HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-29, Page 1a
Mugs vtrjd to
waat. Does a
low pri t please
raethods and gear -
this is your store.
goods bought here.
ase IftI
Tay is a ranee of
at the folrowing
40c for
60c for
90c, for
75c for
mportattt 0
arp Reductionz.
"E have picked out for
diate riddance 8evert
orthy furnishings froi
as are listed to the lett.
ter concerning the go
1, and their price re
teresting. sCome and see.
offr Spec
Netar 2
DRY 600M
srArogni. o
=addressed tb meet
tered (Time. -The Ladies'
church, are planning a.
festival, to bes" held in
own. hall On Tuesday, Uh
A. real good time is in
I who attend.
Services. -The aneraisi
k. l)dge, Canadian Order
ters, will attend at the
litirola in a body, next Sab
ea at 6.3ft A eapeeial serrair
Se fur the accasion,
d by the pastor, Rev.
u. The members are req
cet in the lodge room
k. It is desirable that
iraed turn out.
Sfs-Mr. Wm. polark ret
urday ISom Ottawa, av
rrt as a delegate to the
vas visiting with ats-r
Meigele McDonald, durin
;week": -Rev. A.K.Birks pr
krewell sermon the comi
.s he will npt supply It
uring the &Yin ing year.
(of Seaforth are Sorban
Min another year. --
,of our young peo I
sage of the cheep. e
t rei t .- Mess rs. (Johntt a
and Miss A. Wyatt vireto
friands in this vioinitl
put week. --Mr. T
waS in l'etrolia this
4 aon't forget our
(c}:a Is. The Methedi
s. ,rune 29th and th
yld theirs on
rasa ra t ions have bee
ke these both a e
r f r on. here took
L excursion this week
f oar young people
moonliaset excursion
ight.-Rev. Mr. Clem
his farewell sermon ,0
intght next, June 24t%.
Gurrie will fill his dit
xing Sunday. -Miss
nt pent this week
W. Lyon.
Fine I
Tailoring I
and IreadYMade
Clothing I
0 0 I& Pset,....ter7"::
BIC a small expenditure of cash, and a
energy, coupled virith good judgment,
is no reason Nyhy people should not be
for the hot spell.
The Seaforth Razes.
The tannual met of the Seaforach
Turf Club was held on, Weaneaday
and Thursday of last week. On
Wednesday inornidg the weather was
threatening, but the rain kept off,
mad ;the Itraok was ip good ;condition.
There *as an extras large entry dist,
and the traoing was Of the best. The
2.50 as th,ad thirteen Starters, and
was the event of tlhe day. In, this
race }Billy Cole collided with. }the
feeee and Tan away. The stalky was
smashed and the driver fthaken hp,
but no further damage was done.
Thursday morning was fine and
brought .oult a big crowd 'bultI just
after the races !Started aEgbower
cable tup, and made the track (heavy,
add (as aconsequelace the time Was
slow, The feature (of this. day twas
the 2.23 elass Which had eleven start-
ers and (required seven 'heats Ito fin-
ish the tract. Despite the 'unfaverable
• weather Ithe gate receipts av,ere a -
boat np to those of former 'years,and
taken al,to'geither this was 'undoubt-
edly Wile most ,successful meet held
under the ausoicies of the (club. (The
following is the score;
little 2,50 _
Wilkes Mediutn, W. B. -Kitchen, Tilsonburg 1 1 1
Deltic, II. James, Hamilton .„ 6 2
2 7 4
there Little Tim, W. Hodson, Iroquois
Lady Gothard, M. Connors, Peterboro8 2 8
College King, D. M. MoLachlan,Chatham., 3 3
comfortably dressed Autrann Sias E. J. Curran, Oil City 4 8 0
Little Harry,Archibald & Cudniore,Seaforth 6 9 7
..fohnnie Reilly, T.Fitzgerald, Toronto, 7 4 6
Zac Metibun, Dr. Kern, Berlin . 9 6 6
Owen Gallagher, E. M. Stewart, Guelph.... 11 11 10
Lucky Jim, J. Irvine, •Dundas 10 10 11
Time -2.10, 2.21/, 2.194.
At present we are putting on sale a full line of
which no one should fail to take advantage of. Tho goo
are all brand new, and. the prices are exceptionally low.
Below we give a partial list of the lines offered:
A big ra'nge of Cool Summer Shirts, in a great variety of pat-
terns and all sizes -hard and soft bosom, some with soft collar
attached., Regular price .75c to $1 -
Straw Hats
Sale Price 5
2.19 PAcit,—
R. Whiting, W. Glazer, Dunlop, 1
Darks'Hal., W. Herod, Guelph 3
Col. Hunter, T.:31uniock, Hensall 2
Gertie Hunter, E. M. Stewart, Guelph
Billy Cole, E. J. Curran, Oil City
Shtuleland Boy, F. Toor, Seaforth 7
Time -2,19i. 2.184, 2.174, 2,12i._
Every Hat in, the house new in shape and good variety to
choose from. Regular price, $1 to $3
-Sale Pribe, 50c to $1.50\
With these we put in a line of Linen Hats. A choice from a
lot of 5 dozen, at
S ...,...__s
... en s ui.
