The Huron Expositor, 1906-08-17, Page 177rz
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- Of Seaforth, 1 til?
abel Barboue.—Miss
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:YR at her grandfather
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Er. Joseph :Wilson
.- tree that is a
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" BC;ICTA.RM DR -&L» S'1103a3336
It's about now that boys need
a little rigging. After the holi-
days and general summer muff-
ing,there are many evidences of
needed replaoings and repair.
With this fact in view, we propose giving particular
attention to the boys' departments and for one day anyway
there will be given to the mothers of boys chances to buy
boys' wear at prices never before heard of in Seaforth. In
this, as well as other departments, our stook is all new. Wp
haven't an old garment in the store—all new. The day
will be
Saturday, Aug. 18th.
Boys 4 years to 10 years -
25 Norfolk Jacket Suits, 2 piece, different patterns to
choose from.
Sale Price $1.25
Boys 8 to 12 years
50 Norfolk Jacket Suits, 2 piece, pleats and belts in
fine cloths and good stylish patterns.
• ,:
Sale Price $2.50 -
*Boys 9 to 1,6 years ---A
75 suits in 3 pieces—coat, vest and knickers.; doable
seat, double knee, and double sewn seams; the very
best of tweeds and worsted, and the prioe is less than
half regular in many cases.
Sale Price $2.50
Boys 4 years to 16—
100 pairs odd knickers, lined through, double seat
and doubla, knee.
Sale Price 256
Boys' Shirts
6 dozen in great variety of patterns, and with soft
collars or. without, dark and light shades.
Sale Price _35c
Boys' Hats and Caps.---
10.dozen tochoose from
, all sizes, and mostly all
flew styles 1
‘, • Sale Price 250
Boys' Stackings
10 dozen, sizes 61 to
10, black libbed, medium
Sale _i!rice 15c
Altogether the lest stock in Seaforth to choosefrom; because
absolutely new and fresh, and bought at low oriel", and
at low prices.
wHighest price for Butter and Eggs.
4444 -PH -14-1-L_11444+14-144-144
East Side Main Street, one door South of the
Dominion Bank,
Straseburgi Saskatchewan.
Editor Expositor,—Dear Sir,—As
some of your readers who are think-
ing of corning wet on the Harvest
Excursion, may Wish to Snow how
crop conditions are and others who
may be looking towards thia part of
Canada with the expectations of mak-
ing 'it their future home, I will at-
tempt to give them some idea of
things in general. .As tar as the crop
ie conceened the prospects are there
never was a better one. We have
had beautiful warm weather all
spring and summer With just- enough
rdin to keep everything grden and
growing. The wheat and ate are all
well. headed out and we 'have been
eating new potatoes for the past two
weeks. There is going to he very
great difficulty to get the. crop
-properly harvested. on account of the
scarcity of hep; the enormous a-
mount of railway construction taking
men away' from the farms aS the
railroads Pay better wages and give
shorter houra. The C. P. R. are run-
ning excursions direct from tile old
pountry in an attempt to relieve the
farmers. There has been a large a-
mOunt of emigration from the British
Isles and the States this year, but
stilh there is room for millions mote.
A considerable number of <roung girls
have come out from England ahrd have
reheived a great welcome as, they are
very free, frank and friendly and
will gladden the home and heat of
many a lonely homesteader. An '1m-
l-tie/Ise amount of railway construc-
tion is going on throughout the west
at present'. What *ith the Canadian
Northern R.ailWay and the Grand
Trunk Pacific, the former rnaltIng
extensive improvements on'their lines
especially around Brandon and the,
latter are 'rushing things to a finish
and expect to have their line from
Portage la ,Prairie to Edmonton in
opefation in a very short time, they
having some steel laid at Portage al-
ready, Ana now coines -J. J. Hill,
the ,noted railroad Magnate, acroes
the lines with' his Great Northern
Railway and Yankee eriterprise- and
intends in the course of a couple of
yeara to cover the west ,with his road
and to have his, locomotives whistle
on the shores of Hudson's Bay, the
natural. outlet for the produce of the
west. -
It is surprising how fast land is
taken up wherever anew line is 8111-
veyed. Take the G. T, 'P. all along
its line, there isn't a homestead to
be .got -within- ten miles on either
side. People just walk over one
weather in their endeavors to get
lend. I myself was fortunate enough
to get a farm within a mile of the
survey. At present I am on the
bridge -building department of the
C. P. R. and have a splendid oppor-
tunity' on accouat of travelling so
Mach, to notice the growth ert the
country which is destined to be a
nation among nations. Now. In con-
clusion, I would advise all those
down east who are without home 'and
without price to come -west and get
a stake in the country and join in
the general prosperity as the Yankees
are ewarming across the border in
thousands and as they are a level
headed, energetic race, they will be
sure to get the best of the land. A
better clasp of Englishmen are com-
ing. out now, mostly tradesmen, who
will throw in their mite for the rip -
building of ,the west. Thanking you,
Mr. Editor, for space in your old
reliable paper and With the assurance
that I may 'call again, •
Your Old 'Correspondent,
Strassburg, Sask., August 4th.
