HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-03, Page 8n .Or •Twiffie
This season we have only a
limited quantity of the above
well known twine, Leave.
your order.; with us now.
MEDAL " twine all say
that it runs farther end is
heaper than any other.
For good value and right prices 00 e
Pure Manilia Hay Rope
HarVist Tools
Machine Oils
Binder Whips
English Paris Green
Our prices are right. Give us a call.
Hardware* Stoves ard Goal.
e Robert- Scott, Brussels, 2 year old
"V"`"' "" smith, year old filly, $200. George
lave been fortunate in Hearing orte of the latest
-nd most popular storlee of the times, Beverley of
irafititark," by the very poplar and succeesful
'` Beverley of Graustark " gives the romantic and
perilous adventureet of an American wonneu in her
journey from St. Petersburg to Ortfuettork, during
to be the 1' ?airy Prince" every woman expects to
see coming down the road,
Capital, Fully Paid Up -68,009,000.0o
Reserve Fund- and un-
. -Evided Profits S 3,839,000
Deposit* by Public An 009,000
Total Assets S 48,odo,000
Merry -fitoliity for the transacting of a
*mural booking bindings. -
Collections made oil all points in Canada
and abroad. !
ovation paid to the collection of Sale Notes.
posits; of one dollar and .upwards re-
- voiced, had interest paid or added June
11. HAYS, 00noisor
succeseor to W. N. Witson
Gaaaral Fire, 14le and Accident Thew -
lone agent, 'Reel Estate sod Loan
Dealer in first-class 'family and Mandate.:
Luring Bowing. Machines and Cream
WOW 14401011d and White Sewleg
hlachine4, and National end •
mente, repairs and sundries for all
hinds of towing maohines.
right, Bonen dealieg and .satoefactien
In order aliviLthose Who are noe-now subseribere
of Tut Exeetirrelf 11,‘apportunity to oft thie
lent dory, weber° cretOed to give TITS EXPOITOR
end Bicycles. North linin,etreefe Seaforeh.
—We carry a- Choice Line -
Try us kir an ,EASY SHAVE and
Opposite . the Commercial Hotel
Thisis an offer _that none should fides. Start right
Um and get the first of the story as _we cannetprom-
of Tuekerstnith, got another year
old Canadian mare tor $205 ; and
Scott, Hullett, a bay gelding for
Words of Sympethy.-Mrs. R. G.
:Webb, -of this town, has reeved, the
'following letter from the members .0/
.the Londesboro Methodist Sunday
'School, of which her late husband
-Was for Tears a member : ! Dear
Friend, -We, the members of the
Londeshoro Methodist Sunday School
.dornmittee, desire to express to you
and your family Our sincere syse- Ivor* a,nd surely it is hard. enough
pathy *in this tile hour of ,your ad to keep up the amateur status .with -
bereavement. God'e ways are often oa those whose every aim should be
roYsterious, and we canpot understand in that direction, taking- the very' op-
whY our brother was permitted to posite cciurse,
stiffer so long and 00 geverely, yet ,
we must remember that God is wise, 1 -
and God is good 'and that He path - soricileotwyerwiltrohwoi-d- Tahte19-wHerortelhouowituroanl
all well We, too feel that we have
lost a friend.. His self-sacrificing August 31 and Septem er 1, in the
0,atli to The Bugs
Try Our -Potato Bug Fin.
fah, it kills the bugs, in-
vigorates the plants and
increases the yield,
PRICE 2i Cents per lb
Vir, IC Kerslake,
Civic Horiday.-In response to a
petition Mayor Broderick has pro-
claimed Tuesday next, .A.ugust 7, as
Civic holiday.- for Seeforth, and en-
joins all good citizens to observe the
.places will )be closed on that day.
•The chief- attraction will be an: ex-
cursion to iaoderich.
The First New :Wheat -Mr. Jobeph
Fowler, of the Huron road, Tucker-
stnitlal bad -the . honor of bringing in
the.,first load of • new wheat to the
Seaforth :Co. It was' white
wheat and tested 59 pounds to the
bushel, whiele good for that var-
iety of grain, 'The price receivedl was
70 cents staadarcl. It was delivered
on Wednesday.
