The Huron Expositor, 1906-05-25, Page 4-7 7F
MAY 204) 19106 00
0011 IA- )Uord' Striatboona, wa*i tqa a living add fusefull, i on% ft��Uiin #Ad �Vbie'xaamftjad. Alid, t�' ld, -and iwith -her ficilherr' she viame
regp, si-ta very nlexteA the: 6aas is� Jaxceppional to- tNts 0-0uatry- _ia 19A Jutlf YMS bw
-ulbt, -is, ru Let. bhe Arhol-6,,of the 1prea
jowd waa it is 'is bership be eleare d amt. Tb#y have Put 4f tth premle believes 1 the ntar Go0'rJdh,
--rights and fie' eople t rail. nov
-Iket' �tie b mvent i
I o exerdso, -th6 rigi&, xuD 41.4v !no 'pubh The worner stone Of he
a raid V 04p.
T W T F a Iand firm oofttrolXeoessary forr pr,o- are iunder ,ap'm1bllF#W*n ta,provido w,%ys fte InAlAt apply it witho. t fear ijit )&hurch building, in Godrlob#
He ifitas- -oatveil .--his t1hem w 1, oh a i t iveUbloWd during o -v 1va if.� 41�xoep �-S 'are. foiWad will jbo la' obaria Day tbe
t an tea! e ahoe, Vhfare wil be al at ly in - r -
J41 .1 pe6t, amd ith b1geir arabural fiveso .'Then Ut the by the Rev. B 4,fo
V 10 11 .12. 9-Odner the.0overnment plades at tihe* pelople -make 'Vhe ddledtionik -,If -kUY Oren iig tarmy of e t' fult- Van, saparintendent of Baptistome
6 7 8 xcep, ions I For Summer Wear,
is, 14 15 16 17 18 .19 relm , Ithere- ia mafi %vitth a dooll head' of Me' pres6t inemblers, 0 -IF all--ot are zssfons, . ' ond the vil will missifans- in Ontario and Quebec..i ,%.v-
- a4d a firmhand the better.- It. ftmi tUm Igo that mAtter, ma-, rettaih: npver The IciardVIIAWy stampecil' vut#" or4l )other Baptiit bilais-ters and
20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 -also be said of, the -Maria aina uik4- tibieir miembership In this -way well the xesideurt mJ isters -of' Godeirich
29 30 31 Kn
27 28. 044 eries dep�artmet. -that, Ithe and 'Acooa . avd, those iof themi Who the
lo_ Ith re:�efxft will be preu and take part in
iiiA Wp(t oan- ijot �'do- ob. Oxford Shoes being ow cutre much.
otAblie departmeni-,-bas should bg eft to Of t -
too. and Senate, as cooler-, more -convenient and more imlaw.
icea �,Y as -Ulw re on
safficie�#ttly close bab r his 1sub-. 06* itilwmaelves It e m at
ordinates, andwihile, t1hereflore, therf. of Inis Uave 'two do w -hen, -,wo beodwa. as 1INe !Public- -Preass the IbDr-, Saturday dast (a. young ma nsm�id fortable than high shoes, and his
NBW AbVN14TI.8KMZKT8 been- wilnevessary extra-oagaacieq infirm,th-riciii(ghilage Khr oiblierwi* in- I Atiot St
0 aT "ry at 9: M sonromise to be mor
Illo lo woks foir Mr. Fei�a e popular thattei Anficipitin
trmlr rein' k, r, RVh .9 an increased
several *nstauoes, taiere has not odpacifalted Aar-
Adr fte figu4betWoM *0 P"611166000 Th� 1praotical vle,%v lof the situa- WinQfami received A ock f ram for Oxfor& Shoes, we have placed in stock a very complte ra-age, omprisin
denobas the M6 of the PON on Vboh.10141 been anythgg Vortupt or criminal dorties tof lifef, Mile i0onstituneks -mip "t the
4. V firon s t1hat we have a Sonatet%ftd- liglitaig, Kwwas-in/the all sizes and styles for men, women a -ad chl. dren, These OxfOrdS are selee:,
found in conniectilon mibb the admloistra- affilbald be volarge cyloin'd What
are" time, jand It, is suposed Chat Ae el-
ey -iak"dor the Clc�mmlona a;nd he likely tD have ne fio,� many with the. greatest care as to the r fittfn and wearing , qualities, man rame�-Greig Clothing CO -1 tiloja lof it -he dephartinent., Hoevr-, th years, Ithal it rjosts niore thail $300,f. eotric IfIWLd -came down the atoye- g -of t4 -
The Point- -R t term tof Tepresenttilon, oxtend&. ova
for :bheir ownsfakes; the'.Goverinnilen styles shown betqg e:kclusive, and cannot be found elsewhere while vduok�
Oxford Shoe,% -R.- Willis & SOD --4 611duild ls�ee that fliese defeots m tat Acr;'In-sta:nw, a,aauhty'like -11-uran- 000 k% yieaY, a:id tumt it D;t pipe; it istruick Eli T-ondg ni�n on our
parnishings tor men teuwt Brosr-3 '-1a rot iini if or the )iYoney, It- degs and klo-ocked him over. He are without doubt the best we have ever given.' A few of 'bu best 'eel
Heree (L l)andr-)V' Alltm-5 onloe remedied- 1�nd tdiat suiah of ban,- c(ould be f,6ff-resiknt1ed by one amd- v f Dorenweiid-51 wickuld oildbab4y be tir be sU c for,wine, Oxfords are here mentioned ik*
11air aood;:::1ro ses, oOinparafively trifling thouih tior, - ausbead* i6f by three reprosoota- ge d by puljljo felt Ite Affoots,of t, k
LOS& Horses -Alex Wilson 4 dissati-faotlon irito dWng W ieater. time. tey be, tdo nf�t Occur again. It Is tivIes " in, j0he Rouse of Ooimmioina A 'VieNV-0 Aberhart--5 pr lolf ork- As tio, - Ibbe. I -A Jmeetillg` 'of VbB Vardon' 00m- 10
xotice, to Creditors -R I D Cooke --5 t1le aittle, ertrava!ganzea that � til -au4 9n,tkh6 �Ase (of -&,Mcv -smuller totitn;- iwas leld at - Gbderic Oxfords for Ladies Oxfords for Neu Rim
Annual against a GovernmeDt with tbe ties Whey 4i6ald be, Imnited. . Tld miode dt appointmet, disoqssi!i]on may lnitt�e' Ali gn Fri- ei re Men!s Patent Colt Oxford
Co.nn&,v C:e1nt1_1PV1-(11 L-Vue-5 evolve Isanic workable sdbl6me!' Of re- day last, and avong other mat ters
mIas-ses of 'he Lpwii ple. A. few han- )presentation, if 'desirable, ooWd. al- a, mew Bluebw
service -D Grummett-5 pir cidiasidred twas a �protst entered a- Apeelil-line with patent too a
Bull for Sule-Wm D Ucters-5 dred aollars. ispent - for liqtXors and so be eqlllili2red betwmai, ftio Pro— *f - hooe oposed 'gims, for $1. . a pair. spa, &I Abyle, for $3.50 it pair.
