HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-10, Page 50
ning day of our
by the crowd o
O 'success of th
[dift te a ,eueoess
than regular pri
eIp us move them,
1 ith, 'we have
ar price tl.
regular price
new Blucher $
Ohocolhte Strap
.00. Special vain
az whG W o the
lunday school at Bayflelcl the
other day, epent a bathing suit
d then had it town fiem him.
—A unique and interesting event
eager place in New Trinity efethodiet
ehureh in Berlin last Sunday in con-
ection with the Old Bore' reunion,
-which opened there on wondezr. A
large number of termer members and
.adherents of the congregation who
arrived during the Wbek attended the
eeonion service, and tChe large edt-
floe was fined to its bapacity beth
•morning and evening. Sermons aiid
addresses were delivered by form
asters. Rev. Alex. Satherlanci, Ge
oral Missionary Secretary df the
*Methodist church, who delivered h
first sermon in Berlin 60 years • ag
preached eloquently in the Mornin
tAt the everting service Rev. ChristI)
Per Clooltman, of Calvin, who was
pastor 33 year ago, and Rev. 3. S.
serilliernson of Emerald, street church
'Hamilton, who was there four t ears
ago, were the speakers. Each expres-
ad his high appreciation of the great
advance being made by the church.
.2dto 64.40; InrIiurn a 3Mo o Min 8
00W8 sok' at $8.60 MX .1'6 • oonmon emelt, 0,5
fl to
63 per -ono hundred pentads, aelloh
There were nine ranch cows of good to
tiheice quality, which sold at $511, to $156 each. -
Sheep and Lainba-Export sheep sold at S4.0 owt.
or owe ewes and $3.50 to 63.75 for hefts ; lambs eold
$0 ter $0.25 pea cwt. W. 11. Dien bought two loads
of ex,portere, 1,e75 lbs. each, at $4;801 Per OWL Wee -
ley Dunn bought 85 sheep at $4,50per Owe. for ex-
port epee, and 0,26 to eet,75 per awe. for bucks ; 50
loattbe4t Se to $6.24 per owe. Fred Rountree bought
nine mikh cows at $53 to $56 each. Williain efeLel,
land bought two loads Of butchers, 1,050 lbs. wadi,
ae*80 to V4.25 per owe, elope -The few hogs that
Were offered cold at $746 per ewle
• Togonete August, 8 -Export Oattle-None were
OH sale and none wanted. Butollers'-Onia u, limit-
ed number Wee Offered. Teade was Blow and pried
About the -Bartle OS at •the Junction one Mandela".
Prices enrigederom $4.25 to e4,40 for the bese hut -
cheat ; xnedium niixed o1d et 0.76 to $4 ; cows at
er $2,50 to *Le° per owe. Feeders and Stackers -There
ne was little do! g in steekees and feeders, dealers re -
is porting little or no demand. Pricell nornhitti, as fol-
lows : Best feeders, 900 to 1,050 lbs., $3.80 telt Per met ; best feeders, 800 to 900 lbs., 83,00t0_08•85 ;
b, oest feedere, 609 to 800 lbs., $8.25 .to Vehee
g- comma stock0tde $2.25 to $2.15 per 100 pounds.
Milch CoWa---About 15 talk% cows were offered and
" sold at 628 to $55 each. Veal Calves-aDeliveries are
light, but prices firro at $5 to $6 per owe for the
bulk; eornmen, inferior calvee sold as low as 88.60 to
$4 per owe., and prime new -milk fed ,cistves as high
as 66.50 pet owe. Sheep and Lambs-Shar
eep e firm
ea $4.50 per owe for export evMse and 83.5050 to $8.75
for leurks, Lembesoldit $6 $(1,26, and one pick-
edeot was reportedelt .50, bue the bulk sold at $0
per ow. The quality o the bulk of the Jambs W8.8
not good, too mariy ekinny, lightweights! that ought
to be on eraita for weeks to come. „ II Deliveries
light and prices steady at enchteng quetateons.
Selects at $745, and lights and fate at 67.40 er cwt.
Perth items. .
The Listowel Banner -has Issued
look of early scenes and .portraits
old-timerk d the town and vicinity..
to be a souveneir or the Old
who gathered in 'that town this;
—While Mr. BIanshard, tie Fuller-
ton -stage driver, was loading a trunk
hia wagon at the -Mitchell st
the other afternoon, his horse -took
ttight, broke the strap and ran a-
way. itr. Blanshard was thrown out
'of the wagon but was not seriously
Z-4Irs sal Mrs. Geo. Weight, Of Mits.
theIL,hava -returned from their trip
16 Manitoba. They spent about six
weeks with their daughter in Indian
'Bead' and a, few days With their old,
r Revi Mr, Brown, Regina.
