HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-07-06, Page 1=
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� I � I XTRIRTY-EIGHTH IYEAR. . . . . I � . . . WC&.& 0 1 1. . - . McLEAN'BROS., Publishera I
. 1"&NUMBERs 2,012. � . ko'EAFORT1191 FRIDAV
Z � : f I . MCA _. .11 JULY 61 1906,9 - �
. L,:!== 11 .- I I . . i I .11 $1 a Year it AdvanW*
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I Vin& Vs 01-\. 7 � . . . . �
� r I , ST. JAME8' CHURCH PICINIC in the inext field and he Qua ,his ARTISTIC— WhIalen T;ublio �whb'ol, sectilon, 12, attended and was a nfbe;t- f:Mjoyable
, - UsVorne, Uavinig resigned his rfiu- social)6vent. A pleasaht feAuTo w -'w ,
, TMjoring 1_ `4 ... . . -ylond a bad shakin!g up 1 -hey were I
I - , I . e ti � I FURS i� horse were ikiwooked down, -Ibut be- _`II.`._I"., pils .,Presented &-im with a &omp�i- t:hie ,pre&ntatro-n, on behalf 4of the
�, , _ a34 RE . (XI I AND The liadies iof St. James' Church, I nlbt lujured.
I mentlary address and a sot. �of wery pupils and pe�oplei of thle ise-0ti*nt Of
I d-14 . - � in I - �
I - ort&-, -were speolally ta.vordd-_ ' b 4t Rembriuke. T T fine military brut9hes. 'an "dress to XT. and ,Yfrs. Gfowam,
"#A-j=ad FIJUNISE1 the Watiter tof weather for their I - Mrs. jjohn',gullivian, of Chichester, _� �'—On Fxidfay, 9juj,y Zhe Otih, iMrs. 'and a 'handsbmine vrwWnt tO OR*h.
� -
0 I pio-'nio ton Uoindlay last, Dominion 1 Quebec, w1as killed by lightning Idur- Holmes, lot flolmesvI11% waoiblier of Mrs. aowun-a was igiven a �Wllver
L �Okthlw 'N HING " lye have now %vhat we consider the
ULOO' Wall'Paper
I . I ING$ , Day. Alitsh-opigh Ithe inicoraing broke -. most beautiful line of New wall ,Dr. IT
.L . I ing te heavy 4oxm th&t passed ov- � . Mules, of -Goderloh, the tena,uty crowned ivair Kirewhig Joji aelt. -=d
I I I s0newiliat 1glolomy and untprom.-A'Ing, Paperii ever obown in Seaforth treasurer, expeoted tIo celebrate ,her to Mr. Gowians a !gold wiatch thain.
1�� �; - 00M1=1&LM_y_= � . I 0 er this aeotion basit Virlday night. . .. .
. darly fin 64e foreVoion, the wturos- It you want our Avall paper at the 1OOt.h birtilldlay. Co'nsidering her —The Obderioll Engine 0o. Have -
22 �
&C 8Q_U-&MM1_1 3DM3.ALTL SWOMM. piherQ oloared ioff and ithe reimander I 'Mrs .', In' Saskatchewan- .- right price andyour Nvork done neat. . grefat age Uu-'s ,,mr'arift lady is wioiji- ,sent .t,o., fte Northwest a 'number of
ideal lone ,B(r an, . Xame6' PassWore, who tre- .
I --I- ___ of (tihe day ,was an, i* - ly and promptly, buy from derilaily ismhrt wdd ishe Wopes I& be gamples -of it,he Boss grinder, a ina-
- I
��____" _____ - - __ __ - - __ 0 0 1___� � 111111111111110111111111111 oobasl)oin of itthe kind, The iplac�,- se- sides I= ta farm :,west tof Caramfi, --- � iabie -to receive all ,her friends dyInef it is expected, will be e&a,r.
I I � � I I lecited, ialso, Case's Grove, o conil I vot I Efask,, was istrack by lightning und W, ""ao -attend Iller' unniversar-Y. vh!ased by eve . ry farmer in that dia- I
. 1k l . .
- . L . 11 blare been wore su-i-table. 1t IlDoks* pijoblably fatally anjuxed. AlE.&O WINTIE 'I R% 9 —Ed. ,Restime,yex, *o� JTay, tolst Vie t1aryt terrift-ry.. It is patented and
� � � ' as if -ist were specially designee. ifor --* lytirse, icontainill,g 'a sum 'Of M1000Y- built lor grinding knives of ire`4-
I � - fn f _�_L -,V- I � . - - , USEAFOIR1113M, betNv,vvn 'his (place, Itwo, avAid, a hailf ers aud mowers and Abes itto veork
L _ ,a / � plio-Inio ,purposes, and Iihe wiondtr is, 13orse Racing at Fall Fairs , 1 .4momomw�
. - 0 a that .so bea:dtlifu'l a lapiot is not Navy reViorts .'have. been received Picture fr6ming a Specialty* miles tnorfli of Vashw(oiod, and iMr. J. ea -Aly and ieffe�atively. It alSWgrillft
.. I I 0� u re more (tiniversially tused. On t6l's Ole- byk th , iDepla,rtm,ent *f Agriculture, '" " "' ___ . 1, 0.11 - i � Solaveder's, two and a half bnfieB all kinds ,of knives, ,tw10 igrind ationes
I - I ,,
_ . oas&on it rwas made itto Ilook its best, . West of Dagli;NVciod. The finde.T. will
L . � lbabitable bouse iand goocL Uarn, 0o x '_ -be eul-fably rewarded b,v leaviag being is -old wit -h every igrinder.
, 1�� I tl11 , the legislation, 'gorerning agrioul. '+1h 4 —Mr. JVbn Wfroussvau, �of ,the &h
i a's in',; fjor'ta railing on the tolause of
� I . and Itthe sceme, from early tin,
1 50 f4Af - ."A .9� -11 11
I reshowiiag all the zlewed 4-
. ft � � W
i in Wash Fabniwoijju*-_,
. �
. .
I nd all the latest oolo -�� -
- -
. I
exhibit iz, without do* A* -
,ectanywhere hereaboutL1 .- .1 -
0 � forenioon itintal wate in tine, everung -axial dooieities which Porbids barse �v vr'"�A. tm A X,-- Me isame at ,tirs )JasnWoo,a 08C 01- 0sn-c,e&qiVh -of My" ,a flaw 70"venings
. t uildf 11 e.
was ,a Im-ost, busy and inspiridg pne, deal of Ibbe work of bui ing, wi fio I
"me-& , , VaOiDg, but permits trials ,of Ispeeil post jabouit ago esjTied a lynx -walking keis=elY
. � t fairs Ithriomghlout the province. - - - A -Y. I
Q - tvery ,possible preparation -had beein, a *POO1. Then there ds tthe -Mr. S. J, Andrews, be$ been 4p` I tow-trds 14S. barn. xfis ;Zi;1�;weeha"
� Tencing with wire, Vile ollimpest - Voluted piolice wagistrate .of Cliaboon. . to '. e tt k", capture
I I - ILI nimal bat cou[Id im', �
U1 C&I . . made for ,the einteftaiiiment and The golYowing definitkoo, appriored form available in the opinion of Imen, Mhe New gria. say&: 11 This is a oass it. ,Th�a Inexi.
