The Huron Expositor, 1906-06-01, Page 3. - W � 6 �-- 11 : a P ; � � IV . � I_ :­ � - ­ , I - - � . - , x - ­ - I , i - V. . I . ___ � i - - I � � - - - �� � I . - 7 � Z 1-1 I � - I �, � - - . I I - - I � 7 -i 4 : - . I . - . ��r-?�__ __ I V, I I *%� . , � -MINE I - i. , I A .- __ .- I �j J. __ - __ - ­_ . - _­_­_�T____­­ --.--9%-, -- I . -_ I- - ____ , - - I -9 - - _;i� 1-6 just - Me UV_ --!P nXT1%*nr9* - . _�._ - , .15, 1 1 For a -!mto - t,,,,4�tj, . . 4 "k I � , . � ,.r, f c �lat CoUdd b_- ble*- I #.--�, ir L�,-tr - I , . A r I 0- of mik and � - � I � . I - I M_Oonez��*,­, I per-ffect- ii�, 1�-Djj n_�*W_an� _V : 1.%�.w --:;_&,An Sod- � I.&$ . ��adal% iqvicrt Crad � Rft64 I q � ' C imt �� , -1. *1 - anadb:s fig, . � I . � _� � - 'r.. a � ,::,A W-Vidnz, delicibt,'.S. -A �. . I � .. W , 'aw, 1-1 � tivit boxe% V%at keez' � , - - - � . - th= in fauWew - - I I condidom I - � - I ji . I 1 Y 1-1 , our grow . � I � . .-7- . h" ��� I '.1 61,� I - them- - �r I!OR SAL.V� ­­­`-�- -_�_;k 4 N -M Folt F, __---­ * . UL .&M-ror _. 0* * �� _.. ;, T I 8 . Sh orthora BuIL IS" monflw Old &1Z - , little whitel I*rice-4ght. Apply-;W*U-j___ - ' 4, Tnekersinith or addr6i �� 1�_ - , _�ff .tort X. &UN-00HAN. I - I � ,%Vy C,� � ��a . '19914. I --------- I I - - I ­j� - � ; 11 . � 'L'ER STREEPAIND ,qn()r--- _� I S, ,THORN � QA=* - �� , ­, - i" � .. -,.- ,XLM-The unders! - . gued bag to sole St., �red Lelep-Aer Sheep and 1% r hari - " cozat - -, - I -"- AddressEgmnndTjIjep.-rtA) 11 -�Zoad, Tueke,.jutt.h. '�* *b � _ROBEM -,Or - 011AX. - - - � MU !L-- ___1. xr, � - � ­_­­� DR SALE. --For sale, -,. thorobred ShW �, , with iezi-stero-pe , I ShWI digeo il-Inlie,olor. , -. , 2.- tnan" . Ile was bied trom"rime C -h._ positor. nlyy or . � . . London r m,d, Tnekemnith, a MU& nucvfleld. JAXW PATErw6if" *u&--- � . - �� - - � I . Young I 8horthO­______ Z-5 � M Bul�g a ­ - I- 1 � eciffers, Choice animals an�l t,f.k'.t _5,jr-'%* hfteft- -elul Pur . _ � pose and I og-gicultRmt bori; - .)2dm fatal !earq old,soiiad and - - I co eworkels. P6§6 ind terms to, suit. Also =h 1-Nuva 'artarlar. . : . - ' - .Seaflortb.-, Sept. 0, 1870 Gats, clean , jor ep-A. J�- ,lei, Out. . ,, k - -W - s � --- _1.ft-a - � I __ ____­ 7) I A. . R�X_ CATEILE­Seven fjrst�c".q­ 'froL youpt prominent A n importect con -g. for saj-, --41 m_- bd� Mr. S. Mlortbin has taken ipo4sessilan td on easy terms , good Young cowq A4 53r,ale. A - � 11 Inten-sted are co;di4lly - - - ts, . vvt the herd. Fann adjoing to!,�%� bq _ to fmr.l. Write for I =t = - - . . As those N%,)io know that daily ­ tinte driws near. The ineetin, I __ ?.Er� s 7-uox FOR SALE. -The U6&gl,. . � � - Dr. Shoop"s Rheumatic Remedy WM �-001�ers fort -We On Lot 2-1, 0oncemfoit 4. _ I - . -- 11141P, a 1-m-iiher of heifers and Ivenat foot. I. yearling bull, I I-%= . 14old.arightgoudanimaj, 7.-Desbe.# - � _ � rongistered in the National Stock a : -_ r�mwleratejerujse.q%y visitov _. ,Sw&V W_ . I Medicine Can. .. _- �-, staffa P� 0. . ipw,u - I _... . _�__ RXIS.-Choiee bred bulls aW lezaalp,- 4 I - I . ­,,�,-.�.,.s �fAft', - '� = - j ., � --I,--- �± , A0W *,-I - t agefi for,,vale, about tivo, do -gen tq sdolk, _ _ _ , ­ - rca$ 3ble - Nord now beaded fly - _ .,Or. ,$ (A'#,)W)�. L "'n 1, Te is gRt by the wt- � - The one remedy which many pbyrdel I ans rely tipon to free the system of the Rheumatic POIE- - yolift.: aillorted-stock on both sidea, glau us ia pre -swat jof an asslorted 11-ot ,(Y� I Ah,e abloicest :�garieties* ,of apples. I � - And well set. on mort leg-s.-Teims�*-_ __,,.*,,,_,*,,���_1_-1__�-1 I . 1, - MO � I - C -- f,--,--"ftA4%A*%r_Vft*--r&,W1-C- - . $1 - '.­S�k insured ; Others on applicatit %,- - . f ilom Ithe 0=tinge:nt - Fund tio Main _. "Olne. JOHN Y.LDER, Hensall h % - - Mr -4 '' � - - I . - 7-. ., � . � ,� SALE OR TO RENT. - I - . . .1 . I - . M" - . ZXI I . TO RENT. -To rent., Lot 17 02.1- during tlh!e fl-Iness -of Rev. W., God- ; :4, XvKjUop,. IGO acres in graw. iellith-i ,ed ,that : I M .;,.� f -Ma � Itetm, of yeams Appky to �.Olr BROS., seaforth. 191no-tt 1� 6 . � � 1. .L'be undersigned w1111 rent his farm 4 �- . 11 . - - 0 sh,gre to a good, tenant for a terr'14 � - -he , a farm eonsisits of 210 ,nerres of ,-.0t. . 41 under tultivation and in ;-Cod Co. ' Wl tenn% and particu!=5� almly at One- I ITH, st im � - Joseph P. 0. _U �___ 7 . ND PROPERTI-MR 3ALE.-Fdr -4#Wr- - - i(�nd,6ille,,-tdioinin,,e,Smfort.iii-a comfttt� , iixse containing, three bed room, sitting - - - , room, lavge kitchen and woodsbe& 5 I - ine foundation tinder the whole hou*, � I Hent cistern in the cellar and soft Avat* kitolien. There are three lats p1mt4 - the best fruit. 'There i&atW5lV1* - ,�of property is in first-class repair in OW . ` �� a inost desirable. place. PQ35MiDR- I �t a. ty time and terms wrill be nude MA's - ,%rtleulan apply on the premisea or Atd­ 11 NOULE,Iqeaforth. 20943%A1 .. � . . I - � - 40, - �k�w - - .-'O. � - � - � :� 1: .TANT NOTICES. . ' I � I - . � - � __ __ _ , - undersisnedw Do c'm Is " T . L� rh - �� thorobrid. MoMiam -- i=_12; - I I the tima of Wvfa-#* at �1_fT , I - rt;eturnin g if xlece"W & _ , 248� _ 7 I - . .- , . - - 15MY10F - . � , ..-?",r. F.-O'Brion Vvill kor- . iprovement of stock, on Ut 27r, - Ow -LI - le well bred bull, 11 Uwd DundongkUr ., . - . - - ullig ired b ­TkumWter" (3*N- . . DiO- - I ight , - of Imported bloWttOn - I I 10M Dundon d is U red Color and. #t , - - ernis-% for grade cowL4 swd $5 fw'- tz, payable Dieember lst� nexL 7- . 20GSWI . , - - � ­ - . ; . . � . BULL-111ving purchawd taw "'Rose . U411-10 - Shorthorn Eu% lei kno" T. W. J. Thompson, the W , � porter of Logmn, I -will, adinit, to, 111* -. I r of cows thh-, season, -for Ser0W - . i r, " was bred by Alex. TSWI fVbO0tV- -_� , - - . ­ , I itish flag," iinported, and 1119 4LTM". !tud,"alsaimpoit-ed.- Forterr'390n& - __ � . s apl)ly on Lot 27, ConaeOW00 11, mia- . . (.. (.i-.-IEVF,. W" ii -7 ==; �_ - - - _.- __ - � � . . 1�,_ - - I I - OCR _4` , UP _�. , I � . - � * - , �_ - � � 1 42-.