The Huron Expositor, 1906-05-25, Page 5etaga. De biggest bargain zret Fridley auti Satuntay —another Iot of girls' add childietes 'at :maw, regular prion 75o to 81.25 for only $80 window. W. H. Willis, gate agent, for Dorothy Dodd shOes foir Ladies and George A. Stater shoes for men, Seafortro 20064 /Babb, of ktitehell, is as guest tat her datittihter, Mrs. tIo. o. tlintobleon.—Mr. ,Joseph Carlin was Sundaying at the Carlin IOuse. aealies t'ion, of Cinnhatatatne, is the tfuest Of Miss Ada Drake.—Mr. end Mrs, Botham, lot Constance apeht suaday at Mrs. M. Drake'si.—Xiss Wale &lel) onald is the guest kf r. ifuffin:—Mr. John Carraietwel lias tone Oa his fAvork at itoodou a - .—Mr. 13-6.1an 'Whyte, of Mitchell,pon t 1a few days with his klauighter, i,Irs. IE. Drake, and also Miss Whyte, 11amiota.—Mr5. D. Walker is _ spending a couple of weeks at At - weird with ,her :Lab:Alter, NN%hck LAh snainber of farmers have farmed a beet iring in hhis :Wait, League purse holding holding a tea- k:fleeting on (the 124th.—Mrs. °hub)) is tieinting the!. ,residence. Barfield. iromeinis ingtit ate.— The amaal kaceting of the Woman's Institute twill be held Friday afternoon, iTune nt two o'clock at the hintrne,of tire. Jas. Campbell. Members are ' kaarticetia.rly requested to ibe pret- lent as kids is the roost inrpioaNtaint toeiting of the year. The ttreasug‘eir tw cold be "very .1.00611 assisted 113 iber [Work if RH the members, what thave lurk niready tdone So, Would hand: in their &es at this meeting, as this is the beginning of the inetitexite year. inreezes.—The first 'championship Seotball igame tot the seasitin Was Olay -ed here tan Friday everrinig (last laartweet the 13russe1s and Lakesides kt (Bayfield. The weather was beau"- ° tilui land there was a harge latt tend- Ance speotatnrs who greatly en- poyed the game. Brussels came gaily tXpecting tip carry the day but *and they had their Snitch. tresalt weS a draw, 'neither id sdoring.—Mist Gray, 4t l. 00Seph's Hospital, leandearn spent a klay fra the village las-t 'week -Mrs jilowie is visiting friends in. Kippen at present -Mr. Chester Tioet who tett here two years ago tar Chicago reteirrted dast week.—Mr. and • Mrs. • /Heath and family of abondlein, tar- triVed !last week in the (village /and rivitu neat:432,y 'their coktoge for the itfirrquier.-Mr, illtarry Adams, an told- feeyfield boy and Dr. Kendrick, kif Detricit, were in the village last • Iweek.--Dr. Metcalf, (of Detreit, join- -43d his family here last aveeli.—Prin- biped Waller, of Raro'n College, of , liOndon, occuipied the pulpit of Trin- Sty chu.rch. on Sunday. NIMENNOMk WEL,TERri BANK OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - CAPITAL, RESERVE, IIINNIFISmiamnramak 5.1...mas meld OSHA WA $1,000,000 $' 300,000 T. H. MoMILLAN Gen'i Mgr. 4efewsteed; DU B L I IC BRANCH. Every facility Consistent with sound banking in afforded the public of Dublin and eurraunding territory. Drafts( and Money Orders issued. 'altered pia. on Savings Bank deposits of $1. and upwards. Loans made to farmers for buying cattle,- ete. Sale Notes supplied free of charge, FRANK McCONNELL, Manager 20 _ HOES miner Wear,, oe being 1cw eut are m ;onvenient and more conl, high shoes, and this ses:. eating an increased demand comp!ete range, coMprial These Oxfords are selec qualities, many of ti where, while our valtea vr of our best selling rxfords for Men 015 Oxfords, new Blue pair. n C1Z Oxford", new Blu .5O•a Pair - tent Colt Oxfords, the $3.50 a pair. rds for Children. Pateut Gibson Tine, m el 11 to 2, for $1.25, $ Pear - Kid Oxfords, sins 8 to 4 2, for .$1.25 a pair, F.raent is at its best. V6,444*#,AiNed Seater ver Shoes for men, 4hoes for Women. "i gives our village ii rat and attractive appear- ti.ch admired by stranger* fors. --M r. Alvin Meettean, Iktvid McLean, of Tuck - r here, wile, recently: second year's examin kt School of Practical flak- e ti) the Northwest and, vacation with a sat*- , building up muscle a practical k.nowledge DScn profession. memlig808.1••••wilt Kriapen. eselci reniiW_1 his uld •. men -i and has im hand a. gam et iek of wagon isogoes, bolsters and all wood work let ea. ',maga shafts and buggy repair& ea hest kept in steel:. A full line of - Mould boards. castings and b-olts and y and WOE 1,411fflet repairing. A fah of hafelles stoek. ` All work en. _„- a•ite prompt aa tentbm and good wow+ S. Kipper'. 