sio Itar any wild-entusi- ar- n
Horses for thas ivokd' gainat 0vir. Robert Miller,Tex-W M-e&o Tan Oxfords, new Bluai*
E�tmsr ITO] inxes
,ek pin Lost ce-8 nd thas te �TigOAs (of the don, oldin I A lu tter line, with turn sciev, for $1.25 style, for $3.50 a, pair.
rse-JoseAh Weber -5 OJEs and tplayi cards, aad Ithat v g h 8 seat, li�a )1�ving
_-Ex#69itor 0111
sort of itki:1g,in the (pnovisioing -of smaller tPoovi"s, seodred a ligow..
a 'Voat' apppari-Ag in rM -t;e extiended 1W Woved vo, o;nabkjo, Junction. 1 The $1.50 a pair. men's patftt Wanted -GE KIWI� and tibit Oxfordar the'
EVent j)f the Season- .11 Broderick -1 Itihe %Adiditior- he Ite - might alMo It- �s stio'nishin What flimsy, ar - law. k1loes 'hat seem bo.- be 4kplicif in rund, 11 for V. 40 A pwitr,
JKTotice-M Ilurdie-5 Generial's rdport, (tell m1oro agaknst� ten. tar fifteen - years. This Wuld a case of this kind, the view of t1he Our "Fauldeso" Oxforiii at $1.75 aud
Xotice-X 31urdie-J5. tba Go�rxm�oxddia the va untry- -itiliwn bring ibble- -body, into qirect taiwh qumai*ts are worked p against VHWIJ" I dou:ny voliciflor being tlfat� Mr. .82 a Pair. -Oxford$ for 11 & V111111ions dav,6d. dn !oonnection with iVith Itthe 'pelOple �thd taake it respiain- law IrequIlfring d6nibig M . iller k -,an legally hlold his seat. I eal r canes" Dry attend- xpositor officc fbe Idonstractio or Bible lbo Iftem nd wo
Boy Wanb n of a. railway 6r it tilA at tbosame -.:-A isa:d drownhig acciftnt. -hap- The _"Empress" Ox','ords jor $,2-)5, ChildrerVe Paust. Tie#
ed Xo3litoba Flour -D Urqu the Xwolumgsigent lof immigrattIon ime 'to6capy -a conatifirein.ey duffi- -07 11 to 2, for -81,
Vamar-ladiegl Aid--$ nd Arade, ;Will. b611 i varied - f itom, the 'Oommwas r Ibbe pe�nialty -of disfranebisem�ont pened at Ethel an'Tuiasday e"Ang 82.50 and $2,75 a pair. 5 t 8 �ta 1 25, VA.
Ice, Creaw, Ete.-C Aberbi n, 0eirt tavtor, eclently -
of dast o ekp w&eA -David Keilfi!r S�Qh and a pair.
T for a perliod. . -Even, so.sensible a The 4,9 Queen Quality Oxforls fi
Piano organs -R kr I beie dwinfahing else wecan think Jho'nnake- dfistinotioln - in c(pinw P i don-' Ghildiren's Ki 8 to 14-
'6 1 es$wn i6f
a& lof Xr. Keibjr, 17tU ouo d Oxfordg, sWis
Qood Hardware -o tvairnection wit the i3roveed- an
iley--�S of i and !t&us torm, the man, ias Rev. Dr. Ohlown, seems Is Wd and patenb vid, fo $3 a pair.
-Chesney & to 531ma, -dost Ewa life. Tagther- with go for U 11 to 2, for $1.25.a lisir,
Hat -Dr Ovena-8
Eye 9pecla 112913 of last, week. f -interest, poopar kibeck1tUat 2nigh be req, fred. tilyin it Iould he a hardship to
--James Bmttle-s To the Farmers his lbrother and tiliTde, ot6r boys Iet us show yon oar OXfOrds while the' assortment is at its be$
ve irgam b co m
ithat Me 'Votlorious Howevr, wbate' r. -Itbe It f pel an. electior Vh mate tor on liad lbeeft (fishag duiring the after-
Prestlo%the ilxmd-�f Vh�'-Immigration tflve 1preseh:lt ;gitatbon,ma be, la- of tw1o.candidates if for some reasoln -nwn
rand Itwards evening theyi wemt
any auld 'be, an Imhe md vornoleAtilous scruples Vo in �swimniing. ouing Keibor jot be.
department In itthe Old Coulnitry, n3tost vbalnVe m ----- I ~_
der Lord i9trathcona, has bee ,on 3piovenient and - it is gratifyirW and VAPITg Ifor eitiber sof them NI6 per-
Eme 1grid- -irlon tar adverV Klayi� euxiour that eveu y!o6d Ibis depth and, being unable to
he Seina-, Oda [nVoms Ato do, IF
t1his. In feet
-a dro-
sw1m,,,wa vvied.
