The Huron Expositor, 1906-06-08, Page 6a
St LE-- A 'story end a half brick
*j eottag In Harputhey. The house hi hatted with
nd hits a hairie kitchen and woodshed at.
teamed. There is a good Welt, good -stable mid hen,
hous-e on the property. There are 8 1.5 mires of land.
.Apply on the premieee. FltANCES FOWLER.
IL money on improved quarter eectione of 160
at-resew:Ai at front 87: to 10( per annum. Only first
mortgages taken. Ample security elven. TorrOns -
Title System ia perfect. From e800) up can be lent
on farms worth from $1.000 to 02,009. For • further
Welders write to ine. A. JACKSON, Barrie -
et!,, P000ka, Alberta': 1959-tf,
QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, the East
L. half of Lot 8 and Lot 4, on the 131.h Concesion of
containing 226 acres, all leared except 15
acreof good hardwood bush. It is well fenced and
tile drained. There ie a frame house and two good
bank barns, with done stabling under both, and
other outbuildings, A spring creek rune %cross the
farm. It is well adapted eithar for grain or grass.
It la within 7 tilles of Blyth, and three.quarters of a
mile from Harlot*, where there is a store, black-
smith ahop, pose office•and gehapl. Will be stild on
easy term as the proprietor Wants to retlie. A' -ply
on the premises or address, Harlook P. 04 S. Pliant -
TREE. 10964f
FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2,
..1: Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety acres are
cleared and in a good date et cultivation ; there are
10 acres of good hardwood linsh. The farm he all
well underdrained and well fenced. There is a two-
sterey brick house wit.hSlate roof, a first-class farm
house. Bank barn, 4011., x 8011.., cement silo, pigpen,
driving holm; There are two never -failing wells,
and an acre of orchard and anall fruit. This excellent
farm is three miles from Brucefield and five miles
froni Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further
particulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT'
rioTr, Clinton P. O. . 194841
`IDARMS FOR SALE --100 acres, Lot 3, Concessi. on
5, II. R. S., Tuukerstnith, Huron County, all
seeded to gra$9, exce.t 15 acre; of bash. /Name
house, orchard, 2 g'.' wells, land and bush the best.
.also West half eeLot 5, Concession 4, Tuckerionith,
50 acres, school on corner, Baseleld river crossing
On this place there Is a bank barn, brick house,
work -shop, driving house, pig and hen house, young
bearing orchard with handsome shade trees, 2 wells,
water that class„ The buildings are new and up-to-
date and the land in the hest conpition.: A good lo-
cation, 3 miles from-Seaforth on e good road, *hese
farms are offered for sale together or separatelv. If
not sold soon may be offered for rent. Apply to
JOHN SPR9AT, Eginondvilie P. O., Ont. 1996-tf
j'lOOJ) FARM FOR SALE. ---For sale cheap and on
easy terms, Lot 25, Concession 4, McKillop.
This farm contains on acres, all cleared and in One
condition. Fifty acres are seeded to grass, six or
eeven in fall vheat and the rest all ploughed and
ready for spring erop. There is a fine spring for
watering the stock close to the buildings, a good
brick house, two large barns, one with good stabling
underneathealso horse !stable and implement house
and a large Orchard. It is within a mile and a half
of the Iowa Of Seaforth. If not add, will be leased
for a term of Years. Apply to the undersigned, box
1.92, Seaforth O., ROBERT GOVENLOCK,
FAim FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 5, Concession
14, Hullett, containing 120 acres. The farm is
all cleared and in a, high state of cultivation. It is
well drained and well fenced. There is a large two-
storey brick house with woodshed and kitchen.
There is a large bank barn and two smaller barnsand
driving -shed. Two good orchards. There are two
never failing amines on the farm, which make it an
excellent one for either stock or cropping. There is
also a pump at the barn with svinditull. This excel-
lent farm is two miles from Harlock P. 0„ four miles
from Myth. It will be sold on easy terme as the
prcrprietress wishes to Ieave the farm. This is the
farm of the late John Mills, For further particulars
appiy oh the premises or address Harlock P 0.,
'WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, Concession 3,
..L,L. R. S., Tuekersmith, -containing 100 acres, of
whieb 9 acres is eoed. hardwood bush. The balance
well fenced, tiledrained and in first-class condition.
