HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-03, Page 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -A.UG- XP a a anagement of' the of their a -ad' and sudd6n -berea ment. ever -since. The sletter wag written srAPORTRIS LEA 0fNQ SHOE S glorist at the old standi There Iq_ hot TO ea err a -lead pencil bougkt for use, 1h any Syndicate threshing outfit, - A6� he -has The fuh7brdl,on Sunday­4fternbonVas by him- at -West Montrose, 11 r, D ATJUS�T, t ReAl. Mq� lint department. In the L6 Islative build- �had considerable- experience with- en� vorY 11irge,.Her Pas or where -he had hired *1th a f arMeLr heIs �bo a licehe � gr4pted: uld naike 4 succcosl� -,a -Pine- �Rlver naw.bo: iller. - S.- .. Sxhale me ex un.a or a n in tho province, whether It Js to -ginosi, he� sho -,r -it Nab, *as ummoned from is -b F M-hiffig thp uarterly-1 - 0 ' perform the last a d rites in a from Toronto, Whore he hag ape -eatch fish or sell peanuts, without $aeramental services will be. eld In , solemn 'and Impressive funeral core- past six months. The re sins were taken o 1 2 3- 4 parone ge being made of it If that thd. CoRet4nce churnhi,, At. 0.89-, A. rd. �Moriy m -b the 'tile A good attendance to expected, 7- 8 '9 b,6 If a or ter. up at Brussels Cemetery for Interment.. A Wroxeter. n 1.1irS.e. number of sorrowing- 'relatives -w- A bulldln-g0.- needs a man to help, hir he Hisses Godbolt, of Bx- of ,SU- ER SHOES 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 uftload rucks at t he side door, he", apd friends � followed in the aproceo- eter, are guests theIr aunt, Mrs. 21 22 23 -24 25 tells a elork, who tells a, head clerk N _D Won, I -who -were anxious to pay the r, Scholeo. of St, Clair (Dr) Brawn.�Mr. Chas.' F. *Lexri, I A _Otes. %ma, to - visit- visited. him motber,.'Mrsi'� 1ast-tribute.of respect to one; so well of Birmingham, Alabi 2.6. 27' 28 29 30� 31- who Speaka to a deputy, who co6sults %Michigan to -Siaturd'FV his Minister, and � he ­natoep -the� and favorably known. Among those M86holee, and his sister,, Mrs.; J, W, Ing with Mrs. S. 13. Smale.' Mrs. Xing last'week.-Mis Anuie Aitches� -from a distance who ended the Alex. Thomps6n, of Gudlpb, to spend I N SATURDAY, AUUST 4tb, we Start our A ''nual 1, This a' not-newL Jt has been the att It will be the practicew.-hile -returned last week f' 1 hers James, of -Ing a fdw dzyo with her father,Mr. practice. "VERTISRUESMS aNBW AlY on ro a pea lgaoex county, and Wm- of Red', Deer ing Sal- of Summer ShOeS. A Maueypsaving :event arty government con.UUUbs. ithout visit to -Cathar- John Gofton.�-Edltor Carr returned,' p a �rlends at lberta - Mr. and Afro. ohn H. Uetw4en the par6tbesis alteir each it, what the dickens uld become Ines and Guelph. Miss r4loience from a two days' visit to Toronto appeals to every one -Wthi reach of the stoie. Two 4D The ftire r oil. the of �aity govertiment1 Aitcheson was ZISQ� visiting ­ at lop, OtArcolat N.W-T.;.Mr. ar.d Mrs.. on Saturday. -Miss Mary Smith left in ne. denotes H10 PaTO Of thO 110v cr eat game Wrn., aylor. of Stanley; Mrs. (Rev.) 4� -advertisement 'IT b f, Politics the in the yar,.-February and Aagust--this store-, by means of a Special uelph and returned with her sister. for Dresden, Dakota, on T-u.eod n ayi played 'by white men. or. 26 years --Miss Welite ay McKinney, B.,,--Marab. of Hamilton, and Mrs. 3 the publk an opport 'to buy seasonable shoes at onsid- erabIt- t10 I Sow of 8at19!aqt*A11 CO. --a iWin g- onths offen D. Rose, of Exibroi where she will visit a few m 'Mr Bastedo has been I - tho Public, evale friends this with her brother.­wStation Agent Ge than regular Prices, t are go *sari fige Shirt Bros. -S� ham,' visited Blu 0. is, und;".o idi carritid rom am ServIco, and he as dooe muc� to or-, eek.� Itford -fPugh C1 has been en- 411aii and family are enjoyIng atwo n to.4 nother if reduced� prices will move them. Oar '.August Swie, aeh at the stone school, holl4ay. with relatives anize and work'but th systord of Wingham gaged to te weeks' In fish phitection-that we -- ave'In On- Morris. i ear -will ,eclipse all former effortj becaluse valies will be better and - Miss Maud Paul visited Miss CIVId Holiday. -As Friday laet was Teeswate'r.-'Tl�e Canadian Order of tarlo. No L doubt he was, hampered. Henry In WhiteeLburch,, last eek.- ur dvie holida wents larger. Y� the town was near- Poresters will hold & plele In. Dr. is now Y'L Notice toz L. KillorAn-8 much by. the very politics he vJean Richardson, of orronto Oon. no' put thisatatement to thet*L- T6t;oiW Lst -A. G. Stinflik-6 Miss to .1y, deserted. Neari4y eerybod old Smalell grove Friday . aftern if you.are in need of a pair of Fine 9 ep, accused of having f4rthered..-: Yet -in, Visitng at Mr. 'John 33urgess'..