HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-15, Page 9nJ
endefey r is to keep
y the beet pods eraTey
eau. buy. When buying •
harawari we -would be -pleas- -
ed, to show you our goods
'Whether you buy or not
were present' at. the ocirearroty. Bat
la the (evening Ur. and' Mrii, Oahe -
hall, where (*oat 125 gatats testi-
fied to the &Steen], which. etl
parties caneerned are held. Thar
evseuireg was Ispeait in" demising and
'games toad at 12 &stook the guests
eat down ttio,a very 'dainty luncheon.
Aboult twto se, en, the tired and happy
cheers and well wishes tor, the
bride dna igroom. Nur. atna para. ss
'Win will (reside in Kinistino :where
Mr, Baptize is 'enIgiaged. in the Mil-
ling betaineffs."-
V doUbtecIlY the greatest amusement for the cele.
bra ton of Dominion Day, -Monday, July n , w
the Great Plonks Rad Sitintner CarniVal in Mrs, -Case's
Beatitiful Grove, adjoining _the Town of Seaforth.'
AMong the attractions Will be a great. variety of
Iltbliert *Rill Vuokerstnith and
10hweis Pure Soap Race,— Firet prize, a Geld
We, eh, value, 014,00,—No entry fee, open to any
lad - over 19 years old,= -Competitor to run 100 1Itrdot
vety ten yards up tO SO yatrds, pick up one liar of
Richards Pure Soap, put into an apron and carry to
the fitilith without dropping any or losing anY wroP-
pis of any,—Every competitor provided with an
ap on and may keep the imp piokeil up.
A Balloon Ascension
Publie Speaking on Farming, Etc, by Thos. McMil-
lan (Reeve of Mullett), John Farrel, sliver.tongued
orator, of Forest, and others. *
Three Magi Queens are coming to reveal the.
O&M 01 WS and °Obis and forifell the future. "
A FirstOlass string band andIlighland Pipers will
furnish music for all who with to enjoy the Terpsech-
orean art.
Nelson's Steam Merry-gb.Round of 24 horses and
will run all day.
All are cordially invited tO enjoy the day. If the
weather shottid unfaiorable, the picnics will be
held in :2ardno's Opera Houlie
Ball Bearing Lawn: MOWN
Screen Doers,. Screen Windo-Ws
Washers, Wringers
Butter Bowls and Churns
have a full supply of the famous
Our prices are right. Give no a call.
'Hardware, Stoves and CoaI:
The Rumen Old ys.—The arse
noel leXeureian of le Huron Old
1Socleriele land Luoknow amid' are
xpeoted to arrive at their deeiti-
nation about noon. The fare is $1:85
good to (return on any (regular train
Saturday or Monday ar on the spee
filets that 'leave Goderiola and Lu.ck-.
Capital. Fully Paid Up -163 000,00choo
Rotary. Fund and un-
divided Profits S '8,749,000,
Deposits by Public $34,100,000
Total Assets 44,400,000
Every 'facility for the transacting of
emend banking businees.
Cantle= made on all points lie Coned&
and &breed.
Advances made to Femora , Special at:
eaten paid to the colleetion of Bale Notes.
Deposits of $1.00saud upwards received,
and interest paid or added June 30th and
• December 31st. Withdrawale may be
*made at any time.
R. S. RAYS, Solicitor
James Watson,
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fire, Life and Accident Insur-
ance agent, Real Estate and Loan
Dealer in first -elms family and Manniaie
tering Sewing Maohines end Cream
Separatore, viz. ;
New Raymond and White Sewing
Machines, and National and
Unmade. Cream Separators,
Also sowilig machine needles, oil, attseho
meets, repairs and sundries for all
kinds of sewing machines.
With over 25 years experience in tbe above
business you can rest mined of prices
right, square dealieg and satssfaction
nuance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine
and Bicycles. North Main street, &Worth.
Ifungterien and Millett
S Es
by the ton, by the bag, or h the
barrel, to suit the customer.
elusion Of ibis Armen In ea,Olr place
and treeol work being clone the World
over by the BeelOty NVihi011 he, iropree
ers and hie whale heart is iin the
work. lt* eishi0a he_ *boa' deefated, hire-
wilts—During the eleotrioal ttOr1119
OR frillusclay and Friday nights of
laid week our electric lights Wrie
oontinued throughant both even-
ings although many of the neigh-
boring itlOwns and villages were in
darkness. this ispeaks well for the
roanagement of the Seaford). worke.
