HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-07-06, Page 6_ 6 IF YOU •SUFFER. from bad blood—with irritated or diseased skin— aervous sell= out of onler—gtomach clogged; li yea ate anaemic—with cold }Dads and feet— palpitatioe—shortaess of breath— MAR K Re 'rump. temedies will soon set you rioht—retacle to veidt togaher, healing the soreness ort the•seeetee4 , while to the root of "the trouble arid cleaning Iced. Hee Ointment arid Mira Tablets, ,eagn 50e. a box. Mka Blood Tonic, -$1.00 a bottle. At dfuggies--or from The Cher:tilts* Co. .01 Canede, United, Hantilton—Totont0. REAL ESTATE itleft RASS FARM TOEENT.--TG ent Lo1 17, Con- cession 4, Meliillop, 100 acres in grass. Will be reed!oa term of years. Apply to • MORROW BROS, Seaforth. 19964f TO LET—The undersigned will rent his farm at LET—The lake Shore to good tenant for a termor, See years The farm consists of 210 aores of goo, 'and, nearly all under cultivation and in good eon dition. For full terms and particulars apply at once DANIDL 8e=11, St. Joseph P. 0. 1981-tf COTPAGE FOR $f.LE—A story a, a half brie k cottage in Harparhey. The hous et heated with furnace and has a frame keehen an woraished at- tacoxL There is a good well, good stable end hen hottee on the property. There are 3 1.5, acres of land. APPIY onthe premises. FROES FOWLEIt. 20004f TitOROPERTY FOR SALE. - ;For sale. cheap, the -IL • Green House property ii &Moral,consisting of two metes otexceitent li and, on which s a frame house and stable and a good well It is admirably adapted for a retired farmer or market gardener, and nll he sold cheap and on easy terms Apply to CHARLES BRODIE, aforth. 20104f 1110e1t0FITABLE INVESTMENITS. I 'Can lend money on improved _quarter sections of 100 acres eech at from 8e,', to iNe per annum. Only first inortgages taken. Ample security given. Torrens Title System ie perfect. From 8309 up can be lent on foams worth from $1,,000 to $2,001. For further particulars write to me. J. A. JACKSON, Denis - ter, ete., Ponoka, Alberta. 19594f. WARM FOR SALE.—The subscriber offers fort -sale 1 his farm of 103 aeree, being lot 31, 3rd conces- sion, EL. R. S. Tuekersinith. Ad eleared and under cultivation except 3 acres ; all but 18 tieres in grass. Frame house, bank barn, hay barn and other Out. bniklinge, bearing orchard, good water, schoolhouffe on the premise& It is within six miles of Seeforth and live frora °Haan!. Will be sold on easy terms, WHITFIELD CItICII, Clinton P. Cti 2009-x8tt , "VARM FOff, SAJ..E.—For sale, Los 10, Huron Road, Tnekerstnith. containing 100 acres, all cleared, welt teneed and underclrained. There IS ,good batik barn, driving shed, stone pig pen and other outbuildings ; also a good brick house in good repair. There if: plenty of good water, and a good orchard. This desirable property is situated two miles west a Seaforth, and is one of the best farms in thecountas Will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor has to retire. Apply on the premises, or address Seaforth P. O. THOMAS F. WREN, Box 101, Seaforth. 201041 A- iIM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 8, Concession L. R. S., Tudkersmith, containing, 100 acres, of which 9 acres is good hardwood bush, The balance well fenced, tiledmined and in firstailass condition. There are two good barns, one a bankIsarn 36 x 78 ft. with stone stabling underneath and the other 60 x 36 ft, and a comfortable frame house, three gbod wells and a never.failing spring at the rear of the lot, and &good bearing orchard. The ploughing is all done and 14 acres of fall wheat- It is within' two =Begot the flourishing viII go of Hensel' and withii half a mile of &school house. Apply on the premises (Mar to J. CALDWELL, Hensel' P. 0, 1 7-tf ; • FAR.M. FOB. SALE.—For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety armee are cleared and in a good state of oultivation ; there are 10 aores good hardwood bush. The farm is all well underdrained and well feneed. There is a two- storey briekhouse with elate roof, a ilret-olass farm house. Bank barn, 40ft, x 80ft, cement silo, pig pen, driving house; There are two never -failing wells, and an acre of orchard and malt fruit This excellent farm is three miles from Brucefield and five miles from Clinton, with good gravel roads, For further particulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT NOTT, Clinton P. 0. 10484f MIARMS FOR SALE -100 mires, Lot 3, Concession 1! 