The Huron Expositor, 1906-07-13, Page 8it 1 'T JULY -13. IIU EPOSIOR 8 d mhIen we dt'altie, t"hat, Vired a few, iva Nedal B dwM1109 huW 2 Gold This will be A bad loss tio, Mr. t uroll ttihie:tuse of Ithe d"arbuieIa"maInagers oti*ce the ]DuHerenee. An ernf.�Ioyleies, intwnbers of bamn's Binder T u. ine, lani9t aloso inOubators.-ond o6lickon year.—Mrs. Adanis, iof RrwAfrd, is visitinIg wit'h ,her dolasin, Mrs. CowXn, Narif& Main *rest.—The dicoobvivoidaltioln Poir 20,000 DISTRICT MATTERS la, joble U t ree' ton ftqday isdhaol exoursio,R, Under -Your Dolla'r, )f Salt in bulk for cWtaklens. Seven, Ithausap-d 1#dunds id 01da, -G. akl�08, 'of t1w alusUlms kyf It,he Wigham, Sua­ Thiaseama we have only a bAlter iaia mado ievory week and It1hel Clintqu, of fte 'Wersz;Waisio St6ok) at our prices. day odlv&ols 1will ib�e hold on Oriday, of, 'is -oqold in 14h,%, Ne limited quaixtity of the above motlidd, gaiv akly 27, -and twill ltiak;e t, all Ithe We&- in altogether t6o many-, stores: will buy -rkNt. Ml* Waildoirf As.j York wit�y well kn we 0ons by Who way rom Mibohed 4to wiue th-41 tv ithe itriends aad owa t Leave (hdtel, in 14w iW(oirk, is oulyplied- .ant, p Us (hems 9it ithe� Mintuardt-ne. The IkTai4. leaves ISM- amount of gods represented orders wizh us now. 1pof your FOA& fall [ProdbWto T-alsed da. Whia odidt qaxsona-ge�Sealolft`h, dn X oin C*V. W. E. Kelvidaltoy fort A .7.45 a. Farmers who use, " amb fopm -and iten wenIts per Vound in a& by this line Thow jpte%�Its lexpriessed themselveo dine ati ,10.201 and- Zii4veq vazoe� of ItIbe tnttlilnig 9naTkek IpTioe 6a I MEDAL-!' twine all say `ap very wmh Vleaed twilt1h the sim- seven in, Itthe wmairi;g. The aTe for. th paid -for Ithe VaItitier. SEAFORT-11' that -it runs farther and is plboilty a�id- Ithoiroughnos, of the relt,men, ftip is K-60 COT 'adultsj LmNthod, apid fte Vupils Aloquitfed, to or dhildren. -T)As.twil ishment Its Ptcrohasin cheaper than any other. ml�ey Wnd V 17z Our Estabi 0ampaLgin Viailte.—Rev. E G. Bar -i ff;aV n. 1W 11,8, 60 om it heyaae4ves wilbb Poredit' both t Iakx-e a iniiee day's outing.—Mrs. vnd low, *Uo -has een, appolualted, by, thir $68mhiev and skip. Rhoy airs All lgrRANM ''eXs f%aa Rdthtwe thave- 19olde to, Tozontio, Power Is .4fter 1his Order. -he XetVD- d 1 Kolwi 'haG 41tosed ler class In Saaq ii;,�e.Wimkunlary -Moard, of it atad atZed i10 Ithe tr1i * OpmpetitidLI)8 *here Ite,y ihave Itaken, a reisideniod 9 dilat. idUuioh, . will visit the. se,veml y of -the Vor good value and right prices corad forth ilor Ua ommmr, but. expeat -longer Itibiao OM! Wd Ame V -dr it -he hlidays. They wer;B oined #11a,ceis imclnft�oned lhiereaft9T, ajAd 3401d ko resumu in $eipitembeir. players and, mph oat, such � old by. Miss Belle Uletbuive, * of R06n.a. weeltdags in, WhB InItemats b it -his -49-- ­ time Wrips abad prize rwinners as 1N. who is ialaD almn,ding her holidays The.. Hord i Obv W*US Pure Manitla, Hay Rooe youag-peopleg' sooWties-: �Bahvaille Marrid ft! 'St. jwokwal- iot Clinitim. Vbere.—A Isummr school luinder Ithe Marys Joiamaa of last, week gaiyl: on Sirn&ly, July 81:1h; Goderlob, �-Xon- M4t-h- day, Uesday ond. W�fteadlay, uly 'ddiag. a Harvest Toole suaces6ful pdplls. —The f0ll"n 9 didt b;uroh, ill, [be held in (the IIA,y,§ry prfitty, bt* qi�tet *a 9. 10 land 11; Auburii, Thursday and da St. Xaanesi ichux.ch last lywpils-lutuder t1e Ituition f Mrs. Park Hoiuse lgroun's to 'G�d�rlob, r '13 Nile, tfta-k A. T. 0. August Machine Oils Eriday, July 2 and IN M." okaird, oo-mmlencl PS in Salbuirdauy, 1hen Mr. RiicIhard Peck, Fanc Parasols ag loo Monday, Binder'Whips of Smfort'h-, �ed. tia t1he aftr oMss day, Jittly Llfth; Duogalonva, Kim- passed Itiho Toron'to Conservaltioiry; of Oth and ialosie4g �on Ou�nday, Augusit Bargain Sna' I djay a!nd 411desday.­ Jrdly Ifth on English Paris GrAen Waiie A. Dadrymoople, of LpLkesid% 17th: Donnybrook, Wednesday, July, qsDot exaoahl'altious: � Firdt -Y,�r, 12M. Addresses -will be 'ddlivared 'lid, eay day b latnd Wh Rev. Rural Dean T'aylor Vano, 'Kim nabol SodVt, I _V qvnitlem'en emlMon't in 180h; BIA, Th,ursday and Firilday, made 'them ome. � The bride -was irwoot 1. MMter Dahaby Berry, . MA 8 IHaizel Eiplworth Lealgae -and Sabbath school 'Anly 19t1h -land 20th; Loadesboro, Our priow me right. Give us 0 0411. toteAully aut-bired. MT.. Warkanan, a Elcoait. iunilor vi �ss work'amd totber ,afttract-1 cons ond a- ofrind of Ithe bri&gr�Yom, p1layed the Sulofty, nAy 22nd.; Cldt, Kaitiblen RoberItq, f4 b fed'aas 91 ill be day, Tuesday land WeAnsdla, Jiuly miusemalts iwi iprovided.