HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-22, Page 8. I I ! , I A - . - - 11 - . III � I ­­­ , - I - ­­­­ ­�- -,�- ­ -.I--- - ­ - - -.1. ­­-----­-­-.­------- ­­­ -- - ­ I - � - --�� � - f, ---- —, � - ­ , -1 �� I- -- � . . . . . . . I 11 �� I - - I —­­, 9—-,----- ----­.­­­.­ ­,­-­t� �-­---- ­­ "-- f, - � , . 1 7 - � - --�--­­­­ ­ �-­­--- - - ­ -- � ­- - I 1-1 I - . � I I - I - I . . . I � . I . I . I - 11 � - � � . � I . � � . ­ I I � - . I I I I I `1 I . . -. I - . - I --� - � I ­ I I I . . I : � . 4 ; � - . . - � � - I i . � � � - - I . . - . � . - � . .. I � . . r - . I . � - I � � I . � - . : . - . � I - I . I � - I . - �, � — I - - , . . - y . y . � - I � - . I . �. . - r - I . ,� . I - - . i / . I I I I ; - . - - ­ � . I � . I ­ I - . - - - . . I . - I I I . I . .., I . . - . � I I I . -. I . - . �, .,�� I �, I ,- �- . . : . I I . I . r 2 j - * I : . . � I �� . - - I � . � i . - � I -1 I - - � . I I , � I I .11 � 11 I - . .. -1 . - - � - . I ­ I I � I . - - - -1 � - �- —­ -- ---- . I � . -I - .- . I -- . I I - I .. ­, - � . . � I . � . - I I I � # , 1 .. � . . �- � i � . . - � I ­ . ,­---­­--­ - .- - . ­ � ,- ­ � ­ 1� � � . , � I I � . � I - - . . I - . , � ­ __—_, -- ­ I . , - - i . . - - � .. I � i I I .�, � - � . I . . , , , . , - I , - �­ - , I - . 1. I , ; . . I . I , - ­!—­ , . � . * , - � � � � --.1 � � I , � I � I :. 7 , � . .. �. ­ w . I 1, , � ­ - � ­ . I . I ., r . .. . . - - -­ ­ �- , - - I - - I - - - ; I -- : �. - - I I , ,. � - . - � � I - . . - . , -1� �-- - I - . - I . - - � I I . : � I . - . �� , � F , �4 - I . :: � - -. I I . � . I I - - ­ - -­­­-- ­ - I I , I - . . - " - I . - - , . - - -- � - -� - �� �. I , � ,� . I I � . - - I � I � I � � . - . - . � , - - ­ - 1- - - . - I I I . 1. . I - - . I - ­- - I � I � . - 1, ,� I . I . � . - I � 1 � , I � - � w I . � � � ­ - . - ­ � , , . " I I I � I . � . - . - � - . . - I - , I . 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I � - � I d- -- W . 00 1 .6� -1 . -­ . I -- - :, --- � .1 -� I � I ,' v; 1 .-. � -, �.. , , � 66 , , , 6'- � :, . . � . , I ­ I - - - ; I - - i� I.: I . � - � . 6 -. I � . � - - - � I � - ­ - - 4 � � : , -, - � - ,��6 � c. - , --77.- , I , I - ­ -1 - -1 . - I i � � , , " -- � - - - ­- � : I ­ ;, , - - . - ­. I -1. -- , , - �2 � 6 � , � , - - I I � . .- -7�� I -T---& a �- -- I , ­ , ­ , - � - - I . � I ­ ­ � . ..­ � 6 , I - - I , - � , - : , � I . - I � 1 61� - . I � - I I - I � - " -7 , 1 6 - I - . - - . - - .� , ; , , , , . - , - 6 --v--- �-� �-- 10-M,04MA0 00001 I , 7 �,7 q � :. ­- - ­ ­ � ,6 6 � - :: - -. , - I I - - . > - . - - ­ � . '1 . - - .- . - � � - - . .- I � --- - ­­ . I I .1 . -. I 1: I - - . .; � .,� - � 1 4. ��,, , - -1 - � - � : - . I 1. I i - � '! - , � . - . - ; I � I � . Ic ,JM � � . . I I . - � � -- ­ I . : --- , ­ � ­ " .­� %, - �', 1. � - , :1 . - ,� ,�- � 6 _-11 -1 - � ­ - ­ I I . I - I I I . � . - - - , I I .. � - . : - -: - ­ ­ - 6 1 � 6 I !� -6 � - . - 1 ­ �, � . - - � � - ,4- , - - - . . . . � - I ­ ­ . . ,� I ) . I � . . 1- . � 1. � - I I � -11 I I � ­ . 11 1. il ,:­ 1. . I I �, � . . - - . I I � . - I . I � . I . - 1 ­ 1 � � I I I . I I I I I - ­ ­ I I . ­ , � I I � . 1 , . - I - �. ­­, 1 , I . ­ - - I . 4 . 6 I Xj .4w t A . .1 . . . . I- I ­ I . . 1. - , I I �- 6 . ­ 1, JUNT" 2 190W ­ � ­ ­ - - I I I .1. �.� � : .- � 1 116 � Z1.64, . I I � �. - I . . I I �, . i ���,�� - . - I I - I-.- . I I "I - - 6 � � - - ­. � � I t � I . 6 1 I — —!!!!!!!TM2 6 1 1� 6 .­ 6 1 - I . . I .1 ..� . i I.. SIT I P � -1 --- ­ .­� I - i --- !!! - 6 . �, ­ � I . V 6 1 1 . - . I, , Iffull" ^ 1 0 . 1 ---1.6 -- � . � . �­ ­ . � . 61 1 � - 3 - . 1: . . . ... .,� I . - - - � 6 . IS � . - . I I . lk"- THE RU - 19XP�o - ;;�".,;;.�­, -1 R - I - - �� 1-1 � . . . S I I - I . . I I � �� ., 6 . I ­ 'a Ithree X� . - I � �1� I . -, .- . ­ 6 1 Meti, L � SmWh1-g0:,n, is qMV,jX9 . . � 6 . 11 . I - . -­- . ­­, - � vi - . ----�, 6 �. .,-,, - 6 Sea V ­ - I I -- ­!�!n --�. - I ji,� frip-Ad& iii, . 8 . -- ­­� - � 6 ­, " We visit �,Vvib. -- 6 .. � --- - - �em�etery d .AWt&doeAd1a7 aUST1111 'e , 11 - 1, I � - ­ I - � --- . - . � mffitA _ .rL [000. � ---. -Mr. IJ. G. Doelleo6, vii, IBM- I We ]De.sire t# ­; . . . - . . � + - �94 : -'Ube - . . .. - = � tobbie4 'V6ndA1ct`ed- Buckwheat - I f,0,,r,tft-' ,B41 -Eialg�la& I W-lorks, I . 1 6 1 - - .. . A6*10001JOV � 116v, 'D" .6, ladditioin Itio ifier dauguil- ' �: yee tol ry ipainfa., . �1 . , I with a. Ire - 91 - . I P*v ,services " I ,O , ,net I . I J, ' seaf ftill, I 11 � o, ia HARDWARE �� - t ,ter, voh,; wiaz with her tat ber death,' 24 I . - L "I ... - r4le ., � . I W . -and V aooid�nt week. He Was (by-LInmer'- ; S;upp I our -6 - � - � t, (Wil.; ; , HjjnS9,Vi&n T illett , I last , y .. 6666� ­ I I . I dhe aeaveff'ItbWe syn's, .1401W TURNJP SBED . O'Her plate, W11110A 0- - � I .. I I I � � - I - � . . ing .4, viaoe -of b� all anch 11 I - �, . # ,� �­ i I I I d Oohm - � . - . . � ; baJf I .1 uz4a, i � -.-! , , L Ra. - Ram Wa .. - � , Of steel -aboui . - I.- � 'I I . ietie& , � . ple - � .., � - MATTE , ------------ *— I all var . � 1 ad va- - � " I keep - - DDSTRICIT . I � . ­� " �Of�f Ibis hammer 'a r'%A I -� , avor is to - ­ �� . . , jilmes, dbiar-dhs - ,lo-ng!broke, to, I . - � Our ande III . 0 . -- Wedding �Bolls--St etrated (his eye. He J144 It'a go - I 111. I only tha beat goods Monfly - . I - was lehe e. lot'all r1oter- S. 'A Ij!]c . Ojafist ItID dVaV0' it' Su,rn. JN eed;s, . * -soev � R W34 Toronto �ba 'a aPe ' the I'll � � - I 9� S`or . lay - MOXIAng, -, - iner ' � When, buying esting le*OA on: Td4mi � U pes tha,t i � � - I c= buy. . Picnic � 'he ton, by the bag, or by tho rem�ved. ft�rp, - re hfo� � ��, , el woulabe Pleas- B: . willie D.0coviaz da:u!ghter jjy;t ht lot ,tiho injured eye zmay be 110--v- . � - � � - � hardwara:we I . - . -,v,%en 'Miss . I -tea all T - I . si,g, -- le � 11 � - � .0 . L Was fuln! barrel'. to suit the custonler 11 I - I -old Di6inov", � � 'Vna Sproat, Miss Ne I 1-� ... , .,- I . our ,jgoods of Mr. M I I .--.-- . .4- - , �he gr��.t �iiiuderaent- for the tele" O'li6xTyp a cd,--�Miss H61 I Ole only things we tried to � ,�. ed to show Pau _ ' M James Federspei, lot IDe- ' I I,- �t I L . UndoubtedI5 I y, 1*1010ity, july,2nd .Will Ile - ' JQ;4� - - -Mr. Ray d Vhen bi _ - .- . miarry .",, , r- i lying. for Sammpr business, . .. �. . 102"Op tr,o,i! ,are ,visitin.g ait !bhe I . - - bration of I , . Aft � - . -whether you bUY 01 v,LO )o6lialon IDN wg , "d fIorMN-,r11X 01 Sea SIL ReAll and ft,)me . of i not want. Does a ­ . � . I id SurnMor Carnival in M;. CAser, of W,ininrr, , . 1C. 'Ner 1 , Mies were the hough'i; You would .- � . 'the C , , " . - . ease ,� � ,reat Picnic w of seafortb. he ifi*tilaj mass. was c4le- W # things we t ,z I Tou n , smith--D�� leet- ,-Pl � �- . . &autiful Gr6ve, 414JOInlug the farth. 7C. z Mr. John Sproat, Tucker, ,ot it. Do low Pf -... --i . 1, -4 ty of hine edook by 1 Rev. SEAFORtZ - !Our most 1511- - iaTge stock attract YOU ?