HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-10, Page 3Schoo
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hools nd coll ege:
'On Ziete. toe
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Somers, Principal
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1k of life are trou
ac che? If you have
tht the kidneys are n4
ackache leads to
t in tirne by taking
kinds of Kidney Troublu.
tt right's Disease.
box Or 3 fer 51.23-
alere or
nto, Ont.
t Welt
d is imperfectly digestest
not derived Irom it by
purpose of eatkeag is cla-
n-- how good the food or
epted, to the, wants of that
Thus the dyspeptic, oftee
ie. awl debilitated, energy
tness, snap and vim aref
place come dullness, lost
I.Lud langour. It takes'
t'.1 know when one haw
.1 of no followineaerne-
neer, viz.: constmatione
doeilo appetite, headache
the stomach, etc.
. 2 e
; to cure rt.,g,to get back-
L:Jd vigor.
eing cures of dyspepsime
a natural yet effective*.
organs involved in thee
el, removing an clogge
akinf.; easy the work
oev, Ameliasburg, Out-N-
eeen troubled with dye--
year; and after Wm
ettrdoele Blood BitterS
;red. 1 canna Pella'
xr r hat It has dem IOL*
Vali a eign o dyspepsia.
Pabstitute for B33.13.-
ennbles one to ea
of life -which
n never hope to
ray to °penes ea
Sovereign Batik
tram SU* sati aswarda
viti4 4 times st X.
eiat yaw money 2n a pkee,,where
reams get it when you want it.
1: rJp#rturrrign
auk uf Tattaba.
brand Trunk Railway
Railway Tines Tabis
Trees leave Seatotth as follows
ta. For Vinton. Goderich NI/Ingham an
For Vinton and Goderich
Fcr Vinton, Winghom and Kincar
For (Anton and Gederich.
Far Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
Orillia, North By and points west ;
Belleville snd Peterboro and point°
For Stratford, onetph, Toronto, Mow
Veal end potties east.
For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto,
e. 111.
London, Eittron and Bruce.
tion1s Kenn- Passenger.
Dondon ditypart ass en 00 ma a: 8.18A.. C40 P
0.18 5.43
Exeter- -.•
era 9, •
9.20 6.
9.44 6.05
9,50 6.11
0.58 6.19
10.15 0.86
10.80- 0.52
10.88 7.00
10.50 7.111
11.10 9.85
5,49 A.kt, 3.80 e,
6.52 8.44
7.08 3.16
7.14 4.04
7.47 4.28
8.05 4.89
8.15 4.47
8.22 6,52
8.85 6.06
8.46 5.15
0.45 A. B. 6.10
10.' tf
las 00
Krita 404 404 44•14 009 • • k
Sours -
gingham, dews -
Saimaa 04F 0= 00 00, 0 • IR • .010
'Myth. 04•••0•00••••••••11,
'LOW 41);i0 • 0 0 0 0 • • 04. • •
al-IntOn..44"".0 00 00 .0 • 00 00
eleven- ...•• 00. sm. en .0. 4.*
Iwo 44,4 00 001. 00 WM
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0831rea1S. 4, -0 ear • • • • 00 •••
11.11=1 (01/71krei 00 00 • nor
Palmerston and
lioaTTY. Pass.
7.65 p.m
- 8.41
iflagham.. 9.16
t• 6.43 a.m
Brawls-- air 7.06
Oen ...... 9.16
PakeerX;n• • • 8,01
Pass. Mixed
12.4e pen 5.10 a.ro
1.34 8,20
1.44 ,' 6.10
1.56 9.80
2.08 111.15
Mixed. Pass.
10.40a.m. 2.40 p.m
10,55 2.49
11.46 8.02
11.46 8.18
1,21 ' 4.00
Beal Estate and. Mortgages bought or
Sold on [Commission •
Money to loa,n at lowest current rates
ot interest orenaortgage security
leateire farm in the Township of nekersmith.
FM house, large barn, all in good repair. Soil,
clay roam; good location.
60 acre fa m in the Toamshipof Tuokersailth frame
kouse, barn nearly new, pig pen, buildings hr. good
repair, situated near good town.
100 acres in the Township of Stanley, frame house,
good barn, implement house, buildings in fair state
of repair, situated two -and -a -half miles from market.
