HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-22, Page 3N1 22 1906 06 :wwiviagitt 4;*wgiWi0MitMMWM 4sa44.E.weit eS nothing too. good into MOONEyS KERS. The bst at Canada mins, the tter and cream that mous dairies can and the best bakery in Canada, vct them into the ,ct.ors you i. -.ver ate- ney s zfecUon min Sedas "are pod eating any thc.- time, inviting, toothsome. eteetteettettetet At all Gro.- Cer4 ALE. "°"'"*.r.••••aa.aaaa it EEP ANDR N CATTLE; a -The undersign heti for sale see- eeester Sheep and Durham Cattle - +treat laemorelsille P.0..or apply I. TueLesmith. ROBERT CHAR. 1872-tf L.E. For sale. thorobred Short. th regietered pedigree, 23 in_enthe car. Ile was bred from Vice Chan - !London road, Tuekeremith, e mile. i.JAMES' PATERSON, Bruce - WO^ tf ' Shorthorn Bulls, also•eCNVO. imale and of 4,1 breeding, I 1 agrieultural hoe; Ood workers. Prima Alsoeth Century for seed. DAVID, 1993if eseven fl tis young.- .ows, for sele at mod eaey , good young cow.; and - la J1lintereite1 are eordially ese herd. Farm adjotae town, be to lama Write for cataloeue. Itataf eTO('K Sa.1K-.-.The under. st for eel:: on Lot a7, Coneeesion st a aunther of heifers and yotteg foot. leerarling bull, 1 Berkshire . ?keit good anima/. The abase :eonsl in the National Stoek Ree deratiaterras eass , sisitore weleonree effaP. ( I. 19fyq.;'tf heal lettle and femato. a air ade, about two .dozen to seed aearealle. aft.rd now headed by lie le got by the best aid strati. on both sides, glossy dark - ",..441 MI on short I. Terms a- 1 insured ; others on applieetione JOHN ELDElt, lime -ail P. 0. 1980.tf SERVeCE Thw melersiened has rets WHIM ROLVI, Tuekersmith, eirheinlaill, bred from import- terie the time If men lee, with the ;anine. eLat!to h sure. .1. B. 2008e4 irBrien will keep. eittst et. on Lot 27, Con. ell bred bull. Lord Dundonald." a sired Trumpeter " ere-ses of imported Mood on the. lenalooald is of red color and or .741 ter grade muss and a.5 for. easalae Deeember let. :wet. F. 20o3xtt fa) Mala moo.. • no. ro, • W 0'5 r13.051,11,000480 Great _English. Reined:11, n.i(d illidinvigoratestbe wholet `Ala sastent, makes rlesr ia old Veins. Cures Arerv• r atal and Brain, TVarry, tVef tkness, SPel"" Eircels of Abuse Or Excesse.8. - x ler Ss. One will pleaSe.abC jev all drug it or mailed lat are-. of price. New panzpiaa- Te Mead IVIadicirre Ceaa ape) Tar -art -ft, Crraie ey to Loan! • e • •a ateon Re Fedatae - haerest. - tt"' Lean agent Mum:avid, Ontateue $1 Opens a. Account IPeople who go to the bank regularly and depasit a, part of their aernings, get something- more than exercise. WITH the money raved, they saelayhig the foundations( upon whicla A. fortune May be built. We credit interest Quarteriy in oer Sevings Department The Soveniga Bank of Canada nut, your money in a place .wheee you cao get it when yo e Wane it. HENSALL -Grand Trunk Railway System. Railway Time Tab', rains leave Neaforth as follows : 0.60 a. For Clinton, Godertch WIngham an Kincardine. For Clinton and Goderieh For Clinton, Wingbenr and Klucar dia. 10.88 p. m. For Clinton and Goderiale 1.58 es For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, GAIN, North Bey and points west ; Belleville and Peterboro and pointe ant. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, 'Mon. tteat and points east. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. 12 41 p. m. .635 p. m. 1.1/7 PI 84 1..es P• nt, Londeul fluron and Bruce. o Fasienger. - ereaN°13n.,1"--depart....a...... 8.16 A.11. 4.60 P *Om. eval WO 9,18 6.48 5.64 9.80 9.44 6.06 0.11 KaPP03--. se 4* *a 9.60 6.19 Q1Iutofl 9.68 •mao• OW RO use •• 10.16 6.85 Iondasboro 10.80 5.52 10.88 _ 7.00 Belgrave- 10.50 7.18 Winghem. „„ 11.00 7.26 Passenger. a fiotteme. Wingliam, deport-- ea A.m. 8.80 ..—.- 682 8.44 'Myth- .... 7.56 at 6 tonde44103..... Witt era .6. w• 7.14 4.04 -.. 7,47 4.28 e.• • • • 8.05 8./9 gavels- •...” es arc es. on. Os 9.16 4.41 Rona- 8,22 4.62 Exetel. -- 8.85 6.06 I Ceatradir.. ..-....- &ma 5.16 London, tar.rivel- - 0.45*. U. 6.10 Paamerston and Kin.oardine. Pos. Plani . Mixed 7.55 p.m. 12.4a p.m 6.80 CID 8.41 1.7 ' 7.40 8.51 1.88 1 8.40- 9.08 1.60 ' 9.00 9,08 1.66 9.10 Pass. Mixed., PaO. 6 41 sae 1.0.540.M. 2.40 pan 6.52 10.66 2.4�, ,4 7.06 11.25 8.02, 7.e6 12.60 8.18 8.10 8.00 , 440 zeta HOWE. 411210111101:1.