The Huron Expositor, 1906-07-27, Page 316
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14WZIg'tbillarkInk iteleaktig cfe
tat weakness.
By means 4.*$ ensscles„ the stoma*
should chum the food-chan
into liquids -mixing in the gastne juice
to start cligestiote -
If the stomach is weak --then food is
not properly daubed and mixed with
enough gastric juice. henyou have
indigestion and then dyeipepsia. •
needs so
tor the
is nothng better
'tie or Porter,. the
merit of which
it attested by
-sicians anti
the great exhib.
NESS, and an SUM.
PLAINTS in Catildrzu
arst starvellous.
ad Harmless te take.
Iahlo arid Effectual I Its
Trrx.s. Tnirrisx DArraxsons.
from five to sev
a position paying fro
be ready for you. w.
;ea's for promotion.
mg man's opportu
he free our hands°
ctle, giving full
8Oniers, Principal
School of Teleg-
& Railroading
ceivd oy the undersigned on bree
lell Engine Ss Thresher Co., Lira*
of a brick separator faet0_17.
1-1 story; and one brick groAnag-
' also an addition for office, 1214
impleted Dy October 15th.
Teetved for the work 00x0P1ot1
will also be received for the•
rk, carpenter v-ork, roo8r.g
tions can be seen at the office of
orth on and after August 5th.
tender not neeessarily acorp
Managing Dir. eCtOr.
arg_a Ne'reser'"'
hvfor 211 heart and rV
rri- are some of the sylope
of them should be Ir
teu to attend to it ieee
o't delay. Serious break -
tem may follow, if yole
Sleeplessnese, Dive=
f the Heart, Shortneste
of Blood to the Need,'
Sinking Spells, Faint
Spasra or Pain tbson
d, Clammy lianas and;
y be many minor syrup
and nerve trouble, bet
f ones.
rt and Nerve Pins 10
sympt.orns from flor
per box, or 3 for
was trouble'd
spells and fluttering or
cured a box of Milburn's'
Pills, and they did Or
at 1 got two more
them I was complet
y that I cannotre
Grand Trunk Railway
Railway Time, Tabs
*Oro imve Sealorth •as follows
#.1,0 gs. For Clinton, Gectetieh WIngham an
For Clinton and Godeileh
For Clinton, Winghatu •and Einem'
dine. -
For Clinton and Gaderieb.
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
North By and points west ;
Bellevle and Peterharo and points_
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon-
treal and points clad.
For Stratford, Oaolph and Toronto.
ele uh
London, Huron and Brace.
8.15 A.m. 4.50 r
9.18 6.48
9.80 _ 5.64
9.44 0.05
wypea .. . • .. 9.60 6.0
9.58 6.19
10.16 6,88
Londbiboro ... 10,50 6.52
• • 0, • • 10.38 7.00
Selgrave- . 10.60 - 7.15
ifgham .. 11.10 785
Sours- Passenger.
*Ingham, 6.41k. 8.80 P. ?.1
6.52 3.44
4ebs Nesvn-
- Loden., depart-
Olin ten NM IMP •••• VIM afet 11, • •
41aIrra•0 ••• safe* 00- 0 • Y. Oe•
Birth.* •• .0 ,0-• .1,00 as. •0 00 MO 8.16
-Lanai:el:7km... •• ........ et. .., 7.14 4.04
7.47 4.28
aracelielf17...'w AiiapOra•••Irr 8.05 4.89
Elepen.... - ems •-• 8.15 4.47
Restall,.......- ......... .. ere 8,22 4.62
-... 8.85 5.05
ab311Thil;::. • 0. • • 0* te•••• 8.46 5.15
Vanden, (arVivi3)- -....- 9.45 i. U. 6.10
Palmerston and Kincardine.
Noava. Pa s& P. Mixed
?Ammon...-. 7.56 p.m. 12.4 1 p.tia kV) st„s5
el ..... ..-.. 8.41 1.84 8 SO
Eras001.4.,...., .... 8.51. 1.44 0.10 I
9.09 1.66 9.80 i
Wiegham- .. .. -9.15 _ 8.08 111,16
05155 SOOV2. Pass, Mixed. Pm. 1
Winghain- - .. 6.4% si.m 10.40a.m. 2.40 p.m '
Staevale....... .. .. am 10.66 2.49 -
4IF • • • • 4, 7.05 • 11.95. 8.09 `
toel..... . ... 7-15 11.45 8.18
PtImerstotc.. . .. - 1.53 4.00.
