HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-24, Page 6Si 0 for rent, Lot 7, Con - o op. lenecree in gra. NYIII li • years, Apply to ROS., Seafertif, JJW t) LET -The undersigned will mat his, hunt et the Leke Shore to good tenant fee 4 tempi, ve years• ne farm consiste Of 210 Peres- of gooe land, nearly all tender eultivetioft and in good, eon For to* terms mid Particulars apply at once - DANIEL SMITIL 8t. jeseph CaTAGE FOR, SJX-4 story end a hair brink cottage in Harp.tehey. The hense heeted with furnace end leas a frame kitchen and woodehed taeted. There le a good well, good etabic and; hen- bane on the propettee There AM 3 D6 acres attend, *reply rpremmes. FRANCES rowanet. 2000-tf 110ROPEItTY FOR SALE. -For sale cheap, the J. Green }Wash property in Seaforela consieting of two =wet eacellent Iand, on which is a kerne house and stable and a goodiwell. It adminthly adapted for a retired farmer or markk gardener, and will be sold cheap and on elm terme. Apply to OILAnern BRODIE, Sea,forth. 20104f "ZIARII FOR SALE. --The subscriber offere for sale his farm of 10,1 acree,beirtg lot 31, :rd eongee- eon, II. S. Tuckeremith, Ad Cleared and useler teltivation- except leseres ; all but 18 aoree hi grass. Ftame house, bank baen, hey barn arid other out- buildings, bearing orehard, mood. water, schoolhonee on the premises. It, is within six miles ef Seaforth and fqe from. Ofintan. Will be sold on eaa,v terms. WHI FIELD-CRICII, Clinton P. O. .2000-x8ti ESIDENCE FOICSALE.--The comfortable and eommedious new residence of the undentigued, on North Main etreet is for sale. Theke is- a apletirlid, :dryeement celler,, a parlor, sitting room, dinint TO0111 and kitchen downstairs and four bed -rooms up- otairs, tegetiter with pantries and closets. Soft wider -cistern inside and a firet-elaes well. The house has only been occupied sbout two years and will be sold ,theap roue on eaey terms. Apply to the proprietor, TYERMAN, or to JOHN BEATTIE, Seatorth. • leerOUSE FOR SA:LE.--For saia, story-andeahalf -Lie house. in Haepurhey, just outside the carper- ation of Seaforth. There are nine roome and wood wood 7177(1 coil shed in connectiota also had and soft water in the house', There are 11 aures of land, with both small and large fruit a the hest varieties, also stable for cow and horse and hen house for about, 50 hens. The booed.; hoe been recently painted and pap- ered and is in firet-elass condition and would be a, very suitabie home for a, retired farmer. For further peaticulars apply to MRS. .1. .1. IlUOILL, or to MRS. ABRAHAM Monet Seaforth P. O. 2011x1R WiekRal FOR sean-nor sale, Let 8, Coneesslon 3, .1,` L. R. S.; Tuckerimith, containing 100 ;acres, of which nacres -Is good hardwood bush. The balance welt fenced, tiledmined and in firsaclassecondition. There are two good beans,. one e, bank bane 26 x 78 ft. with etorte stabling underneath and the other 56 x ft., and a' comfortable frame house, three gooti wells and never -failing spring at the rear otthe lot, and a good bearing orchard. Tbe ploughing is all done and 14 acres of pH wheat. It is within two miles of the flourishing village of Ifensall and within:. bait a mile of eschool house. Apply on the premises or to J. 0,,ALOWELLalfensall P. O. 1087<tf "VARM FOR, SALE. -4• sate, Lot 24, Concession 2, StatileT., containing^ 100 acres. Ninety acres are cleared. and in a good titate of cultivation ; there are 10 litres of good hardwood bush. The farm is an well andel:drained and well fenced. There is a two- storey brick house with Slate Acta a first-class farm home. Bank barn, 40ft, x SOfte, cement silo, pig pen, driving house; There are two never.failing wells, 4nfl, an acre of orchard and small fruit. This excellent farm is- three idles from Brueelield and eve miles from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further particulan apply- on the premises or address ALBERT NOTT, Clititon la. 0- : 1048-tf • enatnets FOR SALE --100 scree, Lot 3, Concession _V 5, If. R. S., Tuakersinith, Huron County, all seeded to grass, except 15 acres of bush. Frame house, orchard, 2 good Wells, land and bush the best. Also West half of Lot 6, Concession Tuckersrnith, - 60 acres, , school on corner, Hayfield river erossing it. On this p,aee there is a, bank barn, hack house, work -shop, hense,, pig and hen house, young bearing oraherd witi handsome shade trees, 2 %veils, water first class,. he buildings are new and up-to- date and the land in the best conpition. A goad lo- cation, 8 mites from Seaorth on a good road. These farms are offered for sale tog,ether or separately. If not sold SOOrt 11111,,Y be offered for rent. Apply to JOHN SPROAT, Egmondrille P. O., Ont. leae-to GOOD- FARM FOR FIALE.