HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-22, Page 6IUIV J T� WR EXPOSIVYXIIII$ ON emw erth Itemsld ui&ly to the. tonics cbutaln m The Ideal Bevenage tipag, lboon vi a 1 t ill g 'miss X. —Mr. i=d Mr4. V. Mynde, Io f - (W fin" $100 Per, - anth Ly.ndo, If XitAibll- Wash oilcloths —Mr. IT. IN, Ulaoo,; U Mitobelli twill i ethe a 1he blood led San, Framoisoo if or New and linoleums with UNLICPH-T ox ise the IYAOM. 707hceolpf ul.in warty I ASK FOR Zaalapd %e if lrat week 'In August. water and Yonng who less than it Year 1 . . . . . . Il warm PALP E rms 0 femal weaknoss, anacnita, pain Sri le students in our school itre XUE —T)r. X W. Daird, of Joha- Rop- ago were Ind other evils aumdant Ing. $100.W p�r anonth, back, too of nicmo'xy—A- kin's-Univexiity, lis On A- Vidi tio Sunlight Soap, rinse clean and wipte now earni p;ilatable, full of a a dbilitated Condition of the IW4.. his al d � Ill arae in St. ]Wary a., 'lots will �e. preserved On graduation they went direeb to t-110 Virtues ofmal At a -box -6 for $2,50�or —A ineiv traral iteitpbone will P dry., Thd co a position ;Ind 11ave advanced and and in ymt OAR , wi-3. and WE f The Chenate �C_0-1 of Cmada,. Lunked, b OA the surface- unharmed. steaffily, Yoxi can do equally well. �rvn - if rom, atford 'to -AvioUtidn n-__TVrontn. x0fee.10tradeonark— Our )iand.,ioniely ilinstrat',6d lleiv sparkling condi_' aluAg it1h 0jad Iiine lof 'Dwal colors and Common soaps fade the _Durina itihe trecent hittinde.ratorih book tells howb tion, is the ideal s and preserves wee 111all it free, (LO N:0'0 N Mr. Samital Kin;g, lot Itth-6 160i loan-\ jure e surface. Sunlight Soap cleans, freshen beverage. Mel o"Yad five va-Wable 'V*,l iilcloths: and linoleums; crattAo ikilled by 11, W, Sdmera, Prinalpal it ioj -Mr. Sherman Ranom, V. 6.0 of Sunlight Soap wa 'hite without injury to -the most Now wheili chernists announce's purity, a shes clothe w I Unlo ne need look no further. MUdbell, twas anarried a Nhort (time Don n Sohool Of Teley. udges its; inerit, o delicate fabrics, or to thi: hands�' for it contains- nothing that can I �anil ago Ito Mkci� ranoes Kirkpatrick, U ter of Mr. W-ru. KiXk1patrick, h raphy & Railroading ZAL ESTATE rOR SILK. i�ju�e eith6r clothes or . aods ti r Sunlight Soap is bette � "D _. oTTj(1g IpOR Rev. IX. 1W. Of Itthe I ADELAIDE. STREIT EAST, g%J a balf brick cottage in llarparhLw, The houqe is heated with alyll Presbyterian 41huob, Loreacbed but is best' than other -soaps, 10RONTO er..ed. There is %good well, good Rt en used in R obe urnace ar a - in & ThreA id has a frami kitCh011 and woodshOl at- jgppoiatl sermion ri'lgmriday mv�zn- able, and hen -_ i0amadian Or, 1-1 the Sunlight A Bell ng e of land. ing, June IoVh,, it It'h Y0 The )tLge 6it tire. property. Thereave 3 1-5 acres L?,GA. R dr tof ibhe Woodhien, o Ithe Wortd, ppiy on the preiriLses. FOWI� way (follow directions). 2000 -ti IMr. taInd tMrs. T-bomas flKagwood. Buy it and Follow Limited DROFIT&BLE LXVE8T)=, TS. — I can lend tof Stratford,. cleUrate (bhe, 225th ce directions 5C %62 the dtiollen ro, derty, fbhk It1heir weddinig Us t money on improved q"rter seations of 160 wniverary f t 10 each at f atintim. Only first n &ed l d, tand . te VWb6Af0Wt ts- PRESIDENT, M.. Y. MoLEAN, of The Expositor, Saaforth rom, 87. to 19Y. per Torrens wek. kEVE-R BROTHERS LIMITEP� Toronto I FA"YJ§I at: mortgaqes taken, Anlpleseouri�yglven� caes Che: disgrace iof 1APPINaring fif -Title systtin is perfect. From poo up can be lent rry, Ifte Inine Ves�r iodd's6n ..of VIOE.PRESIDENT, WILLIAM PICKARD., Merchant, Seaforth rtll from 61,000 to sz,bm I For further cioart and of avin!g fte,.offente on farais wo Mr. ohn tGarmilty, of -Xitdhell. Tell Jhig 1004MAWt partioularwritoto ie. j. A. J.WKSON Barris- partled n iffie press. If DIRECTORS 'from I litree - Wb& tUer #ay ia:nd was ter, etc, Vonokj4 Alberta. a, tniot been Isatisf-adtary, he con- badly -Iin�yured. He Was lan000sciou-s GROIR"E Mr-EWAISF, Ex H. P., Hensidt pp.,y p Olt S . 1k,Lr,,_The . subscriber offers for sale for ta Itim-e. W. K. PH&RIUB, Dominica Bank Honig or., St. Thomas, Oatatio his far h at's I ,in ot loa acres, being lot 3i, srd conoes- -A-r'd]Yur, fyoulnge9t iffon of stobastUat IL VduWg`t01aIu, D. McKAY,. M. D�, Seaf rt , 0 r o 14_ R. S. Tudkwisniith. Ad cleared and utiftr rt R. kDavis, -tof �Mitdhell, ihas Vone Ito J. 0. 4REIG, Mereh,*a% Seafortb, and P.resident of Th Seafo h Wool n milb 11butisaoresin , .. — 11 0 nr 5w, 0 in a *bj�llesaje ihouse ift.ole OR50 - I - - t res �k grass 5- IG"It Ihis Batik my barn, and other Out- -�GM­t Falls, Xoln1ank, *here -,he tha:s -,.mtp;liaVIe mney, and JOHN FINLAYSON, Seoratary Frame hot - t� ts k, rs :1 builditirs, orchaid, �ood water, schoolbotise Vaki_axi a sitioaltian in (his ibrother's ROBERT *BELL, Managing Director on the premizw_-� A in within six nines of: Seaforth the Uiilolney 611 a bmeket isbop- The uin . I Solicitor, &B. RA and five from 101i0t,m. Will b6)961(f on easy tering employer aalled in a� prolwa.011 -of- Bnkers, Dominion Bonk WHITpIEL,D mORICH, 011uton P. O� 2009-xstf -Mr.