5, Jel. R. Tuckeramith, Huron County, all seeded to grass, except 15 acres of bush. Frame bouse, orchard, 2 good wells, land and bush the best. Aiee West half of Lot 6, Concession 4, Tueltersmith, BO acres, , school on corner, Bayfield river crossing it. On this place there is a bank barn, brick house, work -shop, driving house, pig and hen house, young bearing orchard with handsome shade trees, 2 wells, water first class,. The Imildings are new and up-to- date and the land in the hest conpition. A good lo- cation, 3 miles from Seaforth on a good road. These farms are offered for sale together or separately. If not sold soon may be offered for rent. Apply to JOHN SPROAT, kigmondville P, 0, Ont. 1990-tf Giii_OOD FARM FOR SALE. --For sate cheap and on easy terms, Lot 26, Concession 4, Iffolifflop. This farm contains 07t, acres, all cleareci and in fine condition. Fifty aeres are seeded to grass, six or seven in fall wheat and the rest all •ploughed and ready for spring crop. There is n. fine spring for watering the stook -elose to the buildings, a good brick home:, two large hams, one with good stabling undemeath, also horse :noble and implement house and a. large orchard. ft is within a mite and a half of the town of Seaforth. If not sold, will be leased for a term of years. Apply to the undereignett box 192, Seaforthy. O., RoBERT UOYENLOOE. 1901-tf A NATION'S LIFECANCER U.S. FOUNDATIONS AREMENACED BY DOMESTIC FOES. MUNICIPAL CORRUPTION RIFE Rev. Dr. Talmage Preaches Hie Founith of July Sermon and Patriotically At- tempts to 'Induce the People to Scotch the Evils In the Body Politic --Where and How to Begin the Cru - sada Pointed Out In Clear -Out Fashion. Entered aceording to Act of Parliament of Can - ads, in the year 1906, by Frederick Diver, To- ronto, at the Dept. of Agrieulture, Ottawa. Las Angeles, Cal., july 1.—In this serrnon.the preacher rnakes a. powerful aPpeal for an independence which shall result in the redemption of our cities from official coiruption. The text le Jeremiah vii, 17, "Seest thou not What they do In the oitie,e of Judah?" 1 Thia is the Sunday f.'preceding the national holiday. This liethe hour when thousands of patriotic sermons are be- i leg preached, oiler this land, most of them in eulogistic strain. I want this morning to place my finger upon the imost flagrant weakness of our national life. This is not the weakness of na- 1 tional or state ligislation. It la the weakness of. municipal ',corruption, which we find itt most of the large"' 1 THE HURON FXPOSITCR. cities scattered over our land.- The cancer which is gnawing -, and eating toward the vitals of mans physical body is even more fatal in its results than the dangers which are -threaten- i bug him from withoutr Indeed, the only enemies which are threatening to un- dermine our national foundations are domestic foes and not foreign invaders . - Most great statesmen are as loath to enter an international controveraY: Is 'the present head a the German . • pire. Some years ago the young emper- or was looking at the Vereschagin _pic- tures detaining Napoleon's invasiOn, of Russia. . He said, "Vereschagin, never did the judgment of " God so plainly strike man as it struat Napoleon at Moscow." Then be loeke,d a little long - at the pictures and said,* "Nieves - cheer', your pictures are an excellent zorreatIVe s watillte eppetttes." Tliten he looked a, little longer and again ,3.1d, I'Vereeobagin, the statesman who would needlessly plungehie country kilo an international strife is a fooL" Emperor William shudders at the thought Of War. The great statesmen, both trans and els Atlantie, have the same dread. The one great pumas* of their 1ives7is to prevent enternational complications. So, in all probability, i you •and..I will never live to see the . day when this nation shall be warring againet another first-class .• nation. ; Thus in our present patriotic sermon' • let us turn our attention to the internal rather than external dangers—riamely, corruption in our municipal or city gov- ernments. These -evils of Our great el- `. ties are to 'be seen everywhere. Either we :nest conquer them or they in. turn will completely oearthrow us. The civic problem of our land will never be successfully solved until the Amerioan voter has intelligence and manhood enough to divoroe national and state polities from. municipal .af- ' fairs. The two polities, the national and envie, are entirely distinct. The one to a grea.t extent does not repre- sent personalties, but principles, while, the other hand, civic olitics does -IneeLACRSIIITH • SHOP P011. SALE.