The Huron Expositor, 1906-08-31, Page 1nchautrnnt nseach ds itsdevelopMent NS.frem our ready$o. etet approved et :or your selection. FAT WAISTq sent tte DeQigus eadint„ 1 Make s _riemeree4mealamemmeaSeemeessmose met••••114- --lemememe.4-eNwebn4114iNI-r ralussat the newest cat pieated r EACH. materiel with aeat ell pleated front ami t at THREE-SEV enseve•exeseweieweeeleseeege.4..•••••••..illqii/IllaNat a±5..,TS sy Dressers +++ secure for you good o -date stylee And mate an eNTer e Navy Tweed Skir:Ie reel, Neve Black Broadelo •cd Homespun Skirts fer UCe of a lady, as yea tLS d, alWaye ,usedr - efftette, and fawn e 'Belts and Neckwear. ne and Pileove Shaine. • eent to Exeter on Therte. 1 a couple of weeke-witir e.—Miss Beatrice B ildtale, has been in Stratford a,nd .4, peat week.—efrs. egan, of Toronto, aria Rosdon, of St. Thonide, -Mr. and drs. Jas. 33 •er hydrants have- be b y a coot of brillien T welt erstidith• Tuckersmith the council room, turday next, Au etelock. A11 havIng- bod'y should bear ttonstande. onlent.—We cO reead, Archie oppared in tlie I eulents who wrote tegiate Institette. lie tr Leaving Part 1 teulation complete, Al' arm friendo who' eorn of his suceete present may be an Ire athieeemento. t Hill is building hotel In Crediton. nit - .; THIRTY-BIGEME MBAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 2,020. j 8 Tailoring and 4'eadYmade Clothing CD 3ME " " TO., 0.„.GREI OTITIN e , .FRS AND * PURitirrtn INGS • • You II Appre- late it. .mAAAAAArviwww000mmom" ,PeopltC are heir* steadily educitod•• to the _ idea that it .ceprivom. ay The umeoes eelmeTED . what youget, and not what you pay for it, that is the important thing. •Quality is like triith and jastice—it is always desirable, it always commands respect, and it lives on to see the dishonorable end of everything cheap and everything fraudulent. 201h CENTURY BRAND Fine Tailored Garments • are quality through and through—quality of cloth, quality of trimmings, quality of wQrkinanship, quality of style and Eti and the man who buys ll it and wears it is essentially a man .of quality. Let Us slaw you 20th Century new Fall • _Suits and Overcoat, THE BEST IN CANADA. • Assumumnimsommoom.......mor SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1906. n The Late Mr, McQueen, A writer in the Presbyterian of lest week makeit the ‘follokhig, reference to the late- leree, McQueen, son. ot. " Mr. ,darnes-McQtteen. o the second concession ,of. Stanley, the particu- lars of whose death appeared in The Expoettor of the, 17t1I -inst.: "The dad -acoldent do'curred at Man- ville, Alberta, ore the ltlf inst., while bathing with a companion. I Mr. McQueen cant letedi his first ieyear. in arts at Toronto University last .April, in preparation - for the work a the minietry. liespending'Io I the eall of the Ohureb for 'men to man our Western mission fields. he was appointed by the Home Mission Committee to Manville, 'a -rising town in and at Alberta'Oft the Canadian Northern . , Railway. He reached his fiell of lab- or about the middle ofMey, once entered upon the work of his first mission field with all the en- thusinsm and optimism of youth. ,What lie 1 acked in expettence and milpit power was More than made up by a true, manly spirit arrd earnest devotion to his wark. At the preach- ing .service in the cottage of some new settler, when the neighbors, gath- ered together for the hour of 'worship On 'Sunday; in) the shack ot the soli- tary bachelor on his homestead, or en the football grounds infront' of the town, " the missionary"' was' always the centre- of influence, andthat in- fluence is felt more to -day than when he was the companion and amidration of " the boys." 