HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-17, Page 4F -
A -Uv
- -T 1#0'
WrIT Y 8
-3 4
8 , 9 to: 11
15 .17
20 0
22 1 23 24' 25*
29 30 31
The ftar,6 betwaten the parenthesis. atter
ww.m 1— 00.0
T X 'Rif
- ---------- ..... L
b you Oare-Sta%v rt Dros, ,Q,
Careful Xtivesbutents-NY. 11, Robinson -S.
Jhtrniture Barguina-Broadfoob & Box -6
Shoe Sale -R. Willis & Son -4
XPR -00, X-
Cqnttal Business. College -5
bii i Jobu Beabtle-6 -
A -Uv
- -T 1#0'
WrIT Y 8
-3 4
8 , 9 to: 11
15 .17
20 0
22 1 23 24' 25*
29 30 31
The ftar,6 betwaten the parenthesis. atter
denotea the the paptr ott which tho
2.4 yosgedot
Dress,Qooda-V, A1004111 Co -8
Boys! Dmv-4reig Clothing Co. -I
b you Oare-Sta%v rt Dros, ,Q,
Careful Xtivesbutents-NY. 11, Robinson -S.
Jhtrniture Barguina-Broadfoob & Box -6
Shoe Sale -R. Willis & Son -4
We Have kade-1 r. 1)aLy--8
Cqnttal Business. College -5
bii i Jobu Beabtle-6 -
Farm for Sale -Mrs. B. gmlllie a
Farm for SAle-Urs. 0. Parsona-5
To the FAtmers.-Kenneft Rros-4
Boarders Wafited-Expooltor Othoe-8
Shoe snaps-yy. H. wulis a
Rouse for 8ale-Ohrlst'= Jk1lan.-S
Wanted -G. D..Arnold--S
'Vinegars and 8piees-W. R. Smith -3
Plows -T. Aftilk-8
Dinner Sets- -P. Dili-&
Flour--Seafarth Milling Co. --9
Lost--Exposltor Office 4
Pea Uarvester%T. Brawn -4
8%%-NY & lieralake--S
REAFORTH, FR'IDAY, Aug. 17, 1906.
The VVesternjjarvast.
Eyery- pprson in this province 'is
more or less 'Int4restecl In. -the bar-
veat of Vestefrjr Ca"da, All have an
indirect and many . have- a direct -in-
terest. The older and the newer por-
tiong of r the Dominion are so lnter-'
woven in., business 'a-nd other relations
that what affects one poition mAist
In a greater or 'less degree affect all.
But perhaps nothing of a4 outside
usture affeets the people- of older On-
tario mord, tharf the harvest of the
dew 12revinces of, -the West.- The peo-
ple, there7are 190 dependent from year
ar on their grain crops thai4
,-,nything like a general failure even
!or one year would be a ftard I.V.
i-Ithough 'not disastrous to many
aterests both there and her6. On
'he other. hand also, a superabundantr
,rop there, 'would In rmany respects,
)enefleially affect the people 6f this
11rovince- It, Is therefore, a cause of
nterest to,,.all what the Western
larvest Is likely to, be. -There is a,
,onsiderable c6nflict of 'statement on
:his subject. One Interest' seems de-
drous to makd an impression to -the
Ifect that the crop, to superabund_
mt a'
ad the yield to phenonifnilly
while. another iDterest seems
,quaUy anxioiw- td make' the peo le
)011eve th#.t thef -Western yield -will
idt b ei ne itlyl its lar0e as was ex-.
Yeated. Those who are I speculating In
-tiont its Operation Ii makinc It
A,,, much stronger than the one he f1bund Mt._ .0h4r1eig, Tobutt, of vio4r Clin
t g P, coup JE
ie of WOOks with relativeO 411 SEAVORT14 L AM NG SHOE
orainafy share holder -or here, On his comin po_'
holder Al by, F 4,,no _'ndlv,1dj#rl Aj% -lately 0,rinolpal of Dungannon friends In Detroit Aoil Buffalo. and:
member but- *IA rAgret his departure 1) bile oeboo -Ing:'his daughter, Xro, 14witew)
I as their- to & r. Ou'r visit
4_ e
-ba; ondiju hT
-the If Y#ar un - 30th 'list
tot Brueselat -Onto, which - 'taken -pla,ce Delghboro have Made no\. mistake in in wyomington, . belaware.- -Aev,
a dividend of two 'Per. -cent., on pro.
Hart and family -are
the presew - wee . 810jday oviof g tt they III 4n(t Wo Mr.
eir selection ..a w
and torte. per. tent 6n ftle
stock t k, Win
feren6e _Marys, -The fri fide f ney Sa g Shee
-1 Vibutt a roost capabl e teacher &swell St, a 01 9100 M-Arg"t
-mon - stock Is bofng paid. Aftef last Mr Wtoba-vt conduct64 his 1 [no.
aef.vtee-here taking as h tex. the J T
Is t Is a ,ery estimable ventleman.-Mr. sle Sturgeon'will be pleased to lea iii
the Payment of -all dividends d(e- V
words My -God shall "supply all your 30bo Jarrot. has- purch a some-;
-h e
clared for the fisdal'yeai t surplus ajked the house that she I recoyering even It
n6" according io Rio riches In glory and meyen acres of land In, Exeter what slowly, from her That ea si few- words 'what out Augu'st, Sale means
-for the YeAr carried -forward' to $8,-, NO serious III- e"refle -M
in Christ Jesus." Froin'these worti rth, %rom his soWin.1aw, Mr. Rd- ness.-Mr. D. Can Evoiy porson purchasing a pair of Sum
buylu iubl* m%5r
telon, returned home 9 10.