—For Sale, -LA Blacksmith Shop and Proprty on Lot 6, Coneeseion MoKillop. The shop is goad one, in good repair, situated in the centre of a firsteelass farming country and doing a- good business. There Is also a good frame house and barn, also 'three acres of ground with heif aere of good orchard. This is a mplendid opening for a geed mechanic and will be mold on two'. terms as the proprietor has been compelled to give up on account of health. The undersigned also has for sale e number of farm gates, whic:h will be sold at a bargain-. Apply on the prerra, hes or address, Brodhagen P. 0, 20€141 JOSEPH KENNEDY. . I 00 A250';:iltVwti(kTh7itit,-3—tEL.unbr7 prop- erty known DA Lot 0, Concession 1, Township of Blanshard, Perth County. Them are, on the prom - it good briek house 32 x 24, with kitehen attach- ed, x 26, both in good repair ; large bank barn, 70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath ; one trst-elase cement silo, 12 x 37, end other useful building& The fano is well watered, both 'in front and in the rear and adapted both for grain tied steel( misting and IS in. a high stat. of cultivation, which is v ell known from the aet that the propriet- or has reskled thereon for nearly fifty years, being one of the most snevessful fanners in the township. • It is centrally lovated, being neer both (Murat and *whop!, and within ellgy reach Of agood market. For further partieithirs address ' JOHN snTnnitnAleo, 290941 Kititton P.- 0. 'Whitt SALE.—Au excellent building lot, coetaining " threeoptartere of ast aere of. land, part of the McMann- property, Etemotalville, eppoeite the reore- *aloe grounds, all ready for building. There is a good fenee all round the land, -a good hard waten well, the cellar is dug out and it dram • all round ie. also it drain from it. There are about :17 thousand of kiln run briek. The briok CIVII be bought, separate- ly if desired. There are ebto a number loads' of stied and gravel and enotigh stone to had a tetincle. tient for it large house. This property will be aold cheep, as Mr, Little eannot. drive the Ba,yfleld and Seaforth stage and live in Egmonville and would like to dispose of his property tbere Any person desiring. to buy tide property may learn nil particulars from R.14. HAYS, Settforth. or IL. LITTLE, Itatteld. 2001a4tf,, (1001) FARM FOR SALE. For sale, Lot 2, Con eession 12. II. IL S., Tuelteremith, containing 100 stem. Thi' farm is well feinted Mel thoroughly and systenettieally miderdrained, and, hexing been kept in it high state of cultivation, leadmittedly, one of rhe most produetive farms in the township. Then ie a first plass frame house- with kitehen. and woodshetl, and equipped with eietern and other mod, ern ronsenienees. - Thereare tee good batik bunts and other up-to,date outsbnildinge. There te a good beating arehard and also a new orehard of well se- leeted fruit trees. There are two never failing welis the une at the house and the other Mt the barn. This farm is inrett desirably situated, beim. three miles front the proven -toe village of Hensel' and one quarter of a tulle from Chiselhurst where there are two elturehes, it store, post office and blacksmith shop. As the proprietor le in poor health, it will be sold on reasonable terms, when one half of the pur- Chase mortey, or more, if necessary, outy remain on the farm at it reasonable rate of interest. For Inc. ther partieulars apply on the pretnisee or to 12t111)E.tir NEWELL, Chiseliturst P. 0. FARM Fon SALE. ---Por sale Lot 29, on the 9th, • . Coneession of Hibbert, coritalning 100 acres, all in a good state of cultivation. There is on the prem- ises it brick house, with brick kitchen and a good . eel-. -There is aim ala.rge bank barn, 00 x 40, and -a eansta nt 12 feet, with stone stabling underneath. Also it shed, SO x fett and a driving house with every- thing. complete. There are three neeereeiling went on the premises. there is nen a large orchard and good garden. There are 10 acres of fall kwheat. sown. nd there are 40 lutes seeded down. Either suitable for hay or pasture. Ail the fall ploughing is done. The farm Is well undenimined with tile and well fenced with wire fences. It is hi a good locality, be- ing situated two,and-a-half miles from Ohiselhurst, - where there is e post once and two -churehee, Meth- odist and Preeltiterian, s mites fronf seasorth and there is a. good gravel road running past the farm. It In in good (mention and will be sold on reasonable terms as the proprietor wiettes to retire. For further peak:Mare apply ou the premisee or to CHARLES 193941 4.11ERHART„ Staffa P. 0„ Ont rio. on - , not represent -principles so :much as personalities. Let me try tooillustrate the demarcation in a few words. Come back with tne to the year 106. Major McKinley of Ohio is the candi- date upon the Republican ticket for President 'of the United States. He Is the logical representative of Iris party, upon the sole lesue that -he was the author of the famousMcKinley bill, which established high tariff. Now, if Mr. McKinley Is elected to the Presi- dency he can do absolutely nothing- to forward his ideas of protection unless he has a Congress behind him which will pass