Tr-avellees.-The following were
ticketed :tart ethis week_ ley •IW. Som.
erville, railway and steamship agent :
Mr. and Mre S. Dickson, to" dmon-
LeadburY, to Boston; Harvey Brown-
ell, to _Detroit ; Niles Edith Cash, to
Grand . Rapids, and return ; ' Mrs..
*weft, to Philadelphia; Mrs.. F.
Oft0e,.: to Marlette, Michigan ; Mrs.
John Finlayeon, the Misses Clara and
Jennie Sclater and Miss Phemia Gov-
erilock to S ult Ste Marie,' Via boat
from' Pweo Sound.
Brandon, Manitoba,• writes us on
July 26th, as follows: noticed ah
'item lAt Tour tome of Jnly 1.2th, tak-
en from - the. Goderich Star. A
Northern Spy apple of igreat bea,uty
and perfectly .sound, has been excit-
ing the admiration of many callers at
the Star office.' We can. beat that as
at. the preeent time we can prdduce
a number of Northern Spy appleet per-
fectly' sound. These apples were
grown on the farm of -Mr. Simon Mc-
Kenzie, near Brucefield and ehipped
to Brandon in November, 1905. Also
one of. our grocer's in the city had
for sale on July 21 both old and new
apples. Can Goderich heat that ? -
Will Case. -Re !Elizabeth Facli,1 de-
ceased. This was. an action brought
M the Surrogate Court of the county
of _Huron, !by the -brother of the de-.
ceased and certain of her nephews
and niete4 all residing in Detroit,
Michigan, to contest and set aside
the will of Elizabeth Facia late of
Seaforth, made the, dar before her
death. The will left the property to
another tea of nephews' and nieces of
deceased. Judgment was given in
faoor of the lattea and the Executors
aritt declaring the will valid. Costs
of the Executors to be paid out of
the estate and the . contestants to
pay their own costs. ge'L. ICilloran
acted ,for the Executors. . •
The Last -Sad Rites. --The remains
whoae death we mentioned. last Week,
Fall Term Opens Sept, 4th. day and were interred in The Malt -
landbank cemetery, the funeral talc-
Those interested in Business College wprk ehould
wste for our large eatalogUe. This largest
our graduates to responsible positions, Many of the
leading huffiness colleges employ our graduates es
teachers. Write now for a free ctfilogue.
Ladies Rings.
ing place from the 'residence of the
mother of the deceased, Mrs. J. H.
Broadfoot, oh 'Sunday afternoon. -The
remains of the late Mrs. J. M. Smith,
also arrived here on Saturday froin
Regina. They were accompanied b7
Mr. Smith and Mr. Alex. ROBS, hus-
'band and brother of the deceased. The
funeral took piece on Sunday after -
'noon from the residence .pf Dr. H.
H. Ross, to Baird's cemetery, Stan-
ley. Both funerals were conducted by
Rev. F. H. Larkin, assisted by, Rev.
Neil , Shatv. Both were largely at-
gold. lOir Rtngir, set -syitia pearls and
89rne in heavier weig4ts at $2 60 eed
$3.26, which are extra !lice.
For thof e who want something better still,
we have them in lak ilia. instead of
Thor, of course, we have the diamoede at
buy price up to $100, for the fellow
who can spare a little more money.
John Bulger,
tended, despite the exceedingly wet
weather. Mrs. Smith was a native of
Stanley, near Brucefield and Mr.
Horse Sale. -The ' auction , sale of
imported p edigreed fillies at Archi-
forth, on Tuesday,. attracted a large
crowd of buyers from the surrounding
country. These horses were purchased
in the qld country and imported by
Mr. Robt McMillan, of Hotlett. They
were all pedigreed stock and as -in-
dividuals were of the very best and
are the class of entitle's that are re-
quired to keep- up the high Standard
of the draught horse ' in this part
of the .country. Mr. McMillan deserves,
great credit for his enterprise .and
we trust that he has 'been fully' re -
. the risk he ondertook in bringing them
out- to this couatry. The auctioneer's
hammer was wielded by Capt. T. 0.
