HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-06-01, Page 8THE DAMONEXPOSITOR.
Our endeavor ie to keep
only the best goo& money
ean' buy. When buying
hardware we wouldbe pleas-
ed to slime otiz goods.
whether you uy or net.
Balt Bearing Lawn Mowers
Screen Doom, Screen Windows
Washers, Wringers
Butter Rivas and Churns
We have a full supply of the famous
_ Oar prioes are right. Give tie a call.
Hardware, Stoves and Coal.
Capital, Fully Paid Up—$8,000,000.00
Reserve Fund and un-
divided Profits $ 8,749,000
Deposits by Public $34,100,000
TWO Assets 44,400,000
Evety faeility for the transacting of a
stational banking lansiness.
I Collection, made on all points in Canada
and abroad.
Advances made to Farmers. Special at-
ention paid to the collection of Sale Notes.
Deposits of 0..00 and upward' received'
and intermit paid or added June 30th and
December Bast. Withdrawals may be
tnade at any time.
8. HAYS. Solicitor
James Watson,
SUccessor to W. N. Watson
General Fire, Life and Aocident Ineur-
ance agent, Real Estate and Loan
Dealer in first-class family and Manufac-
turing Sewing Machines 'and Cream
Separators, viz.
New Raymond and White Sewing
Machine,' and National and
Also sewing machine needles, oil, attaoh-
ments, repairs and sundriee for all
kinds of sewing maehines.
With over 25 years exporience in tbe above
business you eau rest manned of prices
right, square dev.lieg and eatessfaetion
maniac°. Agent, and dealer in Sewing Manias
and Bicycles. North Main street, &Worth.
Oar °lames are much larger than they
were a year ego. The public- have learned
that this is the best piece in the Province
to obtain a CornmereiatEducatiOn or 'Short-
hand Training. Students are entering
lea& week. All graduates get good posi-
tions. Write now for catalogue.
—We carry a Ohoica Line of—
Try us for an EASY SHAVE and
Opposite the Commercial Hotel
(hit Glass
Many persons like to give presents of cut
glase because it is not so common itS other.
lines and the giver is looked upon' as having
a certain amount of refinement and good
taste, land, apart from its richness, it never
We have jot received our new shipment
for June weddings, and can show you some
very moderately priced pieces which are
suitable for presents both useful and. ornam-
WE Might mention a Special
Berry Bowl at $5.00.
John Bulger,
Marriage Licensee Issued.
30100! lbs. Wool
Custom Carding done for the Public
Quick. Delivery.
s-701.1in Sharp, proprieter le the
Princess notel,i Graventhorst, who
tame to Toronto -on Wednesday 'of
1ast Week, rwas, found dead Att: sone
o'clock On Sunday 'afternoon, in this
room at the 'aledstene Hotel, filorre
onto, Saffeteation from gas wag the tti
urn xpositor
'Gold 'Medalist. Mr, W. Ament
is now the' prowl' poeses1401r. of a
geld Medals w'hieh deeignates him
the premier marker tof the P,TOVi1106.
This Inedal is given in the 'points
_competition. Ra.slit player is re-
quired to play a certain ntainbee of
.,sheite tor which points are gi-ven.
and the different scores are sent Ito
the CentrahAssactiation, tthe highest
being entitled to the- championship
medal. Mr. 'An:lent suede a total of
48 ;points end this was' eat beaten.
The traedal is a very handsome and
appropriate one. We cengratulate
'Married Chieage.—We learn
that Miss Isabella C. MeKonzie, fore
merly sof MoKillop, but who has been
some time Was Xnarried On the 15tis
;of May to'Dr. Arthur,LawronherLin.
took plate at the home of the
grearass parents and the Young ma-
ple will make their . home in Athe
;Windy City, avibere Dr. Lingaist has
a large practise. Miss McKenzie
was there this spring visiting -the
'friends and Scenes 'of former years.