-Rev. This chance to get a rwed&vg mar6h in his ateatom-d ors. MrA yeair mite,—Miss is a, CM13NEY I W dJ1 bD,bh 23rd,�211th !and 211th; Seaforth, oin J. La:ndsborooulkh, of tGranvill, Itialented mialrin6r. e wil R,(Sooltlt, 'hoinfors. Second 74alr (""Ice, NorTh Dakolta, preaohed dix� Bgmdnd- Tlyarsdiay, uly 40%; Walto, Vir&i _Miss dvaA Dodds, 'f irqt 16fass hon ville idlhuri;h 1tw9b Sv4,day ifomnoon. bride ..eVd grioomw every - isir,acess.15 VIM; Hiol-inesvlle Sunw icaiel. Mr. Fokl wainy Woud, he�reajbo-dts dpLy, Jiuly Miss- Besaie MAM r. Landegboraugh, ltdDk ips -his day, July t9tih; "'Varn, Monday, P A B A is 0 L willexitiend ovp1grraltiulatflims and will theory, -Miss BeMie I-MCM-io-haiel, 1A. ; It henre rpersoual chri4uaity aid Hardwares, Sto,ves and C Taeadlay a!nd Wednesda, July 30VtL bouors. I unifte with The ExVosibor in W'doom,4 # class, personal work. His soradn wa I - 310b, Wnd Au!gud 1&t: ,4yfield, . —a— T) i-ag MT4. Pak tio seaffiartt� stimple, ;aarneslt jand 1praVtioal. In- Thursdiay, dnd,.O�xidiay, AuIgust Znd - Omr Old tGrain Uom dfaZtney- 6ed Mr. Landesboraough? 16harm Vnd 4 a,4.d 3rd. DO NION BANK. at an extremely low price come% at M1 lie riend, Mr. Same S' Armdtro0g, 6f power a preacher ke Ii!n; Ws in- Wdlliam . flmdeTson, vedy oog Hambwy, Manitoba, W%d fiolim-orlY �?f HEAD OMOE, WRONWO. The Hullfm. Old Boys. -The Toronto, t-ense simplility and Ibis Iprac time when.you;'Meed the article moe. thel ate dfiiam Henderson of Sm- H�uxo, never forets Tho tExp*- aiplPliAtons -are al11 'calcrulalte ri, Old DDyal exuaralion wals held, wrftat, sad boxCh, died )on Aftnda!y las- �e on SaOuTd&y la&. There wexe, itw1o, toi and Us old ff 0111 if-rie;nids fhen itpress iheft, mind and ,vonoi-ence.. C4p!fti,, Fully Paid Up -S8,000,000-00, event wao um -The 'ladies of Ithe- SeaforIth eaxil- MIN "W'Oted, ag MrI trais, ave going khriough 6D Gode- be 'hais lanyth-10`9 good. He isetzids li�,s i-ary iof Whe Foreign Wis- b Ahe ulthe ond Bever Reserve Fund -and un- Uenderison ', ad eem a eafferier fron% j,16h etn d r ito Wingham, all Istallks of whodit, oatis, Ila The parasol bonsu ion :09 over a year. Previ-� Waig the ley a(nd broom grass df Mis Ye*s a imuge in price from S 3,749,000 L416io,w. The .exourgon sk-unary Sacisky 'held 6 very tplaas- -divided Profits growt1h. These dtalks -Axe .4bo4t ous It, ihis ilIzess Ila was t, bright, 1&rgest dn! Ithe 'history of the AssIcooi-, and m6t1n1g in, the Prosbyteria Deposits by Public S34.100000 eit. in lenVtih and a" aill ini,wfy -axitirep prornisinig !,youmg- man; �4(V , ehurch on Monday afternon when The Itram' rthat ioaane w1a this- four fe Total Assets S 44,400,000 'his -early defta�ae is'P&fttGalwA,y sad. eotilo bad Inim cioadhes taill well h-eaided ult. - They were 1grown #014 Mrs. (Rev.) HemliVon, of Goderidli� eso, se he 'fairm .,of Mr. iJ-o;hn hiknhead tand is Iall tbe mioT cin isiobdulalt Vt flled. - The Iyalssongers ton ib -he ere t, dfivered a modt initeiiestlintg ad- #Live iot Iffie work dam at RTH BRANGH, Ithe trcea�- diea of his father. Mxao ea,cth, !nba Hairitpoy. Mr. ikernho-ad dres deF;ofi 6EAF0 -diA,rilyuIted -alliog the road, A1ka&,ead, ft!hie "Beirit meerling of t.he, provjn- I to Heindersoin in;d dkaightors,will lave; statiboin, front Stratford to Gaderidhi cousin of ;Mr. J(cfhfn 4 5:0 zVory fauility for the transactiog of a- ithe "wre, ksympAhy of 11 In It'his roceivimig About thirt, te Loindiola womd, 'Emakeramil0h. Mr. alal Socity 'held aft Winnipeg -add pound. banking business. thiairse-ound aevere bereeiveahed1t, tiho debarkd a!t, ge,afoalth, 0j d Arradtrong oftso, va�yg ibot! &V Odle* j"cidonits vrAnnedted t-bierewith. After n the xvq&ff, (kilections made on vX points in Canaila husbamd and ifaiffieT havWg beeo It -loin It -hey nn6t with here was ma:the(r, brwted lbhe; dt of' JIMIY IbY fe'alst"'14 Vhe