The Huron Expositor, 1906-07-27, Page 8Gold Medal
Binder. Twine
This season we have only a
limited quantity of the above
°Well keown twine. Leave
your ordera with us now.
Farmers who use "GOLD
MEDAL" twine all say
that it runs farther and is
cheaper •than any other.
For good value and right prices,' came
to us for : :
Pure Manilla Hay Rope
Harvest Tools
Machine Oils
Binder Whips
English Paris Green
I I !
Our prices are right. Give us a call.
OBSSIfillY it swum,
Hardware, Stoves and Coal.
•• • • • • • • •
Capital, Fully Paid Up-S3,000,caaraoo
Reserve Fund and un-
, &added Profits $ 8,749,000
Deposits by Public $ 34,100,000
Teta] Masts 44,400,000
'ivory faeility for the transacting of a
raneral banking business.
Ocilleetions maids Op all points in Canada
and abroad. e -
Advances made to Fainiere. Special an-
imation paid to the collection of Sale Notes.
,Deposits of $L00 and upwards received,
and interest paid or added Jane 30bb and
December &et. Withdrawals may be
made at any time.
R. S. HAYS, Solieitor
dames Watson,
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fire, Life and Accident Insur-
ance agent, Real Estate awl Loan
Dealer in firet-chiss family and Manufao-
turing Sewing Machines and Crean
Separatorre yin, :
New Raymond and White Sewing
Maohinee, and National and
Uneede °roam Separator.
Also sewicg machine needles, oil, attach-
ments, repairs and sundries-. for all
kinds of ewing machinee.
With over 2.5 years experience in tbe above
business you can rest aseuted of prices
right, square dealieg and satisfaction
maim Agent, and dealer In Sewing Machine
and Bicycle& North Main etreet, Seaforkh.
—We carry a OhoiceLine of—
Try us for an EASY SHAVE and
Opposite the Commercial, Hotel
Fall Term Opens Sept. 4th.
Those interested in Business College work should
write for our large I catalogue. This fa the largest
tndhest Cenuneroialand Shorthand School in West-
ern °uteri°. We gild! a prim cal training and assist
our graduates to responsral eitithis, Many of the
leading business collegee kp1oy our graduates as
teachers, Writ i4 now for a free catalogue.
Ladies Rings.
• •
We have aboub a dozen Ladies' solid
gold 10k Ring, set with pearls and
garnets, in different patterns, at $1 35.
Some in heavier weights at $2 50 and
$3.25, which are extra nice.
For throe who want something better still,
we have them in 14k gold, instead of
10k, at from $4 00 to $6 00. •
Then, of course, we have the diamonds at
any price up to $100, for the fellow
who can spare a little more money.
John Bulger,
Jeweller, - - Seaforth
Marriage Licenses Issued.
Summer Wants.
Fruit time is here; and you will want
Fruit Jar Rubbera (new stook)
Bottle Wax
Parlifine Wax
Large Coris-ved have a good rebook.
Our Glycerine Jelly and Almond
Cream takes off tan and sunburn -
try it.
Wild Strawberry Compound, just. the
thing for all summer complaiubs,
such as Cramps, Cholera Morbes,
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Pains, etc.,
25c Per Bottle.
Ohemist & Druggist
it.M.MoKAn Manager.
Next week we commence a now story, arid NVO
have been fortunate in securing one of the latest
and most popular stories of thetirnt " Beverley of
Graustark," by the very popular and succeesful
author, George Barr McOutoheon.
"Beverly of Graustark " gives the romantic and
perilous adventuree of an American woman in her
Journey from St. Petersburg to Graustark, during
which she meets a prince in disguise, who turns out
to be the "Fair,v Prince every woman ' expects to
see coming down the road.
In order to give those who are not now subscribers
of Tire Exrosrron an opportunity to get thie excel-
lent story, we Neve decided to give Tun EXPOMITOR
This is an offer that none should rules. Start right
now and get the first of the story aS WO cannotprom-
ise back munbers.
riouriced ini many ,. places to tenable
Citizens of surrounding townia 0 visit
1.4stowe1, - arid n benidens enjoying them-
selves renew old acquaintancesbipe.
Cheap rates at -eingle if air good ,to I
go on 3 ulY 27th and return ,on Aug-
uit .6th. -The city of Stratford is
also preparing for a similar demon-
stration only on a larger scale and,
which is Intended to eclipse anything
ofthe kind Over attempted fin this
part of the country. The Stratford
celebration takes place from the t4th
to the lith of August, a .whole fweek
Sof It. For months past' energetic corn-
enittees ,have been at work laying .
