The Huron Expositor, 1906-07-27, Page 4flote eycould beCorne operative. vlothity -of -and - Saokatoon W. - fino 4U,' -godo.-Qatte nuin from NO IN .-Qv ov ft10*1#­on Sund ;4-wa. John -McL boy, W, last week 10k halld 1�ave gone out to' look aftertbarn. length: Mr L9 I D -wo r ament Mrs. Preter; went dr 0 or,- to. B JU f Vhe: -1)Um4 o Parll bor ore L f — ------ 110 Qlr,";k In au %y and tu �T urtch RchOO1, IS a- thorse, it took- 916k ih; ter legi -g� up but sp6lidin ble, holidays. In. a trip to�- it got -tb 13rifsaels -if Ugh the -ortly at Solo it , -:and -UcLeod i. w a tow) t -For dkyloi �agb, fracturing, ber,wrtat. - j, , Z elm onfor-les laidder v It.. 6-fends.-i"PrInelpal Alog, -rdue had the in -a _ng to Dr. one rnout belo W F 8 h' mid' &I d tw 10 Fe lefortune �to lase B 'ins. Men' ,g or to a 110 Shal4in 4 5: 6 7 odltical� AS -pow - Improving. Mr. H. La-mbrook the old vouritrY-�­Whb'n Ury Conti -he vetrin and alt ary did everything possible la, 14 prfigln4ft -,for it ant sq4tbMel also met with a painful accident. �Xe the. -e havo a m* u-mber Of 1,11188 in a' -0 10 11 12' wbr!eard 16f St. j6beoft, ge 'him 'for it,, it died eforev morng,-Dr. di t t - lb-ated b M. ofr ton of the il wces con r 17 118 19 20 21 bY the People, -a-n'd to b rinK: the 0 - Standing 6 .,a, wagon. fifty million: dollar canal cdostruct- Undoq ridy n 8: Shoo Departnient winiph wmilt some bags Wharf he. .korse ina4e a ad fr of LondQn,. spent F 'fror to 401eaV n- St.-,Jooeph to, qrO�i Stanley, AVXIOUG out 112 the next ten 23 2 6. 2-0 V ry iinder ithe ic'outtol of the repre� sudden - ,start and, he. fell backwards Zuk1bh wit' -Laughlin, of Platteville, Is visiting' M order to maie room . Zor a !�2 4. .118 ta -with lbnds ' In,4 town MW me- sentatives of sthe people,' Wh halo' to� -'get "a bran h e Such, legisla- - frActurl has Shoo *hich, we are having made up for % OM tbey� "ilighting on the hard ground -and: from St. Jd�Opb- But, by- -hatt tirce,:her sister, Mrs. m 29 -are supposed to is rve. SIms 'who, W$k 4 4 . 0 --- 1. - - - week. -The ng big a oulder..�.blade.-_Ur. -it may., be.' --city too, -The-, MeSUS, 'been - ver- rink as ithis,,however, would'depilve. y Sick, tbisi -T-.- E. Handf Snowden Bros,. of tho - lake - Shore of bowlers who, -intended talilng In As an inducement to jnakn, these Ord, EXeter's well known the rulli -xg- classes of the smove out powers- horse' buyer la w k Shipped - let '-ro6a, Stanley, iiave been' pulling down the London tournament this week, theilne;, mentload 'a which they have too ',long a;bused, and- V. e b hav The flgurebAt�v�eyf. the parenthesis after eaohl would also curtail . their' revenue - ery fin animals to Manitoba, pro- their old barns. and. building new and changed t er rand d t ou ht reducod the prices 107. to 2,5, bably as n1ce a lot as eveA,1eft.,Ex- larger ones. Last We they had - . % O 0 P P . two they' -would wait anotber,7,Qar,, when regular �alub, on denotes tbe i� of the v#l)vr on which the 'This of 1course,. would not be allowed eter station. and a s sayjn$ alge framesl raised oAd -nee to(, win. rtisoment �vi found. for MP�. main they would have more cha and Ithese measitres Were. vetoed'by, 'of;, khern��. will. be barfi�, . 75xi40, other Mid-Sunimer$ala--Orel 'Clothing 00-1 the reactionar 0,dod,'deal. Some for a -Mr., George Heowt left for He& YDU af6-in -Oe'ed of "Ia� government, thuS bhown, 4t th6: Provincial-. Exhibit -ton straw shed, 4Ox4O. -Two days t pair of 0 Were all on Monday asolot with. the we -pit king the vretended Parliamentary. n'w - in, ' ogress' in Winnipeg. Shoes,' this is your, appo nity. Botti, 0 pr n required -to. put up the timbers. -Th a fares: eY flax crop there.-Frinbipal artl St it Iras, Been mob'Wid CO.-$ entition of thi. pedple' the consignthent *hfdh ar deser+1 en come And e n ar terprisin boYal and have- lots InVe .- to" Old Boy and � wife ar� at- - present: visiting 1W RuXnlon. at Stratford -5 The Duma perslkted An their demands of. Special Mention were 0 team ­'of of. ­Pqsh.--Ur. D ri beat things go fim i A few Redueed Pri & Wllson--�5 for the id A let Smith, Of th rel tivs and frI4& in Wrox-eter the esired- legislation - and the Clearing Sale-Riphardsn & Rob- nes-5 light grays 'purchased from Pdter SAuble line, Is PUttine an -addition to and vlainity,,The 14ethodlat UboreW_M-ourTdon­Wai, Sonierville4­5 Czar Was IfInally 1nduced. to dismiss Motro of . Hukondale a team Ich Will Make It one Young gains ate here ineutioned, 4d'may. be seen 1a our Sout� winaw I � � I of dark big arn, wh of canaft Business college -S. I people_,Intend having a lawn social -UaLean his legislators lend, hence the pre- gr!ay�s from Mr. Pym-, 'of Anderson, the -1-argest'barns In the county, The on tfi diind6 hee on A NeAv story sent erlels. He promises another el- e parsonage, 9r, a Farm for Sale -Alex. Canipbell-5 a. dark brown, eavy draught. from structure will Vleu'i Patent Colb.Shoee, mewBluoher ityle, American moke, reu�l _bO nearly- 70xJ0 feet Friday August Ard. They are g ar �,rioe --George Renderson-1; olng quick sale iiri'ee $4.00 a p0r. Brood gare for Sale ection: in ia few months when, no Wm. Sadler; 'of. Staffa, and a ch.es- with stone anU brick i� stabling under to haye a Splendid programme furn- Take Xotlee-J. X. Hollan&-8- doubt, -,an effort will be. mad6 to at- nut driver from Clarence Robbins, of the whole barn: Maa!s Patent Cult 'Shciev, 0410 Enamel OAlf Shoes. Mug'� make, r#gUVr by the )3la stone orchestra, $5.00 cure he election of a Durna that will Stgff&.