iineelting tMe ladles adjo-urnedto, and sbroad. A �oalled' -NV &7 M' �liy U feW W46ska ago. ai miob4t (dA, as Ither was &'dremh,� on. lnew tpoltalboes 1presented biM by Vbe mane Igrauds w-)iem Ua wits ulner 4 Itio6k, pl aoe, from Itlio tam, Mr. ikeheald. He Sal" 1r. Aik Advanow mads to FeAmers. Spectal ab- Th 't ing'shower f ralin 4as Itih txMu dmw, served. Mrs. Ramillbn, iadresse:dz� fthia You may own any one of f1mbi, by ntion paid to the collectiOn Of 8%18 Notes- fly"Ireoideoc lba- tt'hie Xaltkndbank ititio: U4� 4twtioin. hpaid igrows woolts ilairgetly twad iihe ba$ RgruG11r1l1e Auxiliary iDn Tu�esday However, thie rain exactly half its le,gular cematery xm Mueggday ImA. altmaigifievalt, icrop Itihis Tflar. Th� afitermyon. -Mrs. Hamilton xttended paying did not', a0t! J009 taod midst Qoif Ithe C OSAVINGS BANK. rwealther is ifavopable land Aa bigor, 10TS had ifri,ends awaitinig them,' the Winnipeg meelting -as a deleigate visit Doposits of $LOG and upward* received. ra6flers.-The f ollowinIg wer's- A Ig�oio4 ana(u�y wait Wd te Iclounitry. as promised. f ro 'Efie H-aron Rresbylt-eoria-L-Xmi. b paid or added Jime 30bh and tilohdted joi Arak those Who rerniallinted in rtown. . O. Rose, of Vxue1Vh,, spent Sunday and interes -ut itihis week by 1W Deoember - 314t. Wilthdrawals may be erville, wailway umd steaansWpWgant;'. Ito follawinlg-. Xr' J; �Hs�rity-Hotwpll.-A 'very VrIlt t'y oria Monday 11a9t ilth, (her -sister, we 4dtioed U X-im Sawiers iand Miss Mia:cy Mar o6lebratied -at itible, Mdi- Mrs. V. Made at any time. R. Lyon, Mr. eind rm Tho,mas IG.. 'vwddb3;9 W4ts ainRginod aind Mrs. 9. Beat- A. E. GIBSONP� dock, )of Brumfield� Miss Riowley, 60,0,1,e, Mr. atdd Mrs. 0blaris Halit, de,60 a the -bride's midter, KT�0. tie, of Bgraondvill.-Mr. Jos. &at.- Od A -am N ri h X ee� Ise Manager. of Blekre; Mris. �Rev­.) TlAoinas Da-vid-, L Mrs. (Dr.) Midftul, Dr. arold Clairk- 'A-- 1H o V �a-in 9tr t- inig, �of-ltwin, :has i6een. awarded Che IL a. HXYBI sonaltor soin aLnd-- Madher, -Alex. 04vdsoin, of- d lasIt,- whffin Ithle son, MT. Wmt.- XoKq�, barjFnAr; fo`rtih, 101n ule$ laly c:onitredt for Whe cjod work an the Price Makes Trade Lively in Via=a; Mr.- and,'Mrs. Aibb Fxwr, W. MaKy, e0gineer, ajad 6hree 611Y da*.htier io:f Mrs. ff4oel X -ids new is&o (faidtory a!nd,3a firm in -Mit- Mack WA. Mabel A. Howel� was - married Dafield, Ita Glasgow IOU WednOD&Y dalifgters: M! yl Oowa*n, Mr. arr eb611 ha-ve been -awarded 4the- brick A larger volume of business than is usual at this seasoon of the yew k James Watson, per ateamer ]P, it irl iof Itb Mr. Howard F,.. I Hartiry, acconmithIn't and comnIt Work. Mr.- ffillis'has m6t Sooldt, c5on of Mr, Walter. Sdoit; -Mr. f n Fancy V s6ttled on khk� 4, r &M. bei g Alla dine;, a119b1b t(y Thiamas MoNa-ughit, Mr. Emian;l 10T ItIbla fBell Adoine tand 13hre* y t definitely done in millinery, but, if you consider the values we ar3 offeriug in N Sutcessor to W. N. Watson WCih. The WteA mme(� And untrimmed bead -wear, you will readily see. why prudent Saiskatoun, �Saskato!W iss- A-, keat, Mr. m. Hart. �xndwilf, -Xr. ComMY, 80af buieft stinig tion, bat it will dik-ely be Ion alp NORTH MAIMST., SEAFORTH. M. CalrnoQmn Ito RAt4 Ir., , Roy Wdllis, Mxs., WM. powell, Mrs. wrmony wais Verfoormed -by, Re;v. street, eit!Nr Rm the tGrond Truink Ake advantage of our special indacements. Jon" Ito Iher �hofnle iiin Vancloaver Meth- t T. W"tesifts. und Migs May. Hart. . Mrka, oiaar of Ithe lut r Ithe site of the told, iskxtirig Goneral Fire, Life and Accident Briltidh Coabiu. dist idburch, iand waa witni6med by rink. -Mrs. Murdie left on anoe agenti.Roal Betate and Loan. Readv-to-Wear Hatst regular $2 -The - ifollinvinig ere ltlok4ted by eo� large number, f iguetdbs d Xond�y to spna a mouth- 'with her .1 Agent. WANTED–A cook to (to plain cooking. First. Tf Sitiewarlt -Bros, 0. P. .R. la,gonts, Ise Dealer in firet-olass family and Manufao- /a - National Hotel, Wingbam. 