--Por sale cheep and on coy tomes, lat 25, Concession 4, ltloKillop. This farm contains 074 aereft, all cleared and in fine condition. Fifty %ores are eceded to grasa six or seven in fall erbeat ad the rest all ploughed and ready for spring crop. There a fine spring for watering the stock close to the buildings, a good brick home, two Iarge barns, (me with oodostabling uriderneath, also hone stable and implement hatute and allege,: orchard. It le within a. mile and a half of the watt of Seaforth, If not sold, will be leased for a term of 3.'ears. Apply to the undersigned, box 102, Seaforth 2,0,, 'ROBERT GOVENLOOli. 1091.-tf FARM FOR SALE -For sale, the square 56. -Lot 27, FOR 4, Hibbert, conteinuar ea acres, all of it in a good state of cultivation. Thseeeia on the premises, a frame house with stone foundation and cellar, also a large frame stable and driving shed. There isa. good orchard, a good well and a never - failing spring. It fa all well fenced and drained an seeded to grass except 10 acres and is well adapted for either pasturing or cropping. This farm is sit- ua.ced in a good locality about elx relies from Seaforth, It will be sold on reamOnAble terms as the propriet- ress Smiles to leave the farrn. For further particu- lars. apply on the premise e to MRS. W. J. „ALLAN or to .L KILLORA,N, Barrister, Seaforth. 2017 -ti "CUM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 1.8, Concession 1. 7, in the Township a Hay, 100- acres; in acres undee first-class cultivation and euuderdralaed and the balance pastureland. On the Premises there is a large bank barn, 62 lati with stone stabling under- neath and an arch root house under the drive -war, 9 x 22, and a good cement floor in the stable and root house. There 18 a driving shed, 20 x 30, and a build- Ing,18 x 40, tor hogs and hens, and a large brick house and kitchen and a large woodshed and sumnier kitchen. Hard and soft water convenient to both house and barn. Everything is in good repair. It is situated 4 miles from Kippen station and sie miles from Hensel!, half a utile from two churches and post office and general store and one mite from echool house. There is a good bearing orchard. For farther particulars apply to E. J. TROYER, Hills Green P. O., Ontario. 2010-8 1 00 AiTtIMsflOR TX -- The undersign- ,. offersor e that most desirablerop- erty known as Lot 6, Concession 1, Townshrp of Blanshard, Perth County. There are, on the prem- ises, a good Meek house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach- ed, 16 x 20, both in good repair ; a large bank barn, 70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath ; one first-elass oement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful buildings. The farm ie well watered, both in front and in the rear and is adapted both for grain fted stook raising and is in a high state of cultivation, whickh is e ell known from the fact that the propriet- or lsjs resided thereon for nearly fifty years, helm; one of the most successful farmers in the township. It is eentrally located, being near both ehurch and school, and within env reaeh of a good market. For further particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, lairkton P. 0. 2000-1f F011, SALE.—An excellent building lot, containing three-quartere df an acre of land, part . of the MeMann property, Egmondville, opposite the Mere- . /Ilion grounds, all ready for building. There is m good fence all round the land, a good hard waten wen, the cellar is dug put and a drain all round it, . . • -a n tom . ere are a ;out 17 thoosand of kiln run brick. The 'brief( can be boughb separate- ly if desired. There arnaiso a Munber of . loads of sand and gravel andenough stone to build a. founde- tion for mane houee.. This property will le t sold oheap, as Mr. Little cannot dare theellayfield and Seaforth stage and live in Bentonville and would like to dispose of his property there. Any person desiring to buy this preperty may learn all particulnrs from It. S. HAYS, Seaforth. or H. LITTLI1, Hayfield. , 2001x4tf ' . ARM FOR SALE. --For sale Lot .20, on the flth - Ntneession of Iftbhert, col:taming 100 acres, all In a.good state Of culti7atiOn. TONI! ii , he prem- ises a brick house with 'triple kitehen ant it 00(1 cel - 1 la, There is also a. large bank barn, 130 x 4 1, and a ean-to of 19 feet, With stone stabline underneath, Also a shed, se x 00, atal a driving house with every- thing connylete. There are three never -failing wells on the premises, there is also a large -orchard and good garden. There are 10 aeres of fall wheat sown and there Inc 40 acres seeded down. Either suitable for hay or pasture. All the fall plonghing is done. The farm IS well unclordrained with tile and well fenced with wire fences. It is in a good locality, be- ing.situated two -and -a -half miles from Chiselhurst,- where there is A post °Hire and twe churehes, Methe odiet and Presbyterian, 8 miles from .Meatorth and there is 4 good gravel road mining past the farm. It Is in good oondition and will be seat' on reaennable terms as the proprietor wishes to retire. For further particulars- apply On the premises or to ClIARI,E8 10b0-tf ABERHART, Stahl, P. 0., Ontario: . ..