-W,. and young, boarded one .,of the two -Mrs. Inman, of New York, IS the -dine sale with. a defluite 0' Come, and we will prove to you. this is T gen 4 ding the ransacking. all thosie yehris nothing Musgrove- of Niagara VdIls,'is is, special rains for, KI-Acardine, The guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs. V # could be found against him but accus- ittog his uncle, Robert Musgr6vi Union Sunday school p1cnic was held Alex. Smith. -Mr. Thos. Pope leftlast The following lines go on sale the -first week, e9mmeneing Saturdq, Tarantu W. G- ague and van- Mrs- Griffith 'and son and Mrs. San- In the beautiful ?Moller can 5 park over king Thursday for North' Eastope, where August 1th, Ihing, or those that are the, common 4erson, of bronto, arq holidaying . at Lake Huron., The day was SMrowol soir�e time. - happenings of do Miss Etta' Children's Stral) 8lippers, sizes 8 to IC� Tegular price 1, sale price partments underparty their Bluevale home --Mr.- W. 11. hot an�- -the. cool breezes, bft the ldke.' Smith, is visiting with . relatives In I rule. For 26 years Mr. Bast6do' has 75c, Ladies' Kid Oxford Shoes, sizes 3 to 7, regular price, 41.25,," iStewart, prhicipal of Actortpublic were Invigorating, The Wlnghain Brussel.s.-Migs M111I.e Harris has re- Palri ch been paying. one month's salary ea d chit*-' band. dellglited all present with tbelr� turned from a week's visit In Brus- price,per pait 950. Ladies' Strap Stipp rs, turn soles, regula-f price, $Ita$ school,' with Kra., Stewart an year.into a fund In which he 'was to dren, r'l�tive r muslic, and a special tug, eels. -Mr. and Mrs. John Pattc:r3on sale price per pair, 9rc, Liffies' Kid Oxfords, new Btueter style,' are -visiting e a here ldu� excellent ut he is In the holid --- �Mlss Pearl Baker was Pe t u SEAFORTH, PRIDAY, Aug.,- 3, 1906.. share -on his retlrement--4 ke 9 ays. Pt busy giving thp youngsters .0 )1 S hdaY In xeter.-Mina Jean dismised. wd can get -no share In h a the Junctio, n -)school. for next ye4r short trips out on the lake,.. While. the �Gibson visited- her -islater, Mrs. -F. V. pr.ce, $2, sal price per paix, $1,60. Ken!s Dongols M this fund. The co9ts of his defence chool'-.sports - held lacrosse And baseball, bfeksorr, - for a fe Bta&er'style, goodyear we) to, rPguiRr pTiCe, S& 50, sale Price per pair, V,7.5. and Miss Cora Messer has a a w days,. . retunilng A 0arrPetion. he must Pay Qut of his ow�A �ocket. at[ Newbur-j, Middlesex coufit--Mr. ma;tches. The- moat exciting was the i to )Toront6 on Monday. -Mr. Gavin Ing ps Mr. Duncan Stewart, of Stratford, He has been fired. He -W'ill be suc- Lloyd Snell is- nursing a broken* arm. Intermediate lacrosse game betwee'ni Davidson, of Galt, Is visiting with hi ceeded'bY a man who, If he d I oesn'f The accident happ d at his undle's, Goderi6h and Kincardine, the latter Parents, Mr. and Mrs -John Da! for tbi -general agent for the Mutual Life' do what. Bastedo did, will be fired bathing; In the "winning by tour to none., We may' soni-Miss R�achle Sanderson of. To- ClIntone.-Whellnee bit 0 e river one day last week RobbiA Male- here mention that a gl' 'her alint, Assurance Company, of Ca. ada,Wrtes for not dofhg,,�ft. 'But you cbn'trn k oom had been rmto, �twas the guest of $econd death of Mrs, )W. T. Johnson' to us as follows an omdlettp -'Without brp�,klng eg- gs-� ters was aftacked by- 4 vicious sow.,- cant over -X-incArdinq by the last week. say that. Judge d some 'sore 'bites but -yo "I notice in your I -get pa�erj the 'He receive got a very'popular uni sident named 27-th Inst, that Affair -in Ru 70'a away before serious 'Injury was done. Jennings, by the exp os on of a lamp. Britten got $10 00'0 from the -Mutual -The'Suneral took, place Friday ftfter-t 0001or y4ir Eta tees. From the' fragmentary and dia.con- The Coqncil,-A meetiAg ot the coun�- Lit e last. l Leadburv. -nooh. It washea�ded-by.thQ Winklia telegraphic despatbhes from m' ell of the -township of Hullett WAS I OR7N Dlroctor. This 'Jo r6 band While the -Masons and. korest-�, i lield In the clerk's office on.i'Monday &ad ds Walk-Oveir Shoes- for -Y 119 Notes.-Th6 , fall wheiii; Ims bden Judge Britton got only about- $1,000. Russia ft -is Alfffeult to� make out- era -also marched. All the busine's 1,13aleAgentsfor the ­81,ster, and the A. housed. It is a good sample but un- the 30th of -July, at 2 P.t, m., by' d0 In fact the whole b-6ard did not get what the real situation there is. places w,6re-cloEfed during the time order of the reeve.- All th Quality7l.and "Empress" Shoes for women. It -foitunately -a-'110:rge portion Of it e Imembers more - than one-third 00 5 DI of the -funeral. o t of respect for the O�0.d is . evident, however,'that, one section was ploughed iup In ithe spring. -Miss who w a highly thought of Were present, T-Tpon the petition of stite f rectors' fees- Wouldoyo ly have deceased, #e =0 on of ithe,vin Patfirnaafer. In L 'des - the correction made' initr your valu y and navy have mutinieci,, �Alice Dundas: jhAs gone � on a visit to* in the' communIt .,. Nearly 2,060 Peo- ibear cub and It Is quito c- an attra I and her Many frIen Boston and Miss Alagglei Davidson de are pleadiA h or as this would be very arid'am- now in a, state* of revolt and Ple came In . on the ' two trains boro, the council granted towards the i able pap tion. Every person fas6ing -Stdps. to see, her from the west after. an e al building of concrete sidewalks in th him misleading