HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-07-20, Page 4, I , - 4 "
G: 5A
U EX ITOR -he iWt of tho- hnie, Itess, -me4t- ant iaed imstif V1 mrear She Uld iffe. tbd$ It &v 18abba!th JEAg
act in there moid 4 SEA
oft `h to,' , d FO
JUL 06 to llegal'ift QlintS of 6644 dift'd tachet% di w&kexg, aad, b ol- a&viser tof Thib Xacd6nudili In t6 *wred a 1 0t ielmll" __11 104 an
a- Amid as, t1he ihope d
w6rkors, And Wktho*6 *ii Friday I o, opend, lebe, lholid Ud Ely womiWeted-io, very suc-
T _T ga all Vallee The- Empr SS Shoe,
W &d 40d 4hooltI4 dt. a the tworkeris. bdtix Ahe (polftlofoiis and vowftl course a:f Uho XazdlonWd
XV 9) r ire"
11[l*i, h
0*4 aidliblot lo domestic sciiace, G
ba 4 ' Ili trea.6. the Sabat school* would suffer. U
BI avale.
at law
"iaki Id ffh;B Ivan lot brigtt and tamiable die- This week "via bave received a large
-Brief a.—The Inewis of the death of
1 2 3
-MITIM - -An qrM lain an, z1ft-vto nd efit P videnoo,-if-dr(Owno ior fate,
It, d i '10' ro I # "Won azd ondea-rid 'herself to MI hpmen the latest styles of the
8. 9 io n proAnces 0 Ismifile came -as a ldhook Who ickme n, Ivantbol wWjbgr wwk
?takes ivery 4ittle son1lUtimes o- 6n jj l I_ot'h, I -or 'her w000very was he Mari0ta t well nown Empres' ftos jor
wo 4enerally befovea inat
15 16 17 -19 20, Uvra $11io *1do In Ithe of f alris of "ri,, bolgL VoOd' for. Milm $mUlle *as njq 0 rhoe, shoes are thal belot- value in
28 and mhootiigg, WW... are abscimteiltyi T - r
-22 .23 24 2
big was _40tikliogly 011voltrated are- ltlkkn 1j, rWbjle Itawhiag Roblool top 6ny er -own relaUeo" nd
2,9 ; so, #31 prohilbitIo& -in tormo ot' these Illawilt. vently 11inithe -wer wod itawity Whlcbl Upafttl6p 'and for many weeks -made fialtmaile rleniU the Wies!, Ane footear in 0anada. Tbe,
vommumAy, whre jahe had speot
6 three , Toroinbo, vitl ft -I
wid lin ftfe ir have. . Stye, they have Durability, -
0.1 On- befol It! io id -f i1gut, -dgain#t Ipain land fe. Bar, learl de-
fthe '"in%agd tof Bf ftisb, Columbia -Plpou 114 1 eriparelafts, brafheris ajmd an -e you
Messrs. Aw;-"k, oakriesp,@, d thpir Perfect Pit will fre
uloUnig z iaind *bodting !at T game is w4' 219se is w very oail bereavemen ID
NEW'ADVERMIUMU91 0 were kiled. W!the irailwaywre* 1819tra. (were. Q'I privileged ito bel from the pe ty'snnoyanceg of foot
prodAblited, in 'Iterms of the Wame Or her parerds- laind, ireintives tvbom ja th
11, "" -a tQf lia, 1parity of L Cho isi-noerest isymipallby lot zmaby wUl
) SaKsbary, lNog19ind. Uieft Iformp. U -t 'her bqdside, with -the exa, troubles,
Theftare betwen the pareatbasts' after each 4 Ithre., 91x, WUO A4 of 'tier. lbrAher Robert, ho, is In. it -he
0n1h e of the ptiper on which -the Ouldboo end certsa-In, parts lot be exteindZ. iThe 1doceaseld aloi The soles of the Empress Shoe are
folvid. DbA -bz Atlantic eqgtbor. , 14 3TOEWM, W'idow
. oto4sed It,
e tser t where lthe prohibiton,ofshaoit- graa,maJte Collegialto, In- all fl
1 libe : . - , IsiniOly It1dw*A1%'rn of of - the ilat AnIgus Robertwon, of d1f 0e. exit;lej therealy giving you the comfort laliking in mtny shoes. Lsdia
'Weeding Out -M X0FAU1 C01-4 ing'is 11-imilted, o bargot practice# dfiftnte. The remains elre taken
,to 1
$copper i*hethe-r lthe whole party Urnberry, died in Wrloxvtor ;00 # -
aearing 4 a#-, of Igames. -to th for gain, ghoua 1p for initermout and the ianeraIl eel two
W0 wm. -plokfird-5 who 0 re a haadsome, well -made and perfect fittring shoo at a mojeut
ress Shoe -R. Willis & Son 4 roceed i1maimediatteily lbor Lab- jimly 8e., ana buried in IBlue-
pr *b f)t tretwinT& t`ofo Vlave oft Sa*arfty last eind-wa pnicsi can make no mistake in buying the E!npress Shos. Empress 13h
owmentinvuftnoo-M'11. Uobinson--G doh, loft Ithe lairlival- of Ate eisisoil Ixt vale ion, uesday Cho 10th: rs. 0151
Ivilson-4 largell laftwided, ithas t9howlafg. the ig
ponsidieviad, thevet6re, 'the are priceA as follows
,or lr mjlin! - ItUre 1311101 Rabertsoai was 0 many yeawo a, re*mdt telt4or :fhe departed faind
Dm deftormi6ed 'to 'go
- ten Invm *Vt As, lab I wormi1g. Three at, wt -Inevae-ftes-
Jumento for 3 -Greig Clothing Co. regular altiteinda
inach Igood. ifte- very' ex- - sym*at'll fdr he beroa-ved family
3genWho, JK n -Stewart Brm --3 on,,azl wore!killod, IMP c1ther Ith-rielo, Laced Boots—s2.25, $2.50, -$2-75,$3-00, $3.50 a ow bytterias idlifawob. before er Irkopliw-,
wnp- -John Bulger -8 Wtewe will lb
powerttill- deter- remained, ilaind Otftll live. ThO ila al It Wroxaten'She 'leaves one. and IrlVdis,
j Sulinmer Ivant". 6. Roberu-ry 'renit ieffedt, !"6a ft loan be mproy- i : 1 fI
'For the Wed -D. A, Reld-15 ed & ithe beed is demoindtrwted. Th' olden't. is described by Mr. Cathmeh, dwaglbiter, Mrs, Jlobn Harris, * I Button Boots—$2.50 and $3 & p
public Notice -win, Qudniore-15 to one df Ithle paxt, ka a lettor to Ihls, Wrioxieter.—Alnoither old 1pionleer lo
iis Idoubtl ss iti - Ith, Oxford 'Shoes—$2, $2. 1101559 t2-50 and $2.75 a pair.