There are two good bathe, one a,bankbarn $0 x 78 ft.
with stone stabling underneath and tbe other 56 x
86 ft, and a eomfortable frame house, three good
wells and a never -failing spring at the rear of the lot,
and a good bearing orchard. The ploughing is all
done and 14 acres of fall wheat It ig within two
miles of the flourishing village of Hensel' and within
half a mile of a school house. Apply on the premises
or to CALDWELL, Ilensall la 0. 198741
FARM FOR SALE. -Farm for sale, Lot 1,
Con. 1, Hallett, containing 100 acres, 95 cleared,
good soil, no waste, excellent situation, being two
miles west of the flourishing town of Seaforth, on the
Huron Roost, On the premises is a two-storey frame
house containing 8 rooms, summer kitchen, cenient
cisterns, house is heated by furnace just put in.
There are two barns and other outbuildings, one
barn has stone basement with cement floors, a small
orchard with choice fruits, and a never failing- spring
at the barn. Possession may be had this fall and, if
not sold, will be rented. Apply on the premises, or
address Seaforth P. 0, GEORGE 0, DALE Jr..
FOR SALE. ----An excellent building lot,containing
three-quarters of tin acre of land, part of the
McMann property, Egmonilville, opposite the recre-
ation grounds, all ready for building. There is a
good fence all round the land, a good hard waten
well, the cellar is dug out and a drain all round it,
also a draM from it. There are about 17 thousand
of kiln run brick. The brick can be bought separate-
ly if desired. There are also a number of loads of
mind and gravel and enough stone to Wild a founde-
tion for a large house. This property will be sold
theap, as Mr. Little cannot drive the Baylield and
Seaforth stage and live in Egnionville and would like
to dispose of hisproperty there. Any person desiring
to buy this property may learn all particulars from
R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. or If. LITTLE, Baseleld.
OR SALE. -For sale Lot 29, son e 9th
Concession of llibbert, containing 100 acres, all
in a good state of cultivation. There is on the prem-
ises a brick house with brick kitchen and a good cel-
There is alio a large bank barn, 60 x 40, and a
ean-th of se feet, with stone stabling underneath.
Also a shed, 80 x 30, and a driving house with every-
thing complete. There are three never -failing wells
on the pronisee, there is also a large orchard and
good garden. There are 10 acres of fall wheat. sown
and there are 40 aeres seeded down. Either suitable
for hay or pasture. All the fall ploughing is done.
The farm is well underdrained with tile and well
fenced with wire fences. It ie in eagood locality, be,
ing eituated two-and-a-haff miles 'from Chiselhurst,
where there is a post office and two chumbes, Meth -
°diet and Presbyterian, 8 miles from Seaforth and
there is a good gravel road running past the farm. It
is in good condition and will be sold on reasonable
terms as the proprietor wishes to retire. For further
partimilars FL -prey on the .premises or to CHARLES
ABERHART, Stara P. 0., Ontario. 198941
Tar -IM
'Finest in the World
IThe largest and best equipped
telegraph school in the world is
right here in Canada. Pictures of
teachers, different departments and
successful students are shown in
our ha.nesonaely illustrated tele-
graph book. A postal brings it. Let
us mail it to you to -day.
B. W. $omers, Principal
Dominion School of Teleg-
raphy d Railroading
Three hundred -times bet-
ter than sticky paper.
Sold by all Druggists and General Stores
and by mail.
Farmers' Attention!
I will pas- the highest market price for good fresh
eggs delivered at Mr. Livens* store, Seaforth. Give
me a call and oblige. Your patronage Benched.
20034f JOHN kleNAB, Seefortha
Free Gifts of Toilet Soa
The Coupons are the same 1ae cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
for which you have to pay out money every week.
for nothing.
Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something .you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use
Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto, Casteda
Perth Items.
-The greet earnarre dna Bailey
oireu-s twill appear tin Stra.ttord
Au-guet 15th. • •
-The fListowel -Banner :has inStaile
ed a new Campbell printing press,
and also -la itees,v power pliant.
-The Stratford Herald's annutal
three days' lexouiralieles to Sarnia. tund
Detroit, (will be .held on tjune 0, 10
and ill this year.
e -A atheap lexethrshan to Niagara
Falls is beings arranged tor 'the
middle toe gone, ander the auspices,
tot Knox church,
-:The byelaw (no spend $10,000 on
permanent troads laud isidewalks in
St. -Marys, was passed on Saturday,
by a Majority of 156. •
-The (four learner stones- of the
beautiful new Methodist &such at
Kirktoln were (laid ion Victoria Day,i
with impressive icerexitiolniee.
-The beautiful new quarters of
the Listowel Oddfellows were form-
ally fopened IrIn Wriday evening lat.
