HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-22, Page 4r HT RON_ -EXP I IR16 JUNE. 22 en this e ends ofo Wil d ok tbav re�ido:nt of Exeter died'on 111hurdv: e w"- itfpset laft-V-4the, lalittili Ju ja�t i6bi lof 73L tyfttIe f5oMo I RE iaV and aluabit- igiftis 'were. utU bb big gno i90 !red -ocaroaly he "urpftes6d. Tim ilgo 'AD d tar Ablitix had' Ae� 7aan�tt S1 A ORTHOS LE N 8, E To a "I'll __ - 113 amp -a few c*_ys 4go On& no 041mrse foi Sir Wilfrl warm. So, -ad been a eaffeiror -frow parwly'- Besidop�. magy beaultif a-1, it wts ta Iy approved Itif by bf it'he" sis'Ifor 6�me time. About 50 cTours AW tohiorie V68 Joamb of sini veltz, mving koft oixt witb Itbe assisti%,Aft X T pase abd Itilit T otranItio, '&-a flbe. agio. 4h settled - -on a farm'-otq I -e One h010- ;farry 0otrivdln' toe of iotur rilg SMAMI shoes for ff pa ys mlowinig reurks,:' ivolws, we are Oh wyocession lof U866=e *he-ra ;h1s dred, and itweivty x1vilars, all teati- You:ng imen has eiftitered t1be; ftns- pure, 'Uh-o isenitimoot f ovi6ry 41spas­ .60h (nW,,ireijides, -and after oloariog tit jlyhig to tiho -popularity -of � the of 4be lb C eAedlots fi4ving Itakep to tTune bosv month with us, for -e -eason that Us the Mouth of 4 tip I= - ana iog. it 5 7 8 porsfdo- - who 4as read ibbe d ki dag. of Itihs best 11g, ibride. -0 The g, �Qouvj -6 iwj in' tliw1pergoin �WQVA` 01 11 t ako 'filyn�4f n life partner �iondld speech he, delivered on he (tow, Ohl' t1of x"Ide in Itheir dUoide coolo comfortAle low ohoet�tlkd Most p alar -and mo8t f4ensible f. 11 12 13 14 15 16 qV# W -Me Vh,6 Igrotom's line;. of Miss tBed'ard, - aae� of Xxtr, ieA�*Jglng in ifibe, linplemeInt farm do. Ithe, itVwn0hi summer shoes. Our,,Oxfordo -and Tie hoes we he ume of comfort for tlhofn�ooasiion, w1e1n It says: AnA 11 22: 0 p 'of 9h, 17 18 19 % B ut Wh-Aever wmay liave beWia ltb X00i the ftir daa ters of itibe Sablo I business �aind afterwards as u mem,­ khown as itibe tBkofton agomestead, a-4 41ne amd itfhe 'biappy young tood!pJa are hot summer days, Every new and oor�ect style may be found at 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 wisdomor ininVidom iolf Mr. Poeter's 1er tolf"It1ho firm ofFeTilne * Martin, Mid IRle, 'beat wi-shes' of* itheir iman ow . are I is i Itibe Musidal Instruenit business. p� Lre6olving -tibe. e*nlgratulationa tore. Not an our assortments t4e Isrge3t, bat, quality for I I .V . . r. - . # - ". t . V - 9�1?__- -I WAY m"sible Ito �dony lbbwt V 2, ;Ho, was a, 1hoirwrabl, �goiod me - and of (Uhair im,any frlends,—Thio .'receirt -&�d values so attractive. bu 44h Prime Mini.4ter behaved with In( nowhere else�Are rices so reasonale rains flxa*43 1had -a maioiul iflueAnoe 4V �pingiuftlar rpropriety woTt1hy joltizeu and tho7 powAry is Leadburv, (blia i4rops in tibia vloinity land A special line Ildles! bxforde, dongols patent tifz, for -$I a pair. and i dignity. His concern, was 1111(ot wi,,bh t.ho oxpedioincy doser X Ifun W-od'dl�j,-A lAea -fibey In* promise w 1. Eiv4i eJ ftay, A great variety of Ladies' Oxfords, in all lux dat newes sty mr Tti Agaro bntvoc t al of Mr. Vogtor's adtion cov 1tibe pofib. (partner, poe isoot ana ttel _t lefli, for place lat tifii 'palaftlial -residence whia at one time ithredtAned Ito be $1, Paito&l ef fecta,,b +hie inoiden't, ba1t with ters bakViV thim. He was, a coln�' of "Mr. wifid Mrs Javo-b Barrows, ion- zimst ia falhre, twill be a fair 6rp. the ichartieter. of Pariliamoolt, 6yni siatont thoidUt an reftlon "d an Iforaul co, -4 Wdiaesday lev7uling tot las,t week -Mr.. ID. Smit1h ond Mr. Jvseph aux- The Faultlees mae of Ladies! oxford$ �or $1.75 and $2.00 a pair. It -he vorregpiondon1t of 1iberat ki ceivinig it(bat I t His, When. (t&,B A" They Altrald?-M J. Allan -6 ir dlimighitr, Miss X ams we -nit to Ww1pole passed -fhef bouInds v� aiggie, The Empress Ladies' Oxfords for 46PI eA; GardillCr-5' Da resse had f rno*cl�ry ill! doig live frez in he wg:s 42.26 S2.50 -and $2.7-5 a P (inariled itio, Mr. Gel 'IY41t'() 'Pareftse I air. orge # some ponies, bdt 101sy I all w1ho enjoyed ibis of rri. The ay I The "Queen Quality Ladiete Ox famous A �w P il�gitixnate -cTiticlsm ta. abu�sod ils, affeatlions of June le cloud & 00_5 sunnuer sale -Graig clothing Co. -I lgeg, Sir [Wilifrid Laurilentor- em iiaitntainee. iceremony was per- S 0hey are becoming scarei& Wn fords, I inerican make, -formed by. Rev. cotua-win.' Mr. AIder.400, Of doaT even I Itibiere, alt'hough, Mr. stylesfor $3.00 a pair. iiams & Purcell -2 ed ­t1blat the reogivo, n-16sare. and jprao- I lam I. Big Bilyth, do, . t0he prewnt.,ej of, th!e am. Smitih igot ione, *hd Mr. Surarats, )a Week tivally forced a' formdole, group ic& -.mA Mi Misses' Oxfords, iu dongols kid, patent 4id and ehoc61&,,,e, for $1,25 to' owl shoes --P.. Willis &Son --4 Bay. xndiwte trelativea f tdije youggl pom�._ nice )pair. -Mr. Rrnest Xte�r of angry aod IiWolsy Liberals to amept uot--d i Robe j4st�­Dr, Harburn -6 as� :not, Irespi P16- Mile bride prsentd a dell-g1lilt- t1he GoAen Une, inear iffarepta, 'had a pair. oe 'Bit ua:ti. this tregotwtion. tHe , w A uiie Wedd1Vg.'-A very -prdt-ty f ul appearace, trvbed. sik the misfortune Itio, lose a Valuable 16 dhiffon, heavy draugbt f1dur year j6ldt mre, 18 1home, Pf Mr., wind, WTs. Towhat AV"anted-Z.G. Eokbar,b_15 sible for on -�v-bldh bad e- Jiuma wedding iv.'nas cellebrted att-t-1he Children!s Oxfords and Strop a :!