Rdbeon, oe London, and his persuas-
ive tongue kept the.. bidding pretty
brisk and while in somet cases the
prices paid were not as high as raignt
Jeweller, - Seaforth have been looked for, we judge
they will average up fairly wel.l. The
fporlilcoevis i:ng is a.list 'of the sales and
Joseph Gibson, . Milbank, 7 year old. affidavits from Seaforth, -and the pro-
., Mare, $315 •, year old filly, $300 ; 1, test was allowed. This looked like a
Notice Creditors. year old filly, $145. Thos. Berry, 1 pretty cold turn down, but the corn -
us town hall. Further ianno cement re-.
labors and .his influence artedngst
,garding details .will - be inade later,
as a Sunday School will not soon be
on. Arrangomentis- have. -also been
forgotten. Me pray that God may
give you strength to 1War this Wade for the society's fall premium,
trial, • and that you may, under this which will consist of eight each st-
heavy cloud, be led to arty, 'Thy will Parrot, sisgle# and double tulipS, six
be dene.'e Signed on behalf of The hYacinths, ,five freesias, "'three daf-
tee., Will Lyon, Thos.' Sampson.. ail. These are being imported direet
from Holland and will probably be
Wedding -.-At high. noon on Wed- ecrveeans ebetthteerrneeetmoalibertshhairip outs Utahlt; 0Tooeieinty-
nesd ae• the marria.ge took place at
. it has been decided to ra
,strot of their daughter julia, to premiudi as a bonus to all new mem-
the 'tome of Mr. and Mrs. I. Lange g nt thie fall's
Mr. George E. Wade, of Stratford. bers Joining now and paying in ad -
The 'bride, who was unattended,stood vance their 'subscription a one dol -
under floral bell, and wore a, tar for 1907. Further information may
pretty gown of white Freud' organdie be had from Mr. 'Peter Dill or from
with trifnmings of Valenciennes, lace Mr. H. Nir, Brown, secretary.
and? insertion. Her bouquet was of
whip roses. The ceremony was per-
fornied by Rev. John Berry, rector
of St. Thomas' church and Mrs. J.
Best played, the wedding march. After
luncheon the bride and groom lett
ori, the afternoon train for Toronte
amptiagara, where they will remain
for a, few days before taking up their
residence on Water street, Stratford.
The beide's going away costume was
Of navy blue venetian cloth, with a
net ;waist over 'cream silk and a
white hat trimmed with black ribbon.
The guests from out of town were
Mrs. and Mies Wade and Mr. Bores..
of Stratford; Mrs, A. Gillatly; of
Sarnia, and Mr. W. J. Langstroth,
of Hamilten. The Expositor joins with
the many friends in congratulatiOns
for the bridal coople.
FARMER8.-You need cord for threohing. We
ha,ve the best at the lowest pilaw., Iteld
64' 2W011011":2°11)
vine and Reynold, a boy's coat. The tinder will
please return to Deveretzx's blacksmith ohop, Sea -
forth, and eblige Robert Devereaux. 2610x2
Fresh Tenderloin and Spat% Bibs every TuesdaY at
Try Charlie Hines' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nloa
and delieered, Charges reasonable. Laundry, two
doorslsouth of Reid & Wilson'e hardware store See -
forth. 19A8-tf
Having bought the stock of E, A. Latimer at a
nip 4th, all lines, at a greatreduction. Any per-
te ophe dollar we will sell on Saturday next
eon wishing to purehan apything in stoves, granite -
ware or tinware, will save money by buying at this
sale as all theee goods must be (geared immediately.
Chesney & Smiley, Seaforth. 2010-1
• Dr. Ovens, eye anchear surgeon willhe at the Com
Jimmie! hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Aug 8
lfours 1 to 8 p; in. Cataract, equint, failing eye -
eight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated and glasses
properly fitted. 1083-tf
PUMPS. ---The dry setiton makes the Utle of peen),
Ashland, Ohio. the best well pump made. Reid &
Wilson, Seaforth. 2016-2
GIRLS WANTED. -One dozen girls wanted at
orfee to learn operating in the clothing department,
Good wages for mart girls. Skilled. operators oleo
wanted, The Seaforth Woollen Mills Co., Seaforth.