-,H. Fred Sh!afrip, -,-&or -bras been fjoer, and, ithe 1614k la, ed UY ire Wppointed- Tigi rax of Godtft, Itain*unt �,n Instvillments ;d THR ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESHER 00. was iaeor.nozated !a v VARMS FOR SAM,-rT or' Pale, Lot 10, is wlj,fig� ditt lis [book 4tlotre, and 'his y ttbe. He Was ndt disobarged, year 1,903 with an *uthorizzad ospit^l of $2700.00, of Which is psid up. on the 7tb wek. # Concession of Tuckersinith, and Lot 0, on the o R&it Sh��p, W1lito, has (beem- a es,thit the diractorate have arm X I rid s 6r i0o mares each ; also the and ,i ft -day It'he dinil-dir 10aftinier iLa Tbabasiness, has grown with such, rapid a' same Qonce sloa,� continivi, �Mt half of Lot Vi O -P the8th Gonqesston, con in- roml'ilrome vnd itravlled iffte the fiTni. to -cular plane In order to inest, at least* partially, thl* i"reasing d -ge the I ing fio acres, These ire good f4rms with good build- MT. 1R1dh9fd )IJou$114rd, of 61erk, b Ut he prodpered a4 be- way mpat g st .1 Tbon- Ralf p�oUa!tjdaews. the C iyl# good a new issueof ateeL., to the amonno of $95,000, Xanch;eAter taind Brad- M n % e gave .ltargs_ vo Pre within three miles of Seafolth, and well Iniprov- nie, lintt twtbh a paintu'll aoldeinit alf, calhe 'Very twealthy. share will be made* Tbev -.vill be sold together or separatelv and on Avnlent.� A r� to JAIIES CU3J- '(bar 11809's. J� 'bol ich fty. Hie buillt ithe /Me dea,!# 55 per Jwnit. Of (piarsdag 'This stock. which bon annuilly carried toreser" aocount sbojxti 6 per a A IrtaWimk dt, - Xr. Jolsdh car- flard. easr terras of inidt a. bad bo, )b at it' -18talte. Ad jreileaj�ed F. 3UI;G, Egirion ville, or, r z 1ULLORAN, Ses- t1kie olthier &terxioon, wilth a Ilizavy 'at 8t1an`leY 'Was arrestd Ila lie ab 18 per otnt. In advance of ptr� so ViAa present ba"rd Ao pir will be Ithat- to dAy aboi forth, 4 mi k Alome tor A:9ed People, som!ethiug Ihadjto 1be d(yne ,to, build ()n tprobalian. StatI.Stids t4blOW orislusilatook boldery who hava :t tim?&-of his dealttL 'ble was lbaildor ed In equally sip good si-Position all 1116, Ill iu�p a f ulture tfor 'him, Iso, (h,is tparenots day 2,000 fewoT, tprisdn- -A w lixfduAry is beinlg lsltlai�ted. a oatitige 'Par poor i thre, 1are ibu- chances of the organ*z. ttion and _$UoU98AfU_J of.the Compawy, ary ILIARM FOR S.A.LE.,For sale, Lot 8,. Con6esslon 8, tn, StVatford (by xr. 1H. L� -4erritit, alt iGraveiaurfti lehlosq-0t of Gamada and werp waak, es iiiD 16ho /Strat Itihato 0 V;ears jagio* 4a you an idea of the prDfite �af the bainess since �orgvdi Ban] The following will gly. "tift S., Tackersmith, containing 100 acres,. Of wkdh (0he lag"t of whereas In K)Utari* (bbe blu=Wrl 'of whiell 9 acres isgood hardwood buslu The balance of 'R14111helm. He 'Pairvas6s eimolting. �Traixtmeln arxivitnIg fnm the ing xralagemon'ta Fal well fenced, tile . drained and in first-class condition. -a If adt-ory ,far Whe m4nuf9talt-0re, of nt iticy o6nd�, inmates raf 1V9thutimis tOf -. 400"'ect- Sal,es in 1903 ......... 7%631 29 Bl_ Vort.h. ot-alte Itbxt talfte-Ve W,1113 quite: U the Wmintoon, 'Goverpime -09 -22 and JUinber L- a 114 2, tiltro sod barni W - I .4)i(l I �t ' - urn-' t10 itlhis oo-(Yu;dtry when, Itbe boy ilan ias euotmously irAf6hpaged. Th�-, Sales In 1904: ...... ............ There twe 4 one & bankliarn 86 X 78 ft r tstock A li'm I with stone stab ing unde I rricath and the oth I I�o ope age he.)vy fal. joif snow I Sales in 1905 ...... ...... .............. 135,52-1 00 Ita''ri (Wil'emiploy 25 open. til� n Moastains lladt Suindy even had 10101wa trm. home &ad jumware saviji i,n, lebr, ido.eot pf'ikee� of ItIP-W 36 fto, and a comfortable'frame house, three good t1he 0 t wells and a never -falling spring at the ridar of the lott. -Mr. ia:hd Mrs. Thomas 'Orr,.ts liDod iot Trem- ])Of Ithe Vlr�-05, Ud deolded: It -a bnak '0an is-affloiedt Ito profits ....... i8 801 46 Dividend paid in 1903 ........ 4 Iof ini, persoz 'is 1more T -n -t -he inig%box and d. Iuuoi 'Igalaen bJ I JXg M6, rt h of 'his own wqy to it1he, Ilwd lof 'the .11 Whe texpe 17.26452 Dividend -paid in 1904 ......... waring orchard. The ploughing is all Stra1bord, cfof�,e'�Taite unoiln, sixtf - miles om pay ta ��s of Jbhe isysbelm profits ip 1904, .......... 