00054 Ars. McKenzie, of Dayi isiting ter on, Mr. filet. of the village. Mrs. 5104, Epast the fur sciore mark -beena resident of Mit-. • over 70 years. She -arkably smart for her- s. Waddell, twho was for year. a resident of thia 15u.sekeeper for the tiatis t. died at the jnonle hter. Mrs. Jtolanston, at he 12th inst.. and the re- taken D) Weodstock for ; Mrs. 'Waddell was strickt arabrsis, and never irectovt.: decease4. was a kind and w3r1ia1 and during her, in the village raade many nds. She was in her Kat Gilbert McDonald, wtalnal• week as being unwell; iry paarly and is gradtr- :ig weaker, with little recovery. --Wallace, E..1 Mr. Gilbert Dick, wafS - ned the legs thn His rn_ther was boiling large kettle. The chits playing about, and 60-111$ ling ft aid splashed Witt I:e little fellow .on Una ;fag him quite severely. -- n. -of th'ni village, was it J-o.t week attending tb•s Le late IYavid vey Las been suffering Atte frorn a bad •attack of W. 11 Ape soon, lioNv- e her well a2air1.-14r. 11. 'ruse, N. W. CC., is here plf1 eld friend.. Mr. flinlad - sec- his a -nuttier, who rs. Jarrott hat - the doct.ir's care tor v. ek. She had become; waitince on her father. ou to Lae e luar again ea. re tb,t flied good health. - lust Rev. N. Shaw, tof prenched very lex-, rrneens in St. 14.rtdreaV1s T. Shaw is on able aria 'cher, .-4nd the pelople of are f art unite in hava. - t capable pastor. 'Hie n here were pleased tie dairin so well.—Mrse ' yfiih1, is, Visiting Ist Mi. 6.4 ra uel noartpacia, tree, in this neation ▪ -and if Jack Proeh .:•ff his blighting fingers ;itbe a large one. isellaurst. MoN a u gh ton , who has red f ram a severe ritiefeen am- to fall down iast week and receive E tk:rig up.—Mr. Morrison en in delicate health for is rather poorly this 0'13r:ext and f amily vis- nnerher'e. near Zurich, " last. -Miss Govenlock, , 11H:ended the teachere in S.rarford on Fri:dal v -last. pie with colic Then it's too Saved IC CURE„ I testimony ar out all that ierful remedy. —$1.00. May A_RTYS, ONTA.R10. MARKETS. Seasoant, May 23rd, 1006. SR Wheat 80 80 to $0 80 te per bushel , . 0 35 to 0 35 Peas, per bushel .. .. .... , . ........ 0 70 to 0 70 Barley, per bushel .......... ...... .... 0 45 to 0 45 Butter, No. L loose 0 15 to 0 16 Butter, tub. - 0 16 to 0 17 Eggs, per dozen 0 14 to 0 16 Flour, per 100 lbs- - ,......... . ... 2 25 to 2 75 H y , - 6 50 to 7 00 Bides, per 100 lbe. 5 00 to 5 35 Sheep skins, I 0 BO to 0 36 Potatoes per bushel 0 40 to 0 60 Salt, retail) per barrel1 00 to 1 25 Wood per cord(long). . 5 00 to 6 20 Wood per cord (short)2 re to 3 00 Apples per bug.....•0 50 to 1 00 Olover Seed 7 00 to 8 00 Timothy Seed. - ......., ... . ......... 1 25 to 2 00 • Tallow per lb 0 04 to 0 05 Pork, r 100 lbs r 7 50 to 8 20 Wool washed) : 0 25 to 0 27 Wool unwashed) 0 16 to 0 17 Dairy Markets. TORONTO, May 22 -Butter -The market Is about steady. The demand for choice is entire, but re- ceipta are -now rather mixed as to quality. Prices are quoted unchanged. Creamery, 20 to 21c; solids, 10e to 20e ; dairy, pound rolls, good to ehoice, 17c to 18c; large rolls, 16 to 17o; medium, 15 taro. Cheese -The market is finn .with a goOd demand. Old is (Rioted at 14c to 14ie, anti new at 111, to 12e. Egga--Hold finn in tone, at 1.6;}c for new -laid, and 170 for splits. leloNTReab, 'alas 22 -Eggs -New -laid, 16 to 170 per dozen. Butter -Choicest creamery, 190 to 20e. Cheeae-Colored, 11 to 114c ; white, 11} to lige, • Gram, etc. - ToftexTo, May 22 -Wheat -Fall, 84 to 85c; goose, 750; spring, 80c ; oats, 42e ; barley, 51 to 62c ; peas., 30c. Baled Ilay-Is about steady. Quotations for No. 1 timothy in 80.50 to 810 per ton for car lots on track here, and $7.50 per ton fof No. 2, Baled Straw -is unehanged at 36.60 to 30 per ton I& ear lotson track here. Poultry. ToResTo, May 22 -Trade is quiet, There is some demand for ehickens, at 15 to 100 per pound. Potatoes TosoNTo, May 22-i'nehangecl. Ontario are quoted at 70e to 85e per bag- out of store ; eastern Dole - wares at 85c to 971e, Quebec, 73c, and Nova Scotia at 75c. Live Stock Markets, LONnoyo• England, :Nies; 22. -Cattle are quoted at 10.2e to Hie per lb. ; refrigerator beef, 8o to 8ic per Th.; sheep, &eased, 140 to 15c per lb. ; lambs, ;leo, deemed weight. Tavel:root, May 2.2. --Canadians, 