plans for the affair and it it now as -
aimed that thousands of visitors will
-throng the Classic City during the
week commencing August 4. Features
in _ connection with the reunion will
be the electrical - decoration . of the
city, the immense Old Boys' carnival,
covering five 'acres a crowded tent
shows, the splendid fireworks dia-
l- play, the -long programme of 'Sports
which extends over three days, arid
in connection with which liberal prizes
are offered, the miles' (long parade On
Monday, August 'fith, the .`viseit of the
21st ESlinale Fusiliers 'from ;Windsor on
:Wednesday, Airgust nth, the presence
O f Hardy, the greatest high wire ar-
tist in the (world, ,baloon ascensions,
baseball games, tue and frolic of all
kinds. The city will be -givenover to
merairnant and It is certain, that or
the person who is looking for a good
time Stratford is the, place to rvehich
to go. There are . single f are rates
on an railwaysin jOntario. . .,
Travel le rs. -The f ollowi nig were
ticketed lout this week by W. Some'
ervillentrailway and steamship gent:a
girls M. Davidson, Leadbury, to Mile-
stone, Sask.; Mrs. R. E. Coates, Ito
Chicago; • Mr. A. 'F. Hallett and fam-
ily to Louisville, Kentuckir ; Miss
Linnie Holmes, to Boston; Miss Law-
son, to York, England, via Montreal.
At London. -Two rinks from the
Seaforth Bowling Club attended the
tournament at London this wdek. The
rinks are composed ale follows :No. 1,
-U. M. Best, skip; J. C. Steele, g.
W. Brown and Ed. Bright. No. ,2,-
J. C., Greig, skip; W. D. gcLean,
T. F. Coleman and G. E. Parkes.
Sports. -The Brucefield Rovers went
down to idefeat before the Foundry
Imperials for the possession of the
Crawford Cup, before a large crowd
on Tuesday evening at the recreation
grounds. The teams were pretty ev-
enly matebed, and the game was fast,
but the Inuperior team work of the
Foundry (boys won the, game, they
scoring- aoal in each half ane-veln-
nlog the at) by a score of 2 toed.
After The Cabbies, -A despatch from
$t. Catharines dated July 19th says :
" Miss edlovenlock, a visitor here from
Seaforth, this morning laid a com-
plaint 'before the magistrate, against
Sanderson, Newman & Hough, livery-
men, under the by-law of the Police
Commission, charging them with ne-
giecttng to send a cab she had or-
dered to take her to the train
Ynsterday morning. Defendants ex-
plained tha,t their cabs being all busy,
they handed her order over to 'another
cabman, who failed to keep the engage
ment, .They, acknowledged being cul -
able, but agreed to pay all Miss
Govenlock's extra expenses caused by
her having to wait over and the
costs of the case, so he recalled the
information." •
A New Departure. -Instead of hav-
ing the )usual special attractions,
such as speeding contests,etc. at •
the South Huron Fall Show to be
held at Exeter on Monday ahdi Tues-
day, September 17th and 18the the
directors of the Stephen and Usborne
Society, who alwaysrfurnish the spec-
ial attractions, have decided on some-
thing entirely new and novel for
this year. They have made an, ar-
rangement with the Canadian Ly-
ceum' and Entertainment Bureau, in
affiliation with the American Ly-
ceum Tinton, of Rochester, N. Ye, to
secure the services a the world re-,
nowned Victor's Venetian ,Band, who
will play on the grounds during the
afternoon of 'Tuesday, and give one
of their popular entertainments in
the Opera: House the seine evening.
This is a nemdeparture in the right
direction,' and is one .which, we are
sure, will be appreciated by the pub-
lic. •This famous combination of
trained musicians has been secured
at a heavy expense and the enter-
prise of the Directors should be
backed up, by the people who, by
lending their patronage will aid the
society and secure real pleasure to
1 •
Sad News -Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot
received a telegram on Monday, in-
forming her of the death . of her
'eldest son, Mr. William Broadfoot
It seems tbat Mr. Broadfoot i•died at
Banff, British Columbia, whither he
had come from( the interior of the
Province for treatment for typhoid
fever. It is about- 25 years since he
left Seaforth and he had been engag-
ed most of the time inera,nching and
mlntng. He was home about ten
years ago. He leaves a widow but
we do not know whether or not he
had any family. The remains are
expected here on Saturday' and will
be interred in "he Maitlandbank cem-
etery. ,
-Dr. H. H. `Ross also received a
telegram from Regina, on Tuesday
conveying the triad intelligence of
the death of his sister, Mrs. Smith,
of that city. Mrs. Smith was the
second youngest daughter of 'Mrs.
John Ross, of this town. She spent
a couple of months with hermother,
brother and sister( here a little over
a, year ago and with her mother left
here a year ago last spring for the
west and was married. in WinniPeg
to her now bereaved husband. They
located In Regina where they estab-
lished a pretty home and where the
deceased was much and deservedly
belove'The news of her death came
as a terrible shock to her mother
and other relatives here as the first
intimation they had of her s illness
was the telegram- announcing her
death. The remains will be brought
here for interment.
-Mr. John McNaniara, of Seaforth,
also received the sad news of the
death by drowning, in Hamilton. me
the 18th inst., of his, grand -son, John
McInnis, a ,bright lad- of 17 years.