One lot of one hundred suits in sizes 34t. 44, and all shades
and patterns, single and double bres ted 'styles. Among this
lot are a numbersof the finest ReadytMade Suits ever landed in
Seaforth and are well worth twice the price we are asking for
them. Regular price, $10 to $15 '
Sale Price, $7.50
• 50e
121 2 1
1 2
7 6 4
6 3 :3
7 dr
2,15 Pace—
Little Sandy, W. Bailey, Toronto 1 .1. I
Wisdom King, F. Leibler, Tavistook 8 2 2
Tim Alert, A. Davidson,- 2 3 8
Princess Simon, W. Graham, Tupperyine, 4 4 5
Mattie chimes, F. Toor, Seaforth 6 6 -4
Titne-2.20/, 2.161, 2.161.
2.23 PACE—
Lady Hilda,- P. Borman, Stratford 6 1 5 4 8 1 1
Collingwood Boy, W. McGirr, Men -
ford - 1 6
Orillia Belle, F. Daly, Orillia 3 3 1
Jude, J. Price, Danville 2 5 9
Harry S., R. Robson, Brampton4 7 4
Treaha, R. McArdle, Stratford5 2 8
bliss Peeler, W. Bessey, Hamilton 10 11 3
Crissy M., S.MePhail, Porter's Hill 9 4 5
Joe Allen, W. Sim son, Lindsay 11 9 10
Little Peo,T.Neville, Collingwood 8 10 7
Kitty.Brown, D. Hopkins, Detroit - 7 8 dr
Time -2.194, 2.29/, 2.20, 2.261, 2.24/, 2.27, 2.30.
A lot of 100 Boys' Suits, in size 24 to 34, two piece suits and
three piece snits -styles single breasted. with strap i4 and belts,
double breasted with or without straps and belts -all the most
recently adopted styleain Boys' Suits. Regular price $3 to $6
• Sale Price /1.5O to $3
A line of Boys' Odd Pants for 25c.
Boysllats-T. dozen Boys' Hats in the new sailor shapes
1 7 4 2
2 3.2 3
3 1 3 4
10 2
9 dr
2.40 TROT—
Othello, J, Scatter, Chatham 1 1
Gussie Seott, J. J. Burns, Toronto • 2 2
King Jubilee, B. Ward, Toronto 6 3
Dan Bars,Archibald & Cadmore, Seaforth3- 5
Hattie F., C. Broadfoot, Brussels 4 4
Gertie P., T. Pinkney, Seaforth 5 43
Time -2.37/, 2.43/, 2.36.
Fuss Fou ALL—
Darky, J. E. Swartz, Winghtun 1 1
The Mystety, G. A. Brown, Leamington. z
Collingwood ltooker,T.Neville,Collingwood 3 3
Time -2.204, 2.134, 2.21/.
• That Horse Question.
evergreen itree,s. He was seated on
a camp (Shear near the bask (of the
wagon When the horse gave a sad-
den start, (which threw Mr, Lock-
hart on his head on, the hard. (road.
"seoeived an +ugly tent 031 the Ihead.
-Before lelaving (Brussels for Wale
laseburg, Mrs. (Rev.) 00 sen84 •was
made the recipient (of 1810633.1e hand-
some presents by - the different
'church organizations. with 'Which
She was oonnected.
-Mr, (jamb Taylor, who 110 been
clon•ducting a bock and ailatee bash:teas
in Clinton (Dor Some years, (ander the
firm 'name of W. Taylor & $oh, has
sold out the business Ito A. S. Massie,
of tListowel.
IfiShermen (fishing toff St.
Joseph (made a large hand of 'fish one
day Jut week, lin 'one dr their pcnd
nets. he (catch, of 'pickerel and
Whitefish was (remarkably large, and
the Whole (catchwas avtdrith in the
neighborhOod of $500.
,S. H. Smitih, ,the •well-knowaa'
eattle buyer, of Clinton, suffered a
pare lYtio stroke, rwlhile ait Walton,
on Tuesday of last week. The stroke
is rather (a serious one and effects
the right side.
-Harvey, the 12 year told son of
Rhin (Andersen, of Dungannon, was
drowned in the river there op Twee -
day of last week. The little (fellow
had gone tin for a bath. He get into
alhole and being tunable to ISW1.131 was
drowned before (assistanoe arrived.