w hich pleasant Uip Jn this month, will save
269,992, an compare'd. with a surplus be 'Preached a discourse. filled with -Win oies. 'Mrs. Fitzgerald -and Mrs. Aast week from a 10 to 25 per cent, of the regular pri
was earried forward on JUne A
loth; of last year df $1.7840559., ;W0 meaning for; all those who have mit ''-Mason' and little o6n,# Who had been Manitoba. -Our flax manuf acturero Summer shoes Niii w3 caiTtea tover if Tedueed -Prtws vill move
he past opendIng a Ith the have mi A outh
ander him 'ministrations for t couple of Weeks Aft -1--
w %nagod well fn getting thetr
ancy this plethora igf Wealth 48 Why not take advantage while the opportunity ii yours
six years. -In conclusion Mr..-Wiohs;rt former's parents MT. sud Mrs. John large, acreage Of flax pulled In good
elyi, it not wholly, due- to'
a-rg the had many kindly things to may of Tarrot, returned 'to their h6me In conditi Smillie of
enhanced price of, the millibils - of OV. -Dr.- B. A. 4
those parishioner$- whorl be Is now -Londdn on Monday. Palmer4 lowa, to visiting his motheri
aerbs of land whidh the 9brapany re' OUR BARGAIN TA
1eaving, all of whom he had -found'
celve4 from- the country for n6tbing. Mrs. James Smillie, of this place. -WAS
to be geneirous, warm hearted and o Dr. Smillie 'enjoys These contain some exceptionally good values trel
P- Hullett. if a lucrative prac
I uring. Mr. d
ep-hand _d to a degree. 'Change of I --H ilett council. tice and looks as the world -. agree
Wlohart's pastorate there have been, Date. .. u with him. -Mrs., Buiton, of Wca TABLE NO. I—Odd lines ChitdreWs Straj Slippers and Aliases!
have changed the date of their meet- 90ii and CW
Briefs.-Mr,,S. A. Popleotone., who Mh ay_' considerable additions' to the g him. been spending the past week or dren's Button and Laced Boots.
w . as attending Grand Lodge of the In- ffierobership, his labors, especially &L Ing from ' AU' ust 27th to Friday, so with I her father, Mr. Wyn. White -
dependent Order of 'Oddfellowo at rnbng the young, - have biBen product- August 81st, at one o'clock p. m. All aides, and her sister, Ursa. Cluff, Of Your Choice for 75c a A*
Interested should 'bear this in mind.
Peterboro -.last w 6ek, returned home ive of, Mudh good, Ills gjeit popular- Tuckeramith.-Mrs. W. Paterson
A Good- TIme.-The congregation of AW
on FriUy. He w9a a canaidate for ity has never bebo
iriore ully attest and little son are visiting this I.eek TABLE NO. 2. -Odd lines of Ladlee Button aid Laoed Boota. 8i 0 pelKi
Grp,nd- Warde4 and iTthough not el- ed.than on Sund. ay event go W`hen the BrownIg church, Hullett, *111 hold Iii Godericb. --R , ev. Mr. Toll and Mrs.
-was .. r wded 'in -all
ected he. stood fourth In a field of large auditorium a harvest festival at the residence of Toll are visiting in Newry and Rev. 4s 4k, 5. Values up to $3, 60,
Mrs. Gavin Hamilton 6 Welln'esday
22 *whIdh.Is' tv very good showing- its parts by'.those anx ous to listen Mr. Hart -and family In St. Marys.- Your .0hoics for $1.60
All are cor-
ere drove c evening the 22ad. Inst.
Quite a number.from h to 'his.farb ell. words, At the con- Mrs. 1. S. McDonald, who was In Rg-
I dially invited. tug
to GoderIch last week, some to take 0111910n, of the iiervice Mr. Wishart mondville renewing acquaintanceshas
A Good Hqrse Sold. -Mr. Wm.
In the sumater school and others to stood' at the main entrance and bode Rion, returned to Hensall,
see ts the* Essex ' Eustleers.-Mr. W.' every member of the, congregation -the -well known 'horse brgeder,- of this
township, recently made ¬hergbod
*Moser ter at prese t visiting friends a, personil farewell."
s9de. Last week he delivered to -Mr.
In Buffalo, while his wife and son Well' D.Pne.-Brussels continuation Robert Nichol, of Morris township, Noteo.-Mr. Geo. Polland,
r ent up thirteen candidates to 7 7
are visiting her pmentg at Gilmour sabool a -not St.
a -five year old Canadian dratightmare Marys, is visiting his sister, -Mrs. 4 Wier,
-MISS Emma Mason was visiting. the junior teachers' , examination.
friends. In St. 'Catharines the past All passed, 61ght with !bonors. This with foal by her side, for which he Tuffin.-Miss Baird, of Chicago, Is the
received . the handsome ourn of 11 825. guest of ter 4unt, Mrs. Chubb. -Mr.
week, Mr. Stephenson, of. tlie Cann-; reflects great cr6dit on' -the prtnelp-
This mare weighed 1,800 pounds the GOO. Hammond, of -Buffalo, -and Mrs. MOE
Ington Carriage ..Company, apcOmp" al - Mr. J. H. Cameron. This aChoo' a o, A
Rivers, of E ieter, are visiting M
Is.' doth d 7 she was delivered. She was air- too
ted by -his wif-6, wer6 here last wee g bet"Jer work -than many or
ed by -Mr. T. Dolquhounlo -Imborted' Kate OlIver.-Ulsa Tillle Simmons' Sole Agents for the -kSlster and 11 wialk-over Shoes for men, and the
'looking for a lot to btiil*d-. their fact. the hlgb schools. 0ter
horse, Cralgend, and was raised by 'Sundayed'at the home of Miss Sadler.
ory on aridwhe Intends to start! oper- I . !_! , - r - . . 6 Quality and 311 Epipreak f3hoss for wame".