-we've 9 . � . - . AnIongtilleAtMOtIOULMMI)ll a 9M -'t v`%rio bmited Wt " I oo,4er, wbo is due lot htforwaTd methods 4nd guat% - � 1 war I between � -- -1 - I - rt�, indiudin a TuIV roolran. The bride Was - -- 1 -%yibio, ia. 1W011 7 -we have themi Do straig - -1 i garnes an SP n o�ergmlbh and MUtber 0o -- - stio Maso!as, un, � I you - � .. 0 -­ s, .. � ,. -----mw d 11101), 3,d,e& (by � Iher siatter, M! � - thfusi - - VoTk -of itiliel jr.us interest you 7 - V-1 r -- SEE OUR teams from Hibbert,.111 � I SS Sadie torder, tre'Pre- if so, this is your StO;:'e- I ­ *; second, $0.00. lattel . � amid On up dn 0he ,s � : - . -rint prize, P,12 ill be . anteed transact I , � , . - -octImsmain wa's E%4ter The WhOltv 1w jj,O,dgja Wt , � V' Ball eating Lawn )ITOWOrs SeAforth tP Race.- Mrst prize, a Gold D01110117tafal v"Re Whe'v t,he I ot- Mdaday and Talesda:Y im- seated, Brituiania, ,a, lopecia4 ill be the -Outcome of goods bouggbt here. -- -- .- � - B Petriolia. %&t , i� Entire satisfaotioll V - -- -.-- k`.- 1.1iollards PUV0 801 .. ti4ft Lmilligaal, toff I # .. - 4," . ite, open to any h lodge, etrat- - . I , - - lWindoWS, Watch value, $16,00,:�-XO entry Mr the closing O. -- . � � aoreeUL Door$? Screen& , ", or to run I 00 Yards, . ,of the servica It'he � mediatelY 4101110'wing melitijig of Teoumse vnd spent . � � �­ - - � R.Ve - lady o�er loyears old.-Corall6th the tw,11cJ'W5yO`a, An ex- I f, W evenidga aigo,- !!!=: I - - -11. I � �� -OtY vdirave -r�l � - � .. - .. - . to bridiall !Pa a `O:st -*a a � � * I Riohai& Pure Soap.,'Put !'!to'! any %,rxpw (bom, � . ­ I -� 1", 8!ud, ever a ,ol Ibbut OlItY.-TWIr- -- B at even, ton V -ards, pick up One bar 01 Ito Itthie, ibride's e4ter,11 pair wt Loaddn'. f Ott III ,e itihi itIlle - i � . al,df, up to so) � � t1he W MLUM list Inas also, !bLeen I I ,enjoyable ktime W ,,,,t,,, A � �. Aosin 3, i�here ttive weddinig brdakfast 061tient pre 43 ame - - ,ovis and Chlarns the finish witbout 4ropping any ox 91 witil an, vmA "xved. Mr. t=d Mtrs. 09TAary, arraPdVed Ifur Itum suaw y - bre0hre I Was 4n !"Own s 600ds r ,,, -*? i -1 .--- W B11twr IBO pers of atly.-Every competitor provi ed Downey, . " � . pidki(L p- . -e ­` . twj* 'I, The ddjal�',tjo intake Ilt leelIP80 �' of Windsor, Vur Dres . � . apron and iiv*'keel) the soap . I ,V . lief t ion - *jh iafterilom ItrAlln ,00 0, wi , s wl4ter, X-r1a. . range of I .. I . alWayl� ,jila eat" I tl - 40her Iones. Exeter 11 twis "ei -visiting hi erv, g of particular XP ,on for SatuTdaY is & �� . , We have a full SUPPlY Of the famous A Balloon Ascension . weeklis (trip Ito MOifttreal Wild . aft 1foriner and beitt'WIOWS James Nevii1le, ,an . d ,d,bher, 'friends.- Der, in we -will -offer at thP- following . ,- VI -1 Plibli,c Speaking oil r, ar'lling F,to- by .Thos.XcMll� hie$ iI&fter w(Wtc'h Ithey Will - -One of it1he Ilargest r and o0euPa,a;t` I I which I . - , sliver-tonglied .,Oast,pra Id , A � I X�LUE LAKE - -eof 1jullett), John V�;r�l, ;gjadinig Ito in itg�e kyo, l'th whie tavw of lish dress gO0dsP � - .. -� . Ito, I � 711" - � . Ian (Reev 14 , &ft0ojf,Vb,, bef oX* .uA.(ty sad W Mt. To�rus it Ube Q%V�Ile and- . Sty . Ur, I orator, of Vorestt and others, lret,lfrn In WijjjUipeg. A 11 - atiher vierk Okle dhorw inif Ithhi ()f!jVhe brlok residence lin; Zgm Mrs. quotations : 5 1 -CEMENT Ar a,TXe the fwo . "Itilm Ville, .tbx , rly mouliled by . . ­ �� poj�TLAND Threablagi queensavecomingto reveal the Ar* ItItteir 'hola's ' it Me . r- ex ith, - :00'PtVam 0 85C fo I �� � I the future. .I be no , 1-i Im - �� of I& and Osiris and fortel . A alrele of friends Willi vbite W7 ye�ar will The ,premiam lisLs ,N�R BrloWn, -and om wh,ldh Mr. JDavid - * r -25p, ­ � , 11 . AL FIF,LD FENCIN G cana NVill XPDS tending, 0009rat" Igencral Irale. � roof.—Mrs. ausm mtrage t IW sbri5 band and Highland PTeer" ifox in ex Moh, - - effiects - � I I - AFIMV-0' psech. The (E ishvls IUD Mr. b� issued ft Aue A�oiore is 10faciug a 'new � � o -wish to enjoy the . bes t w for both IEMOWS, will laffid, Cal., 0- . � - L � . .z i,, - " itarnialyTriltdc for till wh Wiations alid � - . i I . adergast, lot Oalo or 245o ­ - I 11 [ . I I 4 I . ,Edwin Prei 50C f V I v .�­q � -oreal,,rt., - Mrs. 016eary. . colurse. -- I � . g her f ather, BIT- e, Lustre 10hecks -- ., I es and (and , ----------Q---� ve � visitin . � --- ­ I s 9 -go-Roxind of 24 hors is� jw I ..... *1 � so, . team Merry *'� I .� � . -1 . a are right. Give no &.08,11. � 'I �. 8 -com — - .Tfl hn iMc-Quade. ,When &e treturns, Unobtrusiv , V Our prioe � � �61 chariots, with latest musical no . paniments, ilaorosse Iteanx , ta 0e mee t 'Mr. :-- . , , . � ldh . . - �1� Sports.-Goderi The RaCes, .The :nnual r' - TeAde in, 011i0ag-D- 11 W r1l run all day. yea ' E Club was ;.mld V ey WUI een ,Tweed, br6ken . - , ,- the da, . lf tb an t-0 ,it d wh,enj It-brey (Pla efort1h Turi an of Mr. Gr i - �1, F b T �n bar iDf the ,Be ames �1:bd.bb, lot 'Ditroit, 0 Grey and --, - F - d"019y & 8"ELSY1 All are cordially invited to enJoy -will �e ,.on FirldaY oansday of his .. - I t,--. � favorable, the PloPle IV i th Lhe Beavers There Wednesday asd V! SeaturtbAl I I � 40c; r 290- . -- L� wenothershould be tin . t � t eaVy Talln m1ade It'he 011 :ii.n lohn Robb, formerly * 10f Nvas, Iler's fo - ' - tr held hi 2ardiio's opera House. nigIbIt aag . A Ih ftesdaY d"pite a !"I ' 9 ife, . check I .11 , SHAFORTIL iii� 4 ar;4 was a .6 . ld govpmpanie4 by th! w I . ­� P - -- ; Ippery abd iulneertain, but Week- ()a 'We thi and .11 ;i . gnitmda W. in 'the =Myrniog t, qS 'Week visiting #his ,ah,de . ... .. . f . 11 I I ' 1.1��` I v,- IF; li, 60c for - . ,�- t, I r be�gt ttho Visit'OTS tW&rd the raoi-nig Wss� , .- 1 456 -�� .1 s and Coal- tal ia,� Whei, r1owd and an nobb 1. K� X ,, StOye I ReDit'a-1--ml-0 Violin r"' i s, ev-en I jirot djaY to 41�n,t, Mr. games ' Grey Mohair h I �:�� Hardware ol-lasse �'Igame k, was in IgIc"d en 8 �i " 5 -i naVi ber 9pi entirely joldt' I' ' 4. -ain d t1he The tT&d Id in Me. aind Mrs. L I I - � -' . M � by Miss Ed: ckard ond , ,ot� the best. . Que .111, ­­ . . I .for t1he gBeav- .t. - I - k �" - . , is&,Otol 'rotom ofj-�h,6e, resulted in. a �viotory tbere n�as a big fic 0api of days, It'his 90c, for 606- . VIT.�. I - . cehdi voiri, Ispewt o a 0c � .-- ;1 - 4 a Ifflie -- dde, trolt, � Yo *le, - . �. -ff. 0 On -Nouday evoravgL iwas VOTO of ten'tto (niolne land f alst time W'W W . 0, rjunlop.-Mr. ck me, 1, I", BAN ers Ily 'a Is each race rs. , Bla Tv * "I I ��.--t DOMINION dist i6hu'r.oh f it aftended 0 0 o (ploopedts 'for week with X, I 4ed i1be pX16MY. : - . - ---- - 1.�%� I ,n�t. iae;a,rjy as 'we h Rya,Mo;aday qi�ght, in Itho . A's we 9100 , � les ha - ni th, 75c for 500-1 ­ . 4X'Idmay fa'nd 'Ube J411iOr Harons �:� � ­ - . TfW merith of Ube, IX0110 staip 0 t 11 I 00 O j_,,* r . I ve- been. da xesiden Ill t � READ OFF101911 slya-uld iha " ras G to �. 