-lifiss Elizabeth Attrill, daughter
itihe late Henry Y. Attrilledied at
• her lionae, Ridgetown Park, Gode-
rich, on Tu:esday of last' week. De.
ceased had been in eloor. .11v4Ith or
some time. 1
-J. H. Shirley, U. S. Cainsuil at
Godericlh, is slated, for Sava, 1Fiji
• Islands, in the list of appointments
of the „tonsillar reatresentatives ,of
United States in Ont aril° wilitese
present pests are being attiolietted.
Mr. Shirley has nrot accepted the
• -3-tolhn C.,sort of the late ID. P.
Morgay, of Goderidle died at the fres-
idenee (of his uncle, James A. Ms
Kay, fltbronto, son Thursday, after
very long illness, the having for
years been a 'sufferer from inflam-
matory (rheumatism. The }remains
were (brought to Goderich.
-James Wray, sr., one df the pi-
oneer residents of Tuartbeary, died
at the residence' of his son tin that
townShip on the 121ft• inst.'at the
advanced age of 89 tyears. Deceased
was a native *f Irefisnd, claiming to
this (country in 1845. Some years
later (he tame to Turnberry, and tas
bout (18 years ago he (retired and
lived tor six years in •Glorrie. Roust
sone and alive daughters survive
-Mr. and Mrs. E. of the
14t1i concession, Goderich ItowarShip,
celebrat•ed their golden wedding on
Wednesday .of laat week. This is
kal'fat (Month, in advance of (Mei actual
date, bat their eldest son. Rev. Mr.,
Rumban, of Warden, Manitoba, could,
not lae present at the' utter date:
All (tI le 'members of the (family were
present (except Mrs. A. E. Sinciair,
Of :Winnipeg, }Manitoba,. who ;visited
her parents :last summer, ,George, (of
Flint and Wm., (of Toronto.
-The other day. as Rich. Porter
:and his wife werei driving, along the
4th no Gaiderich township,
they °erne to a Spot where •a cul-
vert had been waghed away, and (the
horse refusing to pass thncrugh it,
was taken out of the rig. The trecvn-
er then tried to drive or (lead it a-
Mr. Editor, -After a lapse of, five
weeks, during which ,time ,the writer:
has apparently not „regained con-
sadousness, • I notice an article' 'in
our valuable -pager 'cin " Horse
Breeding." Now (sir, although writ-,
( ten eatensibly (far the purpose of
exploding the idomirfant theme of my
reply, it was but a vain" 'effort to
thixfow yfour irdaders off their guard
by witching- off .on 'az tharangue, ea
btut panadian bred horses, it,0 Vinhich
T°1' ;will remember, 1 mrade ato re-
feeenve Whatever. .1 , quite agree
With, Mr. 'Breeder, and am. proud of
the fact-I:hat the ;county sof tHuren
has !Ong been reeognieed as ,a °en -
re fair ,heavy horses, aid Wouldnot
'a sire, the service of :which I,
id net Oonsider worth 'anywth-erie
f om $12 Itro $15 at leaSt, (but -iwirea
el man trosses the I:wean as a matter,
o ispetiulatfon ;Or simply for his .own -
a andizement, it 'idoes dolt follow, as
ults have amply teatified, that
t publio invariably profit by. his
venture. I would dike to give him
al totich ain 'those cheap •colts that he
• entioned, but as his 'attaok twas
t Of an extremely virulent ohara
ter, .I will otay my hand or the
e, as, if under the eircuinstances,
silo mid shoulder the lc roverbie.1 -
oak Wake," you paigilit think X was
s oiling for ta fight when, in real -
it, I an lone of the best natereel
f Haws tin, the world, even willing- to
r commend him. to the mercy .of the
rnen with the Canadian bred. horse,
uSting Atilt the may else dealelieni-
tly ,with ;him: New, Mr. Editor,
eve no ambition to acquire rfa.me
a Vootrkyversialist, hut if Kr.
Breeder svill t?stick ttf his text, and
fate the (raueic like a man, the twill
find 'me promptly, 'al his servide
right to a " finiSh. Thanking , you,
M. Editbr, (for the spaos I have
t a en, i.1 em ,, _
•(Yours very trnly,
Sale Price, 25e
omen's Raincoats
Our Rain Ooats ateprononnced by all who see them to be the
• most attractive in style and the most practical in cloth to be
found anywhere. We are just receiving a new shipment of
new styles which we .bought at clearing prices. These we are
putting in with the lot. Regular price $10 to $15
Sale price, $7.50 to $9
Nell's Raincoats
25 Coats of excellent quality in sizes 38 to 48, in the cloth or
rubber coats. Regular prices $8 to $12 .1
Sale pre, $5 to $
Wall Paper
We have now what we conAkler the
most beautiful line of New Wall
Papers ever shown in Seaforth.