'lit/4ton McQueen," said Dr, Weil, of -Toronto, to the writer about three weeks ago, "he IS going to. mike his mark in the world." That his mark has been made no one could doubt who Teoked Iito the sorrowful faces of scores of GA who attended the memorial service held the eveningafterhis death, when we *tried, to speak of the influ- ence and message that they had felt. and listened toi toe the mist three Months, Truly, God often accontplishes more by what appears to be. toil un- timely death than by many years of service, , • Floral offerings were received from the ladies of Manville and those of Dr. McQueen's congregation in 'Ed- monton. But the Most touching tribute was the little black flags that waved solemnly- rouridthe football gronnds afth the draping of the' hotel- where he boarded, where his We and in- fluence had been in daily condemna- tion of part of drier business," Brussels Summer Races. The opening day of - the Brussels mummer races was Wednesday of last week. There was "Ei large number of entries and warm contests as the goore below shows. The weather was very warm and the attendance was not as large as was expected. Robert -Wilson, of Seaforth, performed the duty of starter; Thomas Pinkney, of Seaforth,, and Jelin Adatnee et Kin- cardine, were timc- keepere and Messrs. Wilson, Pin ney and Adams were judges. Theline half mile track was In good shape. The summary is as, follows: 2.22 -Pace. Ateele1111111~16~40•46•11110. Nettie BrighteSarn Beattie Other Fall Lines iw Stock: MEN'S 'RAINCOATS WOM ENS' RAINCOATS 6 lendid assortment in these lines now ready for selection. Men's Rubber Waterproof $2 50 to $10 Men's Raio or Storm Fall Coats WomensoRaincoats I I r • in gI 6y, fawn and brown In tweed \ effects ALL COATS GUARA $7.50 to $15 $5.0(r to $12 $8.00 to $13 TEED. Boys' School Suits and odd Knickers. 2 piece Spit4 3 piece Suits Odd Pants Barrie 4 2 Zac Medium, De. Kern, Berlin, . 1 Harry Moonlight,: lit Rennie, . London 2 4 Alfie Hall, A. L...Goodhall, Hamilton 3' 8 Time -2.21 led, 2.e2 1-2, 2.22, • 2.25, 2.25 1=2. 2.50 Pace re Little Ferguson, T. Turner, Barrie 5 J. C. Rooker, J. Hume, - • Stapler - 1 Miss Appleby, 8.• Passmore, °Tillie, ' 2 King John, Pulkinglorn, Elora - 6 Texas M, Galbraith &Plgeon, Stratford 4 Time -2.26; 2,22; 2.22; 129. Running Race $1.50 to 0.50 $2.50 to $5.00 25,c to $1.00 eetsAnteneetenoteregeowentnegweienenwee Altogether the beet stock in Seaforth to choose from, because everything is absolutely new tied futile, and bought at . low prices, and selling at low prices, go -Highest price for Butter and goltte+ Eggs. The GRIEIG CLOTHING CO., East Side Main Street, one door South of the Dominion Bank; SEJORTIL 1 t 1 e: 2 2 8 3 8 44 4 111 , 4 5 2 2 2 6 5 4 4 6 6 8 Victoria, J, Coventry, -Woodstock 1 1 Sleeping, H. Simons, Guelph 8 2 Cold Water, N. Garside, Duridolph • r 28 SECOND DAY. There was a much larger attend- ance Toil spectators cin the second day and an. equally keen day's sport. The meeting was, die the whole, -a very satisfactory one. The following re the score • 2.27 Pace Little Harry, .Archibald & Cudmore. Seaforth 2 2 2 2. Topsy Dillard, M. E. dicey, Barrie, 1 3 .S 8 Little .Fergueon, T. Smith . Stratford • 3 1 1 1 Time -2.28; 2.27; 226; 2.26 1-2 .2.40 Trot. Dan Bars, Archibald & Cudmote, Seaforth 4 5 2 5 6 Gertie, J. D. Skinner, Stratford 1t 4 1 3 -Carrie A.., P. Ainent, Brussels _ 2 4 8 .8 2 George B., George Muldoon, Brussels 5 6 5 6 4 Daisy Echo, James 'Beatttie, Kirktop. 6 8 6 2 5 Dr. Fowler, J. Coudnay, , • Montreal 31 41 Time -2.81 8-4; 4..41-2; 2.83 1-2 t 2.35 2.381-2. 2.15 ?lice Wisdom King, J, Roach, Alviston 1 -Minnie Keswick, G. W. Curtis, Lindsay 9 8 3 Harry S., B. Robson, Brampton 4 4 Collingwood Boy, P. J. Stone. Collingwciod 2 2 Time -2.21 1-2; 2.21 1-4; 2,21 1-2. • BY industrY, Peed 'management and 1906-1907. the blessing of. providence, be is now a wealthy reap'. Besides the three farms mentioned, Mr. Joynt has pro- perty' in Lucknow, and is now build- ing one Of the best blocks in that village. etre' Joynt le are brether Of Mr. -A. Pa Joynt, td Seaforth, and Mr. Geerre Joynt, of liensall. Huron Nbtesl- -Mrs.