„........._._.._—_ 000 FARM FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 2, Con A.X cession 12, II. R. 8., Teekersinith, ectnetinina 100 ares. farm is well feiteed and thoroughly and systematieally underdmined, and, having been kept in a high state of cultivation, is admittedly, one of the most productive farms in the tOwnillip. There is a first,class frame house with kitillen and wood-theds and, equilneel with (Astern and other need - ern eonveniences. There are two good hank barns and other up-toelate oittemildings. There is a good bearing' or' -hard and Mee a new orebard of well ee- Iected rrult trees. Them aretwo never failing the one at the house and the other at the barn: This farm is most deeirablv taunted, belly three miles from the prospermis village of Hensell and one emarter of a mile from Chisellonet, where there are two churches, a store. post °thee and biaoksn. shop,. As the proprietor it; In poor health, it will be sold on reasonable terms, when one half of the put- chaee money, or more, if necessary, may remain on the farm at a, reasonable rate of interest. For fur; ther particulars apply on the premiseeor tit ROBERT NEWELL, ohisentirst 2.-0. .- 90094 e ssm Nearly every one likes a fine hair dresiing. Somethibg to ake the hair more manage- ble; tp keep it from being too, rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, to9, that will feed the hair „at the sanie time, a regular hair -food. Weil -fed h air will b estrong, and will remain where it beleragt -- on thc head, not on the comb! The lest kind of a testinioni.ol "Sold for over ointy yearn." + Mario by Ct. Ayor Co., Lowell, Woos. Also znanunseturciro o* , SACSAPAULLA. esiagiSea PECTORAL. • 1 r •11. A., I • .1,115pn.r.....TVINTTrw`NN•11V1-.,N • - Manitoba and North.west Notes -Mr. G. F.' GrUncly, of nollihipeg, has a cra,b apple tree in Jibe garden, which in laden yeitle beautiful fruit. -A. lot directlynepposite the city hall, in Prince Albert, taske and containing 74 feet frentage; WAS re-, re a tow tailuref4. but the colony will stick artd• make a success. The cadY apparent draw, batik to the .crop here this year 'lei the Intermittent ' and peer ,cutivation. *Sites have been settled on for Aevators and it is corffidently expected that ett least : one' will be ready for this crop. !any ! IVIiraele-daye may he pafte-but the dayi of of the Barr colony are doing well, skid are cultivating large crop areae,"v411 people Enna, safferingo4 eveer*P"sell'„1 , a„, i Nome as glitch as 5,0 te 89 acres.' ) w mit " more ildttetee6 Mee Itc Rh meea g We east of Yielding, Sask., had the bad -Donald Stewart, four !titles south- lir 4.17...s..f.tuliartecessae only cryur.e isRethaeakthionifaiettr : misfortune to loge his house and con: p,„, 4,,,,.,, 4. ruui pm., mi,,,,i,,s,,,,,,,„41 ,„4 Az.n tents la,ot week. It lie suppo el the ' "'it' "'"- - ''''" ' it''''''''' -i-- n"nt- , se -..- freely. rlie itching- fiaen was sometivia almost fire was caused, by Air. Stewart step- elnearee!e, chtite f oirowl, so severely it was.next Ing On parlor matches. He was in -to intim:lb/co remain on ant% It was a harrtshiA to his Toone reading, aid. the family sit/ °wet k I trled Many remedies, but with -1)00r meals's. downstairs. He went down to tea', • "21,4itin'uieninArtit Yent-nillie-nenehShnie- ahd in about five minutes the family - •Itit,'"il grtailYenwas ah"St 4°111'6 died 10 re1114114 discovered the upper ‘nart of the -iti,,eoly rooO. 1;41$1e.elseveralrentedies—reilliout relief. rIe; gnue, Mira Ointment war aavi4-nt. house on tire. o h ng was saved, n MY rte 1 taleclit. In on1,y a short lime, all 11241.111,Ya11014 c:nd and the loss is about $1,000, with 'me pain ceased. I can nom walk witit ease and alle4 insurance. The loss is a heavy one my duties as a member of Me Puy pifialtnwnt. " t as Mr. Stewart and his family had "I stronggY recommend Mira 0 inlmeni to,47tyoine -not been long on ..the farm. They . 4•04fferl'ItrfrOMWS altflOybtre0711Faita. i camp there from -North Dakota. ' : "Hamilton, fifal clt p, „rood." • -The • Masons of the Province of ' (Signed) Mark 01?"r4e* 186 fess Si. «. Saskatchewan gathered In Regina I _ Pa bIuti a i m isa i e or a proof you want? ' loan week. in great strength, for the purpose of forming the •Saskatcheevan ThIlti1RACLEilsa .