He. was bathing, and got beyond his
depth, and not being able to swim,
was drowned before he coreld be res-
• •
Old Boys' Celebrations. -The peoe
ple of Lietowei are 'making extensive
preparatio(ns for the reception of their
Old Boys and Girls en July 181st and
the three following days. A splen-
did, pregramme a .attractions, a-,
musements and sports, has been an-
nounced. Many high class • hands'
Will be there notably the 48th High-
landers , with • pipers and drummers,
and th 29th regiment hand of Bere
lin, be ides many other .banda from
varioumtowns. There wnt be the hig,i
gest attractions of the year ,at Lisa
towel. Cific holidays will be ana_
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE (that the undersigned
will positively not carry ediiir amount of 1905 over
any longer. Vali and settle by oath or nose at once.
This is the last call. No exceptions. Accounte for
the half year (ended „June 80) are now due, and
would be pleased to have them settled this month.
J. Holland, St. Columban. 2015-1
Collo Cure, guaranteed to cure the worst case of
Cello in horses. prepared from the otigited prescrip-
tion of Mr. Stevention, Constance; 50c a bottle at
Aberhert's drug etore. 20154
Fresh Tenderloin and Spare Ribs every Tuesday at
Daly's grocery, Seaforth. 2025-2
Try Charlie Hines' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice
work. Alwais gives satisfaction. Clothes called for
and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two
doors South of Reid & Wilson's haedware stoiroes,8.Steia-
Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Com
menial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesdays Aug 8
Hours 1 to 8 p. m. Cataract, squint, failing eye'
sight, nasal catarrh treated and glasses
properly fitted.
PIANO 13ARGAINS.-One Bell piano, used only a
few months, with orchestral attachments, four pedals,
cannot he told from new, original price $500, bargain
at 8292. One Broadwood square grand piano good
as new that price $550, a bargain at $147. Each
piano guaranteed for one yeer and shipped any
place. Good chance for western buyers. ft. H. Peck
& Co., Seaforth, Ont. 2014-tf
"Pineapple Grape," the new ice cream soda at
Aberhart's drug store. It is delicious. 20154
GIRLS WANTED. -One dozen girls wanted at
once to learn operathig in the clothing department.
Goad wages for sniert girls. Skilled operators also
wanted. The Seaforth Woollen Mills Co., Seaforth.
BUTTER AND EGGS. -A. G. Ault, Seaforth, will
pay the highest price in cash for any qnantity of
good fresh butter and eggs. Bring them right
along. 2014-tf
• WANTED, A HOME, with some old lady who 18
alone by an old lady whe will help and take an in-
terest in the home as helper. Applicants will please
them in person. Miss Sarah Pollock, Seaforth P. 0.
SfoertrRib.add::: the undersigned and she will see
spice rolls go to Deb.'s, east side Main street, Sea -
For mild, sugar-eured hams, bacon, backs and
. 2015-2
, 2014-2
13R00011 LOSTe-BetWeen W. W. CooPerhe Lon-
don Roivl, and Seaforth via William Sprorit's, 2nd
concession of Tuokeramith, about the first week in
July, a diamond shaped brooch. As it is a family
relic+ the finder will greatly oblige by leaving it with
Mrs. W. W. Cooper or At TIIE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, See -
forth. 2015x1
NOTICE. -Dr. It. R. ROSS will close his dente,
co from the lst of Augustemtil the 8th, f n holi-
1'8. , 2015-1
—. •
es • • • • • • -
JU Y 071 1906
eath t The Bu s
.••••••.....611 .
Try Our atilt° Bug Fin-
ish, it k lis the bugs, in-
vigorates the .plants and
increases the yield.
PRICE Cents per lb
E erslalie
Special prices for Redpath Granulated Sugar in
100 pound lots. Butter, eggs, potatoes, onions and ,
all kinds of farm produce wanted at Daly's grocery,
Seaforth. - . 2015-2
. Clearing. Sale of Fancy China at Aberhart's drug
store. Big discounts. 20154
tendance at the London Nor al
school for the I past year, has e -
turned borne. -Mr. John 13eattlea lof-
thefirm of Beattie Bros., whoa w,as
laid up forsseveral days with an at-
tack of blood poisoning, is recover-
ing and will soon be able to attend
to his business as usual: He got lUs
finger bruised) with; a barrel, abad
hence the trouble. -Miss McCullo h,
assistant in Mr. 1 A. G. Ault's store,
has gone to London to enjoy a -few
weeks holiday. -Rev. Mr. Perrie, of
Ticringhain, has been spending a f ve.
days her with his mother -in -la
Mrs. Knechtel.a-The work on Main
street is progressing favorably. The
work of loins* the concrete found-
ation will be Inearly completed this
nearly to Market street by SatardaY
night -The fall _ wheat in ithis Vi-:
inity 40 now nearly all out aral a
good deal of it housed. Oats and
barley are con -ling on napidly, -wed
by the close oil another Week harvest
will be well tver. There never 'has
been a better crop on the whole in
this vicinity than this year. The
good yield is calculated to make ev-
ery person smile and feel good.- ur
'readers' should not fail to bear in
mind the great auction sale • of I
ported Clydesdale 'horses at Oae
stables of Archibald & Cudmore, 'in
Seaforth, on Tuesday next. A simil-
ar opportunity of securing a good
breeding mare may not soon ocdur
again. -Mrs. George Chesney and son,
Earl, are visiting friends in Lone
don this week. -Mr. and Mrs. W
•Westcott were in Crediton lastB
day, attending the funeral of Mr.
