HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-07-13, Page 6Th- xX, RUB() E:PO t. "ir ema, and .es. 1.430Corrigard475FergusenAve.,N.Hamilton,. died bete= since childhood., He consulted spenislitts—lay we and weeks in hospitals— aied despaired of ever getting better. - ler thought Mira would he **heather remedies I had dried,1: he writes, "hut, famy degght, a fetu hours toler the first afigfeation 1,felt twat rekf It /last worked reaudersfor um" Doe's put it off—get a box of Mira Ointment - ea -naiad he relieved. Price 50c.-6 for $2.50. At seru—or from The Chemied Co. of Canada, Lieed, Hamilton—Toronto. REAL. KSTATE %OR SALE. faRASS FARM TO ItENT.—To rent, Lot 17, Coe - A.31 cession. 4, IfeKillop, 100 acres in grass. Will be rented for a term of years. Apply to MORROW BROS., Seaforth. 1900-tf To Iner—eheendersIgned win rent his farm at the Leke Shore to a eeed tenant for a tetmof, live years. The farm consists of 210 tiorea of I goes. land, nearly ail under cultivation and in goodi eon dition. For full tering and particulars apply at °nee DANIEL SMITII, St. Joseph P. 0. 1981-0 - - COTTAGE FOR SLR—A store and a half briok cottage ita Ilarperhey. The house is heated with furnaee and ha e a frame kitchen and woodshe at - tatted. There is &good well, good stable and hen house on the propeFty. There are a 14 acres of and. _ Apply on the premises. FRANCES F'OWLEtt. 2114 tf ' rth itehteel. Rev. 0.iR Buokland, oftirdtitlarft as 'received the appointment to the eeitorshilp of St. James parish, in Gattrib. —liffr. 'George iMa1affy n Hibbert, was married recently in Nino, Maine itoba, (to Miss Mettle Ifonewelerl, ef that - s —The validity of the lelma &seal ohtion by-law wan eseablished Wednesday at Osgeocle Hall, Toren, - t.0 before Mr, ,liustioe Anglia, —Miss E. Grate 'Bayne, trained' entree, 'who eseas visiting her par - este, Mr. and Mrs. Donald int.Bayrie, ef -Lakeside, left lagt week to El - Mira, N. %Y., 'to resume !her (duties there. . --John McVey eras parehased this ear.m o James Berry, in eibbert, near Steffy., while Robert Dalton has rented lithe farm that IleCr. Mo. Vey has been . from 'Mrs. M. Drake for a term .0.t years; —Bev. 3. N. blettntosh,'Preebeter- ian !minister at lifitehell, wan mar - ed IaSt Thinesday in Erskine churoth, Toronto, to: Miss, Blase A. Lutoodi ef that city. - - h—Jientes ponaldeon, jr, has not(' : his farm in lot 9, oenoession 6,E1ma to lerank Nicheestan Tor the hurm of - $6,400. Mr.. Necilsolnen igete posses- sion January lest, 1907. The farm is • a good tone and the prite" trea.lized is . also matistaxitiory. —Miss McKnight, (laugh* er of Lietrt. Col. eneelenighlt, .of Stratfend, who is tat present lady Isoiperinten- 'dent of the Walkerton haspital, has been %appointed Ito a similar phsibion in "the 'Guelph hospital. _ —During the 'Dominion Day games in Listowel, / a young athlete named Bricker, fell while thitila vaulting and e --o- - lapROPERTY FOR SALE. --For sale cheap, the 1. Green house property in Seafortht cons) ing of two acres of excellent lend, on whieh le a ante house and stable and a good well. It is admi ahly adapted for a retired fernier or market gard ner, and will he sold cheap and on easy tonne. Ap ay to CHARLES BRODIE, Seatorth. 201 -tf 1DROFITABLE INVESTMESITS. -,- t can kind motley on improved quarter entions o 100 acres each at from 80, to per annum. Only first mortgages taken. Ample security given. To rens Tivle System is perfect. From $300 up ean b lent on fe.rms worth from 81,000 to $2,00% For fu ther particulate write to rae, J. A. JACKSON, z rrris- ter, etc., Ponoka, Alberta. 1959 tL FARM FOR SALE. --The subseriber ofterefor sale his FOR of 103 acres, being lot 31, 3rd en ccs- _ sion, IL -R. S. Tuckersinithe' ' Ail cleared and ti der - cultivation except 3 eaten; all but 18 acres in F4 ase, Frame house, bank barn, hay barn and other- out- buildings, bearing orelaard, good water, schoolh use on tbepremises. It is mdthin six miles of Sea orth and five from Clinton. Will be sold on easy te ms. WHITITELD CRtC1f Clintcin P. O. 2000-x tf " "ENARM FOR SALE.:. -For sale, Lot 8, Concessl n 3, _I..' L. It. S., Tuekersinith, containing /00 acr s of Which 0 acres is good hardwood bush. The ba mice well fenced, tile drained and in first-class condi ion. There are two good barns, one a bank barn 30 x 8 ft. with stone stabling -underneath and the other • a x SG ft-, and a. comfortable frame, house,- three nod wells- and a. never -falling spring at the rear of th lot, and a good bearing orchard. The ploughing i all done and 14 acres of fall wheat. It is within two miles of the flourishing village of liensall and wi hin half a mile of a schoolhouse. Apply on the pre ises or to J. CALDWELL, Hensell P. O. les Lf . -- 'IMAM FOR. SALE.