to the Company a d Its has.,gone to-ftelcatchewan. -We hope well,,aS A great umber In other ve-4 e see It. -Mr. McDonald, of Cranbrooki V4er n an ttem,jp being -made&.1o: subdue, both young sladipa will haVe a 'Village the sum of,$25. The members 4 sence pf o, '- eight years. -Mr. poiteyholders.)l imit d th h1cles,- so That thd Union Sabbat felted his unclej, Mr. James Cutt, Mrs. W. C. Wood and family, them by the other portion 6f the ant timeand a -Sfe returti, They will of council had examined the -concrete I Icnic aa� We school ",picnic as - a -most enJoyabl. over Sunday. -Messrs. W. Letiace nd 'I ave been visiting --at the b Mr. Stewart may be correct, army which Is still loyal to the Czar. be much miseed in social etteles I aft air. �_T abutments to McMichael's bridge'ad e ral�way, conductors an L. Davis ent Stifiday with friends In Mt. John Shepherd, have retu may have misapprehended thez sit while away.-��-We were pleased to found the U- work Satlefaetor.jl, which iyoutig friend, Miss Emma th 6vi- The outbreak occurred in Finland'. meet our trainmen deserve great. praise forth cement GoderichMiss A. Bennet, of Orillia. London. Mr -Wood also, visited a;tfon and we -have riot no -w. contains 144 cubic'.yards o4. I e kin& manner - in which they looked at pies6nt visiting her parents Ontario iad the, Cobalt d1strIgL Reports are also rife. -of -strikes Hackwillit w4�b hae beerf residing In aft work, cpating . $120. The- w'prk as dence ta verify our Statement. We er -the welfare of the Wom6w and -throughout the - entire Empire and Rochester 'for',fupwirds of. two� years, accepted' and the Teeve was lhstr�ucted here.-, -saw that all gof off children, and therefore giye the Company the bene- there.a-re-symtoms of a general up- Wes- Hackwell was, home on a visit. to tI6 with Contractor Mckay for, Usbone. safely at their respective Stations. fit of the doubt' But, the change does rigIng. It now looks as it nothing -r-Tbe boys of the 12th ancl .14th lines the Sam e* The name of Benjamin Hensall 'Thames �Road Xotes--311ri- -T-SmAfA, )i6t materially. affect- our- ment. short of. ar6volutfon will -set mat- have haditwo contests on the football Riley as pound keeper was 's-u-batitut- �r. y ear surgeon, Nvill be at the of Dakota, nee'Was -Mria WealtUte argui tiers: x1ght and thin& are hastening f Ield 5' the irermff being nip and. tuck. Zurich, id for that of Duncan Tudor. An 11 Ael, Ilensall, on Thurrkiay, Aug. Oth. 110urs What we were attemDtini to show The pext time. eu Queen's b( visited her litother, Mr- Harry WeA4 to that 6nd. A prominent and poPulp.)r they meet there will N of damages. sustained 'through public 4.30 to 9 p, ni. Glasses properly fitted -concesion..-Mrs. .1-Y. otes.-Mi.as Ida Sipple has retun lake of the 14tt, was that Judge Britton.bas no('right, be something doing.-Ttiree mother ed from. Detroit for h traf;Ic on their fands by J nded foi ten days #D - lesot mbmber. of the outlawed Parliament e holidays. obk B� Me- IVROLESALE- 1plearing Sale exte 6wn1e4 of Mili, Ug d d ht to accept work- and rem, uneratfolf out- has been assassinated. 'He w otl t0fris built their nles'ts arid - com- Lea and James McMichael, the ten- from Julv 21st, to July 31st, As -tbis, ale has been s Sh Mr. A.. Stelck, Of Dauphin, i R. McDonald, ar., who has boo, Manitoba, suchadicidedsuceem,weham etended the time house has been In this vicinity, f nan side of his judicial position and, -the. hile walking In --the- grounds, at -i menced toay eggs In the new' or a, week and owner of lot Noj I and lot to July 31st rq -Scenes of her -youth for�� ta ,during wich U e we will Sell evperr Ing the -to - prove tached to his residence,. with his wife being ereeted'by the writer. He was calling on - old friends.' Mrs. §tel No. � 2, in the second con' ek cession they thing in Dry 0oods, Alill.luerT Crockery, and past montb�, line returned hor4e, r - fact that he- does so goes and' idaughter. gorry to have to disturb them hs n for Some eeks having were allowed $10 each. It was Aecid- furne, at and below wholen e prices.. lyn Downie, who -came al 1 eft A Of ad n - reserve in the above mentioned rines. J. Weism er- -0V -b- It k, that the 'Judgea -are'neither over- the process of lathing. -A numbei Of return6d wi6 her father, Mr. S. Ran- ed that a concrete -wall 25 fe4b long, In this con - ry his departure persOns Intend, 201 nit since' worked nor under Vaid, as tit claimed' lion. Justice Street, of the* Ontario going out on the.-'har- nle.-Mrs. *cDonald; of Grand Rapids, 3 1-2 -feet wide, at the bottom-' and 2 Uncle SamIs land some 89 Xr& vest excursions to. the west, an usual.. Michigan, is here visiting. -Miss Al- feet wide on top, -be built by Contrac- BrIefs,-Our ivic iholiday ill be tor them by some. So that If he re- High Qourt,. died on Wednesday at It . they t, I -Miss May Thomas, *f London, t says the We nothing but harvesting fee Schnell Issh tor McKay to the observed On -Monday next and -the. G. - ia celyed $1,000 as Mr. Ste'war t ome from Detroit or' east wing of the I Miss Alice Marti�, of St. 14-arys, tte the Dansville Sanitarium,- -New York, In lo,w they would probably -be I)et- T. R.. -are giving single fare rqtes on dcase Is, practically, as strong a- holid&ys.