Westcott's niece, Mrs. Geo. H. Bed-
ford, who died( at her home there
derY suddenly on the Friday pre'.
iously. Mrs. Bedford's maiden narie
was Isabella. 011race Westcott. 5
was the eldest daughter of Mr r aird
(Mrs. J. T. ;We tcott, of Exeter. -Mr.
R. Fanson, 'of his town', has shown
us a very neat ly illustrated. edition
of the Fenton Omirier, published in
Fenton, Michigan. It contains many
portraits of the leading- men and
public and arivate buildings of that
apparently, enterprising and pros-
perous town. Mr. Fanson'e brother,
DO. Richard Fanson, formerly a far-
mer on the Thames road, Usborne,
has been a prominent resident and
business man of Fenton for several
years, ever since leaving Huron. -
Mr. P. E, Lennon has gone to Put
In Bay, near Sandusky, Ohio to spend
his holidays. -Mrs. J. T. DiCkson, of
Tuckersmith, and daughters, . have
gone to Brockville to attend the Old
Boys' re -union in that town, Mrs.
Dickson being a native of that Id-
cipity.-Postmaster Dickson and Mrs.
Dickson leave on Monday for a two
onths' visit to the west. They go
red to Edmonton to visit their son,
r. S. Dickson and their daughter,
rs. Jones and; will take In several
other places on their return trip.
Leitter, cl Ypsilanti, Michiga
and children, are here visiting M s.
Leitter's mother, Mrs. J. G. Ament,
a'nd olher friends. -Mr. Scott, of
Alma, has sold the old church build-
ing there to Mr. Oliver Mills who
lives further west on the Huron
road. The old blinding will have to
be dismantled to be removed. Mr.
Scott retains the land which he will
add to his present little farm. -Capt.
Duncan C. Ross, the great champion
athlete and swordsman of -America,
and others, will give an exhibition
In Cardno's hall to -morrow, Saturday
everiing. - Otto Dick, sore of Mr.
'James Dick, while playing on the
street Saturday afternoon last, trip:
ped and fell, striking his forehead on
a stone with such force as to infaint
angash which required several stitches
to draw it together. -Miss N. Dever-
eux, of .Ottawa, is spending fier va-
cation at the Parental home of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Devereux, (Huron
road, east. -Mrs. Peter Daley Is vis-
iting her daughter, -Mrs. $. Cudmore
of Usborne.-Mrs. Coulter, of the pub-
lic school 'staff, is spending her holi-
days in tIngersoll with her son, Mr.
Anderson Coulter. -Mies IDolena Wil-
son, second daughter' of ,Mr. J. A.
Wilson, has 'beim engaged as teacher
in school section No. 1, Tuckersmith,
as successor to Miss Aitcheson. This
Is Miss 'Wlison's first school but we
are sure she will make a painstaking
and very efficient teacher. -Miss Law-
son, who has spent the past year
with ther aunt, Mrs. M. B. Chesney,
left on Wednesday for her home In
York, England. -Mr. Wynn Price, of
Atwood, was in town this week.
While here he diriposed of his resi-
dence on West William street, to
Mr. Deem, for $600. -Mr. and Mrie.
Howard Hartry are now comfortably
settled in their new home or Centre
street and WO. Hartry will receive
on August 2nd and 8rd.-Miss Hough-
ton, of 1Wingham, has (been ' visiting
friends in town this week. --Miss E.
Stevenson, of Jackson, Michigan,
spent a few days this Week with. Mrs.
M. Y. 'McLean. -Mrs. 'J. C. Hoffman
and Miss Hoffman, of Hamilton, are
making a visit to friends in town. -1 -
Miss Minnie ‘Beat has gone to Hunts-
ville, to spend her holidays. -Mr. J.
Rogers, the travelling representative
Of the 'Westminster and Presbyterian,
was in town this week In the ,intet-
este of his periodicals. -Mrs Charles
Graber, who has been the guest of
Mrs. Mervyn, •Harpurhey, for the
past month, has gone to Hamilton and
Toronto before returning to her home
In Vancouver.-1Cl1ss Annie Watson
has returned home from Port Ar-
thur for her holidays. -Mr. A. Hu -
gill, of the Huron road, west, has
got the tbrick work of his new resi-
dence completed, The walls are of
red bed( swith stone rfncings. The
design is neat and attractive and
when it As finished Mr. Hugill will
have one of the handsomest rbsidences
on the Huron road. -Messrs. John and
Edward Devereux, •of the Huron road,
east, near town, are having handsome
and artistic new verandas erected a-
round their residences which they
built last summer. The foundations
A Good Horse Sold. - Mr. T. 'J.