Teacher Wanted -Robert UoLaren-7-5 ndt Itilie - ilais t e at witp. o says: .11 Mr, HeAhnfu1thl, M r., Tmrnb(5=y lias 'passed away IlIn, the 914-es.—Mr, and Mrs. Donald No -
TO dontmetoi*-Roblerc, 11011-15 we'isba111 Ilia 'atypling fDr egislaltion Wo -cod, plildi X dedded'Ito sleop rin Ply- porgan,of tHenry Hakiwlg, Wbia died Dtiald, f rojil' and are sold in Seaforth only by this store.,
Auction Saie-Iffm John Ker -5 i Manitoa, whio, have
'Init. Ottaa. -We ob4l not ask bleed
-at mvii! h
ft-rm for Sala _John Taylor -5 .,molutt1b, as lthe b' af was I& ample Of a The hilimle of his. da!wgh1tert Mrs, been, v4siting riend in tbills
Barpius-F. A. I?Awards-8 tes&y, not for 4nylthildg :jubrdasQn,-'
Piano l3hrpina-R. M,Peck--8 hours 114te, "thv*h a t4lendid (DOM- Arlehimr, Wheeler, at *the alge lof 176 ity, for 'the Va 11, Ilftforlt air oA 4.A
able, Wnd Itible Isulocess ttending the p,ar1tImtnIt` [had bodn , reserved for
Oirls wknted-SeaforM recoldt, le for1t, $hlows. ' thalt anthlinig years. The mmains twere jbviied iln hioure ton Mondhy,-Mr. HiNnTy Hand, Pur iparby-lpff six ,on ite, ltra, We h VAe Amineftery, Mr.' lra, vkldgls
To Sel! or Ren"ohn o B a of Pense, SW W., who has Veen Io
in !rdaadn da The Aftaino iwhere vdb- )Meaxly Worsiti-aded' Mr, (Bak*lk i lka padt'Dr, Rev. Oeorgo Bakew, 6f 't -
Herron, fi i
-iskt to frifnds in tbfb foaiinity ifor
N olpini,m dt-miands. sitoy over, nd [hie ine v
arly Iporsmaded i,ivg, Mr. .,Jo'b!n Hawking, !.of Ninga, Itma
our Priees-chesner & SwileY-8 )dxr Tuesda on
1'4 desirajfdr linly'self ond ifor imy. us Ito Igo, jorn. pi
He aGold Chain Lost -urs. Wea daleis d Ing Mamiftloba,:'realdbled 1-om i l6we, flo Mr. A. ' U, McBb s only' .,ones iIn l's fathx10 -funeral.-The Inflaint oon Ith Yeltairn trip, -The lah-oir of ithe W1101mle Fmt-Angelo Xomuloro-5 OraNn, were, Itheriefore, th Term-mliott & L lan rs lot halt ioopartment, sad faitl were lin- of Mr. a7xid Mrs, W,# tL. Mdtlyodis)t Oh-ttrah q)icnicked fjo, Bay—
is Lneedless to
ft-FaInce e*ress isitatly 'killed."
field Itbis, week. 17t
Wknred--Commercial Hotel --8 MlDiris, 'has been vo;ry M.-WIlien gay 'they had a iglclDd our gr(alteful akyprectialtion lof ItIbe t'ie baflots imarked fia Me
Fwm for Sale-Alks. John. Mlls--5
A. G. Ault--4 i ersolhlal k4mdne s ohwn, alnd th 'roWnt herelaad-tis Are ll busy, iwith it -heir
Butt" and & , Wjit;huit il ifhe Immleace of 'a violte in ftia Presbytorigln obuirch ion ..hay, a1141 Deathtathe w-W.KKerslak-0-8 The Wis been tnit Sole Agents for the Slater nd Walk -Over Shoes far me d the
pr"tical aid Igiven ims, by our Ibublic mwi; % 1gonerigl -at Ottawa. IThis ul blu!gb, Itbe TordiftiolWalifl. aninountes Vhe qulcdt -of buildiag a al-ew to-vorable, nd Ilairgii ta-mlomirits 'have Quality"and "'Emprm" Shossforwainen.
p- idbufrob, were cloiiated, only siolma been t9afel '4,aumed, mth of it
thalt Mr. 8. A,. Little, X. P. R for
Plies (Wibb ew ex-eviplti.obs to IiLho on wombeIrs ;offhe colagregatilon
if t
-rlf'amedt, iwind Ito m Cairdwelill, lie Ito be- aplgaialted lbo u Wilthloaft igetting a. drop -of rain -af-
f1mind 'have vtolted agar`nst
member,5 Pa: any
niembers of Ifilie, Sentafto on bA*h isides Gov6ramon't dtfive IiiiiI Ryis Vou9titim- wr ter it was 6uit. This week,will labout evdWjWy (thinke there lismothirilb- like to, IeAiw It so, _vaorly protteatne& Me p roject. ate elow sidinig ajict, farners cain being n lebe ithitok t6f Ithe SWIM. His momevtls ref levtion -elfould 0031V41106
Of' 1poliltivs, and ft appll$s- especially enloy, 'by: ItIe, Onit-aria Govrmimont. luip I
06. be-r #gned and, if an eaciou
SEAU01011, FRMAY. "Y 00, 19 raiging
ad all f bhe dtVoTtomi*
-to t1he imembers of lthe"CAolveir"eat - or y%Lra it he Tory tPrapers, amd T orjyj llpal-k, of a 'good raip well saved.- mainy Iold Irfeinds 3wreaboitts W111 one is (promised, a., ew Vh1urch. The fAl wliva!'t -doixotaveed heir iop, n
pohitioisms have
T_' 4t -vid w
Parhabaent. h twom, fulaftluirally land arecess.1' will be built ear. -Miss, M. orolp is. also -ain hand wi6h hiwa Mi& LDo n imediate lawtin, twhre, Itle idterm The Dominon Oou&nks Tor every 'fattdh ppo4dtmwnt x6d some
lily Nim Ibiall Ainlilitch imore ItO (do Ithmn Tdqyoreffi, idf Woodillfovk, 'has been isit- are du1titi'dg. The cftV is -ire- of :b;as bevin visiting with eillts of ;all are at etako. ondl3a tot* -
The -Dolminion ParfltmaA wais tin- wiltih $6xiders of"AMe KV00sitRo'n. It Chey *had made. And now hey -are inig wt 'home of Sir. Jhn 0M:r_ pfortd very satsfaVtory bDth in. her faither, iW. (Rdbeirt M*Dornaldp evo-nIo-My wo:nad todt wumt in ibu
_19W [prkab doig -and. iyornAioning'ffbe ivery,lthiAg.' qiifality and -qu:ntity.-Messrs. Me- f.Dr, ithe past ftwo, weoko. Mr.. Do
,V,r -
OAy proirpgaed on: j&y 11 is U; Ithat slumb a law gem-UNse -Barley loame- from Ot- w- viati at a seriout fire. The
they denyuncerd so IvIgionoutly mhem Fovvir & Geiger, the flax kings of in.1
ried them Ust. meiek, and mUl in lgro-vidizig iproltevHkoin. wU-1 &mft
DOluild wlt lbave 66en tpa"6d bad ft e a
Wave beeb, prarldgud aid" tawa, wliere sh' bs spedt o year.
