The Huron Expositor, 1906-08-10, Page 2ME HURON EXPOSIT° SPE A THIS MOH *aims a Angus urcell's s SATURDA riTilehte Only t the prospects of the farmers in Rainey River, Thunder Bay and districtT3 were never better than at present. The attend- ance at the Institute meetings has been large, and the members are all theenetneeeetenteen History Reneat Itself: diner, superilterident of the Ontario Institute -for l'the Blind, " at Brant" ford., will have to follow in the wake of Mr. Basted°. He is- said to have been- guilty ef certain offences and aft investigation is to be held. Re- ferring to this matter, the Hamilton Times saye memo buying of btapl Goods is economy well di;•ected. A Half *ck Some Things A Third Stock Many ThincYs' ay a QuarterStock in Most Everything $pecials tor This Week :"mia" DRY 56 inch Table Linen, Unbleached, at 25c per yard 60 Lich Table Linen, Bleached, at 300 per yard GOODS64 inch Table Linen; Bleached; at 55o per yard On hand—Nice assortment of Rook -fast Drill Shirtings. GROCER-. Eil_Bars Laundry Soap for .. . , 25c john Buil Pickles, per bottle 10c 1E8 - On ha-44Parest blend of Teas, Coffees and Spices, MIL CLOTH- T weed Pants, regular $1.50 _line, at per pair $1 00 ING Meres Overalls; regular $1 00 line at per pair 75 Men s erwear, cotton, ale per $arment 25 It' is quite possible the Times diag- "We think we begin to flee light in the matter of those charges a- gainst Mr. H. F. Gardiner, of the In- stitution for the Blind, Brantford. Tbe maker of the chargerl is said to be a man who was OTICO an employee of the institution, but who for reasons that may bee illuriiinatingt now wears " ex." before his' description. When the "eharges " are Investigated it will probably be found that they have spite for their eire and political of- fice hunger for their dam. Gardiner had a big lot of house-cleaning to do over there when he took hold, and this may be but the effluvium of the 'rubbish bundled off the promisee' 14 _DE -TO -ME ISURE CLOTHING. Fit -Reform. Brand handled only Satisfaction guaranteed, newest sty10 and p'atterns; _Highest Prices pat 'for Butter 4. Eggs. W1LLIAIVIS and PURCELL c Successors to B. B. GUNN Sole Agents for FIT REFORM Tailoring Sults made to measure. CORNER STORE - SEAFCkRTH leseeFORTHI FRIDAY, Aug. 10, 1906. Re -Constructing the Liberal Party. The -Conservative and so Galled In- dependent papers occasionally mani- fest considerable conearn. about the Liberal party in this Province. Whert these fits take them they busy them- selves at re-construeting the Liberal party, on paper, to suet themselves. They relegate the present leader of tbe Op•Position, Eon. G. ,W. Ross to that valley of dry bones known- as the Dominion Senate, and they raise up In his place another leader in the person of Mr. McKsy, Mr. Graham or Mr. Preston, ala good and able men and Amen who have come prominently torWard in Provincial politica. :Whatever grounds there rnly be fox their prognostications, or what the future intentions of the present Opposition leader may be we know not. Bet there is one thing -which Must lee evident 'to every observer of the political horoscope in this 'Pro - :Once and that is, that some chanie is necessary. Thee Opposition show- ed, never more plainly, than' at tap last session of the Legislature, by their lack of energy and cohesiveness, that some cha,nge is required in order ao make even a passably good and 'effectiye opposition ; thea- showed that they had not yet recovered from the stunning blow -they received at the last election. Ho-vveVer, time rem- edies all things, and in. cotirse bf time ttie Ontario Opposition will, corn& to the front once more isttong' and . agreeeive as of yore. A -suitable lead- er will be found in dun coiirse, wheth- er that leader- be any of the-J(611e- men 'mentioned or some other per- son. There is .a strong feeling in the country that Mr. Ross shoulceeone tinue in his, present position. He is still by ell odds, the most able man In Ontario ,palitics and there is no other person Just now in sight, who can. tin his position as well. . But if he sheuld continue,. his following in, the Legislature -will have to stick to him a good' dear enore closely and loyally than they did laet session or even he will not be able to accom- plish much either for the Province or the party. But, from-- Mr. Ross' _ .own standpoiht we do not knoed that the position' offers very attractive possibilities. The .goal a every Op- 130SitiOti is power and the ambition of, -every Opposition' leader is to lead his party to that goal. In the mean - but this. while satisfying in itselftls leader and