Berry, of Heneall, has disposed of
his three 'year old Clyde stallion,
" Prince of Aikton," to Mr. Dan Mc --
Nickel, of Cargill, Ont. This horse,
when finished, will- weigh a torn or
over. He is a very thick built horse,
with clean one and first-class feet.
Be looks as if he will mike ,his mark
later on. •This Is the fourth horse
that Mr. Berry has sold to 'Mr. Mc -
Nickel, Inside of five `yeare, and every
ene has given good satisfaction to ithe
purchaser. Mr. Berty has still hire
first-class stallions on hand, and forf
sale on a full guarantee, as each
horse has been tried this season, and
has proven himself right. '
. ,
Local Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. Loftus
Stark and little child, of Toronto,
are visiting old friends ° and rela-
tives in Seaforth and vicinity. -Mr.
Alex.. Bethune, of Souris, Manitoba,
was here this week visiting his
mother and sister. -Mr. Peter Dill
has purchased the store, which he oc-
cupies, together with the store house
at the back, from the estate of the
late Arch. Dickson. -Miss Olive Laid-
law, professional nurse, of North-
ampton; Mass., 'is at present on a
visit to her parents; Mr. and Mrs.
Ji C. Laidlaw. -Mr. Arch. Dickson, of
Natchess, is home on a visit to his
brother and sisters 'at Roxboro, and
other friends. -Mrs. McCann, of -North
main street, returned home last week
after a pleasant three weeks' visit
with friends in and around Bluevale.
-Mrs. Doble, of 'Vancouver, British
Columbia, was here visiting Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Bright -Mrs. Alex. Mc-
Leod and daughter, Veda, are visit-
ing friends in London and Melbourne.-
-The name of Lilian J. Wilson was
Inadvertently omitted from the list
of those who passed the entrance ex-,
amination, which we published last
Week. -Twenty-three pupils from' the
Seaforth Public sch8ol, wrote at the
entrance examination here, and of
these, twenty-two were successful.
This is an honor of which the prin-
eipal and his excellent staff have a'
right to he proud. -The Western Fair
at London has always been popular
with the people of this county, and
the attractions ,which it offers this
year are. far in advance of dny form-
er year. The official announcement
will be (found on the seventhl nage cif
this issue. -Mr. Broderick,i ' of Mit-
chell, father of Mayor Broderick, was
In town last Friday. -Mr. 'A. F. Hal-
lett, who was carrying on a groce
ery business here since last -winter, -
has sold out to Mr. Thomas Pethick,
and left on Tueriday with his family
for his old home in Louisville, Ken-
tucky. Mr. Hallett says he has been
too long under. the star spangled
banner to remain content for long
under the Union Jack. -Mr. ,William
Bawden, of Exeter, late county val-
uator, was in town on Monday. He
'carne up to value the Robb farm for
the Tuckersmith council. -Rev. Mr. , and pillars are of cement, in Imita-
Laird, who is engaged in 'working i tion of stone and the structures, will
up the half million dollar endowment be massive and ornamental, just giva
fund for queen's College, I Kingston, Ing the dinishing touch to the houses.
preached in Mra Carswell's churches -Mr. „Tames Munroe had the misfor-
in McKillop on Sunday,, and was, in tune to thave a slice taken off his
town on Monday. Mr. Laird saYet he
has about half of the required- a-
mount already subscribed. -Mr. Thos.
McCallum, of Sault Ste. Marie, spent
Sunday and Monday here with his is in rather a critical condition. -Miss
brother, Mr. J. D. McCallum. --Miss ' Rose' Dorsey, daughter of Mrs. "John
Dolena 3V,ilson, who bas been in ata Dorsey, of town, who has'beeni teach-'
thumb on Tuesday while .working at
s e,w in the furniture factory. -Mr.
John 'Turner, sr., suffered from re
stroke of paralysis on Wednesday and
Ing school 4n, Dornoch, Grey tounty,
is home for the holidays. -Mr. John
McTavish, of the E. Meraul Co,
leaves here on Saturday for Mon-
treal and will go from' there to
Winnipeg and Edmonton and perhaps
through to the coast. He ;will be ace
companted by this brother, ihir. New-
ton McTavish, the reprepentative of
the Globe In Montreal. They, expect
to be gone About a, monthl -a tire. H.
•Toung and Mrs. P. Toung, of Roche
ester, are here visiting their Par-
ents, Mr. and Mnie. Richard Wright.
-Miss Maude Dickson is this week
visiting at (the 'home of her uncle,
Mr. tW. J. 'Dickson, !Walton..
