HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-15, Page 1- NE 8 19
good thing, you lo
nif a little an get tro-
raus'e you have nothing e'
o the point in view,
find trash here ----t
w at the threshold of
here a priee-intereit a
our many departments.
JTJNE 15, 1906.
al I —
ig I ner
dispisy or Now
eet Hat
at Shapes
irk New Pe ism ffects
an oi
Chiffons in New Shads*
a eria s
Wool Stuffs
! goods
Te pre -
•e now
iced to
Cord De Soles
1906e as well as those of
larpets and Lace Curtain*
nd windews.
o on: Sale
. ..750 for 4(jc
„ 60e for- 35e
for 35e
---50e for 23e
,.-,.-....50c for 35e
for 40c
D bitODS
Emogni. Ceff;*
nd taekle by atfr. rinia,y4
kersraith. When goiaplet
rtcta will have axle lot the
t best barns in the tovene
me hope the may iheve
overfloeving every ye=
grain. F.
arn.-The Messrs. H. 0.114.
of the 6th concessicne
tad- a fine new barn 'raise
eilding tie 40x7O feet vet
lotion and will be 'OM +Or
most convenient barna -
itkon. We trust that Oire
on twill have erop enough'
411/ their new storee
Vest -Mrs James Gi115
ise Aggle Miller left lo*
a trip L -o- Manitoba and
'est. They will go as far'
ea where Mrs. GUI pie
aer son. II. R. Gillespie,-
Eiller will vist her broth--
irge Miller. We all Wishtsat trip and a safe ire-
ev. Albert McKeon tv:yoic
te Toronto on Tiles -
ay recently lie publidbeft
r/ r ie ge for eight Kir
keeple. A pretty good re,
day. -Many people from:6 _
.N1r. J. D. O'Conneeti*
eafortai on Monday. lase
and no enemies. Mureitt
being felt on all ein
[ew and ohildren. 0.
No.,361, St. Coluenba'as
ipresented in the prows
;tie' mass was sang`
uriageservioe for
end Mr. Jas. Flanni-
i:runized here on Tuesday'
.st. Miss Mary O'Reillr
Flannigan were the lee
A great number Of
ese carried sacks or
-e ete, and all teleewe!
tulations on the pdone
staple as their cab drtove
,yed by a flying aqua&
.r tired buggies. L
20th Century
Fill Tailored Garrno
Are not only a revelation to the wearer of ready-
mades, but big surprise to most makers of -ordin-
ary custom made, or ready to 'Wear clothing. It
may seem unreasonable to you, put we have de-
monstrated, beyond the possibility of denial, that
20th Century.
Ready-to-wear Garments
have more Style, more expression of the handy work
of the art in tailoring, more character in both gar-
ment and the pattern of cloth of which it is made,
than can be had for any price from the =atom -
tailoring trade of this country. We know this to
be a fact. We do notaskyou to take our word for
it, but we state positively that we have the argu-
ments on display in our store—not in extravagant
expenditure of meaningless talk by our salesmen—
but in the garment, which, on examination of cloth
and workmanship and finish, and a try -on for a
clincher, "like the look and feel of that better than
anything I've ever had made," is the usual remark,
and withal our prices are not calculated to shock
the sensibilities of even the most economical. We .
want you to see th.ese excellent garments we
want to put you right on the dress problem. The
advent of 20t1i Century Brand fine tailored gar -
meats, made in Canada, is the colored event in the
elothina history of our country. •
Hats and Furnishings.
Huron County Council.
The excellent standard of quality which obtaing in Our clothing is sus-
tained in our Hats and Furnishings. .•*
Straw Hats 25c ..to $3 Hose, fancy colors 25c to 50c
'Felt Hats $1 to $4 •
Caps 25c to $1
,Shirts—soft bosom ,
• 50c to
Special lot, •all sizes,
choice -
Plain blaek
Natural wool
50clOne lot special
I each
15o to 50c
35c to $1,-
75c to $1,50
50c to $1,00
Altogether the test stock in Seaforth to choose from, because everything is
'absolutely new and fresh, and bought at low prices, and selling
at low prices.
Agr 'Highest Iprice for Butter and Eggs.
East Side Main Street, one door South of the
Dominion Bank,
T,he oteencil met on Tuesday Df
lest week all the members prevent.