-.M Ished ck quick sale price $4A0 a pair.' 1Y. Cooper -8, u6h sympathy IS --felt here of Godorleb. s they furnlo godd HUI-5 be more, eubservient' to- the -corrupt Xea�# Dougola Kid �Shoeiy Goodyear w4lbo, new Bluehir style, rgl&r pebs Pigs for-Sery for Mr. and Mrs. J. T.'Vesteott and i I and, oppressive -ruling 4powers. Constanoe. milsi -there Is no � dQUbt but that $S,50 -quick sale prilae $2,15 a -pair, afamily, of this place,' on account of Ing dn ithis the Parliament 'wI Another Succes�ffii �tuftnt. e a large, attendance,- for thevery sudden and unexpected deAh MeWs Dongola Kid Shoes, now Nuher style, -010188 of diff )rent makes. are pleased- to learn that Miss Mary Chief Westlal�e Is at present, busy a pair. gain L -be 11smissed tand the, old lcor� pf ther 'eldest daughter Isabella rupt and*,oppressive rule will iave Reid of Harlock, has pasoed, her. Zx� . cutting. the' weeds on the principal Man's Don i� sh gota, R 9.race, wife of Mr., George H.-bedford,. ShOesp special value at $1.50 and $1.75 Aair. undistu'ribed away ear -long as the peo Cr Ailoln )at tile Toronto -Conservat streets which makeist quite P- - 7 Qf s�d Just Iton. krs.. Bedford was ple twill permit It which *111 not o)ry -of Music, taking 'bonbra. Miss Provement.-Mi. B. Watson E' ',ed a ggPThe above prices are for cisk '27, 1906. thirty ye4ro.6tL age and, was native, only. d9AFORTH, FRIDAY, July car of cattle to Toeonto, oh Satur- likely e ong. The ismissed Iegls- S Reid's %many friends will be delight- iof - .107ceter. , he - was mu�h beloved by I'd lators held a secret session-: at VI- all who knew, her. She died at her ed to con]gratulate' her ton her sue- , aY.-Mrs, J. bombes, who has been ess, 0 Crediton, on Friday, after Mr. Preston� And M�- Bastedo. burg In &Inland,. but they ere, d home, in c visiting friends In Buffal ,and To- covered . and were dls�ersed :by the giving birih to, a'stkll-brn son. M�ch _, A Good Record. -The pupils of' Con- roto for the, past . tWo wees, . re- turned borne on Saturday.:- atenient is now made, with military, ut not eford L they passe There The sit, d sympathy Is also, felt stance public school have aga A Bus- for the be�- �what andierity we are not prepared a series of tresolutions getting' f talnd their reputation. At We re- have been quite a few complaints a- Orth reaTed husband. till mong the business men of 0 Say, to' -the people- (the conditions of the nee examination six'Arle'd that Mr. W. T._ -R. Preston, ra 0 FAI :fm -im em not to 'and vs of those e successful. , _n 'LOU Cana&7� Commissioner of Immigra . - country - and ploring fh tAnle g wfine, they happen to be out of pay-tax6olor'ico­ntribute in'any w4j, V. During th thr'ee years of -Kr. Xe- the store a-Tfd It'la alt dono'by very eY . arO eve 017, IS youn to the 1public revenue until th boys who, : If they continue In. tion. in Europe,, is to be taK.sferred (Obitup;ry.-On Wednesday, nini., IeUori In', the scho' Irctm-his present position under the given a tull measuZe of self govern- July 18tb, there passed away at, �,PuPlla out of - a total of 14 have pass. l ng without cor- n w ment. Thus -matters. stand at'the home on the see6nd concession -of ed the Entrance. Those who' passed rectio certiirily'land- In. peni- Sole Agents for the I Slater �lnd Walk -Over Shoes for men,, aud the Deparement of the interior ta ithe De . - 1 - Stanley, � ElIzEt eth -'CrerV� tentlary.-Rev. Mr. McKame preach- n Taylor, Mau inmerc of �e an present time.. But ith6 imasses of' the yeltet of this year ere Hiele de I Empress Shoes for women. partme, t of Trade 9nd Co -d tin �, ­ I I Qfi ity anc people are no temper OL- be McGregor the ripe 'Lowrie, -William Lowrie ed two splendid sermons in the Meth- Trade trifled Olive i An- _ With and that lie will be ppointed la general insurrection ma age of 84 Yeaa.L Injured by a fall deroon, and Johi% Hinebl' 'Ei pecial odist church la�t Sunday and Is also y ey. three, years raissioner t China, Oorea and Japan, be expected at -any moment. In the h fromi'thatr time praise 1.8 4ue A 0 the last Jr, amed, to preach next Sunday am the pastor, have completed peelal'� course of loriable,, nd was the very suffered consld&able pafti,- -endured ",Jack," Rov. Mr. 'Anderson Is-- at preserit a- study for tb a 11is duties tbeing to *ork up tr in mean ,time. ithe xeactlonarles are ;doi-. although only teiv years e inifilatr, -a- ade y A wbo bas h6nor, 4esplaing anything mean- In terrorize -the peol. wfth patience and resAgnation, till old, ot 041Y took, the honor Mark way on -his, vacation, Mr. and Mrs. proved himself a clever 1��tjwfent In dishonest. He* (was thorou Vb t. Mr. Pris- their.