HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-22, Page 2Purcel Successors to B B. Gunn YtikilaYaegaMAIONWINVMIA0V0 BIG SALE' of the entire stock Opened on Saturday last at the old Corner store, If you are in any doelet as to the values . we are offering, just ask any °tithe Many customers who were in to see us on, Opening Day. . We are determined 10 make the months of une, July and August red letter days to all purchasers in the town and vicin- ity. Space will not allow U8 to ennumerate the values of the different artic- leSi but below you will find a few of the many specials we areseiling. , • 17•4: - i .lnieVer saw anY reads thete, to. eumw I pare With itaYasO lot iStanley, ander I the supervisionof those gentttlemon. We are al 1w,e11 at, (anoxia. Wales, Gem Stewart, !Hobert XeCooll, and Oarry Armstmong aro in .their l'iatorne- 13tcads, 70 /vides west of, Saskatoon. Mrs. R. Me0ool lett II1artney tutjoin Iher husband ltbere tot -day, DRY GOODS Flannelettes of Variety, regular 10c, now...........7ic per yd. Shirtings of variety, regular 15e, now, 10e per yd Tiekings of Variety, regular 25c, now 90e per yd Cottonadea of Variety, regular 25c, now.. . 20c per yd Oresh Towelling of Variety, regular, 12io, now 9c per ed Sirt,ings, Cottons, Table Linens all at the same,. reduced prices CLOTHING Ken's Overalls, regular $1.00 a pair, for....n. • . 75'e 3ien's Overalls regular 75e a pair, for. . ..... hOo Ken's Smocks, regular 75c each, for .. . . 5Cc Boys' Three Piece Suite, 30 to 33, for-$ 1 50 Boys' Odd Vests, 28 to 33; f . .. Men's Tweed Pant', Underwear, Etc,, Etc., at greatly reduced prices. •CROCKERY Dinner Sets, 97 pee., regular 813.50, for . . $ 9 60 each Tea ,Sets,. 97 pee, regular $5.00, for. 8 2 o60 each Toilet Seta, 97 pea, regular, $5.00, for. $ 2 50 each Pitchers, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Etc„ at greatly reduced pricey. Oir Orockety -Department win be replete with the Choicest Table Requisite. Special Attention given to TEAS I COFF EIES and SPICES - Choice Table Buttcr Especialty. - Highest prices paid for Choice BUTTER and EGGS. WILLI MS and PURCELL Successors to B. B. GUNN CORNER STORE - • - SEAFORTH Ur num expoottov SEAFORTIL FRIDAY, june 22, 1906. Two more rJoranaissioners; The naidway (and MunieiPal Board rOomanission provided for at the last session iof the Igegislature, (has been 10Tgiatilized. The appointments 'were (made (last week by tinter iOntario Government. The 'chairman tie_ Mr. ila.mee Leitch, K. C., (of Cornwall, and (his vollieagues are Andte,w. gram, K. tr., at St. filleamas, 'Mho a•e- presented lE(ast Elgin irn, 'tate Do- minion Parliament and EL N. Kitean, wholesale !grocer of Harailtion. Mr. Leitcle iwill trepresent the ;legal end cpf itthe Commission; Mr. -Ingrain will, be (the railway expert, he (having beea a railway anaill before he wont into polities, having worked his way .from a breakman ta *endue-. ter and Mr. Kitson will attend to the business end of 'Me !machine. None' of 'the parties thaw leverbe- ererae eminent along their ispeeial -lines in private life. However, they wul nio doubt fill the bill. Their duties tor nearly years to oolne at spyrato, (whit (lett be liromerous lot 'burdensome and, if they 'have to tbe provided for at the nxVerfse they iiII, probably, do as little harm there as +any' place (else. Of oeurse, tate 'Commission (must have a secre- tary and another. lawyer 'named Henry C. Small, of Carleton Place, tbas lbeen appointed to that position Mr. Ingram ihas tresigned this seat in the =larminion Pai1iament. _ The salary of the !chairman, Mr. Leitch, (is $(3,000 and 'al Ithe other two icomenissioners, 1$11,000 each, while the eecretary receives 0;000. So that we &aye it.) start with tan nn - mai bill Ifer salaries alone of ft(16,- .000, the price of•tWo of the best 100 acre farms in Ontario, far doing week 'that lhas ,hitherito been done IrAre you a success as a bread - :maker? Is your cake and pastry complimented