r of this
Mr. Rinn himself. The,m'othe Mips Nellie Bruce to spending her
Ations very sobn now. Mr. A, H,GId-
lt; 'v who was on We sick list, for a Ofaborne animal was also In Mr. Rion's posses- holidays with Miss Annabel Llvblg
arm 00
.:-Thames Road Notes. -The .'beautiful,, ston and irkimed- 4irn ten fine colts. otone.-Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Golding arfd wlde opread sympathy felt for and implements on the f
few -days, Is able to attend to" bust -
harvest wealher" has been a boon t Mr. Won tays the mare he, hasi just and Miss Uzzle Carmichael, of Sed- the parents anA friends so suddooL will bave everything ready to
ness agaln.-Qulte -a number frorn 0
the fa rmers and, tbq harvest of 1006 sold Is a, dandy slid he has -been sorry forth,, spent Sunday at John Carmt- and severely bereAwed. work with. -The blackarn"Ithing firma Ar
here drove to Clinton on 'Monday to
see the: lacrosso match between Wing- %will soon be a ththg of the past.- since thit.he let her However,'he chael's.-Mr. James Carmichael spent: Prang & Truemner, bf this
ham 'and. $Oaforth Urd. John Miller and little daugh- purposes taking across the Sunday at the -Carlin house.-QuIte a been dissolved and the busin
.-A liumber oi the Grm ness w.94 -
ter, who have been visiting In 61trat- ocean to pick up two or thred goott nuniber took In the circus at- Strat- hereafter be carried on by-
'knaditzi Order of Foresters drove to Council Doings. -At the, last meet- mr, L - Doi -
ford, have arrived. home.- -Mt.. Wm. -,mareo for hla own use, and4f he does ford On Wednekday.-A * ;lumber are
Prang-. The firfu did a good - bAig_
Brussels ongunday to 'hear a. ser Ing. of the Grey council a petition
preach 'non Millar Is the richir for 4noth hey will be of the boat. going to the west on Friday. -Mr. ness which, we k have, no doubt wU W.-.71
6d to the bretbren.-A. few Or t. - was read fromVm. Smith and twelve _.t. - I'll 1,
d4ukhter; Hugh Currl maintained by Mr. PrAnt. wi"
which accounts " for the WNW e and mother .4ent Sun- others, asking to -have Cement side-
-h m her.6 took in, the cheap -excursion broad smiles.-Mri Bert, Sherlock, of day at Mr. T. M. HamIltont.s. Truemner speaka'of going to tho ww,*-
to Detroit Saturday' morning. -Mr. D . OshaWa, Rensall. walks built In the village of W.a]Aao as a
Kennedy Iff at - present orr the sick list has been renew"Ing., *acquaint- Dr. 0%-f-nA., 0ya and ear surgeon, will ha nt'the alob requesting, to have their statute to see If there are any good 0911eftb4M
not being abI6 to attend t6 his work anceo -in, "this vicinity. -The , annIver.- Qiieenls hot.el, liensall, on Thursday, Attg, 9th. Tiours Hills Green. labor commuted for 24 years. The He Is d good, steady mi'ln aiad .91 -00, u,twil
-Mr. James 6ary services of the Bethany Metho. 4.90 to 9 p, in. 101asaWproperb- htted iom-tf' orkm an and Bhould do well vhftt `_
Dodds, who has bee Struck by Lightning. -During the matter was, left over for future tbn- w
lidays at Galt, return- on -Sunday evening, sideration.- -The reeW. ation of Mr.
spendinghti 10 Atst church,. oif the Effinville circuit, WANTIDD.-A good housekeeper for a 9mall -fam- thunder storm ever be
will be held A the 13resbyterfan fly , -oneo( mid( watInt
ed 'home art Saturday' and resumed- Ileage preferred, or a, widow who the 5th lns*t., the dwelling of Mrs. G. A. Rayman as ioWnshtp treasurer
.church, T.hamepi Road, on Sunday and wants a home, Good wageR to a, oompetent
work on Uohdky as head cler at Apply to Mrs. Q. D. Arnold, Itensall 0.
Che Monday .19th and 20th. Sermons will Pw 0 15 Ingle, In this place, was struck by was accepted and the. 'vlerk wait Ith-
Ir KIppe]3.
.M4mxnoth- House. -Miss.
2018-2 lightning. The chimney was knocked strutted to advertlee'tor a successor. P14W AND GA$14 !-Low REPAW.
Gopman, of th 'Aggle be preac'hed -at 11 a.m. and: 7 p.m'. by Mellis, the 614 farweW friend in thoplowil"".4'
6 Pbstoffice Depart- Briefs. -Mr. G. )F. Yungblutt was in down and the stove broken. Mrs. W. Mr. Rayman rett be
r on the 27th of
m6nt, is at piesent taking her holl Re*. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, and on renihid all that he is a d vvith &40'
-pain on Imn
Underoon and Blyth thls week, com- McOlinchey who was visiting there. at August. After PaOSfng B, long list Of of all ` Iow repairs aud o"ngs, mould
days. -M Robt. McKay assisted tM Monday evening a tea will be served AsIal
bining, business with! a visit among the time, was stunned 'by the *shock. accounts for township A Improveindnts, handles, tklmmeM wheels, bolts audall
Sekdorth lacrosse team to from 5.80 to 8 o'clock. Music will be
W re ft Intruded will redelve promp .'
-defoat his relatives and. friends. -M John- tion. 1%111 Le
f urnlahed by the I r, Happily W t -A very pretty *ed- the council adjourned iixtil, the -27th
on mperial male quar-' -of Wagon axles, Aragon UK*
,Wingham at'Clinton onday dIng was oo le nizied Ut the -home of of August at 10 Wclock -a. in., w1l
Mr. andUrs.- F. 'W. Tahner and Z tette, of London, and, speeches given R. HabkIrk Intends leaving -here this el bolsters, buggy shifts andall wagon w0d bug&,
t1iii- Mr. an i , Brief,
fly, fam- by Dr. Tu"inbull of Toront' W d Mrs. - arles Troyer, Hills- the new treasurer wI1V ':be' ThoinasueMisnippen.
week for a trip to Manitoba, likely ap- Ii4in
o, Rev. esday, August Oth,by 'pointed. now
who i 'have been spending the past Going, of.Exeter, an'd others. Come Interests of his health. He has well Green, on Wed Notes. -Mr. ;and Mrs. Will, limt'i vt
two -wee g friends -In the, -vic- earned a -holiday from Ill' 49t. Louis, Missouri, wiere visaft
visftin i(no enjoy a good ttkne.-Mrs. A.Wel:1, 0 business, Rev. Wm. Hart, of Hensall, when
IhIty, re rned to Toronto on $at- and will, no doubt, have a pleasant' their youngem daughter, Mary A., the home of Mr. Ji
who has beerf open X11aler,
lases HabkIrk.'and Rose, ot..month ding a couple. of time; haVing so many relatives In the was united In. marriage to Mr. GOO. MOE SNAPS.-Biggeab bargAins of the seMon. village- durlug t1fo past
a in the went visiting relativeti, I
Dru4sels, Spent- last Wednesday witti West., -Mr, Nelson Southerly,. while Innis, of Moorefield.. The bridp lAdles' shoes, orlds and ends (not 411 slies) for 48o per Hunt was also 010ing on .&or
Torth Window,. In south windoiv, meies-_vlioes
has returned looking '6*ch Improved pair -IN In .
