HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-24, Page 4Y, 7- XG THE, ON -A UST equlU�KY- aft, the resulf- of arf unfortu 190 thy are liot: juvtly and ho k UGTJ T P, hey may - demand- And look, ha entitled' t nate mls art, of Aubtirnf W Ve -c .1 ro I an n,g.,A: bridge some,, 14 �feet lea ZA0#N -Government fefdral In -that dir P,,near Alsteldt last Tuesday. He on too Years,,' Tbs. d eased was brother - tor , - aday. Inte StAF tTH*$ L tiOn and ,00t till then. tWen that high -�y SH09: sh6rtW -for Toronto+ but tt in-law of Mr. Th,00. Fraser. of tbo. Ith is, traction engine and when %xiially 8rd conces W T ly e will Sion Of St, e V,,#n to the 08 RnleY, being Mar - time comes as" that made the: front of, tbe ebgine w had left., the i r1ed to Mr. Frapers youngest dilat by the Peinbr6ke Paper w He Vill, be.missed er. Ill be n- brIdgp ructure ga0 ;WAY and sporting clrcles,�jn er He wail quite a young fnah 46d w g Ulm and- isa ntU the Water be Y. clever' a 'reucoafUl _X, - - will do mo r the at " 0' eopee The' -'of a - I avAiling; -e berm that! PrOGINtted ' alt. I which he always I ver _�8 10 1-1.- igood. 00k A greot.1rit' nd, pro - yo un In people took '111 the home. of big u(mes Editorial N -o fal at ruseele on Pore ------------- wu -Sale, lOW-- It took 12 men to 'extricate Mr.', Epiocop ereat.—A load of the, feRsIon, The re' alija wer 0 take 19 14 16 16 17 18 ton, and he Is' very: badly scaldeif lawXX a mear I -Shoe te,-4, and Comiment. anO bruftied but ipay pull jh* esday 19 2 21 22' 23 24 Ila .0 rough.� njj4,t,� ton, where Interment took Minion George Scatt, wlgha sIS spending her holidays' 'with friends, 11111 of 0 SA10 !a set for the first of Hoh. Mr. Mrs MISS '199, e `TM��A 'Of 'U lace, ar. 8 29 30 31- Field g,,:Po In Framer n aj eca u septe istei �Of Finance' ha b In 'this vicinity visiting relatives.— I,& jown,�Reevo Thos, sincerest synap As 'the time ]i it th! Buckley ]Broa.- and the. ftob Bro code, of Mor- j I extended atby of maiiY, wIll be have only a Mw Jays left Wh' h to take to the sorely bereaved. wid- 8d_V1jftiitAg8 -of red -1 re �w M there, ow and little, 01)�Aq, who pice on S kbofw sWho Tecently sold his lar by 04'electiOn",0011rit for, bribery bY� -are OUt-'Wjt]N r S,, ADV j% tg. Mr. Pleldting _r' t their th ' iblnk:� outfits.,, moved b1tO itowin' this week have gd6 the openin epr4ented the And arb good wo 9* this Ott of' been a most sticeessful. s6na tatisfattory rk.—Mr 'Thoe. residerice he Into the' denlvy' an une3fpectedly been 'desud Aitice purchased from Wm* ed of a loving husband a point, b and Shel of Gorrile, vl#lte*d Ernlgh,�Mlss 0arrie, who and redu ponstitue Mr. bb�rne in N6Va Scot t *eek. -Mr. - �Wim, Gledhill houghtful pareat and prrotectoriii� and eatisfaetary, in - kn6wing we- have, Tile fture botw4en -the ph;ranthesis atter eadij Nay lag has � been t aenates the pa -ge at the paper,on, jvh1oll th engaged to teach Al near people rare bargAins in seasonable footwear. U is VNU been draggin went td - tho'co '611 - meeting a UA eni rt Guelph, teft for there on Uondfty of term ir al0jig-10 -over a- year th qr to Q811Jfi6zater in e, lake which �.rga shpinents-0, - reig clothing L—i Anwith the'- lie clairn Durin &hoot 10latb1w--8tewaWRro.%--8 '41�ove esult. a -he owns. If be can m this week. -M0. Golden' Is at -piregAr g the remaining dqs of this -Wlad,yp�—X Willis ftl--4 Inonth W-8 -Sre anxious to dispose of f�d �ake ent 'Visiting 'her parents at U0 enough oui Of it to unit Orownfngl��Aecjld' buy a gasollne Brydges, ent.—A number of left -overs in Summer Fotwear, t ke� T-Oom for i Our ,tory 4jil co._8 Mr. and Mrs. Arthi6ir Cgjj_� bofs and yoln 0 WS invoning engine be7 will le Men were bathing In. The e6vWty­fourth. the wheel, water tolon -and fort In faas Df%nhoe� Renied.� — A -l" VA1111gon-4 i t �r annual meetin are 6t. pr6sef Visiting their the be Prices will be reduced to tbe loweist 'PO Poultry, Wanted-�-(.Unadm proituco co. -5 power and all -So to pot.. Maitland riVer. iiear re. on I !near Clinton. Of' the lBrItlSh edic Soft, Xf w ,D f -A meetin point. If you hav V-ea_r was Sunday, forenoon. when One ot'them. anynotidnof baying.summer Fbavv Toronto church -here. Frank Mee, g6t beyoInd his depth, and i next few days, 0, visit to the Store will certainly repay yon. New ire 'N' Witreera-r_16 d In this -W IDIM6�tA�ev was bel Plve� i hold in' the Presbyter! Dlsmouds—J. X Wroxpter on Tuesday * evening last, to: consid- belng unable tO swim, as seen ijotion gale—Ulabwk Hotbani-9 hwirdred delegates and Visitors were and Mrs. Robjrt Gib- union. It �Farm for Sala—Mrg� John Gjjmour__5 er the question of church be hi dInger. Clayton Griled4le present. Among the eminerit Was very exhaustively discussed by, I about Not -tee to Creditmi—J. Ar. Dest-6 British SO and children of Klelnburg visit- P.the three�elergYmen of the place, 'Viz., ' r fO go In, and seelifig his com- PArasol Lost-. -Lucq Phillip -9 doetors�in attendance were Sir Walt- ed last week a:f�Maltlandj Bra- 4r —McIntosh e ade's danger, Jump.ed In. He was At ves for Sale er -33arlow,. the King's pbygiclst lack and D * McLeani . Preab Dioolutlolv-'fleattlff Drog.