Departmental Examinations,
The following is the result of the
Departmental Examinations of those
who wrote from the Seaforth Colleg-
iate Institute:
Junior Teachers with Honors, --F. L.
Eberhart, Freda C. Hess, Mildred M.
Jones, Annie J. Petrie, Violet Petrie,
Russell Scott, Ed. J. -Whittaker. Pass,
—Norman Boyce, Ethel M. Capling,
Fester Fowler, Linnie E. Gillespie,
Scott Hays, Evelyn' A. Horton. E. M.
McGregor, Wm; 0. McIntosh, Bella
Taylor. ,t1
Junior Matriculation, Complete,—
Bert Archibald Verde, Best, Archie
Campbell, F. L. Eberhart; Scott Hays,
Freda C. Hess, Evelyn A. Horton, M.
M. Jones, James Love, Nial Murray,
V. M. J. Petrie, Ethel Pickard, Hazel
Roberts, Russell Scott, Ed. Whittaker.
Partial—W. G. 'Farquharson, passel).
in composition and Latin authors; J.
Smillie, ,passed in French; Belle
Smith, passed in grammar, composi-
tion, history, arithmetic, algebra,
physics, chemistry, French and Latin.
Senior Teachers, Part I,—W. H.
J. Cameron, A. M. Camp-
bell, Ryerson Hartry, James Love,,
M. M. McKinney, With physics; R. Y.
McLean, with physics.; E. M. Robb,
with physics. Part II,—Bert Archi-•
bald, George Buchanan, Jennie F.
Forbes, Linda Norris, Ella M, Robb,
Frank M. Scott, Gretta T. Watson.
- Scholarship result . are not yet -an-
The following students of the Ex-
eter school were successful. The re-
sult is very creditable:
. Junior Teachers' examination,—
-Part II—Alvin Brintnella Edna Mc-
Pherson,. honors; Nellie Russell, hon-
ors; Ethel; M. Sparks.
Junior Matriculation—A. L. Going,
Mary -Murray, Nellie Russell, Victor
Sanders, Arthur Mc.Allister, ;Wmed 3.
es Partial Matriculation—T. Carling,
English and Science; Etta Davis,Eng-
lish, history, science, rilathematics and
7 -Latin; H. H. Fair, English, mathe-
matics and science; R. J. Farmer,
.English, history, physics, Latin, aria
French; H. 34 gardiner, English, his-
tory, science Ad French; Offs, Mc-
Pherson, Eng -lith, mathematics, ad
history; E. H. Senior, English, math -
emetics, science and French; E. C.
Stoneman, English, history, nlathe-
matice, science and French.
Those wishing to attend the model
school should send their names 'to the
public school inspector it once as the
county board of examiners meet on
the 25th inst. to allot , the students
to the model sehoolEa
IMMO m.M.••••••
The following are the names of
the candidates that passed the_ re-
cent Junior Teachers' examinations'
at Brussels, Wingham and iglyth:
Pass.—jennie Armstrong, Jessie El-
liott, Beatrice McNair, Wm. Steven-
son, Pearl Toll.
Honors.—Berva B. Bryan, Eva
Cameron, Mina Elliott, Finlay Fras-
er, Stella McQuarrie, Kate Marshall,
Beard° E. Moses, Jennie Rands.
Pass.—Ettie R. ,Burns, John R.Mc-
Crostie, Mabel C. Ross.
Honors.—Chas. A. Andersona 'Ethel
M. Davidson, Geo. H. Jeffereon, An-
nie Law, Pearl McPherson, Janisa
Perri°, Winifred Stewart, Gertie B.
Troy, Thos. G. Wilson.'
Pass.—Annie Cowan.
Old Hurorites In Snowflake.