150 acres in boe Township of Stanley, smalll house
and barn in a fair state of repair, soil sandy loam, no
bills or stones, miles to market.
209 acres in the Township of bloKillop, frame blouse
nevty neat, heated by furnace, two barns, implem-
sit house, stabling for over 60 head of , cattle,
.fled well, windmill, water in stable for cattle and
ren, soil, clay loam in a firstrolass state of oultiv-,
lop, situated 7 miles froin market.
90 acres in the Township of Mali -Hop, briok house,
good burn, buillings in good repair, soil clay loam,
ay stones, situated convenient to market, sohool and
'lurches, would consider an exchange for suitable
lawn property in surrounding towns.
1 Also a number of other farms in }.futon County for
sole at low prices and on easy terms.
Dwelling houses and budding lots in Seaforth,
linton and Brucelleld for sale,
e. post card will bring you a full description, price,
te., of any of the above properties.
Free transportation from Brucefield to prospective
Ayers to inspect any property on ry list.
A. A-. WATT,eBrucetield, Ontario
Dire3tory for 1906
gi,onw m. GO VENLOOIC, Reevee
• eheathrop P. 0.
M. ROWLAND, Councillor, Walton
E. AnQUAID, Oounoillor, St. Colum -
ban, P. O. -
DON MoDOWEL12, Councillor, Sea --
forth P. 0.
E. BYERMAN, Councillor, Brodhag-
en P. 0.
MICHAEL MI5RDIE, Clerk, Winth-
top P. 0.
0. 11OLL'AND, Treaau.rer, Beech-
wood P. O.
S0L0MCiN S. SHANNON, J. P., San-
itary inapector, Winthrop P. O.
Threshing :ftlyndicates
We can interest you in
Machine and Cylinder Oils...
We also carry a fall line of blocks" and
ropes for :Jetting separators. ,
Vor in the back--
scantyme-highly colored
urine - irritated bladder -
irregular bowels -bad
staimach there is nothing
that will bring such quick
relief and, so certain a cure as
These Marvelous tablets are nature's
111.11tUra1 remedy for irritated or weakened
kidneys. They act directly on the
kidneys -soothe the irritated meinbranes
-dean, heal and strengthen the organs
-and hello them to new vigor with
their work. t
Often kidney trouble is not due to
any organic defect in the kidneys. If
the bowels are constipated -if the skin
does not throw oft the tissue waste of
the body -then these impurities are
carried to the kidneys. In a vain
endeavor to rid the system of impurities,
the kidneys are ov'erworked-the biood
vessels are dilated -the nerves inflamed.
That causes a host of kidney troubles.
not only heal and Strengthen the kidneys
but they also inmase the action of the
skin, and act directly on the liver, thus
ming the cons. • time
ItRyMn-Afie ee- ese the natural and logi-
ellf CM for St troubles. They are
mode ca fruit mid topics -ore pleasant to take
weendniguaninteeriewee when faithfully used.
a box or 6 boxes for $12.r. Sent on
of price if your druggist does not
Teach the young to shine and to
'ase "2 in I," and when they grow
up they will not depart from it.
Black in 100. and 25o. tine.
White in 15o. glass.
Blue Ribbon, 650 feet to the
pound -pure Manilla.
Beek it now, you. run no: risks, as we
guarantee both price and quality.
Do not fail to satnple pir machine
.oils, or inspect our harvew%tools.
Twenty Minutes
Time Enough?
All Right Yet. -The following which
we take from the Exeter Mimes will
be of interest to a good many '0!
our readers: "Those holding etock
In the National Portland Cement Co.
Limited will be pleased to learn that
the company is now in a more pros-
perous condition. A meeting of the
directors was held at their head, of-
fice, Durham, where, the mills are
'located. All expressed they' grati-
fication to the management for' the
continued increased output or the
mills. The output being an average
of 800 barrels a day, an increase ov-
er the teeord of any previous year.
.After providing for the ientire en!
debtness for $15,000 they neve de-
clared an interim dividend of 5 per
cent, payable the first of September.