Tinivare and graniteware sale at E, A. Latimeee
BUTTER AND Bata -A, (.4. Ault, Sertfoi2::)111t,INtvill
old stand, Seaforth, August 4th,
pay the highest price in cash for any quantity ot
good fresh butter and egge, Bring Mein right
spice rolls go to Daly's, east side Main street, Sea -
STOVE SALE at E. A.. Latimer's old stan22d00,1150;a-
Speplai prieeit for Redpatir* Granulated Sugar in
100 pound lots. Butter, eggs potatoes, onions and
all kinde of farm produce wen'ted at Daly's grocery,
Death of Mr. Richard :Irwin. -An-
other of the one-time leading busi-
ness meniof this county has passed a-
way, in the person of Mr. Richard Ir-
win, of Clinton. Mr. Irwin died at
his residence, in that town, on Sat-
urday last, after an illness of sev-
eral weeks, the result of a Severe
cold, contracted while at Peterboro at-
tending a conrention. He was sixty
years of age. Mr. Irwin spent his
early life in Paris, Brant- minty, but
has been a resident of Clinton for a-
bout forty years. For mnay years he
was engaged in the enerca.ntile busi-
ness, and after that was extensively
engaged in the grain and produce
business. was one of the .leading
men of the town and his enterprise
did not a little to aid in Its growth
and prosperity. Like many others in
the same business, he met with seri-
ous losses a few years ago, which
crippled him flnancially, and since
then he had been 11 Mg a retired
lite. He • was a good b Mess man,
a useful citizen, and a most genial
companion. He leaves a widow and
family of three sons and four, daugh-
Tbe Hurons.Out -The Huron Foot -
bail team of Seaforth. are out. They
have returned the championship cup
which they were allowed to bold, for
a few days and have hung up their
boots. The situation is this. The
game In Dundee a short time ago,
which gave them. the championship
was Protestect by Dundas. That team
claimed that one goal whick ,was not
allovved' by the referee sheuld have
been counted. The protest came be-
fore the protest committee of the
Western Football Association, and
despite the fact that the referee of
the disputed game was Mr. H. Brown,
of Beralh, secretary. of the associa-
tion, who still maintained that the
goal in question should. not bell count-
ed, the committee preferred the affi-
davits of .some of the Dundee spec.;
tators to his word, strengthened by
In the estate of Elizabeth Ruth, late of the Tewn of
seeforth, in the Vounty of Huron and Provinee
of Ontarto, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuatit to R. 8, Chap.
129, See, 3$, that, all persons having ' claims against
the estate of the said Elizabeth Fitch, who died on
the 20-th day of February, 19:10; are reqeired, on or
before the alst day of August. 1000, to send by post
prepaid, or deliver to J. L Eilloran, Seaforth,-Ont.,
eolicitor tor Joseph Weber and George A. Sills, exee-
utors of the deceased, their names and addresses.
full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the
seettrit)" (if any) held by them.
And notice ut hereby further given that after said
date the said ligeoutont nrottetel to distribute
the !mete of the said estate among the persons en-
titled thereto, and that the,f shall not be liable for
any claim of witieh theY shall noththen have Neely -
ed melee.
J. a. KtualtAx,
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executors.
,Da this 31st of July, 1900. 201C.0
Hensel', 3 year, old- filly, $315 . 2 ruitte were set on doing the thing
year old filly, $840. Ed. French, Lo- up r gbt and added insult o njury.