by your friends? If not, whose fault is it—yours or the miller's. you are success- ful in other lines, your reputation es a cook is vindicated, and it is plainly the fault of the flour. Look up the good bread and pastry makers of your acquaintance and get their flour experience. You will find that -most of them are using Royal Household Flour gladly -paying a little more per barrel - for it and getting, for that extra cot • a purer, better flour. For bread or pastry, it has n...) equal. Qgilvie's Royal Household— repeat the name to your grocer. Ogilvie Flour Mil{s Co., Ltd. Montreal. "Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," con- tains lee peee.-I f exeellent recipes, some never published before, 'leer -grocer can tel1 yoli how to get it PREB. 153 and IShaealld ti1I ibe done by the ,Gov- ernment. But there (bas etFil anotther Com - !mission been appoinalted and -which the iLegislature authorized kelt ses- sion That is toadied the' Hydro-elece tric.,PoWer )00131211188ion. Ilhis the cominission ttlhiat is to 'have the non - troll of the feleotrioal energy' of Whe Prtrfvince. It lis to be composed iof adn. &fr. Beek and Hon- Mr. Hen- drie, two 'members of the Oabinet without P'ortfolita and. without - Sal- ary and tMr. Cecid B. Smith, lam en- gineer .and a speoia1r favorite Of theiGpvernment *leo seems to be bard 'to satisfy lo.r. else (epeoially gift- ed 'as the is already in plOssession of several golod Government its. -This Qammission avtll, of •cidurse, 'require its secretary and all the other par- aphernalia and twill (likely iciest as mach as the Railway land 'Municipal Commissilon above referred ha. 'How- ever, Where ' is • some- necessity rfor this wommiesion although it may he years before lit is of muclh use. .41111111111011111111 Lax-ets-A Candy •glowel Laxative. • If Toil (have Oonstipation. If you have a coated -tongue, If Tiou are dizzy, biliatle, If you iha.ve Headaehee, Sour Stom- ach, ete,, 'risk 5 cents an ILax-ets. See for yaurself. Sold by C. Aber - tart, Druggist, Seatorth. From Ain Old Friend, , HartneY, Manitoba, June, 6, '1906. ' Mr. 'Editon-The 'Expositor is al- ways a welcome visitor to lour lhome end' we would not like to -be wit/11014 it. -Tdany changes have takea place since I (left Varna three 'years ago this month. Old friends have join- ed the "silent majority," and others have mine to take their 1)1 aces. Thus it hal( been ; thus it Us, rand, IL suppose, ever will be. Your readers may be interested in a few words about this !great Wet country. To begin with the weath- er, -we thad an exceedingly mild win- ter, with only a few weeks oold. The sprinig ihas been exceptio'nally fine ,and warm. A splen di d crop" 'has been sown, and the (recent ;wet spell assumed rapid growth. The prospects of an abundant 'harvest seems never as bright. Large acre- age has been .ecultivated, propitu- trus weather and prospedts of in- creased facilitiee of transporta- tion place this West of to -day in Li position .unrivalled in North America. It is a surprise to the. Easterner to /see the male on /which a man farms in this oauntry. (My next door neighlbor, a retired ifarro- er, whose boys are Still an the 'farm, has in 820 acres of wheat, and about 300 acres of oats. Last year the had 26,000 buSheliof wheat. After pay- • ing WI expenses this grain -would net ihim. !about fifty cents per bushel. You earl thus see why he is a 'retir- ed farmer. There bas been a won- • derful mignatien to. all 'parts of the West this spring. Thousands upon thousa nds liave been p on r i.ng in turning the " latent wil dern ese " !into thickly populated farming cam- + remains. The favored places segre to ibe the Saskatoon and Battleford districts. It is almost incrediable how quickly land has advanced in prices, and !the rapidity with which it is changing (hands. To -day, (good Sear ions Ilhatt could be bought when 1 ea me there; for $f7- an acre, are (being solcl at' 1 from $110 to $15 an !acre. Vegetation. is very rapid in this !country, 'and all' kinds of 'grain and vegetables grow much-darger extent than East. On the 24th of May I pulled some broom 'grass that an en s u d 25 inches 'of this year's growth. T naps 'looking at our people there .road - making with a grader heat week, and I was wishing that Mr. (John Sparrow and Mr. Malcolm McNa u gh- ton Were there. They, could make I their fertune tat that business, as • Yours truly, jAIYIES ARMSTRONG. Formertly ,M Varna. Horse. Breeding= Dear expositor, -in 'looking over your valuable 'paper, tdotat 'of 1lVtay. 