:A Large Man. -The London. Free
Tress of last week contains an ex-
'cellent portrait of Mr. Jonathan Mil -
lee, of Goderich, and formerly of Sea-
foeth. Mr. Miller is principally note -
able for his immense size anti wetght,
as also for his good nature. He
et, eighs over 400 pounds. In introduc-
ing. him to its readers the Free Press
says :" Mr. Miller, who recently sold
out his livery business in Goderieh,
will take ever the hotel at Carlow
on .August ist. Mr, Miller is very
well known to the travelling public
of western Ontario. He conducted the
Hotel Bedford, Goderich, for a long
time, and was recently landlord of
the Grip House, Seaforth. London
horsemen will remember Mr. Miller
Os an occasional visitor to the city."
.Another of Mr. Miller's peculiarities
is that he dearly likes a good horse
ared usually owns one or move.
To Cure the Weist Headache From Any
Cause -New Reduction Method.
Most headaches and paths yield instantly to
the new Reduction Method -Dr. Shoop's Twenty
Minute Headache Cure. The cause for these
pains is congestion- a rushing of blood to the
nerve centers -which distends the veins to
nearly the bursting point. Swollen and enlarged,
these veins and capillaries exert an irritating
pressure on the myriads of nerve branches and
fibres. Then,there:s
-excruciating. cease-
Reduetion Method
distribgtes t h e /
rects it to the pro.
freed the nerve / Foi. x
has bean pain,
re -
and finally that
less ache. This new
disperses the blood,
overilow, and di -
per channels, It
centere from all
irritation -the
aches disap-
their cause
moved, you
sand reme-
drug and Stu -
into enbinission
vrhitch brings
permanent cure
because it, reduces
must embody the
Medicine hie thus
pear beeause
pify the nerves
-but the remedy
preMpt relief and
will be suooessful
the cengestien -it /
Reduction Method.
found a way -simple and sure, yet the On
-to thoroughly overcome these atteeee
Robe SiNeuralgia. The effect of Dr, p s
TWeh hairte Headache Cure is prbigi r -
footle tied to all forms of Headache a
bitely • • tles in every temperament,
and! • •Mmedfled by
-Oa's Cotton Root Compount
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on which Women ean
(lepend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. 1,4.1_; No. 2,
19 degrees stronger ; No. 3,
for special cases, 16 per box.
Sold by all druggists,
sts, or sent
prepaid on rece pt of price._
”e , Free pamphlet. Address! THE
COOK 11E0101111C0.,TORONTO, ONT. (forma* Wind8or)
Central hardware Stoi-e
George A. - Sills,
Seaforth - Ontario'
'it. Fortunately only fdur rnembere round to his door, When the. horeee
of the family partook of the vege- I turned sharp, causing the buggy to
tables. Shortly after breakfast they
became violently ill, and only the
timely arrival of medical aid saved
Mr. James Ross is about to remove
his hotel aid stage, office to the build-
ing formerly occupied by Ur. M.
Robertson, cabinet maker, east side
of Main street, near the station.
Mr. Robertson will occupy the build-
ing now used by' Johnson Bros., as
a hardware store, and Johnson Bros.
will Move to the Meyer block.
Seaforth, November 3, 1871.
The Dominion Telegraph Company
have opened an office in Seaforth,
arid will be ready for business in a
- few days. The office will be in Di.
Smith's office and will be conducted
by Mr. Reid, aseistaot at the Grantl
Trunk station.
Mr. 11 D. .Wilson, of this village,
accompanied by Mrs. Wilson, expects
to leave here next Monday on a trip
to the old country.
On Friday evening, 27/fli ult., a-
bout 90 members of the Wesleyan
church visited -the parsonage and
presented their pastor's eevife. Mrs.
Kennedy, with a handsome purse
containing $26.
The Late W. Broadfoot-The late
William J. Broadfoot,, whew death al?
Banff, British dolumbia, we have al-
ready referred to and who was the
eldest son of Mrs. 'J. H. Broadfoot,
of Seaforth, was a big, hearty _man,
six feet two inches in beight,
weighed 225 pound e and was in his
40th year. His illness commenced at
Princeton, where he was engaged at
mining and to get to Banff he had
to travel 450 miles by stage an this
possibly put the prospect of xecov,-
ery beyond question. Mr. Broadfoot
• went 'west over 20 years ago arid had
never been home- for 13 years but
promised his mother to return for
the coming i winter. Four years ago
he was married to a lady In Wash-
ington Statei- who survives him. They
had no farelly. Deeeased had done
well in ratiohing and prospecting and
his brother, Mr. C. H. Broadfoot, of
Brussels, will likely go west next
month to look after the estate. The
illness resulting- in Mr. Broadfoot's
death was the 'first sickness in his
life. He 'had been poorly for a
month before reaching Banff.