1� TiDRGRZO a largeI iplayedtbere Thars Y afteravOn were ld t GDde h ,dt.ree J inmenit desmved U. A, series. Tibe 'insual best. will be puibliObed I . occqpied y I I Black Can - 00M. -Mm I ---Rr- - 10— 'i tille ;enterta , The svore Mr. N junlor W. - recently , �ilo ­ --- loi o, id,Dubt Vhe atit0nd- de Ithim!gs disagree- 1�t� Ft?iijal - - I . - * - - 7 ��'­ p-$3,000,ovo-00 audience land PT tbunderStOTM Ma next Week. . d 'is woviag into -- 41 I - 1�1 -r *-� i eber, an - 111 0SpjW,,,­UItyPjjtd Ll beert befttfX lbad and opedtators, -- W 11.0 ; � j wesk.-Dr. I t CIL,, rV bbe� d ated igotod p'l a Y. I visitinfix Jtheir, . — -g -- - E � � nd un- I anoe ,Would (have ;heavy ira`X. I able f Or both, tPlayers 00 b1olt'll tmd iMrs. XdMichaet are in - � - '�:V, _a Fund a it Iva been fox F -� j" � kvI. - dix Ito al 'Ie' -what w,adid idther - - Local 33riefs.-Mrs. E, Vatim-e-T, , here from, Delt-;roit the House- urn ., � - .1 - 749,000 ' aides�raenvd warring ast week vho In � iA Ided Profits . S a, Miss ,Rickard ,'has every reag unele, Mr. I --- , iT US I I-ef dW . Macir I Wise Iblave *been: a, good igame. The of BriamPbOln,- Was .here I- I James XoXiobael, I -1 sii' O.f Iher -puP, bult . I I Deposits by Public $34,100,000 'be irond Aever - eadih w side svatiftg ad'her many dld*'f riends were Pleas- is'still lao.naned to his residda,ce, . . . -�� - exceptio'Aally, c I. -Mrs. . I atany fxieinds ,of 'De I . 1; ��, S 44,400,000 playigg was score was a ttle, , , king sp wel. ag.-The m pairtmelit , I 1. b�e, ed to Bee 'her loo is reaaveri, � - 11 i -1 . tand displayed takeOutt Ondl - 0 Igamia will b - McQuaid -f Alexillop, t "I',' #� I Totat Assets . � � and IgOQd ,one Igioal. The x -tar - 101ark, of, ptf-tney, North (Da 9'. P 10 "IL I " � . rs . , , I i all- did X " Tbio,mas � -;. oaref ul Iteadbar -- y -x ' -0 . m &. While 'ti -Ag ne*x Sea o Pathize with I , pla ed fLn IlffildmaY, 'Oln Monday 'no G`Or'g ­ ,&ter3 are visi 1) rth, qv I . I 1. RTH BRANCH t make special wl n ,the junkora ;are 0mvidejit of k,yba, and ItWD da!d ill sym bro-their, � : � ' 11 i '. I equally Wellp W,B lat" .3e I Mrs. Clark th dewLh of -bar I I p ­ .11 I a-EAFO ard . . 4 s in TuCkersmitth-) ride43bovio. hei in iti e CARPETS �- 11 sioting of a ios-Miss pick - friend, -Tjo . M. aBolIrke, which oeeurred,gk IMpOTA.&Ut I'll - , .�, f- .A zVery fadlity for the brans mention of 10he 'tr winnimig VIA. a Miss - Mr. I AU U - Olm-up ,VA. " �� � , - -2 miolin, ,Miss Dora Daly 011 �h" ' � A peterb'priol, resjde�ac-e &t pine �Grlovie, Ojat I "I t I . � - - � � L-1, 1. . booking buninem. �,n Ale -T.h.e big tpoot ball ,game iof Ithe Ivas former,IY . .P "I I ��- ': . � Dints In 0anada Mr. ,Harry Live'ns On, itthe seasyn will be 'PlaYed this Friday ev- M r. an d Mrs - PDX# 4 - his I � RUGS ;- � .. , � . � &do on 61) P oeito� and ,Iting Mr. and Mrs. WT04 bh ,of Jjxne.-A i�ejxurt or A I tv:., -1p. m1wtions M , � . -, it,he e 'D Iris week.- on -the .11 Te - 4 shap Reductions -B. ­- ,-­ A� I . pjanfo. Shlo,uld Miss Pickard ,give an ening, b6tween Itille: ,old' rivals, w r - - V � of flarpar-hey Ithis -the West RaTon -- achers' doings at lj­� *ad abmad. : Adb�esolrk, MATS - .. - V. �ft made to Falmsrfl. SPOOI&I at- Vbher irec,ltal iwe are smre ,it nVill 00 erli,n Paa,'n'gers and tthe H�utroins. This T., Saturday has I A B , jcajl�e lu-p If rom � Friday and,', I , -, 11 ­ Advanc I Notes. - 1 Ipatr-6,nized. rbL66cally- decides Cho ch,am-- Mr. Win. alotaix, M. � Guelph on 11 ­ -wel , game 1p tly ne-w-t weP-k.- for immf� , I_ I �1 z 7--, - io the collection of Sale . MATTINGS WE have picked, out ., � Sutton Imid I . � 41f , , I d BeTHU is c4otmidg. Lip by Ottawa -and spen't Sunday in Itow!n. �� Ito be ibeld over *11-11 , � J- ­ . - ---------- *---- i pastor 01 Me � . pi-Olaship, aln ' liver � sl� ­ . I )MCCuill'O'ch �', - C. � . . Obla ,ArWba-ld, Of the 6 Rev. Mr. f- e � , , following were - With a big followilng - -9 r, tJ- . Iclialroh, was V T diate fiddane several 1* ­,� -d' -- z --- liers.- The special Itraip I - Piresbyterlxn I I !-- ve . 11 I I'll, .� SAVINGS BANK. - Tra Creek .,barnx, Ihas f o -u -r mwes Vlwat`e -, 11tarristlan FLOOR OILS of worthy iurniabings from sue'll - ��:l . week by Btewart to faid 10heM IVD Win- rr' �, . I 11 iW�6dnesday I'm t ibo. Miss . I I � �, its of $1,00 and, uj)"rdsi received. ticketed ,out this . I In itIbe lNeil lcup competitilonAhe With �sdgar b0etEl, Mr. A dhiba,ld hae � married On '­ Depos, - Oth (ind Brothers, 0. P. R. agents, SeafoTth: - - Several i of Itb,Nt toNva. are listed to the lelt. ­ i Ke ­­ ' �, -of sdde4f J,uue 3 5 Play- been Igrowilag Chem fJor 1Iis,McKibWA, goods as # -, 4�� E11.611 - . .. I L1, 16*d Interest paid Withdraw'sh mi6y be Mrs. Vloyd ,and dhildren, Of 00101e� Parkes amd 1tb0 Paradise team, The mrord formed by RP -v. - , �­ � , p r. Sist. ! . Con..; ed Tuesday ini.0h:t, ,the * Parks fwin- years.wrid Jhas ioorea�sed ihis Oroa vay wa:s pet lj _ oumbe Mrs. M. C,; Lloy'a, of . n. i No- - . ; eth. - Mr. * 'I � " I - I fiedd, and . eac& Iyear.-Rev, iMr. 'Smitill, -Of '11e� I F. �L iiarkLri, of Seafo LINOLEUMS zoob in. � � , i 1� . . - -1 inads at Any time o,a-r 1goals to ome. � � The facto concerning the -01 . . � 1. u � Cullnug � ,­ . do - Bat' Saikat,dhewal" ; ning by F — Itible Iservioes in itibe� was a college friellid 09 . , - A. E. GIBSON, . a, ItIO tileford, I —0 1, toonducted 11 � , - - I � -: -- � tlffilso�n, Of Varoa, Ito 'gal I I their price Te"171=111% ' I .1 - , Manager. Ma,4ter Rafasell . new Bell Organ, fit ,"6,00, at TL IL Presbyterian Ichure'll 11ast- Suinday' Mr. Larkin, Wad he preadhed .here CURTAINS volved, and � � - a i i�',i IB. C.; Win. ,a!nd J,phnt Con One nearly . 2010-tf �� �acjbed Itwo exceyth6ne'lly able! a.rkin several -times.-Post �',re interesting, Come and see. . - I 1 ,7 & iff. ITANS, solialtor . Enderiley, 111s Green, ,tjoi �Ed Peck & Co., Seaforth. and iprie tor Mr. Exeter, w.ae a ,� I - �P ot InLon(ton. ,is ,Ube firalt time U16, 9f ­ I I -1 I sitt, ot (H . . parties wishing ceflehl� . Master Christie, IkOUR , -., � �., . XTs. Alex: All , coal delivered at Bru sermons. This 4ra on WedaLe�S- DRAPERIES ". � - . & smuey, Seaforth" *e4s,,he -I-- - - call Chesney � e ,, Mr. ,-40d please . e 1have 'bad sin ,OPVOTI; ju,dg alt Ithe ra� AINs &,WAIT . . ��; - ia�nd jr,e*uxin ; dind Mrs. A. J or write us. 20�4 - SeatorlAh Ioe(Dpl BARG - - r �� Wdsits n, Smitib, and icihild-rem Mr. Smitth day an d axsd I istle is I VA�- M150wo, Alstenihig tt(D th ay. Mr. Cihi - ... - t VIRM68 . _ � in 1wad dhildron, i6f Sea ' . , May, I tullity Of � 0, ,great Ito -ver of thK Imse an - ART SATEEN'S I -1 - forth, bray 26th, lie- d the" . I hilbe I � � SHAWL LoSt.-Lost oil l,rj( , a oure tjhey WUI be I&BIligNtj I INSPE01ION. I , �N. Watson 12101 gtobewain; Mr. H. Ttwkeisibith and the remide - ­ ,-, "l, . -ell school 1�0. 1, isit (us lfrequg,AUY� ick out a � � .- � ' W�.,� twe . 'e(l wool The In V are mb,t Ma!aY Wilk) cau P -- wwwwmww� 1� ­.