HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-17, Page 2MEP
General Merchants'
Produce Dealers
Special Features This Week
LOTRING—Strong heavy working tweed Pante at $1.00 per pair,
Men's Cotton Sox, three pairs for 250,
Men's Cotton. 'Undershirts at 25e a garment
Suite made -to -measure from $10 up to $20 a suit.
Sole Agents for Fit -Reform Clothing
_DRY GOODS—Crum's Prints at 70 per yard.
Wrapperettee at 50 per yeti
Turkish Towelling at 80 per yard.
We handle the rock -fast drill Shirtinga,
GROCERIES—Goad Laundry Soap, 8 bars for 250 -
English CatRup, 50 per bottle
John Bull piokles, 10e per bottle
Try otir sturyvescent blend Coffee—purity, uniformity and
excellence guaranteed
Por a cheap Tea of good quality, use our Japan et 25c
For a blended Tee of delicious flavor, use our 30a, 40c, 60c
Choice Table Butter always a specialty with us •
C P. 0, Lard always in stock
We will pay the highest, and meet all Outside prices for
choree Butter and Eggs.
suoogssors to B. B. -GUNN
t riva eporoitov
port of manufactures, Nelda amounted
to $24,561,112. The customs revenue
increased from $42,021,386 to $46,-
668,29,5 iie •
8E-APORTII, FRIDAY, Aug. 17, 1906.
Niagara Power.
The Galt Reporter en referring to
the importanee of the Niagara Mee -
Weal power question :says:
A little consideration and fore-
thought should COnVinCe* the manu-
tacturing centres of 'western Ontar-
io of the necessity a their obtain-
ing cheap power from 'Niagara. It
would practically free them from the
yoke of the coal kings 'across the
line, and the better enable (them to
bold the trade of the Canadian west,
which is yearly becoming of great-
er importance to them. Settlers are
gnillig in to that part of the. `Country
by the tens of thousanda and creat-
ing a market well worth coxing for.
It has attracted theattention tof Jim
Hill, the railway magnate, and he is
constructing lines which will carry
as much trade as it can, secure to
Dulutite St. Pa-ul and other Ameri-
can. cities. The city of Winnipeg has
voted an appropriation of $3,250,000
for the development of a water pow-
er north of the city, as ai means
of attracting manufacturers to locate
there. The, west will soon have a
market large enough to draw big
Industries to itself, and which a- few
years hence will becotrie formidable
rivals of the workshops of Ontario.
Electrical power at rifle -half the
price of steam power woufd ei.ssist
the industries of the province Ito hold
the trade they now have in the west
and to increase it.. Private control of
the asset the pr6virice possesses in
Niagara Falls means high prices as
certainly as twice two are tour. It is
up to the municipalities to prevent
the fastening cif a poweie monopoly
on the people of Ontario:"
It is the lea sentence in the a,bove
quotation that we . object to. The
municipalities have nothing to 'do
with preventing the fastening of a..
Tower monopoly on the people of On-
tario. This matter rests, or should:
rest, 'entirely with the Ontario C4cui-
ernment and Legislature. They have
fuel authority to control the power and
In every way. regulate, the charges
whetter the power et)generated by
privete or public enterp ise. There Is
an agitation now for certain rneniel,-
palitiete to undertake the develoe-
enentniencl transmission of electrical,
erlergy from the Falls, with Ole view
of Obtaining cheap power. But there
Is nothing to show that (the munici-;
panties can secure power more &agi-
le' in this way than 'they could
through private companies working
under .Government control. If . the
power at Niagara is to ;be developed
and , made useful throughout the
province or any pert of the proirince,
it will haye 'to be done In. this way.
No municipility can ecure power
more cheaply than it can be ftirnislie
nee by a private coffipany ender proper
control. If ihey do the whole tea -
payers will have to make up the: df-'
ference for the benefit of the few..
They are net the friends of the muni-
cipalities who a,clivise them te em-
bark in expensive and hazardous en-
terprises of this kind under the guise
or. obtaining cheap power. To do so.
it Is not necessary to incur these
mice. Indeed, municipalities can not
be too careful in embareing fri such
enterprises. If they do undertake
them they are likely to -assume bur -
es which will cripple !hem for
years, if not for generations to come.