4 09 35 Divide aid In I - 5 don "' g od� 'acrel of� fSt.wheat. It is xvfthin two 01jea plofitg in 19o5 p e Xd 14 1 . rat r home on. W�edmes- Mio'Intrea, a itall twG imohes wa`J on Ua:01' f atate Farm. ....... miles of the -fiourishin village of Hensall and within . I Hf, istowed lhimte4f oil a Dominion e, day, JiLtne Whn ia family Wa9t lvnpre- ] I I t -b6 groLivAd. This s! all ouse. Apply on the premigeS I I The State -of halt a mile of r-seboolli v I iner, Where ibia was filu-nd whem Ithe Reserve. L DWELL, Hensall P. 0. 1987241 ju*ob as Jb, ,or wi4 c.&L o, mark 18he *;oo0as-, oedonted for i1mae. e a is a� e at 191(yia,. all tihie Members df "ithV �arnxffy 11-011,6 .of ithe -1peoulliar featutre.3 �af I WWI was itwiv -days at isea, lbuit, on it's lcblrorAlo off' n C�u 0: t Bills Bee. Reserve ........... he gave -tthe farm wAside of JBoatlo�u, jaend Chair- FOR SAM --For We, Lot' A most 1PIV494mit 'time Brl&ntfiord, n. Vxiday 24 t '.e Awrm tin Ma!n Pttipiece, Kd ttbl& -prisd-m WM- Concession 2, b I errivaI (a:t Hulifax nety aerea are Ulon aTm a mbboilties it ht slip, "A by a. 'series TAT16nley contaluinrI00 acres. I " bt Jast, iis rblo, t e $ 44,1575 3� 4 on -, there are taind idurImIg. ItAh aftern :n q I . rI d nit tlb,��' 11, mittea, Itid1d Dr. mXJV U*t' 410 031B- J. -elme�and 6 a good state of cultivati farm is -all Mr. ixnd Mrs. Orr were pre*ftnfted o _BDw-lds ffiros. iu;9t tiltside of Itke of itrain iiamping ex#laits wtedt.as Ch._ )tim�,e w6ula **1iw ibm There in n watered stock ; every chsre va on an equal fo-Aing. The mar L 'IQ adreg of good hardwood bush. The m5itlh . ia 7 urse lot igald (by, Itihe jrnem,� e gib NMS far west aij Wintnipeg. Yieved Roya vel Junderdralned and well fenced. There is- a two c, -Y. A windmll 4� f Vt hot be ioeedekt. IMbra1es products of the Obmpany is. almost unlimited, Saven-w tithe of -the ce and storoy briok-bouse with state roof, a, first-class farm 'bers lof ItIhe family. There the iLurnod abvult and Istaxite;'i jaids Wold 9 - 10 pf 0 bouse. BAnic barn, 4oft, x 80ft., cement aflor, pig pen, Iftcd bdily. by th& WAnd'a-ad bloNvin and vIa:gra!n:ts IaTe giv*mi indeltkw- ingoutfits of the west are Imported unders duty oi 2.5 par cent., so t2gkal the 0 Muse; There are two never-falling,wells, U&�herw6ll, Minbiter o,%+,er -a shed 22 fe jh1oTaeward, aiminIg - f irAt for New mi.nate oentemVe!s, Vnd Itbia RtatOUT)n manuf"turer has a most decided advantage. -Ipin.-ft. 1W. ot/fiifth, and Isafely -.nd an a'cre of orchard and small frridt� This excellent ef Agrieukituire fOr SAskat0he-Wan. Unded jn ln dpA.1-t poaitBan, -tva- ork. Before deavrnig Winiinip&69 he ailm maintais ftself from CheJalbors Inveetore or readers, kindly besr In mindthat, in taking npthwi $took.. yuwj farmigthree miles from Brucefield and five miles 9pvjwt ta- few. Jdais In 0rtrAford. Ila -at' didmaged,. va Uie other side-, wherl ear'led Itwo, doluaTs witth -which. (he' from Clintonj with good gravel roa;4. For further of Ithe IpTisoners. .. Theft ate )Xt. ipmeo- ffpeo"Ilistii�a coneern �Iia has paused thtt at%ge) ut tat-) A woll pfbvi&,_: -ijAiW. - week tat - ItIhe Nome of Mr. 10vorgei.- t' , - tgt -ii I 11youglit (food. �He kyAught iniany rides ,ssALBERT I s .11 ant ,400 imen iat vxyrk -= it. Two and highly profit%ble 6siness, as safe ax the imerago bauk, butith A very muehi particulamapply on thepremiges: ora.ddre a Xo t1he r za bdt IW to, .-tmlk (150 Imiles NOTT, Clinton P. 0. 1948-tf Kay. Mr. well was ta dele- -W,ben a frelgUtabl arrived at K)m t im aher farms tfor offender willdt PM dIvi*dejd%o inve-stot a 91alte IUY ithe . -Gelveral, . As.qem- i t, e Uni!om ataltYan, torointo., 8; f ew of ItIhe d-i9tenee. o, opened tih-artly. At the rate this Company hate -been building up its rsts-emunt tince 14. ig d +bIa-1 JYr- igna' D -R. Jon$ -VARINIS FOP. ffAM-100 acres, Lot 9, Concession -bly, i6t Ifthe Presbi Lermn - tallorchi hold d, ys , a gfo,- 'it, wat fadad -bbot' ia ip V roma t1hat citty be made his way it' I It -wUl be Tememb;Rre reavoii in the wora. w1hy, in five yeWVfV time. for evory $50 -)ton- put -ino It VM -kersinith, uron County, all 'havj#iK ad nd 0 X i� H. R. S., Tuc a'o 7H Frame in Dodlorn. zoa.&d if-ro-m a ea sipped at W43W olrk, iand no, Ifoi a emitli, In a Tepoirt It the 1GDveXR- your siock -should so iU0r.Ca40 In. VAIU-) as to he worth 17�,j be#Jdid1,dz*wtq your-, ale seeded to gras!i, except 16 res of bush. *_-And resi house, orchard, 2 od -Wells land and bush the best. Sabarday 1J oks3n, Oxtord cautty. The Hick- hilt IsClaWtY 01101t1hes Icon 1hig back mon't a Wu!lp'k i6f VeaTs v*q, dividend of 7 per cent., Also, %st half of E:t 6,. &Gssion i, Tucketstifiths Miss Hifttie W,aylor, of LiEftowel, who mn animl, ihad giot 1romgh a, hole Nvlas-ftak611- in �dharlge 'by Ithe 611ty i:Yf Moroiata MouJd Bub we expeco to fiid the futrare do- better thsu the post. T "VOW, ed tbiat bhe 50 aerqg� , school on corner, Br�yfield river crossim r it� 1hias bmn r111 with appandict! te oar,wnd was Tiding bat.lube ID0111owing