- ,Successor W W Ito Saska(hoon, Sask gtevawL, - aind of A� 0. $WlIle,,,a ILI(tv's I len allawl. ed Ito Ibave ly' 'F . He CRET&NESi Etc- - - - . % --- �-L 1 ,el ..S peck ,of �03tayfiejd, 10 R reatly obII;e hy rettirnitig the saille to )f ,gmojadviltie� g,oto,d #,ne ,qwoker tho!n' ,he can - - .. . ­ � -_�-, "ORTH MAIN ST , finder will - ii�ev. N. Sbaw, - ' i 'Mae- - 1i . ;n ; ,Mrig. (Robert ArMAX01319P - Of rob - I �., rl6b;� -was ae0ompa!nied by Mr. Al. , I ... � stgned. A. 9. 8�lffllle, Ilensall P, 0. . I I- I �,� - the 'Inder. V111B W-t`h.-Od'st cbu - - i= -A I I I ­ �:_ - 4, General , nd Ancident Insur . . 2008.3 preadhed tin i -1, 'of Well kjaiowa, bIorse im- , er Special � - -- -t Fire, Life a ie&, (ta ID&oraine an(I retlym,; 'A' . [ay IforetaiDom, Rev. Mr. B ithe . . � anoe a Iteal Eat e and Loan Zlix A Suad servic . donel ' S in which we off . . I- . goat, %t rray, 'tA (HensXII, tio' Claligary' !A'- - i,oAN.-Privateftindis oil good improve . amiged d & MaOdiont Two- List ' I ql I _: ma . - ' -rills. Apply at Tim nd ,he (havi,ag exoh - ,:r-. porting tirm Of Baw en � - �­ I 'N10"'y To' Wer,of -1 �� . " ; . t " � -ni - Mr farin securiti. �� rre burn 1. - and Mrs W-.- - ira-vorable tL . (L ­ S i, senforth. 1 20011S 100wan, ba ell. -Mr. ,w,nd Mrs. Alfred Bre .. firat'alass famil�and Manufac- berta tand tf reld'er, of 6, - actions : . - - -.4 . �,;K lortul, to EdmIotr4tWxno ExroBlIvIt Offlc -Mr. J,ohn blis -fluirloinit-13.8, are V's- I . ­ �_- -Des4ri'mul. , = , iff. 100 - ly Attr Ile . - ' , 1 � -1 � I 1K ; - --- am P. ivarsm, Seat Ddtrol L, former I - - - ­­ a Sowl.Dg Machinea ond Cm . WANTIM.-BI-118 2o�-i>ealmrs'revised tal nia, Ibere with , fortli. and . I ­ . . ­ , ` ' -- �1� tUriD_ .. o:nd Tetarn. - llutl;4�,r` wanted at once. - Geo. E. King, - Ni l9r, Zames Clowam, a -ad ihi;� iting -old friends in Sea - -- . � Pi. I - . I - 11., -. - f;oparstors, viz. ' 'eke -ted this tubs choice 2ON-tf brotlh�r, - -Mr. � . Verly, Xjf.,� Ed., M-1 i - NM 2 � - 0 I �� .- If I . 111116rhaill.'' ! rge oorram,ce. alty.-M.-,ssrs. NO � . ,11 The following were ti Vici ­ .... 7 �" wilaymondand White Sewing ­ - .. �:�A­, X-61 - , - G. T. R. I nice sister, Mr§. GeO : -1 -i� - I - . - ��, :- - i- I ,Der, and National sad week by w, s�merville, .. Try Charlie ljjnW hand laundry, Seaforth, for . Smit wDtih W3 Bo x spent a. f e -%v days i a I I MUSLINS 1. J,-1�, meohi . - Mr. A. earftio. and work. Always gives satisfaction. Clothes caned for. Alex jh ilef t t1his week -elff,�u � and Srnest - , � ]MILLINERY I ­ 1� .- -1� -t ' town ag,ent: taundry two -Sa-sk-Stftwu, Saiskv&& - Detroit this week, -- - -*� - _7 V � � ­ � Uneada Cream Separstoro. tio Nvin'aipej amd anddelivereil, Charges reasonalAc- - . fami,ly f or - . *---- . . . - '1� . , oil attach- t-%v,o daulgiliterS , . itore Sea . I . � - mb � . - '. '-.,, blue woodle' doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware . ism LAWNS 8, , jUh rhad been, therO W,11 IsPrvjx N . ,� I'll, . - : -1 Abe sewizg: *Mae ies' Joe all recturn ; ,41V1r. ajid Mrs. ,8toplion La I I I I 1946 -ti Ur . ra. Koax.-Still vnutlher RIBBONS - I - - I- i . .M.1 nuudr A forth -nd 'likes Iflhte t9wn am'd tqoa,dtry oo Death of IM - .i.... I. � I insole, rapik La I ,to -,Sask�fjoqn , and T-etuTM ; lYL17SN i re�n will Ile at the Coln- , inia � - it �; 11 ) I bv I - -,ye and ear surg SWISSES -1. ��� ...... ; ­ I � � J - - .- � . illy. -4. Well that Ihe iftt,611djs making of ,jbhe 1pbancers of tihis didtriat Dias . . , . . . - 4 � HN - �4- i:, owing waphipes. itill,, ibo MbGregor, Dr. Ovens, � jlrednejda.�,, .7 ,- i . I kind* of 6 - itforth, oil a i6pod , I - I— �' �, eri6vae in the above SprDat, Tirckersm ercial hotel,. Se me. Mr. Smith is . Mrs. Thus. -X00X - � T :: l� ,- .. i I � llollr,l 1 to s p, m. catart V. - . r'J., With over 25 years exp iry Coates,. Lead- in tot, wInint, failing eye- fiti,t ure Ow cj�t'zen aind -We been 1(galled hence. ,VEILS . , 11 . � : , - - . I g1wises . I � - . "I ­ , I eated and ma -h ia'A a wort1hy I : -- 11 - _11-1 �. . . n. renj-'simed of price* lAxAitoba; Miss N' di,ed%at 11iier resideam, in Harpurthey, - .1 I I .. I .- � - I �: basins" YOU 0% P , Manitoba ;. ,ht, deafness na . gal catarrb, tr - Peo. 1had DUCKS � ..... . . . . . . . . . L, , � . . , Nor— sig, 1933-tf -d DX . �� .�', safactiou bury. ito Wanedfoga * a,, t,�jj ' %,ejartily (recommend (him tIO 't'he BELTS . � � 1 jl� Ivit M;e­ . mrs. 9n, I I I I I A'j , � � right, squevre doa,libig ,and eat , properi), fitted liast ­ .. j- . � ; - - . . . - � . - niFs.-Pianos and Granlophones rent '� ,le PIQUES. - - .1 �'i . man ,ba.mpbell it'o, , Nai�-1 I * ' "" � �, : ­ sawed. GAR1;F,N I'M f ,the West. TheY werex aociom, 1 r'aavj:',� I� igolod a,ge of ,79 iyeais. . T-1 7, - I guar and Mr. land call for partiaula,rs at R. I - " -� j- . � . I . . - Patrick Waileb ed for all sne4i oczasiolls- '2010.tf , ple 'O Iff 110 g0e�s He , was C�Utuierinpa VESTS ---- *. r I I , r imaiden - I I Bee ; iname 1i -A-4 -­�A� 1 1 S WNTSONS 7 to Chic - 11. peck & Co., seaforth. pq,nied'by Mrs. A.11,61bein, - 1 4, 1 .11, . . JAME Mrs. H Lt -hes, BeedliNvolod, � -1 .. �� I �� � 1 C5 "s 1 ,her hui�band, ibe ibtav ive of Rox- . - I -11, ,- ­ j . - . , r he"T -Ito join yyung. She iv�tas, a .'aa1 '.1 ­ I It. , � Sewing Iffacloine CYOI,D C,11AIN LOST. -I Ost, -a ladA , ong Y bliere i -� :�T--X � " agor; Miss .Ij6titie Tilliompsion and . t alQil at- - j1agt sp'riing.-A In 119n-1 ORSETS � PRINTS - V S -1 Do Agent, and - key and looke L - - f. . I Miss Hicks Ito Glas, . , ag [gone Iotft boilosibire, Scotland, and ' wa`9 TbOirli` C ­ -1 userso estorth. poIN,, per ateam- gold chain, With fann8 . I k,,� North mainiatreeb, 8 9 e 17th, 1 . ' ­ A k,V � �": I '- .1- F ii - � and 810YO100. . . 4 . I I A -i' tached, ean �Nlay 27th and Jun rom bown Itaoik adva,dta:9-e lot te, of Lord Mi,db(y, [gramd- . -.j­-i; ... T", . - lino; ex- � some thile betw . - ber f - t A -INT 8 , -., jfr-j-,z!11 al --- I i 10111 Allain between the resi on lhe � r GING-11 �� - .­ ­­ . ', . i ship 4 ; - "T, � �;-_ I .- I - oo;liam, , ithin the towli iiiiiits, or . AQV,er ��� : .F ,., X l000 %� GLOVES Ii V'F'1'1.� t!b 10he la)te. C . , f. ' la -Genteral I I � , 1 ---. + - ; M - eap bDXt excursiton. to LDeitr*lt 1 0 bber f nor - F i � ­ -,& ; � T ay,or willig it(o New,York ; Mr and Bt aineW'ceinetery, e tdh , . . � .. - , " delloeg Of Messm DeverctM, -or � . j - iia"ge, I I I - - - violatateers --vve4t or ther Mar - - - - -, � � ­� �,D­ IX ­ �. T - 'he.), cenietery. A re on fDuesday.-M)Te of �ya .ng,. Af ter I I I I . ,- I id SATEENIS ,- - � - �, J-�,ij2� -1 � A -'to Miontreal. eastof Senforthotna Harpul , I �.. 2� �­­ , 1- I � y leaVin',1 Wile 'e - - -1 1. I AM 4 14 ; .1 'I - :�:! !�UA j �:��,:" - - I -- I -- - � ­ I 11 �, , --w - -- . ward will be paid b - , , ­� . . 1", 6oderich street, seatorth -1 I - - ,",A %, - � .., -. I 11 Mrs. Fred Ga jojo-g Mr. IA. i0ardoo a lie, ,he!jIt .ed in 11he botel business at Seb,adh's, - ORGANDIES ­ - -- - , � I of, ' � I ,;- , � �� ­ ine Works.