il&fdald done by Chei opoonevtts. We do ot thlis -arstriet, lhave large fielos 'of rpFend aomme Itimw with 'his broither, t4o. anerit itibe been 1tihejr-1thVn a IiGoverivmentmews- 'Saltarda, alfid. wlyisilt 'her TshaTsdayf bult Xlhe Sdxte weTe -un- thik Itibere s onythilnig irdprebansible, Oil t1a lkn 'this vitinilty. Varge gaiigs of Mr, R. (DoWMe, ffixe1ter Noirtj3 ind bi-eir adi-nifftrrative
Ure, amd lift- s lddliibtful Ar It. -he IG6v_ mam frindis -at, Bhrevalo before
tble lto -Oay amellf o, aill the mietas- r" Idoidid dftve SUOMI, i Itle jpra Ytise. lf '-a anain llo titt6d Iyullr$ re 'busy at ,w'ofk-. Th& lerop veher relaitires. Twig is Xz' ialv_ !than dn any -Cit
takinig a trip west. -Mi. lma Mrs. oessAuffly fearried fit 'fbhTough Parlia-. I or a posifUtdo in he ipdb0p. "rvicej is 'eoidd,_To berry 1')Ickers are. also -Tirgt 1visit there for 17 "srs— -Th ' ei f rezift lof Mr. James jh-n*m
wes rpabsed by lebo CloliumOn's 'to Per- Jidlin 0offie, iof NWga, Mainilhoba, are
'der uivy but a "IVO 94id ris olt'horwiselfhe bst entitled o hlaviirlg lUleir iwninga ad any wbt) Mr.' ]Udbja ra fuidter, of Uabo(Ome wa liieip.ftealsea to learn that _t t
Imilt f &WIV to -Abe- Vgt hamod:. #1sliting relatives and friends at Or
ng t 'date bf r*rltfag
remier, a!nd bbialt, itherefore, it', the talcIt' -of his beinig a mmiber aine aind Wainit. to icaboh. he. early wrm li;a.". near Zliimvlfli , i6taids wmij, -he is idoing as IWILA
131-ue-vaie, Alma, M-nicar
49,_v, jr-olever, A id v-dt mwtter mat- bbolse (wh'nTyprevi'afte ite, Urd's 411A of Farl1medt dholWld Inidt be a bax to deny 'themselves the forty ink$ tDWb $0, UVBf 4DA - U09 IYMT.OaSed as lciAd he expected after Um v a
ot'her-plaves.-The Presbyterian pic- y. -
fariaj,13r- es very ifmv &f lthe irmembeirp. -aldt, Mad It1he vountry sW. [general, re to Ibi Appoint,me-jalt. The anam who sleelp & ithe morni-og Vhlah- are. so Mrs,4- Bowevm4aWs jrasidenw,. 'Mrs. serl-vuIk D. 0woWfli
nic ion iuly 4, was th-IgUly Im-ecess-
Vymt tundei iw. ladflinig debt of grtl will le nfluenced lin this pairty lal-I Vleaista nt.-A- yto Wdli "n ;,bri bje 4irittemids jgl( _'Ing lba Utolom- is in! Dlaykiiburg ''Vist Ing Aftr 413.
maioleWilanice, iorho twill beltray ibis zfull.-Vietlbors, Who. aime 14ro vn, the
tuhia 'fCo';Sir Wilfrid 1Uaazier.iI-1 home f .3 r. U'nU. treslde. Mr. '1)anad 3fel-n- ter. _*rs. 1T. D. D ick --XT.
Che Rowse m-elt -on OF-riday Chere was ffaro, Old iRoys",excrsion bhWulded, dtfti6entta to socure. a Gowrnmemt Mr. jr, p Dim nit, mIa n. -Mt.- J. 1B1ajSjrL:r,* -of nis "M4 irelt-arned ' UaMa ftom the B and 4949hterf of. -Lb
nd whl Was been i1h Reietrid diAriat west. Mr. & dj.gnis 'hau a Ure airm Uav;a bjetn opendmfg the Vai nvi
a, qfdoirumi, of members -posiltioa is a 01trov, and W on.
'Editorial Notes and Comnients. Nimes 10nue Dimedt, Ida Pl4born. for iseveral imonitli", irelturned home n;eaw Saskla)toou, Salsk.*, and he7 Wras with the Memr. Xo0iinell
'of Itihose p.re4eftit the appositioln were Tith of beilax -o . ember of #P a rl ia-
T`04? ateA by"tthreei. The pralro- Od'r400d- a!nd wise sclty colil aud, 'Elva (ler-m-kh. Uris. 13-taikie a-1-
tom- mvnit. aind The, looinst4litittlencY that, thlis f*eek. -Mr. xepawebs ithe div0 and x- B MU.
1111p and is -visitivig lier gTaind- _dt lopior tions ion it
so* icame brofters.-Mr. A. My.
me liprofit- &mk lad Alauglitter Alex7w
4W sowiyWhat._ remarklable - -discovaTy.
tae or dereon, -of Turn -
W -tion 1pr idi -v gro of tube orary, itthe ITarddVo, star h;s mij&d, eledta 19"lv a man- deservee to be or 5 od -and basinew booWing pedtis t -o 'hlave a kr9e, wrid
der. After,a ftalgUily ses-- betralyed. Rdt W.bat rwas 'wrong in ivolther, Mrs, 'An "he lwegb where hs able` tory lehis season. He biteAds Ito Detr4ft' Uris ivhmk mpoadiVg i VF
Avery tpait Iof
a:nl Mrs. W. k#tUfrn fe-w VveejrA to ifok After days It NX
51W -U, vei Um -people (of Otaa oner Ipa*y 10 Inde toe -right in wn- berry. Mrs.''Toole o:nd *W`14rpa, of I&z been. -Rev. wnd tw
AS" Glf Itr4lutl Brussels,. were rjaitidg Bluevale amies L -f"
Seem; to, gelt tifed of - ItW, l6teom'od Is othoT. What ha.9 joar iold itmend, Tdbnston w6d- 41iii-Iren, of Har 1hreehink .;of, hivi- 'Carber. -of eaxmk o fiftik jaM
noft! a, 9-amy alt tafl, buit row- Che 4r*e6tih9. afid f -6 wh
a, frionds lai0t week. Miss Mari roodi -are opeadng
it he le1gialators, q6t - wery ih, 8 thi : holidays At deo ago oarried wa,
orls, a:hd Cbe lGooria t, lo, say about -ba:4 itho Ourfte, a IfoYW 'of *-ardbillp, a. I", F
itred -of Otfawla, C0n*q1MWdt1y -thla weInit w1frb, ithem, Vn their iretwrin Ito the ma7,rlse Lt re, 'the Rome of Mrs- Aeas of alne oth* Dr.,Aollinsewhe In Cho In ish-drit, *x-- Lae vilalge this 1week lrienaW
1obbilitc;n's nidtiber, Mrs. Urqahart. Wig hiMfted 4a Prince Albert', one: ajdqAtaintances. Mr. iftrter rwa% mwors
Brame .:--Tbia Wases Uoffat, -of
elowing cerewanies' are- never so
,cepit lain arblusement. mot' 'Robert Mr. n suxVTj1ved V aee ibld Wowt-h
'Ifia-alt as Wase 4t the cApeninfir of fercocous, tparltisanshi IseA61419 alm imil- Wiflhvm Xamwll"s -on the- Mae d
bri *11111 of the prdbtidit and mbst Vidtur- Um p
6he seaecin. sesgialn! Ithere w6m drew'4 pailpit -t-or the next foUl esque tkowmis lin. It he, west.
dae advanita,'ge' 'A Qo;Q 40611t. Mr. hios. richiiWl dr amd impiovemiht mde- I'm lloim
1could Moak of ft go. -vaW -icrad,-Mr. and Mrs. 95 bills iplasoed-idto law. FterififXps, -Rabb'aths, Awring Rev. Xr. Urq-u-
ivelier Itban, fthe loateohisim." _:P.-Ireceriftly aold fbo, Mr. Glin, of LWtjowe, called senice ;on his hqortays. 400001"Ujed
the: oat imprtlant lof these were N,3r-mlwn Kitnalbbaft, Of 'an al'ue- Xhlar l A
vale friends while -an. theiri way her Not"
the Vord's 04ay Adt a(nd itilie-Railway
The Townftlo- New insda trwo Var old filly bor wWroh the Ir6- Vo vigilt their da0ghter, Mrs. 0, tj Shaffer, who ke all thi Dr.,0vem', is I& trit'jo;uIt, as ifar WIMOAdmqf& At -miring tolephone (busy mak-
2'" h6t 'm
Teq ce-ived lbbe biancisivmle -sum, -of $2 rDtind hs Iplace,11185 s leenmill on oaot n *he 4uterefsts W-1 ier ibia
w,gorolml; imann soa 0 ldf Wildgham.-Mrs. oig, tgl r nyprovemen
-tea Ito_ m rified the Whitt- So 9p
ind, express 10011viyald glib ut This wa sired by the well Nrmorfy . Miss Smown Kinlg, of rDo- ts on his liatel., 1:fts PF itliewt a wa& i6id p1savant itheir icharges4or apmovit by the sal new Govornwftt if -or ItU Alsmis knotra 4bok lljorse.,Brswr. dre.n. Mr David Cooper, -of British O.olUfft- G, J -Sultherlmod bRs had Placed Fill We hands at, a triv-w-A6. - U Uxq-a;hTrt is ve*
onito, ald6olm1planeled by her cbjI
Gaverialmebt, fti1w, i n- ter 0 * with u, num.