—For saie,Lot 24. Concessi n 2, ..11: Stanley, containing, 10.0 acres. Ninetyabr are cleared and in a good state of cultivation ; ther are 10 acres o good hardwood hush. The farm i all well nude rained and well fenced. ' There is a two- storey brick house with slate roofea first-class arm house. Bank barn, 401t, x 80ft., cement silo, pig- pen, driving house; There are two never -failing i ells, and an acre of orchard and small fruit. This exce Tent farm is three miles from Brucefieki and five ilea from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For blither particulars apply on the premises or addressALB T ZIOTT, Clinton P. 0- 1948 tf 1DARMS FOR SALE -100 acres, Lot 3, 0011C0 ion -V 5, H. It, S., Tuckemmith, Hugon Count3, all seeded to grass; except 15 acres,r1,.bush. Fr me house, orchard, 2 good wells, land a1 bush the Iieb. Also West half of Lot 5, Conceseion e, Tuckersintii, BO acires„ school on corner, Hayfield river crossin e • t, On this plat* there is a bank barn, brick Ito $ e, work -shop, driving house, pig and hdh house, yo leg bearing orchard with handsome shade trees, 2 w Ifs, water first class,. The buildings are new and u -to- date and the land in the best coapitlen. A goo( lo- cation, a miles from Seaforth on a good road. - ese farms are offered for sale together or separately. .If not sold goon may be offered for rent. Apply to JOHN SPROAT, Egmondville P. O., Ont. 1900- f 00D FARM FOR SALE. ---For sale cheap and on easy tenna, Lot 25, Concession 4, .MoKill p. This farm .contain s 07i acres, all cleared and in fine condition. Fifty acres are seeded to gram, six or seven in fall wheat and the rest all ploughed end ready for spring crop. There is m fine liming for wateting the stock close to the buildings. le .e'oOd ii, briek house, two large barns, °Tie with pod steel ne underneath, also horse stable and implement ho Ise and a large orchard. It is within a mile and a ale of the 'own of Seaforth If not sold, will be leaeed for a term of years. Apply to the undereigned, ilex 192, Settforth P., O., ROBERT GOVENLOCK. ! 1991 -If • II BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR SALE.—For 8 les Bkicksmith Shop and Property on Lot ' 5, Concession 8, MoKillop. The shop is a good one in good repair, situated in the centre of a fireteoliiss farming country and doing a good business. There is also a good frame house and barn, oleo three acres of ground with half an acre of good orcha d. This is a splendid opening for a good mechanic -and will be sold on easy terms as the preprietor has ben Compelled to give up on itccount of ill health. The undersigned also has for sale a number of farm gates, which will be e d at a bargain. Apply on the prem- ises or arldres rodhagen 1. 0., W07-tf JOSEPH KENNEDY. fin ACRE FARM FOR SALE. --The unders ed offers for sale that znost deferable pr erty known as Lot 6, Convession 1, Township Blanehard, Perth County. There are, on the pr ises, agoot brick house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach- ed, 10 x 20, both in good repair; a large bank bent, 70 x 70, with good stona stabling underneath; One first-claas cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful buildings. The farm is well watered, bath in !Out and in the rear and is adapted both for grain a.cl stock raising and is in a high state of cultivation, Which is y ell known from the fact that the propr et - or has resided thereon for nearly fifty years, be ng one of the meet successful fanners in the towns ip. Heim eentrally located, being near both church 4nd salami, and within easy reach of agood market. 'or -further particulars address JOHN f3IITHERLAr D, Kind= P. 0. • 29004 , en - P' of was badly (bruised. The accident was due to the pole breaking when he I eras in the air. 1 —Mrsleteteheel„ a retired "mission- ary from. Bolivia, +south, America, has been visiting Rev. and 'Mrs. Baker, of Fullerton and game e. very i tretereseing address one afternoon , d.aring her 'visit, to bthe /ladies of 'the 1 eenetregaltilan. —Mr. Brian Marker, Logan, ledt : tine 'horse it long .ago -under VC- ; culler cirennantances. While Stop- . ping at 'Mr. Adem Cook's, Stratford, Lor w short Itime the _poor brute (WU so badly 'stung by bees that at just enter starting for home.. , —Messes Sarah and Leona; W,00d, ; Stratford., land Miss Marion Asbury, mitethen., who secured honors are • among the fist ,of leticoessful ones at 1 the (recent eitia.minateoua for kinder- I garb= .assigtaints. —After "several menthe saffering *, from :metier iln tia.e bead, Honey Eal- tour, •of tthe1l, died on Monday, I July nnel, (aged, 84 years. (Deceased! I 'was an early sealer of atibleert, but ' some' 16 er-ears age he weltered from fatrming and tapered Ito Mitehell, where the th.as 'since resided. 