—On ad NECKWEAR � � ­ ­ . �- .. z I I � . . , I - 1 ,`,`­ ,'t--,! �- ­ &D.af orth Rag Nettie and C. etween MUdhell t z' ­ , � The - -ed. see otir ters, Xjsses :1 . .. Ty Mrs. � aj)aes aiieary� at the'residene .- I � h f d rher JOte hueband eintKalg , �-�---,-, into Iclarnip at Dandon va, Xanday I er ja HOSIERY . ad 'his Itw(> daugih­ i'- ­ . -, -1 '- - ' � - 7 - i . I .- . z T : .11 , is issue, IwijII be r - ATO ';Ion,g be- t " -toumd leour high grrade planos just arrii :� -7-2% - -- � , 'PaE - Co., Sea- on Wed -nes - , t , �,'_5 _.-- � - ­' ­� . - ,,e 0, tof Ch It. H, Peck & ,4y Ifjor Wbunipeg, *01 and (Stratford. This was V . .,7 % tg ,� - j3T-&ATjr0RD, ONTARIO WtIb,&ntlo at-e4terneint Of style 0, Be_ -- -- - beauty. VLAINETTES, � ­� ­ �, � . � I � I 1 and a 2010-0 for some Itilne'- f ore jUbte jadven't ,of r6iilwaya in Itihis , . - 2-- ­ a ful I they Iinteud � Ito visit RANDKERCHIEFS ­ limp ----- ­ - - I � ­, -, � much larger tPau thOV 'die Miss Hicks ftdghter ,of years i - - -- ­ , kb 11 I .7 -..-- -1: - our olosse are the jord.gress wajd6 (by and j6he, (flnetiii- forth, under Mr4 S. - - ::: � - - 11 . ,ft-, � - a � i t I- havelearned ljOXBOR0 SOCIAL -A lawn ,social, part ,of Wbe dovattry. Fifty-six -- a - C V' -----V .Li -�, I -- I ,�', A. i � - I , � ;: , I Were a y(j%r ego. The pubho . - tot the Bell EntginA 1,grej of the noxboro blisslon Band, will be given ;�OtI I City, ManitIoba, a - --- - i .;T 1: L o*%I standing at iii6kS, lof 1C ao ago ftey lremlaved to Harpwribey,aild �. I I - I . -11'":-V-.- ,; -K �o�� . lace in thaProvincO I , , ta . -. 'I ­ - �� -­; -,i ik: a` that this in the beat p -mpany of t1his Itowa. oil I anies Aitch"On's 1mvil, on Tuewb,Y, June & 11 .. j� � -­ - ` �r - d ThiresIhei Co -all! eat - Of 11'"O"', 'W' -e - 11 -`%�r: -,t - ts - : an cod 'progi tormer iresid Btarted in ittlim ho(t I business !there . 11 V,z,`:4 i � � I, to -obtsin a CommeroialiEducation or Short jjA be fjosa,fid 20th coln'llencill t " O'clock* A t I - . I I �-- .1 . , , :­ � �L , ­ .:r I ,On Itthe '80' w . !. I - I - % ��, nP I I - �.­� : 11slaing. - Students are sctexijq; ibbird page al also ffr& jDr.) Oao,Per- bI&s beVIL I . � 1 ­ - . 4 T. a let -ter R Mr. Wm., Pickard, 0004 will 6 gi-*'en ' "efreshments %vill - e 4erved awl Alece tot 17 . In It1he Icarly days Kaox's 0.1310tel. 6111 � H 'AT, V..- 1 ..-I'V , . - r, hand )y All are S,t .&Ima, colleim ..# . I I . A , ­ .1 . -, I ' ,'� , �,� 4 fl­� '� � taking -a course .W - I p caduates get good 'posY- the fjeaforth Und will be in attendance. Harparibey, wag,knolva far aind twide, . . I I � . I. I i, -� - 1, i ---- �, -R ; sk. All g ,the same aab- invited admission, 150- 201OX1 e0elit 4exava- tattan of . � .11 - , -- , -. esoh we - . I I I -�-,:i­�­.,-;��.I,� cate,16gue. - dhiant of Seafort1h, on - cordialli- *1 - . being . - I . � f liz !,� ite now for � Gluild of st, Thowas St- 7101nas, and a:t 't1W 11' and enjbyed Ithe rapif , I . - zi . ,. .- . �V tions'. Wr jeat. Mr. Pickard is t1hicy"OlUghlY LAWN SOCIAL. -The � Thurg- inati I toarri,cd off Ube j#1d Imedal. lest -h-oaderim I - !­ . - r, �. I � e, a beitwee,a . - � -L, I B ,of 1b, I I f, . ., -, i, , ­ . � . � -n social on O'ns � I I I - � �11 * �. r �'A-A -I�M ; i:, . eLAO)ILAN, Ows -A,Ill hold their annual lills -* b . - � -1 � �,�X -1 I Competent Ito . GoderiW and Stra:06rd, and ,the - , tC-., ,% ­� � - HOLLIOTT & X � , judge ,and Ili& IM church )th, on the lawn of Dir. J. M, WoTk1'VAas 0cminenced on Friday an' 1� 1: ,�- . plols. -- inveAbig (layevening july r - f or, Om arex I � pla . � ! 1� i --cil � -i , . I I , - ­� � I , �.. Prinei I ispejakB and the consider 2010-2 Itast Ipreparing ,Main street ' - m - . . - � Whereof %lif, . Bojjt. jj�� in Atendance. � wlants of imany a reary wayf - I -11'-� T -­ . �� I � - � � 4 �w!l ,.� I lie sibduld caref ully . who have monev to -nd the work is Widg wem 'k-kndl-.V !ad- . � I I -- � ] � I � � fre- - , 1L I ub vest, miletherill small sunis or 0 pushed If oTwiard in a b I 1 I �,I` s �, TO INIVESTORS,-PeOPIC large, wouid d pavement, (a, in Ithose ioarly days, .1 11 -- 1. I �,ribat the says and `alsv - . - PA . , -P atudy Ithe , In uTry. Wfor a ,i3,w . . I I A � -, . - a ,&,ered to by iihe aecoased. When I -_ - E`,� I ; ,i -z' J ---. i: " tilly the prospectus of the Robe I I � I .� -,. i, -I- 1­1�0­,11,�'4 �­ . STAPLES BROS. 1 2010-1 tilne Imain � , ­ � t. The absoilute _wrrectness Ot w I to read Poaref vitre6t will ba 06 Oc6ve Har ,_y entered its de0adeill'ces .1� .-a- -V, 1, 13130 i Of - , , ily be as- BG . on page (i, 11 DDV 6000S In. I ­ , - , ­ ".- , a-, . -i f, i . ad Knox ire -81 0 'It i 1;­`,,��_,J - �-"q �.j . . - �tili� sbaItemieuts made imn -eas ell Engine and Th r�sher 00 to ,jarnes of ',ounsiderable la�tivity z Mr. purih ed his 110t - � I t �i: I Jersey cow in (talf, Apply �� M(Vv . i. .. , I ,4 , - �--i : I -,OR SAIX, I 201OXI ,and Mrs. Ste#ben iermted it on Ole I I 4, i � I --i,- 1,�j�­ � I I BARBERS and ' certiainid by tany jaitteindirig investors i I I � 4;;i, -F. ,;� rjorapa,nyls U. Dickson, noxboro. disoTder.-Mr. SeiaPorth, - oxtd -- ­ - .. - J­_� ­ I � � �L _ �_� 1�,��y . �, - I t; �,_i �, I .� , - 7 1 by a reference -to, t1he ----------- 0 . Itible IW4�113t. . z I presejit Clommercialp and 11 . L .1 I � ;Z�-�Vt -- � tiql,�'� I . In, sh-ort Lamb (left jou Tuesday for site of It1he � , - f , ��; . I I - TOBA000NISTS boloks if t'hey Isla dh(olme TharsdaY They will ,Visit triends in Mis'Flee'db2 In TH. OV - . I =. , xr- i � �­ � -t1hen itake, in - . SWOR �01 - , * I - juj-,t ­ ­­`- �- !74 . tqh.e stock Of Itibils company afters tan' A Wild 0a)t 811101-00 will for iseve al years t1b, .- A:fter Ithe . � I . . � It - I �, wlv �, 11 4� � wg a!s ,4h#t ja Xands- aild (Dakota Wad , - �- I - . ­ 1, w- -- ­A!��A� -b i I I I -­ -,- t I e of- :)Usi14e;ss il a Ing ;hOtel "'a 'this t1o'" - I 11 , � -1 -We carry a Choice Lin excellent I , nveRtmien't and I,a,st ,a wild oat W .1 puitnts in : Mxnito ===6=========� �- -- ;��­,Z-,,�,�, � - - ; ,-,,, .1 '- ), jinvest land bopou4ohls bush on t1le 3rd fddnc,ds- the iprincipa i&iberba, �qjad wili . death tot ther 1jusba:nd, 810100 Itlivemt-7- — I I ", lv 7�­:'-::: �zl � - ;:, � � * y -.-%viho, [have, f ands 10 ask�atdliewan, iwad - i ven iyoars ago, Mrs. Knox tridtired tho WMHA9, W -- � - , S aa. � It, seeuw * the IsAmmer. Ise, ' aildresmA � -� � � -.. T1-- 1: � ' a:n . , " - -1 w1ho desire I I rk . t4tind d f iInAlY (thO Muto', i I, I �, . ,; � � 4 . - CIGAR13 - TOB000 iac, mio-re r � IL �T to Harpur1hey, *ffi6re 410 hats' Isince her was k2l�rer . 1� I ernuaera!tive sio,n Of T"kersmit1h. Idbe, � � z, ,zz. . P. - . I W104 : �kelY be Igaiie, irdost Of i6sh � �- � I : I ;z!!,� - ­ � rate lot tintere& ltlhxg 't'heY �Vin, Ouy� m bors ,ere doing Ir0ad ' It Their IMaJoY Iriends herp- will the ev#.nijig:-��� � - . ­ � ­ - 1&reats iamd friends igave , -, _ i'g She'Was a riima�rkablY flue I �� I !El, - -,. 