PY Commission,and of Mr. Badtedo, the dguity,mi, bia, and sun of Mr. Xohn. Coolper
e"At, two fine I ckdwe n
W141ohi imVr-ovh*- the laWwarame of.
9 the Igest tof Mrs. *d0ow Holmes.
an roft a - ed to chanqe for a
t.reqeftiag 4,he Oeal Tolepholaw, of fiAleries and wolund- tup. with of anitolfa, da. v1sitinle riends i retired tanner or an All fit ng firstclaw dwell-
J131vth. -Mra. "Vind, of T6rdjAIoIf` visited A;.Y 'baving it,
Ob4mipany Ito give odivnection'to loct 4#t 1=14to n this vi . ini . ty. Inp At a harofli. es for Sale- PalAed—Rev- XT. Sudtlx &-as 0iftred
Briefs, --ho- -oKizep-s were 0tartled, Mrs,
ZbWpanloslL ver Itthir trizalk IfInes tibe, Premer aind 'Hon. U rl lReAttme Apply at once atthe e
departmont from Exet W,&TCH AWD CRAM WST.-Imt between fty- %t, ot 4,e iyn terms it otbe fixed by Vie 4 ay the head tot the, Friday joveni-nig dak aft 7 90-dlook by aAd - Mary ) Stewlar't have etlatmed the Vhlird year of ' dija ipas%r- -
from, a. few tweeks" sitlay at- Bowlin er - Carmel P wbA laimmit - - - - - -
idommimion. Ti bill dllirtiv -WYyah Xr. Basitedo .,was oid the dreia(I o IndL'of the ifirie olarm field and Hensall, a gold watch and chait4 Waltham
ted, are ola br
'al'ld 21 U i
Inembers,oUlt-he Go-vernoolt resm s marrying. 'the - dm The elrvimig -mill inear Ith& A&Ullort Green.-Mism tFlore:Tm Acbeslon" is Thieve'& Ca0bured.-The T6trllg Taw- works. The finder will be suitabb rewarded bn leaving the same at the hardware store of j. & u. day he #zft&- r ._eTooaet hWr
and imaijilgled bod- f , ro the t in Gualph.-GordQin, Stew- cals, Who roke li -o
visi infg
vmisfolnls, was allo, itwastwilluidy va". he dop osed' caltilfgit fire but befo engine riy of U T4VieW
I 4M!W
lovenitioln )a few 1pails 10f, arlt" -amoiownifed his aincle, jovxn Mr. Sol."Ha:rdy, !in ItIbis Itown, a iwoul., the Vast-* ed , lb dt imembeTs thwag pin, Ito itiheir, offioia , frolm itlhie Fishries Dipart- was - 40 WHOLESOU, Clearing FWe, ekteadedfor ten days porjenqW vAd rwo-rk fio- ;IV&p
exitria, sessi'vnall ndfonlity, and 1will ment loh a, attretch-eir i Water iYalt lit out, but if it Nad start, OqUie .1bo, Orittarito and- is_ visilot-g ple of weeks allgo,, x-nd lot.-dio la 1;0;t of
aind- rMb-aty from July 2UttoJuly Slat. As this axle boa been the *er
_V 4hug _01,
voirdiiae to do tao, untii.. 0air mo. clubs wi-bb!, wloh (the murderous off ia few U&urs Ilatr lthariB do no, his riadimIlYtIber, Mrs. Collie. -Mr* 019arill. lto'Uacoo, a T-drlice wind other such a decided sucom, we have extended -ft -e time
-t Carrie a!nd Miss July 319b, durin exi*ed, Ubw166i ithem as *akbr axt. id M_
dblW* tt bat dt -would lhavb burned and Mrs. lRober, a'THieles, lb'ave beeltil eapf,uwed, &nd to
ejeottlotin deed wasccImmlfted 1* lyinig on the thing in Dry Gooft, 11111ine Crockery, -and Pe're 1people amd:Jtbe advajweirmen-It t 40f WawalialoAt. visibed a -to Inow'11V the loils. They
down. -My. 'Spietnwe,
tlo; beside - who lbas been
2;nd foutt ft off. fibe bier ' aind `Mr. , I fumes, at and be16wvtQ1eaZe;Vr1oes-. PMUvelyno been made -ald
Itible eledtric Blimevale Y rieYmU last eek.—Miss fro d Exeter ltoi Cebr&Na , Alg a!ll )the- iffe
16ned lines, T, Weismille
V,;Zzy for Ithe Waricous oubJje ex- Reailime Is rt(presenited s ioaying:, igbt6 flor, itho Isleepbog =in the ub e wentl
P000r lldaftio,'lol SeaforAlf, wis a 4ilieet,at- iv 9, lbarn Vn 11he "y over iai:ght. lines of lehurch, ork,.-M-alm VII DOM
T-asitedo I Itle best '"Olvil "'r-
pen6buri6s wis V-Aed` Ito t&o ainjolcun rt li Vdt few,moidtflifs -is at jpr6sant er-
Wood retimmed b(ome laot 4V k I jilki.-
Efoluisly indispoyed _Wome l7r. J709evh Bmffan has
7 &1 the Brie
of Vlaoult ecdty,rinillion dltairs. This n 'the -Parliameiat- buildillij?"S." with :,an 'aft Mr. F. , iB. Sddtt itast They lifti-og around Ceirliftalia 41-1 -day,
U* MA" *mproved In bJ
ardotmalt in igold laiali wto*ld be 161 ia Tn (ilts itreatment of ithis ioage Itht ase, DmT[njg aii. X0, in tuic
of itivart idise Xaud Paul, -of, Wrox-: alad lin tble eve in g, whein Mrs.. very M, b. roved the vppearaze elglit. grlalbor Whan, the trofAge8t -News ness, Mr. I.-ivi-nigabolne is "Ding eter.. lie rpendin1g. her holidays h of WhA villa -go, leff
ag -at, 11eadt lo6naistent mind ro her bt his Tesidalue.4 On 801Ut:h RkhlbAld
r. y1fiftrian dbUTOb an Viability und: halTevWX
t1an in Hmrofn icould lift, vnd, di ir, the 114IgNts himself. -R home 'here.-The'P towle ItoF Igo 'tb iflie. ataoo Ito meet- atret bly havibg it ideely 1palated.
ev. Walter Me- egtf
showed lift indeipandebee. 'ro* edl n.