Notes. -the Misses Stoneman are
spending week or two at Grand
Bend.-MIske Kinsman is visiting her
friends at Yrhitby.-Mr, and fyIrs. J.
Hicks •,and family are herd visiting
Mr. Hicks' mother. -Mr. Spencer, of
lildroonton, ,Alberta, was here visiting
his sister, Mrs. Kegan on Sunday
last, -Mrs. ;Wren and Mrs. Simpson,
or London, who were calling en. old
friends here last week have -return-
ed home. -Another of the pioneer set -
tiara of thia district passed away
1Thureday last in the person' of
Mr. Peter Morrieon, who resided. on
the 1,8th concession one mile east of
here. Mr. Morrison was a shoe -maker
by trade, arid followed that occupation
for a number of :years ail Tama and
Redgerville. He had 200 acres a land
here, which has been rented for a
. number of years, he living reltired on
one of the farms up till last fall, and
Since then he stayed with hia daughe
ter, Mrs. Swan. He had reached. the
age of 79years and ti months. He
was a Presbyterian in religion and 9;
Liberal in 'politico. The funeral took
place on Saturday last, In McTaga
gart'a cemetery, and was largely at-
tended. Among those from a distance
we noticed Dr. 3. Morrison, of Mica
ago ; A. Reid and daughter, Mr. and
Mies Foot, Varna; Mr. ein. Smith, and
sisters, of Kipper'; ,Mr. 3. McNaugh-
ton, of Brimfield, and Mr. Taylor, of
Clinton. -We have /also to chronicle
the death of Mr. Leeming, of the lith
concession of Hibbert, who passed ae
way oneTuesday Jut. He was a man
also well up in years, and not knoWn
by your correspondent. -Miss 3. Tref-
fry, of Hay, near Zurich, is visiting
'friends here this week. -Mr. and Mrs.
T. Wren were visiting friends near
Zurich on 8unday last.
• • • • • ••••••••—••-•— 0
Personals. -Miss Maggie Donnelly,
who has been visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nicholson, for the
past two weeks, returned to her home
Friday. -Masters Earl and Ernest De-
laney are visiting the Misses May
and Katie Donnelly. -Mr. Jas. 0' -
Hera and WEIS May Nicholson spent
Sunday with Miss Mary Donnelly,
Notes. -The lacrosse match, played
here on Wednesday, 18th inst, be-
tween 8eaforth and Wingham re-
sulted ID. a ,decided victory for Wing-,
ham hy a score of four, goals to none.
This practically gives Wingliam the
championship of the district. - The
county valuators raised on assess-
ment for county purposes to such a
point that our county rate is ala
moot' doubled. Last year it was $660
this .year it is $1,266.48 which will
add one mill to our taxation, tor
that alone. -Mr. W. H. Youhill, a
former Wingham boy, is a, member
of the Canadian rifle team shooting
In the Bisley contests. -Mr. J. C. Tel-
ford, of Owen Sound, formerly in the
Bank of Hamilton here, 'has beern ap-
pointed manager of the newly open-
ed branch of the Sovereign Bank in
Durham. Before leaving Owen Sound
he was presented with a watch and
chain costing $100. -Mr. John L. Iran -
stone, of Hamilton, is spending a
portion of his holidays in Wingharn.
• -Mr. Charles Ross, of Chicago, is
spending his holidays with bis • par -
entre Mr. and Mrs. .A. Ross. -Ur. P.
Fisher is on a trip to the west with
the object a improving his health.
PASTURE. --George Hill, 13rueefleld,has 'about SCI
acres of good pasture with plenty • of shade and
water and will take in a number of cattle at so much
per head. 2015x2
Briefs.—Duncan McTavish, who re-
cently' left this neighborhood, -- has
started a livery and dray business
in ,Calgary. He has taken Mr. Robt.
Beatty, formerly of Harrington, as a
partner. ---Niel Ross . left last week
for Calgary. -Dr. McLean and family
of Chicago, visited last 'week at the
home of Mrs. D. Fraser. Dr. McLean
has slace left for Dakota where he
will s;pend his vacation. He ha ri a
good aoaltion in. Chicago. --Miss Bertha
Mack, of -Exeter, is the guest of Miss
Mary Lang. -a ,
Bluevale. .
Beniee.--iMiss Mabel Thomas, of Toronto, is visit-
ing at the home of her parents. -Mr. and Mrs. John
Collie arid_Gordon Stewart -have returned to the
West. --Kr. Prank Gillis, of Thonidale, wa.s visiting
at the home of Mr. R. N, Duff this week. -Mr. Robt.