protection laws. Thus all over the country the RepUblicans of the different congressional districts as- semble and pick out men who believe in protection to suppert the future President in his policy. "You can read- ily see- why -they do this. When we elect. a Congressman we do not elect a personality so much as we vote fer a principle. The national ,-,tivention builds a political platform. Then the different ngreastona conven tio ns or the. party nominate men who will pledge themselves to support that'pla,t- form—in other wurds, in national poli- tics "the unit man" is an ineignIticant mote of send, leut when ail these motea are collected together in one great volume we have the national pol- icy, or the principle of the great dom- inant political party, express, d in one mighty chorus sounding together as one veice. Now, on the other hand, the govern- ment -of a city has nothing to do with the eareff laws or with the 'advecacy of a free silver bill. It has nothing to do with the question whether the Philip- pines shall have self government, as in Cuba. It has nothing, absolutely noth- ing, to do teeth national or state poll - tees. A city government ha.s simply to do with men. It Is a big business. s 1C That's too bad! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. By the way, Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair grower, a per- fect hair tonic. The hair stops coming out, grows faster, keeps soft,and smooth. Ayer's Hair yigor cures sick hair, makes it strong and healthy. The bezt kindrof a teeth:ace:Jai-- "Sold for over sixter years." etereneete—ereetneerostreessereee Med° by 3.0. Aeer Co „ Lowell, Mae& Auto manufaotnrera of SAI:SAPARILLA. C rms. tj CHERRY PECTORAL. ,) A - 1,f44' q'i Ann RENARD will Wa-Powle'w be paid to any person who proves that Sunlight Soap Fontaine any ,injunous chemtcals or any form of adulteration. unlight Soap is better than other soaps, but is best when used in, the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap is pure soap, scientifically made. Every Estep in its manu- facture is watched by an expert chemist. Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing • fabrics. 5c o follow directions 5c. Buy it and Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto lee 5- 11 hae to do wibli the public schools, and with the water supply, and with the lighting of our streets, and with our street railway system, and with the control of our pelice and fire depart- ments. Any man who is a strong,, hon- est, upright, intelligent 'business Man can run any city government aright, be he a Republican or a Democrat, or an adherent .to any of the, other sane 'political faiths. -And yet the local poli- tical "biesses" of a city inevitably hold the municipal governments in their grasp by mixing up state and nattenal issues with cieic affairs. -They nomi- nate their candidates. Then they come to the voters and say; "Now, be con- sistent. If you are going to vote for a Republicae President, vote for a Re- publioan rria.yor and a Republican city atterney and a. Republican council- man. These :nen all represent the same great Republican truths." And never was greater nonsense ever penetrated upon a blinded community than that of feel it an honer to be canoe. an alder - !Wirt of Glasgow, or Edinburgh, or Lon - dein, or Melbourne, or Sydney. For .years Lord Rosebery and the Barl of Covingtoh and John Burns, the labor leader, worked side by side in the Lon- don county council. Even in the email - est towns of those countries you Can find the Most prominent -citizens of ail pelitical parties worleing aide by side cts alderinexi. The simple fact is We want that spirit that says: "When duty calls to the municipal halls, then it is not wrong to go for the gretutest of men, no matter whether be be mer- chant prince or legal authority, As soon as some of our prominent business and professional men are willing to make pecuniary sacrifice to serve in the municipal offices, then these posi- tions will be sought after by our prom-. inent men, as the- congressional and senatorial and gubernatorial conven- tions now call to the front almost any ix:Li:re, for whom they indicate e% prefer - But thereeis still another reason be - Bides honor. and fame why our most prominent citizens should be prevailed upon to assume the municipal burdens of offlolal life. If a man will not serve hie eity at a financial sacrifice, then in truth he will not In all probability serve his city faithfully even If he had to make no financial sacrifices. The sim- ple tact is that our country, both in na- tional and civic life, has never been able to fina.ncially reward ete true servants adequately. Do you not be- lieve that 'Webster and Clay and Cale hotm tend