day the �Nvas loff 'th6 place there is. a, bank barn, brick house, 9 If'O 1,p ith end -ot On hop, drivitig house, pig and hen hou-se, young attmiat a week, tsm@cum( bam.'Prs betwejo again, 1he take Ithe initiative in 'the' eatab- ity of the Companv`u oubpat inbound to bring good ra.4ults. The engibewhWit work -a ItO (fb& Alt- aeqirey th (havinig givem Yajkee itiAhment af a farin -for Uie vaigirainti servedly Popular, is owned exelusively for tht %Oompany in Canada. S IN . e, SCID 'Pre bearing orchard with handsome shride trees, 2 wells, Vaok. ho was -a 'gelnerg thavlorifte a- twia' oar vh n di v d, It %,ad- - tihe isli iand cvricelbled 'hitnoolf 00 hould -v ck&ss, Pennsylvanie is MUw adoyt- S the Agreholders, at- their a nual weeti dvoie to do aysy URI builditigg are new -and to lycgatd a VvIbibe Star lineT -bound If or water fIrst class,. The X-t'O- mong th-er acqu,aiintaiinees, and (her evlidenibly, .Oame in tha+ 1yo5ftio, date and the land in the best conpition. A goo ing ithiz �3y-stem iot dea-Itag with thla reserve fund, there is no reason -wby the --Company should not psy AW' anu 10- _d#a!f1h 'is miudh Te�.krvtted by a111 who 8 e-Vall Jnilp Liver Wboni Whe boat, Ld been cation, a miles froniseaforth on a &rood roaxi. These WOW 'hie O-W,lmly of from 102 to 14 per cent. at the rate of tbij past two yearj? prafliv. fans are offered fur,stile together or sepaatoy.'jif IrnAvv. ffier. The were� rtaken A BUM ay, Leo Oh -ill, sun, iof two JdaYs ifli twill. make a reptolrt -to At the rate orders have bpen comiog in -for ue_Xt:ae_ orei work* Dr. Sm. UnIffs Z14= riot sold soon may be offered for rent. Appl 'to tto Tara, V taer Oah ill, of St. Cal't1herines, was On Ideek, Whon'Iffie 11;� t ariCivied ?In -At St. I.Tosdilh dharoh, Stattfar&-i' ai itaken bef,are Ibbe he Governmnt, amd it 6a diklealy I% the plant, we Vill be compelld to tura down *ne half of them, which'. you --pluyirig 'i the yard ani 6Xturd Zing -lad 'he w on 15mnd'a uinte 10"Uh. Uztlhr Ko- UP gistralte ta:nd "at It'd he -Wark- similar �sy$tew -will ibe miggesbed is a very u-cusual thing for bmsiness man -to o. -n Ge y en 1hie naw- What he took Itoc he,a ms, lap, By orthaging tbo plant, the proportionate profits bhould increase. ' Ths mst London, OOD FAR FOR 8AM.-For sale cheap and o e was a:plly deom by Bi6hop ki' tan, sititing * joll, e gripand, #and 11VU&e -for vVn days, Id.wrilnig Which cost no WorqL G Lot 25, Concession 4, 11cKillop. :)idted will if wo can do,60 per tent. more busineissa 'the sxme 03st 660k,_ This farm'contains 97-k mores, all cleared and - in fine MaEv-4y, 6f Vondon. Tte bidblo(p ad- pinked it.itip. It proved- Itto be- an eriod It twill lbe vonaildered what is goods. no more need be said. condition. Fittv acr& are seedeA to g.rass, six or to, be d1axie-o flKr. 19torilley Con,- - 4V_.AL05WC3P3lF-LXdL.- seven in fall wh&Lt and the rest ell ploiighed'and mitni4ter-ed 10he rite, of onfirmut-1011 -on orpalous Pa, rwh:idh hAd beem 311ort, best z The Kind You Have Always Bought For my part, I look upon this investment, forafeby and profit combined, ol I 1red rOm T ready for spring orop. There is m. fine ispring for tfo t102 kihii1dr-on. Tin Itihe� ievmiafgthe, d vou4d intat ruin,'arid the nuoraent dox, 'tra � leT-- Be ars the mmww� the most titable aud, vound propositions upon the markvt to -day. to et watiring the stock close the buildings, a good sideltars at It1he new i6harob of the the child Itouchd it the radeAt bit Parties desirousf securingtom9of this very. valuable stick would do Wall to -V* briak hotm, two large barns, one with good tAlilin"" Immsenlatia (0onceptilan, were ble-s- hi m severely )on the hwnd. The Pink Ups, Like 'Velvet, Rough, Of 6arly. Stook will be allotted in the order received. underneath, also horse stable and implement house DR and a large orchard. It iH within a iiii1le nd a half d 'by 18he bis1hiop, -,and ffather IEgain, , Nvti�urid as ma-terized, and there is Chapped, or Cracked Lips, can, e Terms of sale . -IV per cent. idown, 1-6 per cent. in ne 4nonth, �be balance aft -10 - of the own of Scaforth. If not Sold, will be Jeased Ube Ine-W -,Varisli spriest, wa �nitr`0- nct muc,h �var t blotad-poisoning made s Solt as velvet by iahplying' arravgad to mest the convenifnee, of buyers. ADn completion of pu7mentA, Xvidd* Remarkable I nention. and Rv 11ftra Tawe S_ PIS for a torin of ears. Apply to the �ndersigned, box d -aced Ito Ibis iyarl.4biianers. At both sett-ing r.n. at bed ltlme,'a light aoating oif Dr. -will be commenced. We will sell in. sums of one ahars, S50.J10, 4nd 'nwards. extorth P. O., 110ligiT 41 The milarophotoscope, invented by a Of M services - 6hurches we:ry 'Weill ifill- -During the Aevere st(olm lalt ShooS Gree;i Aalve. The ef dFilday af ternoori . the 'large bank