The Huron Expositor, 1906-05-25, Page 8r Y Y-1 A 'Sff-ORS TH HURO-N rot arns were es ho 0rjj vix-, 00 received* �au 9�6o of Sitjo-r'kthal -tamily ion a0vatinf &of -their irre- ba w1hicill, -- -git Is t - sband and Able cit"her inem'bers, of Se6d C faith alr4d 12- by letter, whigh laft C800�1 HARDWARE Para 0 althait T_ h__ e' th and P 0% I* J.-tt .,A j . ti 0 Unexpected, will be lobae the less deductlog 13 roj�ov_ Igives, an.. jn- ar. The pTe� Our ettdeavor is to keep k4waly ifolk. t Imcnibershilp, is oow 195. son only the best goods - linoney. D.Y$TRICT XATTERS EARLY BA11V, ravAlars.— The: ollowing were. 001GITONVEARLY, WRITE 041? am buy. When buyip Stewart Bluevalel ticketed: cut ths week by a- immit D0,14T, WNGPETLow, -of Thl*s Busill be plea -ii Times of hrs - Notes.—W,o tregret 6he remio-vial of liaraware we would Por Ouba.'aula!0W namilta Brot 10. P. R. 'argents, XeatoTth lasNOYkTlMtg PROLTWO and 'ed to show you our goods 41turday L. A,`MoL*e,an, lCiplYen, tic .Windail?09; SAXAP8 fORMDAKOTA Mr9. Xo]Klnjxdy And family tic) %Wixig-, ham. Nollie )nay remain t a3li vl�3 OrD J.fpat, ot fort1b, a oous' Ot A. tD - Oa-rdn'D tl&, VIS h$em lo Parlio- ae .0ea, Vh6ther you buy or not Grand Mrftk 036teotive m. Briaeo ford, Man?toba; Wad W. 0ardoo, tD sco))ool iat'l the entrance examina- 11ion are all,leatiog silo corti.8, and left Vestordfay morAllaig �or Newl 1his bomw iv Wilainipog; Xr. and'Mrs. ot excellant waliti; tidn.—Que a the May Weddings Pt6vk Iwith Mr.rrank D. NV.1okxdwo(rVh, Samuel Laidllaw,� lot ftmiqudville, to that of Miss Sarah Gtanett wad Mr. armor Well known o(roulto zews- Port W11111 -am, via 0. P. George (Wright, of Tumnberry.—Miss, d Was OUR IR. Aoa= 14 to. Ma Scott was ft.reoelat visitio in �sejiting th Mertrall"s rine; Mrs.'Tlomus Balt Bearing Lawn Mowers Vlapznery b is -$oa tbh., ke, Bradwardin, W SEAFORTH. n1tdha:, Mrs. -13russeljL­-lRev* Awl 11, Wosto: M. wog t g. -t Every axtial ahow4 Ito Quba fta I;"- after bij lodn� Antiio Willilams, a, Ion, t1a. Gis- Iting of Presby -ary a fndea Zile mee This is true, and back of it all is right selli Screen Doors, Screen, Windows #tract tor fte wmp&n7. madhoo w0d, IgianitiDba. I at Kincardine jast week, Mrs. must bear the stam yalue, so -far as we --an of honest, inery 's being JbALde 'by -n. —The fDll,owiqg were, ticlketeA 'this rokind #gain moon. r. G., her damglifterp Washers, Wringers Soholes 68 visiting nderson, i6f t1he Oom erolial G.. T. A. He -40w_ Olive rive firm andelhipped to Oulb weak-,b� 'Wi Somerville, Mrs� 03aintolno of Bervi.e. This store - has not ar I d'at its present state of sefulss by chanoe Butter'Bowls and Churns .04 jhjotel "s laid p jur ticket 4:9tedt It Alexander Smibfiv Witb So ott thas otuvned frbm Seafarth.— Th6re is no ludk or'. speculation about this business it is not t10 result ttlaak Of I u1n: Tiho - service ill be held -in At Halltt a 1�ortage la Prairie; 'a $13YOM C umm: anton We _tave a full supply of A -he famop� A. Bad- AcoliloliA.—A! man kql)tball team passed, i in$ noes, but rather of downright hard wok—work wher� ed (Ji0ho Cooper met3i Miller, Hibbert, tic Elx Creek, M", the Priisbyterimi Ahu�rdh�d June 6. f0ftun8te 0 ICU ts Oth a very teiX, work you interests, as customers, have been carefully studied at ev4ry corner 44 BLUE, LAKE pa-infal accident at t1he *willen mill itidba; Miss Bdmunds Itio, Buffalo; W000. here ob Priday last o. -Rev. 1W. J. West exobanged r on Saturday ftoraWg a- W', Mrs. McDonald and dadobter, Go y 1% with Rev. L, Perrin, 6f Wi�*xvter, lea ui,li- iir to Bqfield ko. pla. I In ibh PORTL&NU: CEMENT dye - moom- of b1w mill large f an 4 look stro6t, to, Maulat Olemis, bfivh-j WO (Entermediato iseTies, of Opworth League leld ssd -1b drive t&e istee,.m V.tvt, ajjd igan; Mrs. Margaret Speiaiwiz 'A, The Vam,6 wesufted in a Social 'in tih-e. basemet of he IDEAL FIELD FENCING use 0 this was 44 wot6lfi, young Stewart, Miss Bell and Miss. "01r, Mr. Mhojuas D. -pinkney celved Methodist thurdh -an Nomfilly -even- Finery lie while 0 her d4, a, f ine' log. -Mr. Bobt. Black cauigibb Ted tl from Xi Cooper twent :ttp to -,o4l t1m E&&f t. 1��, 411 lof 11ensall, Stlrlin,g, Soo and, bioan the ot With :Regaral TOO much vex sla a Allan Line, fiv� year �,old o*g1st6red M fbW finned imtkIlett, YLVAnch weighed ov- muslin undewear -desiab Oar prilo". ore right. Give us a call. HOMO IW&Y he 9dt 1b left arm (ftalght -per step, n1hioli jhe:paid a big price. � he 21AS_ er it11wee poud4is ne 'day (lat-61 io.aiid in itho, tan and the f les1b, from the klifitg [next WOvesday; jlofinShort.