Eter friends there will unite with The
Expositor in extending ocengrabala.-
Victoria Day. — Perfect summer
weatther made Thursday last, Vic-
toria Day, an ideal holiday, ond that
people sdid not enjoy it to; the tulle
was not the fault of the weather
clerk. In town thing* were- very
'quiet. A 'majority seemed to have
deserted the town for that tday, Mit-
elhell, Exeter and Sayfield being the
principal drawing cards, While a
number tof -lathers went fishing. The
liveliest place an town was the bowl-
ing green. In the mornigg the 'an-
nual match -was played Itntween
president and vice-president, the
vioe-president's side .winning by ten
shots. During`the afternoon end ev-
ening the enthusiasts enjoyed them-
selves to the full. After /night tall
fire -works were in e.videnee all ever
The Seaflortke(Woollen Ce. --
The tollowing 'gentlemen are 'apply-
ing for incerparation ander the name
of thhe Seafortit Woollen Mills Com -
G. Close, Seafortlh; Douglas Mitchell,
roete. (hoe tea,pitalization Of the com-
pany is $40,000. This is the loomPany
which is how 'running the mill. The
mill and madhinery has been thor-
oughly overhauled and improve-
ments to -the value of ebaut $5,000
have been ana,de the the ;plant. It as
the intention ;Of the company* to
manufacture thseelagoduct of their
own mill into Weedy -to -wear treas."
ers, and Obey Will deal direct with
the eetail tradei Everything will be
done rigibt in the mill—frota the
weol the comPleted garment. They
are, however, prepared ite do cus-
tom work as (usual, and are in the
market to ibuy ell kinds of weal.
Neighborhood ImprovementS.—Mr.
Egmondville, is adding to his
barn by a new addition, with; -stone
stabling. --Mr. Samuel Coleman, on
the MoTdyish farm, on. the Kippen
road, an Tusek-ersmith-, has had his
large barn raised up and is halving
-which twill give him good tstabling
for his stioek.—Mr. Ed. 'Jarman., of
;the Illtaron ;Road, west, has the
brick work of his new Teaidence:
vompleted and A:he roof ;en. It will
when ciompleted..—Mr. Hugill, fur-
ther west ;on the Huron Road, has
the tfeandatio. n tor his new briek
residence oompleted.—The . Messrs..
the Huron ;Road, west, have had
one Of their barns raised (up and are
having ta, (stone wall erected ander
it tor ebable purposes.
The Collegiate Institute—At a Ad-
eent meeting ;of the Seaforth Col-
legiate Institute Board, tthe cem-
mending that an increase of' Ira per
annum be' made -to the salary of the
printeipal, and $50 to the salary of
each, of the other teachers. The re-
port of the cOmmittee was adopted,
end the se -engagement ,of the whole
staff was agreed -upon at .bhe f-ol-
Ddherty, $758. The increases is to
take effect in the year ;commencing
en Sept -ember -1St, 1906, and assent
to the given on OT before June 25th.
The resigruation of Mr. J. M. Best, as
mem.ber tof the Board, was submit-
ted end accepted. Mr. Best resigns
bo become a candidate for the
The Maytoralty.—A imeetingeof 'Ube
electiore Seafortila for the purpose
of ;receiving nominations for the
office tof Maytor of the town 'of Sea-
fortiii, was (held ;in the town -hall on
Monday evening. Only two per-
sons ;were ;nominated, Mr. M. Brod-
erick by Messrs. George aurdie end
There was a good attendance, of el-
ectors and when the .timta ter treogiv-
lag horainations had expired, ;Mr. 'J.
A. Wilson, town clerk, tracer I e
chair and the- candidates and 'their
rnsovers addressed rbhe electors. Ow-
ing to Mr. Broderick becoming a
candidate tor elhe Mayer,alty he has
/had to resign his Geat on the ocean -
oil board lend 'bo fill this Vacancy
a meeting twill tbe head on Monday
evening ;next, land Shauld a poll, be
uecessary (voting will take place ion
Monday, ;Jane Abe isame day as
the ;voting on 'the ;Willis Shoe (0o.
—After thhe addresses by the May -
orality candidates on Opportunity
was given Ito discuss tthe preposed
loan Ito thhe Willis Shoe 'Clo. Short
speeches ;were mede tin this connec-
D. D. Wilson,. The advantages to
be ;gained from the teetablishrne n
(of this ;factory here 'were fully +ex -
the ;question was 'align' dealt with.