Voters' Lists. -The voters' lists for
this year ,have been issued. The total
number of voters is 92.8 oe whom; 731
are entitled to vote at both mu'nicipal
and parliamentary elections; 160 can
vote at municipal electicinseonly,while
there are 32 who can only vote for
members of the Local House. There
are 526 jurors on the list; there are
54 widows and a somewhat unusual
feature being that in sub -division No.
3, there is only one widow on 'the
Narrow scape.-Mrs. Harry Jos- \
ling, of Detroit, had been visiting at
the home of her father, Thomas Ma -
soh, in Hullett, for several weeks.
She left for home on Friday, but,
while driving into Clinton, had a nar-
row escape from being killed. Just
as they were close to the railroad
track on the gravel road, a frieght
train came down from the north be-
fore they saw it, but the horse back-
ed off the track and nearly threw
them all out in the ditch. beyond
fright, they were uninjured.
For dry, cracked lips, or rough kin,
use Dr. $hoop's Green Salve. It posi-
tively makes lips and skin like .vel-
vet. Sold, by C. Aberhart, druggist,
In The Olden Days.
Trythe New Store
Where they don't trifle with
other people's business but
piy strict attention to the
wants of everybody's needs
in the line of
Fresh, dured and Cooked
Bologna and Sausages, Gro-
ceries, Fruits and Vegetable,
-all at right prices.
Try our 270 Tea.
The originators of lovv prices in meats
Phone 96
Commercial Block, Opposite the
Post Office.
%he determining cluestions !�r the insurance applicant are:
1t -Undoubted financial sta,nding.
2nd -Large proftt-earning power.
erd-Moderate expenses.
4th -Liberal privileges and benefits.
5th -Up-to-date plane.
6th -Moderate rates.
Applying the test along these lines, the LONDON LIFE is
eilaineys ready for the contest.
ever and
W. 11, ROBINSON) Inspector, Seaforth..
Interesting sketches of the early
days of Seaforth and vicinity,
taken from the files of The Ex-
.....orak• 0400
Seaforth, October 20th, 1871,.
At Christ Church, Chatham, on Oc-
tober 12th, Francis Holmested, bar-
rister of Seaforth, -Was united in mar-
riage to Ellen, second daughter 0!'
the late William Hunter, leste, of
Barrie. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Venerable Archdeacon Sandys.
Alex. Gray, one of the early resi-
dents of the Mill road, Tuckersmith,
died On Monday, 16th Inst., aged -56
years. He leaves a wife axed large
A meeting was heed in the town
hall on Wednesday Pvening to devise
means for the assistance of the suf-
ferers from 4the, recent greet fire In
Chicago. A cormiiittee was appeinted
to raise a subscription for the pur-
The by-law to grant a bonus of
$10,000 to the London, 'Huron and
Bruce Railway was defeated in Tuck-
ersmith on Tueriday, by a majority of
On Sunday last the audience room
.of' the Seaforth Canada Presbyterian
church was 'formally opened. Prof.-
Ingles, of Knox College, Tormito,
preached in the morning and evening
and Rev. Mr. •Goldsenith in the after-
noon. On •Monday evening a, public
meeting was held in the church, when
addresses Were given by Rev. Mr.
Cochrane, of Brantford, and others.
The choir, outer the leadership of
Mr. John Habkirk, rendered several
selections. The collection of the ev-
ening amounted to $100-. This, with
the collections on Sunday, amounted
to $400. •
Seaforth, Oda& 27th, 1871.
Robert A. McElroy, son of *John Mc-
Elroy, of Roxboro, McKillop, cut his
foot ' pretty- severely on Friday, 25th
inst., the axe lodging in the foot
a little below the instep.
A little daughter of Mr. .A.ndrew
Seafortb, November 10, 1811.
Mr. Charles ;Wilson, of this village
who in the 'spring of 1870, accompan-
ied the mnetary expedition from On-
tario .to Mknitoba, has returned.
Mesiers. Sperling and Scott, have
porchased the furniture and cabinet
stock of Mr. Thomas Bell.
eSeaforth, November -17, 1871.