no leader can be Succesen ful 'who is not ambitious ,both far himself and his narty. In. this re- spect, - therefore, there is not muc for Mr. iltoss to hope fon aa the lea er of -the Opposition in the Legislan' Mr. Whitney had Sir Niallfrid ler's good fortune to eome into pow er on the very crest of the. wave. Th Province was Just entereing upon' an era of unexampled prosperity, th result in a large /measure of the fore sight, energy and geod managemen of his ;predecessors -in office. As- a cOnsequence of :this developmefit arid prosperity he • is enjoying the fruits o a rapidly expanding revenue and he is, therefore, able to speod- motley lavishly, not to say with profligacy A. very few years ago his financial management woeld have been con sidered ,prolligate and in comparison with the careful management of Sir Oliver Mowat It if; indeed, to say the least, reckletis in' the h ettreme But 'it Is difficult to get the people Whp, from .other cadeses are ;prosper- ous', to view this lavish expenditure as extravagant and daogerous. Of course, the day of reckonIng- will come and when it does come\ the cur- rent of ,public opinloo will flow even more .strongly in the different di- rection. When the current tomtit as .it most ,assure-dly as, the one result follows. the other, as surely as darkness follow! day, and when it does turn; thea will, come therioppor- turning -potnt may be- long delayed, Can Hr. (Ross affoidito work and wait for that time ? That' is e, point for himself and thoee who are higb. up in the counsels of the party to decide. In "the mean time, no enapter who the leader may be there 'is annilie anti useful work -dor a strong and vigor- ous -Opposition to do. The Expositor very accute• observer of . the political horoscope to elescern that the pre- sent Govaernment and party are isafe to win the next election and to. hold the foit for another Parliamentary term. The Opposition, if they gath- er themsel yee together as 'they should do, • may very greatly strehgthen their' forces, increase their numbees and imptoye their influ&ce at the next election.. If the Conservatives are. anything aike as strong numer- ically in the next Legislatere as in this, their strength will eritirety be due eo the disorganizatieu and lack of good fighting - ability ore the part of the Liberals. Despite their advantages and the "good fortune which favored ihem when they came into power, the -Whitney idlovern.ment is not nearly so etrong as it. looks. The party, ha already honey conibed with ttissatisfaction and discontent and the GoVernment do not .seem to be doing much to appease these dis- cordent elements. They are depend- ing more on -the .power of pelf than the . good will of the rank and file of their followers to carry them through. Such a policy may wear for a time but it vein ultimately areak doevre- The Government can be put on - the defeosive on a, hundred different • counts. ' If. the Opppsition can take advantage of tile- 6situation their chanees are good„ ;perhaps not for immecliartn- promotion, but for a respectable deeence in. the next Leg- islature and sere vietory at ethe fel-. lowing election. But, wboeVer may go -down arid whoever nia,y'eome up, there are stir- ring times ahead of the Liberals of - this Province: -There is work for them to do and the sons will Sadly bely the traditions Of kthe fathers if the call to arms does "nan find the tight men and -enough of them ready. —The farmers in New , Ontario are said ton be prosperous and hopeful.. Andrew Elliott, one of the • Ontario hour for a stretch. A dieter= a 30 "Miles west of Portage la Prairie was coverbd in 28 minutee, an average speed of 78 miles per hour. On Tues. ; day Sir William established the long distance epeed record for Western , linee, his train making the run ae. tween ialoase Jaw and Winnipeg, 400 ! ranee in eight hours flat. On board ; of. these trips were ihir William Van HOrne, Second Vice -President Whyte, e. Mr. Ceballo, New York, and General Superintendent J. t'V.. Arundel. To- daeds is said to be the record for this continent. Deafness Cannot be Cnred, by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ,ear. There le only one way tn cure 'deaf- ahd that is by constitutional remediee. Deafness is caused ley an inflamed condition ofp the mucous lin- ing of the Eestaohlan /rube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumblihg sound or imperfect ;hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf., riess is the result, and unless' the In- flammation can be taken out and this tube metered to its' normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is .nothing but an in- flamed condition of the enucoup sur- faces. tiere will give One Hundred Dollars for any case o; Mennen (caused by catarrh) that eannet be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. fiend ter cireulars, free. noses the situation quite accurately. ! Sold by Druggists, 75c. But that will not* save Gardiner. It ' .Taite Hall's Family Pills for Con - was very clearly proven that the stipatioon, ; r charges against Bastedo had " spite ; ' Canadtv for their sire and political hunger ' —A shock of earthquake .was felt for their dam," This was more clear - in Pembroke, Ont., on the night of ly proven than cnything else and yet July 31st, lasting almost a minute: Basted° had to go and the creature It was also felt at Westmeathi Ont. —On Monday night, at Bancroft, who made the charges 'lie still retain:, Hastings county, a wedding was cel. - ed in his old position and expects, no ebrated, at which the groom was a doebt, what he was promised, promo- man of 73 years and the bride a lady tam. It all depends. Mr. Gardiner is -:-One of the two Royal Society'e a Grit and if his position is derniind- research studentships of £150 at the ; ed by the party for some Tory who Unlversity of London has been a-, has been useful to the party and can warded to Dr. P. H. Scott, son of be dangerous to it if unappeased, Pmralincsipeahlootcott, of the Toronto Nor- Gaediner Will have to go, investiga. —A few days ago, while re horse tion or no investigation, unless he was tied in front of re residence in has a sufficient nuMber of influent- Hespeler, Waterloo county, near 'the laly Tory relatives and friends who , Wenzell bee yards, the bees ettacke could make it more dangerous for the ed the horse and literally ccreered the °Government were he not retained. animal, stinging the horse so badly That is the situation and we invite that a veterinary wine was called aad the Times to watch how it works little ho,pes of the recoyery de the animal. Get a 5 cent box of Lex-ets at man arrested at Montreal, charged our store, ;please. -We think they are with stealing a suit case, containing great. Just test these toothsome, c ea s rom . . ay son, _a - candy -like Laxative Tablets for con- 'ford, has been sentenced to six stipation sour stomach, • biliousness months In the Central Prison. He is bad brea:th, muddy cornpexion held, however, to answer chatges of ,hy etoc:. ed a cheek, which, he • stated, he had Risk 5 - cents and see. Sold forgery and perjury, he having cash- • 'is goo 9 Always exactly the same quality Those will° have used it for years are the ones whd give it the name Canadian ":1.ourt,iri Japan. . 1 an Irishms,n, who came out to 'Canada —For twelve years, John Mallon, A report upon our flour trade with en emigration party about two with Japan has just reached the weeks ante served as a prlvate under Trade ahd Commerce Department from General Kitchener, in the Second Mr. Alexander MacLean, Canadian re- Scottish Rifles. He passed through presentative at Yokohama. "It con- the South African 'War and the cam- tinue.s to -be a matter of surprise to paign in ' Egypt. He was al -few many people in Canada," he says months ago honorably discharged, and " that Canadian flour does not fig- has now come to Canada to live - in tire more largely fn the Japanese peace. This brave defender was sent in public speeches, in newspaper re - nn aut to work in fhe harvest' flelds by the immigration department at Tor - market. This surprlse finds- expresal few other ways." Put the result of onto. —Dr. Mills, one of the members of ference to the matter and in not a two years' study of tae question the railway commission, had a little lea,d& Mr. MacLean to conclude that experience of hie own in his office thisi condition is not due to prejud- 'at Ottawa, a few evenings ago. The ice ior discrimination against Canada' janitor *went off et 5 o'clock, lock- ian 'flour but to other pauses. First, ing the offices' tight, not -.knowing the -there is no direct agency represent- comMissioner was in his room. Dr. Iv it, " whexeas for the, flour of Mills could not get to the phone, but Canadaas competitors there are direct succeeded in attracting the attention agencies, besides the impetus or of men on a hose reel that were rnomenttim of long-time and widely- passing, and they succeeded in open - established trade connections." ing a lower window, out of which But the chief drawaack is the pau- the doctor climbed. city of Canada's supply a,vailable tor —There died in Toronto, on. Thum - the Oriental rnarkeee, For instance, day of last week, the ccenmon white the