- fibal.... o • 4Statitelfilr. woo: o.. • • 411, Ar tilghanl 1- If if no Souvff. essels.... ere VS Ir• alcaerston........ HOMESEEKERS' 1 EXCURSIONS VIA TO THE 1 NORTH WEST F1ETURN, FARES: Winnipeg - $32,00 Strassburg , Souris - 'WM Saskatoon , Brandon - 33.65 Prince Albert Moosemin . 34.20 No. Battlefosd Estevan "t. 4.50 Macleod t Calgary Arcola - Yorktenj . EGO Red Deer Regina - 135.75 Stettler A Moose Jaw 3640 Edmontonf '. $36.26 37.26 38.00 39.00 40.00 40.60 41.60 4160 GOING: June 6th good to return until August ilth. June 1Sth, " August 20th. July 3rd, " " Sept. 3rd, July 17th, formation apply to nearesteanadi n Pacific For rates to other points and cemplete in - Agent, or writo to C. B. FOSTER,43i8triet Passenger Agent, 71 Yong° St., To nte. - Sept. lith. is out oI Order calomel, cascara, salts, stiOng liver pills and purging mineral waters won't do any permanent good. When a person is bilious, the liver is not giving up enough bile to move the bowels regularly -and some of the bile is being absorbed by the blood. In other words, the liver is in a weakeried, Un- healthy condition. Now, purgatives don't act on the lieer at all. -They merely irritate the bowels, and afford .only temporary relief. Met FRUIT-A-TIVES are. the one true LIVER TONIC. They act directly on the liver—strengthen and invigorate, this vitatorgan— and put it in a normal, healthy onditibn. • FRITIT.A.-TIyES also stimuiate the of the skin -and regulate the kid neys and sweeten the stomach. When skin, liver and kidneys are normally healthy, there can be no biliousness, no constipation, no kidney - trouble, no impure blood, no headaches. No other medicine known to science is SO reliable and so effective in curing Biliousness as these fruit liver tablets. ItlaTIT-A-TIVES are fruit juices 'with tonics. added -and are free fron alcohol and' dangerous drugs. eoc, a boxer 6 for .$2.eo. Sent - on receipt of price, if your Net druggist does not handle Al FRurr-A-TivEs '07:41P them, r LIMITED, -111 gr OTTAWA. AcKillop Directory for 1906 ',JOHN M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. M. ROWLAND, 0ouncillor, Walton P. O. McQUAID, Councillor, St. Colum - ban, P. 0. O'OHN MoDO'WELD, Counoillor, Sea - forth P. 0. BYERMAN, 0ounoillor, Brodhag- en P. 0,; MICHAEL MEIRDIE, Olerk, Winth- rop P. O.. �-. EfOLEAND, Treasarer, Beech- wood P. 0. SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. Pe San- itary Inspeotor, Winthrop P. 0. Six Months in "2 in 1." A Consulting Chemist Makes a Novel Experiment. -An Unsolicited Letter that Explains It.4e1f. az write to state that on account of your "2 in I" Shoe Polish being criti- cised, and the charge made that it injured, leather, I made this test as follows: I mixed the contents of a box of "2 in 1" ShoePolish, bought at a retailstore fromregular stock, with four ounces of water arid let° this mixture_put a kid glove, and left the said glove in „the raixture in a. bottle from June 16tla'io Deeember 15th, 1905---a full six months. I then took; the glove out, washed it and examined it. The fine leather of the glove was not affected in the leapt. It was as pliable and soft as when new, and was not altered itt conditten, nor were the stitches affected in any way. This test, I coesider, proves that "2 in -1" does not injure the finest leather. I hereby state that these facts are correet and true. THE wards trdoving to Auburn, where the' ironkept hotel and from there, "g g". g ecI Brigden. He leaves a:large teens illy !Mast of whom are in the ;west. DISTRICT MATTERS. Grow tAlfalfa.