HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-10, Page 8e_. cr, THE HURON EXPOSNIORe AUGUST MI Satisfactory Heating mho" We make a specialty of Hot Water and Warm. Air Heating, and always endeavor to install systems so as to give the BEST RESUM and [ greatest etooNOBILZ OF FUEL We handle only the most modern styles of Furnaces, and guarantee satisfaction. Lowest prices on Galvanized Iron Pipe, and a nice line of Force and Stook Pumps, on which we can save you money. Let us give you an estimate on your work in heating, plembing and geneTal tinsmithing. „ , DISTRICT MATTERS. A Physician was sent for and was at once in attendance.. He found Mr1 Westcott sitting On the verandah with other Members of his fanillY as if nothing unusual had happened. 'I -le noticed, however'i the appearance of the poison on i his moustache and a- bout his mouth and after considerable NEW STORY questioning the patient admitted what • - had done The stoMach pump was Next week we commence R nesir Story, and we have been fortunate in scour' et one of the latest ipt and most popular stories of th MS% " Beverley of Graustarit," by the very p ulat and euccessful author, George Barr MoCutcheon. "Beverley of Graustark " gives the romantic and perilous adventures of eal American woman in her journey from St. Petersburg to Grauste,ek, during whiol? she meets a prince in disguise, who turn8 out to be the 1' Fairy Prince" every woman expects to see coming dOW11 the road. mos. 4•••••••••••••••• 1 at once Applied and large quantities of the -poison, were extracted. leav- ing no doubt as to the tragic occur- rence. tp to this Jim he had not coniplained of an suffering, but the further remedies under such circum- stances were used and - everything possible done to' save the man's life, -but all .irt vain. The poison had got distributed through the system and Death to The Bugs ; Try Our Potato Bug Fin- ish, it kills the bugs, in- vigorates the plants and inereases the yield. PRICE n Cents per lb Stanley. The 'young man was study- ing or the minietry and ,Wa0 theft as a missionary, We have not learn- ed any further particulars. — VS& Annie Gray, pf Toronto, is the guesV of Mr; and Mrs. James Beattie. --Mr. John B. Aitcheson, a McKillop, was ticketed to Saskatoon by -Stewart Bros., on Wednesday, Mr. Aitcheson .received a telegram acquaintinghim a the serious illness of his young- est son, Ford, who had been out tiler° about a year, and he went out 100k after hinn—Work on"The'Mai street pavement is at a standstil just now, on account of the supply o bricks being exhausted. About tiv more carloads are required, whic will be along as soon as they ca be made. — We are sorryto learn that Mr. Andrew. Calder 10 coafined to the house again through illness.— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geib and daugh- ter, Cora, spent the past few days taking in the Old Boys' Re -Unions in death ensued about five o'clock Mon- , A SPECIAL OFF,ER day morning. Several year"' ego, while living in Hensall, Mr. West - Imboromtem.11 Oar prices are right. Give us a call. fiSIIKY SMILEY, SEAFORTH, Hardware, Stoves.and Coal. In order to give those who are not Vow subscribers of Tun EXPOSITOR. an opportunity to -get this excel- lent story, we have decided to give Tom Emmen from DOMINION BANK. READ OFFICE, TORCIiTO. Capital, Fully Paichlp--$8,000,o0o.00 Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits s 8,e39,000 Deposits by Public. $ 32,000,000 Total Assets $ 443,000,000 SEAFORTH BRAN01-1, Every fanility for the transacting of a reneral banking business. Collections made on al) points in Canada sad abroad. Advances nide to Faimers. Special at - 441i71011 paid to the collection of Bale Notes. SAVINGS BANK. Deposits of one dollar And upwards re- eeived, and interest paid or added June ' ZOth and December 3.ist. Withdrawals %may be made at any time. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. R. S. SAYS. Solicitor Ladies' Rings. 