-Mrs. $- Smith and children, south abutment to Londeaboro bridge visiting their cousins, the $10.-, where he had been for some time for ter. dff attifeendof the -year If they that da7 good. for evening trains n of Galt, are vWting relatives, hero- and that he receive for the� same the gainst him as It he had received Madge --Quite -a number took a stayed where ithey- are. M $,4.50 per cubic yard. Coun ;Saturday of, this week and on, Mon - 000. It Was not the amount , wer ­ob- treatment' for nervous Prostration. abouts. -The M16ses Nettle rind Villie au Of to Grzid Bend to the summer a t e.- e spending their. holidays 0 et at one o'clock tiesday, This is Well ar ..at then adjourned.t ' me day and good until T Jected to solmuch a he princlipl Mr. Atr6et was ik native 'of London. which was In -progress there 11A P. M., on Monday, great chance for those wanting to Ontario, and . -was 65 y6ars of a e ug t 21th, at 'a Ince the aboe w a 'In type e an V. a - g -and le the parental home here, having speht spend the iday away from home. --Mr. week. -Miss Florence" Hunkin is. the township hall. a eek seeing some of the sights of --Oint6d to' the Befich in 1887. Returned.- Mr Robt. Armstrong the sick 11st, also "her father, have received the following comm'unl�` was ann aJohn R. Habkirk. while ishoeing a e. -A ew has returned from an.. extended six New Yofk before coming hom Fred Hunkin, s ufferin frwn bloo�. . onday afternoon, had the 9 to .10 horse an cation from Mr. W. H. Riddell, the weeks &go Mr. an eeks' tour of th6,., great Nortbwest. d. Mrs. Reuben am- 13tucetle)d fortune to get a kick ion� the fore- poisoning in his- band. rent secretary of the Mutual Life of, Cana She visited In. diffe' parts of Man- 40herf left here to. visit trien a in 'PASTURE.--aeorize wil, Brucefleldbas ibnut 30 head, which required i ilumber. of Brlefs.­�Exeter 1 voters' list and around Port Arthur. While there . acres of good iwture witb plenty -of hade and da, which we,'gladly Insert. While It �was Itoba and had a -grand time renew- wi�ter and Avill take in a liukil6er of &Lttle at wl inuck, first posted up.on the- 14 stitches, Very. fortunatelyMr. Hab- relieves the COMDany It do�s riot af. tn. of July. Ing old acquaintances and calling on Mr. Marnacher took sick and died and per head. kirk escaped serious injury and we d -Britton, The'county.-trate for Exeter this old the, remains were brought here for A 14st Teacher.—A despatch feet the former Huronite 'She speaks position of Ju ge nho hope a it being 59�8 w eQuebec, dated Jul th A year' Is $986, Notes.—Mr. #Ad Mrs. Dunbar, oon ito see bim. at his dut except that he seems to be doing more very highly of the country, an'd &!to- Interment this week. Much- -aypa-, last y have been visiting their d gain. He to an old, established and ear.—The little di�ughter of a. most enjoyable irlp. th to felt 'for the sadly and sud- not u,� Miss Robertson, aged 30 gether had aughter, Sch *"M -tb rned to their home 6r ya e -char from Goderich, edited him. with.- Mr. Riddell a Ha —The Goshen Methodist more wGrk fo]� lose money than we Mr. C. H. Harvey had� the, misfortune, d wif o friends. Mrs. T. Balrd,retu ekpert horseshoer land co 61 tea ppenings camp - Co. i aY.t, Miss Maggie ho Is said to be subjected to Aer�, a few days. ago to fall and break _The D last Sat spared from the faltbfu service A policyholder has- Sent us: church Was re -opened on Sunday, July ashwoo Planing Mill iap urd n ithe publie- -for so 'many bell a has give aT her arm Mrs. Wm. �Hawkshaw has 15..Aev. 0. -,C. Cousens, of arkbill, -pealed against the nd Mas6rl George- are visiting -ph clipped from your colum of yous attacks. mysteriously aragra here. Th' years. ---- aThe. Misses- Thompson are ed from her. hotel Tie purchased the.kiprefty7home now Oc- Ocr their property to the Hay Court of urpose' leaving gbortly In this, city 'in whichit. is stated that Judge 'Brit- cupled. by r. 0. Northeott, from Mrs. -upy the pulpit, morning and ev- t.—James Boyce and L. da'y ornig and has� not been ve ening and re'ached very ac Revision. he court reduced the laW for the go P spending several weeks with relatives 00tably. ton last�,year drew from thek I Mutual Gidley arid will -reside there at ter tip their - new ma,- sessmerit, as much McConnell Started and friends In Parkdale 'and vicinity. The offerings amorited' to ovier $90. as they tho4!gfit since. MISS Robertso� Tecentiv 'Life of Canada tn fees some $10,060. We r ot this eek o report that ptember.—Mrs. chine last Monday at Graham Bros. egir -k 13owerman, having It should be reduced, But this did reeded to New Glasgow, N. S,* There Is' hot one tittle of truth In r' —The annual picnic of "the - Vlrna We wish them success.—Tbe� harvest Miss Sturgeon i's and has been quite disposed -of her p operty and effects, lodge was held at Bayffeld on Wed- not 8 t th they appeal- Visit friends, andt arrivInk trwn th"� e company, so the statement. Judge Britton is a is getting well seriously III iduring the �ast week.