- ornment, Wev�erthelesq, read, Or., Waltio* ti-,)- Riohmoond ix-_ both brooding an i a l9133iil4,T One WaS ck�ulgtht er to Summer Underwe e alhow down was literally Vor f rom . , . . - - a river; -While drivinIg oat ­E often th- re justnoug tu YY , " xef 'Mrs. Raj.hweli, yet waske slome of the tast, t1he IbDve. The wound is a nTWt dis- 91ma Ond mrji,; leteR d own Me Modday, (of last _Ito L. D. 1:frq-uhait, tof W ed on. to detract the tressing - and Val re or etroit. v . PPen, tle Ito WInV6am. on nful one, wid very aecel attention Afrom inferi -way is- BEAFORTH* particularly in, vlowi (of filie faoft1x&t Alably Week, Mr. Geo. 610onald's biord or material nd workmannhip. , Our PgmondVillo Presbyteria'a 0 h into ithe plood' 0- h0ifir., M*080 FIRST—frills afterward. And yet folk do say that the elaboration Of Hardware, Stores and Coal* tibia ain may 3rdt ibave to 'be amp ch- lh. SbooYnaeboxy.-VoIthi oin. the -law t4o tgrajalt enoo.,araeme t bo I-ast, 0abb&04 in-orning md ie head as tied,- t o her; tted. by n foot -got lingerie 13 an thing but skimped.# Oo., to e blisli vAhlle M)'r, Maw took Mr. Urq har's Y adrowned. Work blw ppoposed fadbary in SeaLa. n Mhe Makoralty.-A: meetilrAg MDr'the tr, r Mr This U; I "Re resents Goods Worth Seeing at KIppen gad Hills Walton. VOMINION BANIK. 00MI ke flow the will Uke place ion oAday, June Mr. J. �D. 10 tio.. ,Mlan�gor tj�.a P _Datip.n D'OFFICS IrORONi!0. -lby-law and-_ spifinlj* department in Go- The biggest bargain et -Fri of fid of -of JEW&.; prop,08 Mayk�r fo the town lit1b. The ition. as -anobh only er lot orgirl"and childi�nls street slip forth, submitted - to. the odmell. by Mr. bourg "'allen. $wlaf; Muslin Night to _83 50 mills, NMS To last i the ra0aft pers, relfular price 75c to �1,25 for only 88c a pair- 1 tind on week hietalling the (new m north window. W H, Willis, sole agent toy, Dorotby Capital, Fully Paid Up�88,000,1010 -0-0 by Itte Tesignti6n ID:f , Mr W. is are 11a age five of to 5,0 0 oft 110-D I Dodd shoes for ladies And George A. Slater sboes for L; Reserve Fund. and un� t1his isatie, They sboold be ivaxo - Willis, --will be biild in the' Itwla 00 ball --m-ext Moinday evening. Nf�min. vwyry ,his lbome ion ftturday.-Mr. L, Win' en, Seatorth, Muslin Corset divided Profits, S 3,74%0 ratepayer ttolr (064AU4,ued. ftom page A)� to $1 25' Thf Ve osits by Public 8 34, IL00000 atlon rwill be received from 7.30 fla As ifar as Mhe 1EXV09.1 ter has urchased It1he residelloon!,ow Muslin Drawelts...... p e are of (bbe, firpi op- occupie,d by Mrs, (Dr.) L�paoa, tfw,,m Locral tems.-Mr-E. H, Mcl;aaph. 8.30. abould wjr� ;61ectjo�n be neces-i.. is concerned ......... Total Assets 8 ",400,000 vary' At Will e held ont the �plkow--'j injion eat a more fa-voll 1hoo, 0olemialn., of Hamiftlan. It lin thias the excavating done vr'epar" Muslin Aprons ........ 50 Ito 75 -Wbl-e -.indus- Dr. I whu iOg Monday,, T-ulne t1h. Oux. citizens trial "prploition ibas -never been is apret, y Dome, aind we bipe ckllr atory It16 oreotin;g a large ho,w SEAFORTH BRANONy, gobarally aboudd �ear Ws meet .4 submitted itio, te rate'payers. youirug'ifriend intends 00DUVA-09 it store )rtaoim. And Mr. Wm. MoFdft Summer Vest, loDg slems, short sleeveF- If, wnd.ayot alIone.-Mr. David no ileaves ...... .......... 4.100 to 75 I ing in M&Ldl � Mh�a I.Office f M4yer bown-:6eeds juat uicili ta factaxy; it vean ihas ,commenced ,oeratimis bor Zvery foollity for the tr&mothig of al, of Meadville, Penn., is diere, thiM is always an impoftwat one f or� fibe, will be of valuable assisbance in -HaInn bb!e onlarging a:nd remod0libg f infants' Slips ......... ........... _85C to _$4 50 hmeml bank - fog business. h'ig'h j Uat Infow, the Iguest of W 13; dM his bar, Mr. as. Fip thag ItIbee mm- OUIL made on all pofnts in Oanads' town and it. 1a.L doubly sta f*19 Vear, 'keaping iup the t,6wn to, its r r8 Cotleati m1any Imp'orta . �Wt ppblic im ent work and Mr. Lux Hill blie tear- Infants' Cashmere Robes ..... w(hen is o leviel =ark.. It.,meanfs the bringing 8. tDicksiaxi. Mrs. Robert naom�of .-S2 25 to $4 DO "d abroad. are. Wlincholsia, Usbbrne, if, �.Pn ding or in, of ioutside lab(Qr, that means m, Chitdren's Cambric Advances made to Fatmers. 