I .e Mr, Wellington Barber, af Snow-
* flake, Manitoba, an did Huronite, has
a very interesting illustrated article
in the •Winnipeg Free Press of Satur-
day, August 11, descriptive of the ear-
ly settlement of that prosperous ant
fertile part of Manitoba, and its
present conditions. He also gives
portraits' of several of the old set-
tlers,- including himself and some
others from this county and a short
biographical sketch of each. He -also
gives a picture of a large bank barn
oh the farm of his brother, Mr. R. N.
Barber. The hertraits of the follow-
ing old Huronites ihe given: 'Mr. and
Mrs. S. Handford, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Oke and Mr. J. F. Drew. Of, these old
Huronites -Mr. Barber says:,
Mr. Handford.
5. Handfeed was born near Exeter.
Ont., of Devonshire parents. He was
engaged in the Wood husineei in Lon-
don, Ont., leaving there in 1879, and
corning west in seTirch of land and a
home. He homesteaded Erection 22, 1-9
the following year municipal organ-
ization took place, an Mr. Handford
was elected first councillor over his
opponent, the late Jas. Caves. He al-
so contested the reeveship on three
different occasions and helped to or-
ganize the first school district, and
has taken- his part in many public
matters. He is a pronounced Conser-
S. Oke.
S. Oke, who also came from Exeter,
had the honor of building the first
house in Snowflake district, aria of
being the first postmaster. He was
accompanied here by his wife, who
was the first lady in the township,
and showed her devotion and pluck
by living in a ten until her house
was fn readiness for occupation. Many
of the first settlers look back to
the generous and kind hospitality giv-
en by the lady and gentleman in
question. •
John. Drew.
'John Drew, of the firm of Drew
& Son, is one of the pioneer mer -
chats. He ware formerly engaged at
Exeter in the furniture and unhertak-
ing business, and it is idle boat to
saY he was a, model undertaker. He
came west in the spring of 1882. He
was for a time engaged in farming
but since the coming of'the railway
has conducted a general store in com-
pany -with his son. The also ruff a
fine farm close to town.. Mr. Drew
is 66 years of age,and irr spite of the
hardships of pioneering is as Straight
as an arrow and a very active man.
Huron Notes
—Brussels summer race it be
held on August' 22nd and 23rd. ,
— Clinton's rate of taxation this
year will be 20 mills on the dollar.
— Harvey Davis has sold out his
livery business in Clinton to J. J.
—R. P. Rhkie has disposed of his
drug business, in . Clinton, to Mr.
McConnell, of Detroit.
-ealehn Fulton, formerly of Brussels,
was recently married at Portage la
Prairie, to Miss Ella Roe, of that.
place. I.
—Louis Simon, whci has condcted
a store in' Dashwood for over 35 upsetting the occupants. Mr. Cronan
years, has eold out and moved to El- and the three children were only
mire., where Mrs. Simon, and himself slightly injured, but Mrs. Cronan
will live itt 'future. was so seriously hurt that the ser-
-While doing some repairing to the vices of a doctor were necessary.
barn of J. J. Elliott, Goaerich town- —W. W. Harris is having the site
ship, the other day, W. .Alexander of the former Ronald Fire Engine
fell into the baseihent, spraining his Works, in Brussels, cleared • up for
ankle. I the erection of his new creamery
—The rate of taxation for Grey building. I t will be brick 32x64,
tbevnship for this year is as follows: ! and will be erected so as to. allizei
County rate, two mills on the dol- . the present big brick smoke stack.'
lar; township rate, three mills, and Fifty feet of what was formerly thel
township rate for schools, 1 51-100. I moulding room will be reserved for
—Wm. Newcombe, a former well- stable and driving' house, and the
known resident of Grey township, died corner lot will be reserved for a
at Newark, Neve Jersey, on Friday, residence.
August 8rd. Deceased was 74 years of —Mr. P. Clark, of St. Relent, had a
age. osmall, blaze at his place on Thursday.
—While getting out cd• a buggy, the He had been extracting honey, and
other day; Chas. Leakie, of Brussels, going info dinner, left a lamp which
fell on the pavement. His face was Ire had been using, burning in the
considerably bruised, and one tooth building. On coming out from din -
was knocked out. 1 ner, the building was discovered to
—Mr. Wm, Betz, of Khiva, Stephen be on ilre The alarm was at once
township, met with every painful ac- sounded, and the bucket brigade set
ciehent in the saw mill. ,He had two immediately to work. .After a few
fingers cut off, and his hand other- minutes' lively work the fire was
wise very badly injured while work- got under control, 'being confined
'lag with a saw. chiefly to the roof of the building.