5r4d to 5-1,d. BUFFALO, N. Y., May 22-Catt1e-Active ; prime And shipping steers strong ;others 10 to 15e higher ; prime steers, $5.35 to $.5.75 ; shipping, $4.75 to 45.40 ; butchers, $4.50 to $6.25 ; heifers, $3.75 to 46.2..5_4 cows, 83 to 84.05 ; bulls, $3.26 to $4-50 ; stockers and feeders, -33.25 to $4.60 ; stook heifers, •32•76 to 83.507 fresh cows and springers, good, oc• flee and $2 to $3 higher ; common slow,at $20 to $58. Yeale-Active and 25e higher, at 84.50 to $7. nore-Fairly active and 10 to 150 lower ; heavy, • ',aired and Yorkers, $6.70 ; pigs', $6.70 to 86,75 ; ugh% $5.90 to $6 ; stags, $1.25 to $4.75 , dairies, 60 to Kw. Sheep and Lambs -Sheep, active a0 steady ; iambs slow, and 5e to 10e higher ; ha, 34,60 in MOO, a few at $7 ; yearlings, 86 $6.40 rwethers, 86. to $6.25 ; ewes, e5.25 to $5,50; fah to 85.76. nn °mato jcsonox-Union Stock Yards, May -The quality of fat cattle was good ; trade was ood. Export prices ranged from 31.60 to $5, the bulk selling at $4,75 to 84.90 ; export bulls, at $3.60 to 4; butchers' prima for picked lots choice rang- ed from 84.60 t0 3 -L4 good from $1740 to $1.60 ; Inedillnl. SSA to $4.25 ; common s3.76 to $4 ; blather caws, $3 to $4 ; canners, 42.60 to eti. Veal (lives sold at $1 t. 36 per 100 lbs. Mich cows 211(1'89ringcts. 210 to 855. Hoge Selects sold at 87; lip,hts, at $6.75 ; sows, tu to 85 ; stags, $2.50 to 43.50 per 100 pounds, fed mid watered. X0X7Reat,, 22.- Cable advices on Canadian eattlestronger, London prices advanced ie to le to ill to 12e, and in Liverpool, ic to ic, to 111 to 11/c. Export4 for the past week were 3,355 cattle and 629 slieep. Receipts %ere 1,300 cattle, 80 inileh eows, 200theep and Iambs, 200 valves, 1,200 hogs. Cable adeices this week on Comedian bacon were stronger, and pricee in Liverpool and London show an advance of one shilling, and in Bristol of one to two. There was e firmer feeling in the market for hogs to -day, And the decline in prices at the latter end of last week Was partially reeoered. The offerings- were 200 head, for which the demand was good, and sides of eeleeted lots were mrde at prices ranging from V.50 to $7.75 per cwt, weighed off the care. e The botehers vere on and t,reale nines of the e011inie boa 4were leeVes sold at 5 to 51e per lb. ; pretty 4 to 410, and the eonimori stook at 2/ Mitch cows sold at $25 to $55 eaoh. $2 to $7 each. Sheep sold at- 4lo per a $3 to '35.50 each. , oimesommourasmson ilT4,0 fair, but lower. • Prime good cattle 30 sio perIb Calve sold at In., and lambs IRVING-At Miserioinalla Hospital, Edmonton, on May fith, the wife of L. E. Wentworth 1)% S. 0„ 31 D., a daughter. PAT1tIOK--1n Ttnikersmith, on May lath, -to Mr. r and Mrs. Montgomery Patrick, a $011. RAEDER-S-4n Stephen, on May 16th, to me. and ' Urn- Arthur Sanders, it daughter. ARMITAGE-OGDEN--At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. John Ogden, on May 16th, by Rea-. Mr. Raefty, of Eirkton, e J. IL mitage, �fLllean, to Miss Mary -Ogden, of Ririe. ton. SMITH-3IoLEOD-On May 1.4th, at the reeidence of 511; Alexander McDonald, Gloucester terrase, • by Rev. dits. A. Anderson, B. A., Mr. Prank William Smith, to Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. Daniel McLeod, all of Goderioh. Deaths.- OARDNO-In Seaforth, on May nth, Margaret Mit- chell, wife of Mr. Alexander Oardno, sr.. aged 69 years and 1 month. 1RVIN4-At Alisericordia Hospital, Edmonton, on gayn8thbit!irim:t. taughter of L.E. Wentworth" QUINVOIt-In Usl;onnig, o' n May 13th, Mr. -Wm. BRottilitili_ton,. g 4 years. In a(heUlton, n May 15th, ' Margaret years,°9 months and 26 days. 'ifoNVOI...-t-rl'a uhar, on May 14th, David Me- DURNIN-At Dungannon, on May 15tb Rebeoca ti Nicol, aged 54 ears and 5 months. Smyth, relict of the late 'Charles Durnin, aged 69 years. . GRAHAM -In Gocierich, on May 13th, Jane, wife of IIAIST°.-Inas t ?i3rarullasse111,m.May1;afed.862oenrtsli, J. W. guesel, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Heist, of Atwood, aged 12 Years, 6 montnand 15 days. . t_. IMPORTANT NOTIOES. HORSES FOR SALE. --Three good. young horses. .1 1 for sale, 2 rising 3 years and 1 rising 3. Apply • • to WILLIAM D. ME'TERS, Chiselhurst, Ont•. 2006-1 "VSTRAY HORSE. -Came to the stable of the A14 Dominion Hotel, Dublin, on Monday,May 14th, a brown mare with fou e white feet, white face and branded on the left,shoulder. The owner can have same by claiming property and paying charges. JOSEPH WEBER, Dublin. " 2006-1 BULL FOR. SERVIOE.