HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-07-06, Page 5_
ten osing of a
y you to investigate4
Ie, jt what yon
House Slippers,
la Boats and Men
If von would save
e store this month, -
e price 50e. a -parr.
July price 50e a pair.
Lily price 930 s pithe
Jaly price $1.55 a
mu soles, p eial July
S. ratia
ert tgliberhtood
.- me I ebra t fon ip
J eseph 'largess
Woedstock, tvisited
tr. .Jetin Burgess%-
jr., spent tele draliday ee,
Gray has remnve4
to Owen Sotendaa
:er Davidson and
ended the e.vd,
is week, at
Image, former
tball in Wroxeter
e tope ,he may some
ain.--The train due there
It he ea -ening 'did. net Or.
if pas: three last
t. It was weary .wait k
tpmeing holiday tvisiten.
IYLe ni tob a, correaneee.
Winnipeg Free Pewees
Lys- J Collie C. 10 R.
and da's wife and',Mr. J.
d wife left on Satter
vacation with friends ea
and Blue va I e, 071 t ark.
b be gone thout E
itgnt; (alai delivered at
le 1F9.. Chesney a; Smil
TIIEP.S cleaned and curled
,• an eaperieneed cutlet Araa
Bnieefield P. O.
Clire:on vs. Seafarth, July it rgt
iervIces.--The Methoffiet
ncefield, will hold Rel.
zervioes on Sunday, Adz
icer. E. Kerr, of Clinton,
at 2.30 er. me, and Rev.
of Brueefield, , at 7 -
i'.ferings will be receiv
.-sonials this weekwe
"mess- The Droeee -
ted eo over $100. -
the lst o.f July
Rase Riley, Liondend
g, Brartthord ; is
milten ; Mr. arta 'Mies
Meaferd, and othk4rse--
Miss Lyen deft tfi or tte
ty for a tb.ree gat-onne
Elva Brawn and Mirs
were -in Clinton WednoTe-
their music examleaa
end Mrs. Holmes are at
ting relatives -near Colo
Revision. -The cannon
?urt of revision .,aneferde
itirnment, the members-
7-esent the treeve fua.
Lie folk:Wing entries Vera
he asseasment Toll. elk::
ttsan entered F. st
k-goecesa:lon 5; mhos. mit
d„ Reigrave ti-ri 'place iof
Mra. Jilettvitt, MAI
Ssion - tgaward Mitten
I). half 25. IrlOinee-S9BC:in 84
;eas ithe.n closed and tI*
- ell as 'revised and tiore
oxifireaed as the assest he township 'for the
usiness was then itakea
mber f ancoutrets eVeree
erdered tobe paid. Itie
pert on the pro
was presented and Tea
le and an topportniattr
parties Within the itled
-to• withdraw or add'tkJ
'as 'provided by the tddiM•a
nage act. On neetign
as adopted and the elitk
ed t o prepare a hy-lase.
therewith. A gra*
made ter gravelling
line concessions our afn
ltebert Vint rUt
e of digging a ditch Se
ade at Jot *-thhie7...a
The said !request ws!
ondtva that Atre ;V'
te drain. The letesdr0 A:°(t
e -ere instructed to h6r4
tot Taeet toterrent expereses;
rt by-law was reed _
adopted. The eon:nog
ed to meet again on. illet
ast nett
kle with colic
Then it's too
Leful testimony
ear out all that
iderful remedy,
e—$1.00, May
c -KA -4D,
_ Gold in aihertai tuanti es 'has
een disoovered by two tThrenohmen
Vie head Of Lake .01.pastttiaa, in
the Temisotaming district.
-.Maier Prank ft Daville, of Ater -
env, has been appointed sheriff tof
*he tonety of York in pkace of the
late. Dr. tWiddefield.
-A little daughter ;of Albert
Staples, Oakville, mar Vert:age 1
Manitioba, iwhile playing a
.roand itle stove, set Dire tle her cloth
jug and was burned jtIdea&
-Mae Ide sheriff Widdefielel, to
fYlerk °aunty, left au estate probe.t.
-ed at $91,588. He was vever snarrie
• and Ns estate is equally divided he
teeter' twit} fbrobliers and bliree Isis
--Seven 'hundred horses and Ev
Iltundred vehicles !were tin the Ifourt
'annual horse parade len Queen.'
park, Marmite, en Monday las
*Where were many beautiful horse
riid sarae magnificent turnouts.
