HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-08-03, Page 3ee'
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pdThray.Spella, B
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All dealers, or
immix Co., Ismaime
oronto, Ont.
'Sovereign Bank of -Ca
s up-to-date methods
tate the despatch of
-iness for men ot Affairs.
No red tape.
proper degree of Con-
servatism combined with
enterfirise make for
soundness and satisfac-
t"4,..ry banking service.
e Sovereign
Bank of Canada
and Trunk 'Railway
Railway Time Table
Trains leave Sea:oath as follOwe :
60 a. an For Clinton, Goderich Whaghera an
For Clintot• and Clerieriob
For Clinton, Wiugham and Mutter
For Clillte01 and Gederiett.
For Strettordi Guelph,. Toronto,
Orillis North Bay end poinU- wt;
BflcvithPIDd Peterberte and points
For liatford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon.
treat and paiets east.
For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto,
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$4.3.00• to $60.00
,endid oppoitunjtjes
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Dna, Aylmer, Que., vrrit
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,-eral years past and 1 lin/ i
vhiele brings relief in so slieel*
6.35 P. m•
London, Huron and Bruce.
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8,16 4.4. 4.50 e
9.18 6.48
0,80 6.64
0.44 6.05
9.50 0.11
9.68 6.19
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10.30 8.62
10.38 7.00
10.60 7.13
11.10 'N 7 35
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6 62 8.44
Let 8.16
7.14 4,04
7.47 4.3
8,06 4.89
0.16 4.47
8.22 4.52
8.85 6.06
8.44 5,15
9.46 A. w. 6.10
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7•55 p.m.12.41 pan e.10 a.m
8.41 1.a4 8 20
8.51 1.44 5.10
9.08• 1 se 0.80
9.15 2.08 111.16
P. Mixed. Fess.
Wine:rheas • . 0 43 anti 10.40a.m. • 2.40 p.m.
Binevale...... 4.62 10 55 2.49
7.05 11.e5 3.0e
E neI_ • 7 16 11.45 8.13
Paknereton 8.0 I 1;21 4.00
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:Real Estate and Mortgages bdiight or
Sold on Oommission
Money to loan at lowest curren rates
of interest on mortgage eed, rity
100;aore farm in the Township of uekersmith.
Frame house, large barn, all in good reprar. Soil,
clay loam ; good location.
50 acre farm in the Townshipof Tuckersmith frame
house, barn nearly new, pig pen, buildings in good
repair, situated near good town.
100 acres in the Township of Stanley, frame house,
good barn, implement house, buildings in fair state
of repair, situated two.aud-a-half miles from market.,
160 acres in the Township of Stanley, Small house
.and barn in a fair state of repair, soil sandy loam, no
hills or stones, 9 miles to market.
200 acres in the Township of McKillop, frame house
nearly new, heated by furnace, two harnseimplem-
ent house, stabling for over 60 head of cattle, silo,
'drilled well, windmill; water in stable for cattle and
horses, soil, clay loam in a first-class state of cultiv-
ation, eituated 7 miles from market.
100 acres in the Township of MoXillop, brick house,
good barn, buillings in. good repair, soil clay loam,
110 stones, situated convenient to market, school and
.ohurelies, would consider an exchange for euitable
town property in surrounding towns.
Aiso a nuntber of other farms in Huron Comity fot
saks at laiv prices and on easy terms.
Dwellipg house e and budding lots in Seaforth,
Clinton and Brucefield for sale.
A postcard will bring you a full description, price,
-etc., of tiny of the above properties.
Free transportation from Brucefield to prospective
.buyers to inspect au property on my list,
A. A. WATT, BrucefieId, Ontario
Dire3tory for 1906
Winthrop P. 0.
Md. ROWLAND, 0ouneillor, Walton
geQUAID, 0ouncilthr, St. Coium-
ban, P. 0.
inniN MoDOWELE, 00uncillor, See -
forth P. 0.
11.eBYERMAN, Oounoillor, Brodh,a.g-
en P. O.
• rop P. O.
HOLEAND, Treaaarer, Beech-
weod P. 0.
itary Inspector, Winthrop P. 0.