At the reeidence of the bride's par-
ents in McKillop, on the 10th inst.,
ivlise Jane Emily ielurdie, was united
in marriage to Ur. Donald McGregor,
The cereenony wall performed by Rev.
Mr. McDiarrnid. •
The journeymen coopers of two of
the coopering establishments of this
-village have peen on strike for a-
bout a week. It memo that the -pro-
prietors a. few weeks ago, raised
the price -given for making barrels
from eight cents to nine cents, but
considering this too nigh ri rate, de-
cided to reduce the rate to eight cents.
The coopers .declined to aceept the
lower rate and consequently quit
orning the ground was
now and it looks as
-had set In.
* -
When a won suffers from de-
pressing weaknesses, she then keenly
realizes how belpless-ahow thoroughly
worthless s'he is. Dr. Shoop has
brought relief' Ito thousands of such
Women. He reaches diseases peculiar
to women In two direct, specific ways
-a local treatment known by drug-
gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Night
Cure, and a censtitutional or liter -
nal prescription, called Dr. Shoop's
Night Cure is applied locally and at
night. It works ?while you/ sleep. It
reduces inflammation, et stops die -
charges, it heals, it soothes, it com-
forts, it !cures.
)Jr. Shoop's .Reetorative tablet or
liquid form 4s a constitutional, nerve
tissue tonic. It brings renewed
strength, lasting ambition and vigor
to weak, lifeless' women.
These two remedies, eingly, or used
together, have an irresistible, posi-
tive helpful power. Try them a month
and see. Sold by C. Aberhart, drug-
gist, Seaforth.
w -bite with
though evinte
Manitoba and Northwest Notes
-Cement side -walks to the value
of over $150,000 will be laid, down in
Calgary this summer.
-It is said the C. P. R. are arrang-
ing to build a $150,000 hotel in the
town of Moose Jaw. ,
-Mr. W. D. Youill, late principal
of Carman school, has accepted ah en-
gagement as principal of Minnedosa
e trustees of the Methodist
church, Moose Jaw, have decided to
order a three manual pipe organ at
a cost of $5,490
-The resignation of town clerk
Whitaker, of Portage la Prairie,
has been accepted, and Fred Cleyton
has been appointed to the position.
-The been,
at the Winnipeg
Exhibition on Citizens' Day is °Me-
anly stated to be 41,704. It don't
come up to the big Toronto show
-The population of Moose Jaw will
be shown in the present census re-
turns to be 6,500, an increase of 4,-
500 in five yearn.
-Mr. E. •W. Hanna, owner cif the
Imperial hotel, the well-known Bran-
don hostelry, has received an offer
ot $125,000 for that 'place;
-The entire teaching staff in the
Elson Creek public school have re-
signed, owing to their request for
an increase in -salary being refused.
The trustees are now endeavoring to
fill the positions.
-Mr. Alex. Moir, of Winnipeg
Beach, had a narrow escape from
drowning Sunday afternoon. While In
bathing he took cramps aril was go-
ing down for the third time when
rescued. e
-The Methodists of Snowflake,
Manitoba, are lerecting a new church
this summer, and many of the farm-
ers in the 'vicinity are building new
-A block of land witli 88 feet front -
houses and barns.
age on Portage avenue, Winnipeg, has
just been sold for $50,000 cash. -The
seller if Mr. W. R. Allan and the
buyer is Mr. T. D. J. Farmer, i of
Hamilton, Ontario.
-Brandon people are much an-
noyed at' the Roblin Gvoernrnent on
account of the proposed removal of
the Provineial Normal Sehool from
that, town. Why it is being removed the
\tett startleneoxiseertwiehouldweuidl emayee, andIne
is not stated.