-be.9t tnese countries for 0anadi e Universit PrIsonirtg and, persecuting -c A y -Ini ent., Um- th y,. preached -with very ed ,ali ple b death ;ened her sufferings. Deceased of 94� leas(t 75, per lelt.* McKillar enter�a �ed a n y awa foi Lon - bu�- also d ery highly-estee ed by ton, it is said, has left Ott, was born at Amulree, Perthshire ber of their -you m them. This sort of thing will likely captured t e scholarsfiip at Se�dQrth, ng friends -Friday -much acceptance -in the James street -Who knew him, especially I n; don, England, to close UPL his b evening, at their beautiful r U.%Ine.SS so contlnue�.untfl the -people become ex� Scotland,, In, 1822. In 1841, she having -ob affied' the hl mark. 6dist church on Sabbath liat.- neighborhood -where be had was h( hest Idence. Uet lived,.* vpe its Immigration Comniissionev married 'to Hugh McGregor, and- em- We, f Wingham, 16 at Picnic arties to fbe like eontinue long. He was a �Prebyterlan th� asperated beyond e du n Al -1 I e Ja­cX at. the top of Wag C.-TuAer, o 0 present, visiting friends In rder of the d - ----- and, as soon as that is done, be will= though -the Russian' people have al- Igrated to -America, -1 -eating at first the ladder soon, as e has proten his town.- ay. -Th 1crOpS ore Ilglon and a Liberil politlea re- Ing with big par-, ve� y 'go0a In, section. -Mr. VVm. leaves behind one return to Canada. and then proceed tO, ready proven Ithat they can endure Xorth Easthope, where they Abilit 'arohl Mr.. MeTaggart visit y for uch. Per the nd ' this o� P r much, the 17 mained for some � years. "In 1860 the eta' ento In Exeter - on SundayMr. A- daughter, ) Houghton e dven tof -freedom ;has bee t 1 4 nding,'Jaek. gets one year a tuition E. a Stonernan Is pulling idowA rid -mov- gran - It is also said that Mr. Preston will litioduced despite the most, as- 7 f amlly moved t6 the Hurdii tradt*,and Br dwInt of Toronto. - open -and. grati.. at I e Se.aforth Collegla -Is. In- t Sun-� Ing away bectiono of Ids pregent The remains- aibe succeeded in London- 4y Mr S. T'L concession. atitiAp. were to rest lit- vere repftsslon it will 'spread. In- settled on lot 17, 2nd day wit his family here..t-Mli n frame _ dwelling In orderio rbull.d.1 Cromarty cemetry on do 't let Basted6, who was recently deposed 'deed It do now.sprea Here ahe � cc* tinued to reside until Xelly,- of Goderleh, h Thurs ding* very rap- L I % . ­ r- .19 at' present. and as a large quantity tot brick i last week. from the Fisheries Departiaet by the idly and ithe days of. the corrupt Rus- �er death. - The­towihiship was. theii -visiting friend to a -in, wn.-Mr., Robt. otber"matertal on ''the ground I Ontario Government. Stan Oligarchy ere numbered. a wildsihesifi, small the clearings and Kelly, of Londo,As at -present: visit- Cudmore has the tbntract and Mr. R. -L conveniences of life. 9 reezes,-4MT' James Smith, ol Har- Ing friends In town.. UWs Green If these nges, & -e mAde -they are ew the B. riston, orgi will make a start hli week., ., The Tun WT new bildin WW Oreaters, s� ent g will -.-.add , greatly to le, sp-XVICe. comfor- P R 'Ahe appearance of that. -Part' ot t likely to be �Inade in the interests of Industry and - - persevere; . nizer for the- a d! ubt E�taffa anceit. how- Order of jP the publ There is no do ever, 'the family soon had a ' a Zlek In Notes. -Miss DoUy 11agan' (Continued from p this *ic Wroxeter- of t but Mr. Pieston has done snIendid age table -home. She was' &'kind hoapt!, Inity. and suoceede 11 add-- he Plae.,has zone to iclinton, and village. -Airs. Harold, of entoi�� - - * - - - � On No Lewis . ed Dr. hogffital_t -ere ne a -W 0. ady, 'butre- fr a Mrs. t h to tily and ind d e a tew holidays with was -here this weeb visiting her Re rattv have it �d has is- last week the ladies of Lthe' Staffa, tl I Andrew Allen. an' Ch ster Cool This, Ct r ng tin her dispositio 'and sel- 418 for-a, trained taurse.-Mearg. Tholmi: work'in the Immigration Depait inent. A Good Time. Wed ad * y of 'able and comOatil6nabls'l Ing two er r4embers to qur,lodg3 -vii, relat branch of the (Women's Ivea in Harriston.' -ter, Mrs. A. Murdoek�_Mlag 13ealrice and John C ereetly7in some - miitters, but, any de- Institute, dom, taking part In pulle affairs..' to a ba 5eri'to -Dnsltt have ret d lam f an organt 6ir - urne elves and thel lady In 0 ng M French, of Toronto, is it Urqi[ihart re . ed borne. d f-ects -in these res, ects have been- tre ted thems . the gues - Of uring the r rellglo'n--,she was a Presbyterian -tr;1k8- y here do nA W- the Northwest. The -v visited i greatly over-balanceN, by his indomit- friends to an, outing wh Miss Tina Rae and other relatives In past 'week aftei -spending a n lieve in it and t e Germatm element umber 16hi took ,theJand a member of U-niorci chu=h,.L 'in al Points In Manitoba fo 'Ills activity !a the work lu term of a pie _ nic on the rnour�iain. are entire y opposed : to It," 'Mrs able Zeatl uud h6 this VielnitY­ - Kitchell, of ter-- Of weeks. with relatives and friends Und Alberta and, Met gr Bjrucefleld� She *49 t mother bf There onto, to the guest' of her son, Dr. In -Chatham. and Lond which lie was -engaged. In fact the Each member' t�vas Anstructed' o In" was a gra d lawn. social at on."Mr. Harvey r es� former HuronItit aJarge family, of four sonef and l*e MitchellMtsti Lulu Hemphill to -Via'- Miss H -results speak for themselves nd, if he vite- as man friends as she ea'red,, daughters., The a Idence f J.' Gregg, Spri arvey were In th doing well oifs are Duncan and n bank,. ting with friends lu­`Walkerton'�-Mr. �and ESnndvill laot week visliffi making Iota display the same, activity and*. earn- to provide lunch, and,, judging, 1,41in, of- Harrisville, Michigan'-, -Pet on Friday evening _wg money anit otheft Ars--not: Atj][W er Cl Iffor I SS th, ault Ste.Marle and frlen4s.