18tria., I notieed a letter leaded, "What Protection lhas the Farmer?" Now, Sir, IL do not lenlow mho Kr. Farmer is. He may be a farmer or he may be a man NViltais travelling a. cheap stallion or he Irteatar be both. But I wall say tilass taxa the fewer men we dative dike him the lbeter for the horse business in the leounty df Huron whiclh, aeeording 1th-et last statisities, stood . second for having the highest average price paid for horseleading any 'ootrn- ty in the Province of Ontario, but the eatenty Of York, which was first. If Mr. Warmer is satisfied with •tising a Oano.dian -bred. 'horse, that would net make a tgood geld- ing n the odd country, the bee got, ail kinds of protection. I ami tine 'termed that some of the farmers are boating about getting foals fior laind rgaTrie of them 'getting diving foals two weeks- old flow op. Surely that ionght to be very agreeable protection for the farmers who wOuld be satisfied with Stallions seal as El have mentioned. Now I would like to know What +kind ot Searotairgbit Mr. Varmer would tarn on to beat this? ,if would also say to the treasonable, thinking farmers, What would 'our horses be in Huron eountty Ito' -day if It had :not been for ithe thorsemen who 'have one across the mean land risked their money in importing tgood, thick 'horses. We certainly ought Ito lencourage tthese meinand give them-- chance and you Jail know the't t stallion •costing from 41,000 -to 442,000 ,cian ;not .ibe bought an.d 'handled .flor terms lase those mentioned above. I would alsio say breed to the horse you (like and the those that -suits your mare.. no not breed to a 'horse y.ou dot not !like for the paulltey sum of a few dol - tars. And if you have the good Inca to get your mares with teal try a:nd pay the ihorsema'n at collecting time. (have known farmers to Ihave the money in the house wheln the horse- man came round collecting but would have some excuse to make, and if the foal came and dived he would likely pay for it some time and if it died he Would almost 'have to be sued. Now 1 hope that those kind lat farmers are few and far be- tween in this lprhperous horse eo - ty. Thanking you for the space .1 thaw taken •up in your .raAueble paper, II am yours truly, FROM A BREEDER. , iI Of twestern Chiliktia would ler-e long be a toothsome delecacy throLfgibienielEnrope land What her per-, Atonally . considered pickerel caught in Lake :Winnipeg and Lake andel,- Iha was as tasty a fisb OA 00 iliti. Oe caught anyw,here. The fish will be shipped tle Now t: ork, and thence iby refrigerator to Ha.mburg. ' =Mr. and -Mrs. W. H. Bedlow, of . Winnipeg, return the death of aboir youngest son, Melville, two years and six tnonths old. The child. pass - .Jed away itS the result of ft 'scratch r-eceived from his Vet cat. tithe [injury was received one tiole ago, and blood poisoning f?'it in. 1 -Three large hears attacked two young EngdiShmen, Oswald Lang - field and J. -Wthiteleadi near est -t even dast week. Thie men started to run, firing of their revolvers at intervals, but the anirnaik3 (kept on, tearing the oloithes of the ipur- seed. Finadly the pair crawled un- der a barb wire feriae and left thel -playful bruins on the Other Side, the big fellow's being enable to get' thro ugh. Painf wl. ear a tches were enstained by (the men. -A sad fatality coeurred at the home of Joseph Turgeon, about 14 miles north of Bstevan. His