A ciroular from the 'secretary tof the
National Sanitarium:1 a-slsing for a
grant was Submitted Ito the cameo-
tive cominittee. Notice of applica-
tioe ,,fpr ineorperation 'of a rail-
way =napery to letsidd a road trona
• Goderich and Other 'points south,
sent .to -Special vommittee, Notice
of Meeting of t-lthe Chief CrenStables
Assooiation was read and &eget to
Executive eommittee. Nlessrs. Wil-
lis and Hays, of Seaforth, notified
the oremroitment to St. Jelen's ba-
the ganef& of the oommitment te-10-
'dttstrial school of Leo MeNarnara. A
oirottlar from the free hospital,- al
litaskoka, asking itlar a grant was
swat- te executive conaraittee.
nien'ts from. tListowel and Parkhill
Agth echelels rwere sent to exec -active
ciernmittee. The petition from resi-
dents of =the Village of Creditor'.
praying for chatege incorpora-
tion smuts Bent to the Exeoutives
committee. -A petition from G. G.
Essery . and 38 ether ratepayers of
selserol section No, 1, Stephen, ask.
ing tor idhaagge in section boundar-
ies was referred to. Education com-
mittee, A petition •froan M. Ziler
and other rat epars of school see-
tion•No. 8, Hay, asking for teliang e
in motion boundaries was pent to
Education eommittee. The petition
of Alfred MorriSh. and others tasking
for grant to build a lockup tat
Grand Bend was -Seglt to, Executive
committee. Tenders or gaol sup-
plies were referred to executive
committee. Mowed by bfeesrs. Mil-
ler and l'VleKenzie that the equali-
zation eammittee meet not later
than Wednesday nigfat.-Oarrieddend
the epounoil adjourned -until Wednes-
day morning at 10 oldlock a. an.
The Dollowirrg parties made ap-
plication for the position 'of comi-
ty 'engineer; J. L. Thomas, Toren -
Y. Grant -McGregor, Goderich;
W. L. Site, 'Brinsley; Urank Nee-
g$1e, Benrailler ; S. Code,
Sten ; ,George Gibson, Wroxeter.; D.
Patterson, 'AO) urn. The applioae
tiens arere referred to mead, (and
bridge committee. la reporl of
the special committee was teed and
carried. The 'report of the county
auditors was tread ,and sent to ex -
e o eti ve committee. The repoat of
the county gaoler was read and re-
f -erred to c aunty 'property commit-
tee. The county leingineer's re-
port was tread and sent to road end
bridge tommittee. Moved by Messrs.
Midler and Cante, that 5\1r. Can-
telon phone Mr. Hardy to stop
work •at the St. ,joseph bridge un-
til •;he -appears before the c omen. -
Carried. Eleven, members of the
Perth COU'llty C101.11Deitt. wer 'present,
to meet the road and. b • Pore-
Imittee of ;this eleutnoil it aaference
to bridge wtork Che bar ey be-
tween Huron arnd Perth. The coun-
cil 'adjourned until Thiirsday morn-
ing to allow the different commit -
'tees to leemplete their izierts.
The applicatio'n- of Mr. D. B.
'Campbell, Of "Walton, for the poet-
-00n of 'county engineer was tread.
The statement of Mr.- Hardy show-
ing measurements of occaorete wOrk
at Starlake bridge iv= read and tsent
to road and beidge mittee. MT.
Hardy appeared before he vouncil
in xeference to vvork ocia St. (Joseph
bridge. The co,uncil moved into
committee on Mr. Hardy's report.
Mr. Duf4 laluevale, addressed
the conrcil in reference to damage
caused Illy anoiteoing of the coun-_
ty bridge adjaCent tkY hie property.
Both, these 'matte were referred to
the mead and br' ge conimittee.ihe
reports- of the outoty property an'd
exeCutive coin ittees were read and
pegged. Rev. r. ,Gthen was ap-
poi*ted true& et Clinton Collegi-
abe be place of Mr. Plumateel, 're-
signed and . W. aloKenzie was ap.
peinted trusitee of Godeiich Colleg-
iate ;Nictitate an place ot Jolhoi Ach-
eson, deceased. A deputation waited
on Che ocencil 'reference to grant
icoUllity !hospital Goderich. Rev.