• -While teaming Ito the :Zanies Ba.
Safeway, a'betet 163 miles from Parr
•saued, James Mcgevan, a poem
wan, was dehrown from the Wagon
tneiik et aught between the whee
end ta atone, and he was obloked
•:tiettMh*rs. William Halligan, who re
sided near Nober, ; n the otettenty to
Ftildircia,nd, was etteng -en the cheek
about one inch be,..ew the eye, tby
sonanien Oxley bee., She died with'
fifteen. minutes after being stung
ialtiough she had been in the be•
.health. '
-The late Mrs. Rebert .Jaffray
Wife of Hon. Senator Jaffrey,
Valtontio, left an estate probated at
$90,000. Of this amount $16,881 is ifl!
real estate, $66,302 in stlooks and thel
est in Mortgages, and cash.
•a -The ;affairs of the Atfras Man
'of St. Thentas, whieh made tech
!disastrous smash twiot years ago
* ste're uiciw being fi,nally Wound cup
VItte-estate will pay the creditors n.
dividend of 40 per cont., butt the
• tilearehialders will not get anyg.
-Von. Dr. Relaume, Minister Of
Pahlie Works, eavdeo underwent an
• npeeertfoal the week after • blie See-
eion of the Legislature closed, and
Vas since been at his Haute in Wirt&
der, was exrreeted Vet be able itio tat!
tend tk, -duty beds• week. He leas
Made exeellent pregress Toward 00M- •
t)lete reeovery.
-Themedical !college building at
teueeals University College, . King-
ston, was compIetely gutted by fire
on • Wednesday cm,orainlg. Nethingi
but the walls of the building arel
stiandiag. The loss is ealtimattet3. at!
$70,000 with an insurance of $22,000.,
The fire is sup'gos-ed to, have fbeena
caused by a gas jet. .
working in the
tmperial Laundry in Kingstion, will
likely hose both. her arms. She was
Woking out of window, and. turh-
ing erfotnad, -tsnithinkixigly put her
band dri lone 'of •the mangles. Try-
ing to slave 1,t tiler eitsbler band was
raught,and ft/3th badly crushed al-
kabst Uc /the elbows before the Minh -
beret eoalcl be stopped.
' -On Sunday evening, two dadies,1
e Walking -along the railway trabk,
I) hear the northern limits of the
htilIage of Chesley, 'came acrose the
body of e female child. Everything
Voir:eta to some person going inorth
on the train. ,en Saturday night,
lhavirtg poured 'carbolic acid in the
fuelent's 'mouth and thrown it toff
-the train. .The infant was 'about
otir. weeks odd, and was neatly
;dressed in factory linen clothes, trid
was apparently well nourished.
e -Peter -Vincent, a ornaer There
• itdlarquette anachiniat, was arrested
in St. Fbombs, for setting Ere :to
•The Diakte House stables in. that
born. He was seen lighting, mat -
Shea land tiring hay in a stall. Re-
venge bedaiuse of being put outof
the hotel, where he _registered with
br Woman not bis wife, was the
•nurse af the trouble. The firewas
extinguished without natioh damage.
-Ifle should f-ind rest in :the penitent-
iary tor ten or fifteen years.
-The Ontarib Gtotverrtmeint have.
helvertised a flown of $3,000,000
hronds iof $200, $500 and
$1,000, tthe !Worley- being refit:tired to
namplete •the 1Temiskaming railway.
Mee Erst lapplioa,nt ffor a certificate
• Was a farmer from western Ontarito,
'who wfas awaiting bile Provincial
Treasurer at this office in 'the Bar -1
Dement buildings a few Warnings a -
Wo. He wanted Itio parchase a $1,000
blend. The rate tof intereat is 'three -
had a +half per cent.
-Miss Bau.er, teacher in the kind-
• er garten in Winnipeg, .had an al -
•truest nairaotil000 escape trom death
la few days age. She was lying in
la hammock on the verandah of her
home, talking 'Ib a friend, whet was
oleaning this revolver, vrhich is a
95-ea1ibre. It was accidentelly die-
tharged, and the btellet struck Miss
Dater Ion the breast, julet over the
heart. Fortunately it was •deflected-
bY a tile nhich it &billowed alMost
half way around her body. • It was
extracted, and alb scribus results
are anticipated.