five- year-old child, • josephine, was play- ing about ,the yard, and got itand,er the wheels of 'a wagon Inantaining a; toad of poSts. The horses ssta r z ed off, and ithe child was ((Washed atu •Ier. the wagon, the wheels passing le er her chest. After 'the accident t" ,.., ,tittle one Tose tb :hen (ft land (ae- tempt.ed Ito !walk, but in, a Ifew train- 'utes fell .gain, and was jdead in an 110 u.r. z -John D. :Atchison is -preparing plans for. a •five -storey store and etfice building to be erected next to the Clarendon hate', in Winnipeg. The building will bave a frontage of 88 feet, and the ground-floicrr will be ,sub -divided into four stores. The construotion will be of the teliow burning type and the building will cost in the neighborhood of ot75,000, -From Saturday •tin:til Monday five trains oontaining over 1,000 home eeeklers arrived at Wi null p eg station. .1Vfost of them were 'young end middle aged. men from Ontario., Th -ere were 'seme women ,and a few( children among 'the excursionists. Tihe home -seekers were nrosittly bound XVI' points in the 'wheat be.ilits of the new provinces, especially Saskatehe- wanl Te ;disgusting discharges from • . She- nose and" throat and the 'foul catarr.hal br.eratle are quickly - die- penied with by- using Dr. Shoap's Catarrh Cure. Suoh othing antis- eptio agents as Oil Eucalyptus, Th.y- mol, :Wild Indigo, etc., have been in- corporated into a snow white cream making a catarrhal )balm unexcelled. Sold by C. Aberhart, Druggist, Sea- 66 pl sct forth. WIRMINIPOINAINIONPRIMINIM .0 ii ru • News Notes, 6.,..) ' If Tour istionradh teonbles you do net oenclude that there is nip cure, tor a great marry have been perman- ently eared by Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Liver Tablets. Try them, they are (certain to prove 'beneficial. They only Iciest a quarter. Sold by all dr uggists: Manitoba and Northwest. Notes -T,h.e assessment lot the towtn Araola, for this year, aggregates M411,600. . 1 -During the :past three moniths .298 oars of settler's effects un- loaded at 'Hanley, Sask. -The Canadian Bank =of _Commerce will erect a beautiful strncture sin Yellow Grass, Sask. -High. Rivers' reatl estate has trebled in Value iia a Wear, and is -now elose on to $1,000,000. -New buildings to the value of 0700,000 are now in course of icon- struction in Calgary, Alberta. -Masons lin 'Regina (have in tone temptation Alm building of a 000 temple. -IVIvose.Jaw Methodists are erect - Ing a $62,000 eleurch this Summer, and it will be opined evith a hand- some new pipe .organ. -In the vicinity of Sidney, Man - 'Aloha, wheat on summer fallow is a failure. Farmers are ploughing it up and egO winv bardey. The loss to the farmers is heavy. -I. A. Cameron, of Qu'Appeile, brought in plants of fall wheat Ito Wi 1 p eg =on Tuesday, which meas - twelve inches on June 13. It was taken from Mr. Oaineron's owin farm. • , • -The Saskatehe wan Go ver nroetn t are advertising for tenders for the supply of materials for the tondtruc- tion .of four concrete piers 'and !two abutments For a 'traffic bridge ov- er the Saskatchewan river ,alt Sas- katoon, -Crop prospects never Were brighter in Virden district. :The season !has 'been ideal, and rains copious, and the growth is phena dna:nal. The acreage is consider- ably inereased, and everythinig points to an abundant 'h-arvest. -On loattirday night last the !large backside warehouse ,of Smith ,& Ferguson, Regina, collapsed, and is a total wreck. It was built last 'fall, at- a cost of te$8,000. -A most enjeyable strawberry fes- tival was given by the ailadies of Knox church, Winnipeg, on the ev- ening -of June 4th. The _eteawber- ries were 'net grown in Winnipee. -A American syndicate 1 rcym Grafton, North Dakota, have - purr- -chased a 'block of land containing 630 acres in 'St. Charles,. rt (suburb'. of Winnipeg, paying $113,000 for Cc.. -An unf'ortunaLe ace i dent occur - red recently =on the term lot Mr. Wm. Oorey, seven miles