It is desirable that cheap power
:should be obtained, and that the lat-
ent electrical resources ot the coun-
try should be developed and male
useTul as rapidly as possible, but
the !burden should not be imposed 'on
the municipalities,- and they should
refuse to a,ssurne it.
The well worn phrase, "jeeps and
bounds," seems to be the ohly one
adequate to deseribe the marvellous
expansion of Canadian trade. The ,
figuees for tbe half year ending on
the thirtieth of last 'June have now
been issued, ane they show no abate-
ment of the progrees of recent years.
The aggregate trade of the Dominion
for the year Just dosed amounted to
$552,0e0,000, an inerease of nearly
$82,000,000 over the previous year. In
a decade the frierease has amounted to
about 133 per cent. The value of farm
produce exported during fee year
was $120,518,297, an increase of $27,-
186,889 over the year preceding, and
there WAS an. increase of considreably
over three million dollars in the ex -
IHuman Nature AU Through
Mack in .Toronto Saturday Night
The other y 1 cameinto
town on a train carrying back a
I number of men who had 'been west on
one of these home seeker's' excursions,
and took the opportunity to ;get their
views of the west and -the conditions
: that exist. They were a sore lot,
these farmers. The western' .country
impressed them favorably, but they.
complained bitterly against land spec-
ulatirs, saying that wherever they
went they found that all the good
land was pre-empted, that. everybody
was a land agent, and that the .ac-
tual settler could not get at the soil
without paying heavy tithes to spec-
ulators. They denounced the system
of allowing big corimanles to ac-
quire immense tracts of land, and
they condemned the Government for
permitting officials to. • make Money
on the side in buying and selling real
estate, as it left the home' seeker
without a single disinterested person
to whom he can appeal for sae: in-
formation. Much that these men said
was convincing, but it was amusing
to learn a few moments later that
they were of the very elass—capit-
alists and speculators—that they so
roundly denounced. It came out in
conversetion that they had not one
eel there as settlers seeklog to get
at the sone but as well to do Ontario
farmer's with a little money in band •
that they were quite willing to
double in a ,safe land deal. They de-
clined to regard themselves as 'belong-
ing to the objectionable lend agent
speeulator classes, but they had,
gone west to pick up a quarter sec-
tion or two in some good neighbor-
hood, with the idea a selling out at
an advance in two �r nthree years.
But the land sharks had 'got in ahead
of them. Good honest souls, they
would abolish all land geharks ;and
make it possible for canny earmers
from Ontario to go up there and pick
up a few bargains. But the actual
ettler, in trying to get to the soil
will probably care little whether it
IS an Ontario farmer or a Winnipeg
real estate agent who mikes two dol-
lars an acre oet of him. Yet what
the Government needs to keep ever in
roind is the fact that dt is. the man
behind the plow that makes the west.
The Dr. Crichton's ease.
At the last meeting of the Ontario
Medical Association, Dr. Cbrichton; of
Cannington, was severely, disciplined
by the Association 'for having, as was
stated, violated the code of !medical
'etiquet set down by the Association
for the medical profession oe the prov-
ince. The violation consisted, it was
stated, in Dr. Chrichton adv_ertisine
by circular a certain re edy which he
haddiscovered for the cure of le grippe
and other ailments. i1s name Was
consequently .eraced from ithe list of
doctors and he is- forbidcien from car-
rying on the practise of his profes-
sion unfile the .Associatien see fit to
permit him to do So. ' Had this been
the case the 1 action ot the Council
would be sirnPly outrageous and such
as shoeld not be . permitted on • the
part of any body, no matter how, re-
spectable, in a feee country. This
was vety severely condemned by the
press and a demand made that the
Legislature at the first 'opportunity,
deprive Utile body of the Towers it had
been granted, supposedly. In the pub-
lic interests and which, it had eo
gropely abused.
. But there are usually two sides to
a story. Dy. W. H. Moorhouse, of To-
ronto, President of the Medical Coun-
cil gives a very different version of
the ease. In a recent letter to the ,
Globe he says: • ..