'-On the treciomraendiati'on ,of ;the
Deputy Minister .of Public Works,:
Mr. !A. W. Campbell, the Govern
m -.
eet fleas approved 'of a 'system 'of
*ads for the county of Middlesex.,
Some i300 miles 'of gravel and. mac -
5m %highways will be constructed,
kaa eteet 'of $250,000, of iw.bich ;the
Government will play beedt hird.
Since the Act was passed a /few iyears
agO, seven coo,nties have taken ad-
. mantage of the new plan and Ibuilt,
•• hew systems tat a elost of $900,000,
ttOE ,vihiah the province eantribated
-.The Tema ins tot t.he late Waiter
`P.arjok K. c., ,of Toronto, w.hto was
killed in the railway disaster in
Eelgiand,km 311tenday night, are ltie
be brought home for intiern3.ent: The
•remains :of the. late Mr. C. A. Ripon
will also ibe interred in T.oronibo, but
those of Rev. E. L. King- twill "lbel
buried in England. The late Mr.
Berwick !carried $20,000 accident in-
slarance with th.e Dominion of Can-
' lada Guarantee and Accident Oem-,
Pan.v. 'and $40,000 life insunanne
*a xi its iEhngtiwh, Sctott oh and Caned-
loompanies. Mr. Piploin carried
$20$000 neoident insurance, and Rev.
•airr. King $2,000.
• 't -Flour very imrior tfant by -laws
were ctarried by the property -owners
: Winnipeg oni Thursdfav last-. The
tne we's for the establistufrent of a
e‘olard 'of Control in 'the 'city gtov-
. `eraneent ; the second was llot permit
46he ritiming of Street OATS Wei Sun -
'day the ibhird was to eanthorize the
tatfneil tie illorrew $3.500,000 for titre
hatiablishenent of a city electric Vow -
et plant, and the flourth was Cot au.
Iliorize the ;expenditure of $200,000%
or sehleol extension. This Was a
tiretty big day's Work evient tior
Winnipeg. The Sunday Street car
br-law was leariqed by a vfote of
2,964 Apr and 1,589 against. ,
--.. I
NO14 At- Wetaski win, on june 20-th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Vieter French (ntee Mies EvaCooper,
of Clinton') a eon. I
ROBERTSON -In Londesboro, ortaTune 27th, to 114
and Mrs. P. Robertson, a daughter.
FORD -1n Usborne, on Jtine 21st, to Mr and Mrs.
W. J. Ford, a son. „
tiTtIERLAND-DIOKSOR.-At Seaforth, on July
atul, by Rev. P. R. _Larkin, Mr, A. D. Suthet.
. hold, Assistant POstmoster, t,6 Miss jean O.
Diokson, daughter of Samuel Dicktion, Esq.,
Postmaste ,r Seaforth.
DIETERLE--MaINTYRE---On June 30bh, at the
Chiimh of the Covenant, Toronto, by Rev, J. W.
Stephen, Mr. Irredellok Henry Dieterle. to Miss
Janet May; daughter of Mr. John McIntyre, of
Exeter, and formerly of Seaforth.
NIOHOLS-PINKNEY, .In Seaforth, on lune 20th,
by Rev. Mx. Larkin, Miss Flossie M., •seeond
daughter of Mrs. %Val. Platten to Mr. Norma
J. Nichols, all of Seaforth.
McOLURE-SPROULE-At the residence of the
bride's father, Dungannon, on June 20th, by
Rev. Mr. Robinson, Mr. W..11,3fe0lure, to Mies
Georgina, third daughter of Mr. D. Sproule, all
of Iltinwition.
COURTI0E-WILIIII3S-At the residence of the
bride's parents, Branchton, on June 20th, by
Rev. Mr. Managua, on June 21st, Dr, A. J.
Courtice, of Maple Creek, Sask., on of Mr. J, L.
dourtice, nolmesville, to Miss Edith Wtlkins,
daughter of Mr. Mark Willdns.
MUROH-SMITR--At the residence of the bride's
mother, Clinton, on June 27th, by Rev, W. E.
Kerr, Mr. Lorne ninth, of Stratford, to Mise
Sarah Jane Smith, of Clinton.