-6- and .-Mrs. Scott B two chilften an Rtv. W, oftee clasPed by th droninsr young The Toilet—J, Roberts -5 d where Sir Hector Cameron, of Olaag have gone to-ndon Anderson, Meth6dist, and Rev. Mr. mait axid botU vauk. Another' man, Inter- will Spend some ( time. -Miss Elsie Girl wanW-ftilositor offim-8 rubjects f medical and PU61ic they Hortley, 'EPladopal. They all 9 oke Harold Duchai�n,. also plunged In Sndiey_,_s P eat Wore a6ly-'diScussed. Allen' 10t for Louise oil ron aRim Hollues-8 Saturday 917 $in favor Of union, and the and was edized by risdale. nd had at vObero She will me0l Strayed�­VV'elltnton Cr4wfo I . ng was tuilT in sympathy with Aard work to escape beIq dragged o000 Lost or -teach ocho.ol.-Mr.. 'A.. Big B&rg,*ns_P. A very dligaistrous earthquae Stewart, of Elmi them, U&m for Sale--J� Af. i3ea—s 00_. the home ra, was a 4181toi at under. The alarm N�4as given and Mr. curred on Thuriiday night of ant bf,Mrs. X..Allaa lost week. Albert Fleming, vecureff the -bodies re. James Hazlew6od,: Of Clifford, Rtbbert. I' Medical men were opeidllv jf t e b Son sobfie of the Sole Agentif for the SjjjWr Week hi C%111 resulting fri the lmost is the Nu at of er � 4' Xr. W. C. aecid4at, bu _0 $hoax for mio entire deatr . North Side Notes.-Onle of t �` und life and the Too le CaSile, Harris bas Pleasant events W-h-lelf relieve the Quality and, �tmprejjs H hose uctiOn of two. large oft" "lowood.-Mlso ex6not. Both were young men. of Valparaiso and Sandago sev returned , frorp a moniths ,visit at fo vomell. good character and Hensall.-Mr. Fred Vogt, ol Detrolt mOfiOtOnY Of life's dufl daY took about. the same smaller. towns. place age. Is ea)oyIng "hol'i ke In Sam ? at the residence, of Mr. and has been killing Pranel fco,,, the horrors a,feW day's wilth Urm. Peter Jordan on* for fithe beef rings W the earth - a. Tues4ay last, east of here and who has givtir that town a beating, on- otwo _r1n]�g_Xr quake rO followed by destructl�e rs, - J. Vogt. -Mr. . J. when the treedom, and hospitailty of _OM. Lu fires. The Cowan and grandson" `SherrJs'GIb_. their home Abaut Riqctoral, Rribery , disturbance coritlaued at _L 7 was extended 'to their satisfaction, Intends engaging gain know lAt6rvals -tbr se�eraj son, returncd on Saturday 4rom (Continued from 'page foi next season. -Miss Ethel Mr- ere and'Were defeated by -to our.p. . Thous-_ t*O monthef visit in numeridus guests. As 'the golden hue -one Zlink. The constituency.of North It e dock, of LuDan. visiting her parii� the w�st.-�Mr. of the summer eye met t9e I ilusk of The - Late, Harvy Greenway.-Wi, n,-.Xt W,* entrew andp a, * re saldlo. have'.been killed and ' - I from her Jeysfer left* t bas, In da,' tho 0. 1 on. Tuesdaf for m6ntione t week eats, gnd Miss Ver% 11 ek to -play a Y9 gon e by, earned a trj7I 1,01� Injured while' a nightfall: m d las the 'deatb at as )returned the BrItleers. SOZPMW�j at Unen, o, property I assembled to Is Crystal City, Manitoba, of Mr, Rar- f roria Topnjw,%nda gind. Buffalo ­��Iytb b�a# s almost 'be--- Ste -Male. i Michig n.-M.Is " t rove over. -here deS et on month's Visit to his home In" Sault friends a, large nu ber I of their ,viable, notoriety. ro- AY farewell to ac- tearn d �End computation.. �Latest accou' a sea Georgle Mlis Margardt Jordan. who 1 lef VeY Greenway, fifth gon ot No companled by Miss Poster. -Dr. G. and last ThW% the gme *1th Iffical 1 speakiag, It Is a very close nt6 Rowe iind'-taura Lewis have follow ma d �rb to the'effeat* tha the earthquakes from two yeturned big day to rs The ' Fj Greenway. The following - BlatchtOrd, of Michigan, IS ere picke constituency. Sometimear it el.ectS . vtieeksy. - ume lio,r ftles - - 1. 4 'up on' short Uotic �ae ceased, and the resultant fires Outing At Port an teacher In, Parkhill. Muk�, dances. additignal, Particulars wOr take from Visiting his many �ielitfves and Seformer, and som6timeg re ' Out and the excursion tj kets, to gongs 'a , ad games of caids v the Pilot M --tweek. friends, who ari pleased to a . ee bil 'Was � 16 th is in J�Iyth-ls 4' Conserva- authorities .,4nd thi west Were �dld' h4are c vere the ound Sentinel of las return Mitch Vill be pi tW 01 t Priday _tbe teople of the. 0 , ties, Valparaiso different rounds' of pleasui-6 whf' They will be of IntereRt to Ma here again, In en ent Alve to Parliament, An election to Among those Who lef t ch I ny. of 7 -ed JU& on Pril wer Our reaerl to whgra Mr. Oreenway health, alter -a abserice O� 31, d9Y afterno0h, of this nd Santiago arer 'taking organIzed Rae, Melville Rae, a D. J. alternated the fleeting hour Of nilrbt re� aI Norm Harris. A.; and the a -15 yeara.