. . pleasure lof -t,he plo.-niokers, and the by Mon. Meldon Ivrianteith is ,being on the spot. By .I. evening it 7qvts a-,enjnear
I the ItIme a man 16f the Tiglft man in ithe xight ohaoe." tkb,o Zurlah Ardad, ,and agaln .iyursued
� - immense .crowd preseut . seemed to sbnt Ind -by U. B. Omvia,n, isupeHn- gets 75 acres clearied, fairly - well -Dr. M'aw, (of 01intion, is iereot- 'j,]j,omt oixoicess. 3X 'hits sir-ce &-illied .-
� wil -
� . edjoy tbeinselVeg Jtb thi fall, The tenden't ,of, (aigrioultural so;oi#ties:. fenced, and it,he absoilutiely neaeo ing a large and thendstinre A0W two of 4y,jr. Xyouisgdaii�s i9be-ap. It
. tadies illad provided MDSt g6n8l'QU8- sary
" Tritals ;of -speed " abiall. rhean driallainig idone, 4is hu;ndred'acire Noew brick resiftnoe, (0A Dattenberry, aiytea ,go italus-ly- ,,-�-Ve�p pursued �_haf
1K I � 4y for the inner mitn, and -the beauit- 6ompeti-tions beltwie-ein drivin;9 blOrsiq Ontrario farm nvill stand tjyim in struet in itiblat t1own. I
H f - r
.I. I UR/ary - , �" sv:)t icon w.bAch the tebtes, +vere in whicili cionformlatkyn, so,und'.nefS3 mio'ney and dabor, betwe'su 0-P5 and -Mr. �Xoihn Xoddiek, i5ne of ithe sonve of it'lle. ,m,ople there, 00,11004- .
my spread, under Ifthe ,green treeas "'th , add style exo donsidered as ,well tas ed Xhlxt jit *�st have tsoaped grom
I . I " . a ism,olo6hi, ioarpet of velvety grass, spsc�d in ithie winning tof the iprize. $P0 -per jaore. ' pi`oncr-and imbst -respeoted resf"nts a&ov or i�bow- .
while Ithe votoling, breezes and i8had- If, in ithe 'Judgment ,of it,he tofficers OomparisoAs With Other 6ections, , ,of t1he 'township 4of Grey, Ras decided, _Vvre are every sbrry W fearn oft
For a suit, isn't it pleasant to ij�ig (trees tempered It -he atm-ospliere,_ Haw does it -his - witih ad- to dispose iof his fine Afarnr in that ' yrd Palmer,
or judges, it is deemed advisable, to - the demise bf'Mrs. Rivhlh
know that there is -.j at least one and,all it,hese added t,o Ithe zest With test It he ispeed -of the idonte9ti-ag vantages Offered = I A (man tlowj4ship with the view of retiring vellbse,mlaidon !name, was Mary Wgiaes
whilo-b. the iassemf6led m-aliti-tudesi je:n_ from the Wore P.6tive, . duties of
. barstes it is aIll'awable tio do, isa, 1but can 'buy a farm in ony. one 6f Itjjia Briay, dhe being a daughter of Mr.
place -in town ' where you may go joyed ,the ebandanice iof detlo,�oies the prize -must in every ,case be ,a. best doozen counties irn joll,tario W!t life, Mr. Rloddiok is 85 y"rs of Win. Brtty, 16t1h ob-noeselton �&f jGreyi,
9md within a" Jxalf hourJump into -an substaiffials proirided, w-1arded,on .geavraf excellance asseen from 6PO to $70, land wit -h buildiligs age -and it is time he was t-hiliking she 'p-a-sse
- was also it,he merry,,go-raand f,;ZPtKr',' . . - uVotit itaking 11fe easy. . d aw�y Sunday, June il?,
91 V in the iabove aharact,eristibr4. It is on lt'hIe Most expensive Vilace wepre. � _ w1h Iat tbe ilibme ,of ,her thusband, inear .
spick aila span new suit,, the a)nusement iof : the children and not i-liftt,ndid Ithat parsin shall be.,of- sentia�q OKO vait. of Jjhie $70. If ja Mrs. Walter 11),gle, o bad Wroxeter, 4ged 25 years- and il-0
- -
fit, style of garment and pattern, youinger ipeipple iand ,tihey ay. ited fered made imp tof delyosits .or je�u�try Man ,has a eavitall of 00,000.1ior P,ven been a resident iol Goderidh flor forty months. .Mnumptilon w"as thA icause.
themselveis anost 'genwonsly of -the feesfn0mlownters of 0ontesting.harsefl **1 000 if ,he 'has a little in the ,wa�r yoars, died in fihat ifown Jast week, She wws a fine yib an�g wlomah, AvVon
and quality of cloth, , all meet prIlvilege and tbe many h,orses Ni 7f kk't�ck a at t1he age -of 78 1years. The deceased
, ses' cre but tBat premium6 shall be offered . .nd implem"nit-B, the Idan ' 1 diernise Will be grelatly regretted.
your wishes perfectly, and -y u kept 'on itilic go almlost iwith-Dat da- in th,e ,u,s,aia., way. perl�apa apply &is avoiney IL -0 better 't"as .,one of a family iof iVhirteen chil- She Wad bep-n married ,only iabfamt -
I 0 termiissi-on throughoult the lay.- ad,j�antake iin Old Itiban 1he oam in dren, N-,Ias ia -native lof In"roess? in � .
O I - Ohgj Farl,her avp the hil4 a spacb�us 11lat- - " Horse - raoing " shall include New Ontario. But m1ainy imem, WjX0 Sdorthand, and ta dautkfter of Walter two yelars.
� o0mlpetilt ions in which all ior la,ny iof _*vh1a Wel,sb, of 11'*envall, w1fo fell '
' '
tedious wait for a suit. after f; "m ibad been ereoted toir tbel ac- the floll,owing iclonditions arq follow- 411ave iniot, igot the jW,OOO, or onyw-hex,o XoMniald, c)Gjfftraotior Pf Invorness. fitlft -an eltotrie light pole ia, trew
. Y � claminiodia-tion iof -tihii poult1i 'a d ad: fa) In whii-ch'speed ionly is icoin- near it, WtA4 (go, Ito New Ontarho, Her biusbiand idled over 30 iyeara iagio.
you've made your selection'. YOU b rh Yc n take .up ,a Idt -from Itihe, crlow,u, jand Shel eaveis alo faxaily4. weeks qea, went t10 Dondion ja-at
pia ( io
� beauty -of tobe neighl d on sidered. (b) Iln whicli cintri s tare ire- Week ft "'jilhe hfospitiial to have Ala �
. ' w-bilich ,to trip the light ,frantastii IV le J` _T.h�e Xethodrigts iof Beligrtave ap
see what 'you're getting. There's ,the oltrain"S', jof a -giolod ,orcibeatra frado' stricitead by Itime limit, (c) In Which by idilig,ajift and intelligence ,create fdot examined. The x-ra,yz revmled
. . I . . any rvAric0ons are madle as 10o, the a ,farm dn t1h1B 100!tIrse of (ton (or fif. prointment fast ,week waited on itihp,ir a brloken. WD-ne lu -his toot and an- .