MASON--BRIGHAM-Rt the residence of the bride's
father, on June 27th, by Rev. Dr. McLean, Mr.
Win. Magee, of Morris, to Miss Isabella Margaret,
eldest daughter of Mr. John Brigham, Hulled.
MAYIIEW-STRAUGHAN-A.t the residence of the
bride'e father, Auburn, on June 27th by Rev.
J. L. Small, Mr. W. A. Mayhew, of Thamesville,
to Miss Jean Straughan, daughter of Mr.Thornas
HOLMES-ATKINSON-At Askin Street Methodist
church, London, on June 27th, by Rev. Mr.
Brown, Mr. Joseph E. Ilohnes, of Saskatoon,
formerly of Clinton, to Miss Minnie Atkinson, of
BOLTON -FORD -In Tuckersmith, , on June 19th,
by Rev. MoL. Smith, Mr. J. A. Bolton, of Us
borne, to Miss Josephine, daughter of Mr. John
Ford, of Tuekersmith. 6
Wingham, on June 21st, Ellen Dun
can, reliot of the late Alex. Mitchell, aged 87
PALMER-1n Howick, on June 20th, Mary Agnes
Bray, wife of Wm. Palmer, aged 26 yeare,
QUANOE-In Snowflake, Manitoba, on June 21st,
• Emma Handford, wife of John Quance, in. her
41st year.
BROWN -1n Crediton, on June 26th, Mary B., relict
of the late John Brown, aged 73 years, 6 inbnths
and 28 days.
corrix-m Clinton, op June 26th, Jane, wife of
Mr. George Cottle, aged 60 years.
$ 300,000
Genii Mgr.
Every facility consisteut with sound
bankivg is afforded the public of Dublin
and surrounding territory.
Drafts end Money Orders issued.
Interest psi* on Savings Bank deposits
of$1.avd. upwards_
Loans rnade to farmenefor buying cattle,
Sale Notes supplied free of charge.
SEASOR.in, July 5th 1906.
Fall Wheat 11.-•••••.. 80 80 to $0 80
Oats per bushel . 0 37 to 0 37
Peas, per bushel .. 0 70 to 0 70
Barley. per bushel 0 46 to 0 46
Butter, No. 1, tootle
. 0 15 to 0 16
Butter, tub - • 0 18 to 0 17
Eggs, per dozen 0 14 to 018
Motu., per 100- lbs , 2 eft to 2 75.
'lay per ton . . 8 50 to 7 00
tlides, per 100 lbs 5 00 te 585
Sneep skins, 0 30 to 0 36
Potatoes per bushel 0 40 to 0 50
Salt, retail) per barrel. .....• 1 00 to 1 26
Wood per cord(long).
5 00 to 6 20
Wood per cord (short)
2 to to 3 00
Apples per bag ., 0 50 to 1 00
Olover Seed . . . .. 7 00 to 800
ninothy Seed 1 25 to 2 00
Fallow per lb.. , . - ........ . .. . .. ,... : 0 04 to 0 05
Pork,r 100 lbs - '7 60 to $ 20
Wool washed) 0 29 to 0 30
Wool (unwashed)
0 17 to 0 18
Grain, etc.
TORONTO, July 26 -Wheat -Fall, 83e to 84c ; goose,
75c; spring, 820; oats 42tIc to 43c; barley, 520;
peas, 80e. Baled Hiiy-Etteyin tone, at $9.50 to
$10 per ton for No. 1 timothy, and 87.50 for mixed
or clover. Baled Straw -About steady at $5.50
to ‚36 per ton for car lots on track here.. Honey -
le quiet at Sic to flo per lb. for strained, and $1.25 to
$2 for combs, per dozen. Wool-Washad is offering
fairly freely, and is firm in tone at 26c to 27c. Un-
washed is steady at 16e to 18c. -
TORONTO, July 4a -There is a fairly good demand
far choice stocks, and the market has a firm Cone.
Ontario, 81.05 to ‚31.10; eastern Delawares, 81.25 to
‚31.80; Quebec, $1.10 to 81.15.
Horse Market.