The, Lodge had (the mist ortnee ft.10 be
burned tont (seine time ago, at the
occasion of the destructioua of the
Cameron( block. •
-The Moloney flaisoeit end Candy
Oa., of Stratford, received ;the first
two totes .oruimber (of 'oars being bailt
• tor theme (last week. ,This Company
has (the distinction of being the on-
ly institution, outside of railways,
owing and operating their own ears
in (the Dominion.
-Mr. M. Durkin, au old mad high-
ly respeoted Inesiden.t lot Stratford,
died saddenily at his 'home &here fon
Thursday :tlast. Deceased wasorait
in Couarty Down, ?Ireland, Jana I'was
76 years owife
(age. Besides his
he is survivied by a (family of tour
sons and three idanghter,s.
-A happy event took eelace- tan
Wednesday afternoons at, the theme
of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sittler, of taste
towel, when their daughter, Mise
Melia, was limited in the holy (bonds
Of traatrineany It* Mt. E. Hahn, let
Berlin. The, bridal couple left the
next day tor their (new home in
Berlin. .
-A quiet home wedding was 601-
eranized at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas &fele, on Thursday,
May 24th; when their daughter,
Louise, was united in inarriage to
Mr. (Wilbert .Lavery, 'of Listowel.
The toereinany was performed -by the
Rev. D. IN. MoCaneus, pastor of the
Methodist church, in the presence
of the (relatives of the centracting
-The Mitchell Nursery Co. have
new ioompleted arrangements for
the erection off soother large green-
house whioth will eterpass any wow
in me. The new house will be tor.
roses -alone end will contain tsevenal
hundred plants, and by September
1st it is expeeted the bloomin'T will
commence and from then on (until
the llowing pring many outtings
-will be taken each day. The firm
wilt erect a new boiler halloo land
another SO horse power boiler swill
be installed. .
-At 'noon on Monday, May 28th,
Mrs. 'W. F. May, Of Mitchell, tame
within an aoe calf dosing User 'el& by
obekin.g. While at dinner, a bone
e.bout two cloches in length, lodged
in her throat, and for sevexul inain-
tites every effort to TeralDve lit was
unavailing. Dr. tAlkinson (was thole
riedty tsent tor, and the -family were
terribly 'alarmed as ehe lady was
fast being strangled 'tie death. tAif
a moment when tit I was thoulght
there was inn elope, the bene was ree
moved and Mrs. May gradually Ile-
vivecl. ,
-The tease of the reeve 'of the
tewnship of Mornington and the
C. (P. IR, wag displased of at the
meeting of the Board tof Railway
Oommissioners on lVforiday afternoon.
A oo•mpromise was arrived tat by
whicile the, xeompany will 'build land
maintain tor ell (time tal tour teat
wall evith traileng along the 'deviated
road satisfa.ctory te the railwa:y
commission. The deviation ref the
noad (is caused by th,e building of the
Guelph and Godericth railway on the
4th and 5th. concessions et Morning -
-A (very pleasant evening was
spent at the rhteme :of (Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Minton, Mitchell, an Monday
evening of last week, being ‘the
oelebration 101 (their: diamond wed-
ding. There were gaehered (bag -eith-
er (many orf their ;children, - grand-
children and great -grandchildren
from tar and (near Itie ela honor; to
this notable event. Mr. and • Mrs.
Linton Ore both natives of tihe
north tof (Ireland, and after entiginat-
lag to this (country' they settled in
the county ta• Durhana, near the
town of iBowmanville, (where they -
were (married ton delay 28th 1846.
After diving there between two and
three years they anoyed to Fuller-
ton township, about tour miles trom
Mitchell, Where they lived until
they moved to: (town agoult seven
years ago; and where ell of disteir
thirteen children, except tree oldest
were barn. They have living at the
present time .seven isons in OYIani-
toba and three daughters in this
n eighborthi Do d, a bong wit ii 111 ty
grandchildren and eighteen great-
grandchildren. Mr. •and. Mrs. Lin-
ton are 184 and 79 years of age (re-
spect ively, and are exceptionally
smart and healthy for their age.
-The five-year-old daughter of
Mr.- Weaskey, of Paris, placed a toy
torpedo in her mouth; on Vioboria
Day end it ,on it. The explosion
tore tont itwo 'of the lititle girre
teeth, kSeverely eat her aip, • and
made ter mouth excessively- sore.
4VeneeEPTPC:10 eLereX.A.e.