-The Partner,s? Ad- vocate htopes to see a large 'acreage of .elfalfa seeded next spring'. (Ilhe area in this provinee could be ;mul- tiplied 'by twenty, and Still we would not afeve !half enough. *Sow it oirr the tstiffest (clay hillside yea. have, sow tit mione o. well-prepared Iflesed bed asing ltwenty ',outride 'of Iseed per acre. Once sueeessfully established, it will be a !grand boon, oomilog on first ofeell forage crops in Iserisse, 'and Imakitag a 'good growth eventn - the driest anideuramer. Sow alfalfa on (the stif-1ay lailloideFy. Cat it oat lit carefully, and. deed tit instead of bran.. ft will be ratuctlx cheaper, and dike clavier, will ira- prove Ithe dand. on which it (grows. Those who have:had muclh to do with alfalfa ,like best. j. M. "WiLuAms, Consulting Chemist, Tialisilton, Dec. 16th; 1906. e The Death of Henry; - The Mitdhell Advocate of last week Toakes the following refeience to the death of a genteenian iw-ass ;long land taviorably /mown tie malitOr in this teounittt: A.fter ten ill:nese ;of about a year, Henry Head, here died ran Saturday laSt drom !Bright's idieeese and heart trioubles He was In Mitchell a couple Of weeks ego, Aid on tthe. 3rd fete .atiteeded re- Stgieustservices tn Bethel ebereli. All that human ,tund isidiouss at- tend:0,nm topuld Idle tor (him 'Wag done, bat the hand of 'death ihad marked him, and as not to (be robbed of its victim ot toften is death to ,generally sand se deeply mou.rned, as the was rani and Streigibtflarward .in all (hi,s dealings, etenendb. ond true to ibis ifrieeds, with warmth ia teMpermament thait endeared him to these who !knew him. Deceased was among the early (settlers of Rol - tartan, wad ithreugh induStry and frugal (habits the tseouTed tor thimeelf and 'family lobe of 'the tmost idomfort- able helms dee the township. t/ittr. Heal was a cOnsietent member of the Metilsodiat shureh, and 'a life- dong Conservative. An !aged part- sier survives ihitn, tend three gains and Pear danWhIters. One !of the atter is -new epeeding• lalomeward ever 01:e Pecific blew: japan,' wtheree with. (her 'husband, she has been dab. tiring as a enissieen.ary. ........•••••••••••••••• The Late Jacob MeGee.-We -made brief referenoe kat -week Ito' Who death Of Mr. Jadob McGee, for tawny years a, prominent wad respected resident. lot Tackersmith rend Og- Impiadviate. Mr. MoGee (died tat the home of this eon -In-law, Paid 'Reid, in Kingless Itlowinelhip, mar Itackinow, role Saterday neorniing, ,J.ukte Oth. ffe was in !his usual thesetb, eend ewes able Ito; be arouse& and while talk- ies- with Mr. Reid was suddenly taken la,n,d 'expired. The decleas- ed eame it o this .distriet front Itthe *county of Pesl and settled in (ruck- ersmitth lableat 05 years ago, Selling his farm 'he retired Ito Eginonde vine and oontiesued to reside there *tarifa after Ube decease of this wife when he wentto reeide with his 0011.- Eeid, where he. (die& He was a remarkably trobast, active man for his years, being 91 years of age. Be was of a genial, etheterfut dispo- sitton and io;f 'nsuele mere than ordin- ary ;ability. He. was an extensive reader, a erase student, a clean - thinker and possessed. a wide know. dedg,e ot affairs. Ile was a fre- quent ;contributor to the isoduransa The Expositor arid dearly loved a oontroversy on his favorite glib,. Jects a thought and tesearbb. His wife died several years age liming interred in Clinton *cemetery, to which 'place dais Temains were brought Monday of last week, the services being enndueted by Rev. N. Sinew, of Egraentiville, ef whose .elhearch Mi. McGee was an ad- herent, The pail lisearere were his geandchildren. He leaves four daughters and la. sten, these being Ma's. 2. aeld. Kin!1ati3s ; Mrs. 'alolitn Sproat and Mrs. James Sproat, of Tueltersraith; Mrs. ;Henry Cook, of Kindless, and ija:dob McGee, of Port Albert, Sesatiso Iha.s a large nuraber of relatives in Goderich township, being on lundle of the tOonnells. hiSIs�f-' Heart Trouble You can Surpli Secure Heart Health I- and Strength through Dr. Shoop's Restorative. LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Planing Mill and Lumber Yards mos. • N. CUFF & SONS, SEAFORTH Eclat weakness whieh can be dealt with at an is nerve wealmess, lust as your hand trem- bles when its nerves are weak. when your heart nerves are weak your heart flutters and paha- eates. Other signs are shortness of breath after slight exereiser fainting spells; pain or tender- ness about the heart caused by irregular hearb tion as if the heart was sensation in the tbe heart isn't pain when you lie usually tbe