McAllister, of Milwaukee, was visiting relatives at
Bluevale last week. -Messrs. C. 8. and J F. Coultes,
of Philadelphia, are spending their holidays at the
home of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coultes.-
Mr. R. L. Stewart, of Toronto, is visiting relatives in
Bluevale, and expects to remain here during most of
his vacation.-Illiss Bella Fowler, of the Bluevale
road, leaves this week to go in training in the Galt
hospital. -The team br Mr. John King, while hitched
to the mower one day last week, ran away and did
considerable &maga to the machine.-Isive pupils of
Bluevale public echool passed the recent Entrance
examination. Their names are Elv-ti Jerymn, May
Smeltzer, Olive Masters, Florence Aitcheson, Mary
King. -In a group photograph of the delegates to
the Anglican Synod of the district of Algoma, held
at Sault Ste. Marie, published in the Canadian
Graphic of Toronto, is to be seen the face of a form-
er well-known resident of Bluevale, Mr. Alex. Crary,
of Haileburte-Ice cream is made for sale in Bluevale
each Saturday evening and a large demand- is being
found for it. The Westminster Guild of the Presby-
terian church have the project in hand, and the pro-
ceeds go to the building fund of the church. - Fred
Rogere, of Thorndale, fonnerly of Bluevale, WAS in
the village last week, calling on old friends.
-Mrs. Jean 'Wylie Gray has been engaged es Lady
Principal of Alma College, St. Thomas, Ontario, in
euccession to Miss Clara M. Woodsworth, B. A., re-
cently married to Rev. Prof, Blewett, of Victoria,
Co_lleatgen, nT,otrobenitonf.
ant daughter of Mr. Fred Hender-
son, of Ingersoll, aged 1 year and 0 months, was
drowned in three and a half feet of water in Parlo's
Pond. The child had been playing on the edge of
the pond with several companions, and, after being
missed by the mother, the body was found.
-hire. Jane Gilley, wife of Walter Gilley, Hamil-
ton, who WAS visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan Zentez, in the Township of Malahicle, near
St. 'Thomas, died suddenly after returning from a
drive to Alymer. She was thirty years old.
--Some tune ago the Inspector of Insurance, Mr.
J. Howard Hunter, instructed the different auditors
of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Companies
throughout the province, to report concerning the
fire losses incurred, owing to the many severe thun-
derstorms which have been so prevalent' this year.
The returns ehow very little loss from lightning and
infinean eg. otoir Neixneonntesbayt ealhas been
pastor of Stan-
ley Street Presbyterian Church, Ayr, for several
year& announced to his congregation last Sunday
thee he had decided to reign his charge in Ayr, and
erhemar.ovegeto Edmonton district. He has recently re -
pit of Knox Church during the absence in Britian of
turned from Edmonton, where he supplied the pul-
ev. Dr. D. G. McQueen. He will leave for the west
soon as he exin he released from his present
-A few daps ago, as Mr. George Ardiel, it fanner
of London township, and it companion were driving
leisurely along one of the streets of London with a
large load of hay, they xeeelved it eudden shook and
an unpleasant surprise. He awldonly found -himself
In the midst of a roaring fire from whicb he had bar -
THAT the Prince of Wales, now King of En lariat
when stinding on the banks of the Potomac Rivet-.
at a point where the river was three miles wide, re.
raarked that he had heard it related that George Washington hakt.,
- thrown la silver dollar across the river, but, upon looking at t• his,
distance', he was inclined to doubt the truth of the story.
Uncle Sam, who was in company with the.Prihee, said, by vnw
of exp1anatc4n of this wonderful throw, "Well, you must remem
a dollar went further in those days than. it does now." History ze.„
pests itself. A dollar in, our store, in many lines of goods, pea
further now than ever before.
We Want to Make - A Clean Sweep of
the Following Goods. Low Prices will be
the Main Lever to' help us do It This
Foretells a Bargain Chance for You. The
Goods Comprise ..—
Sumin'r Dress Goods
Pretty Was Stuffs
Dress Accessories
House Furnishing
SQ UAR ES ituaz
our Muslin Underwear Hs Many A
tractive Features
Style Right Fit Right Material Righ Quality Right .
Price Right Everything !Right
-What is said to be the largest iceberg ever seen
in the Atlantic Ocean, was sighted and measured
from the steamer Ionian on her lasttrip, jut outside
tIO Straits of Belle Isle. It measured two hundred
feet high, and was moving southward right in the
track of navigation.
-A Douglas fir tree was recenly cut in the forest
at Rocle Bay, 13ritish Columbia,, which eonteieed 18,-
500 feet of merchantable timber. Thisnionster mea-
sured 11 feet, six inches In clituneter at the butt
four feet, teh inches at the small end and 99 feet in
length. This tree was cut by William McKay, one of
the pioneer loggers on the coast, and Waging more
merchantable lumber than anyother tree ever tut in
British Columbia. '
ely Wife to save his horses. Ardiel and the man who
was with him, it is understood, were not smoking at
the time, and it is alleged that the blaze was caused
by it couple of misettlevious boys, who applied a.
matchto the rear of theload, 4' just to have some
fun." They lead all the fun they wanted in it mom-
ent. People in yards and on lawns yelled to the
tanner that he was burning up, but he was too busy
talking to his friend, and took no notice of the warn-
ing. Then he became aware that there WAS more
heat around than that supplied by the sun, and he
east his eyes behind. The speed with which ,Ardiel
and his mate left the load was commendable, and the
celerity with which the -horses were removed was
also praiseworthy, when the fire was located. The
firemen were 01163, but when they arrived nothing
was left but theeemning gear of the wagon.