friends In town. Mr. Frank Metcalf ln'hialth.-Mlos Lillie shoeing a hoise last -week, had' the tended by her father, entered t e b1s. old time friends, who
coilduct6d. t Williams, of (odds and ends) last lot we will have this seasob, for
Hunt t
he SerYtees In the EDIsco- t misfortune to get his hand bruised drawing room looking most ch m Friday and Satur- glad to see him agal M it W4
.he -boundary, left Monday for Win- -- rroperpair. Thesebargains for t
Pa a dayonl). W.H.Willis,i8ealorth. 201t _l
I church. at Hengall, and Staff n1peg and p hn Al- with the shoe, but was very soon! ttired In oil an old Xi-ppen. b and like All, vw:
a a- k crepp de thine tr m d
oint' v7est.-Mrs. Jo 07:
last -Sabbath Two rinks of our bow- gain at work 'as umu l.-Mlso 'Alice with -garniture of rare old lace and Notea. Harveat In this vicinity to boys Is elimbing to the tpp.
Jere llson is the proud possessor of an.
went to HO-nsall on Monday of Dougall visited Blyth arrying a shower bouqet of wrdte almost tint fte oul
other son. friends 1ast 0 slibd'Miss Lottle TIbble, 1. MeMordlepf London, Is paA4 V.1 -5
ros to
hands of the bowlets of th r. and Mrs. _hw
this week.. and ryiet defeat - at the week.-Mrs.-Pouatie was 'here. spend- ea. Little Vera U. Jarrott dreamed -who has,been visiting at Alex. Me- pleasant VI i to M
at town. Ing.soveral weeks 'with her arents- In a'beautiful white silk costume and Michael's for the'past two weeks,has Monteith &-ad oth
P trfends,-30.
Then on Monilay flye'rinks. -from Clin- Mr, and Mrs. Win, McEwen, -Mrs. D.- carrying a basket of N hlte carnations in. Anderson
gone to Greenbank to visit her grand Kra, 1W were
ton dame up afi`& op ted as ring bearer, while Miss In& parents, Mr/-ind,' Mrs. Love, before their old friends, Mr. and 10m. W-
en6d the lawn Briefs. -Mr. David Gardiner, of Walks, of St. M4rys,' accompanied by ac
C. Hudson,dresodd In' white silk, in
here by playing ;Ive- rinks 'of bur Kingston, ha's 'been appointed manag- her husband. was fir the village this idle returningto her home In 1ollet. -Mlos
Abh, of Varna, durixx t'lle-past
Plavers and of course defeated our er' of the pr osed new canning f ac- week' ' visiting her* brother, Mr. a most bewitching little flowe. girl. Thompson, who has been for the past __4 -The hum of the - tbre 0
r sher I
players, b1A theivi - ga,,Ve - our boys tory here he 'will remove his Joseph, Rarvey.,Ufsa Mabel Britton Miss 0. A. Troyer,, cousin of thebrIde, two mon tha visiting In'ther old coun- heard In this vicinity and the
great praise for their pla lnjg. --farnfly he e shortly and become a- played the wedding' U)arldliki The try, has returned home. -Miss Mob ' ers.,are finding their large bam
They,- 0 Ioha, Is spending a COU01ef of weeks el i
t koll.
also h1jrbly commended the fee- new rbsident Oxeibr.. He to said to be or so with Mrs. Scott. Ul- -groom's gift to the bride was a han& Hicks, who has been v1piting In this small for the big trop. -Mr, 340W
-Mr. Wm.. F
lawn and club hou Le and the hosplt- a good ia d experienced man for. the ton has return4d, to , o some gold crescent 0 -11
L ndon, after a f - pearfs. After vicinity, has returned to her -home
McClymont, of -Windsor) another -44 -Int the!
