they played with in Canada ex- cept the Herone, of Seaforth.'e They also defeated the celebrated Chicago club. Hurrah for Old She can beat the: world in almost any - An -Unfortunate Accident.—The gen- tleman referred -to in the following desp,atch taken from the London papers was a brother or Mrs. G. A. Sills, of this town : " Grand Trunk Bridge Forefnan Charles Armstrong, of Stratford, w -as fatally injured at the Cove bridge at London, Monday afternoon. A trestlework on piles 28 feet high was being put into place, and Foreman Armstrong was super- • intending the woek when he maAe a misstep and fell to the road bed be- low. His ;tide was crushed by the fall on some timbers and he lived only a few minutes Lifter reaohing the hoepital. He was 45 years of age arid leaves Al widow and two childre-n." The sympathy of many friends will be extended to Mrs. Sills on account of the sad and sudden bereavement. • Flower Show.—Attention- is again drawn to the flower show, to be held in the tOwn hall this week on the afternoon and evening of Friday arid Saturday. A competent committee of judges has been appointed and everything possible will be 4one to- wards making the. show a -success. Every person is invited to make an exhibit, and exhibitors win be• ad- , mitted free. Intending exhibitors 'are requedted to bring in their exhibits to the town hall bn Friday morning, or to notify the secretary or tf one of the directors to can. fbr them. The competition in asters, glaitoli. and dahlia,s promises to be very keen. as exhibits are corning from Clin-6an, Exeter and other outside towns. Copies of the prize list met, be had at Mr. Deter Dill's store or from any of the directors. The Schools.—Thepublic schools and Collegiate Institute open on Tuesday next. All the old' staff of tha Col, legiate will be on hand. ana the prospects are that the atterida,nce of pupils will be laeger tnan ever. Should the number of pupils increase v.eity mu:ch it ,will be necessary to Procure another teacher.—Some im- provements have been ma7de in the public school, principally the in- stalling of new desks in two of the rooms. miss Ballantyne has secured leave of absence for a month, and her 'place will be taken by Miss Goven- lock, daughter of Mr. Robert Goven- lock. Mrs. Coulter, wha has had charge of the primary department for a great many years, has tendered her resignationa to take effect at =once. It will he a distinct loss to the staff, as Mrs. 'Coulter is undoubtedly one of the best pri,nary teachers in the profession an& her place will he hard to fill. 'She has given a good many generations of 'Seaforthites Shetr educational' start in life, axial hale and they a11; _ appreciate her cervices and ecknowleelg 'her worth, and ri11 ever cherish a deep and affectionate interest in her welfare, and will join - he :xpoeitor in the hope that she may be long spared; in health to en- joy the well earned; ease that retire- ment from her more active -pro eese atonal duties should; bring. Died in California.—Word was re- ceived here* this week of the death of Mr. Robt. Carnochan, of Tulare, Cal- ifornia, which took place there on the 18th inst. He died, suddenly of neuralgia of the heart. •A1r. Carno- chan was a native ' o2 Tuckersmith, being the third, son of the late. R. IL Carnochan ° and brother of Messrs. Samuel and Robert Carnochan, of that township. Mr. Carnochan was -a- bout 62 years of age and had' been a res"lclent of Californias , for over 85 years. He was, therefore, not known to many of the present generation of this district, but will be .remembered by, some of the older residents. • The County Rate.—Thel following ere the amounts that the several municipalities in the county at Hu- rom have to pay this year for County Blyth, $487.44e, Brussels, $577.80 ; Exe- Only a few of those dinner and tea sets left that - am clearing put at half price, soLdo not wait but call at once and get a bargain ot the Maajle Leaf fkore., P. Dill; Seaforth. 20204 Loss of eyesight is worse.than loss of fortune. No matter how entail Voiir eye troubles nifty- be. have them corrected. Consult Taube & Son at Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth, on September 10th and llth. 21,0-1 Girl Wanted at once, apply to Mks. M. O. 02h:274ey, John street, Seaforth. Water glass egg preserver will keep them. 15c a tin, sufficient for ninedozen at Aberbart's Drug Store, Put down your supply of fresh eg'g*s for WifiLe2r0u4se. "How about yotir apices, vinegars, etc..? isl hi2naoyv2e0fi-t1rhset consideration when buying goods. Give me a trial best quality that can be had, as quid/0' and be convinced. P. Dill, Seaforth. All accounts are now ready and we desire a settle- ment by Septeniber 8th,,, Beattie Bros., Seaforth. ° 20204 Jar rings that are made of rubber -10e a dozen at Aberhart's Drug Store, Seaforth. 