-layHisnikein People illeedi'ng Pilot cured -aiterXoars of Suffering. 1 Mr. O'Rourke is the vee11-knooto breeder of Grand Lodge .A. F.- and. A. If. The: bull-terderdegs. Evertioneini-lamilionknowshim. number of delegates in : attendance! then 25 lodges being hePresented out roe Ulcers, Soret, Cliefi nurns and 01 Mira Ointment brines quiche lading relief, end y cures the wont cases of liter, ,if.r.....021, no, -,-; rem far exceeded al' ethecta,tions, no leak( rihateeil of a total q gs in the Province. trouble,. eee, a box -6 foe $2,60 At drutitien ; The meeting was a yeiy enthusias- • cantly purchasedTh. for $205 per tech. i e u son ay mpany p- tic one. ".A full coinpittnent of Grand --or Irons The Chenas. Co. of'Caitylei Liuuted Offiders : were elected, the Province Hairoilion-Toronto. was divided into seven districto and Look fo the trademark.— a district deputy appointed to look ' 'i 'after the interests of each. 1. .. thi2ri ''.4'' • ' t444' tr.,,'P' Beverly of Graustark, kowligini-switteutagviitermiv. i MADE NARK teealsreaeo. .1 (Continued from page 7.) • ed $65,000 worth of furs from Prince their feet in answer to .bis call. 'The , I his' lege covered with blood. The cave Albert,. Sask., to London, England, a lion's gaunt body shot through the air. , was full of smoke and the smell of few days ago. ' • , In two boiends be was upon the goat Powder. Out of the haze she began to , -Mary 'law, --t1e little .four-year-old btmtee. Baldos stood squarely and see the light of understanding. BaldoO Alberta, was instantly killed by a dened beast his long dagger poised for tween her and the rush of the lion, runaway horse Met Saturday after- . . i the death dealing blow. 1 and he had sieved her at a cost she ne of- a, $1,000,000 ! "Run!" he shoueed to her, daughter of George Law, of Calgary, firmly to meet -the rush of the mad -o- eloue was injured; He had stood be - noon. -The come Cathedral -w4 lai several dlgnttarie Catholic church o -The Winnipeg N . ' !mew not bow great. In Winnipeg by I Beverly Calhoun had figleting blood , "Oh, the blood" she cried hoarsely, of the Roman in her veins.' Utterly unconscious of "Is it --is it -are you badly hurt?" ThursdhY . last. her action at the time, she quickly drew She was at his side, the pistol falling_ ' • reit res says: 1 the little silver handled revolver from-' from her nervous fingers. . The mosquitoes are , staying beyond. • the pocket of ber gown, AS inanebeapt "Don't come near me.I'mall right!" their usual time'Veis seasent, the- re- , - a lid knife come together, in ber exeite- - he cried quickly. . cent warm spell tappare ly having ; 'I hatauts without any thought of the "Oh; I'm so glad to hear you sp.eaki i nt . . • given these trou lesome insect, s a, ; ment -she tired recklessly at the 6m- itTake care -your dress" - new, lease of life. • -Sixty cents a bushes was paid imminent danger of killing her protect- Never mind the dressi You are torn for five hundred bushels of No. 1 cite There was a wild scream of pain to pieces! You must be frightfully I 1 Igrowth, at ReginEi sat Week. shots: fieree yelle from he eXcited Aunt Fanny! Come here this minute!" miles east of Yellow roes, " 'terrified ands almost fie:tine girl -stag- off the paralysis of fear, she pushed -northern wheat, ,i0e. tots years from the wounded beast; more- pistol hurt. Oh, isn't it -terrible-horrible! -John McArthy, who lives Wen 9 S k imutiere, the rush of fe9tnand then tbe Forgetting the beast and throwing had the miofortune to have h s house and al is goods by . •• ^his behalf. upou the writhing lion, mid the mama- perceptibly, and she f It. something 1 lidestroyedfire finned and fell against the rocky wall. one of the men away and grasped. the Collections are being taken up On 1107 wide gray eyes were 'fastened arm of tbe injured man. He -winced seven-year-old son of a ine pleiol was tightly clutched in her warra and stielry on he bt rel. farmer named Haight, restding doyen miles soti ear wr g an., was killed by lightning while he was `a- eleep in bed. -The following appointments have been "made to the staff of° the new high school at Regina: Principal. Hector Lang, ef Regia; classics matiter, G. A. Ferguson, Niagara Fall, Ont.; science &aster, W. A. Walken of Ingerercill, ,Pnt. -Mr. Ben. Zimmerman, ori Winni- peg, recently purchased a solid -brick house, with a lot having a-50 foot frontage on Kennedy street, south of Portage. avenue', nor a price- in the neighborhood of $16,000. -Edward Henney, who -was bad.ly cut by a mower from whica he tell at Duck Lake, Sask., on August 3rd, died at the Prince Albert hospital on Saturcla,y afternoon. He, leaves widow and one young _child. -An unfortunate accident occurred at Boiseevain, Manitoba, last Sunday morning, when Mrs. Thomas Johnston became mixed up with a runaway cow, and received, besides other fn - juries, a broken limb, which will cense her long and painful illness. -A yowls- English rancher, Joseph Hawkins, was drowned at Medicine Hat, Alberta, while endeavoring to swine a bunch of horses across the South Saskatchewan River. Hie horse fell on him arta he never rose again. 