8 PGOIL&I at__ are in prfoigTess. el Ld w -here Venter work tot the former and Mr. hedges rejuired and more loingy cnpl eks w i th. r IV r- Stewart the menit Rnd Xrl Louis ention faid to the collection of Silo Notes. Ice dhildren's Summer Vestes long sleeves, spvnt in tow, From an lentirely onts,-U,r. ia�nd- Mrs, James old, Hoogy 'Ibhe,.oarpeniter wiowk of the Quick l9ellia'g.-On Satuirdwy even- selfi-tih ptoint"lo View We- cannot let aad other riends. Mr. R bi was short sleeves, t�. sleeves,..,. 0,11 00 1�tttler. All-11.good meahancs, -ao -Ithat ......... 80 to 20 Air. J.. F. Daly, -jeweler.. the loppoxtunllt� pass, beoa'"e if -we day, X X, -Me- kwd tworkmanship is assared.-Mirs; its SAWNGS BANK. in also here Ion Sun ' , r. I t 1had a "grab Uag­" sW, aAd by it in oderich DeFjo�ajtsL of' upwards received, do. flifere re plenty of �otbler Places Lenwn, hvhb,.has heal 11Vnry )Nesbitt, -of Listoweli visited or-04ted a quiekLsale record. In, tbe. and Interest paid -or added Jdne 30bb and ban0b, iwere over, 500 packages, f all i just waiting the cibnce ibo pick 'it for vome -time# has xetumned (ta Itio n, wifjh Wtalto'll. friends last wek.,-Mr. Withd , , -jand already Mr, Willi ftas been vard bus taken -a position 4v th Mr, Deceraber 331d.- raw6le m6y be Mo sizes and desoriptioe, ah- Xjay, of Rerun*,, has j3iue4l, ithe Our showing of Summer Hats' for the ade at any tinio. at 25 oolicited by o;t1bter bawnis 1bo, locate 008%411 tjle CommeroTal. b h, Some at era op. taff of the Slovreign. 1�xnk 64this, s cent each.The sale oplaned at aovegt. coming season is. comphete an exhib t of A. R. GIBSONP t1here., -It ds Ineedliclss Por fus' -to go -Tbel Right ReVergInd LIOTO ffisllxop villae._Mfs, Wm. Neal is --vAitiu, Vclock and beftire half past ight! of Huron,, D. 1D., h�ill -manager. f int(o itibe debails of ithe proposition. her son, tDfFi Fery New moderk.tely �riced millinery as wo have eva_ everYt&169 iwas old. This is get - .1 T -h liett ejj( 1%gh as fioiwnd church Inext Nednesdy jev�` had. Trite reprfeentations of the JEL a. RAYffi, 001100 ting prid of tbi -ey are exp 0 -4-ing,.wnd Nan of Yeterbbro.-A meetig 4hoiw Ugs m, ia Iha�rry. aw. - 'As ot we have Imard adnijoister Ithe Rite of 10ofiTmxtion ained i ro- addit�on ft? w1hat 'was oant� the maaIiging boar liftery Ideas Paris and -New York jnodel hate may be p in, the by -1 df Duff' chux-ch. a t io�,gblt Wolook.-A trepoort was ia ws- ibeld on Monday evening hor he curid, from us at very low figureA. It wou-14 ,James Watson, packages the fj -lot Info, toppsition V6 VIM bY-law, but ME 01-howing pecial , tibat is not sufficient. The large circ4atilclo ihere a Week or two ago purpose bf (tmnsacting business foir Prizes More iod:' H. W. Cres"11, I ur assortment-- of readp-to-wear hats, fthat Rev, LT. W. ffro,d- the 4quarter.-Saeraent iwil b -di - duplicate o 'g; Fi. B. Steph ne,clok; 8-ititaessor to W. N. Watson dia-miand Tini majority irequired to oary'a by-law ItJI -effect e g be a diffloult-mater to WhA 'of Ithi gkns, 1 Ifformarly- astox of St. TjXom_ ponsd n itDuff Is Presbyterian ahairch are decidedly po�alar:again, this ye sek s nfature makes 'it imperative ar. NORTH MAINIST., SEAFORTH. W. fXcKiay, silver fruit diab; Urs, por ,every -as inhurch, Seaflortb, bmt miow of (in Stiindla� miorning. Preparatfor C. bexih-a atepayer lba *16te, and silver (digh Mrs. y er cU(P.,;' RDY W1111' General Fire, Life and Aeoldeub Inaur- Brioderiok. silv, those o )have no, violtes, ca:n help Chlatham, Was in, very goiar thealLb. services will be conducted %fils, ffri- &nee agenb,_ Real Estate and Loan by bnthmsing fc;fbers. Passive itup- Xt twill e pleas L ing 00, e 'reverend day, laftrncon at two io�-clook 1by dozen silver- �sAoiotna: 'Dr. I You prcbabjy lsTned the alphav- ort may defeat it. It Z ]EElodgins, silver vja�e; Roy 'Neloob first-olass fa imily and -m. 'AlOrk land persistan' (1u, We that 4he Xep1Drt 68 entire trroae( -0 Ube A bet about the time _youfirst euZe"' re A 31. a genleman's lold Iriendsere ItIo. d0aro'j Rev. %n Barnet, of Des ler�eiu _11anuf4c frWit diEih; W .0, illiver 't wdrk, and iue� Com iadd so Aootball matuh-at An B C Lesson. uring am a ewhkg Ito ines ro 8014af vory't�i;rVdn, is suf- Letters ircolved triom Mr. Hodgina BroIssels 1riday eveninig, Bafield school, but, a# all kovr, there an a arstors, viz. ficienfly (Interested in thii-, bo,.yn to say Ithat he wever enJioyed better vs&Brumfiels. it will be,a b'dt fter Older olks many lessons to leatn in a Iffk 16r Dze. ew aymond and White Sewing do %Aiiat f*-hy can tiawards it,' The health IMan t itbe ipreseat Itime.