TORONTO, Julv 4th -The followin4 is Burns &
Sheppard's weekly report of preva' ng prices :-
Single roadsters, 15 to 16 hands, t25 to ‚3175;
single cobs and carriage.horses, 15 tO 16.1 hands,
$150 to 8200; matched pairs and carriage horses,
15 to 16.1 hands, es® to ‚3500; delivery horses, 1,100
4).1.200 pounds, 8125 to 8760; general purpose and
express horses, 1,200 to 1,350pounds, $150 to ‚3190;
dmught horses, 1,350 to 1,760 pounds, 8160 to ‚3220;
serviceable second-hand workers, $50 to ‚330;
serviceable second-hand drivers, 850 to $90.
Dairy Markets.
TORONTO, July 4 -Butter -The market is un-
changed with an easy tone. There is a fair demand
for choice, but receipts of all kinds are heavy.
Creamery, prints, 200 to 21e • solids, 19e to 20e ;
dairy prints, 16c to 17c ; rods, 15 to Itie ; tubs, 14
to 16c. Oheese-The market holds fairly firm at 12
to 12. Eggs -Continue firm in tone. The °shrink-
age is still heavy. Quotations are unchanged at 18c
to 184a per dozen.
MoNTREATZ JeLy 4--Oheese-On the local market,
easterns are being quoted at lige to 111c. Ontario's at
110 to 3.1ic. Butter. -The local market appears to
be even easier than country boards. In fact, it is
claimed, that prices have declined Ac here since Fri-
day, finest salted creamery ranging down to 200..
Shipments were extremely light last week and the
amount of trading * smo.II: Eggs -Hot weather is
driving consumers over into fruit to a considerable
extent, and this is having the effect of curtailing the
volume of trading in efts; However, prices are
holding about steady at 160 to 16/Je for straight
gathered, =online- to quaity. No. 2 stook* not
wanted at all atur must frequently be sold at 124 to
get rid of it, 13c being probably the geneml price.
Select candled eggs steady and in good demand at
100 to 190.
Live Stock Markets.
LoNDON, England, July 3 -Cattle are quoted at
101 to i1c per pound '• refrigerator beef, 8c to 81e;
sheep, dressed, 13i to 16e- par pound.
LtvERPOOL, Julv 3. -Canadians 51d.
BLYETALO, N. IF., July 3 -Cattle -Fairly Active
and steady to 15c lower • prixteisteers, $5.50 to
$5.85 ; shipping, $4.85 to ‚35.40; hitchers, $4.35 to
$5.25 ; heifers, 83.60 to 85.15 ; ochvs, $3 to $4.50 ;
hulls'82.75 to $4.35 ; stockers and feeders, 83 to
84.10; skeet heifers, ‘82.75 to $3.26 ; fresh cam
and springers, steady to $2 higher, at 818 to ' $50.
Veals-Active and steady ; $4.50 to $6. Hogs -Act-
ive and 5 to 100 lower ; heavy and mixed, 87.05 ;
Yorkers, $7 to $7.65 ; pigs, $7.05 to $7.10 ; roughs,
$6 to $3.26 ; stags, 84.25 to $4:75 ; dairies, 86.90 to
$7. Sheep and Iambs -Shaw slow ; lambs, active;
market 250 to 50c lower lambe, $6 to $8.60 ;yearlings,
0.75 to $7 ; wether, $5.75 to 80.90.
ToRONTO Juxcasox-Union Stook Yards, July
3e -The quality of fat cattle Was pod ; trade was
quiet. *Export prices ranged from $4.80 to $5.15, the
nuik selling- at $4.90 to 85 ; export bulls, $3.75 to
$4,35 ; butohers' prices for picked lots of choice rang
edafrom 84,90 to $5 good from $4.60 to $4.55 ;
medium, 84.40 to $1.60 ; common, $4 to $4.25 ;
butcher cows, $3 to ‚34; canners,$2.75. Veal ealves
sold at $4 to SO per 100 lbs. Sheep and Lambw
-Export ewes from $4.26.
MONTRI1Ali, July 3. -Cables from Liverpool on
Camulian cattle came easier at 1010, while -London
advices were stronger, mid noted an advance of ic to
1.1 to lile; exports for the week were 13,411 cattle,
155 sheep LshipMents for June were 19,007 cattle,
358 sheep ; total to date, 35,505 cattle, 3,889 sheep.