—Miss Myrtle Madge, the excellent 1 _Mr. John Eckstine, of Dashwood
teacher of •the Lumley school. has who has just recovered from a Severe
tenlered her resignation, to take illness, was out driving on Monday
effect October it. - It is Miss Madge's before last, He was driving a colt,
intention to take a course in the and had just driven into the lane
Normal College, hi Hamilton. 1 at Mr. L. Foster's, east of the vil-
-The truhtees of school section No. lege. Mr. Eckstine had got out of
9, Morris, commonly known as But- , the buggy to open and close the gate,
ton's echool, have engaged Miss Mur- ' when the colt took fright and ran
die, of McKillop township, as teacher, away. The buggy was badly darnag-
at the rate of $325, for the balance of ed, spokes being broken and the cover
the year. badly twisted. The animal ran into
—The death took place on Monday, the barn. where it was caduglet4'
August 6th, at the hdme of her daugh- • —On Wednesday evening of last
ter, Mrs. Wm. Dawson, 14th conces- week, the nuptials of John Lawson,
sion, Hay, of Mrs. Mary Jane Peck of Goderich, and Miss Clara Blanche
at the age of 60 years. The decea,sed McQuarrie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
was stricken with paralysis and Hector McQuarrie, ef Grey township,
never recovered from the effects of were quietly celebrated at the home
the attack. She returned only a few of the bride's parents, near Brussels.
weeks ago from the west to visit her The ceremony took place at '7 o'clocic,
relatives in Hay and Stanley. Rev. E. P. Armstrong officiating.
— Last week James Manning; son Miss Grate Lawson, sister of the
of Mr, Walter Manning, of Clinton, groom, was bridesmaid, and the beet
started out on a wheeling tour; ae man was W. L. McQuarrie, brother of
lee was going- down a hill ha the vi- the bride. Only immediate relatives
chitty of Berlin hit handle bars broke, of the ',bride and groom were- presenf.
and he was thrown, a distance of —Mri. John Boomer, one of Wing -
twenty feet; his clothing was liter- ham's highly respected residents 1/w -
ally torn to shreds, in addition to sea away very itiddenly early Thurs-
which he was severely bruised; he day morning of last week. Deceased
had to buy a new suit of clothes to had been hi feeble health for some
ma,ke himself presentalelee A ' few time and only a'few holm before his P
Wall Paper
We have now what.we consider the
most beautiful line of New Wall
Papers ever shown in Seaforth.
If you want your wall paper at tbe
right price and your work done neat-
ly and promptly, buy from
Picture framing a ararialty.
Remember the 8 e aforth
Show. ---September 20 and 21.
Let every person show what
he or she has and fill up the
Exhibition Hall with articles
beautiful and useful, and the
grounds with the best stook
the country can show. We
have it here if it is brought
out. And on the second day
let every 'person show them-
selves. That is the way to
make a successful show.
days since Walter Holmes met with
a similar accident, under similar cir-
cumstances; he was coasting down a
hill near Grimsby, when his wheel
caught in a railroad crossing, and
he was thrown, cutting his knee so
severely that he, ,has since walked
with a limp.
—Messrs. James and Robert Gar-
diner, of Usborne, near Farquhar,
have gone on a trip to the, old coun-
try, to visit the friends and scenes
of their youth. Their main halting
place will be Glasgow.
—The Women's Foreign Missionary
Society, of Belgrave Methodist church,
held a very successful open meeting
oh August 2nd. There was a good at-
tendance, and a profitable and inter-
eSting time was spent.
' —Mr. Andrew Johnston, of the
London road, near Ilensall, WI pur-
chased the Heckman farm on the
Bronson line, Hay, containing 50
acres. It has been worked by Mr.
Conrad Siemon, who intends moVing
to Hensall in the fall.
— On Monday evening, July 30th, at
St. Stephen's church rectory, Gor-
rie, Rev. Mr. Farr tied the matrimon-
ial boW between Iva Johnston, of
Wingham, formerly of Brussels, and
Miss May Swarts, Gorrie. The groom
is a son of Mr. Robt. Johnston, of
—On Saturday evening' a stook, of
oats on the farm of A. McDermid,
Huron road, Hullett, was truck by
lightning but the fire was seen in
time to prevent damage. The same
evening two fine sucking colts on
the farm of Sam Switzer, Tucker -
smith, were killed by lightning.