Y1, May 25. 1900. fore tv Agrioultuirl aild Public A -c- lbrs, tihemselves are - belgYnn''ing W there is -Oo law that crmdd be hn ade
no Nil
-Tkursday ,00iuntis aDiftmitfees. BiA PresIton is a see Oe nedelsalty for oUrnige. ViIat NVIQUICT fo tlhqs � andier existing vening of last we k
Vrar�k IMcCatAe-on, thine ,Df'XOr- Che
e ae Slater and Walk -Over a
19%st'Huron �iberals. mighty. acial ciftbamer. ' He can take 01TOUImstences. T&e lbalk.ot 1-8 absoi- *ris'' an ol(kand well'known resident, 01 Ajeni� g�. h 'or men,
tijyg x)f tihe 15ast care 'Of thilnSelf ka- any AMDMpianTiand . lutely secret and cionseqweIntly if and 11 Queen Qual-#y and Empiress,
The avtjival imeo he zis fully niatch for It1he most- did ok desire to Vot 10 fell Oil the d0br4wtepCiaAd bxjok� -one Shoes for Women.
Zbere. Is nlo #art oT the pablib Be -of this legs at itlie thigh. 'He is well PRA
Huron Liberial A�ssaoiatlion A* both astute lawyer hx �, t. Opplosition r rof 1Y
eitber mindidafe he 0101uld �re-deiva 01 -
ill 4 be raiiks and the man whi6 fuaeXtAkes vice ofthis cown'try whidli needs re- Ws fbalpat f ' '_ .�op itowlards 80i.-year.4 f ago oAd MU Green dvnts and 1031D, and Ugislatur% w rom, the depuity retuaii -gives our village ftl
.9 -11ad InDt been 'any m riv is. __
g�ged of dte
town, ball, &K Tdies- bot we ope-he-wilil ai!�oi be dble �,O
tio put iiix, Vim is likely tia lge e the forminIF lover�hauling. and stirring, Officr lad de#Dsit it; in tihle� kalbot Xot&.-Mr. Wm;i Jairra. speilt clean, - umit abd - nittrattive_ AVI
w1drst f he edntest. He never lases onday In -Win�gham An 1business.- R by stra
UIP Imore, t6is that n cOnnection Mir (w thoiut ay mark on -it: and tno Wove aVD.Qt. M ,Mootitc _ebn: lives ne so mcuich admired
at 1,30 Vokock r
-day twext,'May 29. his temper, the alays knows walit
lit i wit ltlid-.cowts of I-aw. And yet Person Would be. the *1ser an! d tere *ith -his on�, qaWneil1pr W. �H- Me- Miss Katihlem Higan Teturned -to Rnd visitfors.-Mr. Alvin X -OL 1-4.
Ya. _Tn addition to el dtim 6f'';5ffi- a tfialking abou[t and--loonsequant- i is 10D�. means. - 6f ascertaining by Detroit ont Xldnday after is&nd*Lng. EFon jof Mr. David KoLean, Of tation, of tjo all- ly -e -iiever 1his ,,are Is o service which, le�s the vb&1hokt af,,%her 'bioxa-e heTe. ffer ersmitb, Inear joie, wlilo presen igeta mixed Ap eiml W" . east TLbOt --At'Ghe, wegd r ann-'ual Meeting her. ivacation
ters and. ft
;Vnswers, alo matter VVIMt the Orlovlo- criticised. The people and the: pap- it twiauld be a 1hardsip 11a oconipel, a IAJ�er accIompaied Nor �haok to passed Na sedand year's exa
,of the ioitizens"'band, of Winiham, In
-hual aadittors' relyart addresses ill
oAllda are g4ftlequiWy --a-frid core- mall Itio giDi tto, tibe PpIla mcwhe ;ar- Detrbit.-Mr. and- Mrs. Thomes Fair tivan at The 86boiail of Practical Jg*
ers iseem to be afraid of it. It ds Me Ifllowing. ele6t-
be, given and t -he atpre work of ouls In this way be his, the advn- aficers . were
gued but, ithis is * sudh a suoierf icial (i mhr spent Swaday in, Grantion, once, bas gone to the Nrtlnvest-aM
.-of anoot 6fi* thoft- Who -under.- Ictoked upidn, in a' q1rart,r, ed. President, A. Barrett; vjoo� pres-
LAssloeja�tivn Aisoussed. The nit- t -age as iobjection that it i,,q _,vat worth while visiting the letter's ibliot�her. will ispend hii# vacation wit -h a
sacrilege, it ident, ad. fforler,-. secretary, -Rev. ue r
ies �n Easit )1urOn take't( iq stil ATt;hu M -
0 0. hiim� when, 'he is o -criticise the, cdaduct diieusi: ray the 'ease i6f, Mt
Any v -o,on; Areamrer, arwy Hinsoliffe; Kilty is serioudly VeY1119 party, building tip mirsdo
ously OP- property Wommittee Messs. Guest
beAore any of the Parliaidavotary. of Ittheir Whiois r bheir UolrdWps a�' 4`0 b0fif cionscieiiti, Kilt, Jof chicaoo 'ds -wisiViag (his ana 199ning a praftical knowl
are as boll-ows Howick, wrioreter': at V
Oommittees* e sister, mrs. To Ferrialftr.-Dr. Wild of bs hosen professj*z.
no muttr &16-w- nvbb the-peoplp, m�,;� j%osed 1W rote ;Aar 'PWher %di.tLat and Carri-,�Leptder, Jas. DwncWn;
bam . . . . . . . .
Widgi "Za4t A Ompromise has. been is, exce)ptkonal '.one, " ex- sergeant, A. HIngst-m Mrs.
T'arnborry, i reached a-mobell, of Zuriab., Iseat Sun-
Braissels, Morris, Grey, MID- id Tegard (to Mr. Lancaster's -bill to aiiffer ' throuigh their , Qd�ptional that . und band Vie day the ?guests of tj;e iKfiwea,%Hagan,
it er any circum-
r*cv I - fferenob. Decitilions giveba in s�amoes lit ehould -:not form ;an ob- -tent. oondition and -1ppen.
Kiltop, Hallett and Blyth. is provided ifor the oompmlaory p and lidii band (16 -In excel V! Ole DeIll.-Mr. - L-aker, -0 Ron.