A team of the trade was the renewed strength in
the market for hogs, and prices advanced, 25o per
owb. oa small supplies, and a good deniand, from
palokers. Onalat of very choice selects gold at $8,20,0
and the balimee at 7.75 tO $8 per cwt, weighed off
ears. The.market for oattle Wns strong, on account
ottenell offering e mid a eeareity o good to Ottolee
stock, but pelees show no further advance. The de-
mand wasgoed, end tales of choice beeves were
made at ; good, 5 to ic ; fair, 41‘ to Se ;. com-
mon, to 4 ; interior, 24 toseo per pound. Sheep
and lames contintuat scarce and flrrff ; Sheep sold at
to 40 per In. ;.lanthe, 3 to 0 mole
TORONTO, July 4 --Export Cattle -- Choice lots
brought as high aS 85, but tide -ivas the highest to
which the market 'Would go, Choice are quoted at
from. $4.80 to 5 ; medium to good, 81,60 to $4.75 ;
'sidle, $3.75 to 81 ; bulls, light, $3.25 to $8.75 ; °Owe,
$3.50 to $4. Butchers' Cattle -Prices were cagier,
with little demand, exeept for choice, which brought
from 84.50 to 84.75 ; medium to good, 84.25 to $1.60 ;
bulls, ,$3 to $3,25 ; cows, $3 to $8.50 ; canners, 81,60
to $1:75, St,00kers and Feeders -Good cattle were
slow at steady pricee., Choice deinanded 83.50 to
$3.85 I common, $2.75 to 83,25; short -keep feeders,
$4.75 to $4.90 ; heavy feeders, $4.60 to $4.70 ; stock
bulls, t82 to $2.25. Milch Citeve-Pricee remained
steady at from,$25 to 850 each, Clhoice sold at 840
to $50 common at $30 to $35 ; springer, $26 to
$40. Calves --A fair supply was on the rnarkek but
prices rifled steady at from 3i to 8c per pound. Sheep
and Lambs -The market for these wail not particu-
larly active, though lambs were in good demand at
somewhat lower figures. Ex.port ewes are quoted
at $4.25 to $4.40 ; bucks at 83.50 to $4, While spring
lambs were from $3.25 to $5.75. Hogs, .The market
continues to maintain firm prices, and Activity for
ail Iota offering. They are quoted at $7.50 for se -
loots, mai $7,25.for lights and fats, fed and watered.
11011 -OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale, a com -
I I fortableiratne house on Goderieln street, east,
Seaforth. The house contains seven rooms with kit-
chen ; hard and soft water. It is in .good repair.
There is • in conneetion one lot, on which is a frame
stable. Apply on the premises or addrees MISS
Seaforth. • 2012x4
flOUSE FOR SALE. -For sale, a story-and-ivehalf
house in Ilarperhey, just outside the corpor-
ation of Se,aforth. There are nine rnems and wood
wood and coal shed in connection, also hard and soft
water in the house. There are 1+ wires of land, with
both small and large fruit Of tem best varieties, also
stable for cow and horse and hen house for about 50
hens. The house has been recently painted and pap-
ered and is in ilrst-olass cendition and would be a
very suitable home for in. retired farmer. For further
particulars apply to MRS, J. J. RUMEX, or to
MRS. ABRAHAM HUGILL, Seaforth I'. 0.
Point Farm
Now open for Summer visitcrs. We have
the best bathing beach on Lake Huron, flue
large rooms, fine lawn*•facilitiet0for tennis,
soli, base ball, croquet, eta..
Accommodation for 100 people.
Terme froin $7 to $14 per week.
Write for circular.
• 2011-4
Holiday Beason
Now is the time to get away from
the worries of business life and
spend a few weeks in the High-
lands of Ontario, or, talc° a trip
through the Eastein resorts to the
Sea side, which in one of the most
delightful and popular trips.
Tourist tiokets cia sale daily to all
For tickets and, full information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agen
30)000 lbse Wool
custom yarding done for the Public
Quick Delivery.
Threshing Syndicates.
We can interest you in
Machine and Cylinder Oils.
We also carry a full line of blocks and
ropes for setting separators.:
I .
• Blue Ribbon, 650 feet to the
pound—pure Manilla.
Book it now, you run no risks, as we
guarantee both price and quality.
Do not fail to sample our machine
oils, or inspect our harvest tools.