1 -In the Dominion Government's con - teat -tor standing 'fields of seed grain, held just recently at Moosomin, Sainte . In connection -with the agricultural society's summer fair, the prizes were I awarded as follows : Henry Thomp- son,.first t Hy. Douslire second e D. Osborne, third ; Keith Webster, 4th. ; -A rioted Sioux brave known ' as "Old Faithful," one of the pictur- mail-ling, died at Portage la Prairie, • last meek, aged 107. He remained loyal to tire Government of the Unit- ' ed States during the Iviinn.esota rnas- sacre. -Mr. J. A. Elton, who is located la • township 12, range 4, east i near Bird's Hill, Manitoba, has a ten acre field of red clo-ver, much of which ; measuras inches in length and will go easily ;two tons to the acre; It is he the second crop, as the field was X • first gown to clover In the spring of , 1904. It was sown with wheat as a nurse crop and was planted at the rate of a peck. of timothy and clover seed per acre. The clover far outstrip- ping' the timothy as a catch, nteid Mr. Elton expects that in another year or se the field will be all clover. -The Horne Bank of Canada ftre establishing an agency in Winnipeg. They have purchased a lot on Main street, the building on which is inow occupied by Archibald Wright as a dry goods store, and on which they intend erecting a, fine ?levy bank building-. The let has a frontage of 40 feet and it was purchased for $100,000 from D. R. Dingwall, jew- eler, of Winnipeg. He purchased the property nine years ago for lass than quarter the sum he now receives. • esque characters of his race now re - t !ma oecurred In such an in- credibly nowt spate: of i!ale filet eIto could not yet realize- weat hail lime - pellet!. Peer leeert and inoin tieeteted pant - tenet her limbs stet and irinnovahle. Line the deny whirl of a letieleoevope, the picture before resolved itself ieefe shape. The heetin 'WITS Inat- upon the rocay floor. the hilt of the ;mitt inintet'e fifffaftOr protrioline from hie s!iTe. Tieldoi. imereirteel hy two :;1" 10.8 !nee, stood mbove the eavirie --John Laying, 23 years old, was drownedin the Saskatchewan river, on Tuesday of last week. While in bathing, he stepped into a hole be- Yond his depth. He could not swine, and were carieed off by . the currelet The young man came from Brockville, Ontario. Another drowning fatality occurred near Warman the Same day. Henry Hunter, a twin son of a wid- ow, ilost his life while bathing in the Saekatchewan river. Ine zees a- bout 16 years of ane. -The Alberta. Portland Cement Com- pany's °buildings and plant, at Cal - gay, were destroyed by fire last week, entailing a loss of $150,000. The buildings burned were only com- pleted recently at a cost ot $160,- 000. The ; heavy machinery brought from England, Germany and the Un- ited States. and valued at $17000, was in the plant burned, but owing to the heavy nature of its construc- tion it will be but slightly damaged. The fire is supposed to have started from a defective bearing in the shaft-, Ing ofethe markt building, -A correopendent writing' from Loydminster, Sask.. says.: The best field of wheat I saw wag on a Borr colonist itiniet.-Pf glum there 1 Before you put the roast in an imperial Oxford oven, let the draft bring the heat to the right pint. You'll know when it gets there if you'll look at the oven • thermometer. After the roast goes in, you can know (not guess) it will be cooked right in igcer- ta in definite time.. There's no ups -and -- downs to the oven -heat . in a range built as this one is, the diffusive oven -flue takes all the . ghess work out of cook- ing, all the drudgery out of oven -use 1 , That Rack That End's Bother, When the roast needs basting, pull forth the Imperial Oxford draw - out oven rack, -roast and all -slide it right out where you can get at it. Needn't reach in and scorch your fingers nor sear your wrists, -baste it in comfd,rt. That one thing alone -the draw - out rack -ought to make you like this range above all ranges. And that's only one of the twelve better things about this range. Come and look, The Range With A Dozen Betterments . THE GURNEY FOUNDRY -Co., Limitad,TereateHernaton Montreal Winnipeg cliquy Vancouver For Sale by G. A. [SILL Se r h • bands. She knew