-The ifilany ffled ot Allie Ferguso lot Pending there at the preeerd time, le to eve suffering'-fdr the Austin, uroral hours so We'll known - Deceased was 0 OP morn!ng clogs and y, the dead' 1* Miss Mable Sparks will be - 1week to,. nesday Of this ed their pleas- et slid it bide faIr to be ail ded And bux� Morrison, Scott and all present Indulg one of 'the beat known and. most pop- pleased to - Where she will bje maried t jQseph Barton, Sam a ection'of learn that she ha;s been: successful I a former thl p eideMfgi Chit- ure loving prope3isitles to the b 'in o any of fts r u Black. an hot. a Ch tilar Young meA eferrIn to th6 ve Higgins and John 5f Iller, Jr. eat degree.. was borri fn� 1879 at� J III Passing her Junior tea'thefte ex. 9 ry great zeal of Manitoba. He Bfussellte 'The Present candidates are some Of the, Conservative. pap tended the Crystal Cjty a U011, whih wa:8 held at Exeter, ere In ------ chool and ray On tb�d R6form olde. a!nd Mr. atterwairds Bsiech-vvnod. the Winnipeg Collegiate with honors. In thin exar beadbury Whiter olf the their desire to find -a new leader --for Conservative able made aii Gerald Institute from which' he graduated Vislitors.-,Xr, and Ya ral patty the G( UNK - -_ --- � the Ontario Libe Notes. -Mrs. Heffernan, "of Arthur,ls BrIefs.-MISS Minnie Dundas *ho in 1896. lie Immedlately tPok his, having completed 'a two yearo, -Of Los Angeles. Call -embroke Observer IS )de Vallting f r I The the' Mends here. -,-Mr. rich Signal SaYs "We Hyslop, has been In Boston for nearly' a, nornial training and*starte nee e0lifte In six, months. He d year, ha d -his teach-, e arty'. IlAtIng 'With Um wi leadIng Liberal i Out, , In '.who has the Contract of paper of the riding, tatt, If the Libera of the Barron a returned * home. Miss 1119 courft, congratulation, Msble, sOntario, want drain, is" Pushing Ithe work on fast Adams* of Coast as Principal Pt the Cloa_� tOn and -other trIeda In thig jj_ ft -7 -at hat and expects to flj Ing to Its readers the-Im- a -new leader jit' ance, has been Is- water school la� 18,97, Dur; aW Mra� How Is � a slater an -one year s prIni et they nee great 'deal �m re is a is Blak. Hoton and -was A� rportance of the constituency ele- sh next week, ana.� ItIng Miss Florence Stitt. Miss Mary d 1902 he uent KIM W making a.7 good Job. The' dredge Aitcheson, of Bluevale, and Miss cipal. of the Sou ent new spirit throughout Florence r-10 lkdhool, returning Noterj,_Harvestjn�g 'is Wr Ame s how H0111 Ite is Ing 'a supporter of the the whole does" great _'ork on a large dralfi. SUN, X, 'have been !dUring 1902 to Clearwater. In 1904 lcaA, but PartY­iamong the rank and tile of Morri over it bases fta. center, as They have a I ev6l -of. about'- three n a leasant visit to their Irlend. 1 he for Another year ah -A tblreshlrW to 1 delighted witif -this couniry- t1on' 'not 'on the w0l. as. among the 1 was given, tbe eaders-a spirit feet of water , rinalpalship of I t 11 blas XoTrgii-7he Ane weather of last P16 of the Chr�Lrjtal City ScbO6 n u t. The Drops re yielding week g* ow6d'zen for reform, of aggj�es" I which po- i about all th general good the Government' have' of �ren as they walk 'along.__�, miss Mabdi Bajjows._,k cou ilarvest hero, Mrs.'Lawroce Hetternan, llen-.o' daY8 previous to the good sierage.-Mr. S. done tolthe country at I' siveness In doaling with the new' of retur:6 - of Mr. 011lon he held up to the time( of his gre Swayze has barev arge, bu.P� on reparingthe =4 for Ulf mheaf_� pro-. George Barrow blems, are Is vfsltlng,� friends on the Pth a to Manitoba, a re- sud t, utir atlYAMProved the appearance of 01iviatorla Pt er P tten- 'line this week. U111011 of -the relatives was held at recognized In educationgi eirel 4very the local advantages -which are like- reasing for a mely death, Deceased as big propert by gja�jftg life house, ly to ensue in the tiop lil thin provf)ace. 'of public-SpIr- es ag AM: P the home Of '?fr. and Mrs' A. 'Con- being Ono of the beat teachens ity the event of a Govern- Ite4l clear S�4d 'Accident' A -fery sad and roel- -our Millr, Mr. dl�gerlch,, is laying -headed,j determl le�n Trieut supporter belng elected. *rt erallam :a in 'a good SuPPrY of 'wood for the XeMlle, pi Uonktdn,,*treh#t -visian ned Lib- ancholy accident Itook place here stable, the latter being sister,.- Province, -He lwas took a leading seasenis ter rti Geo _g th A new lehder nifght do much Wedneoda ) There were u do of r ii Sunda, y. mornIng, by which re W' -en, a Thomp#o ef I W" ZT VA -11 vl8iibed CUMSt In. of HensAll, Us beenbelo- but b S more likely to appearin the an present, and a; pleasant aftern r %f years Mr. "d Mm lost his life. The 'cIr football, and for a nuirib P0111ter out that during Mr. Mackie's to bring, about the desired reyl John war' forty persons part In Athletic spottg, grindIng.