The Kiel Yoe Have Always Hotta
Bears the
lie -nature
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh board (has been appointed in
That Contain Mercury'. place.
as aneroury twill surely destroy the
sense- of smell :and oompletely de -
'range the whole system whern en-
tering it (through the 'raucous isur-
faees. Smelt articles 'should never
be used (on preseriptions from re-
putable- 1aysiolans, as the damage
they will -do is ten &Id tfosthe good
-you an fpoesibly derive frlam them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, masetefaCtured
by (F. Is. Cheney to Coe Tfole&e. Oth•io,
oontaine trio meroury, and is eaken
internally, acting (directly upon the
blood wed unecoeis surfaces of the
system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be you get l'he germine.
It is taken internally and made in
Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. ii0healey• & /OD.
Testimonials tree,
Sold by Druggists. Price 75 cents
per 'bottle.
"Take Hall's (Family Pills tor Con-
News Notes.
-The Olin knegistrate of Gait
iced a man $10 and oasts la (few
days foga) (tar using profane daing,, ,ufage
ion the ;street.
s --At the trece'dt meeting of the)
Methodist conference at Windsor,
Rev. Oliver Chittick, of ()Atm, ha.d
his name irkroloved tittle the roll of
ministers and was ,expelled ,from
the (church.
-The popalation 10$ 'the old town
of Galt is Laos -easing rapidly. There
were two pairs of twins berint he it
in one day last week and (all girls.
-The tEra:nttorli (Horse Show went"
$1,000 in lthe hole this veer, and Itihe
show was a .;good one, too.,
-Messrle. Jacques 'Bros., the well-
known (Alberta horse breeders, have
just imported a couple of Suffolk
Punch Stallions Sudbtourne Pigmy
and etendleshara May Mtn -and nine
• choice (registered maresof the startle
breed. It is 'thought the Suffolks
Will prove exceptionitlly well edapt-
ed for 'the light fiat lands( of the
Northwes t.
--Carr Bros., of Carluke, Scotland,
and NeW iYork,h,ave sold the recently
Imported 'tharapion :hackney mare,
Mevella, by Mathias, son. of Grand
Fashion, dam by Garton Dake oe
York, tor which they paid $5875 at
auction, ta W. E. Moore, of New
York, for the 'reported price of $10,-
000, 'or fnet profit after elbowing
$300 for expenses, of $3,825.
-Miss Ellen. 'Barton, the young
lady who was recently awarded $1,-
200 , as a result of heti 'against
William Davidson, of Walkerton,
for breach of promise, states that
her Wormer fiance has disappeared,
and she thas not yet received one
tent of the money. It is 'expected
that he will return shortly, ihow-
ether, as he osiine eionaidetroble prop-
erty in .Walkerton and vicinity.
-Some of the proprietors fof sar-
rounding !rural hotels are under the
impression that their wives may
Unit bar for them. The Department
has sent lout word, however, that
no woman may tend bar tunder (any
oircumstanees. The Department be-
lieves lit is iraproper *for a woma-n
to be behind a- bar, old' will ueot
permit it.
-Samuel Clark. 70 years of age,
a 'farmer at 'Belton, near Ridgenown,
Kent !county, was killed by (light-
ning on dale afternoon of Victoria
Day. alb e '91c1 ;g mete raa n Mad e us t
&riven !the .leorses into the. barn
Dor !shelter from the apprioaeleng
storm, land was in the net oe tret:arn-
ing Itia tele clearway, when a Ihelt
dig1htlning 'struck thim on the Iflcire-
head end !passed down the May,
tearing lone ot his Shoes 'from his
foot. Death was enstanteineoses.
-The Ogilvie iOompany's ibig el-
evator at Port William, containing
350,000 bushels esf grain,. (gild (from
its (foundations and bangs partly
over the (river. The elevator was
desigaied and constructed by Oh e
McDonald :Engineering 00.,. of
Chicago. It was of fireproof esteel
and concrete ion a pile (foundation,
which was 'driven to the frocks and
was tested and. loaded to its full
capacity the (last ftwb seasons, (and
ap it o the time of (the sadden coll-
apse, it 'Showed no signs fof .weakness.
The doss ton elevator and grain will
amount to $250,000.
. -Henry Clegg, 'of Hamilton, Mb -
of Olive Clegg, the Tenn*. girl
who had her isealp torn off In!