Washington and Hamilton and Robert R. I_evingseon and Judge Story and Marshall and Samuel J. Ran- dall could have made 11178; ten, aye, twenty times -more money if they had never entered public life? Do you be- lieve that our soldiers livho died for the defense of their nae land were ever adequately paid for :spilling their Wes blood. Do you mean t� tell me that thane men financially were adequately paid for eheddtng their life's blood Why, some of those • men ooukl have been making their thouaande of dollars at lame if they had not feraisted in the VflIOn army. Yet some of those' sol- diers for a mere pittance of $16 a month nee.re ready to 'lay down their lives tor their eountrefs defence. Now, I want to ask you this question Are all the heroes of this nation dead? "Nay, I believe men and women are Just ea reany to make sacrifices for their coun- try new in these times of peace as Ater. were en 1861 and 1812 and 1778. Ann I ferret:erre:ore believe that the Most prominent Citizens of cur large cities well. serve us en municipal offices ef we only go after them and call them. In. these -civic problems which we have to solve let us divorce munleipal poli- ties from national politics. Then, in the next ilace, let us nominate for our city officers not the professional office seekers, but let us go to our best. mer- chants and lawyers a,nel,physiciens and say: "Men, come and. serve us. Come and make our cities' names honorable in the sight -of men." And as Ameri- cans, north, east, sbutit and west, will quickly volunteer their services in times -of war, se I believe these prom- inent merchants and lawyers and doc- tors, aye, and ministers, will come to peace rce.escue 'of our cities.'in • times of • • But we must not simply look at our municipal candidates when we attempt to rescue our Oats from their present pelttioal corruption. We must also Weigh carefully in the balance the men by whom these candidates are being eeleeterl. There is not one municipal Insisting on the mayor and council be- ing of the on, political party. Do you -believe this is political heresy? Then ,read the fellowine words of Theodore Roosevelt, Pres1. dent of the United, States. Mr. Roose- velt declares that most of the munici- pal corruption of this emntry is direet- ly due to harnessing up national and civic Issues in the same yoke. Let me read to you his own strong, powerful, intense words: "The worst evils that affect our local governments arise from arid are the inevitable results of the mixing up of city affairs with party politics ef the flatiron and etate, The lines upon whioh national parties di- vide have no necessary connection with the business of the city. . Such Co nnee Wens open the way to counties:A schemes of public plunder and civet corruVion," What says Secretary Wil- liam Taft in a late letter which he wrote to a prominent Republican club of Cincinnati Which had elected him an honorary member: "The conduct of municipal affairs has no rational rela- tion to the conduct of national aerates, and while it does net seem possible to eihninate from municipal elections the system of nomina,&ng party tickets, there 'ought certainly tO be cultivated a much wider spirit of independence at municipal elections itt the scra,tch- ing of Improper candidates selected by either party than is likely to be eve exercised with reference to state and national elections." But in order to eolve the civic prob- lem aright we must do more than sep- arate national uolitics from municipal affairs. We maist in our city polities have the right kind of leaders. We must prevail upon the most respected citizens of the different cities to offer themselves as candidates for the differ- ent municipal offices. The kind_of men who are willing to aecept the guberna- torial and the congreseional and presi- dential offices are the same kind who should be willitw to be elected to the mayonaky- or to the aldermanic chairs in our cky governments. . "Oh," but you say, "our prorainent men ttt professional and business life cannot afford to take the humble posi- tions of a eity government. The finan- eial returns are no inadequate that they do not feel called upon to neglect their stores or offices for such petty emolu- ment -s." Nonsense, my friend, non- sense! The question of financial re- turns oleould have nothing to do with our offering the eity positions to our most prominent citizens. We should look upon our city governments the same as they do in England. or Scot- land or Australta. or New Zealand. Them the tele, no matter how ;matey or weeeezinent tkey. may be, arra "It 01111111111,1111111111,411 4. THREE FACTS or Sick Women To Consider. Fiese,—That almost every operation in our hospitals performed upon women becomes necessary through neglect of such symptoms as- backache, irregular and painful periods, displacements of the female organs, pain in the side, burning eensation in the stomach, bearing -down pains, nervousness, dizziness and sleep- lessness. Secoene.