Winnipeg - $32.00 Strassburg -
Souris- . 93.50 Saskatoon -
Brandon - 93.55 Prince Albert
fecuornira - 34.20 No. Battleford
Arcola - 34.58 Macleod -
Estavan 1 Calgary -
. 36.80
Yorkton Red Deer -
Regina. - 95.75 Stetter le
Settee Jaw - 38.00 Edmonton./ -
1 June 6th, geed to return until August 8th.
Juno 13th, " " August 20th.
July 3rd, Sept. 3rd.
July fith, IS Sept. lith.
For rates to other points and complete in-
tormation Elpvly to nearesteanadian Pacific
6gent, or wril-e to C. B. FosTEn, District
:sassenger Agent, 71 Yongo St., Toronto.
snee'rnort Liven TAILVT11"
strengthen the stomach -just as juicy
beef and eggs and milk strengthen, the
wasted frame of a patient getting over
contain the elements
that give new -vigor new energy -
to the muscles lining the ,stomach -
stimulate the digestive glands and
assure a copious flow of gastric juice
Lor each Meal. 7 • •
More than that, 'PRUIT-A-TIVES
.,eorrect the Constipaticut which usually
attends stornaeh trouble -and by acting
directly on kidneys and liver, put the
wholeesystem in healthy condetion.
FletTIT-A-TIVF,S are a peculiar com-
bination of fruit juices and tonics that
are known all over Canada for, their
wonderful cures in all- stomach, liver
and kidney troubles. -
500. a box or 6 boxes for tieo.
Sent on receipt of price
if your druggist does not
brindle them.
AcKillop Dire-At:icy for 1906
Winthrop P. 0.
K. ROWLAND, Councillor, Waleon
' P.0,
McQUAID, Councillor, St. Colum -
ban, P. O.
OHN McDOWELE, Councillor, See -
forth P. 0.
Ei. BYERMAN, Counoillor, Brodhag-
en P. O.
rop P. O.
4. K. HOLI;AND, Treasurer, Beech-
-wend P. 0.
r3OLOM0N S. SHANNON, J. P., San-
itary Inspector, Winthrop P. 0.
Tirtahi.b a 6
We can interest you in
Machine and Cylinder Oils.
We also carry a full line of blocks and
Topes for eating separators.
Blue Ribbon, 650 feet to the
pound -pure Manilla.
Book it now, You run no risk -s, as we
guarantee both price and quality.
Do not fail to sample our machine
or inspect our hat vest tools.
Central _Hardware Store
George A. Sills,
Seaforth - Ontario
Shoe Polish
Black, Tan and White
"2 in 1" instantly cleans
and polishes. Preserves,
alike the deantiest kid and
the roughest leather. Par-
ticular people give nothing
but praise.
" 2 in 1" has no
Millions use it.
Refuse all
Black and tan in
10c.. and 25c:
tins. -White
pc. glass
001 Arbitration. ---Judge Holt,
Lane, county clerk, and J. B. Torn,
impactor of public schools, were
the southern part of the county east
week conducting to echeet arbite -
bons, es the eesult of petitions edbe
netted at the last meeting of the
county council. At Centralia on Thurs-
day their enquiry, was in regard to a
petition or the establishing of a new
school section in Stephen township ;
aid, on Friday, at Dashwoed, they
heard the case or 'a proposed change
in school section boundaries in Hay
toWnship. In both cases the nebitrat-
ors have decided against the petitions.
;Worth ICnowing.-Reports of the de-
struction of live stock by lightning,
when adjetent to wire fences are be-
coming quite numerous. In tact the
occurrence is - too frequent, and
the losses too heavy to be epleas-
ant, and the situation is aggravated -
by failure ,to apply the precautions
that would avoid the loss'es. A ground
wire every twenty rods on a
wire fence will ward off all danger.
Bend an end ot • ground wire -plan
fence -wire-around the top wire of
fence and then around each succeed-
ing wire, and finally run wire 'into
the earth fully two feet, or where
the end will always be moist. An iron
rod sharpened at the end will make
a hole for the wire. The -job de easily
`done, the cost is almost nothing, L9.nd
•danger to animal on man le evoided.