Threshing' .8yndioates
We can interest you in
'Machine and Cylinder Oils.
We also carry a fail line of bloats and
topes for !setting separators.
Rale Ribbon, 650 feet to th'e
pound -pure Manilla, •
leuk it now, you run no riske, as We
Suarlintee both price and quality.
Valnot fail to sample our machine
'oils, or inspect our harvest tool.
'Central _Hardware Store
George A. Sills,
Seafortiji •- - • Ontario
• elt '*Y14NT Tfial.tra"
will owe he worst
of Constipation and
Beesuite Frtritsa.tiveLare the true liver
tonic. They strengtRan andinlekorate
the , liver -make the liver give up
enough ,bile to move tile bowels rept.
%We bile is nature's laxative.
Fririt-a-tives are the •finest.
Kidney and Bladder Remedy in
the orld.
Pruit-a-tiaree reduce intiammation and
congestion -relieve the over supply of
blood --enable the kidneyseto rid the
. eystent of waste-eand thus prevent the
formation of uric acid: eruiteatives
take away that'pain ist the back -and
quickly cure irritated Bladder.
Fruit-a-tives completely cure
•Headaches and Rheumatism.
Headaches and Rheumatism both mean
poisoned blood. Either the skin, kicis
neys or bowels are not ridding the set -
tem of waste matter. Pruit-a-tives in-
vigorate and str.eigthen these organs-.
etart up healthy, normal action -rid
• the eystern of $150n9 -and purify and
ennbh the blood. That means, away
with Headaches and Rheumatism.
'Ft -Mit -a -lives are the ideal tonic
or everyone.
Fruwa-tives anild up, strerigthen,
lavigorate, They sharpen the appetite
-steady the nbrves-enahle one to sleep
well -and keep the whole system in
perieetheallth. They are fruit juices,
conceutrated and combined with tonics
aalthatetnal antieeptics.
sac. a bo z or 6 boxes for p.p. Sent on
receipt of prke if your druggist does
not handle them.
BlistocIE and White
- Yoe will hardly. believe how good
it ladies' shoes, or how easily
Shining your own shoes becomes a
positive pleasure with "2 in 1,"
Don't take a substitute.
ior the Stomach
Heart and Kidneys
Dr. Shoop's Restorative Li a Cause .
• Cure -not a Symptom Cure.
It is a common mistake to take srtificlel
tri for stomach troubles -or heart stimulants
„or weak h eart-or_so-called kidney remedies for
uiseased kidneys. These organs do not sot sonar-
etetiy or of their own accord -they have no eon -
t v 1 over themselves -and not once in 800 times
le rile Aickness the fault of the organ. it is the
t of the nerves which control the
cvnly through these nerves can stomach,
.7.ifilleY I or heart dis. orders be cured. Dr.
Siteop. of nacine,/,. Wise.onsin, learned
early in hismedical ' experience tis at
lin se insidenerves / were the power
nerves --the through them
tan v was it posesibletoeurein-
tilleostion,hear/ '• \ burn, belch.
hate insoinnie. ; , backache,
inees. Per all of kiotitrer affections 1,t, he de ,
these ailments
heart weak. nesses. and
aright's dire e and all
.sichnesses and
are not separate
are not to be treated es such. They are
merely symptoms of inside nerve weak-
ty,ss, and when the nerve's are restored
the symptoms and the sickness disappear.
'me remedy which Dr. Shoop prescribed for
these sillier; nerves is known as Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. itreneves the pain and distress of
kidney, stomach and heart troubles quicker even
than those medicines designed simply to give
temporary relief. Dr. Shoop' Restorative (Tab-
letil cet Liquid) can now be had of druggieta'
everywhere. For sale and reconnneuded by
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.;
The great, Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three dbgrees
of. strength -No. 1, $1 : 'No. 2,
10 degrees stronger ipst No. 3,
Sold by. all dru or sent
prepaid on room
for special caeesititts,per box.
pt of Vries.