-' SproU.-Dast, Friday bhe SDutt� aild time is �jxort o, hustle. o f making re-, nd National slid Mr. G000 Bolloind, -morcba:nt, -o Particularly the ne tau, Brnefleld. Uneed& Cream Separators, Njorbh,. Wla.rd eams played off in the 1�11)ney to farthest, Beeofilvicod, Ws beein, Topodnted troas- We have, at Dnicefleld, a car 1=1 of ideal �ttaeh..'- Stlaples. Brim.' tzioph!y, amesi the TO T14E FARERS.-RemeniherNo. u w4rphollFc urer Of, the IbDwnol?t� tof Ing. 'Write its direct or grot it from the 15tRUIOn Alao e-w-fing machine needles, oil, a MoKill,dp inents, _iepairs and sundries lor all N'Ort&­ iWard wi�lliing by b-nD a oa I is the place Aoiere you are abre to get the as Ismocessor tio Ithe, date Mr.-Ros, at Brucefleld, Cbeisney & Sinile, SeAforth, 0 r trade foryon a One WAY to begin right i to Hosiery price in either casli o r wool, ur kinds of sewing rpaebines. ta I"04e.-Next riday evening blic Mr. __ pa�y highest prices for All kintis of- grain. � janies ana shold tmake un effiPio t buy your maller ants Fyoutfh; Ward and Egmajadville. ly era experience in the above 1P 2MOxi , Ereas Well Sati With over 25 ye Beattie, Seaforbh. wer.- The diredbars of the, ofied.-Lette. r1cei*ed 'rag Iof f ithe prd Curli'.9 land Skating gink Company here ifrom. Xr. 161-a Chpman, for . here business you can rest asswed of prices, tested Jame and-tha Win- 1, 1-fave 3,ou tried a cruaiied frulb sundae ab Ahei Is Unexcelled J? right, square dc* - and sateafaction ne'r 'In 'this game iplay wit -h t1he barVs drug 6tore, Seafort'! The Are delicious, 9 have i�warded the voptractfflior paint- �nerly, -of Stwaley, whio lef t here MM ting for Manitoba, are guaranteed. ast ard, fjor p, ohmpions%ip. 4ng Itpe rink tic Mr. Geo. iA. isills. early this A�P LEADEPIS: mg! -On.-Saturday last the i0ollogixt One square piano and. one orgah to rent olicap at prDVe. 1�)je Underwear, m Ian- JAMES VA�T�ONO R & Co,'s Seaforbli. This tilll greatly i to Ce effect that he is well 1pleased r-ast, B1845k Cottol? Hose, institute itea 11. Pec m went Cliat VA to peara�we sof the lbailding.-The T�_ with 33=4406 Agout, and dealer 16 RewingMachlae tr Jan'. Thebiggest bargain andiSaturdity Iflie dhange. Ile has ow got Handkerahleft, Glove a I pails !or ......... 4.". 2r)c deprive tibe i0allegiaWem tb fa and Eloyalee. North Main Aria*, Sestarib. only -another lot of gh, ti'and childi'an's street slip. creaubin igrotujuds have ibee;4 kejased.. donifforbably iocated ida e rm kwe ibbons Plainand ilibbed Cashmere of e � 4 - _� I � - BO jbiat lawn,of ith ough Cup. The pors, regular price, 7fia toql,2r) for onlysso a, pair- for'Othis season by ithe !Reaver 4a- nvar Rapid City, whiob, hei puxobas- Clifibon bDyst thowever, -were t;oo north windoiv, W. R, Wilillo, uol 0 Dorothy iirfosse' 'pay a rental bd ilast. winter. It is -a f9ood place Nec ar, Ri Dod(l shoes tor lo,dies ai)d ocorge A. �5`olt'errshoes for IntanY lfor them and Isroin, Out by a $100-,�ndwiil' iand nvell situated and le likes tile Rose, the pair ....... 2bc; v., e Men, SeakQrtb. stiib-let it ticyh iYher A ddilig G.Ift-_ fiftre f tffiree 9bal, ticy norie. Veilings, 10c.e3 an STIOR PIX TIOST Julbs Por aind matces.-The downtry land fli-d zeigurbiood. He -Lost, on Sunday lat, A. stick -Mbe ifollowig 'is the ourrected pin, it is A gold dollar with the Lord' Aid iDf the Presbyterian has 425 acres -of wheat oown. xnd if THAT WILL CJVE MkIW AND YEARS a Prayer on. Ladici? ficibedale if or te wnitor series in the graved on it, The fluder will be rewat-Jed"on leav- c,,,b and all. the little knick nim is THE w&kL 6,,NE, -a Igeta a i&rqod crop it will gi*o thim,,, urct twaiouince a bazaar for the .1 NV. il?_ A-: May 22, Seaf' 'I't ing !tat t he Exi,osrroa OrFIaY,, Seaforth. 2006.1 styl is h New aer.s tail at Stv, sale- of wef till 'and fancy )articles Wind -an Iendo, 'ragtag start. Mrs.. Chilp. Soo ofee Creani for weddings, parties And plenios sup- ford,. Xy 30,. Sfta knacks pertaining to re blome-made icIoroking, in. (tbe shcore we-' man; did lot like the idea of 'deav- t4,vd at plied At Aborbart's drog, store, Senforth, 2 A cold most fork or a set of k Seaforth at Berlin;. J�yine, 8, ing old 'home friends and :going to -The Ladies, Aid of the Presbyterian b ;1unlffard ia't &Eafo-rth,; Julne 15, Be, u 0 oil I S r, BAZAAR Y! imacated y Mrssrs. Sp6are & There's no extravagance in White WAE'h or spoon& will delight the hearil of r Church, Seaforth, will hold a 13amar in the Store in PAge, IM'Sati rday, J a Vwd._.