I A Good .Act. -The Turnbull Mernor-
, ial hospital, which is being erected
at •Wakaw lake, Rosthern, Saskattch-
ewan district, is now ready for Iplas-
treingv The hospital is a three storey
frame building, and has accommoda-
tion for nurses and six patients Sn
the building, which will be fully com-
pleted by August 1st, next. The Sun-
day .school of ;West church, Toronto,
have subscribed the necessary 'funds,
donating it as a memorial to the wife
of their pastor, Rev. Mr. Turnbull.
The deceased lady was a native of
Clinton., and Mr. Turnbull is a native
of aTaborne, in this county. This
worthy act on the part of the Sabbatth
school of Mr.Turnbull's church speaks;
volumes, not only for the Christian
generosity of the children of the
'achool, but also Indicates the loving
memory in which the deceased was
held by them and the esteem cherish
, -
ed for their respected pastor. A more
touching complement to both dead
and living could scarcely be paid.
If You Suffer with
Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy Will
Bring the Utmost Relief that
Medicine Can.
The one remedy which many physicians WY
(mon to free the sfystem of the Rheumatic Pols-
ca which are the cause of all Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Sciatica. Gout, is DR, SsoOP's REMIT-
U.A.TIOSMIEIDY, Dr, Shoop spent twenty years
in experimenting be- fore he diseovered the
pomblned chemicals which, made possible
one almost always certain mire to
Rheumatism, etc.
'SktooP's Raw-
= turn bony
gain -that is
Butit can. and
from the
Not that D R.
oints intimpossiblf
jo fie
will drive
blood the
poisons which
caused the p ain and
swellimr. Andthen that is the
Dud of the pain and swelling-.
the end of the aut.-tering- the end
Dt Rheumatism. This remedy never
tails where acure is possible. It is now
put. up in tablet or li- quid form -ask for
either.- You who have suffered and are suf.
tering today from Pains and aches which you
know to be Rheumatism; yen who experience
lameness or twinges of pain in damp 'weather;
you who easily beeome stiff and lame without
apparent cause -just try DR. SIIQOP"S RHEU.
NATIO CURE. It is just the kind of a remedy
that accomplishes results. Sold and recora-,
mended by
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.)
The great Uterine Tonio, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulatoron which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. 1, $1 ; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger 43; No. 8,
for special easeii345 Per box.
Sold by all drn sts, or sent
prepaid on receipt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address: .Tsk
Co Olt lel E MO IN II CO.,To Re Nee, ONT. &merit/ Winasor)
Trythe New Store
Where they don't trifle, with
other people's lonsines4, but
pay strict attention to the
wants of everybody's needs
in the line of
Fresh; Cured and Cooked
Bologna and Sausages, Gro-
ceries, Fluits and Vegetable,
all at riaht prices.
Try `bur 27c Tea.
The originators of low prices in meats
Phone 96
Commercial Block, Opposite the
Post Office,
W. H. ROBINSO*, Inspector, Seaforth.
eat neeessary to make well bal-
anced ration and a healthful meal,
and ohowing the great risk a, young
i man emu; who marries a girl (who
does not know how to cook. She add
the rnisdion of the 4deal woman de to
make the world homelike and Cc de
the idutr of the 'ideal man to let her
know she had suceeeded. 'Excellent
papere (were also read thy Mrs. Wm.
Sleromon, telling as her theme, "John
Grumble," and by Miss Alice Davis,
and musical selections by the Ethel
orchestra made up a most inviting
Dr. Shop's Re4tIorpt ive brings
insting relief In Stord'acn. Kidiney
and Heart troubles thirouigh the 5n -
side nerves. Nb metter .how the
'nerves become impaired ' this rem-
edy will (rebuild their steengtb, will
restore their vigor. Remember it
does no good to treat the feeling or -
Sean -the irregular heart, rebellious
stemaoh, .diseased kidneys. They are
wet to blame. Go back to the
nerve.s Wet dolatrol-,.tarem, treat the
cause -ease a eemedy that will cure
throughthe inside nerves., Sold by
C. Aberlyart; "druggist, kleaforth.
Married. -On Tuesday of last week
a Ivory pretty Wedding was celebrat-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gossman, en this Arillage, When their
daughter Miss Kate, became' the -wife
of Mr. .7;:ihn H. Collingwood, a worthy
resident of Exeter. The ceremony ler
conducted by Rev. Mr. Eidt and . s
Witnessed only by the immed a/6
friends of the contracting partiies.