11.4=1,o...in, • z We have about a dozen Ladies' solid gold 10k Rings, set with pearls and garners, in different patterns, at $1,35. Some in heavier weights at 82 50 and $3.25, which are extra nice. For those who want something better still, we have them in 14k goiu, instead of 10k, at hot:a $4 00 to $ti 00. • When, of course, we have the diamonds at any price' up to $100, for the fellow who can spare a little more money. r. John Bulger, Jeweller, - Seaforth Marriage Lioenses Issued. James Watson, Successor to W. N. Watson - -NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire, Life and Acoident Insur-1 Dance agent, Real Estate and Loan 1 Dealer in first-olass family and Manufao. taring Sewing Machines and Cream` Separators, viz, : New Raymond and White Sewing Machine. and National and Uneeda dream Separators. Also sewing machine needles, oil, attach - manta, repairs and sundries for all kinde of sewing machines. With over 25 years experience in the above business you can rest mimed of prices tight, square dealieg and satufaction guaranteed. JAM,ES WATSON, nommen Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine and Bicycles. North Main street, Seatorth. Agent. STAPLES BROS. B A R EllERa and TOBAOCONISTS —We carr f• a Choice Line of— CIGARS - -TOBACCOS — PIP -ES Try us for art EASY SHAVE and NIFTY HAIR CUT. Opposite the Commeroial Hotel Fall Terra Opens Sept, 4th, NOW UNTIL THE END OF THE YEAR FOR cott Suffered from a sun stroke and ever since then( he has been subject to occasional'fita of melancholy. For 4, -e, few days previousla, although at- tending to his -work every 'day, it was noticed thathewas niit in his asuel good spirits, but no person suspected that he contemplated any such rash act. Mr -Westcott was a- bout 51 years of age. He was a brcik-layer and plasterer by trade and was an excellent workman.. He • was a steady, inslustrious man, and usually of a cheerful and light-heart- ed disposition, and most courteous and obliging, ank Was *ell liked by all Who knew him. He leaires a wid- ow and grown up family, who will have the sincerest sympathy in their sad and severe.. bereavement. An in- quest was ,not censidered necessary, as there were no doubts as 'to the cause of death., W. E. Kerslalie, SE AFORTFT, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS This is an offer that none should miss. Start right now and get the first of the story as wecannotprom- ise back numbers. MoLEAN BROS. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Those interested in Business College Work should ' ewrite for our lar8e catalogue. This -is the largest and beet Ceininereial and Shorthand Scheol in 'West- ern Ontario'. We give a practical training and assist our graduates to responsible positions. 4ifany of the leading inisibess colleges employ our graduates as teachers. Write now for a free catalogm. ELLIOTT & MoLACHLeiN, Principals. Gold Dollars For Ninety Cents Never Were Offered dilalm•=44.4..111 and Never Will Be PAY ENOUGH anxious to save -reo- .____Many. people are too -tav wheo buying a wateh, thinking that a cheap watch will do as well ae a good one tvial that Mt the differeece ie in the price. Perhaps it requires a mond effort on your part to pay U8 $10 for a plain looking Isut honest tune keeper when somebody else offers yea a gold watch for.88.98 and, just for good- riess bake, throws in a gold chain and oharm. Of course all a Tam Shwindle," as the fellow said whtei he went up in a baloon and couldn't find the silver Habig of the cloud. thir $.17 Gent's Watch is a Winner, it is guaranteed, to give satisfaction or the money refunded. Come in and see our stock. - J. F. -DALY Jeweller & Optician OARDNO BLOOK SEAFORTH Quoit Match.—A, very interesting quoit match was played in Seaforth on Friday between, the clubs of this town end Exeter. The Exeter club brought with them 'about twenty sup- porters to Cheen ahem on as Friday was Exeter's civic holiday. The fol- lowing is the score made by each: Seaforth,—E. McMurray, 27; James Reid, 29; JA, F. 'Reid, 81; g.. Pinkney, 31; •Wm. Reid, 31; W. Baker, 81.— Total, 180. Eretere—G. Anderson, 81; E. Treble, 81; 7. Grieve, 28; Walker, 28; Spackman, 27; "T. Boyle. Total, -154. Seaforth won out -by a; majority of 26. ( There were many splendid shobe made 'on beth sides. Wedding.—On Tuesday of this week, a pretty wedding took place .at the home of Mr. R. Hammett, when his daughter, Myrtle L., was married to Mr. John G. Murray, of Seaforth. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. In. Birks, B. .A. The (bride wore a becoming gown of grey silk voile, with chiffon trimmings, and carried , - a boquet of white roses. The pride maid, Miss Lillian Loekwood, of Preston, wore e 'pretty frock of blue silk voile. The groomsman -was Mr. E. Murray, of Toronto, ,biother ot thiggrtlxn,, and the wedding march wae ,- the bride's sista, mias Hammett— Mr. and Mrs. Murray- will' reside in Seaforth, and have . the best evishes of a host of friends for their -future happiness. Mr. and airs. F. Kress, Miss Mabel and Master Wilbur Kress, of Pres- ton, and the Misses Anna and Reta Hewitt, of Hamilton, were guests at the wedding. 0 ._ • Telephone Changes.—A large force of men have been employed in town, for the past two weeks, re -arranging the telephone wiro, erecting new wires, and making other improve- ments and extensions eo the sys- tem here. .They were, also removing the office fixtures from Mr. Fear's. store to: the new office on the op- posite side of Main street, -which has recently ban nicely iitted up foi. a central office. On aecount of the remoyal the telephones in town were. shut off Wednesday afternoon and Thursday, requiring people -tp re- sort to the old methods of _communi- cation, and reminding telephone us- ers of what a wondereul convenience and labor saver the telephone is. This experience should make people more tolerant of the operators, and more( appreciative of the advantages of the telephone. Business now ceuld hardly' be conducted- without the telephone as a method of communica- tion, and one wonders how the world .got along without It so long. , returning to their home fit Yepsilan- ta, Michigan, They were accompan- ied by Mr. Letter who spent a few days here.—Mise Belle Kyle, of .Pe - trace, is visiting her parents, Mr. Stratford and Berlin.—Mr. and Mrs. in.d Mrs. ,Wrn. Kyle, of Roxboro.—Mx. :as w ill Bullard, of Acton, are spend - J. R. Scott, formerly of Roxboro, has ' ing the holidays at the parental home returned from the west.—Miss Mar- in Seaforth.—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ion Robb, of Detroit, daughter of Welsh, of Hamilton, and little girl Mr. Wm. Robb, formerly of Seaforth, are. spending their holidays here with ls here visiting her uncle and aunt,' their parents and other friends.— Mr. James and Miss Robb:—Mr. Roy Masters Willie and 011ie Robb, sone' Willis, who has been atrepding the 'a Mr. :William Robb, of Detroit, are Conservatory of Music, ,is .home for visiting friends in hewn. - the summer vacation.—The wind and ` ---- MB risiiM other of Inven rain of Sunday last flattened down than to ours. inventing a make a quick invite you to therefrom. THIS Old Time Saying still holds true, and p at this season of the year -does it apply in atr menial life, and works out to your benefit eVert The early shipment of "Fall Importations" neoessitate means of securing space for them. at once and GUT sellerde clearance of all summer goods regardless of price.e, We eo inspect our bargain counters and see tbe benefit ion will dont #61114114111124.111"......."' isslarA1100.4.4.,111■116411110.0.4.0110, ,the grain pretty badly in this neneh- ' borhood.—Miss Ruth Johnson and Mimi Visitors.—Mr. Donald Manson, of g New York, Mrs. Adamson, of Gode- :Edith Cook, professidnal nurses, of Miss Jolinson13 mother, Mrs. D, VC', rich and Mr. and Mrs. Kelly spent Boston, Massachusetts, are visit:n part of last week with Mr. and Mrs- ronto, was here over Sunday visiting P. A. Manson, :,Welfburn Farm, Stan - Blake. Slohnson.—Mr. Wm. Powell, of To- ley.MoKilop I J. ' other friends. Mrs. Powell, who had been here a couple of wee'kii return- ed with him on Monday.—Mr. Alex. Waugh who has a good sehool in Camboroe returned home on Saturday to spend the remainder cif his holidays, here.—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powell, of Toronto, spent Sunday in town.— Mr. Wm. Duncan, of Guelph,' was in town ' over Sunday.—Messrs. Lorne and Frank ,Twiss are home on a visit from Toronto, *here they have good positions.—Me. Hugh Welsh, of 'Hamilton, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh, this week.— Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and daughter, of Guelph, spent Sunday here with their -eon, Mr. D. E. -Kennedy, ac- countant of the Bank of Commerce. They „Made their trip on their auto, mobile,—The Misses Lulu and Ruby Sproat, of Stratford, were spending the past week with friends in town. ..The Misses Elliott, of Pend Mills, accompanied by Miss A. Beattie, of Brucefield, are visiting this week at Mr. John Beattie's, in Egmondville.— Mr. C. E. Mason, of Saskatoon, Sask., and formerly of Brucefield, has been In this vicinity for several days, call- ing'en old friends.—Mrs. J. B. Thom - on and daughter, of °Mille, are here Visiting Mrs. M. Thompson, of John street.—Mr. \Alex. and Miss Isabel Wilson, of Milwaukee, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. A. Young.—. Miss Reid, of Jersey City,- is the guest of Mrs. Bethune.—Mrs. Allen -McLean is visfUng friends in :St. Marys and Stratford.—Mrs. John McIntosh and son, of London, ,sne visiting Mrs. C. Sparling.—The storm of $undaynight was very severe about Alma and west of that a stook of oats in a field, on the farm 'of Mr. Angus McDermid, was struck by lightning and burned. It was not far from the barn.—Mre, Wm. Reidy returned home on Satur- day from Hamilton and Brantford. where she had been visiting relatives for the past two weeks.—Mrs. Alfred Scott, of Toronto, who was visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Somerville, for two weeks, returned home Wednes- day.—Mrs. W. H. Henderson .has gone to visit friends In Amador, Michigan. —Miss Mabel Young, Of Harpurhey, has gone to Grand Rapids, Michigan. —Four rinks from the Seaforth Bowl- ing club attended the Gdoeriele Tour- nament this week.—Miss Sarah Moran, professional, nurse, of Saginaw,Michl- gan, is visiting at' her home inf Sea- forth.—Mr. and Mei. John Light- owler, of Ingersoll,. Were In town this week, attending the funeral of Mr. W. WesteottanMiss N. Crich, ,of the Pickard establishment, left on Wednesday for London, to spend he holidays. --The following were ticket- ed this Week to a distant points by Stewart Bothers, C. P. R. agents, Seaforth: Thomas Jackson, of Eg- mondville, to Fort William, and Miss Isabel '.Aitchison, to 'Halbrit, t ask. Both went by boat from Owen Sound. Miss Aitchison has gone to visit her brtoher, Rev. Mr. Aitchison, and if she likes the country Will likely re - mein there.—Miss Nettie Armstrong, of 'Chicago, is spending a few holi- days in town, the guest of her. sister,' Mrs. G. A. Sills.—Dr. R. R. Ross re... - turned on Tuesday, after. spending a weeks' outing at Hamilton, Niagara. Falls and Buffalo—Mrs. Newkirk, of fath- er, Mr. •Williarn empbell.—When in Bay City, Mich., visiting 1--er town on Monday, Mr. Wm, Duncan, of Guelph, purchased the corner Sot and three houses .,formerly belonging to the Cash estate, opposite Barton's blacksmith ehop, on Main street.— Mr. David Sproat, Mr. Scott and par- ty from Belgrave, Were in town- on Wednesday, on their *ay home from the Old- Country, Where they had been for the past two months. They had a most enjoyable visit, and all look as if the people and, air of the auld land agree Avith them.—Mrs. 5. Currie, and son, John, of Brus- sels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. will be a street sweeper to keep G. F. Eddy.—Miss Lottie Thompson, tae new pavement clean. We do net and her ,cousin, Miss Hicks. return - know what such an implement 'would ed from their ten) to the OH, Land cost, but we presume the interest on on Wednesday. — Mrs. Harry Mason the purchase price would not exceed and daughter, of Toronto, who have the cost of manual labor and the been visiting- with Mrs. James Mc - street must be kept clean and he a JJowell and Mrs. George Eddie, of sanitary condition.—The county judge McKillop, for the ?sat five weeks, re - has given his decision in, the appeal turned home this week. — Miss Mary of Mr. John Robb .against the assess- Adams is visiting with friends in ment of his farm in Tuckersmith, re- Brussels.—Mr. Thomas Fowler was . dueing the assessment from $4,300 in Peterboro this 'Week, attending the to $3,800.