2020-1 Persons having pie tins belonging to Mrs. Patter- son, at the " Kandy Kitchen," Seaforth, by returning them. , Miss Helen R. yilson will resufne her musical for conservatory exandnations. For terms me otlier information apply atresidence at John A. Vilson,, Seaforth. 2020-1 avec! Strong boy wanted at- the "Maple Leaf Pickle SuiPplies, peaches, plums and pears are the goods people are noW interested in: Phone 8 'con- nects you with headquarters in theSe lines. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 2020-1 Clearing sale of fancy china during September at Come and get a bargain. 2020-1 We are clearing out the -balance of our woven field fencing and metal gates at a big disCount. Call and get our prices. Chesney & Smiley, Seaforth. 2020-1 We're still selling and receinmending our 28c tea. It's in a class by itself and thousands drink it.202110e.lat- , Remember the date of Taube and Son's -visit to Seaforth and,lif your eyes bother you in any way, do not fail to cnnsult them at Fear's Drug Store on September 10th and llth. 2020-1 We have a hill Ripply of the celebrated Blue Lake Portland:Cement always on band, ' It gives satisfac- tion. Chesney & Smiley, Seaforth. • 2020:1 Are your glasses right ? Vision chang-es - as all thifigs do. See Taube & Son at ,Fear's Drug2062{t::?r, Seo.forth, on September 10th and lltb. OPENING for an apprentice to learn the drug business at Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth. 2020-1 . 10 girls and young ladies wanted by October 1, to work in shoe factorv—nice work, good pay and steady employment. Goo4 sewers preferred. Apply at W. H. Willis' shoe store, Seaforth. 2020-tf WANTED.—Boy from the country who is going to collegiate, to 1,arn telephoeing after hpurs. Apply to the local manager, I. iNT. Fear. 2020-1 aceomits due the late firm of Beat- tie Bros., Seaforth, must be settled by September $th. John Beattie. 2020x1 GIRL WANTED for general housework. Apply to Mrs. IL W. Brown, Goderich street. 2020-11 85, per cent. of headaches are the result of eye- strain. Proper fitting glasses give permanent relief. If yeu are troubled that way, see Tanbe & Son at Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth, on September 10th and llth. 2020 -1 - Try Charlie Minas' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice work. Always gives satisfaction.. Clothes .called for and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea- Dr.,Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Coin mercial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Sept 5th, Hours 1 to 8 p. Cataract, squint, failing eye- sight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly littcid. 1983-11 BUTT -BB, AND EGGS.—A. G. Ault, SeafOrth, will pay the bighrst price i cash for any quantity of good fresh butter and eggs. Bring them right .along. 2014-11 Honoring' a Seaforth Boy.—The Mit- chell Recorder of last week makes the following reference to a Seaforth young man " A number of the per- sonal friends of Mr. Thos. J. Ryan, who for the past four years has been in Mr. Barley's drug store, and who is leaving to comPlete his course 'in Pharmacy, treated him to a compli- mentary supper in Mr. N. E. Coppin's restaurant on Monday evening. Dr: Atkinson was in the chair, and a pleasant time was 'spent. A very pretty gold locket and , chain were presented tci Mr. Ryan, who has made himself popular during his residence in towo. He will be much missed by the lacrosse club." We congratulate eur young friend en ,this mark of the appreciation of his Mitchell friends, and wiste for him continued success in the larger ephere u'iion which he 'en- ters. • Council Meetingee-At a special meet- ing of thettow'n council, held on Mon- day evening, C,ouncillor Winter gave notice • that at the next meeting of council he will introduce a motion a- mending the by-law licensing - Hawk- ers and Pedlars. As the by-law now is, Hawkers and Pedlars ban ply the4r calling within the town limits,- pro- viding they hold a county license. The peoposed amendment is to require them to take out a town -license whether they have a county licenee or not. There waS 1)14,t one tender for the laying of the 'rkew ceinent side- walks, that of Mr. Frank