— on -e farmers are WIR9 *Una I here, Intends �removing to Prince � Ed- i nesday.—Mr. and' Mrs, Ed. -Elliott and �ed tolthe county Judge, Judge Doyle Th -on Wednesday last met at member of the Board and asb� of the Uiss Con -011 of Bmbro, IS ward county.—Miss W.4 nt. -.The rain last stance Car Ball, a form- family, from Merlin, are visiting at took evidence on the- case here last I. C. R. -Station bV'hor "brother, *ft, Ewecuttve Committee of the Board as isiting her -aunt, Mrs, Jas. Suther- Om week Sabbath put the grain down' badly v er teacher dn the public school. here, the h e of their brother, R. A. EI- but reserved his decision until had come on from Ontario to oftf urdock ta visiting 'well Second Vice President of the bao been -appointed assistant post- 'he would have tlm� to The oats in generil,aie ver.-�, heavy- Vera her. he registered at the liott, of the Babylon line.—Misses Eva thoroughly an- -.VIW- the f Ith, -of Re - Company. He attends two meetings nittress In Frank, Alberta'-- "Miss d Ida Reid have returned from a _The funeral o Mrs, Sm relatives at-Bufftlq, and her. sister, and the sarde, each month -as well as Several spec- Ethel ortbacitt. to -at present suffer- alize the evidence.—The­ Misses Shil- gin&, took Mrs� - Campbell, of urich, 11' f Inilig torls, this city, be, of Detroit, are spending their hol- Place last Sabbath from visit with relatives In Michigan.— visited t. Anne de SeAupre, lreUam�- fan attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. Andrew -eys," of the Babylon 0 eatorth: fal meetings towards he close of Ing from - her m ther's residence In S her position las organist In arinel Idas at the parental home on the Ing -to -on the *sa*e ieveM* our financial year In order to cheek and Is ibel Much. sympat4y church.—Miss Carling,. .-bf Clinton, Is ]Rg waited on byher sister,, I I age, accompanied by her grand daul concession.—Farmers re still Ii felt for the friends. the Companyto Sqcurities with- other Miss FlQrbnce, a professiona nurse t 14th a Thursday morni with harvest operations. The en and Miss gar- w -0 ca I -on his sit e t t I tei, When b" John, Ste-�*art and In er, Miss Reta Keys, went tq Chicago busy —miss Lizzle IMCEW, visiting M r garet MeDiarmid �-The trustees of � the Xeth members ol the Executive, and to from Guelph\,(hospita.—A little s64 of last week to spend a few we crops were never better in' this vlcIn- are rusticating at 117 -odist f-iZdnd her gone, taking her pu� this the Company pays eke with fine- new him $1,000 & Mr. John Heaman, of the 2ncl conces.� fleld..—Mr' church Intend �erecting fV ellatfves.�Mtss E ity than they are this yesi. 2an'd our James Atkenhead Is taining a, ronsideAble - sum of 'Year. Considering the serVicearend mma Peck, Who has cement shed with metal roof In the er- Sion, of Stephen, near, here -accident- Im Proving reely at present.—Last Unid leavl her haja7d 13 been n Seaforth for some. time. farmers are feeling good accordingly. ng afthel. -d to the Company the amount paid Sabbath 41ght ifear future, and to that etl havie al- allY stepped on a collie 'dog which several bad boys were 4— ­ railway tic �ha:s returned to,ber home.—Miss M. ready purchased from Mr. Jai. Bon- contained her return Im cannot be considered exorbit- w1as lying at his feet, When the ani- McKinley, of S', Is spendingher throwing stones , at a certain house The young lady refer -red to -is lat- Brussels thron, Jr., the lot adjoining the Ant. mal sprang up and bitt him on the in the village. They had better &t vacation at her home on the Goshen ter of Mr. Robertson, - editor -at church property. rThO Will -add groat- Ieg Inflicting �a severe -wound, which, Basti Ball.—The igarn of base ball, trY It again as there are two, or Sign&lf 'who has ne.—What might- have resulted In a gone to Qaeb'ft, f*� �*ndexvx had to ibe' 'need for Friday evening an If, they ar If he Canadian Meat All Right. cauterized.—Mrs. Fitiger- =nou h known, ly to the appearwite jadl convenience e serfqus accident befel W. Douglas, of mh unravel the myjltefs� I take this, 'as a blut.. Since, his ca, ald and Mrs. Mason, of London', are week, to be played on the Park, , be- wise -they wit of the church vriaptrtyl—T6 past departure word has bm- It will be a relief to go nesY Blake. He was working around -able for, se- ttkknu Od� many the'guests of Mrs. John Jarrott,' Ex- a colt wh tween the -old " Clippers I' of twenty. Week hasbeew very favor en the -4nirpal kicked,strik- received here o the effect that It lus r curing the largo flax crop, and out gh test recent- eter.North, Mrs. Fitzgerald's moih0r, Ing him on the otehead, Inflicting yea a. ago, and a -team , chosen from now -known that 'the missing- Yam, -ly made by the Depar J31vth. two. local maitufteturers have a large tm6nf 01, Iftlana —Mr! R. E. PickarId to from the yminger players of t a very serious wound Had 44 been own, prov dy boarded the ferx-7 runnlngft*j* -to the ivIe hol- the west and to d number engaged PuUlng the ame. Spending a cogole 'of eat drawing card Brlefs.