I be, Is already bcl3k!n'g engagements;
inivortwot. t&at where *Would speed at. one 16o' T. 31ELLTS would remind his -old euston)
oblierwise go�a and cre-sad -_ .. - -
teotion lor islackening pf urt are reversed in t66 ext, ect1ion. - ta'oja Sall, �po!ut ISUMday"in ortir bur;g. in need t1tat he has on band a 9004 � at),* A Wagon
imeeting was hed
d por- A ipublic, in-1he
large, attendance and the cha all icrossings in. fibickly, people desirable daw.
i�� I.. 11 1" on, wom twormpeniny tedhinioality, on- fown, ))all, ffin`giam, -on Friday �Iof Kes,'wagon tongues, bolsters laid 411 wood WO*
$of 10ite &riaua njlujoi.palities -are tions of lcitie,..-bowns and- repairing buggy slialts aud I
asked ItIo see tilia, Wirr�yspdDtivc, k -t a meeting of tihe: Special nommit- 1Y � to'be restlored In . -a adUsequnt last Nveek'for the purpose of or- Resall. =g but the be toqk� - A full i M
in s W01%
Huron Notes ganiting a Board tof Trade, �wnd the Dr. ovens, eye an at the ptow bandles, niould boir4 Ovi,4
teltr p.1tesdiAea. tee ill on. Mr. E suggested douirt. Cases Are allowed bo drigg on d car surg dngs and bolts.w 'ItJory JS Well r _eon, Y411 be _a all. lines of plow and root scuffierrepairing,
The new Wijwgham highl adbool f olliowing officers were elected - queen, hotel, Henmll,on Thurodgy,4tay Sist. Hours
Ttb�a eonual meetfO Of ; the lvdt a iclauso, providiWg fahat the Wil- 'for years,.'shbply because 6he.itrages 1.30 to -9 1). me Glasses properl.y litted 1"9-tf line of all sotts-of hoIlles in stock, AUUV&e11?,
all such tros-; trusted will receiveprompt4tWncionand god
HU]don� ukssqa��Iatioa f46r7 vdtui way Commission (have will e formally pened on $ p tem� Pr,4.dent, 8 - Clegg; Ist vio'�, W. in his hands #t a olir motto. T. fel Us, Kippen.
will be thield say 16fiey are tou 'bw VID atte�nid Jto be Ist. . Greer; 12nd'vice, A. Cose'ns. sec- Sutherland has had placed
taint iand Tjoeal parpi I sings mprted and reported t&em, the d6l-a�& are a .. -No. 1 i3 clompany tof vplumtl ers'h" rdtar . T. Hall; , xeas' ;A. E two fine a)(1`rVg&nmn -o tdie same aY at that 4be board old then, (deal bwxys, at. y brick divellims with a TAim.
at threw, r of lots attached to each. A good ch4nce for 1% not'
been (transferred trom L-mckpow to Smith; A (Yommittee complWosed of !etired farmer or anyone wanting nrfjWlw dwell- ea. -Mrs. MKenzie� of Ba
'One 1a1'C�JMk.L witth 18aeb -ZTGSSin-'g that needed ac- tended twitth Jmvy 116#Ls ba, ithe lit -
Chesley. Messrs. Crowder, Brewer,, Taylor, Ings at a hargain. Also cheaper pro"tties-for sale. field; is visiting her aign, vMr.
Aply at once Rb the post office, Hensati. 19764 of the vllha�. --N
tion 'and torder pr6tectid or v3lack- i9ants. VIDUrt and lawyers' -Dr. 'MoDonaldand wife, of Wirbir- Elliott and Musgrove was alpo,oint- 31-C Irs, f
The Domnion fiatlla-MUt- ening of apied -,olf all trains to tten
fees ite rala� lof ithe, ite (ha I Vone on a trip �to - t1je ed t o draft . by-laws and ascertdin in - 31ANITOBA FLOCR.-Ju8b received a tar of high xonole is vast the nour -Swe m#*
Tblis sessi.oa is jroving to ,a miles tandiaur if the isafety ot fthp in disT ham, vle
pate ds frequently i4lore the tion ire�garding lthi� charter. cde flour, wbiah will be sold ver ably. 25c and has ibeen a reside:nt of
blic demanded 1L 'ir. eaten: old toountry. form, y reason
SeW P I' lsegunt %%-ill be allowed on live bag lots. Corn- cPwn.ty hor -over 70 'Years. She j$
verita�le Scandal "-mr. IJ'bnas 8artleib hai p T011(18- --Mr. - iWm, F-oisant, in t-be'early just received a carlo� Purchued beforethe advance.
their on Sunday last, in Sholts and Bran-Vre#h ground in quantitlies to . suit. h
and itihe successful litigant, a]- ed tbe thardware- stock ..and,- usiness Morning 'service, i6ast bhe oppusitilon. are doit tu up� till remark ly smart Iftor
Two Reforms. ttbou;gh 111-o' may will --his case, is of 1E. . Paulin, - in. Dashwkxod, the WbYgbani Methodist cbuTc�h d sacks to dispose of to Ye`arB--MTS-
re- Oatmeal Feed.-One1jundre Waddell, who was Ur
t1hat -he time- iof make room. call 't the Hensall Oafrnead Atills Qome ix. YearO a resident of JVU0
bQgt to make it T poorier Ithan-if he had all'owed it-1to -The iassessor btAs red rto'the fact hat he ha& wor-
Jbalte ia t. is wltth a oiod deal lot satisfIlao, Me- Pula-
io by -default !in th
t.he CIDmmittees and tha. dip a 4 e first place, will convineeou tha you 4an get what.voil want in vi
'blonsek-ee&k for the
tion of Hensall at 825, an i cretae shipped iwith Mr.' X&a -HaOeY,. In qualfi andpilces. 111 Urq�hart, HensalL
HO6se. are all dirc'6tied ith f1his �,ion- lilbat Thie Exposibor inoifes fat Now 'all ihis shloald alot bb. There Of ty
a2 over.thm, previiQuis year. Had -Min's barn, mear Teeswater, 41, Peter rai1t. died ait the- obduld be game remedy fo
1reforras it b&s _adv:oicatted
.,object in view. But as e:&V 6 S UVhL a -Canip Caledonia Wn o Soot. years- Jagio, -and both ere present ]Brief s. -B. 'Kaiserts neAv brick ber
(or dirp d I iigtat:ef %I IState tof af tairs It is vow. Mr. Vessant-said t-liat in 11vase d Sarnia, ion iVjm lgf1, int.. and t1he at cftarg�� kor-fa igreat,raianty years, uind in t1he nd, lWirf#'bam, 1will run an exotix- welling at the -*yeat iend of our tvil- U
all Inionsense t1q, say it�iat tZe-Judges di,on 46 kineardine on Frida3, June '41 years,there was vot a sin-gle,6un- lae- will rank anvang, *mt mains w4re taken. bo Wbodstook _r
advKaey iA- t 4tioM& almost Jbegt r6no are, re lover- wi berm4ifti. Mrs. addell was nk,,t 1have- been made. But qU166ti arked. They In arld Vot 15th. day ItEat lie had'beon ptevented! from hlouseg.-Tbe bankit U *A
Chsintiations are made a!dd- alv�ile 'far 6 time, are (ntow t6o- vot, -only of tMises agan, vraro in
ffover Worked nd tfhey are On aeackunt the Ivililage, -recently renewing '40- eft With !Paralysis, and tevr iremy-C
-Mis. 11 Sweet and damKIker, of aending oharch
sertlans re flung 8 ing 1tJO,JtJhJoL.f Point a live 'ffdAitical diberally (paid ut priovision. is 'Jilape jt[D get tout ered. TJ�e de6eased a kind -arA-7---_ DON *ad 1
ma certainly w xe- quaintan _&
indefinite la, de Crediton, deft dast week for Island This, is ces 1W a
_tSe flor ithem. &E the
es- and -are- bei 'riiOnaiy. '003 ipablic expense Jn Lake,'Sak., Ito nd aord. -moma :eLnd.AuriJ* _-h
if licur of the Eloupe-JaIll IDalomUtea 1 I' -n-
brass band. roar ze this isunimer-.