Joseph •Elliott, judge Doyle and
Judge Holt tadressed 'the touncil in
referenee to this 'graint. Moved by
Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Mc-
Kenzie that this county grant $1,000
to Alexander General Marine Hos-
pital at Goderich when completed.
Moved by aVfessrse Carrie end o-
QnWai the ,cournfty of Huron
make a grant of $1,009 *Co aid in
the erectilen Of a hospital at Wing-.
barn. ThfIlie rwere refe*ed
to fthe exeoultire committee. A,
petition 'praying tor a grant Co the
Huron Rifle Assooiation was refer-
red the the execertive cemmittee.
The councid iadjourreed until 'Friday.
A request from the county 'Clerk
for an increase of salary west iread
and a recommendation subsequently
made .that he be granted $100 was
.ananinasenely adepted. Two ten-
ders or -supply of eoal tor; potinty
buildings were presented and re-
ferred to: executive cenamiltittee.
Moved by Messrs. Grieve and Morri-
son' ithat S. J. Shannon, P., fbe tier-
niShed with ‚apair of bend. cuffs.
Mr. Shannon to be held respensible
for the isame.-Oarried. Mowed by
Messrs. MoKe'nzie and McQaillain
that skhenever the Inspe-ctor the
House of Refulge finds thiat ay in-
mate has. property, that be la* the
Warden and keeper be inigeracted:
to have the proper transfer made.
-Carried. Moved by Messrs. Mc-
Qillan and ilebister teat the drain
at the Blyth bridge be left
ohar,geecil ceiesty eiegineer.-Carried,
'Rev. Mr. • Elliott; representing the
j council 'of he town of Goderiela
I asked for a further trent for flow-
ers tor the court house grounds.
Referred the executive committee.
MOved by Mr. Gardiner seconded
by W. tHryans that the selary of the
road and bridge enpeineer be $600
per 'an..nuna.
• Moved amen.dxnelialt by Messrs.
McLean and Cantelon that I* 'en-
gineer be paid $800 per annum.
These motions were referred to
the exieuitive committee.
The Equalizatien.
The report et Vie Equalization
troMmittee, reoommending -that the
r-epatt _the valuators be ad ptede
was read.
Moved by afr. Isbister Beoren � by
Mr. Doig thatt he itownships of ow -
ick, Grey, ilIorris, Stephen an Hay
be reduced 5 per cent.-Loet.
The report WAS then adopte
The repart of Itthe ifinauce
mates ,was 'slightly aniended
adopted. '
By-law. No. 4 aetharizine
warden and treasurer to h
$60,000 to oneet -current lexpe
read and passed.
The byelaw equalizing 'the a
raents lof the .aeveral municap
ber ..tolie year 1906 was rread and
A by-law to 'raise by Lasses
within the !county of Huron, th
of $76,502.52, for geoeral and
purposes f �r ,thi year 1906, wa
and passed.
A byelaw to appoint arbitrate
the matter ief the, petition o
ratepayers !of Ise.hpol Section -
I the
ass -
We have now what we consider the
most beautiful line of New Wail
Papers ever shown in Seaforth.
If yott want your wall paper at the
right price aud your work done neat-
ly and promptly, buy from
Picture framing a Specialty,
MoLEAN T.EO8, Publishers
I a 'tear In Advance;
colporation act from Prondfoot,
Duncan, Gr.ant & Skeans, solicitors
far applicants, we would recommend
that the oouatty cleric be instreet-
ed ;to acknowledge the same as tee -
milted and tiled..
frinancial Report. -The financial
oommittee reported 'having exarain-
ed the tree:ismer% bonds and meta!-
: ities and found them satiefaetery.
, The total amount of the seeueity
abeing $65,000 eorapowd of $,40,000 in
.3 Mortgages and real estate and '$25,-
000'in ;personal bends. The total re-
alized assesinnents ,cif the county
are $42,501,400 and the treasurer's
el-time:tee' amount KO $76,502.52. This
will require a rate itof 14-5 mills
eh the 'dollar and we advise that a
by-law imposing this rate be Vamied,
Estimates of Receipts and
fExpendit urea.
