The Huron Expositor, 1906-06-08, Page 8AR endeavor is to keep only the best goods money ean„ buy. When buying hardware we yenta be pleas- ed to show you our goods whether you buy or not Smaganna Mint uR, 'Ball Bearing Lawn Mowers Screen Doors, Screen Windows Washers, Wringers Butter Bowls and Churns ave a furl supply of the famous BLUE. LAKE PORTLAND CEMENT IDEAL FIELD FENCING { taalM•9001.1.94 1 • . Our prieee are right. Give us a call. 1311:1113NEY SE SMILEY, SEAFPRTH, Hardware, Stores and Coal. • DOMINION BANK. HEAD OFFICE, MGRONI.D. Capital, Fully Paid Up--$3,000,oso.00 Reserve Fund and us. 001. divided Profit* - $ 3,749,000 Cespoeits by Public$94.100,000 Total 'Assets, ° * 44,400,eso SEAFORTH BRANOH, livery fateity for the transacting of a reneral nankin bushier& . Collections made on an points in Canada and Anent Advanoes made to Fanners. Special M- ention pond to the collection of Ssis Notes. SAVINGS* BANK. Deposita of $1.00 said upwards received and interest Odd or added June 30th and December 31,st. Withdrawals may be made at any time. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. In 0. nano, nollonor James Watson, Successor to IN. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire, Life and, Accident Inaur- once agent, Real &tate and Loan Agent. Dealer in firet-class family and Manuface. -timing Sewing lilaohines and Cream Separatorn viz. ; New Raymond and White Sewing Machine?, and Netionel and Uneeds Cream &riveters, ' Alto sewing machine needle, oil, attach- . mean repairs _and sundries for all kinds of sewing machine& - With over 25 years experience in tbe above business you win rest assuied of prices right, square dealieg and satisfaction guaranteed. • JAMES WATSON, tisurance Agent, and dealer In Sewing Machina and Bicycles. North Main street, Seifert!). STRATFORD, ONTARIO. - Our abuses are much larger than they were a year ago. The uhlic have learned that this is the,beits pia es in the Province to obtain a Commernan 'Vocation or Short- hand, Training-. Studeot, ars enterieg esehfireek. All graduates get good posi- tion& Write now for catalogue. ELLIOTT & MoLACHLAnn - Prininpals. ' STAPLES BROS. BARBERS and TOBAOOONISTS -We carry a Choice Line of - CIGARS - TOBA00013- - PIPE13 Try us for an EASY SHAVE and NIFTY HAIR CUT. Opposite the Commercial Hotel Gut . Glass enuf Many persons like to give presents of cut fclaa because It Is not so common as other lines and the giver Is looked upon as having a certain amount 'of refinement and good taste, and, apart from its richness, it never tarnishes. We have just received our new shipment for June weddings, and can show you some very moderately prieed pieces which are suitable for presents both useful and ornam- ental. WE Might mention a 8peoia/ Berry BOWI at 0.00. John Bulger, Jeweller, - - Seaforth Marriage Licenses Issued. anted I NINO lbs. Wool HIGHEST PRICES PAID f -- Custom Carding done for the Public Quick Delivery. ••••11••••••=•=1•• SEAFORTN WOOLEN MILLS. 2007.t • CARD OF THANKS1 nee undersigned desire's to express his sincerest thanks. to those who favored him with their votes and support on Monday laid in the Mayorality eon. test, and, while occupying that honorable position, he will earnestly endeavor to prove worthy of the .confalence they have reposed in him. 20084 M, BROMIC/re x tisi fir 1 DISTRICT MATTERS, ,Dominion Day . -A 'grand reenmion picnic 10, varied proner,amme son attraCtions, games 'and ;sports, will be held on DOitni111011 Dv, Judy and, in Joie •04 1341T beautiful groves, tun- 1 der the sauspicies sof the ladies of St. ;names' churcto Seaforttin A good time may be anticipated. • ' Burned Oat. -We dela= from 'the Sault Ste. Marie Express of May '25tb, that itlie saw and shingle imill sof Reeve 'Robert Murray, -- a, d of 4 township, Algonui. .was badly ' - aged by tire on, nhe Tpreivietas w 'It. The tire Locourred while the tiandi3 were nt .dininer and they were tor- 'tunivte lin saving as ramie as *Whet dic. But, twitla his usual enterprise although, be ,had 110 idlOuiranve, Mr. Murray is laving the damage re - ,paired he ,sepeedily as poisiblen Vire Murray is „an end Tuolneramitle bey. • Sugar Beets. ---The sugar 'beet gtowing district surrounding Seco torth, noartnerising 24 alhipping plaints for beets, oeinteins 365 farmers who are growing sugar beets stotalling 768 acres, being sone -seventh part IC)f, the whole temp grown for the Ber- lin &APT (Factory. It in Ito be bop - ed the edger beelt fields of tine dis- trict twill 'receive thataugh cleav- ing and tountivatisen sp, they man corn one fo.vinrably when impacted in Juine by Dre Shuttlewolith with beet fields of tether distrints and briag thistly nnotitable netarns .to oak ;taxmen's. From Alberta. -Mr. Thosmind, thornierler elf Varna, ebut wird;Ohas been: Moe •of 'the- 'penesperous (term- ers in Alberta, near the town of, Wee taikawin tor isorae years, as here niest now. MriWard le,ame down to Bee this' natter wbo is still merry ill. He has elan' this farm. inea.r Wetaska- vvintit oontained 320 acres arid he tend in tfor $6,000. His brother, Indbert, who lives near shim, has 'oleo sold his farm ' It onntaine 160 'acres and was nald for s$3,200. Both ifarms were iptIreilsased man isettlers 'from the -United States. This is one of the rwaysein Which tarn": niers smake money tin that western country. The Messre. Wird intend to go efurther iback and homestead More land. Death fat 13/11.ff. Rathwell. - Man' :Stolen Ratnewell, of Seatorth, died sat the Itsame of her sinter in Detroit, on Monday inigbt Ilast. Per. !some ;time Mrs. Bathveeli had been in poor health, ;but was impneving and about three weeks ago, ;She went- to, (Detroit ea a visit. On Suinday she was 'feel- ing better then she had 'done any time 131110b ter illn.ess, bat are %Ton- na% be was taken with a bad turn -and trapidly tank, nassing away that evening. The ;remains were brought to 'the tome of ter brother, infr.Wm. Taylor, Mayfield !road, Stanley, tend on Wednesday (afternoon they were laid to trent lbeside 'those of•her late: husband in state Mayfield lienretery. Mr. Rathevell died about twenty years ago. She deavets on daughter, Miss Basthwello Of -•Seaforth, it ennam 'the sympathy of a large oitcle of friends swill ibe extended tin this :hier dark boun of affliction. • ,.......1•••••••••• About Serses.-Mr. F. Moirtanin sold a fine !team. ef heavy evorkiag-• horses to Mr. Thos. Sandford, of Exeter. One ael these animals weigh- ed ;1,800 painids, and Mr. McNutt' received ta, handsome price for the team. -Mr. Andrew Beattie, of Mon - Kalov, sold a very pr-etty faux year Old filly of his own traising, trona Satter, sto Mr. Aubetry, Montreal; ter $225. -Mr. Vir. Chanters of the Mill Road, Tackersmitsh, ban sold this Inandeame grey driver, four yeers told, ito a Mantreal buner, tor goo. -Mr. A. G. Smillie, Tu.oker- smith, was pffe,red and refused $200 for la, two Year said. -Clydesdale filly, from Prince tat Hualterd.-Mr. Wra. Troyer, nt Mils Green, has a owing• foal., 'aired by Caplan, 2.81-2, owned by 1Mr. Boast, of 'Brussels, and from this pretty pacing mare, ter which She aefieled $200. • Personal. -Mr. Robt. Broadfoot, of Abeline, sKansa, is in, this rvi-oinitY, visiting ;relatives and friends . Mr. liroadfoot s ,a brother of Mr. W. G. iBrioadtoot, of Tuakersmith, and of Mrs, join} Riobb, of Seatortlia Mr, Broadlont sformerly 'resided in Mre- ris. About twenty ,years ago he road this Lana in that township and aemoneci te Kansas, „where lhse was e uo cs seal ul, and soon, a c quired a competency nor himself and family, and tiq ;new enabled . enney life freed nnorna the canes and wearies in- endeatal to active business. He spent most of last summer teravel- ing ,Matitoba and the Territories, and a son ;of his went !with, Ile firmed Ito the Saskateheinan district to settle !there this spring. Me says the Canadian ,Nortlineest causes an- ennet as much interes't stihrongleolut Kansas .'as it dues in °retainer, many there disposing of their sleigh' !priced /arms anti going to locate on, (the nheap 'ani fertile lands ia the lean - adieu west, Mr. Broadficiot expects to spend the summer I,ns Onitaino., Death sof J. O'Co•nnelle-Jaines D. Onnonnell, manager of -the Sov- ereign (Bank, !Gonerich, and san of Bernard O'Connell, Esq., of Me.: • WOO, died Friday morning alter a week's: illness from typhoid fever. Deceased was taken ill the Tuesday previous, ;and although, it was known that his easewas serious the news lof this death came as la sad surprise to this many friends 'here. Mr. O'Connell was a young man with promising prospects and this death at almost the, opening of this oaxeer Es iparticularly sad. Mr. On I Connell ' was nor a couple of years beak 'keeper :far the firm of Reid ;& Wilson, hardware ,merchants of this i ;town. (While here die received Oe