�roperty for Sale --O. Brody -5 oubt trimmed witth emb lipperv,, in, iall leathers, for 75e- to 9 Totoped �a:nd uvo, s tsioTy jeha;t, comf6rtab *-rw- William' and Ohio giald in -her; hand [a Sunday flast. He d9ad beeV. way 1his ImArontiou was no f the 2,n:d voln- Ocessary. mt- Dominion Day ltateiff--W. Somerville-$ Of She *,a& atende4y from ihioni-Q' during the -day and -on 00 -OW as -0h eader of t -be Aocwe and Ma- ce-581101il of Hay ow Ulge d3th ib -8 tar. n eb -J.3 ber Wster, Miss Mabeil­' wthol 11yo, WIS 'reetarn, 1hii fVuInd dw No 'cc- tapn-5 4111110fily Tespo'n.sible for its honv, Whwn tibleir Idavoter Miss'S Au ion booked idbarmiog in 9. Wres; of Alice ing dead _11m,tille pagtare 6eld. a�nddighlty Ifie 416 his'-dity -anarried toi Mr. Arbhm tLi to make (withb t* wa bbue�'s k, trimmed with lace, iand*ho Xusio­—R. It. 'Peck Co.�-8 v viAlAnin or i4hiftimig, ,4 TbIo'certemony was'Wer- carrieo of pink irows, Tue f e' I UL boquet Vearing NY. Ortwelb-8 D;vZ nig]000 tess or- bitterness, and ScIt a pre-, -by, Rev. Mr. Qoodwbi, af Ex- Brucetield. Gold a4in, Loeb -11 M R GAles-8 9110'M Allsidted bjf (Us, ro eter, ialnd was witnmsedby a gooldily Wjlile Miss firin ftclal-Roxboro Allssion Rand, ­8 cedout w1h4ah will, always' stand o Geor Chapman, of twood will be tit WilsoWs lAwn Sacial--St. Thomits? Church -8 his own 41onoi and to the bolnr tof In umber 69 ireiloi-ve and friem& of 111afikson, a sister, flayed lot el,, Brumfield, witill a load of good calves on T Investors--lir. Plokard-8 th Candian It was the fba)pY Irouing proAty, t1he Nvedding. rmaTdb. The, wedding satull 4A June 806h, itbotit 12 oiclock. 2010.2 For Sale -J. R. Dickson-& supper. wias bountiful and wll pre - such, wit act a's Sir Ji6,h-n Thloinsioin- bride was ossistea.-Itwirolu1gh the tv- ams'of Temperance. The pice.10 Yjff otice.—J, A. Wilson �5 pared. The igtoiux-away dress:.,of 1 %�haeer, Wanted-Ja, Allan -r, wouild !have performed "and su�& -as ing otrdm, by Misses,' Nellie 064d ield i iBayfield dn Thursday, June bble bijde was f black silk, fpreffily. TIM, Vann. fbrRale-T. Wren -1 could tdome only from main. (of fio_� o:nd Mary Yolqb1g,� f Cre&toin, as 14tb, ander the ans�loes of B Teta*hersl exotiTal-on to fte, Model trimmed. She was a, f aviarlte With ,ind tbo equa -sr0rthy s a' tilo dhar- broe-ding., f -roatl olv n brideame-idsowith-lit.tl,6,,Bdna Go field Idivietola of M. $6,as *of em ­ arm at Gaiej-pih on Friday lat od *nt &r ItheIr tiring .1 Qatef, JITT-wi.0h a tru,& sense 'of this a talece, as foiweY girl. 'All thie Vh1e. people 'here ;and will e, inaftroh ta, plendid success, Ir -be 0: id suceisaft Vx perance twas milbyed a very pleasant 1trip, te Of ftr- position nd responsibility." tiolpant were beawitifudly and be.-! missed in wooilal circles, and it I's a day was; &11 tbat ocia-ld be degired land ta t, add tio, the �eo Plelasuft 160 0oln er many f day bobW ifavorabble as tio, waftlier- pleasure ;Df lo-Ver.,V40ne. Ire ri"dg t1be (1-ake was. fine for boatintg-# A -kr. lie ry ok, 'Ee- in wlAhing - Iher and her X, I , comlingidy tt' d. Af ter ifte ce husband dal ty and substadtia, trneb was n propriettor. of the Atthe recedt moelt ini -of Me Troig_. InOnY U0 igutgts boo 10he, oftfinber (of many Years of, liappiness and Honsail flour mills and.one, lof the EMARORTIT, ffR-IDAY,-AXuhe 22,1906. Abb(mt SO, acciompianied- f0he bridal served by itihe ladies in, ,their insual A,%embjy, Mr. party tb, -best known bnainess byterian General perityo leading and itme 11 Ithe diniing xrofom, w4ifTe pleasing imantif-ey and was *tIhroxoLvg;h' lir= tone - f men f Rensall die edn Br .-The iwd lateffige; Alemakider Wa d es4ay f - wI M_ rden, of M Ob"tio, Son choice Tialya4t: prepared. moder Eib�5 ly tenjoVed by All. Iffike iday was 1pleaa- a The Domin!on Parlmme.nt. teramn. r. k 'hiad beeen.W received here Tuesday night of the (late Dr. Wardw� W'81s lagpoi.0b. direction, [of Ift wortilt Ucajets, was I At Goderich. antly spent iin, '6oia�big, altrolliml; -on sovral mviaths. The funeral -is an- death of Mr. bilin Njolfatt & Ths Partake*n of ifew alooil MA-Vinice Wigh[t.-A Julast-F enjoy- the ;Waah and te park, and !all bee oad ot kbw ed Mroas-aret of , t1he PretbybW14 flor offat wj�ig 0, innimig of. t9io a% were ion novnced to -day, Friday, gidder -Tulkim. Mr. im joY-od wffwln thei bi able Aff ve ing was spidnft in It1he Ka- re t urnod bo(me at d late ho.-t4r. well the auspices* of the Canadian Order iresident f ifflyth lk),r '18 yen-bei- Iseagiun. is mlo at Ifiand. 0huroh �n Canada, -cc appy moouIple aeboonpauiod by a .I,&-rge niumber -of On. sonio Ilifaill. i8mitIh1s Hill, oft, Wed- pl""sed.witth-ldheir day's �outing. of Foresters. fbTe �he T-emoved to Toronto J XorntVg sessitolus oommepopil joln his 'late fallher. He ha� bee!n, iVtingl gMests drolve Iflo �Exoter s(ba:tiQn (IntsdaY OWlift, F-Ttuiire 13t1h, the 'accs- Me evenin!g uf Monday, Jwafaa -250h# UM iivn wo, years aa. While h%x- sion being iffbis Weems ,Wednesday tad. mirlill 'be f otlowekl ub- Treasurer taice. Dr. Warden's death. WhIore'ltheY !Loft amid sho Of f f i cill visit of lbb :ujader (tthe amspieieB oof Ube same or-- was IV 1hiAly respeoed ery 0woo. So r a 'trip Itto la temperance meatinig will be rive iatil lgqdd wi4hin, to District Depalty Griand Ma er JR.W. der, Wiuthrop ind M osinss is beirg Dr. Hoinimerville, � icif u1nd, elig! Detroit, ClievoUnd and tiliLgr oWts. Bro.'lDivik0ob. Leaving 'G6 aridh at lbeld 74n, Ithe Presbyterian ehuXch, of takluglan -aotive part in, r rmighed. Severoil ublic, and, pri- waS appoiln'ted.georetaryt a!nd-wi-li e- p Pivnie., , eing a elder vf tho �Pxew.. The 'It"a's !gift to tie, bride was 7,15 '(p. 