—The medicine that holds the record for the largest number of absolute cures of female ills is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It regulates, strengthens and eures diseases of the female organism as nothing else can. For thirty years it has been helping women to be strong, curing backache, nervousness'kidney troubles, inflananaa- tion of the female organs, weakness and displacements, regulating the periods perfectly and overcoming thew plum. It has 'deo proved Itself invaluable in pre- paring for childbirth and the change of Taran.—The great volume of unsolicited and grateful. testimonials on file. at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., many of which are from time to tirne published by permission, give absolute evidence of the value of Lydia E. Pink - barn's Vegetable Compound and Mrs, Pinkham's advice. Mrs. Pinkharn's Standing Invitation to Women.—Woraen suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink - ham, at Lynn, MaSEI. An letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. From symptoms given, your trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery ad- vised.—Mrs. Pinkham is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her decease' she has been advising sick women free of charge. • Out of the vast volume of experience in treating_female ills Mrs. l'inkhain probably has the very 'know- ledge that will help your case. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this ?onerous offer of assistance. candidate in ten thousand who will an- nounce himself as a, candidate for city or county office as did William Travers Jerome for the district attor- neyship of New York City. A man as a candidate for a public office is inn evitably the candidate of certain Men and belongs to a 'certain class. 'Tis true that certain men, like Governor Vold of Missouri, may be better titan the men who nominated them, yet, as a rule, in the polities,' world the water never rises higher than its source. )When a man is nominated by a con- Ivention for a eite office he is, as a rule, no better and no worse than the men who want to elect him to that office. Therefore if you would find out the kind of municipal candidates who are running all you have to do is to go anxmg the men and find out what kind of men they are who want that care- didate elected. In other words, you can nearly always Judge a man politi- cally by the company he keeps - Title statement naturally ;brings Inc to the last and perhaps the most im- portant heading of all the discussion. If you refuse to vote for a man who is a candidate for municipal office and whom the bad men want, then comes the practical question: Are you and I, as Christian men and church members, ready to do our part in -city politics and lend our personal aid to the good men of our citieer who are trying to nomi- nate and elect good city attorneys and good sehool boards and good police commissioners and good political heads of our fire departments and honest men who will purge our municipalities of corruption? It is nonsense for minis- ters to sit back in their ecclesiastical robes and say, "It Is not our business to touch city politica." When a moral lesue is at etake it is the business of the churches and ethe business ef all church members to go to the primaries and help nominate the men who ought to be nominated and -help elect those honest men after they have been placed in nomination. If the members of the churches would only stand side by side at the ballot box and in -the primaries, as the saloon keepers and the owners of the places of evil resort stand side by ide, the day would:not be tap distant when all cities would be redeemed and purged of political corruption, even as OUT United States court rooms and our national legislative balls have ceased to be a stench in the nostrils of all decetet people. Th.ank God, I believe civic -purifica- tion is not far distant. It is almost mi- raculous to catalogue the rapid 'changes whieh have come within the life of the present generation in the purification of -our national life. Senator George F. Hoar died in 1908. A short time before, he passed away he was asked this ,question, "Senator, is the political life at Washington growing better or worse?" He answered the question in these words: 'When I came into pub- lic life in Washington In 1869 the corri- dors of the capitol were haunted by lobbyists interested in all sorts of ,schemes for plundering the public