— A quiet wedding took place at the
Methodist parsonage, Brussels, on
:Wednesday afternoon of last week,
when Miss Maggie, only daughter of
Mr. Arthur Cantelon, 3rd line of
Morris, became the wile of Edward
Pollard, of Grey. The young couple
will reside on the groom's fine farm,
on the 6th conceosion of Grey.
—The barns and sheds of Robert
Durnin, two Miles west of Dungan -
eon, were burned last Thursday night
with a large quantity of hay and
some barley, also most of last year's
grain. He was insured in the West
•Wa-wanosh Insurance Company for
$500. Lightning was the cause of
the fire,
—Mr. James Cronan, -at Stephen,
south of Grand Bend, met with an
accident one day 'last week. While
driving with his wife and three chil-
dren, in some way the lines became
tangled, and the horse becoming un-
managea„ble, backed into he ditch,
• •
death he was seized with a weakness.
Mr. ,Bosman was 80 years of age and
a native of Yorkshire, IOngland.
Thirty-six years ago "he came to
Morris township and resided on his
farm on the Bluevale road for 1.8
years. Then retiring to Bluevale,
where he lived until seven years ego,
When he went to Wingharn. Mr. Bos-
man visited his native land some
eight years ago. He was 9. man of
many sterling qualities, and was held
in high esteem by a very large eirpe
of friends.
—Mr. S. T. Bastedo, formerly Dep-
uty Commissioner of 'Fisheries, has
been appointed Ontario mitiager of a
new western financial institution.
—Hugh McDonald an electrician of
Toronto, aged 30 years, was poison-
ed by eating &rimed stew in a res-
taurant in that city on Friday and
died a few hours afterwards.
—Miss Joan Hamilton, of Stratford,
has been appointed domestic science
teacher in the Macdonald consolidat-
ed school at Guelph in place of Miss
Book, resigned.
—Two children, aged respectively 4
and two. years, a son and daughter of
Mr. George Holloway, of Toronto
Junction, were poisoned by orating ice
cream. One died on Saturday and
the other on Sunday.
—Mr. et. J. McKenna, at one nine
resident or Dublin, Perth county, has
been gazetted a commissioner to•ne-
gotiate a treaty With certain Indians
in Alberta and Saskatchewan and to
hear and determine half-breed claims
in these Provinces. -
—Harvey Greenway, efifth on a
ex -Premier Greexiwa,y, df Manitoba,
died at Crystal City, Manitoba, on
Tuesday last of inflammation. The
young man was principal ot Crystal
City public school.
The cheese factory of Mr. Arch.
Knipe, near Stratford, was complete-
ly destroyed by fire on Sunday. The
damage is expected to amount to $25,-
000. Incendiarism is suspected,though
no blame has been, attached to any-
one at present.
—Four thousand five hundred peo-
ple left :Union Station, Toronto, on
Tuesday last on the harvesters' ex-
cursion to Manitoba. and the -West.
There were eight different trains
which contained in all 81 passenger
—The Saskatchewan govehnment is
preparing to install a system of com-
pulsory hall insurance throughout the
province. Farmers will be taxed a
stated sum per acre and will be In-
sured against less by hall. .
e-hfr. Edward Waddington: a vhry
old and respedted oil producer, of
Petrone, died Friday evening, the .
result of an accident. Mr. -Wadding-
ton was cutting a caterpillar's nest
on a branch of an apple tree in• -his
garden' and by some means fell and
injuredhis head. - I
—Mrs. K. B. Blackslee, aged 30, a
widow, of Winnipeg, while taking a
bath Friday. evening stood up in the
bath tub to turn on the electric' light.
She slipped and pulled the lamp and
wire into the water, thus eetablish-
ing -a current, causing her instant
death. .
—A young ma,n of Ingersoll; named
.H. H. Ellis, died suddenly as the re-
sult of eating canned pork and beana.
The poison did its work so quickly
that although medical ai was
promptly on hand at soon as he got
sick, -nothing could be done te save
his life.
—Arthur Lavigne, recently\ cone.
victed of two cases of crinunel as-
sault on two youieg girla,, one in
Strathroy and one in London town- •
ship, has been aintenced by Jude Ed-
ward Elliott, of London, to four years
in Kingston penitentiary and twenty--.
five lashes on the bare back. A., well •
'merited punishment.