—Mr. Nixon isebaying his residence
on ithe eolith- iside of the triiiiwe,y,
teack brick veneered and eitIterwiee
iinproved and when oompieted. it will
be a very pretty and eamfortable
alpite.-Mni. Neil Browne' of Egli:sonde
villa, is having her residence Te -
19.1141 Ogle& -Tim (volunteers leave here
',next Monday fior 09.14 at London. --
The twelfth of July celebration for
this (district will be held this (year
in Seaborth and the anembera of (the
a s
The Late Retiotte-We men-
tioped lost week the death of one
ets Is the version tot Mrs sT. ele
*UM, Whickh ItOok place loin Thurs-
day morning at eel early age of 143
years. was born In Syd-
enham township !Lind had reSidek11 in
this 1-Floinity tor over twenty years.
Atter *obeli* tio liesaforth he was
employed With Mr. D. D. Wiktson end
for 'tile IpUt tee years lha had bele"
charge -ataxia Works in vat 'ens orb+
with Mr. P. Gotterld, havieug
f re ibis death, while at work; at
Parks vs. Paradise, Ooze
Parks vs. Maple Leavee, Wane
Paradise vs. Maple Leaves,
28 ; Parke vs, Paradise, July
Parks vs. Maple Leaves, JulY
Paradise vs. IYIaPle 'Leaves, 341
Another I3usiness Change. ---
B. B. !Gunn ihas disposed of his
owntile business here to igt.
Williams, iof Dublin, and Mr. (Samos
Purcell, (of &aortal, wtho will Oars
of the new time re nob straw-
klverten, in the county of Perth, era ,to the people. of this (vicinity.
he firat worn( 'tabled of feeling, ill, Mr. William% is already ar loge
havin'g taken a severe 'chill, He property townea. town, an
arrived ;borne ,on Frith*, and dia.' the I been in businees. in Dublin, f -
following Thuraday. He was a steady, 1 great many veers, while Mr. u
trustworthy, well doing! man and cell has been connected 'with
earned the meapeet and oonfidein.ce of business here Home time Itavitnig
all who knew 'him Ile leaves .a; yid- management daring itigr. Gienn's
Halliday, Of the *ill Road, Tucker- popular with the patrons of the
Travellers.— T•he following were
tioketed out this week by Stewart
Breithers, C. P. R. agents, Seaforth:
Mrs. Daniel McCall, ef. Braoefield,
Vaneouver, Bs, C.
—The following were tieketed this
eown agent: Mrs. Lawrie end her
engager to their home in 1Seatble ;
Wm. Olark, Co(nata:noe, to Ottawa,
es a delegate to the Grand Lodge,
tor JOhnetan, Walton, to Cody, Wy-
Saginaw, Michigan, to visit her
te Chicago and return.
The Seaforth Races.—The ansana.1
Oatee meet (under 'the auspictes
.Wednesday and Thursday of next-
-week and twill andosalatedly he the
beet in th,e !history "of itlae tasseera-
tion. There are a eery large num-
ber (of horses ;touring the oireilit
Will be a big field here.' The two
Make races, wan& are ribw doled,
have a large -list of -entries end
WILL of !themselves be Worth seeinIg.
Everything is lin readiness for an
ettra Jae& (crowd and those who et -
tend. are assured of two' ;good (days'
eport. Remember *het days, Wednes—
day and Thursday meet-
Our classes are melt larger that. they
were& yes'. ago. The public have learned
that this is the best place io the Provintle
to obtain a Commereislikklueittion or Short-
hand Training. Students are entering
each week. All graduates get good posi-
tions. Write now for catalogue.
—We carry a Choice Line of—•
Try us for an EASY SHAVE and
.Opposite the Commercial Hotel
Cut Glass
Many persons like to give presents of out
glass bemuse it is not so common as other
lines and the gh•er ialooked upon ea havin
a certain amount of refinement and go
tast, and, apart from its richness, it never
Ws have just received our 110W shipment
• tor June weddings, and can show you some
very moderately prieed pieces which are
suitable for presents both useful and °man -
WE Might mention a Special
Berry Bowl at- $5.00.
n Bulger,
Marriage Linage/1 Issued.