it -ty extended to them. Before , 'the bfisinegs. On account . of iq 'the first week or two visiting his parents. -Mr. the ceremony the many friends sat 'in Crystal. City, Manitoba,-MIss Mina KIVpen b caning 0
company having George, Joynt, with commendable en- oy' Was CA&
;&me started Mr. MeArter to' a down to a dallitY, luncheon. The,pre. W1111mon, of Saskatoon, lo vieltin'
Ok Issue of stock of the 9 at friends hera 'during tile at wriea.,4-
9,roup picture ot the been nearly all ments were costly and numerous, tes igent x
-40 bowlers,which subscribed It has been terprise, has added to ' the floor Mr -.Walter Willison's at present.- Mr. Peter Fisher,, of the 3rd
w tIfyIng to the esteem In which the is
a R very good one. -Mr. and Mrs. w. decid - ed to make a. ne Issue and the room of his evaporator, and his also M S -Madge Willimort returns to Dun- slon of Stanley, Ilas rented
Bagley and family vlottled with +1hq. capital stock -will be incren-ad f-m 6AA&A 4 -UA 11111 bride is held - Ur a 6A m- T Im 1. #4, Wna Ito]
TOUT11t; ilur GUILLes. to me brother-in-law, Mr., josubml-
11. "It ntends run- 1-ky Im 1
lands:, -.and- whd want to boom tile frtends In Dufigajino Sunday._ $26,000 to $40,000.,The Women10 In-. nIng he first part of next week.- %or their home in -Zurich, where they -Mrs. J. Martin, who
on for the past Mr. Fisher bao n een el
ill reside. ot b
countrY and get the POO X1084. Cowan Is to be congratulated to bold a Miss Marjorie Hopper has rOturned w r month has been very III,, Is, we are good Uk -
ple: there to rAltute, having decided not
on h b6alth of late and Intends
'help them kee "the buble of specula, fretittl
Zvink Passed her examination for, flower show this -season, they held from A month's -vfsft at pleased to say. recovered. -Mr. Wra. Ing a -rest In th6 bope that'Ma
p Toronto, and
"a very pleasant picnic In the Agrf- Miss Rathlebil Blackall _ from visiting Jamieson Ithe
A second i&s
a certifleate. she being the Brneafteld. Is at present *ery Ill. from the
tion afloat an long as -possible, ex_, only one worriet and care,
T -he #All
of the pupils from this cultural, park 6Y Tuesday -Afternoon, frtendo In Winghamer-Miss "Stewart, Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. James Pater' f arm will avp a beneficial mot mv
Los Maggie XeClymont, ol
agerate the superabiindance of the Etchool.-Mr. Fred 'Cooper, of Cree-- which was well attended by the of -Blyth, and -miss Fe' e off Zurich:. A
rguson, of Tees- son, of the London Road, ar M
more, spent a few d in spending 1 a few. well earned for somi
crop. Those, on the other hand, who' &ya of 'the,'past lidids of the Institute* and their l9dy water, vigited Miss Alice Dougall dur- a well earned holiday to Montreal Notes,M r. and Mrs. 'John Preter
bave large stocks df old wheat to
week with friends fit town. -Miss Mc- friends. -Mrs, E.'Christle lit in Chic- tng the i3asIt week. -Mr. and Mrs. G. -and other Eastern 'points. -Their days at the parental home In
have returned from a very P notice tJ
Lsughlan,_ Of Platteville, Is at pres- ago -visiting' her daughter,' Mrs. -R. F. Arnold, of -,Buffalo, formerly of many friends will w1sh them a pleas villake,--A number from here
holiday t#V to friends in Michigan.
"Ith her aunti Mrs. W. R- Rogers. -Rev. Mr. Martin has gone thl a I CE b the excursion to S nia -on S in,
-and ar
-spending a few 'day Ar- BO last and spent a pleasant
market, It Is: to t1ir Interest to Pnt staying w a villagel were here last week, ant outing and. a safe return The were a comp n e y
make the outside ipuflic believe thaf S ms, who still remains very low'.. to enjoy a few well earned, holidays,
a with. Mr, rtha Mack, of Exeter, has been exi- 7ek
vt Rev.:
'With Pea, of- her -recovery. at his old home In Mount Forest. nold's parents aqd relatives and Joyinga pleasant visit here with Miss, E. Zeller, of the Herald, and Mrs.
there la likely to be a short crop. -slight ho Mrs. Samuel Brown, of Creditom-Mr.
Mr. John Alkenhead will be the, n---
i 4 In his -absence the Presbyterians and friends. -Mr. ana Mrs. Wm,. Kemp, of Mary Laing and Other- friends. Zeller wefe on 'a visit to friends in'
A I — p tf
Between the two1hie ubli:! -may well presentative of the Kip
L. Cp Waterloo and ]3erllnl;- ast week. -Ur.. On
be perplexed. As Is ustixily case Methodists will worship together and St". Marys, spent the past. Wedk wlth Messrs. Jam. Boyce and erfi 0-t the High' Court fa b
_Me nnell
be ministered % to by. Rev. Mr. Fear. thef -8 . Thomas the end of Aug. sto.-No.
r parents here Rev. ne t glani
-under such circumstances, both sides Mr. Smith are busily -at Wbrk with their w L. .0. Ch u
Bruesels Races The - first union service was held on arlegworth has disposed of
overdo the situation! as It -actually .-I he 'Annual Su. will occupy his own pulpit In' Carmel threshing outfit and will make a it and.Mrs. Johnstone, Of HaAroodi w1w-
Sunday last, In the Presbyterian his -hardware and tinam hIng stock *Tee of
mer Races will take plaep, Presbyterian church, on Sabbatbnext, good season. -Rev. Mr. Larkin, f an a
on the have been visiting at tile
IFf.'From wliat we can 'learn 'from 0 d bu ,neso to Mr. Johr( Preter, who
out PAN
vacatton. The Blyth Seaforth, preached (Very acceptably In will continue it In connection with his
-public reports as 'well as from pri- fine Driving. Park, Brussels, -onW6A - phurch in the forenoon and tn the aftei a week's the past Month, returned bovio i w
-vate Information received from dif- nesday and, T ursday, Augt st '.22nd Main street Methodist church In the bowlers were here on Monday last, the Presbyterian -ehurch here last pr Monday. -Mr. Johnstone Dee
ent 1 general business. .We have upled - tft
ferent Points In the three wheat pro- and 23rd, aad will be better than evenfh*. -Mr. and Mrs. Donald McIn- and enJoved a day's ' bowling wIth Sundiy, Rev. Mr. Stwers and be hav- not le pulpit of St. Andrew a -tfiure.h J5
Mr., .0harleswofth
ed what
-ever. On. We -took iA the Stratford .014 Boys' our homd T)layers.-Oxf Friday after-.
ducing pro-finces. the. crop, on. --the pro- -t.
e f frat dav the Ing exchanged pulpfto. , or tbie
tour Sabbathe during tile Absence 41
graimme celebration last Intends Ito d --:M
whole 19 not am good,as-list year and I ' be a 2.50, week. -Mr. Thomas noon last, Mr. John Caldwell, or., of Death of J. A. McQueen. -The a d Joseph Dirstine
trot and Blase-tt has )gone to . WInnIp a has purchailed the barbering business Rev. D. Uxquhart, on his hoUd _),c
will not give da. large a yield per 0 ace. and a runn'Ing,ra'ce. eg and the, township of Tuckeremith, had the intelligence was received her' "40im
e, Mr. Johnstone to i'good preacher
acre. . . . . . .