left quentleethe a n d diffieulb smothered There is ab- ly one way weak heart. bringbace, permanent nerves. Can you thing else eau be Restorative w 111 strengh to the There is nothing in hie remedy to stimu- lAtA3 ; Dabbing that leeds to reaction. The strength that it gives is natural and permanent. It is just the same strength as Nature gives to those who are well. Dr. Shoop's Restorative (Tablets Or Liquid) creates atrength which extends carer the whole loside nerve systeui-lo overcomes the cause of the trouble as well as the result. Sold by action; choking. BOOS* ti the throat; uneasy \ cneet, showirig that - r it i n g right; 7 - a o ' \ - on one sidea. -,I de, hut fre- '7 ( r.aielit, Painful / )reothing; /C Weak\ That is to Lo treat 8,1\ , • 11-1L;e1.14.1) \ natural and ,Ilutely on- \ , !_,,i . s ler e IA feth to its '. ••• f . ,ilinguine hew any- \ s aer.f done? Dr. Shoop's-av• bring buck the eeert neeves always. Cook's Cotton Root Compound The great Uterine Tonic, and only eafe erect -nal Monthly ittor on wlaioh women ran depend. Sold in three degrees of strength -No. 1, $l; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, e3; No. 3, for spheial eases, *5 per box. Sold by all druggists, or sent Prepaid on receipt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : THE tO K MED113141a00.,TORWIT0, ONT. (farnierlY W frld4300 es1 If your Stomach is eak. If your Ilrfood. distr s you ' If you are Weals aed Nervoue, Use Dr, Shoop's Restorative One month and se,e what it does for you. Sold by C. Aberhart, Druggist, Sea- Death ef a Tackersmith Odd Iloy. -The Poillowine; notioe, es to the death elf alhona:as Young, witil be Weed with ..regret by his netny friends in this eeetien, as he was well. 'known as a 'Rahn* eollesol teaCher in No. a, Taekeremith, and -elso inStephen, and was a censin of Mr. ;Win. MO- DeV094-1, Of this viUage" Thomaa Ntottrig, a well Alcnie,WM •Gov.emarne.n.t officer, of Dauphin, Manitoba, eue- ourabs ite cancer. -Thomas young, Crown Timber Inspector, send eine of ithe most widely known men in the (Northwest, died, in Dauphin, June ,s1th, after an tidiness of a- bout six weeks. The remains Will be lakee to Rossburei for interme,nt. Mr. Young was a candidate at the last Provincial taleetion, !having eon - tested (Gitibert PMin,s ruing against Mr, Glen Camnbell. He isarvived by this wife, Cancer of the ;Biome toot was the cause et death." 4 Rtained 113rother eater, w4ho is Malt, in town, at an oyster supper. A number tel hotel -keepers were up before ithe magistrate for, la !yip- letion of the license law, The in- tortarant was a main earned iTinkess. Atter the court Tinkess was ADM- ito place himself under the proteotion of dm ofiee asethorities, and 'leave town by the !first train. CHAS. ABERHART. Wingharn Businegs College is a high grade Commercial School Three Courses : Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Pr in For the summer. Take ne with you on your vacation t ip. Write us for your films, plates, paper and all photo- graphic supplies. Our stock is always strictly fresh and chemically pure. - We give special attention to mail orders. Write for our 1906 Catalogue. BACK & CO. 4 Masonic Temple, London, Classed& 1 , 11111.11111141111"40' ,.....7.7111k , amiumall: ..........1.,.....mosson Bill ‘,11 Wittompupi, a 111111111LINLINI00011;la 41 famillalimelliamili 1741111111.11ri:Silirell. , 1,01011# . . to-ill1Plelt.:1111kag.v7rylibelliN;e111°b::figeilirivGESI'itylli:,:"-tylliYa-linireneei:11:1117t8ndinin:: . 1 I i41 CS E. -STAY FENCE atomism all MOH OAIU1011. bard stool. It glees no annoyance. Illustrated Catalogua froo-.ivo a..essntfia jramwanted. w i ilik_s silk w CO.. La al ITE.D. ..1 -I WIRE lr"K 14c - .... t i A Good Investment. Dear Exposit'o'r, -I' evieh to draw the attention od investors to what oansider one of the indet isrmesitmelst propositions on the market toeday. I refer Ito; the Robert Tell (Engine 'Wed Thresher Oampany stock. A number olf people are thirowing their moeey into tall kinds of wild -cat sethemes, Yankee swindles and .Can holdups, and passing by an investment zit Itliaeir very doors,whieh for profit dna Safety