2011x3 friands. Miss M. Beatitie 'Played friends -in Toroiato, owmanville a7rid to $4 styles -hie n ing mor fortibl: -Mrs. jLadlw and ielhild, of Try Charlie Hinas' band laundry, Seaforth, for nice vvedd ob., The bride- look- turing Sawing Machines and Cream ot her -plfoes. -Divisia Oourit as figimoindville -tio, Vi ort William f1by woric. Always grM!s satisfaction. Clothes called for ed idbanratiing in a Persia11 lawn held here lon Satitarday 'but [there Separators, VIZ. I 0 anddelivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two On Sale, ax One Dollar Each C. P.,R. ateamer; Mrs. Cra-bitree and gown-, iaind.-embrialdered, ainA oar- Were mo, 6"es of imqAartainge.- Mr. S .9 New Reymond Sad White Sewing doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware titore, Sea- forth. 1983-tf DoInvon Curl - 0i famodly o.f Livierpo,ol, Eaond, bo, Tied a lartgo hvmquet� of :whilts MGS a W. C. GovVn1owk, ,of Vhe Madhinea, and National and wpm bet, Soaforb va C. P,. R. otsa-mer iErn- Dr. Ovens, smilax. Miss NOTma Harlr L&gi-alfe &v,gtitate otaff, nd Mrs. %Gov- Uneede, Cream Separators. eye and ear surgoonill bdat the Corn- a of tBritein,, sailing',from Liv- mercial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesd 4, adted as iflower igiiJ. After a daillt,y -nlok are apendin,ff heir hlidays -4h JvAvva evc Also sawiag machine needles, nix, attach- PrIem Cataract, squint, e_ rs 1 to 8 p. in. g e4 wedd-log breakfast 10he ha-ppy '""'Ple with friends in :ny Vo vi Qaebec. Hou inara es for all' lerl and g Muslin Underwear, etcii$ sight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated kinds of sewing, machines. totak Whe itra�n, kor Detroit, iamid ithe friends f Mrs. �Paes Scioptit, iof this properly fitted. town will- be rp&a.sed Ito learin itfiat em With over 25 years experienoe in the above; A jGo,od W. G.ARDFN PAR-TIES.-PlanCIS and Grainophones rent. 00inigrw�,uja$iiaons id Rbinsm, of iti4vbmvin, Wbo,,b-as,lbeen businese you can rest assuied OIL prices ed for all such occasions, Call for particulam at R. 'friends. This 10reseirilts f he )hns ivufficlenitly recovered fro tractively Priced GIs-mee right, square dealitig and satoofeablon, diatricit vgeat of the DDndicu Lif� 1]1n,,� H. Peck & Co., Seaforth. 2010-tf choice c'olledtildA. A-wOdg lt'hio`Oe 'Pr"s- er Tevnit aevierre illness Ito be rale OW guaranteed. surance 00., was im Lodion a ftiv DKKRING NIACHINEM-A supply of binders, eniti fr ta di"nm weria Mr.. n Lacknow and t-he�& w'ais ers, rakes and hay loaders, also J. -W. Provan's Prank Ddl=a�ge;, Mi da:ys vgo., land whi Mrs. Aber plaicias.-Mrs. nd. Miss Delters ss tihiel JAMES WATSON2 iproved wood and rod trackbai- car6ers, forks and pa?ntd in:spe�t-ar of the 6ompainy :floa� 'n Annetrong land Mr. BeA OWlda, have loolne. Ito Dondon -to ;spend a slings on hand for sale by Thonias Brown, Deering 20 A &, and dealeir W Sewink Machine 1o.0--nCg14,t-Ul- i3xi Loindfoin; Was iSeminie, Russell, '�'n- few -weeks &a tibiat zity-Mr. LT. (Ty- ithis di6trict. We ate Mri Agent, Seaforth. North main otmt, Serjorth. oinson ton his. a.dvanoaraoDt The FOR HINCAUDINE.-Thp Widgham Union Sun Geakin, Blyt,h, Sondy Zitih friends in gzvl qnd Mr. -and. Mrs TI�Aua-u spent %Mmer Ha day Schools will run their popular annual picnic ex Gypdon I[Af e iis gidoid coapaby, an4l As ia isome1hia unusual a;nd plemq- the Fotre8t City._MiB s RoWnson 'they ra- cursion froyn itcheil to hincar Ine on Winghan] 1.9 ing inicidelnit. we may say -bat a- Tn % Mr. �Vlll f in( Civic Holiday, Friday, July 27tlL The G. T. R. will sel, olf Ungal, Aauglijter of Aev. Mr. I mmef DID ithoro.a@�hly rehaVle Emil! erilterpxis- run two special trains on that date, calling at all in- moinig ttibe igu-pAts, *here vieria 'twelve Rusaiel w fo�rner padtior of Me ing. inspec(tv.r. The rd6aiiff-s ghmv- terniedlate stations. For thue, fr res and all partic- srftyool teavhers, o:nd ex-jtaobje�rs, whio Me,ttho4i& lolhurch bere, is visitinigat the, Lond-on Uf e tio be toinel tof (t1heA lb"t ulars, see,poseers. 2013x2 alt 161ne Itirnie, tar tother Ihad Mr. Xaos Beatitie's.-Mr. James G. WANTED -A sinall, comfortable house, near te antanageff and mo.,§t rehablb oo,raipaiqies t,k,e eaxly eduat4olnel -trainiog f MloXobaiel miade a hipment f ho;gs business portion of Q6 town foi- a sniall fami.y. OTRATFORD, eilther ;t -he bridle oir lgriolom, -Mr. qpd ONTARIO. from. here on Klonda in -Cianada. The affairs of this 1G'0`XrL- Add .. Hay,, Seaforth. 