'He%weas a good citizen and 'had 'the vent:met of .0.1 rwiela knew him. an religion the %wana Presbyterian,and in politics a Liberal. A widow, flour nons land four ,daughlters eurvive —A very pretty 'noose wedding was celebrated on Wednesday , enening, June 27bh, eft six ototock, atethe resi- I dente of Mrs. Joeeph Marten, at Science Hill, when her second !daugh- ter, Mess Clara., was united- in the •holy im y t Mr, Louis Wiles, of Motherwell, the Bev. Mr. enars.h.all, .of Bora.oka, —nine day %lent week a swairm -of bees made ithengs interesting for a while on Ontario Street, Strathord. The bees 'filled 'eh°. air in elle ten tee of the eitr.eet and made passage a- long et "rather undesirarble. Some drivers "stopped when tlhey noticed the bees. Others, who apparently ,did not notice bhem, drove through, there. Finally Messrs. ale Ealtif301:1,bind A. E. Hunt r gotta b x •and managed - to .geft 'tthei bees inside ` of ;it. Mlle bees wee lturnnd over to Mr. Hunt- er. —On Friday, June 29th, 'tem .pre- sentation dipeonias and modals to he graduating teolass of nurses %of the 'Stratford laity 'hospital took plaee on 'the grounds .of the horetrital. %M- eter 'the opeeehes and presentabions tea .was !served by. the Larne& ;Aid !. of the lhaspittal and a Most delight- ful Items rwas spent by all "present. The following are eteae names Id the graduating class': Miss E. 'Kidd, gold -medalist, with diploma, firet ; Miss L. Fleming, diplorne and medal; 'Miss A. Keeler, diploma and. imed,a1; Miss A. ITunner, diploma and. medal; Aetna B. 'Harrison, diploma and medal. • _mare naleTaninh, 'daughter of A. D. Mcniadinte of Stratford, bad Ia. • narrow escape aocid.ent .wdriesh oecterred one afternoon last week. Sh.e was !seated in a buggy tetainding near Itte (Dea.nelion hotel, .of tite.t oily, when a runaway (horse suddenly dashed around the canner, and tram into her buggyOne of the !hoofs .of the runaway anneme lodged, in the • • buggy in ta most •peouliar manner, necessitating the - cutting of bhe spokes thellare tb oonld b reanoved. The baggy was badly smashed, add. Miss Mollavieh was tihrown violent ly to !the ground, reoeiving several braises. The runewey horse was owned 'by Mr. Banter. very •pretty wedding took plate Wednesday afternoon, aidly 4th, 'alt the home tof taxed 'Min. Andrew Urquhart, ,IFullarto.n; when their daughter, Miss Jessie, was united In ,manriane to Mr. Wm. J. Hannon, (of the Huron road. Bev. C., V, Parton otficiatted in the pre - sane° .of the many relatives fof ;pee bredal %couple.. The bride- was given iMOR SALE.—An excellent building lot, contain ng three.quartere of an acre of land, part of tihe Mc -Mann property, Eginondville, opposite the recre- ation grounds, all ready for building. There is a good fence all round the land, a good hard waten well, the cellar is dug out and a drain all rhund it, also a drain front it. There are about 17 thbusaul of kiln run brick. The brick can be bought separa e- 137 it desired. There are also a number of loads of sand and gravel and enoueli stone to build a emu e - tion for °large house. This property will be sold chalet, as Mr, Little cannot drive the Hayfield a cl fieaforth stage and live in Egmonville and would to dispose of his property there. Any pereen desirhig to buy this property may learn all particulars fro it R. S. HAYS-, Seaforth, or IL LITTLE, Hayfield. 2 /71_00D FARM FOR SALE..—For side, Lot. 2, n • N.X eeseion 12, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, containii g 100 acres. Thialarm is well fenced and thoroughly and systematically underclmined, and, baYing bee a kept in a high state of cultivation, isadmittediy, One of the most productive fame in the township, There is a first class frame home with kitchen and woodshed, and equipped with cistern and other rind - ern convenience,. There are two good bank barna and other up-to-date out -buildings. Ther& is a good bearing orchard and also a new orchard of we,l1 se- lected fruit trees. There are two ne7er failing wells, the one at the house and the other at the barn Thi e farm is most desirably eitunted, beim, three milefrom the prosperoue village of liensall and one quarter of a tittle from Chiselhuret, where there are two churches, n store, post office and blaoksznith Shop. As the proprietor is in poor health, it will be bold on reasonable terms, when one half of the par- thaee money, or more, if necessary, nuty remain on the farm at a reasonable rate of intereet. For fur- ther partieulars apply -on the premises or to ROBERT :NEWELL, Ohiselhurst O. 2000-tf - "LIAM FOR SALE-- For sale Lot 20, on the Oth , Coneesidon of hibbert, containing 100 acres, alt in a good state of celtivetion. There 18 MI the prem- ises a isnot house with brick kitchen and a goixa—eel- le. There is