I, appeinitmen,t of deputy registrar- naf I the !county, a position ,he 'held tun - til aleautt a month ago, when te was made manager sof • the Sovereign Bank at (Goderich• Five years ago he was anarried to Bertha ,Daily, Id - est 'daughter of Mr. Thomas Daly, i nesaforth, who with sthree srnaUv children is left tbus eerly nn life' t to face the battles of the. world • withciat the pricyteeftioff of a . ind e and novinn husband. A olever, cern- y tosanionable young man, he lead a h'oest of friends and in business m.at- tera was held -ins the (highest esteem by all witle erlioni the eame Inecotnn tent. The bereaved father, and t Mother and brother and sites Will hare swith the widow and fatherless lee little Ones the _ deepest measure of je sympathy. The remains were 'bre/LT1 a to Sistoath Monday morning, and rt We're.- taken Ito St James' ohoOrch, Where. _the tessi6paa -taass was swag by Rev. Father Nconien, -of . Dublin, and the Ifutrieral address was dolly,- ered by* Rev. Mather NortIligraves. The remains *ern theniilaid to- test in St. Jaenee' eemestery. A large iriimber of the members a Go;den- fob lodge, 0.- M. Be tA.., ' of Which detienesed twas ;a ' niember, iattendod the funeral, and they With- the brethern tot ineatorth old at. oot. .umbans dodges eitarelted in a body to the Ignave,- The members ;of the Seafforth . bowling club ! with a number ta visiting botvelens saleo marched da the prioaession, the Alen -- ceased Peeing an enthusiastic member of thn IGoderien beivoling club. The nail bearers( were`J. L. Killenan, 'Sean itorth; Sheriff .Reynonds, Dr. Min- ter, jos. Kidd, H. W. Thompson and 1 Man Garrow, Goderioth. . I s -Among Ithone out of town( who attended the IA/newel were; juldge Holt, Registrar IW. Coates, F. Davis aetd Mr. tHenry,' Gederieh ; W. Jack - on, ,13.. Pair, H. To Ranee, 16., Pere..9- ter and j. Taylor, Clinton; 001. Dougherty, E. A. Dunbar and L.T. • Downey, Mitchell; A. Sinloos, P. P., EastHutrop • A. MoDonaild, C. H. iBrloadloot, J.' HoWitt and (Allex. •McLennan, Brulssels. • . - Telephone Extenelen. -- Extensive .alterations , and im:provements are being made tin the telephone sys- tem in inialoeth. The businees un- der the present' suranalgement (has grown too Urge tor the off*. The propesecl nniprovements inelinits the cablin'g !of all the lines on Main street and moving the fice as - _cross, the street, A -very central 'and pleasant leseation has been secured iright . next the Bank of 'Commerese. The building is Ito be, Thoroughly remodeled and sent tin firet 011USS shene. The work • will be rubbed ' through 'at loilte and When oomplets ein we wiill have - an all 'nights ser - 3(100. The office will be equipped with all tehe latent improvenaents for both lineal and long distance vocink. . , • ..s. NOTICE TO DEBTORS.-4All persons Indebted to the estate of the late Andraw- Young, Seaforth, are requested to call at the stoye of the .1114dersigned and Mettle the same on or before June lith, ae the affairs of the estate must be wound up at once. Alex. Wil. son, Executor 2008-2 SHAWL LOST. -Lost on Friday, May 25th, bo - tureen sehool No. 1, Tuckeismith and the residenc Bme of A. G. illie, a lady's red woollen shawl. 4 The finder will greatly obligel)y returniug, the. 8.24400m8e-oto tile(4 lundersigned, A. , Smillie, Hensel] P. 42);' TENDISREI FOR 13OOTI115,-Tenders for the booth privileges on the race gvouncle during- the races on June20and 214 will be received by the Secretary of the turf club until June 15th at Op, m. 2008-1 The finest toned Bell Piano we have ever heard at" rived Saturday at R. IL Peck & Co.'s, Seaforth. •1 •• 24)(8t W4i,have another car of Keewatit;- Flour totiiir-hf-e. Five Roses and Red Brand. Get our prices on Man- itoba, Flour, Cardno Bros., Seaforth. 2008-1 BOY WANTED. --Wanted at once, good smart" boy. Good wages. Apply at Ting EXPostrou Orrick, Seaforth. • 2008-1 ENGINEER, WANTED. -Wanted by The Murray Threshing Co., a good reliablelnar), capable of oper- ating a traetion engine. Applieations stating wages will be receis-ed until June 20th and Will be opened Totrieatshiei.re244rsdea. foArtdhd. ress Robert Murdie, Secretary - 20084 A violin reeitaI will be given on June 18th ,by the pupils of 'Miss Edna Pickard, in the MethodistChurch basement for the benefit of the Epworth League, als slated by Miss Ada L. Beattie and Mr. Foley, elocu- tionists ; also a trio composed of Miss Dora Dab', violin cello, Mr. Harry Livins, piano and 'Miss Edna Pickard, violin, Admission 104). 