-A xittinber trrom well 'these 6f: Brucefield. and Hugh, on the' old band and' Miaa� 8 of The re n-esST in his new position, the�rssulbs -fron th � 'L : tbQ 20t Inst, James Donaldson of S relativ,w.- .est e alze of the gathering, The ihe Pr6g M. here this can scarcely. lail to be equalIV sittis ladies 'have large and generous homestead. Her , daughters wel, furnfighe r mme. balled on frien wek. Hensovil and --vlch�lty attended the- ble4sed. � with the country ;aud are Mrs. Dr. Chlsholm� of Winglia funeral on, thui*day� last f -Mr. _M'_ factory. As for - Mr. Bastedo, - lie hear if. there are any' who --be- McInn of,.-Detr6lt; Mrs.McPsCr- -Rev. Mr., rrin, of, Wroxete,, -, and m., spent Sat- there, 'purchased 1 .2001 alore o Case. t village.-MIss -Thomas Lee -8 it Oi- man would,webelieve wak� an excellent 1leve that a successful pi Mn", iday af ternoon, in. the who was -well enic can-- lane, -of Au gable, Vchlgan', rs.. a editor of the Stari lands In -tow e d lso a arr Immigration Commissioner. His., ex �Maggje Graham, of Trowbridge, Is' known and highly -respects however, that they- not be held without masculine as- Xalsre, 6f -California, and Betsy pd wer here 0 Friday, enJoyIni- the Is ncitnIlk'Alyt 1 -Ask "&Mtn ter nu ,ecutive, abill-ty,.big -industry ajid. his -alstance, a peep at the animated -*j vialtbig at the home(- of � her. Big e . following 'day attended lea;,Ve their tint omest Cene Maggie, at - borne. These - were all 'breezes off lake. -Rev. 'Mr. Rad- presented by this' j pretty Mrs- James i8allantyne.-Miss. 99nes' the funeral of Ur.L Peter Morrison, go and, I th r -eads here t- ept Mrs. L a -_ -_ ford of 134 ore and McIntogh . I �� � :.7-- , general coalheadedness mountain. present at her fixne-ral exe will tAe_--;Xr_- George W Black Is Spending a few holidays In. who was an old . and roxiected, qualify him for s.uo4i, position.. Hei- grove on edneaday, would have Con- Kaiser. Besidea these she leaves: tAke his hOI days In Aug loner l& uot.- Troyer bag refused Yirxced them of their - error. . he giandehildre' of the far�n�ro )9ruSsels.L-gMr. and Mrs. -C. resident the - snut M perhaps, has not tbe,energr and incig- n and- 'six great grand- are Relse and like W_ Leeining.,bad of $6go -forf We f in. Pacing cutting their 1. , #J& fou� gpntl spent � �WtVednesday. - In Listowel.- attained a -Uge.- iveness of Mr. Preston, but he hK emen who wandered. In dur- wheat. It to a; good VOL, Rensall. lvic children, to mourn -the loss Of a sample this Mr. W4 Love., of the Stet1l -is r n Dernmerling, Who n," C. P, R. B�kent -V ,other qualideatiot - better fit Ing the afternoon to stand amazed "and Year. -M 'Alla �11011daY Is Vroclilmed fai Monday, staff'!bsrns, Bent. ;day h kiiid oving parent' and wise oll Mr.: George ')W ufi- Lt No. I him: for the 'position at the present and admIring e ere. spectators, were thor- counsellor. A large number of gym-. left her husband owing to his: hatsh- Wt L h w9 'A. h re, Is enJo7lng a two weeks' va- 'August e 6thXr. ad Mrs. James h me OVV I -8 . L home soon from the west. _'laStL foreshado�Wed changes should take wiser anil more humble m en. - The urday -to pay their tribute of Adam Scott, and she 'A-nd Ifer. heir and - Ladies' n misited. ov.r und at the Haga aud Aletezo nes ted a house fror i Mr. auspices of the -c Wldre e nt away pathizing friends gathered on Sat- On catlon-�-A garden ,party un�der- 'the, of London I t t eir stage of operations. If, therefore, the oughly. convinced and we h -no person would have Cause fpr time f airly flew by, as on Todd near; khere. place, home:,of Xr� Gdorge for No; Z el and all iespedt, by fbIlowinj the rsmalng tOL there. -The- new each- church here ter now 1R e aug- Aid of the Methodist g Ames, So P spent gunday a7f Grand ,complaint and, we have no doubt,, en'gaged In sports and er, Mr. Ed w1lI be held �on Wednesday. August -Mr. and Mrs. -George ITbdd, nd son, Wm- me the place fInterment` In thel;-famlly 4Y, Is becoming quit good to the country WOU POP- let. The et rued- borne this Muldrew is Alt present d result. of 'which Indicated that the ladies a h :tbe Peo Is Brussels band *11p be In John, u 'week from plot Jn� Baird's cemetery. Th f n-,-Ul r wit. This c ngr6- his onions ah-Vreport-a a There is -one thing sure, however, were not' o far fro attendanc ex- Michigan., Ab - I Vher M�k e, and a good time e they had, �been at- M. their school ftineral services were conducted by gatton '18 1�, heed f Ive '.Mr- )Georgt Innim neither. .Mr. Preston nor ,Mr. Bastedo, days as -to -young m 0 a; good?, ct pected. ZuMeb JIM VM I have forgotten the Plays her astor, * Rev. E.. H. Sawers, of th present 9 ntle- terf-ding a re-unlon of the Todd '*tam- Su am and children are much beloved by the, Coseiva' of that golden ge. Then -came lunchl Brucefteld, and Ihe- Man fill t e blll.