11 ,you want your wall paper at the
right price and your work done neat-
ly and promptly, buy from
MOLBAN BROS.e Publishers
$1 a Year fit AdvaXiCe;
Reneall. low them to their new field if 'Tahoe
cluDere,n9seteloire,i, cifvensItanna, peial rThslizir6drgeao;;311•11‘1,1 abbe. alit otuhrse aint ,Ftheerelosito.8e0nea Mellor zeflwieovrtebnintijeg al:aset
4.30 to 0 p. m. Glasses properly fitted 1983-tf
i G. J. Sutherland has bad placed m his bands at a meeting the ctollowing address was
1 er of lots attached to eaeh. A good chance for a acm0MPanied bY a Purse &f o d. et ,he
read by Mr. J. Vir. Ortwen ViraS
treat bargain, two fine brick dwellings with a jinni -
Pioture framing a Specialty.
retired farmer or anyone wanting first-class dwell- ilneeting was very largely .attended
logs at a bargain. .Also cheaper properties for sale. add the preseetatien wee made on
Apply at once at the post office, Hernial!. 19764.
Great Sacrifice Clearing Sale.—Owing to the seas- Eptverth League. The folcovving xs
on being backward, and our store being crowded'
the .address: is with Oelings
with goods, we have deckled to cut the price on the -, ,
ods and make them move quickly. All must go -of Saaness that ihave Met thiS
behalf of the eongregation and the
at a treat sacrifice, and right at the first of the seas- evening, sadness because, the rela-
Price paid for produce. J. Ortwein, Mensal. for the past tour years, and grow-
20102ing more p
on en you require the goods. This. is a genuine 4.;,ons whiosh :have .s
exi ted between us
sale, conunencing Saturday June -23rd. Highest ti
t .01 wen'
the by, (must according to our itmeran-
Briefs.-Mr. R. Cudmore has
cy inew be severed. Your "(fearless
fine cement block feutiadation fox}
....emcee.en denunciatien of what you considered
Mr. T. Welsh's brick dwelling,
1 evil or ending towards evil, and
that for nrOper exp•resston her tread- King street east, completed. Mr.
a, ,,,
ing could not have _been.1 excelled. Oudmere is an adept in the i,,,,a f dommedclations Tof that which is
Miss Preston lad .no w
relatives. She stone and brick 'w'ork -Mr H. Ar- , right 'and true, your pastoral wis-
was bnought put friom Ireland cmany nold is improving the dwelling he , iting and ministrations to the sick,
purchased from Mr. Cledwill in a : your iabeunding spirituality,- in a
yetars age by Dr. Reid of Thornhill, dpen ' weed, your Manliness have •endear -
in whose 'family she had been (a. e'er- mfa.nner that refledte credit
Altogether the best stock in Seaforth to choose from, because everything is
absolutely new and fresh, and bought at low prices, and selling
at low prices. ,
zr 'Highest price for Butter and Eggs.
- East Side Main Street, one door South of the
• Dominion Bank,
ip 9
. •
Huron Notes.
••,-Turnberrys 'voters' -list tor this
year (contains a total of t860 names.
."1 -Vernon Scott. {the- Young Son ,of,
B. Scott, of Winglham, fell from a
la der the (other day, .aeald (broke' his
a-, Mr. E. M. Meleeaea, wale, has been
scie'ncd master of tlhe Clinton Ockl-
legiate InStitate tor the past 13
yelars fhia's resigned. Mr. McLean will
go into (business in Clinton. •
r-Angue McCuaig has leased this
fine farm west of Walton, for a
.-terin of years T.G. Ryan, of that
loeality, and will leave for. (Saska.-
been, Sa.skatolhewan, to take charge
ofthis 'homestead.
i-ViTlhile in the act of } repairing
bi barn, on Thursday last, t.'Ar.
P trick (Barrie, of Centralia, . fell
from the aloof to Ithee ;ground, a ;des -
tepee of 60 feet, and Idled( a few min-
utes later.
th' • x ed you to us. We (feel that in ;your
, ra tor is enterprise.- rs. e- . . e .
4 true friends.
• ' . I Dreocenenitliyof4rilixentegr, wassizotIsaiviwillaEg.e, rw.emhtly'arol wuearaereialipsyriaingr slew tied of
Canada. ti her
Fred C. and Chas, A. -Mr. and Mrs, labor tired and weary and imaylia.p
-Another deteehment of 1,200 Sal- wra. - sometimes almost discouraged and
elurdock, "of Day City, spent
the Vast "'week with his brothers even 'appalled tat the vastness of the
vation Army immigrapts passed "
way to (Winnipeg and the west. •
. rktn es and Alex. -Word ba been work you are stiving to accomplish
for the 'Master, when the sweet
through Moietreal this week on their Th,oria-
-Mr C6lin Sut'he d b
, of Em 40, received here from •the cid country
of the safe arrival }of Miss Bell, Peace win be whispered into Vvar .
for 75 years a resident of Oxford
ogunty, and one of the (pioneers :of Miss Stewart and Miss Moir, and
the zerraoi vaseed away oil uffiday atteee.-tmherys cheaold1 na .vseirmyv_peasan
t. Ile wee 65 yedrs of age.