also a_htrge brink barn, 00 x 40, aaad eazato of 12 feet, with stone stabling' underneath. Also a shed, 80 x 30, and a driviag house with every- thing' complete. There are three never -failing wells on the premises, there is also a large orchard 'and good- garden. There are 10 acres of fall wheat HOWII and there are 40 acres seeded down. Either suitable for hey or pastare. Ail the fail ploughingis done. The farm is well underdmined with tile and e -en feneed with wire fences. It 18 in a good locality, be- ing- situated twoeind-a-half miles from Chisethurst, where there ie a post office and two churches, Meth- odist and Presbyterian, 8 utiles from Seaforth and there lea good gravel road running peek the farm. It • is in good conditton and will be sold on reasonable terine ter the proprietor wishes to retire. For further partieulars apply on the premises or to CHARLES Staffe, P. O., Ontario. 108941 Winghani Bus3iness •College is a Ugh grade Crinmerdial School Three Ceidesos Cemenertiei - Souogrs hy - „Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTCIN, Prin eetersereeedigettea ° 0 koi reiSeatagireVelaaeranea-leateareenet=ea-, Thus cried the hair. And 2 kind neighbor came to the res- cue with a, bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because . Ayer's Hair Vigor is'a regular ; I ir.tirmedicine. -Falling hair is , caused by .a germ, and tikis medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy. scalp gives rich, healthy hair. . Tho best kind of a testimonial — "cid for over sixty years." esassereensrenenannenneennie Tonle eye. 0. it..or no.egere-on, Mee. Ali.) namuiteoturoes or P SARSAPACILLA. yees'ciTiliiv PECTORAL. -edifeergeeMeinene.o..--. Sunlight Soap is better than other so4s, but is best when used' in the Sunlight vvay (follow directions). Hard rubbing and boiling are things of the past in homes where.Sunliglit Soap is used as directed: -Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the hands, and the clothes will be perfectly vvhite, woolens soft and flufFy. The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure, contains no injurious chemicals --indeed, nothing but the active, cleansing, dirt,removing proper. _ties of SoaP that is nothing but soap. eileet Buy it and follow directions YOUR MONEY thErtifennen • be the dealer from whom seer buy "Sunligbt Soap if. yee any cause or compladut. LEVER BROTHERe elniefen, away by her brother. A:4er the feetT- emony tb.e gluents sat down to a 'most sumpt-uous "repast and •an eneloyable evening 'was spent by all. T.he brid- al too.uple Uefll on Thursday !morning for the east and on ;their return will take up ear.raing in Logan( Itlawnship. —The Mitchell Advocate of last week isaysi: " Rev. and Mrs. Nor- man, With their two ohildren, lane tome from Japan, and it twill be .a., - bent •a, year before -they 'return. Mrs. Norman as a daughter of Abe late eileney Heal, Fullerton, and tit - will be remembered that some dive years aa t he lady married MT. Nor - man, a JapW11 lItiSf3ickawry. They were summoned home ion amount fof the fatheres illnees, bit an reaching Vanoeuver 'they /heard af his death, whi.dh w•ais veey disappointininthough not ,unelopected. They were- two weeks erossing the Pacific, and their journey hemewaird over tfhe C. e. R. was equally quaok and pleasfant." —Barrieter- de A: Davidson, af filled in with 'earth. Next stones a - bent ken inches iin diameter are plaieed all 'around the .edge, •except-- - Jim the front, and an them, es !laid a darge, 'heavy piece of sheet iron, on 'widen the k-elttles are set 'to boil. Abaset eight or nine large ?kettles will (heat at once. Then the genial book exhibited ra -loaf of his 'bread-, an.dealtheugh aeolt iso tight ag (other bread, it tte (all appeananoes would be ignit-e eatable. The stables were % loonscrueted after the (style of imenic tables, and were out in the Openair, but la tent as being made to put 'over Itt.em. • From the seook house to: the black- smetih hop, and here was awn 1/4an- tother !sociable Donk, who esoplained bow he Iniade his .o.wei coal, He, ex- cavates la large. hole in the ground, an which (he Tarte a load Of balm of !gated !poles. Over thee is built a rept, practieally (air light, excepting enough draught to keep 'the fire burning. This lis left till there is nothing but oharred noel, winch 'is used lpratif ably. instead io.f the real 'The Weneeo, Workers. Next, Ithe interesting guide 'book the (pa/sty ebe the 'tent where the tv:a- omen tIived, lour of them, eine 'look - nig, clean, (jolly 'women, busy snak- ing the tent for the tables. They amid Isp-eak nomparatively no Eng- lish., Ise the eisoarit did the talking, bulb that en.ade it ha dess interesting. T.he (women da ato !making. or any- thing loonneeted with the eatables; their Wolk is to .wash tand sew, and when the tear women do -this dar 80 men, they have net many idle hours. Their "style of sewing is entirely dif- ferient te the Canadian style, as they thold their needle 'p'int ba.ok and tbeir thimble 'on the first finger. The Dookhobers have their own Strait -Lord, leiebierning %leo.