Hamiltonifaebery, about a y-eatr ago,
was an Gueleh ethe other day.. The
object of this !visit was hoe present
to Herbert land Williarn Ryde, the
young mon whinbravely contribut-
ed ipieces of skin for grafting Ion the
girl's (head, a fine rovvievat of this
own workmanship, las en expression
of shis appreciation of, the Guelph
boys' noble sacrifice. Mise Clegg's
condition is ,about the same. Wheths
ter or inidt ogle will • recover perms*
anently the xbootors eain not 'say laiff
-It is testimated by the Emigrat-
ion !Department, at Toronto, that
the plopulatien of :that city has been
inereased by 6,000 by emigra:nts
Loom England, Ireland and Scot-
land, who ihave located there with -
In the last .three raionths. This
beats 'Winnipeg. Mhey are leak' to
be an exceptionally good elass tof
people, eager to work and better
their candillen, and it is not tun-
oommon (to %ind that they have a
money order tow £5 or £10 aiid mule
as flugh as 50.
-Mr. !James Bryan, of ;Luoknow,
Nebo has been license inspeobor (for
South iBruoe ifor ten yens, was (ask-.
ed by ttlhe License Department at
Toronto to !resign. NIO iciharges 'hav-
ing been preferred against hire
failing Ito properly -disciberge the
datiee tof this 'office, deeeseea fthe
ealite (invitation. As a clobsequence
he iha.e been summarily dismissed
and. &Tr. 113enjamin Cannon, oit WO--
kerbon, Cha.irraa'n Ode the licenie
West iof the trou,baes 'that ief
little tones may be traced to .the
stomach or (bowels, and & these lane
pat [riga' the child will get well arid
thrive well. Baby's Own Tablets will
oure sill stomach and bowel failm nits,
and adl the toither minor trou:ble •6f
babyhood and Nieseldleeed. And the
miotther lhas (the guarantee lof a( rove
eminent ernailyst that (this med oine
efoIntains (no fpoisonotie oopiate or
harmful drug. Mrs. Wilbert Mo en-
zie, Chelmsford, Ont. ,says: ' My
little (girl was tioub.ted with to Sti-
nate toeinstipation, We such an e tent
that we did !feet think she would ice.
She oried almodt constantly, and (was
westing away. a &it box ef
Baby's Own lTatilets, and in. it res
days 'loitered a great improvemen
continued givin.g her the Ta'biet tor
nearly a month, and every trate of
the teplable ;hes disappeared, and she
has Sines been a 'bright, ibiea thy
lenli lhas grawn Yoti
can get (the Tablets frione 'any ',At-
tune dealtre or by 'mail at 25 ezrts
a box, by writing the Dr. Willi ins'
Medicine ace, Brockville, Ont.
(Continued from page 7.)
skeleton of rafters, thiCkly coated Witt(
thatch. Two windows shone In the
room, one at the back part and away
from the door, the other insertee in
one of the remaining walls, The door
was, of course, kept locked, bui by
screwing my face against the side in -
dove and craning my neck 1 could see
the figure of a man on guard, evid ntly
at the foot of the ladder. There was
little chance oe breaking out this. ay.
The second wihdow gave on a low ly-
ing stable at the back, and beyond that
there were the great trees and cool
deeps of the foreet It was securely
barred and fastened, and that, from
all appearances, quite newly. , The
second exploration seemed to offer no
More encouragement than the first, but
I was not yet resigned to defeat, and,
sitting down upon the floor, I fell to
thinking, mechanically opening a email
penknife which was in my pocket, and
paring my Valls.
do not know if I were conscious of
the act, but I remember that it was
quite a long time, and when 1 had
grown almost desperate in my coun-
sels, that the advantage of this tiny
weapon occurred to nie. The wiooden
walls were not higher than six or
seven feet, and above them, as I have
explained, rose the superstructire of
tbatch to the pinnacle of the r of.
paused in my occupation
quickly. By standing on a c air I
Together ive struggbacl :on, the hou etop.
could easily teach the thatch be4ween
the rafters, and without a mornenthry.
hesitation 1 plunged my knife in o the
mass of reeds. &aro' as a raze, the
small blade cut through the str w at
a stroke, with a slight rasping noise.
My blood flowed in a strong stream of
excitement. Here aurelinwas a lad to
the °liter air.