-John McCartney, all old and respected resident Holmesville, died on Saturday, August 18th. —The voters' list for the township ot Stanley was first ,posted up in the clerk's office, on Saturday, Aug- ust 18th. —Mr. John Gibson, of the 2nd con- cession of Stanley, who has not been In the best of health, left last, week on a trip to New Ontario. ,—Mr. and Mre. Lake, of Esterhazy, Sask., who were visiting' Mr. Lake's uncle eld aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Case, have left for -their home. —Miss Lizeie McKay, the very effi- cient teacher. of Cranbrook public school, spent bet holidays in a, very enjoyable visit to the prairie prov- inces. I -Miss Kate Sellers, from near Searle, North Dakota, is visiting old to entlries or exhibitors. Copies prizAst may be NEW BOOKS Public and Separate Schooh --AND— COLLEGIATE INST/TUTES. ALEX. WINTER, Picture framing a Specialty. FLOWER SHOW • • UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE HO4TIOULTURAL SOCIETY IN THE TOWN HALL SEAFORTH HALL, On the afternoon and Evening of FRIDAY 86 SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK ° Open fr m 2 t Ent ges close at 12 o'clock noon Frida , No limit had at .15f P Grey.. It is nearly nine years since R. SCOTT, Pres. 11. W. BROWN, Sec. one left !Grey. —We. Alex. Stewart, of the 16th • 24204 cencession oe Grey, had, the misfor- tune to fall on the wet Boon ,of her home and break aird. dislocate her enrm. —Last Thursday Hugh, only sou a Mr. Enea,s Crich; of the West gravel road, they, gave his right foot an u'g•ly gash with the axe while eplit- ting Wood. ; • .-Seventy-two tipkets were sold at Wingham station for the harveeters' excursion to the west on tbe i MIR ink., and most of those who went were from the sfirrounding townIships. —John- Houston, *horse home lig in California, having returned from a Very enjoyable trip to Scotland. Was visiting hiStirother, James Houston. on the, 16th conceesion of Grey. —Mr. Gresdale, one of the young men 'who was drowned in Wingharn on Sunday, was a nephew of Mrs. Chain ;Wilkinson, of the 4th line of Morris. • —John J..Elliott, V.- S,, of ;Wing - ham, died in that town on Sunday, after a lengering illness from tuber- culosis. He was 42 years of age, and was born in that vicinity. He leaves a Wife and two children. —We are _serry to hear that Mr. Lachlan McNeil, en old and well- known resident of the 14th comes - Won of iGrey, has been under the, doc- tor's care, but we hope he will soon be fully recovered. —Two fine working horses, owned by Solomen Jaques, of the South East boundary, Ueborne, were lilted by lightning during the severe electrical storm on Monday night of last week. —Mr. Frank Northcott, who, has been engaged' wtth Young Bros„'Cred- iton, for the past three years, left for NapinIta, Mon., on Yriday last, lere he has accepted a eituation as tinsznith. r. . Dill s store, or frorn the Directors. friends on the 16th concession of stone abutment of the bridge. He suf- fered severe cuts in his face and e head, requiring several stitches.. 4 —Dr. MiteAsh, formerly of Bel - grave, returned from London, Eng - honors. She has never failed in an land, last week, where he spent sev- exe,mination, and obtained honors at reral 1310/1.thia attending the ,great hos- the reeent iJunior Leavingpapas in that greatest of cities. While —Mr. James Snell, of Ha,yen-Bar- there .he pegged the examination ton stock I farm, Hulled, made the *filch entitles WM' to add to his following shipments of Leicesters last name, the lettere, M. R. 0, P.—Mein- ' week : Fotir sheep to A. P. White, ber en the Royal?: Council of Physic- ' ! Hornellsville N. Y.