Administration of 'justice
rri —
1. X10
.,vent OF
SEAFORTH RAP.; - Goal aeeount
Division Omit Utley
; Sehool Managenteut
j Grants
1 Municipal :Government
Stationery and Printing
Lurie -tics and 'Charities
Wednesday and Thursd4
a t le
Stephen, was read and passe.d, the
arbitrators being !judge Belt, J. B. _
Tom and W. Lane. The same gentle- Seventh Annual Race Meeting
men were appeinted as arbitrators of the Seaforth Turf Club will
for echhoff section No. 8, Hay. be held on
A by-law to appoint Donald Pat-
terson, of the townethip of East.
Wawanoeh, road oommissioner hi
place of John Ansley resigned, at a
salary of $800 was ',read and pass-
County ,Property
J E 20 and 21 '''an"ns
Ind ostrial Home
I Roads aind 'Bridges
1 Sterling DebentureS
1 Currency Debentures
Defteit of 1905
_ $2,400 in Purses
a. by-law linearporatin'g the board
tr t of th vill e f
Crediton was 'read and paased.
0 pclice t11$ eos e ag
• The council passed a vote of t
to Mr. john .Ainsley, the re-
engineer and gave him st re
grant of $100 in ireoognition
long and taithful serviees.
Oeuin.ty E!nigimeer.--The loount
tgineer reported that agreement
been properly -drawn end 81.g
the Parties to whom bridge
tracts had been awarded alt It
meeting. The small 'bridge at Vet -
land has been tompleted as per lean -
tract and according to plans, and
spe9ifieet labs. Two small bridges,
north tof Dublin, between the coant-
ice of Huron and Perth, have loeen ,
placed .under eoetraete and the r -
tractor is 'at present eneetiag the
abatatents, „, Plans and epeeifie tions
have been prepared for two b idgee-
on the boundary between (re 'and .
mma, .and tenders for these bridges
are 'herewith su.bmitted. Arraagea
ments have been made to ha-Ve steel
joists andnew Moor put ion pa of
Manchester bridge, the same 1 o be i
done as soon. as possible. The sarth '
abutment ef- St. Joseph bridg was 1
underniieed-_by the sprieg floo , and .
arrangements have been me e to
have a cionerete elan-ha:Lent to It to
repair the old bridge to be there
when a permanent steel brid
required. A nesir bridge wil
required to be built at Mobil
Seasen. The email bridge we
Blank creek bridge is tin an f
ctendition, and WOLliki T.e.00mmon•
as be bridge is not 'require
place be tilled with earth and lg
With -regard to Messrs. D
Stewart's complaint, t would r com-
mend that ea a new bridge wii have
to be built met- season, nothi g lbe
done at the present time. As "'met- .
ed .the oonciete work at St nlake
bridgel leas been reentasured, 'rid I
would r.edommend ithat tale ed true.
tors, . Messrs. Nagle & W100 y tree
oeiee nothing iftnither than ,w s el -
lowed Chem at -the firSt me strre-
ment last season. The spring td.
passed tat Spring withoutidoh4g any
serious detimarge ito the county
beidges, Considerable 'repairs lhave
been put on bridge teeters and ap-
proaches and 'more will have to be
done iclueing the summer. On 410-
On:di:ling the IRlyth. 'bridge I nod
that Itthe teorploration_ of the 'Village
of allYth have attaehed a walter.pipe
in ouch a way as Ito' damage (Me
safety of .bridge, add revounneed
it be ;changed so at tie 'reprieve the
danger. The Hayfield 'bridge wats
.examined and the noetat abutment
found to be rie first class order, the
south abutment tis as it was last 'fell,
but a _believe the breaks ean be re-
ared without any great roost. The
eld bridge was 'fauna in a gioocl
state tol C'epair lard -with proper alt -
tertian will earry the traffic safe-
ly for la couple -of years. 'The 'to-
tal amount of orders tiseued eince
January 23, 1906, were 43,049.30. The
estimated ;amount of money required
for roads end bridges this ;Year Will
nett lexeeed 422,000,
Road and ;Bridge Oomnaittee.-This 1
conamittee reported as follow -a: The
tender Of Hill & Ock,_ algae% for
the bridge on the boundary etweten 1
Grey and Zama Was accepted at $587 1
providing they furnish the gaecte- 1
sary security. Tihe tender fee the
concrete \pork was let to T. T. Cole, .
BOA., or the same bridge,`at $3.90 1
per ;cubic , yard. With 'reference to- '
'Dultelop's bridge, the eammittee ad-
vised that tenders be ealled to'r at
,ofnoe lto pat in concrete abutments
aceerdna,g Ito plans end speoifica-
tidos. We would advise that 'the
Engineer's advice betaken,. and that'
the small bride west off Black 'creek
be Pillared tap. With regard Ito MT.