� Ily'Mrs. R. 03. Tnir, vi pall bearerawere- pa d its tives, and, wh&tever, their merits may served in genuln6 picnic style, and Duncan, Peter, Johrr and patrons 1 'Ribbert. were In KIppen this week, -visiting 9 ce to for the June �hiake Hugh Re- fflends.--, a, f butter. North Side X-otes.-The success, at- Kr. Freq Manno to having a _To"X? e, their pogitions will -end Lire only so the - variety and excellence of the Gregor, Thom a. -Prager n d Alex.. 9 a D �lngbank paid, 18 1-2 ong as the present Government con- vlands provid6d c new A "d the I gave eHlain proof Thomson. cebts,. And N(wateadt paid. 19 .ei.lts. tained by -the pupils of separate arber shop micely fitted up In nues in office. * With ), chanA113 e of that the mem&,is of the Women's -Mr.' A. C.00)er", principal of the school NO. li- who.- wrote on, the rbeen the jeame. iblook -as his Present shop.,, es Hickey to -=db=w N oernment at the next election, b.9th institutes are not In vabi Chatsworthil a, only two - -door-E further - west,- Ing JhIs vacation ivith the ho ftbis, J� gentlemen would find their heads -in in the Study engaging K lbl� 01, called '.on Borne extrance examinatfon at Seatorth 'In. of -.-domestic science. Of his _d friends' noteworthy arill highly commendable. Muraock and sister, Miss Ella, return- Doherty, has Teturned $V-' Affp� 4- Notes. -Mr. Thomas ole. who i here last AA -,- 1� -0. her --n'-1--1- ju �mdwlm*A i6* 1.11 - r V 11 VSLUng Eneir Big- alter spending v e one p oposed a, it week Mr. ! do ep;;F tj,,;,r_ a; t1g wields the birch IC , per formerly taught Four students. of this Scheel -wrote. y Co of war married and -cultivates the 88 iMagglp Bushfield Is �home and all Passed. This' Is Credit ter, Mrs. Robinson, of -Denfleld fe w days 'With, 11endo In ZhakW vs. a ngle ladies. fiere._M! able .-The PCtt je V c uld c ry to minds of the ..youth: 4n the Algoma as it� 'a This romised event .41 4 nunils who b Rev. Mr -hilt en, Peae—Mf- John 1WRISh �has y to be the grand - and.Mrs. Shaw and c - I 4- bo Idays Many frnm s, a for her alike to thiY hourn been, s A e , As apending his ohaay a with this the AgIck, list this week. His of the day, but twas brought-Ao an are going to Owe� Sound on thi "' themselves Intelligent and Progresele, of Lyon, are tin 'the village -Mr. James 26th frievids In this vicinity. week, visiting relatives and friends.- friends Nigh tim needy OrUpt termination by the - brekking Morrow and itwo A -Inst. There! Is an! excursion the r� on scholars and to the present teacher, -Mlss ahoda Hunk aughters of- Sou a faM Mrs. U�rquhart, ol Zf�oroht In visited frlowUL g B:t Miss ' Loretta; Griffin, under whose o, accompant- bf the th- that date —11ev. Mr. Mahood bat �qu IProsperous Canada. ropej � at the critical moment. ern Manitoba, - are vIsItln the nd ed J)y_ friends, 41 In Exeter ana. Farquhar Tuled The result wasi of course. left un- home . of Mr. . . ily Are. Vatting -at I tuition they have -studied and who iii7m 41 visiting her daugh-.� last weeI6 McGregor, ucker Mal oo a That Canada! -19 prosperous, goes decided.-__._-,, unless' some 'conclusion, Smith, Mr. !Uorrow's brother-in-law. f &ther'S at __present. has proven herself an efficient In- ter, Mrs. D�,'Ablrra.—Vrs, -0. Scott has.,returned - from, Woodstock, wher -without saying. That It Is ralaly could Vb - arfved at from the 'fae strudtor and a, successful 'teacher Perth Items. t Haying Is nearly -finished In 'this e *00 a thit ofie,-slde struck the' ground�, with she had been VISItIng.,her daughter, forging to the front mong thei na- quarter and tall wheat Is mostly all Brussels. Mrs. Charles Chapmea.—Mater Earl —Mitchell lao�ross6 were defe.4-- g;forW, h "dw milch greater force * than the other, cut, all lof which reminds us ed n -St. M-arys, on by -re- which all -spectators report td have that BrIefs.-13tuss6lg races are On Londaboro Bell, of Se as been ednesday its' tions of the world is shown the measo n Is rapidly passing by. Wednesday i and Thursday. A igust —While g., John liable statistics. The foreign trade of been the - case. ' Ra'ce4' and other con- When Death of Mr. homas Bell. his grand parofifs, Xr�. arr& MrvialtIng by a score of-imo -to i2. tests Lfor, the -little we consider the amount of 22nd and 2?rd. It was well known that Mr. IThomas Bell.—The CdUncll haYe 1put EL good event look plabe"At' ;Canada for the- year en:dIng Jtme_ 30th folks - present .—The Unioli Sa bath —A -'pleasing as In poof health, few, v brought the day to an ende,' and the work going on: In our village, an4 school exciArsion WIll - be' heU on J, Bell w' �ad bea: y coat of - gravibi lf streets Creicent Club TOOMS, -in Stratford, ow- last, was. five hundr�ed and fifty-t*o Party separated, the -general verdict: hear the sound of the ham- Wednesday, � 'August 8th t�e a lightest anticipation that hl this isumrner- Wednesday night, When Mr. . . . . . . . . . . . Illion 'doll Bru;selil a fts only -trouble Is tOL ars swe kno*,'tbat. our-- civic hollday.