- � ^ 0 _,4 J� , I L U 1) - , ��r �� .. . I - � I'll � �� ­_ �� I �� . 111X*AW_ I I pop- . - I . , . 1. Jw ., 1r% Is 11 ,i!, �Daa Blood into I _ . - I � _. h Red Bloliold. � I . , � ��-, . i c remedy possesses sUCb : __ � � . I * I - ansing, healing and Pull* . _ � . P!rties. I - - � 11Y heals Sores,'Mccr4- ' 11 i � P . . �1 , and all Eruptions. - ' , � I - , - - I . �� -tores the Stow2Ckt; � ­ � ,.y, res - I �. : : .- '_ 1. -!s and Blood to healft-1 lc�_, - . - r �. "our appetite is poor#. , , � I% � � 600. � -'* �'­, '... Kone, your ambi . . L ;_,.­wi�'l restore you.totthO.- I __ � I A tl,.�:*It of happy vivtolo-. 3 : I I m � � - I . � I I I , � I , ! I � i - . �, AIV � , - . Urot, pals, aWl- I � _,� 1-11 �r _� , I � ! I I - Z PU'S Photos - . �_..__ - .. __ . - - - - , , - - I � �,*Gwudty with UEI* W__ do 004 , �- � � Qrk you wi,11 be pleased wio­ - - �.._,� - -exceptiou -0--_ - �� ai � al jacilitieff ft r %a . i ror . groupe and obildree" ljf-OtO*� I - I - � a and see ua. .1 I . .;V � I - I __ . I � � _ . � " Frarnina and. Wouldina. . - - .- - . - � - - -1 11-W I - ­ . 11 ... - . ­ . IBP90 �� � e4 0, Seafortho � -I-,-- 9 ;1-_ ­ . - � �_ 1; ­ . __ , ___ __ __-111.___ _ -11 - . ____ -,- _-1 - - ______ __.. - �__- .__ - -,- � __ ­ �, -,-- - __ _", _.., � , _____ WM__-7_­-­_­ __­­ �7­ ------ �-,���---��----.",---..,--I.i,--,----�---� _: C', � __­__­�- -- ��_ _ ­­__---- . � �_­ - ----- -lr------.--�--,---l--m- ! ­;�,� , r - ___�_­ __ ­­­­ ­_­� I � . ___ - _ � ­ ­ -, - � � , - - __` i t- - , f - -1 -_ - -1 I I . - .. I � � � - 11 � I - � _ i - . . � � I I . I I � . . . .� - . Z . i � . .1 - ­ � . I . !�� _� � I ­� , . - I I - .. - i . i . I � j - ­ -_ 11 . _. I . I I . I- � . - - I I I I . . - � . - � - . . . __ ­_ . . �. . I I I _ - . ­ , . - __ ­ ­�_­ �­_ � . I I I . i- � _. ..- - 1__.1, I.. - . I I I � I � . I . - ­­­ 1 - . I I � . I I ­_._ : . . - I I - .. , . � � . I . - I- __ -1 ­ . I . : � � - V -1 __ - I � . 4 . ! - I I . . I ��' - - -j ­ . - I I . . __ , � � � .. - ­- ­ I . � . - - . . � - I - I I I - - I . I .� . I � � � , I � _., . . . L . ,.� __ - - � �. � I � � . I . I- � . � �,_. � - I � I � t . , - - � . � I � . � . . I - - -11 I ;1 I - � I I . - . - � �_.._, � : - �___,. I __1 I . I I - . . - I - q I 1. I -, � � . ! ­ . - , is s . .- i � I ��__;_ -­ - - r - - . � � - L, : I - -1 - I .. , . - ­ I .. - . . ... � I .- I I � . - . I 1� . . � ­ ­�� .1 � : i I - _� . I . . I - - I -11 � ­ � . _. 11.1 I � 1, - I � I I I � . .1 � . . I . I . , - - _., �__ " - � - �, I - I I I . � � . I . � 11 . . I I - � - __ - - � .1 - _ -Ir � __ - , . � �­ -.-.%. - �� I I . I '' I . I ,� I . i � I � . � I - - I - - __ � Z ,� I I � I ­ � . - �. - - - , I I __ ,__ I . ­­ I � - -r-.- 1. --- � - - f ­�._� ­ - � . . I . - I I - - I � - I I - ­ - _. . __-.__1_._- ­ - . �, ­ . . . ­ . 1. . . - I I . . I I . I - ___ . � I � � � I , - , , , , �__ ­_____ ­ _ - � -�� - - , - - . . .1 . - ­­ � . � I _. ., - _. __ _ __ -, _', _ -,-,--- -­­ ­- ­ � F ,� ---- �', ­­.Iqi:��_ ­ - ­ - I � ­ � . I � I I � - � . - . . � � 1. I - I .. - � - � - . .1 - -1 , ­ I- ­ ­��' - �­ - � - i ­ ` __ _,� - I - � - I "I � , " - , �_, - , - - - - - 1, ,.-, - I ` �� ­­ , - - � I � - -1 I I - I - . ­ ­ - - ­ I I- - ., - , � � � � I � . . - 7 . . I . . - I �, - I I 11. - i " . - I I _ � .. - - --- � _. I I - ­ ­ - I , � . - ­ . I . , � . - . I .. � . . - - -1 I - - I I 47 -, - � I - X . I I - - . I - . - , I - . ­ I I . , , I I - __ - I - - � - - - . � I '. .. I ,� � I I 11. � I . I - � I ­ . - I - - I I I � ­ , I � . I � . . . . . . � - � � _ � I . - � �� . I � . �, I . . - ­ I � � . . . ; ., �. ,� � __ I � - � - -1 ­­- I - ­ - � - - � I- - _. I 11 1� . .1 I- . I— -1 I I � I � I - I I I - I ­. I ­ - . - I I - I 1. � I - . - . - . : I - . I # I � - ; � I ­ ; I - - � - � - . � . I . . . I � . - . I I - . .- � I . � I I � 11 � . . . I I I - I . ,� � � � . I � � I - - . I - * . I - L - � ._� � - I � . � I . 3 . __ . I . . � � � .14 I .1. . � I . �, � I I . - . . � . -H , � � . ; - --- - - JU-N E L 190 . . n E� ,� ., i 04N - OR �-- I � - ______ ,.-- I 0 � � jm_u � E P $ff - I _____ I ­ I _____ ___ . .1 I—- - - � 11 . Wj'11!­' 1,5101 11 M-.1-1 ___ � - ­ - ,i .. � I , X, ___ __ - -..-.-. __ � - - - �___ � I— -11 11 - � � I Wii��� ! 0 � ­,­....fW­ I -I---- - - � - � � I- -1 - .1 �. - .1 - .1 I .� � I . 11 . , � I - - - . I ,� � � I I - . � � 1, . -.1.1-1- I I ' I -__.1_____ . I- . I � 11 �- ­_ - � I I t rews ed b a Sat'"day avoning till Kow - ­­_ " I—- . - .t given, ejfd wae at Im 7,- From I - Z . . - � ­ __ --1- __ ___ I � � V . , C7W . I . il . - �­ ­ �,Hog day own- last �bne io� the �POak6st I - I - -­ 1 I Ajew# _", - � *I& I s man. Gasftl i4j, laffift� aiwima , .� - . 0up A 0 Nijoy sorruring M wind and rein prevailed, 11 __ I - -� - 0% __ # V f C mmattrip 4 i � I � 11 �'F - I isackv I I savereier . , , - )h 001 , ly went back na I . - _.�_ - W-7 4ft , 31 . � . � �­ 11 � t � 'M V Irl. ever kj�own in Chis part bfUm Voun-t . � - ! F! E I I bonlorable by anarryi:49 the I - I - . � I &--'-,. ! - stands for Seatirlty . . . �� I � _� - __. . �w � Riel"Y 1W � ... � . a try ' - I - � _ � . . - i , %M - - sl!�, bility. - You � ,Oka birs, r __ � andsta 4 Wm, th. , . 11 ­ � I .. are . a - rG, of R . . .- st 'Haron 'W"'vnews In$ 11 . - r, awler�, of Tookersmi . � .. 11 � ­ � . - -fk- - I . D-0 V - DISTRiOT MATTEliS. � *0 twte.a­ - I I T - � � . ­ ­C,.A_ ,, flSavings The qatmal.,district meeting vt the has, durlink ,bho season just ended., I . 7� 0 : - . � . - I , � .. _� , rUxc- , F - , . 11 wid unloh XORF, . &A � . ­_��_ I . 11 - West ffU-rDa.'W,oMen,s JiIatit,te was wifli the assistatnee -of her t1ree �� I 11 AN - z7 In.. 0 0 9 t. To., .Vn - � I ., - f-Ak , � ­�� � � � ty.,ebuffi,t � ____ - , . � - �axsdtq of last,tweek, at ; da L - twon . - � � I- i I - mil Mwtiag.-The vn- hold loji ,Th ughtors, made, from � . I Institute Ann, � an -al tmeetLaig, iof Vhe South Huron "The Waples," the ho $1,075 worth -of cheese, besides I " f, � � jAe -of Mrs. 9. ! clows, j . � . 