'Mi. w1flh, . double I eam if mil t1his 10, ace, and addr"ses are ex);lec t-. -piees of Chva!n church Salbbaith b terio R-areb a v ban&,.* sign 'his pastarate and Y ery actift inate Ibidis 'have bedh, passed: idurivig rem�ove to a bwatif ol 'pearl cresod"t robcjh� of lonliblusiastie Majoonia bretthen, ed friam, Revs. Martim, of Exeter... scibool, will be 'held in It'he, twotoas and Liberial.-Remember Tarionto Ifich take mp thie duities lot a�n goIld at� the trip tto fte Hill Albe!pagt week amid by-tihe, pad �4 th-ek Ns new , jpositi(oin- dh and dhain. To te wais if in. he Shaw, oif Egmondville, -Brown, ifif n (the 4 1hillis of Mr. f2homas Dodd's o# he jotarrifte factory takes warm, *hie prewinits wore, a farm, dot 31,, cloncession 7, MoKill(op, Wednesday and evory Mr Wardeft re eatlher was (the bmlk vif ift 8tiaiat" w ill ceives a.salary of the orops illoolped Varnaand 8a:wers,,cif BTuoefield, a penxbot witul p endid Nnid. Oune �at its -beot. Ar. uo( from kiss JoiNnie on Aaarday af- r000n, Ji $0,000 ai yean and gold bracelet ad vold �' I I bave been: disp9sed tof, Tlie scanitial Dr. Somerville $g,500. They ara Mae 23rd.. that stays at nome-vote a diampoad ti&tlng ond m(onogram - aind' riviJO-9 fat- Smitlh?i Hill found Ibb-t KuTray, tot' X"It wil -be A;dhoice progriamme is being iprevar_ and as it takes a laTge vwt-j 11c, htmthig ov. the- patt tot Me Op"i-, both iVery respdneifia positions. Oin toi tibe 0ower girl, a inig Met �wifjh.' -tih� 1holl was. sibiii%ted in. I&, pea4oe-ful fUTni&ed by lbbe division dbIc4rsrkd d'foT OW o v 9JIBp traces, *oot ry, it mrast be seen v itual the 4westion of dburch union 'the �poarls a:nd emeralds, T treft end o4hintba Miss Dearl iWise, sodfolst. No iadmis, he bridal q1tilet ispot, I ine 10 badl, lbase, ball, IOT- fte Twbe is mst, as indudtries h-tvu (has teated for 0hisr session. Assembly footed Itlo aeod the� report are presents were namex*;s, haindoome Johloide it from tlhe hIolt q�x and Ithere, gilon, b-ut fa vi6ei dol -lection will be amusement -of dZiose Z, bending. Tea builing ;up f �the th made 'They, dliave,woit as mitioh, Ouit of of (thii _tVaiion -Commiftee dbwn. (tio end imsef uJ. The - mamy frien, o will (be aerved by 11lio iladies, laud a A-M-ber Irom there fjoicilt ju Is [a repose aboiat it -Uhait strikes #&en. 1EVerybiddy weldome. d � f -the foongregatlions a:n d t o invit the istranger wItEb. surprise, The --vw their qnesl as ma:ny feared itkey Mrs. Lav& twil join, Th)6 lExpiosi- Briefs. --Herd 03mis., -Bayfield-are.. refreAblineUt lbouth nvill be the carsios to ithe Model ftrm last rri� Awgilicans and Baptists t a e0ter' ,tor dn w arralest 6ongTa1t,.1VlQ1ti womid when fte cibiages were bnade. �the megofitbons.­ on's and-. lb -911 68 Owitled by Me brethreft land now Ifinis1lidag Mbomas airds baria lgrou;nds, Witlh gull the confecion, day also ithe mo hgu e cursilft 40 buminq _o:n. ti x best wis[bos foir iterself a�nd ber 11101 ioe loream, bxna^ lfe., woupill on the GreAW.und tit Goderldh Mx)1Adkv, MI Whomw have been fttloardu�%Iy t111113Y &ave it TkicelY furnished with a wlii[4�h twill be olne of the (tinest Nusband. May their Uoyti,be many fine dinin(ig r0our attached. T(he the evioinity. It &as one of Ithe beat mdh -,rlw -vmot ttayed" vestigated a)id Itthe resullit is 44 Exeter'. Und Mor (tribuIlatioing few. first deigree, twas exem1pliflid -iW. ooment IfVuladatitoins seen anyvithere., uts there -*were Inp sciinAalls at -611. Tibe Ajotok t6 boa trip to J Viver and- riefs. 'Exeter is Igoliog to ose, ro. Sobertson, wthloi is a miosit ief, It was budt last fall 1by Thlam-ass trolt ion: Tueafty,-Re �ieint,-4ad iBxp' on 'abot1her d 6itizem Mr Aad %Drs. ert craftsman. TWre Carr, fof Iou:r VUlage. The gangway, Kippen. Saiskiatdhewan 119nd Cpmp y deal goo as - a, Ina' orts fm Brii e)s... UtrttainMent 1tv be -held 1 vr*dpts we ix l0botwA Moses -,Grdiner ;;,ni ivM t1s were ia number of bretbiren. j�ir"on.t and f1vDr;mg will 41so be, of icemevt. 0 t(a have bema, . t ff,,. 'KaTze, of )3t. try tiall Friday ieventn!g Vt imid k4abs6 9, w. a Mgftlm- - 'GaIrdiner (has, Ire000bl A Tiantiby of good cedar posts for sale, also a mun. from Goderldho Listowel �Iifl Sea- MT. iBaird - Is -a progressive farmer, Williams, rIX14. rs. 110 0 bw. %te ftraucitioim. by Which at 11tilge Y her o anchorpoetu. Prices oil application, Philip Onitarloi is pending a we6k by the, ladies of the Vehirne�, and we itimAerstnd. ftTtih �and wisitiors from Tolledo, itihe wtho, the V1 f1hey Atnenb, 11rusAls 2008-4 (likes tUo, lave hibo iju ri-Ait. few Solo Wnd o. trieffing Mrs. R. B. tue. raise� f unds tbr the ubliv fibrar Lealn'.-Xiss Noroweat w-mch ihave determined fto, locate in, ftlivt Ober i)lacesi W,"Binq% tRcb� -Robert and Alexander Fbot, ba- -Mkr. Fmnk Wettalf -is iv, libndi�q viiias at one, tinie cionidered Ito be'tain lmg a h6re I or vamp oin 'Monday Joif ithis sthe, guest qf`�'-Xrs. R. 