Free pamphlet. „Addre_ss THE
eeeeMeenetigOoenneerro, ONT. &mei* Windsor/
Trythe New Store
Where they -don't trifle with
other people's busines4, but
pay stribt attention. to the '
wants of everybody's needs
in the line of
Fresh, Cured and Cooked
Bologna and Sausage, Pro-
ceries, Fruits and Vegetables,
•all at right prices.
Try our 27c Tea.
The originators 'of low prices in Meats
Phone 96
Commercial Dock, Opposite the
• Post Office.
The determining questions for the insurance applicant are:
lst-Urezioubted financial standing.
2nd -Large profit -earning power.
3rd -Moderate expenses '
4th-Li,beral privileges and benefits.
5th -Up-to-date plans.
6th -Moderate rates.
Applying the test along these lines, the LONDON LIFE is ever an
always ready Ana the contest.
W. a ROBINSON; Inspestor, Seaforth.
Died Carberry. --The Minoring
which wetake from a recerit
berry, Manitoba., paper will be a in-
terest to emany a our readers : On
Wednesday morning, July 18th, Thos.
McGregor, or., well knewn to the res-
idents' of Wellevood and Carberry,
passed away at the ripe age of 89
years, at the residence of his nephew
Thomas McGregor, ot Carberry. The
deceased was a natiVe of Scotland,
anti came to Canada an 1846 and set-
tled in the township of Tuckeremith,
where he resided until %about nineteen
years ago, when he came west and
made leis home with his .nephew, Mr.
Thomas McGregorewith whom he hale
since resided. He was highlyes-
teemed, by those who knew him,.
The Western :P.'air.-The ;Western
Fair, London, promises this yeas to
be a great succeSs. Entries are com-
ing in fast and space ie being allot -
ed, The Attraction Committee have
provided a programme of amusements
and entertainment far exceeding any-
thing ever attempted by the Associ-
ation. C. W. of Newark,
N. J, will make daily ascensions in
his air rihip " America." The Royal
Venetian Band, one of the greatest
musical organizations of the day,
has been engaged at great expense,
for the entire exhibition. The Nor -
ins, Sigh Diverl, Japanese Acrobats,
Slack Wire Peformers, the Polite
Burglars, Trick House Performers,
the Red Raven' Cadets, and .many oth-
ers, will air appear before the grand
stands twice daily. Remember the
dates, Sept. 7th to 15th. Por _prize
list and Information write the West-
ern Fair Office, London, Ont.
• To Our Readers. -There are many
things happening which are iof pub-
lic interest, but which newspapers
never get_ a hold of, such, for In-'
stance, as family reunions, wed-
dings, accidents, and items of sim-
ilar nature. Someof these news-
papers may get, but' there are oth-
ers that do • not .get hind trint. Now,
if parties, interested would send these
to us we wouldebe glacli at all times
to •publish them. Write out 'an ac-
count of Ahem, and sign your name.
Never mind if the 'item is not well
written,- put in the /facts, and we
will fix if up. The same -will not
be published, but is required as an
evidence that thi; item is genuine.
You cOuld Out a lot of items on a
• post -card. Try it. Or, if you desire
It, we will be glad to Oend you
stamped envelopes and -wrieing mat-
erial. The Expositor has a splendid
corpse of local corresponeents. It
apprediates their efforts and is thank-
ful for them. But we want more.
We want all the local news in the
county, but we do not want obituary
poetry or originaL poetry of any kind.
Poets are born, and not made.
Snap Shots. -The Wingham Times
In its report of the recent lacrosse
match between the Maple Leafs; of.
Wingham and the Beavers, of Sea-
• forth , gets off the following snap
shots which we reproduce for the a-
' musement of our boys: Gate receipts
$76.86.-'Twas a farnouS victory. -No-
body looked over the fence. -It is
rumored that McKay got the ball
twice during the game'. -Well, ebout
Peck Johnston, he was 'talking rics
much to play lacrosse. -The north rn
trip to 'Kincardine and Wingham put
Seaforth out of business. -It 'was
Hennings' first appearance in the
Wingham colors, and he certainly
made good. -Bell, Stewart and Hatch-
er played goodlacrosse, but rihe
Wingham home was too fast. -Sea -
forth leas egoiner in Stoddard; and
Brown when Hen Jackson gets a little
older :and more experience, he also
will, doubt, mak % good. -The home
players were all shining stars, and
the shooting of McLearerteid and Flem-
ing Was very accurate, while Elliott
and Cody, pla e a wonderful game.