= London a few -days ogo, had his suit owse Stol- en from the =ear. ¶flbe case 'contain- ed ta nnit of clettes, inwhich was ; a (pocket 'beak with three k mheque-s, $69, 1$21 land $50, payrdble to J. A. Daridson*. The following day Mr. Davidson was called to the phone by ta keel /dotting firm to enquire about a. $21 'cheque, evihech had net been endorsed by The thief had Stayed over night at the Wind - ser Hotel, and, in payinexit *or ta snit of !clothes next morning, 'ten- dered Ile (unendorsed $21 dhoeine, whicih was ace ted The thief left on (Hee entarainig train. The clothing firm 'will be out the nreoe) of the el othe,s. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollard eee. ward for any, ease of? Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's 'Catarrh Cure. F. O. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. the undersigned, bave- known F. J. Cheney for bhe inet 15 /years, and believe %him perfeotly honorable in all business- transaetinos and fin- ancially able to carry out any 'ob- ligations made by hit firm. Welding, adisalnan & Marvin, Wholesale !Druggists, 'lloledo. Hall's Cat-arrh Care is taken tileter- nally, acting direetly tip= the blood and =mous !surfaces of the "Vetere. T•estimerlials sent free. Prioe 75 cc n ts per 'beetle. &ad by all 'drug- gists. Take Hall's Femily Pills tor ean- stipatien. The Doukhobors as Rail- way Builders. .00.• Vorwarren, Man., June 27,1908. Dear 'Expothtor,—Yourr trarrespon- dent was eine of a number lehat took a (drive eat from 'here to the 'Donk- bobor raileoad oneteuestion manna, distance of laboaft eleven miles to St. Lazar°, wila.ere (the froad 'is eiret seen, and then fear Miles up itihe Qin Appelle Enver to the end of 'the Daudotiosbor contract, which is 17 miles -13 (miles in -the Assinegoine valley, atid the above four miles en Ole Qu'Aippelle medley. !Ws is done but a few days' week at each, end; consequently, all the outfit but torn carans thave (moved- d'oevn into the As„ sinboine (valley on. the east side :of the elver. The %meet westerly (camp, ilvas eibe 'first 'one visited. Here the first 'men -interviewed was the an who goes back and forward to isee thee the grade lis kept straight, rrhe Do utioh (Attars have 11110 boes and no marnigets mere wage's :Ulan another. Mies man proved to be a teeny am- iable thoSt, as his English eves (very good, and ecensequently a lot of in- forrnot•ian was 'gathered. e Hew many men (have you., here ? " was 'the' firdt question ask- ed /this fine-looking man. " About eigility;" was the reply, and in answer to the question, "Bow m•any leamps are there, aiong the . seventeen miles of yaur eonitract ?" hs rely was, "'Eleve'n, with a tot- • al of 'about .875 men en all." et was learned 'that t hey expect to leinish * their icontract in September. The 'visitors were ellen asked if tales= wenn' dike (to see through the enoaxiiipenent dehicei censisted 'of sev- en idarops dor the men (la isleep in, one. for the edomene o eitore tent, • besiides kiteleen,bletaksmeeb.- ellen and stables. neenen an - affirmative re- ply was given, (bilis Cane.diate Doulc- bohor toen,sereted tvaltaSV the party . througth, ;and rwe were soon seconted to item cook benne, •where 'the iceio'k, who was also a lair (Penninsh speak- ing men, explained •haw his work wan ateemplished. He has a seines ate Stove 'for lhaking and another • for leeMoing. Ills baking stove ie imide of Stones %and clay, itne % tender part of 'both with, a large dame ehaped (top of clay abevo, A Serge fire is put in this 'rude, but nevor- the I ese leleve'rly built stove, and mede tee burn until every:tanner is tn.:monthly het. Then tit es taken out and 'the reread subeteiuted. Three .bours are token. The nook after t:he lire is removed, owing to the ticsavee being so reery leave. The stereo , %where the soup, whio'h, with breed, la leheir ohief food, is prepared, tis built up square twit& small, Short poplar (bogs, and itthie is , This is therange that hakes - better because the diffusive oven flue draws in -cold air from the kitchen -floor, carries it around the oven, and pours it HOT down into the overt PROM THE TOP in a current that moves all round the whole oven and up and out the flue. When that clean,' hot air leaves the oven it takes with it all the moisture, all the odors, which in OTHER ovens stay in and satu- rate the baking food. Perfect draft control, perfect oven, draw -out oven rack for easy basting, —all points singular to' Owning one costs little because there's such great econer4 of food and fuel and bother with this range: It saves its cost in the juices_ it doesn't bake out of roasts alone. Manystyies to be seen at our store —please eoracandaskquestions THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Limited Toronto Montreal Hamilton Winnipeg Calgary Vanoonver For Sale . by- G. A, SILLS, Teafortb. 