It -was elearly elliown that to quake
would tanly entail on the
mended be tratepa,yers, 'and 'we
feel ISU-TO till4 it is iendorSed by
nearly tail, if not. sail the !ratepayers.
The sonly thing which can {defeat
the by-law is the indifference. sof
trust Ilitowever, that all' will 'the leaf-
ficieritly .interested in the town's
welfare to (rate (An 'this tquestion. A
gailltSt itlhe 11 is, therefore,
to your 'interest to see Aihat ;every
_ Of excellant quality.
- Wedding -Bells.—A /quiet wedding
was ;celebrated in St. Jame,s chu;rch,
Seater -0h, an Tuesday of last week,
'contracting ;parties being Miss
Lizzie G. Kennedy, daughter sof Mrs.
_D. Kennedy, and sister ;of the
lalesers. Kennedy Bros., ond Mr.
emeny was performed at six o'cliock
'by Rev. Rather Coraeran. The brides-
maid Was Miss Mary J. King, of
Wingihane while Mr. J. Burgard;
performed 'the du:ties of gncdonsman.
morning train ter Tiarpinto and on
'their -return mill make their home
in Seaforth, Both Mr. and Mrs.
Burgard Shave many friends who
will iu:nite ,in extending congratu-
lations .and best wiehes.
Death ;of Robson.-seinform,a-
tion was received here an 'Saturday -
last 10161,treyinlig the ;sad Intelligente
of stihe tleath at Regina, Saskatche-
wan, tof Miss Edith Rsciblion, daugh-
ter of Mr. Nicol Rottman', of Clinton.
Miss lEti*stota thed :been a member of
the publila -ached! teaching staff an
Regina 'for labiont two years; Her
death took place tan- Friday and -was
the result of an attack ;of pneulmenia.
Ilsaveentdt' yet 'learned any fur-
ther ;particulars. The dececased was
well known an Seafoath, having fre-
quently viaited there. She was a
very elever and most amia'ble and
attractive yoUng woman, and was
very greatly 'beloved by all ?who
keew (her. Her early demise will ;be
a tau.se-of deep grief !tie Many friends
and are sincerest eyrcioattly la all
will be extend -ed to the bereaved,
friends and especially to her parents.
The ;remains were brought home for
interment a_n
One square piano and one organ to rent cheap at
Remember the date of Taube and Seas visit to
Seaforth, and, if your eyes bother' you in any way,
make it a point to consillt them at I. V. Fear's Drug
Store on Monday and Tuesday, June 4th and Oth.
Have you called in for that sample of tea yet ? If
not, do not forget the next time you are up street
to call. P. Seaforth. 2007-1
Maxsv To Lo.tx.—Private funds on good improved
farm security. Favorable tenni). Apply at Tim
No matter haw small your eye trouble may be,
have it corrected, See Tanta! and Son at Fear's Drug
Itnodr,thSe. aforth, on Monday and Tuesday, June 4th
Seed Corn:
elf MN 1•00/tOMMEN
These are all leafing silo corns, and
utility is the first . consideration with' me when
buying goods. I keep the best money can buy and
guarantee eatisfaction. P. Dill, Seaforth. 2007,1
Cardno Opera House. " Hooligan's 'Troubles '
Coming. Friday, June 1st, 1900. One of the mot
Promising attractiona on the road-thfs season, which
will appear here, Is Manager Arthur J. Aylesworth's
three act farce comedy, entitled " Hooligan's
Voubles," which during the past seasons has mada
thousands laugh: The plot Is ingenious and at the
same thne comprehensive. -The story briefly sum-
marizea the predicaments of Hooligan and is taken
from the pictorial representations of his doings in
San Francisco, Chicag.o and New York papers.
Hooligan is supported by a chorus of pretty girls and'
a battalion of other COJIKK110.118. Prices, 25c, 350, re-
served seats, 50e, 2007-1
We have a line lot of Screen Doors and Window
Call and see them. Chesney & Smiley, Seaforth.