�M Manitoba, btvt she has now 19oit failly qy- lin lat Stratford; Julne 22, Seflin at Cardoo's blook# reoeDt)3' occupied by Speare and or Brio'derickq doneiled Ito le� oblange 'and. likes buying our lines, at any rate Fietty Sil Baits the housawl-fg, Cgm' &�d look at alud Uri, 93rbderick eft re Page, on Satul-fty, J tint 2j)d, hen a variety of use. bo. Wednesday Worning r Tan and Black LimAer Be display of 1847 Aoge ful and fancy *t1G1lCs and honie nimle doaking will I e nd tbhe the kyotritry a d the 'neigbWrhmil ft cost much to be Its our ra ana -The it doesh! n- :offered for sale, Saleatonoo'cloulEp.111., 24th Ii'vitil tolatives in INtroit, and In lwio he:f are located. sterling silver table necessaries' ship 0'aries 'was oPonled at 'Strat- teA froni 3 to 6 for 10c supper fr On 5 to 7 for 25o. will 10PL11 ioon friends ,in tDondoul aa -d Notes',-Mlss Jessie Graid4e PACes 25 - 350, �600, 75z- We think we have varle6y enough f ord'ion Tuesday nightt, when Itilie 20N*2 Foort tHurpopoln &he Ilvay.-The.(13eav- ljX he Sixaday dia (Clinrbon If -he guest r told Ruf ons nd h �Classir, City �jeam BOY WANTED. --Wanted at once, good strong ra !l"ross aunt, Mrs. Alex Rd to suit almost an reasonable buy. Iblay au exhibition I�he HuTans winnind 1by two boy. Apply at the Exposill it Oppja?,, Seaforth, Q. V Oro and We have of tan been coompamied 43-Y jMr. Gai game iwiUi 8 Maria in, Mitchell on 00milts, la r 00(ne v wu 2000 a No 8ghgh Ou am -80ede iffle 0 Vj"or'a Day. -Mr. am. Erwiln, Bay- are7 ivisitb* lat 6he blome ck'f fflh.- Ilat,. Roses and Cat'nations anthing desired for wed- our prices ore very re, &&enable, (ling bouquets at AberharV* drug store, Seaforlih. f ield's 1 iplopiviar blacksmit,h,: ?was in ter's - bAfter, Mr. D. M4 We are agents for the largea-greenhouse in Canada, -ey fiat Length The Ute Mrs. CardaD.-Wia are a tiown on mesday .4 Very Sarm .-The tirst iYoitag T -b -end aeavin:g shDrtily Cal_ ElboW game tof tbe iseas3a will be Iplayed iforni, Mr. 0autts preadhed in the -01 Aano case organ In window, bar- n tth On i6tlariia (Day. All Presbyteriwn; ohloxch ioii S�Lbbath ek called on tv recor�' one soli but Much Wai�ted We d walnut tible death-, of anther of Seatorth, Joh n Bulger, R rin at $87. 00, ( o., successor to G, ncoic Button at: Wrist �Dldest land most respeated nefildents, Baldwiti & Co., Seaforth.. 2000-tf inembers are ;re" tiested tio, be, Jewetter, q *n mlanilfg ilast."Mr, &Tas.' Swan is ffio�v_ Seaforth nrtide of Rear. ItIll'o peralon f Mrs. Alexander Car- WANTED. -Eggs 20o--Pedlars'revised tariff, loo had i4t ;nine O'clock, This twill The ling Ibis NDW rmodelled. Ho in- doo, tubs choice butter wanted at on e. eo. E. King, twee uittin!g im cement tou-ndatiOn the Pearl Buttons Used Marriage Licenses Issued. sday aimpual game The in ithe -pres- tends of &ast week.: The even, however, 2006-tf ae " eat Mr. 0. We have a Am Line, I ident, , nd vie r aid ander 6f; ad �nakldg tolfer fin�proye_ was ot anexpedbed. Mrs. Cardno TryCharlie HlnW hand laundry, Seatorth, for nice Aberart thas had is Ice ioreiam (paT- Ir � ;­ - .9 m eml-al Mr. %W. Berry is oupe:eitead- work. in the ularSizes Silk-stitiched Backs 4f;ive8sablufactioll. Clothesealledfor been. an invlid. bor Several " ddelivered, ohanq reasonable. Laundry tivo lr ionifarged, Wad inewl tfitited �ng ibbe Avork.-The many f riendi; ef 0 90 years, safferiig from doors south of Reid son's bardware sea. tbttt tho has lin-ow ione of the loratitie.411- Mrs. WiQlfe twill be,pleased INN llitar aralysis, and forth. Wiffft Por some time bad been alnifast 1983-bf wms ahr t that she fis improvb* his (part of ithe Pxavince. .-A numb,ar of tirely 11161, ple", nd altb[OW91h ear- Dr. Ovens, eye And ear surgeon will be ab the Coin. ioar rvillagers +J(yok advamittiffe of 'ONTARIO. riounded by every wnifart, nd de. ljoerpers 1 to 8 p. in. squi Now Sooks.-The followi-nig new t:he boliday frats -and spot k1he B4th STRATFORD, in ial- hotel, �Ieafort4, on Wednesda.v, Ilay ao. agOur elasaes are much larger . thatt they pit Iblie mlost tender care, and kind sight, deafness, nasal catarrh tre=611 and books have been. received at the SQa_ Out ot lboWn. Air. R. Z (DtLnlIo(P, io f wero a year ego. jery d, The public have learned aursing lof 'her djaughiters7 and t- pro 1 1 We borth jj)� the Soereig"a, mank, op6ht . Un th 0SC lolic library: Truith About S day A this Is the bed place in the Province in lattendanc, t1he �cbange Wag a %lolma, 'Ruinkle; In Old'Rellaire, by jft Hensall.