-The late TitennaS McCormick, of ed Mr, Petty's dwelling recently 00-
Mr. Geo.
Louden, (leaves an estate probated MpledcEwen and Mr J. Maearthar Tre- .
at lob
ver $250,000. Ile leaves the alk
turned this week. from the eola rand In- Hensall w4re aPPremate a:ad that
your many Wends are wielung and
praying ter your success in the
work May somewhat lighten the
burden upon you. We hope you will
receive these pieces of ,gold trona
your numerous =admirers iand .friends
heart by Him who has men you.
the work -to do, ;by rtint who has giv-
en you the commission, "Go "ye- in-
to ali the world and pree4h the
Gespel tio ever creature." Evee then
the thought that your many labors
of has protgerty in trivet II= this
grandchildren tosides several be- neighborhood where they had been
ts o Chari
'table inetitutions, for the past week or so on a busi-
q ues-On Wednesday evening Luther nees and pleasure trims -Mr. James
Sutherland, who still enjloys gar -
M. Weetington, a prominent farmer dening in, this 83rd year, has been
of H am ilt'on t ownship, near Port wing new potatoes and greenpeas
Hoppe was kicked in the abdomen during the avast week.-Mra, W. .13; end ti'Ka...eeq they may- ,serve tt smocran
ilenrs. a colt, and died from ,his injure
t MoLean. returned recently from a some of the rough plaees lin your
pathway. We wish you to ateept it
pleasant trip to Barrie, Toronto and not in ianyway as ia. reward or pay-
-At the trecent annual Pionie of otlier points. She was accompanied
the Sarnia land Port Hutton Minis- '
terra' omen, two spirited games lef of Zurich, sand met her daughter
base ball was played between, the .ssaar, Is fri„4„4,„ ,..4,,.. on 41,,
Sarnia and Port Huron preachers, ""'" '"-"— was -- her
}of which resulted in a tole- way Nome frem Winnipeg on la visit.
tory- tor the Canadians. • -Mr. Jas. Berithron, sr., has (recent-
• ly very madh improved the appear-
-Mrs. Mary Shaughnessy, Mother
of Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, peeei- ance of his dwelling by having it
nicely painted. -Mr. A. King, rill -
dent of the Canadian Ba*ific Rail- , way agent, is enjoying a couple of
way, died in Milwaukee on Saturday.
The deceased lady was a -native, of weeks holidays, and his plaota as be -
Ireland, but had resided In Milwaue i.ng filled by Mr. A. Brendt, formerly
kee fror over sixty years. • agent here. -Miss Doan, who has
-Sohn C. O'Keefe, retired build- been an effioient and painstaking
ing (contractor, brother of George teacher in the public sehaol, bay -
O'Keefe, ex -M. e . P., and pollee ing resigned, was on Tuesday made
magistrate (of Ottawa, dropped dead the recipient of a very handSome
walk. He had sjust entered the house 'affeetienatelY worded address from Ga.lorn.e Chapman,%00C1 I be at, 1%-ilsole
mtenioure set actompanied by Me
upon returning to his home from a
her eoholars. Both pooh alas: Hotel, ''Brucefield, with a load of good calves on
ceased was a bachelor and 59 years
' the scho'ol.—Miss Aitcheson has also All parties wisbing coal' delivered at Br7icelfte"Id
please call or write us. Chesney & Smiley, Seatorth:
and, calling tor a servant, fell 'for- Saturday, June 30th, about 12 eclock.
ward and -instantly expired. De. parents regret (her departup from
resigned her obaege of the school
of age. .
__..gr„ j1313n Mori's= A one 10 •. se ems
best known aofd most wealthy cal., ' presented by her pup wit shortest notice by an experienced curler ; A..so
dresmaking. Miss. McCallum, Brucelleid P. O.
zens et 'Montreal was knooked down an address (accompanied by a beau. -
t i f ul clock. Miss ,Aitcheson is an 2011-2
• by her daughter, Mrs Che.rlesworth, ment thnt ta5 a hit token 'a °L1r
CTOSS- the current , when the horse
kicked Mr. Porter in the face,break-
ing his upper jaw bone, seriously
wounding his cheeks, and cutting
the aower part of `his (nose' away
from the Jhp.