* one ram to ,A. lane. The Dr. hag not yet decided, ' W. Smith, Maple Lodge, one ram to where he will hang out, his sign Imola Parnell, Spring Road, Quebec; board. . two shearling ewes to Mr. Torrance, —Miss A. a McDonald, B,. A.. Seaforth. daughter -of Hon. Dr. McDonald, of : ' —The fine barn and out buildings Winghamt National Secretary of the . of Henry °hammy, of Welt Wawa,n- 'Young Wementes Christian tessociatibn anosn, Were struck by lightning and in Japan, is visiting at her parental - burned on Mond Ay morning of last home, baying , just ,returned from week. The buildings cont tined the Penis, 'France, Where she had been entire season's crops and had an attending the World's convention of ineurance 'of $2,000, whieh will 'nbt the Young Women's- Christian .Asso- nearly cover the loin. This ban dation. Miss McDonald will remain awes protected by lightning rods. , in Wingharn for a -short Utile before —Mr. John A. Nevem,' of Goderich, leaving to again: take up her wbrk surprised his friends last week. He in japan. drove to Bayfield and tookuntohim,. —On Friday, August 6th, there died self a wife, .1n the person of Miss at this borne, concession 6, West We - Ella Burnside, the happy event being we:nosh, another of the few remain - consummated at the residence of the Ing settlers, Mr, Witham Durnin. The bride's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Nivens deceased gentleman had reached the Iwill make their home fp Goderichunusual age of 87 years. Although —Contractor McKay finished tne a- for the past sixteen years he had butmente of the McCool bridge in been partly unfitted for work, owing Hullett somej days ago, and made a to a paralytic etreke, and paralysis' etart at the Londesboro bridge; he was the cause of death. Mr, Durnin got the digg g done on Tuesday ev- was well 'known and highly respect - ening, and lon Wedneeday morning ed, he -being for a number of years found that there had been a cave in treasurer of West Wawanosb. during the night. This delayed opere —Word was received a few days atione .considerahly. . - ago, dtrom Hanley, Sask., that the —While at work it the brick yard the home of Mr. Charles Lamport, on the :Bluevale 'road on Saturday formerly of orediton, was destroyed last, Mr. Samuel Elliott, of Wingliana, by fire. ..The fire started by a defect- - met with a painful accident at 'the ive 'stovepipe, and had .gained such crushing machine when the index headway when discovered that all at - finger of the right hand was caught tempts to quenchthe flames were ' in the machinery and was so , badly fruitless. Everything in the hense mangled , that it had to be a,mputated was ;burned, the family losing ' all . - —During the severe electrical storm otrir Clothes except those they had —W. S. -McKereher, manager and at the Second joint of Monday night of last we, the -earl connection. with East Huron barn of M. Finkbeiner, near Crediton, Fall Fair. at Brussels, on Thursday' was struck by lightning, and corn- and Friday; October 4th and 5b. pletely destroyed by fire. Mr. Oink- expert judges will make the awaras. beiner had about twenty-five loads The following Is the Government tip - of oats and a 1 arge quantity of hay pointed list :—Light Horses, A; G. in the barn, all of which was con- sumed. The insurance was about $300. —While Sherman Hunter, of Us - borne, Was returning borne from the baseball game at Crediton; the horse took fright- at something on the road, and Jumped to one side, upsetting the rig. In endeavoring to .. rise the animal struck its head a- gainst the bridge abutmentLand died nnetantly. The horse belonged to Mr. 