2008-1 NICE CREAM (plain ,t fancy), Water lees, Sherbets En briek or bulk for w dings or, parties at Neil's, Restaurant, Seaforth. 2008-1 One square piano and one organ to relit OfiesP at It. IL Peek & tk).'s, Seaforth.• 20004f Moxsy -ro.Lo.sas-Private funds on good improved farm seourity, Favorable terms. Apply at TIM EXPOlirrolt. °Meg, Seaforth. 2007-tf ' WARNING. -All accounts due the estate of the late J. 8. Roberts not settled by June 8th will be planed in other hainie for collection. Last call. W. ..M. McKay, Manner. 2007 WANTED.-Eg gs We -Pedlars' revised tariff. 100 tubs choice butter wanted at once, (co,E. King, 'Winghatn. 20004 A Try Charlie Hines' hand Jaundry, Seaforth, for nice work. Always gives satisfaction. Clothes called for and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea - forth. • 1083 -if Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Com- mercisti Itotel; Seaforth, on Wednesday, May W. Hours 1 to 8 p. in, Cataract, tiquint, failing eye- sight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated and Wanes prOperly fitted. • 1988-tf The 'Visit of the Bisleon.-A hearty welcome twee tendered ;Bishop Wil- liams lien 'the members of St. Thomas °boron tin the seneen room on Wed., nes d,ay :at ternnon of 'last ' week. 4n address was sreall to Its sLordship after whio'h tea, was served by 'the ladies and a most enjoyable nocian time was with the guest ,of the aaernoein. In the evening a (large gathering Iwas present from all the neighboring oiturolies, and, Mis Lord- ship non.firmed 23 candidates, being assisted In the services by • Revd Rural Dian Glenne, of Clinton, and the officiating rector, Rev. Mr. Berry. The Bishop' preached an earnest and nery ethanglittful ser- mon, guarding this hearers against th:e evilsof the present age, and the ohoir wondered iappippria te !hymns. The (address ickangratudated the Bis- hop so,n. this election to &IA' highs ireosie tion, and warmly weloomed him ion his (first visit as Bishop, and lex- nreased the Ibeleif that he will be- comse las greatly 'believes& in ;the Dio- cese las hieneeloved and lamented &ere- deoesior. The address was signed by ghc Rector, the thurcli Wardens, the president of the Ladies' Guild, ene president of the Women's'ilissionary ?Auxiliary, the president sof the Chancel* !Guild, the president of tbe Young People'i A.ssociatis.n, the - sunerintentlent of tbe Sunday school, and ithe vestry °lock. Suocessful-Furtber sresults of the Toronto-, Universitn examinations show that the ex -pupils sof tbe Sea- - orth eCollegiate (Institute have done remarkably well. In the final ex- amination, on sthe arts loourse, Kr. John !Gardiner, son of Mr. Alex. Gardiner, id llYleKillotp, stands first n lphys i es and applied mathematics. Mr. Ga.rdiner matriculated from the Ses.forth Collegiaite Linetitute in 1902 taking honors in mathematics and science. bias stood near the tap of his Wass throulgirout his conrie and has onade a very brilliant finish,. Mr. Robt. Duneansen, also of MoKilityp, gr.adusates tin arts, 'standing second the general preniciency course. Be- sides this arts course, Mr. Duncan- son fleas been taking work at Knox Cc/liege, and she is ine ocmgratul- abed on his Ihigh standing. Miss Carrie (M. 1Cnight, the winner of the Prince Of Wales eeholariehip, in 1904 s keeping nip her peat record. lgibe s taking three coursee the 'gni- ersity-Ciassies, English nod .-Ilis- ory with the classics -optima and English and ihistory witb the mod- rns options, and at ;this the eecemd ear (examination, ehe again stands ead ther clasnin all three courses. Miss Euphemise Cowan, dasughter ot Mr. James Cowan, and Irlise Barbara.McKelvey-. of Mriessels, have Passed heir 'first year exams. in arts, -Mies owau takintg honors in olaesics, and iss McKelvey honors In French add inglish. (In medicine, Gordan Gana, an of Mr. B. B. Gunn, -M. R., and ebt. Davis, a Staff% have passed ,on _s BUCkWilPat Hungarian and Millett TURNIP $EED all varieties. S LT I.;y the ton, y the bag, or barrel, to sui the custorne W. E, 'Kerala, SEAFbRTIL ' tinned to reside ;until 1886( wheifn I • 1 the family removed Ito gensas,where tney lived tor eleven Insets. From there they (ravened Ito; Missauri. Mr. Laidlaw is ' survived' by bis aged partner and *ix ;children. 