3 !t �ft� poinit, whein, Ithe unima. -69 , , .11-1 ,- ! . ,,, I Lttia resided. 00irrowi - I - - - -,- ---- 'i �­ - z- 2 --F 11 r,-, I — P I P 1C B ---�- .ttaizf,from Iffiebvnks ior,on ,moirtgwge, (yllti.nig. -- The -n despair lootaGlad- a. - - - ,I � - 4 -, ir A; ­ � , � . ; 1 � Z� ,, I - . . ,f -1 , . '1� I; -;--. - - �',,�� I ,-, t - we �wft noj�sider 0ame 'o,ilt t Mr. Armstrang's' Or— them 16, pileasant - 10jokilyg, ,active ,wonywo, despite ,ber up ibbeir-se,ardh i t3taff , 1 -�,-4`:- i-1 I f�, uld (do- t ,11 Ito caref . I t I I La itili.at ,,Ube 4h!ld had Other beell M . -qlh..-- Ladiee Aid 4- -- ' -i - F q� -:7 ­ , .;. .� .4 the moadl ililt6 TackersinitIll, 18to'" ierui4her is turn I I--)'" - .1 WO, -�C.alil � gredt age, OA`fil recently, VAbein' t�h'a in . -11 . 1--_, ­ ­� Z- ­�j r, 1 � . - , I i J. � .. . Xteirt heed 'to Itell animals orl thad .M � , -�� -!-41-14­14� F3 fo an EASY SUAY-11A anu f years domme fitluWA � 7� . 1 �i'! Try u r . tihis -tpropositiog. There as 100, - 8 ' dirardt 11,611 - roaa tal - .-, � ­ k,ao(,Nv (tio- tih,LPu.sh, The tcaen saw it and (gave ing wit la 111i Weigbt ,O dev�aared I Oraoe ch- I& , lilat a �-!`�,A�:171.�g - '' h pe0- . uwdh aTe, I yfll - - -N I J� t iV . kersmit .as lla,rgtelY ' � n. 0 if � - ;­­ C - , . been darr, Va' b6 ,bzld i w -, �.� f�? � a I a Z-til-,S"3z:v 11 - " ness tpraplositioll that we v&at it thijs summer The Tuo led idff by 1 via - -1 -1- � - V ­� � -4 f -i ; AIR OUT# ro dijase, When Ithey oreadized ga ',her, ond her dext(b) W diand; qf Y&WW i� . .I lor - onto ' uj#her of Itthen Wan- berry f,eWl 1), --- 0 to - , . -- - , , " ­-.- 1 i- �j . - ta � --., --.-A ,4.�. I I � day 10hat ,dffers a. safer 0o'lemam ple will Tet find 116e otoneq =1 'I wearLag 01rt tthere W,er,e imidn* bands sda 7 -- . �,,;,� 1 , ", r y L � bert fjovra 4hell M TUO '*ro- , 1�i­­­ promising anowns of iinve he ­ , V- ­ 1-1 f ?i Opposite the Commercial 'Hotel X r. Bab ' - !,�, --�� ­­ . - iguard, vAbille last. A real V,Od time i's in 1# � t t 2-11 �i. TIP13 1,� . ry ,fact ft'hat 46he iijoreased ifacilit 6 . with Itbe ments tflbey Ihave ever made. - Our 'a The deceased (was an iladlls- j&at itibe findin"g of this Iske'letOu - . I . ,,3�,4-i�l-,* I VIF� 1; - - � Ve - I g butian. a�ttend- - 11 . . jan, IaOCOU1111t Of went of f ,bor -a 'glum-, aia� 41,e Ineie,libors ,are Ih,avBj d. for all wbio, I"- � I ; � " I I 'ry * I I . ,:­ Egmandvi I�Y-tl; -1-1. '- s1hip. —* . . � .I . -. -JM� _­ ­' ­ -, �f ' 'le -r! ing business is ,-trhe hes!f P,v- first 9hat, diqVakdhed 'his cajt h of cemeinit tdide- tr' - 'Ube 11, xdMillan lave , ;� V. �--t,; o Ineoessa , - -7 -�,�-Nl -J,�-, - uas, kind hearted ,1,11 1911111" w1v4s (tibie imydtery Of the 101it Obli 17-,1 - ­ - # �'4 - stood - due ito ja ,gradua lear,ly ,,daya j 'I , I Fitncie,nit. T was, ;Mr. Thomlas ,u gae ,of ithe . kboyle involgt- ,Onqe istnong and vizoriolIvs 0041sti- deri.rig tar#trind. jt is quite *POssiblO - -V � - ext Carnoofix . mo9t PrIoif -­ I. :�� , �:4.' ­ i 0. 7-1 ­ igh I ' Vams, .,�, - - . : ­-��4. -11- .. a I z I ., � � -, �a��. ,!_, " ..4 �- , .1 L�7 , ide ,o� wo feeJt I ,another jjDaig streto 'D-� , land both in Mr. tazd Mrs. He ic,ld age, I 11peolal 'r, - I t4j!'aigrow" w`ma .9 I � - � . ­ - . of -,vjork is bei 9 - - , f:- 1;1��.�� , -:Cut Glass � 0�.f d6ess Ibbe, Iin�- The tahimal aneasoxed t walk laid idown. Tilde, indebted Ito her ' 'a)ttLWV& I � � .... I stj'g ia,a d (the IPDP - ;a I 5, �i�tf! - � P.- I tj it � �' ti - ---, l0!n ularity of lit's r, and was ithree, Ifee(t . W(h,o.is jeXten andlater, ImEenY WeT* been Idead several Years rvices.-Tbe �nle,MWXS Im � ­ �- .11 -I',- I . n,gtb, ,and alffhold,gh as p1dor )as done (bY Mr. It. FrOst, r Iber kind hearted ge-ner-oalty. 0h8 t1hey-but% 111TIed-to a 9.00d �Ile , Order R I L i� -. IiTi � iii Je I e � � i�. t. . � , _ ; I ''.. ,Out tPot. - f o ,son ldhild tms la L �Ca,,aadi;wm - , - �. � -1 � -- wire f eno 'hirty oively ongIaged in the ce,rnw)ut bms' leaves la Ifamily of Vbree, tone ii,oss lof it heir jaraa I g , MO IM -I I r. � -4 � )­ P iwt- to give presents of cut -,— A e, it ,vveighed it b tit itihe Testers wil 1� � � i ­ Many peroong I . a Parb Mr. I 1&ttoad alt the � 7? E' - - other fdawgibiters. . Idur .,- . - �- : I I.- I giass because R i.q not 80 C01111110n R9 Fairley.-Last Week ablortly 'before (1-t. was f9hut ness.-Mr. p. to,S,mllivan will Ihave O;n and 'tNvo - Her son, subject lot d-eeg Viet !tIo 't1hem -- - --- - - . - ­ - ��. I ,' having I De'aft1h. of Mrs. 1po,unds. 1 t-jan isatle of aorses. Ir -at iyor and VmL- Mr. dist ohardh ie a bady, vex t iibl�aw - , - ­­. VA,, I . I lines and the qjver J�4 looked upon as we qi��ade Wief Mention pf Itithe Ideatth it bad Itak-en a ,bvn Off tMr. Arm- extensive,aup , Thomas Knox'AL's M, CO.P ing their livews�ll Their 1301u, evening, at 6.30. A speolal SOT.Moh .� 1. il:l a ceriftin aniotint of refineinent and good -Dick,s tsitook Iyards Almeda Myles XoMillan aftex I vVill, )e lb'l ­ . � , v&jc(h, occar- �jj�n �tweajty feet tle i�nd pig.� at at m0;te; �of UvermoiTe, rwaras oec;apied *4 '. � - . taste and, apart front its rielinelig, it never of Mrs. IJ[o1ba FaiT!1ey, Istrong's diawin, twi wmmencimii; are Mrs, ,sultiable for ?the owa)65u, A 1� I The Owen . ,11.ex.t morn�vnigp t. -Morrow, Lc�attbrday, California. Tte Kjawghters the Urm and he is InOw Ir1V8ldi09 in r yt,ey, 1VT4 . .1 tarn�hes. - red at Owen 80' _ of the - house. 11he - 8 - X la Ib9me. W gia . - iiv�ered by &b.0 pastb A, I �- � I r1th.1not., makes a dhildren W0170 one. 1p. m. -Mr. j1ollila Tou:&, Ithe Vet R. j. Hicks,andMis KnO t i n Mrs. MoMillVn, the mdth - - We have just receiveil Our now shipment SoLtntilTimes, oft1he � While Mr. Co4emlail' � I MCI I Br�awrl. The Memurs tare requotfa - I -- . 'to bar .saw 1blie axii- and-ey, was lil-11 1t0w a Her tgrand-d&-ughter a rid grext- er of i�he ,I[ost 'girl wX9 IL 1-ralf 01fiter !' . � 41V '1� . - for june weddinp, and. �Ap 8 che foijowing refervince qoin-g itio Sdhq0l, they erIan.a4gsessar lot St wKe room lat -- ,�Ow,vj�j�uhsoa,lc Hr came to Meet 1his her. w meet an the � grabd-son aja(o resided with � r. Dunown MGMIlaln, iof -%a' 4 0 " I . modemtel) prieed pieee e Pairley, of Po'n- ad iiii It'he 6-n ITuesday. rduri, of I'M le jba'L . Non* . " � V,'r' 1, t�, both usewl and ornalli- deat(h, - " Mrs. ,J,OfV,J3 mial's imate iorviisiag bhe I'D ,Rev. Mr. TDU;Oh,, or Dcuat The (remains Were Ipad to* rest in i;h fte incident we to'clook, It ;a desirab I oilt',b forpresell, . Oka, ,�Ibexta, ,*b(o, for sciTne MaUbb1s same ilylaze. They %,urried back bome, ,sb,a, visit to Itthe iolld boMe.- forbli, altibouti 0o.me �years I be a glood Ita!rn Out- I . -. . I � ental. - I . ,o,f (Iiier isister., 111arparbey cemiAery Kxn Tuesday af- have related occurred - . has been ItIhe iglulest � wi t1h,t he word, ovad the ,haliters were who is ion a , Kippen woad, -- . . - � . I WE Might mention a' 06cial Mrs. 8aqmcuVI MoGlean, Xurdocill K),tit io.