dment ID GaS4 of nad age or impaire Join 'her husba re�idpe cle, in Ithe villave m. Ae
.Aftgr We -refer to -1healt Nvho (is rratiiftg a store ther1le. 10anLiStinday schUD 06,11-t, -Mrs. R. Mellis, lof Kippen- IVV!bly v! SI *%d ApM
Uiam frji�nds. Sbp, was-ja her.
Va create in tho. abli-C, hould,A[he A. her areflore, b, �Mr. . A:rmstroj1g,*jat orrie vlehtioii, iffor -1rho WUnty f Haxon, spent the pz�st week with &k mlae; on, ior ribetoinstruction of rquired ito
ng -,ra 1, -i-al and was ramon t&ae who pas ed this was Wingham, -on Wednes- Mrs. -Q A. MoDlinell, rettir bome
yarbiad thaf there'is ornetlhi di �gjve salbatla-C Ilrold tin r. Gilbert Xclxonuld,
cally wronig Ube Senrate and tp Ninfulsory. "Itig eatisf act or we Voted Inst week as beiog !"n Y -sPr'vi e f�r t1he very examination iat'hbe Otario ollege day of last week. Between 60'�nd 70 Chi iweek"-Mr.0 WnL. 3QOE�re, who
and that 1he combed jor ftImpulsory attendance at IWO generous toonsideratidn ranted t1hom of Pbarmacy in Taronbo las f epk. delegates 4n ;Afena-anim, nd has ' displayed ciDnai-ciprbie, eute-r_ is -still very 910forly, =A I maont departments are hadey by ja I ally igetting Weaker, with
fkavoir - 10if hath y -The 9313ith -lawn boWfln tib all the oler ` of the de ,eX� Prise 4 erecting Vaod dwe rag
'ploll. The tfeeling in., Ong amffering coutntr we 97 a1lory t a in RANK A
by corraipUoo . -and .;gr�ft. Mm are bleased -to sw that the Qo ver n - have -leased ithe grounds 001f blopes" ba his ' TeW*er Allace)l
y mi- cept one. The- lbollowiiag �dfficers -Our millage is at present ddin to little lqon 'at Mr.' Gilbert iek,
bs become N g
of e D stronig In (the m,6nt 111(ave, aTt lenIgth, made R'mDv)e. and ar
at-ateineat,5 and i
insinMtibh_� are: as Cwmiug �e t hav- 'Were Cleidted President, Re. 'C, R. the,,appearance. tof a. couple of -his W
b I' g
count -Parliamo.6-t badly burned gboa-t the le, a 14ft
ry tffigt tL st They &IaVe the, passage of a ap Gannet 1. A.,
ng it put in gh 'Be or -Itural Dean,; vice prei. b(ouses, by repdinting theni.-Mr. G.
scattered broad -cast dirlo Ugh th�,
-6 takle them r
lanigth been Aorced t up 1,aw Ireqairing judges to ceae en M. Lang-Yord C_ RobkIrk lba:s alsia given �bhe ididtage the day. 11is mlother 'was b4�_
ident, Rev. ff
x1ouiLfry fiy bbe Opp3i5itVo p gaging in * outside rge - kettle. The 411th,
it of -auddiscass Tdiiam with the priobabil. services a:nd The assessment roll 1A G 4ieridh retary.,iMr. Maylor, Brussels ; t reXis - he is riing in a. brigirt a4d JU0 tio -S113ap in a la w1hicl), isbould- xequire them itb� �give dren vvere playing aljoot-, aa' -.Sam.
and tblose sobt> are in tloe h4b thi Vear shows an ier Rev. .T. 84 B-6 Nox t -Is date ap)pmrfance by, aj --new v(oAjt rif
ity ease f 121 arej lb)dtih be* dealt rwith cloacr latontiVii-,to, t1h,6 busines
13. fjOr in ip'opnlaflun, and - an in 'held at Brui- paint. -Oa bowhifg grii Is of the boling flud
takixfg nly a suip.erf icial vifhy of se �of oonvetition iw d splashed va
ill be
'e, air, behare �ong if tibe agitatiloin is iccocd- wihich they re e 4triking ihe little felljow on ibb
mitters are very a#t to be Ml:)r mployed. An'dth r $230,129 In- assesment, The botal del 110fed 1b_V electricity end U fiber.-
barnIng him quite Seve&j
bill is -now beffore bho Doaminil= popillatito'n jis �316. -On 0&onday Ume lly 'patmonized.-Massre. IF-almer
less preja-diced. Mb -is is te vbjct tiatied.