—Miss Nelli n, of end was so near, and the announce- secure good, clean 'gravel c Armstronj, fwho lea-veg next e Irw OarS0 mondtWx year. to viettIng' to death wag L a palziftil. shock `enOu9N ifor the purpose.—Mr.. homas- -West, -was --pres berea of nearly being that n u su ly plea an br-ght little llage Is prospering Toronto, ment of h for the m an I a 91 mer on all -Aldes. 9,f Lt _P ern with her old ented b. 14 '82 xnl-lllona over the , revious eon had been spent. The next and krowing apace. — Mrs'.'James friends in litown.—Councillor to big many friends. For some time urray�p,rincipal f the Owien Sou fellow -members wit osperity B ecker an appreclatlym This illustrates the: great � pr regular meeting 01 the -Institute will Croz I ley and . daughter ;of 19iratford, an be held I nd address and 1z iT Staffa -hall ati 2.80 _d Robt, homeon lef he ihas suffered from a idney Is Collegiate Institute, Is spending part a handsome pearl -which exists marvellous de- on Saturday, m. are visiting with Mrs. Crozier's ton Monday troub rm- trong Par- morning pon. p Icific and he was advised t ­%rdlal In- n. a trip to the undergo 1 an has place ail vitatlob. is extended to all JulY 28. A Of his -vacation with -big -father, velopment vihiph is taking ents, Mr. and Mrs. tUpshail. Mrs. coAs �Az ladies MIA Poly Becker accompanied Operation monthe ago at tt �vas James Murray.—miss Edna Coulter, taken 4 kven Anterestiln all I .'L "I I :, r f� oot )b�ff over the Domirilon. The great in- of thd vicinity', both to cif Toronto, Is ienJoying a them' f �thought ould have g v6n him re- tY nd n ZMAI be present am as Winnjpeg. 'John of Millbank. , Is visiting her cousin, 'sports 'In the el a Ida C6ulter.—Mr lief,L ibut declined to do so -until the Is crease In tr9de, Is not confined to at th meeting, and to become mern- Mr. Amen bank, was in towr fdr a. T. W. arl- will tleave ,%� of ?I v I spleasant visit at the 'home. of fl circles, espree 117, be Hay. Tft - $6 & Couple. ot !days this week, on bust- itoo vacancy that will e 'hard to till. -On Any one Particti-lar branch, but Is bers'of the society, and Mrs. 11)uncan i of this village. day of his death, mhen it -was mer and'ehildren and Mrs. A: White- —Rev. D. many, occasions be ,has ibeen general. The 1,;i,orts entered . for Trquhart, pastor of St.. An- ness.—H. . C I Dunford & Son have late afford relief., Born dn Chin- sides arfd children are spend -Ing a cOnsumPtIOR amount to $290 842,408, -drew's church lbere Is away on his leased the a' ore in the GrahF guacot couple. of weeks at Qr nd Be d.—T-h6 _ixeiter m block 7 4n '1845, he came to this a n mental. In reviving foot ftil IV Sre h holidays and', Intends making To- formerly Oc�upled by Robt, T 01 risen, Ewen are ivery 11fe - ,,of the ga*,* an increase of $28,450,937 over 1905. county when he was 18 'years bf ag�, Misses Annie and Jessie Me ford when the 17ZG re. was threatened. Air. Armstrong lqxports of domestic Produce amount- Wm.'Hawkshaw and ronto his- head quartets. Mr. Vr- and will. -Move to their new, preinises living for a number of years at Lend.,', ho,me from. Aylmer on a -Sam - n 47 %. ed to $245,492,956, which is $44,5,29,; Miss- Hawk haw have returneUfrom quhart Is a hard working pastor and In the' fall.4A horge belon esboro, where he went -extensively In- Knapp and Mrs. Colbert and visit In North Bay ,010 in excess of the fiscal year 1905. the W ging toi Dr. children where his parentic. Qst, and are now In 'well. merits the holidays he is now Perdue, Of Olyth, an(� driven over to the lentire horse business, making are here visiting their parents rbrmer residents are DoW� Miss -Jessie Luxton, of !Usb M*4a L" There Was also an excess 'for tb e orne, who enJoying. The old saying to "If the here on Suniday, died of Inflammation five trips to the old country for the -arid Mrs. R. W` ulton.—Mrs, residing, and he -Will then go to JU-, -45 e was married In Creelman, Sask.,, on preacher Is a good . F - 7ear Of about- nine millions In' t hl' one he, neegs a at the Quee4,s hotel stables, on Sun Importation of good stock, and still- of Carberry, MdnItd6a, �O as many friends here- rest; df the Is ce. J� poor onO his people day iriight--�Alex. retaining 'an interest In I_ (nee Miss Aggle Bucha The. Ap-eat wjoheg of big xports of foreign podu the Ilth Ini., h McDonald, 9111as Where e will ra4ke ig, -wife tle Canada, to abouts who will Mhompoon and this bus nan,y and lit also leaving her big extend congratula-, need ta rest. The good people of St. UP t many triends t Of Guelph, Were visiltohro ome neBB o the time of his death. child throughout ,the city will h[hWX nited States, in the of the former$$ ald's parens. nelghb'_r th V, ions-, and good wishes to herseltzrid, Andrew's re dn ino eed of a rest. at the are here vNiting M1j. McDon- n10 T,,yelve years ago he itook charge of follov! Te -r. -her -worthy er, Mrs. John to this new S�here. R C g. elleed that the imon -be aturns Jackell lef t last week for 'Montreal, over y.