- - "On the 3rd inst. yoe say: nr.
Crichton believed that he had discoe-
ered a specific for the cure of la
grippe. He advertised the fact in a
pamphlet, which he' caused to be cire
culated. For this he ws,s deemed by
the council to have; been guilty of
infamous ,and disgraceful dondtict,
and his name ordered to be erased
from the roll. Now, this is only as
you say, a breach of professional
etiquette. And if this were all the
Medical Council would have taken no
action. It has never yet disciplined a
physician for a breach of medical eti-
quette; it has ne, power eo do so
Here is Dr. Chichtoe's , offence: He
published a am hi t de la 1 th
a f1ecik remedy which will oure
all caescr Of la grippe en an. hour or
two ; typhele feeer, eitieumonia, ernalle
poX and numberless Other diseaseet
are either cured, proMptly or tenell-
()rated bY his remedy. An official at-
alysie showed this -nostrum to con -
shit of glycerine and a little thYdri-
iodic Acid. The Medical Council evi-
dently believed that no man acquaint-
ed with the Action of different drugs,
as 'a physician should be, could bon-
estly adtiertise to the public that these
two simple subetAnces have any sue,
Marvellous power. 'In • other words
tee accused was disbiplined for can-
died which, in the opinion of the
cannel -1, involved fraud. The: council
hes not, however, deprived Dr. Crich-
ton o the ;Means of earning his bread.
He can still go on selling his nose,
trim to thoee who wish to buy it,
the only difference _being that be
'Mist do so as a layman and 110t as
a physician. Nor is he without e -
course' as to • his sentence. The ace
tiori of the council is Subject to an
apPeal to the court,- and 4f he •has
justice on his side there 40 no dotibt
the council will •have to :reinstate
The Ontario Government tit Tor-
onto, are dismissing Pberals from
office, while the Dominion .Govern-
ment, at Ottawa, are appointing Tor -
Led 'to office. This is rendering good
for , eyil with seriptural zeal, but,
ecriptural as it mi.,. be, It ,will not
be very highly commended by the Lib-
eral friends and supporters of the
Ottawa Government. The latest sam-
ple of this ,enagna.nimity is the ap-
pobetment by the Department of Mili-
tia of Mr. L. W. Shannon. of King-
ston, to the position of 'military pay
master for the ,Eastern Ontario
Command. Mr. Shannon is a Ileading
Conservative of Kiretton, and editor
of the , Kingston Ne s, the leading
Conservative paper of. that dietrict.
• , atosilmorira4nearamasoisna
Liquid medicbuja advertised to cure
stomach and Newel disorders and
summer complaints contain opiates,
and are dangerous. When a (mother
gives Baby's Own Tablets to tiler lit-
tle ones she has the guarantee of. a
Government analyst that this medi-
cine does not contain one tparticle of
opiate or harmful drug. The prudent
mother will appreciate that in Baby's
Own Tablets there is absolute safety.
An eecasion.al dose' to the well child
will keep it well—and they promptly
cure the rnipor alleients of childhood
when they come tinexpectedly. Mrs.
G. Hamlin, $t.- Adolphe, Que., isays
"1 have ,used Baby's Owe Tablets for
colic and bowel troubles, and find
them safe and steady in their cure."
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a -box, erom the Dr. Wil -
llama' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Keep the Tablets in the house.
Manitoba and Northwest Notes
—The minimum price ea Hudson
Bay lands in Alberta And Saskatche-
wan has been raised to $10 an acre.
-.Senator Ross intends erecting a
palatial new residence in 'Moose Jaw,
and will return to reside ehere as
soon as it is finished.
—Natural gas is so cheap in Medi-
cine' Hat it does not pay to engage
the services of a man to put ethe.
lights out at mid -night, and so all
the .lights burn the entire night.
—The eontract for the new Bank
of Commerce building at .Moose Jaw
has been let, the amount being $50,-
000. It is to be the flinest banking
structure west of Winnipeg.
—Mr. George Elliett, of Midland,
and Mr. Ira T. Hazleton, of Cold-
water, two; Ontario land buyers,have
purchased 3,200 ecres in the Goose
Lake country. The price fetid wage
$el and $13 an acre.