But this was a venture, to be essayed
by night and after my jailers had re-
tired for the evening; consequently I
put aside the knife ahd waitedvery
impatiently 'for the fall of dusk. It
was not until 10 o'clock at nighe that
I dared to make my experiment. By
that time ray supper had -been cltred,
andthe Greeks had been gone f r an
hour. The barn was in gond darkness,
which was all the better for myi pur-
pose, and, getting upon my char, 1
......_ _ ...
set to work at once among the straw
of the thatch: If any one should* c me
In from this point .onward my ad en-
ture would be hopeless. I should s and
confessed in my task and dotibt1esi be
doomed forthwith to a more secure nd
less comfortable prison. Therefore the
need of haste was the greater, tnd
with fingers and knife I sheared
through and tore asunder the th tch
with the utmost celerity. Tee job aS
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
none too eaey, and I eweated at the
work, with my head burled under the
debris a tile straw and my throat
choking with the dry and. rotten stub-
ble. Yet I bad worked hard and fast
enough to have opened a hole two feet
through the thatch in a couple of
hours. Through this the night lower-
ed 'dark and somber upon me.
Tliere was now no necestity for de-
lay. Indeed, the necessity was all for
Instant action, I listened at the door
and window for sounds of the sentry,
but I could hear nothing. He might be
asleep. At any rate, he lay upon the
farther side of the barn, and I blight
bope to escape his notice by breaking
over the stables into the wood. Has-
tening back, I got upon the chair and,
pulling myself up by the rafters, grad-
ually drew to the level of the hole.
My head once outside, I breathed. deep-
ly of the purer air. Then, dragging up
the rest of usy body, I dropped gently
to the ground beyond. It was a deeper
fall than I had anticipated, and I came
dowu with a certain clatter, but, reat-
ing a moment in the shadows, I heard.
nothing. No (Jinni was raised. So,
creeping to the stable, I climbed softly
upon the roof and clambered across
the eaves in the direction of the for-
est. -
Suddenly a small noise arrested me,
but ere I could -collect my senses to
determine it a dark body crept round
a corner of the roof and grappledevvith
me. I seized it fiercely, resolved to do
battle for my liberty with all the
strength at my command, and together
we roiled and struggled on the house,
top. Then my opponent gave a shrill
whistle, and the next thing I was on
selotts of was the grasp of a fresh pair
of arms from behind. After that I
gave it up, more especially:as we had
rolled to the edge of the roof, and a re-
newal of the struggle ;would send us
over into the yard with broken limbe
and bloody pates.
"If some one will take his 'foot out
of my stomach," 1 geld, "I will descend
into the yard."
At that the tension upon. me was re-
laxed, and I was pushed forward
roughly to what appeared to be a trap-
door in the roof, down which I climbed,
thrust brusquely from above. Here
found myself in a small loft above the
stalls of the stable. My captors fol-
lowed, and one of them struck a
match, when the light fee upon Hood's
face. From that familiar and sinister
countenance my eyeaglanced about me
to several figures in the balf lieht. I
ceaw at once what had been my undo-
ing, for this loft was used as, a dor-
mitory for the Greeks, feel the noise
of my passage along the r had evi-
dently alarmed them. 'A. a gesture
from Hood two of these butes seized
my arms, and I was forced to descend
the ladder to the ground. protested
against this treatment, saying that I
had given my word not to attempt to
escape, and I suppose some ,sign peso -
ed from Hood, for -the men suCered
me to proceed umnolestede keePing,
however, upon either side of \ me. We
entered the inn by the hack way,- and
I expected nothing now but to be
thrust Into some dismal cella; there to
rot and fester .until such time as my
jailers were pleased to deliver! me. To
my surprise, however, 1 waS taken
into an inner parlor of the illhe
I was left to myself, the Greeis turn-
ing the key in the door as theytetired.
No word had been littered updn their
side throughout the scene. The Y moved
like automata at the beck of tie inn-
keeper. A lamp was burning on the
table, which was covered with a green
baize tablecloth, and the little Window
looked upon the road, where thb sign
of the Woodman, with his uplifted ax,
was swinging gently.
Immediately afterward Sercom\he en-
tered, with Hood upon his heels. (
"I regret Mr. Greatorex," said the
adveuturene"that you should, haVe so
small a notion of us as to try this
"It very nearly came off," 1 andwer-
"I grant you it was very ingenious.
Mr. Hood and I have just been making
some investigations, and I congratulate
you on your fertility of idea. But your
cleverness is only partial. You have
never throughout the whole affair been
thorough, Mr.oareatorex, for which
naturally you pay the penalty." He
spoke very jauntily and plucked his
mustache quite gayly, while it sickened
me to see the blackguard there in this
new role, who but forty-eight hours be-
fore had Pledged me his word to carry
out another arrengement. But if he
could 1YetiEY ids friends I had certainly
no ground of complaint that he should
also betray me. I don't suppose it cost
him a moment's scruple. Indeed, look-
ing at him there, I brought nayself for
the first time almost to prefer Hood to
him. least was a frank ene-
my, diabolic though he might be,
"I am going to ask you, Mr. Greato-
rex," went on Sercombe, "to pass your
word to make no effort' to escape to-
(To be oontinued.)