Goderic!,bv was
Mr- D. lay, of t" village, Wg
P3 -At, ithe an -of 'Alex. MoDonald, ai
A tactics 'of t1he 09 'Alti'0111 and As J�o Ube eiwate,- evieja bhe meni- Lordships sof -,the Saprenie G01thrt tIo nual meeting f the Oo's intiv MadIa water Ito
)?-arlianien't _lWtbiich -Will L bring )Vheir
-Drk4rg heir eaerprise- aF:ar'qahar last per,
Free loharch Syned f M S gg_ the "one tDf d quiet wt,ddig, -as "'i
at W)dy'have bee loraed �a when vry onuoli -admired presenting i
or y, re JSiSter they a re NV bers 4 bb n, t time and requil tillem o prind a. land, on ril 02i ig, f ral of the late Dav,
for all it is wax -tib., Th*e Ondy defin- by pablic �apiu-ioin tio wmider 'and Nu-e�dqy, April 24th Rev,' -in-law"b6ciaine the bride 40es la very fine appear-Imoo with,
h ore -of tibe1jr fal6n;ts 'in, re'� -A. McKay f-oriherly of Luek was -of Frank -Wil-liam. Smitth.' The bride n electrical -Mrs. Harvey as be
Dd he W e, - en sufferintz
ite chrges f uis f ar mide 1013r- discss' it:. r ing p"t , e k httac��nient.: .-Ileasaill
turn. if or ce Proam ertu
bonobitis. -We hope, so1m, 'howw
thin like -a responsilyl 'manner the Vo'!o maonoyL was Miss Annie KeLeod, onn- flor some time frm a bad attack 4.
ral Veedbies ha been deUv- animoiasly elected Mo(iera:t x 6f eats 'of as fine 1
they Ireceive. Referriyg o 4 -his
-were 6-11 V6n,,n:ectL'0n with )the lPrO- red an dhe subjec-t. Th , inrAt ro a -w the synod. -er of Mr. and Mrs. -and iresta-mrants as
1To n, p0h be Mound Ter
VO Star saysi,,�nd we' f all V ever, tio see.
into t th -ter in hier well again. MT. per wrd
viioni of the steamer Ardtio whivh table of "t1hese. was a powerf ull dl&- -Mrs. (Wm, Qk. n, -of t 5 McLeod. At the cemnvony� had iany -tiown and as liberally
clorse Its 44a 11lood, of Pnse, X.
Yo chard CartwTight
V; . tement's, - iJ3 :tact' ail commssion -of Uihorne, died a. t he been 1perf-ormed by Rev. am A. ized--X�ss 44in W. T.., is here
was fitted otit so e two, years ,f& livran-ce by Sir Ri' We ftilA ; *b6` 'has
fiar n tdiree iyeaTs' ar(Aie expediti,on. sensible Jp_ ,will also: 4'60frm 13th linst,,.,affr a ling ring" a visit. , t(o tDid friends. 31r. ffbod�
t1he - other day.. -Of oorse Tibe �Ex- & i Inoss Ands -on lfba!gdrty adjoumned bo' the bee�i lattendilfg -fhe, ladiW tXedial of Ithe ga�prenie Ooa�rt judges ha Dame down to see Us wtakber, Who -
In debate.1t was -peDificaUY, Btiaited of 113right's disease. de eased ihom-e lof lbhe bride'st arents, Nv�,he.T Uvow per m.
t e 00111lege" moontdoi sil 10me Iflor maea.
io supper iwas a ved and the i ual fes - .4on.-Mr. 1W. Fliltio.n, w Vag raft -him-,
posiWr pref er , 1he entire ab- taklen 111le 'Positilo"n 1hat, th-d will wals .64'lyears of age n& lea, es 'a is 101010r1Y.-Mrs. s -aa-, Jar 100 _1
thiat the goos ptLrehased -,irere ot olit o t&.Senate as it cann-�1t ae Uls ho
batra�,.t questios. -of law
all placed abcard vessel, -that ahy 9joa t.,has ever d -one ow 4s, iike,- 1Y&sband and Itliree dhildren. tiitios -induged in. Mr. Smith 61omes Vhe employ ot Mr. E. Paannie, �goner_ th, past are for- INC
s. eitralrag011ce 1 Ito dot whia the. danigers tolf its- week 45c- flor some 'lime 'past _vVek.
o1ot decide been itinder the diaciots
had been, gros -Tues4ay of last from facross 6be line but, ha,. -3 beo in al imerol)�ant, --had beoome
a ti m t te d ItIo them. Whe tle stait- She
in, price ute 'is 'passed and oome litigation morn atlt Waiting -on -her father*-
-and that Gover'LWL%at 'Of- existler 4n 'Its &esetrk fprm were. Tqmes MeDVAald, od e Goderidhithe 1pat year, ehgag-ed with and NV.Wo. is a -sal n
tre- W
&-rises.111 Whiah its mewnigW7, sma
`0 ope Don, tio see ther ogim,
fiGEW11H lbad beefitted by -take-Offt. bly Ippinted oot by..Sir Ricibaid and. I m "t be left -for Saakatoliewan.P713vinc as engineer. bLecepted a sittliation
No siachier wre, tihege charges made VP, Joying 11ar -iaocustzmed -gwd h alth.- re on the; same lines as hia becin asaertairred lit -will be! tin�e' bOr t1ho a:nd 'his sons have 320 acres jal -Last Uridaylex, Youlng, Kin- Avith 0. ara, mtrolhant. of,
On .Sunday last R
'than they were at once tak-a tib mntion"d in these aalum.ns. many �dia. It iwas.sevured last aea- tail, While drivin int
dourts lbly',act. Th Ministor ofjus- .7Aala:,n at 0. 9haw, jot -
o Goderadh,was h1m nqd)naioea salary. *ft quoted iu-n
by the. Prem !or who mo v e d f. ox a times., e&t it so ticle IVakea the opv6site view. He We "sh Egmabdville, pretached very 1VX_
B ems re eon. on -w1ren Mr. McDdnqld was w(st., -nearing the bridge at Duiplop's fall-avicaesa in 1his Inew �VosUi;an, o
IsPe as$ brothers w1ho re cell�jit serrmons in t1hinks th'at 1be SupreM-B' CIDUit -The 191 Mrs, U. Teraplin, oot Kiniardin, -a a
al committee the Houae to stit,aitiDnal objctiioha, ;or r,�,tlher gbould [dQ.1, ln(at i, ist, And 04*0 -
a Hillk twbern a, wbistle -of som4 kiA
difficulties'lin t[he way' of Its abad- a- Matter of aon- -captured iin!Goderleji. and place un- blew, ixud frightened the ancitaads, niece )of- Mira. Me able Aod
eaquire. into them. Bult his motrain ddo Wjyo,,j� visiting oblkoh. Mr. sbaw is an -J 5 fa 0,0
d-deensilon, but as a -matter f earnest leaci4i, and
a if , - der arrest -for assaCt mirimitt d on They ;started- away with sach. apeed - idhoir
d�d not suit the OpposiLion. It iti OR. It rw&a establi hd, a e- dtht- 'at* ithe parsonage and --,vb the pepple �f
it n9miondville are X4 tO 124, Va,
w, -h lanly' Aasie tht may. be referred the e Prelfttet. TRW44id, A A
not enbqgh. They evidently uard ifor tibe -�maler (ox hook -keeper of Pigott Co., as Vo throw Mr. Yung viplently leader tin the Kinbardm nilid not to investigate peCial ing -such a capable postfor. X41.