-Mr. Wm. Braden, assistant post- utterly iirostrated. 1 lost in y,reight,
master at Winnipeg, died on Sunday
had PIrt c atakenlIi the almostpl lslong nag wreckwhe
last, after an lingering illness. He
I found they were helping me a my
was 48 years of age, and a nativs
appetite improved, my nerves began
of Cookstown, Ont. He had been a
to grow steady, and clay by day, I
resident of Winriipeg since early man -
gained until I was again a well
hc*-While driving a few days ago mah. My weight increastd twenty-
Estevs,n, Albeeta, the seat of the live pounds while I was using • the
democrat in which Mrs. Vennes set.- pills. To any who suffer as 'I Aid, I
came 1 oose and tilted back, throwing can say that if Dr. Williams' Pink
her to the ground. A fracture of the Pills are given a fair trial, a cure
spine resulted, and a few days lat-
er she died. will Db. we sure et,o pf ion] follow"
-Mrs. Frank Jeffers, of Hurry, Mr Porth, simply because tliey made
Alberta, reoestly fell froth a 'chair the rich, pure blood which prope4y
and broke a bone in her arm. She immeshes the nerves and keeps them
was standing in the chair arid to strong. They will cure all the die -
eases due to bad blood and. shatter -
f f 111 over the baby she
upset. In some manner he got his
foot caught in the wheel se that his
leg was broken lust above the ankle.
-Re-gine, jail has been handed ov-
er by the federal authorities to the
provincial governm'art, ;The property
is being taken over as a, going con-
cern, with lelfi dings, jail staff, be,
between 30 an 40t -prisoners, 180 acres
of fine land, and. as good standing
crops as are to be seen in the prove
in --"A business lot in Prince Albert,
Sask., 66 feet frontage and 112 feet
in depth, was recently sold for, $150
a foot cash. A block of 9,2 building
lots in the same town were sold for
$7,600, which a week previously had
been bought for $4,700.
-A few days ago as train was
crossing a street in Regina it struck
the wagon of a man byt the name of
Usa.ki, who fortunately leaped in
time, and escaped with his life, but
both the horses were killed and the
wagon smashed. One of the horses
was crushed' into ari almost unrecog-
nizable mass.
-A sad accident occurred in the
Metiers, district near Deloraine, on
Wednesday last, when Norman, the
five year old son of Thomas Cos-
grove, was accidently shot. A load-
ed gun left in the barn was knoek-
ed down in some .way and, went off,
the contents striking the little lael
in the chest, killing him instantly.
-Messrs. McNichol' and Bros., / of I
Qu'Appelle, shipped 35 imported reg-
istered Clydesdale mares to their
ranch the other Bay, It was one of
the largest consignments of pure
bred mares ever sent to ono. place in
the. west.
-William Hastings, a young man
In charge of some horses at the Ok-
toks, B. C., fair last week,, while
pastiing behind one of them, recelved
a kick in the face which rendered
him uhconscioue. Upon an examin-
ation it was proved that he had, sus-
tained a, bad fracture of the boner;
of the nose, besides a deep flesh
wound on the chin, which required a-
bout six stitches.
-A terrific electric storm passed
over McGregor recently, accompanied
by heavy hall and rain. Walter
Smith, two miles south of town, had
his stable burned from lightning, and
had two good teams of horses and
harness in the fire. About six miles
north the hail made havoc and sev-
eral farmers are heavy losers. 'The
hall streak was three miles wide,
and everything in the way of crops I
are totally destroyee.
-In Decenber last the- home of
Rev. and Mrs. Austin, Niretaskiwin,
.Alberta, was brightened by the ar-
rival of triplets, a boy and two girls.
Each was apparently in the beet of
health until a few weeks ago when
they were taken ill and one by one
were carried off by death, the boy
dying July 16, his sisters predeceas-
ing him on June 23 and June 80.
-A young man named Clarke Am-
bler was drowned in the Pipestone
River at ,Wetaskawin, Alberta, on
Sunday 1 ast. 'He was bathing with
several others and had walked out
several feet, and being warned by
one of his companions , of a deep
hole near, was in the act of turning
around to come ashore alien he slip-
ped and fell. Two of the avelooners
got hold of and tried to rescue the
drowning man, bier were unsuccess-
The intense itchthg characteristic of
salt rheum and eczema is instantly
allayed by applying Chamberlain's
Salve. As a cure for skin diseases
this valve is unequaled. For sale by
all Druggists.
-Sixty-five imported Clydesdale
fillies, many of them prize winners,
were sold by auction on the fair
grounds in Winnipeg. Two of the
best, a pair of two year -etas, were
purchase e by Valentine ;Winkler, M.
P. P., for use on his farm near Mor-
den and for vehich he paid $860. One
of them was a prize winner and is
considered by competent judges. to
be the finest of the kind in' Canada.