-galm, 1blit .jibey. were onabile (to Mr. iColemali, Iot Ube - .11 before the ciame to this icountry. C ---* . t. fine'barja -svos bloNon down. and ternolon —0 I � . . omtanee. � - Be uddenly get ItM,ck of it. Iffithile funitbe Ou"at whose I � r, Wm. CIVIir- reto M.- ON �� - . V . - - rry, Botvl at $5.00. street, jpa!ased away very e . )Uftple (of Weeks o4o, with 'on. -We mentiimed a Belefs.-M , . 4�* �� 4 I -1 'n (C&Iock ,oin Sata!rdaY ev- t1hey 10-ame ,acrcss an edm itree twith U sirgas1hed a m gwbbtorinq That Skelet Roxboro. � 0 4W - - , . . albmit Itp terprise, is f la thtil- � taWA, Nvb( - -� . I I I I . . she ba d - c4ricluded the 00"Mm,endable vn�' few weeks ago, t1he findinz 0 an Saturday 104M Ot Ir -- . 1. I eniaig. Durinq 10he day large lbo,le, in it, and idi im-gruents and preparhVg to I rry j F-doltball.-Our 100t, ball (boys Nven't , ,%raa sent tas a del,091fe tO lbe'r - L 4 . . . I P �', a-tigbiter, Miss o, ItheY up ithe I iskoletan - in it -he stione, qua . � �. -1 1.11 - . toomplained to 1her d ' oat Ifad itaken refilge �b&re, I% tih . man ay jorf laxt . . -- , %, �, �� feeillaig kidis-Vosed arnuel Cluff, of . Taesd estew �dvnvehtifm­xlag A %-00"* � eel bat ilogtelad�of Cho rebuild. Mr. Is p- I on Mr. Votihering.ha s farm Oa Ithe to Sta-016-b0n, 'On 1i i �� '' u er, Agnes F'a!iYIey, of aDwhed ItIhe'Itr a0ing bricks week, Ito, olay a friendly 'game wiUL aid her insian ­ � E --? John ght m' -- �] i � N B I ' . but lno�tllimg particailar was thou- is,ed to find b,n vam;p jn,ejgihbOT,hDod, 18 h' 4tth io&aoession of Tackersmith by - The igame NO Lid durIA-9 tl* - - - 7; � - . -�� I . I f ad never beva weally oat 10hey were stirpir 00 The Laid ,down MDr the- ercvtlonl on this, those -,V%o .Were i5peratigg tb)e 06OUD t1he IbPys 'Of It'he �dl`t 'town' Dliss Miaggi4a iNtOom, , --- -1 .- I � � . , eaforth of 1i t ,old jcio, . � - - - - - ;i 1- - - - - -as t4he h,, .on land five .YOmuig I A-63- thiandsome new -residdilaa- - do ,,&-.K.13irks -0�� I -­� I ­ � Jewetter, t I here. Mr. fjymnoan McMijl- resiLd-ted 4n a tie, nelfter ti� 600'r- I past Week -Rev. - � �, �,-- i, F:, ,�- , 1 - � I iher piusband . -- -1 � .1 I I -- vth ,o,f SAV -� X �,� , �; 1. , � ,vell isinot fte the wild iclat ,is still at Ilarge. , " - -fiarm, of a crusber It' 'it - .... ­.�;- ­ --- :, ­ j� - his fat-ewell s0rmlan ­ - I i- I j- ­ .. - ­ a— I . I � � " .7-, , , - A 1, . I Latimer, -of ,Tilbury, a trelated an in- 1jag. Our boys Idlaim 0116at Wfiare 1e tale ODMIag so * , - - 't "I i I . . .r Vigo. In ItIlile icv- -Mrs. .H110h, le�Von Itiad aix- � ,-- .. marriageVoonses lwu6d. ,a dittle 16ver a yea stunee, amd RMblOr it' "an, 'of leh's le'own, 'ha 7 accau;jIlt 'for game Vaq�'KYVSr i8tap fty, as ille will BP� Supply Itihis #to I ­� --k il I -1 I . - - I 4 ,­ - - I �-� . 7; ,; ning miss Vair,ley'was -Dut aind (her f-ormerly of Com. ; - I- 1. .­ I �: - � L . �1�e vicinity, 01 : A 0MA � I � - i I . - -a f i(h sk-dietlon io ion, during the �dml -- Yeftr. ­­ .. I ­ j L; �'. ; I . . .1. -1 ­ :­ Z. i . .. " - t�� M0.6fier, wbo, had not me6tijoiaed Qie The Fall Shows. -It seems early to visitia,g � ff-rieud i!jl this idea+- Ito iu& whidli mia' at ibbe flold, wktlh thr(ze I I � �, 1 1 fall ahIorwa. But ��,j, t1he appearance -o is With a !pvod t' 1 4 � - - � ­ ., . oa)l-keepers. -jj�� t �, ; � I F � I 1h e 1844 a ni,ece or ifOr - f � . �, � 1, ion to (her 5,ister, walke� talk Iftba(A Ithe �On T,aesday ofthill'-W ur 19 weq,wrtanIV0 ia, * i � , . am - A .... . : indispolsit NE (Iler . the idir-edtors Of 1the ,shows in this was in ltb�wb raissi,on band Will t'b�is 0 - 1n �t e 7 ar ithe. r -­ - V, � : �t I . � 7 �, -- - � 7 XeMitiban's 'a Ithing -r , -00"rw I'll, i � � - L. ­.� � - 1, , �, some idist,�;nce exPOeti,11119 tJD mQ) .on Mr. Jas. , Of Mr. )f )d% - youjl:g pejUP110 t w�-- I . I Lliftle 11'a!t 1 . � W -ant ed I dready !getting things -The lR'OxbDro # a daugilAer of squiare, Wbxyw, y ithijak 0heY man —Quite I ;� . � er v Mary MeMilliza, a little E1110W it1he Iftapidt(dq fellOws I h1=r:him "a`n'6th;ar year' --&.-owl I , - 0 so. A icinity are -J cyrs of th-e lbolid it1heir ,xffnual social ,a 011 W - I ;,. I ­ � wn, ,DU ,tIjle Hugh rand . djleav le -V MO 0 - ; .��4 1 �.� � � � but Aid Iftot 61D into isbape. The direett la (Of p ge, or ttwta aboat -fOut b91L TIhO . a : - , -iet� Aitc(hesyn's bi&autlfull rabou,t eigibt years Rox- jadvanta-ge <d ,the ` ; % I � F , . . � - S. ith Algricu. jwne P-6, iglfl and V�& I 7 1 4 1 - rs. McClean went O'Llt leaving Mr Itural So(, a of 19. and J. .- � � � -- . , ­ f - t I -A � , r T I.; , �. � 1, p I rat'-. eve,ning-lof Tuesday meNt, ayed fmin he ftyme, and- Iwas baZo Ibetam -was toomptWO t1o, ,DetTVrt.-XP,Wrs. i-T-ohn lew � 1. ­ -- , p,&irley in 10.e holuse alone iand kr� - Tuokersm . �­ I .- Wyatt we - I., �'. , � .30,000 lbse Wool "' - met tat DieWs ,b,ot.el -an SwiturdaY 19h X c- lEawqjhbT A. A I . . . - - I : inuites, later . m4ben ,all will be made welcome land str, ne, 9. Meamj'ag$ 3' Hiander- Wy ,att .and MISS � ­ �:, � . M o "ari , 1 3 " - , ­,­ t j , ; turnin�g aa!ly a few a,vge horr Ithe Ifa)II never (again ifound. Mr. HL . i , I - junand tern -001 illast It t.)ieir fine -all Milian Ithen ,lived on 11mic onds in, this vicinity I . �� 1. I Will 1have A igvod ltjme.-Mr� 7as, tibe Caldwell son, iC. Dul 4,e, W. FarqEdbiarsion* iting Sri I ; I ''.., � I I — � - . I . - I ; _ f Z: . 1 oo,ndit - ' � I , .- I fo'llad her do aoritica - show to be dield an the . genial propri6tor lot , ,&lex.Wrigbt, . I I ­ ; ;, . - I - . - I � -1 - - 1 � I 11 . . . � i�-e IJ � � I PAID in opite of aji effolr4z obe tpassed (a- LQ,eaflorth ou ThlQrsday T-Vanuba, IVhe Ord cloncession. and It,be R MaXilliallp 0, Wthite I ing .the V�ast week. -Mr. I I - ' i A ­ - .: I MIGHEST PRICES ,gratinds li-n -1., in itibe (VowlashiP 'Of , farm 'oh do,raerji 'Con It'he * ter. was 4n Petrolia t149 -- . / � I , I � � .� " �. -,!� � :- I iDe- - 20 and 21. the j9hipka fhote ,'a farm and F. VoW, —0 � �,­ - . � q � ",:,� ; !,;� C i .1vay aboiut Iten rally,ultes Uter. Chis week. jbjj% ' roar of iehi Mill" I � , :, . and'Friday, Sept -ember farm business. z L : - � � J- ­ ­ elshen, Was 'in ttOWO roar -Of'. t -he 110fterin'9U'a —4— ,- - - . ! . I aid -on name wa's f- �,­- � 1 �: 1 11 C-dased whose m �af too- r .11he iprize 'list was Ch-o-roidghlY re- St n is )ajrL �>Id Sta-aley boy; �wnd I 'Wroxeter k- ' . I , , , - : ,� m I - I - - . � as -a naltivt �gttravtive 11hnVO , where Itthe isk,dIeU,n Was boUnd. Mha Londesbor,D- a a­� . - tom Carding done for the Public 1 ,tS ,oap kept mimt a demse N't.s.-Mr. Thomas Rempai - � , - S - 1- - ­ -- �11 aus I-amet *udt, W vised abd Inifade eviell MOTO Ih, , of the, best j'I zco'UntTy - WGS %110-n -a" 11 E;De;ftt iml - ,- -. ­ . w �- � i, - 4A -a' - . � � .-'' - -fi, � '. , I dem,bu,x(g - 1Y., and I ived in tea- .'An jmVIDrta0t ad- ale inow . fo -ej Our - z quick Delivery. f th ,) )f . - soad ,r,g I j years where, ' than pver befiotre � t -VIS 6 n -I 11ilrorn.