—The sworn 'daily average circu-
lation of the -Winnipeg • Free Press
for July last was, '34,937 copies, the
largest ever recorded in the bletorY
of the paper.
—Mrs. F. Gibson,' who lives near
Ponemah, was found hanging on a
tree back of her home: Mrs. Gib-
son was 65 years old, and leaves. a
family to mourn her tragic end.
—Martin .Almond, while herding.
cattle near Elkhorn, etruck - a dog
with his 22 -calibre rifle, the weapon
was accidentally discharged, the bul-
let lodging in his abdomen. '
' —J. H. • Plewes, ,peincipal of the
Baldur school, sent up twenty-two
eahdidates to write for entrance
and certificates, and he was success-
ful in eessing eighteen of these, a
splendid record. He has been a eery
successful teacher, and has been en
gaged by the Carmen district for
the coming year, at an fncrere
sataArY:.record price' for -Regina pity
real estate wa,s eeield a few days ig,go.
when Mr. J. Finklestein, of Winnipeg,
purchased the south railway street
propeety of the( Western Hardware
-Conmeny, for $15,500. This property
has 27 feet frontage, which gives
$574 per foot. There is practically
110 building- upon • the lot.
—A p, MeNab has disposed of his
82,000 bushel capacity elevator „ in-
Rosthern, to Mr. I. P. Friesen., hard-
ware merchant, for $5,500. Possession
will be given shortly. The 30,000
bushel elevator, the 100 barrel flour
Mill, four sheds, stables arid A plot
of land 300 by 400 feet, aft Saskatoon,
Sask., the other day. The consider-
ation was $25,000.
—The, four-year-old daughter • of W.
S., Clarice, living twenty miles east
of Innisfail, Alberta, died on Friday
morning as a result of berning. The
Child was left in the house while,
the parents were outside at work.
She started a fire in the stove, and
her clothes caeght fire, ane the girl
was terribly burned when she was
—George McFadden,. the 15 -year-old
son of Lorenzo McFadden, who lives
about three and a half miles west
of Giertboro, was accidentally shot,
and it is feared that his injuries
will prove fatal. He was sitting on
the • plow with a small calibre rifle
in his arms, when it was aceiclentae-
• ly discharged. The bullet entered the
groin and lodged in the bowel.
--eA very painful accident bappene.d
on Monday afternoop, last to John
Person, while working on the con-,
struction of the new bridge at Du-,
hammel, Alberta, It appears that he
was standing on a 'beam, WEen he
fell backward nhe the river bed be-
low, a distance of twelve feet or
more. The water being shallow, it
did not break the force of the fall,
and his back was dislocated and the
lower .portion of his body paralyzed.
He was at once .removed to the Cal-
gary hospital.
—Great prepneations are being made
at -Winnipeg stafion. for the reception
and distribution of the great mane'
harvest hands expected. special
office has been fitted up and -all
-.tioketti 'will _be hendled in this 'tome
porary• Office and baggage checks
will ale° bie dealt with in it. A force
-Of sin cleiket will be detailed til 1001f
after the exeureion tickets. The fare
leorn Ontario to the wean is fixed
at $12, Fer this Mine ea passenger
.Will be carried from any part of Ont-
ario to any point in Manitoba or
Saskatchewan, east of Meese Jaw.
All stations on branch lines are in-
cluded in thee schedule. The fere for
the return trip is $18.00.
—A German, narnee Julius
ner, Wag rounded Up bY the Mount-
ed Police in Ridgeway teettlemnet,
near Qu'Appelle, Alberta. He was
insane and wanted to kill his wife,
who, he *laid, loved another man. He
was prepared to Stand a siege in; a
granary on J. Smith's farm, and had
three alma three knives and a shot
gun. He was ecommitted for insinitee
IDeafness Cannot be Cured.
by 1 ocal applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ,ear.
