HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-24, Page 8EXPOS
atisfactory Heating
We make a specialty of, Hot Water
and Warni Air Heating,' and always
endeavor to install systems so as to
give the Bahr MUM'. eau' greatest
1.00hOlia- OF FIFE% We handle only
tits moat modern styles of Furnaces,
and guarantee satisfaction. -
LoweSt Prices on Galvanized Iron
Pipe, and a 'nice line of Force and
stock Pumps, in which we can save
Jon money.
Let, us give you an eatimate• on
your work in -heating, plembing and
general tinsmithirtg„
Oar prices are right. Give ad call.
Hardware, Stores and Coal.
COW, Fully Paid Upa-$8,000,ovo.00
Reserve Fund and un-
sisvided Profits $ a,839,000
Deposits by Public $32,000,000,
total Assets 8 48,009,000
mar.....•••••••111.11. ---
•Every fatality for the transacting of a
reneral banking business.
Collections mast on nu points in Canada
and *broad.
Adyances made to Fanners. Special ab-
olition paid to the cellection of Sele Notes.
Deposits -of one dollar and upwards re
valved, and interest paid or added June
30th and December 3ist, Withdrawals
may be made at any time.
L 0. MAYS. Soilaitor " Manager,
a Beeehwooca Mr. O'Rei11r wale an
eleeetelee Irishman by birth, and wee one Of
"'_11,4F, -sr • the early aottlera of McIdillope By ,
dint Of horn work and careful man-
agement, ' he had 'placed himself in '
'comfortable circumetancos. He was
68 years of age, and, besides 'hid wife,
- he leayes a fatally of elx sonsand
HuronsTie Corinthians.. thtee daughters, all of Whom reside
ire.....1.00. in this neighborhood, except on son,
Hurons, of Seaforth, Champions of who fa in California.
• Ontario, Tie ,Corinthiarte, the • '
- ChemPlons Of England, • • Pernalssion Granted.—Mr. R. S.
----- ' Hays, acting ' as solicitor for the
A tie, One all, was the 'result of the council ' of McKillop, appeared before
game between the corinthiani the, the Railway and Municipal commie -
champion English football team now sioneat Toronto on Friday lad, ask -
touring e -Canada, ; Lead :the Hurons of ing (for permission or ' the council
Seatorth, champions of Ontario. ,The to use some $3,500 of the municipal
game was played on the recreation loan fend moneys on -band, for the
grounds, Seaforth, on Wednesday purpose of paying for new bridges ,
afternoon, and was witnessed by a being erected. in the township. The
very large . crowd; .a great many ' permission was granted.
corning from the suraounding country
, - e
and the ineighh°rIng ti:Ewna• Ile Married in the West. —Miss Bickle,
game - Was one a the finest -ever 1 the young lady who took the leading,
seen on the Seatorth ground. • For a part in the interesting event, an ac -
time at first the game was 'Inclined. count of which we take from the
littleto be a ess and. or , 0 e
first few minutes the Hurons seemed . Harolota, Manitoba, Echo, a . a sre-
to be ° over awed by .the superioi. size sent date, is a former resident of Sea -
forth, having gone Vesta couple of
a their opponents, as the Hurons years ago.Her friends in this neigh-
ranekhed alniktaegabnoLVesvidoer theirbigrs ibriagt hpartitor in extendiag pod wiahes. .The
ee s
borhood will unite . with The Exposi-
the game • was pretty even, anti ate.
though both tried hard they were Echo says: " A veal pretty house
. wedding took place, on Wednesday,
unable to reach the goal, andtime s
August let, at the home at Mr. <and
was called before any goals had been
Char -
scored. When ,play wale resumed the Nil's, ;Walter Whyte, Where Miss Char -
Corinthians apparently went out to lotte Agnes Bickle ' W8 sinIted, • in
' do things up,. and it wasn't long, he- marriage to Mr. John Watson .Whyte.
fore they got the first taIlye In a Miss Ellen -Whyte, easter of the
coeple of Minutes by a pretty piece groom,. acted as ;bridesmaid, while
. a._ . Mr. James Whyte '! eupported the
e emn play e .Huron ev- groom. Both the bride and the brides-
ened the score. From this out they maid wore dainty dresses of white
were on the t aggreselve and a cou-
ple a pretty Waite front Gordon Mc- Persian lawneetrimmed . with Valen-
Donald, ' narrowly missed figuring in cinnes lace and insertion. The mar -
Donald, ceremony was performed by
the score, one 'etriking the goal post the -Rev. H. G. Croeler, ' of Knox
and one skineraing along in front of' church, Ilarniota. About thirty of
the goal. .The game thronghout was
brilliant with good
della and was the immediate relatives and friends
combination ' and was a. beautiful were present. .After a pleasnat evening
game to watch. • The Corinthians are the happy couple left for their fu-
ture home at Arrowton."