1News Notes. , . ---It E4 "reported that the Great northern %and (Northern. ,Paoific are I. to 'join in b uilding a mammoth dm - 4 tel tat (Vanootiver, British Opium - hie, Ito lciegt $750,0004, eaelii paying .haef. —Cbarled Marlow, a Reateivilleonir- penter, 157 years olds fell frera tem T:Oldf iOf se new leauede, on the %farm of "Ed. Dodge, Weet Oxeordand it is 'believed is 'fatally inju.red. Be was paralyzed from the waist dolmen, and Ithe lait)tend•iint. !physicians are of the opinion that his batik is 'broken. —A new beer will be brewed or Cobalt, the great silver alining centre be agaWOntario, owing to the ft that the water in bath the wells and isprings ie undrin-kable, end 'that the deet nrabibite the sale of Ordinary beer, a (new beverage% will be mannfaetured, witteoh -will onaply 'with the requirementa of the law and at the same (time quench the people's thirst The peroentage of ateeitial lin 'thenew beer will be "small. —A letter 'was received a 'few days age by Mr. Bee -tern), Deputy Minister bf Wisberies, front the Doyle Fish 0o.,Wia.r,ben, announcing the catch, of a aburgeoh (weighing 623 pounds. This is a record size, tend, if tee fish bad not been /partially 'de- stroyed, (would 'have been mounted by the Government and placed on exhibition. —Old /Jiellalet Morrison, 'of Montreal, who, through eiseserly fleabite, man- aged 'during a lorig dile time -to tan mess a, (considerable tort uitte, pro- bably $150,000, and who was trues over and eleill.ed by a street tear 0. few days ago, Wed witliout +a will. Under the ecentract 'which was made. when the ena'rrited his igiri twife nome yearsItitio, thie odd man Ileft ibhe nrid- ow ell Ihe lia.d. At ithe timelot the marriage Morrian made over ihalf of all he possessed to 'the girl 'who was "young enough, to /have been his gr,and-daargibler, e...ird the 'marriage °entrant gives her the balance. ' —As the result of /the accidental elisehiarge et a nista in tihe .hands of Joseph 'Dempsey, 16 'years old, has. Iiuneembe, ,son of Mr. Fred Dun- combe, a druggiet of St. Thomas, a boyof the name age. was, no teevero- ly injured -that his recovery is doubtful. he two boys obtained poseessifen of an old revielver tend ammunition. - lun old man twee° new the 'bays meth the weapon asked them lbe Shoot a deg. Iiiihne 'they we're abtemptinig to de, ea) the /pistol was diselearged, striking Duncombe in the 'head. One eye 'was, no-mplebely d,estroyed. . . —The 'firnt pr•osemultion minder the rrele section! of the Liquor (License Aet, "prohibiting eraftedulent sale of . liquor fby 1t(be refilling of labeled battles 'hes been reported, at the Incense Depertmenn ii13. T03.1011$0. AO- e.eion was taken ton this geound a- gatin.st a hetet-keeper at Halleybu.ry, eh Item Temiskaraing •dietrleft, at the instigation of the npecial %officer em- ployed iby the Department. The ale - eased admitted having som liquor, pundhasee tin bulk drom bottles bear- ing 'tem trade-rn,ark, which wailed class lit .an " oa•se (goods." A eine of $20 and roasts ;was thereupon imposed by 'the magistrate. we and Item .abov Wener aad frank- ing "Mei toows coniVleteS the duties a itu rivomext.. The (party was then taken. fun to tille 'grade, where the carts arid wheelbarrows were working,'and this tmene 'reeembled a hive of bees. The iw,heelbarrow men have( plank walks built sup to .the dungen and there es a omelette' 'stream upwards and lbaelr, passing on to the WW,gnstate. alti Was there where wo got an idea of the /care 'given the horses. Every- one is in fine -shape, the darted -es showing (plainly on their ghesey hides and this en' 'en outdoor !stable, twffh ne "Sides and only tent Winn _nor Woof. The 'work of One Mari -es tit, prepare !feed or these horses. The baled lhay os ehopped and soaked, and this, with about a ;gallon end , a ball of oats, (eompnises the diet of the equines. The road here., tour miles up grade, is barely one-third at the way up ithis hill. leaving the 'foreign friends, tha (party drove ddown 'tine Queteppielle valley, along Itte soomtpleted grade, and Ito say that these tueieducated Russians are good road builders 'is putting it anild, they are Simply ex- perts. Large louts and biggrades are all bidet with the same aocunaey, and are as level and ntratight las the sight. Tlhere is no tareiessiess okr reeklessness arnong Itilee.ne men, none (what -ever. Arrivbeg at the .eanale, on 'the lbenien of the icessinibeia, [the same busy 'ElgeOltdOka 'was weeneesen, The men . were just ecempleting agragdiaearrero f20 -a fmeelitie thil,qginhg.aini!ea(ithiabonu: right Ito the waters of the %murky ASRinibo i rte. ' The Deukhobors are a 'clever, .oleari elase of people, and all they require is Ito intermingle withi the many (other ination•alities of this broad land, ;and en. 