Duff, Of alluevale, re waelheout, re-
comme'nded that no action be taken.
With reference tie Blyth bridge, we
would 'advise that the oorporatien of
Blyth be notified to remove *Artie -
tion, ea it is noW 'damaging our
co'unty bridge. With. reference to
* seulth abutment at Hayfield, we
recemmeed Chat tlhe crack be ifilled
up With 'fine sand'and eement. With
reference tof St. -Joseph bridge, we
find that the Contractor, Mr. Hardy,
had (not 'Planned the abutment as -
cording to ispecifieatione, and re-
eotemend that tthe location of the
abutment be an Charge of Councillor
La,mo'nt, the elso to :art as an It:nape:3-
tor. With reference -to *County
-En:gineer, would advise 'that Oenald
Paterson be oppointed, to ofornmenee
work at once. All papers and come
mimic-8.11.0ns in oanneetion with all
bridges to be transferred over to
!him by Mr, AinAey, and that a by-
law be orepared to 'that seffeet. Ont
Mjardii Otth, ithe Warden, lir. Ainsley,
the county ienlgineer, and Mesare.
Moeristen, and , Grieve, met a loons.-
mittee elf Perth eateilllors, Co ex-
aininine twte bridges north of Dub-
lin, jen the bvutelary between Logan
and McKillop townJiips, and. it was
agreed inew Iljridges 8!mid bebuilt,
f this
2;50 Pace, Stake (closed) $ 500 09
2:19 Pace or 2:15 Trot 350 00
2:15 Pace Or 2:10 Trot 350 OD
2:40 Trot, Stake (closed)
2:23 Pave or 2:19 Trot
ea- eat) Pace or Trot 350 00
R. WILSON, President
M. BRODERICK, Secretary.
$ 500 00
d by
don -
rd is
t of
f .1&
Registry Of
I • A
The Storm's Ravages.
i Although the Storm on IF rida'y ev-
: ening of ,hast week was orot iso very
i severe in this vicinity, it was the
cause of 'several calamities and rctueh
damage in the southern part of ithe
2006 , province. In this eounty a strip
running from the take by way, of
gaged as trained nurse ineon
Kippen and nti
north-east felt the et-
ne of the hm-pittair arc'
each bounty te bear half the cost. leas severely, but, aside from the n% with 'n' ago. has 'been appointed super -
The bridges Ito be 16 feet ! wide,
With a span. of 20 feet. The abut- blowing down of fences and tree% intonaeot 'of a Jebspital recently
the only damage done that we iheve
Mr. J. MorriSoin, of (MoXillop, Wat heard iof was the demolition. of the " ' ne 'a 'Lake Ile"-, iselmnin
meats and-
&kora to be concrete.
-A very pretty wedding - took
appointed inspeetor. ,. lituaragne, b,oanrn_lita4inetherm ripfavenonfoMadr: Cot omen in Godnrinb, at Ibigb inroant ton
Tune 6t13, at the resit:101We of the
OluligY Pr'VertY.-WIth Ireglard TO Strong's hotel, in Tackersmitle Mr.
-"Misses Spence, when Miss Hattie
,[ibe +dorm
"m°delling Itbe 19elats in (Ube erau'rit Coltman had iiiet cempleted. a stone/ Maud
Spence became the bride bf
house we recommend 'that t
at la (Yost not to exceed $165; that 'foundation ander the barn, and it
An -
the wainseoting and hand railing fon twisted and smelted inte a vanle-
was blown from its moolings and. .n; p*3.:1311rtim8mteaduntr yievTill, ;araesoorini. In:"
dersan. Mr. and Mrs. Staunton 'will
b.oth stairs be done at a cost not p e e wree .
6 "In 13n Walls -ake their home in Edmonton.
to exceed $30e that an oil olcalle arid were !also considerably injured. The
1 t k Th t dati
lu Mr. Theanae Leslie, Who for many
window Shades tar (Wit-DDSS room loss, especial/7 ut this time of it,he -
years was engaged in the tailloriag
$ 5.500
. f2,500
' 2,200
$ 890
Humber, Gaderich. The -ore
fleeing was eonducted by the Rev/
S. B. IMoVittle, brother-in-law ot
the bride. Me. &Cumber 'has an eel
tablished business in Red Deer,Alta.