Wanted !
30,000 lbs Wool
Custom Carding done for the. Public
Quick Delivery.
2007 tf
Tenders for Shoe Factory.
Sealed Tenders for construction of shoe factory in
fiealorth will be received by the undersigned up to
Monday, July 2nd, IWO, for each part of work ac-
cording to plena and specifications, viz.: • No. 1.—
Brick and Cement work, or all cement. No. 2.—Car.
penter work. Plans and speeifications may he seen
at the store of Mr. W. H. Willis, Lowest or any
tender not necessarily actepted.
n0012 Seatorth, Ontario.
Our Mayer.--Illei Mitchell Record -
crick, of this town has been elected
Mayer of Seaford). • Mr. l3roder-
tick's Many friends here will he
pleased to learn that 'he was elect-
ed by 96 of a majority. Seafbrt1124
newly elected (Mayor will no doubt
fill that thigh position wieh credit."
—The Mitchell Advtooate says':
‘121he Advocate extends its hearty
crongratirlations to Mr. 'Michael
I,troderick, son of Mr. Settea Brod,
seriok, Ori his election as
Mayor tot Seaforth. Re is .a young
ma.n of good abilities, has had la
ford:Cepa& a good ()Notice in choos-
ing a Mitchell- boy as its • ehief
oar sister town on the eesuilt."
A Co-rreetion.—We mentioned' last
week that -Mr. A. G, Smillie's fine
Olydeadale filly, that was used at
dm &deb. °MUMS Farmers'
tate, wip,a eired by Prince of eilterle
ford. In this eve are informed eve
were in error'. This filly, which is
two years old,. we's sired by " Dun-
swil, ;offered 01/Ir. Smillie $250 far
her on the day of the Institute
meeting. - Dunr,agit, the sire, was
imparted by Mr. Berry, and served
at his etablee in Hensall for oee
season, arid was then gold to Samuel
Jeffrey, ef Port Elgin, land is now
held for iserviee at $17 for each
mare add $2 •ptaid down. We cheer-
fully make this (mere -aim i•n_ justice
to all :concerned,. as the mistake was
entirely inadvertent Joe lolifr part.
sinith, (and two yloang sane to mourn. house. The new irm
the loss land Cheetah itise. memory strong oambination, Mr. Wiln
fsf an•ever kind end thoughltful has- intends coming to Seafort'h to
hand and lead parent. • side. We have not learned 1,
. Mr. .Girme's_tineentio___Jas are.
We supply ice cream for littddings, Parties and -
Picnics, Eto. Our prices are right. Aberhart the
druggist, Seaforth,
and hear them. R, H. Peek & Co., See.forth. the briele work oh Ohe ew
They are ail beauties, and priees are m orate. Cotne fee
Give us a call for Scythe% Stettin% Soreen doers OsinPanY - 'to be erected there his
and windows. Cliesney & Smiley, Seeforth. 2009-1 summer ta a the foundation IS ivell.
Noe; le the tiMe for Gasoline Stoves, Call and let trruler wa The *and work wiil be
tteritiou --at :Prose
order in town have got tip •a splendid
it is generally conceded that the wash fabricb of this season
beautiful and as well adapted for Summer comfort as any showh.
ally previous season. Their texture is very fine and fangs and t
retine in plain weaves and dignified designs, which refresh. one to loOk
at, let alone to wear. It seems that the makers have kept in mind the
i4ea of conveying a cools, refreshing appearance, as well as actual came
fort to wearers.
pridgra,mme and are making every, 1 s's"'""iiiml•"*.
preparation for the proper enter,
Vehement of their guests. -Mies L.
Thompson and ther cousin, Miss
ileavet on Monday on a trip,
bass sec:area the assistance (of a
journeyman bleaksmith.—Dr. ;Scott;
has weld this oldest team of !driving
ponies. One of !bhem. went to Mena
treal,-00anty smart was held !this
week tat Gaderioh.—Mrs. D. '0. Same
Ilaxby, and aan are at present yiaite
hag, Mr. and Mrs. George Tomball.