it was blood, but t was not in her to shriek: at a morae t like this. "Your aline tool" she gasped. He smiled, although his face was white I be Weil miduyor tw I am sure ,you will find your -bullet- in thee carcass of our lamented friend, the probable owner of this plaee," • Itavonie,, a hungry looking, youth, took charge of the wounded leader, while her higfineSs retreated to the farthest corner of the eavern, There she sat and. trembled while the wounds wem e. being dressed,. Aunt Fanny bustled back and forth, first unceremoniously pushing her way through'the circle of men to take observations and then re- porting to the impatient girl e ; • Th storm had passed, and the night was still except for the rush of the river, Raindrops -fell now and then from the treesglistening' like diamonds- as they toucbcd the light from the cavern's mouth. It was all inlay dreary, uncan- ny and oppressive to poor Beverly. Neve and then she caught herself sobbing, more out of shame and humiliation than In sadness, for had she not shot the man who stepped between ber and death? What must he think of her? "He says yo' all id bettah go to bald, Miss Bev -y -o' highness," said Aunt Fanny after one of hentrips. "Oh, he does, does he?" sniffed Bev- erly. "Pll go to bed when I please.' Tell him so. No, no -don't do it. eennt Fanny! Tell him I'll go to bed when I'm sure he is quite comfortable, not, before." , "Brit he's jes' a goat punchela er a" - "He's a man, if there over was one. Don't let me bear you call him a goat puncher again. HOW are his legs?" Aunt Fanny was almost stunned by tine amaziag question from her ever decorous mistress. "Why don't you answer? Will they have to be cut off? Didn't you see them?" "Slot de Laved's sake, missy, co'se Ah did, but yo' all kindeh susprise me. Dey's pietty bad skun tip,. missy; de hide's peeled up consicpble. But- hit elle dangsous, no, rea'd7m-jes', skun; 'at's all." 1 , - "And his arm -where Itsieen him?" 'puffeely triftina maatm-yo' high- ness. Cobwebs 'd stop de bleedinh •an' ill tole 'em so, but 'at felieh couldn' un'stani me. Misteh What's -his -name, he says somethine to de docteh, an' den cloy goes affeh de conwebs, suah 'nough. iTalif bleedin" no( moa missy. , He's mostes male doin' ve'y fine. Cosee he coin' walk fo' Bevil da's wiv dem laigace lalien, but" - "Then, in heaven's naie, how are we to get to Edelweiss?" ; "He c'n ride, cain't he? Wha's to hindeh him?" Quite right. He shall rid inside the coach. Go and see if I ett\ii do any- thing for him." Aunt Fanny returned in a\ few min- utes. "He says yoll do him ai great fayoh i if yo' jes' go to bald. He tends his ispects an' hones yo' slumbe ,iwon' be distubbed ag'ines • . "He's a perfect brute!" ,encittimed Beverly, but she went over and crawl- ed under , the blankets and aMong the' cushions the.wountied man hail scorn- ed. ) In her excitement he fired recklessly. , With pain. "How brave you Were! You miglit have been -I'll never forget it --never! Don't stand there, Aunt • Fanny! Quick! ,Get those cushions for him. Ine's hurt." "Good Lawd!" was all the old wom- an could say, but she obeyed her mis- tress. "It was easier than It" looked, your highness," murmured Baldos, "Luck was with me. The knife went to bis hart. I am merely scratched. His • leap was short, but he caught me above the knee with his claws. Alas, your highness, these trousers of mine were bad enough before, but now they are in shreds. What patcbing I shall have to do! And you may well imagine we are short of thread and needles and thimbles." "Don'tlest, for heaven's sake! Don't talk like that. Here! Lie down upon these cushions and" - "Never! Desecrate the couch of Graustartt's ruler? I, the poor goal hunter? I'll use the lion for a pillow and the reek for an operating table. In ten minutes my men can have these scratches dressed and bound -In fact, there le a surgical student among them, poor fellow. I think I am his first pa- tient Rayone, attend me." • He threw himself upon the ground and calmly placed his head upon the body of the animal. "I insist upon your taking thee cushions," cried Beverly. I "And I decline irrevocably." She stared at him in positive anger. "Trust Ravone to dress these trifling wound's, your highness. He raay not be as gentle, but he is as fine as any prin- cess in an the world." I "But your arm?" she cried. "Didn't gou say it was your legs? Your arm is covered with blood too. Oh, dear me, I'm afraid you are frightfully wound- -- "A. stray bullet from one of my men. struck me tbere, I think. You know there was but little tim for aiming" - 'Wait! Let me k a minute! Good heavens!' she ex aimed, with a start. Her eyes were suddenly filled with tears, and there