was a
b6an,' 13. A., who, -has bew ithraliogh d Itlo 'oveif10,w+n1g on- 'her 'husbaind, -it-he IA& itook adraint-_ W. udsion, is one of ouT iprogres- weli. The mrolps are foldlift
silver,. qvo.re tan tihe wtro;A geert The laidt Teo*tly Lambeth vial0mig
team In Itihe aounity could draw. ;md by, -tho the eaAern ipart, b`X- -t-ho, '_ 'Froviiape Sunday aloinlibtg -whwn Xiss Ratte " a!ge,;of her xbdeneelo dtiorthe hatt0e. dive wats if* 1ave ev- _Xaeftr
for 1fble, past few mo;nit-,ho,-'ipre;ac,-h1aK,: Igave aW finItereat1jng addreiss telling Tney letivd itelmselvim OWTall 1-o ierytYintg. nice -and- -trim and ilikes
tibe, joa,* Ithat Domiio1w.-Parliameint jprov1dinW 12or at. varilofuls h mperleince In a conv k. and the vtalnd which ad beein, ipjalood- on sele, impryvemeints 1going on.-Ms.R.
the OVpfo fhlon wade a =izoh lama If or a cd4j, ts d MT. SnAh -aAd famd To tpellydwg -W
Utom the lboittx bsBrva;nl6e of the Vard's pre*nit. gitinig aoaUon_*Luvm wit.h
iihiowlag k1ls session Ithaift be -0 V4 elsewhere ' tetore embravilag the tn-e 'table, lr Mr, Brooks' . *0d
-wit'ji, 'his ;Varein.to 00OPeirt Hunt was 10 Dondion iweek.-In M"
a pdtiti Imor
Day lid odt salisfatetotry too, ithe Wail. ere.--wThero were) iover itwo, btvn faith, wed -of tbe Frimioh and kAleiti_ Aft"prialiatg' 0; twltiek nd wnswer it -o smi-twis a-ild -0
at ar 'Wool ad aMl&oa 4af
Th- iis inot it be ondered wt. IThe drd ltilckeltb wold i6re on; the -12t iaftelizativa work in Qaobift. The, daaa a:nd illomle';snotaey, Ith-by VlMirsued tend laying a filue grairollfbio side
neir j arney ft Tiondan, ate viialting je atjr4m j_r
Oppios§i'tion, he plarity 4s Igalt-hering law li Ilikel Ito e 1pop4ar In, On- 'of- uIlY for 6eIaPdrt4;l,bu1t Ifte Grand
yvords. were lflslbeped 'bo with deep at- o rtheir south. When walk from it he rallw'y track to flie
Mir. and Mrs,. Brooks ret-drined to. fVUbdryt to
iumder the lelilldershi tar4o zdd was seettied ithrough Trtvnk lbiiilway did-Iniolit by irbie very lir'g'o icoin-greiga- -a outh side Pf non"It a
tif Mr. Borden, wid t4fis leessicin ipre- qLk itbjo ex- Onft * -'011 nd irrmlivit RVANI,
th IffidtrumelinfAlity axfd i4raistency c(urk*onigtjF, . The oolloictivo and c hvlr 10s4e!r_ unf,
se dbed a 4trodg, ulinted ,and fight- very well, They did taken. -their 'home they A. moo raissed the Badth. Ridhmeind istreet, which ill a`g Ttem*vT
affia:n ad Wmla:,n Iromilhere 18111 10oloin and Mr, Ma. add igreatily ltv Ithe appewmaoill, taind jolhulrob
of .1 (Frierveh Ca Vot, 'get away aid -of the work. A-olen artideand.-,Krs.nrWm; 'bav- Frollyfter-jan
i6g fr1olnit ito, their, -dopolnents. Th4,
Premier. -The dU U nx-. olt -lhomle at 8 ip. Im., ileavIng ta very of Vo;idofa. 'Was Itakiidg' ble'mmaition iu;g InjoUed it'he boys arouxid tth,3 lvil- co!d*4 ly tTeaItod the iolhoir t Vleww* Tab
f itle
Vtbemls vuistt 16herefore brush If I-
iousi''ther6fbref t discredit he. law day's Iou&* ut Orabd Bmd.VM_1 *Vrl*:std
atorth. Th -_re were) Ve - dlar I MAIM.
tley '&Mre Wo hold their isuVreiwaloy le, t 'the iGovermeat horlb (dim -in. ladt, we k W lllvale.-Mr.- H. ng ItIbe, IaaY, SusPial0ft -at villirge.-Mr. aidd Xm& Goo. Todd
azd' da-u4g.hter, MW, drove forer &o thie J4hn qpexg Mis Vast- week -or
'at 'WhOse #iff- alsicy. a Iniumbler Brwoe. M. I&.. was in 'this viHage bUce Iftea oin. them. Mr. Brooks, Wb
in Itilis EPjasela;jrO 6ondfry.- t aInd son
s1ten(de,- ift' was passed,, ir*ewi day or itwo. -at 'the behTriling -of last aicicolmp ned by ta condtable, ixt 01109 do Db*1eY* ot AsMwnd, -wiel611010WO iWe
Ve Ithe Gelebrablian aft DuIntgainnon. 1with rbbttvft 4h BaA -Ate, ich-
eweek Ibe;e spleindft Ithe 1padt Veek IM6
Ul 4ead his omm W0 'aft 'alfl- likely Chxt Borddia- ipred led, (for it. Belli Tel# ,Wnk lCDMjY811Yi`S
3 ti6i lviol'bar -atfhe . Etilij it They -are 'eniti.t It"o .-Mr.an Mrs. Penlow-, lot, To- w4nib 6a (PuTsuit, abd gman overbook ilgam.-The 9141bo. wnd "pool Ica ns
b evn Ire stroldgest ,objectitlin we 191111n.9 'rot Wmblsab t -heir fokon"
re! iWr flor a f6w, a, of tt.be pwst , risifted - Mrs. Pe4owls ipar- the 'thiev4s 4nd arre*ted itlibm. The I or Mt. GO(Z J;qrnk's mext alocitl&p, &ttiff if he iteops on' Y's
which It -he Va11 ican-imr1ge agan4t -it -ag In L WhIts Mr, and Mrs. Robert iG_r&jn-a_ at-olen aftild-lels mvire: If mmd cin them rgidenee ajW Isamuel OmUrlo ilk
-he did it -his week' Vufffi sl6me jne* ipdles end 11116 Ifts aulwn'll otel
ftsOoin, ',he May expeolt iin, Ithe , or- Mvisi-ons will IDA apply Wire._Mr. Gelarge Stewart, way ladt week.-, Xr, Xameg Timmi no, aInd fseveTal articilo% Which% they .had a!jld it0jr&r OM es NOA9 dnevig the ipalelt =a% -t -
Am quoted
who up tv tolidimig
to /the Yluk-ori If this I& [the * lease,. Ilea been illiviinig in British 0oillulailbia, 'D'f Toricidtlo, iwas (olne of it be old: boys taken. 'frouf Mr. ardy's istolre es.d the 28th vf -.Ws dat1h. It twill be
didary (suirse of' veinIts tb beoome the oilissiDn i's suin'borltuina-te, but if Mx- J. f MeArt
for Ifible Ipast fewyefa rs,,is 0:,t I wb1o, came Ito itbe Villalge *Ion- Itho off- Mr. HaTillyta valise was if-ol - varl;
Premlef d1t HT6 followi,.dg led0on, preset uind in one -of tbie -fifne* d"llildgs in it -he,
-it laqYPlles;o -all '.the Test of itheime- *jsKinig frIends m. itlown.-Mr- H.- Trual emouirg"ton.-Mr. Robert; w c Mr. d3rook16" oTaimilixy eV#A-
Tefsi- D. IAL Oxatelon., 1pro.