pe as day the events are a Or Thursday of last week, of the death carry it od' Ifereafter _,,ln -his own his sermons -were greatly appreOW - - - - - - - - - ft—UNA"
At Is now 'so neatly rIT On the. see other points of the west. -Mr. Luth- m4ifortune, Jo wtet with an aceflent On of the late Mr. - Hamacher,, and will
.27 and 2.1-6, 'pace a r f
an fav This
to be out of daroer 2 54 trot, a4d'. a 2 Penhale left for - krqbfshO:r, Sam- while engaged lif drawing In grain. ot Mr. J.' A. McQueen, second 01 0 n me, well d orably :
-froni -harm- by ed by the congregation.
aud a run. ;.$1,460 in purses. katchewan, an Muesday and will take It 9,ppeara that In' jeettiag off the lead Mr- James McQueen,.of 'the 2nd their first visit rt of jed
h and vl-. to i this pa
most of its errem lies. A severe frost Dand cha MR own to the'VeoPe. of Zuric, bri
even yit would be disastrous In. atteiidan e. rge of, Mr. R. N. Pickard's' large at the barn his foot caught In one of kn country, -but we!'t ust that It 10
t and a
cession of Stanley The sad Intel- cinity, both 7 iiid an a work -
not be their last,-'Oev. D,. Urq
farm there. -Mr. John FArnier has re- the sling ropes, throwing him heav- ligence was received by teregrain man, and wpift1foo"ll
do well here.-- Mrs.
v&ry wet harvest would cause -gr6at Briefs. -E44 Backer, of St. M rvs, turned from his trip to Regina and' tiy to the ground,, and In putting cut from a neighboring le gyman, a 041amp
Idea. But -In' 'the absence Of these Is home orf a holiday vfqft.-Ro nd has returned frora: tc four weaw
y ifc-7 the, west. Him return was hur' Hessi or., and( ber daughter,' -Miss
hollday, and will 5r tie owu 'Y" t ASO1
rbed by his hand's to break the fall"as' muc)) announced that Mr. McQueen had been Flora, were visiting triehda In 13er- occup,11
Donald has
draw backE? a ve*ry fair estimate may secured A situation as in-, Important event wh I Ich Is to.take as possible, lite -Wrlit was 61roken drownlied while bathing. The deceased lin and vicinity. -Flax Tulling In this pulpit on Sabbath'
e that, there -baker In a shop In Chatharn-COltn place at 'his home on Wednesday next and he also received other Injuries, w Whiteman 10 Asitinj w1th 'friewds
be, made. Wt may sayilher"
are exceptional cases- of very -large C. Shaw. of SiDrin as a young rqaa, 21 years of age. 'vicinity to flolshecl for hlo
gfield, Ohio, slDpnt whe!n his daughter, Miss EtheFleabel' whtch will lay him off from work He was a 6tudent at Xnox College. and throohin, oeam'.'n. Detrolt.-Mr. ind Mrs. 'Per
9 has commenced.. The vous-,
-ds and :there are also 'eiceDtion town. last week. shaking is tobe married to Mr. Gilbert'! Horne foi some time. This Is the busy sea:. Tor to, and completed his first crop to a very satfafactory - We.__ week,
ylel a day In
some cases the year Hamilton, during thet
adlY small y1elds. In hands - with his, GanY old frlendp. _ of ..the Soverel 'Bank-, Stratford.- son with farmers and' p' therel last spring. He,.Vfao designated Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stelek, who have
d articularly visiting at the home of Mr. Peft
rainfall has beeif t6o greit an the Miss Mary COates Is lat(f- up with' n Mi. Thomas Gregory has purchased so with Mr. Caldwell, who has sev- for,missionary work In the North- been vis"ItIng friends sister, Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Moor i Af
arms AX
crop Is almost an erftire fallqrd. I "ttack of typhoid fever. ry th6 61d 'Pickard residence on Main Oral f* the village. -Mr. -ThO . U011to Is rsw:"
n a . we are mor -in, this -vicinity,
-,other Instances and ip many die-triets to SaY -George Lark. tonsorfal artist - to'look after. We are West, at
and was JIVen a at : Ion In, the have left for their home In Dauphin,
ball. has entirely devastated the crop. leaves on Friday- 'of street from Mr. H. Buckixgham' and rleased to learif howevet; that.- he provin e of Alberta, about twenty Manitoba, 'where Mr. Stelck has mber of orders ft'
this week for celving a large nu
will have the house And 'grdunds rb- has not -received any serious lnt4rn":, ralles from the village of Vermillion,
All thta will go somewhat to depreci- the West, wher'd the exp Prosperous hardware and tinamith- his plume Just now, and only. Irep"
etto to se- f itted and made to look real fee. It al Injury and' Is getting along'n1ce)t. dn the Canadian Northern Railway, Ing*. bustness.-A good. Many from this.
Ate the general yield, b*,t althou cure a that he will not be able to supply UK J
gh situation.-Al.f. Denny, of Is one of the. nicest and mbm con- -Mr. and Mrs. John Welomill about one hundred miles east of Ed- demand. Mr. Mell-.1s, -plume *6 AD
from the causes we have named there Or a1hd
will be isolated excur-
-ventent residential properties In'towfi. oh!ldren returned home last w&k monton. He was engaged In sion to the West on Tuesday. Most
Buffalo, Is here on. his annual visit. vicinity left on the harvester's
cases of extreme He IS always weliome.-Umes 'C ry 'it is his wide reputation, as he has isi6ol"d 10--
bardship, the area Is and daughter. of -Woodstock. ur now occupied by Messrs. J. G. after spending a very pleasant week work there wherf the sad accl e of them went with the Intentloa'of orders from dealers ai far away.a VAIPIT
now so, w1de d nt,
are here Stanbury and T. Hawkins,, there be- or two In the neighborhoods 6f Lady which ter'minated his' bopeful and the Algoma- district.
ouses,__ .W
Instances Thomas Curry,-Druggis ift two'sern! deta ord SmIth and! Grand Bend. -A very happy useful lff , occurred, He 'Intended d seeinsr the country, and will re-
seetional r -r.