-We again remind our leaders of
the ;violin recital by the 'Pipits of
Miss adna Pickard ha the Methodist
church ea•ext Monday evening. All
oal treat. The programme will be
found in asalother ealuman.—Mr. Ed-
win tOase, et the Huron road, east,
is acting .as a juror alt the eounty
court, whieh ia being held in %des
rich. this week.—Mr. Wm. Muedie,
Lacknlow, was in town) this week.
-It As 'about- time the !Down !com-
missioners were having the long
grass land weeds on the sides Of the
ts snit doWia. or else the
or anon's" tow run at large.—
;James Nash, tif the 3rd 'dances -
of MaKillop, is having aenioe
2,004 Meal (Brief,s.—Mr. Erarik • Gat et -
Three of Bell Co.'s Mat Pieties havenclust arrived. idge (been .awardted the .crint act
1.is show you our line. Chesney &,- Smiley', Seaforth. acme by it e fiaotory hands. -Mr. A.
Beautiful ehina trent France, Japan. and :nCrrland, G' Ault received a telegram on
Kowa a big reduction at Aberhart's Drug Store, Slat Urdal . night vonveying to him
Seaferth, . 2009-1 1 the aad intelligence (of the death
All amounts due R. MeNaught, Jeweler, must be of ilia sifter, Mrs. john Fairier,
can at the store at once, as I expect to leave for Sas- fornivrly lot Seaford]. INErs. Fairley
settled at once. Parties having goods in for repair
ksaeatoofornehS.askatchewan, on June 80th. R. Molstaught, had be'ell residing ifn Owen Bo 1
2009-1 1 sinoe the (death of her lursband,e me
FOR SATA—A family phaeton in good repair, 1 •Inront'llS -Oglo and ter death ocou;red
also a cutter and binder. Mrs. D. J. Alteheson, Sea-
there on Satutrday. Mr. Ault ent
forth, ' 2009x1 to " Owen Sound on Manday.-Mr.
One Netv-Williams Swing Machine,bargain at $2 2
adt, with his bride, spent a Dem •of
ideal feneine. is all No. 9 hard wire; We have it in
different stele; and there is no better fence made. their honey anoon .at the 'parental
Call and get our prices, it will pay you. Chesney & home of Mr. an rs.
Smiley, .Seeforth. 2°M.:1 ' Forbes, sr., ot Boxbgeo, .. McKil
Pure Paris Green, 25e per lb. at Aberluirtis Drug arr me. 1,
mix. Ix:Names' Onalry friends here
LOST.4—Gold Signet Ring engraved with crest,
Finder will borewahled on returning" it. to the Bank grat ulatiens itio title .bra:,PPY yo
of Commerce Seaforth. 20094 no uple.—Mrs. john•
A DRIVING PONY will he mid hy public auotion Brussels, 'aped Sunda.y with rrie
at 2 p. m., at Dick'fi Hotel, fietiferth, on Saturday ItioW11.—Itev. (Mr. Larkin rec,e11ved
NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—All persons indebted tO father int Pririce Edward Tolland,
the estate of the late Andrew Yoang, Senforth, are which (occurred on Fridaye—hlr. J.
next, June 10th. Thomas- BroWn, auetioneer. . a telegram teat week while he. (
lattendence at it he meeting Of
All parties whaling coal delivered at, Brumfield'
please call or write us. Chesney Smiley, S2e000afoille.. Gectizedrtaiing Athaismembotly thein, dieeceottnhdocui
requested to call at the store of the undersigned and ! I, t,
settle the same on or befere June 16th, es the affairs n. tu Went. tx110.ipui
of the estate must be wound tip.at once. Alex. Wil. otter) d the. f amoral of an sr
SHAWL LOST.—Lost on Friday, May 226r.L. Iva ("ban, tailigbeer lo,f mr. wad xra.
tweet) oehool No. 1, Tnekei smith and the avoidance of Tuckersmith,
(of A. G. Sill ithe • a lady's red woollen shawl. The J, anres*earnsehara
4 finder will Featly oblige by returning the same to .•'• ln 'home dust now for 'horl hluaid S.