—Mr. J. W. Beattie has a Oddfellows Grand Lodge, as a .dele- couple of horses working on his 'de- gate from Seaforth lodge.—Mrs. J. A. livery carts which were former con- t Wilson has returned from a months' stituents of the celebrated R. R. visit with relatives and frienda in Gamey, M. P. P., having been pur-, Oxford and Waterloo counties.—Three /chased on Manitoulin Island by Mr. I automobiles went through town on R. Winter, jr., and brought ,down by Saturday last, two on Sunday and him. Jake Holmes says they are • about an average of ene a day fame/ dandies—Messrs. Crich Bros., bakers, —Miss Helen Wilson, organist in the had the Misfortune to lose one of Presbyterian' church, is . &pending their delivery horses. He died of in her holidays in Winghana—This part flamation Friday morning, It was ae of the country is being ,scowered by ' valuable horse and Will be quite a , Incubator pedlars. Six double rigs elosa.—Mr. and Mrs. James Dodds, of passed through town in a string on, . Sankt Current, Alberta, who have Wednesday evening., They went West been visiting friends in this locality on the Huron road. Four of the wag - for the past month, left for their ons were loaded and two were empty, hoie th wet this week Mr having evidently dispos'ed of their' 'Dodds is teaching echool. and farm- loads during the day. These should We have the highest grade of coal for threshers' ,urse.' Price low. Try it. Chesney awl Smiley, Sea - forth. 5017-1 ' GIRL WANTED.—Family of two—no washing. Apply at Exeoerron, OPFIOS, Seaforth. • 2917-1 HOUSE WANTED.—The undersigned desires to rent or buy a medium sized house in the central parp of the -town. Apply to J. C. Laidiaw, Seaforth. 2017x1 SCRANTON COAL .IS THE BEST.—Why buy In- ferior when you can get the best at the same price. Flue your order early. Reid-& Wilson, sole agents for Scranton coal, Seaforth. 2017-1 BOOK LOST.—Lost between Bayfield and Sea - forth, on Friday, August 8rd, a black, leather cover- ed check and memorandum book of the Bank of Ot- tawa, containing a number of railway tickets and other papers of no use to any person hut the owner. The .finder will be liberally) rewarded on leaving the same at Tan EXPOSITOR. OFFICH, Seaforth.'' 2017-1 We shall have one more day's sale on Saturday,Aug- uat lith, of the Latiiner ssock whioh we have just bought. All graniteware and tinware wilt be sold at a big discount. ghesne,y & Smiley, Seaforth. 2017-1 • Big bargains in men's shoes—odds and ends in nearly all sizes for 98 c per pair on Friday and Satur- day only --samples in south window. W. H. Willis, sole agent in Seaforth for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies and George A. Slater shoes for men.- 2017-1 FARMERS.—You need coal for threshing'. We have the best at the lowest prices. Reid- &• Wilson, Seaforth. 2010-2. LOST. --On Tuesday, July 81st, between Egmond- ville and Bay -field, a boy's coat. The finder will please return to Devereux's blacksmith 'shop, Sea - forth, and oblige Robert Devereaux. 2010x2 Try Charlie Hines' hand laundry, Seaforth, for niee work. Always gives satisfaction. Clothes called for and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two doors south of Reid & Wilson'S hardware store, Sea - forth. . • 19113-tf Sports. — The Beavers have won both protests entered •by them, the one against Kincardine, and the one against Wingham. The protests came up before the executive of the C. L. A., sin Toronto, on Friday. ,The effingham game is to be played over - again, on some 'neutral grounds, or on grounds fixed by the C. L. A., within ten days. —In the Intermediate C. L. A. match played at C4oderich, on, Monday, be- tween Clinton and Goderich, the latter won by a score of 6 te. 5. —The result of Monday's C. L. A. match between Elora and Preston, places the Rocks of Elora as winners of .the district, the score being in to 2- In favor of. the home team. The game was free from all roughnese. —At an exhibition foot ball match, at Berlin oh monday, the Hurons, of Seaforth, beat the Berlin Rangers by a score of 3 to 0. But, despite the one-sided score, the match was a good 011Q- It was part of the . pro- gxamrne for the day in connection with the Old, Boys' re -union. Messrs. Mustard and Aikenhead, of the Bruce - field club, played with the Hurons on this occasion. Big 'Shipment ot . Cattle.