-The undersigned has on his place in liarpurhey, it thorobred Shorthorn bull for serviee. Terms. -$1 at the time of service, with the rivelege of returning if neeosssry. D. GRIMM ' 2006-4 Notice, MeKILLOP.-The Reeve of McKillop will meet any patties wishing to contract for the construction of the Corporation's part of the Bell Drain on Lot 12, Concession 10, McKillop, on Thursday, May 31, at 7 o'clock p. m. to let contract ,on the above mention - td lot and concession. MURDIE, 2006-1 Notice. MellILLOP. Nalco is hereby given that the Bridge on Concession 13, Lots 15 and 16, and also the Bridge on Concession 12, Lots 20 and 21, are impass- able and these roads on said Conceesions are closed for public travel until these bridges are built. By order of the Council, Zd.MURIME, Clerk. May 22nd, 1006. 2000-2 Jewellery Auction Sale Fntire Stock must be sold without_ lim- it or reserve Sales Commence 2.30 & 739 Speare & Page's 011 Stane, Cardno Bi'k, Seaforth. Reserved Seats for Ladies R. McNAUGHT Jeweller, Seaforth. Try the New Store • Where they don't trifle with other people's busines., .but pay- strict attention to the wants of everybody's needs in the line of Fresh, Cured and Cooked Meats Bologna and Sausages, Gro- ceries, Fruits and Vegetables, all at right prices. Try our 27c Tea. KRUSE B1108 _ SEAFORTH, The originators of low psices in meats Phone 96 Commercial Bloek, ,Opposite the • Post Offic`e. Spring Items How about Fencing 1 If you have not time to build your own, don't fail •to see Jour Peuless Woven Fence beforie purchasing. Profiting by the mistakes of others, this fence hsla been made the strongest and mhst duo ole of woven • fencei and costs less money. • I Are you Lading your own Let -us supply you with the best Cleveland High ,Carbon Ooil Spring and Dead Soft Weaving, • prices equal to the lowest. Iro.i Gates at Rock Bottom • , - Prices. Builders'— Hardware VA every description. and beet quality always on hand. See our New Line of Building Paper. Have just secured the Newest and Best Ready Roofing-- Paroid—neede no tar or -Pitch, just lay it on roof and 'cement laps, cleanest and most durable, guarenteed for five years. Special attention given Corm - gated Iron Roofing, Metal Shingles and -Siding. Ask for prices. Central _Hardware Store George A. SIES7 Seaforth - Ontario ON E THE CANADIAN B OF COMMERCE - Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. • Reserve Fund, $4,500,p00 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO , B. E. 'WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Manager RAN•K MONEY ORDERS •$5• and under• ISSUED AT THE FOLLOW1N.G, : • . 3 cents Over •$5 and not exceeding $10.. 6 cents if Sio• it W $30. 30 cents _ • " $30 •" • "• .$50., 15 cents These Orders are Payableat Par at any office in Canada of a Chartered I3ank (Yukon excopted), and at fire principal banking points in the United Stats. • NEGOTIABLE AT A FIXED RATE AT • THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, LONDON, ENG. They form an excellent method. of remitting small sums of money with safety and at small cost. SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor • G. E. PARKES, Manag POPLESTOE & GARDINE (SUCCESS(;RS TO MESSRS. McKINNON & Ca) alg -ONTARIO, METHING POE: YOU. •- \ Lingeriel3ht Waist Pattern Lengths for the Summer Girl. The new diparieee &V designs in mercenzedlawne and isa muslin,. Eush pattern contains enough yard of material to make the'fAshionablR wailit. This class of goods will he the largest seller io the Wild waist deprtrnent this summer. Prices—P.75, $2 and $2.50. T Men's Now Raincoats, worth $10 for $7—This was a bargain lob cleared frori it big manufacturer. We have ant", twenty, and they cannot last long. They are oho er proofs lined with Italian, linen sewn, and worth $10, now $7. Men's Rubber Lin( d ,Waterproof Coats, worth $7.50, for #5.—Thie is another ob of guaranteed Rainproof Coate, with a very neat all wool tweed cloth, interlined w *h rubber and relined, sewn with litten thread and seams fully gulmanizsd, worth $70, no W $5 A 1 Lsdiete Show -Proof Jackets, were $8. foe $5 -We heve an advantage over onr competitors in buying these Jackets, because of the sizes. We were compelled to ptir- chow the entire loin or not get any of them, so we bid -on the lot and gob thole. , They are new. fashionable in body, sleeies and fit, and are throughout particularly American, worth $8, for 45. • . . • .