00. . sin - torment 'says; "Mr. Laidlaw was very 'priominent in ltb.e ILa air,. ;cir- cles oendlilled :the different chairs in Iplanee where he, had dived. M was bythe bunied ander the auspionts tof this' bellov,ed order. He hadb , een a - sistant member of the eres"IL ciatt erian ohnroh. or lover 'half a oentiory. dle died the death -of a eihristian, and when ihe met ale last enemy he was - More than conqueror. (Albin:ale& sick a (long time, he was extremely pat - lent and not a marmun ever tell • from !his dips." 6l d ° orkatrimonial.-Mr. Robt. Winter, jr„ was tmairied in Goderich on. 'Sat- urday last Ito Mies Andrews, slater a of Mr, C. S. Andrews, merchant- nt - this towns. We (understand the t young people will anside in thenes- • . edence recently vacated by Mrs. e (Dr,) Lyncli.-Miss ,Ediras Bright, ii eldest daughter of :Mr. and Mrs. A. • j. Bright, wan married on Wedneso n day to Thomas Gale Aehbaugh, of 1 Aylmer. The eereanony sbaok place 8 at the family reeidente and was d ; performed by Rev. LA. K: Birks.-Mr. e Illiam A. Morrison, of MoKillop, NV1943 married ton Wednesday tot' Mies their (first year exaintriation . The standing taken -fby the pup Is and ex -pupils sof our Collegiate is th higniest toomPliment that own 1 pai to the iefficienoy of the Ste, and they are (certainly to be en ; rata- lated. During ithe past !few yo; re pu pils tram fleaforth Donee te In stititte have atood ithe ve y fron rank, and the honors the,y ve won at the 4various examinations is tib best proof .oir the thoraugh t ainin they ihave reae,ived here; through this -Seasforth C Ids a enelable reputation as a t o learning and to a great .eXte it thi distinetion is elm to the etia 1, an the present -Staff is fine tnitt er leave lead in the hist'orno th schaal. • :More (Departed.-Twa more of nu. Most ;worthy eitizens, have b n se. Moved by desatb, Mr. Wm. ender sem, (painter., 'diedo at his re ideal here ton .Wednesday night, and Mr. J. Elliott ;passed away en' T unlade morning. Mr. iHeindersolov.ha bee 111 nesost of, the winter. Mee Mot had been away lookting aft r M Gotteridge's Dement nvork na th 'new stations and eamii home on Fr day suffering trona 'pneumonia, an ?despite an efforts the diseaseoould not be stayed ova it resulted fatal- ly as above stated. 'Travellers.- The following, were tioketed Ito the west on Tuesday's hornestekers' excursion by W. om- R. agent : 3. IlDra.ke, Staffa, (to Hanaidta; Miss Miller, Miss (Herron and H. Ingry, -of tOriones- arty, to Battleford; 13 Barbara-, ief Staffa, to Mittleford; Mr, and Mrs. Edgar ;Allan, of Cromarty, tin Ed- montoin ; Mrs. Cook, sof Constance to ;Brandon; slisebt. nifeDole and faro,' ily, sof IIullett, to' Winnipeg. Other travellers were Miss Elizabeth Thompson, of Clinton, to Gliageow ; Wm. Robb, Seaforth, tto St. Jose.Ph, Michigan. -The 'toll -owing were ticketed by Stewart Bros., C. P. R. agents: IT. We Mills, of Blyth, to Edmonton and return;['MOIL -Etgie, nt 13,,ruce- field, to niaskatoton and retuan; Mrs. Agnes Gillespie, of Croanarty, to Moose Jaw and return; John. Taylor of Chisethurst, t infonfie Jaw ;ABA: return,'John !McLean, ow seTh uTst, to Edmonton 'and retarn; ,Robt..Me Dale, of !Constance, to Edneanton. • - Sebunah May Forbes, at the mei- • dente of flYfr. Samuel Stitt, MoKilo r lop, May prosperity and happiness be the not a ear& and an. , - • 'The Mayoralty. -There was quite v. a il?risk (contest here on Meinday 1a st at the 'election tor Manor oaths - n t ed bv the retirement ;of Mr. Ws 41. r ;Willis. But when, the polls were r. dosed and he count announred if- ‘' was Mound that Mr. Bnoelerick bad a been, elected by a large majority. The *allowing is stne note pinned for 'the (respective; candidates lathe -several swards; , Sports. -The Beavers played their first schedule game in. the (Inter- mediate 'series in Goderich, on Friday last. The gean-e was a well eonte,st- ed lone, bust in the end tiee Beavers proved Itoo mule for Olsen' eopp,on- ents, ancl *On rat by a score of seven goads Ito toirr. Next Tuesdan Wingbam play there. The Wingham team is ta fast one •and the name will Ibe a nood one; -The first home game in the Sen- ior IW, F. A. series will be played 'here this, Friday, evening, be- Strattord and the Surma. • -Egmondville and the South Ward played off the prdtested gale in the Staples trophy series oh Wed- nesday, night, the South Ward win- ning by three goals ,to none. • -The Vannes (lost no Berlin- in. Berlin, on Tuesday-, in the senior ser- ies al the W. IF. (A., iby a score of two newts to one. The lgaIlle evas Played an the train, wiltioh had leo n large extent an effect 'ontbe neSulit, as IMO of the goais soared by Berlin was direet4y attributable Ito ;the heavy, wet bail. Afthough the lfieore was 'unfavorable, the Hurons had decidedly the beat of *be gains, and in the; ;return Match will undoubt- edly make tuns t on this defeat.' e 4 ,..........