—An un- usually large shipment'of cattle was made from Seaforth station last Sat- urday. The shipment embraced 235 head, weighing 343,270 pounds and realizing to the ownere- t.he very handsome sum of $17,445. These cat- tle were purchased by Mr. George K. Chesney and shipped to the order of McDonald & Maybee, of Toronto. They were shipped right through to the old country. _ The chareeter of the animals may be judged from the fact that they averaged 1,460 pounds each. It is not often so many super- ior animals are collected together in one shipment. The followleg are the names of the feeders;,the number procured from each; the weight and the amount of money realized for each bunch: Thomas McMillan, 61 head, weighing 91,130 pounds, a- mounting to $4,698; Wm. Miller, 21 head, 30.780 pounds, $1,585 ; C. Pea- cock, 11 head, 16,320 lbs., $816; James McCluskey, 14 head, 19,840 lbs., $962; W. J. Devereux, 33 head, 49,370 lbs., $2,542; Archd. McGregor, 32 head, 44,910 lbs. $2,24'5 ; Hugh Gordon, 9 head, 12,240 thee $607 Luke Fortune, 10 bead, 44,090 lbs.. 490 ; R. Reid, 6 head, 8,45A lbs., $414; W. J. Dickson, 38 head, 56,140 lbs, $2,891. Seaforth Is a great centre for gra tattle and horses. A Sad Event.—k very sad event oc- eureed in Seaforth on `Sunday last, requiting in the death of Mr. Wm. Westcott, an eld and well known resident of the. town. On ,:-Sunday af- ternoon, juet atter Mrs. Westcott had left her residencenfor Sunday School, Berne of the other members of the family had reason ,to euspect that Mr. Westcott kad taken a dose of Paris Green. /Dr. Scett, the family Remember the genuine sale of graniteware and tinware on Saturday next at Chesney & Smiley's, Seaforth. 4 2017-1 F Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Com rnercial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Aug 8 Hours 1 to 8 p. ni. Cataract, squint, failing eye- sight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated and glasses properly fitted. 1983-tf PUMPS.—The dry season makes the use of pumps highly necessary. We are agents for ti -e Meyers, Ashland, Ohio, the best well ptimp made. Reid & Wilson, Seaforth. 2010-I Leave your orders with us for anthraoite coal. We handle only the very best. Chesney & Sea - forth. 2017-1 GIRLS WANTED.—One dozen girls wanted at once to learn operating in the clothing department. Good wages for smart girls. Skilled operators also wanted. The Seaforth Woollen Mills Co., Seaforth. 2014-tf BUTTER AND EGGS.—A. (4. Ault, Seaforth, will pay the highf st price in cosh for any quantity of good fresh butter and eggs. Bring them right along. 201441 • Civic Holiday.—Tuesday last was Civic holiday in Seaforth. The clerk" of the weather was not as consider- ate as usual. The morning broke dark and gloomy and about seven on „clock a quiet but drenching rain set In which continued throughout the forenoon. It was a grand ramn. for the . country but paused sore disap- pointment to many children and young people generally. The piinci- pal event was the Sabbatk schools excursion to Godeiien. The rain pre- vented many from taking this in who, 6therwise, would have gene. But de- spite this drawback a good many braved the elements and took the risk of having hats and dresses spoiled. The train left at the advertieed time and about 400 went on it, but there would have been twice that number had the morning been fine. On arriv- ing in Goderich the moisture was still falling but in -about an • hour the clouds cleared and the rain stopped and -the afternoon wag quite pleas- ant so that an enjoyable day was spent after all. The train returned about nine 'o'clock and those. who went were well pleased with their day's outing. The rain . lso inter- fered considerably' with other pleas- ure' seekers who inteneted going to Bayfield, Stratford and other places and the exit from the town wait -not as large as it would have been under more favorable circumstances. How- ever, we have nos -doubt but all. in their several ways enjoyed their holi- day, only, perhaps, not quite so much . as if the weathet had been more propitious. • Local Briefs.