was a break in her voice. "I shot you! Don't deny it -don't! It is the right arm, and your men could not have hit it from where they stood. Oh, oh, oh!" Baidos smiled as he bared his arm. "Your aim was good," he admitted. "Had not -my knife already been in the lion's heart your bullet would, have gone there. It is my misfortune that my arm was in the way. Besides, your highness, it has only eut through the skip, aad a little belowt nerhans. It - CHAPTER VII. HERE was iin soft, warxi, yel- low glow to the world when Beverly 'Calhoun next Yoohed upon-- it The sun frori his throne in the mountain tops was smile ino down *upon the valley the a1ght had ravaged while he was on the ther, side of the earth. The leaves o the trees were a softer green, the whi of the rocks and the yellow of the road were of a gentler tint. The brown and green reeds were proudly erect once more. \ The stirring of the mountain ',Sit had awakened Aunt Fanny, aud shenn turn called her mistress from the s r- prisinght peaceful slumber into whib. perfect bealth had sent her ' not o many bours before. At theentrance to the Improvised bedchamber stood buckets of water from the spring. "We have very thoughtful chamber - !minis," remarked Beverly. while Aunt Fanny was putting her hair into pre- sentable shape. "And an energetic cook," she added. as the odor of broil- ed meat came to her nostrils. "Ali calm' see nothin' o' dat beastes, Miss Beverly, au' Ah -Ah got mak sus- pleions." said Aunt Fanny, with sepul- chral despair in her voice. "They've thrown the awful thing into the river," concluded Beverly. "Dey's cookin' hitrtsaid Aunt Fanny solemnly. . "Good heaven, no!" cried Beverly, "Go and see, this Minute. I wouldn't eat that catlike thing for the whole world." Aunt Fanny came back a few - minutes later with the assurance that they were roasting goat meat. The skin of the midnight visitor was - stretched upon the ground not far away. "And how is he?" asked Beverly, jamming a hatpin through a helpless bunch of violets. "He's ye'y ispecta.bly skun, yo' high- ness." ' - "I don't mean the animal. stupid," "Yo' mean 'at Misteh dont Man? He's settle.' up an' chattin' as if uot-iii-n happened. He says to me 'at we stint Turns Bad Blood into Rich lied Blood. No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing and puri- fying properties. Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses, and all Eruptions. Internally, restores the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy action. If your appetite is poor, yowl energy gone, your .ambition lost, .B.13. will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vigorous life. on onfih waY jo ;D' v onlY that unit?" ried o .v.". Hest evererb else eaten2 the one leeptini inn ye" highneen Alfin as hungry as a pixie man's detwg, "And he Is being ,kept frOm the hos- pital because I am a 'bay, good, for nothing little- Come on, Aurit PannY.: itevi-test-reith a minute to spare; If he 'ioks veto' ill, we do without break- ' But Baldos was the mot -cheerful man in the party. Ile Was sitting with his back against a Area his rigbt arm in a sling of woven reeds, black patch Set upon the proper eye. "Y. '1I ardon me -for not rislog," be said cheerily, "but, your bigline,ss, • I am much too awkward this morning eto act as befitting a courtier in the preseace of his Sovereign; You have we "Toe well, I fe r. $o well, In fact, that you have s ffered for it Can't we start at onee ' She was debating withiu herself hether It would be :quite good form to slinke hands with ,the reclining leer In the ginee of the broad d Tight 1e and his followers looked more ragged and faraisbed than before, but then else appeared morem *picturesquely roantia "When you have eaten of our bumble fare, your highness -the last meal at the Hawk and Revere." "But I'm not a bit hungry." ' "It is -very considerate of you, but equally unreasonable. You must eat before we start." "I can't bear the thought of your Ste- ' tering when we should be hurrying, to a hospital and. competent surgeono." He laughed gayly. "Oh, you needn't laugh. I know it hurts. You say we cannot reach Ganlook before tomor- row? Well, we cannot stop here o 'minute longer than we- Oh, tbanle !" youA ragged servitor had placed a rude bowl of meat and some fruit be- fore ben ' "Sit down here, your highness, and :prepare yourself for a long fast We may go until nightfall without food. The game is scarce, hnd we dare not yeatnee far into the hills." Beverly sated his feet and daintily began the operation of 'picking a bone with her pretty nngers and teeth, "I am sorry we haven° itnives and.'forks," he apologized. "I don't mind," said she. "I wish you would. remove that peek patch." "Alas, I