----. Rifle Csairtest.-The eleok Shield a irtophy given- by Hen. Adam Beek, 'of Lands*, sfor nom -petition between the Cadet .I0orps of the London Mil- itary district, was competed LOT at Se afort h Cot tegiete Ins tit ate, on Friday dast. The 'competition was, five shots sat 18 ,yards, and five shots sat 25 yards, stwenany neempeti- tors. The score WalS 115. g NV.• 'Ell' :butt, Keith Fear, N. Boyce, . SoOtt Hays, D, (McLachlin, and R. Hatirtrey at possible oceans. The aompleti- tion was inonducted fain the 0011 gl- ate (institute range, before CarAt in Smitb, of Wtotoileoley Barracks, L /1•• don, mind Major Wilson, of Sento th. The Shield iwafi 'held last year by St. Thomas, 1141160 Ants ; f3eatorth held it the 5?; -6 a r 'nelsons by 154, no, tt; 't this year tthe 'record has been sr te- ed 115 tpoints, and it looks as if ease forth might win. The 'event fir ast- -ad - great interest 'amonn the le ys. The folirowing are the sores made by each contestant; % • Names 18 yds 25 yds eta Willlarn Adams 01111 11111 9 jack Best 10111 11111 9 Norman BOyee 11111 11111 0 Archie Campbell -11311 01100 7 Jame Dickson 111011 10111 •8 William Elliott o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 Keith Fear 111.11 11111 0 Sumo Hamilton 1111i 000117 Ryerson Hart*. 14111 11111 ' 10 &tett Hays " 11111 11111 10 Jamea Love 11111 01111 9 Don. MeLaehlan 11111 11111_ 10 Bobert'n MeLean 10111 01011 7 Rosa McKay 11111 11011 9 Wm. Oliver _ 11101 11101 8 John Purcell 01110 11111 8 Archie Scott 10111 11011 '8 Russell Scott 11111 11011 9 Ed. Whittaker 11011 01111 8 Frank Yeo 01111 11111 9 _ Total 90 85 • 7fi -Word bas 'just been •reoeyedI by Principal Rogers that the C ;let corps ,of tite Seatoirtih Callegiatee ave won Ithe Beck Shield, with. It er- soll second. The shield will be or - warded there as soon as it is len- ;graved . We eongra t ulate tshe s 'ys on their success. This is the sec nd time the ;EleaforCh boys have wo Death sof Mr. Robert Laidla •-- Word has been received here of the death of Mr. Robert Laidlaw, b h- er ;of Mr. James 0, Laidlaw and rs. 3. P. Brine, of this town. Mr. 114 id - law died in Missouri an 'he.27t (of April. He was 75 years 40L tge. he deceased was a native *f Arg le- slrtre, Soctiand. He came to, Ca • ada in 1849 and firs't isettied din the (vi- cinity of (Bruclefield, where he al; marri-ed 130 Sarah MeCarrtney in 1851. They afterwards removed 'to •,rey townehip, where Mr. Laidlaw en- gaged in (fa,rining st or eeveral yans. Senn* the !farm in Grey, they re- moved to Bruasels, where they ,North tlyarel East (Ward Sonth (Ward - 1 1 brodenick.' Best. 82 77 107..... 55 87T 47 • Motel 276 (1179 Majority tor 'Broderick, •97 -A meeting be nominate a •clonn- olillor tho sfill the place vacated by, Mr t Mroderiek, was held the same evening. The folkowing nominations were made: Mr. Mex. Winter was nominated sby iGeorge A. Silks, and seconded by Frank Best ; Mr. Thomas Stephens was nominated by Mex. Davidson land seconded by Robert French. On Tuesdat Mr. Stephens -withdrew, and. -Mr. Winter was de- clared selected len acclamation- • Leoal Brian -Mr. ,Robt. Pringle of Chicago (was in town this week, the guest of friends. -Mr. and Mrs. Panson rettoned on Monday frchn a very pleasant ;visit with friends in lisborne, making their headquarters with Mr.- Paul Madge and. family, .of the (1)frames Road. Mr. Famen says it makes him feel young agein to gat oat onto a faxon this time of year. -34. (Walter Piekend send, Mr. W. IE.-Minschley are leaving ceinexit Walks daid down to their residences. -Dr. iTheo Ooleman, of Hamilton, -Wa'S here last week. He was ogled eee Mies Robertson, Mrs. T4 N. Coleman's sister, ;who mats very 111, but (who is DOW recovering. -Mr. 'Tonnes Mays lis making numerous im- provements ion 'the Peters residence on tGoderich street wlhich •he reoently ptIrohtssed.-Mr*. (Itev.) Cosens, of Brussels, vent nitendiay here with her Mother, Mr. R. Govenlock and other triends.