northwest of 13randon, when hs littie one-year old son met death by 'falling into a tub of water. -Mr. IS. 6, Geteldthawke, an told and well-knewn resident a mista- ,wasi sk., met AV i tth, la .fatal (loci- de'nt a few days agt-N. lie -war:4 driv- ing around (hisiranch, when 'he (lest -.hoed of one Line, and, an Teaching aver the 'dashboard to recovie.r it, fell out and broke- hi,s neck. -The demand Thr farm hands in Manitoba and the other we&eri provinces 431111 cant ;ernes very keen, an adequate • supply having 'never been ferth-eoming nt any time during the present year. Tt will be woree when harvest In ild thresh i n g sLarts. -Mr. J. TI. Davis, of ;Winnipeg,hos just Raid four carloads of la nee Pickerel 'or yellow nike co we'll: tin Lake -Dila nitoha and Like Winnipeg* for disiribution • on the Eur-opean markets. One -ef the lamest fish dealers in Germany came eSpedially- th this country feoin Itarebterg itin make the purchase. Ife assured Mr. Davis that piekerel caught in (the he Red Rose Flavor and Stren MO -Ceylon tea nor Indian tea alone can have the "rich fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea,because neither vai4ey in itselfpossesses all -the qualities of strength, r chness, delicacy, and fragrance. Each has its wn pecuM7rValities, but each has ts w---eaknesses. By combinin0 the two in the Red Rose/proport ons, I produce' a tea with the "rich fruity flavor" and strength of 1ed Rose Tea, a flavor and strength found in no brand of Ceylon alone. wa Theds nothing too good to go into MOONEY'S CRAC ERS. The best flour ,th t Canada mills, the best bu ter and cream that Canada's famous dairies can produc and the best equippeo bakery in Canada, to con ert them into the 'best cra kers you ever ate- ooney's Perfection Cre4m Sedas They re good eating any time and aii the time: Crisp, nviting, toothsome. ease***16, Amee011.11.1 the is good liesa T. H. Estabrookts st. John, N.B„ Toronto, Winnipeg • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • e • • This la el • • • • *is • • • • 0it • ak* • The Label That Protects What do you look for style? —fit? —elegance? - quality? guarantees them, all. And you' finki it in res; -Brand" CIoIhing T B 01r11.ERS • 0 E10ESTER 8I1E AND SHORTHORN CA J -i FOR SALE. -Th - undersigned has for sale sew • end Thorobred Leicest 'r Sheep and Durham Cattle of both saxes. Addr s Egmondville 1'. O., or • at farm, Min Road, T ekesmith. ROBERT C IUDS & bONS. 1 • • • • • 'von SALE, -0 Yon • -112 and heifers, ramie& • also one general purpose they are 5 years old, ho the lowest and terms to and Black Tartarlan MILNE, Ethel, Ont. DULL MR SALE. .11, horn bull, with old, and red in color. cellor. Apply on Lond south of Brucefield. field P. 0. For sale, a thorobred 8b red pedigree, 28 =nth* e was bred from Viee Chan - n road, Tuckersmith, mile-- AMES PATERSON, Bruce, 200341 0 • et • • QHORTHORN. CATTL )0 bulls, 2 from imp° • ate prices and on easy te • heifers also for sale. Al • vited to inspect the be • distance telephone to • IL SMITH, Exeter. • • • • • -One thousand applications from S EWA Leachers desiring to study methods in Canada and the United 'Shales - have been received by the authorit- les in 'London, Eagland. ' Johnston, clerk of the , township =of Carrick; and one of ith,e I most widely known lund highly we - Bruce, lilted !very 'suddenly last week. I y L ter survive. ,z) 6 speeted citizens eif the county 'of A widow, .four sons and Ione daugt-, 1 • 11T -That tubereulosis is sufficient' ! ground Tor divorce in Caliternia, , was =decided in the Superior Court 1 'at los A:ngedes, when Judge Bard- ,- weal granted MrS. Charlotte T. t Scammell a decree because her bus- 1 THE BES band is suffering from that disease. I . -At the fa.ninual meeting last .week, , When you buy a knife for iestan p.t Ottawa, j. A. Stewart, lel (Perth, I consider the quality of the steel was re-eleeted Hig,h. =Chief Ranger l' blade. TInIbigg,estandh eavi es t Itm . necessarily the best. Now there is much diffeelence in the quality and st :ength of steel in fence wire as Not too much, just a little, just enough to start the bile nicely. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime is an you need. These pills act directly on the liver. They cure constipatioi,. biliousness,' dyspep- sia, sick -headache,. Sold for 30 years. We have no secrets! We publish &verve., the formalas of MI our medicines. Lowell. Mann. horthorn BM's, niroals and of A 1 breeding, and 1 agricultural hens; id and ood workers. Mow suit. Also %)th Century , Mean, for seed. DAVID_ 199841. -Seven first-class young- coivs, for sale at morlf- ood young cow)) aid are cordially In - in adjoins town, Write for catalogue, 1213-tf boar 9 months old, a right boost animal. The 03ostf- stock are all registered in the National Stock Be cords. Prices moderate,te 't easy, visitors welcome,,, RE/ rgreditor aliSporOsaKie OnilLoStA27.LE:—conneememsiton Hibbert township, a num er of heifers and young,. cows with calves at foot, IC.,, earling bull, 3. Berkshire DAVID HILL, Sto.ffa P. O. QIIORTHORNS.---Choice •red 1 )0 different ages for tale, bout two dozen to from. Prices reasonable. Heid, now headed " Countsylvanus" (56900). e is got by the heat scotch bred imported stock 0 I both sid, glossy rlaft red in color, and well set on short legs. Terna:-.... registed cows t5 insured ; • them on application., Visitom- welcome. .10/IN DER, lien_gall P. 0. and Station. 1 e e uanawan traer a.t urorescers , For another year. 'George Faullk- ner, of 'Brantford, was elected by ac- clamation as high secretary. -Mrs. Davis, wile =of Mr. Wme Davis, head (ef the Toronto =Pork Packing 'Company of Wm. Davis a oo., who died a short time ago, left an estate probated ,at V55,845.99. Of this amount orgo,000 is mash In the banks and the remainder is invested' in stooks. She leaves about li5,000 for nariousorganizations in con- nection with the 13aptist church end to,000 to the husband and the west Igoes to .other members of the (fam- ily. t -The =council of the University of ,Toronto have the awarded the Wm, Ramsay poet graduate scholarship 1 in political =science to Mr. John A. C. Mason, O. A„ tof Stratford, Oat. This echodar.ehip la open for mom- ' petition to all graduates of the 1 University, and ithe award is ;made upon lan esay, the. Salbje,ct 'of which ° &nit be 'sortie •question in reooinfoxreios• ' or 'finance of interest to the loom-, /penile' community un Canada. ' • I I • -The rdeat1h !occurred a DeW days ago at Oakville, Ontario, of ivIre. 1 Mhos. ijatfray 'Robertson, willow ef , tlhe date IT, J. Robertson, first 1 I principal &he Normal seiner)! of . Upper Canada, at the advanced Lege .of 03 years. At the time lot then death Mrs, (Robertson was reSilding with her daughter, Mrs, A.ppelbe, at Oakville, !where she had !lived (for °the (past 139 years. Her husband died .about forty 5r:ears ago. A Guaranted Cure for Piles Itehing, Blind, (Bleeding, =Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails ito tare tin 6 to 14 days.. 50c. - anernbers =of the Listowel Methodist alleurch =Anir to the (num- ber -of ((inwards of CO, paid (a sur- prise visit !to !Me 0a'ome of Mr- and .Mrs, Bert Lavery, the objeet be- ings (to idle ;hanor tlo Mrs. (Lavery, nee Miss 'Louise Male. After Igen- eral greetings and wif4bes Wesley 1Stevvart,' treinalf of the dhoir, after a few well (Chosen and cempliment'ary remarks,intimated ' that the 'choir desired lin Isome tan- gible Way to express Ihheir !appre- ciation of (her (services as a member of (Me (dhoir for Who Ipa.Vt 'six years. The (presentation lconsisted of a rna- hoga'ny arm !rocking chair, la jardi- niere (table and a beautiful ntirUSe. with wose-s. 191.6 Start for a Good Salary 13v taking one of our home Study Pontoon. Tti (o4ts but, a trifle, • and only" acquires yrur opera 4irr e. Write to -day for particu- lars. Correspondence Department C. B. COLLEGE TORONTO W. H. SHAW, P,inelpal. 