-Mr. Milos. of ta to' Obbain a COmmerotal'Eda0ation or Short- Weldome idne to -,her and -Was a 11gaippy Local Orlefs.-Mr. W. Mo Gray, of Dillon; 1rhe 10orsioan Lavers, 'Pidgin; of jDar yllfagv., %.1 the lold residen hand Training. S tudents are entering relela irn- Torlonbo. twas in 46'sra oni @aturday.­ The One Who Saw, Hill; ffl-he fiass, 4ied Ion Xednesdy, Ma:y -16t;h. Mh eachweek. Allgraduates get good poei- provment- was! jinlyoss aibl Tier Mri;. jGeorge.Dunoan, ot Wjojodstook, 1 Lewis; The Darrow FynigmE, sevry; fmner4l Itook place fr"OM t;hp -p.re's_ tiong. Write now for oat logue. 'm1aiden, Iname was Margaret Mit- Was there last %week -visiting -hier A (Raft (With Ruin, Hill; -Pedlars! byterien )mhurc..h jbo Cjjatva cometery IELOTT & hfoLACHLAN, t4hell. $be was a daulglhter of the sister, Mrs. and Miss P.,ack, Baldwin; Sage Br, mptdier iand 011 Urlday',_13. R. Higging a:nd 4m 01 Prinelpaile. lae 1310;hn -Mitchell, of 131a:,nWhard, Subberlaml. Mr�Brown, of 'blie, Oo,.I- Ban, Ward., fZh 'lVolverine, Law- ily Are 1visitiOg in 'DOXVIA10, '4 Ibe U003 T. Pert& oomty. he was b�on in El- legiate TnOtitulte, illo, is an ent-husl. rence;-Cranfi.ord, Gaskell; itjh Fife home jo Mr iggtas.-Mrs. IV, Simpson ihas. retmrned hume, after IOU, APerdeengh-ire, Sciaebwnd, sixty- iastic iblortio tilt urist, has at his and Drum, Oxley;* Windjammers, by gine years aglo­ an'd ---STAPLES her, -ppr- -residence on GioderictL strievt tho Betty lof Wye, Blanqapil; spending a few days With friens in I -BROS* ents 'C�ime b\Q'da- 55bhyears nIgo. most beatif ul. display of *Ian-ts Ond Otktlaws iof Horseaboe -.Hple, Hill; Bayfield, ISEAFORTM. ON, Tbp.y -first settled in - Wfaod4bock f lowers. In, fact his gard�n - is'. -a Peril of the'Sword, Harob-art; Truth B A R BER58 anzd' and Zi.ft.erwards remloved to a farm bowr of beauty and ihas ajttrmtefl Dexter, McCatil; Role Baker Har- Exeter. neiar St. Marys,. Sh, N"as maxried mAny delighted admirers. -The ell be -11; 'Briefs. -A iteam of blo-raes' bolang TOBA000-NISTS tio Mr. CrdnID in St. Marys 51 Lvicars, Engine- iand Mbresher works of 6his - - — -------- in HannwN and besides fownid ing to Xr. Moirl- of Usb1orne, 1pft ness the Loalpt &as been ivapaAk. 0-910, 1by tihe ]ate Re. Dr. Cavlayn, of,..-to*n, Inow blave orders booked �a- 131bbert a: darge auvdint o Und, �M vas a fiigfitened iat jwn - atifon*bije jjj Ex- la 4 eCarry a Chof ce Line of— �Knlox colleg Tge driterest, in a7-lumhering busi. o0nqr_egat'0#a'l' kneet'ng 'w"l ibe W& e, Tomto. - Mr. Card. Wad iamou-n-ting to $81,724 and the Nortih Side Notes. -Miss Angelina ater Worth la- few daya ago, turned V*Xt to �ascertajn it 04 'fWas t1hon engaged iin the mill- best of the season for okders is PICnnor Iretu,rned Wme -last iva after, i-st yet ek ariou-nd, Ittie;t the eos. Mr. ond Mrs. Fri CIGARS TOB 00013 in: wa:810A, got members are Te,.Vdy )to* make U d0i 6m 'A g. busiess in iSt. Marys. _111yorty- to loome.., Of t1bese. $55,6t -are ft from jUndon, whr obe had been W -from Itthe driver and ran a- it -ink -1frionds hefe, will leav'o in gly -Tw10 d1hus" f DMir me June lbor angland, vpAere they will -xill vtreet are JbA4 o tb� 1wl5tern provinbes u;nd $26,6 Asiting ifriends for Me -past feiv' Istancei lwhen'(M�y VO ad by Dr. Gmbam w, id ithe iodhex 6P_ Wing -lam, bus, a 'PIPES Rev. I&. K. Hirks, the r .49 llided with a bl� Iveheered Wth ico 1"MW ownq espected,p*s_ If or this *ji�o, in stra halt.: �No_: -per was eaflorth, iwbe're Mr. Cardiro P(xr' from- Onfbario.-fte ma friends �o_f _Montlbis-_�Mr, Jam" O'Qmooir lef teleplione VAe aad wier lirlought -to 9dj0UTD Itor ftrao 'midatbs.-Mr. Wu poy, a f 'p. iva-Astfane, of Hott.-Oar football � boyS. and gag t0jr bf tOm Met'hodist chased Itfw�hdttermft jot te ;& JmEl Try us for -an E d1v �sed a i1yome an ;s-bor and an. th ow r hort, -bat ASY SHAVE -ad dn, the Provision and baking ?roj days 490, after a 'Pleas&rat tay of- o,- wag!on an nos, Were &,)mewhat dlv.ve JD vor Bayf lel 0i Fxiday Ot er 16reamery wjfd *111 Jjave 500 hoza btiginless iand in Wlh�oh 11re vontinu- Aor J3 �XIFrY HA �jn few weeks �witjh friends in this see. da-=ag'd.