WARNING.—All accounts due .the estate of the
late J. 8. Roberts not settled by June 8th will be
placed In other hands for collection. Last call, W.
Are your glasses right ? Vision changes as all
things do. See Taube and Son at Fear's Drug Store,
Seaton)), on Monday and Tuesday, June 4th and 5th.
One solid walnut piano case organ in window, bar-
gain at 887:50. It. H. Peck & Co., successor to 0.
How about your butter, eggs and all your produce ?
You will get the highest price from P. Dill, Sea -
forth. 2007-1
Don't buy inferior Paint, or waste time iniXing
lead and oil, When Sherwin -William)? -1'aint is far
better and more economioal. Call for color cards.
Chesney & Smiley, Seaforth. 2007-1
Come and see the ,wedding presents at Fear's Drug
WANTED.—Eggs 20e—Pedlars' revised tariff. 100
tubs choice butter wanted at once. Geo. °E. King,
Wingham. 20004f
Try Charlie Hinas' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice
work. Ahvays gives satisfaction. Clothes called for
and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two
doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea -
Dinner Sets and Tea Sets at Fear's, Seaforth:.
WOOL WOOL ! We keeli posted on the Canad-
ian and American wool markets from -day to day,
and always pay the highest prices for wool, at 'our
No, 0 Warehouse, Seaforth •, also all kinds of grains.
We solicit your patronage. James Beattie, Seaforth.
Dr. Ovens, -eye and ear surgeon will be at.the Com-
mercial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday, May SO,
Bourg 1 to 8 p. in. Cataract, squint, failing eye-
sight, deafness, nasal catarrh' treated and glasses
properly fitted.
alive* of denctistse Hew loing
reintaine had ibeen there ;of
there is no,aneans of tenting lb
is likely the skeleton is thtrt
;of 'the aborigional ocetepants of
t it
ticketed to distant 'points this eek
by W. Soraerville,.. Grand T sink
the Seaforth and abt.
Hullett, to 'New Liskeard and Ire --
tarn; alse Mrs. :James Stewart, Sea -t
forth, sto Springfield, Illinois.
Bishop (Williams, Deaden, b Lae
menibers of St. Thomas Ohure
Wednesday ;afternoon. I.i,o,r ship
gave the Rite cif Confirmation Ira 23
candidates la:nd:preached a very man -
est land thoughtful- eermon ;the
more extended repert will be iven
next (week.
Somerville, age'nt tfotr the Ilan
steamehip line, went Ito Bel ave
en Thursday and ;ticketed t
persons to- Glasgovv- per
steamehip Preborian" Bailin On
June 6th: Mr. _David 1E3proate las
Isabella Sproat, BeIgnave; Mr. W.
Scott, Miss Annie /Scott, Mrs E.
Harrison and Mrs. Thomas 411. le -
James Campbell and MiSS ary
Morris; . Miss Charlotte
Belneore, and Mr. 'J. Bonet* of
Sacramento. who is tat 'present avis-
Iting friends in Seaborth and. 'Vi-
cinity. .This anak-es op la very- ice
travelling party land (rhe Expo iter
ag% a pleasant visit -in the old
land sa.nd a safe return. We *iak
they are safe Inn der the ampere{ age
.of ;Postmaster Spnaat.
Local 63riefs.—Mr. Rey !Seatt ;has
sold (his Pord automobile to ' Mrk A.
McDonald, sof Stratford, to, in in
part payment ;a horse and peen alio
tired buggy.—Mr. G. IA. Ander on,
days 'here last week, vieitint fri lads
and meiatives.—Mrs. Thomas tk,ten,
and little daugh;ter, of To,Vointro,
were the guests over Stenclayl of I re.
A. 'Young.—The many friends of Mr.
out to town again ;after this ;se ere
time (..akill.—The little da ' ghte of
Illness. Mr. Shine was on the 1134 wl-
hag green on ;Victoria, Day, ha br old
as ever. Ile was eight 'in 1 he ame
too and he has lost none ; his.old
fortune to' tall ithrough a trap oar
into the "cellar on Thutsclay ; st.