a fine big athletic let of Tellows and
have the game down to an exact Miss Ida:G. Holmes, ciaton, tetvaher of Myer'
science. They play aexcellent musie method, will resume her elaes Ssm Seaforth,on
oombinair lon. game and are 'last as Wednesday, September 5th, at theLmebhodisb Par -
well as big. Their weak aeanteint bee sonage, Goderich street. For the convenience of ank •
who wish,to, make arran retnents with her, she wiil
thelr shootirg abilities and their be at the parsonage on itonday afternoon and even-
atrong point is their.' excellent de- ma! -"dad 27th- . 2019-1
fence. Good as they are, however, we will olear-out the balance of our stock of woven
the Hurons heel a sur,prise in store flotlIndefennocwingwhZen'heatavel
for them. rt is the first time. on 'the trabetes8tyalt )a'otbligrequrediruec,bamnid
get our prices, Chesney & Smiley, geaforth.
tour that any Canadian teem has • . 20194
kept the Corinthians downe s- Every Remember, 1 pay:the highest priee for all kinds of
place they have played they have won produce, 80 be sure and call
theatMaple Leaf Store
handily, but it rennaisied for the Hur- the next time you are in town. P, Dill, Seaforth. '
E Kerslake
cken tiiiends could secure grape
ling irons and gee them out they
were both dead. Much sympathy is
felt ,fer the bereaved friends, more
egmecially as thezaWere well known
in this vieinity. Mi.. and Mrs. Kyle
wee formerly residents of Seaforth
and latterly of Stanley, near Kip -
pen. Mrs, Kyle Is ea, sister of Mrs.
Arthur Forbee,
Daley, Seaforth, to Crystal City; G.
Barrows, Walton, to Lauder; John
McDonald,ippen, to Pilot Mound;
Robt. Hanna, Muckersmith, to Mile-
stone ;Miss Witte Caldwell, Hensall,
-to Regina Ai Routledge, -trucker-
smith, to Snowflake; Joseph Broom, *
Seaforth,. to Hartney ; Mr. and Mrs.
Bedker, Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Boyes,
Stanley) to Debuc, Sask.; John Dins-
, more, Hasy, to Debuc ; John Robert -
soh, Mciallop, to Qu 'Appelle ; •Wm.
Pybus, Chlselhuest, to Manitou ; Ar-
mour Todd, to Snowflake.
• 4 20144f
Ladies Raw& can plaa' the -game and al the sa e one of the most deSirable loeations In town . Far
oni to show them . how Canadians FOR AL —A good brick house on 'Min street,
time the ,Huriond deanOnstrated thlf tartioularsAPPIY to James Beattie or to J, M.Best,
arrister, Seaforth.
they are entftlea to the 'title oK 2010x1
On- We haVe he very beet threshers' coal at lowest
We have aboub a dozen Ladies' solid
gold lint Ringo sat . with pearls and
Hareem', in (afferent patterne, at $1. 35.
Sonia in _heavier weights at $2 50 and
•$3.25, which are extra niee. -
tarie champions Durin the latter •
For theme who w•ant something better still;
we have diem in lak aohie instead et
10k, at ftora $4 00 oo $6 00.
Them of °puree, wa have the diamonde at
any price up to $100, for the fellow
who min spare a litile.more money.
John Bulger,
Jeweller, - -
• g prices. Tr us forlt. Chesney .&'Smiley, Seaforth.
far the better part, of the genie. and •
part of the second • half they had, by 1
FLOUR. -:-All bakers of bread should see that theY
- 2010-1
had they had 'a few more minutes aave a supply of old Wheat flour. The new. wheat Is
good but needs age to make good beldng tour. We
' WO14Id certainly have beaten the Cord 'have the old wheat to make this good flour at the
Intaians, as they i had them . going. following ,pricest:—Pastrv flour from soft wheat,
, The i' Hurons are i entitled to hearty 82.15 ; family flour from half Manitoba, *2.25 ; pure
Manitoba, $2.35. Ask your grocer for this flour and
COnkratulations for their excellent mast on getting it. ocaiorte enning eaforth.
, sawing and We are sure the Eng- '
, Co.,e
• 2018-2
lliihmen will remember their game in Rohn FoR SALE on RENS—In Egmondville,
Seaforth. f .' . it cornfortable frame lease. Apply to MIS8 Christina
. The Hurons line up was composed Allan, Egniondville P. O. , 2018x2
Gordon McDonald, W„ Munroe, 11'.
ettel, a. McLean, P. McKenzie.