-Mr. Alexander time the electoral division - e' ;7itn Ing bin brother w't -1 Lwh vwt rec�fved Ire` as follows: self W40 spent by all. Mr. Brewer, Arlin , 1 h the harvest, coux'se of Him At St'J050Ph­t1r9. Re4Mq bw gona to The 1�0 9 Mr. ohn Pechler, -our pop r pump & week or two. -36s. v1reff._y,, of Zjj hi. b Ad haul In oats. present, and hd& veats wberi 'tile present and one of his sons went to the field Btussols,took 'a groW�Icture of those ..Player anll�o a. He was this callin;f on old Itis hmillion dallrs and the mill- condition �of lassitude In 'the paify to, 1� Was considered One Of the� Mi0in uila tary. camp, tid boo When they bad a- so a photo$ of Partic- maker, et., has beell en -The A— Mr. Mackie as a passes away� & all _raph f the ul ly tiolld gagell lat 0111 new' farjues call - be i &hooting and this ely *thesepartsfo.r the West- i)Avidl ut two or 't4ree rows, af sheeve sinking a, Well. for the a ni six senior members of thia Barrows s. mer won' Mitreral and Gov- fr6sh bloof the r.old rn, eital of the ijebool. wpoli V414M a Supporter of the n John Xinomn AM0 1�0` But lvitY..,The and re ewed act- On rack, Mr. O'Rielly.' who was feMIIY, being four brothe't-6 ind two ystal City Gun Club. Seven weeks _00C hi contrast Se things are not to be building the load.- lean6d' aglanst the- slsters,-Menars�- Smith And Irvine are lAdiiiala and FaAer 'Ate rnaking, ren with all brought about in , go he- suffered- from an at -tack Zu1i0h every Sapda. y Voujd� j fact tW- this muniffeence, aYo and it will I..front *stake. whIQh bioke,'lettInj'hir doing good work with their powerful. Inflammation of th orne.. Men of tb#rpj4e#j6_ the mournful nobody MAY barm if the. Liberal f 'A t b tween the traction engine an bowels and them ao., declared by -the 'Observer. that Party Iles by jts� oars' a, a ou e horses, itrikin r g d Separator which while be seemed to recover,' having Thames Road Notes, ­;Aniii Musb be #6r4e Aftmctldn, JudRizig Uy the Oft until it m kes hits head on the -to they purchased from the B come h0Me,-8Qho0l -opened here Xonft _rew ague. He as- ell EngIn zlnce� spent several we'eks campfng d7 111 connection UoVenloek in ber plaa ginte'the electors of Nor' up its mind In hat direction ft to was, services -were hel th Ren 8 j%gtli teodhet vire s# gU4 er., And or tIN period h U,3 I I eoher Company. As both f at Rock Lake, he did with the Bet any 9tthodilst church Ilave -her ith withdrew their s��port from the g lag 7to ate done until. the priest and doctor the young m hot regAIW his 91 ted away, 6nd everything 'Poss ble and Thr err had c 'ald rgible e ui un of 'development In 1nactl sual health. bn y 1A.St ar- on 0 Sat.�rda da and Monday, :&uguot 19th he on the pres- --fived, 'but all ef forts to restore' him as n' threshing previous meAt not on e: dollar hae -been ent leader 'Is prehas to was agailf atricke down with and 20th. Sunday Dr� Potts, ood as any was useles, as. the start!' the' �of 'it It Is des' ble other." 9 JjtUtdY n _rth TdcelveC -It asks one ng on their own 'hoi tber is sad result Toronto, Preached to large congrega- had Yielded to ihe shock and InJury will get W Ira already mentioned." no doubt but they 'Who were dell that thin state of affairs should co' air --!�Plek_poekots did a n-- tiong, all.'The sympathy of 'be Patronage*__Woile� thresh g disco w b of the f share of rgeo, the I 'a bolleetlonabow*4 Iness in Llstowel� -drur' .7' tinue'r and war rt is Inter t Bengal tie ne'the electors that if Osting, to oboerve. gays whole $Ommunity is with that, -Mrs. Osj On the firm of Mr. James Davidson Ing the feeling of the BOY'A' r4e-UnIQn; a&Y knd ear Buliteon, WIN ha At the lerald White, the Saturday. Night, d h6tiel, ftensall, oil Thursdar Mi. 110tirs Monday evening Conservative, Mack, of one Dr. Ovens, eye 'Peopie ind -Rielly and fam y, In tke reat, last week, the straw stac� -Dantel Xneebtel; solT of ter elect6d, no 6ther result ea)i gugrdlan -6f' walfs ustrious successful tea -A-0 beld, th- Kneebtel, -of Stfatford, died. J. Kelso, nudden loss a good, Ind collapsed when It was ne(arly com. 4. a vexly eX- 30 to 5) P- T", 014"Oji properly hiterl 14,98.-I.tt liu-gbn;nd and father. Pleted Messr, ently idteir 01117 ected. He will, strays, Is qu te t a !William 36Kay and WANTED. -A goo( Programme consisting of get the' two' thous- inable. to meet the 4 Av 060 of nliddle for a smali f4m- by took rec arnes DAvIdson, who were\\ on aTe oreferred, or uidow ivila the Imperial Male Quartett Th demands mAd 0, ot Loll e, o upon him ft flonle. for child "00(1,%vagea to & CoMpetent eand five huDdred dollara,'� say's the "tack, Were UhliOured. the person. don. who gave aumber of sele - week ren Blyth. -This, no APPIX to Ursi, 0. D. Arnold, Helmll p, 0,, Onturlo, of sge) and, leaVA4 Ai ry few � or-. doubt, was Ovilng to them'�belng act - Observer, but the People will get for adoption. He gets ve _c- 17 29 Years Phans from''Onta' Death. -Death's dark angel deacend- lye and poweliful me tione which- were well eceived and r1o, but last year 2018-2 un n. eiftcoked ii-boolutely iaothin.g."I But if i t4 , e thousand little -the happy home of r. Wm. close shave, however was a - BrIOU.