'John Hunter, of Exeter. —Mr. John Ireland, nf Clinton,- an old Tuckeremith boy, 'Who • combines life and death in his business, being a tip-top life insurance anennand also ° representative . of the Clinton marble works, has taken orders for .monu.tnents to the itent of over $6,- 000 since the first of - January; it takes a pretty good man to catch orders like this. n- --On Thursday of last week John Bateman, drover; of Brussels, shipped 172 hogs from' Ethel to Palmerston. Tovverds the sbipment, Wm, Thomp- son, who lives east of Ethel, sold: 13 hogs, Whose average weight was 242 pounds and for which he received the tiny sum of $220. He could have take en=$7.60, but held too • long, and sold for $1 a cwt. . —Charles Lamont, a well known young man ot the 5th concession of Grey, and Mies Lizzie Huethengrand- Oaughter of Mrs. Eckrnier, of Ethel, were married in Goride, On the 9th Olen They will take possession of the fine new residence on the groom's farm as soon as it is ready. They commence married life under favor- -able auspices and their many friends wish them happiness?' and prosperity. —Mr. T. H. Ross has returned to Wingharn, from the West, and after visiting at several points, he has de- -The congregation of Melville cided to locate, at Red Deer, Alberta, church, Brussels, presented Rev. D. B. Mr. Ross will engage in the piano, McRae, of Cra,nbrook, with a purse organ and sewing machine business. containing $100, itt consideration of and will have tire hearty good wishes his services tas Moderator of the Ses- of his Wingham friends for his sub- sion iduring the time the congregation cess in the Western country. The was without a; stationed pastor._ family will leave Wingharn about the let of Seettember, , —Mr. Edgar Clarkson Ambler, son of Mr, Jno. .Ambler, a former resident of Wingharn was drowned at Wetas- ka,wiri, Alberta, on Sunday afternoon. July 29th, The young „man ' was In bawl* at the mill dam and got in- to water beyond his depth. He was 20 years of age. Deceased with his parents, left Wingham some 14 years ago. t i —At. the races in Bruesels, on Wednesday afternoon of last week, Dr. McKelvey's, horse ran away ow - Ing to the bridle coming off, and the miracle was that not more serious damage was done. The., runaway rig caught George Brown's buggy and gave it a bad' twist, and _ threw C. Alderzton's daughter down, breaking a rib and doing other damage. , Alex. McKelvey, who was in eharge of the equine, was precipitated. to the ground but escaped without Much: in - judges' stand when horse and buggy dissolved partnershin. —Two Wirighamites drove to Bel - more a few evenings ago with a liv- ery horse and tied the animal at a shed. When they were ready to re- turn home they tound the horse had departed, having pulled the bridle from its head. The animal came di- reetly home and did not meet wfth an mishap until the Queen's corner in Wingham was reached, when it fell and one leg was .badly scratched. —Frank Periso, of Grand Bend, an employe of the Economical Threshing Company, Thames Road, traborne, met with and unfortunate aocident one day last week. The Company's out- fit was ,working • at C. Monteith's anti Iderisco was pulling some ob- struction from the cutting box, when the machinery started. The knives of the machine severed the thumb and three fingers of his right hand, and injured the little fingers. —Mr. John Galt, postmaster of.. God- erich, met with a severe accident on Thursday afternoon, while riding his bicycle down the 'Maitland River hill to his summer cottage. He 'lost con- trolof this wheel, which plunged for- ward at -greet speed and struck a etone, throwing him against the seeretary of the Howick 'Mutual Fire Insurance Company., thas ;moved into his fine new office, in Wroxeterdvhere we hope the will enjoy many happy and busy years. —E. P. Paulin, hardware merclaant, of Goderich, and lately of Dashwood, has been awarded the contract for plurnbtng wern, etc., in cennection with the fitting of the Sovereign Bank premises in Goderich. —Mr. T. Charltoneebne of the Brit- ish bowlers, fell into the -harbor at Goderich, while seeing the sights a- round the docks. He was quickly helped out, seemingly' to worse for tine immersion. .