. Sills E. Murray, C. Stewart, C.
Mustard, F. Sills and R. 71. Peck.
The gate 'receipts amounted to $1300.
Special Seevices.—The Forty Hours
adoration, in honor of our divine.
Seaforth . Saviour, Will commence on Sunday
efarriage 1410enfietl;laseed.
• •
•James Watson,
Successor to W. N. Watson
'General Fire, Life and Aceidenb Iusur-
*nee agent, Real !Least(' and Loan
Dealer in. first-clases family and Maeda°.
-hiring Sewing Machines and Cream
Separators, viz. :
New Raymoad and White Sewing 4. ...
Machitee and National and
Uneeda Dream Separators., I
ALIO sewieg machine needles, oil, ante:Al-
meria', repairs and sundries for all
• kinds of sewing maohines.
With over 25 year e experience in tbe above
businese you can reet seemed of prices
right, square &allele and stassfaction
tweuranoe Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine
•and Bloyeles. North Main street, Seaforth.
next at 10.30 a. in., In St James'
Church; Seaforth. At vespers ' at 7
• ee, in., the Rey. T. Noonan will ,preach
-- We carry a Choice Line 'of7--,
Try na for an EASY S HAVE and
Opposite the Casnmercial Hotel
Fall Term,Opens Sept, 4th.
Those interested in DUSIIICE8 COUNT work .should
write for our large catalogue. This is the largest
and best Cernmercialancl Shorthanct,School in West-
ern Ontario. We give a practical training and assist
eur graduates to responsible position& 'Many of the
leading business colleges employ our graduates as
teachers. Write itow tor it free catalogue.
ELLIO ET & MoLACia Le ar,
• Principale.
The value of a eliamond is more
staple than gold. It's intrineic
worth can't be severed from the
stone. A diamond that is yours
is yours for evei, and at the rate
that they have -advanced in price
of late years, makes them a pro--
fitable investment
ear Special $25 Diamond.
Engagement Ring is a beauty.
We have alto a nice Stock of
diamond rings from NO to WO
Jeweller & Optician
and the Rev. T. A. Gorman, ID.
MOrareal College, will preach Mon-
day and Tuesday evenings it 7.30
p. m. The public are welcome to -at-
tend these instructions. .
• TravelIers.—The . following persons
were ticketed through to the west
by W. Somerville on the harvesters'
excursion .1 eaving Toronto oh Wed-
neaday : Thomas Gemmell and his
daughter,- Grace, of Stanley, to Moose
Jaw, Alfred W. Dennison, Walton,
to Moose Jaw; Earl *Rathwell and
sister, Mabel, of Stanley, to Calgary;
Come to u8 for threshers' mitts, harvest tools,
• baskets, beet forks and knives. Chesney & Smiley,
Seaforth. ' .. 2019-1
GIRL WANTED for family of ave. Apply at - Tito
• Eli.V011T011. 0101,10; Seaforth. 1 • 2010-1 -.
Halve you seen those beautiful dinner and- tea sets -
, going- at half price '1 Only a few left; call quicklt. if
you -want it bargain. P. Dill, the Maple Leaf Stare,
Seaforth. ' . .. 201941
A WORD TO THE FAR:VERS.—When you want
a choice Cuirof beef for ykir threshing don't forget
to send us your order, we311deliver it. We are al-
: 80 prepared to buy all kinds; of pi5u1try, chickens, old
' hens and duck ,:i deliVerecl at our store on Tuesday of
each week. We would prefer poultry alive, and
• will pay the highest cash price. Kennedy Bros:,
Phone 18, Seaforth. 2018-2 '
PARASOL LOST.:2-bn the Huron Road between
• the Town Line arid Robert Gibbon's gate, Kinburn
road, it dark colored parasol, with it navy blue knob.,
The finder will greatly oblige by returning it to
L1TCY Pitrum.s. 2010x1.
BOARDERS WANTED.—The undersigned is pre-
pared to take a few boarders -Collegiate Institute.
students preferred. Apply at Expositor Office. Try Charlie Eines' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice
work. A.lways gives satisfaction. Olothes called for
i and delivered. charges reasonable. Ldr
auny two
f doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea-
' forth. 1 198341
I - Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will he at the Com
1 mercial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday! Aug. 8
Jarrott, Exeter, to Virden, John
Murdock, jr, sight, deafness, aal catarrh
., son of Mr. W. Mur- ' Hours 1 to 8 ps.in. Cataract, squint, failing eye-
doch, elnareefield, Bruce Dever and-, ,streated and gla
properly fitted. ' 1983-tf .