S W YOU 'M . s, itthe -- ,obber ,,out Aof plan. An operattion .
no speculation as to ho , nderthe direcitivia of the otantfori,an number of entriets, � teen year, Such mien givillig at late pasItlor, Rev. Mr. Xones, and Pilo
. bones of Charlie lGoldi-ag .as idimpi. a- front imi&t be lbaborers all Kheir sented -him with a farewell address ,vinas performed and as 'oj reault it
may appear, such as there is in tCor (and (mblose never f ailimfg liskil i. in � and a fianclaome easy obair lella-61l :to ,
. I Farming in New Ontario. Alves, and in it'hie puo,iihouae ,at the is,exgeoted 1he will fully a�ivnver itlio
dhoqsing cloth to have' it made t!blis line ikeeps even t is- end . himself and Mrs. Jidnes. Mr. Jones ,
, � . �Ic` " use ,of 1his fdot. � . Sinve the acoldeaA
biclated in it -he right tanurlolotph,he A 00-rre,5P,oadeat writiln!g Ifrom Now 'tit ihio,w- aboujt i&he We.qt V Ttv iffie -hiad been dn charge Iof Belgrave foir- b a h1ha, .
up. . most intricate ireel. Fri . Liskeard, gives his - B ouit tor Itth-ree brOirg -qLnd jhas ,,betin . auffered severe pawj which
I t- Views T`esPeOtirlig wedt It'he 1xild is alroady joloared. it is ifted the operartgon, 'Will xe-
',aldo. it -he ioraticy'rilo'm "��&p 1`0 in tjiiat -K-ed hy Conference. imlloft Vo 018
f arm 09, I
% j �f'a farmLpl; 'prospecits InA-rit of rnik- lui .
I ; . . � I .
I I . __ � . . I I . . the eniterit-ainimment fwas given. Ad- newest Ofiltiario h AV, , 01 -M -Mr, C,106`11.5 is 'no 110V . � 11 -eve.
0rde`TiVg an the netit Ilaind flef t amyNvibere near IthIe regret of fte jpebpls of thVt a
, exclusive pat . I . p`P�Int_ , -The d:)rner istibuee -of tb6 if ine ne,W
uterna M An-*- . . dresses voit-able Ifjor the ,00cqL ban MOW maidw-aY being. ereefed by Ibbei Or i I
- I I raLlway. Land in New .pta�rj,y ment. I �
� . . I � I . - 20th.Cent - eldvered .1�y Mr. T,hiDmas o- 011tar"D G0V,"rn=0Vt- H6 &s been Should iproduce at in -a er, ,public adh(vol Ibuildiog t1D be IBTeCt-
I �� 11 ,- . -Mr. ,Vobe�rt A. Taylh>r, 'of 'How-
- , 11 _. � . . uIry . were id o'h Veil a e ed in, the vill-a-ge �of 40redWon, vir" '
. I It , ,� - - MiRall, 'of Hullett, and Mr. . . Bay Ito as on IL(he prairies, taind Efor W141 Uut, ick, -Nas anade the .purchase taf 31r. -
I I - . I , � I j3p qdviig ithat, croulte, Imin Njorith I . I . karmally laid -on Friday of last ,w4wjc 1
� , � � - i
� I I all Farrel, of Forest, twiso were, A ro- a is Produced there is ia,imarkoat at -ihn Stein's -residentEial prio,perty in
- -
- I n"�n � - I . Fine tailored orarme,nts are I the end of oonstructian, 165 .miles 1, ' X, by Mr. Wm. Lewis ,one of the Pibn,-
[: re m a A ablyi*_ I . ; q duced tin ,a neat alddre,sg by, e .� the North andt-his is whait ([xe ,says- tilile idok>r,s thigher f)hjen Ithoit jDf W`in'0h4`m, end exPeots 't'o 9'D 6-11'r're eer Teisid6,nts id the p1jay.e. An 'in-
- I . - I ... . - vad It'* - reside. � Mr. -F-
� � ,Oorvo,rau. - 'They ore, dt But mr-hiat of it,he agriouillturial TX I in lirivember
. � er On
I - !��_- ready to put on, and. theifluest this or any.. otlaer country' 'rath I tario ;even. Them is, It,00, 4,.0 ja
� �_
�_ - � , rwifroes of New Ontaxio. The -as � terelting AhlAbbry t6f * the ;SdWool friam ,
. - - - . � . - 5. plolished iand elloquout speakers nd Clay- 'bandane Of if liel. _. guest ,hias gold his desirable- ho tim-
� �. �z - ,e - for Itthe cuttiqyg , the Vairy days nat 11: the. preigmt . e ,,
I .
. . --- - � . eir sensible and alypVop,riate ad- Bolt iis into, Taytih. From Lake Nj town,
. AVA � I a . ,111111 . hRo ever produced, �'Have you looked ? � th . pis- tibere 'is i4ways ,blie thanicia a]hd Itot ,in the same tio. 'Mrs, -
: . - . �v Va,rn Was Tead -by Mr. Bftwltt, IUM t)XO- - - -
I . - dresses , iw-exe iliis,ten,ed tio wlt,h the sin -,a .doIllar ii 'Thfomfaz� 16ynt, lof St. Ifelp-na. Mrs.
� I . I 9 ,tio, Raileybury, a distance of n t1he woods our pn 0hie irail- aent prinolp�a'l, za-a exoelleAf adiltes,
I t 'le It1he obtaracter of itl�e too -an- .1
bummer I I � . ___ t " - � ollosest faititelitifon. There weine I L190 108 7 MID,MS, a n . waY, land you. -are witihin, fx,eath Of ises wiere delivered by )?.evd:s. .1dessrs.
. I- __ 3foynt intends to reml,ovt, to Wini-
. I
a - �. - ; �
� " - , , , I , im", I
� :
I - - � Z__,,_ ___ . Sports of miarkaug kinds and all -Were try agrivu,ltufral sta�nd- all Iffie advaAta,ges vf I -ad -el -
- J_, hiam in )the fall.
. . I . I
t, I
____v�_ ,vine Black Suits . .1 mat ared Bean * a Ar.qdr ws and bY Ur
1$150, $a, $150 and _. - - . . . . . 0 edlosely dolottegted. 1-ndeed bhe clay V01ft Is wticill. ,the ftme tas that of oivill-zation. a -,Mr. j6h1n H(olf niian, 'of Dashwolod, Lewis. .