.*.M.r: lamed PrindeviIle, Of DeVilte
Lake, North Dakota, was home for
ibe Stratford's Old Boys' reunion. He,
'lived in .Stratford in the early
fettles, and can recall the time when
ere was not a White settler between
rd and Goderieli. •
he death occurred on ,Monday,
OW, of Mr. Alex beetiaiell, of
card, aged about 'eighty years.
sed had resided in Stratford tor
past forty -flys tears - and was
engaged as Et,''tinveller kuntil
tirement 'some years ago. :Hls wife
predeceased him aenuMber 1t years.
-ge is survived by two daughters. He
was a member of Knox Presbyterian
'church and was a mitive of Scotland.
_en, and th use*,
places the
sments, a
-hat it would sel
the Judges that
luable that no
uch for its Thereto
assessed value at
se which would ordL
gle- as for any'. housot
The land was not
n the Rainy River
ted equal to any
‘own there. The wheat
to 35 bushels and t
1.,v heavy.
ty owners of the eq.
ie town of Gravane
afraid of going in-tft
Friday Iast they lette •
ried two by-laws e
ounciI to borrow $1
;w was to spend $48.4
a a system of vatels.'
ie other $60,000 for
-The majorities were
5 and 97.
chief of the Six Nit -
4 Indian Reserve, is
to see the King, where
flce of Wales 1n th,
I -accompeeilEd by nine
-news, alit a number
!he chief Ig 90 years_
2 inches high. They
he natives of oldLon-
!- reach there.
h Items.
J. As Robertson,
home from a thre*
the continent.
W. G. Murphy an
.A.lieen, of Carberry, _
ends In Ifitchell.
sbury and daughtet,_
lving in lifitchell tor
e moving te eTiagaras
le Loin. of land,
t Trinity church, MK -
in that church on sg.
ervele and two Mid-
7sey, N. Ts. are visit-
s parents, Mrand
Hicks, of Mitchell,
imock the other day
her wrists badly,
mall bone broken.
old boy, M. rie
.t been honored In Or-
o the presidency of
rade of that progrese
dorphy, B.A., B.Di, of
Lectured in the Bee -
'Marys, not Islet 'ago.
his early years he
' quite delighted his
his eloquence and
event took piece af
dityon the citY' ball
when Mr. Fred Reidt
has been foreman a
Id street gangs, wan
a handsome marble
the men of gang-
aker, of Queen's Un-
r!ri appointed by the
' nt as assistant min -
the Cobalt district
nding October int,
son of Mr. Harry.
ormerly of Logauf
inmate of the Lon-
e his escape one day
hunted up an 0141
Nicholson, Mitchel!,
charge and drove hint
handed him over to
recently a man bi
ter Steavitt wa� ar-
ith stealing a pair
razer from Mr, 0.
,rber shop, Mitchell.
re Mayor; Davis and
re and was removed
the same day. Ste-
rieher wife of . the
Easthope died very
ek while driving' lir
hospital v,rhere', she
1.-n operation. Mrs.
feet conaldered in Is
:.rd it was only oxf
ler death that she
d it was decided to
'or J.
and also for
Special Reduced ',Rates t;f:s
St. Paul and MinneapOlis.
For the Grand Army of the Republic 'National En-
sempment, Minneapolis, August 13th to 18th, the
Grand Trunk Railway will sell round trip tickete at
'pedal reduced rates, gorel going August IOth,
izth, ale,o for such trains on August 18th, as will en-
eale passengers to leave Chicago on same day. Tiok-
ste valid returning until Aureust Mat, with extension
until September 80th, on payment of 50e. Call on
0. T. R. agents for fulaparticulars.
. Seeroaerr, August 9, 1906.
I Wheat $0 78 to $0 7e
Cate per bushel -.........0 87 to 0 87
P es, per bushel .-. ...... .... - .. 0 70 to 0 70
If.r ey. per bushel. .. . . s .. ........ .,.. 0 46 to 0 40
, Butter, No. I, loose................... 0 15 to 0 16 .
i Bider, Lib ' . 0 16 to 0 17 .