Nearly every one likes a fine
hair dressing. Something to
make the hair more manage-
able; to keep it from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too
that will feed the hair at the
same time, a regular hair -food.
Well-fed hair will bestrong,and
will remain where it belo:Ags-
oh tho head, 'not on the comb.
The beet kind of a testimonial -
"sold for over sixty years.,
de by T. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Ids e.
Aiso manufacturof
TOP, 0
That in address-
ing Mrs. Pinkham
you are confiding
your private ills to a
woman - a woman
whose experience with
• women's diseases covers
a great many years.
:qrs. Pinkham is the
daughter-in-law of Lydia
E. Pinkhain and for
many years under her
direction, and since
her deeeaee, she
has been advising
sick women free
of charge. .
Many women
suffer m silence
and drift along from had to worse know-
ing full well that they ought to have im-
mediate aseistance, but a natural modesty
impels them to shrink from exposing
themselves to the questions and probable
'examinations of even their family physi-
cian. It is unneceesary. Without money
price you can consult a woman whose
knowledge from actuel experience is
Mrs. Pinkharn's Standing Invitation.
Women suffering from any- form of
female weakness are invited to promptly
communicate with Mrs. -Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. All letters are received,
opened, read and and answered by
women only. A woman can freely talk
of, her private illness to a W0111a1i. ; thus
has been established the eternal eonii-
dence between Mrs. Pinkham and the
women of America Whieh has aever been
broken. Out of the vast volufne of ex-
perience which she has to thaw from,
it is more than possible that she has
gained the Very knowledge that will help
your ease. She asks nothing in return
exeept your good -will. and her advic
has relieved thoneands. Surely any
rich or poor, is very foolish if
she does not take advantage of this
generous offer of assistance.
If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable
Compound at once, and write Mrs.
Pinkhain, Leena Mass., for special advice.
When a medicine has been. successful
in restorhag to health so many women'
you cannot well say, withoutlaying it
"1 do not believe it will help me."
Funds of private parties to loan at oweet rates of
• terest. Apply to
J. L. KILLORAN; Barrister, eta.,
• Seaforth, Ontario.
Heart and Nerve Pills.
Are A specific for all disease* and di -
orders rug arng from run-down condi-
tion Of the heart or nerve system, such
as Palpitation ot the Heart, Nervous
Prostration, Nervousness, Sleepless -
riots, Paint and Dizzy Spoils, Brain Fag,
'etc. They are especially beneficial to
women troubled with irregular men-
Price .53 'cents per box, or 8 for 11.250
All dealers, or
Tri: T. 11111.13-unx CO.,
Toronto, Ont.
it P 4 eTir a;
ors g g 0 1=1 ° 0
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°ete S'
cm, Iv 2...? Co,"
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1 ... 6
Everyone needs some
to create and mainta
strength fer the
round of duties.
There is nothing bette
than an Ale or Porter, the
pulity and merit of which
has been attested by
chemists, physicians an
experts at the great exhi
2 Days in Detroit
E. K Ayer, Agent, De
for paitkulars.
The following well known Isorses wiU tat -
vel during the season of 1900, as follove;
s DERRY & BLAnt, Preps.
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable,
Routh of Brueefield, and go South to R
East to Wm. Workman's, 10th Oonee__ '
smith, for noon; then East, by way of CronierW
South to Farquhar, at Temperance House, far sella
TUESDAY -Eat, to Rueseidote, for neon; teet-ca
to Mitchell, at the Hicks House for nights vcre
NESDAY-To Dublin, at the Dominion got
noon; then to Seaforth. at Dick's Hotel, for sit
THLTSDAY-To Walton, at Ernie& Het to
loon; thee to Blyth, at the Mason House, for Ot
FRIDAY -To Londeshoro, at the Teepees -es Not
for noon; then to Clinton, at Graham's Bete,' it
night. SATURDAY -To his oivn etable,
will remain until the following Monday movie*
No. 15071
GE/GER S.-, Ill_TDSON, Pre s.