-Mlas Alice Dogall, tirnes. Ad - LC a xumber -of George Russell, t1w ix ones were sent who -ray, the Ll -Mr. 'John Rosa hap been 1 dresses were 'delivered .,by Rey 1) iold son" df -beral candidate, I'' to him from Simer on Wednesday evening spending. her holidays at Mr. Arihie. RUNSDIT, 0. re-. 'Unglanct, and afer. plac- and eqn- has returned from broken Manitoba. I-Tig h Turnbull, of T6ioa le, had - some ribs turned he will co-operate ng them all it, vey6d the spirit 'of et home here rettirned to, 'Reyde. Pear, with the -to heir adhool oter homes, has re- slife � Partner many friends are $1 ased to see him ne#r Ce to Its heavenly e Hanover on Of Exeter Main! street, _'GoIng of Ex- shoulder. InJured -by a kinu look.1 !rod home., Mrs. Sims had 8;7.-Vhe overument the Government ng well. Ived re4u ' ests for many: more. The�e ludleff of Carmel c 7b and been a Incubator children -are In for ureb ter Jame# Street, a -ad Fletcher, last Hensall, In - great de- 9 few months, terx Thames Road. The Pastor horses became Yrig u was only confined o her bYj with the people, and business will be mand-t but she giving an At-home- on - Wednes- litened Provineb, and If bed a short. ti day afternoon, Aligust 29th, f the chair. T_he pro- U011 t1lglae. may eiipect me. The funeral took Bru-cafteld to I rom 4 ceeds were $SS-, m�hjclj woul -The M -doing 'in the county. Commenting on the demand cOnttnueF J. Fair, occupied n- Friday O,�c ock In the s6ho . 6f Christ i as at' 2 P,� M Dote all ol , roony to are cordially invited to 4LIgtowel- Ij%gt-W_eek and was con'd4cted by. Rev. Ur "Ithe ergent.side walk to the station. me t w6ather been, favorable, the Ileay, t1r4n9 -e Toronto News says: At the department sto PhLee 0 -Mr. Thomas Carr to building thts th In large consignments,- . 4 embers whlj�o been considerably larger had the the approaching session. of the Com- and do a mail An - Pastor, Rev, B. H. -04ck**. keep g many away that Would and Ulan Bucklaild, wl son in however,tvhether erned tIon laws will be the romt cqmetery.' n it number a measure be r6a to doubt, . w�K# onveyed to the tale I and -always makes ji gorV, Job.-Mles *Pastor -Quite I Otherwise have been out. on Tues. contalfillag- oder -busifieml In bi lee. 'There may derson -and Rev.,Dr, McLean. The 'Tomc Mrs. -lenderson, wife of Rev.. ito mend the elec- remains my 19'ali expert- at -this business J. I -r- Henderson a former;' esite pesented and it 9 MaJorItY of those V46re was a large Attend- Grace GIommill a from; here 881be to, -ferame a clause go of y evening a very pleasant social land goes to -St. j who a- ance -a the furieral and nd Maggie Oft -which will make su fesence heart_h�nger wreaths on -the coffin, 9- the left last Friday for the �'West the ;; �, -1 - . I dopt, these children do so, becau many lCampbell, and her brotber.� Geoge, ball ;;as ��71d4 the Programme being tur- Guelph,, should be po adnesday went to see the goot- I for the p match in' Seatorth With the ch appeals tO children in the home. Of. high esteem in which h n Mr. ThOna It may be., that 8 e was famOU0 Corinthian team. -Mr. Ben-] Isbed by local talent. The muil -A brother ok h d f rmer going to U, near Jamin Caldwello soh of Mr. selections 91yen by the Va Hughes, Of Xltc�hell Want rauhar , died lit 91 Caldwell, is borne from Car cluartette were hilghly on the: ard. inst, He was mmn-Y of them are after &heap labor attc 1�r�hij w`hl a e tarmIn 1cuPld1tY Illegal, and make- It -as' dif- Among those In 3ose - aw, distance. were McLaughlin borry, appreciatd. little harvesters and dish4aber, and and the latter to Regina, *Iiere their Manitoba, for a few Olive Madge IX Toronto., also considerable ean, And a w f loult for iL Goverarnent to bribe a j ­be sang tw The bulk of -his brother and sister of the F Misses Maggie and Kate Ta'Yl". have late and- singl C ty the children they -are told without 1alkIng o, ne ed upo,,, to do 'wh it a beerf 'for some 1 montas..- AHe Is well pleased with the est,a ent 801019 now Is :tOr a side it I W ifd whole constituency as it who Maybe roll family, -and Rise McLaughlin, of father ha weeks, visit. I runnef to bribre a r 1 unmarried or of fhe haped Mr.and Mrs. Bean, Clinton; bten-here vialtino their sister, Mrs.. business upon his e"Nriie tar loff rest' of coutry. and Ignorant vin one ot t quitting, their . Jobs. It 40 to be b deceased; Mr. W. White, of Toronto; -I, nds - engaging In the mercantile come" to nieces and he that In providing 'homes Mr. and i -Snider'. -Mrs. -John Swann Was recent� era are ally, eagagea -at this cohj�egai C The dding took these* W., Graham, Clinton;, Mrs. J. r4'! the PrOgramMe. Prbe0dg, 2 Wade Up the It se1eams useless to for Mrs. nost thro-. Rabklrk, Miss Jennie lY at London, attendl back townships, thousands 0� children the r so bu -At quiet we total recelpts 11 t uneral ',season. of the year that buslaege is 'amountd to 110011t -Wednesday, August argue that the public rnon%y* does ough. -system of Inspection -'and John H&b- of a relative, Mr. 