'J., 0d�per, ipolu:nitry. kr. (Gardiner is buil ertson littil ffils- (offiers- were, Ivory tives of four werP4 tr;_-�mitl week aftedlng, a Jne4tima � A Id� Y donee in Regina, and (be family, 1119MY' comp.limented by -the Dis. married'In. Motose -Jaw to itwo ifis- Oak Tid waste, bas beein illioldy settled week. Albert Gerry,' of Indian Dodge. Mr: Barley Gxe7, of the Sybd of the Fp1sc#pa1-_*)rQftk� *Ill (remove ItIo, t1hat' IoUty tbis ftll. Head,N. tW. T., ia*,a visito-r here t 'ot (Deputy' at' � W' Bro. Dick- ters It -be Misses i3lemmin, 'near Xwoset Wad*gimed. Tne Ndrft. Atlantic �Ir. 'Gardinex aikei te butt% andl� the (home of his Son m1dat lateresitlig and dm.: Jaw. The lweddinfg-- -was a doub oe, ia ispetIft a few',4(ays witi, -Mk-. Batkfer MArtor i"�&;d v" ne buW" W. J. -Xo%,4jU-We . expett to am- Wiulgh�= f-botball team -Ito- -defe* - &dvffhtbeVr1q. riadin!j`;4Doimpa1ny has be 6 parents, Mr. ond stracitive laddreas and a- VOTdiaA and oh -bb. Robert is on a 'farm on' PrPVen il� usimleft of Ifte Pew W04t.-The many% Mr B. . G -i _& mun !Mnlebee a erry. Mr. Grry was a he -arty vof mf-ar . ILO Mr. Obier, :oif . Exeter, Passing the Liaftwel Atam� in wn an 0 to be (a ctoinpany organized - itim der friends iof miss. Beill Xcocjfgall, f e bf thankswaS tendered Mlose, Jaw and Alexander has'bieen p, thMU4�% duir villiage, some day Ithis -0, pionigAiip -match last Atiotdivy -the eandtion of tMe, GoVe=mm&n1t and ! delegale Ito: Ithe araod Loidge -of itlie, -1 lbla�m . Ohe Th'ames troad, who was'aendin Ito Um by - fte 'off icers iand (members, brakesman on lbhe raHroad ft�r nome week ln� his new two''toni aftilto ftrwk ovntnk in Wirghlam, Abd Iti Independemt Order of Pores wilh, Itibe - voinseoft -and -itp'priorail tot Codlegiatt ' 11-natibate. ter", of `MDTnim;g Stlar Lodge f1oir the -Years. Their many friends e Goderioh ! w.blidb met at X(ydtrol haslt weeki- herc� &theilnig cream ftr his buitter f&c.. Lig**,el om� ftuarsdo to Xwd W Tegref Miat s1m has had-&Joi Wb4 Miss po, of the P -v-- SeAd- (ciogr L'ord Strathoma, Canada's chief 're' ill 0aine. After 18he. balsh 16" atadatilong. Ito he happy tto . All WE0j &ave soon, -Tt say it rot Net who- spent -Ube, ppost six arm mtatah.-Me Blytb�_ fV0 Aflolve in the old cioutt1try, ja �arn fliio�ine on acc,6WnIti of illinem.- nVii(n0s )Ube home of Mr. Geowge enig was over a situitiptulous re,., soffering will bie, `taken is fo!rmr fTOTy, andUtialt as 9L ea d1t. Of Mack and (two, dbild %Yast was tiprovided and aifter.)(10WIr up on Sabbatilit miormiag next in, Ithe A fhe, 8iummerlbbi rem, Of ft ifilt hr,home) in Iperth its %aboIrs Vanadix has selauxed.maway amp �"tice to it alld open .Patrick# who, is an enij%oyeee n te a plohie there on, Wefteaday V:. 41f�s sold Ai V Winnipeg, are iv!Aitimig�.at, Co., on IWednesdq ding ia, Presbyterian ohlarelh for a chael . Gbdeeldbl. , y of thds, week,_ C. P., 1 isitin img bis wee1C,! ah4l are V tbotusandi i6f isetIttlers fiom� Oddtin­ R Mr. ia!nd Mrs. David,Ngaok, fof IW, very 1pleiant and profitable ieven- in Fort Francis tbat' wi burned -Mr. iWilt Hunter, of Strittfoird as adh it wbruild tack, tf�wn._Reevp, Bob Is W11t dbw%-Peter IMaKnezie ihad -a- cow Qt 1116 alb)lue -r. Of bfia� mdther lere, on puroope wit," i-er UP' ClittloU UNM townr 1here EW ZI;Qr; VA ing all started Fir 'ido (obie ar a f hbme,. - pent SuM&Y iiin town, -Two ri this week;_M $5 to -t have, W6 batt for fthe ilailliors of Ithis d thee da4t week.- iAldeni WhAmiaia and Rcbeirt MICKay to $5.10 ki4led by ligthtnims -last weeki- As .biis sister, Miss tillY, -o Detfoit, isfed tke SeafTta, of (BrusadIs bowler woult, to Kin- &�=Vany; that, while a Jdave sum of h-�vv' decided Itiot submtt 'a w lfolz MaKillop. Ns Istopk -was in�sured !he will lget a. are Beave-Ts stw1kels And virdine on.1the Soins of Sciotda!ad odx- 'ViGithyg at the �pareMjtka 'biOlne 'te&t thO C-Aderloft lacra V-75 to 43. money had been paid *this ciampainy, tilMe 'Vtte, Idf +,he p � oe tbavT 1#4 rot P'OTti(Dn Of -its VM111e.-Mr. Bairdwid, f Mr. and Mr& Takii WI)Attmao. in Fridia�r then iwent Ria, a -flew I blghek,� -it #C0 to V they lbad- fddly. been paid at iffie �rajte OuT.sion la`t Friday, and, 101'ayed. a, tLate J.-olhin Kerr,-:A:nIo`t'hR'r of- Miss Maitard attened the feadhers' tMg vllla 'n tame with the -club of* 'that town. tihe pioneers- 1 f it is �tow -iip Vt *Yog end Ma tih� ictodt f km- to 00nVeln in �%Ma l'otan lot 10110"000 1 0 ah has Visit. ith gals -PTehts alt ing CiOmilpxny. The '"n Is The iscoe Guelph- last week.- "s WbJ f reys, of Bt4v, It1h tj al Istoo# 31_'tio 21 din faviorf of Igone Ito his'�reward, Mr. Xd -�-Dr migranti furnbsilitee -rolugh Ithis ti be for 15 iyefars, free tr . bin Kelm kane, is om aoter-(1 Kincardine. Siftrday, of Ithiswmk, died at This to(me d e tih PO ce 8 Alexxnder Ba'rd as in our ,*illoge iag -a plea it visit at Cho: lyeme stiore with a fre*ih' cmt- i0f aoW*a:ny 4as ot'so great as. 104ose est, -a!nd 01,000 a (Year it Itfo, be repaid a th 7 n i. last week. He. is in -blips, Str01hrfoy t 1 4*�is ithe dlay of t(he a!aaui Frraerel sioln of MoKi4lop join Tharday of' ipf Mr. wnd Mra. Andrew, - Bedl, or, Mr. omd rs. nuokstep -visited, J�revlotu&y " farnisihed by Ai9pVnIgr tafter-ttlhi isix-itli year. If pxit"Pemly istrict, wthere 1he has.0e, tcoj�tract, This is Miss Jfroys first Exdursion ito IGmelph, Tickets are last -week. He baf fered froxii U6 par., t'o atIves in Wingham, . vin� San to *.I lirgVots mf 16he severaA Ishippii Of puttijig up over 40 wind imills. NV ,g Pom­ sevareld kid irestrioted, iffhe. ip�-jolple go til. Ithe fo111Qwig Moinday. tiowlar -failment but simply 0anada but - e wVald oit-- like Ito M4s Eva 43oll left 1%tuxday �V-to sheep. He was 4tryinIg 'to, ihire --imen to fb-r- _�Anies Th ikr tip acanilial hvs algo, . doiald taloot 'tuatak, a better dinve!4tmedt L. S. Duinf leld.i aw4y at'Voincloaftbis 'fo the pressur f y,,.,,. gave way, faaal#t' Say it will be her last. She, n fflhlo�voiuilgthly dnv"Ugated'bY1t'he tlhlft!n, Ito grant this lown.