gen, 3 year ale filly, $825. Andrew They would not eotertain Seatorth's
Beattie, MCICillop, 2 year old filly, proposition tp play home and home
$460. Chas. Mason, Saskatoon; Sask., games again but instead decided on
4 year old filly, $260, John McDow- a sudden death game at Berlin. The
ell, McKillop, 2 -year old filler, $330. Seaforth club gave reasons why the
Alex. 'Gardiner,
3 year old fill
old filly;i $850 ;
2 year old filly
cKillop, 3 year old committee• should not set the ,g•ame
a. Hackney, Farquhar, fee* -Friday, July 27th. The drown-
! $.265 ; 2 year old filly, stances were such thitt_they could not
le filly, $240 ; 2 year Set their team on that day. -This
2 year old 11117, $210; did not matter td the 'committee so
$165. James Simpson, • they set the undesirable date and
McKillop, 3 year old gelding, $265, there ie a proSpect of the matter be -
Wm. McQuillan, st.,Helens, 2 year oln ing brought before the full execu-
year old filly, $260. ' Thomas Turn- hoped justice ,will be done. It is thhe
bull, Brewster, Stephen township, 2 that gave the game to Dunda,s by de -
year old filly, $820. W. Harvey, Kip- fault. The whole thing looks like an
perl, 2 year old fillye $245 ; 2 year unfair, unsportsmanlike deal. It is
old filly, $210; 2 year old filly, $226, this 4ind of, work that hurts amateur
, Local Eriefs.-The clatter of the
hori3es' feet on Main street pave-
tnent makes one feel as le he were
in the eity. The next thing is the
clang of the electric street car; Mor-
ris Shae's !bus gong is a very good
imitation but it is not the real
thing.-)diss Dale,. of Brandon, is
here visiting ther . Mrs. NV. D.
Bright. Miss Doble intends going a-
broad shortly to pursue her musical
studies. -Mr. and Mrs: Hugh Mein-
! toeh and daughter, of London, went
1 through town one day last week in
! their automobile. air. and Mrs. Mc-
' Intosb are spending „ their holicia7s
I with Mr. -.McIntosh's parente In Me -
Stratford, was du town on Thureday
Icalling on the medical men. Tho doc-
tor has Ibeen away nearly twa years
studying Oiseases of the eye,. ear,
nose and throat in gew York, Vienna,
and Londcin, and is locating in. Strat-
ford to- !Practice his specialty there.
-Dr. Leo Xilloran has been appoint-
' ed official anaesthetist of St.hfichaer's
hospital, Toronto. He also received a
special diploma for his hospital work.
We congratulate our :young friend,
as this poeition is not often given
to so young a man. It places him on
the permanent ;staff of St. Michael's
hospital. -The following pupils of,
Mr. -W. 'Glenn Campbell have success-
fully passed their; examinations, as
follows: Plartoforth -Junior standing
-honors, Miss Mabel Brandon, 13e1 -
grave. Primary standing -,-Miss Iva
Dodds, Seaforth ; Mini Winnie Millar,
Clin-ton. Theory -Primary standing,
Miss Jennie McBeath,BrucefieldaaMrs.
and Miss Bethune have returned from
Toronto. --Dr. Fasken and Mr. Norman
Hoffman, of Regina, spent Sunday
with friends in town. -Mr. W. Brine,
of Hamilton, was here on Sanday, at-
BroadfoiSt and Mrs. Stnith.-Mrs. R.
Liadlaw has leased her residence, on
John street, to Mr. H. Jeffrey. We
are sorry to 'beryl that Mrs. Laidlaw
and Miss Laidlaw intend leaving Sea -
forth to reside in Detroit about the
1st of September. They both he
missed in cliurch, musical • and so-
Brucefielel, is here on a Yleit to his
Marty old friende,-Mr. John Staples,
of Staples Broo, was in Toronto last
week and while. there purchased a,
handsome new dhair, which hos since
been installed In their barber ehop.
They now have four chairs in the
shop and need them all too. -Mr. W.
S. Hamacher, of Oxford, Michigan,
spent Saturday rwith his sister, Mrs.
S. Gottschalk, He was called home
to Zurich to attend the funeral a his
brother.L.Miss Fergus Van Egmond
returned on Monday to hor home tn-
Toronto after pleasant visit with
Miss Fergus McMann. -Miss Lou Mc-
Mann is 'spending her vacation, int St.
Thomas, and will Visit with friends
in London !before returning. -George
Israel is spending a few days in
Mnskoka.-Nlise N.. Campbell and Miss
Susie Govenlock etre also summering
at Port Sandfield, Muskoka, -Mr. W.