There id only one way to, cure deaf-
ness, and that is by constitutional
• remedies. Deafness is caused by an
inflamed condition of the mucous lin-
ing of the Eustachian- Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed, Deaf-
riess le the result, and unless' the in-
flammation can be taken out and tele
tube restored to its normal condito 1,
hearing will be destroyed forever ;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
Catarrh, which is nothing but an in-
flamed condition of the •mucous sur-
faces. -We will give One Hundred
• Dollars for any case of Deafness
(caused by catarrh) that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure,. Send
for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold. by Druggists, 75e.
ake Hall's Family Pills for Con-
k ation.
—.During a severe thunder storm
that passed over Snowflake, Man.
-district on August 2nd, the large
new barn ot Mr. Wallace Brown, just
completed a week previously, was
oompletely demolished. Half of the
roof of his house was also blown: off.
The barn of kir. John Follis 'was also
wrecked. These barns were esibstant-
'ally built, and it would appear that
nothing less than a cyclone would have
done the wrecking so' complete. A
lot of rain fell but no damage was
done to the crops.
—A serious hail and wind storm
passed throtigh the Leofeldt district,
some miles noetheweet of Humboldt,"
Sask., recently'. A strip about six-
teen miles long and four miles wide
was completely cleaned otit by the
hall; fine wheat fields that promis-
ed to yielee 40 bushels to the acre
were hammered to nothing. Some of
the hail was ase -large- as a man's
fist and chunks laid on the ground
Lor three days • the windows on the
north side of 'tie houses were broken,
ante the wind, which wpm terrific,
tore up trees by the roots, and also
turned over many small buildings.
The farmers who sustained the loss
had no hail insurance On their
etereem. enienerees ,
For dry, croaked lips, or rough skin,
use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It posi-
tively makes flips and skin like vel-
vet. Sold by C. Aberhart, druggist,
—On Saturday last a sae accident
occurred about three miles from the
town of North •Battleford, Sask., when
a recent settler, Mr. T. Hatchet, was
thrown out of his rig, and sustained
such serous ineeries that , Iie died
the following morning. The deceased
left town on Saturday morning for
his homestead five miles out, and it
is presumed that his horse honest,
and he was thrown with great viole
ence through a wire fence, sticking
half way. He hung there all after-
noon in the hot sun, not being tile-
coverell until late at night. His
bead was badly battered' in, atid he
was severely injured otherwise, and
died a few hours later. Hatchet was
65 years old, and leaves a widow
arid three .young children.
Stomach Troubles and
No one can reantonablyehope for good
digestion when the bowels are con-
stipated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Ed-
wardsville, DI., says, "1 suffered
from chronic eonstipation and stomach
troubles for several years, but thanks
to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets,- am almost cured." Why not
get a package df these tablets, and
get well and stay well Price 25
cents. For sale by all Druggists.
—The mystery surrounding tee
theft of two baby lions from the
Lair at -Winnipeg, vias cleared away
when a gentleman called and con- •
tessed that his 12 year old • son,
Who had become. imbued with the
idea that he must become a Ilion'
tamer, had stolen the animals and
had kept them unknown to his par-
ents, in a shed. When one of the
lions died, as the result of being
overfed, he confessed his theft to
his mother. -The father offered to re-
imburse the owners for any reason-
able amount on coritition that his
Son should not be prosecuted. He
paid $175. At the -exhibit a ' baby
leopard, two baby .1Ions, two dach-
shunds, two rabbits, a taby bear
and a monkey were placed on a low
table, and the children were allowed
to play erith them. Last week the
lad from Brandon paid a visie to
the park. He played with the pets
for hours, and when the attendant
was out of sight lie slipped the two
baby lions under his blouse and
started for home.
Get a 5 cent box of Lax-ets at
our store, 'please. We think they are
great. Just test these tootheoree,
candy -like Laxative 'Tablets for cone
Atipation, sour stomach, biliousness,
bed breath, muddy compexion, etc.
Risk 5 cents and see. Sold by C.
Aberhart, druggist, Seaforth.
In de:tidingto get a business education or short-
hand training, in is wise to choose a 801001 that is
well known for strictly high grade work. The
ie well known as one of the best Commercial Schools
in existence. Its record this year has been most re-
maykahle. None of our graduates are out of posi-
tions and the demand for them is about twenty
times the supply. )Yrite to-dav for our magnigcent
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
Cor. Yonge and Alen:elder Ste.