the undersigned. A. G. Sulfide, Ilensall P. 0. I Miss Varnochan is studying to a
ENGINEER WANTED.—Wanted by The Murray 11"4011.—Mr. Wm,. (Copp is in Inger-
Threshing Clo,, a good reliable man, capable of oper- -'-"'-', , . , . ,
atin i - I A ilications stating' wages soli visaing friends.—Mr. Tho ' a.s
• Treasurer, Seaforth. 2008-2 it
$2,300. Mr. Elands has smeared tie
farm mourity, Favorable terms. APPlY 20.00t7.1itm4 (43°Ief ligiths:t itiliti"cittea:::31147. iwn avt!wAnt; 14 -ria...
will received until June 20th and will he opened Rands bee limealhased the reside
on the 2stal. Address Robert Murdie, Secretary- of Mr. (Harry Jeffrey, paying ha
Town 0ouneil.-The' :regular meet=
ing of the town council was (held
en Monday. Accounts to. the amount
of $671 Were 'passed. The clerk was.
inatructed tcy (advertise that
petitions -for new cement 'sidewalks'
roust be tin ..eot later than June 00.
The Mayer and elerk VireZei author-
ized to sign (t:he iagreeme'nt with
the Electric - Light Co. 'after oetr-
tain specified ta.rnenditnents are made.
of $2 tie each member of the g3and
playing at Ithe Orange celebration
in Seaforth on joily 12tIh, the whole
place a water troughs at the stock
yards sufficiently aarge to ineet the
requirements of ethipper,s. The sum
of $1,000 was ordered to be plaoed
at the (credit of the 'public achool
board. The cou'nci.1 adjouened to
meet at the call of the M.assor.
Married in the Weat.—The follo'w-
ing paragraph, which we co& from
the Kinistino Echo speaks for its-
aedf. Kinistine is in the Carrot
River valley, Saskatchewan. Mr.
Donlop and family formerly resided
in inullett, near OoetStanoe and have
been if" the west about , two wears.
The many sold home friends will sine
ite with Thee Expositor ie ettending
congratalations. It (says: "The home
en Wednesday, May 9t1h, w,heri their
sontly dianoihter, (Isabella, was united.
in the (holy handa of matrimony (by
Rev. Mr. Robertson, ito Malealm Burs
gess ,tEmpain. cer,enedny took
Om* at 6.30 p. na„ 'the (bride tieing
Mr. Wm. -Theratio'p', brother of the
bride. The bride was charmingly -
attired in a dregs of oreara silk with
chiffon trimming' land the custom -
1VANTED,—Eggs 20e—Pediare' tariff. 100 Ville lei having' a Very neat ver
tubs choice butter wanted at once. Geo, E. King, da.h, ereeted tin front. tot laia
residence en IGIoderich street.—
Try Charlie Ulnae' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice
ana ears. Arch. Soott drove to P
work. Always gives satiefaotion. Clothes called for
ley this week to visit friends I
and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two
and by the ways—the bricks for
doors south of Reid & Wilaon's hardware store, Sea.
forth. 1988-tf ; paving tef Main street are being
Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Coin- livered. Each brick weigh% ;
'Leen and •a half emends, is tw
Hours to $ p. in. Catania, squint. failing eye- L
sight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated and glasses and S. fltrarter irtOlieS 1011)4,
properly fitted.
most inches thick and five inches escle.
=MIN IINtiM 8, • .1.11111111111101N MOM MIN It I I
in Dress Mate is& f
The New Goods) COTTON FABRiC
it, Iv
Page wire fence erected along the
front Of his fine farms—Mr. John
;Kerr, a very old and ihigthly re -
;on Wednesday evening, having at-
tained the sesieel age of :nearly 86
years.—Mr. A. M. Campbell, of this
town, (recently Oold two very hand-
some (rubber tired buggies to Mr.