—The city of Hull, near Ottawa,
had another disastrous fire. A small
boy, smoking a eigareete in Dod-
SOWS barn, shortly after 11 o'clock
Friday morning, started sr -fire, which •
destroyed thirty-seven houges, and I
rendered forty families, representing.
about two hundre,d souls, homeless.
The loss is about $35,000, of -which
but $10,000 will be met by insurance.
—Rotel. Shaw, a farmer of Prince
Edward county, about 50 years of
age, was choked to death on Monday
on a piece of raw ueef. It seems Mr.
Shaw had been drinking during the
day and about 5 o'clock he dropped in-
to Geo. Rose's butcher shop. in Pic -
ton, and procured _ a piece of meat,
and proceeded to eat part a it, with
the above result.
—Miss Christiana Gray, a'ked -61
years, a highly esteemed resident of
Sarnia, met a shocking death Satur-
day evening last, while returning
from a trip to Woodrowe Beach, two
miles- from Sarnia. Miss Gray he
some- manner stepped from' the car
while it was going- fullspied and
was terribly injured in Striking the
pavement. She was picked up un-
conscious and died in a few, hours.
—Baker and Morrison's flour mill
and elevator at WalIaceburg, Ontario,
were destroyed by fire on Saturday
afternoon, Baker. and Morrison had
only recently porchased the property
from T. B. Nest, and had fitted it
up in good shape. The fire is sup-
poreell to have started from over heat-
ed grain. Less about $20,000, 'partly
covered by tnsurance.
—Word corhes from Whoa Mountain
in Manitoba, that the remains of the
two little Hoffman girls, aged nine
and eleven, who wandered away from
'their home while going after horses
on May a3rd last, have been found by
a sheep herder in Porcupine' Creek,
some 40 miles from their father's
ranch. They meet therefore have
lived for some days and finally,died
of starvation.
—Mr. Wm. Stahlschmidt, of Preston,
Waterloo- county, who is now away
on an angling expedition in the
Temagfami wilds, has sent home a
trophy of his prowess 'in the Shape
of a giant salmon trout, measuring
40 inchee frpm tip to tip and' n
inches in girth., Mr. Sta,hischnaidt
caught the monster with a ten ounce
rod, and put up- a hard fight for 3
1-4 hours before the big fish 'was
hauled in his canoe.
—A party of gehtlemen from Lie -
towel, 'had a narrow 'escape near
Stoke's Bay ori Lake Huron on Fri-
day. They were sailing en a pleas-
ure yacht and were overtaken by a
terrible thunder storm. A flash of
lightning_ struck the mainsail carry-
ing away crurgee, running down the
sails and passing a:round the keel
and tearing '•-holes in the planking.
The party ,consisted of Mr. J. A.
Hacking and his shers, teeter and
Bert, Mr. C.' Hacking and his son,
Cleoyne. J. A. Hacking and C. Hack-
ing and Bert were knocked out of
the boat, but were rescued.
—Walter C. MacKay, oT Ottawa
has entered quit to -break the will
of his late wife, Anna MacKay, who
died sonie months ago in Jamaica, and
who willed .$120,000 to various mem—
bers of her ov7h. family. The circum-
stances are that MacKay, during his
life -time, placed his property In MS
wffe's control,e and on her death. it
developed that she 'had left his own
tmloonhee.y to her relatives. He charges
undue influence and misrepresenta-
-Monday afternoon a young girl
named Saida Buthven, fourteen years
of age, daughter of -Guy Ruthven, a
farmer on the fourth concession or
Elderslie to:wnship, near Cliesley, lost
her life. She and a brother were in
the act of building a load of grain
on a wagon on her father's farm. The
horses became restless and made a
move forward, by: which she lost her
baiance and fell 1-renet of the, wag-
on. A front and a"-Elnil wheel passed
over her breast, - cruiihing out her
young life instantly. .