The bride, who was handsomely Itte
tired in white silk, was attended by
her mister, Miss Rickey. At the con-
clusion of the ceremony the guests
sat down to a dainty luneheon, after
which all spent a very 'enjoyable soc-
ial time. The gifts formed a .magni-
ficent array, being articles ot beauty
and value. Mr. and Mrs'. Collingwood
left the same evening for , Exeter,
where they will make their future
home. The Ex.poialtor johns with their
many friends; in •wishing them many
years of happiness and prosperity.
County Council Matters. -A meeting
of the road and ,bridge -committee of
the county council was held In
rlch last week, when the tenders or
the bridge at Dunlop vere considered.
There were four tenders -Geo. F. Mc-
Kay, Kippne, at $5 per cubic .yard; S.
Potter, -Colborne, at $4.95 ;•John John-
ston, -Auburn, at 45, and Hebei &
'Hummel) .Goderich, at $4.87. ,The ten-
der of Hebei. & Hummer was accepted,
sand they signed an agreement to pro -
peed with the work ;at once, and have
It completed on. or before the Cleith day
,of August. County. Engineer Patter-
son ;will- see that a deviation road is
provided, and appoint a suitable in-
spector for the work. A niember .of
other matters also came before the
'committee. The county engineer is to
attend to the 'bridge att Bonthron's
between iIrsborne and Tuckersmith,
and to the bridge on the lake shore
road at Kingsbr-idge, and make them
safe for trafic. Contractor Hardy has
nearly completed the abutment :at St.
Joseph's .bridge, and. the- committee
decided 'to ,have another abutment er-
ected at this place. Mr. Hardy was pre-
sent ,and agreed toebuild an abutment
on the opposite side ot the gully, leav-
ing a span of about fifty feet be-
tween the two abutments. This will
strengthen the present wooden struc-
ture for a considerable time yet, and
the abutments will be in position for
a new superstructure when such Is
required. Mr. Hardy is to get $5 per
cubic yard, this to Inlcude all neces-
eery excavation and eplaeing the old
bridge properly on. the abutments. The -
work Le to be completed by the 201311
of August.
t a fit, .
Notes. -Mr. Mem. Joyce, of Brandon,
Manitoba, Is visiting in this (locality.
-Mrs. F. D. Hutchison Is spending
-a 'month with relatives M Mitchell
and other places. -The Misses Rebecca
and Letitia Norris, Mrs. M. •M. Ham-
ilton and daughter, took .in the Bea-
con excursion to Toronto and Niagara
Falls on Saturday, returning ton. Mon-
day. They had a very enjoyable trip.
-Miss/ Lucinda Whyte, of Stratford,
recently spent a week at her uncle's;
Mr. E. Drake. -Mr, Fred Kerslake,
who has been laid up with ;a sore
Icnee tis able to get around again. -
Miss Susie Morrison tell from a fence.
and broke her arm. The (fracture was
reduced by Dr.Michell, of Dublin,
and the patient Is- getting 'along nice-
Old. Ohronix) Sor6s.
As a dressing for cleronie roores•
tbere is tuathlog ne gooci as Chamber-
lain's Salve, Whiee it is Irso.t advis-
able to ,heal old sores • entirely,they,
should be kept in good cendition
for which OAS salve is especially
valuable. For sale by Sll druggists.