-Mr. J. E.Jordan. of the froran.bo
College of Music, bee been appoint-
ed organist and choir leder of Xnex
Ahura, Goderich,
-Salkeld Bros., on the Baytkid
road, near r-oderieta :have had a.
telephene installed. T,&y are the
first to have a, phone in the dise
-Mr. Taggart, of MIanford,
to rmerly
pointed st
ianveted Mr
week neo
1 --Rev.
Xeters 33a45 b0011
master at Myth, to
W -Vail, who was Last
o Laudon.
Clement, of Londese
bore has eided to superannuate
and intoliving in Gederieh. He
has been . years in, etive tieerviee
in the Methodist ehureh.
-Mr. Ed. Howard, of Cliaton, who
has been away fer two years in :the
Southern States, has returned and
is engaged las turner in the organ
-Mr. Alex. 'Holmes, a former resi-
dent of WilrgaraM, was seriouslY
kited in the zement works 01 Owen
Sound, the !other day. It is feared
his leg will have to be amputated.
-Clinton council 'have given their
town band a grant of $200 and in
turn they are te play 'once a week
on the square. The Army band gets
$50 and tit gives an open air von -
tort every reatterday evening. -
• -Dr. II, E, W. Taanlyn, of Wing -
ham, fell eIONVII the trap door in the
hallway of. the National hotel, the
other day, and was so severely bruis-
ed and was -confined to this home ,for
several days. ... c
Word was recently reee•ived ia
; Winghain, Miss Jennie Stewart,
of the death of her brother, William
Stewart, of +Winaipeg:. Deceased was
a former 'resident of Turnbeirry, and
went West 007310 eigateen pears ago.
-Miss MoNaughten, sister of the
Mimes MeNengthitoe., fof Clinton., who
for SOIXtO tone eare has been en -
be purcileased and that the . cellar year, will be especially heavy on lir. b
W- • d' d t
wel a short time age. Deoeased lhaet
-Lion of Councillor McLean .and follows:
While 35 men were building a barn been rivin.g Ns' 175111, Will-
nipeg, era. -recently with his idaugh-
dear ibe ;repaired, 'under the inverse-
. Orileman. Casualties elsewhere are .
coninty clerk. The committee
ported theavmg ,visited the pit and
found everything in good order. for james McClintock, neer Spring-
field, Elgin oounty, Wm. Clapten,
Eduoation Conenittee.--That .the
petitien of G...E. Essery and a5 aged 35 'Years' "4 M. iWilisl°131 °I lad' '
of ,seventeen years, -who were twark- '
other supporters of Iserhoet section
. 1, Stephen, asking that arbi- ing in the basement, were :killed in-
Notrators be appointed to flaIrra ia, y8t4niouniglYia. dMkrilIeWd,ilir alfroialstjelerirourly'tPen:
VnowwnseihaTiscasillooilltesectsi7otneti°16No. lt-40, (re- ; eilldr.!ditja:banacitutelse bbaelladmwpanstlaedld.YSe141;114;r9hai-
oorrime'nded hhat the prayer of the others were 0.1te, seriously Injured,
petition be granted:. that in the;
the tuition of pupils of 'Huron man- ofdamage Severa:1 barns were C0331'•
i ides, but Lit did an enormous .amemelt
*The; storm only listed fifteen initn.k-
claim of Mistowel high school tor, ;
ty, Into action- be taken; Pat the
pletely demolished and a number
vlaira of /Parkhill thigh ached for were moved off their foundations.,
tuition ot ;county pupils be Paid, ' _..31fiss Elizabeth IBiggar, slater -of
that this committee allow -Wants Mr. Wm. 'IL Biggar, a farmer of
made for vontineation class work ei i .1 4-
.40010rd/11g to Istalt4te and il'-'2-* Ftjrflrerliwras bcierillhiPa'boutmaTten Noitglo-atreka
°lame 11 of executive roort of' -t,11;
minutes of ijanuary iseseson, 1903, bir
e aps.jitairrt:. 191-welaY wu3°ii
struck out ; reootamended that the struck the home, ripping things Ito
petition ot Mfr. Ziler and althea rate- ,I piepes In the .paem where &nee sig._
;payers of edhool section No. 8, Hay, gar w,ae.
requesting the lappointment• of ar-
-The house of lohn Maddook,
bitrators ito fix a eite for new theee,rallee 'from Inwood, was struck
sehool, that the tprayet of the Pee' by lightning, land Mrs. Maddock and
her tiaalighter, Miss Minnie, 21 years
:Mimi be granted.