Alex, 'Gardiner, of MoKillop, one for
thimself and one for his son,' Mr. P.
swis SE'S
Organdies, floral designs 1Be ftr
13DP ranitarie edSt p :Le gat, w°nttlata 1 pbar tat eY Br n s 3.11 5550: o
IGMB ri;r1 Le d !GPill ng ht saim 8 ilpote, 13:5:: fioar
Swiss l'Insliess, navy, green
Stripes, Florals 15c
American Pnnted Mus -
and black grounds, with ,
Black Silk Embroidered
Taffetaline 7$c for -
Black French Taffeta 80c for -
Black Wool Armure 50c for
Reseda, blue, champagne I
wool Crepille '85e .
avy, fawn and green
Shepherd Cheek Suit
mg 600 for 450 _
Navy and brown phante
stripe Mohair No for --
Geod. Horses.—Mr. James Delaneee
of this townalaip, recently sold 0,
three year told filly to .11Yrtr. John
Kennedy, (of MoKillop, for $230 ond
a tour year old gelding to 'Mr.
David Donovan, of Sestforth, for
$235, making $465 for the pair,
They were remarkably fine animals,
were zaised by MT. Dele:ney arid are
a oredit Ito ,bien. He still has tiny
which he , is keeping foe—breeding
parposes and whioli money would
scarcely tempt him to part with.
ix -
- The By -Law Carried.—The poeple oernent.—Mr. W. IH. Kerr, of the
of Seiforth, ta,s ;usual, rose to the fic,- Brussels Poste was in town 011 T es -
tend: the Sabbath School COSVItill.
e day ton his way •to .01intan ;Ito; at -
000 to the Willis Shoe Gomparky my tion.—The many (friends sit Mr.1 X.
Oaf IsviweeotesPincrgeq!nuiartritTo. oarTheal -tnilie.umbhYerr- he is Isuffioiently. recovered to be
Crosby will be pleased tio learn that
to vote 'for the byslaw on (Manday.
able to ;walk around. He caine *out
the hY-law by 72 vistes. There were
the line weather will entabte him
Re is still very weak. hut We ihine
15 votes (recorded against it. Th.e
tallboys/mg' la the vote east in the
it 'atelre.heas been confined to his rresi-
several wards:
Iwe an hope to gee him( (around- fie
6 gain acon, arid able to resaine his
4 atiouStorned place ton the bowling
green.—Word was 'received lae,re on
362 T5. 1 Saturday, of the death alt Lock -
Mr. W. EL Widlis leaves 'nextweek now, fon that day, of Mr. jaeob Mo-
tor New (York and Bastian to toter- ase, formerly lot Egmondville. The
abase the new machinery Or his remains were brotight to Clinton
factory and on his return wit). pro- her interment !there on Monday. .1/tr..
ceed with the erection of the build- McGee had. attained apatriarohal age
ifig and he hopes to ,baye it ready and was, itt many respects, a, re-
fer business before the end of Do- matkable man. We hope to give
tober. Is the meantime his legging fuller pa,rtioulars of his life and
factory will be run as usual in the labors next week.—Mr. and Mrs.
old stand. james (Ireland, of Morris, north of
Sports.-Stratflord and the Hier- rew ',Love, of Hills Green, attended
Ions played (here on Friday evening
last in the senior W. Es A. ((series.
Tele .,game -waa played wader very un-
favorable eircarastances, (most of it'
daring a drenching rr,ain, and with
the grounds very wet, in fact in
eome places ,small lakes. Under
impossible. During the greater part
of the game the Hurons did most of
the attacking, but were unable to
spore and before time wee up lthe
rain, neither side 'scoring, It is
ithe game will have to be
played ever again.
=Next Friday evening Berlioze and
Seaford], play there. This will be
the beat game of the seasan and
every person ishoadd tt WO out to
see the old rivals Meet. This is
the igam(e that wili likely adttle the
--Tor the Staples' trophy the
South and East wards played off .on
Monday (evenitsg, the South ward
winning by two goals to ,none. this
gives the South ward the town
o'hantrpiontship and 'the ha,nelisome
trophy,thentated by Staples Brotherrs.