Stewart Britton, Constance, to Moose BUTTER AN EOGS.--A. G. Ault, Seaforth, will
Jaw, ; James Parrish, Constance, topay the highest price in cash for any quantity of
Se o 1-1 ' good frThrig
esh butter and eggs. Thing them ht
Hanie3r. Sask. ; -Robert Grieye,
af rt , to Hertney. Other travel- ; along. 20144f
ere : Miss Ellice Bryan to Por You are always welcome at the Mapleacat Store.-
' 1
• rt is a -pleasure to show you our goods, so ,be sure
and c:all., P. Dill, Seaforth.
niliam ; D. Farquharson, to Nepi- .
gon. • • . , 1
Ste,wart Bros., C. P. R. agente : a der way for the flower - show of the
Flower Show.—Preparations, are un-
-The following were ticketed - b y
Dale, Jr., Hullett, to Pilot Mound ; G. Horticultural Society, witch will take
MeAdam, Tuckersmith, to Moose Jaw ; . place en the last day o this month
wirin,ipeg ; John 5. Brown, maWallace, Egmondville, Kii._ a.nd, the first of next. The prize list
and regulations will be distributed -
. . R. ' to
lop, to Pilot Mound ; J. R. Stewart, i this week, and all flower lovers,
Hensall, to Winnipeg ;
Rogerson, Constance, to Pilot Mound.
Joseph Love, whether members of • the society or
Walton, to Idadore, Sask; JT
not, who have arty cut flowers or
. . .
kny plants worth waking a neighbor
to come in to see, are asked to bring
Married in •Winnipeg.—On Tuesday, I tithetooftfhiceerssho°wr cloirrecsteonr1w;ordfteoeonweiollf
July 31st, Mr. J. H. Young, of Vic- be charged for entries. Admission
toria, British Columbia, who Is, in will be free to all exhialtors. A
charge of the -Dominion ,Express nominal charge of ten cent e to cov-
Company's business in that city, was er expenses will be made . to: others.
married in Winnipeg, to Miss Mee-
garet Sloan, youngest daughter of
Mrs. E. M. Sloa,n, iof Seaforth, an -d- For the Western Harvest.—The fol -
sister of Mr. :Wine' Sloan, Me P., 1,br s lowing, were ticketed, from "Seaforth
for the West by Stewart Bros., C.P.
R. agents, on the Farm Laborers' ex-
cursion on Friday list J. T, and
Mies EIgle, 'Hugh Sproat; Geo. Cam-
eron and Mrs. Cameron, Jake Sproat,
:Egmondville ; R. Young, S. J: Stin-
er, David Rouatt, 'Brucefield ; Roy
McTayish, W. Hal, N. Hearn, Robert
Edgar, Jas. Hay, ,G. A. McMichael, -
A. E. Scarlett, Robt. Govenlock, Geo.
tewart, Harvey Ireland, McGavin,
Mat. McDermid, Seaforth; Mrs. L.
Drake, Thos. Oliver,. Wm. Reid, Mar-
tin Turvey, Wan. Conolly, ' Staffa ;
Wm. Lumsden, Londeeboro ; John C.
Logan, Chas. Din.sdale, Robert Day -
man, Hoary Chesney, Kippen ; S. Dor-
ranee, Constance; Raney Armstrong,
George Reid, Heibert Duncan, Varna;
Wm. Stewart, Farquhar ; Geo, Hall,
Leadbuker ; Geo. •Sparks, Jas. McBride,
Blake; 3. R. Habkirk, F. -Bengough,
A Fatal Accident. —John O'Reilly; of and Garnet Weber, Hensall.
—The following ;were ticketed by
MeKillop, met with .a fatal accident W. Somerville, town agent, Seaforth
about 8 o'clock •Wednesciaa- morning.- E. Ryckman, of ChiselhurEit, to Win -
at seems they were hauling in oats.. nipeg ; Alex. Ross e Leadbury, to -
oh --the Wingle ;farm, and _concesedone Minnedosa ; Miss Lizzie Barrows, of
MclCillop. Mr." O'Reilly was .ori the Walton, to Moose Jaw, John Berry,
load, artd in 'some manner he lost Walton, to Cypress River; Ivliss Ad -
his balance and fell oaf the loadl, die Pea, Albert Smale arid Henry
striking on his head. He get ma anti Smale, of Chiselhurst, to Halbrite,
walked a snort dietance, when he Sask. ; John Kinsman, Chiselhurst, eto
, collapsed. Those with, . him carried Winnipeg; Terry Flannery to , •••Gris-
him to the side of the field, and Rev. wolel ; Miss Jennie Chesney, Kippen,
A. McKeon and Dr. McGinnis sent to Alameda ; Miss Idaggie and Geo.
for. When the doctor arrived the Campbell, Egmondville, to Mortiack
unfortunate man had passed away Sask. • Rola. Steele, Seaforta, to Ox -
On examination the doctor found that bow. 'Sask. ; Jacob Morden, Seaforth.