'15: good tea7.
It has that "Bich Fruity Flavor"
belongs to Red Rose Tea alone.
Prices -25 30, 35, 40, 50 and 6o cts. per lb. In lead packets
Ta H. ESTABROOKS, ST. dome. N. E.
—the brand th
t has made Canada
famous for its durable cio
iled to us to -day wili bring one
andsomely illustrated new tel
aph book, telling how you eau
earn telegraphy, and qualify for a
position at from $45.00 to $60x0
month in from live to reeve
Kindly write your postal now.
8. W. 8o era, Principal
DOMIllthil School of Tele
1 raphy & Railroading
Threshin 8117d/oaks
We can interest you in
Machine71€5 1.0,1,
v11ur Oi
We also carry a full line of blocks
ropes for setting separators.
Blue Ribbon, 650 feet to the
pound—pure Manilla.,
Book it now you run no risks,
guaran4es: both price and quality.
Dfnehet fail to sample our In
oils, or inspect our harvest tools.
Central Bardwar',t Store!
George A.
andora Ra
Managed Like an Engine.
One-third of a housekeeper's life is spent in ber kitchen.
One-half the labor of bousekeeping is at the cook stove.
Your range can double Di halve the cooking slavery of housekeeping.
A poor range adds worry as well as work, and worry multi.eliee the
housekeeper's care.
Get a range that reduces the work and eliminates the worry.
The Pandora Range is as easily and accurately managed asj an
-engine—it responds to the touch as quickly and certainly as the hege
engine obeys the band of the engineer. . •
The Pandora Range saves worry, and because worry 'stills, it prolongs
life. Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Write for booklet.
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver St. John, N.B.
CHESNEY and SMILEY, Sole Agents,. Seaforth.
Perfection in Tailoring,
Every aelPrespecting man liketo appeer well, and, as his clothes go
keg way towards attaining that object, he must have his clothes made
in the latest style and by the beet Won, ft is our aim to turn ouf.
clothes that fill these very tequirements. Our long experience in the
business has enabled us to reach that perfection which only eece
perience can give. Added to this, our staff of work people is the beet.
' All wink is personally inspected before it leaves the shop, and illtot
right we make it right.
If you wish to be well dreesed, you must have. clothes made by us. Try ue
with your next order, and we will convince ye of the genuineness of
our argument,
'Ilhonunds of women suffer untold
co every day with aching banks that nuke
have no business to ache. A woman's bsillei
vessn't made to ache. Under ordi
eonditions it ought to 1* serong an
to help her bear the burdens of life.
it is hard to do housework with an acien.
ing beck Hours of misery at leisure mi
at work. If women only knew the catani
Backaaut comes from sick kidneys,
what a lot of trouble sick kidneys mate
the work)...
But they can't hel 't. If mere work
put on te itil than they can stand it's
to be Iveladenhcl that they get out of caws
Backathe is simply their cry for help.
AUG. 14
AUG. 17
$ $
2 gfoorintghetrip. ' 1 8 unclear conditions Sas below.
adriitionai for th eturn ticket
--G- 0114 CI 3:1 ..A. ele XI See --
Stations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Sarrtia, including
Toronto. ,
Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north, except north pf Cardwell
junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. ' '
LUG. 22 From all points Toronto and east to and including Sharbot Lake and
' Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and
Midland Divisions.
One ivai second class tickets will be mold to Winnipeg only.
Representative farmers, appointed by Manitoba ahd Saskatchewan Governments, win awe
laborers on arrival at Winnipeg.
Free transportation will be fumigated at Winnipeg to points where laborers &re needed.
A certificate is furnished when each ticket is purchased, and this certificate, when executed
by farxner, showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more, will be honored from
that point for a second class tielset back to staming point in Ontario, at ',.il8.01, prior to
Nov. 1st, 1906.
Tickets will be issued to women as wed sato men, bnt will not b• issued at iis.V Ws to children.
Tickets ore good only on special Farm Laborers' trains.
For full partici:donee. nearest C.P.E. ticket agent, ur
. write Ci. B, Foster, D. P.A., C.P.R., Toronto,
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