.—The „beeiresse =atoll on_ Tuesday
evening ;between Wingham and the
Beavers was about as slow a's la
f antral procession. Winigham were
irot flaSt enough to even keep (up
the spectators' interest, and it
tu.rneid font Ito be Only "a mild works- Mulook scholarship' in classics and
tont bar the Beavers. the etory is the Toronto AluMnae prize in Eng -
soon told, 13 to 2 in (favor Ioe the (Halt —Mrs. aif. C. Cheeney and her
Beavers. The soter,e is a fair indi- _Mice% Miss Lawson, who' have bee-ei.
ottion fof the game throughout. 1 tayfield far a fewe weeks, have
—Mr. Oscar Neil has presented a return,ed Mr. Welsh,
oup for competition (among the la- Comedian Secretary of the British
oresse clubs of the town, the ell'OM4•1 and Po -reign Bible Sotiety, preaotted
teen in'the Presbyterian &arch last
the ftrneraf %of Mr, 3'. Mlliobt there
on Saturday (last. The funeral was
verSfr largely attended, t hos evid-
encing ithe high edbeem in which the
deceased was shield end the sympathy
and family. --The (recent heavy rains
have lhad la good inflirence on the
growing traps •and will greatly I im-
prove the thay exiop. which( threat-
ened to be light.—Mr. James Craig,
of Toronto, rwa,s here for a -few days
calling on Old friends. --Mr. Alex.
Sniith, Who (hes been iri the west far
herne.—Miss ArneStroolg ,is; visiting
Mr.' end Mrs. Harvey, ot Deaden,
spent Sunday with their clang/der,
Mrs. (Dr.) 'Barrows= Beginnin.g
next week, June 18th, the publici lib-
raely will be (open "for delivery of
the re,ading marine 'the same hou.rs
Smith, son of Mr. Samuel Smith, of
this !town, thas been app(ointed prin-
cipal of Parkdale Oallegia'te insti-
tute, one lof the larg,eat and most
important Oollegiate Insititutas in
additiion to the hanors
we 'h.ave ' already fatted as 'having
been won (by ex-putpifs .of Seaforth
Colle'giate Institute* this year, Miss
Carrie M.. Knight Wen the William
bers tof the teams to he ei
Dr. Ovens, eye and- ear surgeon, will he at the
Queen'e hotel, Heim% on Thursday, July fith. Hours
4.130 to 9 p, vGlasses properly fitted 191111-tf
G. J. Sutherland hal had placed in his hands at a
retired farmer or anyone wanting,first.elms dwell-
ings at a bargain. Ale° cheaper properties for sale.
Apply at onee at the post office, Henan% 197154
Porest, was; in the village the first
of the week visitin'g his sister, Mrs,
Carmel clientele and Rev. Mr. Ler-
kin, lot Seaferth, will exehange
duties sen Sabhath first.—Mrs. Cha.s.
Southwest!, of Tor,onto Janetion, is
;visiting 'hex parents, Mr. an4 Mks.
Alex. Therapsan.—The farmers' an-
nual excursion. to Guelph probaises
to tie attended this Prtday.-
Miss Olive Sellery, who has; been
here Tor seyeral weeks visiting her
Mann, on Thestlay evening la.st, at-
tended the diatrict meeting of the
sentatives of Hensel! lodge.—Mr.
,Thos. Welsh had the .divelling he
purchased recently-, from Mr. Frank
Graham, removed from the Jot east
of Mr. Arnold's dvvelliing, in order
to make room for a 'handsome brick
dwelling and Mr. Gee... Joynt ;had
w.hat has been used as, a, laundry,
moved away also to make room for
a fine new dwelling.—Miss Emily
Welsh, .of London, has been spend-
ing the past week er eo with her
parents.— On Wedneeday (of last
week at thigh neon, in Carmel Pres-
•byterian church, Mr. Peter 3. Men -
soh, of near Blake, was limited in the
bends (of mateimony; 'be Miss Jennie
B. McArthur, ealdest daughter of
p ;of Ha.y. The marriage tier's, -
many was performed by Rev. Mr.
Sraith, in the presence • of a large
number, the spacious ehtirch being
well filled to witness the interest-
ing event. The young uounle left
'the five o'clock train far a trip
to Ttorontie and other cities, follow-
ed by the beat wistee itheir many
relatives and friends.—Mr. J. B.
Beveridge, ef Brandon, Manitoba,
wah there recently visiting his sis-
Mrs. B. T,honeson.-00 Tuesday last
at high !neon, a happy event took
pla.ce at the 'home of oar onaeb
apeoted townsman and - merchant,
Mr. G. F.. -Turnseblirt, when his eec-
end daughter, Miss Rose, was.; unit-
ed 'in marriage to Mr. Joseph Hall,
real estate agent, ef Pittsburg, Pa.