-The �adi,es' M Jimeph t Nla, e, BV'n, . I :, or ); IX special. ha , ' . . 4 4.� forest. .It was in -tibe -%prljf9 X>f Ithe 15atairday in Henzall- r. -t . .- t . I - �. I . ta number ( i be a 4 .4 ,4n y - tv . �.,� - �,.--�,­,j �11 . to -jjjdjjja dition 1011is year WLI , 'bomas' chuTch Will - 1, 111a C,Owen leit .for ,the Wegt laot fflu,60- 10twn soolal.q. The Me.a0aigts I t wi� ­ � . : I arried h T], ," I � � I she -w,rs im, in 1868 dhildren, ItIhe fist GuRd of ist. T year tand ,Xr. 9!nd Urs. i%'0Mi!I 0 VV .q - , , . - - -ment ifor . 'O' sPe(nd ltw their lo. ,h omd tILO t I - depart ,annual ,gardem parity Ion fearajily we � jume 29D , � � I . � 1W �­ ­ . ove& ,j fe, w thold it'heir even.- otiber *imembers $of V110-1 _ ire day, where the expeets t a il 3)ama, . r- � (. . * Wood � . - 1,'� 1 - - I pa%I.ey,o In 11893 bhe family M hicib w, h be iss,aed in t's 'lawia, Fun One M Ss a ... � � I � - ..- � . tc w jfr, IS. M. - Be.,� cilga - - 'M ; . ­ i , afnd in, 11903 f or, � * I _ ged ,in Tftakimg_�mapl!-, -syrup -on montlis with rclOkivels­ i - Ad byterlans bIOId t'heirs 'On � ,� -1 � . .r rry, IManiboba, . . - ?�. �1, WOOLEN MILLS days and Will be d,stributed ehrough r day, Pkeparatilons ha,ve bee -4 Z* g .. . ­ SEAFOUN &,o Dmoka, Alberta. Mr. lYaixley fffijiursday, Ju;IY 5t'h--x 5. ff. 11 � ! � n a t,h�- district ,so ithat ing Of ,bbe Irear -01. 1`,heir' farm, Oil ,the Johnson spent .seveTal days recantl3r� - ­ I .. - . I � -1 .1 - ')007,tf tso'hoIcAs in a v,alirable, gold , m,ake ese b4tlh a 6 VOOeO'i . - 2 - I -1 - a jear aig mitly j1dat stjon, they wejv,t %)Ut with HaTelstion ,frienda.-Mrs, N. J- W th _ A �x � I -over I ,,ity of pre- Gales jr-ooe - tblD - �j morning +n ,que -- . I - - -V- died ,a litIle . -have an opportai treasured � V,erY 'ell left last jAu,mber friam -here +,�N* in -004 , �. I ­ --- I %W4 - i - 711. - 1. -lik.-AAL in OrAdber Mrs. Vairley came down OL11 mill spi-ay. T% -e dhain Which shot ()f assoc,atijoins to ltqle Lsupar making earilY in the Ttobinson wild tWo Obildr - - I - ­ � , --a- - paring ifor it'his special di hig%ily On '110000a' t I ,r6 +AheY Will t,,,it exourst;on this week, A V. I I ­ I -,. . . Ash. ,Agnes , - - t with her datigbiter, Miss 0 ,peaiai attrac- ,morning aeaviVg fte little givi land week f,or 0akvlI1% whe I- . - . .1 AGLIW _e" ed, wit1h it ajn a , Itte & i ader few weeks. -Our b"e pocole &,eve I I A usulal (P O'gr.�amule tot 9 , W 1 1 7 -. �, . 0 . ,dr a . . T L Itio, To- r, comnect I ,atiber tdhildren in bed. On their visit f Ur of oar ytmag , z- � 1. ,lair,ley, inctending by ret MrD tended ito.-A W V-1 'I F; - - - - � . . .1 � -t �. ,3 AWFORIMIML il great ,favor 86me -1 - , 1. oin, Mr. - R. tions -wi I jal'. -Cal I - � - 11 I I " � tors, ,of Itillie ,woVid OD Iber a very houm tll-e, (little ill . igirl ball te�m�---had Z.04MO iu T'k)-TM0G& tb the allolonligUt elMurAidA �� - no,ka Nvillere 1her elldest 0 t* lot the di ed eTe we,to return Ito Itthe .. De- � - � i- - j- ll is 400,nd-actinIg joilneSS Inee ing Stephen, and 'by 'returniog it to ther.-Tb ,never dfter- last ThurtdaY, &nd MIrne ,olat Viet I . Clement 1 ` . � , CIli. ­,� � ng for tend- Fairley, :Ube bt I ,$ta. iv.ag absent and was dtay night,-R,6v. - MY a jVj � . - I- ,.�;! , I _,.,, notle.e dated Irl,ay 30th last, calli . nd t1h; posed bhat ous, the amire artem-diog 16 t99 '0-- ermOU ID - I , -i I I = -, ,eG - ce buildilm at Two ,only 67 Cokets siald'Vt 13eaforth, I ; � :, � r a post ofil C) I Nvards 1f.dund. It was �9.UV p . I South 41um6n a - reach his -farewell .5 � I ­ � ersfortheer 'L1011of arpose, . ­� I I - � � j�­ . - T le ozmerly owne'a by ,his fmther Usbom ria bL, (hoir a"Eke P is -Mw ellifflo"d - - I � . hercloy cancel d. �' I e 93 11V ti,da tgis ,year Por. the farmers' lax- &a, jup Wnd started leo, find .Mr. Nes-bit ;Le!a19 I day night Ine2*, .J=-- 2401, � ,. st� bt vs, Out., is � I `Wijlj,a:m and Jack, iare NO, RMI -C ahe'had . . tv - 1 1 1 - ­ I � I , ar. oblier tsOns, - ReffernaWs 110? ry�-Thff VA41 - ; - I � � - F .z - ,�; . By order, in lani-s&il. The -only I was lbe4d fat k. Whe aursi,om Itto, r,uelplh.-There were 44 - wbere iu XX. A. H. xk,els VrVM a. MT. Currie ,will fill his :CftarV � I - 1� -1 :­ I in-basiness all, on (Hoaday of this wee 9,t Seaj*r,uh- station for -her way iol Itihe sugar bush - -v '- - . . I -- 1,.D GE, LINAS, � iety -ticliets is,old I ,r'tparents were am -d !90t - nun! Hiow1ok -Sunday z6h,01 Omve S nufty - ;­. I . � , PrIl rn fam- .0 . he kpew- fhe following .-.fffiss S. Xi�k' . - .- - , I 'surviving members #df her ov Ngricultliml SOP ursion -on it'he lake 8 ' bodist W, h to - I ­ q . 8ecretan, . (A'ujit, south RUTIon, gooe-red ttb6l tion was ,held' in the Xreit TVronto. 2peut ithis'A' ek ,% . - - - - I -- ­ I � . , - f I 1, :1 � 're ta broftb:er, Mr. A.- 'G o the an,olon'lig'hi exc' %bi-Ag /parties I , . A - � z- ,+ - 5rear - lost. seal � - on amd , I � -. I I 117 a will Ithis unite wit,b Ithe igteph- � jaigivt, and und church last ster, Mrs. W. Lyvn. . I , er sister Mrs, myciety - a:ad 'hold ta st %Goderidh on 740nday t days Thorefty afteTs`i � . 1. ­ - .1 I or miles atfound foi - i . � � q , I - D epartment of Public Viot 1,,4, of Seaflartib, affd 1h d Vahorine 55 for ifjbe DetxiDI-b excursion on 'flies- b ush 'f - I � - . .. � I . I - I I trace of evenlzq. Rev. 11T. Mrdip Vt To- si I i - . . W&Wa'Alne 1%, 1W. Mr,m Ault arrived ell tau . 10he slikhItest . - ­ , � � - � - I � - ; q- I j - � I sement without Samuel McClean' I je,he union Objaw ,,, t9he magnifiae"t of Cal a. weeks but bot, ; � . . - I I �ewspapers insertitir, tills ativerti latter so dV.-XW gazel ,MWOU, � i ­ �, - ; . - -- A4 � N or -up- ,Monday tfrom geato�rft and Oiloty in Q I 11 ­ , . ell)- frgjn tbp Depi,ttalWit, %vill not be paid I gratynds of the . � � ­ . . ­ I— . � - -- � ce to GreefawtdQA , � 1 - I I - . autho, 20104 funeral tolok 'Pla �, � I , � -1 I . , - � . it, - . I I I I I I - I I . - - I . I .� �, �. I I - � 4 1 - . _; - . I � . -� -- -­­ � � � - I � . �-. A � �-4 - , - - ­ . � - . I . 1 S -­ ­- - - . I I . I . I I - I I I . : I- I T . I 1. I I ., . - I � I I I I . - � ­ I I . I I - I I � - I I - I . . . * - , , I . � � '. - I -1 � - 11 11 � - � I I . I - � ­ ­ - : A_ - - - . -- I I - I � �- - -- . I . 11 - ,- ­ -- - ­ - I -- � I I . , : .. -­ ­ .-- . ­ --- . ,- I � , - -­ - ------ - �- - - �.­­ �­­­­- -.--, ­ � . I � � , . 1, - . - - - , ­ , , ------.--­­--­----!­�- - - I I i , . - I- . - -1. ­ � ----- ­­­ - - . I � ­ . � I - ­ - � " �- ­. I � . - - �� . ­­ � i . , � I � . I , - ­­­ i, ­­ - - � -- . -- � . � - ,­ - , - I ; - —,� - ---- - � . I � - I I - -- I ­­a:A�-- . I . - � - I ­ I -.1 - I - ­­ ­-­-­----­.­----­-- ------------ --ia.w6a.­i:g. - - - ­­ - - -, - - - -- I I ­" - - ­ 1- ­ . 11 - ---- -­ - - -, ...:---,I . -- ­ ­ -----, — 59sx� .----- I � '�.---,----�---,---,�-�,-..-�-�-��--�.----,---I-w--, ­­-- ­ -- -­ .aE­­�� . 7M I