Even Ithie'n he ffl 7yok 'lhavv- falad to inernio Che -omissin -will oidt be Wiltltl, vulffor, ioi iBeyllin, s at 'Tires- ia havi* a gralvoUIA6 Vialitform den". They we're taken ItIo.-Criedi- 4Lwe merabaa, left 116TO igg t -o;-. ToVdAbb It1of aftond. Ith,
this weiek lan,'ger Ithao Sir Wilfrid d1fterly fatal to lits asefulnem. Th en't. spendlinig ibis bolidlays wit laid n Irl of his - istore land- her bon, and tolmmittied ito Cjjoderjd 'to "for itrip to Maniboba He 1jutonds ftiO GYAAd Z64ga.-Mrs. J, & 4:6*,,
wail -a ny
Zaaler. h ihi Am,
offiers of IthlB -Zlord's Day jAllixn parehlbs 1h1ero.-,A very 4det W4- y -MaIgitrate 'spendlbg oo.u#le of weeks ftere, 2612alilivy'l
Ice 1graIri-olfthic. exleinded as .,sidewal]1k stInd 'the4r trial b of 01"an, -van 4n, the w7maw
seemx to Iris stre!hlause. M t)h I
Ithe pasit - ve&
well satsfied di Godeli-dh a -ad, in Itthe milemnitime his brother, I*
The Lord's bar Law nf9 Iff6ok Iplaceat the XeIfbiodisit r. 8 a:nwelo Yo u1nig. On arriving at, T0VAVW3,wP4* 001 O
itn seciawing'i - 1W law -and Ithlink, 'that to alad having -1 Wat U
he gramolftbic-plac- t1he fodlo riitz owem A 'nae: lrecol.Tafzed who is ii n 'Vtle name buiekness -in- par-slanalge lart Wednesday, eveintind,
The Ilaw tprovidinig for- 'the, bdtter pamag Itboy',hve veilintred a aignal. ed If roIdt. -of 'his property. -The, n- by Ibba aldthdrities thore. The tioin,'Wfl -have an oversigbit icof diis fr'omt Otita4va "POJidiT* 041EAM When Mr. J, mos -Da 9 ias luuilted in (a few.
v#1 a
obseyvIa'nice -of Ithe Sabbaft`h dwymith ,Ictory. al kiermvii.1bo, the members -.atfhe hmes iof Itible! Iciriminalla. tam Mairvey buminess bere. W idh him 4 0ea, Witb er Vdretts and is
mlqrrialge Itio Miss Bessie Bjl-9jn!fyne,
wh-i!ch [the Imembers, of the ominiian bolth 'resideIritts' of ithis vilialge.- Blvide ',L, lit). IV, ;was ipreaLihoil fin Beattie and tWilfrid iWaltiers. They,, 4nit ltrip.-Befteen ajl ar ind&- itil 17 y hell a*1316w.-Tbe V
Ot ery WeUl
The trelce4f ly iaippoiirnted Cho WModist ohluah b 'Rev. C. beloUg, it-ol lGodei,eh aind have, beeini, tries here, Whe larp crop of -4mlionlill, v W106 WWA be r
Parliament twredtiled no, vigorausly B-Partl 'Of Miss Mmki Lileinigabluie, wbo -has , I - - , - - -
16 'infir i9iiindii Y; IgUilty'tof similar deopredaiarmThre -,r- 't*
G3vcrnor; f Marpidba, Unirsitp lieen: biad of one of Ithe dar'ge mil- Baker. Ion 1this vew ot -and ortLr two, flax mills, abor ;never both twork and X*tblht
Iseveftl tilays,';Is now a 1palt of Jidly S. The imembers of the a hd r under. 'cNarge. of -liaviing w NoZwez, x1aulg.0 Mr. WM. xt-
seem- Ito thave toniderabl- di-ffictifty, 1 11`ery 194tab'Ho'himelnits lof XLhardine, as dn Walph,demoddt In tactl tU tloeai- ev f
"d Ux. mo here byr ih)ee ass aind vaerabed om
the 19tabite's of this comifitt and 4L in IseivaTldg. i Presideinit.e The a-te. ret.tileed Ito her -bo emled at ithe ball 9boleir $75 fr ' Ithoe tbi'll -in the -hotel swpply wi pits 7., Zu
.1 Inloit, twgin 160-, medt, it -he
een wbiat -vise the jpe-o- -,body Ibo, It he 'bitirtih bo`ral ftlikud' examivaro nd Is
r1elVaino Ito The is President, no d-olaVt, tinnowilig Mat bollid-ays on Monday t this week.- ic a wore a very a&,' PuldloP. They will -have, -to an- emadd alad- Ibesides -aderitisig fbx- 4116 ,
(will mYa:ke of %t, wbe!ther or ,nioit his- iserices wo,uld indt he eDilitinued QuilEe a ffage hubiltivr of iXa sGne larige a6agreigation assombled.- swer jrTor Wheir 'mlsft6ds to, Judge. -hebp otir lm-sAufaetnrors To, - d t1i;1us OnWUA ito 'telaol, ws
it e son jWg
Whood is ithatthey dbmen Ito seour the sdiolnhv viclun-
s0tltVn4ed fbe iftgni6r;il tof Mr., Thos, 93me of It -hie smdH Ucyy.;s eniterterned DoYfe aInd It'hie IN warjory H%v6z
they will avail Ithamselves ..,m;,nonitly, Td9iigmed, -and was iairg- of ed I 'not -f;o reso hilff' resignatin luintit at Uondesboria, I&A Stardi.r. tbeir friends t -a liidnic -oin he trivr wll 'have lt spdnd ithree.- or If D 'd ms of jpoi ialla- 18 it Torontlo, lopondidg a -few mr ties-aln larg* Wat
J rivileges, or twWthor Ithey wil -a:l h1b havi.nig b0,n a miembe of this banl - loin Jdly 12.-Bluevale lod Y0ar4*dn Itht sreformaftoTy oris6n. If tion. This *eaias well fo with lber -aunt, Miss Ddlimia
-a tsmooes6or coiuld,kw, ifound-, but Ihe the vinter-
low t, or Ithe woslb 10age.-M4,48, Go,tv1d, whio -has been.in bt tDoyal i0rangemen celebrtd lthe is forbuln-Ote they 'have, been, cap- pralse *1 our Usiness mein emd Ibbie
#Tt, 'LID Ire- Ocrmpitorily didlined toi remin vin _'Aw*elget
-twain 6 Aead lefter, gird permit li- Wharige 61 Mr.., 12fh, lot J1W1Y in IGGrrie, driving 'EtIl-red before beinig Jed into, Inore rolumo Df trade carl-16d otjj. Mris. Widton.