. . � -.17,t --- I * wias "aroely Xonig enicitigh tio Igest. fin 411 itille ,olld districts of Mas-koka, . -met ,witih la, painfal 4ocident -un .
I . - � , . . . . . . . - -IF z . -0- -The Nebbi3dist ChUrch building at' ' -
. .
;at�s........�..,...,..........* � ,_�` -, . - I I . Darry Sound ia,n d ,AJigom,a. Thursday lot last week, Hvi -was
! I �... . Fine Blue Suits . . all ftlat iwasvn, the, (programme, but I t is I& Huron Notes. , I Ahn�h, toix -he H-arim voa,d, Widway',
I - 7- 1. z � , � . . -Uh,e onaollilms in L .
- I . � 1-1 - I ever ii�ng ,wes voili'amolted in the mad"813101 Of 'Induldbains ot rock - y6rking at 'one of
11 yth
� .1
I .-
I �
- . , ..- - - - �� . . I best ,of ,order fiatUat ithe, wlyo,je ro,_ witih !produetive tvalleys i-vteimeininig. -Out of four notis Xr. S. .Green, bbe faccory arlien the fiagers of his betweeil-'Se'llbrth and 'Climmoo-q 'WaS
JW ,.,w � -
.ft,+.Wft w_ : I . - . - I -
X I ; on � .:_ gmimme -,was ,carried tVrough ike f GrVnd tB Y fthe kniv,ea put up by audtila'a 4a,,4 .week, loub
IF $9. 00 war W-. 1. ,; 11n isach, .wij,lile gmulps bf oxcellient 0 and, lifted ,$400 (W-orth. ,of left 6alid got caught b
� swk� - - __-___-_._.111 I � . Fine Fancy Suits o1fock ,N,Ao�rk. 'Ehe ireci�iipits ,al -go, more farms widl be created,0tibiere, can f iah tilre :at4er day, This ds alm'Dst 'as fof tilie inlaabille, cutting ths �ands 'Of was d6t Vo4d, as tbe,lupisdt Oeloe NvUS
. � . . . . . . . . -
. .- ;1 - . - � I - I .
� I - , I 'b1 nlot'relobedf $35 Was All 1tha1t ,W,SV
- � .. I prolitit Ie * tw10 of Ihis fingers ,off and i4herwise
I IF . I i - ry. The ladie's of ,never Jbe Itille ,oci.a.ti,nuous iset,tilemeats as digging for isilver %n of fered ,for it. , The oheed W'Sis vold- Ito -
r have some at highe ; __ . t1ye 00valt distriot, .
� A -71i � Fine Fancy -- Viests St. Ji'amea (obaxohir under, �Ohiose, dlls- of old On-bario wit1h. all ithe advant- bruising .hils iht=d.
� � - - -
Z . I
� y _ I � � - I ies, I -o -ads, Gibblap at $14, 1xnd Ch,v
es too but this pa-r-ticull a-,- __ - - G&rge Mle fbt $23, the Vrg= *40
AT - _ - `
I I Plees ft,he celebrati-on was li,cld, the O:gvs �n iedacwtional fatil t -Mr. Steiv'art Sffott,, of Bru-meJs, -,P,h,e 'Oxihngemen ,of tEthel, -a;nd
� .
-most auique� milliuery V_ - . - -011 .,. 11 I , Rev. V, at -her Corcoran, ,who 'ha a: etc., Ithat. 19D Itillere-With. captaized in It'hwt tt4own' a mushro;om Brussels, will q* t(o. MilverLlon on Mrs. R. - I .
I J - , "I �� Single and double breasted style's in Suits and Vests, all ,a.tohiful and a helpful e3ne: 1. ver . But, oommenoin,g . tiVat ,weighed ,one (pband and itw-o J.111y 12tih, graing ( an the iregutar seats went tda individual purdbato-
"t -so- 0I - . . ers. The. ciliurob. Uas sillee beeill Obld
I our hats a -re trimmet -inear flaileybiti-ry
I 1, � ds ur t s In' .
I -
as, They have beet, r0h* I goingr at : . till, land kill ,wib[o ,tiotok parti are 16 be It'here is a diffemirt voirt of 0aun- "UnOCS. He, days the' , s e i wa orning triain a�d ret-mriling on privately Itb Mr. SVkt, W -Yo lives
�� � I - oangratealsted -join Ithe success -wlbioh try altqygetiber,- extendlIng some BO a ,n,ju,s1hr`oom ffor the is (still alive. tih-e regt0ar evening express- Quite . .
90 - zs�.� I � I : . . -55 � I
',.the greatest uosaible 404 I W�' . -At it'he entrance examiinatVon held, Ia na-mber will 4ikely taftMW, Whe el3se by, Aw A$ . I
- i r .. � * � attended it-heilT of forts and the,,,%p jenI- miles Inort1h, and a still greater .dis- . y '
I I a . at Brussels lait tweek there; were -AVoi%tt ,of the iplior-eers tof Rur- I
� thev reviresent. D aa t At* 9 CA D 16 "gul - ddd day's en'terbainimonit wobilch they tQ:ncO 'west, ooraDrisin!gr, aill to-�d ia- wbuld -h1ave one 'iVo, i8e,afjort-h but I �
- 1
� �, -1
- . Z
I �!
- �
. - �
. .i
�_ -7 � �
. � i
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-11 ,
.. I
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: �
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- . . �
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I .
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. �
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� 1. �
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I -
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� - : -
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� 2
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� i
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, I AR -,I
I �
:� . I
;: -
. 11 -
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7 -i
� i.
; I
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.. .
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� - �1
I - I
___ - � Z
� i
__ .
. i
t_ .- I
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Z I ,
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- 3
,= I
- -4
.�; I
I �� ,- 1;
- .
U a 19JU0 URAU8 0
portunity. . - - - -
,hfad - tprovided &or so mvily.
I 0
- 1 55 .
bolut a midlion acres, equal in, ex- . pwpiJs writing, C26' Voys tad 29
_ita;ble ,train
were unfable to get all -
vA has #o,ea reWo,ved, 4a kho person I
1. .-
� - __ -1 _11- � �
- -
The O'Miatley ba!nd from Tees-
te'ut it'D GreY: or Sim,coe. This Js isaid girls. Inspector Robb ,and Miss
milli-ection. , I
of Xrs.1 Waxy .-B. Brown, rellot of ithe I
. I
, -in Vrc�ir'L-
lAt'0 died
, 0 - �_ . � . 1
Water furnished imusic. for thMe
'00 be kIll tillable, fraiN. tfr0m, t5t one were presiding examiners.
-Mrs. Chriatidh� lfiPllee, widlaW
-TdJTJI Brpw�n' WbIo .