Eggs, per dozen 0 14 to 0 16
flour, per 100 lbs. 2 25 to 2 76
Kay per ton s. .. " ........ 6 50 to 7 00
slides, per 100 lbs.......... . ....-... 5 00 to 5 3o
ieheep eldas, .. .. .. Q 30 to 0 86
Potatoes per bushel 0 40 to 0 50
&1t, retail) per barre/.. ,... ... . . 1 00 to 1 25
Wood per cord(long)....e... . .. .. . . 5 00 to 0 20
Wood per cerd-(shore).....-. .. - 2 FO to 8 00
Apples per bag . . . 0 50- to 1 00
Clover Seed e.... . , - . .... 7 00 to 800
Timothy, Seed . . ... ... ,. - . .... .. . . ... 1 25 to 2 00
Tallow per lb . 0 04 to 0 05
• Perk, er 100 lbs , 7 50 to 8 20
Wool washed). . 0 29 to 0 80
Wool unwashed). ' 0 17 to 0 la
Togoerro, Augad*8--Offerings of new are still
light. Prices are 60a to 70e per bushel for car lots
Grain. etc.
Teemo, Aug 8. -Wheat, fall, Se; goose, 75c;
spring, 820 oats, 420 : barley-, 51c to 62e ; peas, 80e.
Honey -Scarce ; little new offerings, bemuse crop
this year was lig-ht. This has advanced prices of
kooks to $2 per dozen for combs, and 10c.per lb, for
grained. Baled, Hay -Some sales of new are re-
ported at 89 for No. 1; old is steady, but slow
trete. at $10 for No. 1 in car lots here, and .$7.60 for
mixed. Baled Straw -Very dull, at $5.50 to e6 per
TORONTO, August 8 -While it is a little early to' get
aa exact report of the seed market, the outlook is
fore big crop In Canada, and also in the United
•, Mates. Load dealers say 8(3 to 86.e5 to the farmer
will be a good price for No. 1 fanoy Alsike ; No. 2
•Trill be about. $5.10 to $5,30 ; No. 8, containing
slight sprinkling of white clover, $4.65 to 84.75 ; ;d-
eem semplee containing trefoil and timothy freed,
kora 80 to 6c, per lb. Samples badly mixed with
weed seed will he at a big discount. It will pay
, farmers to clean seed well before offering It for sale.
Dairy 'Markets.
eicerittere Aug e.-Egge-Selects, 20c to 200.
XL 1 eandled, 18c to 19e. Butter-Ohoicest cream-
ery, sated and unealted, 220 to 29a. Cheeee - Ori-
ente!), 121e, to 12eo Quebee, Ileee -
T(5RONTO, Aug.. 8. -Butter -The market is very
ern, with receipts of good quality on the light side.
deeamery print% 22o to 23e ; Halide, 210 to 22e ;
ellryptinte, 10e to 20e ; pails, 17 to 10e • bakers',
Itt to leo- Cheese -A firmer tone is notedin outside
eiarkea Job loaf here gee unonenged at 12+ to alio
eorlarge,,and 12a: to 12ec for twine. Eggs -Are
'eteedee with receiptstill showing mixed qualities.
rregir.re quoted at 18c to 19e per doxen. •
Live Stook Markets.
liceeme, N. v„ Auguet le -Cattle -Fairly active_
laidWadyto 10c higher ; Prime steers, $5.60 to
*; shipping, 04.85 to $4.50 ; butchers, $1,25 to
$5.40; heifer, 63.25 to 85,10 ; cowls, Se MS $1.50 ;
Ilk $2,75 to $4.25; eteckers and feeders, $2.50 to
* i
it heifers, $2.25: to $3.30 ; fresh cows and
lermgers, steady 011 good ; slow and etexy on coin -
140, *8 to $50. Veals-Adive ; $4.25 to $7.50.
edoff-Fairly active •, 5 to 10e higher ; heavy $6.75
mixed, 8100 to $6,95; pip and light York-
d'o. 8710 87.10; roughs., $5.75 to 85.80 ; stags, $4,50
Tee t5 ; dairies, $6.50 to $6.80. Sheep and Lemhe--
Active ; wethers, 25c higher • othera steady ; lambs,
.12 to ea ; yearlings, $6 to $6.50 ; wetheree $5,76
id; ewea,e4.75 to $5.25; sheep, mixed. $3 te $5,50.