—The next requirement 'his father, Mr. Robert Powell, and Municipal.—The next Meeting of the council will be held at Seaforth, on August gist at one o'clock p. m. The assessment' of the different school sections in McKillop is as follows : No. 2, $165.100; No. 4, $160.300; 5, $97.800; No. 6, $170.400; No. '7, $193.600; No. 8, $240.000 ; No. 9, $173.- 600; No. 10, 158.00 ; No. 12, $147.300; No. 13, $178.100. ,T.Thion No. 1, $54.- 400; thelon • No. 2, $900; Union No. 11, $89.i00; Union No. 12, $40.400. Separate school No. 1, $202.100; Sep- arate school No. 2, $81.600; Separate sebeol No. 3, $95.000; Separate school No. 4, $28.000. - 1.1 on de sboro. Notes.—Dr. iWoOds, of Tennesee, is visiting this brother, Frank, here at present.—Mr. and Mrs. James Web- ster, of Toronto', are visiting the former's parents here,—Miss Mary Brogden Is visiting friends at ;At- wood this week.—A.- number this week are attending the Goderieh sumraer school.—Mr. Hellyan, jeweller, of Clinton, spent a few, days as the guest at the home of J. C. Adams.— Quite a number intend taking in the excursion to Sarnia on Saturday. ---• Binevale OUR. DRESS C.- DepOrtmen holds out many inducements in stj 'materials for immediate and early, -wear. The prices are away their regular figures in many IM See our Specials at • 25 35 & 50c I rg' e w 4 • • Ing at Swift Current. He is a son of put old mother hen out of the 'bus!- - Mr.. Charles Dodds, of McKlllopee-Rev. ness.—Dr. and Mrs. tampbell, of and Mrs. Colin .Fletcher, or pie Brooklyn, N. Y., are spending a few' Th.anies road, ,Usborne, were the days in to•ent afid vicinity, renewing guests of gr. and Mrs. A. Wilson old friendships. They both look as' for several days last week and this. if the air of 'Uncle Sam's country' Letter and daughters, who agrees with them.—A telegram was have been visitike Mrs. Letter's received nere on Tuesday, from Vere mother, Mrs. John Ament, left here million, Alberta, announcing the last Friday for Waterloo and after death by drowning of /Mr. Albert Mc - spending a few days there intended Queen, son of Mr. James McQueen, a This we have arranged for by making it possible for you to much for $1 as usually requires $2. We will mention a fear of our NOtes.—Mr. and Mrs. Sandereon went to Toronto last week. Mr. an- derson is in poor health and will take a course of medical treatment. —Miss Annie Clement, ,of St. Cathar- ines, is visiting .at Mr. James Aitch- eson's.—Mr. and Mrs. Griffith and son returned to Toronto this week, also Miss Bertha Sanderson.—Mrs. John Diment, of Toronto, was calling on her many friends this wenin- -Mrs. Martin Ferro* and children, of Toronto, are visiting relatives In Bluevale.—James Richardson, of To- ronto, visited at Mr. John Burgess' this week.—James Masters, our sta- tion agent, was last week but is now recovering. , A relieving agent , took his place here.—Mrs. R. N. Duff and daughter, Alice, are visiting the former's arother at Perry, Michigae. —John Anderson, B. A., of Toronto,. spent tSunday with his mother and sister, Mrs. and Miss Anderson. •, • Crorc arty. . Notesj—The new school which is being erected on the grounds or school seation No. 6, Hibbert is pro- grissine rapidly and will prove one of the i•nost modern in this part of the county. This is sianing a gobd deal for the trustees who have the management of its ereetion.—Mr. A. McKellar, son of Mr. Duncan McKel- lar, sr., had, his leg broken in a run- away accident on •Tuesday last. He is getting along nicely' at present.— Miss Elizabeth Barber has been • en- gaged as organist for the Cromarty Presbyterian church.—Miss Mary Cur- rie, who has been In 'Torento for the past year, is home for a few weeks holidays.—Mrs. James Hill and little son, Ivan, 'spent last weee at the' nome of her mother, Mrs. James 'Har- burn.—Ree. R. A. Cranston and Mrs. Cranston are away fen. a month's holidays to be spent under the par- ental roof near Caledqn, East. We hope the minister may enjoy a well earned rest and return with new en- engy and strength for the work which he so faithfully performs for the Master.