1:'_` Y:�, , - I VOr 1. P M" k the hack� , - supplied a bousdhold of . �. V__ _1 - I VaTniersl Institato mrill be lbeld in W. Net liton. T,here was 4 hiavla4g - :�, -1 ��.- _ C I Hiall, 'Howall, ton Yjmnd,ayo about sixty being.1 fourteear 1porsons with bu$tar, ,and -66 e',�& - .­ __ I - ,&,V 0 ,10 �_7�: ! sovereign Bank I s rt_:4� liii4e�-highly colorek Miller'S large atttielitacele", __1 �__ I_ - M_ I @_ . I . 9 � �If ___. I June ,4th, tat ime-thirtj *?o.1­ock.V,h6 pres%,mi, Including dpleg-%tes from elliog lbet,woon $75 a,dd $100 worth. nnisiaubion or vour Alonev- Back' ly . '� _,� unne itated bladder - 91 V - . �W,. - " - I - � . - irr', - bollawing iorder of biminem will be:; Wlogham, Goderloh. OlintVrt and On' Maesday last tbe StaWey Agri* 1. I I 4,- �4� ". - I �___ I - ;­­, " - _ Z IT119 � �_ �� irregular bowels -b a d transaoted ,., 4oports U prosldent,',� Holmesville. , The rai -was 40p.% i"U'Itaral Society's p1towi match was . . - I-- - .- z - I � I—, � I Of Canada. oll=nglo � . ..., 7 . executive committoo, 1wad aadibors; Id $in-glng the � gy, Mrs. held on Mr. .Tiolh Rattenbary's ! , __ I � � , -stomach - there is nothing . 4,ed by � 4 . __ - _. 4-1_ 1 1 - - I I 6 UWE � I Att at *11i Che 91 , o. The j L L I i �3-tlons ,of 1P01 oh 'bo: Watts. 1preelding at farba, 0rueefleld. The prizes were, ,f Jr. ­_' of . . �, 'L hold re 51 'Of lint6n 1ekin aa - follows: Men-��Alex.Thom- . 1.9001� Aim 810L � - __1 A deposit , $1'00 opens EL SAY- iZz that will bring stich quick glirlar and saipplementary preMent, Mrs. Arenob, � , MM -IF- il __ L I k . I . . I I - - . � - � R1 . - relief a,nd so certain a cure as meetings, eleabi,61 iaf directors an4 wave )a ivory eneloaraging. re rk ;f PE#Dn, lJohn Oameron, DonAld Ftoss; . � I I-- -_ � � . � � Z. inos AccouNIT upon xvhioh Interest I .auditors ftr iensuing year, ote. A b anohes Voys-Hugh NoGrelpor. . .. f - . t19 . I . the 1past lyear'�s work, rew I -?-- jL ,. is pald four thneg a ,year. FRUIT-A-TIVI�,';. judging class demonstrati-oin, will bavitug been if,ormed, and tio fttal I ___ - - a. I - i � - ��Z_ - . I . , , . ­ - , - . These marvelous tablets are nature's be oondacted tat three o'clock, ,Mr. members,hip being mate -dally In- $eafortb, Nov. 11, 187.0., 0 ,N -W ­­ � ��-- I L . . . P_T_ r.16 27 . natural re", edyfor irritated or weakened H. 18. Arkell, B. $. 1&,, �04 IyPoof 'creased. Members are becomiag r. David- Erwt* has ,opened, -a . �.�_ - no im XTOW . � � I.T� . .1 I I � I )M,thuse in is work, 4indthe, blacksmith ablop at Alma. . ; ­___._ kidneys. They act directly on -the Guelph, A twrdial imvitatitoA is ex- �Urore h d th - I � � I kidneys -soothe the irritated meml�tanes ttnde7d tto,all, ymang meu i3somially. priospeets -are ,bright bor the looming .A 1plowiog mlatch bor the benefit of . - Ar#V !Z- I - � , ' N I . I I L I - � L a Put your inoney In a plAce where you jai Id th. Ithe' year. The district socwtary, 'Mrs. iLll ,,pllowers ,vvbj:) did not Itake prizes � I . I I -clean, heal -and strengthen the organs An exour Ion twill be fie I ..- - - - I can get It when you. want it. . 7 -aiid help them tc new vigor with Model Varm, Oneldli, !an Jaine Ifth. Colin Campbell, of Goderioli, then thiis ty-ear at the olomty rjr tjio�wnghip I Aj, .15 r . I— - - . � L . . I I . , ­ en th-E-11 Clec-der ­md ;_ - _ . S&edtaeatingtwill ebeldat,Croditon ,preseaTted her xegort for tbel Tear, plowing imatehes, was held on fte ell - - their work. . 0onfidence oetwe -1 a __ - 11. � . r I -1 I - -WM,oh Was ivery satisf actlorV, and 4th q.nst., 11 1. Often kidney trouble is not due- to (on. (June (20nd, . I � ion the tarm. of Doinald Me- 7 L . X 11 - CtL ift, � __-.;_ -0- I ; � - HKNSALL. defe- the kidneys. ft w.h1oh dhlowod,tbe different branches Diarmid, oartoossion 8, Stanley. The . . . any ofg�Lnic ' L * _ I I - , __ � ­ ­ - . L ­ I stipated_if r L a., � I the boviels are edn'. the skin Died rin Crystal City.-Mtiah, sym. - t1troughiout bhe dialtriolt, -Vo ��e 'fini a, p1lawars land all visitio s wexe. 'very his patrons is 'he surest fou nda,im - � ;-t�- -, I I ___ . V 1, I-— L '� L I ' L I - : does not thro�v oft fhe tissue waste: ot pathy rwill be felt amoi%g.the,frionds flourishing xyondit4n. The inumber, kindly itreated by Mr.. MoDiarmid, . � I I I - _ - . I the bod7-thea these impurities arc 4-n Ibbis- county of Mr. ,abd -Mrs. ,W.G. of tineetfings ;held In W,est fl4m-a ithe whta Made them -all weJoama fm w f Is � 1_149-, . ­_11t__­ �­V , ­ � free Wmner and supper. After'sup- - 1:� - I ­1� carriod to the kidneys. In a vain Duff, of Crystlal City, Ma,fiftloba,-and Vast iyear was 62; t1obal t&ttlendance tion for % uccess in Business. . . . � . arand Trunk Railway endeaVor to rid the systern of impuriti f ormerly well known- residelats ,of. -of women at their mePjtijTgl41,- 110965; per,ithe judges awarded the ifollow- ' ' I I . E'. , . -es, -1 _L�_ . , � � I ,M: System. the kidn(;�ys are oVerworked-the bA,00d bbis idistriat"an; -acoaunt of the 1doaUh pareirs ,�nd addresses Vl,iidn � 84 - It -o- +xrg:ipr'izo,3.- Firsf, D. Grassl0k; 2nd, . . . � iff v=el� are dilated -the nerves inflamed. of their ouly -soon, Albert Bdward, t'a rool , dit.6es, H* Reid; 3rd, H. MaDiarmid; l4th, H. -1 I ptso $154.77: 6��Z 7 �r­ � � - ­ Rallwaly Time Table ite f o,l-. Rood; 45tb, � H. Ross; 6th, W. *Mc,- 1 . L4� I That causes a host of kidney troubles. wihich occurred at Crystal 'City vA $111.44; balwacei $43.1'. � L - To merit and retain tho confidened of the � 1� L - I- 4 L ftelus loave Seafortli " 16111ows : � I . the 47M ,of May. 'Rio was A)brilght lowlixg iofficers'were eftotedlAoir tthe Bea,thl._. . ! . I . p.w,%. im. For Clffinton, "erlich WUgham an .e 11 I 'm AV . wad i romjsba� y1otiing �ma­% neairly 25' current year -. Presidebt, Mrs. W. .1 ___ . �_ . Mucardine. , L i - 1. I - ,12.41 p. m. For Clinton &0 Goderich yearx. of a , "und .