�-Last Friday being C Revenue at Ottawa,. has shown the an Inch farther from' ihe animl, Parcel *bta week Ida7 there was quite an exodus to res- Quebec to Pt. Leis, y ll a With his family here.—In re- mahy lovers of base- ball In Brussels. Miss Belle Sparks Is home at p -canned meats manufactured and -sold probability Is he would have been she left at th e forir ock. Ind 4n Canada to an- sponse to the request of a deputa- killed. Owing' to ialn a only a Kineardine and other place#. About ent visiting her parents.�Mr. R Cud- te comparatively pure tion composedl of Messrs. E. Christie. three Innings game was.played, and 135 tickets:Wee sold an(I those whd more Is having brick drawn f;j" thIs But hothbig further' In here at the tkne of wrIting. and In good 41 shape. Three hiundreU N. Taylor and E. Heywood, tho�,eoun-' the adore stood 12 to 6� in went to the lake enjoyed themselves, other flue dwelling 'which Intends faXor of W altol and twenty-two samples were select- ell -'have granted our band $100 on the Clippers." with two men to put A number of,tho*se left at bome spent erecting *On his lot southi Of Mr. —There --arrived In Toronto t -W, Local News.—Owing' to -the abadnee an enjoyable, time Kalser's.—Mles Plorence Foas bus r4ader a -condition that. they furnish outeld out. Six of the "Old-Boya" were on the bowling ed--frarn various centres tn' Canada M t music for our citizens on stated ev- of the pastor,' Rev. A. Mexab, who the been spending the past week or so week -a fine lot 4of hrs .1 --d el W. A green, playing among -themselves but owned'Jbl, - game, nam y: Grewer, the- officers of the Ddpartmefit. enings each week.—The propertyown- with- his f4mlly aie'holidaying and pitcher; Jas. 13. tretton, catcher- they will soon be in shape to have with Dr. and Mrs. -Graham ot, 'Drug;- Xing Edward and 1-4rd RotholhaLl 0 aere, as this *eekcori� rt, of chat- and which are to be oh t t These were taken from dealers and era should bear in Mind the voting enjoying the lake -breezes near Pine A, Currie,, 1ht base; J. T.. R6 nd visiting clubs h' els.—Mr. Kenneth Oquha ham, was here last week visiting his Cihad' on the canning facto River, there will be no service In base; W. F. a Natlonal Exhibition. -law to- manti'acturers, The samples were a- ry by Strettoni 3rd base, and t is building a nice club x morrow Every voter should Gerry, left field. -1 f bout equally divided between good Saturday. Duff's church ne t Sunday.— Mrs, N. jim. Ross, house 'for therni--There was qJf1to 2, relatives) Mr. D. Urqiihart anc -am- are all Shire horseso and w%ll 114- Cla:rk, nee Miss 'Minnie McLeod. of 117, and brought up *Ith him a Canadian de disturbance eopl-e -.a good .1 a of *hwd-- Put UP In Canada and 'goods imported turn out and record hisT vote,� EVery three -base hit as the event of the -on "Main street Friday from vote left unpolied - practically- co' Detroit, Is visiting er usin, Mrs. 0 number of Indiana to wofk'-�fot 'Mr. the real Shire is being the States, but on sale bY Can- unts co e ening, and Jim Stretton, behind the evening Ab I ut 12 o clock. As far as Ti. one Jolih -Harris, this -week.—Mr. rquhart at the flax pulllng�--Mr. adian dealers. The.�samplea were ob- vote agairidt the by-law. If prb- b'at made the apnetators believe that ngham la6rosse lot of -animals, and representing prettr perly conducted the factory will. be Rae, 13. A�,' of Edmonton.. Is sp team on Murdock 'McPherson and is sister, nearly every age and kind. ere tained during une and-, July. In his ending he -had never been ut of base heir way home from tli Miss Ella, were In Lucknow nd, yl- Are ten in the string, tvil t&I 10 ball onn op rn ort, Mr. McFarlane, the public an- a. good Investment for the village.� It his vacati e ental ha dss. Do C. Ross, a member of ton, istarten calling some pe6p roof.—A number rom thIs victialty cinity tthls.week visiting relatives.— stat says. a yearling colt, a brood mare And: Is, lab6r employrs that to the Clippers', was away at London at- the treet ames, when,they,6rned owns: like expect to go on th' We are Pleased to see Mr. Exeter most requi 'to ensure their e Northwest har- the- bowling tour4ament. James foal, 'three fillies, one, two alidi tbM:- wAh- reference to their eamina- 4 �e I tending on'them and though'theie w;r�anly Johnston ble to go around A$aln Years old respectively, ged- -tioa tn this laboratory it may be 'on vest exci —Mrs. Ale:i. M6re games are likely to folaow. ity.—The El have given three of our boys they seemed to have d two and family left on - Tuesday of this atter. his very severe accident and -Inge. W-ith the except stated that the manner of testing Constable Bissett instructions to Briefs,—John Engle, of p&�,, p1w held their own very well as Some, of ion 01 0�e 41 week for Battleford, Sask.--. 