9 __ - I - - . . � I I
- �_ I - .- ____ . . - I
wisbed 6 praotise the Terpsichlod,cran
and 1produotiva. I -Peter Keffer Jhhs ble, founda-
can speak only
t -be late ,A:agus XoPlift, of Ghjpka.
. -
ftlft, On ybndarY of- last `Wc*, at 01a , �
*111 --- - .
11,11P19W.: . I - �
NeAll- Car I �
I art. Highl,xiid pipers iplayed the
t�on relady bor 'his prbpDsed mew
of ItIhat ,fracti, tar gh w1i it .
0;ll ,all -1 ch he
Stephen bownisrui,p, died last wc,ek tat
-age vf 73 orea= and 4 o�bnfbs D--
I � - - _�.. I , I'll- I I . .
I ...
.*l __1 -
7 All Summer� , Goods will be
e trousic of 'the Gakdania,lis,
whio were dn
ratlway 'paSses, 01nd in ItIll . brick residence, 11-4 aniles west fof
is It -he iaat�
tings iare isufficieutly 'to Et'hel, in Grey itti,,rii,ship. I't be
the residence of her daughter in
T're, Mldhi -31a wbitber gnie,
coamd was. born in Bavefrial Qw-
=�=y. in Che tyear 1832, jand c=e ft ;
.. - � �f - ___ ; ,I :
(p'resenit grealt ivil,mbera,
In it'Le.
munlerious will
-a lo c . I jvj -
d rn bui d
y n, . .b,a.d
- - She.
Cranida,in 1856, mettrmg in the -t,qW_a-- -
I -I.. 11 11 I
I .
vomipebiltiloin ftor t1he, idi-amroijad
give Ja fair .ddea ioif ith ot .m * I L
1 e ich,ara er
g6ve a few- d ays p revi-cously.
I -
� , ;
Z 11 -1
� I .
I - -
I �
I I ,, -
I at iMeresting '
--Y�; -
nig 'Miss Zticy f rillairun-ex as. ,I
r" V_ 'T
Wiss, Wazle -
of the soil. The 'timber is mostly a =_ There were .700 ti�okdtis gold &br
'tlh-e Past (11a
ron tFarmers'
Was,82 W,ears ;of age. Ond bad resided
6or h'alf 'a ccUt-%rY-
-of Stephen, whoTe s,he ireiAdod . .
ship . , I
continglously iu p Itb Ithle time of beo
� -
9ka I cleared
81&ts -
and Horan, lag
i, I
ra hL,
small �sevund growt!lh, poplar, J)Ine, excurshoij
" t'he ut t,
in Step!hen over
irem� h1ome
d -6at13. AVoIat a year aftev taTrivi
WN, 01i 4 - I
McKinnon and iMisa Pearl Ande
,do, -her
etc. The surface is vo,vared with a n extensibn of ithe
Tbe , airis were itaken A*T
' .
I . �
. _____ ..
, _� . I 0 . .
I _ -
. ,
� . _ ,- . .
- . t o* customers,
won a w&-t&h each. t1in the �sdaip
there wore 48 vompeitiltors and
� Wdilingtbn, Grey end Bruce Rail-
vegetable ima'ald of an avieraige,
thickness t3f 1pe:bhaIp8 tNVID fejet. Be- way, t10 itibe lExperiniental. Farm tat
interbaeat hil GrlanaBend.
- he,
F,llen Dundan, reliot -of &
in this vomaltry she, Was gtftarried kc.
� . - �
Jo*btn .Br!own, w1loipredeesamd -her a q �
. I I I
,,-.- prices
W on waists � i -
- �
, i
volitest Was. keein. Miss 0 d
neatill ftlhid,� in a voinisiderable motion Guelph -on &turday, June 23. -
bate Alexander Mitc�hicll, died in
bout.47 y"Ta. .
. .
I - - I I . I
. � - -1
- -
Burgard wo'n the giald waltico'r
-Mr. MdLelan,
of the ootin'try passed throm-gli, wh�o has Yesigmed
Winghlam last week at the age .'of ;87
� -
"At 119b, inti6n (an Wedtleafty or.
Z � 5 Ill .
. NOWAIM . - �
UnderskiW.- I .
sented iby Rioilards doale faot,ory�
there' -is a bj�uc cd -ay which was 1a; Hom the Cloillegirate s4taff in C1 inVoIn,
Will -bake an interest In
� I been a rosi-
yoars. Deceased ilied
1tast week a .hlom;a vved�j I
es on I
- - . I . - .
I., I
Mr. Alby Robing ,
Puzzl4 Ito it'he :fia�rmers f room Ithe dow. ithie Knitting
Co., in tihI41- tb:wm,
dent -of Wjinqjhia�a for 23 1years; oora-w
lag �Vb!6k tpkoe at Iffis wisidenee i6f . -,
. I _.
I I- : � I
imiapalged this race ,ji
iAfalotiory ,
er ,part ol I'll,, province. , and ,Vor ftihe,pre-
Most '(P'f -e aharge f (the dyeing
adlit will ihtav 0
ing ,there ,fxfom -the dodaty *of J?e,el;
Mr. ead Mrs MhGmaa
-Aatburn, their daugh-
. .
? Ramlcmts- , .
very aat .11,e a .
imaniner. T
'*� 10
- 0 .
t1bese wer KW the opinion'this wouild
alid finishing depart nieut. �
She Nyfas ,Wrn ,xisar Ediabilr9ho S ot-
jvOhon eldest I I
G., -of Tlhamt.svifle, was
es on ; . . � �
graTrhiqtuillt ;J�a,s 11 by ]Mr. Mlo
kliese weT$5 iot thia (opinion this Waal- d - ,
land, Ion ithe 24'th of May, .1819. this
tar, (Je1ah -
I .
11 �
I - � ��
i . in all the very newest colors and patterns, with or with-
� ,
i _
)0_,I, .ti
R,e!ga,n, Kip evo,
I _t, �ihe r1oicking a
— Ic
possible of valtivation. Pf4ople in Tw,o ,y*(Yqnjg "up , flormerly of
being the saxpe We (of ibir-th of ithe
. -
united 4a m1arfia,ge ltb 'YL-. ff.. fAe -
- � . . ; . -
I Skirt obtainable � I - I --
- - I'll � . - prices I
ont collars, hard or soft bos6ms, Ole atin g
by Mr. Wm. Rlowntree, Toroidto,
Che fantay Itable ofolth by Mr. (f
b1pe districit ideahare It can ba brok- I Wingtfam, -Mr. -Y,o,hn Park and Miss,
en. witill it�he first Ethel Milliken, Ny,eje ma rried ia
late.Qa,een, Vicit'dria . �
'hew, -aldb 4M Th�vr& �illi, Rev,e
Mr. $wiall, ot Auburn, -of fielating.
. � ;,, �
I � -.1iiii1m I . .