Noienteere August 7-Cablefrom Liverpool on
au cattle were steady at llec, while ranahers
?te lower, at 91 to Ka°. London medal were eas-
wane eelower at laic, but in some ease$ they were
11101?! at 12c. Demand for ocean freight for this
efeeketrshipment has been good, but there is eo
*Pogo to be had on account of three large carrying
/ewer having met with s.ccIdents, therefore they
P ot eel on Weir advertised dates. Exporters
week were 3,260 cattle. Receipts to -clay were
cattle, 50 mileh cowe,300 sheep and Iambs; 160
, and 1,000 Logs. The marketor hogs was
eri owing to enereattal sumeles, an weak cable
dykes on Canadian baeon. Prices! de rlined 15 to
2ee, With galas of selected lots at .75 to e8.10,
And tower gmles at $7.25 per 100 ha, is'elebed
g the ears. The exceseive supply of cattle
!emelt hot weatherand while so many people are
"eet from the city, had a depressing effeet on
triyess which cleaned le per lb. all round. Nearly
ele_of the cattle were not sold. Prime beevee sold,
end the eommon stock t .21c to Mo. Mitch COW8
44118 tO it; per Ile ; prtty good cattle Ilec to 4ec,
eeld at Se5 to $55 each. Calvee gold at 62.60 to.80-00
de to ei,e5 erieh. --
eldee Sheep sold at See to 0 per lb.; lembs at
eariden Stock Yardie Toronto Junction, July 7th,-,
le twelity of export °tale was gerierally good, but:,
ele butchers were cot 115) [0 last week's mark, being ale of a Mixed, class. The supply of shipping:
1. wait far greater than the demand. owing to
a eore el. eee, e.IPPI.
6see ' ee Sung Pace ; this cawed prices to
- oe from 150 to 25o pei- cwt. for exporters.
41 ,Y of [he drovere went home with less money in
felePeeketir than they paid for the cattle in the
referee to sav nothing' of expenses and time. Ex -
velem mneed at from 34.25 to $4.87!,eathe bulk go*
at 84.e0 to $4.75. Export bulls ranged at from
tO $4.25 per owe. Illutchers-There was not a
Ipply a butchers' cattle, arid prices for the best
kr held their OWN. Be. butelaers sold at
CAPITAL, - $1,000,000
RESERVE, - $ 300,900
T. H. MeNIILLAN Gen°1 Mgr.
Byttrv facility consistent with wined
banitivg z afforded the public of Dublin
arid srundinj terri tory.
Drafts and Money Orders issued.
Interest paid on Savings. Bank depositt
of. $1 and upward.
Loans made to farmers for buying cattle,
ete. •
,Saie NOtes supplied free of charge.
FRANK raecoNNELL, Manager
JOHNS -In Tuckenseftle on August 7th, to Mr. and
Mrs. era Johns, a son. .
GUENTHER-enDashwood, on July • 20th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Guenther, a son.
MAKINS-4n'Exeter, on July 26th, to Mrand liTs.
B. Making, a son.
SWARTZe-In Stephen, on July 28th, tte Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Swartz, ft son.
COCHRANE-In Clinton, on July 29th, to Mr. and
Mr. Wm. Cochrane, a daughter. •
BELL -In Wingham, on July 29th, to Mr. and Ma.
• H. 0. Bell, a daughter.
MURRAY-HAMMEIT-At the residence of the
. bride's father, by Rev, A. R. Birks, on Auguet
7th, John C. morn* y, 'to Myrtle L., elded
daughter of Richard Hammett, all of ,Seaforth.
RAWKINSe-BROWNING-e-At the Main Street Meth-
• °dist chortle,' Exeter, by Rev. E. A. Fear, pes-
ter, Mr. George Hiterkins, of the firm of Haw-
• kins & Son, to Eva Browning. daughter of J. W.
Browning, M, D., of Exeter. •
WESTCOTT-In Seaforth, on August• eth, William
Westcott, aged 51 years, 6 months and 28 days.
ANDREWS -At Elimville, on July 80th, Mervynein.
fant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. -Albert Andrews,
aged 1 year, 1 month and 18 days.
BLAKE -1n Gederich, on enly 31st, Charles Blake,
' aged 73 years and 1 month.
BR WN -At Neepawa, Manitoba, - on Jule 25th,
lin A. Brown, fortnerly ed Grey townehm, aged
2,8 years. ,
money on improved quarter gedione of 160
aores each at from 8% to 10e; per anpum. Only first
mortgages taken. Ample security given. Torrenet
Title System is perfect. From $800 up can be lent
on Janne worth from $1,000 to $2,000. Per further
particulars write to me. J. A. JACKSON, Barris-
ter, etc., Ponoka, Alberta. 195941.