—A, brutal assault, which may re -
(edit in the death of the young wo-
man vietim, was committed a few
nights ago on the outskirts of Ow-
en Sound. At 9 o'clock the next inorn- -
ilxig' Miss Louisa, Jones, aged 21, was
; found lying unconscious on the road-
way. Miss Jones was - missing from
home all night. Her father, Isaac -
Jones is 13. market gardiner. She was
in: the city on Saturday -night and
waif probably attacked while on her
way home. When found she was a -
about 140 rods from her tether's
house, but In the opposite direction.
from Owen Sound. There is the Mark
of a blow upon hgr head and her
throat shows signs of haring been,
brutally -choked. She had evidently- .
lain all night on the made which
runs between Derby and the city. The
only clue to the -perpetrator is • an
- umbrella which was picked up on, the
road near where the girl was found-
-A very sad drowning accident oc-
curred in the Red River at Winnipeg
•bn Saturday, the llth inst. Mrsarown
wife- of City Clerk Brown,
peg,- with her two daughters an' her
son and two -young lady friends : and
a eouple of young men, were proeeed-
ing to Elm Park in a' gasoline
launch to join in a picnic there.
When within about 100 yards ot their
deetination the launch struck on a.
pile that was 'sunk' in the river be-
low the surface ()Lathe water and
sank in a moment The entire parety-
were thrown Into the water mil' Au
were drowned except Mrs. Brown
and the two young men. The names
of the victims of the accident are as
follows: Miss Ethel Agnes Ward
Brown, aged 19; Myrtle Irene Brown,
aged 8; Stanley Ernest Brown, aged
15, children of Mr. C. .T. Brown, -city
clerk; . Miss Mary Stewart Whyte,
aged 20. daughter of ft. letewart
SWOrth,ytea,' g.GAillasg11337 ;dMauisgehtRerueblofT7.113HP-.-
Thompeon, Winnipeg. —
—The Lucknow Sentinel says:
County Constable Hodgins, of Kin-
cardine, is at present in pursuit. of
Neil McLeod, Murdock McLeod an
Samuel Sturgeon through the rough,
countay of the -Bruce peninsula, with
a warrant -for their arrest on the
charge of criminal assault on Eliza-
beth 'Bradley, the 16-yer-old „daugh-
ter of Joseph Bradley, a well-to-do
farmer, Of Kincardine township. The
facts of the case tell a story ot one -
of the most dastardly deeds that has
ever been perpetrated in this section
of the country. It appears that the
young glrl in question, Mips Brad-
ley was walking home, -atcompanied
by her 10 -year-old brother, from af-
ternoon service in the tonntry thurehe
and when a mile or so from the
house, a rig, containing. three young
men, drove up behind the couple. They
Were told to get in the rig, antr tep-
on refusing to do so, were lifted In
forcibly. The quintette then drove-,
on half a, 'mile further toward the
children's home, when the Young
boy was thrown -out, luckily sus-
taining only a bruise or two. He
immediately ran home and informed
his older brother, 22 years of age.
and his father,- who is badly crippled
with rheumatism, and after a hard
struggle the girl was rescued.—
Sturgeon has since been arrested and
has been identified by the young -
Breezes. -- Mr, 'Enoch Crich and
M1sf3 Margaret Somerville, both a
Seaforth, were united In Inarrlage
the mangle on the 9th inst.—Rev. J. G.'
Stewart is rusticating at Bayteld.—
Revds. Steadman and Stewart ex.
changed last Sunday. --The young- peo-
ple had -a pleasant hop In Jewitt's
pavilion on Friday evening. /Besides
regular summer visitors there were
several present from Seaforth, Olin-
ton.and other places.—A concert, un-
der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Of
the Methodist church will be held in
the town hall, on •Thursday evening,
August 28rd. An excellent programme.
will be provided by the summer visi-
tors and home talent.
Death of Mrs. Peck. -.-It is -our ablty
this week to chronicle the death of
one of our most highly respected re-
sidents, in the person of ..Mrs. Mary.
Jane Peck, relict of the 'Iate'-.1ohn
John Peck, who died on Monday,'Aug-
ust .6th, aged 60 years, al the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Dow'sone
Hay township. Her death was a par-
ticuIerly sad one, as she had been.
returning from a visit to her • son'.
in Dakota, and on the *ay from the
station to her daughter's she took a,
stroke, from which she never re-
covered. The. funeral took place to
the Bayffeld cemetery on Thursday,
August 9th, and was largely attended,
Rev. Mr. McNeal officiating at the
houseand grave. She leaves the fol-
lowing family: Mrs. Wm. Dowsen. -01
Hay township; rfrene, of olenbeuen,
Dakota; George, of Clyde, Henry, en
Gardiner, Dakota; Arthur, of Cleve-
lande Ohio, and Edmond, of Toronto.
The faintly have the sympetbY of the
community at large.