IGutteridge agreeing to lay the walks at eleven cents per square foot and on the same terms and conditions as formerly. The tender was accepted. A prOposal was received from the Good Roads Machine Company, of Hamilton, for supplying one of their improved street sweepers, but no action was taken. The company sey there are 20 of their sweepers in. use in Toron- to and that Qwen Sound, Picton, Brockville and other toeens are using them. The price is about $300. The 1 couhcil adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor. We might also menfe Mtn here that all appeals againet the voters? list must be lodged with the clerk on or before the 3rd of September. Some names maY have been omitted; and seine' may have come to the town since the .assess - UGIT IMO thy Seed* Scripture literature throughout It distributes an` IMenenee . amount pf itig a great tend good work tom ,hu ariity and is well deserving of and Cavan churchee, SIcIrillop, co Chaff Basketg. ducted the services in the Presbyter- ian church last Sabbath, 'telt. Mr. • Larkin and he having exchanged Seed Wheat work for the day. Mr. Carswell is no' vit E. Kerslake, satnrr trery art: fuSweafayoffteaPereecsibityntylparno! SEAFORTA fited with his thoughtful an& earnest sermons.—Miss Biedie Ault, of St. Catharines, spent a week kere with Killoran, of St, Michael's ,hoopite,l; TO - rent°, spent some days here visiting his mother, Mre. John Killorat.-0/re. John H. Hays 'has purchased rrom 'V. Knechtel the comfortable cottage, recently occupied .by Mr. knechtel, on the corner of James an& West and Mr. Charles Clark left on Sat - Iurday last on a two weeks' visit .to friends and relatives in Calumet, Mich Jackson Bros. photographers, last week !sone& some handsome souvenir post cards of the Corin- thian -Hurons football match. They had the cards on sale the dayf after the game and they sold like hot unfortunate accident at the Enigine works; on Saturday last. A separator ran orer his foot, smashing some 01 his toes. It will lay him off week for a while.—Mrs. Levi Hamacher, sr., of West Bay City, Michigan, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. Gotts- chalk, of North, Main street,- this week.—The telephone men: are back again and are erecting more poles on side streets. They are unsightly or- naments."—Mr. and' Mrs. Da,vid Gotts- chalk and Master Gorman and Miss Verus, of Bad Axe, Michigan, were visiting the former's brother this week.—The heavy thunder storm of last Sunday afternoon purified end cooled the air anti soaked the ground aiding vegetation.—Mrs. Henry Litntt hardt, of Znrich, called en her bro- ther, Mr. S. Gottschalk on Monday.— Messrs. Archibald and eudmore ship- ped a car toad of good horses to Sudbury on Tuesday.—The Collegiate Institute board have engaged Mr. Wm. Deem as caretaker of the Insti- tute buildinget in place of Mr. /tic - Lead who goes to the publio echool. —The Globe in: its commercial ee- port of Tuesdey says : "Eggs, a- bout steady at 65c to 700 per bushel." We have heard of eggs benne' ;told! by the pound but never by the busliel ment, while several property trams - fees have been' made, Iall of which • should be inquired into to secure a correct list. Any person whose name has been omitted from the lie will not be permitted to vote at a municipal or other election. Evety elector should examine the list be- fore next Monday .and make sure that his or her name is rightly on, the es ITravellers.—The following , were tieketed-out this week by W. Sem- ervillia railway end steamship agent : Charlie Clark and his mother to Houghton, Michigan, arid yeturn ; Mrs. McGuffie and -daughte, Mise Moore, to Cleaveland ; Mies K. Ryan to her home in- Chicago ; Miss Anea, Henderson to Buffalo ; .Mr. and Inee. Duerr and sate to Cleveland ; s Mabel Govenlock to Sackville, Brunswick. - —The following were ticketed ley Stewart Bros, C. P. R. 'agents, Sea - to Arcola, Sask. ; Miss M. Livens, ofi steamer A. House Famine.—There is practi- cally a houset famine In Seaforth. At the present. time it 10 next to impos- sible to obtain a house of any de- scription for rent, A number of fam- ilies are on the hunt, and anything' habitable is quickly taken. When epring opens we fear the famine will be still more acute. With the ad - furniture factory anS the estab- lishment of the shoe factory, we may reaspnably expect a considerable in- flux of new residents, and the prob- lem as'seen est present is where are we going to put them Would, it not be a paying investment for some* en- terprising citizen- to erect a number of comfortable houses that could . be leased for a moderate rental Kansas Visitors.