total export of flour from Van- goose, which sihce 1898 has been one cohver i in 1905 was $76;486 worth, of of the curiosities of Island Park, which $62,000 worth went to Japan, Toronto. The claim of this fowl to whereas ten times that amount would fame was -founded on the length of be insufficient, he Oinks, to give years which it had attained. Born .Canadian flour .a strong commercial in the year '1843, it was 63 years of standing in the Japanese market. age at the time of Ito death, a dur- There is, of mune, an ample output ation of life, which it il safe to say, from the Manitoba -milli, but the ex- no other member of the species has pense of transportation of this pro- ever reached in Canada, The goose duct to the Pacific would. make its was hatched in the Townehip 6f Ral- cost prohibitive." eigh, and was for a time" -an inmate Makes a Suggestion. 1 of Harry Piper's Zoo. By him it was " If it were practicable. by trans- ; 1p8r9e8s,entied, to htiheh city in the year portal= facilities as 'it is- by geo- fa ilia "fel w ei date it had been a graphical incidence," Mr. MacLean mill ar b gut re n 'the summer, sevim- point a Canadian transcontinental VIOINSUPSIMMOM111422.03,28~ ;Winnipeg, -the situation would in -4 o Cure a Cold in One Day some measure support the expectation Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine of a large trade in flour between Tablets. Druggists refund money Canada and Japan. "Bue as things have if it fails yi cure. E. W. GROVES been and are ;now, that expectation signature is on eaci.mh bo.x. 25e. should be under restraint until the : _ _ _.. .__ wheat-groviing capabilities of Alber- ta and British Columbia have had cultural Department express the op - Stomach Troubles and 1 ion that the unprece4ently high prices at present being paid for 'hogs throeghout the Province,- is in a Constipation I measure due to the recent packing, house exposures in the United States. No one can reasonably tope for goOd They. point out that the decrease in digestion when the bowels are con- canned goods exports of the Tanieed stipated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of' Ed-- States so far this Year has, been a- wardsville, says, " I suffered bout $344,000, and of this amount the -from chronic ,constipation and stomach dem-eagle in June alone was '$336,000. troubles for several yeets, but -thanks It Is claimed tbat this decrease- has to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver necessitated a demand for melit, and Tablets, am almost cured." :Why not particularly' pork, from other sourcee get a package of these ta,blets, and of supply, while the Canadian pro - get well and stay well ? Price 25 duct has a reputation for dieaniin,eis cents. For :sale by all Druggists. and freedom from revolting manufac- turing cooditions. gxporters, it is al- so said, ere now trying ta hold the Wha5 Old Men Can Do. market, 4nd coneequently are will - cone, High •Commissioner for Canada Sir -Donald IA. Smith, Lord Strath- ing to pay laege peices to obtain hogs. In - London, Is a wonderful old man. • Sunlight Soap is better tban ether soaps, Although verging on 90 years of age , but.is best'when used in the Sunlight way. and a multi -millionaire, be still lives lily Sunlight Soap and follow direction& a strenuous - life as the following ! testifies : Here are ehree days in ! Lord Stratheona's Life. He was host A. Guaranted Cure for Piles. of 1,7004 guests rat Knebworth, near iBlind, (Bleeding, Protruding London, on Saturday, July lOth, the Piles. Druggists are authorized to garden party being In honor of vise refund anoney PAZO OINTMENT iting Canadians. That night he went fails to !cure in, 6 to 14 days.. 50c. up to London and took the night ex - .press to Oban, - in the West ,Higed- lands. At, Oban, on Sunday morning his yacht was welting 'to take him FALL TERM OPENS ,SEPT 4 to his island of Colonsay, out in' the . Atlantic. He spent Sunday there, In de:ddintr to get a business education or short - sailed back on Monday, took the night hand Will, in is wise to choose a school that is express to London, and was at bus- well known or strictly higkgrade work. The ineSS in the High Commissloner's of- , fice on Tuesday. —Here Is an achievement by an- other wonderful man, who is by no means a (youth. A . Winnipeg des- patch, dated ;August 1st,' says : "Dur- ing the last two ays Sir Willian4 is well known as one of the lied Commercial School0 Van Horne ha,s bee way records. This /77 srnashirle rail- in existence.N Its record this year bas been most re - lel train came in from Brandon, a tlines the supply. • Vflite to-dav