MONDAY -Will leave his own stab
proceed, by way of the London Road, to 51Ier
Hotel, Kippen, for noon ; then east to Strong.* Ae
tel, Tnekersanith, for night. TVESDAY-19.1fottual
east to Henry Chesney's, for noon; the to Mai
Hotel, Seaforth, for nfght. WEDNESDAY-Bytot
of the 2nd Concession, Tuekeriimith, Huron 5ussJ
to Thomas Coleman's. for noon ; then across It
Road, and west to Charies Wilson's IIotel, Broode
for night. THUR8DAY-West to Cook's KVid,
Varna, for noon ; then south, byway. of Parr
to Isaac Hudson's, Hills Green, for night. FAINT
-West to Nicholson's Hotel, Blake, for noon
south to John Geiger's, Let 21, Coneession 12,ior
night. SATURDAY -Home to his OW) stah18,itia0
he will remain until the following Monday wee*
T. .I.1 BERRY, Prop.
ast to Thos. Vernierl' , boundry line, for noon: _
310NDAY-Will leve his own BMW, and
north to Chiselinirst, then east to George W. IVO*
for night. TUEL$13.4-East DO first corner, nog
to James Anderson's, ,rth eeneession of nobesaesx
noon ; then south to Thames Road, and east OW:
Kay', Farquhar, for night. WEDNESDAY.--.Ut
oue mile, then north to 12th conceesion ef IfibbeeT.
to James ScOttss Jr., kir noon ; then west es Once
arty lineataen north tb Staffa, hotel for the 2J5
THURSDAY-Westta Hugh McMillan', lot iv. Ar-
a, Tuckerstnitb, for nOon ; then west to Lomt%
Read, and south to rt Cooper's for night. i1'
DAY -.South to Rippcii, west to Hills Green, to
niggine for noon ; and south to Zurich sage efei
east to his own etablel till 'the following 24019'41
morning. Masterpleceiwiii stand at MO
from Friday night till Monday morning, but Coiaw
Graham 12,103, will take his route Saturday.
IIRDAY-West to con. 2, south to Rodger
eott's for noon ; then (:1st to London IV
north to his own stable till the following a'a
' 6 UD.
GIARTLY 4OLD, 10,e55
PRIOR'S 1E1O 17,53.5
Will staid during the se ,„ ' .n. at T. -T. IWO
and Exchange Stables, 111111 Street, Musa -
T, . BERRY, Preeria*,
No. 40,5291 A. T. R.
.,........ ,
The Standard Bred Three -Year -Old Ti
Stallion, Idol lirino; No., 40420, Vol, XVII,
Trotting Register, will statist during this saved
his own stable, Brucelleld, N% here he ivill be bred**
limited number of mares.
MONDAY, April 30th, vil i Ieave. his 4.* 1 LOAF_
Brodhagen, and proceed to Wm. Itoset8r0004:-.81°'_
8, Logan, for noon ; thence el Gustave Eislet'aw" '
-5, Logan for the night, TT_ ESDAY-To Fred 11
brechtee'Lot 24, Concession 2,Logna, formed a
to Victor's note', Bornholm, for mot,
DAY -To Rudolph Jammu h's, Concession
an, for noon ; then to Cour &kart's, Lot
eession 10, MeRalop, for Weld. TIIIIi8DA
Alexander Roes, 1.01. 20, Conevaion 11, Meliii1OPeas
noon ; thence to George Mc -ee's, Winthrop,fOr,LI"
nigtt. FRIDAY -To Georg SeRheim's, Let 10.1-w
cession 8, Meltillop, for noe ; thence to ale sr_ -
stable for the night, whew e will remain until
following Monday morning. Ale, that P 111
lion, ''' GLENDRIE PRIN E," 8534. V4 '
stand atins' ou-n feeble, 13r hagen.
Money to Loan!
Private and Company funds to loan on RealaWg
tecurity at lowed current rates of Interest,
099-tt A, A. WATT,
hoRage and Leen
Blue:ewe, ki
Sea -era -L.
Sleoulty of
lege of Ph
eaarie; p
lOhbeago CH
Royal Opht
vital, Len
Oyer Ste.*
reet, Se
J. G. Soo
end Ann
Ontario Co
pf Huron.
C. Macke
frinity Un
laity Me
des of Hu
tat A.
*ere -rooms
eto obarge.
n d
ty. of H
InY part
rates and
dere 1
'ee, oi
stook and
a better
prices. C-
fa.etion gu
or at L
be prvm
3% Bs
elaaent. 'Br
emeay6. see
1). 0.; (4e
turiKra; au