• New Rionoosti for Ladies in fawn, dark grey and tweed effects, at $5, $0.50; $7, $7,50 and $8; lengths 54, 56, 58 and 60 inobeg. 1 Nov unbleached Table Linene, worth 40c, for 35, ; 453 for 401. P. C. Coreeti, with long hip suppterer ts, worth $1, for 75c. Embroldared dot,pon Home, with white, blue and red, at 253. Lace Front Cet'cia Hose, Hermadorf dkenan 253. White Cotton Hose, 5 inoh, 9 !sea, 7 inoh, 8 inoh, 9 inch, 9i in )h. " Khrtrautii," Drek Fabrics can't 'be beaten ; buy them. Poplestone ,Itic Gardiner, Myth. 41***44114e 11 0•1•••••••••••.•••••••••,, ere's kil a Dandy. .1.4colt at it it minute. It skims all the milk from it whole herd in just it few minutes—ekime it clean, and jnat as soon as drawn from the covren' No milk sitting around, no skimmieg by hand, neither pane, orocke nor Cana to wadi—skim milk ready to feed. IT'S THE TIIBIYLAR. It's the ibarp1oe Tubular Orsam Separator, and it's it dandy. Notice the waht low supply can, and wholly en- closed, entirely self -oiling geom. A Dairy Tab&ar hes done 24 years' work without repairs, and ruled only three quarts of oil. All Tabulara are just as dnrableas that one. DairanTubulars are built right, are neat and economical, drip -no oil, use the ;same oil over and over again. I sell 'the Tubular, It's the leading separator. Everybody likes it. Drop in and look at it, std, while you are io, get it catalogue. Ws J. ALLIN, at SEAFORTLE Next to Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Store, 2004 Prof. Dorenwen is 0015..,71\TG.. He will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, ON THURSDAY JUNE 7 1906,f with hair gocds, ladies' and gentle wine, toupees, bangs, wavy and plain fronts, ewitohes of every desoription, etc. He can improve your personal appearance. Plain features and disfigured heads, oaueed through the loss of hair, made perfection. Thousands owe their fine looks to the skill of Prof. Dorenwend. Human hair adorns and pro- tects the head. Don't fail to Bee hie new patent hair structure, patented all over the world. Private apartments seeured at hotel, remem- ber, for ONLY ONE DAY. . • Firet.olase cu a hair, especially grey and white hair, taken in,exohaege. 2006s2 Annual Meeting. ff • • The annnaNneeting of the South Huron li'armerst Institute will 'be held in Miller's Hall, Herman, on Monday, June 45h, 1906, at 1.80 o'clock. The fol- lowing order of business will be transacted.; Reports of President, Executive Committee and Auditors,' suggestions of pointe at which to hold regular zed supplementary meetings, election of Directors, and Auditors for ensuing year, ete. A judging claSs de- monstration will be conducted at three o'clock by II, S. Alice% B. S. A., O. A. C., Guelph. A cerdial invitation is extended to all ; young men eapedlally. An eqeursion will be held to the Model Farm at Guelph, June 15511, 1906, Seed meeting will be held at Orediton, June 2nd. • See small bills for pa tio- ulars, of excursion and seed meeting.. R. GA.RDINER, Secretary. II. HORTON, President. 200612 , Spring is Here Don't forget tLat we are headquarters for K 43 D A IC 13 • Kodak :Supplies Plates, Films, Paper,Mounts, Developers, etc; complete range. FISHING TACIcLE— Poles, Lines, Reels, Hooks and Spoons. FIREWORKS— , For the 24th of May. PIPES, CIGARS and - TOBACCOS— None but the best. CONFECTIONERY— Ganong's Chocolates and Ban Bons better than the rest, Purest drugs and Chemicals -only. The man who looks into the eye is here. 4J. Ss ROBERTS C.Themist & Druggist Manager. AtV Vie Enables' you to judge without pre- judice. Look over the liet, and where are you surer of pure drugs than at our drug 6130te ? It isn'b' because we are the only ones, bub because we make - ".quality first" our motto. Courteous treat- • ment, freeh al:ugs and low prices op- _ • ply to us every time. Pure Paris Green, frefell stock, 25o a pound. Holleboro, 30c a lb. Stone Root Co. for kidney trouble and rheumat!sea, 50o it bottle. We have' a preventa- tive for naval ill or rheumatism in young colte—try it. Once a customer al. was a euetomer. DRUGGIST, DARDNO'S - - BLO • .A.P 0 MT II Agent for up.to-date