th Ups tor -skin of this qv&t excel- Berlin chemist, thtough no larger than r. the 60anty LACK.1j,NfJrff .911op F01t SALE- -For Sale, -Two StrWtford youn ladies.had ai bo�r of r. H. Oousins,'ne r B am- s- lnt ointmerit is always immediate a, P-Jgar clse,.permits of consulting the WILLIAM, P10KARDX', Dlaclwmith Shop and Property on Lot 6, talratail-ous escape ifram. gierious in- map of the Whole district at night as B vi. It whs' Oruck-'by 11gbtning and oertain. Dr. ft6oies Green The shop is agood one in j.ury tolne v g la t v Thtby, bi, well as by dp.y, The a Is photo- le enimf I 6ek ra-ed tio - �he* grictuInd, with all ithe Salve itakes, ioult v�mpletaly the Bore- miniat p Fiscal Agent - gowl-repair, situated in the centre of were: fdrivinig aloing lawly A3 rai)hed In ure oto 31-ents. One 'team ,of 13,,orses was ness of toaUj, buir q, bruises, and -all 9 in a plate of larming, countr,� and doing it 1'rotAx )Us Ileso. "I % - i I - I . ground glass, which Is Ilumined by a to any, Seaf*i When lffi,ey trne�t vin-othe (rig at a 00r-, sa red, while isevefral Uhlougand feelt of skin abrasion. It is surely a won- For any fartner information reg3rding the Compiny's -affairs opol� Iis also a ood frame hoW,e and barn, also three SUPPIleil r, fa0bory huff an acre of good orchard. nr, and a mllision was HbB weBullt, I be l thulnilted bushels of derial and imost WigUly aatis small incandescent lmp dirctor or to the Dominion Bank, Sesiforth. This is a splewlid opening for a good !nechanic and when required with current from a bat- -ietor has been in whieli sbaft of their bu'9_r,rY Nva$ w ea, bo' lo hay, all hj,,B farmin!,- bealin ointmient. In 1glass jars t will 1)4 Kold oji easy terms as the propt broken. The horse beoame fx!�Vbtiejn- tery, while a lens can be djusted to rbor. ll healt1ti The , includidg' reapers and 25 cents. Sold by C. Aberhart,Drag Ann A ah r U I U d nd da-91bied -Af, rwminfg ogaii*Vtw the- observer�s sight. utidersigned also bas for sale a number of farm gatvs, mowers, wagans a:.nd much poultry, gist, Seaf orth. and sout b College of, ert oDpel"S r Co Hill mnel -gain pply on the prcni- brick wa4l, and, zslippi0g On' Uw' were deatDoyed. The botal lZas will DA tL ip en, wesr, 4i s which will be sold at a, bai A �f, 1, - , i � ises or addre�1.4, Brodhagen V. O., P The Explorer. Rig Ws. o n n ; and souu W e avment, the utf itt was IthrONVYX be in Ithe neighborb(ood f $5,000, JOSEPR KENNEDY.' VIR h s a 6 le rill The follo-WIng in heap with -000upan't-s under- Prrbation for Criminals. ghted insured for $1,000. A gas leali: -be sought with a 11 .morning. 31asterpiece will stand at his med A% from Friday night till Monday rnombi bot neat1h. With ith6e, exvepiti:Ynt Qf a --Tbe body of a yotidg ma.n, na mateh, 11I.F. 1PARIf FOR SATE,—Tlie under gn- few brui S# -7, ect, offers for- sale that most desirable prop- Of Wm�.'Walker was to un of Itihe Prijo(a 14'abor And he� searched and lie searched all Xedl -Co� ne i bleir d in the river Th Wlatin d 'all 100 A(, e fhoWever, t Qmharn 12,103, will Ulte bis iout 4-rty known u-4 LotL Township of VJ),eM aTe tany (Vhe worse, or (their at G'ldjlels mills, at G ael h, oo 'URDAY—West to mm 2, sout-b to uk z le. around it, bottis for uoon -, then east to id lego 0� Blatishar(r, Perth County. There are, on the prem- adveribire. sed was have never seen Sunday mtornLng. Tba deoea And, though wd him north to his own istable till the followluig 1.4e.4, a gowl brick house 3.) x 24, - 26, both in good repair; a 1%rge bank barri, ed, W. to have been married il Vxa fpr- again, TO x 70, with good Acne stabling underneath one SunUght floap Is better than other soaps, vi-ou Wednesday it�b Miss Mary6mith -Dr. Bruoe Smit1h,inspeeboir of 1pris- Thete's indisputable proof that he F -lass ve"Imit .411o, 1�1 1, and other useftil but is best when used in the Sunlight way. and jvhose 'nwi-appearanoe elt 6e, ans and idliaritleB far Ontario, land found IL TEL THE HOWE 0 R DRAI M-1 Indidill Tile fann Is well atered, both in ft Buy Sunlight Soap aud follow directions. ear and la adapted both for grain ai-d and in L r Wedding ceremioy waa the oaus� -of a Our.mer weill know;h IresidRat iof STUD. took raisitig, and is in it high state of cultivation, much a9rament jaild Speculation. He -Seiaborrtl, fhas raturned from Sostioln,zj THP, PRB.N11VS1 CLIYDR9DALB Needed Watelkintr. t which i.5 v ell known from 'the fact that the propritt- Ganada spent Tu�sday eveninig at ,he ume Whiere.-Ilie spenit a week ivestigat- Aug io -efm I .