treasury. There were quite a number of senators and representatives who were suspected by their assopiates of being venal. =When I think of the eon • ditions which prevailed then and for years following—Tweed intrenched In power in New York, five judges of the United States court fleeing from office under threats of impeachment for cor- ruption, the Credit Mobilier scandals, the scandals attending the Austrian exposition, the lobbying, the whole civil service treated as patronage by power- ful political leaders, the report of the committee of military affairs in the House recommending the expulsion of four of its members for making sale of their privileges of selecting youths to be educated at our great military school, the impeachment for -corruption of four judges In New York, the whis- ky frauds (in which the private secre- tary of the President was implicated), the Belknap Impeachment, one eminent Member of the United States Senate saying to another when he declared he ceuld find no steal in a pending meas- ure that if the Senate could find no No range can bake so well as the Imperial Ox- ford, because no other range has the Diffusive Oven Flue that draws in pure air constantly, heats it just as hot as you want it heated, and sends it through every part of the whole oven every second. That flue, found only in this perfect range, keeps that heated pure; air— DRY air—constantly moving DOWNWARD through the oven, over the baking food, 0,nd out up the chimney. When it enters the oven it's hot and dry; when it leaves it, it's wet carries with it all the mois- ture, all the odors, but NONE of the juices of the food that's _being baked. Pi6se visit any of our stores and see why this Is the right range for your kitchen. 1 THE. GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Limited Toronto Montreal Hamilton Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver For Sale by G. A. SILLS, Teaforth steal in it It was not likely to be them eight active Republican leaders iMas- sa,chusetts detected -in state prison of- fenses—it seeme, to inc as if I were liv- ing not only In another age, but in an - Other planet." That was the testimony of the purifi- cation of national and state politica ha, the political life of Senator George F. Iloa-r of Iviessachnsetts. May we live te see such. a 'wonderful change Itt ttte purillea,tion o city polities. May 'we live to see our churehes aroused pOlitie cally. May our churches become great institutions of moral and Political train- ing. May their members side by swide go forth to capture the political prim- aries 4n our cities for purity and right May godly trten always not only be willing to serve their fellowmen in chyle offices, but may godly men, by the grace of God, go forth to elect their fellows - to positions of civic trust. Then, like the Hebrews of old, -we Will not oney have six eities of refuge, but sal our cities Shall -be eittes of refuge, wherein purity and truth and honor shall lova to dwell, and where Christfa altars Motel be the shrines at which munIcipat aft - 'dale lind inhabitants shall bow tlae knee end w-orship. May God ibiess and speed the consummation of our beteved emaneipatiofl front sin. KEEP CE,ILDREN 'WELL iiii•••••••••.•••• JULY Dyspepsia, 3 Pimples, Headaches, Constipation„ Loss of Appetit Salt Rheum Erysipelas, Scrofula, and all trouble! arising from the Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Bloo4, Mrs.A. Leth- of Ballyd writes " 1 bc11sy woulki have boat ia my grave Ion bad it not be Burdock 331ood tem. Iwo -sten -dew* to ouch an exteee thatti eould weereet- ly move about tin amuse, 1 was eubjed to severe headaches backaches and d1m. nein; my ell was gone end linable to do linueewerk. Aft' using two bOttic$4 B. B. B. I found health fully rsti I warnalyrecomm it to ail tired. Worn out avolnelle* —de Office 8-Um:reach and bowel troubles "kill thousands of little ones durlaeg the i Storni hot vvewther. Diarrhoea, ' dysen- tery end oholere infante= some- Protect' -times Come without Interning and if prompt aid .is not at ,nend ithe alaild may be beyond aid in& if-ew hours. It yule wiant tot keep fyfonr eleildren hearty, rosy and f ull 'o lile dur- ing the lot weather _give them an ocoassional /lose of Baby's Own Tab- lets. This ,medloine prevents illness and otires it when it eomes =ex-, -peotedly. And the mother has the girarantee o, governmulet analyst that this medicine is absolutely safe, Mrs. W. 3. Munroe, Sinteluta, Sask., oaks " For more than tderee years Blaby's Owri frabiets is tthe only wed- icine 1 ava.ve given my children, end I think the Tablets invalu-sble foe stomeoh and trowel troablee." gold by all en.edicine dealers en by snail et 25 loents a box from. the Dr. Oe., BrOokville, Ontario. Keep the Ta.blelts in the thouse. Ci ,etra. Mgr CI* Wt. iC jam 13 =Otte d The Xind uu Have Always BOO 3ienature of AMON••••••• 0.41 The biggest danger to buildiege • fled wee stook floe: whuleterme is during the summer months, A Polley in The Huron Weather Insurance mutual oe. will give yen preteetion, and tile oboe le only a few dellers a peer. D.OGER NORTHOOTT, President,...