The 'child ;was stunned 'for a time
bat euXfered no injury fu ther than
lis left on Tuesday fOr fro nto
where he Will take a cours in
voeal nairsic.—The many/ friend of
Mr. U. III •O'Oonnell, manager of the
Sovereign Bank, Goderich, and n -
in -law ;of Mr. Themes Daly, Beef rth,
will (regret to learn that the is .,eer-
W. 0. Reid lies been enjoying a
holiday with this opus' , Capt. 6Y1c-
Giffin and other 'I lends in the
Queen City.—Mrs., Geor e, iFforest,' for -
tor to ahan/k /her nu ii erous friends
in ;Huron to'r their ea ntribultions to
,an aute,graph quilt in which t3he
was Interested whe on ter (visit
here in ,February 1 st. The quilt
was linalaid of 'the or., n fund ef the
*church and Mrs. Firest ;saysi the
organ ihas been proaured and paid
pen, (has his new tee • it atiixinga ma-
chin -0 ;at- work mixina ;cement ter ;the
basement of Mr. E. Gale's new :resi-
dence. It' works ery ;nicely and
198341 seems Ito be a labo eaver.—Mr. .A.
erected at Ibis pr tty 'residence on
Sports.—The ;Beavers played an ex- by Mr. Thomas XI ne and W. 'Dug-
hibitiona ;game with St. Marys, in gale a 'new tirm in the (cement busi-
Mitchell, on .Victuria Day, which Ire- neas,—Thte ;regular imenthly meeting
"salted tin a vicbory for the Beav- ;of Britannia, Ma.so ic Lodge will be,
ers by /13 .goals to 2. held de the 'ledge mem ort Monday
—In epeaking of the football match evening next, Ju e t4th. ;Visiting
in Stratford the other day the Iler- brethren are lalwa s made weloom.a.
ald tsays 'of the Hurons; " It was __Mr. ;wee 'Bristow is placing a
tihe work tof Sills, Thompson,' end , cement 'floor an th basement. of the
Shea -that swelit , leut invasion,- Oddfelliows building, the Store oc-
whilst Peck in goal saved at least oupied by the Gr ig Clothing Co.—
:haraeles.„IshotS that should have been Mr. Wm. Ament s ;having a lot icif
logs drawn the his stave Ifaotory and
—Ed. ifiryans has been expelled saw mill ,on 'true s. _There was so
from 'the /-Vir< F. A. He played with little snow dast inter that the was
BrusSels 'at ;Bayfield and with the linable tbo get 'ais musih saf his stock
Barone at Stratford, being register- delivered son slei hs as sis sasual.-
-The Beavers ;opened blue Inter- the (stock. market at TOIDOntio aanc-
mediate series ;at Godericth, ba -day, tion, o'n Manday last says; " Jiohn
Friday. The Hurons play in Berlin 'O'Keefe lbeought in ith,e beat aead
en. Tuesday next. The firet home of (butchers' cattle to-day."—The in -
game an tithe W. F. A. will lbe played specter of factuaries tier -the Can,ada
here between' Stratferd and the Hur- Furniture Menu acturers was here
ons on Friday next. this week, goirel 'over the faebary
—The ssecon,d game between Bay- and making arrangements fer the,
field ;and ;Brussels in the W. U. A.. prosiosed large al dition itei ;the pre -
intermediate iseTies, ;was played in sent tau -tory. He says (the -werk will
l3ruf3sels• on Friday night last, re- be pushed forward at *Ince end that
suiting in a victOry for Brussels it is expected it e building Will be
jay I goal to 0. On Victocria Day up in the ;next two tnenthe.—Me.
Wing/ham and Kincardine played at and Mrs. C. C. eIntash, of Moron- For the iWest.—Mr. B. 3. Caldwell,
Wing-111am in the same series, Wing- to, 'visited at Ith:, parental income in having leased ;his fine farm, on the
,ham winning by 9 goals see 9. efroKillep last wlek. Mr. Vfointotsh i 3rd toontes.slin ;of Tuckersmith, leaves
Skeleton Flonlid.—As Mr. Harry is .a., boak-keeper for 'the Alnerican ton Monday next with his 'fatally and
Watch Case Go., ief whieh Mr. W. effects /for the great Northwest.