-his d Seaforth, Nov. 18, 1870. � VPWX twida z . . ge eeth Uzi couse, ...7-vnkifis, 111olmosville; fir4 vioe- .L resideot, 1 SIM''atz, a gentle- 1 &JA P� M. For cmaton, wingham and Kinosy .. I of rvery deep. gri.of bo, -his lberoaveA 1P Mrs. Clark, doderich; Mr. tBon4amin I- � � � I L - J - CLOTHING _TKADE dice. j - . � � - I -parents. WZ 1have nort -learned tba sevond mice, Mrs. Donep Wiagji,a)n; men rwbjo ­ �,.has had cloosiderable ex- . � I JUS y. in. For 011aidn and Goderloh. aR "Faurr Liven TA9LVT81. porleace Th .fl -ax growing and maxna- . - 1�a a. ni For Sirstford, Guelph, Toronto, full Idetlails. Zbe remains -ware� - in- Aeoretary-treasuarerr, Mrs, Colin Cam- I - � 'a Inw weet " not only heal and strengthen the kidneys ' terred.tin Oi�rstal City cempitery' on pbell, )Goderloli. L . . faeftaring, lhas purchased four acres has been our constaub aim consequently we have -exerelis-ed I 0""'* d' I __- of ilaind immediately in rear of Mr. 9 Ballevee %ntd PalarWrand PoInt9 but they allso increase the action of the 19atllirday,- Ua�v 19 a-. . - i . lil - esd. I I I 'Xf 'laie'P -1, slotit"li 0of beat ready-to-wear eloth,. - LL _$,," y, w, Fog sintford Guelpb, Toron W, Mon- oldin, and, act directly on thd liver, tituss -The Pilot ck� u-nd Sentinel says in ,you kn1jw the va .� Qmida. Sewmiller's loat ineal rail the greatest care in select g the .1 _ I I - treal an , d poW6 ead curing the constipation.' referehoo tto ,tbe - abova: " About . berlaijVs Salve bnoa woudd Uever the trallway, and - intends exacting, . . - . - - I IX P. � n10 For L atrAtford, Guelph and Toronto. FRUIT-A-TrVI&A are the natumi and lolzi- eigbt d,ays prov! DUS t* ,h.js t it. X�re are dtirl,ng tthe voming winter, eXtengiVe L ing m Canada, and wefeel certain we have I � . - 0- I eel cure for all- kidney troubles. They an, was Ajor V#,hi& ,it buildings ifor -the , - London, Huron and Bruce. =ade of fruit and tenics--we pleasan t to t,tke itaken ill with-Inflammati-on ,of' fabme iot Whe diaeases f preparation amd, 0 1 11 _. . -4od a Xuavmteed can vrhen faith f ully- fi-ke-d. the fbowels, but- his trouble was not is ospecial-ly tvaluable, eore ��Jgppj", maoufactuTing IDf lax.. .: . , ,W- a box or 6 boxes for $2-.5o. Scut 01, thought to be dangervii-s, luotwever, chapped thands, builrns, fl)DS� bites, � a" I I I � I I , . I I -I- ___ - A � - � - - , - - - -_ ____ FIRM -p- : I I 1 .4 1,4- if- - I I - � 1 42 11 !7rritiv, I 10i 11 ,rt You I I Stewo, Bros I I i I I I 41 0 1 6 �_ I 0 NFIDE C E 11 I IL I I' 11 5 - 11" �rno , - -it 6f prim )f Ointx�ents for Catarrh -_ %" N"T*- PA&Mxor. r1m . it your druggist doce not , !* The Best 111_1rarress Brand ' I L4Adoa dapad-�­.. 14#A.M. UO P. M = uww. - - . on ,Thvrsday complications set in, dhilblains, )ohreoic "olro itch- Beware c . � - CY I., 1 9, L -6 . 5.48 -43, - . I'M Thert Cofitain Mercury. r.wa ___...._.... 9 Wrial modioml. aid ing piles, Itetter, salt the and : 9.80 5.54 Em -ii -nm I== - , WAS'VA, was icalled in, nothing coulld be done i6ozoma. Price 25 tents per 1)iox. Far as merciary twill sarely destroy the =:&r -:*-ft--__ 9.4,; , -6.06 � I � ,. I . I ­ �**_­.. 0. 9.60 6. ti 4 _ - bo 8ave dhe poun,g man's aife. Mr. sale iby ta-11 draggists. - ; sense of staell and mmpletely de- The beat that this coantry affords -that, and that alone, 1*8 I .. U__*._0**#*W.- ­ � I � . : - 91 ­­ - __ I - i I - CPU: 9.68 6.29 . rr, , ", - � , .. Duff was one of Crystal City's finest --a range the wbole system when ,an- . fteId_*.,.*__**-*­ , M - ----ME . . � good enough for oUr� patrons. That is why, 'the Progress 10.1f 8.1lb I I.F� I young men, a, youlng man ot exem- Londesboro. . torlog it Whrough 'the muloons hur� . - � ' � L - . . . ! * %v*hj al 12=06i; ; __ __ : __* -­ 1-0 10.80 0.62 FMIMM � 11- 116 n 11 11 4w A J_ I 1. rgn1*,P""U f�OAAJZ Antilh 1�rfnnlx�g nivIA tnimvor 'Rrw il Milp vvh;.P,b fZ1111%, tir. for 'ithorityin shyle for pure Mas 7.00 1 V 4i 0 �A� .;� �4 "b %* . . . � - . I - � . I Bwb-- __.*_­` : �' 10,60- 7.13 1 - . whicli,.itogether .wit1h a cheerful ana ..(To,o late for aast we0k.) be nsed -an prescriptions -from we- � *L * i , rp , I ,hand tail in- is here. I 110 26%ft J wool 'An 'fabrics lor Dest in U lor qn;g" ­ -- - .. Il."'D - 7.25 1 0 genial disposition, ,made 'him many 'Notes. -The Misses 'Fa4ny' and puftble 'hysloix*ns, as the damage gy � . - -* a Som- AVIV � 804"_ I . Faftnixer. I - I . L f rionds. The - ftmily feel very keen- Mary Jackson, of Clinboa,� visited they wilf1do Is ton fold tothegppd Varldies ofstYle and patterns are SLO greit. fLs to preclude . - V71uglim, depa".. - '. - - a. 41 A.M. 9. 80 P. All 1, 91, -1/n., I- 11 ly the Ajoss they have isustaiaed." - Mrs, James Hill Over `s;�4ay.,Tbe y -DU ban fpofiaibly derive friom, It'jacm. p,ejpjjV_3__.._ .. .._- _ 6,52 .6.44 1 - Epworth iLeaguo entertained t'a the possibility of disippointment ; tke range Off Sizes I's . � . I a- . BlYth Hallts'Ca rrh- Cure, maulafftVared .& . - 8V*h__..__--_---- Mo SJO 1. . I � . . I ev�wing, *bie-n all by %p. a,. ohd,ney- &- 0o., Toledo, Ohio, made to cover every shape and figure. The most particular -- I TA11doeboto ........ � --- 7.14 4.04 �,. �, Ued' Near Luoknow.-The g-emtle- League oln Triday . oftn%on- - - - _.... � - 7.67 , 4.98 � nra:n, )dllu,ded to in the following, sPo'n4t an .onjoyable tjme._Xr� Crit- oontains na an,6roary, ,and is taken a ;�MUWA"... _.. __.- 0 - 8. W � 8.10 tington land family, sof Ojj�bm,-*are internally, �aotlag directly Von tj,j,, man will find here jasb what he Want's at v. alues e-bsCd_&te1,Y � 4.41 � whiah onvve tiake from t1he -Lacknow I ' 9 -_ .#- B-22 4.62 '00 1. - Sentinel of lacyt week, was abr-oVh,6r tihis tweek moviag iotto tho 'holase bl,olo,d ajfd M,U)MUS aurfaeeB olf the the greaktesC f :.----.---- ­ 1`5 - . � . , ZX6 . __ 8,96 6.05 1 -Shoe PDXIS11 of 04r. A. P. Xornit,'of Seatarth, iand lately 000 upled by Mr. W*odiblaad wnd syswm. In buying Hall% Catarrh, &11% IF - I 11 L. " I P 8 - (I : Q. .... .. z..