2012-2 y iamd Vvid 7 1-2 1 Our olanes are much larger thau they pmay were aired befoX-0 tbO ITMUr- TFT LATEST STYLES in Ladies'oxfords, samp- Mrs. Hiart#ry have a- very large lrjlr- iient low It1hern. -all �rauind. Ths is were a year aiga, an d ; northwindow W IT Willis, sole -agent for, cle joif rin a -go. The public have learned �anoe Oommitt e, a few "dayis les in Us iv6VO iqlaite, r*iLh t -he ihghe* (price he thlas k-wr paid. 'for ladi* e that thin is the beat place in the Pfovince Dorothy Dodd hhoes es and G orge A. Slate� thq Oomoamy was b-ighy oom: limenIt- Exipo�Arbor in ivolgraitulitiimz a-nd One farmer bruix-ghit dn, five tLiftle shoes for nien, Seaforth, 2013-1 to obtain a Commeroi�--liEducatioa-or'Short- the w.,wy best- iwiq�hies. fellows land Itiolo tblomo toyver $175 Ior hand Training. Students are enteriag in qvIiolh Ithe -affairs of (the to. a;n tibowa. Pig�s lare as gOiDd ias -harses Back week. All graduate& get good Pon- re -qvana�ged. Everythim was Town Coirnoll.-The cregular eelt- me w< Local Briefs. -Mr. E. W. Raigiarity, and Iotn*es are s 100IDd as gold.- tiow. Write now for eatalicigue. f-dund ibo, be isaltsfaio'boryl, and, Ithut ing of Iffie it -own icuixneil was --,held a former tea!he�r 0x ft -h' Seaforth Mrs. Ftlltzgmld, of oDynbo, tspent BLUOTT & MoLACHLAN, he -offiWr.,of the t!0 ;Cjon�pal Y'ivera Jiv- on Monday evening. koo otmits, q:n.,g the 1w, a4K ;do- th�e amo,unt of $1,222 %ver -P, fpassed - - - - - - atricitly lap Suna Ure wivbh her', dau;glbei-r, prin He,rry a'rt.-Mr. and, Mir. cipah. 2;ng 4 pointd rincip-al f it Harboard Mrs stew -everything tto turtet the inteir- fox palyment. Mr. D. J. UoCaliliun .1insitibute, Toronto, as R. Lusdon, ondWgs 40ampbell lhave Th ithe p-Dfidy bolder'. k -ave nAtice ItUat at he ineiA pneiA.- est Vf gh the 881CIr Itio, Mr. H. R. Spottlon, gon Ito Hamoilbon.-AlUblou in -g of voialacil he ill -move Ito .have su""e Hi;gh mitiber was dhillyadt Thursday Pv,- subdivisions who was lreoe�dfty aTgpodnted 'ool the polliog =,rnhered. 8mme-t STAPLES BROS -More Good ililorses.-Mr­Robt- Me, Saho4ol Inspeetior. Mm Nole. fWas Vnqn19, Chie gard6n ipar)ty--on Mr. Night Gowns, extra value, the garment... 50c to $3.0 ooneeatiively. By-laws appoin1twg -Milla!n, of iRulleitt, arri4d tl�mg �he Begt1s, 111amin was welil (patronized. in Ex.0ter. '"IAt -week visi 7Underskirts, extra value, the -garment..,.. b0c to 4.00 M-­,Brioderilok ingpecitr of Min B A R BERS and BaVarday Prom the -old otiry, d-anighitr. Mrs. X1011n, Mu-ir.-T The ba!nd �pre -vario-us delightful Ise- I" 17'. ­; . Street work,; determi;ninIgThle, inium- he Corset Covers, extra value the 25o to 1.26 briol ght with thim a �cowyiginmedt lot leoltiltoins -aind loe cream, 6trawbrries, 7L ber -1a,nd ivatue iol It1h4 tpropeft!k of -Paveme�nit 'on Maln UtrevE, Beafarth, TdBAGOONISTS very' line -horses. The poinsiginment, Draers, -extra value, per garment ......... 25c to 1.50 will vs up from 12,500 bo, 3,000 baw.'- etc.- I"re ind'u1196d iva by Itibe young o Vonsigts -of d6 regis(teredl Clydesdale; the p6ttLop:ers 'for cooncTete: -sidie­ peole, While Itsh oldieT iones, iappre� Childrens Muslin Dresses.......... .......... 650 to 1.50Y er v s Gray, of T� rs 61d, ar� d Nvalks; a:Wtihorizipig Itle isfrue f d- —We carry, a Choice Line of— &Y ares f noria two, t10 six f qlwoerl, breMinig. -27 for ron-t-0, speid Sunday and Mond calted ihot coffee. The, ladies are 'Childrees Ifuslin 75-0 to 4.00 -benttlures f6r -$4 itlbje4 fparobwse AhTee oltalloals of aluiperl, to be wngn*ulated ion tihia success with her �.unlole, Mr. -Xxines MoMich- $2.25 to 350, summ ­Irnaidbinery, ere finally pa- ..... ....... ilaitter cie is a yenrling t roaa ChildrWs Cashme er 01 Of Mese Harnbley 1�:nd tittledam'gh- of )tjhe ievvnliog.-Miss, Alice Hemir- -Mrs. CIGARS TOBA0008 and has six regidtered rasses o sed. The Mayior vnd treasurer werie ael. Lawn Aprons..,..4 ........... .............. I . 2Be to M ter, -of Toron'W, were t'he vUests lof -ton, of Wrloxeiber, is Visitiog (ber a'L Print Wrappers ..................................... .... LOO to 1.50, irt'horized Ito Ipay -the Ontario As- 6th isides. The sire ofJ (this Volt, XIOLean �Go aunt, Kra. J. M. BeA. Mr. Wiliiani Everlastiog," 'hes, vai laribea)tte.n. Vhllt Blovk GDmipa�ny the sum of Muslin Dressing $[6,512 ion accout of bpicks for Main over Sdnd,ay.