-The Winghn p1aysrs can do last
Wednesday's oJk over again if Sea -
forth wishes.' t. -The visitors had
made their team particularly strong
for this game; many of the, shining
lights 'of the once fe,MOUS 'Beavers
were on the line up; and they came
with men and money to trim the
sturdy Maple L'eals. They came, they
saw, but went home discomfited, tak-
ing. men but not their money.
District Summer_ School. -The, pro-
gramme for the sternmer school to be
held at Goderich, commencing on Mon-
day, August 6th, and closing ore Sun-
day, .August 12, has been lesued and
Judging from it the school will
prove interesting, enjoyable e and pro-
fitable. The school is being held un-
der the auspices of the Epworth
League of Goderich district. The ses-
sions of the school will be held in a
large tent 'at Harbor Park, overlook-
ing the picturesque harbor and water
front. .All sessions of the school will
be open to the public. .A. collection
will be taken at each session to 'de-
fray expenses, Provision has been
-made for the accommodation of : visit-
orswho may wish to stay only a day
or 'for more than one day. Persons
desiring to secure accomModation
for more `than one day should write
as early as possible either -to the sec-
retary, E. Elliott, Goder\ch, or to
the president, Rev. W. II. Graham.
Goderich. There will be an afternoon
and evening session each day. At
e h session there will be a -/song
• rvice and addresses by well-known
clergymen and eminent speakers on
the various phases a the church, re-
ligious and missionary work at home
and abroad. Any one- who desires- to
enjoy a pleasant and inspiring week
or even a day. or two, should lay
out to attend this school.
A Family reeseeernee-erne Bad Axe,
Michigan, Tribune, says: " A happy
re -union of the Todd fardly • took
place here this week al the home of
their only sister, Mrs. L. Fillioh, it
being over thrirty years since the
family were all present together.
The family is composed as follows:
Mrs. L. Pillion, Bad Axe, Michigan;
William and Robert, Welsh, Louis-
iana ; Jarne& Detroit, Mich.: George,
Hensall. Ontario, -Canada; John and
Hugh, Bad Axe, Michigan. On Frid-
day evening the memberof the fam-
ily, with their children. were • en-
tertained at the home of their sis-
ter, Mrs. I. Pillion. On Wednesday,
they all attended the plc-nic at Port
Austin, and on, Thursday evening a
reception was tendered them at the
home of Mr. Jesse Horner, State Road.
The famtly were born and raised on
the Sauble Line, Hay 103.vnsh . Huron
'county. alter which .they I remov-
ed to the 'Melted States excIpt George.
A pleasant feature of the occasion,
was that It took place Ili - Huron
county, Michigan, the same name as
the county in which Miley, were born,
but In a different country. Ws. Geo.
Todd and son, John, attended the re-
union, as did Robert's son, Charles.
On Saturday morning George . left
for home, accompanied by Robert and
;William, who, after spending a week
In Canada, will go to Detroit, to viialt
their brother, James, and from there
to their home in Louisiana.
Wben a +woman suffers from de-.
pressing weaknesses, she then •keenly
• realizes how helpless -how thoroughly
worthless s'he is. Dr. Shoop has
brought relief to thousands of s ch
Women. He reaches diseases pecul ar
to women in two direct, specific w ys
-a local treatment known by dr g -
gists everywhere ex Dr. Shoop's :NI ht
Cure, and a constitutional or int r -
nal prescription, called pr. Shoo s
Night Cure is applied locally and, at
night. It works rwhile you sleep. It
reduces inflamination, et stops di -
charges, it heals, it soothes, it co
forts, it cures.
In The Olden. Day8.
Interesting sketehes of the early
days of 4eaforth and vieinitY,
taken from: the files of The EX-
positor. ' •
Seafortth, August 25, 1871.