F - ___ , I � � .1
Rrown, Selaforth.
ouiliti,oativni by ta,
Dattlefiird, Sask., ,last week, a
disc ffiarrow. AssurecIly w -her nd
-Alex. R. Alten, of Dun-gimnAbo,
from High River, AlVerrtfa,
,I i1a
Only ,t1he 4mm,od to relwtiviM wey*
- rr'.. ; - �1
- N
BUTTER & ads y 50: to $1.00
Prizes were; %w1oInt iat thie�.Igein
1 ral
was exim'sed Ito till ir b t ,I will 4ptinue, &.�> reside in, (tbfat 1gr(ow..
8 4 y he tral -
ild Volom in land
thlat there is a wi
prewnt. The ,bkppy wouple left ou .
� ,
- ::
-K ,� --I . I
prize (di.5tr1b lition by [the fo,fljowi
I g
Way outtings U , n com ri-- ing Westeria t'owd;
JWO,D be 'e's if
In all it,hat dauntry. Ile has Jutely
tilio i1hur lo7ojock tilain from 11.13ly-th, - .
-- - . - .
I" � - . . . I
Wanted -_ i
A Igold rwa,t,a by Miss ,Evelyn Carlin;
ab -le. � I -Mr. ,Gdorge Garbuitt, of Hallett,
640 aores 7 .0 miles 10as-t of
famid AHowers tat oonfetti for Pe-
- . I
- - � i
a lady's fwalti'll ch -a -in by Mr. J.
There 'is ta igood deal of iclay �f- recently sold la f1hr cc -year old if -illy
.� W- QQAA -0t, -11. 1_ 11 _�
WN0h i.s o,n ,.he C,al-
Webaskiwin, 11
triott. tand- Tbolp4o. Mr. and Mrs.
__ --.±*-A -
in Any yumu-4w
. �-
I .111,
11 I. -1 �
I ,
I -
� -.-
- . I
� I
. -
- .1 "i I I - I
kr � .
I � - -
- & - I I- . . _.
I 11 ..
I � 11
. -
I -
: 4 � ___ � �
� 11 . -- -
� 111MV --�
1. un I Goo SL
�� _..
� �
I __
�� �",
� �
- 11
. . . . . - -_
- ___&!d_... I
. "
. 11
I __
� -
I .1
age partWk Of **`111111
I years. of � bdwt*- .
� h-� f,votball nu-Ituh.. - ,
� .*Ir ,
School, Hibbert, and . I I ,- -
� Smith, resulted in favor
� 4 � .
Smith by ia score Of a to W�
, - �
, n �W_a._ ,
X� 0,
a f - �
I omias ShillinglaW ig I
: Iding and a new r". - ia
� .-
- er , - V
- � . Ualt, I
I Erex.�eut._Rr& 0-
� big improl, � . U109- 'M`
f Nvan,stead, is V181 I d . �
I I a-
Is lie re at preseDt--gr` #4
- r. pas_sm,)re_ of Thagtoa_y�,_
4 L&�
I -1 io* .
I " gunay - ..
Nfr. Pybu� on ,4 Ifif - -
I '
; � the, neW Zho--o"_
- . juhn Hart, - -000'
- -r, will � preath h0r" 0 � -
L - ��
I ,
: �
�- t first time. ...
.<t for he .....
. _*_______-4-� , _�
- .
- ---
- Bloke. .
. , . 11
f,4.-J."armers are WIBY &I io
I I ,% Teo
.., i�*_
_,--t;.itute Jaijor and as I
fad,; are heavk.-Tbe V" �
. i
. , 4t
.r picnic held at Gra0d W_._�
11 , . a, .
.(,(.k vvas rath,er of 0�0 .
� - ,t � i4-
� .
�jlly ill 'the f ornaDDI, b u ' I M_.
. tarlieff -out t,0 enjoy -0- � - -1
. I ,it Huron's famous s 00- I ..
_ - be's , - �
- Yah, f 10& -... � -
.-Mr n Thirsk - .
I J_ li;-� traction cl_�9'y -
04 14 -
bett,er prepared to, t'#q - 0. -
.v,Ar,)n% 'Tahn alW8,10 - �_.
, -
I 1-
- . -
. (,f the times.-Y-ra abodro-ft -
W . .11 Itka ,
- 0
; f!1sxni er -with tw1a '_ " - .
I .are - -
� f nd Marg A .t =d "I �(;
4 x - '_
-nsall, ivisited fit thO J'VA'7219_1,�
TO* ,
Uan on Su;nAay last.- - W- `
uni-jr. lor-dic Of Olalw'&,Ad�
S P1 is
Sh, t b b at h 86114010 jr6lidn
. i;-&
�Iry-day, rt,riday.. ill �.J; Ir--
. Ba7lfield. I � - Ak . � _ - -*�
- �
, -M
� I � � �'e'w
. . I
- �
� -
. � �
. -
__ I
_ ,
- � I � ,
I . -1 w, 1,
� I
- -
� - .
I �ff
I _.
. 11 .
- .
i .
I . � � - -1 ___
I .
I .
I _____--_-11 1-1-11- � -
. . . . varmichaief, lubwn; ;o&sn prize by qlaoltiner olass, about which there . � a re * I GM a giary .to ltdinbilItion line. He thiad tO I a5inew ,on itheir rebu,rn wl � -1 �
I .11 .
UUL)IJ U IN .U.vil-C VY mial"I . ' Saumndewn, St. iAtfgus- �Was n(y. doubtr wftalever, clay Ithalt borse towned by HeAry B061143 of J,he Vay $12,50 alit acre Tbr it,. "d lb iWMbalAtsville- - .