-Th� i0roulto lobe of Campbell, druggst, -of Brookyn, 75, Mrs. A. P I FE 8 derich street, Try us f or hn EASY SHAVE and prize reciord in. Sdtlamd.j Se�venal o,f. la,4t oontins a spie!ndia New` owk, Isoin lof Dr. Caini1pbell, &or- Navy Print Waistr.... 50 Saburday Ithe fillies -were pui;V4.a8ed fram , Otradt. The qumi---4f- $400 Was ng okidered. 16o, The 01,al I ceil 4to, tho credlit phlto, of Ithe Seaflorth Collegiiate nmerly iof �&&aforI;6, && iheTe (visiti ... NIFTY HAIR OUT. White Lawn Waists.... 500 to 3.00 -Messrs. A. & M=� 6nDrnery, of, . ifrlods.-On , SaiturdaV last s nerg f tbe stAnte cidet corps, wi i3aoitland, 1 of sinking ifund I-aoounit from, our- r Duck ...... Kixkcudbright, ,the most -th taind 'hd. Mille Sts....... ......... 3.00 to 3.50 -bis Tear. -Mr. Russell Messrs., 1,16hin Sm Opposite the Commer.cial Hotel Beek hl,61d !t 74 noited breder-�iot Clyde4aalie 'himses reoteiccutrid. Thp sum --,6f $1.900%vas E. R. iXdhmsoi, -of Spriildgfitld, Il- lVere TemOvling. a derrick ait Itjl� or U d +.(> be lio icredit -PB ia.icauple of days faA fauidry the bolft whrmh' keej)s t a�! thalt 4ar-famed uouintry ordere. El T-1 WHITE EV LL Messrs. Aroblibald & 'Cudmore, the,,*of the- Colle:g1a;-a irnsti.tute. The neek th his mother, Mrs. D. uprghts ltogeffier CaTme out and Se:a -16 ithe ored-it fall -99 It this lot I ell -know horse dealers of 811M f $180was plaoed 4L_L 0 _E Johinso. He was ,oin his way frw�n wo. of Itlible ipioles strakithe 1i -EGBU TIZE POP UMB Mr. Me-: of the sevaralte sohac)l board Af ter To Pl. Man fortli, are iasgoolalted wi 'a trip Ito N&Nv York and. other onst- bivo, imen, onle eaidh, knicyoking them. Milla in this imtpoxftati-�, and they !-some oltbef rcut-ie- buBlness the L,W-E�, BL,4CA PBICES- the, ern iorties.-Miss. ennie Barr, of sansele-s-6 inind i)njuring tihleriR vonsid- Iautynoil ladjourna . d Ito Meet at I ill ffer ith -Whode liolt h>r ipale ea-bly but irro(t - rously. Mr. North Blay, ds hlidayiogat the home to a Py publ-1:G auotivn, at Thelr igtdble call of ith May6r. - 'A Seal Ring, or. if he belouga of her ip-aren'tis, Rev. :n7d Mrs. Barr, ler 'its dble� ite nvork %algain, iamd Mz. Seaboth- ioin Tnesday,� Taly ZlrA.- 0 In gindibb is kqtill inuraing ,a. had tout on fraternal ocder, one beariag the Harpiurhey.-Miss, Roers; of - Lon- This will affod an' exelledt� op,00r-' 'roper emblem. The The 0an -p -&on, is Ithe !gue& pf Mrs. D� his fft, but is able Ito, go arlound.- P, es to (proaure ch'Dice 12�h twonul- Itiourna-mont f Che Sea. J.ohnsoin.-Mr... Roy bunity fio-r parIT i Wllis was lug Gatplt. Youg�iwnd -Vieut. Herlini - Wwwould like you to nee our stock, aimals at 1their -aiatva.l afte. The, fiorth --your *Vast -e. 18- t!be Sailvablon Arivy, tariewell ion Sm- Club coued Ion. their fr'om Toronitio i:Goir bver, EWnd-a5r Ivii whether you buy oi not. We caaloges, givivg pedigrtws., eitc., day lniext,-, am -d leav tn, lt%ie folhowing Weadine-,5&y rn greeW D,nL iZ��g a ast Hi g bis Varenit-s. Mr. and Mrs.- R.' r Lizzie Elvyd ;ha5 �eep firat-olms gooda, and are try will be available in ia, few 'doy.%, ThuradsT -Xiss ain im'"Unud atil - affier- Wllis.-Miss - Irene- Hadderson 'Os Ing to Bill as low as posible for n6an. The 12t -h ,ainirmal was ioine Of goe t,o Mildhiga ko ap-eind a fr d her h,&,Li- g00d goods. ta M10"9t 'quimessful of tthq club's well earned -'Nollidays, with friends lda7s.-Mbie 'Bell ngime iaindThrieser hed Visitors.�On AVD. � - - J Comipany Msippied Itihis wftk, Ito W16- day of 4ai9t week a rpr'lv�te ioar of 1 t0ur1larmtInIts. The Nvather �hrorwg - there. -Mr. is. 1G. Holpme3 -a:nd Mir. ratoirs and- �two htDm Sep A. ithe Railtlimorea ond Ohio lRailw-a�y tpas- jout wao perTe4t, i6he. gr,6eln was gh J. A. Stewart were in Sarnia G;ttena- nipeeg, W a sed ItIrauigh Smforith- on the wary rto, god shelpe, Ithere. was. d, gioiDd -repre- in!g It'he iGrand Lodge of the Xniigh,�s rat D..n onievn-�s, aimoiuving in -DRY, 6000S GOV Joh n Bulger- GodeTiieth. On bdia-rd. r%viere Mr. %aind sbnt-alUoin of fte - olubs 'in he rweA of Pyit-b,i�ts as 'del&tes froral Sea- value to 0V -$10,000. Tle Shp,' Mrs. Miner, of 4ahmagio, Xx. cand preaeff t !and: 11:ha iplaydinIg wasi "g.ud, forth 1,049e. -Rev. Mr. Mcy'Kiinley,ad mens 10 (to fll orders, and dhe Gry Jeweller, eaforth Mr -s. Moffeild, of Diallitiiure, Mir. wfth imainy olpse interestimg Trijaiia`hos. Mrs. McKinley and JM'r. 34rnes and 9tll is ifoir more.