Trueece, Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Shoop's remedie Cook's Cotton Root Compound and , Wood's Phosphedine. Notice to. Creditors. Under IL S. O., 1897, Chapter 129, all persons hay- ing claims against the estae of Mary Manson, In of the Township of Tuckersinith, in the County of ur- on, widow, deceased, who died on the 28t2, da of April, 1906, are required to send the same to-th un- dersigned, on or before the 15th day of June FX -t, and In default thereof the executors will not re sponsible to any person NvhOse claim they shall not have received at that date. M. J. A. COOKE, Solicitor for Executors Dated at Ilensall this 2Ist day of May, 1008. - _ - qo ii —OF THE 'Town of Seaford), FOR 1906. .1.11.1.M.It A byala•W to raise by way of loan the sum of $10.- 000 for the purpose of loaning the same to W. 11. Willis Shoe Cal4 1 to aid them in establishing and op- erating it Shoe Factory, at the said Town of,Seaforth. And whereas it will require the sum of $335.82 to beraised annually by speeltdrate for the payment of the debt as hereinafter mentioned. And whereas it will require the sum of 4450.00 to be raieed annually forthe payment of the interest as hereinafter mentioned, . And whereas the whole rateable property of the Town of Seaforth, irrespective of any increase in the nature of tolls, interests, dividends, rents or fees - from the said property and also irrespeetive of any increase derived from the temporary inveetment of the sinking fund or any part thereof, Recording to the last revised assessment roll of the said Town, be- ing the year 1906, i„s the mit of $051,320.00. And whereas the existing debenture debt of the !- Town of Seaforth is as follows i: $5,500.0,1borrowed under the authority of by-law 11 it, of the Town of Seaforth for 1886, 36,000.00 borrowed tinder the authority of by-law go. 3, of the Town of Seaforth. for 1889. . ., ,t2,500.00 borrowed under the authority of by-Ittav No. fl, of the tow* of Seaforth " for kill. $14,000 borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 8, of 'the Town of Seaforth for 1892, 83,600.00 borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 26 b, of the Town of Seaforth for 1892. $1,500,00 borrowed under the authority of by-lawi No. 26, of the Town of SeaforLh, for 1896. $17,000.00 borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 5, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1809. $1,000.00 borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 7, of the Town of Seaforth, for IWO. $8,000.00 borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 20, (Local Improvement), of the Town of Sea - forth, for 1001. . $10,000.00 borrowed under the authorityof by-law No. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1002. 83,700.00 borrowed under the authority of bydaw No. 2 (Local I1nprovernent),1 of the Town of Sea - forth, for 1902. r, $7,889.20 borrowed tinder the authority of by-law No, 24 a of the Town of Seaforth, for 1902. ' $1,6040 borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 2, (Local hnprovement),_of the Town of Sea - forth for 1903. i 44,000.00 borrowed under the authhority oil by-law No. 10 it, of the Town If Seaforth, for 1903. - $2,400.00 borrowed under the authority of by-law No. 16, (Local Improvement), }of the Town of Sea - forth, for 100.1, , And 42,500.00 borrowed under the authority of by. law No. 14, (Local Improvement), of the Town of Seaforth, for 1905. And there is nothing in arrears for either principal or interest. . . And whereas it is made neceseary- to appoint the tune and places for taking the votes of the duly qualified electors and for appointing deputy return- ing officers to take the votes of the duly qualified electors. ., ,eeive3111.5ineil°001PaitinC000nu,nociiii ateionitshtahlel,reagt°triereenahocu"r obf5rttel''t .the Town Hall, John R.,Thonipson, DeOuty Return - the expiration of twenty years from the „date men- nualsum of 3335.82 shall,in additiop to allotherrates, all the rateable property in the said corporation dur- of the Town of Seaforth. advance the same upon the credit of the debentures this by-law. any number of debentures to be Made for such sums with the seal of said Corporationland signed by the rate of four and one half per cent, per annum which urer of said corporation in each and every year dur- ing