The cereiarany was perferraed b!
Rev. Dr, Medd, in the presence of a
neunber of relatives and friends.
The happ's couple hook the 'evening
epre.ss for their 'blame in Pittsburg,
totkowed .-by the best wishes of their
many liends,—Mr. A.rnolsd, man-
ager vf the .Sovereign Bank, is very
media improving the dwelling he
purchased a month age from Xr.
Oollwill.—Mr. T. C. Stoneman
ireturned latat week from attending
oonference.,-Mr. "arcratert has been
(awarded the eontract tor gravelling
a) fir streets.—Mr. John A.
ef Creditor', a former resident of
Ilensall, was in the village laet
week and tale and intends locating.
in Hensali ageing ;this fall.—Mrs.
aan's parents.—Mr. W. E. Hloggarth
rvery much improving the groundo
of this fine residente-ther,e by patting
down cement walks.—Miss Ruby
Horton iis visiting friends in Ben-
ea-IL—Mr. Wm, johnslon, teaoher,
BOUT LifilaNS.
eyy .vee tynd toad& beeseeme; years or under. For this cup tile day foren,00n, and in Egmendville in the Mettioaist church on Sabballa
Only a few of the ,oldeat frienda.' following lsohodille bas bPeo'n drawn church in the evening. At the Otru.i. last.—Miss jennie MArray attended
Desirable Assortmen0 are
You might as well have the newest designs in Li ens as not. T
are lots of them here for you, and we will wmer that they are a
more " fetching " than any you have ever seen at,similar prices.
there is a•very important point with which vie deleire to impress
linens at this store are linens—White Tabling, 9ream Tabling,
ed Tabling, Towels, Towelling, Trays, Five o'clockp, Napkins, Doyl __
Draw Linen, Fronting ,Linen„ Dress Linen. -
Every Gar ment
It seems to be the aim of most wo-
men to :choose Waists, Skirt3 and
Raincoats which will reflect their own
good taste --garments that are exclu-
sive, proper and effective. The more
you appreciate artistie tailoring, dress
tailoring, smart tailoring, the more
you will appreciate our stock, every
garment of which embodies both
utility and style.
a Stud in t
Waists, 50c to $5.00
Raincoats, $5.00 to
the Sabbath sakool conventian
Clinton ion Wednesday last. -Miss 13.
Urquhart is visiting Tries& an
Cheitham.—A ;number from Exeter.
Goderich and, .Blytla attended Miss
Rose IYunglelat's wedding en 'rues -
day dast.--Miss Belle Sparks, of Fe-
trolia, ihas been spending the past
week with her perents.—We are
pleased to report that Mrs. Hood,
who was ao seriously is Teeny.-
we Mae take
&WWI Maki
felt thanks for
at the time of
a. our mother,
kacewn ifs=
he fawn/ Obee
the Ms&
L011 fsboro.
a tar load of (*merit this vs
which the has fot stale.—Mrse
two of the strong -est clubs in the provinee will tia,• , •
"0'1 ' sorry to ow the Rev. Air. Ole
A. Clever Student.—Dear ExOsals will not be least ihere for the
veo. ear friends the toltowing
paper: ,Walter IS. Baird, *hires- end
youngest Oen of the late Mrs.`04o.
Baird, dr., formerly of ffirsieefield,
Sias been entimly successful in his
recent third year (medical x:amina-
tions, iat McGill Medical College,
tan, rwill succeed him.—Quite
ber from ihere intend taking
Guelph excursion,—Robt.
—Dr. MoCalturn has his mother ae
No. 5 will hold t annual fel
Mtintrearl, having taken eth piam in. en the 20th, on Ite of
of ten men only, oat of pees diet ed the funeral pea
f 82 men of that same (year. These Taylor, in LiatfoWei, or. -
sults of the good prelim -teary tasitte ent visiting 'her parents. -
Walter being first a pupil of Mr. , the parsonage gx'oands ern
Andrew S.-tt'es sohool, Mo. B, Took- and alw the one on Dominion