-The Moitho- Tlb�l do-- 'in the work but ISAY115 WIS. Toronto w�here 1�ffie was ito Mae Donipace. Stir- There a, _To Ube week, assiiting' - Godorich 'Military I ceased ,was born in was 00t IsQ00esstal- ave the. 1gra3ldest co,unt�ry he �%Uallty of ISP06all L-OmInittee applOinitd for Chat ilks 'of CepItriallia are*: b ve h -le lady Whbm she' was o 1901 #10 _40 Band. Mr. Dulnt ord Iplays the slide 'ling0hir, So �_Ixnd, MIQ 'u1nambloyed men in ExportvOc Ck, 'th as a Iyarpoise ia:n i (thait tclanitia �,tra too the 23rd of b" ever vm1n, & it thia's beeen whowin, wberry festival- n. 2JN&- h" wi 'Ube, trombo;ne very efficienItly._Xrs. July, '1820. Ive -vame Uy our istricit.-Qute uimber from f the people leads hii,-r, ew pril P& Ule, there had,'� no, dubt been lobse- 2nd of IXUIY-�Aodblher Exeter boy. Lesli hor,6 ttnded Itiho oxcur&Dn tify to t0l­'114A steRin shovel WWoh has eeir la�-_* tha Itibe departmedt vf ez and' baby, 6f ' Intpeati, are try in 1852. -He had b"n a resident tJ;Pat they are as Vt;d als,khe, icoun-, atig at the east end Marine bao dietinignished 1himsel. Mr. W,, Guoph last iweek�Albert McQueen, try. - of here on., (a visit to; Un. 'Jas. Qf IMaKittliotip for 54 years. ' 1h!110 -Rey. MT.- Sairgib, WW is abbuit: tle C. p. R. cioostrut iaixd FlAveries dn 'atipervio-ing the H. fiGr�gory, son Of Mr Phased his firit year examinat- i ilon. 0 TbW311"aw Grog- tyne and other oWfri0&. 1-tov. Mr. Kerr.,iws inatmally very ret'u- r- NM Reis 4 cows k3rVourfug of iguipplies, for tUs ives- btryl, him !passed bis emOvO Ito WhOtber field of laboir ed on Fx1day of Jast week y s000nd Lveay 11-aw, KVD'nefh oDowald, of Kin Torontio.-The P -nesters f. Br��- will preach (his farewell- sermvn i)i owners, the Xioga sel and cardi-ne, Lag the fwas p evaiminaioin at - Tarnitj%, Issessed of - injore, lt�ha ra Band Oct., - I= tob1tainm1g, I - lor field intend )having a strawbe-rry t novaied 'the pulpit in dijyAry knitelliem�w and was agreat - v qiVnIars jan ja ;M10 sotboiarsibilp H,� I soolfal on 'Mrs. Turner's lawn -on he Meffiodist carola. here next back ye 11101tUnIg w'Drise-ib" bdeln, proven. Mr, Mt a)nd brbogjIt -to the 4004 50- 01�dTa JSt Sbbath. He will also reader, He possessed a, pefad Tuesday Sabbat 1L -Mrs. Walker -is V1141thiiiK plat And shipped to the oweirs. Y id' am At A a la f 'jWt evening (next. The Zuriah be in 16harge ext Si$nday, xiid it -be library it Nhe db(q1ceSt works to *3.50 in'timated thalt 16he f ridtion and it-roir- f ive.-Mr. Wes. Sno�ll, t w 1, w in! -her# at 00 111ome of beer Jpareinits, . . . . . . MmoNm June ble in. ft1he immigrati depaf tmentl iinplomj�it 1 g to, ow.19 Sabbath rdhere will be no dharolb histary, bidgmaphy and near- band will be in' attindance, and Ither 'Mr., 'and (Mrs- Willi. 1v18o:n,,-Z3Qr. . D. W ett, 9 in Bra:nitfold -will be, good time for all. 0hiselhurat. will be, iremedled service owing 'Ito some relyadrs being l ll Ithe publiAlied ser MoGregior is igiving his- residetiace s iro6v- as Ithe thloigpit-al 'suffering from a broken made in Ifhe inIteTiar of the oh moins tot it -he ogk Goveriamevf has , time �to make 7 leg.1 ;h. Old Saidtob divines. He lhad a won rin ftis vill(Wge a brightelainug q5� LITC L mninin �picinlc f Wlilo driving in Briadtforrd� At the imeeting of +11%. M1nadian Or- derfull hnemory Wnrd W able ;W, Igire Siabbafli, selboloje twill be held io�q -prbper investigatiion Wito , Ithe .witth ia:noibhr gontlenwatI3, as by Ithe iaPV1i*atkp of a freoh fa)lmlofsft h0r der of Foreatrs last Tharoday, ev- tIhe itexts . � Dr; Ovens 66lat a kiatoa uxday )next. at one .affairs -of fth- -' bra:nch of t amy. sermon Ole eye and -ear surgeon, will be at"cbe at -he d� -bec�ime iummanageal, land Mr.;Snl �rsj 44 to *0 Vning A. 9, Meflislis wras, r�somtted ever 1eard. He Itc(ak a deep i t u enf hotel, lensall- oil Thursday, Jul, The- 19abbatu, sc&biol pli,Th gerialMs bush. A-ddresse*.�wili A yocil. Hours be 4111A ftUed -for partment. In Ithe mewtime, ffie,Op.; kin vinig It'he I TO p. 11 Olass'es property 'Acted iqxjwtf �ped rm (tihe ri, -reoei' - 4,# - 11 b IRW I with a 10d1d [headed ebony walking eat I (the molrk and siribuial wet -1 hPidnic Under tthe uspices - of t. jAm- livered, mingled with muide, 1 -ti -f posittba. ere sualt after at the Oper:c injurYInla:med.--�The -imembefra of Exe. sti,ek as a Ittaken. of fh Mea ietiteom, fare lot Ithe oom�min.ity and as Ifore,.; G. J. Sutherland has -had placed in big hands at a drNes jkbba;t1L! ball and otlier s15�rts. �Evorybody of Mr. iw� it. PrAron, isowdl to Bayfield . 