-.Pat Boyle, of Centralia, made a good threshing record the other day, 84 loads of wheat, 82' Of barley and 27 of oats ea ten hours. The output was 700 bushels of wheat, 400 of barley and 200 of oats. —Mr. and Mrs, Cleo. Moir. of Vir- den, Man., whci have been visiting relatives and friends rbung Huron - dale and in other parts of Usborne, during the past two months have re- turned home. —The Jackson Clothing Manufactur- ing. Company, of Clinton, loin six pf itetbest fernale hands last week, they went on the excursion to the *est. sone as visitors, others expecting to remain there. —Mr. S. H. Smith, the well known cattle dealer of :Clinton, who was re- cently prostratedby an attatic of paralysis, hasso far recovered as tee be able to go to Toronto where be will spend a couple of weeks. —Robert Armstrong has sold his farm, being lot 8, concession 6, "Mor- rie, and containing 75 acres'to Ed- win and Fred Armstrong, for the sum of $3,200. Possession w111 be, giv- en April 1st, 1907. —Mr, William F. Downey,- eldest son of Mr. Thomas Downey, of How - ick, was menden. in Port Huron, Michigan, 1 ast week, to Miss Eva Blanche North, of that city. Mr. and Mrs.`Downey will reside _ in Port Huron. e —Mies J. A. 'Hamilton, the very ef- • ficient and popular teacher in the 3 school in section 2, ,Usborne. /who spent her holidays sight seeing in 2 the Viable provinces, has returgeti and resumed her duties, much invig- 4 orated by her pleasant outing. —Mr. John Joynt, of Lucknow, 'was in Wingham last week, completing a,trangements for purchasing the farm that belonged to his ,brother, the tete Thomas Joynt, of St. Hel- ene. This farm, lies along side of Mr. Joynt's farm of 150 acres. and he paid for it $8,000. This will give' give him 800 acres in one block. ge also owns another 100 acres' corner- ing on these lots. Mr, Joynt is an example of what push, energy' And' honest dealing ma Y do for a young man.' He began life afi a hired by, and worked for: $12 a, month' on a farm that he afterwards purchased. 6 —Mr. Peter McEwen, a leading farmer of Turnberry, recently de- livered . at the local stock yards in Gorrie, 20 head of fat cattle, av- eraging in weight 3,850 pounds each, and 68 pigs, alltfed on his own farm, and for which t he took home over $2,000, —Of the pupils of Wingheen public rechool who passed the recent Junior Leaving examination, one deserving of special mention is Mise Pearl Mc- Pherson, the 14 year old daughter of Mr, Duncan McPherson, of ,,Wingheon, Pearl first commenced her studies 9 years ago, under the tuition of Miss Patterson and three years 'ago pas - a water was very . deep. Be gave the alarm but when assistance atrived one of the horses was dead. After • wine. hard work • the dead horse was lifted out, and soon after the live horse Wall' taken out. It is a mys- tery that ,both lenses were not killed. —The annual linanciae.report lor the Methodist churches' on the olm- eeville circuit, shows tbe arnoune ot money raised to be as follows: At Holmesville, pastor's salary, $544.14; oew rent, $40.80; general missionary fund, $188.50; connexional funds, $68.10. Ebenezer, pastor's salary, $80; missionary fund, $21.50; con- nexioxxal funds, $6.60. Sharon, pas- tor's salary, $80; missionary fund, $12; connexional funds, $4.75. Con- nexiortai funds and church' purposes and superannuation, $23; missionary, $205; W. M. S., $85; Educational, $10; contingent, $4; general confer- ence, $9, union churelt relief, $2; aus- , tentation, len; S. S. Aid, fl: temper- ance, $3; General Epworth League, $1, quarterly board, $70L14, trus- tee boards, $278; Epworth. League, • $80; Sunday