the poaftion. Tbe Govern 6ro , -have, Ij J. An4ersoin's. mit-
TraleltifUns of ft mther than. iamr I nery Jesparltimeint ifiar Mepast Veas-
HLIt- - - froW 'here in Whe morning and Ire'- iser+ovs oprdd-altions., T0hb*Vn7, lof St. Zbalie, is here Vio- TUJkkSi--1fol` of 50ors Vi2d maea- V
itinlgiber mo:tert Mrs. Hunt. -Trade bers of i6j* c j
Oroable offilmm n 'havi-nig Us 1pxto- ton., fprinio pal olf Ithe University.LWho ibln, 'ft. d to "hr 111ame on BaL- -t-mrala a1youl't S.IP-Im. The dy Was , 13ries,-Frevim )too -his: ideipart- For-
'XMeWbiat le:t fa our fvlage. eaterlot W 0'rtli
visi6ns irigidlr lonfrcedo 'It hv4aa Ia hs lodn"n1ted ot take ithe ositlion lUfdaY--Mv1$s Beatrice OO&nna, of ideal. Thle fifex of this, 'Blaevale *iuxe from Zxelt;er, inev. Mr. jp-rkim, is 19
tdiffivult ImaasureAto tpaSaL. This bill is Q!t preseln't visiting - in forces re6eived first j)rize amd tbiey* in)eambe,
_nit- f
tw0orarily and -disobarge (thle di6tiirm Trivitt Memorial, lo"ilig It 0o farmers all being foo, wowlfte wit6h tbaks the, releel9t
'has inYany ektelle;nIt tefatu'res,but the BtyiVh and ninity.-Mr. 31mmtrh Car- was 4 irtron;g'feelng that Che ldrm.i:x- oh, - Kwliily 0f4aged.-Mrs. Short a:ncT -her $1.,090 in ifid1j jWiAjem a
-of RjreWidewt: in im(n-nedtion mit'h is mr-0 iwa ipesented, ion behalf. of benell
8701al oulsitorns -of the - virliane ro- mr ishloula vio, have roeived si ter, Miss Oxitwojn, are 'in,
olther fdddes. It Iis istranige (that o, 11;,6r, ehigineler ffor t1t laying of the -itho k,hie joe jgregaitidn mitb a comoilimeta- _WToit J*rtlficaft Vf M-OLV lelts lhatbavd#
ee -a j4
vinces ivary oo 1greatly, thet'it (will, Lnbw loelin-en't isidehralks In bo*h, -st-art- hCrbeslt aw-ayd- WbY 'no itary a ddrVssi al000mpami-ed by a.bond- lb a w k vl 1U, g - heir '16
1perhwps, be idiff imlPorhadt ;a Poditin Isbbui,14 thus "ther.- Gelo MvKh% alsor Ito .-gta!tt Uat
(bo ntake fred- led' lolperat-jons wit a large ftaln the 12W.Inext- year in 131 go (beggvg. The positkm. ih-as a lib- g lof aetle 9 A07ne Ig6ld Ibea!d-od icane. We WLinild like ito OM ftir tK lit, 00eakiq ell Tor the Order by 00
Sral lle gislalion of "this har ,cter ornircs. 'Civi we -31 h- isibr, -Rev. lfr.. Col ns, has lre,,qmmd 'take SOM10 immedial& alad jv4l tioal pr%nplti ana nber @z wlldh -ho t -Am
eral Wary jalftaid.hed -Ito (it mind (is me Imlift loin iTtoinday m, This v?llage is Iryoted for .1111-na Anj
VOtOT'allY effedtive. Tt is; Ino t rea- Holliday Is Ito 'be !bWld ine3et Uiiday, et. beautif ul vo-anery zd go-od board', "61T in -Ibhe fWay of !Prav sodable Ito lcxrpe &t Ithat ltblat Imight The enir [by-. anwny. ICE 'his dIVU09 1yd loobiducIed- isrvices d9* in- was iseftled. I itske 4;Yjs opprbin. the stm
is, Istronigly sameieted bprwovmr, Ith!at We 'have la, Vopullar bait'hi ased live- pr#togtion
(1""1kb likely qtd(te 'a lnu nAr Will ig bea-ch, alis% (Sabbatli.-The GyAaw 9nuniting CIT B AmMer ity also of thlatinig aJl U1*00
,ao4oe#t Sablia qjoja fjon. w ov
-71 - di eio
hiLch will, there laLr,& bake iin, lebile Sund'ay School 46blinig, el'trug'hi water ito t,4ke iVh:e ilto ajn
dffioulties in ith way excur-. to It'he ievao-fatIDT' ld0Mj'YMny Vod 'Peddad 111141na ongine wtd, t&1evlt- Fe s;nds, for jtjjjejr kiadnews, to ze- lots *Z'O"
kmftr jww%
'the People lot Ontarho., nd tit '169 It o K s(temer lellp .01), -a railway S ftvr& Wduld be a Wise ifaid pra- Sintierely 1ir
ils Inot fair Ithat Ontario, qh w1iiiie-h ?do b1olt ta*pe*Ar ton tbe, Isimrface. Incardin.-Th Mekbiodist ta604# Ls beldg Vubjftfbed' to Ithe , Imal o d 4&9 WWAMt
0,1d be The iGovernra, twiith 'whom, th In- Sivriday S1011110DI thVid tbelr arfalual pio. excOdnIt, ootball nd base ball tor- -"Ipers, The iw-Ill be takoft, on dddt, e4tndilturle, tor hile evir ce- QUIDdfy Irta VIOWS [of Sabl-,wth
ptin6mon't Test% a 'o_ loin It.'ble flalts of r. Livi!n4rgbonels 19wiii7atiOn's, - W-eatity of apare room Sidewalk vad olt-her such ilike
order Itio eeit iomdi- appal t 'outWid, a raft and a. belf on.ithe by_jqjw Bruciefleld.
ged IbD be the flr4t 'of *Vgust. To ic-arry the
Zn4elvnitkeint of ithe, 11two-IM-1rds of all whode *re#t Ilm*r 2TO weil and.
enfUrely I rm raln-4 an' uosday ftenf un f v4*y
Ithris week --Quit; a oulmber- 0om -The annini soa?" ti -Ons in A fn1ViElUT1a Which, Governim lmast (vote All for Bqyfield. aeows were 4&
will L- it Bri'tigh eldt, but ft ma.7 Ifurn, ouE 96E'001 1811 t 'it 11YULA time 'We IWore -taims appear'jota jElhf-- 11ide in Itibeir blave, 7 6t_ facrefased re, dayscho 'h-
Prewbytet ilnd ridonjc& is 'mnre ;n 'heire -drove, lulp to W11nighm, ton Wed- taki-nig adv wntage cvf oar; nXtrae- in itil; fao tolcti-VU lk Of 10iTa=bUW& 1 161 vionio 4of t -AUDC44m. r and ievsk-ey ve4w in P " I&A mfnioretono - la
Y(L laodua. 114,noe itf, diff i- -ad zhff-ch WM be held ft 03ayffeld VA
trealfty and heam Ithe _'neaday itio see be lavrosse lma;t6h be- tpoaliAs orne ia'gainet- tthe by-I&W.-ThV a bly ii: we& vaqm a !Vftt some Thursda,
ionlities which beset both Govertjmeiat. rrarne It'hain 4in fily,'10011t fire or warrdw ema-pe does lne3et, 41aly'210 .111 whou
i _T diffivallity fa tprocurint a Presiden't. 1tweva SeaforTh aind W.-linl0an. Miss TaM05 wtl`66t Methiod-ist SuInday Y
h1nd- Parliia-mon(t ju (From an Occasional Correspondent.)