—Hay p, KE J. LLERMAN*, Viee-Pret theIwood • DIREOTOnS Silas Brokenshke..,... .*Creclatoit P ft C. H. Perkins — --Exeter P.O. Renter Ran .. — .. . ........Drysiele A. G. POW. T. CnklvellCharles Monteith. . 'Thames Road William B. Battler . ..... See year nearest ,diteetor or write .for particulars 40_ Ee ZELLER, Secretary, ZURICH, P. 0, japed agents wanting territory sborel write once to —The late iMrs. Inebert Jet fray, wife of Hon. Senator Jaffrey, a Toronto, left an eStatee proVated $90,000, Of this ,ararount $16,881 is in - real estate, 466;302 in itlooks and, 'the rest in mrortgages and eagle *--- Tooi All the Responsibility. "I'm going to give up that =neve spit- clalist Pee been trying." • "What's the reason?" • "Why, he's always telling me that must try to help nayself." ' "What did the other man tell your "He always told me he was helping mo.11%. Where? An English mayor tells this story: "A woman, speaking at a meeting In support of women's rights, repeatedly . asked her audience 'Where would men find themselves without 'women? • "A weak voles from the rear of the hall: " 'In paradise, mum!'" Ate OR Me Hand. Smith -1 hear Jones, the naturalist, had a bad accident. Whitt was it? , Brown—Why, somebody gave him a , young tiger cub and said it was So tame it would eat off his hand. Smith • —Well? Brown—Well, it did. 1 improved. "Does your papa get much mete- , tee?" asked the visitor of the doc- tor's seven-year-old son, ' "Oh, he doesn't have' to practice any more," replied the boy. "He knows how now." VIIMTFAVerwelemegmnritrw,sunot-...esnmAsselyosaateriwetwrrynNvmpomirys Wilsottri 0 FLY I PADS THE ONLY THING THAT ICK -LS TETRA ALL AlvrOTD POOR IMITATIONS* G. HOLTZMAN, General Agent, 20104 Zurich. P. 0. • Tdegrap Can be learned in from five to s onths, when &position paying $45 to $60 will be ready for you. splendid prospects for promotion. This is a young man's opportnn Let us mail youfree our hands() illustrated book, giving full culars. die .11•MO.10000010•••••••• '12 8, W. &men, Privol pal I Dominion School of 7 -elect raphy & Railroading and 9 .ADELAIDE STREET EAST TORONTO 77010:4 Isto The Great En 1* Tones and invigo nervous syetem, loodin old Voins. cue Debilit J. Mental and Brain 7-ffeeme pondence, &xual Weakness, Ernisse'sree. IniztOrrhrea% and reeds Of 41ntse or! Ezeess,s, Price $1. per box, slxfors, One will please will cure. Sold by all. plain pkg. on mei C ml aiterefree. The n 0-42toiec (formerly Windsor) Teli•9740,404 Wzughazu Btleiti 50 evaleg— bit a high grade Cemmereial School Three Doureee Commercial • Stenography - Telegre _ Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Pr* •L.t bv..„ ale .,w —IN TEE— field by all Draggists and General Stores and by mail. OVIM Seafort_ TEN CENTS PERPACKET MON AKCHDALE WILSON 1 1 LOW RAILWAY RATES HAMILTON, ONT. FOR.... Diarrhoea, Dysenter - Stomach Cramp 5 and all Su mer Complain' ts take Don't experiment with new and untried remedies, but procure that which has stood, the test of time. Dr. Fowler's has stood the test for 6o years, and has never failed to give satis- faction. It is rapid, reliable and effectual in its action and does not leave the bowels constipated. REMS13 ALL S1J13STITUTESi THEY'RE DANGEROUS. BROXSON Luse, Antece Que., WrItes: "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for Diarrhcno. for several years past anti I find it is the only medicine which brings relief in so tbortsi time A cordial mvitatioo Is extendtd to every body, as no palms are Ining spared tO make the day the moat) enioneble who attend. ELOQUENT ADDRIMSE,i BANDS OF MUSIC ATHLETIC SPORTS, &a See large bilis and dodgers for further particular*. JAS. W. MAR6HALL, W. M., L. 0, L, No in W. WRIGHT, R. S, MILBURN on. MO14 d &nets uro-n orns, Sea tuf, ..TA: au &Sl n nof the sa.tis - at 13.8. e.nneed. acid of 'Huron ~jest farm ,sf*rstanding and 533-4 posil Charg nara - -eart and Nerve Pi - At4D ERTY 0 AIGLea Thontao utefiel rotary Are a specific for all dismasa and orders arising from a run-down oo _ tion of the heart or nerve system, Men AR Palpitation of the Heart, Netiong Prostration, NerVousimea, Sieeep,eaW ne s, Faint and EnzzySeells, Brea" ote. They are eepecially beneficial. women troubled with irregulaz mar sturationt Price 55 eents per box, or 8 for $1. All dealone or Tan T. AITLBURN Co., Lrarren. Torouto, Ont.