Central. llardware Store
George A. Sills,
Seaforth - - Ontario
A Reminder
It is very annOying and discouraging to find,
• after the work is done, that your time and
money have been wasted.
This is often the case after using Paris Green,
Hellebore, Insect Powder and Sulphate Copper
of poor quality.
If you buy you Insect Killers at
J. S. Robert's' Drug Store,
You can depend upon the quality.
We sell only Bergerlsignglish, ahvays reliable
We handle only fresh goods.
Ground fro.m unopened buds and guaranteed
absolutely pure.
Good stock on hand
Paid-up Cacpitai, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000
0, E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'i Manager
Every facility afforded Farmers for their banking
••business. Sales Notes cashed or taken
for collection.
BANKING BY MAIL—Deposits may be made or withdrawn by
mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention.
G. E. PARKES, Manager.
13INYTH, mi a.• ONTARIO,
"Lest You Forget"
We have just had arrived to us 27 ;dozen of new collars, comprising the big-
gest assortment, the best values, the choicest designs and most econoraical
prices we have yet offered.
Irish lace plastron miters only 50o. Irish lace plastron collars, trirnvaed wieh
net lace, only 50o. Planen net lace plastron collars, only 50o. Planen 'auipurs lace
collars, beet you have seen, at 15e, 200 and 25o. Batiste and . net combination collars,
beauties all of them, 20o and 25o, A big bargain in planen guipure lace collars'were
15o, bought' to sell ab 10. Nainsook collars and cuffte worked with Japanese shadow,
were 50o, to dear the see at 25e. Twenty dozen ribbed cashmere hose for ladles, were
40ota'eleer ab 251 a pair. Satnple night gowns for ladies 50o, 754, 85c, Si, $1.25,
$1 50, $1.75 and $2, every one the best of value and made of English capabrics, Blaok
underskire samples at 75; 85; $1, $1.25 and $1 50 -buy one of these skirts for a bar-
gain. Ladies' turn -otter collars in very neab patterns, and at very best valaes, each 5o,
10c, 12-10, 153 and 20o.
Kharaelte Dress Golds lead, others follow.
Poplestone & Gardiner, Blyth.
• Special Prices
We are having a special sale of Furnhure for the
June weddings. You will find this store the right
place to buy your June wedding presents, also if
you want to furnish your home, come to us and we
will supply your wants at prices that cannot be
SM A ,Y101:VTIiii
S. T. HOLMES, Manager.
Good Stock and the Prices Right.
Chemist & Druggist
W.M.MoKA Y, Manager.
Are They Afraid?
There are, in this neighborhood, egcnts for several
" buokee bowl" cream separators, "Bucket bowl" equine -
tors are the kind with big bowie, full of parts set on top of
their spindlee. These agents see, to farmers! parts,
to buy
a separator, "'took out for the Tubular," or "Don't try the
Tubular," or "Beware of the Tubular." To hear them talk
you would gum right away tnat .
The Sharpies Tubular
is the best cream separator made, and that these "bucket
bowl" fellows are afraid of it. And they are afraid of it.
Che Tubular surpassee every other separator in every particu-
lar, and you should take mighty good care you do eee a Tubu-
lar before you bus' a separator. I will be pleased to show
you the 'attest Tubuler, and give you an illustrated catalogue.
Next to Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Store. -
VOTERS' LIST, I 9 0 6 A view
Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or
delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and.
9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies requir-
ed by said sections to he so transmitted or deliiered
of the list made, pursuant to said. Aot, of all persons
appearing by the last, revised Assessment Roll of the
said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said
Municipality at Eleotions for members of the Legis-
lative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and
that the said Hat WW1 first posted up In my office iti
McKillop on the 2nd day of July, 1900, and remains
there for inspection.
Electors are called upon to examine the said.
and, if any omissione or any other errors are found
therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the
s.aid errors corrected according to law.
Dated this 3yd day of July, 1900.
2012-2 Township Clerk.
Real Estate and Mortgages bought or
Sold. on Commission
Money to loan at lowest current rates
-oi interest on mortgage security
100 acre farni in the Township of Tuckersmith.
Frame house, large barn, all in good repair. Soil,
clay loam ; good location.
50 acre farm in the Township of Tuckersmith frame
house, barn nearly new, pig pen, buildings in good
repair, eituated near good town.