A young lad, 'seohl about seven
years, son of Mr. Reheit McLaren, of
the London Road, Tuckersmitla net
w th an accident on the 17th inst..
wtich resulted in his 'death a • few
hours afterwards, He had occasion
to go into the -*able, when l he was
trampled on bee a two year old colt.
The Montreal Telegraph Company
are -extending their wires to Bruce -
field and Hayfield,
Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Elora, form-
erly of Clinton, preached in the Pres-
byterian church on Sabbath morn-
ing last, to large congregations. Mr.
McDonald Is an exceedingly fluent
and polished speaker, end delivered
an excellentt discourse.
A melancholy and fatal accident oc-
curred in Seaforth on Wednesday ev-
ening 'last. William McFadzean, a
farmer of Grey township, near Wal-
ton, came to town with a, load of
hay, After :disposing of the hay he
drove to Shearson & Co.'s mill to
get some flour. Wilile leading the
horses off the platform at the mill,
the .animals took fright. Mr. Mc-
Fadzean 'held on until dashed against
a, 'lumber pile, when he was knocked
down, and the front wheel passed
over him, crushing in some of his
ribs In the region of the heart.
On Monday night last, the work-
shop in connection with McIntyre '8e
Willie' shoe store was broken into,
and a number of tools belonging to
the men were stolen. A travelling
shoemaker, named Richard Carter,
who had been around the village that
day, was arrested in Clinton and'
confessed to being the guilty person.
While being taken to -Goderich, the
fellow ,escaped from • the constable
and got away.
SeaSorth, Sept. .8, 1871.
Mr.Michael Haas, who recently sold
his farm on the Huron Road, Tuck-
ersmith, has purchased a 200 acre
farm in the state of Ohio.
We understand that Mr. John' Dick-
son, has eold his fine farm. in Mc1C11-
lop, near Roxboro, :to Mr. Robert' jelc-
Milian, for the handsome Bum a $6,-
•=r fir. ors,
Seaforth, Sept. 15, 1871.
James Ross,- of Seaforth, has been
awarded the contract of carrying the
mails from Seaforth to Wroxeter, for
a term of Live years. 4
The fall raceseunder the auspicesof
the Seaforth Riding and priving Club
were held on Monday Ad Tuesday,
and were eminently .successful.
Seaforth, Sept. 22, 1871.
On Thursda,y, 14th inst., salt was
struck at the Sporting well in this
place, at a depth of 1,052: feet.
On Saturday last, as Mr. Hiram
Halliday was moving some furniture
from Harpurhey to Seaforth, ihe tell
off the wagon, and a wheel of the
vehicle passed over his body. His
back and arm were coneiderablY
Seaforth, Sept. 29, 1871.
Mr.- Cavanagh has .dieposed of his
baking • and confectionery business to
Mr: Cardno.
0 On Pedal last, Mr. Andrew Young,
of this village, employed with Mr.
David D. Wilson, egg Merchant, met
with a serious accident at Formosa,
Bruce county. He drove his 'Awn
and wagon into a shed. The shed
roof was too low, and Mr. Young
Was crushed between the beams and
the load. He was very seriously In -
Several parties were relieved of
money and valuables hi, the agricul-
tural hall at the fair last Friday,
by plek-pockets. Ms. Sam Harris,
of this village, had her pocket book,
containing $25 taken.. Rev. Mr. Gold-
smith had a gold watch taken ot the
' Seaforth, Oct. 6, 1871.
• Peter Ramsay died 'at his home in
Tuckersmith. Mr. Ramsay .was one
of the pioneers of the township, hav-
ing I ived on the farm where he died,
thrity-five years.
Mr. Carmichael has 'leased his hotel
to Mr. McLeod, of Port Huron, who
takes posseseion in November.
At a, meeting of the Dramatic club
on the 21st ult., the following officers
were elected for the ensuing year:
H. J. Jackson, president; Wm. Mc-
Dougall, vice-president; H.' W. 0.