-There Oassed away at his thiome,
on Ithe lath eencession of ;We&
Wawanosh, fIlhursday, the 14th
ist., tone of the Ibet known (farmers
in the ItownShip, ba the persice Icf
Mr. giosep(b: Gaunt, in ChB 150th year
or (his- vg.e. He had been trtoubled
with, 'asthma (fps 'some itime, but tno
thiought (off tale sad (result .was
ticipa.ted till a few days blefore his
death. He .was the, last saember left
of the well known firm of E. Gaunt
& Sons,- (whose Leciester sheep (and
Shorthorn Icatte were !prize •Win-
ners en all the leadinlg agricaltural
ShlOWS en, the Peovinee. Be was
faigihly trespeoted, and leaves o, wid-
ow and live small 'ehildren. •
(-Thomas Winown, of Howick town-
ship, near Clifford, has been danger-,
o ysly till (from inflammation Of the.
1 ngs and this relatives are tatnxious
a ut him. Be is the tylounget4t1 bro-s
taxer of 'George Emmen, ef Brussels,
Stretition 'has isold Out his
hotel business in Beegrave, IBMs.
Hill, of Seatorth, and formerly
114111*am and liondeshoro. Mr.
Strettbon intends taking a trip to
• —Mr. Robert Lockhart, ;of 'Win.
_ta.ra, met with a rather severe salefi
ioident on Tuesday afternoon cif last
week. In toompany with some tatighe
bors the twat going to} the woods fon
appreciation of your advise aild ad-
menititons in order that we might
seoure a Crown of - Glory in that
City. 3V413pse streets ere .of „ Gold..
Our prayer to God is that good
health and abundant Strength may
be given y-ou. and .your ifamily in
order that you may earry con the
Master's work, and when our ..wiork
here is accomplished. we may imcot
wtere ptirtings shall be no mbr-e.°
Dr. Medd, on behalf of 'himself and
family, amde a feeling and suitable
settion I, Tackersnelth, and
isa OSTRICH FEATHERS cleaned and curled a
end killed (by a street car rn (that
eity en Saturday. He was 74 years exoellent teacher and both pupils
and parents regret- her departure
of age. When an his 69th year, Mr.
from the sehool.—Miss McAllister
Morrison, ,Who lhad been .a bachelor has treated herself to a handsome
up :to this (age, married a young new piano. ,
woman, and as 'he htg:t3 010' other Tele -
fives his 'large •estate will • irevert
to 'her. •
—Mr. C. tB. Poster, district passen-
ger agent of the Canadian Pacific
The "tete Henry- Cook. -On Wed-
nesday, June 20t11, there passed a-
way at- 'his home in Hensall, Henry
Cseok, after a prolonged illness lot
toapvay, whose offiee is in Toronto, about seven tinearths. His death was
wak married ron Wednesday in' Stdue to stomachs trouble. Although
Paul to Miss May B. MeKe.nzie, 1 the best imedieal skill was procured
-daughter of Mr. Alexander McKen- it NVI'aS of 'n'o avail. The funeral
zie, of that city and formerly. }of On- 't"o'c*k P -ace from his rc-sidegice on
pntario. (Previous to leaving To- Friday atock, interment
ter :was made the recipient of a being made itwo o'clock,
Hensall Union mute-
rontio for the happy event Mr. Fos-
ter& cabinet of silverware and a tery. The _services at tl.he house
were onducted by his pastor, Rev.
silver tea set by his associate em- "Mr. Smith, land were very largely
-A dad fdro-wniinig aoeidenit in the attended. The locel liodge of the
Red (Deer 'River, near Red Deteat, e. •
Canadian Order of Foresters at -
tended in a body the pall bearers
bertBond, Mrs. Michael Lamarche, and being selected tfrom •among his bro-
e., (has been just reoprited.. Mrs.
her daughter, all of Siolheireia, were ther Foresters and eie services
were conducted by the terder at the
attempting to (ford "the river near eemeterY. MettlY relatives and
Penhold StaitiOn, when the wagon friends from far and near were pre -
ail were sent to piay their last respects to the
Ito' was lifted by the current and
throb' wn intio the river. deceased, who was so well and tfav-
Mrs. Mond siieceeded ea regaereeag orably kniown as xme of Heniall's
the vragon (1:1"ox and pulled 'out ZIETs. most enterprising business men. Mr.
L'amarche, ibut She was dead. (me Cook as (horn in New Hamburg,
child •was also dreweed. Ontario, in 1845 and in 1871 was
s. -After dragging tbirougib the married to Catharine Magel, in 1Se-
po ice 'court tor several months the bringville, where the had a farm for
preliminary investigation the ' ' '
stonspiracy (charge (againet the loffi- eight years, then moved to Zurich.