some of the lower ribs- on his Let tt, t S McQueen, urd-
gide were fractured, and there wde ley, to Snowflake.; Miss Lena and
Indications of 11, -1 /racture of the Robt. Eberhart, Chiselhurst, to ,
skull. In the opinion of the doctor Whitewater, Jas. Henderson. Rox- I
death was caused by exceseave shock boro, to Pilot Mound; Mrs. Thomas
and by internal hemmorhage, caused Henderson, Hullett town • line, to
by one of the ribs piercing the Stoughton. Sask. e -W. Nixon, $ea -
spleen. The remains sivere'afterwards forth, to Winnipeg, Hanbury flew's, :
removed to his own home, just south Winthrop, to Mooss Jaw; Edward
• .";
mos-Atlin. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mr. -Slnclalr, of
St. Andiew's Presbyterian church,
and Mr. and Mrs. Young then took
the train for the . West, and spent
their honeymoon in Rootenea, ar-
riving in Vancouver • on Thursday.
They left Friday Tor Victoria,where
they will reside. Mr. Young is one
of the best known men In British
Columbia. For many years he was a
resident of Vancouver, and When
Roland became a city of irnport-
ance he was sent by his crpany to
take charge of its business here. Re;
center he was transferred to the cap-
• ital, where he now resides. Mr.
Young- Is personally interes:ed in the
progress of the upper country. own-
ing large interests number of
excellent mineral properties.
Huron Old. Boys' Tent. --The .Hur-
on Old Boys' ,Association of Toron-
to, -will as usual have a tent on the
grounds during the Industriar Eeei-
bition and every visitor 4from
old county Is requested to visit tas
tent and make ;their headquarter
during the great fair. It will be lo-
cated on the west side of tbe grounds
near the :W. C. T. Ir. restaurant.
Band Concert. —The concert given
in the perk on Wednesday evening,
by the Bend, was an enjoyable one,
and the attendance was very large.
The extreme heat drove ever a person
out of doors, and the Bend concert
proeecl a fine drawing card. Mr.
B. .B. Gunn, M. P., acted as chairman,
and gave a few remarks. Excellent
vocal !solos were given' by Kenna
Roy Willis and :Will McLeod, whilb
the and filled in the balance of
the programme.- During the evening a
collection was taken up, the object
being to raise funds to buy unifornis
for the members of the band. The ob-
ject is a good one and we trust
the collection was a liberal one.
Poultry Meeting.—A meeting a the
Seaforth .Board of the -Huron Poultry
and Pet Stock Association was held
at Seaforth, on Tuesday, August 14tb,
for the purpose of electing officers
fed the ensuing year, whick resulted
as • follows : President, P. Dill ;
vicespresidept, Edward Daley, .decre-
tary-treasurer, R. G. Murdie ; aesist-
*aht-secretary, 3. F. Daley; directors,
Dr. 3„ G. Scott, Wm. Hartry, George
Irvin, P. Daley, F. L. Willis, lend.
Best. J. F. Daley was appointed a
delegate to attend the Poultry Con-
federation meeting, to be held in
Toronto in September. Tbe meeting
adjourned till Monday, September
10th, at eight <p. m., in' J. F. Daly's
ettore, when every person interested
In poultry and a winter show la in-
arited to attend.
Scholarships.—We notice by the
list of successful competitors for
scholarships at the recent ;Univer-
sity examinations two students from
• the Seafoeth Collegiate Institute
made a good showing. Miss Ma A.
Gillespie, daughter of Mr. James-
1epIe, Seaforth, took second place
Lor the Edward Blake Scholarship in
mathematics. Mr: IL F. Johnston,
eon of Mr e W. H. Johnston, teacher
of Stanley, smade a splendid record.
He stood second Iry the general pro-
ficiency list; 1st for 'Edward Blake
saholarship in mathematics and clas-
sics; 2nd for the same in, mathemat-
ics and science; int in the earne in
mathematics and 2nd for the same in
science. We congratulate our young
arteries on their success.
t • •
Unfortunate.—The Hamilton Times
of Monday-, makes tae, -following re-
ference to an. old Hurchi boy ; a Mr.
Gideon Perry, whose 'Wife Mrs.