-, GARTLY �GOLA 10W �nr has reHided thereon for nearl.v fifty I i, being I lef t th� baby In charge of its, —The 1,,ite R. S. Williams, the well f his ifionoe. Debora ho 14ft O Ire_ in (the probation system of ideal- and one of the most fainers in the'township. grandparoks.11 TITE F0110VIS 8111 -RE C_I tirch and kno.Nrn J)ilain,() mauitaoturer, of Moir- rnatkod.that 1he' was' giii Ing with first offenders, The ttrip cam It ht ventr4h ated, being near both 119 For reach of aKood 111%0cet. in itht mtorning and Miss -Smith "'he gi" i n "But who's watebingAbe grandpar- PRIOR I 11HRO, 17,5W 1whool, and �Vithill eavi% ont-a, left 'ain estate ,probated ait. .5wim i wa iandrtaken on, it s uig, t a Istate, further titrtiettlars atldrebs JOH SUT THPI 3rAGN1V10B1NT,CLY1)H W $190,108. The 'ienvo, tmakinig b"ilaess begged him intot �of (Io qo�. Ndtlhing of ta deputation from It'he Prlaoh- euts?" Kirkton . 0, -U ip 2W9 PRINUE OF AIKTOXiVol. X M ust b e rof itlable. rnl*-o was and he let t iflar IhLs -er' Ukid gDoiety, -tvihielb, saw rovin-, THE GRAND MtDj� Olt SAI.--Ati excellent builditig lot, containing —.Tobn 13 urns, a f armer m4blo, re- bome,'Where [he arrived ab(ou-t 12-30. clel,Seoretary flaono 0olme tim)e, ago Ca-rrfed It Too Var-e "OLONEI, GR The following well known borses,will tra G H X 1`1 Fthree-qtitirters of an acre of land, part of the ids near Owniningtian., pommitted He -oifly irenyalned a few Womelas, nad'urged itbe adioflon of Me pria- "Are you dear?" skPil bubby, JAM oppo'site the rwre- er, 'giding otit bat1io1n q3yltom &a vel during the seas oil of 1.900, as follows Will stand during the M. ! N�.Y. norrxw Odtaria. d w1fle rcpHed: -,iiji't, all reft(ty for Imilding suicide in this o-rehard by stryolynone, blo-wev, f ter le�aving his S reet, luenimill, Ther, i� s a and Bxchange ftables, 3HU gowl all rotind the land, a good hard waten 'afteir first firing his o �ible �f -Dr. Smi.Uhls (visit True. I marriod you to wn baras, iovervoat and itimbrella. He ookcAtlo At Iffie i refor-ri Y011— 'LE 'TRIO B. T. 'T. 13F, By. proprie-to ad anptior, p- P d s ro, his nifother, who hiad rtUrea,. and Ale Nvell, the cellar it (Ing out and a drain all round it, h W r e t d. probation ioffice 6tf bhe 6tate 'of Now I've got to mit up a saint't ye BERRY & 13LAIR, Props. also a drain froin it. Th(we are about 17 thousatid 0 uf rlisn&h bawn- that was the ladt time, 'the inmaites Massadhasetts were 1hodding Itheir ofldhirunbrivit, Thebri6k canbe bought separate- YONDAY—Will leave his own stable, half u iiiile 0 r tc �y if There are also a number of loads of '%b1p,6t1oxm1o,nt comnty,wbio --h-ad been -of the 1111ou-se saly or"hepa�d of thim anintial imetiog, and 'he �embra-oed South of Brucefield, and go South td Rippen and DOL BRINO -and wid rm el and enough stone to build a'foundt- uffering from aneat-al troul f or a alive. the opportunity of 4ttondiig the t to Wm, I'Vorknimis, 10th Concession, Tucker- ty kt at smitli, foi- noon ; then Put, by wa of Cromar and No. 40,520, A. 1, R. tiort for alarge hotime. Viis will be sold co.aple of weeks, wnst to the vgoodEl sessiviis. So tworld.-wide ia fam. 10as outh to Farphar, atTeinperiince House, for night. cheap, ox.N[r. Little vannot lim-fleld and or on t 1,�. Lot gre, and haing Umself to tree with a forth sita, will atid �vould like Be -ware of Ointments for Catarrh been dhievied by Itle Istate in. 1deal, TU913DAY—FAst to Russeldale, for noon * tber nrtoh The Standard Bred Three-Ycar-Old TrOWN Of Anypersonde.qiring rope, He na-s about 65 yfars of 01g.e. toXitchell, at the Hicks 11ouse for to of hi That Cohtam* Mercury ing -Avitlh it'h tcrimi�=J tolass Ithalt o1nie nigitt. WFD. i Stallin, Idol Brino; No, 40,520, Vol. XV11, to I)IIV this prollerty leal I F WO MEN NESDAY—To Dublin, at the Dominion Hotel, for rn all I)artieulars froin and is isurvived by a widfow and as m-eroury Nvill surely destroy the af ithte visitars to J01,e iqUnveIii,tion Trotting Water, *111 stand diiiiii thi# HAY, eafomh,lor It, LITTLE, Bayfleld; noop ,'then to Seaforth, at Dick's Hotel, for niglit. 1200lx4tf large, f amily. sense of 6mell and vompletely de- ia Sbyoklhodm judge, who had his own stable, Brucefleld,wbere lie THLMSDAY—To walton, at Fm*hls Hotel, for limited nullib cyof mares. 'well range on to bi, —Mr. Thoos. Xo0ormack, the �he whole sy�tezn wh-O� Pan- been Lsvvt out by ItIlge, IS-,vedisi (Gay. noon; th Ntho at themon House, for nlarL1 - - 111t](DAY—To Londe .0111 '11 001) FAIxNf FOR We; Lot , Con Ito oro, at the Temperance Home own bisotit e)n:d tering it -through te mnfaous �3ur- ernment . ticy igain information Iq for noon , then to.Cliuton, at Grah%m's HDtel, ron for An—C G 11a ves%ion h-1, IL R. S., Tift-kersittith, maallfaotuxer, i -of Voodan, died I-aet faoe. Such artiolfps should Ver be vekning its qpp,mations. n100 avretz. This farin is ell faticed wid thormighly UINLY &IN t rht. SATURDAY—T his own stable; ubere be _fariner and sisteniaticaliv undordrained, and, haviiig been Nveei on his way home tf rom, X&naas iused except oil propa-rations f M %7e- First Aim RestitiMon. will renizin antil the foHowing3jonday inorning. - Una*119 kep admittedly, one e F Y8101WAS, mXge 1200t -1 -1 �Xl a high staie of cultivation, is Oity, whe're, rhe had , bevii flor he putabl, h as the iJ a Try the New fts of the taost prodtietive arins in the towiishil). benefit of one ta-f t1he = i -n principles af the, . (a Thousanda of women suffor untold.mimr- his health. He was -a 0a.