'Petner, �weho, was Axlet tfie� home f Mr. maintained will b 'kirk, of Br�ssels In the vlllag6.-Xr. Murddek ad Mrs !,W� -Btr4* St- -Marys, wherii their da* e h SolOrnaln City- Idaho, Brussels. 'not boldng to a partioula party, to to see that the The deceased had d�owhi6d at Port 'St Phanq do not little or- .been a, resident of this 1 -Mr. J. McP erson, of be granted or withh fall Into lknid re town for qkbter, as suits the the hands: rof ain In over thifrty years Foote, divinity etude e t on� Prl-' WhO was here epandin Eva, became tke bride of 13. slave-drivers. moy4ng. here from day for SmIthl Fall me Millan, of T-oronto. he, R her mar-� I supply a congregation U tj parents, now a resideat of Buf- "Arty Interest, For near1r a Store P ttsvflle shortl' re he will months with his- Wav -an old tl P NOtMi-Thomas'To Y after left here Brl�ffselfte, riAge. -Those left to .1 college the f Ir9t of 'the week On WN Oturn fal,'Was shaking hands with his of Years a Liberal opposi al-Giurn"ber death opens. -Mr, Grant officiated, and Uveie tion urged Morris Dodds, . a was In trlp.-Among e f the afe a loving husband and three a as 7 a upon the country, Doln Council o this vicinity for"Some tim , has ke- t week orr In to thlo week. I near relatives and friendi that ,view. those Who left here many Old friends the Int reztljfg terernony �Dnl but In la .-At A r6eet- all residents of Blyth. who have the 1 -turned to his home in he excursion to Man- -Robert' Thopmoon dfflce* Liberal �jlnj Ing of thO council, held on the� 6t� heartfelt Sympathy 'Vermillion, .'Itoba we learned' 'returned trom sters have done Iof a large - circle Alberta. -Mr. Prank O'Neil of . the following: his moi trip to the padif it coast The death of the olft settler. U. North Easthope took pi-ae, on Wejftijjt.� better than their pre a long�, Its -the treas, 9 P 4our of dio- Jaw, waaer,6 last w0ek. He aecom- JObn H. Petty, joh n deoessors.11 nt.. af ter scru.tentzing and piqsln of friends In their dee of moose Peter Melville and on, Mr. an,* Mrs. On Saturday Of last weekXorjjan t of accounts I tress. I The aPPe&1 of the paper Presented blo'h prer led the r R. HoblEirk, Smith left on &Y Of last week- Kr. pan 'emaing of the late J. -A. y of tble C yearly report an Briefs. -M -r. jas' William Is, certainly, a v' DOugall, Nelson Blatch- week to rerar, ged 18 years, -Prince Albert where he The Im ery Wrdld and Im- It was accepted as a has been McCrelght, who McQueen, a nePhew.-Te Parvest in ford, Fred Bengougb, medlato ptoper one anq,. Nve heartily endor Man secui - Muse of is d th"W"A the away, fom here.. for oVer this vicinity to Nor'* Jar- has md is gituation. Y eX e council. The council then a '18 Years, and who over fo anoth rott and -Wrn. Ifay-- pa-raly- word the Nows, says. But Journed until the 13th , of Aug for te past f'lve or .1ohn Jackson. -Mr. Robert 910. MT. Cre-- waig year, and farmers- -1 Hamilton, spent a Xewd .,.rlLr born while an a-Ppea, uk Yeas has bee preliaring D- young, of of' such as 'that men n enlisted -in' the Sotrtih Perthohlr�e, Scotland A:4d aye foii�erly was engaged In week.-Mlas s04 this. date the council the - gound for the sprin Seeding. who NebPawa, Manitoba, and In town,durInj the past tfoned might be aga.fn rn@*. Afrlcan mounted Pollee, ieturned., The next big job will -the Olive. - MAI tountry wft his parents In 111"t election law we do not and. Provisto was read -sit- at the age of four. Years. They .made an offence a, The Ellison drain by-law home be harveigtii, mercantile business under the firm uatidn, at Preston on Monday night, . It galnot the 14nexpectedly, the -corn crop'iihd -Wednesday Of Red on t rt. leave*., of absence ellos. it is and Young, -was in I this week;. -Dr. -and h9 tarro where Mr. Vre A good ero he village part a �p :this year ng bee,,� miss 1val Of caugai` life. Imedit were Calling :after great the weather havi w favorable' %this visiting relatives And friends, 1 on Old friends' here for a few ogy Mr, be held on the 15th of October coM--- experiences in $out' Africa.- The In In, of rovlsloi� on this by-law w for a few won-ths. * MAR. Sidder afid Ila see how the B() called bribing of a 119117 passed. rPho , cou having been granted Putting Into th; Of Coad; Rannie qDnetituency by the Governmonj could III He has had flast week and Since'sPent his be sa designated or p,-ovIded agafnet. h 9 Ca mencIng at 9 O'clock p.m. fact, all, the cropi good, who were Pleased to meet him again I last week. A com_, base ball team, which has not 'bedn Mrsi. Jam ompsen, of the B Crerar leaTes, a -family -of t**� daughters. U DanY Years, an autmobile.