Notes. -Mrs. John SlemMon has re-
turned _home -after a pl easant ,visit of
-several weeks with friends in the
west. -Mr. S. S. Cole has purchased
Longthire farm near the brcik yard,
which contains 130 acres. -Miss
Simpson, Mies Bernice Slemmon and
Miss Mable Lamont have euccessfully,
paesed their pia,noforte examinations,
while Miss R. Spence took first class
honors- lin the junior- vocal olass at
the London conservatory of music. -
Last Sabbath the Te -opening. -teervices
wree held in the Methodist church
here. Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of Trowbridge,
preached morning and evening and ad-
dressed the 'Sabbath school special
service. Monday evening a tine ar-
ray of talent -from Brussels, Ethel
and elsewhere supplied e choice pro-
gramme .det the musical and literary
line. -At the recent meeting rot the
-Women's Institute held here there
were about 80 ladies at the afternoon
meeting. Mrs. Strong, of Gorrie, pre-
sided. Interesting and instructive ad-
dresses were delivered by Mrs. /Watt
and Miss Duncan, tote ladies sent. out
by the Central Ustitutee. Mrs. /Watt Co various points in Manitoba. A Car -
discoursed on the .very interesting berry home, to :which one of the girls
and practical subject: " Care of the went, has receieed a girl each year
face and hair," showing how teas- for the past six years. Those who have
sage, cold baths and fresh air would been previously sent have all been
keep people youog and ;young 'look- married, and the one arriving last
Ing and gave some good recipes for year, is to be married this week.
skin food and hair tonic. Miss Duncan -The Cardston, Alberta, Starewith
took up the equally useful subject, fatherly Interest -remarks that the
"Cooking," explaining the ingredi- crop of babies in the country nva.s Oeve.
Do act Neglect Your Bowels
Many serious ,diseases arise from
neglect of the bowels. Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver T-ablets are a
pleasant and agreeable laxative.
They invigooate the liver and Te -
glide te the bowies. Thor sale by all
dr uggists.
Turnberry. -
The Late Wm. Douglas, -Death once
more -has claimed another ot Turn -
berry's older citizens, in the person
of Mr. Wm. Douglas, of Wroxeter. He
entered ;into rest on ;Wednesday morn-
ing, July llth, after a lingering ill-
ness; borne with -great, fortitude and
patience. The deceased- was born at
Horsely Hill, RosboroUghshire, Scot-
land, on 2nd January, 1824. Before
coming to Canada, which- was in the
Year 1861, he travelled extensively.
He event twice to Australia,, and event
Some time there. On his way to Aus-
tralia ethe second time he travelled
trough the Western States to San
Psancisco. This was before -the days
of the railways. He had -a horse and
a pack, while he walked a good part
of the way. During these sojourns he
eieerienced hardships, among which
was phipwreck. On coming. to Canada
he settled on the (farm in Turnberry,
on the Brussels kravel Toad, where .he
liv'ed until quite recently, when he
moved to WrOxeter. He made his home
in the midst of the bush, by energy
and perseverance he cleared up the
land, and, ere many Tears, had pass-
ed, he had surrounded himself and his
partner ;in life with . a comfortable
home. Mr. Douglas (was a widely read
Men -and in his prime could discourse
most Intelligently on different top
los. He occupied different -positions of
an official nature, among which was
township councillor, director of the
Howicit Mutual Insurance 'Do. of
Which -he was one of the originat'ors.
He took a prominent, part in 'having
the first school house built in eection
1, Turnberry. He also tobic :a lively
interest in having the Narrow Gage
railway. -come into &hie community.
Dr. Sleolop's Ithehmotie Remedy
•-when used l'aithfully will reach
chronic and -diffic,alt cases hereto-
fore regarded as indarable by pyh-
sicians and is the most reliable „pre-
scription known Ito clean omit and
vompletely remove every vestige of
rheumatic; peison • from the blood.
Sold by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea -
better,and the ceneus takers seem
think that a ne w -one came with
the spring* or early sunamer to near- l
lY every house. Mlle crop starts right
on -the boundary. line and gradually
grows in volume as you travel north.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dahl, -living some
three miles from Buford, Alberta,
have reeently loet two of their child -
Ten through diphtheria. Seven of the
family were omitted but five have ;re-
covered. 1
and Mrs. Stewart, of Mc-
Gregor, Manitoba, were presented with
a silver tea eervice by the Methodist
congregation before leaving the town.
-:-During the storm Tuesday night
.lightning struck Montgomery school,
near 3virdelL It knocked down the
_chimney, upset the stove, tore up the
floor and destroyed the eentre row of
.-Mayor Sharpe, of Winnipeg, says
that there are no houses of illfame in
that city, and that the member et im-
moral women is only 68 and that they
are scattered , through a large pore
tion of the city.
-There are about fifteen cases of
smallpox at Esterhazy, Sask., but all
are now safely under quarantine.
The manager of the Central Hotel, A.