eombine,d. it is difficult te 'find its equal. .Since its inceptSon this ., cceneany hes paid a regular yearly dividend of seven ,per cent., awl, tin addition, atter cutting. off five .per rent. ;per onnero. for 'collection of nolte,s, "which 's fee more than neceesery, tour per cent. for depreaciation of plant, per cent. dor depreasiaticta of. plant, it (has put to the 'rest 'account 'about SIX per tentof on average faitaltital- 1Yr WIhiala freakily means that after paying an anneal dividend et seven per cent. it 'has inareased dhe (value of the stook 6 per cent. per sannuea 'Dast year -the -company refused work to the .a.ro.ounit of over $35,000 (On account of ehortage of Tdone ler turning out ordeTs. This year It IaokSas iif the ooDepany will be teem. paled to turn away between ty end seventy-five thotesaind dollars worth tot orders for the same (reagOin. Ors ders are teeming in so Tepidly, there, being some $83,000 worth of orders already in Per the coming eeardo,n, that the !directors have deoided to tell a few itholusand doliars more of stook nit par in order ft -O imeelt Some very meoesSiary eniargemtents to% the plant 'Parties deeiroas of invert- ing 111 this Most dettirable etook tor pereene wieihing to look into, the; matter *an elle- go by morseuttling 13e11 or any of the diredtors ler Mr. Gibson,Thnninion Bank martager,who' is ;thoroughly Ipeeted as to the safety and anoomaralon euccese of the 'eon - any. ;WILLIAM PICKARD, Seafor t h.. To Cure a Cold. in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quioine Tablets. Druggists refund money it it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25o. Setaforte, 'March 10, 18'71. The Liberals of North Huron have !selected Mr. Thee, Gibson, of Wrox- eter, es 'their oandiciate. His op- perseut is efr. W. T. Hays, of Gode- Idea. Mr. !Isaac) Carling will be the Conservative candidate in South Huron., Another new tor/loamy has been formed tor the purpose iouf boring Dor salt in the Sperling property, near ehe railway traek. The com- pany is lowmpose,d of Francis and "A. W. Sperling, lot this village, end - Mr, ,Iteang, !farmer, of Ilowiok, and Mr, 'Gray, enerdherst, ed Leeohvilite Yesterday, a bed tot salt Nve% struok et the Merehants' salt well afod depth tof 1,043 feet. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ms• esss. SS MO Sta,nley. • Death of an Old Resident. -On (Fri- day, tithe Stila inst., Another of the old end Tesipected residents of this towealidp-oassed Ito !her long 'reward. Mrs..John 3S1c,Derro4dtpa.ssed away at the good age of 88 years, at the home of lher daughter, Mrs. MoSeath. She had been ailing for some time, leo, that her 'death was hot unhooked dor. She was for a num- ber of Tiers a resident 'of cHensall, living 'with (her fate husband in the house now 'occupied by Mr. +Robert Murdock. .She (had many friends in our rimidst, 'Who 'Paid the last (tri- bute Ito Over memory by 'attending her 'funeral, 1Whiela !took 'place on Sabbath afternoon, Ito Baird's seine- tery, !Rev. 8. H. Oawers .offioiating. -She 'leaves six daughters to mourn the (less of a fond. mother -Mrs. A. MoBeath and Mrs. J. Cameron, of Sta.nlettMrs. Gilmour, of Tarn - berry ; iges. !Wm. Dagen, Mee. Geo. Logan, and ;Mrs. Delgety, of Mani- toba. Her (husband died a aulnaber of years la -go. Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned on behalf of the Municipal Council of the Township of Tuckersmith, until Saturday, June 23rd, at 2 o'- clock, p. m. at the Council Meeting in the Council Room, Sealorthi for the undermentioned cement culterts No. 1,—A four foot culvert between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 3, H. R. S. No. 2.—A seven foot (Advert between Lot 21, Concessions 2 and 3, L. B. B. No. 3.-,1 seven foot culvert between Lots 6 and 6, Concession It No. 4.-A four foot Culvert, between Lots 10 liaid 11, Concession 2, L. R. S. Plans and specifications can he seen at the office of the Clerk atter *June letin Tenders for each job to he made out separately. The lowest or soy tender not neceesarily accepted. G. SMIT,TaK, Cler 2008 -td ensala t • Notes. ?Ilhe Methodist chu.ich building at Alma, with its loantents, tare tio be eio.ld by auction, on (rues - day next. This building is 'one Of the old iland *marks *of the (district. -During the stern). on Thuesday evening, tile 7th int., the (lightning struck the !barns of Messrs, R. Ca -r - ter and S. McCloud. Fertunately serious damage was dlone.