and the. produeftorf so great. that On a visit with the formerls brot ched h earning. good wages In . the b4gvest
th se untoward tic
t Fox and was received here 'last
will not materIally affect the (gener- son Harry'. have gone on an he summer Or an
J. G week that the event took 'plate at St. Paul's church Putting In t th e. and r 6- turn In the talli--The Mlesps Morrow,
outfng residence of Mr. regory-4fil Bat- on Saturday m$rninir last, on which turning to the College in the fall, of La Riviere; Minitoba, are visit -
al result. But on the whole we are to Nortbern Ontarlo.-Ure. W. W. tleford had been 'struck by,11J] 'taing, occa0lon Mr..L6rne Scott, son of J,1r.
when the term o JOU1119m.-Miss Tessie '01
Justified in saying that 'the crop Is Harris and children are away to btit no persorr was -serfoualk I Jured George Scott, nierebant, of this jyja pens. He was a Ing friends and relatives -In. this vi -
mot by- a;ny means an Rothroy, wherer they w ce, bright and promising young man; an CIftitY for a few wee _11siting her sister, Urm. J. Hagarty,
extraordinary -1il visit friends* although the liouse w ke.-Miss Mabel
as -somOvVilat jknd accountantiln the Soverelgn Bank 0' Jr. A few from this vicinity
One, and will not amount -to mor'e for a few weeks. -Rev. George, 1,kn, rceptionally clever student, and a Capling, daughter of Mr. Peter Cap- DIU]
unfirerial favorite witli anwho knew ling, of Blak.
w- damaged. 'Mr. Gregory, Is ainje old Ek -t at"Exeter, was. happily united' fn ed the Old. Bo
-the Exe- marriage to Miss Blanche pqtt,
a or
f avorable circumstances, acre eldr-
than a f air average. U Itt. wife and family, of Lambeth. eter'.boy.-The poster f e, who 'has been teaching ford.last week,-Ufss pipsole F -ha-_
hder the most y -al re-unlon in StmV
for ar, here On a vImIt-_wJth- the' former's ter fall show are out and have, 'See est him.' The sad, intelligenim of his death 8 001 In Alberta, was visiting at he
n daug ter of Mr. George q. Petty, was a terribld blow to his pa
acre, the, Yield. will not -come up to parents, Mr* ' and' Mry Wrn. Je' 1 kin Is holidaying with frienda In3W Aud 1UrA-
I rents h e during the holidays. -Mr. and
that of last year by several bushels -S- H. Anderson posted around. The -i prize listm, we our vllla e Reeve. The ceremonywas and friends. A few 'days prev"lodiry forthMr. and Mrs. A. Campbell A"
df Innipeg, v1sit- understand, will be. ready for di4tri is. lohn Pollock, and two childre
performed by R his parents had received letter from n, Mr. 0. Monteith and sister V-101t0d
.Per acre and that although owin ed the family ev. Proteasbir B rgess,
g to -of Geo.ge Brown )tere button Inia few days. 0 Souris, Manitoba, g5id, Miss Strang,
X trID to the W e of our b e -Wm- Fee, Ooshen
Jeed Cameron returried last week from his. great Pride Iry their fall show and The bride, whd Is on est terested In his work. But the ways e of M last week for their borne - 'in QueW
tn4 9 this Z,, e;k. H. Exeter a d vicinity lways, take a relatives of the contracting parties. health and seemed to be deeply th horn v.) Kelly -and -chi dren ten
the larger area un f6r a couple of day The peo le- of o
der crop.the f London, hT the presence of the him and he was then enjoying, good of Dauphin, Mallitoba, 'ere Visiting, t friends in- t -his vicinity, over gunUY,
output may equal or/" & a
perhaps e fir Mrs. Me
t1le,-Jotal output 6f last Year, the est. -Mia" Sadle Forbes ptttronize it liberally both a llne,MIsa Mabel, Buch
Individual Profit on the Jeff',on Tbursdiy of a ex- known and Popular young ladies.was of Provide -nee are mysterious And 'In and sister, Miss allan, B. A,, after spending the summer with bit
will not be nearly so' -yearrs -crop -this 'week for hibitors and,vialtors and as a donse- beautifully attired and wore a tra this Instance thef i6rrowing- parents Blanche, of Jarvis, inother Mrs. D. SinclairMiss ]16 -
;,great. This, as Winnipeg. She took with' -her 'her quenco Exeter were the ;guests & their unele,. Dr.
nearly as we can gather nephew, the young sori 'always has one of the ellIng suit. After the Young coui)`l`e and friends have many pleasant mem- Buchanan, last week.-Mr'."J. F -Rick -
source from many nall sh " of Lucknow, was the ag
of Mr. D. best of the many or Intyre,
-s. Is a tair 6d ac urate state- Ver Ows I ' the had been warmly cohgratuIated the dries of the d-epartedonOtoebber and Of Miss R.
guVon. We wish themla Measant Province. This blel, who always likes to have every- Hunkin. on Sunday.
Inent of the ease. The average farm- trlp.-: ,Mrs. s. y. year It is- hoped it bridal paity drove to comfort, and a hope In -the
an ever as th
er here on a 'visIt with her pareRs, Mr. musical attraction offered bli the ron neat. has impr0ed7tbe'4ppearance of Arthur Ba"Ingerlb general store4s
the three provinces Taylor, - of Paris. - Is will be better th the depot where fWture thing abo i hlrn' .16okWg nice and
throughout great they took the morning traln for To- wbich to suie and eeitain. The re'
will. not this I -ear have as mu, ,-k_ mon- and Mrs. Ge' to and other cities,.- followed b mains were brouglit home for Inter- his residence by the ei eflon nf,n, tiwar f4ff-an" -nn
orge Crooks.- Norm ' sebond day of the show chn"m
Vy to 01,^V* an
or speculate w1th, or --Uer, 01 .0dooref A1.5 0 UWUL-Is OL rice and confetti., We ment. Tney arrived at Bruce Old on porch r
feld, was' In town out- a ve)ry large crowd In' Itself and by painting the exterfor,- totaII7 destroyed by, fire sarly. vhft
many frrend's In Messrs. Albert and George Smith have Friday morning, 7the occupant.4 biwt-
for a cOuPle"of dav this week. -The' say nothing of the regular exhibits vVIshing them long and contintredhap-
to Pay his debts, as- he had last year. to unite with their Monday evening and were aepompan-
u, per
electric, lights led all the way by a Young friend of Purchased a farm near Croswell In ly taping Ine their n1gh clothes.