-Mis,-,c Annie 0Dv­ *Earvey, (privaitie sourdtary tu'Durig Itibe daiys of Ithe toturnamc4nt Mzg. MoKinley were -Nere It ..ONT* -his Nveek enlock, dunguter (of Mr. J. in. 00v- EAVOIRTft Marriage Lioennes Issued. nlololk, Vopil a Miss ff t. Wil- altors, ttl­ v4siltiag Itheir iyarents, -Mr. -a- d r5. attaff of Itih,xee tservaints. 11e.1party'01arge ininmb�r- of speidt n M P - (has belen it-ouirilng 10W ,lnited IS-taites, - miong tihem anainy ladlies, twere Ot.:' trAIi;,ed ba ianA John lGorige, Smt-h- Toroiito this soln, int-ociessfully paim-d iner uon- scirraltiory of Muze 0 I 4 *to 28 A Money Saving laad Cainada ifor -abolut ia i1nodt1h and �6ade Gio-derk& ithe green, olok an en'thusi"Itio initerest in t4he 'diffeient ers i's in week 1speind- inig 'Volid-ays iwi'M friends Ithere,.�-- parinfary examndtion.—Mr. Jidbn Habki-rk, at dior. p;w1rdalts, Mr. and Mrs- Alex. t,ions on Tharsiday to oba 1W to tbe wwn It Italviit.: Who 'reolon't-ly -u fronio Part SuItherl-ond.—Mr.% aidd X"s Jwk- i0elbrQ'ition Of the 126, und he ld 11vornie of' Mrs. Mner, who'.0ontests. Riks were preaeldt trow- Lohdon,8traftflord, Mibiihell, Mrs. George' Moriltigometryi of Al last ir et -ed. William, tivibiem had beon, Isaffer- son, 'Of RdnOr-% are vtisiting with amse the immernse crowds luiOg -paittleri SR-swe Sale. -Mll be treinernbred as-IMNs Alie . raisaels, ford, was Iliere week 's. 1he inig from, Mrs. 1B. IB. H. U. Uow street arija& fivork dmqra;otioxb1-0- al Tnainer, -a fo-rn*r iresid-edt of Gode-, Chitori, Gorich -andWinigihazn. The er roCher, Mr. J. Wdlah--Mids iain injared lep� bbe wesuk iGuon.—Dr. ihais 'settled rich. Mr. aind Mrs. ill. 0. Eakps Uoin-, ftrop.hLy-mratteh was wou by H. [W. Ma,ggie glio�am, - UaS TfAlUrned- lro�k -has of lain ia-eoidont ts1hicyrItlyafter trachinig. now gVt. oomtDrItaly .41a, this- WinthrADP Twice each year, January and July', ed ithe p.,%ritv iat Oeaforth aAd idhL ax-, TJN000Vs, Qaderkh, a�ink f mm W. Briih Columbia twhere she beon t%`ere, is, we are Tdeased Ito ob BeIrve, new -office, i ireaw --of it bz Dominion we hold these clearance males for the -rL rivL ut Godrich, oaxrivgies we - A. Damift:rx, iin: a 1610-s fiinisft by ee tor some tirne.—Mr, J-wodb XoG 1, revoverinlg Inicely, ,aind is now table B aInk, and kdse It a this Via A Clood Zair.—Mr. Az6b,. 0=6V purpose of closing out the oeasonlis iba;k.e4 iamd Itibe parfy, ias also o, ow Ch!6 dianit b, 1. The Assoaiati)dn jr., of A;�hfi-eld, Nms i Ito-vm ithis to (use 'the injured Umb.—Miss Nain denoe. It has be:ea hamdooMel F f011e, �o-f MaKillop, mear stock, as under no eiroumetanoea do ber iof OaderWh friends, k�,njoypA 01 MAC), w4 W`1041 by J. oNee, of Don- wek oil business. -.�Mr. .W. X. Gray, Phlain, -of EaUton, is visiting he ted itip, "A is oerWrily vbe of we a arry our *hoes from one meaeon to draive, f seviefail - .oiurs tiduraiticyn. don, wkt4 . Wilson, of 8eialkyrt, itile of Toron'tio, was �n town, on Moday -Mrs. ister, Mrs, iJ. Fi. Da,ly.—Mr. Jaicob Morden, 'who haid badly Enedt di ffi to be seen ant oat jo ws vnyrwhere.—Mr. George 9dis has been vsr y ine oar .Of bwo eaT- (01id another. The isibors iemprepsed )bhms,el!ms me iseoo'6d. Por QohioaNdn ma:tclh orallnig , VId friends. (Gray his Iftodt ings for rwJ3;idh,he Tieceived thetilizt& We have, in former males, surprised thle de1,1:0htied Wibh it& beialtit" of he itshere was another old d xci t, se am e Vame up -,e excursion ,on, isat- ton Ith artishd dn Ithe i9toe quairr - y, ia itou Q)w &TIled lbhe voVtracf of moafing the some, Is= of (over $300. Tbe *" community by the magnitude of our ,00 linity itimv. Mr. Miner s cone xit dng finish,, when W. P. Soawliing'5. Urdjy $6. CEnItom aind Ope'll-t Sundy pie of weeks ago, as niorw igetitinig ai;- Gamaela F.arn-Iture Com!pany's mew were sire4 by Old Gled;rlo FT10(** footwear bargains. it,h iagesIt crailay etuVly ioad %Tct-� Chiatiom, Tink. ffir-on iolaIt -he, bat Witlh frien&i tin, f6hat t -own nd lro- 103[fg lnitOly, aind we &10pe 60, ISM hiria buh1diogs,. Inow being isreded in Sea,-� and out of tWO errV AU6 T I this sale there will be niothing short of a iors (in itible Unitied Sbakes, oinq r, end - fro-= T. 3kOurdy, StirAtfoird, muined. nver a train here on he­r� around soon, fuNy- realwere d.