In Zurich the established a flour
(tiers of th'e Domini:on Wholesale 'Geo. mill and saw mill and successfully
°era' tGuild has been zoncluded tend conducted the same for about four
the feight defendants -oommitted or years. He the.s resided in Hensall for
qiuired to deposit ball the iCrown bea.utiful horae, and was proprietor
the past nineteen years and had a
triel The defendants Twere 'not re -
Attorney being iSatisfied that they IA the HenSall flour mill- He in -
would appear when called upon. It stalled and operated for a member
is hoped 'that they will pot (die from of years the electric light plant in
old age before they are tailed upon. Heneall and was also the proprietor
—On Friday evening, 15th. inst.,
a number of the 'friends sand relae
tives ;of Mr. and Mrs.- Adion Meeker,
ST., Babylon Line, Hay, met at It'heir
'home Ito celebrate 'the seventy-fourth
anniversary (of Mr. Deeker's birth-
day. In (tele course ,of the ;evening,
Miss Annie -Hey read a nicely mord-
ed address and Mr. Decher was pre-,
@existed with a beautiful .arm
while Mrs. (Dedher received a very
prettylable °both. The cou:ple were
taken entirely by SUIxtcirise and Mr.
Dedher made a very 'feeling reply en
behalf (of lisolth., Mr. and Mrs. Dech-
er, tspite of their old (age, are bdth
enjoying' (good health add we all hope
Ithey Will still be spared tea enjoy,
ma:ny birthdays. Among those who
were present at ttlhe "party were Mr.(
and Mrs. Decher's three tahildrein,
grandchildren and ten great grand-,
-A tvery tremarkable woman died
iriqlorfonto la few days ago, Her Ina:me
Was WE'S tatnin Preston, but tshe was
familiarly known as " Thely
She as 100 years of age land had
been ill but tour days. With, her
death oloses one of. the tmost 'strik-
ing lives of Canadian women, and
.onte let the beet known Methodists tin
Ganadajpasses away.. "Holy Aim" is
a familiar name to many iresidents
in Toronto and to idthet tpersons in
various parts of the Dpminion. :Up
td hoar days before 'het death isle
waS in full possession tof All her fac-
ulties, and was both, bright land 'ac-
tive. After ooraing Atoefinstiairs add
ddating ,herself at the breakfast
tabie, he was stricken with partial
paralysis, and !never regained con-
sciousness. Miss Preston came orig-
inally from Trelena. She never
learned the alphabet, but she Wes
able to treasl the bible finea schdlarly
manner. tPraetioatly ishe (knew the
bible by heart. No later those the
Sunday morning oreceding ,her death
she read passage13 Berkley street
Methedig •elearch, Ale vastr, Bev.
-Mr. tGeorge Gantt, manager of of the (Lucan electric liglet plant.
`Briefs. -Messrs. Charjes M(ustard
and Albert McQueen, rtwo, 'of our
Erneefield 'fbioys )ave !successfully:.
passed (their examinations at f.eorrone •
bo University, Mr. MuStard
ing e. $50 schiolarehip. They are
beth olever students. -Mr. Thomas
Fraser, of the 3rd eontession.sof
Stanley, had a plod lamb killed by
dogs (a few nights ago. -Mr:. 1'.
Glen, of St4aniey, near here„ ihad the
miafortime ta; lose =a good mare- by;
Wafts' soaisonrng.-Mr. 'A. A. Wiftta
of the Mill rdad recently gaold at very,
fine ,two. year old roadeter colt Tho
Mr. Hfabkirk, tof Hensel!, at a big
price. This Colt 'Was sired by alaek-
rani and the dam is a Bnown Sleeker
mare. It should be a get611 one.
The egtx(awberry festival, (herd we
VIrs. ,Turner's eawn ic431 -Tuesday ieve
ening amder the fauspinies of the
33rubefield lloreaters, iwias iplca.
-did success. (The evening ws one oft
the most deliglitfal of the setiSon,
betng 'neither %loco N..4a.rm nick. too
cold and there was a large orfowa
of 'people present, young people 002014
ing from miles •axfourfd. The straw-
berries were sarvid sin abundance,
while the Zurich brand diseoursea
sweet music, (and Sociability andgen-
nine enjeymedt was the order of the
evening. Who wilIkgive us the next
pleasant outdoor evening f -Dr. P.-
MoEwen, of Detr'oit, is visiting at
the home 'of •Ns +nether, Mrs. A.
MoEwen.-On Sanbath moreing last
Rev. John ileandestierough, of North
Dakota, conducted the services in -
Union churoh. Cook as his theme
"personal Work" and delivered a
most earnest and heart sea -robing
diseourse. He said that it the
Christians in the Church would
only Work as they should the entiret
neighborhood would soon be woh
for Christ. Mr. bandslioreugh is a
graduate of the lvfoodie Institute,
Chicago, and is a natrve of Tuck-
ersmit h.: -Among those from. till's
vicinity who took in the Detroit ex-
cursion Last week we have heard
of the following: W. Wilson, Frank
Aikenhee.d, Cameron, D. Swan
M. MeEwen end Miss Lizzie Me!
,Gregor. They all report a. Igoe;
sail on the lake and river. end s.