—The Staffa branch of the Women's Institute, will hold their next meeting in. the town hall on Saturday, August 25th, at vAnch the new president, Mrs. James Hill, will take charge of the meeting. Salads and pickles will be the discussion for the day. Come and bring your beat recipe with sample of same. A cor- dial invitation is extended to all ladies interested in the work. • Brodhagen. Barn Burned.—The fine large barn of Mr. George Rock, near this place, was completely destroyed by :fire on Saturday eVening last. The fire is supposed to have eneen caused by lightning, and spread so 'rapidly that nothing could be •savhd. The build- ing, with the season's hay crop, bar- ley and wheat, were entirely consum- ed in less than half an hour. A wag- on, binder, a few pigs, and a number of fowl also.fell a prey to the flames. The building was among the best in the township, the timbers being pine. The loss -will be heavy, but there was $1,000 insurance on the building. AUGUST B us iness Br in gers An assortment of fine white muslins ip spot and figured effects worth 35e and 40c, and 20c per yard. . Fancy muslins of -stylish pattern, WO 25c to 50e; for 20o a yard. Delainettes and Muslim in white an grounds with handi3oine designs, worth fro to 20c for 106 per yard. Keep in Mipd the Fact Staffa Notes.—Mrs. John Mitchell received a telegram on Monday, stating that her father was clying at his home In Lariviere, Man. Mrs. Mitchell left on Tuesday morning for the won— The little two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Norris, Jr., met wath an accident on 'Sunday after- noon. The child ran out 'Into the garden, where a savage dog attack- ed it, and but for the timely arrival of Mrs. Norris the child would have 'fared much worse. Its head was badly lacerated and eight stitches had to be put in, in order to time)the wound.—While Mr. Ed. Drake. Jr.. was driving past the saw mill, his horse got frightened and ran away, throwing Mr. Drake out and cutting his foot badly,—Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and son, of Atwood, and Mr/ Alfred Miller, of Toronto, are visit- ing their sister, Mrs. 3. D. /Walker. —Mre. Pringle arid daughter are vis- iting- relatiyee near .T1lsonburg thie That we have oppOrtunities for you in SHIRT WAISTS UNDERSKIRTS WH1TEWEAR HOSIERY CORSETS and UNDERWEAR COTTON DELAINE5 MERCERIZED- LAWNS 011AMBRAYS G1NGHAMS SILKS and - FANCY MUSLIN Some New Arnim s We have, this week, received a fine assortme exceptionally good values, consisting of TA.BLELINENS 5 ()MOCKS TRAY,- CLOTHS RUNNERS TOWELS of New Irish Litt NAPKINS NEW DOILIES in handsome designs of ,teneriffe work in different sizes. They are the best for the money we have ever seen at Inc 15e 20c 35e and 50c NEW RIBBONS in all widths and colors, but of special mention, are 4 wide width "Persians" in colorings, at 45e, 50e, 6 an4 New Art Sateens; For Comforters, Cushions, Cosy Corners and many other comprising all the new colors and patterns at the oldtrices, 15e, 18e, PRODUCE TAKEN MAIL ORDERS CAREFULLY,11811ROXIMIMMIN000.1‘ ...14•••••LIMetsin44.1111000.....44. week.—Mr. and Mrs. George Lodge, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ra Dalton, Sr., and, family.—Misss Edna - McVey entertained a number a her 1 eriends one day Wit week. A very pleasant day was spent by all preFf- ent.—Mrs. Edward Drake Is' visiting friends in Stratford this week.—Miss Dolly Carlin is taking in the Old Boys' Re -union. in Stratford this week,- elao D. Hutchison and others. —Mr. John Wright. of Detroit, was the guest of his sister, Mrs. R. J. Dalton on Sunday. He wes acompan- led by his cousin, Mr. Wr!ght, of In- niana..—Miss Hazel Drake is spend- ing the week with her cousins .18 Straaford.—Miss Agnes Herren has returned home fro= a two mouths' visit with friends hi Caron, Sask.- 1 : Mrs. Herren is very :We hope for a speedy. recoVerl McGregor, of Seaforth, 10 frit of dies Mabel Barboterne Fawcett, of Fullerton, is few holidays at ber grandfa Joseph Norris. —The Listowel Banner of says: " Mr. Joseph gas= small .apcple tree • that 10 On a sniall twig, less tb long, and about three-eigh inch thick at the butt, tb.- no less than 81 apples, bunches of fives and near17 formed and thriving. Vna energy of the tree- has Wee ed to this ,one 'favored very few fapple0 are gre where. 444.