Tyndall and his assistants were K., tlifeNaught, M. P. P., as president. Mr. Caldwell was in the West last
working with the township .stone —Mr. John Robb lha.s had the atabie. summer, and Ihe beoame so davemably
crusher in Mr. Pubherin.glisam's whieh he recent y pthrohafied from impressed witia the country that be
quarry in Tuekersmith Ion Friday Mrs. J. P. Bri e, removed tie his Durcfleased property -there, and later
last 'they ,unearthed a human skel- !own (property an *s 4aving It fit- deelded te renatve. Ile will liacsate in
eten." The (remains were ablaut two ted sari eor oteca ancy there. Mr. Regina, and, in corapany wite
feet and a ;half below the Bailees.
So ;sem as the skeleton was le,xposed Rollie Kennedy, o frutkersmith, and friends- there, will eaogage in the
his staff remo ed the building.— real estate business. His brother
to the air it fell into; ;pieces soelthat Mr. Wm. Robb leaves on ;Monday has been there. tor some ttirn. Mr.
it was impsossible to tell (whether next tor Nerth D kota to visit mem- Caldwell is a bright, wide-awake
it ;was the skeleton of a maytor a bers Of .his fam ly there and will young man, and although all will 're -
woman ter of a white pereon ler. an likely be .absent ast Of the enese. gret this xemoval from here-, his many
Indian. There as ho dolubt, however, trier. We wish oar old 'friend a friends will mite in wishing ;him
that at, was a b:uman skelebon es very pleasant isite—Mr. J. R. good (health, happiness and wealth in
ant ual expenditure ; of less ahaaen the teeth ;and several ;of the ea.rgerr Govenlook how ,h s two steam hay his new home. '
bones were still batact. The teeth
$175. Surely tthe advantages tie be were Iperfect in every resp/ext and as presses at work, (one ter the morn. Notes.—The 'Independent Order of
gained are much gre-ater than this. sound and solid ae cotteld be and (very mad the either be the sootae 1Of S6a- Foresters of thie village, intend
Tel fact &the extra taxes that smuSt in- m.ach. better and - wthiter than are forth, baling th remnant of hay ;bolding a strawberry sacaal in the
evitably ;accrue from the increased the igrinders of most people of the the Tarmers :have sto spare foe eale. near 'future of wallah full partici-
wage learners Allis faotory would tate present day. In tact -there was not —During the Sat mer months the Oars - will 'be given later. — ifhe
tract (here (meld metre that( lower an unsound ;teeth found in the i la !the park lever Erid,s.y (evening, of Toronto, are visiting at the thicene
his 'arcomeciL The proposition was band twill give a open air centert Misses Margaret and Carrie Ross,
wthaee ;outfit, indicating, perhaps, weiether ipermitt'ng. These weekly of their father. MT. James Bess, of
bhat ttsh,e owner had lived before the entertainraonts a e very enjoyable the London Doact—Mrs. Jaok Snider
Use Blue Lake PortlanckCement. There is none
better. For sale by Clhesney & Smiley, Seaforth.
rend lfurniele a pleasant touting ter
tonsivei preparations tar their bee
for the sale of susefail Isnd faney
'tides latd home :made hooking tb
morroiy, Saturday, afternoon do thee_
•freshmertts /akin' be Served.—
holiday there and _eiturn'eci. tot 0
cell, who has bee'n, abgent tar ee
eral months, retUrned home twit
week. Mr. Pureell was in
.near San Vranciseo, when the gratt
earthquake book place and t
shook wa:s Mt !Severe ihat he was
thrown tfreen leis -bed 19,113.4. t abhor wi e_
tossed 'about, Previoue T
tdrn. ,visited San IFIrieecisco anal
went lever the ffIlinS :and says Wit
no eiescriptioin. can do justice tas0,
the desolation and ruin !tha!t
been, wroulght in the sunfartunaente
city. Mr. Purcell will -tremain
$line ;residence, .which wps sold
der 'mortgage sale :here en Wedriesm;
day mras parcha.sed by Mr. F. Hol
Dougall, 1/8.. Case and II, Belt, whhos,
are :working *la the new. Guelp
Goderioh !railway Stations, spent the
24th tat ;the* homes there.—Mr. Shell;
„Alice, of Waltagn, is here wieiting
daughter, Mrs. Alex. Smiths—Dr.