were out for
A. couple which will likely., be In advance
of pinesst The bride was made the re- the deceased. From him the following The lose is about $2,000
--obtain- 4MW
'luable additional particulars were S, # --
-of nights this week. 'while part of most former years. The dates a cfplen of a number of very vi "ilere es
Editorial Notes and Comments Michigan, and Intexid rimoving
the machinery was In Toronto. 'get- Monday and" Tuesday, Septimbe " l7th thts fall. They purchased. the stock Insurance.
e r Preieilts among which' w ed. On -Wednesday Mr. McQueen and'
e might men I -
It Is an' old and trite saying, that' tjji 'g ' Paired .-Thursday 6f 'thisweek and 18th. Stick a pin In 'these dates tion a handsom I set of' Peari ban
when the cat Is away the mice will Rev. A. C. Wis e another young man went to bath In oar,
Qhart, of BeavVton, and if you have anything to sihow dled knives and forks from the con- a small lake about a quaiter 01
P7tTR per
4- i4l., was Inducted to the Pastorate of the bring it out and if not come your- gregallon Of St. Paul's church. mile from the village in which he
k OW plaY. It is equally Xrue* -that when
Melville church: Mr. W16cbart-
the old cat is &Way'the kittens ar6
re- ;self and bring Your Iamllv and, where, she had acted as -ocated. Mr. 'McQueen was a good FINED T-0,
celved. a very warm and cordial wel- friends with ya'u'. That -is the way a number of Years.-Wewere pleased 8witntner but h
almost.sure to get Into trouble. This come from his People here Is companto w
organist for wasl E RE
-W. W. to make a show successful and get to see Mr. 'In. Ou able to swim ind M M
e aem 'Warren S. ]:)Ignen r r. Vft
bu y g tting value for youi, money besfdes.-- .Mles -village recently -and to learn that b teaching him, They haa a t5oat with
Is beink exemplifle?t at th pre 1 t Harris. Is at prea fs e cQueen was
Urne In the 'ease of the Ontario Gov.: things In ahapty to bull his ew Bawde has return6d' from 'a very
n e
ernment. No . sooner doea Premier erp wah ricovering somewhat from his them, but while they were thus en-
-amery, on the gite. df ihe Cober pleasant viol Paraffine Wax..
arriage F actorY.-Don't t to the d country.- illness that has confined him to his a dJs othy
-Whitney get safely landed on the C. gaged the boat drifted ome
13 forget the- Mr. Duthie, the celebrated breeder of home for the past year or so and' his
other Phore of the Atlantic. U%an- his DrussOls races Orf We4nesday' -tance out In: the lake and Mr. Mc -
and Shorthorn
cattle, of Varvig, Aber- The chespest and bes ti nitiele
colleagues, whom he left In good Thursady of next many friefids bope to Queen started for sealing fruil tind sis
soon see. him td swim aAer It a iti,
0 for
N week. decushire, ...Scotland, accompan't6d by 'enj6ying
Our New
order, get Into a whole peck of trou- good health. -Building 0T)_ bring it to shore. Just as he had al- aundry prrposes. That's right, try it,
Minister. A despatelf from Mr. D. D. Wilson, of Seaforth,. called erattons continue to most reached the boat and 0111Y
ble ever this r fnln 'boincesslon to Beaverton. his iate field o go 'on briskly without
the Ottawa Company. And they are refers to Rev, 'Wisha f al5br Oii Mr. Henry Smith, of 8prInghurst In our village. -Mr. HeAri'y- here apparent warning. -he sank and did'
on V
over his f In6 herd of cattle. son-in-law ried to the' vlllage and. secured tm -
velopments keep ministers makin town, "When `*v. A. Wisha and daugh6r, C and 'not rig again n fiur-
as( kiew de- Pftst0i of rt, the neW -Stoc Farm, Hay, Monday axd fecdntly from t he. restil cents per poundw
Out Of the,woods yet,
Melville ghurch, In this loo z v1sitinT his The young ma
9 srs. George Hea;nav and 8. 14ardy Mrs. Garnet Smallacombe.-nlhe Misses mediate 'Assistance, aInd Viery 'dilf- 0,0+ + -rA
nd -explan uated from Knox College sl
almost daily denials a7 A grad- Mes
V_Ylk to
r e yl
a call from here' and pany. S 0
coming 'home. - friends here.'-U.r. Nl m' but It was several hot*s before It
It Is a -bout tinfe was ago he almost Immediately 'ec'-Ived. to the west. The Ross-Taylbr iCor4 1119
the old man Years, h&Te returned h6me from their- visit Allison, of London. are i1slit their gerk search 'Was' -made for the bod
x chutch of the Exete: PepDier, of To
sash and do6i rdnto, who w As
accepting, ha sInce minister' here spending a cou- wao discovered. The -funeral 'Look
ed to factory, have been avv4raed the con- Ple of weeks With his parentsi Mr. place on Wednesday afternoon, from 1
The Canadian AL
Pacific Aaliway is, the Premb erfags of this localftl tract for the doors and windo of And
-evidently, a good paying 6oncem- Be- with. _'markk 'd itgoroug WV the residence of Mr. James McQueen,
Mrs. Thomas Peffers. has return-
the'Jewlsh tern le In'course of erec- ed to the city." t e V
preacheir, strong: ftf'thou t as w'
sides making a good matT M-11110 011 tIon In Toronto.
-Miss E. Johnston and to Baird's cemetery, and,. h
n as in 6xpr6sslon -The trustees Of the Miss Florence Reynolds have return- large ittendanc fittiligly-'Man-IfXtryd to
alre Lords and Dukes b has school In sectiarf 'No. 8, Stephen-, One ed from a pleasant trip to Malli- the great rPspecf 3M -which --the de -
Its construe gathered 0out hIM a congrega%fon, mile w6st of Exeter, SEAFORM-$
have engaged toba.-Mr. 1. -_JA7. Ortweirf is op"14ing. cqased was'lleld-, anil the very sincere 0NU 0,