the currency of said debentures, on the 19th day of June. tioned for this by-law to take effect, at the oftiee of the Treasurer of said Corporation,, and shall have at- tached to them coupons for the peonent of the in - for the payment of the said debentpree an equal en- ing the currency of the said debentures or any of the said debenturee an equal animal sum. of $450 Oceporation to raise by way of :loan from any per- ing in the aggregate the sum of $10,000.00, which is teres be raised, levied and collected by special rate upon shall, in addition to all other ratefoibe raised, levied and collected by sputal rate upon !all the 'rateable property of the said corporation dulling the currency noon for the purpose of appointing persons to attend to be raised under this By-law to W.111. Willis Shoe 8500.00 each, without interest, and a bond for $5,000 Atkin shall attend at the Council ltoom on Monday, interested imand promoting or opposing che 13y -Law respectively. of the Town of Seaforth to Man the Sum of $10,000.00 han'e Implement Shop, II, J. Puncherd,' Deputy Re - ming up of votes reepectively on behalf of persons Co., for the purpose of aiding them establish and on the tenns and conffitions set fort) in theirwritten following places by the following Demity Returning Return- ing Officer ; Polling sub -division No. 3, at D. Shana- tuor.ninTglutOttilteeher.mtv.s. at the various polling ;daces aforesaid and tile swil- ls , said loan to be secured by a fir8S mortgage m favor of said Corporation upon the nds, buildings,* machioery and plant of said Comp:Lola and to be re- payable in twenty (20) equal annual instalments of buildings and plant,and other property, to be insured be for the fixing of all rates, Have scliciol rates.' Officers, toz i -Polling sub -division No. 1, at the Pub - lie School, R. Lumsden, Deputy Returning <Meer ; Polling sub -division No. 2, at the Connell Room, in the 4th day of June, 1906, at two,o'clockan the after - satisfactory to the Council of Said Corporation. said clase insurance companies. ail of the mid Corporation to fix the assessment on shall be taken on Monday, the llth eat of June,1000. in favor of aid Corporation for $10,000.00, in first - the Company's lands, buildings and Silt at 33,000.00 for a term of ten years, the said fixed .assessment to between the hours of nine a. in. and ills p. m, at the p lieation for such loan, dated the Oth day of May, 4. That said debentures shall be made payable at 1. That it shall belawful for the Mayor of the said 3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the 2. That it shall be lawful for the Mayor to cause 1 tt 5. That for the puivose of forming a sinking fund 10. That the Clerk of the said Municipal (torpor- °. That it shall be lawful for the 'Said corporation 7. And it shall be lawful for -the Mtinicipal Colin 8. That the votes of the duly qualified electors sr of the said Munieipal Comer- - 1 . . d Tuesday, the 12th day of June, IOW, at', the Town Hall, sum iv the votes given for and against the By -Law, and grant the requisite certificatea. 11. This By -Law, if carried by the voths of the melea3e7irms, s.hall take effect Oil the day of the linal fief& ing thereof. Dated at Town. Hall, Seaforth, this 14th day' of 5 , , I - Notice. 11 it • TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true iind °or - sect copy of ii By -Law which has been tahen into •consideration by the.Municipal 0,ounoi1 of the Town of Statforth, and which will be finally passed iby the said Counoil in the event of the foment of the electors being obtained thereto, after One month frbm the first publication of said By-LIVW, and this ndtice in the newspaper called TIM limos Exrosrroa, tlm date of whieh first publication was the 18th dayof May, 1906,and that the votes of the electors of the se! Muni- cipality will be taken thereon on the day and It the hours and places therein fixed. JOHN A. WILSOAI;OlOrk. Mr. Willis' A pplicatibn. Seaforth,sMay 10th, like. To the :Municipal Connell of the Toon of Seaforth Gentlemen,- . I herewith hand you proposition re the gs- tabliitment of a shoe factory in Seaforth : Clause 1. -Amount of loan asked, 610,400.00, ainie to be handed over to us when factory is ready for •operation, repayable 15 20 years, at the rate of $600 per annum without Interest. 2.