Meyer, treasurer; H. J. 3. Campbell,
secretary; J. Payne, stage manager;
James Elliott, Robert Jamieson and
James Cline, committee.
Eitone.e.oh Troubles and
No one can reasonably tope for good
digestion when the bowels are con-
stipated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of likl-
wardsville, Ill., says, "I suffered
from chronic constipation and stomach
troubles for several years, but thanks
to g„hamberlain:s Stomach and Liver
Tablets, am almost cured." Why 'not
get a package of these tablets, and
get well and stay wen Price 25'
cents. For Rale by all Druggists.
• Noxious Weeds.
Editor Expositore-Thefarms in this
Section of the, province are becoming
badly infested with weeds, • which in,
many casea. the problem will be, wUl
the farmer or" the weeds win Out
-Among the woret which we hese, is
the perrenial sow thistle, which
should not Ibe allowed to go to seed,
. as the down which carries the seed
Iis very light and .will carry long
, distances. It has a leaf somewhat
1 like a dandelion, with a yellow, flow-
! er. It grows rfrom one "to three feet
1 high,; will seed from Jame to Aug-
ust, and yhere It ets a firm foot-.
held will choke out the crop, and is
difficult to eradicate. Farmers should
keep a sharp eye for this weed. Do
not confound this with the _annual
sow thistle, quite a different weed to
kill. The annual' ihas a 'harmless root,
whereas the sperennial has a atrong
running root.
R. B. McLean,
Por dry, cracked lips, or rough skin,
use Dr. Shoop's Green Salve. It posi-
tively makes lips and skin like vel-
vet. Sold by C. Aberhart, druggist,
A young man, named Malcolm Ma -
Cahill, employed at McCurdy Bros.,
in Stratford, met with a peculiar, ac-
cident. He was out in the yard,and
when he lit a match, his hands being
covered with varnish, they took fire.
One of them was severely burned.
-It is estimated that at least 25,-
000 men and wo.men will be wanted
for the North-west harvesting. That
is the present estimate but is thought
by many that et, :will be even grea'a-
-The Guelpb electric radial rail-
way system is to be extended to Hes-
peIer, in the county of Waterloo.
Hespeler is nine miles from Guelph.
and it Is calculated that with el-
ectric railway connection it will be-
come a great summer resort. The ex-
tesnion 1 of the road to Heipeler
will also bring Guelph into electrical
connection from that' point with
Preston, Galt, Berlin, Waterloo,Paris
and Brantford,
-St: Andrew's church, in Stratford,
has decided to present a can to Rev.
F. J. Thompson, now of Buena Vista,
Virginia. He preached In St. And-
rew's on July the 8th, an created a
very favorable impression. Benjamin
Leckie, representing the sessthn, and
Thomas Ballantyne, Jr,, will pre-
sent the call. Mr. ?Thompson is a
graduate of Queen's. His 'first charge
was at Belleville, after which he
went south. A stipend of $1,200 and
four weeks' holida,ys are 'attached to
the call.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative tablet or
liquid form ris a. constitutional, nerve
tissue • tonic. It brings renewed
strength, lasting ambiteon. and vigor
to weak, lifelees women.
The School. For The Blind
at Brantford.
Dear Expositor, -I ask your assist-
ance to enable me to get into corn-
nitication with the parfents •or
rdians of . all the blind children
In Ontario, under the age of twenty-
one years. The institution , for the
educatien and instruction of the
13Iind, maintained by the Ontario
Legislature, admits as puptia, "all
blind youths, of both sexes, between
the ages of seven and tWerity-one,
not being deficient in intellect, and
free from disease or physical- ine
firraity, being residents of the Prov-
ince of Ontario." It Is not necessary
that the applicant shall be totally
blind ; the test in ability to read
ordinary type and attend a school
for the seeing without serious in-'
Jury to ,the sight. The In1t1a,1 diffi-
culty is 'to locate the children' who
are eligible for adtnission, and it
will be helful in -.the future' if your
readers will send me tife names and
addresses of blind children under the
age of seven, as well as Of those be-
tween seven and twenty-one.