'where Michigan, s here on a visit. Mrs' the higharn fell close -call for- his them was the same as'donei previous- have the bow by-law rigidly enforc- OWS Carried, some llfe,Weddlngbells- the geldings all these horees per. ly. On. ope . ning the tins it wa early Engle, thas 'been here for, t marks are again rInglifk In thio vicriltyi­ prize winners In English :show-*. -*pei or orse ed ana pdrsons allowing iheir'cows away with them, --Re, Mr, In two contests recently with,the cel- —According tatistics, no lem l a no- Mr. Soutar,has been since the he past spring.- couple of weeks visiting at the hqme Small, of Auburn, visited friends In ebrated Muncy India to a ted -as lo wh'ether ih to run -at large on the to, be fresh and destitute of any treets after sun -down. are subject The - Tornh.—Death, the grim. reap- of her parerits, Mr. and Mrs. Charles town Monday n1911t.—MiSsrs.' Krug, n baseball twim, than 146 chlldren,under five years our local players carne off victorious. age passed away In. Monreal 10ti, per- er. has again visited our midst and Rozell' W. 0. Thompson, of Ha� kirk, of- Brussels, visited friends In agreeable odor, and they were tested 0 a fine of from $2 toA$10.—Mr. Mat -- t- thew Kelland Is anxious to ispose- with its 4c'y hapd removed a tOwil last week.—Mes —Miss Ada McTavish, of Seaforth, Is week. This Is considered an exceo*, 0 whether any"pr6servatives- had well ton, 49 bere on a visit and also help- srs.'Krug Bros. per- e6n UST Ing hi mother, Mrs. Joseph. Thomp- came through here on W", 'b of his. -beautiful o visiting Mrs a- d In packing them, Only four ne hundred- acre known and - highly. respected' resid- aof Ch6sley, F. F; Busch, of this V11- tonally heavy death rate. As -the t -- 41 htow- f arm on lage,.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Case and tal death rate among all age# I sAd TOW009'. out of the tot&l collection 'the 3rd concession of Us- ent. of. this vicinity -in the person of son, ito move to, that city. They let t Sunday with their automobile on 3P%6 1 Miss Maggio Smilife, who succunibed here ion WedResday.—J. D, Warwick were f6und to give evdiente of ks their waYito Credftom--There was a farntl, f Toronto, are v1sitl borne, opposite the churc . Re as' g their classei, to be normal, should not,* $U00 for iti—Mr. and Mrs. to a Shrt' but seve're many relatives and friends In Hn- r �Dod 'Composition, a proportion amounting Thomas Illness --.on is ihdme for 'a couple of weeks -from very good q)hotograph in Jh- maga- MS. Me over one hunared and twenty-five Pe only to 1-4 per cent. The pres Cudmore are -away visiting in -Sarnia.. Thursday evening Of last week. Miss Idaho. He was delivering some sh�oep zine part of lapt sall and vicinity,.—M-C. and week. It Is explained in the, Hoaaw erva- SatUrdaY'4 Globe Gavin were here n h 1, rcentlY irisiting Mr.,, Department that so many deaths nua U 0 M tives sought for were salicylic, ben� We all wish them a pleasaftt o' Smillie removed rto,'tbis vicJnity with In Chicago and came o ere toi a of M�, John. Jackson, among the. Cal - All bier parents Trom '-,the tbwn n Jarrott and f amily, of the, Lon -r mong. children'are ue In ther gra 'z01c, 8 ulPhurous and boric acids, but was civic holiday. ship of short visit, 116 Intends to ref gary 'board of trade.—The Presbyter- oh Talow -P ima to usi- of LoA- plate, to the heated tern�- on: the iW-' ected In a the stores and most of the other b tly- aftef� they'plir- Idaho 4ext week,—A public meeting Ian -choir spent Wednesday 'of th4s don, 1s visiting her - aunt, -er band, tt Is fr e tW OnlY.the last nameed was det �carboro -and $*or don xo4d*,Miss Hazel Tait, ,comparatively small -dumber of sam ne places were chased theifarm of',the Ja:te Mr. Hugh 'as called f?r �fonday evening of Temiskarning park and as Neelands.—Mr. anid Mrs. Truman if the milk supply . . . . . . . . closed and the W week -at Mrs. T. -ankly admitt. streets bore a deserted appearang McPhee and. -save fdr two -vears gp"t to "range for a day, of usual a delightful ples, and in quantity- not exceeding e. A this Week spent tlrne--A wa's wtsit it the limit ZIxed by the English Par— great crowd tooli In the- -Masonic ex- n a contjn- sports here o�i Labor Day, but as Mum�er Of the young men of the in-- the Northwestj lia;s bee" Lake, of Haterhazy,i Saskatchewan, to be, and ff ther# wg-- a a; society a and nearly all Ong liamentary commission of 0.5 per cursion to. Sarni' uous rt!Wdent here. only: two or three put In'an Methodist church 'did an act of L-inA- are here visiting relailves and friends. the ity to Instruct young mother$ who apear ra anc6' the proceedings were -6f Tom). taking teach- f. ness last week by driving out t -e of In he dmtb-t probably added the sh did not go to Sarnia been a faithful and pains M . Lake wail well known here be the ear --tants, that t cent., and ape Nvent to the Called - Mr.. fore marriage 'as 'Miss Maggle White, among Ildren would be cut d Bend, We hope all enjoyed themselves. -Wedn6aday of next week is the 4ay George Henderson's and. helping b of borax. There were 51 such'sainples er in the Sunday school of Duff's ovn� ft Im esbyt 'Angle P r erian cliurch, of which she daughter of the late George White a remarkable degree. among the 322 collected, 'pr- f�.� of the annual'Sunday school excurs�ion -get his Riay crop in. Mr. Henderson per had -long been 'a valued member, a to Xfncardlne.