"LeARM FOR SALE:, -For safe, the square 60 ---Bet
27,. Concession 4, Iiibbert, containing 50 acres,
all of it In a good state of cultivation. There is on
the premises, a frame house with stone foundation
and cellar, also Marge frame stable and driving shed.
There is a good orchard, a good well and a never -
failing spring. It is all well fenced and drained and
seeded to grass except 15 acres and is well adapted
for either pasturing or cropping. This farm is sit-
uated in a good locality about six miles from Seaforth.
It Will be sold on reasonable terms as the propriet-
ress wishes to leve the farm. For further particu-
lars apply on the premises to MRS. W. J. ALLAN or
to J. L. •KILLOR!AN, Barrister, Seeforte.
WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 21 and East
ele Half of Lot 22, Concession 10, Hibbert, core-
taining 150 acres, all in a' good state of cultivation.
and most of it well underdrained with tile. There
is a nice stone house with kitchen and cellar, a
large bank barn 50 x 90 ft., with stone stabling un-
derneath, also a Amur atted 80 x 60 ft and a driving
house 20 x 80. There Is a power windmill on the
barn whieh supplies water and grinds grain. There
are two good wells and a spring creek. It is all
seeded to grass except 20 &rarest, which is No. 1 bush.
There is a good orchard. The farm is one mile from
Cromarty and seven miles from two good markets.
„dt is one of the best faring in 0ntario.a,n1 he sold
On easy terms as the proprietor desires ea, retire.
For further particulars apply On the premeds or ad-"
dresse0romarey P. 0., ALEX. CAMPBELL.
QPIENDID FARM POR SALE. -Por sae°, Lot 29,
Oonceasion 10, Ilibbert, containing 100 acres.
This farm is well fenced With goad Carter wire fenc-
ing and fitted with wire and iron gates. It is well un-
derdrained with fele, hes: idwoys been well cultivated
and properly looked after and is, consequently in the
very best condition possible. There are 10 acres of
good hardwood bush, unculled, neruly all maple, a
firsteolass brick house, storey and a half, lately paint-
ed and remodelled and made op -to -date ; eon and
hard water convenient at, both house and barn, a
good wello.t the bugle mitering three wells that as
yet have never failed, windmill at the barn. There
are two good bares both with good stone foundation
and up-toalate stabling., water Inside, good hen
house, hog pen aud driving house. There Is a good
hearing orchard and small fruit trees. Thieproperty
is well situated in a good locality, convenient to gro-
om post office, church and sehool, a mile and a half
from Chiselhurst, 6 miles from the prosperous villaire
of Meese') and 9 mike from- Seaforeh, good gravel
roads in all direct:ions. As the proprietor has acquir-
ed intereises elsewhere that demand immediate atten-
tion, be is prepared to dispose of this property at a
bile -gain, and anyone deeheng a first-claes farm in a
fIrsteelase locality will do well to investigate. For
further particulars apple- on the premises or address
JOHN TAYLOR, Ohiseihurst P. O. 201441
la FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for sale sev-
eral Thorobreel Leloester Sheep and Durham Cattle
ot both sexes-. Address Egenondville P. 0., or apply
at farm, Mill Road, Tuckesmith. ROBERT OMAR-
TER8 & 8011S. •18724f
lea ULL FOR SALE. -For sale, a thorobred Short.
lee horn buil, with registered pedigree, 23 months
old, and red in color. He was bred from Vice Chan-
cellor, Apply on Loedon road, Tuckersmith, a• mei
!south of Brucefield. JAMES PATERSON, -Bruee-
field'P. O. 200341
QIIORTHOUN CATTLE -Seven first-class young
ie7 • bulls, 2 from himorted cows, for sale at meder-
ate pricea and on eaey terms; good eoung cows andi
heifers alio for sale. All Interested are cordially in-
vited to lespect the herd.' Foam adjoins town, long
distance telephone to farm. e' Write for catalogue,
11. SMITH, Exeter. ! 199341
leese EGIOERED STOCK 'FOR'SALE.-The 'under.
si7d offers for sale on Lot 27, Concession 8,
Ilibbert t wnship, a number of heifers and young
cows wit calves at foot, 1 yearling bull, 1 Berkshire
boar 9 months ole, a right good animal.The abo,
stock are all registered in the alettiontti. Stook e -
cords, Prices moderate,tereas easy, visitors welcome.