100 acres in the Township of Stanley, irame house,
good barn, implement house, buildings in fair state
of repair, situated ttvo-andat-half miles from market.
160 acres in the Township of Stanley, small house
and barn in a fair state of repair, soil sandy loam, no
hills or stones, 9 miles to market. .
200 acres in the Township of Melfillop, frame house
nearly new, heated by furnace, two barns, implem-
ent house, gtabling for over 50 head of cattle, silo,
drilled well, windmill, water in stable for cattle and
horses, soil, clay loain iii a first-class state of cultiv-
ation, Situated 7 miles from market,
100 acres in the Township of MoKillopibrick honee,
good barn,buildinp in good repair, sod clay loani,
no stones, situated convenient to market, school and
Ichurches, would consider en exchange for sidtable
town property in eunounding towns.
Also a number of other farms in Huron Comity for
sale at low prices and on easy terins.
Dwelling houses and building lots in SeafOrth,
Olden and Brucefield for eale.
A post card will bring you a hill description, pries
ole., of any Of the above properties.
I Free transportation ,frorn 13ruceficid to prospeetive
I buyers to inspect any property on my list.
A. A. WATT, BrUcefield, Ontario
Enables you to
judge without pre-
judice. Look over
the list, and where
are you surer of
pure drugs than at
oar drug etore It
indo because we
are be
y one,
make "quality
first" our motto.
Courteous treat-
ment, fresh drugs
and low prices ap-
ply to ue every
Pure Paris Green,
fresh etook, 25c a
Hellebore, 30o a lb.
Stone Root Co. for
kidney trouble and
rheumatism, 50o a
Welaa preventa-
tive for naval ill or
rheumatism in
young oolts-try it.
Once a customer al-
ways a customer.
corner .lasio
Market Sreete
t The Utmost
S_ Dry Goode
and Clething
Concern In
June Sale.
An Extraordinary Sale begins
aturday, Tune 23rd
and will continue until all Summer goods are
cleared. bargains will be here in great num-
bers. The people know when we advertise
bargains they are here to be found. Como on
Saturday and take advantage of the first of
these cut prices. The following is only a
small list of our goods on sale:
A. clearing lot of Ribbons, in a variety
of shides, worth from 12 -ie to 18; on sale
at/ 5c a yard.
Three dozen girls' white lawn ancl col-
ored chambray waists, worth from $1 to
$2.50, on sale at 50c each.
A lot of black sateen and lustre waists,
I in sizes 32 and 34, worth from $1.25 to
$2.10, on sale at 50c each.
Two d9zen ladies' print and percale
wrappers, si:zes 32 to 40, reguilr prices 950
to $1.75, on sale At 75e each,
llosiery—Boys' heavy ribbed school
I hose, sizes from $ to 10, on sale at from 18c
to 28c a pair.
A full range of ladies', misses' and
children's plain lisle, lace and cotton hose,
in black and tan, at exceptionally low
Agent for up-to-date Truistee, Syeingee,
Hot Water Bottles, Sboop's remedies,
Cook's Cotton Root Compound and
Wood's Phosnhedine.
Full Car of XXX
Planing Mill and Lumber Yards
Two pieees Tame Lineri, worth 30c,
sale at 20„.
Four pieces Table Linen,.worth 45;
On. sale at 30c.
Two pieces Table Linen, worth 50c, on
sale at 37c.
Twenty colored bed covers, worth 75c
on sale at 55o.
Forty white bed covers worth 1.25,
on sale at 90e.
Grey cotton remnants af their value.
Eight pieces towelling, worth 8c, for
512- cents.
White Flannelettes, very special, at
gic a yard.
Art muslins, worth 7c, on sale at 50
muslins, worth• 10c, on sale at 7e,
A table of fancy muslins, worth from
15c to 20c, on sale at 10c a yard.
Three pieces fancy dress linen worth
42c, on ,sale at 20c.
Two pieces fancy wool voile, worth
75c, on sale at 35c.
Twelve pieces dress goods, worth from
500 to 75c, on sale at 35c.
in greys, fawns and tweed effects, worth
from $5 to $10 each, on sale at 2.98
Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs
and Wool.
Opposite Town Building, Oerner Mstin
ket Etrests, 8forn.