/Provinzies land it q.s s4id t1baCtliese t1D lit, and avat it shonid be a court last Weekoleam tip for senteno and ioa-t sot 4 -he ve*1ifole. His for 16hurelit aa�* VbIe The Goa-
lof 6rigiv, elead many if riends b
dbarge. They desired blfe COrnmis- Provinfoes twoud,in(olt oon nt to its -ii-juxisdictilon. as wedl se , were Jec�ch Voed $30 or 30 days in -struck an the groutnd, an4 with, such He Shepherd," Pa tble Methiodist ere were pleased U.
sion U) iblave a rovinU uom miss tiber a- see hill, hooking so
ion tv extiriction, ialthonigh. into, person cap -tioal objectiVn, to Mr jail. Vorce tas to reader him inaensib4, in church on Sabbat% eve-al-bg delight --
-investigate all exp6nditures tihe Suprome Coitirt Bayfield
IDf the poinf ibo, n instance rMhere it has -On iWond-ay last t'he beef riAg af� wh4cli stlate he remained for a-cn!n- kngi Iffie large dongregation 'by 03er
deci&gg upion itibe law -before i the bome ]of MT'. Sa,
ont, and Mr. Borden, t1J1e exercsed its suipposed futrictioms in reivum<�d busiess for this siderable time. He was takidn' to sweet land powoffl viooe.-D.r. Has- n.�
leader, made aa amendin-exit tav thit this idireotion, abead iof after litigativii? hlolu
It is ralao, claimed to it ,got be oeiagon. There re 40 f -tion Boo
members, con- the 7`08idence. -of his brdtfhie;r,'.on sa6k, at Litown, was at the n this gee
'effect. The Govermnent,' n t0he -Policy Of Paria Itto pilonilses welf, -a 0-PV031 - be a dheck, an hasty ior -revioluttolory nie-il 'sbitCdin twenty h[arerj. The'aflicers the- th eancession Of Ool u.ring Itlie, 'Past week visiting. his nd if ack VrIDA':, tion to this,very priap&rly a dis6Durag ditigatio borneiand only keeps aff his blighting
g: ion
winLiond- 18gi&1&tian, 1by stibe 0aninidns. Bat- (yone This may 6e are 'angpeetor, 0. Bckmier� is�cra_ is hTow ADing well' and -gettin a4uhter, Mrs. gmlbh,�The
8 Vg statutes in, plain Vary ltreasurii, Ma11ft1ob.,,T.he Joely, i exp ted Le Shantz and Best# f Zuricliv iwere ge ,one. hem
a been equally aiselless in Alhis 1Eriglisb. n aid
ed tkat -,no -definite re&ult -vrotrld be it :JY by rami fbo JWIJI(� be a lar
rvaclheZ�y such an, investigation. resp If, doubts, exist, Md ri rig is o he; aro uix in ite- village, �aa set iird:a IlAst
e0t. I
, f ever it Ohould thave, ex- the b tAdbe looked after 11 �y ligain as asuial
scortai.n. . Court ca�h' removi Ahee,, Ki`n'-AchT,Dth. in %u fo,days.
iblat thily wanifed was to a excised fits powers to protect tihe dioubts,-.6t � Twt� * ifT-4-7 Mr. ohn C.- Wilson, who has ling On the Mi& -;Ps TawmDooln.-Miss
if the charges speeifir, will be perfor Chiselhur-st.