Morrieon, of McKillop is attending
the Old Boye' reunion at Brockville
this week. -Mrs. WM. Sleeth and
daughter,' Mies Ada, are visiting,
friends at Port Rope ,at present.-
hir., and Mrs. J. hicKearnan, of Mus-
kegon, Michigan, aoe visiting friends
Seaforth and vicinity.-hir. W. C.
McLeod; of London, is visiting his
parents, hlr. and Mrs. W. a McLeod.
-Stewart Bros C P R agents have
ticketed the following this • week :
N. Smith, of Regina, to Renfrew,
and H. Hood to Pewee, Saskatchewan.
-We understand that C P. R. -our-
veyore are at present engaged laying
out a line !between Walton and Brus-
sels. This looks eel though the line
from Seaforth to Brussels to con-
nect with the Guelph and Goderich
branch at Walton was an assured
fact -Mr. Wm. Hamilton, of Syracuse,
New York, a former mercbanteof Sea -
forth, was here this weelt visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson.
He came all the way over in an auto-
mobile, and is accompanied by Mrs.
Hamilton. -Mrs. Messet, who spent
the past few weeks here with her sis-
ter, Mrs. L. Q. Jackson, left on- Mon-
day last to visit her brothers in
.Philadelphia, before returning to her
home in Pettesburg, Illinols.-Mr.
A. McAllister, of Milwaukee, spent a
few days recently at the hems of Mr.
J. a Laidlaw. -Miss Mildred Price, of
Niagara Fall& niece of Mrs. Laid-
law is at present visiting heree-afrs.
W. R. Meyers and daughter, of aVir-
ginia, are visiting at her father's,
Mr. Thos. Kidd. -Mrs. John Wilson
and children, of . are holt-
P., with Mrs. Gunn and hie sons, aft)
'spending a holiday at the Rieer
Bayfielde-Mrs- F. Case is vieit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Joha I -Willie, in
Marlette, Michigara-Mr. .and Mrs.
Banton, of Winnipeg, visited . their
cousins the Mises Hutchison, and
other friends in town this week. -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robineon attended
the funeral of their sister in-law,
vveek. Mr. and Mrs. Davie had just
recently returned 'from spending the
winter in California. -Mr. Thos.Quig-
ley has moved his shoe ehop into the
store adjoining the new telephone of-
Marlore-Walwin, of Lon-
don, is the guest of Miss Helen
) Winthrop
Foresters Service. -Rev. D. Cars-
well will preach a special sermon in
Cavan church, on Sunday evening,
August 12th, to the local order of
'Canadian Foresters. Service will be-
Notes. -The Misses Shepherd, of
Clinton, are guests of friends here. -
Mrs. :Ashley preached in the Metho-
dist . church Sunday evenitig.-Quar-
terly meeting witl be held at Con-
stance on Sunday morning next, -Mr.
G. Wilkins will conduct service here.
-Mr..Thomas Miller is delivering coal
at ,present.
eta .Andrew Scott has Our Voters. -According to the voters'
list tor this' township ,for the pres-
ent year, there are 743- votere in the
toWnship. Of these 604 are entitled to
vote at both parliamentary and munlie
cipal elections; 102 at municipal elec-
tions only, and 87 at parliamentary
elections only. There are 87 female
voters. The township is divided into
four polling sub -divisions.
The Voters. -According to the re-
cently issued voters' list of this
township there are 723 voters in! the
townehip divided as follows ; Five
hundred and ninety-four are entitled
to vote at both° paillarnentary and
municipal elections ; 129 are entiled
to vote at municipal elections only
and 70,. at parliamentary elections
only. In 1904 there were 125 votere,
or 432 more than this year, Last year
there were '820 or 27 more than this
year. There are '77 female voters, die
vided as follows : Division one, 16;
six, 12. There are 364 eligible to
serve as jurors. 1
been spending his holidays in nurse
• ing a very sore foot, the result of
stepping on a rusty nail af, couple of
weeks ago. -Mr. J. 0. Rose, of Guelph,
spent Sunday in town, the guest of
his brother-in-law, Mr. John Beattie,
Broadfoot, of Philadelphia, and Her-
- old, of Toronto, were her 'this week.
i They came to attend tahe funerar of
I their brother, Mr. Nifilliarn, j. Broad-
, foot. -Mr. Monroe, post master and
' merchant of Minchester, was here on
, Sunday, having driven down to• at-
tend the funeral of the late Mrs.