- Rev. F. 1H. � . I -
' -
1WV Wsily worked aa Ithel c I ould .hhve been ibbught ,I _e
. . tine; IpTize by Thiomitts Gaynor, tof did be ias le t1hird to,oll-cessifon 'of Morris. � t" Vears � -Wednesday tf Aast week .b 1xig
Light gauze cotton and featherweig'lit natural wool, in Brmsscls; jaitiieltile � ,oil pain't � . -Mr.,T. 111. Rtas, ,of Wingilvam, ex,
� in1g by -surfiace Iniould 4tself. � fbr I ps itwe or itUree Avi- ,VadbWdodlis oivla lboliday tho, soboo;l
of ri riank Dev r,Yux, - Sealforth; vril b . . pects tb .1-6ave t1hat- tiown allortly for ago per,he � I � 1, dWild-ren, picniced iat Gramd Bond #L X&_
2 'piece 'or combination, suits. ',-- To wear these lines _e "' y SprioK Coijiiea Slowly. - Regina w1here, he has seaared a lu- �ar'51 �
. � Xoscp�h ffniie��, Cliation; Pr4z.e ,,by T. That there, is a difference be- criative plositilon as mauager at Re- -A few evenings taKo Mrs. *A_,arlos ifoat 5-00 Irlom t1ho villiage &4* in
uriderwear has the same desired effect (at it fraction Of Ryia,n, Wa-litlov; MeAtilay's 'Idohyry 'Of tween Whe olimebe ,up Owdh sait Hall- 1�ina for the Saskat'ah,ewa:n Pianjo, 0ver&iojqL,, of &-tJoseph, hadaInarrow the plani.o. AkWbuigh Athe rain��ads
� Evgliallid, by Prank Faulkner; ha g-1 I
the cost) of journeying to .cooler clinies. - . . I L eybury and that of the froij�tier and ,Orgwn (Ycm4pany. . esclape ifrom di�awni0g. ShA3, was 11`6- .-thlogs eornewbatt disagreeable, YvC a; -
. jug lia-mip by R. F'or,tiane; fhorough- �jeood programme i4 games- -and
I bred -lamb Iloy PettT Leninton. adanties incod hardly he tsta:ted. lin -Grey t1bNvns)h;ip *-ferBl .list por turning,from gloat rldi-ag with I;ome ,SpbTtS were oaTrisd owt. an the
. I - 6-00 to $1,.00 - Boys' and girls' wees Were als a two deep ravines -anow ic,aald Istill 1906 hiais been issued, and %was first Y-0-1111ZHOYs 'IlMd 010min'g tJD 0'e Wharf return trip lone -of Wo &oses, ,boiak
be ' foig Wednesday, May 30tt, ptsked .uip on Wednesday ,of tried ,t;D .re7adh, 4thic, a -,w. d1eir ,Wald -
. pleasallitt ifeataxe of ithe entert 1;n- �a!ej last I
I I . . . b :j j slok and died ion t1he tr6ad. The chil-
. - iawa ded d t 4ern dimit of the Week. There are 018 names in Part islippea In. some way and #life isank dran- In ithe Nand wagfin jtkYok ohel.,
. . - menit and i9olod prizes, Were ,;,a ) I -W-hte ibbit-YDin;buit with the 'assist-
- , I � to Itbe .winners. In the tug ioif ar . werti JUst bOgin- 1; 95 in Ptrt II; and 30 im Xart to I
for a 1p,u-rse,j1ibbert team ining itv fbarst an Whe Looplak. kVege- III -1,o43 in'fall. Nuimber of Jaxiors, ance ,of iebg Uoys and IbUeir presanoe, tar frbma ithe ,rfaiu lo aft. WadeW
STE-AW AND' LINEN HATS - pla,oe with S&af,'ortb see won 11rat tativil is wapid -up t1here, fbi4t it is 601. 1 of ,mind ,t,h,e,y pmlled h4, -r lout. b6 use ,until 'a team 6uld bc In,ougl*
- . . and - and about ton days behind Ontario oad I There)are esine fine barns ibeing -There difed 'at Snowflake, Man— frbm Dh4hi.w4yod. The idVixnal 'fie . long-
� � T,here iw,e�re, alY&uit Itw,o, Itlyou� - ed th Xr. H. Guenftlher. - . I 11.
- - ' eople tpresent. ,1 *_ � Durham wundes, -mhich cou'llties, a- erected in iNowick t1his EWas�-on. Ono itolia, ,on Thimrsday, J�une 21st, Mrs. -West Huron ra Mors! lastitutO ,
I gain, iare .about It'he name itime, be- ,of ,tibe illar,ge*.1t is being preqtqd by Jdhn,Qnb:uo,e. She had bleeu,sick on- `- - r
, . I
Large variety to choose from, all newest � 'hind LambtKyn and Kedb. 93hat they Peter Xames ion t1he &h tdoincess?an ly a few 'hours. Dedeased was mma . � i medthrlig at etint'
. - . Last Fridiiy'S Storm. ; dield the r iannual
straws and flat crown linen, all -sizes and prices � _. .. *an !pi-ddace jorQps in New, OnItaria ,Iout(h -of loorrie,, the size being ,60x Handford,41hic el&mt dal , " r of F arnip nea.r OViderie1h, on FrIday.,Xque
I Foltawing !a Ihas been folearly !pmv(ed by what 70 f eet. RTowick is ohe .of t1he J,arg. 'h'eT th'S .
. - day of extreme I .at, Mr. Ridvard 1ta:ndfo,fd, of Centralia. �22- 0WIV9 itt `W�Ot� .we%Lt At- I
I - I ! I . showing the highe9t texn�perifatlure 01 hundreds have done. At Enigliehart, est 'and best Viownsljips in ithe '00an. They had resided in the ,WoWt tor a tend'ance w -a -a mlat 7as I-Vge RZ IUSU- �
� 50-c to - $1.50 rienced iIn, To oil- 137 antles above North Bay, loorn. 10 ty. - I nuimb,er ,of yvhrs. She leave& WOMB- falo The oerviWg vifficars �wors all xi� �
. I t - o ,since June 27 -tib, 1901, a viory ' v - -11 feet lhi�gihl was priodaced Aast yjear; -The Gloderich �post, office, Vav Vand and tone, daughter, Xrs� 'Wm. elected -as tW11ows-. Presideatt, RX,
� Youa;la -V es! en, , . .
. I ' eie olearidal ,sitorm passed ! ver ripe it(omiatoes hem used tiuit lot �ha ing bedoine ,too, smiall fiotr it1he proper Sauftra, of Snowflake. She was 4, I ; vice r d t H T. 11%r�
I portion (of, t -his piiioviieco bin;� Xi. gardens kwt New Liskeard 4bd Iffie aodummodatiion of the griowing busi- years -of dige. ris; 0ecretary, jWm.- Railia; audit -
day -ievening last. Fort,unatel. we -*,vlhmt fthat bofo,k first prize .;reciently ness, %of ItIbiat town, the postal autbor- --�Mr. MoKfay Stewart, wbja ,With bra, .Tdbn DusVow amd Chas. Girvio, I
Light Summer Coats'and Vests in t -his districit did mot �expe i;o cc at Paris and Gla,sgow was Igro-win ffies are ,arranging for ,aceded im- this wife, left Clin'thn 11ast week tor Nile. At Whe ,&6*n*11us7&n'-of the meet- .
� . .
I . dn�tihinlg of it but -had instie he t1here. pryvements and enlargements, to 0alfoary, rephrted ot it,he Union, stla- frig tihe =emlbers Joined in, the mer -
- ' to hh-saafiful, lquiet, refreshing rain of W6,udd Wou� Settle Theria? I . . . jhj-s� �iok_ ry mukim -1
1. in black, greys and fancy patterns, coat and vest .1 � the building. noli, Toronto, th's loss 'of gg ,on t1he gr(Quaids 6utolde,
1. Saturday. Is it advis�iibde fior I and a gf&ral -gV*d 'time was bad.
- 1people Itoleave -Word ',bias been eeceivea iot thei eta -and slame $60 in mbney. on .One ,'
atch, or. single coat. I At Hamilton. �, Old and settle in New omItarlof I deJafh of Mr. ThIos. H. Miller, of .Vir-- nodasion &uring Mr. Stewa,rt's -go- Suipper Was serfed in tlie ffini'09,
I- ' den, MIanitloba. Ile, will Ve , Jb ben,' it is #aid he ,',re-, room of ItAe ,hVtelf and sbortly af teT-�
I i9biall imake ta few staitemenits Which remem- arA in ClWtf
- -$1.50 to $3 .00 ' The, isform ,at 11amitboin was tv ry I believe Ito, bte facts, jani deave, P�ead_ bered by anliny 'of the older "UtIors, �(Drted ,the ]loss tof $100 land (his 901d W`a'89 't'hO lo*wd bega,n ,bo disperse.