Kuntz -Perry, died last week, Is In -
very poor health. He is Suffering
from mental -troubles. °He will be
taken to the retreat at Guelpb,
Perry some time ago was at Mount
CleMens, Michigan, taking the baths
there. He was examidect tiy two De-
troit physicians, who expressed the
opinion that Perry's head had been
hurt probably in some of his
wreetling bouts.. Years ago Perry
was a noted wrestler and all round
athlete. The will of the late airs.
Kuntz -Perry will not be filed for a-
hout a week. In the meantime the
solicitors qf the estate, Staunton &
Co., will make no statement regard-
ing the disposal ef the wealth.' Mr.
Perry is a native of tbe township
of Grey in this county and in his
early days was -as fine a specimen
of s physical manhood as could be
seen anywhere. Mrs. • Perry left an
eetate estimated at $300,000. She was
the widow of a wealthy Hamilton
brewer when she married Mr. Perry
a few years ago.,
A Sad Accident In The West. —Mrs.
hn McAllister, of Hensel, received
a letter from .her daughter, Mrs. W.
C. Kyle, of Strome, Alberta, dated
August 15th, in which was the sad
intelligence of llie death of her third
son, Roy, on Vse 13th, together with
that of a young neighbor lad, both
having been the result of suffication
from Inatural ades in a well which
was being dug. 'Mr. Wm. C. Kyle
I and amity, late ef Kippen, Ontario,
have only reeently moved on to their
1 new homestead from netate Wetasei-
win, _Alberta. On their - homestead
near' Strome, Roy an,d another young
Milli earned David Stepherison, were
engaged in digging a well for Mr.
Kyle.' They were down ; about 36
feet, Mr. Stephenson • having been
downin the well and Roy- at the
windless: About eleven o'clock the
young mari in the well complained
about a ehortage In his breath, 1 I
Local Briefs.—Mrs. John Walker, of
Roxboro, who has < been laid lap for
almost seven weeks by a, severe at-
tack of pneumonia is now in a tale
way of recovery.—Mr. and Mrs. G.
A,. Id, McLeod, of Ilxeter, have been
spending a couple of weeks lately
with friends in this vicinfty. On
Sunday last they were the guests,
of Mr. and Mrs. John Grieve, Nr. S.
—Mr. Robert Steele, who hat' been a
faithful employee 'of the corporation
for several years left last Friday
°for Ox Bow, Saskatchewan, to viEdt
his brother who has a large farm
there and to look over the country.
He may also take a hand at the bar-
vest.—Major A. Wilson went to To-
ronto, on Monday of .this weeleto shoot
in the Ontario Rifle Association
matches there this week. From To-
ronto he goes to Ottawa.—The Sea-
forth- Collegiate Cadet Corps is re-
presented at the Ontario Rifle As
sociation's matches • In •Toronto this
week by the following team : Keith
Fear, R. Hartry, James Dickson,
Scott Hays and Archibald Scott—
Rev. Mr. Leckie, of Londesboro,
preached two v,ery _excellent sermons
in the Seaforth Presbyterian church
last Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Larkin and s
he having exchanged work for the
day.—Miss Ella AI, Robb, of Seaforth,
and a pupil of the Collegiate Insti-
tute here, is to be congratulated on
the brilliant record she made at
the recent . departmental examina-
tions. Although only 17 years of age
she took both the first and seeond
parts of the Senior Teachers cothrse
and passed successfully in both.—
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Cline, of Strat-
forcl, spent Sunday with friends in
town,—Mr. and Mrs, D. McGregor,
of Goderich street, were in Goderich
township on Monday attending the
funeral of their 1 niece, )drs. Thomas
Wigginton, wile . dked on Saturday,
tae interment taking platce in Clin-
ton cemetery.—Mr. Thomas McNaught
of Toronto, spent Sunday in town.—
Mr. W. J, Moffatt has purchasedthe
residence on Goderich street which
he now occuples.—Mr. A. Cardno has
returned from his trip to Manitoba.
—The many friends here will regret
to learn that Miss Ewing is laid up
with an attack of typhoid fever at
Fort William where ehe bad gone to
visit her brothers.—The Feaundry foot-
ball team attd the A. 0. Ars had an
exciting match on 'the recreation
grounds on Thursday evening last
Lor the Hough Cup resulting In a
tie, neither team scoringa goal.—
The weather tor the past week has
been the warmest within tie memory
of the oldest inhabitant ann it , 'was
a close, clammy tieat. But three
mon'the hence, no doubt we will all
be wishing for a little of it mixed
up with the weather we will then be
having.—Mr. John Beattie, of the
firm of Beattie Bros e has sold his
brick -block on Mein etreet, consist-
ing of the store occupied by him..
self and that occupied by Kennedy
Brothers with the residences on the
second story. Mr. James Dick is the
purchaser, the price being $4,000.1The
grocery business veill still be icon-
tinued in the WA stand as forrnerlY.e
—The telephone gang completed their
work here and left last Tuesday for
Brampton, their next field a oper-
ations. They did good work here
and the appearance ' of the streets
has been improved by the removal of
surplus wires and poles.—The Gode-
rich Signal of last week says : " The
public 'School board has appointed
Miss Watson, of Seaforth, as the
extra teacher on the Central school
staff for the Model school term"—
Mr. W. H. Brown, of the Collegiate
Institute, was In Totonto this week.