DAVID HILL, StEdfri. P.-0. ° It996-ef
SIIORTHORNS.1-Cheiee bredlls buand females o
different ages for little, about two dozen to select
from. Prices reasonable. Herd now headed by
" Countsylvanus" (56900). He is got by tbe best
scotch bred temorted stook on both sides, glossy dirk
red in color, and wed set on short lege. Terms i-egisLed cows $5 insured; others on application.
V 'tors welcome. JOHN ELDER, Ilensall P. 0,
anel Stabler'. , • 1. :i -[t
eriVACHER WANTED. -To tau& School Section.
le No. 10, Osborne, knewnite the Lumley School.
Applications, statingteciary, reosived up till August
18th, Address. JOMic (TANN, eiletiretary-Treasurer,
Thames none r. 0, 2010-2
TAIttiuNG MAE FOR SAM -rat wile good
driving Mare, ilve years old. Goes well either
single or cloulee. In good condition and weighs
1050 pomade. GEORGE 11ENDERSON, Lob de,
Concession 8, efoXillop, Seaforth P. O. 2015x4
Tom:mon WANTED.-Wantee for So Section
• No. 1, Teekeremitla n ember, male or female,
giving reference% etc. Applications will be received
until August 4th, 1006 ; &Mee to 00TOITIONCO after
Buettner vacation, ROBERT MoLAREN, Secretary -
Treasurer, Meagan le O. 20,14,x4
ITEAOHER W'ANTED.--Wanted her School Section
No. 3, Hulled, a teacher holding !legend class
certificate. Applications giving refereneele eto., will
he received Until Jule, 81st, Dutlee to commence
after the summer faeation. JOHN BRITTON, Sec-
retary, Constance P. 0. 2018x4
'DIRK AND YORK PIGS. -The undersigned has
dal at his premises in Brucefield, a thorobreti Birk -
shire also a thorobred Yorkshire pig for service.
Terms, -$1 payable ice the time of service with the
privilege of returning If necessary. Also ft pure bred
, 16 months 'old Yorkshire pig for sale. GEORGE
ILL, elrucefield, 2015x8
elm. am. enmi.
Cafetaker for Seaforth Pubuie School, Applica-
tions to he lot the hands of the Secretary not later
thanei O'clock, Moeda.): evening, Abgust 13th. Sal-
ary $800.
2016-1 Secretary Public School' Board.
QEALEle TENDERS eddressed to the undersigned,
le7 and endor.sed "Tender for Pose Office, &o., at
St. Marys, Ontario." will be received at this office
uneil hlonday, August 20. 1006, intensively, for the
constrection of te Pose 0 OL', &.o„ at 1st. Maryie Ont.
Plans and specifications 1 be MUNI and forms of
tender obtained at this Dep lent and onapplica-
tion to the Post Master, S • Mi rye, Ont. •
Persons tendering 'are iotifieci that. tenders will
not be considered unl made on the printed form,
supplied, and signed w their actual sigreatures-
Eaoh tender must be eacompanied by an accepted
cheque on s ()bartered bank, made payeble to the
order of the Honourable, the Minister of Public
Works, equal to ten per cent, (10 p. a.) of the amount
of the tender, which will be forfeited if the person
tendering decline to enter into a contract when cala
ed upon to do so, or if he fail to °primitive the vork
contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the:
-check will be returned• ,.
The Department does not bind itself to except the
lowest or any tender.
_ ,0 ea' order,
• Seoretary.
Department of Public Worka,
• Ottawa, July 81, 1906.
Newspapers insereing this -advertisement without
authority from the Department, will not be gam for
ft. .9.017-2
Real Estate and Mortgagesl bought or
Sold on Commission.
l‘ioney to loan at lowest current rates
of interest on mortgage security
184 acres in ehe township of Stanley ; 129 acres
tillable; le aores orchard ; soil, clay loans, nearly
level, well drained and fenced, comfortable Inlok
house and two large barns with sheds attached,
buildings all in good repair. Will be sold cheap and
on terms to suit buyer or will exchange for suitable
London city property.
75 acres in the township of Meleillep, 61 acres un-
der cultivation, 7 acres bush, balance pasture, le
sores orchard, son light clay loam gently rolling, free
of stones, watered by Inever.failing spring and well,
large brick house, barn on ix -tone foundation, also a
bay nun and horse stable, sev1i miles to, railway
station and market.