-We an- derstand th-e %lease in whicih Weeley tViodden 'is living at Ipreseast, was etruck by Jighttning he same gay. Mrs. godden "received a severe elsock, hut she has (recovered nicely. --A few days ago Mr. 'George Par-, bert sold a fine gelding to j. Oen- holm, of Intytth, for the ;sum of op. -During thie th*eavy rain and thuso- deratorra an fFtriday 3"linie De_tIlloggert twas lin the tad lot HilVang his horse when a heavy flaeh tof digihtning, clos-ely followed 'by (thunder, !frightened this horse. It &Shed aceoss the yard, Samped the tense and -tumbled into the *creek into 'Rate feet of water, being tangled tin the harines.s and. (attached te the baggy tatter the [fence. Mr. Ile:gga,rt ;facing dire sterm, having lost his hat, waded. into the river and. saved this horse, which dal a few minutes wooed thave been bey'ond resoue.-A former resident of 'Hal- lett, idled at (the ihome of his igen. near Brigden, Thursday of 'last week, in the oerson lot Yames Quigley, 'bro- ther tot the late Tletsrate .Quigley. Deceased dor a time, owned what is known as the Brennan farm, afters Hullett. a.* Seeforth, 'March 24, 1871, 'The elections in Baron resulted in the fretarla 'of VIVO Reformer Mr. 'Gibbons was (elected in South Huron hy a majority of 207, end Mr. Gibson, in North Huron, by ia. major- ity of 474. On 'Tuesday evening, the 13th inst., Rev, Mr. Graham 'delivered a, lecture in this Obarch, Eginendville, on "leaves from my .note book." A St. Patrick's dinner was -held in Murray's Hertel On Friday evert, ing lest. Among the epeakere were Rev. Father Murphy, Rev. Tho as Goldsmith,. Dr. Coleman, St G. Oaxeshey, Thomas Kidd, Dr. Vercoe, Dr, King end Mr. Hays, !Stratford. -1— Seatortile March, 31, 1871. Dr. Traoy is eleaut removing ',from, town, Ito take _; ttp his !residence OM Mr. tDayid 11/14)1sTanegilet has jutst re- turned from his studies at the Tor - 'onto :Veterinary College. se— If you, knew the value of Cham- berlain's Salve you. would Smver dris,hto be without it. Here are 'some of the diseeses for Which it is especially valuable, sore nipples, chapped hands, burns, fDost bites, chilblains, ;chronic, tsore eyes, itch- ing piles, 'better, salt rheum. and. 'eczema.. Price 25 eents per box. ROT sale 'by all druggist's In The Olden Days. ,Irso ,r4s, Interesting sketches of the early days of Seaforth and vicinity, taken from the files of The Ex- _ positor. Seaferth, February 10, 1871, On the 1;'3rd inst., Edmund Whit- ney died at his residence in this ell- tage. Deceased was an enterprising citizen. He was 09 wears tot lege. Fall vviheat is qiulated at 41.38 to 0.40, and hay $8 tiol $10 la ton. At a meeting tof Itihe village tc;ou.n- oil, Mr. S. Stark was *appeinted ;li- cense tinepectoe for the earnest year. Scab/aide Gebrae.rik 17, 1871. Mr. 13lailleS EICASS, of this rvillage, nioanpany vittlh. Mr, johaistop, uaf Wroxeter, have started a new abates dine e betweetn Seaftarth and Wroxeter. 1,1Mie handgoane siew store, recently erected by Mr. Thomas Kidd -will ahortly be l000tspied by W. Robert - Win & 0o., 'hardware merchants. ,A 'daring tregebery was perpetrated at heree tit Mr. Thomas Carter, Huron read, Tuekersraith, on the 9titi inst. Abort Iten o'clook in the morning two men drove up to Um hi01116e. One knocked on the door and whert Mrs. Carter opened it, he asked Aar iMr. Carter.He was away so the fellow Blipped inside and pointing a revolver at Mrs. Carter demanded ell the =obey they had din the holuse. Mrs. 40arter proeeeded triAlhe parlor, where she (handed out roo in bilis and tone silver, When, the !fellow left. It eteems there was a ;large sem et money and Some 'Vale amble 'notes in the (house at ithe time, rs. Carter did. net give Wheat oolistract t or *the erection of sy ;flax mill has been 'let Ito mes Kyle, itsf Tuokersmith. aloe ;the mill has been chang- now to be erected ton (the eatete, immediately in e Catholic ch:arch.