Smith. -We regret to learn that Mr.
Alex, Sutherland, of John street, is
Thompson, who has been caretaker of
the public school for the pasI couple
of year's, has resigned; to take a les -
Mon with the Willis Shoe Company.
-Mr, John Sutherlapd, Detroit, was
here this week on a short visit to
friends. -Mr. Robert Kemp, son of
formerly of Seaforth, was here this
week Calling , on old friends. Mr.
Kemp leaveli shortly for China,
;where e has secured a good position
as profe set. of pra.ctical engineering
in a col ege.a.Several rin.ks of bowlers
go to Gdderich next week, to take
part in a tournament there. - Miss
flodgins, daughter of Rev, J. W.
Hodgins, of Chatham, was here visit-
' ing old friends. -Miss Bella Bethune,
of Regina, is here visiting her, mall-
er and sister. -The excavation for the
pew shoe factory is completed -arid
; work 'has been started on the foun-
dation. The building win be rushed
' 111) with all possible speed, -Mr. Jno.
, is town on. Tuesday. -County Court-
„cillor Wm. Isbister, of Morris. was
in town on :Tuesday. He came tot at-
tend the McMillan. Archibald & Cud -
more sale df imported horses. -Mr.
and Mrs. W. Blackwell, of San Fran -
!else°, are here visiting Uri. Black -
1 Well's parents. Mr, and Mrs. .A. Dave
' idson.-Miss .1013d left last week to
visit her brOthers in Middlesex and
New Lendori, Connecticut. - Master
-Maurice Kidd. of Detroit, is visiting
at his grandfather's, Mr. Thomas
Kidd. -Mr. and Mrs. Glase, of Lon-
don, were- guests at the manse this
week. -Messrs. W. Oughton and L.
Horan. employees of the Bell En-
gine Works, have gone to Clinton to
work at their trade.-hIrs. Bro-wn. arid
little child of Toronto, are guests
of Mrs. Brown's mother. Mrs. John
Killoran. -Mr. Thomas Pinkney has
mid his .fast trotting mare,. Giertie
P., to Mr. Skinner, of Mitchell, receiv-
ing for her $500. She. is a promis-
ing young animal vritb lots ot speed
and will jet, make her mark. -Miss
Willson. of Detroit, is visiting her
sister. Mrs. W. G. Willis. -Mr. 'anti
Mrs. S. Gottschalk and son, Wilbert,
Were in Zurich on Frida7 attendiag
the funeral of Mrs. Gottschalk's bro-
ther, Mr. Reuben Hamacher. -Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Dickson left on Mon-
day on a trip to the veeet.-afr. C.
Mason, of Sfeskatoon, Saskatchewan,
and formerly of the Hill road/ near
Shannon's Hill. -A largely signed
petition was presented to Wamanosh
council at its last meeting, by Messrs.
Wm. Watson and James Young, ask-
ing the township to have the ugly hill
on the south boundary cut down some
10 feet, the clay -taken out: to be uped
in filling up the hollow at the west
end, thus making a good wide level
grade throughout. The petition con-
tained a guaranteed subscription of
$73 to aid in the work. . A similar fte-
titian will be presented to the Col-
borne council on the 30th. The Wa-
to spend an equal amount with the
Colborpe council, and it is to be hoped
the improvement will be made, as it
is a very had hill and on a main
road. There are a couple of bad hills
on the 4th concession, too; and .as
keep up they may be fairly expected
to look after their hills. ,
Notes. -Mrs, Thomas Wilkinson is
at present visiting friends in Car -
is making good headway in getting
acquainted with his people. Although
be has been very busy incidental to
moving, etc., he has made over 60
calls. He is being well received and
is making a very favorable impres-
sion. -We are sorry to report the
serious illness of Mrs. Wm. Cooper,
and hope for her speedy recovery. -
The Misses Wilkinson, of C -rand Rap-
ids, Michigan, are the gueots 'dies
Tillie Wilkinson, this week. -Miss
Louis Birney, of Exeter, Is at present
visiting' her grantiparent& Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Stonehouse.-Af ter a
long illnees, our station agent, Mr.