- tey wi, d is. ten fold tothe good There lq a first clas frame house with kitchen and stem is reatituItivia f or losses KING ORARMING IV, -tvoodsh(it, and equipped with eisterix and other inod- tiveof Irelad, came Uo, 0 - ainadu whe;n ya �Mn llyosstbly derive * f rom It'hem. 'BY ies every day with aching backs tLt really No r ern to-oa veii ience-i. Thery are tWo' good bank barris 19 years of age, and soorn tatter dwt- Hall's Catlarth Cwre, mazaata�otured ciaused by itbefts by [perwas ,mhol 15071 Where th4q don't trifle witb , I and other up-to-date out -buildings, There is a good ed in Lotrtdoln, where he has wesidie1d. by F.IkT. Cheney & GD.;-Taledo, Ohio, do Inot !properily bellodg to It'he orim- have no business to ache. A woman's baek - )IONDAY & I-1U158ON, Pr 21 & other people!z bminesq, bd bearitig orchard and aluo a, new orchard of well Re- ii;Z5),toiasses. Probation officers a�ie wasWt made to ache. Under ordinary J( Ave bl's owl, stab e, TienFall, and at He leLted fruit trveH. There are two never failitiggielig, ever sinoe. Whon he first came itto oontains no :meroury, and is *alron of the London Ro4to shoftees pay strict attention to tbo the one at the hou.-w and the other at the barii� tel, TuckersnAtli, for night, TUESDAY—Nort o.ndcxn hp- was enig&ked as a gro- internally, �aoting diteotly upou the appuied by Ithe mainioipdRiea, Ito coditions it ought to be strong and rgady Hotel, Hippen,'for noon ; then emt to Strong'h 11 o. wants of evetybody's neeb- ,virthom, the Otatie "n,-,- to hell) her bimr the burdens of life. h and nt This farill is most situated, beirip three blAd add Imucou surfaces of the lbbe ipaymen't iA milorrollit"i, ..#TJ. _T1 41— 042, U east to Henry Chesneylg for hGon - thet 11 1% system. in buyig Catarrh quarter of a mile froin Chiselharst, where there are Hotel, ealokh, for pfg� - ESDAY-33N, uay ,t., WED�N gin It'heir dmt1es at -6.130 a. tal" fby It is hard t6 do houtigeworwitli aeh- Cdre be sure 'yiou get the Igen-ul. an of the 2nd Con two .1 store, I)ost office an(I bIaok,4mith ession, Tuckersmitb, Huron Si�rvie%, shop. Ai the proprietor is in poor health, it will be ij%de i.n ia�terview!Vg !prismers 'w1ho, got In- ing back. Aours of misery at leisure or to Thoinas coleman's. for noon ; then across to 11bi FrIesh, Cured aed GMAW It is It-aken internally and In: -14DP VDI-idlo, hio, by F. J. 'Oberiey & Go. 'to Ith-e polite 'hr4gnet during I-hia at work. If women only know the cause. sold on rtasonable terms, when okie half of the pur- Road, and wesf, to Charles Wilwn's- Hotel, Brucefiela, or more, if nevessar, wa ronairi oil for night. TIHURMAY—WeA to CoO)eB_ Hotel, Ba,okwhe comes from sick kidneys, and Varna, for noon ;. theti soi the farat at, a reasoumble rate of interest. For fur- he S071- estimonials free. caight. Were the offtnv� of Parr Line, (Uhleft the officers taxra! what a, lob of trouble sick kidneys cause in to Isaac lindsoyiN, Hills Bologna and Sausages, A, vw 861d. by broggists. Price 75o a ther (in the,premises or to ROBERT en�tS MY110T n1go Green,'for hight. FRIDAY wl NEWE,Lk,, U10st-thuist 11. U. er fbottle. 'tih irolatives tio, make 'resititatian the world. —Wet totieholson's Hotel, Blake, for noon ., then cenes, Fruits and Vegetabi* 0- qW �W south to Min Lot 21, Concestion 12,, for Take all's Family Pills tor Don- U11 eQsy Iterms. The coffivnder is bbon. Bub they can't help it. If more work is night. SATURDAY—Home to his own stable V ere all at right priees. -VARM FOR ALE.—For sale Lot 29, on the 9th givert a robation oard, good for. put on'tbein tho. they can stand, Wo not lit, will reinain unl:10�e folloulng lilonfty orning, X Conces-sion of Itilslidit, containing loo acres, all one year, and :he ft; texpeatd Ito ire- Tty our We Tea, "Bit the H4211- to be waindered that they 4et out of order. in a good AtItte of culti7ation. There & ozi the refti- A Youthftil Travel;er. plawt lmantlly to ah. ioifficer. - If at Ba� KING'S FASHION, Vol, 2S ises a brick house with hiriek kitvhen and a groLxN1 cet� "oho is simply their cry for belp. the lend of Jbhe year tthe off -under Tb Ia. There is also a bank barn, (P) x 40, and a A fremarkable stary receintly & f 1% feet, with Ntone eari-to o gtahlinx undemeath. boild belare ka Liverpool, agitrate las given ts-atisfacibory eviderice, Of .1doNDAY, A)ril 30th, will leavi