1willso.. lander --ter 11 Masonic, 1;�de . w4l - ttelad Whei grealbargaln, two fine lorick d,wellings with a nuin. WP -Av Lord Straftheorf, was l I _�i,n whidli fhe was held by (the traeka- most lin. evoky good vilark. ro on Tuesdfay dast W and Mm Eyre of -as It Itibe ',hewd. of Tri*itt IMOMOTiM idbittrob'jin' a body ber opf itbe lodge. , was lots attached to cachi A good clitance for a Ias In, evor_y way �krpurb , .0 to.choloeAt# ,the mnolh. ht laVorraygatizattiotri 'Mr. Melligh is i vine tof itifte first elders of paff,s retired fanner or an.vine wariting fisc-elass dwell- a igr.Tnd istwcie)ss. . The weafter ey vsited 4at T. Wxe:Ws vo..;___*___ next 8 andfay af termoon, ot- 1two Ings at a bargain. Attic cheApe ropercies for sale. -I a PoreAer. Suinday last. -The (farm n. dburcill, (McKii1folp, and many --ml W h ai�` a`L'3!7 dem'OL-ndinlg Mr'. Prestidn's atcek, w(hert (the services *ilf (be He lefif ]of Apply at once at the post offlcc, Yen*. -I. 197&L Ullightf, hd ithe: tiura out of ilbot niow IF dismiasiWl ItrAllis impillted efjWrtsit-o 'c'on- I HramoJs vii Monday ind in. �he Yf1=9 ipeioplle iof -8he ei old and brdmwg Village, known as the ibaey,. f�&T= -dumted (by. ev. F. g&b'WN0Odo Great Sacrifice Olearinir Sale. -Owing to t large. The drive Pre' 9015i he seas- O'st Bond 1MA artiz, G- No'vv'to`n, Of ; illeantime 9ft's ItIo ie head of ficie of somee -of Ithem 'minisitbrs of 03je, on bel ng backward, and 'our store being'arowded tky the Jak It owa Wag M2 13leaSant was.purehased Alhis week by M�ewrs, an immigraints to this Pnr�dhdl,_ h Violus It Ithe deparituire, the MetrfWolitin (B -,=k nit Toroin-tio. ly Itrain- with goods, we have deelded to out the price oil the frbM -old *vre t OUM-try. Mr. Munk, the -Oppositin f Mrs. Tbomxq JoibIns,:f1o1roin[t (Ed- I F Pel, 10We malmd1i of their car goods slid inake thelli Tfi ia d t1he beautififl breezes Fitzgerald and Fbo'binwin, f -the i 42 leader If rom Qnebee, (has igivdni ridaY of Iths week ia� %be -date, ing Itol " U10.01le J101hinlk " bible citay3g. Ove quickly. All must go Uke tar<gn (wre most eT !getti!ng the elaSt half and Ithe at a geat sm!rifice, and right at thi first of the seas- The eoinipttiny o[d% ward, Who Ladies' Aid of Jame`9�, of the Iseed invtititito to e NiBld li He did lin'tileh gio(clid -in hda �Ijay wdd latter the iwe.* haff. The 4m*t, bmf tice, What- the will move J)or Mrpras.� -at ' on vi hen you require tl�e goods, ThIq is a Kenuine als(a, was a: Very 0­ reet Metillisit- c(huroh.- resented , Br�uisgojs rand *111 be addressed] by Creneration iam (he iarnetily. IT sale, commencing Saturday, une 231-d. Highest 19Teeta-bl xio,' all 'gbjug in is only divided by the roaa, if rom Mr. I pride paid for produce, itd,n's ntlba Hpu!Re. Wtho he -with handsoine gold brcqo&.-7 Simpon.,Rennie, of Ton.ointio, The accordiaig'Itio bis lilits, to 40( ib.is J, W. Ortweln real gVod itiline wdd al bNa is Id -dire the wholle -u. Fitzgeralds 150 azreo, uxua. oirnlerly of (bbds on.ing sessitaln will be -held at* a p.m., dmty Ito. Qqd Wnd M 2010-9 !Wain, 200 res tonly divided by be isdussd will Mr. U. W, Weilsib, f, wheit1her they were, and Me ipublic town, (111as 1gone i, an. He leaves a ZWL mto bustnss 1411- Oedl- I On the 1farm of J ea Briefs. -Mr. widl ifihwn be in beRer poslititoin�to am s enis., widow buit 06 fmily. Tbe respeoe Kele= and fami 'W'* every Ver�#Oin!bad a =Wft' ttill in ­dif feruf its -'Rev.lftl 9-Unlial Bak., and Mrs. WNION aind, 5adge. Sn It[hie meia.,aiti df awn, fter �*Moh au.* adjourn"- eVter�tained Ifr-1him ini.ttlw (clomniv�a-, left Illeft ItIlle first 'of Ithe week ;for ilayable Aay, tn,,b aeeidedt E4111gh ill prea*h J=rull me it may isafe- &AagIlliter (left wo6k )W doin d1im or 401ther w3eetw y The said Itbat terlf W ill The ''ade,f0t thie Itio hall. It itY Nvililere (he' -bad lived so, lioog twas MitcbAl where (Mr. K-vieba moorts Untoward ven't =1010. hero Ion ftbbah 1110tt. -&th Mr. , Prwton 1has I tjher�._A 1promisinig V,6u!d'g buIR11111effs -sNoftild be wn interestiig mie�gti]�9. I Imianifested by tibe. large'. inium bie, Ilyas trftived a bVnuis -to engaigI the a�leasu. The laai Dadman book in the exoux�sijm to 'proved thimself a lao;st ehs' in it;h W*M' rgetio, and mla!n., Mr. 1,TdNn C. Wei ,Gouad, Is' le Ifou-ndry business. -Mr. X11T_ never XIorg*t.ful, 4veek, -efficient official and admirabl ber w1bo, 'attended th& fu!a.joral an Ibla dome wifti, well Y a�Xrs.: Ridbard G -aid, _�iof itt tiri.- apted 'far X&e ape wialf la'g-e died in LbIndloin la9t- week, 1froia SatQrday�and thus paIid Qie ila:ot difick opher-gon is home 1this meok iffllplAed baskets end sio!oo. afteT the .pial wtork in I Tuckersmith, he has Won engaged and iftat th,'h- tribulte mif iriespecit ItIolt he onemory. tolf from dath!6 Miiting his paiVats, -Mr. lorrival of tile c�ompany in itiho, bmu_ Hills -hommotfa'ge of Ithe brain. He �'was (ireen. tar I' ij.tria (Weddin!g.-At f ive -o'clock ''one lof MNom mimb 'gjo(od iflaudd be� =.d Mrs. Wx, Xoftrs,6n 'Df� 'this fifial arOve, tialblies vvee-re s' ±ead an& notibin',g as been proven wb,!�h 37 iyoars tolf a!ge, and Nad bevn On:' 19119- un ITuesday aftermtoofii last ivibe beau,_ Baid. 'village, iafter fatuaber f re2n. to would tfugtify his beintg cengure..'d, TR* Tnerial . Was one of 10he an absenoe, of mine io1st biotintlftly prO*1ded it -A the vicinity took in it!ho k exe, ed in fUlle tiaitork g b, ioess an +iful tresidence 'of r.. R. D. Bol 1,. -11argest ever M. eE in the Itownship. YO�Lis. The suriftise to his pareinits best'ithe Wudh (less beibg dismissed. do -a 1dWV1EI11tT7 cbruld supjil�r, ana the Wtst on Tuesday.