Severe losses by a, recerit hail
storm are reported from the Spring
Lake district, about five miles south-
west of Broadview, Sask. The storm
passed eastward with diminishing
force causing partial loins to sev-
eral 'farmers south and east of the
town as well. Some, who have lost
pedetically their entire crop, are
without insurance. Others have the
benefit of the government insurance
wbrth up to $4 pea acre for the tot-
al loss.
4,=.• 000.0,0
"Satisfaction o
you Money Back.
Ever issued is the stamp of a reliable maker to his s. That
is why you are secure in buying
Progress rand
Every garment boars the Pr)gress ,Brand label, and every suit
bearing that label is guaranteed under the folLeving eecurity
Made Strong and Steady by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills.
When your nerves are out of order
your whole system. is 011 *the verge
of a break -down. Sudden sounds star-
tle you, your muscles twitch and
your hands tremble; your self-con-
trol is shattered; your will -power i
gone. Your head aches; your feet
are often cold and your face 'flushed.
Your heart jumps and thumps at the
letst excitement ; you are restlese.
at night and tired when you wake.
'Your temper Is irritable and you !eel,
utterly down -hearted. And the whole
trouble is because your blood is too
thin and watery to keep the nerves
strong. There is orily one way el>
have strong healthy nerves -feed
them with the rich, red blood that
only Dr. Williams' , Pink Pills can
make -and do .make. Mr. Fred Forth,
17 Sullivan street, Toronto, - says
was a complete wreck with ner-
vous prostration, but Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills have made a new man" of
me. I had been nervous for years;
Every dealer in" Progress Brand Cloth-
ing " is suthor!z d guerantee each gar.
tnent bearing the " Preget*" label to be
- free from imperfections in Materiel end
werkmatiehip, to be sewed with pure aye
[ilk, tAilhroti by skilled workmen, and made
of depot dsble cloth, thoroughly sponged
and ehrnnit.
Should an v " Proviso " limed garMent
prove uns.atiefactort. out not alwve re.
preeented„ it way be eturoed, and money
paid for same will be refnudsd.
The man or woMan who knows style, materials, workrasnship, fhiish and
fit will choose a Progress Brand snit every time, label or no label, but tbe
man who only partially know, needs some guide. What better guide could
you possibly get than the above guarantee of the largest clothing concern in
Canada, thgether with our personal guarantee of "eatiefaetion or your money
Why take chances with inferior brands when you have e.bs
in Progress Clothing at a priee which we defy any one to beat,
workmanship considered. Ta eeding prices
Govenlock, broke her arm on Wed- threw herself over the child. She ed nerves, such as anaemia, iodizes -
tion, headaches and backaches, Alexi-
' - was badly bruised besides receiving
nesday, 18th inEit.„ nutism, lumbago, St. Vitus' dance,
The family of Mr. Simon Powell the broken bone.
had a very narrow escape from be- -During en electric storm in Bee paralysis„generse weakness and the
Ing poisoned on 'Wednesday lastgins, last week, the stable of Wesley secret allenents of growing girls and
During last summer Mr. Powell had Arnold- was struck by lightning just women. But you must always insist
been using hellebore for the 'purpose as the horse was being led into the on getting the genuine pills with
of killing insects in his garden. A stable. The lightning cut Me halter the full name Dr. Williams' Pink
portion of it was unused, and was rope in two, and partially demolish- Pills for Pale People on the wrapper
left in a pepper box in the cupboarded the roof of tete table, but neither around each box, Sold by all medicine
On Wednesday Mr. Powell had got a man nor hdealers, or sent direct by mail atorse were hurt.
new servant girl. ,She was cookie's 1 -Thomas ;Wilson, of Whitewater, 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
potatoes and taking the helaboee for Man„ met with a painful accident on by writing the Dr. ;Williams' 'elleclie
pepper, seasoned the 'Potatoes with Sunday. He was driving hie team ne eine Co., Brockiille, Ont. . . .• ."
Men's Suits $7 50 $10
Bo V Suits $250, 3
See Our Odd Coats
Vests and Pants
lute eec
Farm Laborers' Exetirsion
Manitoba and Saskatchewan
GOING - Al2.00
RETURN - 818.00
For particulars and tickets, apply to
STEWART BROS., Ag9nt8 C. P. R.) AF Tit