--;Xi. -'W,- (Brow lat k mid illa IR OUT. t, iwill johl The E axt ed 1vatil few lyears agio, volign he congr.,,italations on Ibis u.aanim�dus tion. a jof Igamw iplaye d t feeding here before jMg.-Mr. - V New castle, Egland, 4s. been Itl�tl7tt ea= Af taa toww in t1w, Howey, of this tiown !&a'a=oejsfUl_ re t1red, oppoBite the,. 0 being sucowded bY ihi� selection hr the importjg OZM6rciaj I-lotel position ga-ged ias torganist of Tiivitt Me ly ipassed Ns examijuation at the. .90n!s. Mr. iand Mrs, Card V 00 ril Ichar6h.-Tbe Exeter coart _pf ef UAIn Isvoired, Ed. Kaley, ionei jot ctele- of Chairman iof the Goderiah. dis- arna. brated ItIlleir '910141-n wedding a trict. 'Ahe Presidency -of - e - Con- The Methodist Circult,-One Ontlari o 6114-1 )oif Plharmacy, helid in revision (will (be beld in the town 11411 usse UAM- sbad this maw. year ago Ibaving been -op. own& dast weeki and Mr. 0. -,W,, will, be the next ot -Mr. the Ibest qt.v�rtrly serviom ever 11 rix* It game. The v4 -i, Our Elarr nt miarri d 50 ferehW ext, lHonday tevening at 7130, We bilokeh e6a years. _dn jje her lo,ng -A. (P. 'YqyOt went to Lu-6kna,%jr hold t 'his dharge, (was theld in e ha0 Inlot 4,�arned he-filIer ox. IyOt - =ataIC twill d bere 00, Notwitihsta:nding on Manear falou Loas"d in th ftmjo�r ye IIftaday ur Y'Ouu-g Ptiday �iher afflictiton, of. Ui�s *eek.:-bik and Itrying illness t643 kleceased b -ore Saia.-rday to -attend Ch of Varna Wethodlit vh�mTcb oA there Qre-wwny aPPeals.-Xr. 1lenry friends o(a;6lieir success, New Footwear cheerf mlly. e f Wnerfal list, twe -,Q0j*M-tU;jgte 10- e ;p1a and with. 1411[other jwbio died near there. -At Idormg, may fi�b. Thi service wa.4 J'anes, IWD 1b" been very ill fi�r SOnday astj, tW. jEtUftell, t7m eld- of Mr. - jan Mrs. ristita Jady, W. let. ou100mPlin't. She . was a rgood a mecen Zadetij* of the diectIo,rs.,of mllilorable because of dta deep j3pir- I three 1weeks. fis n1ow abk to be a- I a IS Now' Re'ady. kind, ch and ,a wise aW4 the (Robert 93c11 iE�gio a -ad Thras%wf ituality, f6he large awidber j1ound,.-`W=kmen are en!9aged In I affertionate ht wjobd, ked at the 13PWV- 1n,,her ea�r.'J'er -er Compu�ay, Mr. Wm.j Pickard ,was' the Ireeeption service, t whlch�'ovof the iereet?on of Mr. ohn Brumels. L 'of IM Jgrainidpareuts, 131r iiand 14M. days'ahe was an active church Nviork-_ appoited ice-Presid6nt as � sacces- ! thirty twre xeceived initio t4e ohlarch new lbrick ,residee !QA Main street, 13r;efs.-Z Tid (Haist, i&lberf Ast7vWt, BrIL"se-u Now ladies, how about 1C. (Dontord ftok in the W wbi m Me has been mia Iag b%- ,doz our foot- or land t(ook a deep infixiest in evry "or Ito the late Andrew Yotio.g.-, tLn Uie large launiber twJib 1partzlok 'neai;lY IdMidslite t'he Main tre*,t Kinglf; 1plate tat fjjorw -r Ith o wea I May, we assist yo Vood iDause. She was -one lof ate 1"t j%atu ki U m the Thre was a thin A*ale of ice on of It -b sacramenit.' On ithe &�Ibwjag Methfoilist Vhtirob,-The (Exeter C ulln wa's first iand tor day. -J. Leslie E:er_r is ander It ilome Itime'. Russell oraing, but m Idiave not, bicyard, jgvod re9jowts jW ere presOnted PertY"(Yn IMill treet from Mrs. -Giyo� ,bo:s ry Al but M few d.a.", Ito Lbadola were jw! -will t f a of 12 Iyears 'a:-nd V-90- -soraething from among bhe Clio Iwater left outside iearay last, Monday afternotoiu at tht quimrterly Club bas (Pudhased a piece jo, brigh dit le b y choosing dest members ,of opro- ,doebor's Icare at I ame Mor les that a if praseM.--�Zd liow dozi the fashionable Spring sty 'First Pre�bYtcxian They had Sunday �on and it is is appose 11mily (Of t6n, f0mr sons and six learned of :a:4 am hiaVlmg be6n.'from ite different dapaxtmelnts of- -a club assist Z (b3 wil I be a source of comfort and d B11craft. They datend ar-ectiAg . uphiters, iall tof ­tN,�hjom _101talt .'who, is ithe 1�asee I tbat this ideatth 'w" the iresult of *0 are still done -by th rost.-Mr Bennett, of te lolrwda, showilnIg a very pro�por - houe tand -otherwise Joy to you during -the comi tiving. (Y 8 a n imflrol'vfn�g t1he iot U)e Sprigbialuk Ipavilion. Simon reiived twhil tpLaylag Ing Tim sions. re -TIO'hin wad Regina, � wa-V here ti -US Week, tjh� ous Var. Tbfe gwnday are 'grand .-Th ima y triends jof Givorge dn' buiness in Seafrbh; guest of Mr. �raijjt as 4ijilln "Lowry's ]place time aome7 iagsa. The futnerAt -season. We are W811 Uplied and Mrs. wm Pickard. flOurishin, Ireporting a staff I 422 Adam tWhiteftord, ,formerly -of ]gxot. cfmmx .