-mr. ja Ifo some Years. : He was, ivory i,of Ithe i2hd Idoncessiou was the Is Meg The Frenoti OM-9dian junrnli' Nv4s a very leasan one amA it is lneedle%s tiot 0, gr ably Irespeefted, land Ibis Aeatilil is of fasiblionabl 'say thM, fall, b0th TroYer, teelegiraVh opera7tor` jDf -e' Mnqumara by hame, a�f whom 'and relfty dtas the -was formely oallo, ld alad y1ouing, Pat dWe a severe be-reaviomont t'g [big pairootta heartily enjoyed thiw BY!% s tviBiting vn di:01g, Wh" do ftbe presence, i6f lover, turiC4 was ivat taa pleased 'LID, -,!sit Hen�_ fiatare of ithe Ivade anoai6n da9t week, ,v-,asaga;o nhd f riendsibere.4-Thk!� XoTMT-.Elliolt1b one N hime, Nolt.-Tthe excursion to the Ex- suil And folotte the =elny imprioveeat tiAg as M104 !were tal !roof. -Te Misses McQuaid ITA unday aited before Itthe Bar tot Ithe (Houbei horse Vase, itried heire; lasit tweek In, Ford, Isedood yoiragest daugh1ter of gind qineo�t lold.friends.-Tpi tho XOot-. viands mimt UPPOtisingf. This f0T h!aving Isaid nsty thiniga i U perimental Farm 6 Jmt 'h'uogry 'e!uVulgh trD 1n4ke, the McLean, iat Sealbrtih, spent S I !L0 e., t p p Cie h n. its Phe 'division l000urt, creale at Guelpli, m Fx1_ b(all in tc;h loln Te- at Mrs. Jaines Hoanls sr. -MT, 'on d cOnsid- Mr. Odho. 'Eyord, -of this ItIownighip, day aa,*, W" weli pWtronized [by ursdy veiol& 01 mainder f It -he day w" iv _.. I was United' b! mArria!ge'tv r. 9, far -week between Zuric anA,H;dm_ fancy odiotated and i'OVV�r�* eVeining -Varna bamk,-Mr. �aud Mrs. Walker Vapor about 'Hon. Mr. Roster rable finferesit. MT.. IW _jEt. Elliott, ePeWle - t1i Love thee t4s 1000askin, -however, Mr. F'ioislter tho,well-knowin thorse iy�yer, of Coin- Mrs of Itihis- disitrict, _410 laro Ball Our �819.ter' villa for ,undoubtedly tgot itih worsit a titas Eratila, - Igurdbas A. Bolton. IseccYnd sion. of' tAbraianli alway on iffie lok-4fliat hor, nw Andrew ge� when the bugle -;,vas sv�waed f the T.ii;ited the lat-ter's eiff_� MT- Cingumars ed a h�orse from Mr. Bojtion, gisq., of Ithe - tb%vinOip lof pointers wWob WaTmay )left heret vn Tmes- h1ome rip Jn-iitkhan hniaY be of advaidtvge djay h -,trip I MTt�or, meTablant, of Zux., itiber'"'as a mi0ty t -red UTSi Itthe Wisfts Mo-Aillioter. d .read -a &atrfi,& in I -b -is -ovvm defegae Usborne. The bridal 'pa.rty -tk-.lok to ttihem in tto the, we-,st. ��ere but 4011Y '010MIAnY, all fee tin �mstifioa�o`n f his dtridta idh,'I�aying if Jheir Istand itinder am arch uf bew e 1heir owiling, Thi;s jot lioirl it 0100, - and gave f u- one - 9)f ft r was last summer and bliz.ke of they 1had tonjoyod a lig hat few. dRYS,-11189 Mar A. Troyer VD* his ichequei iforla'n ad7d�tiv>nfil $1100�. 1 tiful ide. eawns for ftoir oaccss, 1ooajtin;,g in tUe fut.ure as he tfit, mlost Ple"-xnt ln� Itihe exeurgma -Ibo, GuWph- R uio't,ed1B)ft.ra0&,xf Tx fw,__f4,__9 ign, beneath icb ailutow d VIXtinlZ uttS r. xyj&rnor ir presented the horse! tihe Iflo —6 1A=W. Vnexe -Dr. 0. do '900d as Ifibme, VVVde t Wnt a few days the m1pimitY ral bell wridd Ithe icerfemiony 'Lw4 ue"eir k>r =or$& 19UO-4 tbe climate Iflhere well suittled ibo­.hAB is At,' pljaoe� whieh' wetift tID "W- itibalt; as 00und,''bult Mr. E OM00 farmers &-Canada itIhiow are 'Viott, wthen Iho was 1perfOTmed by Rev. Z., Vt. �&Oj. hioalith.-Miss Ffances lReynolds, of -hlonie. Alibloagh, 4t mway not W V9.1ft it 1ng f rien the JT�Dn- 199RUenilam has 'Nolt a very9k 'got 16he borse hotae, thotigbIt 'to be Ifound wiftin a radius of ten T 1b&O, ds (W(yine visi 0 ds._Xmsrj fWillija�ij at IsGret Smith, of Heosall. The bride looked Or f ifteen, Wailes iln_g ber� par- Itio, partiotilarize we are sure ,fhAt Injo jb�hjn. COngtt, Zarjcp�.-Xr. U- ernts.-Wedding belle are agiiiin Person will begr hu've, voine tjoi tba WWI Dthfti sod 11 83000tilh- ItOngue when Aea1ing with in ifront, -and accordinigly cancelled beautiful in a malgoificent rjyb� of Bur %md e Itter"t - g their propez West, tV SPY odt the JaZd aud enjoy,,; 19S pppfDlxnts. On 'the wthole Mr. t1he ldhectiue lfbir 011011, 'Which- Ible, (had flowered ldhiffola over 'cream taffe- nmell (had tfbe misfortune tO 10se� ringimig din' this Viclknity.-Mm -A, mede oit 0 M a lg&od (hp V6,4for' w0ulld rse by -dea&t a few Asys WO1AY WaSIV011I a Well eazaied hKiday- Wave done botter ihad- given. Mr. MerIner, &ocordimjg`1Jy s.uie-d ta, "d wearinIg Itthe --briftl ivell ago. Youmigbinit kft here ion Tuesday he treated the atriot-aires of -wlbidh -The Vou:nk man Hudimain, who for (t i4o% -hie- avest tio join -her lhuabaao f 4, for (Uhat amonnit. Aftdr listefiLaig. to faste�nsd do positiom by orii!silgo bhos- coinfessed 'bo itlaking money from Itthe wbo t1ve ift he Oomplained AWIlt-h indifference or ,a #great grist of 'expert levidence ifor gonis She was nt tourt tihere soma =0in(t1ha atbvnded by two, stoTe of RWn41e *& ISO he 04ludd bave Soiu!ght redrosi in -and at cousim,as bridesmaids, Miss gainst itth-e otointenti.on 0 MAge decided -becoa Nol­rls, Aof Hibbailt, eadh wear-; bumero, y signed petitto f m er 6-n a faraical ptibbeedinIg _udh as jUhe tweig.ht lthxt 'blcksm, of Seafort1h, umd Miss Be- few (days taga and in frespomse Ito w ----------- of evidenze ain- the Wc,drts tinotead 16f be�ng Ithelead- Emma befare (,Xudge Doyle in tm, Pame 'up ago 'On Id PDOsPecithaig trip and de-( solandness, ffibie 0 Glo deridbi ti, cidied ito 1-0oate in Manitoba, While weint' to we Tegret losi a orse is 0-st tilitat 'referred itto. ]Rowevejc, Sir Will- 09 good 'in-eighbotra 1%h0w t1111901t the horse was rou:nd "wheta ing tan elegamt MI In ro ke X r . "d Mrs. YJodn:gbM1t: we frid Laurier reose to bhe 000' MSWO land and becoming vos-, �t&is )district asking foT a saved'fte d1jouse friom baeomin!g a J�udgmen� IDT ent wish iflhiexa all prosperity. -Rev. W. [Elliolft ipur6hiased it, and gave 1allne df oTeani silk ellene. TWO saMence, Itthe. Judge permitted- -thim J. Dobibrty by beina, allowed t s in- 11ondov. rattendigg o ron ana struggle - With collie av J4 i�� �", It1bie plialn/tiff 'fiori Whia I oflusins of Ithie bride, the prettity lit- Us Uiberty,; on suspan S _Avi I me:rk fflor ridloulle. He refutsed ibo� f till lamouint claimed.