-The, bazaar held on Saturday in the vacant store in Oardno's block by the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian anutroh, was in every ,respect la amnesia Nea-rly all that was for sale wan disposed ot, • large inurnaber sof people were ted and the ilinancial %enema :were most sat- isfactory amounting Ito $140 and. all enjoyed a soda& and pleasant, if nusy talter.noan.-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pringle, of Stratford, formerly of Seaforth, I. tend starting on a trip to the old onatry in a few (days and will -,like spend the simmer .on the other tsi e of the Atlantic. Mr. Pringle has an elder `brother sUll living tin Scotland. The many friends of INIT. and Mrs. Pringle among the readers Of The Expositor will .unlite hvith it dnwhining them an agiee- -able voyage, a pleasant visit a- mong the scenes of their youth and a safe retie:ext.-Rev. Z. S. Welsh, Canadian secretary of the Britian. and Foreign (Bible Society will preach tin, tine Prebyter,,n church next Sunday (forenoon. Mr. Welsh Is is brother a ,Mrs. John Weir. He is an able preacher. and an sa.uthor of •;considerable renown. -Mr. 113. Thom- son, of liensall, drove through here on Tuesday oin his way bo 4the town- ahip of Grey to visit some friends there. --The many old friends *1 Mr. Thomas Darwin, of this town, were pleased toisee that he was -able to dome eat and poll his note an lYfOn- day last. Mr. Darwin, is 97 years of age and is tilt in posSession sof •all his (fatuities, is able` to read the Globe and enjoy what the reads and, has ;very goad health. We hope our old (friend may *continue to enjoy life for many years yet. -Mr. and Mrs. S. iCadmore of Insborn,e, epent Monday night there with Mrs. Cad- niore's parents/ Mr. and. Mrs. P. Daley. -Mrs. (Dr) Lynch and little daughter went to Hamilton this week' to ivisit aselativeis there. -Mrs, J. F. Clark, of Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. -Greig.- Mr. Norman Campbell is here just ;now nisitinig !his mother. Mr.Campe ibell !has (beenctnthe .staff of &the Bank of Commerce for a good many years and ;has resigned that posi- tion and intends goinig to Nashville, Terinesee, 'With the 'view of engag- ing in business on his own oncount. si-Mr. and Mrn, Robert Boyce, of 3- Jake, -'visited ta,t the 'borne of itlie former's parents; flYfr. and Mrs. 'B. Boyce this (week.: -Rev. 13Yir. Larkin land Rev. (Mr. Shaw, of Egmondviile, exchanged pulpit ir dont Sabbath forenolon.-Hay and'espealally clover is (likely to be a short crop in this vicinity 'this season. --Wednesday fast was the 15th, anniversary of the deathoof Sir LX,An Macdonald, We iunderatand that Mr. Morrison, 'of (McKillop, (has presented hS bride with ta. 'beautiful Burl walnut Do- minion nixie*, which nee purehased from 4. In Peck 18c ot• Seaforth. Mr. Fell, of Statfa has also parehas- ed a 'handsome Mellanian mon from the Same 11irm.-11he violinpu,pilsef Miss Ediva. (Piekard awl others will give la,Illusiead entertainment in tbe basement of ;the linethedint ohnroh for the benefit of the Epwortih Lea- gue, on the 18tite inst.-Rev. F. M. Markin and Mr. Rahn Govenlock, of Bea.forth ; 'Rev. D. !Carswell, Duff's chu,rah, sMoKillop, sand Mr. and Mrs. Alex. -Gardiner, of McKillop,are at- tending the General Assembly in London. -The new time of R. H. JUNE .�nthof Roses Brings a Little Economy Lesson If - somethingYYou lpaytoo talfuyeohn- fopraya!nolyoda tlhititniglo a, ayn et tr se you lose everything, because you have not1iing 6 at the beginning or at the end. This fact leads to the point in view, emphatically make the statement that you will not find trash here ---t fore yon cannot buy it -even by aocidente and now at the three old of mer, with stocks as never before, you w\ill find here a price -int rest a quality -interest that is irresistible in every one of our many departments. Stylish New Slimmer M Hine • A cheap hat is a cheap affair at best, Cheapness is not the aunt of our millinery stock. Ohea'p, or rather "trashy"materials and cheap labor find no favor here. But, pretty hats, tastily designed from thoroughly pod materials, 'await you at temptingly low prices, June Brides Find That The Becoming Ha Be Procured Her We now Mandan -Me New S treet' Hts H at Shoes Flower •also nibbles* In Now Penal n Eff an* - Mennen end Chiffons itt 41ver SI • The Newest Dress Mater Cotton Stuffs Wool ORGAND lE S • SIVISSES LAWNS DIMITIES PIQUES 0 ilAMBRAYS