-The frame building �-Th If a GOvernment bu ids a new post municatlon was read tiom the coun- es Th I atter an absence of 80' They r-nade the trip in aly- I d road, Stanley, - I= , , -7Two rinks of our "bowlers left here On 941A �e,,resldence of U mpanted by G flee 1Y.011ding or gives a tY clerk Stating thit the affiount re- gether last Friday dnd'.i'drove over her daughter, M�s. Haner�oj George t 0whed by B. Perry. 36 ley, -of -r. and f or public I Much In evidence this yjb, got to- f lei sons ad four grant to a Proposed railway In 'a quired from the towashIp this year to BrusSes, playing'the t� ing to play the rdeely.ed a bightenin Mithell, return ding t0natltuency, ft.thereby fie -cures to a f6r,- county, P am of that to�yn, have gone to visit friends In vras tbo urposes Is $4,485-24. To WInn-Ing, the score'being 1 - SY the scene 'of tent ed to Impose to 17. Our boys are now try �The obeep- Mrs. Adams, of St, Marys, u week. Xt Will Monday of I,iat '��L- a4ropriation- may a rate of 2 2-10 m are ls- be u wldn. t certain extent, the good will of Ihat meet this It . was resolv f4wn and 3 Moose Jaw and vicinity, match 'with BlYth.­Qr. and I PaInter' br'sh this g up a very retty wed �tituenc-yl Ing to -ar- killing dog, which, wilei- f oed an all 'Office ' by Dr. mc- your, gee -of a 1)rIbe or it rhte for township gre expecl- A I rat line,. in 'ft on -Joe Thompson, of MOn-: became the be made in the way or S 'time ItIng Mr. and Mrs."C. A. McDoncll.. Naghton. t dilugliter sp aw Y thI4 week. -A He, was caught in the aci, and,, des'-. f Ottawa, Is of late show was opened. Appeals laot week,mr. Garriet Cudmore of also here thl Yeats a -,reoldent diture. The tr�uble will be to' 'some d tanley, -has', 4een shot, circus in London on Thursday of town. -W. p., c F ed UP herd., of WtAtT 111B. and a similar rkrige a match I town for Friday. the * terror of sheep owne� -A number from here attended the treal, I's spending i few days in May be a porfoctly of revi Purposes. The court : ­�Hensalj Uwn 'bov�lers the legitt -mate ex en- slOn on the Kelly'drain' by -1 wlfi� the Mtl-ve,und a from . Messrs. -took fri- the- races patched wit erIylng t1fe aPprpria John Williams and number from here a - S ott of Elliott, a former 311tthell b a hout ceremony._-�.Mrs. -John thin station, is ael'Ing as �61e week taking in the WM. Sa tion. There is - 'doubt b sGeo. Armstrong. t Pkugselo on Wednes!day *.and Thurs- Gilmour, o V` Ing Man. The bid -and groont were rule, no ut, were heard and after full OoMfdera- day. A number also Ve f the 8rd concession of agent at Ilderton,-migg Higgins, 0 d mPle :an4 -'Chii� attended, and tho eromony Ao Seaforth Stan -ley. bas return6d' from Moose London, is the guest of h ren, of $&Ult Ste� Marle, JIF Government - favors 'a d the to see. thQ football r�atclf On ed- Jaw er rela formed b the tion were ent are given sied an to' Government supporters, This Is was read and finally nbaday. where she had been visiting Mr, and Mrs, W. C. Davis. tIvea at the. home Robert Sample._�Two Asv� 31 Garliid on Passed., Aft -Ur. Spence, who �"oae here frierids. She of bow erg tat oburch, *W- e- it is a, big feath- passing another er p. rinks Pastor Of thV method or In the c_ long C. to MIA the electric right was accompanied home Howald Intends erbet a neat rest. on Monda rendere U Ot st - mtro�- e- PIWiatp a; by her diaugbter, Miss Jeinnle. who dence On Queen y -and gave the ClUb- of! Miss Carrie- CrOWF I c0tifita the council a4jo�rn few months ago, bu h At: itreet, west, grilt has au of a Parliamentary r grist of a Ing went t6 UstO*e1 the wedding mg, presentative when lie gebures Ills 10th d' ed' Until the Who a ortly at- Is a matrog 6f the ,j and Indian Considerable aterial ' now on the for aY Of September next. ter coming. ad a I serious attack of School m Of money for heart tiouble and 'had to resig and Is -home for a visit. 00UP any Purpose and't ft his Death of Dr. McLean. -The follow- residences now in course of er a nulyiber of fine ec- 9 appeared in the Globe of Monday. eezez.-Mles 11Y_ for Ustowel, where a' natural therefore, that a Govern 13dna t1on we have Pleaaute In reporting Ruehfleld of Ome of his it -AD I A N the larger the' feathej. It 'is Only Dr POsItlOhleft oh Friday with his fam-.: In C 'desire to M will be xesd with melancholy in- I that of Mr- ent the burg, was f 0Ally have position , 0 George i3rown, of the strengthen them- the successful, jrj passing here --drove to Clinto S. --A, few from tere6t by many here t '210m firm Of octor Brown and Clark on Junior leaving- examination. a J Saturday to and Mrs. UcLe,9:a w w carriage b Stroligthening their -SuP- atte She 146e the ere Porters In nded garriston hlg_ PrItish' bo known,- makers, As Mr. Brown h rJopool and thle way- It is equally rote t wteg'0 131aY and " Dr, A, X� bellees I also that were well pleased wltV their trip.