-Antoldher ilioj!se ded t3,enitenee. t-ble Sytiod. Mr. G. 0, Potty is also U not in the bowels resalts. Then it's too perk While ihe adinitted"tUt -spm�,of it'he' Mm will PTOve there es 'lay deleigato, fr* maWter ag a Sloke and case was decided at GodericIN tlast Braddfoat, (of flibbeft, tdade daidlEy. a Jessoin Ito troat It1he tle Id'aalgibiters lot Mr. a!nd Mrs. ,Xas, It is Ulped his ex fill a week, before JudKe D 1him for Itbe (rliture (and Paul's 4bluirc(h. oyite. Some a:nd -Wharming flower girls in' dres- _Mr. jvlyv, abeph6rd late to give a rem- a CLY- 0A striotureg were felt time la��fy !Lailit'a ]3eatitie,, mp, m fftt 10he -s friends, is improving 91 IT; good offices 6f lh! o ent. ses lot White 'Bilk. The 'groom Ao(ok­ and (tibe Renietney -off Ithe, �udge, will Ithe appearance -of his wa& mappar 4=08 Pat 46ft W %W Volusin, Mr. Jolhin Gleinin, of UsVo,,rnt. barn job �Jhas f arm lwbio always keeps 3iis -d a bronaho (and 'bairmess with -Mr. 41hromigUoult . 'the servize by -Mr- He-firy V01- repainted. Mr. Shepheird is ope of ny that it he joffender 14 fiome qeSpecta ngent, iolf itihis 'place, 'traded a bp-ggY ed Us lbedtl and line, residenee, by bavlmg it njeely had Wne ittoo f ar, and Ithat while �Le for Led 0* be waisplaoeld. coulld toot Uastify Mr. FogteTls course Henry 8,uhmor, and t1he horse -not -his ts�nd, dr., ds eredtimig 'a large iniew our riti Ma a Horse is 8 -in bringling �bho matter bef,Prel -Par- being Idelivered aeoordi-nig t, am Ithe tBabylo !%e The weddimig imarch was played an line. The hope of his baib�ny (frien Premises la on Al mmner.-Rev. T. liament, 'it 'thaviag cpme 'u�p iin, It -he Pu'nderatandivx at !tiho Itime by a dose or two of EQUINE COLIC CUR, Vi do' Liarkiz, jof VaY tit klid it dhioudd The Idealit wit -h I iti�ade, Mr. Beattie- 'of lthv, 'the olin: by. Mr. 7arvis Rioeton, is Mt it may be filled to, ore igea&rtb, dojivered rfl young, -elic. ry year- by fte Truitz I...,.f 1h is: 24 e piano ing)eve Ow clellon't 001nlons in Carmal oh -arch 470r,;.Ipremises, Wild Itook -away ,,by his �Isfter, m-iss.- Evelya ff,6rtioo, fine on ftbbattibI last in ta maniner becioming t1he digdityi Wonft itD' ' MIN whv Wias Imcootinownied on, Uh given at the right time. The grateful testimony �af a body aufth as the Parliameot .-Mr.' Shaffer and 'of doze au, �g -4h bf Canada is, an:d (he aoctordiavgily fa He- was "VIIiinmVned before ",d :whoi -j faTins.-Mr. Philip Sippell has; family loft ns of horsemen more an bear out all Ith o(f magistrates for theft, lWnd .10o rendered beauti- reovvUY IPObTpleted here on Tuesday Till at for bencih 62 f0d-t 'Well their new ft;ne, in has ever been claimea for this wonderful remedy. moved ra Motion censarinig 811.e f ul tand appropriate �3eledtions dpx,- Parkhill ancl Ithe .,of - -was fdismiased, but Was aga: n, Itaken ingith Ififfering of cangrattil. f-otr Mr. 'P. Ek"e�--Migs Claxa 811- -will be (missed by a large eirele fender f1or 10he virailence of it -he lan­ ap on it1he same ations Be Wise, have a bottle inyour stabler—$1.00. Af ay U )of -0har Ohanan, Itlauggilter of Dr. Bachalvan, '-friends.-Mrs ge aind tomm�t_ and itilie sigiiemig of the tregiater. Tbe 0011111 Sbepherd anelat 10omplained jof. 'This motion Ited. Judge Doyle, however, hhs lipassed (her final iexamifnattioh, in I t.he Vast. weei or so with., 1friemils do. ar _IviTurn was carried', unanimously 4atnd dhe t of bblei icere- drts (at To"nit' lep" ed ant -34 S011d de- MoTo limpressive par� save 8- 200. Pr I cided t1hWtAthe case was nc& om,of n; W-ony %over, 0 UniveTsity, takimig. thd vloini,(T Dy 3ouxneirst, -$'a& rembred Whis Ifedtal sideA tof ithis of KipPen.-T-he rains Aid*. illa!bare, and 14hawid r am t1he hOnors, ftaid ds Mw a: R. IA. 'Miss Of It -his k*st: week havo Wpe.d ttl* Ohamber been broiu�gjhft by -tilie up in, the divisiom Isidered, wzid all tBar,aid esoorted from tihe have h'aP'Py ve-Oa6110n: 'Wag 'now "Uot be acin,- iRuthhiian is a remarkably cleve'rf blay and Vt-a%r OTtops, and were imuich _­:EAU­1ft Sargea�nit-;A-Arms, repalr6d, Itd ltihd Jdtadenit land in 'Wa !respec : is t4j_ laraidvt ooturt, a;nd ibie accIordimIgily hoinfarably dinWg T#Dm, rMhere Ilaviahly deoor� I eers lof his friends. I.Te 01 -as bee'jR disolharged Mr. (B -M,.r. 0ha inig In ItIlie foot&eys f r f1be, 0h ow needed es tbhe meadbws ii. ALEX, V V _J_ 0 _NAj� -0 --A n a m, A. a1ed ftgbles were ladsh wFE1hTetresIb_, tibers and Isihe is to N immortalized I anner! Itax, were istiffering.-Quilte, a larig FIRST DOOR NORTH OF PICKARDS, offated Uumber Prbm Hen6all A and vicinity 'UH -At Perkins, la'n lolld and b3Mdh trespecled MOts, fte lexco6l1enoe oT Which could on 1her sue e lfi e SEAFORTH, 41 Xftnas 0 is.- R id's tradtion Wok tadvaota!gie of t.,jle FarmerW and ONTARTO. - Z-