115 acres in the township of est Zorra, county of
Oxford, 03 tierce tillable, 8 iio a bush, 1 mere of ore
• chard and the balance pasture soil clay loam gently
rolling, watered by drilled well and windmill, large,
modern brick house with water piped to house, barn
neatly new on cement wall, paved floors in, stable,
stable room for 60 bead of stook and water piped to
cattle, drive house 82 x 42. This fine dairy or stock
farm is within 8 miles of the city of Woodstock, two
miles to railway and market. Price $9,200. Terms
to suit buyer.
180 acres in the township of Tuckersmith, 118 acres
tillable, Zacres orchard and the balance' bush ; soil
°ley loam gently rolling, watered by never feeling
Spring, well underdrained and fenced, large comfort-
able house, basement barn, large shed, 'drive house,
pig pen, near market, school and churches.
A. A. WATT, Brucefleld, Ontario
emsoassi 46at,
• During August we will commence
what cannot hit to be one of the
Greatest Shoe Sales on record.
We will, not only annihilate all
the profit, but, in most mess, part of
All our shoes must proceed to get
a piove,on theinselires at once.. We
want the room for tall and winter
stock, and we want the. money
We Don't Want The Shoes
Shoes for everybody will be pas-
sed out at a norainaL cost to the buyer
for cash,
• Reader, this is a golden shop op-
portunity, but you'll have no time to
lose. The time limit is set' and the
sale will be of short duration.
Richardson& ill'Innis
Agents for the Sovereign, Hagar and
Just Wright Shoes, "
The partnership hitherto aubsisting under the firm
name of W. Oudrnore & Son as hay preseers and deal-
ers has been diseolved by expiration of time. The
bush -mu will still be °Ong -hued .by eon* member or
members of the old firm, and the public will be ad-
vised shortly of the nee arrangemente, whieh are
about being made.
. 2014-8 • WM, °COMORE, Kippen
Town -ship of
Notioe is hereby given that I have transmitted or
delivered to she persons mentioned in !sections 8 and
9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Ad, the copies requir-
ed by mid sections to be so transmitted or delivered
of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons
appearing by the last revised Assessment Itoll of the
said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at Elections for members of the Legis-
lative Assembly and at Municsipal Elections; and
that the said lid was first postesl up in ray office ni
Tuckersmith on the 80th day of jely,1906,and remains
there for inspestion.
Motors are called upon to examine the said list,
and, if any omissions or any other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the
said arrors.correaterraccording to law.
Dated et Tualteremith July 81st, 1900.
2010-2 Township Clerk.
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,
E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst, Gen'l Mana.get
A gonerai Caking business transacted. Accounts may be opened and onductod by
mail with all branches of this Bank. "
Deposits of $1 and upwards received,. and interest allowed at
current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay what-
ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any
portion of the 'deposit
F. HUMMED, 8oliditor G. E. PARKES, Manager.
Does Quality count with You?
If so, we can interest you.
Efay Making f (21-1-01-3:)M3 I Cultivating
EiarVeSting FROST & WOOD 5 Seeding
• Sharpies Tabular Cream Separators,
And Fine Oarriages.
The only store in town where you eau gqt the genuine Frost & Wood repairs. Call in
and examine the goods.
mg • mi• SEAFORTII'
Next to Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Store,
Nor Custom Stele ifs infinite Varie
Canadian National Exhibition
Larger, More Instructive and More Entertaining,than ever
° Magnificent Educational Exhibit of Processes of Manufacture in new
$100,000 Building
The Finest Program of Ampeements Ever Presented, including IVA N HOE
with Expert TILTERS, brought exp rosily from England
• Will Play Twice Daily on the Grand Plazd (Free), el a. m. and 4 p. me
No up -to date Canadian will miss this Exhibition.
. To avoid the Great Craw& come First Week.
For all information apply to
LIEUT. COL. J. A. McGILLtVRAY, K. 0., . J. 0. ORR,
PRZSIDENT ° Manager and Secretary
2016 • , City Hale Toit0=0,
Wholesale Fruit
At the lowest prices
for which the best
can be bought.
Dealers, it will pay
you. to get my prices
on all kirds of fruit.
Will call regularly
on neighboring
towns and villages.
rwo door e north of Reid. &
The Standard Bred Trotting Malian
Tarantum (21795)
will stand at his own stable, in Egmondville, for the
balanee of the season'. Will'meet mares by appoint.,
ment. Tenns, $10 to insure.
2016x4 jFegmondville.