Erfuese Refuge•-thie principal
leopeamendations of the committee
were as talkers: That no action be
taken for 'the enlargement of the
refuge farm. Papers were 'propel:-
ly executed for the following ex-
change of property: Dora West -
fall, real estate, $450; Elijah'Wialic-
er, eaSh, $339; John Diniley, cash
and insurance, $577. Emitter in-
quiry viDll be mla'de as to iuther in-
ter, in Mistowel. The nemaixis were
taken to Winghata for interment"
-Mr. 3, Chapmen, ef !Fest W.41,.. 4
wanosh, who has been in poor bealth
kr Some time Past, died recently am-
exiSectedly. He was in Wingham a
f•ew days before- his death. Deceas-
ed was on industrious, upright man,
respected by the community, and a
f the Methodist ehurela
Deleaves A sorrowing widow an&
eight you're! children. Mr. eCimp-
man was in ihis 42.nd year.
-A young ;woman in Great fialle,
Montana,- -sent an invitatian to the
editor of the Brussels Post to
present at: the commencement ex-
eroises of the high aehool of /that
town. The young w.onien whose;
name is McGregor, was 'born neer'
Ethel and says she learned her Ut-
ters from the ladlinets of the Pet
wlean. three Tears old and has been
a reader of the paper ever since. •
-The Clinton New. Era of last
week says. " J. Sibley, of 'Von-
dene England, son of Mr. M. R`. Sib -
of age, were in the eviler at 4thClinfon, es the !inventor and
time. Miss Maddock was instantly manufacturer of *hat is known as
killed and her mother so severely i Derborated similar
musie, to the
-Thames Carr, 21 years eit 'ege, popular in the !old eotortry, and Sir
sell tot Liman Carr, on the Itle mane Thomas Lipton was so much impress:
cession of Walsinghata, was in ed with it that he ceentler order
stantly killed while standing in the a special quality -of it, and had it
doorway of his lkonrse. His mother forwarded as Ibis wedding Present
who VirtalS la felts, feet from. iham to ere Prineene Batterburge
the yard was -severely stunned. l who ts now the Uueen of Spain. at
mates owning epropertY. The sole- -Henry. james, of Little Britain, is also being largely ubed by the
;plies of the house are purchased Ontario, who was standing ageanat wealthy :people lot England. This is
by tender as tar as possible, and we his barn, was etrusok and killed. -by quite an lholeor for a former
consider the keeper and matZoin, are lightning and two. oVher,s who were bantan.
careful in the management of the standing with hint were knocked
house. Every department is clean down.
and tidy. On June 6th, an 4taspeo— -Mrs. Maria Melone, 87 years of
Oen tot the farm and buildings was who dived alone mare Buxton,
shocked that she may net-reCOveT. larrola„ MUSID. It has become very.
'Grand Bend
Notes. -Mr. Zoten 'Holt,
vioinity,as tonna amongst ais
made and everything was found qn Kent county, was struck by light- batch 'of 'dine pigs, a -six. toctedotne.
good condition and ev8rything well ni7xx whe,4 lying fon lease& in Mr. Holt Should' Make his fortune
kept. We recommend that the aer house and killed. I out of this porker. -Mr. Henry Wil -
Many barns in different parts
were bloWil &min, buildings (un-
roofed, trees uprooted and other
damage done. The doss to property'
caused by the storm is estimated at
.ever $i,600,e00.
Twenty seven bank berme several.
residences and- a. brick sehdol 1101150
were demolished by Friday might's
storm to the 'vicinity of Iiightgate,
Nortelk,giounty. The cyclone extend-
ed *ler a path about fifteen miles
long and five miles widehr offine
of the ordhards not a single, tree
was deft standing, while the bush
lands were levelled, and ate* killed.
Huron Notes.
--Thomas Kearns, of Clinton, had
a pot atm mine in blossom laiit week.