—Mr. and Mrs.Alex. Taylor, of Dickinso'n county, Kansas, 'have been visiting friends in tilts part of the county during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Taylore are accompanied by their, three children. Mr. Taylor is -a brother of Mr. Wm. Taylor, of , Morris. He is an oldr Hullett boy, and first saw the light of day on the old homestead firm near Constance, Abont 23 years 'ago, when quite a younk man, he removed to Kansas with hit father. He ie now one of the pros erous farmers of that State% He has a farm of 320 acres within, five miles of Solomon City, and, the farmere of this district enjoy town facilities, Buell as rural mail de- livery, telephones, etc. Their prin- lcipal crops are 'fall wheat, corn and alfalfa, and they fatten cattle a,nd pigs. Mrs. Taylor is an Amerrcan, her parents living In ,Illinois. It is over twenty yearS since Mr. Taylor visited Canada. They leave for home on Saturday. Local Briets,--Mr. James --Houston, of' Grey, an& his brother John of California, were visiting friends in and around the old home in Tucker - smith last week. — Mrs. Isaac Mode - land and daughters were visiting at Mr. Eneas Crich's, in Grey township, last week. Mrs. Modeland is a sister (if Mr. Criah, who is an olet Tucker - smith boy.—Mrs. Archibald McDon- ald, mother of Mr. R. J. McDenald. of Toronto, arid formerly of Seaforth. and of Mrs. John McGrtegor, Egrnond- ville, died in Clinton last week. She but there -mistakes will sometimes oc- cur even in the best regdlated print- ing offices as well as in families.— Dee and Mrs, Elliott, of Lucknow, leave shortly for the old country where the doctor intende taking' a post graduate course ,in some or the British and foreign hospitals. They will be accempanied across the Atlantic by Miss Doble, sister of Mrs. W. D. Bright, who goes to Ger- many to prosecute her rnustcal studies with some of the great masters -there. —Mr. Robert Willis has been enjoy- ing a holiday outing to Sault -Ste. Marie by, boat.—Miss Ella Smith, for- reerly a teacher in tbn public' school here was in town this week, the guesl of Mrs. B. B. Gunn. Miss Smith has been a member 'cot the Port Arthur public school stkft for the palet six years but resigned there at the holidays and is now reeiding in Teronto with her brother, Dr.' R. W. Bruce Smith, Provincial Inspector of Prisons and 'Asylums Miss Smith has had an increase in salary every year in Port Arthur and the trustees offered her a still further advance if she would continue, but she wanted. to have a rest. —Miss Amite Watson who, for a like period was a mem- ber of the 'same staff has also re- signed and has accepted a - position in the Goderich: model school.—Mrs. Richard -Dawson and little son. ot Detroit; are visiting friends .in town. —The Beavers went to St, Marys on Monday to pla,y in the C. L. A. semi- finals with St. Thomas and suffer- ed defeat, the score being 12 to 3 was 69 years of age, anct had not in favor of St. Thomas.—Miss Mabel, enjoyed good health since the death Govenlock left on :Wednesday for of her husband, about two years ffgo. She was much and deservedly re- spected.—The coenty board of Ex- aminers met in town en Saturday to eportion the various applicants to the respective Model, Schools of Clin- ton and GoderidE. The teachers will be notified by the Secretary, ettler. George Baird, Sr., of the school they are to attend.—Mr. John McIntyre, of Exeter, spent Sunday with friends in town.—Tekahionwake, Miss Paul- ine Johnson, the Iroquois 'Indian poet entertainer, and Mt. Walter Mc- fing in Britain., • intend giving an en- tertainment in Seaforth _in November next.—The team from She Seatorth Cadet Corps who were at Toronto last week, returned home Saturday evening. The boys were delighted with their outing. They were euc- cessful in several events and won from six to ten dollars eech in prizes. Major Wilson also woe seeeral events. The Major has not yet lost his cunning as a Skilled Marksman.—Miss Graham is adding to the appearance and comfort of her residence on Gaderich Street, by having -a new verandah erected in front ef it.—Mr. Cameron, principal of Brussels Public School, and Mrs. Cameron spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moffatt. —Mr. James Scott returned from his . trip to the Western provinces on Thursday of last week.