**.__ 8.46 15.16 - , Henea I I -. fiamily.-We caagratuilate �Mr. Cu .lie jgvau�ap. , ___ 9--tep-V 1`7 = 6% ,I t-1 � T- -1 n - Gen -"IA ,Mr. George' Joynt, of re * is are ytou get IV � - M VI.- 9.46 A. N. 0.10 . E�Iack, Tan and White � of . i ! EI U - -b- I .Ul.-ja W,.Lvj - 11�a . - � Land AV10__-.­ 1 '02 in I" #4 1. BrIpliam on, having passed 1is final it -n internally ,and onAde dn - onlecia, - S I - � , has no, substitute. dne'i_ of the vadest dAmths that ds Itake - I Aw . - 00hip ,01 examinatton iinmedivineat �i'Znipeg. - j . wt was the fi-gat polish of its I I I yoj�dg, -0hi-o, by, F. J. "Cheney & 00. pe2m. erston and Kinmrdine. . a dies itaken place in the tow jUe will oommence'his practice there To, M reel . I - - __ ______ - .kind prodwiced. Millions West Nawa:nosh for m#ny yAars oo. stl� Dnials if . I . . ____ -_ 4 1�6 KO*M ,Pug. pse.q. Mixed use,itandrefuse all irnita- ouTred on. lot 21, on t -N 11th 'conces- t -his summer. We wisib him every ' gold by 0ruiggist.s. Price 75 cents I . , .. " � t � I ;a1menion-...... 7.56 P=. 19.4i P.M 6.30 A.M It . ., ton Friday, May 18t' when bhe shooess.-Tibe aadles of ,bb* Metho- per -bottle. 4 �, - L i StLel_ .. .. _ �.. 1�.41 . 1.117 7.40 tions. I is the cheapest and .olan h" digt urch 'held a Missionary .meet- 'Take il-lall's (Family Pills tor Con- I A . . I I 41mels.-...... sifil 1.88 8.40 best-the'onlV OnO. Insist spirit . of Mr. Thomas Joyint pa,ped ing :P.the parsonage on T110-19daY. . 11 , I . sti atiton. I I i Inevale.... - .... 9.03 1.50 9.06 on it from your dealer. over Ito the great beyoud. M.r. -0 L P I *_ ! ; I �j ... . X �Cr4bam.. .*1 4. - .9.03 1.66 9.10 - Xoyut.was one -oif the mmt �progres- I . I I Mixed. Pass -, 'To Cure a 0old in One Day In Mmmorium. I I jilfflff SOUM Pan. Black and Tan in .. sive ioltizens -of the ' tjown,ohip, and - I I L.- � - wwghm.. .. - .. 6 48 a.m 10.a4l).m. 2.40 p.w 10c. and 25c. tins, through 1his i=dustry and ener,9Y Take LAX A�TIVH DROMO Quinine (Written f or The Expositor.) I � - , la(iValo ...... .. .. 6.62 10 65 2.49 White 15C. ( bad taq In ,memory of Margaret Ellen Kelly, . I . I 11M :�.o,,� Glass. . -mi'red a glood share *f this Tablets. Druggists refund money - - awls_.. *.. .. 7.05 1 i [ - 4 1;bftal.........# 12.50 8.18 - *; -.1 . World's IgDods. He was out ondy ex-. if it fails to cure. H. W.:GROVR'S beloved avife of Thoe. J. 90(yn- P L ' te _1' P " shimentou... - .. .. 8.10 8.00 4.10 i �. . :1 , avively iengaged in farmIng, bWt I signature is on each box. 25o. -nor, lvvh:) idled May 12, 1906, uged . . . . . . . . -..-. I 1 Q_.T= !r.rfi-_-' I ill", I :, �. .jo *­ _­ ii ! did -4 largiD bugness in exporting -0 I—, � ­ '. � ,.. Aw�-- a I _____ I - h i.v, �k 5, V. 9 � _­­_ I __ - ­ - �_Z � - I- - - __ _ - - ­ - ___ - � - - - __ _ ___ - - __ ____ I __ - - � - - - I � - - - 11 _. - - - - - - - - - __ - �_ __ - . � I - I . -I . ' I a R I I Z`EEK ma"' I HOMEas EK5 I jfl� aft I . , aw'"URSE' U 5 I F_ N HU I IVIA j TO THE Ab,Mk I -, - a, 5 _19nk In W ... 1 14 V R T " I Wcr d -O .9" A. CD I - F1 ETI U RIM FARES: Winnipeg - $32.09 Strassburg - $36.26 Souris . 33.50 Saskatcon - 37.26 Brandon - 33.55 Prince Albert 38.00 Moosomin - 34.20 No. Battlefopli 39.00 Arcola - 34.60 Macleod . 40.00 Estevan 35.00 Calgary . 40.50 Yorktoni - Red Deep - 41.50 Regina . , ME Stettlep 42.50 Uoose Jaw - 36.00 E'd"toftl - 4 1 � 't GOING: . June 60, good to return until August Oth. June 19th, , ## .90 August 20th. July 3M. " so Sept. 3rd. at -A #I July 17th, . . . Se&, 17th. I I I - � For rates to other points and complete"in- forination apply to nearesteanadfan Pacific I Agent )r write to 0. B. FosTr, u., District . Puge�g(er A.gent, 71 Yonge St., Toronto. I - I : ! � . ashos 6o fthre Unit'ed States, Devm.5ed . �,� ;�_ ,".;?"If... - - - 1 4 ­ R ... '� , . I In The 01den Days. Oh. bitter is the sorr6w il �gv�p!%, �,.: - -1 - was ounly in thft 48th year tof ,'his'�;age, I , �; .., � , V,7 h �` _. I When here we part in tears, " -, I I __ L13 ,,of ? FOL. "I . !xO imp t10 a year a!glo was A.a., Itbe - And heavy is lbe lwvlen Z �11 - I � " . 11 "loyment 1of'Vcxd ,healtli, Wh4a he Interesting aketches of 'the early I Of long and lonely years ! __ i K.t e-nj .,�,�t A ^f jzanfn-rfh nnd vicinity, ; i -;I, .. L � 'Ir,""L W19111, I 91" Sur" 7 1 4 was takeA 1U. wit "Of Ithe kiftoysj and Bright disease although every- C4.Y 0 - - e The Ex- O� nut, Ava will tie t; IM15 "ji IN -hen life's mA journey's put, j1p: it"y ­. ARM., I � M.; I , � ti, �� day. � 11 t1le Wackersmit1i ' When dear 10119 silent vOiceS, . more, I $jjvLIl fq)eak our naines once I 1 1.Z - I I � im � . Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin i witbill- tile httberVkeep5ng . . "�,Vjj-`!� . th-kag Ithat medical Agrioaltural Society ripened oxi skill dou&d do positor. We find our ouii at last, 1 1p 'i � ­ . .­­ I was done sbake bor the .)2dm fatal they oaald Vt disease. Mr. . : . - ' - .Seaflortb.-, Sept. 0, 1870 As inists that doud the inorning . I �� I", 2 . 1XI-u- � 1� '92I7 PR . -%off J1 - t rwas a prominent Oonserva- Mr. S. Mlortbin has taken ipo4sessilan As tibadows of the night- . Forgotten in - , A �141 1 - - 11 rg . 0 . � AZ-A&"C&-A'K& *0 . e- jin Volitios, and a member of fof ithe Kinburn blote 110011 es iidi I . . I . . th Bethel Methlodist church. He *The first fall rapes, under 'the' atb$- The weary.years of waiting i ... �, . I I Business all kniown dnd greatly respeot- ploes 16f ,the Seak)rth Taxf Club,came . As not-iiing then shall seem, � �� I . . s 1w I 0 P, f � ­ � ­ d� theit great hoorriow Iiis toff ioa ,the Seaflorth raolog Wnd Ariv- - memberedd ,'a, dream- ­ 11 11 - . . . . . � I I college, b6�e'av'a i, Dnday Q Tuesday, . . I ed nVidlow and -her six children Ing 1park, �on M - . . is a high grade Comr�ercial Sohool h�vo the earn-6wt sympathy ,of the last. Ablout 6,000 speetabors were Ob, what will be the niceting! i . - ��� 1. � . Nowowls itA jOY MY fmme ! i 11 . -1- . . - Three Coureep : w -hole immmunity. The fulneral, ,on M I Adlay, was largely and ' present on .the.first asy, Una UU0111C ' dolabld tthlat au�mber ion the lselvoind 1 ,w,lien face to face we see them . I hiunortq1yet the same *, I _ p7m� I 11 _.. I - -.1 Commercial - Stenography - Teleg r'aphy I �, I � ,attended, t iremal-as were i,n�erred in the day. � 11 t1le Wackersmit1i ' When dear 10119 silent vOiceS, . more, I $jjvLIl fq)eak our naines once I 1 1.Z - I I � im � . Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin fa;8 ily 1pliot in Bet-hol cemetery." . The if -all sh,ow of the . And sinifes of weleoine greet us I -_ ______ �L. .,-. i �, 1. . Agrioaltural Society ripened oxi . As londly as of yon. - ­ . . I . %fir A fh Is 'foal Suffer - - �`xeter D'st'riot Mp-ottilig.-Thie an, n,411 distriot meeting was hedd in .,Sooietyls ,,jiloonds, in Se-aftoTtli, -on Thursday� ,the 22jnd jnst.,'a-Kd Von- . . oh, blessed tb 0-onifort, When those =have p one I r - 7 - - ­ - , �.. I ".. .. 11;11� . , Wi Main street Meth#Ddist ehu.rob an titaued. ithe.polhowing day. iThe i§blDw To seek a better countrv, ' � : _�., I '. _..... . ­ .�. I b lWay 16th and 17th, Rev. 'A. *H. iGoLng, � *d,ed snoce vjx4 the- lit-, w,as ,a d,ew. as An(! Ave are left Alone ! Sball ive nob wait in patience - - . �. - __ �,._ 1. . - , R a u ra.q tir, m B A., obairman' ,of the district, tendlance twas Jarge. I . . � A little idtiger here I I -V . _ --- ..1-XIN I �.d. P�'051 Ing. Fourteen -ministers and - - - . � � - � I Seaforth, Oot. ; ,7, t1870� As those N%,)io know that daily ­ tinte driws near. The ineetin, I � . I "I 1. - ­ .1 - . __,N­0_i�.-Y�­w* C-.11, . . . . . . ._� . � - .., #W � 1. � � - Dr. Shoop"s Rheumatic Remedy WM f if teen daymen w.eTe present, Rev. . . J�, iVelale, ,of Kirkbo.a, being absent , I 1h i:)f the The ifadt.,that $1,9100 wort tremlitly isguied ion We -6j- . - I DE-kTH SEEMED NEAR, ­ - - I -1 - ., - . "iso�_ , _­�. . I - � - �_ - _' - . - - -_ � . � Bring �he Utmost Relief tha A t r1ough serlous illness. - Emamina - ion of ministerial oharacter viad A- �� debentares credit :of Seaborth hav� already I - - - V,Vep,p�:.��­ � .. .- I . 1AX -_ IT -1 ­ .#W. * ".�. ­ --- - - - __ I - . I Medicine Can. .. ilIty was satisfaot,Dry, and W. A ., been Islold !at'pdr. T�ds speaks twell for it -be atlamding tof the rvillage. Three 0oobors LBaffled But Dr. Wil- I itiams' Pink Pills Came (t0_1tjj4B I I - I . ­,,�,-.�.,.s �fAft', - '� = - j ., � --I,--- �± , A0W *,-I - I .. . . - Wialden, land David Wren were, rer, - i fomme,�qded bo be cloOtinued ,oba -trial I Mr. David Dorra-noe recently made I I 1 L Resoae. I . . I __ � -14 40" v& - I ,X -16*Ar-_-t*0Wwv _ - I 4 � __ - . I . 'V - The one remedy which many pbyrdel I ans rely tipon to free the system of the Rheumatic POIE- &�d iretarned tio w1leig.e. -It was roriomm=ded tthiat a grarit be made us ia pre -swat jof an asslorted 11-ot ,(Y� I Ah,e abloicest :�garieties* ,of apples. I - __ . ,j u,st Q few ' ont hs.;�0:) the home M . __,,.*,,,_,*,,���_1_-1__�-1 I . 1, - MO � I - C -- f,--,--"ftA4%A*%r_Vft*--r&,W1-C- - . $1 - 3138 Which are the cause of all Rheumatism, . f ilom Ithe 0=tinge:nt - Fund tio Main - - of Mr. Jjames Beers, VX Emer,400, W, . � ESS -, � Ne(!" Lumbago, Sciatica. Gont-, is DA. SIR=rls Raw- biAT-ra REmEpy, Dr, Shoop spent twenty years f3t. fuhurch Por paymoit of rsupply Seatorth, Oct. 14, 1870. _. A be oaext Wed , sorrow. It Beem B., -Nras f illed with - death would claim 1the life of I .- _ - � . � � I A I � n . - I --- - - 01"Mm I - Ln exper enting im be- fore be diseovered the during tlh!e fl-Iness -of Rev. W., God- tmeetimg will .hold 11 -P ,ed ,that : I M .;,.� f -Ma P _- - _�_ ._ I , - . I yomolued onemicais waleb made possible wtn, and friom the Sustentation. Pund -a-esqay ,eve-ni-ng por the parijuse - their jorightt Uttle 9 fE - ,6_ , , , � � one almost always certain cure for I - tormi-rig a union baiad between Eg- gIDOM is thangeed... boJ1 joy. The ,little Rheumatism, , eto. Not that Dit. t1b Sylvan aircuit. , It was " reclom d Seafarth. � . 1. b uit . Alow is I AcKillop Directory for 1906 imool-s ..Kimu- - , � MATIO Rmu,)Ir mended- rt,hat the Reithel ap#oin-t- Wondvill-e !an aia-e ds ne 'longer il oan turn bony I .Joints Into flesh *n.t bie detached from Graotion A]wong Ithe pxize wininers' f bright, laotive a..ud happy. I)r. Wil- " . oga,ln-thabis impossibla . his ohange BOYS! S�U-ITSR � Reeve, Butitcan and I ILIJ drive circuit' an�d, attached t10 Elimville. HU'Von Idounty .,at. the Weste liams' Pink Pills brought t � � '-' r), WORN M. GOVENLOCK, I from th I V Chlas. Maaoin� T fter three d0l3t'Drs had failed. (3010- - .1 0 bloo-4 The The inext thal, meiking will be libndion, 1were A a . . Winthrop P. O. poiso a . W 10 an'n 1dra-ulght cej,n,jag Itbis Illness and oure,',Mrs. n L -h -he'lld' fin ,Parkhill, and'---i!he Ulaanela.1 smith� IDor ,th-ree year o - . . X. ROWLAND, Councillor, Walton muied e pain and . *1illi I At the a-ge lof �slx MY Here is where the clothing MaLLufaeturer and the mer . k swellin . 1i then thdt Is the a" Oreditlan-4 The wonexional f ands stallifon; laod Grablam, iaTasorf, Reers isays: ' 'P. O. - � t . iof lc%atorth, box harge slg�;-s' ,and a little igirl became ,very ill. ,At differ - r - 8nd of b ain 'Afibd �welllng- aire isligbtly kn -advance %of- jas � 4 - and ta chant w�ho vahaes his reputation his to get on his t1dnking E. MeQUAID, Oonnoillo , St. COlum tiheend. esuf- ferinw-tbednd wooden jpbmv. . ent ttimes for the next V,ear - � -ban, P. 0. I Dt Rheumatism. isreinedynever y6ar, especially Missilonary. , Kirk- , . with- cap in order to pu-6 up a suit at a reasonable price that-Virl MIA where e It Iq now. - - - hulf Ithree doctors treated beT � . I � - - WOHN mcDOWELTI, 06unoillor, Rea� 'Ure ,� ossible. Von bas built a new parsonkge, vW1 She was ferri.bly run - 11 ot or 11 � ong both outside and put up in tub, *%afori7b, Oct. gl, ,1870. out (benef it. � r ; bid forni--asic for 4d at $2,350, and parVanage,s, bn prove satisfactory. Tt has to be stk f orth P. 0. rho hi ]�,iatriot lih�v`;P, been tarnished ticy fthe At the a;nuual m thO th'O down, tand her b1lotod was bobWmg blit E. BYERMAN, 0ounoillor, Brodhag- Pither.iYouw o, ave sujXqred and are stif. eet! dg -' - I I . fering today from pains 'aud aclidB which you 6#pmt lof i$1,700.. Rev. Mrs Godwin Se,af-Drt,h Chess Cldb,-Mr. G. 9a*k.sv,R- water. - fflh-ea dropsy' -,Q,P,t in. She inside, have ,good ,aD gr nO ,. i a ' a � " a; --d I pe a e be of good P tten on P. O� . know W be Rheumatism-, you who experience . , .i L t, - lameness or twinges of pain In damp weather; ielected president, &ncl Dr. Ver- would iswell s3 that her 01061hes wlere MIOHAR-L MURDIE, Olerk, Winth- ielected. tio the Statilunlog Com- :Wag He, jo,gs, stylish ia cut. Probably no department M* our store receives you -who easily become stiff and lame without :itstee. 'Great preparatilans are be* eoe, tBecrebary aind treasaLrer. much itao small foT her. Top P. 0. I V cause -Just try DR. SHOOP'S RKW- , . e thought, is given mor attention, with the result tho& I Ir hig imlade for Wblat nvith badly dooUtructed and and feet were nearly twice itWir !na- Mor le 0. K. jj�GLVAND, Treasarer, Be&lh- MIleoll CURE. It Is just the kind of a remedy t,h;e District Summer thlono ugh � her tortalre ' I . I - Grand Bend beavily travelled fATeSeV0t- tural isize. ,To make I tbst aocompli5bes results, Sold and recom- Schlool 66 be ,held at. � I 0 Wood P. 0, mended by. - . the (22nd lt�Q the 29rth of A, ast, in- withetainding - :t.h,e abundairoe 'Of � worse ir,hemnatism. set in. Her state we ha,ve got the boys' clothing trade of Seaforth 4. WIjOKON S. SHANNON, J. P., San- CHAS. ABERHAR111. .� 1219 gravel applied, the stretts In 8ea- w ,For thi*s season we have ' jek a 1VU ; itary Inspector, Winthrop P. O. - olusive. As t,he Suaday schlool con- as tpitiable. Sometimes 'we thoulth't graud I- of , I � � - f101T - she tooUld =t Eve mw,h i1o0ger -and ' r vantion tfor the District is ft be f-ortlh �-ffvre ibedominIg ,a sy'Oolniam 'Difte St , --------...-.-..-.-..�-..�--,.,- - ------ --.----.- in Huron 0 .b6ld at the shme 'time 4xnd #la've, kaee-dee)p anud. The thlo�ou�gh re- Cyr, 'he voal(t iniat walk togs for the little chaps, ia two and three-,; . . yies. If' f ,three ml=lths s * ; . . S . Farms for Mile . ail ithe sohlolols ,on the Didtrict Wre 6DUStrUCUOTL, lhbw'ever, -they are now a istep. To Vouoh her was 601 'cauise you have not been a customer give -as a c9,11 and w. e wili I LUMBER ' f ron 50 r1e -d delegates. nrAergsoing 1pilomises, bo le4v.e them. .her fte -greatest bqgny. The !dlaetors . I - seveml improved and unimproved farms 5 I quested itio . sen make you one. . - to 150 acres. Ranging in price from $17, 6 to a 'eclual 'Vo most metropollltal� roads re baffled -they could do intotthing I " per acre, according to location and improvements. L lte� f7cay'r ter, -and as a jest resort wo bo- Q !i . TerinsUdevired. Free trmnsportation .1roin Bruce. 'If (Pour Stlomaeq1 is Weak,-- t - , a succ,le-saft' - . *&he U" of -Dr. Wjlliams�- Tink 8 � Q -s- m:odtitng .was held in tli� ]a Just recemoled a line of Boy Famse �,hirt VA T H Reid W prospective buyers to Inspect any of these If ly-our [Rood distresses You. ' * * gao VR 9 s. Corres 's church, ,Alma, .t,,h,e proceeds W9 - Pills, Bral W'e*ks I farm Apondence solicited. lioney to loan on !� .If yioa are Weak and 'Nerrolu . ' bei iap ' She took fhe pillsisevP I mortgages. . A; WATTj Real Estate andUan I - -was v. sliqht im-i - .50 shirtinp, am . Ag n tario. 20044f Use A)r. Sbo6pls R,6sbarative joi,n,e pli-ed lbo ,liquidate the debt. when rwe saw t(here made from remnaut.3of men's $1 an(I $1 I . Is ent, Brticefield, 0 � 1�lontth jand . ja-ee -what it dopas 1ar molu. The diredt-ors `of the T�ckerimiol provonjent.. The, imp;rovement 'grad- I . I - . � NINGLES , - f � �old by 1C. AbeAiiart, Draiggist, %Sea- Agricultural Society reporlb the fol- niallylbecame more marked.-vXd by . I le% . a lowing winners in heir pololt loom- the time she Uad taken itweaty-ona OU ITCHING PIL"' f�ortlh,. . t I Special Prices, 500 and '0 � . -Z=vv4 &4&ns -Pimples-are Maly cured � � -0 . petitilon.: Pototoes, RDbe# Gloven- boxes her care wos wmplete- lit is - I I . . I Plan'Ing Mill. I look, i1ras. Vokaoin'; �Rwe js�.,, t ,nip$, ,now 101-Ae mionths since slie, took the � --tu wift fiftm suie�09 at once re6*j_bY �� It's All Well That FAnds 'Well.- � 1� ur . . . . The )Clintl6n New Era -of ftast week S., Oannloohan, arl., Alex. 31roadf olut, pills, opnd. siho is now no will 4AS sho . � a, . eays: J! S. Cara � " � Overalls, - and Lumber Yards 0A tfew days sknoe Constable I ohin Hannah, 30 an, jr,,, .over,qypas and go -es. tio 06lboa lo-ftr,Y A--& � Armstrong, of WlalkerWn, was - in waing-el, wartzel, X.L. Mann�ng, Alex. dlay. I )oa,nuot speA tMO J119,111Y 'Of Boys' black Dairy 0M I . .1 . bown . un; ,oadfoot, 'Carnaoban� sr., S. .Dr. Williams' Piijaik 'Pills, for -1 feet ' Aj*j U - . )­&._ I - , 1beinig -o,ja the tRall of a yo Br S. I I I � . Zl; carrots, . they isaved my little girPs EU." . - as T"K ,V,,,,-,F!TRCQ4!r.TT9R,CV. miwn Inamed ,Gassel, tof Hux1on (town- C`ar,nf,0c)1an.-1jr., jas. Dick . bib MARK was dharged wiL - Xas.-Vokson., R. Majxnij�g, Ale -i. Watery blood is the cause*f,QV4,lr - � . 9 oigtment-Ae afe and sTeed I ,,I Y, Temedy. one ship, lwh10 , b eeduct haU, - s,r, I - I 11, CLUFF & SONS ,,, r piles " uwfta Leh prevails to - ,-t was troubled with. ichinj . . ilan. Gassel had been herre built (had Broaftoot, S. Carrvole Tihey bqlf Whe sioknoss wb . man whose address we "/I flAr"isit Ott "equ&1 myoved vn- ko Seaborth. * ArmstroUg further tregorted -. 