—A rit k of Late Mr. Leemin _ - w, a ACCOrding to revised rP husband.—Mrs. James The -onion 1harvesi Is inow In and -Thompson,. Nunda the Commer -41 Aotel, Clinton, and- The I -�-It An --b -of the Treasury Departm�ept at those engaked In 'this iindustry are bowlers from here subsequently of We deeply stele the suit composed (it R. the Queen's :.ease cigon the WaY. 'to -England.—Mr. 'J.- G. now usy pulling Hotel, regret ibelng called on again M Mr. J. A. Vafldoyt; to, re- banikeheques fro A Washington, 'the total trade of the stanbury, barrister, Is off I and saving Leatherdale, T. Par for the last few. years arrying on a cord ithe demise of andther n Mus- cron.—Rumor has ilt ithat. Mr. Q. T. Ing and D. 0. Aoes -u e attendir. P �thn, retail liquor business. bout atford a bort time ago 1 has United States for the 'year 1905 a- tow F D worthy of Str r ted to koka, on a holiday and fishing ex four pioneer Of this district, - lik "th, pLerso Mouly 21636iO-76,787. The pop- �d his f a weeks ago'be went to Londesboro, to of L n been arrested y has irent rm td M*. tournamept 'tat London, thl - t,k.— Mr. Thomas Leeming"'(YI 'Ribbert for forgery at ultion of theL' pedition W the borne of blig sister, Mrs. a treal. A man giving and to -bury In oblivion, for James 13err'y, twho fTec "WE "d country Is ealimated !entlY isol0-.hIs Charles HJ Broadfoot recelv shg-m,) wh departed this life "Oil-, Tues -at 9300,000. This would- gi�e $81.73 a season the dry -bones of Black- farm in Hibbert. Mr. MiKay ha� -got '�message aist Sunday- a thinking Test -would do him igood, Of � ,last week, Wa� John McKearna ];O'-- as the per capIta trade. The total stone. ! Mrs, 13itanbury has -, gone 'to a good tenant n Mr. 'Berry, Mri Me- eyening. con- Mr. Ueming , vras charg pleaded 'gradually sank. I t, -M e Of forgery, when laraigned bil." home taining the �ad e'dest. but he' He was a native of Pliell In the county of Lan- tore ada for, the same year , Oshawa.—Judging- from Kay is gaining tich a wide 'reputa-' brother had, died that mornin man of -strict #itegrIty, and the tact C Judge Choquet. He 4 40 per 160�v trade of Can her news that his �41 asbire, England. He was Ig was his letters in the Times Mr.' A. 0.j tion in the cement ibusine at that he wag held in high esteem years 09117les drygoods a laa one- $470.1514(89, Which -eatim' t as that he Banffe Typh, Ing Hodgert, who Is' travelling 1d fever was- 'the,cause was of age 9 tore And T�R& -When a YOun mant he� work-' the Population at 6�,000,00.0 gives an- -throught finds It too much o properly manage 'of Aeath--4rhes Bar shown bv itlie larke Wh Some purchases. in payment 114 tand'a if a "hill, wife and 1. fun" number O' &t- ed At the silk dressing businesso and ed the clerk a cheque tor $109 nade, da a trade of $T8.39 per he of the west, is not entranced withl the both his r4n and ihis'other, business, two childreA, ot Colton, tended.*� r&l 'On Saturd' ay, He owing -to dullpess In trade be decId- oltt ft - the popul aPpearaxice of hi car indow glimp-. so he sely holds on to(* that out'of are visitors was a member of thel Canadlan0rder �on tford. Ontarlo- atIOn, considerably ore �'ses of 1the coqn8try. iwith old friends in this ed -to try his tortu the -Stral f - . _. *dWl than double tbo per ca -pita 6 Ing -With the see- which he AhInkg he -can make the -of Foresters, Chosen Friends JanL nes lit this coun- Of the -Sovereign ank. When 4.u"-# made by tion of locality. Mr.1 Barnhill left Morris d the a country between - WInnIpegN most money. lzzl* ­ try, He came to Canada in 1864, and tioned he said tile name -�he United States� hese and- Drandon be says: "It was very for Callforn* about 25j. Workmen. In -all of which soeleftei- settled on tl�P. Ilth concession 6t Hlb- Davidson and ith t ,Is YwA;s prospered in -the oringe &ISd 'a; bert, and cotiti a need no comm. enf. Y amount of nued to reside; on the bank a hey *wet this season, and an' Zurj(-,h\ growing buoines ember of Blyth Masonic Lodge, and farm 4 Stratford. -When tousult-f_,, figures speak for them, se�lves.� d -Has Year, ago he carried Insurance; he was 0 grain was drowned out, nd; lots s.—The fll;at F tory m -there unti.1 the til of ne of sub was buried under Masonic auspices. death. He wAs n- Industrious., well Un it* 18 looking yellow. There Is Notes.—Messrs. Auiust Rhnes, of of the new i agricultural hall was 4ing ' L 4 big d the bank said they had 410 fortunate 1�ugsia, SO this village, and Sol. Hardy of cOmDleted' thil Notes.