schools, $75 ; Japan fam- ine, $9; inoidentale, $5 ; total, $1,- 511.14. Canada,. —Emma, the Ave year old daughter of G. Hartman, --While pfcliing apleeet near the mill dam, at New Dundee, Waterloo . county, on Monday, tell heed first into the water and was drowned. —Earl Grey, Governor-General of , Canada, narrowly - escaped dextruce. tion of eye -sight last Sunday night, ateWinnipeg, before retiring. An elec- tric light bulb exploded, alitiOlit UV his fete,and oeetteeed the contents into his right eye. Canadian Pacific Baliway announce _they will _establish a new train servlce between Montreal and Vancouver, that will over the en- tire dietance in 90 hour*, In addit- ion tothe prestlit service two more trains will be fine •dallee_ o -A threshing engine Whith wee be- ing tested after repairs, blew up at Altoona, Manitoba badie• injuring - Jacob Hirsch, blacismith. He was. thrown thirty yards ,In the air, and. sustained a broken leg and other-ln- juriee. His son Albert was badly scalded arid. burned. —On Account a an increase in the - price of hides and leather, the shoe Manufacturers of • Canada have , cided to increase the price of to kinds of eh.oes about 20 per cent. over the prillg quotations. People will lhttathneer, walk light and save sole e —The '74th mutat meeting -of the British tredleal ASSOCIDA1011,, helht lea week ire Toronto, at wnich there wete registered about 2,200 medical Men, came to arelose on Friday and all the- distinguished medicos went their several waye. The next Meet- ing is to be held in Exeter, • England. —Charlet! E. Fulford, youngest son of Alderman n. Pultord. of Brock- ville, and nephew of the late Senator Fulford, passed away lest tiondaY eveningl at Sydney, Australia.. Like his late uncle, he wad- actively engag- ed in the patent medicine business. He was 36 years of age, and, leaven a widow and two young ehildren. —Jacob Gebrielcy and his son, 81 - mon, have been senteneed to severe and floe years respectively •Iti King- ston penitentiary by Judge Bell, of Chatham. The charges were bring- ing stolen goods into Canada and no Pettit, Grimsby; Heavy Horses, J. A. reining stolen property, knowing it- Boag, Ravenshoe; Beef settle and to be stolen. They stole $16,800 woetb. Sheep, )23, _Parkinson, Erernosa e-Daery of furs itt Brookita, N. Y., early leen Cattle and Swine, 3. W. Clark, Caine- lone, and brought them to Chatham. vine. Idon. Wm. Patterson, Minister On Sunday morning last, about '1 a Customs in the Dominion Govern- o'clock, during an electric ntorm, the ment, will open theefair. cottage ot Dr. Ila,milton, of Pitts- _ —One day last week ate Mr. Henry burg, located on Sparrow Lake, was Fisher and wife of Clinton. were on struck by lightning and almost tot- teleir way to Colborne in a covered ally wrecked. Mrs. Hamilton was in fuggy thee, encountered a separator bed when the crash came, - but al.- *iihd engine on the Huron road, a though the bed was literally dental- ple of miles welt of Clinton'. One of lobed and set on tire in a. number of the separator men took hold of the places, she did not feel the slighteet horse to lead it by, when it threw shock, and extinguished the fire. The him over by the fence, wheeled sharp doctor, who was standing near tho around and upeet the ebuggy. Mrwindow, was stunned. , and !dm Fisher wee' teeth badly —A civic' reception is to be Oven bruised and cut, blyt fortunately had Mr. _Hamar Greenwood, M, P., ror not bones broken. The buggy was York in the Imperial Parliament, on w—reAckseditomas arrivel at his borne in WhItbz. This e7xeiter, of Grey. was Is expected to octur about September ,, driving it cattle beast to the 'railway 4th or Sten It.18 desired that Mr. yard at Brussels a few days ago, It Greenwood shall tome 'direct to took a contrary fit and in .attempt- Whitby, in