Should ;you favor rne by the publi-
cation of this letter, I would ask
your readers not to depend upone the
parents of the children with defect-
ive sight to attend to this matter.
If all could witness the gain • in
health, happiness, .knowledge and sell
reliance ,that comes to those who,,
deprived by their affliction of ac-
cess of the public schools, take ad-
vantage of the educational facilities
afforded by this Institution, none
would grudge the Mine and trouble
required to ;widen the scope of the
school's • influence. Send me the
names and addresses, and I will by
correspondence or visitation do the
Principal O. 1. B.
Brantford, .July 120, 1906.
Diarrhoea, desentery, cholera Wan -
tum and stomach troubles are al-
armingly frequent during the hot
weather month. Too often these
troubles become acute and a precious
; little%. life is lost after only a few
hours illness. During the hot were-
: ther season every wise mother should
keep a, box of Baby's Own Tablets in
the house to check these ills if they
. come suddenly. Hater still, an oc-
casional dose of this medicine will
keep the stomagh and bowels clean,
; and prevent these dangerous ailments
coming. Mrs. John Lancaster, North
Portal, Sasiq, says: My baby was
attacked with diarrhoea and severe
• verniteng. 1 at once gave Baby's
.Own Tablets and next day she was
Ias well as ever. I find the Tablette
ate the only medicine a little one
, needs." Sold by all medicine dealers
1 or by mail at 25 ceeits a box from
. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,,
Brockville, Ontario.
I-James Waterworth, e.n old resi-
dentt of the •county of Middlesex, and
a brother of the late John Wet.
erworth, 1/1. 'le. F. 'died at his home
in Wardsville Iasi week.
I The intense itching characteristic of
salt rheum and eczema is instantly
allayed by applying Chamberlain's
Salve. As a cure for skin diseases
this salve is unequaled. Per sale by
all Druggists.
-An accident which might have
very serious consequences happened
to Miss E. Moore, Of Portage la
Prairie. She was 'driving west, when
runaway team attached to a, hay-
rack came up behind her. The horses
parted and tried to come up one an
eacb side of the rig, Witte the result
that they completely over ran it The
buggy was smashed to matchwood,
and Miss Moore was thrown violently
to the ground. Upon examination it
was found that her leg had been
; broken in two places and she was
1 *suffering from ,the shock. The lease
I attached to Ithe buggy had afterwards
to be shot, t he pole of the rack
leaving pierced its side.,
1 •
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tablets. Druggists refund money
if it fails to (sure. E. W. GROVE'S
-*signature ig on each box. 250.
' These two remedies, singly, or 'used
together, have an irresistible, posi-
tive helpful power, Try them a month
and see. Sold by Q. Ab,erhart, drug-
gist, S,eafortlat ,
"Satisfactionor you
On Saturday -
Morning Next
The rush for soft shirts this sulniner haS discount d al
expectations, and given us all we could do to keep pace
with the demand. Consequently, we have a lug; number
of odd shirts on hand, both in sizes and patterns, and we
are now ready with aYout 250 attrmtive styles, and patterns
representing broken lines, that were formerly 75c, $1,00
and $1.25 shirts, 'narked
Extra Special at 5-9e
Our two large centre windows wilI be piled fUll of them.
Saturday morning, and you must act quickly if you want
to take advantage of this sale, because twenty dozen shirts
will -not go far among the hundreds of men ;AO have got
shirts at our sales in the past two years, and know that we
are doing just as we advertise.
Oar price -59c h s been imita d by other stores,
and in some cases reduced, but tie quality is never
equalled, for the reason that no storel except one doing the
large shirt trade that we do, would h ve suth an accumula-
tion of ODD shirts, or could afford t� sacrifice thein at the
We have no old stock -we cleared all Iastye;ar1s Shfrt8 out
at last year's sale.
The Price -590
The Terms-Spo t Cabia
• The Place-
lamommMNIPM40404.0.1.1111111.1.1,IMeNNOMMOVONNI iMOgni=goggrmomi*"'
Farm Laborers'
Manitoba and Saskatchewan
GOING - $12.00
RETITIiN $18 00
For particulars and tickets, apply to