Duncan McGregor, has returned to
duty, we are pleased to otate.-tir.
Harvey Watson has returned home
from Hamil,tqn, where he was engag-
ong o
Safi far, o
Sincerity in Word and Dee,d
is what makes friends wins custom.ers arows
—ensures success.
We make nd claims we cannot subs antiate ; declare val s
not show ; quote no prices we are Unable to make good,
We Want BHA Business Augus
We desire to put our store iu the best possible shape
" coNtog season's trade. To regulate the departments w
forth bargains daily—goods you be 1118d0 the richer for having
and we will be placed -in a better position for having sold.
Harvest Time
Dress Goods Queen's Grey Mohair. --
Assortment of wlored and black
stuffs, regular 35e to 60e
Black Peon de Soie
Two pieces Fancy Foulard....
Assortments of Fancy (Silks...-.
Black and white
I piece only, embroidered taffeta -
Black Annum. --
.60c fe
Mc 40
New Fail
Diess Goods
eTu0 Opened
Dollars have
Strong Buying
Power in all
Wearing -
at present
Now is Your
For Bargains
'wash Stuffs
144 •itioh Grey and men Tweed....
56 ineh. Dark they Oheek Tweed.
56 ineh Mid Grey Cheek Tweed. ,
28 inch 'Farley °ream Wasting. ...
We wish to demonettate how we ma
the prices to allow you opportunities fbr bi
on things we have to clear in the Ready -
'Department. pay you to come here
need anything in the folloWing
All our' Wash Goods are a traetivel
• But here we single out a lot of pure ivbii
Lila in. the higher qualities, which we wo
you 4 not fail to see. Prices, in many iris
are out right in two.
In eolorpd. wash goods we hav
to clear in •
- Law/its
Millinery Bargains
Any Hat
in Our Store
Half Price or Less
Butter and Egg
Parasol- Barga
Your Choice _
f any Fancy Paraso
or Half Price
Taken as Cash.
ed as hialieman on the main line of
the G. T. R. from Hamilton to Lon-
'don.-Thie two Master Grangers, of
London, are at present visiting at
Mrs. Allison's. -Mr. Peter Budge left
on Monday Ito Visit Ills son, • 'Bev. A.
L. Budge, of Hanover. -Mrs. A.Brooks
and family of Contralto., are at pre-
sent visiting at Finlay Anderson's. -
Mr. J. L. Geddes and two soil.; spent
last 'week at Baytiold, enjoying the
lake breezes,
Death or An Old Resident -Many
of our readers will regret to learn
of the death of an old and former
. well known resident of this neigh-,
horhood, in the person of Mr. Thomas
McGregor. The sad event took place
at the home of his nephew,. Mr. Thos.
McGregor, of Carberry, -Manitoba, on
Idly 18th, Mr, McOregor had reached
the ripe old age -of 87 years ail his
death woe simply a wea-ing out of
the system, at. he suffered troll.) no
particular disease. The deceased was
a ;Inlet, unassuming man, thoroughly
honest and upright in all his dealings
and was consequently highly esteem-
” ed and respected bx MI who knew,
him. His death riMOVels and
those who did so much to make
on the splendid tounty le, sW
though he took no active P
public affairs, still he lef
him a better mark. He -did ve
ould to leave the world het
he found 4t and now he heel
hie reward, ;leaving with
are Ieft pleasant and profit
cries of a life well apent
The Voters' List. -The voters'
for McKillop this year cords
names; the list for 1205 contaih*
actly the same number, so that t
is no falling off in this towps,
as is the case in most municip
In 1904 the total number of
was up or seven more tkan-_th
The voters this year are aivi
follows: six hundred and
are entitled to vote at both
entary and. municipal electi
at municipal elections
parl4arnentary elections may.
are 48 female voters% divided
lows: Polling subdivision
two, 20; three, fa and tour,
are t64 eligible to serve sig.