—Next Monday being Lab- or Day, will be observsd in town as .a 'general holiday andfiall the stores and other business Staces will be closed. In the alteration the Metho- dist and° Presbyterian bunday schools will hold a Union pic-nic in Beattie's grove.—On Saturday event:1g as telarry Scott was riding On horse back, the horse slipped on the. pavement in front of Dr. Scott's residence and fen. Harry was not caiick enough to get eptirely free from the animal, but escaped very well only, receiving a slight injury to his foot. --Mrs. arid Miss McPherson, of Clinton, spent Sunday in town, the guests at Mrs. A. Wilson.—Miss ;Waugh left this week for Berlin, where she has a position as teacher in the Public School of that town.—Mr. T. E. Hays, 'secretary of the McKillop Insurance Company, says that during the -Unity years experienee of the company, no barns insured in the company that had lightning rods on them have been struck by lightning. If rods are properly put on area rightly secured at the bottom in the ground they are a 'very great protection, but other- wise they are an added source of danger.—Mr. George Buskin, the well known .age and missionary of the Algoma, Nor west and North Amere lean Colporta e Mission, Was in town Donald Burns, of Hensali. was- in this week in the interests of the SO; town on Thursday on his Way home clay, and calling 'on old friends. and from Toronto Exhibition.—Mrs. John contributors. This mission is nue- Dorsey has sold her house an'd lot denominational and its motto is on Victorta street. prewerit oceu- i " For Christ and .Common Salvation." Sackville, New Brunstvick, where etre has a good situation in a school of domestle science.—Mr. J. R. Holmes, of Holmesville, was tn town a few days ago. He , drove down with a driving mare, 86 years of age, and she was ad spry as ancitten.—Mr. Joseph Pinkney who has been em- ployed in the Bell Engine Works, has leased Mr. -W. J. Miller's blacksmith shop in Hensall and left on :Wed- .nesday to take possession. Mr. Pinkney is a steady, industrious young man, and a first class me- chanic. -We can heartily recommend him to the good people of Hensall and vicinity. They. are fortunate in securing such a good citizen end we -bespeak for him a good -share of the business in his line in HensalL— Mr. and Miss Hagen, of mils Green, spent Sunday at ' Mr. Thomas Sec- Quald's.—Miss McQuaid, of Toronto, le spending a few da,yett wfth Miss Margaret McQuaid.—The barn of Mr. James Hastie in McKillop, was etruck by lightning on Sunday evening last, but no serious damage- was done.— Miss Bella Ballantyne, who has been sPending her holidays here, left this week to resume her duties as a mem- ber of the • Waterloo pudic Reboot staft.—Mrs. W. H. Willis and son, Gerry, are in Toronto this week.— Miss Waugh and family who have resided here for several years have removed to Berlin. Mr. James Pur- cill, of the firm of Williams and Pur- cill, has purchased the residence and now occupies it.—The tower clerk's office twill be closed for a few days next week. The clerk Will be -absent taking a short holiday.—The thresh- ing and plowing outfit for Fred W. Green, of Moose -3 aw, manufactured at the Bell Engine Works, was ship- ped this we,ek. It occupied 'two cars and consisted of a thirty horse pow- er canopy top -and loco cab trac- tion engine, a separator, wind stack- er, self feeder and a bagger, the whole outfit costing about $5,000.— " True Self Regard will be the subject of Rev. F. H. Larkin's ser- mon 'next Sabbath evening in the Presbyterian church.—The Parka and Paradise teams played an exciting game ot lacrosse in the Neil series, on the recreation grounds, Muesda,y evening last, the latter winning by 2 to 1. These twO teams are now ties for the Neil cup.—Miss Agnes Armitage, eldest daughter of the late A. Armitage, of Seaforth, died in the , Orthopedic hospital in Toronto this week. She had heen ill for several - months.—Mr. Walter Baker who has been spending his holidays; in this ; vicinity returns to Galt on -Satur- day to resume his duties on the pub- lic school staff of 'that town.—Mr. Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Men, they were ot so much with the vexed wearing apparel question as w Wry folk, but now that it has become an item of leadi especially to women—the question comes to them, here are we best able to procure all our necessitie where . .6n eecuring them in accordance with the latest ideas, in lealing fashion centres? Let ne answer your quest 0 our store, and we will tell you tan int Tali we are able, to supply your wants inpvery particular asa est of new Fall merchandise, bought/ for you where thck best could be secured for the smallest price. WHY NOT B .Y0*.:k1 FAL 'A CARNIVAL OF NE New Dress Ooods, new Silks New ReadymadelSki New Raincoats, new Wrap New Shirtings, new Comforters, OW WN mi ts ts erettes new me is the time to pick out your Fall outfit when yo have a ment to chooee bona, New gooda arrive daily. Let that ere is the store at eehich to de your shopping. We' will for you by keeping a well assortsd stock. Weeesk you t ecause fine show we would like to interest You in our store, end to sb aim and object is to f3FrVe you as best we can. Allin for $1,375. uated property secured if, home. It is a, nfcely -and Ur. Allin pretty arid comfor Klement site has able DRY ton, of Gorrie, is the guest f M McLean and other friends here. dent of this vicinity- and he Mr. David Cooper attended t age of his nephew, Mri Dav of Colorado, to a charming Howick.—A very sick been the care In the home Mrs. James Mcciymont d learn that' the little one visiting his parents, Me. and McOlymont: Some 25 years McClymont learned the black trade here—The Foresters pi on Menday next be the traetion4for Labor Day in 0 inity. All who .desire to spen ant da,y shonid be Imre their wayeto Jarrottee grove day. PLOW AND GANG PLOW REPAIRING.: ---T. Ma's, the old fanners' friend in the plow line, would remind all that he is again on hand with a new stock. of all plow' repairs and castings, mould boards, plow handles, skimmers, wheels, bolts and,allrepairs. All plow repairing intrusted will receive prompt atten- tion. A full line of wagon axles, wagon tongues, bolsters, buggy shafts and all wagon and buggy re- pairing. Thomas Mellis, Rippen. 2018-4 FORESTERS' PIONIC.—The Foresters, of Kippen Court, will hold a grand picnic in Jarrot's grove, adjoining the railway station, on Monday next, Sep- tember 3rd. Addresses will be delivered by High Chief Henderson, of Sarnia, Rev. Mr. Urquhart, Rev. Mr. Hart and others. Mr. John McDonald, the cel- ebrated Highland Piper, of Seaforth, has- been en- gaged for the occasion and there will be many other attractions in the way of athletic sports, ete. Come all and enjoy a pleasant outing. It will be free to all who bring baskets and to those who do not a.s 2020-1 calities.—The very marked sue - Johnston in th.e re - tions, to which reference is made in another column, shows that we have, in this vicinity among our boys mat- erial of the right quality. In addit- ion to other triumphs Kr. Johnston Won the firtit Edward Blake scholar- ship in classics' od mathematics, H. Jehnston, the Tery efficient teach- er of the school in . section No., 44, Stantley.—Mr. Caldwell, from Car- berry, Manitoba, was 'the guest this week of his -brother, Mr. Henry Palde well, merchant of this village.—Mr. and Mrs. Reinhartt of Micbigan,were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Harvey this w-eek.—Master Wilfrid Kelps is-thls week, taking in the Tor- onto show and esjoying a visit with his sisters 'in that city.—Mrs. 'A. Mc- Donald, of Tiverton, is enjoying a visit at the home of her uncle, Mr. Isaac Jarrott, and with other friends. —Mrs. J. Balfour, of this Tillage, and Mrs. J. W. McLean were in London this week combining business with pleasure.—Mrs. Brown, in company with Mrs. Donald McKenzie and lit- tle daeghter from '33ayfield, were this week visiting at the home d, Me. Alex. McKenzie, of this village.—Mr. Wm'. Johneton and two eons, of St. olMe ;1:1 itsjh,°1 howl' weis trse°11e k711.-1 siB iti 81 irs1 66.1',WatMinrY.eM30 eha°1513: 4aniolaf- little daughter are Visiting friends in Toronto tend Port Credit.—Mrs. Tol- Notes.--3,irs. Snowden, who visiting her brother, Mt. G enton, and other friends In inity, has returned to 'her Morden, Manitoba,—Mri. at present - with- her sells A' She intends going to Toronto fore returning horne.—A ago Mts. Geo. Mann, of the cession, had the misfortune' her collar bone broken. She ing a tow, when: another tame uneasy and ran aga with the above result—MI daughter iof Mr, John W-0011. rich towasinp, has been en the balance of the year school section No. 10, and Mrs. Alex. Taylor, of 250. Kansas, have been visiting .ot in this vicinity this week. tor is a native of this p now one of the prosperous fa on Saturday evening from pleasant visit with her Manitoba and the Western She also visited her son Collingwood. He le a Gra Railway operator there, Hotharte, who hest had et here rented for a ' num is retiring from it this f have an auction eile of effects en Monday next. thinks of going ;West. ete