Lumber, Lath
and Shingles
xxx & xxxx
)fflar e.g. 044
Planing Mill and 'Lumber Yards
• SEAF'OitTli
Going to spend
Your iffoliday
Out of Town
Then take soinething along to
help you enjoy it.
What about :—
They will all help sera
When you came pack you, will be
tanned and sunburnt. A little of
our Almond Cream will fix that,
Ohemist & Druggist
it X, *KA r, Manager.
Enablers you to
judge without pre-
ju.d ice. Look over
the list, and where
ire you surer of
pure drugs than at
our drug store • It
beeause we
are the only ones,
but because we .
make "quality
&rat " our motto.
Counteous treat-
ment, fresh drugs
and low prices ap-
ply to Us every
Pure Paris Green,
fresh stook, 25o a
Hellebore 300 a lb.
8tone Blot 0ob for
kidney trouble and
rheumatism, 50c a
We have a preventa-
tive for naval 111 or
rheumatism in
young colts—try it.
Once a eustonier ai.
ways a customer.
Agent for up-to.date Trusses, Syringes,
Hot Water Bottles, Shoop's remedies,
Cook's Cotton Root Compound and
Wood's Phosohedine.
Family Groups 'and
Children's Photos
,• Are a Specialty with us. We do the
kind of work you will be pleased with.
We have exceptional facilities for mak.
ing family groups and children's photos.
Come in and ssee us.
Picture Framin and Moulding.
JACKSON BROS, S'eaforth.
$12.00 I
. TO .
Manitoba' & Assiniboia
• From all stations south of line, Toroneo to
Sarnia via Stratford, including Torok"
AUGUST 17th -
From Station Toronto to Sarnia. via Strat-
ford, and all stations north thereof, except
• north of Toronto and Cardwell Jet.
AUGUST 22n4 -
From Toronto and stations east to Kingston
inclusive, and all dations north thereof, also ,
from stations north of Toronto and Cardwell I
For tickets and fau information call es I wit plug -LARD &
▪ 1.SZ.2...
Corner Mein
Market Brest*
The Largoat
D17 Goods
Iand Clothing
Concern 1,
CI earl n
Dry Goods,
It's nothing new for you to find excep-
tional bargains here at this time of the
year. in fact, that's what you are ac-
customed to, but our offerings at this
sale are better thaw usual. Come and
get your share of the m oney savings.
• Three dozen ladies' shirt waists,onsistin
g �f
vestings; Indus and black &Imola., in sizes 32 an
clear at 25c each.,
34, to
A job lot of misses' and children's otton hose to clear
at 5c a pair.
Ladies' new styles in summer weight skirts DI lustr
Panama cloths, wooLvoiles, etc., to clear at 25 per cent
A choice range of guipure lace pillow shams at 55e
eachlt* un‘ ners, to match Sharasj at 500 to 60o each..
A special line of ladies' noinsook corset covers on sale
at 25c .each.
A box of colored ribbons in different
5c a yard
A table of fancy muslins worth from. 15c to 20e, on
sale at 10c a yard •
Twenty-five per cent. off fancy rd dins, vestings,
cotton crepe de chenes, Ete
Fancy wool voile dress goods, worth 75e. clearing at
35 cents •
A table of dress goods at 35o. Th,ese goods wero so a
in the regular way at from 50o to 75o a yard
Ten pieces of towelling, a bargain, at 5ic
Eight pieces of art muslin, worth 12io, for 70 a yar
Four piece3 of table linen, worth 450, on sale at 300 a
Linen table covers, a bargain, at $119
Colored quilts at bargain pric es -55o and 5 o
Ten pieces o5 gloss towellipg, a bargain, at 5c a yard
Fifty pairs $nen towels, worth from $0o to 40c, slight-
ly c‘oiled, to cleir at 25c a pair
Tapestry table cdvers, regular prices
sale*at $1.00
25 to $1
Clothing Department
All straw hats to be cleara at half the regtilar price
Men's working shirts in drills, thumelettes,
price 50o, to clear at 35o
A pile of men's tweed pants, a bargain
Men's cotton pa tq.-q1,95c a pair—a bargain
Clearing lines in lmen's suits from $5 up
A pile of men's socks clearing at 10o a; pair
• See our Puritan working shirt, American. make,
itched, double bae,k and front, at 75o
See our Floxnaore shirt, all pure linen at $1.00.
per pair
HighP t Prices paid for Butter L4ggs
and Wool.
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A, ,F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tieket Agent,
Oppooite Town Building, Comer -Miin and Market Streets% Beam*,