tenter _ that ins native Ing to get away Mr. Telfer.'s, foot got town may have the first thanes to caught in -the loop on the rope: and do honor to the Canadian who has he was dragged on the road `by the won the distinction of a neat ire the animal for a considerable distance. British Heti-se of ,Commons. ' The beast failing'gavethe trailing --eA double-header freight had a, mei a chance to release Ininself. He nano* escape while crossing the. was very badly bruised. Ready hands London bridge, at St. Marys, on came to his assistance but the now Monday. Proceeding ata goed npeed, enraged bovine had eventually t�be the train had started on to the bridge, Jugged to the pens at the tail, end of when the engineer noticed two horses On the track. He pulled up just nirt time, One of the horses got ItS legs down between the ties of thebridge, anci. had to be belated out by an im- provised clerricen The train WAS delayed two hours. a wagon. •, —Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Swaffield, 1311- tania road, Goderich, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their wedding, Which took place' Ire 'Dundas,Ont, in 1856, when both were newover 'from 'England. Mr. Swaffield Is a native of Doreeteihire, and Mrs. Swat - field, of CumberlandThey settled in Goderich township and except for a short time spent by Mr. Swaffield itt England a few years ago, they have been reoldents of that section ever nearly 80 years being spent on the farm on the Bayfield roaa, from which they removed' to Goderich some six years ago; —After the next regular meeting of Maithend Presbytery, which Will be at Molesworth, on Tuesday, SePt. 18th, the Young People's Convention will be held. The Young People have been doing good Work in the nast. Last year the memberabip of the Presbyterial was given as wig. of whom 517 were membertr in tell com- munion with tbe Presbyterian chureh. The organization supported one Horne Missionary in British dColumbia, and also two nail* preachers, One in India and another in Chlna Rev. Alfred Gandier, B., D., of St,. James' Square, Church, Toronto, will deliver and eddrees at the evening meeting. —A peculiar- accident occuined itt Lucknow last week, A young man, named Bowler, was driving -a team belonging to Mr. ;Tamen Reid, of Ash- ield, and bad zoo to me mar , chop, and on rettnening the horse lost the road and fell into the - race, Tire young meet did all in power to rescue the borate, but it ee sed the entrance examination with jury. The runaway struck. the wens impossible to do so as the —Mr, I. P. Taylor, a South Afri- can merchant, was in -Ottawa last week, obtaining from the fruit devise ion, Department of Agriculture, the names of prominent apple growers and dealers.. He is engaged in buy - ,Ing stocks of fruit for shipment to South Attica, and Is purchasing-- all suitable e shipping varieties of both fall and winter Apples. Mr. Taylor Is only buying the best of stock as the South Africa law regarding the admission of diseased or wormy fruit is very strict. —Watson Hodgson, an old see - dent of Port Perry, aged about 75 years, was killed on Saturday by the G. T. R. train. He was driving izito town from the country an at. • tempted to croeti the track at Kel- lett's trossing, ahead of the express. The train struck the bugsw, and the old man was thrown against a, telegraph post, striking his bead, Which was badly tut, death rein; itistentaneoue. —Mr. Christopher Bell, el Sarnia, was engaged working' with a steam threshing outfit at Mr. Kewley's place, and while adJusting a, belt, got his right arm taught. He was wound :grand the pully *moral times- before he machinery Mild be stopped. be - on the arm from the elbow he -shoulder was tern -off and a r'ow ground in the bone. Mr. will be laid UP for some time as" suit 01 the accident. - •44- e