� � severie. Lightning - sdt fire to t. 10'101`111 itiheiT own, 1cloilIVIU-Sion-S. as he was f1frmerly a resident -of wcatoh,; subsequently - his wif ls
. � 'Bra , 6 i -An .unfortumiate ,�&OaWg llffalr .
- . -
I - - - _0 I 17 . Paul's Pi"byterian ahakoh, and $ 00 To begin with� there was se*&y ttp- .n,dar Be4rave,_ . and a, beoeliwr (of suid bo� Ihave ffolund the eame in their trotak 'pliace. at Kin�gsbridge, in fte
I I - . damagie was idone. Thte ipowel�r bo, Be pearance of prospexity amcojvg tille Mrs. Sim'dn Nraunbrma;n. ' I hmndry: I 6wilship of Aslifireld ,(Yja lv�adaesdhy
. I .
Altoget4er the best stock in Seaforth to choose from, because everything is at Grimsby was brurnsil. St,ra,eks d farmers iseen ion tha stroots at New -Mr. Francis D. Tetrea4L, uf Gra 3 d -Recentl,r Ad. Dio'ber, 'bf West, evening of -last week. On fllxkt 1dav
o-Warswerof1daded. ''.
I I Liskeard. The dress of this pbople Bend, alf-libugh only 67 iyea-ra iof a c WawaWosh, while, perulsing his Bible, Me miaTriage r6f J16,111a c7maltivo, ZA- .
I *f Rianny KrPos was celebrated st
aNsidlutely new and fresh, and bought at low prices, and selling 'At Poft 0allibusie. , and it(he blvgigles and horsea were bias 00 deaoe�ndaarts, Jamlig-ting, f Wals sur rRed tio find in it what aney Mrs.
I - at low prices. Thos. J, Farmer, a well kli-mrii qu,ite as good as one "add Isete lat' eight uhildren,- 50 grianchildren ( i d, .-prove ti a iDf masiderhbile walue in Kingsville. ln� -tft vveninz tbevO ' -
I . . . I fru,it grower of it,Vs sed0on, was -tille javerage fall fair. in tible jo,lder,, twit) great, gr"dallildren. A Pee .� G is- a MOW
. 4 Chia, I Is Warket at Jeagt. If - were f0stivitieIR At tb dDUPIO"s
wHighest price for Butter and E killed. He, with his wife, w1as pidkibg vauaties, This Hand is not dif flouilt �ar feature is Cho fact What (the- fir E a w , , presb,md 26 shilling Wdto of Yom ei Abi&ut. pidnight. a obariv--.4 I
� . 99S. e is 16 ave and .To&
I . berries in &be, field�,,wh.en th t( Ito (clear. The timber I small; bho Itad fiftie1th gran.dabildren are chi- t - r (Yajoada. AgFivialtura,l Varty, pat ft an appearz
- . ,� ,C) I --- of 215 .or 30
cVriie tup�, and 'th ig&;'oult 'of ftb:, T, im,n stumps jaughtt - aimio�,dt 6D come ont dren of the dame in!otbcT. Bhnk, real, dzvt,ed Dietember Ist, .Uaisse'y, ,a .Vr,UIW M&r-
M 11 in the &Ouet, -with
they t0_dk xefuge under ,a tree. 9 s. of (t1hemselves in tjh�3 aeocind Mr ; -Mr. D. Cantelon, of Clbsban, ihas 1835. Bible study- is likely ItV J�fe- YOM% V'WP W4S AA *01
' ' mr-ty, wedk ,a I 1 �
0 9 was badly shlocked jand iat I ' in accepted an eingogemont wit come n3lore Q(opmlfar in b t 1violnity a Wedding -0,
The - GREIG CLOTHING CO Farmer t1ere (are said �itof be W atolnes, ond ,Igff I hi� th tuk&-ace. , w1stbar,
. � present'is ooL abliatp ma!ove from i he there ds abund4nce ,o1f fall. Ito ifaoil� McQuillan & Everett, ,�A Toronto, Por 'a w1ile. ouiet The di-', W_
I h*Vgjl socident far careltsamfJo..
. I effects. Her skin as %well. -as MrX r- Bate ,draininig. ' jand will superintend their apple -Mr. Peter- Mwbais, wlic, has til I 'be hiands Of *06 4*f 4'tho-
East Side Main Street, one door South of the mer's is borned al%ost ibla6k Ir It �va bake ulp. la:n:d ifrom Itthe buying loperiatirbas im. Mresttra On- fauight the wUbol in section No. f4 a h'o, ". i a a - " god WO"t -.-
I . kok the fliash. -Mr. Fai eT Criawn It1he Kwat W111 be 00o ia�n p.cre- t1arib daring Jt1h4 6ming sea:Boa. UsUarne, _f oirr lehe plast f iftleeln - V -ears, dlftrl�arl P rty `w1ve" 0] - i -
I - , I I . - iick � Irome in t4w .
im str Rasse3r, I -
. hiald lived Nbliers nearly all ,his Ife JPO fiaT 400 aorm The cost -of olear-� Par this the will re6elve a salary of Was decided lft'o " ire f r , 1.11 Pro, 9M Md ;M_ * ,-in J�u side.
I Dominion Bank, I ,not be over I$ 1 . ift I I side t1f tfthead W �
. -and was a highly respdoted *jtj en. $2,600. f esesito'n. I S&Y of i , I I jdr-
I 1-
. . ing sbKyuld go �&r , I imrs. I ! a 11 TIhe VIM r M*.A was In usly *0 .
;101"A Mrs. bia ember of It he,, '. acre, witibladoli dne mein liviva 4 n -Mr. Y04M Torriahce, w1yo tior 'himiself aud . to- _044 -
; g M Aft :F 0 It *"� ;mer Jsa in, 6 ex popse - lnedv at a ig � . -e af fair is br-Alng, 11i"st"I
:) ff% ed and *h
.&536. IX W � bey IdIx)aiily, pifo-neeT soIttlers. A: the disitridt .placed Itb of t1hree yelars vnd a ha,lf ha% ftught' terfa trawti-erry pli I and &ted W wr- auflew"Itles" 1, �
- . in 00 eiteffifamvd,t, 'Willoh VV48 1 � 17. .
. -ghlhor, � with very 1grerat accepItance A I .
� I Doberts, ta Inel, was pho ing oleariog �and ot.awpiniZ at $00. A - .
. . - . - I
- . .
1. I . . . I
. .
. . I .
. �
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