—Mr. fort,12, (w1ithIthe FaTIII�d 000figg, IfOr mares. Xr. Somerville aomplete oollapse ot prices. The ruth- 'Mulfileld is 6ne (of tflie ihea officii1i; Ther*rwais a bigighlt Tr Ithedoubles retturni—Mrs., Traoey. ' d Ithe M!18;�' be -Tairnes Uergusan, of DeltPoit, (florm-sr- which be is Ithe eVIt. The noiatract ha, W tbing but it'h est, Wnd It t 04 less knife of reduotion has been plied i 'Llhe 03%atimoze, and Ohio Railway. e:twie1on Till=tn aftril MiftNe, of - -Lou forit,un-e to rfall on, 'her doo(r 'st-ep, lY -of Mrucefie:ld Ind -Widg.hm, ds -,in is a AaTg ,4w Cherie will be-,1,51D(y- p Ion only ltmno aya- -feiet.—Mrs. with equal oeverity and Oreoleion In iand altihOugh vopardiviely a yDan 9 d.o* 'Ind Crawfoird abd Heipbarn, iof n, q on Saturday and break 'ha airm Ilia tWe ,vicinity, irisiltln� old driedds.— 9 Mrs. Irittle Mrs. Nvilliam-s, 6 quaTe Robert Corwa, of Eyearlyaro, alud Kim Nettie 0 ever line of shoes foc men, Women y blain thati over 18 000 raten: tutader ihis Wtiniglam, Che toTmer rwiin-nIng odt. jwto, Jowaio Govon-'. wad jof P. PL, mbe"At and obildran. dredtlo. During the -fur It'h par- ff n. the 8inigles itho hos PlalyeWs Were 1-ook of part �Aftj�tlr, q� ap -ena!jtg Tormlitio, (were m sftin!g -rs.. Wins, JK bri their dge, of Tloronto, isited at hC. arc! a, poivt glair, An early selection counts for much, as first ity gpenJt a vieek at Mr. Min4arl-s farhx in� to Ithe intals, twhen W. 1G. Willis t�he.holid-ays a:,t -the horne of 901 -alter, jr., over Sandavy.—Mr. J�4- cousiM, Mrs. 9. J. Hick's, abd Kiss -the line vrosse is road, 'dat, come re dways fare the beat. near Lak-e . CharnPlain, New, York beat, put W. D. =d eTrid moither,,Mrs. Andrew Govfj ni ook, of ' 6 praigue, of It,he DonsAni, ai B nk' XnOx's,- *f 'H-a`fPUrhby, d wee k.— - nvas the w* of a aet AR Tan Shoes will be sold at a bargain. dbFite. Mhe ifarm ;eonsists X>f over 1,� off Uie &irgt ipr iml idther h X Xan, ogt &,Wf, iffxs beein Itramsferred lEb rgmp-, Us dia piardhased the 1 raflway imilisid)a eit oom 0a Mr. H. W. WO Cho day. A freigUt� r 100,azores o iatn,& (xnd ialtWagh farm,� by Mr. Win- Prae IaGM271"g Ito IV wmo club 1was din ch, the a valueLbl igrey Uore, IL-ast, iwe�Dk. ton, nd Ms iplace here ha -s pnon baken tby Mr. Dutnbwr, of' G'U site of old skatinS Irluk rA main stredt for ilis s%oe lfwbary. The iot ing its WWY. Is fiaidoaarary Richardson N"Innis ing Lhais bten foarried ion' by -correct busimas mWin tie rassociaitkoo bnat rink winn-ft tdil� being zorq�?oised The im�l had bee ho,luliintk- grav- l iuV Co, Saturday Wg for VW Mrs. il, -I d, of! (ATi�Dn,e is a i]Dul aT I Wals Tlllr*haftd 'rOW 'Mr. ames Dic k dem TaAi into a4 SEAFORTH, er w -a pasitime. amwfiia mariagem,%at, fmothods wnd systie Dr of cGibli&, D. E. Re=, edy, Dr. even ,how Igavem,enit m Ka -in dtTeot lhA gueW 0 IMrs. H. BdUaird, aid Itook 1,9t. -w'eawryng ha a h for $200. t is ,ted Lr -or fi, d Weill iad&T 'p the -has u-niad Iiiis tarm Pay halaftome lu'rows and A. -11&6n, Skip. Ono- lyp eaed Itio, be 131 1good fdouditiM, lud o-hawge of ithe orgain of ames, rpose ead Ib he ja,6w bo:W1019 W111 twvies. Thk IvMtdt ETA mb iai�n Iblatik on No wrs�k,,afnd flinlomiaf Agents for the -Sovereign, Hagar and dividends ton money rnvieaw. 'at. ft,he Surprises Of the to .qrqs�m�nt Iyat; Wlrtn Ithe anwa weidt itho barn VhuxvA, ladt Sunday, -in Ithe taboance t rmj9gN* -in fto Man rives, Just Wright Sboes, Sone . Mb& min bB &Vherad o� the laxw -'was the good dhbwing hna & kk the -Sunday ni.briagnIg The f ound it -he honqa of MAssi Mady.—Mrs. Whra. Wardie, Vf stre-pt,-a-he workmen, on Waxed. ltontt .of itIV-e farm aind t7he 10peraq SM60A.h 00R& -J. Griev,, V. 6,, J. rdliVig -about in !the at -all and at ierc-7 L wre t#L-ititYg uobao, aftd chi st reet P&Viament suspendled 2,