He accompanied the team of the Cadet
corps.—The last of the bricks for the
cement pavement are now being laid
down and the street will likely be
open for Sunday. When completed
Seaforth will have the neatest and
modt handsome business street of
any town of its size in the Pro-
vince. ..And the business is there as
well as the appearance.—IsIrs. Ole -
merit Kink, of New York, es a guest
at Maple Hall. She is accompanied'
by her son Jack, and her nephew,
Master Frank Powell, of Ardmore,
Pennsylvania, and the two boys
will spend a month with their grand-
mother, Mrs. F. Case.—yhe public li-
brary will be aimed from .August
27th to September 10, for the librar-
Ian's holidays.—The partnership which
has subsisted for florae time between
Mr. John Beattie and Mr. William .A.
Sclater, as grocers in this town, has
been dissolved, Mr. Sclater retiring
andMr. Beattie continuing the busi-
ness in the old stand and tinder the
old firm name of Beattie Bros. W
have not learned what Mr. Sclater in
tends to do.—On Tuesday afternoon
Met the thermometer registered 9
in the shade. It was hot.—Mrs. (Rey.
Larkin and ,Mrs. Allan McLeare
turned from a pleasant visit with
friends in Goderich on Thursday.—
Mr. Thomas Town, of Buffalo, was
here this week visiting his brother
Mr. Henry Town. Mr. Tewn is also
visiting at Brussels-, of which place
he was for many year a prominent
and prosperous resident.—Mr. Harry
Abell, of London, F30/101 Mr. Joseph
Abell, e former resident of eSea-
forth, was in. town this week on his
way to B-ayfield to spend
'd his holl-
days.—e Misses Neal, et Stratford,
*are here visiting their brother, Mr.
0, Neal.—Mr. Percy tOW11 has red -
turned to Woodstock.—Miss Shannon,
of Galt, Is visiting Miss Lizzie Mun-
roe.—Mr. J. E. L. Pangman, of To-
ronto, was here over Sunday—Police
Magletrate Humber and County
Crown Attorney Seeger ' iiere in
own on on ay adjudicating on a
iquor - license ease.—Miss McGregor,
1 Cleveland, has been here visiting
ar uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D.
McGregor and other relatives in
town and vicinity.—Mrs. IfcLarty,
'who was taken III last week will?.
visiting at Mr, Thomas Hills in Eg-
mondville, is improving but is not
yet sufficiently recovered to permit
of her removal ' to her home.—Miss
Lang, of Toronto, and Miss Such, of
Brussels, are visiting at Mrs. James
Archibald's.—Miss Lizzie Moore, of
Cincinatti, Ohio, is here visiting b.er
cousin, Mr. E. Hallett and other
friends MISS MOOTe is Et -daughter of
- Mrs. James McGutfle and is a former
resident of Seaforth.—A despatch frdm
Galt, ° dated Tuesday last, says:
"Lightning struck a. huge willow
tree last evening, a landmark on
the premises of the VI t 1
d t
but d t p gas. He came- up.
and a short time felt better, He
attrib ted the malady to a arink sof
buttexlrnjl.k which he had taken, Mr.
Steph neon ate a hearty dinner and
was I t down into the well. He had
scarce y walked around the bottom et
it once,when Roy, who was at the
windlass, noticed that something was
wrong as he could, not ispeak. Roy
immeelately ran into the house and
summened his brothers, Albert an
Fred and his father, who came im-
mediately to his aesistance. Roy
very courageously proposed going
i doWn evitii a lasso rope to bring up
his -friend, but he had only gone a-
bout half way down when he called
'up that the' well was full of gas.
Those at the top immediately began
to pull at the windiest!, but aefore
they had, made six or seven turns
Roy I t go first one hand and then
the other from the rope and tumbled
out ot the bucket into the well below
beside his comrade. Before the horror
Works, and shattered it. In an out-
building close ;by was iThoe. Kernp-
thorne, an employee fof the works.