Campbell, the new postoffice in-
sPector, land 'deputy inspector Fish?
forth peetsoffice on Tuesdaya—Mr.
(Fra`nk Smith, druggist, ?Of BTUs-
sels, visited Mr. and Mrs.- David
Moore, of sEgmendville, o:n Victoria.
Dam.—Mr. David Moore, of Egmond-
ville, is improving the appearance of
his 'residence by trreaitly re -painting
the exterisor.—Mrs. Marquis, mether
sof Mrs. (Rev.) Shaw, is -still tvery
prearly.—Mr. Wm. Brine, Of Hama_
ten, as here this week (visiting Ms
mother rend sisters.—Mrs. James
Stewart left 'cm:Thursday Dar Spring-
fi-eld, to visit her Sister,
Court sof iRevision.—The court .15er
hearing aapPeals far the assessment
of the town of Seaforth was theld
Monday last. -The tollowin.g 'ap-
peals-lhad been dodged; B. B. {Guinn,
M. 1P.,, tenoro, assessment on—Parlia-
mentary IInd.erninity ; Adam 'Dodd
over idharge on land; Winter ansd
Rankin, over diarge prOperty
on Main street, occupied lay". Mr.
A.M. Campbell and Mr. D. Hitachi.)
ley ; Wm. Kerslake, over oba.-ege ion
Main etreet property ; Sea forth Mill-
ing Company end the Curling Rink
-Company, each asked for a reduc-
tien on 'assessment. The icourt dee
cided ;to ;reserve decision on the
-hppeal a E. IB. Gunn, for further
consideration and information;
that Mr. Dodds' iassessiment be ire-
duted (to $800, the same ae last year";
that the assessment on the prop-,
erty of /Winter and Rankin he SUS-
; 'that W. Kerslake's assess-
ment be tredneed to $850; that tlae
assessmont of the 1Seaforth
Company be tredexted to $8,000 ; that
the assessment on the Skatiog Rink
be 'reduced to $2,000. All these {re-
ductions are on the assessments of
the meal 'property, and they tarry ;a
proportionate reduction in the busi-
ness assessment. The tockart adjoarn-
ed jute 20th, sat eight o'cleck
itthe evening.
—A meeting of the csoundil was
'held timmedia,tely ;upon the close at
the tooutt of revision, A by-law :was
passed,- authorizierg the Mayor and
Treasurer Ito invest $1,000 addi-
tional ef the Sinking Fends in farm:
mortgages. Mr. M. /Broderick ten -
dared this ;resignation as councillor
and acting Mayor. Hie resignation
was taecepted, and Mr. J. C. Greig
was appointed Acting -Mayer.
dace a "large insuraber of en; young
of tmilitary letiOwledge, at a ;time 'of
life *hen it is no great inoonven-
ience sfor 'them tos do so; and which
might,. 'qualify them (better, Should
they lever be :called :upon in. the
future ago defend (their tearntry, the
ular (peep per day, What they tall
efficiency pay,- the cenditiona of
which Ihave (this year been- made' ta
little more favorable. Instead
the service being icontinuous iat
first 'required, it Is 1IIIOW alloted
follews : 20 tents per day extra
for '1st year's teervice ; if the sold-
ier (has served ontes in the prerviteus
3 Tears, 40 tents per sday extra ; if
he !has been. out twice in the 11)rev-
tra. The County Council (have also
deckled Ito add their .quota of en-
couragement ;and have this y -ear
voted a straight (25 tents per day
to each Non-Oommiesioned Officer,
arid man putting in his twelve days
drill with The Hurons." This
makes the pay somew-hat mere Tes
pectable than formerly. A first -
year's efficient man 'getting 95 tents
per day ; second year, $1.15; (third,
year, $1.25, sand corporals and saw_
geants get the additional pay of
their rank. It is not alone the pay
that is 'increased. Bat what is tee,:
ually important is the Government
issue properly equipped ctooking
ranges. The ratiems are very mucth
improved in quality and variety
and served ion tables in. the !large'
dining tent purchased last year, {al-
so through the generosity of the
County Council. The Ilegiraent goes
to 'camp 'this year en ;the 18th of
June, and names must be ton the
roll 'before the 7th in -order lila draw
pay. This is a change that may !de-
ter some (from ijoining, but we ad-
vise any who purpaee going to
consult the 'local officer.s 'before the
7011 sof june.—Con.