his own stabie Also a shed, $0 x 30, and drivitig hotwe with everv- There are four verses. Versel. KRUSE ru---f teld I tmed Brodha�,eii, an proeced to Wm- Rose's, Concession 11r WL -11 In whi6h a young lad, 6 t al�l ley Cuji - g*od lbeb1aviour and has res A N 3,e, thing complete. Thereirethree iiever-fftilil DIV __0 -e 0slees, Con. on the preinimeN. there is allo a large orOiard avid Ayer's Hair Vigor stops falling dor y name, (played iffie o*ief art. S, Logan, for noon ; theice to Gustxv SEAFODrPTY 6, Logan, for the itight. TUESDAY -To Fred Hille- Xt I Ill d is idnIV ]twelve D- u, Dow y brecht`s, Lot 124, Concession 0, Logan, for noon -, then - A.T­ good garden. There ure 10 acres of fall wheat sown Thlau�gih he Ja to Victor's Hotel, Bornbolln, for night. WEDWE'S The rigHnstorz of low pfices for hay or pasture. All the fall plotighilig is done. I in z L I . and there are 40 acres seeded (to Either suitable hair. Verse 2. Aver's Hair year 1J1d he -has awam-plitibed a m- NVA IS011, ;M� K N rm DAY -To Rudolph Jarmouth% Coreession 11, LW, The farn, is well underdrained with tile and well Vigor makes the hair grow.! -,,marka:bl-- ]series bT filee ljouxnays s A� an, for noon ; then to Conrad FAkart's, Lot 6, Con Phone 96 fenced with fences. It is in a good ist-awaway aind itrain. aa=per, and th ceiqion 10. 1felifflop, for night. -THURSDAY-Te COM ing-situted two -and& -half miles front Verse 3. Ayer's Hair Vigo' i ew W I opposital *9 he dies *ovred a &itanm of over Alexander RsLot,20, ConccsWoA 11, 31cKillop, to mertial Bloi*, where there Is a po8t office and two. chttrehu� P ILLS noon thence to George XcKee's, Winthrop, for ti�; es dandruffi Verse 4T.� 10,000 mi 'his lvnge:A� journey odist and 8 miles from tSeaforth and -cur FLY Post -office. night. k'ItIDAY-ToGeor;,,(,-Sc-llh6iin's, Lot10, Con 4, there is a goo(I L-mvel rowl running past the farin. it eing Ifl2at ifrom Livrpodl bol iWin- MM101) 8, lelilllol),'for noon Ihence to bis own Ayer's Hair Vigor makes the, - Yvill help you. The over- h, in good conclition and will be sold on reasottable _y're helping sick, b nipeg. His Ifirst Irlde laf Ithis ind stable for the nig . t, where he will remalli until the w; ibe proprietor %04hes to retire. For further A worked kidneys -all over the world- 91Y. iten. morning. Also that y�pular stal sca.p healthy, and keeps it so.1 as lander JEh 'gtiard'a vati of fain on the premise,5 or to CHAULT-.8 mak-ing them strong, healthy and AGE vigorous. 1DRIE =," 8534, N ol. 13, wil S lion, 14 0., Ontario. 6?cpress ftain irunining Ito Derby. On F milat It is a regular hair -food this mt4nd at his own stable, Brodha;,,en, eleven ther joiceasians he has mum a- P. yan, Douglas, Ont., Nvrites,. ­tFor _, ? P, - over five ruonths I was troubled with lame is the real secr�t of its won- ONE PACKET RAS bck and wa unable to move %,qthout IMPORTANT NOTICES.- CM-47dreon"s Phollos MA dqrf ul success. ACTUALLY KILLED help. T tried all kinds of pinAtera aixl STEP -PIECE, No. 11,8-22. ments but th T. j. 1WRRY1, Prop. RENT. -To rent, Lot 17, Con- lin ey were no use. At last, I Are a Speolalty wlthur. iori !fhe best kind of a testimonirl_ his own stable, and proeped L FJ&101 To p, 100 acres in Will be Rik-% A BUSHEL OF FLIE5 kind of work you will be 6C rd tell of D rented for;� term of to So4d for over sixty yearz.10 oan's Kidziey Pills ur-d ta-�ttoThott.Venneiln,lxmtidr3- line, for noon; then For Infants and Children. 11ter I had used three-q7uarter of the b. -,x to Chiselhurst, then east to George is'. Urrenis We have exeeptional twilid"formt, X"11. n t0m8 my buk wa4 asstrong Awlatow 111to. eaforth, 1090-tt Sold by all Druggists apd General S -.-Mum 4 by.,T X&do 0. Ayer Co:. Lowell A and well as �vor." Ast, to fita eonjer, south ingiamilygroups-sudebildrWSP TUESDAY -F Manufacturors of The Kind You Have Always Dought and by M'Uil, to Jame.4 ArideMori'm, 7th coneegglon of 116wrne, for IXT- --The, tinderhigne(l y.ill rent hii tam at the lAkt- ShOM to it good tenant for a termof, SARSAPAIRULA. Price 90 oints per box or threb boxes for noon , then routh toXhanjes Road, and vast to W. Come in and aea Us. R TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM cfive years. The farm comits of *�)iu acres of goo,. PILLS. Bears the 1,25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Hayla. Farwiliar, for night. 1VF.DANF_1;DAY-1kst C .. Toroiito,Ont, cup mile, t en north to 1-24h tontwkidoll of Hibbert, land, nearly all under culdvation and in ow con COW CUPHY PECTOnL. to%101 I to Jameq ScotVs Jr.. tor noon - then west to Crom- dition. For ftill ternis awl Signatuxq of ARCHDAT F. WILSON i . krtioulars apply at once airty line, then north to Stfth bowl for the nigbt, MOKSON IRMO Seafe HAZAMEON, ONT. TIWRSDAY-Arest to Hugh lot 1) Wn. -A