- ' -jamtee Shuttle, the London cone viot whose evidence sent Hugh Watt' the British M. Pe to (the penitene tiary for employing *reeks to murder his wife, was discovered in, Winnipeg a, few days .ago, work- ing as a window cleaner in the Onion Bank building, Shuttle was given money and a ticket by the British 'Government end ehipped to Winnipeg on March 22nd, under the name of *James Edwards. He was a famous diamond thief in Lawton, and in the past t wo months !three big diamond robberies !have occur- red in. Winnipeg. He claims now to be re6oTmed. 'On his identity be- ing discovered the speedily lief 1 for the west, -Rev. ;Dr. iJ. P. Lewis, WU/ had been *Connected with Grace church, Toronto, icor the past 25 eare, died very suddenly in the Rosin !House in ;that laity Thursday morning. He Ihed been lin atteada,nee nt the Augill- rka.n Synod the preeious day end had 'taken axi active 'part in the Wee euesions of that body. Dr. Lewis, who (had dived at the (Roesin alouse for tsome Tears, breakfasted as manta in Atte morning, and afterwards at in the rotunda, 111 apparently his 'usual !good _health and spirits. Let- er the wa.s found, lying enneoeseiotie le ;the oorrider on the !floor (on whioh froom was. A doctor was immediately summoned, bat the gen- ttlemean, tete had been seized 'with an attack taf heart weakness, passed away within the hour. Be Was loon- Soietfe to the .Lat. atis a ion or your Money Back. Have You Missed it but up. The the In Mr. J The eit ed. It s Gotainece fear of 1/1//•• OW. IN.. . • aawmossema~scomezearae.affeeM vamoosnawanaimmenameaeg- Aza.setel *warms Have you missed w a- has been going on hare during Race Week'? , It's too bad. if you have, for none but millionaireS can afford to miss the Money saving op- portunity offered by our 'Flace, Week ,$ale. This sale will positively end Saturday, June 23rd , at 10 p. m This sale has been most successful, because our stock is known to be at the top notch of merit) and our reduct dens are fair and honest. We do uSt exaggerate, bub stake our business reputation on the genuineness of the following prices : Seafortb, Feb. 24, 1871., Mr. {Geo. Mee has purehased ilbe stook of groceries and provisions � the Messrs Shearson & Co. _ The CDrante.tie Olu.b gave their seooltad entertainment in. the town on the evening of ' the 117th inst., wihen ;they (presented ;the com- edy, "She Stoops Ito Oonquior." The thief actors in the drama were the Messrs, Carter, Jaraieeen, Jackson, Mate, Caro,erion, and Payne. WHAT WOMEN SUFFER. At all 'Ages They Need the Male Red Mood that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Actually Make. Our entire stook of Ladies' Raincoats, All this year's newest styles, fawn, grey, bronze, fall or length. Special discount 25' A woman needs medicine more thao •a man, Her organism is more toom- plex. Her system more delicate. lHer (bealth is disturbed reguiarly in the odurse of 'avatore. If anything (hap- pens to interfere with. that natural eourse she goes through unspeake able suffering. 3n fact the ;health of every function and the health iof ev- ery moment in a woman's life kle- pend upon the richness and regular- ity 'of her blood supply. That is (the simple soien.tifie reason why Dr:Wil- lie.ms' Pink Pills are worth* their weight in gold to. woraen of all ages from early girlhood up -they matte - ally make the rich red :blood ell wo- men need. - Mrs. Edwin Ward, of Brooksdale, Ont., says: "Per years I suffered from those ailine.nts that make the dives of so many of Tay sex miserable, weald take weak spells and become so nervous that I covild net ;go a- bout. My stomach SV;1S out of order end I frequently vemited the food took. Headaehes and backaches af- f Heed me nearly alt the time. Then I took a severe cold which tsettled on my lungs and I went to an hos- pital for treatment. I .had the best' of care, but the doctors !gave dite tle 'hope of recovery. My ;face la.rid limbs became swollen and my sys- tem rackedewith a harsh dry vette). As tile doOttsre did not *look hope- fully upon rny' csae I decided to ;try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, By the time I bad taken half o, do,zen boxes there was a deeided change for the better. I still continued to talset the pills until I had, used thirteen boxes, -and I am new enjoying kier- feat health. I have ne hessita.tion saying that 11 believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my We." - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eared Mrs. Ward by actuality making the new bleod ;her system needed. Trust Is all Dr, Williams' Pink Pills do, but they de it well. They (don't' tact ion the bowels. They don't bother iwith mere symptoms. They go etre:4a to the root of the trouble in theblood. That is why they cure all !blood ;and nerve troubles like anaemia, female irregularities indigestion Thieumee tism, 'headaches and backaches, scia- tica, nervous prostration, and St. Vitus' dance. Substitutes end imita- tions won't *are, purging meaicines, emly make you, worse, therefore yotr must get the genuine tpille veith the f ull name " Dr, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on. ti* -wrapper ti' round every box. Sold by all anedis cine dealers or by mail tat- 60 tents a box or six boxes for 4'.5o trom, The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oa., of Brockville, Ontario. , : 40.o. 25 odd .....1•010101101.4. Suits sizes 34 to 42, black, blue and checked tweeds. Per suit, A}5.t00 Some suits save you. $3. A Complete Range of Men's Fine Dress Shirts,full size, and made like $1 shirts, sizes 14 to 17, all new patterns, 750 Men's Working Shirts The Deacon Shirt every seam double stitched, buttons :sewn on by hand, gusset in side seams, and good long sleeves, size 14, to 17. Seabortile Mardh 0, 1871. The *Ontarie; eleetions will take plaoe ;on the 21st of March. The Liberals to*f Beath Huron, at their Olonventica at Brueefield, selected Mr. IRebert 'Gibbons, of Goderidie as their 'candidate. At a 'meeting lot the eouncil the following dioe.nees were 'granted for. Seafiter Oka Ta.ver,re-J. dnd P. Mur- ray, Robert Carraichaed, Thornee roster, J. R. Riess, Jas. Foster, Mhos. Knox, (John Crit, G. (A. Home ghton, and James McBride,: Shell, - Simon. Powell, Luke Beattie, Fred Veal, Killoran & Ryan, John Walsh, Tibias. Kidd, and *3'. 0. Daiddew. On Moeday evening dast the ;mem- bers 'of the Ocidfeillo.ws" lodge entere • Price a0c We are sole agents- 100 Boys' Norfolk Suits Pleats and 'belt, in neat grey striped patterns, in appear mace equal to a regular $1 snit' Special, 50 odd Suits sizes 35 to 44, blue serge, grey, brown, checks and stripes lined and made in No. 1 These suits wili save leas Ou Meni Fine Balb gan Underwear satin trimmed shirts or draw- ers, size 84 to 42, pi striped Ms odd Pants A large assortment of nice pattern tweed. Pants, greys, and brown, size waist 32 to 40 Special Boys' Overall in C4th, Black Cottonade, bib and 'braces Men's Overall Black, blue or stripe, bib or waist, 50c, 66, extra heavy weight 750 Men's Light Coats Black and grey lustre, stripe and plain linen, all sizes, $1 to $2.50 Special value 1.50 Men's ever Cotton, 3 pair Union, 2 pair 75% wool, 3 pair Pure wool, grey or fawp color, very fine quality ay Sox. 52 g5o 500 Speeial 25c blue derry, good weigbt and strongly made, sizes for 4 to 14 years old Special. Boys Light Linen Coats Tors guaranteed, size 32, dark blue stripes opeci Sac Lighter weights 24 to 65c Boys' Odd Blouses Blue and black stripes, will stand the wash. tub, size 3 to 8 years, made with Eton col- lar cuff bands &rd. 'buttons to side of neck, Special 5c Special Other special attractionspace will not alLow. thing marked in plain figures. One price to all, an the lowest. Every 'article sold subject to money back satisfactory. 0 -Butter and Eggs taken as - ash. STEWART BROS" SEAFORTH, rJ aminnellinium.101P,40"' Ark WINEweasionewmpeiva4 Homeseekere Excursion Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, GOING JUNE 19, JULY .3 & 1 Good for Two Months. Stop -overs anywhere going and coming For particulars and maps and ticket, see STEWART BROS., Agents O. P. R., SEAFOI For particulars of Homeseekers' Excursion rates See C. P. R. ad, on Page 3. "M.