for our nutgnigeent distance of 134 miles, under two hpurs catalogue. an average speed of 67 miles ehi W. J. ELLIO' TT, Principal an hour. At one time the speed in- Cor. Yonge and Alexander fits. (neater registered 79 3-4 miles per 20174 Some tradem s are worth million dollars —others are not worth a cent. The value of a trademark lies in what it stands for. roams rand' ch i, The big tele ph school of catis our school. -It is the that has placed more ypang railway positions during th year than all the other Oa telegraph sch.00is and coil eges Ibook, giving full particu,.1 Let tee send you our ne 1 1 B, W, Bottlers, Principcti Dominion School of Tel ADELAIDE STREET EAST TORONTO label stands for all that is best in clothing. STEWART BROTHERS_ of The thermometer on the Pandora range oven means precisely in ac- curacy to the cook what the square and conivss mean to the 'draftsigan. Without the square and compass the idraftsman would have to work en- tirely by guessdust as you do without, an ac- curate and reliable thermometer on your oven. The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to an exact science. You know precisely how much heat you have and what it will do in a given time, it is one of the small things which makes the Pandora so much different and better than common lary ndora People in every walk Of n ere Have nou a Backache? If you have is the fir'st sign that the kidneys ere _ working properly. A neglected I3ackache leads to Kidney Trouble. Check it in ti e by taking DOAN S KIDNEY P "'THE GREAT KIDNEY -SPEC They, cure all kinds of Mdney BO.ckache to Bright's Diease. deelersi or THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL Caw Toronto, Ord. UMW ano 'Warehouses and Facto -Ages s Loradorx,.. Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton eetteeeate CHESNEY and SMILEY, Sole Age eitat;AVa.it; /MO 'Pine Litr011 ri 1 READY ROOFING 1 ts, Seaforth. PAT9SOES WIRE FDGE" It is the one roof that is not Affeded by heat and cold. It never leaks—never hardens or cracks—is rain, snow and. fire -proof --and lasts a lifetime. Cheaper than shingles. You -will want it for every building after you know how thoroughly satisfactory it is. i Our free booklet gives lots of infermation about it, Write for a copy and free sample of the best roofing in the world. Hardware dealers eveywhere sell Paterson's "Wire Edge " or wAll get - it for you. reieutfeei and Toronto I. ffe CD 0.4 et Pa Perfection in Tailoring, Every self•respecting maxi likes to appear well, and, as his clothes go long way towards attaining that object, he must have his clothes made in the latest style and by the beet tailors, It , our aim to turn mil clothes that fill these very iequirements. , Our long experience in the busineea has enabled us to reach that perfection which only ex, perience can give. Added to this, our staff of work people is the best. All work' is personally inspected before it leaves the shop, and if not right we make it right. If you wish to be well dremed, you must have clothes made by us. Tzy ua with your next order, and WO will convince yr.;., of the genuineness of our argument, BRIGHT BRO,., pecial Prices For the Month of August We are having a special sale of Furniture for the July weddings. You will find this store the right place- to buy your July wedding presents, also ',it you want to furnish your home, come to us and will supply your wants at prices that cannot be approached. BROADFOOT, BOX & S. T. HO IVIES, Manager, 14; . 0 Ir. 13 ma, mutilate Does our FooD ut*'' es e When the food is hn.perfecti the full "benefit is not derived the tnely and the purpose of eati feated ; no matter how good the how earefully adapted to the yenta body it mar be, Tires the dysneptie becomes thin, weak and debilitated, e h lacking, brightness, snap and viral Saw hut, and in their. place come dullness, kit appetite, depression and langour, Ittalgelt toms generally exist, viz.: constipetese- eour stomach, variable appetitii, heartburn, gas in the stomach, etc, The great point is to cure it, to g bounding health and vigor. - BURDOCK BLOQD BITTERS is constantly effwting nuts of d bemuse it arebt3 in a natural yet 'way upon all the organs involved in process of &goo floe, removing all °loge - impurities and making easy the work digestion and assimilation. i - Mr. R. G. Harvey, Arneliasburg 00 writes: "1 have been troubled with iv's* pepsin, for several years and after win three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters -.L was kyoropletely cured. I cannot B.B.B. enough fur mhat it has done me. 1 have nut had a sign of dyspOstii, nerti 41( trOWT