'time there w-111 be 'nothing but Canadians for _ Cain- a,da. The interedting pioturen tione,d above leen be seen all (along bhe diver (valley, and with 'the com- pletion of Ithis national trans.:elitist- .raileioad, this ootentry (wile 'u!n- d-erg a oomeilete tratstormabion— thanks lee the Dornatien Government and the G. T. P. 4 • •.W. slls„ To Cure a Cold.- in One Day Take LAXATIVE BRONCO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box, 25c. • • Biers the Thu Kind You Haw Always Med eignatere DP eyel444144441314381411110443 V4.3, ,..3ply •1.-1 *Wk. Ittit The Judo and the Lawyer. In an altercation between council and the judge the judge, after several attempts at conoiliation, remarked, "well, I have done all I can to promote peace, hut the result rembads me very much of the fable of the one ,man and the ass." The counsel, with visible „Irritation in his countenance, wished -to I kerne which of those entities applied to hirn "Neither in narticularn was the re- ply; "hut, considering our respective ages, you cannot objc-et to my saying that 1 am the old man." it -entrance of Infants .1.1r. Ileder Haggard, speaking at Lowestoft cn infant mortality, raid he had never seen among savages such a vein of cruelty as existed in civilized humanity. Tee infantile death rate could be greatly reduced. Receiving money 013 the death ofenables from in- ein•anee companies, to put it in theenild- eat way, beeped to make, certain people careless of their childreirei lives, Ineress Sufferers Need The "pat Halia'ay THE REST ADVICE IS FREE Of all the diseases kikowx!, with which the female ozganisin is altictekl, kidney disease is the most fatal, and statistics show that this disease is on the increase Unless early and correct treatment is applied the patient seldom Suriives when once the disease is fastened upon her. We believe Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable Compound is the most efficient treatment for chronic kidney troubles of women, and is the only medicine especially prepared forthis purpose. When a, worn= is troubled with pain or weight in loins, backache, frequent, painful or scaldin 'on, swelling of 4 ° limbs or feet, swe "'under the eyes, an uneasy, tired fee stg in the rege011 Of the kidneys or notices a sedhnent in the urine,she should lose no time in coin- ni.encing treatment with Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, as it may be the Itteit118 of saving her life. - For proof, read what Lydia, E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Sa‘77cuern. n o t express the eiteible suffering I had to endure. A derangement oftliefemale organs developed nervouspeostration. and a serious kidnry trouble. The doctor attended 311 3 for a year, butI kepegettins worse, until was unable to do anything and I made up my mind I could not live. • Iiimdly decided to try Lydia E. Pinkharree Vegetable COM - pound as a last resort, and I an to -day a well wine %an. I -cannot preise ittootigbly, and I eed every sufeeringewoman about my ease." eirs. Emma L.-41%7er, Conyers, Ga. . hits. rink.hamn gives free advice to 170311011; address in confidence, Lynn, Inten .Now Is tbeime to get away fr tee worries of business life, *pent) a few weeka In tbe Ifi lamb ef °uteri°, or, tare a through the Eestorn resorts Sea eide, winch is mile of teo Testi delightful arid popular tripe. Toured tickets on sale daily to retorts'. For tickets Arta full information 04 en W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depoe Ticket A. k W. A REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT . BRUOEFIELD Real Estate and Mortgages bon Sold on e0/11111ifeSi011 Money tO loan at lowest current e of interest on mortgage secnri ones eeendeenesees ;AMP ene 'Meng FARMS FOli. seen : macre tam in the Township of Tuck Prime house, lam barn, all in good melt . day 0la°armafingrhi T location.ahe onwShipOf Tuckeremiblef house, barn nearly new, pig pen, buildinge ea • repair, situated near good town. 100 acres in the Township of Stanley, bunt good barn, yanplemeet house, buildings in - ..ef repeir, situated twonnan-baltmees fro 160,, acres in the Township of Stanley, en and barn in a fair state of tiepeir, soil sand hills or skinett, 9 mites to giarket. ' ' 299 acres in the Township Of MeKillop, fi- fleIlrly new, heated by I mane, two barn ilte ent house, sti%abling for er 50 bead of drilled well, windmillew r in ied stabielor t horses, Emil, clay loam in first. -c-las state Oenitjr . ati011, •situated 7 miles from market. 