W. Shields, is one of the victims,and
the hotel is among the buildings quer-
-Miss Craighill, who resided with
a relative in the Pork River district,
was drowned in the Mossy river last
week. The woman went to the river
to iget a pail of :water and in some
manner unknowii fell intothe stream
and AVMS drowned.
-Little 12 year old Helen Robert-
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ertson, Calgary, died in that city,
after •an 'limes of nearly two 'months.
The cause of death is believed to
have been due to -a blow on the head
from a croquet mallet accidentally de-
livered by a p laymate.
• -P. 3. Rycklan, of McLeod, Alberta,
was recently fined $50 tor smuggling
two horses from the fErnited States in-
to Canada in May last and in addition
the horses were confiscated and
turned over to the crtorns departt-
-During a recent goer' the barn
of S. Smith, a farmer living about
four miles east of Portage la Trairie,
was Struck by lig-htning and with the
contents burned.
.--Miss Theresa Branstrorn, in a Red
Deer laundry, had her arm badly
mangled in one of the machines. The
hand was drawn into one of the big
manglers between a sheet which was
passing through, and It took some
time to get it released. The arm has
been amputated at the elbow.
Souris river on Sunday.
-A block of land, 43,000 acres tln
extent, within 15 miles of Loydmin-
etre, Alberta, has recently been sold
at an average orice of $8.50 per acre
with a deposit of $2 per acre paid
down. ,This latter amounted to the
snug sum of $86,000.
-An unfortunate accident occurred
on the farm of Horatte ;Willis, Arizo-
na, near Sidney, Manitoba. His hired
man, 3. Hilials, was -working In the
repair shop, when he dropped his ham-
mer on the bench, striking a cartridge
lying there. The cartridge exploded
and the fragments; of the shell embed-
ded themselves In his leg.
-For a broken -leg, the result of a
fall on the•platform of the C.P.R. sta-
tion at Moose Jaw on Sept. In, \Mrs.
Elizabeth Ann. Thompson has entered
suit against the C.P.R. for $5,000 dam-
ages. /The plaintiff, .who no* 'resides
in Vancouvre says the accident was
tamed by a defective platform in
front of the baggage -room. ,
-Jas.. B. Holden, of iVegreville, has
been elected by acclamation. to Tepre-
Sent ;Vermillion district in the oro-
vineial iegislature of Alberta. Mr.
Hoiden ;will have the distinction of be-
ing the youngest -member of the leg-
islature, being only .29 (years of sge.
He .was born in Simcoe county, Ont-
ario. When but a lad he wag appren-
ticed to the milling -trade. In 11902 he
came west to •seek his tortune ,and
worked for at ime in. the flour t•tillls
a the Hon: Mhos. Greenway, In :Cry-
stal City, Manitoba.
-A scum came on the waters of
Pasqua Lake, about 12 miles west of
Fort Qu'Appelle, recently. A large
number of animals drinking the water
were poisoned; some of the 'settlers
losing horses and stock; tame 'ducks
and geese, also died. The Indians on
Pasqua regerve lost several tattle and
dogs. Various theories are ladvanced
as to the -poisoning of the ;water, one
being that since the dam st Craven,
Which diverted the Qu'Appelle river
waters :into Long Lake(was washed
out a lot ot Regina sewage came down.
Whatever the cause, the fact that In-
dian dogs were .poisoned shows that
the dope was pretty strong.
-A few nights ago during an elec-
tric storrn that ,passed over Strath.-
cona, Alberta, Mrs. Wm. IdeEachran
bad a narrow escape front death. She
was sitting near the stove with her
little fadiely about her, and had the
baby 4n her arms. Suddenly lightning
came down the chimney and filled the
room, extinguishing the larnp and giv-
ing ,Mrs. McEachran a shock that
stunned her. The older 'children were
knocked over also but not so hard hit
as their mother. They scrambled up
and ran over to a ne ighbor's and gave
the alarm, Neighbors coming in,found
Mrs. McEarchran unconscious, but en
the chair, with the baby in her arms,
apparently not hurt in the least.
It was found that the shoes 'and stock-
ings had been torn off Mrs'. McEach-
ran's feet, and her 'lower limbs Were
badly burned nearly to the knees.
Manitoba and Northwest Notes
-A $10,000 school building being
built at Swift Current.