—Rev, Mr. Barrows, who Will d .Ac Ount dn their' books, W.hen tcm Is week by Contractor man and succeeded In making -this he much of this,' land grown up with, Rxeter, have gone' on a pleasure' and McMillan. H is hustling the Telleve Rev. Mr.. Stone as Misal acknowledged that We ingimf 'Russia has never' been a, pleasant scrtib and poplar, I would ,not: take prospecting tour to the Northwest. along. vork- In 13ritish Columbia, ory a -comfortable home for himself and 711 On. The -pollee Wtro� lew It as a &Wt, if I had to live on It." next year, not Da us i preached. an excellent 'PILAce. to live in, *except for, the pleu,-4' Ehries will visit his family. He was genial and compan- was br�otbers, missionary Informed and he 1W&0 tarrested. Mr. J. So Harvey has gonel on a who live at Ed tocrats, and those who considered they Prospecti monto'n, and Mr.Hardy sermon here on Sunday morning ilast, _ng tour to - Manitoba and the will visit -his —Mr. Aobert Morrell -have a Dl�lne right to rule,- and who - West and'Urs. Harvey has gone to ' daughter, Mrs. F. Drlefs,—Th� Presbyterl to under the Ridkbeil. wh livea at Lor an Su�lday weather at present,—We extend con- -delight-- dn- X. D. school pleniciwas held on Mr. Lh Ing- a6�- p his gratglations ,to Masters p. Whiteley, ._ersecuting, robbing and 'Toronto td vliit- with friends untl� —Mr. Chas. Walpe has disposed of slon's flats �n Wednesday afternoon Woodman, D. Kirkeonnell and Miss PURE REFINED I- killing th return.—Thur ' sday, --August. �nd ,ose under them. But even ha been his house 'and lot, opposite the -H-van- of last week and the ch I they are not overly' sa proclaimed civic h6lid Idr d-26 fe a&- they are The leading attractions, wil &Y4' gelical church to Mrs. Levegut, -who very enjoyale time. L.'Malns on being successful altheir I be the —Miss Cowan In danger of assassination by those recently returned from Dakota, the has open u king h enlrance examination- o',M, Robin- Xasonlc- excursion �o S ed 'P a areas ma OP eon h r to whom they deny liberty, and over e, beine $776�_Mr, nd Bend.—Messrs. Greb, WIf s, Lake Huron at qra arnla and old pu chase prfe H. In the place i vacated by MIsq ma;ins coat as -improved his house with- a wh G. DOW,. Dr., Tenh_ar�t a nily, Of Philips, an of -paint. om they have so long tyrahized. 11 and f &r d expects ']to please the ladies by Para n e t nd T. 13. 81- wax lto�a With Nebraska, 113 Visitin his 'parents, doing nothing but first ass %�ork. Is worse now than it ever was, :kt' liott have.gone to -Ilan a Mr. and Mrs, Henr lot of _y Greb, of this —Miss C. HeXtron, of Detrol-% Is vls� The cheapest 'and best artj'cle r 90 g frUit'. horses. - Mr. Elliott -Will likely village. and other fe'lattyes, at pre- Iting. friends! here - this week and Dr. Ovens,- ee and ear surgeon, ivill -be at, the io alill an 0 for the close of the l4te war, In order remain there -�but the other'two will sent. Mr. oreb has been absent laund' prrpo$ X to allay the feeling of unrest and be back as - from while berp 0e is packing up the fur- Q11een's hotel, ftengall; on ThlirWa, Ant,,,. Otb. Ifours ry es. That's right, try it, only as they' dispose of Zurich for about 17 yearsi-and notes niture of) he' mother's 4.30 to 0 p. m, Glasses propertv fitted ius.q-tf to It MOV rebellion among the people, the Czar their horses.10-0�e Sabbath school of many changei fn' the peop! NAIIJOLUSALE Clearing Sale extended for ten da donceded what -was spposed to b& at Cayan Presby�terlan chureii :hadtheir ay, her Mother having take)a u fron, aw gneasure of representative government vlace.—Mr. Wesley P Jul 21st to July -per Pound LLU i her r ildenc .31st. As this sale bos hepn e' in Londoh.—The la-wn 'ideeldedsixec6g,weliave*exteii(led the thne He a6lected fron; among his favored Detroit 'Dental College, - Is spending bowlers had 1A m9et4ng last Wedues- to,Tul 31st, durinx wbieh time Nve Nvill Sell Le annual -I picnic I to the Bend On Vues Sahoellig, v.L sueb day. It! Is needless to say -the lit- a few wee�ks- at his. home bere thin 'n 0 Dry Goods, Millinery. Crockery. and Perw spo'sed jlm,�e� t and below whojem A day and Inte�d to Start bowling. on OV nd- Local BrIefs.—Mr. Henry Hood who Om four f1he hams. They evident- Ing clubs.--mlegrB. Popplestane . -nd iwas therei for a couple Of. months vis- Durna, s 'it Is called. The repre-4 Messrs. ohn I Farmer and Thomas ri 'Henry. Thell and stole � there- AO Play matefaes vrith the surr JLIJ supposed to' have ago some evil, di their -green here : on Clyie hollday,- Lie prices. Po. mitted :the people uhder certain re- their Outlng �ndl all-' returned'home perLgon I br0ke Intd the smoke n the abovo mentioned retainers a governing body -arid per- tle olk� an�.� big ones too, enjoyed few Mlohta house -to elect a parliament, or -tied and sle�py, but not hungry,.,,.- , of M after which [they- will be In ol, ape Hennil. hes, J. Weismiller- A sentatives were fr V actInL Russell 'have . gone to Regina and -ly thought ther -had `,mortT -use lor'., Gardiner's C�eap Salet the Power of en 9 laws which, will take In. the big faie, 0-t Winnl-. them than Mr. Thell wh however, must ree6l W4_'Mr.- Julitio been going Gn for hap 'ItIng his Imotber and other relatives FIRT DOOR NOkTH OF PICRAIRDS vs the approval peg on their way. These gentlemen, - Blo h he pa en i I o, and trineds In Hensall and 8, te of the Government and the Czar be vicinity, I' of -the lGoshen line, has -tim- draw to a clol'se this week ancT ti ey returned �bome to the west last -week. SEAFORTH, arge landed Interests in the othy grown -on his 0rd, CT farm, one; stalk hav6L cle O�t Of I 6, 10 Mr. David ren, who iwlll soon Iti