� There is I a -met with an accident r 6centlY to his kind and courteous teacher, an, earn- good turnout ftom'bere,-W11 W -a . nd U to 16.1. -cent. This proportion _ is less than Conatan tn the collection of 1903, when the I,, �1170411, right hand wis unable' to do 1-vo Notes. -In referring to thd success eat and eff Icient worker' in all her of Detroit, Is 'hqre on' a visit with 7,J Ortion of samples containing Z prop V, the work. -Miss Mamie 'borax amounted to 21.2 per cezit.11 P ave br#1 his parents. Mr. and Mrs. ChasRozFli. Is, visiting frie do In Brus -REFINED- of pupils, at entrance or any other church relationshl a, which h' Livingstone PURE ht examInation, while we think it rl valued. The many who �M-rs. W. A. 'Ross, of -Fergu week. -Mr. E.,MCM111' sela� this Maki ght deservedly -Is a, is V10it- an, who has been to congratulate the students, we also have' -6st 14 -9 -with her i-�any old friends hero.- out t rough -Manitoba for the past eemed her because -of her es- Ilow It Works think the teaefiers who have directed ti now mourn, thable qualities Iles Polly Batters, Is here on a -Via- and five weeks, ireturtidd home on Friday the" thoughts of those students the sudden end -and says everythin and deeDly deplore '11yrack," the clever frontl page of of- It' with Mrs. P. Ament andi'Other old o Para ne Wax -act to g Is looking v r atin�ulated them to energy and - 'p- -writer In Toronto Saturda� a life so valuable in all . I . I . �as been residing In prosperous In the west, -Mr. John re.1 cous f riends. She ToRow, Night Ivity, should receive' more praise and and social circles, Sh in ortly at tei iij Manitoba of I te.-The remains of Robison, Of Goderich visited with his �,q Sites up the situation qtqtte abdurate- honor, and,. In oup lochdity, no one thg home from the went -she be*n Aide forsealingfruit, andal o fff numero he cheapest and best a t�o Donald XcLau hlin, who died at LEqi g- us friends 4n town on 'Su ly� His remarks are in 6 -lose ae- should receive more credit for the co' n - 'unwell, don. Dakota. rrived here on A It- daY--Ur- Joe Halikirk apent Sunday mplain feeling 7 e -cord with our -own- views as ay last an were tal urpoges. That's right, try it, only te�cher, Mr. McAllister. He not the with friends 'in Goderich.-Mr. 13. 1p a o hort. time white expres- tuccess of our pupils than the lalt thing serious Was antialpat until ued en' to la dry p ago when arming home of his brother. then from whose Gerry. of -Brussels, visited hii so in 'POW POUIM IS sed in another column. He says onlY 9.n Industrious and hard- '6iking 'F,,Ymptoms of some Internal growth residence the Juneral took place 1he town this week�-Mlss Barbaro, T, COWL "Air. Bastedo -wag marked for dis- teacher, but also a. man of dx exemplary b0an to develop. and despite all that same 'at ternoor. Mr. McLane -He was In charge, of consid blin N� as I man, of. Detroit, spe4t a few da)Fs of missal. rharacter, who tried to teach �y. pre- edioal skill and careful nursing a former well-known resident of the Past weak with relatives here. 4#44 0600044*160*16 4#000#0 0 M efable Patronage that -the Liberals cept and eyample moral worth and i - could do she rap dly sank. Suffering this locality. and moved to Dakota a- Mr. and Afro. F. Taman, of Toronto, AW ion i, used to influence, and that the Con- integrity as Well as book knowledge. without a* complaint, bearing he e- bout 18 ypars �ge. He w 77 ye re are at present TISI Z tude. ster of Mr, Tarnan's- 4L,14 F -change. N b dy expecls that Mr. with -their parents. Mr. and Mrs, until relieved by death on Thursday of a stroke ofl paralysis.�Word m�as Misses Zetta and Shirley Baw en, o d ceeded by some 0 NfT as 7 ting Mrs. George servatives have influebeed since, the �Mr. and, Mrs, Cole, of Ethel, visited vere illness wit'h Christian - forti of age, and his death was the res4it Powell, a al tk Bastedo wifl �o be sue Cole, on Sunday an- A X# VV oa d Monday of this evening, This Is the first deatb�l In 9* received last $aturday' from John � J. Clinton, visited firl ' ds 1h 'to f a en wn a h e al aintly per6on' who will refuse to Week. -George Dale has purchased a family of eig t and th rem ninoe Strachan. who"Ieft the home of iiIs few dAys of the�paat week. -.q know which party Is In power, and driving mare fromlChar"he Andr ev. W. e -We, seven were privileged to be pre FIRSST DOOR NORTHE OF PICKARn-'s T aPrif f ath6r. Thoma� Strachan, 3rd concoS- ROSS ..and tamily, of Guelph a,- e et 'at at tbe funeral In fact, all that Mr. Bastedof did. and of Gorr1q. George 4n throw dusL: f and to these and the sto n of Grey, 'on the night of JAly present, spending a few weeks' holl- perbaps all that he was accused of most 6f'them no*J-Mr. W,, Lumle aged. parent the deepest sympathy of -17th, 'and for ivhom his friends �ad days with the former'a parents here. SE AFOWINt ONTARIO. Y, dolpg, will be done 'right straight of N"v Llskeard,'-�h' as arrived, to this aommunity goes -out at this time been advertising and searching for -Dr. Perdue- %as purchas6d 9, black 1,3 i A 2