196'7-26 IS THE CHEAPEST e, you in the snot lust as there is in a knife blade or razor. The Nee Co. use a 'high carbon steel wire, which though it costs you but little more, is fifty per cent, (so%) stronger than wire in other fences. The. lightest PAGE fence is as strong as the heaviest of other imakes. Notice the lock in PAGE "EMPIRE" FENCE. You may have nOtieed also that otleere are !imitating It. That is a good recommend fo it. Whore we lead others follow. All PAGE wIro is " COILED,"l not :rimped. Get pis before placing your SOLD A G Besides the extra strength and superio workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip ped irl a. special white'paint,which et top of the best of galvanizing, willlengthei the life of Wire for years. And, also, thi white coating makes win 71-lE I.00K "EMPIRE" Thos. Purcell, St, Columbane Chas. Layton, Clinton. J. B. McArthur, Hensall. N. B. Gerry, Blyth. Wm. Aikenhead, Brueefield. Oswald Walker, jr„ Cromarty. 1 N PAG E FENCES. much more sightly. Owing to the grea strength and elasticity ct PAGE fencing, one, third less posts are re (piked, thus reducing th= cost of the fencing. As you get in PAGI FENCES one -hal mare fence strength greater protection agains rust, better workmanship better appearance, us less posts, can you affor to use other fences, even though you cold buy them for one-half the price of th PAGE? But, really ours cost yor little, if any more. 408 order for Fence Gates or Lawn Fence. D ERECTED BY A. Mutton, Mitchell. R. A. Hearn, Clinton. R. MelAurrat, Bayfield. W. 3. Scoin.s, Bornholm. W. H. Humphries & Son, Walton. E. J. Litt, Dublin. A t 1 1 1/1 1NEVENSIVE Lik LONDON, TORONTO; MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOU TER, ST. JOHN, RAITILTON. •,* 14,44,1 , 4.4 Or mak- , It is not the price yofr pay for a furnace that makes ib cheap or expensive, but the fuel it afterwards consuro.es. A common furnace may cost you $5 or .$1.0 less than a "Sunshine," but -if it eats this up the first winter -in -extra fuel: what do you gain? Nothing, but all the annoyance and extra workthat go with a poor furnace. The " Sureehine " is in use from Halifax to Vancouver, and we have hundreds of testimonials from pleased users. Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Booklet free., Colt offt E. A. LATIMER Sole Agen - eafort STOOK- FOR IILL FOR SERVIC--T servic-e on Lest 21, Euro very superior young Dinh= ed stock, 'Terms $1 at the ti piivilege of -returning. 61. 11ENDERS0N. E VIOE e nnder.signed has for' Road, Tuekersinith, ull, bred inor e of service, )0 to mourn.. 11Q ITV: FOR SERVICB.— r for the improvenient'o 111, Ribbert, the well bred In 57089. This bull is sired by Re has two straight -crosses of tlain'a side. Lord Dundonald fine quality. Terms -81 for gr oped13Bigrimeedx, stock, payable De 'Brien 'will lop - on Lot 27, Con- " Loid Dundo Trumpeter' Onip.I. nvorted blood on s of red color and Of eows and 85 Or r 1st, next. Z. 2003Xtf• 07 X''' 05 0 i..so ,,,,.. es -$11-"T14 IP g P.0 lg =We CD ti xi 0 ,...t ••4 L. . N.° ig 4 icl cot"' p 0 FP_ CI A (---, II id 0 1-4* t',7" ' MO-CI 4:1"" J'"' • c0 0 r0 it 0 ra CD co Wig • ti lla i'"g ' elit 0 4) 4r) ).f.4 01 11:5 0 0 pc, CD -•(- - zogg 0 0 1:1 t:S 0 '6" 9 at nn te 0 0 0 (73 CA crl ,,.. pa,..4 • 4.1 i''' 0 0 P116 itge tir oatD =-• CD - 13) 'ro 0 0 cr.ii., (3) 1.g INNO td4re 0 Ce ee Zi- a) IX' 4 17 • • • •• eI tA Woods's nos The Great Englis t Tones ond invi,gora nervous syste lood in old Veins. 0 -us Deb,ilit , Ilfental and Brain pondeney, ., Weakness, E glans, . matorrhera, ant/ Erects of Abuse r Iilveessis, Price $1 per box, slic for 5. One w II pli3aso,szt. 4i Will euro. Sold by all re gists r maned,. eiet ple.in pir.g. on receipt of es. We,, ir pamPata Inaaecliree. The vooci ~of e t.',0- (fornzerly Windsor) Tcrtto ._ ale Money to Loa Private and Company fun& to loari (In Real E4si Neeurity at 101Vtlit eurrent rates of interest. A. A. WAIT, Rod Estate and Loop, -Agent. Brueefiein, Ontario,. tf-