11 Whit -46 t6e' a- day. To - ihave 'health, strenIgt1h and , ` -Eggs taken as Cas -b. I - - "fused amthe =Iva and zemedi& !'ever lzmrd;? O -Butter and U � SEAFORTH I!d mira piniptient-and obtaifted Mort promptly flollawed$ 'but. when he bove If lelds- were -all i1a, la ",very 'gvk)d ihwppilness Tou must have rldb, ired - � -.4 Then I as, �ityzanaUiheoihers- -rrfWm"tmdi11Q rmabid Seaforth, ke lea:rned that, state %of oultivatboa� we! ,masider blofod. Dr -Williams' Pink Pills make � zl,,�Zz Wjjh Ijgs complaint.11 - a ssel 'bad left for Kinoardine. On t -hat tof Samuel Camfoajo!,, jr., su- t.l;ls triob red bla3d, Vbat is VVbY - . � I - 50,. e I" I -8 EWART BROS -1 .. ," bo. -6 for $2.50, Used with Mir -perilor bo anything we sawj ,bhey iour4 �wiaemitL, fridig-estion, los It I � I . Farinerg' Attention I arriving Pat 4Kinoardine be wfas a- I , Biood.Tonic and Tablets means a quicker cure. V jt�&D lat6,.' for 11-vassel, had iitrmok __ ! of iappetite, Theumatism, . in-euralgia, I - I - I At drq-ftows--*i 'from The -Ch,nW CO. -of g'a'n o. ,Armstrdnig followed as &Afortb,' Oct. 28,4870. nervous ttrodbleAl ,heart palpitation . AFORTY4, . for Mm-ridat . I CM(la. Lj�j&ed. Hjumton-Toronto. 1 4 ilments peo I willvp,y the lughest market Price for good fr�sh . 'tht a' bliar t 0 SE N'jr. 1,wens-store Seaforth. Give - � I quickly as Vossible, but when, be As bani'tailor, ta,n-d, tail I . I _� --- -1 - --- t9ij, delivered aV � I ft has jadded a geiits7 haberda;shery de- growing girls ajad "mon. OWd by . - � Ine a call and oblige.- Your patro;'aje solicited. __ - - got to T)orlolllo, -his m1an had le hmerit. delalers ifa,medioia,a or by mail at' -500 __ I I . . 2wa-tt .. joHN B16YAB, Seafortlu , � � flor -North Bay. By this time Arm- �B4Oring as an progress Stl: tthe Mer- a box �or six bmes, for- 02.50 010M I _Z1 � it - -4L&..idft a 7 l .1alot Clat wripi,ion . . I ! - - . strong fwas begi-anIng to fear Ithat - icine Co., 'Homese'ekerms- -Xv Ir a � � ..� he rwouic ch tWl,s elusive -,dhlants' -Salt 00-'s woll. The contract The Dr. Willianis' 31 -ell , E .,�. iliag sheds has besn IsL, Br ookville, Ont, � . Notice to Crediotorsil gentlemlan at all, bmt. he irkslolved flor ithe bA . -0 - -----I � �� . . . . I , bo make,anbtliler trial for it, VAd on t10 'be aompleted by December Ist. - 1 ---.TO I . I I .. � I . � . he fweWt tio North 'DaY lag fast as A iunkon baiad has been formed bo-,;- -F-aar emigrajit"ist-eamerssall from . - SH persons bD.V- ,1 . ,and ! Seahorth, Lonftn, .[England, &-or Canada, r�U_ K - %FWW%% Under U. S. 0,, 1907, Ghapter 129, late -Of . , .- the ,trtain would carry him. Bult bae tweOn �gwondville t 1 IRAS and Atberta, Inz, c1aihns,%�(Linst the e8tate of Uary:Mansou, I . I I with a membership !of fbal I ,'k in,"[`=6 Itlije'Car --r ...AnItoba, WMAtitobA110142ft . t,ne Township of Tticker4nilth, in the counby of Hur- . ­ .,�", #- .'* jisapVointment, awaited :him, 4 wep 7 - � I I L. More 4 L - Vnian L i ng the ,extra milin P-11 I on,w1dow.decemW,%vhodied on the 28th day of 'flor ,on airiviag there be was In,. Elder was elected -presidtint; Mr. .ba -g bel g* _Y_ V * 4. 1 � -0- I% JULY 3 & 1 - - Al acoommoda- �M2' . send the same to the un ,f. -AV,, I'LLON I h m4y second-oleas GOING JUNE #5 April, ION, are r .t 11 ".. -011f. . k", V Pormed af ter- =aoh , enquiry , that Samuel Jackstoln, seoretaryo.' and Mr. wit - " ' dersigned, on or = 15th d&y of �TUae nex t i roentage lof Scotch 04 I N G E -STAY FEN%oAw obn Payne, tro;tslarer. tion. Allarger )pe I ro anyiivhere going and 001nilftv FOr and In default thereof the Vxcoutors will not be re - Gassel bad d gn to 'the $aio. J' � 1 Good for"PF-wo MOntlltfl- ft"ve , �, � _ in they aball not POINT 6. The Mon HING&STAX FenCO IS tO - ,owe I _-, __ I travel aeoand-61ass It.-lian others* i I � � . 0 e sponsible to aq person whose clal . Taking it&e ,t%lyn more, be � I I . a . I Your a kw- ,t ipgurAn" tato your twiti);r. It - ' r 4. 1870 , 0 particulars and maps aud-tick tE,- W,O . Mve received at that date. rotects tbam and ortan saves cost of Yetarl"ry -struck for tdke� Sm, .otaly ito be 'told Seaforth� Novembe 11niffigItt Soap is better 0*" ff"M ArN . I . H. J. D. CPOKE, - - ust d Catalog= fre-a-Uve agents wMiCCL . . . has ,op6ned e -1 � - 7 'd to -be a- Thlos. Kidd .1%& R_ n Q, . . tULt Gassel was suppose '�'t la "'f but is b,ut when used in the 11milight way- VAR V R fig V. P.R., SEAFFIC.-RUH . - I - j --- 0_*VAft_V _V.1L.V_Mk I I n Oa4e ' I Buy SunUot Usp wA fqUaW dirwtiom. K7 - , errt8 � ' . Soliditor for E.<6autorff- .1 , country. .a,nd maried stook to' mew, 91*& !a I R Ell J-1 TIM 06 -1 ITZ0. 3 wout ten aniles Vut - IST D%ted at Hens4 We Uet day of MaY,'100- I" �, Ve W"Kic C�0­1_0 a 'SAW Amgrloug dirootiolm Kidd & XoMaiki,Ws 'aid i4band. , . I � 2000.3 1 IV . . hIllowed the. - - I . . . 1\ `\" . . . I � . I � I I � - - 11 � . I j . . . � ; � . . � I . I . � � . I . . . . . I . . . ! � ]� . I . � - . � . . � I . . I � i I - � - � � � I . I . 11 I . . I � I I . : I � . . I . . . . - I � I . . � . � � . � . I . . - . . I � I I . � I . �1. � � ... . I 11 - . � - - - . I I . . � ­ ­­ 1! � I - . � .­- - - - ­ � .- __ I - __ .1. _________ __ ­ I 11 I � I � . �. I .. � - � I - � � . . . I � I �. I . I - � I I , 1. - _- _ I 1 ��! � ­ - . I . � �, . 1^ � � � _: 1. � �­ ­ �_ 1� � . j .. I— I I i .1 - L __ - I- 'I i- . - . � , . - . - I - ll. I I � .11, � ­ �,,--�-�,,.-�--'!-,.--.-,.�'-L---��'---. I I I _ _ . � .. I �, I - - . �'. ­­. - ­ � ---- __ Z-- I ­ I . . . - I I . __ ----- I—— , � - ___ .� .. ,, ,I __­ - ,,, - _. . .. , ­ � - - I I I ­ " -.114 , I -, ".. � ,­­­­.. I - _­ �_, �­­_ _­­ __­ ­ � I I -1 I . I I . � I I . I . . . I . . � � ... - � .� I � . . . . � , �. . . . ''I - . e - :_ I I . - . I., 7 . 1. I .. . . I � . . � 11 I . - q . . � � � - . I V � . � . . I . � I ,. I � I � I 11 . I - , � I 1. � q . . . . � . , . ­ -, , - ---- ­.�q­­__ ­ ­___­_._____.­_­__.._ ___..___.______ --------- 1.-,_'.___-1_____._- ........ . ­.__..._,_­�­__.__.-­___. .-----.-�-.--�--,---�.�----.--�-.--.--.'---l'--�-�--�Z--'--"�'-'-��'---L'-- ----------A- ­___,______,__�­___ _____1_4 � -�---.��.-�--�.--,---.,�-----��...-,--�---�--�-.--,-- ______1__- ­ ,­;­­­-­-�_­.­;_­ ­­­­ - ___._