100 acres in the TOW11811ipag McKillop, Mee, good bane huil iings in good eepair, ,-oilflay i TIO stones, stuated convenient to inerket, 515 churches, would consider an exchange for town property in surrounding towns. Also a nuniber of other lams in Huron . ' saleatiaapricuesandon eaeytetirns. ho"Cs alnt4aluiBruetedl°r"iposteariwiltringyonrilldesereptio, etc., of any of the above properties. Free transportation from Brucefield to p buyers to hiepect any property on my lin. A. A. WATT, Brueefleld, i saii-4 Wanted 30 000 lbs. Wool HIGHEST PRICES PAID WilialF11.1•16 Custom Carding done for the Public Quick Delivery: --- SEAF/ ORTH NOLEN MILLS. Oeftry10ernT HAS ACTUALLY KILLED A BUSHEL OF FLIES Sold by all Druggists and General Stored and by navel. TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALE WILSON HAND -AXON, ONT. Does Your FOOD Digest ? oeta, When the food ie imperfectly digested the full bencOt is not derived from it. by - the body and the purpose of eating is de- feated; no matter how good the food or how carefully adapted to the wants of the body it may be. Thus the dyspeptic often beconies thin, weak and debilitated, mergy lacking, brightness, snap and vim are loi st, and n their place come dullness, lost appetite, depression and langour. ,It unreel no great knowledge to know when one bite indigestion, Rome of the following symp- loins generally exir, vie.: constipation, *our stomach, variably appetite, headache, heartburn, gas in thenitontaeh, etc. The great point is to cure it, to get baok bounding health and vigor. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS constently effecting cures of dyspepsia. because it acts in a natural yet effective way upon all the -organs involved in the process of digestion, removing all dogging impurities and making easy the work of digestion and assimilation. • Mr, R. G. Harvey, .Amelieslearg, Ont., writes: "I have been troubled with dys- pepsia for several years and after usio throe bottles of Burdock Blood ,Bittors wee completely cured. 1 =mot praise 13.1111. enough for wbat it hes done for me.- 1 nave not had a sign of dyspepsia mince." Do not accept a substitute for B.B,R, There is nothing "just as good." RED CED A R SHINGL Full Car of X JUST ARRIVED. N. CLUFF et SO PiarrIng YIII1 .id Ulmer '7 SEAFORTP: am../....a.••••••••.•ftror* 11! Threshers _AND_ Shin ndiat eal•P*91110 WO* We can inieresti you in Machine an Oyander We also carry a full line of block ropes for setting separators. orgle. BINDER TW B:ue BibbOtt, 650 feet to the pound—pure Manilla. Book it now, you run no risks, as we guarantee both l price and quality, Do not fail to sample our ni oils, or inspect our harvest tools, Central Hardware Store George A. Seafe rt h Ontario 'VTER' LIST OS9 UNICIPALITY THE TOWNSHIP OF Meg& 1.01', 001:NTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that I lave transmitted or delivered_ to the person! Mention in sections$ tad 90! the Ontario Votere Lists Act, the copies rsqlt ed by said sections to be so transatitted or defflef of the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all appearing_by the last revised Assessment Rol - said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the arid Municipality at Elections tor members of the Int lative Assembly and at .Municipal ITlectrions.:1 rmo that the said list was first posted up in my efflos elenillop an the End day of July, 1990, and reels* there for inspection. Electors are caJled upon to exaraine the said litt, and, if any omissions or any other errors are fonte therein, to take immediate proceedings to ha e twe said errors eorrected wording to law. Dated this Srd day of July, 1000, MICHAEL litiRDIE, 2012-2 Township Clerk. Fani1y Groups Children, Photos Are a Specialty with us.d We do Om kinof 'work you will be pleiteed We have exceptional faellitice fertiav ing ferilly groups and children CAMS in and see us. Ploture Framing and Moulding, CKSON BROS, Seaforth pecial Prices FOR THE MONTH OF Gra kennulty and d pitai, Lona) Over ert Seaforth. Ph swere,d fee reet, Seafo) Oefiee ane 4reet, east oi 5veftrth„ Ph tert he eoun DRS, $C lob si arch, • Soott Arm Arb COUE 0XeS. Tenet. &SIERT, Meate ege $ Ontar TILO at A. A ; nse rei under *oak a better prioes. tioe s nee, FARM A 1 --'ROPER '4 Grieve, 1th ; Ay naric Johu • 44+444=++++-+++4444.+ We aro having a special sale of Furnibure for the July weddings. You will 4nd, this store tlie right place to buy your July wedaIng presents, also"it you want to furnish your home, come to us and we will supply your wants at prices that mot. ha approached, ROADFOOT BOX & O. - . HOLMES, Manager.