(Brus- w1bh fashiou's latest creations, land Ured in Winnipeg lord, Man. - - He is Just inow in' ttnd'ance t itdw 'officers and teachers, ith, 155 �er, but ivow of Virden, Manifaba, sels- Ifto W=xeter._W. F, t, Wednesday afft�aarjiwja. Alem-ander dn Darlingf as !driver book.!pjace, Itb 33russe-le oemetery Macdonald i1nAittite her The dawgb?-* quetplb,_ sobolars lifni itthe variKkll$ jblassei. The will aearn with regret that 'he ij bormer twell-ama,wn 33rus -soot ia Anvet and can amt your fancies as' lie ters are Mrs. Broderick, jDf Ohio 0. - ia.. Fired Witalf, tes awj Leg 11A-M)putated.-A terrible acol-1- ag other shoe toze can, no matter Mrs. of London, had a SONWIS raised or Anissloas *1;5.35, quite ill. -Mr. iW. H. P.enbal-a, who req,g,ned his QDvernmerif *sition in dell t *-ODk Tuesday af 'West lan Mrs. Page, 0� Buf- brmk' idown, there �4wl th his aufjomq-� aloo, $10 kox ftb�e Gidtan koopital,t and has been. (in the west for ter -4 New Ontta-Ao, aAd dms )�u5rohasad 0, U061n, of *,his wek by which: 06 falo; jof Halniltjon., aj4d Nettie bile what you want, whether it be on* Sunday evening. In ccm, Lib- seven ar iold son tof Mr. and Xxft and )Carrie t ome- Alt twere re- pawy with a gntlernwn and two omon�s (&uxiliarles ave, in4reased -day #avejjjDg of last week. He flar tall 1)11�T-Vos�s 1$152.33, ,The �hroe weksp Iretarned h'QM On Wednei- 'fiftel in Otbawa.-�-Fjast jffn-ran high shoes or low shoes, broaci rals twill oneet olornv,6ntjDn ),ere W,heatly, Grabanf-s lairvey., ffirruwA t t,110 famclraf Mr, 01ohin Mit- ladies Chey came into town, froan the 'their imember hip by 16 and t1heir pleased iwi�4 Che west ntoes or narrow toes, high heels or cibiall, of E;t. a:ad darin 100 MuesdaY *f Inext 'Week, -ft. legs, jif MarYs, a brsobhr tof w6st abjAif daisk and when opptk�ite 1 gi gels wout-11, 1' t vings, Ibbis �y r'amoUjIted tz. $181 his absence tmk up vo i abl day of ithis week, D. A, Towr a:ad aPPears Vlmt wile gWing ftmo low hei-N, we can pleas you, rs. 10ardnio and _ns der t�h` Y survivor Ors- Scott & MOX's office o, Gd- .',an dnorease - F $31 - lbr, .(the 5rear. land there. -Mr. vnd Mrs. Thoma$- Ban, Rdward, Bet Hi,ngstoDb ad G f r0M 1803 01, e 4fittle te-1-11MV ftty u�f - W118 family was �dhso at the rich street, the biAd axW of the The idontribatkns to J?rior. (of Hannxb� jqforth. DA Prices ralige rom $1 to $4. R I -the goeral ko-ta, are Bishop, jot ftiwwn� and GepTge Oar- edeavio,red- ft iolim7 in era 'Tb d' ,bo, -a b �o the Jba47- remains were lai m ilhine broke'and it missilonary Ifulrid 'was $210.80, an, 621- 'Visiting Ifriends ijil town and 01cin- diff, h fine of Morris, deft fo ithe iof wbugy qvbom, Ma. 110 g was =,bgt for Me n ht.. Mr. Xitphell, rest dn, te Maitlandb�ank cemetery, - Was &alled hoV.r. crease -over last (year of i$23,80. �6is ity. ]Mr. Prir was- ftormerly- a resi. West wbore ra lfhe IWIWI and " badly t= - W911011. the f uneral services shaving ;been velf, (bad the break lthey :060t t co ipmd repaired and Vith fte *f81 from 16he'i,womows dVat of Usbtorne. Allaut t wenty years the RiVaimer.-Rev. Mr ITee,, of W f1sat, jampWfatiliya chardson oonducted at bhe family residence by got ;away early Xon4py morning. it Missiontary Sto.ciety makes a �hglo ibe -went West and pr d to (tWo Vp tibe 1past(or of the ecoao&d, Rev.. Mr. vsperad, a. r6abo, tpreaclie r darge 'glary, 'y jand It was bakerA off isix iliwaar 'Was Ifortunte for fifi prtr the -ah fincrease Oar- the year 6f 1$54.80t -masklng wonalider,able. of this World's 0 -h jal o"gregatilons in below Itbe lbady. I We, ifeared that Larkin, lastisted by 'Rev. Mr. Shaw, break did ot occur several miles The odmotaflaiml fund Imiatfibutions Owds, Id6twit-Utanding Iseveralyears last Suinday. Rev. ig ijured Int -0 6`11Y Te W�he&t-� Sole Agents for Hoag Wlden- of HgMVa(1vjl,1e, The sincerest SYm- Omi fil Me 0ou1Wtry,-Mr, W. C. Me., it anWatuntd ft 02.2.84, a 6mreas6 of of 1u -hill Mvrk the ear] Pabby of thfe cidmmWnjty Will Y Part -of of Sp&nerville, is tb be &O -re in* ley Iflamily Are comparatively mOrican shoes for ladiea be -,ex. Ldod Iwhb has bdeln laid 'Up 'f or. a few $12.34. The (other f ands were 'all his Tesidence d-ji "tbat He is, Sabbath, tendpd f 0 tbe:Oged br%vvd eks ds;r000'Yvr1n!g -wad We hp ah� mark, The� pem-�ersbip 'inlaw JoAgaged in the banking bual., wore here ojx prom- _U0 vvoao�jvos d iliere if folnstnifta last fall. IP i ca