must _resume the hated dis- guise. A chance enemy might recog- nize me." "Youre-your clothes have been. mend- eine* she remarked, with a furtive glance' at his long legs. The trouser had been rudely sewed up and. no band- ages were visible. "Are you -your legs terribly Nan?" "They are badly scratched, but not cieriousIy. The bandages are skillfully placed," be added, seeing her look oc doubt. "Ravone is a genius?' "Well, hurry," she said blush- ing deeply. Goat Minter theingh he was land she a princess, his ,,eges. gleamed with the joy of her beauty, and bis heart thumped with a most unruly admiration. "You were very, very brave last night," she said at last, and her rescuer sinile.d eontentedly. . She .was not long In finishing the - rude, but wholesome meal and then rumounten her readiness to be on the way. With the authoritenof a genuine shra princess e ciomanded him to ride Inside the coach, gave incomprehensi- ble directions to the driver and to the escort and would listen to none of his protestations. When the clumsy ve- hicle was again in the highway and bumping over the ridges' of flint the goat hunter was beside his princess on the rear seat, his feet upon the oppo- site cushions near Aunt Fanny, a well arranged bridge of boxes and bagipro- yiding supPort for his long legs. "We want to go .to a hospital," Bev- erly had said to the driver very ranch as she might have spoken had she beau In Washington. She was standing bravely beside the fore wheel, her face flushed and eager. Baidos from his serene position on the cushions wateh- ed her with kindling eyes. The slep 0 eat$ htthhed er- -4-I0 • Ploonev's Perf &en Sodoi Mooileis Biscuits, are an " balanced, whole§orne, no food, equally good for you old. Made from CanadaVnest wheat flour, rich:crel butter. Baled bY th baker in. the Mooney way. Say 'Mooney's to your n et : Or , ii "IIIIPPOR jt,11lWjicairoimppr i ' •' • -q., . A AI Will111&41"1:- . .....ospoottan i I (114111 MOM l'.'' ii. ... in slimananse'arr IctAserveinv-r 1 fiwascape-o, Its1111:11171i 3; I immagskswasamesimm.,...., 14., ... 1 •,:el D lir 4464.4 ILL 3- - IL -STAY FENCE. rows. The Dillon IIIITGE,BTAY izto your smsk 'what Matnalle,616 to your • voteetathemandettensavaseostof vete Lilustrated.Catalague fres -11vaagestswnkL Ill kl1,116-1k. gisr WilrelL Ire.r4CM CO. 1–tM1TD Womanly Mate and eaknesses Dr. Shooes Night Cure Swthes and Cares while the Patient S The best remedy Which physic -lane lalnyr -- -reeaole: Weak -nee sea is cOmposedof pates of A, gsn white lily. To 111.18 ow,. added:0 .thet . reinedins Which draw Out the oeis-ons too beer • tee InfiaMed membranes. This sect:1100.00e: : eeptio 1on1 analleation is Ittle1911 by drugaitta arsd I-the:stria-vs everywhere aft DS.. SUOWIt 17:11;ere Cuitte-becanee e it mires while the Pfg tinV tlittel end tbe..(4. pain. tbe itifintram- aleatcal. The lives o rocorae of rearly- - ti.My aru Si•Cli. a well ":'y -yet fold eickneste Eveey aiiin ,ae, made strong: - retitle to exe vieer and vie host aad perfeee aebood. lo Is :mac - cree sing n amber N., thatl)r.Shoop sendf.-ae aral lifC end geee Vas Vick :i u' ralleg evomeniege NIGHT .Ctata, will ecnr.,i. arm fig finds taet 3 10% the discharges. many women are en. They surM ,they never Ira& r.3.1 thg sangterlut n luo_imarinuteneceMaT nacerzie. allay of roe eat ete:althy W- ehiseevetella eellerina Womea , :e; meesage of /cheer. It la De tile that - Dn. SIK 00V* 811 Ilalm of Giles& You may not I:now your 1ToUUC bythe nem physicians give It, but tuzienahm? Smeeet's Mona' Otietu may be relied uPon in all 00.905 -of womo ulceration, fd11uj ot the 'vomb pa181 the womb or ovaries, loucorrhone 'a I Inflammation, congestion, irregular or menstruation. Ask f or Dr. Szoors Curve.. Recommended and -sold by , CHAS ABERHART. POL!' L nd 'White Yon will harilly believe how goe it is for lathes' &hoes, or how easily your own &eve henemee ai . elements with. "2in 1," wet two a subetitate. FLY "You will pardon. MC for not risiny." zleci driver grinned aud shook his head despairingly. "Olt, pshaw! You don't understand, 'do you? Hospital -h -o -s - p -i -t -a-1," she spelt it Out for him, and still he shook his head. Others in the motley retinue were smiling broadly. "Speak to hiin In your own language, your highness, and he will be ture to understand," ventured the patient. "I am speaking In thy -I mean, 1 pre- fer to speak in English. Please tell him to go to a hospital," she said cone fusedlitt Baldos gave a few jovial in- structions, and tbet the raggedest courtier of them all? handed Beverly into the carriage with a grace that amazed her. (To be continued.) CASTOR IA ...or Infanta and. Okildrel. 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