Ready IN to .1 Wear Gann
Waists Skirts Raincoats
of stylish materials, even if
displayed in a barn, would
be more to your liking than slovenly old
timers shown in in art gallery,
But, when (as here and now) we show
you the correct garments from the work-
shoffs of Canada's most skillful garment -de-
signing artists, in one of the best lighted
sections in the store, then, the, conditions
for customers to get absolute satisfaction are
almost perfect.
Many New DaMty Shirt Waists !we just been adde
Our Already Heavy Stock
Linen Waists $i 50 to 8 60
SKIRTS R I N: C 0 Ail'
Now /8 the Most Opportune Time to
Prices $2 to $10
Black Vicuna Cloth Skirts
Taffeta Silk Trimming......$2 00
Grey r4eed Skirts,
Blauk Colored Lustre Skirts
AccordeOn Pleating.......
Black Oolored Broadcloth
Skirts, Button Trimmed,
Separate Wash Skirts
Attractive Shirt Waist
5 50
Our Ramesata please and aus
for sunshine as irell as for
Fawn and Grey. Co4s
Loose fitting d bet
Fawn and Grey Co ts
Belted backs a Pleate
Fawn and Grey 0 ats
Those box pIea,ted
Handsome Home Furnishings
In the spring a bousewife's fancy is forced to -turn to cleaning house,
she finds that many new things are needed. This is why we wish to a
attention to -day to thz. many lanes of new goods we have toll(*) her out,
We only mention
here the fact that
we have a superb
stock of homefur-
nishings and.
prices were xlifiver
than now.
s or
few days laSt week with friends in
I/madam—Mrs. (Will O'Neil and Miss
O'Neil, Of Olinteen, ea -lied on sfriendis
in t own; 16.11 Pxiday Wore
ranee Dunlop, self the Sovereign Bank,
spent Sabbath Test in Olintlen.—Mrs..
Came:min, 10X Let.nelon, was last week
the guest: sof 'her daughter, Mrs. (Di.)
Bougers.—Mrs. Will Berry is spend -
a few week with her brother,
Alex. Ross, of Cargill. --Mr,
Clinton, .where 'Mr. Malley has senile -
Ed work 'loin the section.—Mr. Albert
lege, spent Smaday at his i-onec here.
—Mr._ Alex. Ross, London Road, has
been aaid witn a severe scold, but
we sare pleased to say hfi reva.v-
ering.— On Sabbath evening last
Mr, Mae, liktestayd, Kaiox
lege, Memento, and Miss Marg
Ross, aloes Moronte, gave our .111'.
-cleaver moiety some interestIng
fatts about some of the leading riot
well if we oauld get Imore interim
taken in id= seciety:—Miss Mari
Mustard, of Ilippen, is visiting
mother, Mra. Jas. MuStard.—ThAV,
Stanley, ton Wednesd.ay :Rauh mot
Knight, ;wife of Mr. Will Ste:fibula
The funeral will take pla.ee from
late Tesidenee at 2.30 ea. an., On. rx14
day, tor the Climb= cemetery.
—T:he honorary degree of jeauele,al
Doctor Ohe been conferred son lin
A. S. mogt, conductor of the Mesa4
delssalia Choir, Monantio, by the Sere.
ute 'of Toronto signiversity. It ?WO,