pleasant time. -Mr. Charles Sewers
is home from London Medina' 1001,
Sons of trempe*noe.--Tlit tem
enoe meeting (held 1511 tbet (Pres
terfaivehureh, in this plaae, on Mc
clay evening dast, ander the ?..us,pie-
ie.s .of the Soros of /Tempera:nee, hoes
in every •way a decided success. Mhe
evening meas fine and a goOdly num,
ter ;were present. Rev. E. as. Sawers:
filled the eilelair in his usual able
Old pleasing /manner and a.ddresaes
wvie given by Rev, A. R. (Brown, of
Varna, ,wee dealt veith etatieti-
eal aide of the temperance queeie
tion ; Mies Jennie Murray, of ;Ron--
dall, who disetemed the liqu'or ,quie3-7
tion frimn the 66:ndpiotret ;of the
the !youth, the wenran, itbe
patriarch and the "Ohriktianr and
Rev. W. M. Martin, iof /Exeter, twho
spoke WI the higUr midtives for 'hod.
fal Abstinence. Each otaimr vie.;
Betted the eubjeot with able, earn,"
eM and oenvimPag aeguraert.. e„ and
,wras !listened Ito with rapt attention.
Miss 14arl tWise delighted the audle
ems ;with her well rellder*I. eoroc,
and the singing ve the idicieeon foleoir.
elenteninateons here, and the village brianght ..forth 'hi/fatty s-ptilause„
at large as they were ever ready to
take an aotive p ant in -whatever
'tended to the welfare and advance,
ment of- the village, land ithe hest
Wishes of a boot of friends will
large trust company in New; tYKYTk He Was coulleitnean Hensall for
manager of the Mortaionts' Bamk of
years assisteeet: number of terms and served in the
first co;uneil there. He was ac -
City, rand Ifor Some
Canada, Montreal, tive member of the Canadian Order
Lan m near ;Galt and iiihrstends116teoghtiettlit of Foresters and of the Canadian
vert lit into a summer residence and Home Cirole. He Was also a member
spend the warm mantle of ca.cb year of the Presbyterian chu.rch. Deceas-
there. Mrs. Gault is a sister of ed Was an enterprising business man
Mrs. tLeingdoin Milks, the wealthy and in ibis death Hensel leas met
proprietor of (Langdon Hall, a very with a distinot loss in a business
fine eStatte aleout three miles from way. He ieft numerous friends and
Galt. Mr. iWilks is completing a his wife and five children—ltrs. E.
$35,000 tresidenee on his eState. H. johns, of Guelph; Wm. B. and
—Mr. (George Allen, of Rothsay, Chas. al., of Mimeo, and Cornelius
had quite a severe experience a S. and Norman B., at home, to
few (days ago. 'His little dog gait mourn the lass of 'o• 1 -118 -
poisoned, and while be and' this band and father.
deughter were giving it an anti- Presentation to Dr. Medd.-Th:e
aote the .Ideg pet its teeth- through services held in the Methodist church
/two of fingers, and (died holding on Sabbath ,daAt were very largely
-him fast with his mouth awed attended,- the "occasioe being the
tight. In order to free lira; the farewell sermons of Rev. Dr Medd
dog's !mouth Wad to be pried open who had completed the tourtle year
with. tan iron rod. The doctor Rya's of his p'astorate here. Al the "even -
Sent or, who, cauterized the wounds, ing service the spacious elaureh was
and they are now healing' as well filled te overflowing and. Dr. Medd
as ten be exEeeted, but he will (have delivered. excellent and impressive
some very sore fin'gers for quite a sermons both anorning and eveniag.
During his Pasterate great pros -
"—The (vagaries of lightning were perity has attended the church -in
}exemplified in an (accident which all its branches of work and there
lealpeened Ito Mrs. Joyner, an, iBn- has been a large addition to the
(Oak .lady vviho lives in Souris, membership and 'eneouraging ad.
Manitoba. Thuing the +korai vance finances Which were
other elay, ahe remarked that She never in as prosperous a condition
Y718Z rvery queer. *A man who as at the present time. All this pis
was fsitting nearby noticed to his very largely due -to the efficiesat
'horror that the crothes on ther back and faithful manner in Whieb Dr
were laifir-e, and before the blaze Medd discharged hie duties, and net
was extinguished it had burned 0. 'only will. he and Ns family be great:a
hole six finches in dila:meter ttler.otigh ly• mimed from Ms &arch but by all
to the flesh. APIrs. Joyner was oat
injured mud the lightning's work was
not ivisible in any other trespeot. She
was standirlz in a draft, whielt is
always dangerous during an eleetrie
M. L. Pearson, remarking aftervrezda . storm. -
t .
hearty mtte ol Thanks WAS given ito
svIzt ttiok Oart And a. very pro -I
eitable . and tenloyablis eveuin was-
Airought tee et awe b'y the axngig
of .the Neefltenel Anthem.