Westfall property at &afloat& and
the 'Walker property at ulemdesborto
besold imediately, also that Alex,
Moira be committed to the gaol as
he is a dangerous person. We, also
recommended that the outbuildings
and ioutside woodwork of the old
buildings be painted and consider-
ing the amount ,of work done by
Mr. Wrench We recommended an in-
crease of 450 to his salary and en
increase of 425 tio the salary of Me
Executive Oonimittee.-In tonalec-
tton with Me :police village of.
Crediton asking that the board of
pollee trustees be incorporated
der the tuaro.e o thelboard of 01°nm
trustees of the' village of Crediton,
we recommend that the request be
granted. Aise redommende.d 'that
'the tenders of Charles A. Nairn ifOr.
Jail supplies be accepted; that no
action be taken in regard to la: far-
ther grant lte Giravenliterst MD-
itiari11111 ; that Len MeNamara's
teniance be paid; that not action be
taken on the sommutaloation from
the Clonstables' Association of To-.
ranto asking tor- payment a mem-
'beret:yip fees ; in refeeence, to, the
petition from Grand Bend a.sking
did to 'build a kickup, recommend-
ed that it be tsent ito the township,
tesincil of Stephen, that no grants
be anode to the Goderiele or Wing-
le,m hospitals ; the.t grant of $75
be given to the Huron County Rifle
Gaoler's Report. -The !gaoler re-
ported that there were eight in-
me:tes in the county jail aft the pre-
sent time, two tor sgrant:7; two
ter lareeny and three ter insanity.
The 'gaoler also asked for teertain
Ithanges and improvements.
I Speoial Committee. -In cregard tl
the eoramunication re railway, in
lert raised a fine new barn last
week On the )liskarlith Ab-.
ter Mallard, whip recently Sold his
farm to Mr. Delbert •Mollard, is
ushing forward: a new reildenee
ere. --The semen -bee not yet fully
set in at this, Ilnran's greateat an1
mdst popular somoler resort. Thus
far pionies thave.,net been numeaous
and our iusuai shoal of summer
guests havenot yet dommeneed
arrive. The tool weather hes been
the 0111193t 4.ibeslackness But July
and Aargnst, Ilf warra, will bring
the erowds.
Mast Game. -Our boys- wen
down to defeat on Wednesday pv
ening of last week when the Moeue
light Dribblem of the 1th. comes-
--Mx. W. U. Tozer, of Clinton, ihas sloe, icame over. The game started
gone to" Lakefield, Where he will off Tory taste but anspite a par.
engage in business. - brave idefenoe the Dribblers shot
e -Mr. ale O. Henry, of Clinton, 'bias the ball through OUT -1Stakea. Oar
sold this 'photograph business to Mrboys put ;up 2. good game but they
3. Roberts, Of Paisley. , had et hard team itto -8 ontend
-Mr, Andrew, gorter, of Teel- The score was one to exone
water, has ibeen appointed manager of the gageare, gide puts our eam
of :the Sovereign Bank, LS iGoderichout of the tietee for the teasel', The
line-up was asWintbrep,
bow-rItatuarHlitebb,side. neralan,.
G. Eaton, a White; and in Weye.
Dribblers, -S. nawttorne, 11. Gar-,
-den, !I. Yealarnisg„ J. Brewster, W.
Scott, O. lienderAon, J. Hawthorne*
a", ciergo.o., a Dtdreage, J. Bakeriand
B. Hoot.
-Mr. j. Taylor, of Clinton, has
sold his residence to Mr. D., Tip -
lady and intends leaving -V..he town
in the fait
-The house of Mr. Geor'ge Thomp-
Son,• near Londesboro, was burned
the other night. The origin of ate
Ifire is funknown.
-Jackson 13ros„ of Clinton, aro v:tee
vitiating for premises in Gocierich,
where they lean start a brunet:cloth-
'-A dharmbag aline wedding book migrant, only 00 years ,of age,withe
ing factory.
, place at the 'home sa oboe. Molar- led ,mtoney or friends, tried to tome
I en* Esq.:, 'Highgate, ion 1,03e Otb, mit suicide inear Plotkin, Prinne Ed.'
Naleal da'oghter, Miss Annetta ere, I ward .county, by cutting. his throat
; was united in marriage to Mr with a bread Be is likely to
Henry H. Blinlber, 00'n IMT. itt, recover,
•N. Parker, a roung English im-