-A fixed assessment of 33,000.00, school taxes to be paid 011 1161 assessment. 8, -In return, we agree to build a cement or Mick factory, 70 x 60, two stories with basement, and also to in4a1 in same, new modern maehineryandfittinge, total plant to cost at least '310,000.00, we to produce -satisfactory vouchers showing expenditure, 4. --We also agree, withhi six monthe after begin- ning operations, to employ 50 hands eleven months in the year, and, in ease thisnumber is not employ- ed, we agree to pay proportion of interest similar to the Canadbln Furniture Co. conditions in their agreement relating to same. 5. -Ne agree to eve as security, flist mortgsge on plant for $10,000.00 and, also, bond for 0,000.00 (Bond to be satisfactory to Council). The bond to be reduced annually in proportion to amount loan is reduced. Will agree to- make insoranee policies to the value of 00,000,00 in first -Maga eoinpanles, payable to town. Trusting the same will be favorably considered by the Council, and assuring you of our intention to give you it hint -class industry, we are Yours ttsly, W. II. WILLIS SHOE CO, per W. II, Willis. Meeting of Huron County Council ,••••••*.i...•••••••Sit The Council of the County of Huron will meet in the council chamber in the Town of Goderich, on -Tuesday, the 5th day of June next, at 3 o'clock. All accounts against the county requiring settlement Imust be placed witli the clerk before this date. 2006.2 Ws ran, Cats Ai Corns/. Main and Market Sraata %Worth g Ontario. • The Largest Dry Goods okardls aG-6adescoGirrhittin7 Gauntlet CLIO:THIN — FOR -- M E N --AND OYS That for excellence of make, cor- .rectness' of style and great variety, is unequalled in this section. At this season of the year, the thoughts - of the average man turns to new clothing, and the proper selection of styles and fabrics suitable for the season's wear. "WHERE TO BUY is the question that enters rnincL (3'ommon you that the firm coriutitiulrig tate Lt -ac es -es r1 -s h4- _ _ ikr-rQ4 ‘_t it; V Las.- - Lia %,-)017.7 • ed its patronage by giving tbe best values for the money. You owe it to yourself -to make your seLction from the following lines, if you would experience perfect satisfac- tion at the lowest cost: 9.75 Suit 'This suit is made of worsted and silk mixture shades, new overcheek, in all sizes, from 34 to a-4 16 Suit Thi line consists _of imported tweeds and fancy -worSteds, in all the newest weaves. $11,40 SUit This \is one of the best ready -to- ear suitg iu the tradei! extra make, extra style and perfect fit $5.06Suit • Most light tweed, several different pattern,wort from 8.to $9, selling at $5.00. .00Plimmoimmilmuilminspor MEN'S ()RAVE ETTE COATS—Three lines it will pay you to see, at $6.50, $8 and $11.. MtN7S PANTS—LAnother shipmuut of Men's Twesd Pants at $1 and $2. In the $1 lOt will be found Pants worth from $1,50 to $2. In the $2 lot will lie found Pants worth from $2.50 to $50,, BOYS' OLOTHING that will please all mothers. All thatwe haVe Saki about our madi -clothing, applies to our boy' clothing. Suits in a great wale* of styles, and of the most dependable makes. The • pricee begin it $1.25, and then by easy stages advance to $8.00. MEN'S HATS—The stocks from which we ask you to make the selection of your new Spring Hat are so varied, that just the style you are seeking is sure to be found here.' Specials at $1,40, $1.65 and $2, MEN'S WORKING' SHIRTS—See our Puritan, heavy 4loth, double book and front, a special at 70 -each. Oar Floxmore shirt, made of all pure linen, selling at $1 each; :win give three times the wear of an ordinary shirt, Great variety of eommon shirts from 26e to 50e. Clothing to Order Some men figure \tailoring by price. That's a mistake. Might just as well try to judge the i'alue of a horse by the color of its hair. The quality of your garments depell on the abitity of your tailor—net to sek h prices—but to produce t e garment. We take particular pride in ouz seri. vice. It's exceptional— a little better than anything elsethicr garments are faultless from every view; point of style, fit and workmanship. Our prices are normal, snits tailoredto baste at prime from $15.00 to $3a00. Highest P es pa d for B utter, Egg and Wool. 444•44444.44.4444.444444444444444e444., WM PICKARD it SON Opposite Town Building, Comer Main - BT -arket Stree ..-afortlh - elk