- at cLean,..,of Chlaujo, dj,.d 401119. what he does well, he is. a, at principle - in- conniction P 119 eircurn- with the - erection of h lfatO to *eaken themselves. the heire for the dat yeat, left OTV,'Mon- stanega. a cousln, Plying th by 'a Gover - 1Xere,-)/TlsS Etta Burns who r. ullivan, whd, has been Battleford, Mask., aweek akosu,n. ` 1! OPT)onent b 'Wingbam public school 'also pas- &y with Is dwelling should hes nment lives near here and who attened M . living day under rather dJstressf' 0jarrh strengthening an 7 sed. the same d bis family- for London Ur, W. D, which Will -be one -of the finest aniff t -Re_ ed� MCLAI an, of Harristori, lef t for a most 'substantial In th public Money for his constituent as secured wokk.--Ur.John' trip through the West on July 17, On giving him tbef prestlg6" of semring, t tlhat-,4011-Drusgels and Wifigham 13rown spent Sunday w Fred Harker, Ono of examination, We no-- where be b aschools have *Passed more pu_. Ith friends- in the managers After all, purificatiou, if purifica- P419 for the, j n Bayfleld.- arrIving at Battleford, he nins- derson and J. Habkirk e dksenf Who was here spending tIon there Is to be, Must begin u lor leaving exar Messrs. H. Gidley, An- suddienly III with acut :w'%s 'tak te IMP 0 Company-, Toronto, very foundation at the tj6.n th.all, many of A So I -Ong as the people' r 'at estimate the alue This says 0, whole lot for the proln- he 'a0ld and poi with the people, the h1gj( seho part of fife "�nt'flc remOdY fOy this troable—safe ifi.ds 010. Sunday Pent 'last, Rind 'Was removed to the liolidays with Dr. Chesney and It noutralizes t with GOderich Battliefrd, b-dt despite all' that inell- fly, as returned t the city. A,.So I `� see tios sODOU-S., tIve by the amount of pu:bllc Mr. be we fl, a Of �the service- 61Pals of these two schools. M. Bagley, of Toronto, 14 at or6sent Ical aid and nursing C in the bo 9 "of their ropre66rita- Harrison -Mr. D. spendJng his holida Could do, he Chedney, nd relieveg the pain fell 80me 12' feet to the Ys with his manager of tto barh ast . on- WO loads 'of Oddie - before h10 wife could readr� bl, -d g diy� He was bady loW9 drove over same time visiting his parents. - he fr, able to procure for eXpendIture quecumbed t;D the disease one day Sin er Company, who was b0re at out auy I money floor In R.� Q. Na-r's ents In town. -T to Brussels last side, Mr. _a bp danger of ba after effects. n hfi� constituency. just so longwIl the Cut & Sarnia, is visit - ]der -to that sentlM h 0 and body and Will ren there and had a Me ains to 'Xar- iRg 'her parentg.-­�Mr. W y Governments and repreentativeEp - , a'ecompany�ng Miss Ida around the faca and bruised Thursday evening to visit 't eir broth McLellary and -his wife are a re- str:lenJoyable rlston. where they will be burried. Who was here from Manitoba buses ont, and the a- result.-peti D16kert w Re ag, tlme;�-Mr. Living Is lastal.ling a Deceased 'griduated In rnedicine from Ing his 11arento ut, bottle an- be'latd- up for some wee* the rem 1*11,101ex 25 jo -vvhlch the News deplores vvIll trustee in Wm. Bu, as ELPPdinted new are dynamo9tone 4: lelds- placW.Xt this week. Tb e et_ Tormito Tiniverolty In 1897, may a 01)e - curelon to the western ad will of the week,mina Grasgick 'was In continue, no matter which party +101al � , I eft home the first �be in Power. When t meetling bald k-ecently. )Xr. last Frid Y t harvest ffeldFi _;?k ver Sixt. 'if Y cl*sS +-Rev. Mr. here. -A. - rOm that -t tbeir'representatlyes vAll be Radford. of Belmore. i�4d avd ake, -Year. He Immedlatel w9f1t qualritaace _Vla:X Spreading is now hones he people become Diishfield' bad resigned be -remembered by man the village recently enewing ac_ a. r,p of Wroxbt_ When the People rea�h that are at present xder of thd day' in ej nectio stage of moral purIty the takini. hin holl;1ays, to Chicago,: where he wag successful I the 0 ALE) I 1, the. to kI y VV11l 00w- 'NOIghboring w0f ng at the In eotablishing DA a not ask for preac I taking ebarip ering in town. a very satijefa -the flax Indus- �IJONP. here a 01 the Mr. D. Somers _gtory I with trY.-Ur. GeOrgo bor accept Sgraat or ebrvtees.-Wm. Newton, has eerf runriing, a barber Was here r�d_ Public mo who hho � practice, making r the Past few Years, dispos- nose o!nd UIP04f, -P10KARD'1$, -very s4riollpy frqurdd- ed Of I't last Week to Mr. Thos.Sto,%,_ *lid two He leaves a widow I are turrilng- out ver;- gocrd in thin Ifford, Im P trealfhent, of diseises R tl�e 6ye. ehr, Deutly visiting friekds.-The crops WORTH OF, ney to IrAh" th" know of 01 a 'resi 2 SPCci&ltY & the Walker, of Bruteffeld, FIRUST DOOR 4ed three anl tly sectioni,-Mr. Frank qUiarshAll, e FV wv W00A "Mvd V. M the fl_'� Uot %d, 1kome Ing I for ser o, of I --this W"k, D#U per I X4 A Par- Aw Ver �M r Pat- W40*011 A ;K smd ,oijoi - �jry 7 piu ve Tftor 1-4 :a rk"j, 'T onox" 0.0 - - jpc� ly, fif A tu t tfe-­ !Doi n42-lt no, to. to V WdIv ft Lk f,