.-The .provincial government will
aid in the establishing a collegiate
institute at Regina,.
-The Bank of Toronto ds opening
up new offices at -Swan' River and
-The. Canadien Bank of Commerce
will erect an office building et Hum-
boldt, Sask.
-The town of :Lacombe, Alberta,,
Will have its new electric light plant
in. operation by October.
.-The residents of Hanley, Sask.,
will ,spend $10,000 in securing fair
grounds and buildings for annual ex-
-Lorne, the five year old rson of
Mr. A. E. Slater, postmaster of Na-
pinka, Manitoba, was drowned in the
-A block of land containing 125
acmes between the Assiniboine river
and the q.P.B.. at ;Winnipeg was sold
last ,week for $40,000.
-The elty of Edmonton have award-
ed contracts amounting to over $200,-
00 for seWers and water extensions.
ISLatIta01.1 Or
Wemen with weakness should nev-
er forgot Dr. Shoop's Night Care.
This mogieelike lecai treatment, is
used at bed -tine, all night while
the system is el rest, it con-
stantly building up the weakened
-While engaged in a friendly wren. tissues, soothing the inflamed and
tie ;with D. Balfour, Herman Decker, sensitive surfaces and will surely
of Abernethy, Sask., had his collar clean up all catarrhal and local
bone 'broken. troubles. Sold by C. Aberivart, drug-
-Rev. J. A. Haw, provincial grand gist, Seafortb.
chaplain of the Orange order was
presented by the members In Carduff,
Sask., with a gold chain and locket.
-W. J. Wilkinson, of Sounding
Lake, Alberta, shipped from Veire-
vine, ,two train loads of magnificent
cattle, eonsisting of 440 head of ,
range steers, which were driven 80
-The little ten year old daughter I
miles north to the railway.
of David Reddekopp, living two miles
north of Hague, Sask., was struck
by lightning during Monday evening's
storm, and instantly killed.
-About 70 girls from Mrs. Sand -
ford's home -in Winnipeg, who bad
recently. arrived from the old coun-
try, were sent OUt one -day last week
-Thomas Patterson, of Bowman.-
ville, Ont., who is a2. years rif age,
and as bright of mind and ;active of
body as many a man of middle age,
boastof having seen both Sir Walter
Scott and the Duke of Wellington.
He -was one of the .first to greet Hon.
George Brown when he landed in Tor-
onto In 1842. Mr. Patterson is a nat-
ive of Peebles, Scotland.
I -Not 1n the memory of the oldest
mariner has there been a season
which- equalled the present tor fog
on the upper lakes. Mist is -common
during the early summer, but never
has thick, damp blanketing fog hung
oa from day to day and week to weelt
as et has this year. Lake Superior's I
worst. Captains whose boats go in-
k.° Duluth report that from the Soo
to the western end of the lake there
Is often no break in the bank. From
.the bridge they can - only occasional-
ly tilde the bow of their ship. And
conditions have been , this way ter
nearly, o months,
Bringyour 'shape here !
We give special attention to
fitting "irregular sized men,"
and have suit for all of them
n fact, any man who is hard to fit, can find eat relie
suit of
Progress Brand
These suits are cut by a system affording so many varied
sizes and. different lengths of sleeves and tr users, as to en-
able every man to, get a perfect fit, no rtter what his
dimenEions may be.
The fabrics are of the very finest ehevio s, worsted and
Scotch tweeds, cut in the very latest style, And tailored in
a fashion that insures unlimited wear and shapeliness to
every garment.
en $7.50, $10.00,
Boys $2.00,
For the
month, we -
stock of
hats, inoht-
test styles,
ainder of the
- our entirt----,
ne straw
g ali the la -
We simplywill not ..,arry
goods over frOm one season
o another, even if we have to almost giTe theaway. We
believe the first loss is the best one.
Regular $2.50 Hat for
" ,-$2.00
$L25 -
./Q Shirt
Th'e reason store has
become a leader in men's
shirts is, because we are the
sole agents for Seaforth for
the famous
W. G & R. $
We have juat received a
sp1endi4 line of ew fine
shirts, --the ldnd you am
wear with comfort, the kind
that never pulls or draws
tight, in all sizer and lengths
of sleeve.
Specie,1 Etices 75c & $100