'trying ito- bave a Baker, hot me =ay be
Whio ;hai3 beon head imilliner ad'hool'Voinicked aT Crwnd Setnd -on ishow Ule dniVortaum of lawk, ia pleasant irl =peoted by,'
k&neral low On dbv, whole, the sh
ore of heautiful Lak-o ff'0100-
F&r Me"rs. Phiamberii; & Co., d Death of Miss Smillie. — 'We, qveeje aind tble -ba f e -,At *
thlerefore, the law 'A: Ibon1tem*olra-ry iremarks., If Thel dlriirug v, 0- Wednesday lot ladt stop, 1a:nd we I ve &o in a villne -W - .
bas ljukt the past - Iseatfun rditUrood to her owoi All are eordiilly ijivited.
few -w&-ks af& th "rpou-s Malin Wtre6f liwhcol dld ilikewise, on
LY to -M.
lbeVn tpa6ged irmurk the ron' :worker ;has ply more a"Im thlomfe iin iWalkeRoini Ida @alt.izrd1,Ty._ illineis, -6f Miss Agnes Smillie, -diawrb.- Wtdlnesday of Ithis iweek.—Arzordmig.
lidereA 6q1r- VaT" oh ed a;
-ablia solffice dn -acciouint jof
ly icomprebe)nsive aind sliltisfactory. -X?.ss-rs. "Gultiteridge. and 8dge; of for of Mr.. Joseph Smillie, fof Morris, isg6ied roters, list
(ap on a Ip
L -to the mia"Attly
While -o ne lgeneml law for 'the whole his IpaxitY Iaervices tba!a tbegubfty. Seaf'otIM', Who, thavo Ithe -dontraot of neaT .'bere,i This. w PURE IREFINE
eek it is lolm(r wad f1hery aVe #26' ctual-Wed robers in
Dmminion, enilblodylinig 'the general Isdho-ol tte vbpr has a clalim; isilpion It!ht C. 1P. R. aftlatiloin here D
Ifftarted dulty Ito idbooinicle Vhe delath lot It'his Rxdte:V-- Ulssm. W, ff
P rinoipta of 19abbalth.obcmrvance and LeWitt , W-nd to V-
"It'he lobuTch o6ftedUoins.11 j1h one itto lay Ithe tele;mviat ain Tuesday.— -11ady. 'The igad ev'edt It,ofok p1me ot W- 'J. Hemman attenfkld it -he zoa)l 71
th-6 vedt 4w.r, * essential, it woliji(I' sense ithis is, j9e.rhTpx# correct Thiare was a 'grea(t run ein ItIte Lon. Me shlolme of (her 1 94
Iftve beem beltUr ovulld de-Uvi-is Njve c - nougll, bult iin lam,dt,,hor, ie brleftbr, Dr. Smillie, 40aler-sil lex-earsidn 1fr0XW 'Buffalo ItiO
'been rel0ga-ted Ito tfie provi,,nicies. The3 liotb: thaIve their expeatatioins, vemunit ks
is Inot, dibin Free ,Fregi Iblere oin iManday on Pi-nbroolk WerYtwloj eh ooirrgy, an Se'r-aln't,!yn, P ribsylva'niia, to, view Pata n e Wa x
of %e seb-satiitdiial s1tory TnumsWa7; -oif Itast (week, July' 12M. fhe 'greaT coal Iniiwpfl' and twor
L 't
Uler, who hit.-,
BtA Ithis, uinder -the adirstitution, aind Uoth -are
tworkinIg for fttare it fkad in Idoianeoltian iNvith -Mrs. 9-mith Miss Smillie 'Na d been toca'dii1ng the Uie;ssie Wi
ft Y
onald inot b ie Aone, The 1prila i-prie. -tot rewards. The Suf day adhooll lLeaober Whb wd t twell kadwin here a fe adhoicyl in fflftlbrolok, Iwilien she jwis be0if (mRlinkot, ilri Cliffbrd for "me Th& cheapest sud beat articlis forsealing frult and sho -for
at j
Prorintia-1 irighits 91nd RTovbsoial Ire- eTjPe'cts 'to iix-m-lve this mmard for years algo ws Miss Gralm Odm(undws, tiaken'-d1own a very selvere 2it- U-Mle, 'hias 19one, itlo Calgary, Alft' rtir, ann
"onRibilities is diairly lreoogpized \by -bjs IsBrvkms ibereatteri. and 'that and la YvUhg real edbatte aigeinit, of balck ul append-lortis a:nd for rWliidh dry purposes. That's rightr, tryft. on1v *-U bu
the - tprov4sion lrequirin!1Z Ithe donsent' ward wIllll The -of a mureb maoire 1par- Where Isbe -willl In fut-ure 'residie, but tdhe.#,'
of Ithe Xttorhey-4G6,nerial' of -a Prior- imament and satlsf ing baltiure fthan Saek-atfoon. Y bo was .,ohlaxged by her dhe idnder-wdrit ialti, "ralti(an. The Wlildt'116'r A37 100t she -W4111 ez4ago in
Mift (bet -ore a 1pro%cirtAlt husband wilf-h-,havidg alionalted her empefo1baltiloints, 'Yorwaver, were infot, re- the Imililinery butsijwso -there wef cents per Vound.
-rin dam be, eit-her lbhe io ahar cowg fgn
011,60tiloin (pla-te -or tho: ftfNAjions.—Mr. A. Bain(toin, Wh[o, alized,- for -alChougli The wporntlInva lonlYndt my,—The tfoux Und.11 of iH; r. _*hft sold ii 4
Wad45, Ithlus iplaoirrp 'the responsibility 011bi-10 'Office own afford, The
_Ipar$t.v, lbea 1-yeen job it.1he siltdk 1,, t Ils labi voie.
ual Irig.litt 't -G Uiok Itlo, be around a Iff e was 1919asessful, dba (was unable Ihn veY 43 roltfiers 'is Itly ol-os d awee t
wi , worker bas aln P e n
Io*r Ithe raforo-emerft 'of the I iglin.—Mr. T. 13,aflaln- rally -Ircim irti.e. dblock, dempiler tall for 'it"he last two
Aoft 44-
lapGn -the -Provincial a.tx- for land Aailmi,lb1s, Teword, twhich to tyffte left for Hensall on lWednes d a y t'hidt the best irned-111nal okill and the "week0; of ithis anonth. Thl& i-o"iler _1 -
Mr. Sboarz r, Itlis Sejorre, Cho hav6in -iof hvdC affor T 1— 0 _W
ded by ta' bo esvidt at tbe f1jax InduIstry (there. wc0t, 'd andvjt ; a.
vary tot (the Lordls'j)ny Ik1j, - ab Gpvernme Uertive IrYdralinfg Voluld (To taildg llid;g aT. -wide raVUltdtfoIn for
W61 of flee, Jin a,11 Tea
jyhp —Aninie Robertson f0torbained a flo-r 'her 'relief.
J Miss Smillie iwas q igoo&'Viork, -atnd 68 aTWays,)keVt Unsy.
whose indtiainft [Ehebilil was Gtro_ the reward ds lo*] ed for, !FxAd tiodo _ imvmber of !her younig fri
endig Ion n
ry.troy The bloipe, !for frawaird twadjR. be T
.4mmd, tseema lbo be W411 dilvi 'of 10P 'NownsUp of Morria --I)r. 1AIndrvft, "fvrmei-ly of lt:.hilff 11
;IuKt-fflay afternioon.—Mr. Roberit Mc- and' rwais-98 (years t6f ial!ge. IShe wft im lihm, %*as idedidiff ItIo- Aent&I UT DOOR NORTH OF :MCIKARVIS #7 Y- l4l_
Ito -relmove 'ail-irilloontive to work. Kay ossl4bul It'he SeaPorth Imarosme tillever yto(mg owom-i!n rooeW ren "Wilon SEAFORMt Mi
remarkably 1pwgf, 4 1*011my Arith, Aii
AU 11IMPreSsIon, "blu been gimu. I Were it Inot Ifor lVba.hV9, of treward ltea4v in Vhel'r at 'VAngliam #a abd'11Wd quaEfied 11itis,61f for lxbril-i ihis 45roitker, 4,,Mft heU. 3%m td-octior