The violence of the bolt overturned
the lataldIng and :lung Kenipthor
pry. of
ew Fall
Continues thjs week, and holds still greater enchantment as ea
pertinent lends more interesting items ,towards its developmen
-specisa interest this week is our budget of news from our ready -
department, announcing the fact that the _latest approved sty
Waists, Skirts and Raincoats are here ready for your selection.
Represent the
Newest Desig
of leading
Fashion Maker
New Silk Shirt Waists
New Lustre Shirt Waists
New Batiste Shirt Waiits
Colors—Black, Ivotj, Navy and Cardinal.
Prices.-from.:$1 $t50 lo
Three Spepial Values,
• NO. a very serviceable Lustre Waist of the newest tut pleated it
front and cuffs, in black and ivory, at ONE -FIFTY EA -011.
NO. 2—Is a Pleated Waist of bati4te, a new material with a
finish, in navy only, at TWO -FIFTY EACH
NO. 3—Is a Japan Taffeta Silk Waist, with pleated front
trimmed with rows of stitching, in black and ivory, at THREE -S
for Dressy Di --E-1
Our aim is to seeure for y 1.1
ting Skirts d up-to-date styles said
at all popular prices.
We have succeeded/ better than eve
this Fairs choice
See our stock of New Grey Tweed SkiTts, New, Navy Tweed Sr
Black Venetian Skil V:, New Colored 'Venetian Skiee, New Black Br
Fkirts, New, Black Homeiput Skirts, New Colored Homespun Skirts
girls', misses' and women,
Stylish Fall Raincoats
What;gaiment adds more to tne dressy appearance of a lady, as
to her psrikonal comfort, than a Raincoat? Once used, always use
handle exclusive styles. The new light gray tweed effects,. and fawu
cloths, make handsome coats. See them
New this eek
ohoiion Tops, Oushron'Oorde, Cushion\Forms, Belts and Neckwear..
Wrariperettes, T -able Linens, Tray Cloths, Napkins aud Sbtaxi
iiKnnzeemsewresidenttholier:kroonefi SI wasvlaetra :f iotarhnfehd:,m EsIhroi MrsCharles
InTeafather i I 8 'Lea- friendsdaybp. stPheel irde ." —a I I° °111sP 1 t Boefatwrleceel°11'idrlitd
to the ground, seeerely stunned." Marre. Nrra Coin) went to Exeter on Thutk'!
makeinregesbusas: Ilin°gh' h°efr EfrgienAllstiviniqtrhatatgordbeeatdTBellit
1 Vpiuseitr-irng and
dth son, • of Cleveland,
grave for the past v•reek.—Mrse CAP,
: Rthietchhioem, home 0!
ofBrM:11.nrsffotdo, Mblee'rlaloG,gaonuv'e—esnrioiist ; rial: , 3g musertssi,slaoRtRoemgarlan:doann,4Qt0xt r:S°.1r.:anTthlr4 ma
in town.—Miss Jean Govenlock has tie.—The water hydrants hasv.e-
. returned home from a two weeks, ornamented b y a, coat of bral
visit In Wiarton and °Sven Sound.— ' paint
Mrs. (Dr.) McGinnia has returned from
St. Joseph's hospital, London, where
she underwent an operation, and her
many friends Will be pleased to learn
that she is much itnproved.—At the
Ontario ladfle Association lazooting
matches in Toronto on Tuesday, in
the Cadets' competition, Dundee Col-
legiate Institute team wen the Good-
erham shield with a sore of 206
out of a possible 260; Harbord Street
Toronto, corning second, with ar-hcore
of 198. Five teems, competed, of which
the Seaforth team was one, -ye-Irwin
a, $10 prize. Of this team the Mali's
• rePort says: 'Beaforth Collegiate In-
stitute is a new' team an41 made a
good showing."—Among those from
outside town who came 'M.:9. on Wed -
y _ o sea the greet football
match were Messrs: .A. W, Sloan and
A. W. Robinson, two of Blyth's lead-
ing citizens.—Dr. Geo. Dewar, of
Glencoe, Was itt tSiwn thiii week, esil-
on oicz friends. and, Mrs.,
j Ttiocersmith eon
wifl meet in the cennicil roore,
forth, on Saturday next, A
, 25th, at le o'elock. .All having bgoi;
idnaetsesinwirothintaiisis _body should bear ih
.A Clever Studeret.—We conga
° our young frlead, Archie qa
whose name peared 1* the
successful studerits who wrot
Seaforth Coliggia,te Institote.
talned 8enlor Leaving Part
Junior Matriculation complete.
has many warm 'friends who
pleased to learn of Ids suet
tope that the present may be
guar of future athievements.
—Mr. August Hill is building
dittoed- to his hotel in create