-Mr. T. J. Smith las purchased 82 tuirea of land
at Toronto Junction, paying for it $82,000 cash.
Part of this ground Is now used as an athletic park.
It is to be divided up into building lots.
-The buffet car on the Great Northern train from
Spokane to Nelson was derailed on a high trestle at
Ileavet Creek, near the boundary, in British °ohm-
bia,%n Saturday, and crashed down into the canyon,
killing four and injuring seven.
-The Union Steamship Company's tug, Chehalis,
was cut in two by the Canadian Pacific flyer, Princess
NdYricotownrimia,.at the entrance to Vancouver harbor on
Saturday, and ten of the sixteen people aboard were
-1.4et week Allan Munro, a Semler nar Burnside, -
Manitoba, had seven valuable horses shot on account
of glanders. He has a large harvest, forty acres of
tbhairale3jiinrceadturye rseetAusan.d the loss of the horses at
- A peculiar instance of the lion and the lamb ly-
ing down together is being demenstated at Michie &
Co.'s., Toronto, only the participantof the freakieh
actions are a mother eat and a baby. rat, both riatur.
al born enemies. The latter was given to the eat,
svho was nursing five kittens,. to make it juicy meal,
but instead of devouring it with supreme relish the
eat placed the rat alongside the kitteeis and is now
suckling it. - On three or four different oecesions the
mother has moved her young, taking special care to
tnove IMacsandnt p oalowndgewrsitpha3b,.erpbra.bmgies.
hy, a prominent
doctor of Brantford, who died a couple -of months
ago, left an estate whieh has been probated at $112,-
549.91. The widow receives the income from the es-
tate during be- life. At her death It is to hedivided
between the children.
-The late William Rendrie; of Hamilton, left an
estate probated at $256,000. That le a lot of money
it man to niake in it life -time In legitimate busi-
--Themes Scarf, a lineman in the emplov of the
4 Ontario Transmission Company, fell over the cliff of
the Gorge, at Niagara. Falls, ori Saturday affiernoon.
• He had a drop of VS feet, anti then rolled 40
feet. His cowl Anions to find him el
when they got to him, but his only injl.nies are it
broken shoulder and it very had *100p -wain -id.
-One of the largest cheese factories in the Bine -
ville section, owhed by Messrs. Holmes and Merkleye
in the townshi4of Edwariliburg, ham been aestrorti •
by fire. Mr. nter, the maker, his wife and tanala
and E. McFadden, the essistatitewho oectipied reams
overhead, barely escaped with their lives by tulip -
hag. The factory ix in ruins, but will be rebuilt.
-The ehief onstable of S 'th. Fall nal edit
the Brookville olice Court S young English immi-
grant named Walter Francis, eraployed as 11.
balsa in the township Elmsle, on a cheep -st
attempting to take his life. During an eleablee
storm Francis,iwho had previously displexed eignsit
insanitY, beeatne terrified, and. proceeding , to -Ai
bent was in the act of hanging ramself to a been-
nben.alr. WAri, his -employer, flame on the toenti
and prevented,him. The me.n stated that he thoughts
the end of theiworld had arrived.
• News Notes.
nounSceede Ontario Goingnevoesrn nt
bonuses Of $50 in lieu of giving
land grant for veterans' service%
enough applications for the itioneJi
have beerreceived to eat up. $10i
The department has found it n
sary to engage a special- staff
keep track of the applications.
--:-The official statistics cone -ern
the consumption of dog flesh at ]3X
den, In Germany, have just been 104
sued. They show that over 2,50% aloira
have been eaten in that city d
the first three months 'of the ear*
The large amount of dog fleshn
sume4 is believed to be due. to the 1a4
creased price of beef 'arid mutton. 0
Is now proposed to turn the flesh of
healthy dogs, which are taken bir
the pound to account, and use them 4!st
food in the almshouses and auch:
stitutions, instead of destroying the
earcases, ,as is 'done at present.
-The late T. G. Blackstock, w
died in Toronto last week attar el
long illness and at the eomparative4
ly early age of 63 years, 'Is said to
have left an estate valted at fro
$100,000 to a million dollars. A VON
years ago he was worth three milllog
dollars, but of recent „years he 1
heavily In mining and other see
tions. The estate Is now in OG
shape, arid the assets are of such
nature as to lie reallgy handled. The
are large holdings of Bank. Of Toro
to, Imperial Bank and Bank st, V0124
merest stock. The widow has a Mill
lion dollars in her oWn right,