VLAINETTES SATEENS °RALLIES DUCKS The Shoppers wish to see a compre. hensive gathering of dress goods from whieh to select their summer gowns, No doubt about that. Realizing this desire, we have pre. pared accordingly. The very newest fabrics are no w here and on view and are priced to enthuse quick sake. St ORE I TA FBI' RO Cord De Bo imaq OR SP1N V PANAM MOHAI V I G EREA MOnth Of. Bd. es During June we specially invite the brides of 19061 as well jaR tho other -years, to inspect our beautiful collection of Carpets and Lae On and also our other attractive furnishings for floors and windows, Dress Goods Specials Now on ft Light Fawn.Mottled Tweed..... ......• fo Lignt Colored Fancy Cheeks (stylish) tik for Navy Hair Line Stripe Mohair,.... -.....,....,......60c for 35a Brown Check Mohair. .50c fox 23e Two Tone Covert ....E. 1".0400,4.11 fk• • ; ff for 35e Queen's Grey .75c for 40c Specyds shown in Cotton Stuffs equally as attractive...-. amill0•10.0sk Peek i& Coo Oft Seat,orth, Shave re nently Ipbaced a 'beautiful Bell pi- ano an !the home of Mr. Ruigh Semite ton, ion Tutakersmitb, and anther of the same Istyle at Mr. john Caimp- bell's. Miss Warren, of Herman, has talk, tpurchased a Tien piano tram the 'same nirm.-Mrs. R. S. Roberts has thad a new coment -cellar and cis - stern !placed in her house. -Dr, Camp- bell, sof ,Brooklyn, New Work, erly lat iSeaforth, and ibis AO, Dr. Chas. Campbell, had a ;narrow es- cape tr,om death ;the other day. They were oat olriving when their -horse was frightened by an automobile, and ithey Were anown down an em- bankment. They were both badly shaken Top and. had a miraealieus nee nape (from death -Mrs a. P. Gibaan, sot flowa, fie; visiting her father, &Ir. Thos. Livingston, - of Mullett, and other friends. Mrs. 'Gibson is a for- mer resident ;of "Seaferth, alld left here laboultetwenty years aga.-1)ne nmany (friends of Mra. Tboze. Living- ston, inear Mina, who; ;has been &id uip 'With tan atback of paralysis, will be pleased to learn, ,that she is now so itar recovered as to ber able to go around the thouse.-The South and -West Huron Farmers' Institutes will have their annual exoursion to Guelph next Friday. - by block and tackle by Mr. irialay4 son, of If uokeremith. W in pinto ed Mr. (Borten will hav one of Iller largest and Ittest learns ti ithe ship' ansl we hope /he ay daa filled ito overflowingvery . with Widen. grain. A 'New (Barn. -The M srs. II Gordon, ,issf the 6 none last week Iliad n fine ne barn ed. oThe building d 40x 0 feet stone &wind -Axon and will be the best and most zany Went in that teatime. We (tr z the Messrs. -Gordon swill ha.v crop cJ to more than .11 ,thei Staffa. Ofk Ito the Wet. -Mies Agnes Her- ron, of Staffa, isft on Tuesday on a trip to the Northwest. She 4111. go to Moose Jaw, where beiwill visit ter sinter, MTS. aloseph Getty. She was accompanied by Miss Mil- ler and Mrs. James Gillespie, of Cromarty. We trust they will all • have a pleasant trip. Usbnleao. -A New Barn.-2,Ir.iWne. Horton, of the 4th ooncession, had A largo barn raised this week. inshe barn/ is 40 by 80 feet on -atone and brick wall for ' stabling landerneatn. It is to have an linen woof and will be finished up in the most improved enetboda for oenveniance :elan (comfort. Mr. Jas. Brintnell bas tine contract s for tbe• frame work land Wm. Kydd tor the foundation. The frame was raisecl • To the West. s. pie ttlid MSS Aggie 'Tuesday lea a trip to a t the Northwest. They as iMoornejaw, -where Gil will Tvisit ner nen, R. R. Gill and Miss Miller will vi t ber er, Mr. George Miller. We all them ;a pleaeant trip a4nd tL sa turn. St. clolunt fok buNeiontesses.-Trerievi ititibTrotr15,o to onoKeoa thday. eanOnnepsalareee ,or rnlitarrthlhegey fop r:bliti gJt hie young people.. A petty dze° cord tor one day. -Man people fr here attended Mr. Jr O'Cnn ° funeral an Seaforth on Monday Ilnd all friends and no enemi000 eympatb tie being felt,- on; all tor the widow and ohildren. C B. 4. branol No. 361, St. Coln was well represented in tbe pr slon.-The nuptial mass WiLs3 and the omrriage serviee for Julia -O'Reilly and Mr. Jas. Fl gar was isolemnized here ell Tee morning 'last. Miss Mary 0' and Mr. Wm. Flannigan were 1, nal witnems. A great nanatr- other witnesses tarried •sac firedteeb 1434)10dDgrttc*Atetlateiot sitiV tnniet lar young eoulple as their cab la (swan, nonvoyed by a flying gel ren, f ralbev tired blogies.