ally made were I e Min a use. t Tvry al
ptvp U LUM cwu Tes. I'S 01 ast"Y 9;11U f al 1prublio huty, tbough -it may uUt. p . 11 04,13 01 e been a rospeobed iresident at Blyth �JS VA; xrllmu GAY ruc wrl a T M m
correct, d0d if su to ascertain the ladvf --
Ned legislation an +Jhe part, oneer iresidents of S�epben-. and one f or the past five Dandion land is visiting witb iffer Notes.-Mrcj, ',VcNaught_*.n
rage 1precedent.11 years, and NVII'D
gailty parties aind have them pon- 'he wealblky farmers ot t1he'kxwn- well lewown in tbat co
of, ithe Qimmiaona It mi' of it, --fif<
h' I A fotbe geiieral cianddet of tLtnity When -it meekly sanotioned - ----- 6hilp, twas presen-ted 'with a beauiti, at hirf ireslidence. on Saturday even- arm. ur teamsters expect Oess iheA itle �mjaftort ane AtsD tall"down-
its Olppor died sister. Mrs. 0- MOdd V11 the blogne- jast We0overed trom a. severe Hiiii
stead if' -0
deplartment, the regtilar com- the Irndemnity and Pensi,&ns� bills. Editorial Notes and Commerits. fpa chair a few e 6. 4*00 ih
21 v hijogs ago, by a, ing of ilast week, a't the age of 761
av:, a busy seawn gravelling cellar ione da� jaat week VLnd re X
- House "ie� SuffiCiell"t B ut iNviliatever objections- therfe-"anay (The Saskatchewan Legialattire has .,n winber of. his friends( in. hfonm of yeays taxfd tthree months. Mr. Wilson wlork mbineeted ed a bad shak4n;g up. -Mr. 'A-Potrlsofi
xzifttees of the IDUr OStr
f etsandwith
or t -heir investigation. Mr. B"Or - be #to its tab.olitito(n itthere.own' be lauat bis 70th birtbdlay. was born. in Oomxify Down Ayjth Ui1e eredtian Io h6 ihas been, in delizate healtli
f iTed Ae salary (of their Premilevv'at Ireland, f so many dwel- *
den's aniendmoAt was defeated 'by and tare none t1o)'its irecians -Mr. Aroh. MeLea:n, of the 16th and "iled for America jii 1 51, ],and- time -is rather poorly thit
lings.-Mr.- David Nidol 'has been 9.6me
tl�e usual party ina $8,000 a year, -and that �Of e 8 very qnut:h implyovin'.g the
'he All seem t'o admit �hat in ath, of cloncessilyn iof Grey, h1as spuirchaked" a ing at New York and remaining in appear- Nveek.---wgrs. O'Brien land famlly VU-
jority. When b
in motion w1hs pdit it mis-varried sent form it is waroe t1han: ixst lclass,bulJ -ealf from Mr. il�x. t�'t ,,state for abowt -a year. HeUt. bLnce of the ptioperfi &e gneently, ife
useless, tU lother -0abinl6t at $5,- f a d at thex'
mvother's, near Zur,
vmomimou,51y, hhe Oppositioln as well Th, 000., The i meputy Gardihe 0 WX
8 main qu;PstU,O Of differVID&S Atborney--Genoral er, -of LeAdbury, the well or jyWoved to Perth oaanty, where be ur6,UaSed lf]tO= Mr. Baw'h a!nd is aa Sunday ' last. -Miss 0ovenka, r
POSMS IhD be (h recion-struct -it me, after svbl'&h aitended the teaob)ejfz��_
aa the Government suppiorters UaV �gets 1$2,500,',and t1he e, The remained. -.1a ifilort iti bOU'lld ltIO bave everybbialg neat,land oar teacher,
Ow knJown ist1dokmWn at a bigprio
J ing voted for it. We %vill, there- $2,000 downwards
m re effectivie land 13 The 3rd too te and it Is this Rt
qo tas ba make ials 1from animal lwaa Vot by SiUm Chief, im- be took imp land ion th6 mes- UIP d(O cla 15piylt It'h 601nventfi= in Stratford On V#49%
fore, in due time, I -ave th W gib 2W.
bring it in,40 oloiser sympatiby with e�atlmlateg 'of! expendifune- Kr t1he 11ortid. cl*�trac'terixes t1of M�Iny of'oor
u Sion 10f 'Ba-st Wawaniosb, where be 'iresi. a�aU Saturday Ja 7, W
investig�ition, and it -v e Wig- oirrrieift Te4r anfollimt to, $1,796i069. -A. diarge n -amber" -Df farmeis in I'Ved luAtil -November, 1900, whon,he
m4d 'bi t1hie ipefople. -Sir Wil6id Lau-xier fa- RNT��, V
dom for bhose initerested 'tay saopepd Vlors, 100,mi.neation B"YAL6
Or appointment by lip V the winity -01 P tbel will grow., 8 lipar came it o iBlytb, where be resided un- w ibl*ns
beets It -his year f4or the Berlin 8
Udgment in referenm tothe -affairs tihe Pxiovincial Legidilatalres. 8ir An order in Oauincil -bias been ar til 'his death. In the year 1867 he
a as well as an *awanosli, who. -Survives him.
desires. bot- Ore-. 6r an -act passed Jaidt' iessYon, -oir Rzkmier -Aid last year.' He lad' 11-2 1 Q1.91in Ainder9m, tof Wing -
of bbe steamer Artie uiatil the prD- Ridhard Cartwright has a more el- � P 0'as ' VactIor§, Mht -pay all A& if ' married Mary %Talne- Bell, of ID"t
weedings -of thiq 'Oommissiloin ar4 aborate sableme. Re ed by the Ontarilo Gbvernm6nit, uin.
made public. everylYody dbo Y Christi orse I L�o
serve to t1he presvnt members theIir a St i
The tw -partmenits a!gaiiist whicli abres of exiop a:zxd cleitred .$li4. T4 li'
membersUp j4o lo-irg as Inature or dering Itbie paym,&nt tio the 110STRal is n Wed at, his bome there last
the Oplyosititon mairily aim "ire -
their J?Iqovidenoe twill permit and that all 110-r- *Sick OW dren, in DDorolnbot, of the -year the wil,'l sow three aores, I Deceased was -In 'h�s 58th.year by being aHowed to roll and struggle with colic
�Aiaf ts are the Interior department
blanks be filled up filoin Ube Jadi- $2,000 iestreated b t1he d -Tbe rwife, of Mr. Thbmas Living- aild th.oug'h (he had felt Us hedlfh
Fisheries. Unfortunately, the Minis- of (Political cons idera-t ions; bliat wjie, divargles. T-Ife 'paralysis last week, E e�a-g ed Ihis mork up to about two 'weeks
y Ommission. U- Then it's too
-and bbe department of Marine -and clary land fthe QommNna irrespeotive w- t1he Gamey-Btrafbon -or is�ome time 'he odntin 112 bowels results.
bb heard i stlo4t, )HU'llett, experliewoed a isevere f a ling if till a knot i the
shook -of
accioufftant o f the late to -give a remedy.
ters meho were at the head *f isbDuld, be appdinted except mion :of tile, Isedond stroke 6he bias ad in- babore 'his death -Whicib. occurred on
High Court 1o;f Xustict- -'has, accord -
side of a mIdnth. She. was lielpless Saturday aftorncon. Mr. Aldersdh
J department; when the transuatiions mature years, say- over bbirty- ye;aTs iUVlY, 1paid. (orAr this amo-wat. Thina, ' . DM
1, complained of tioloik place,-- ate 'not of 'age and �ttb&t flie fr lhtr hip d1owho and. 4or a time Wis ib;orn tin Shildlon, etaxanty of D(rr- +
Hon.Mr. be Iflor a f ixed period, -say twelve
onnecte teaure, at Office out of, vil glotod 'may come. y
Man H
vow at d witth them. ho?Aife Was despaired oft but w& 'ham, Snglnad, 'December 1401) 1848. orse Saved Ufty
, W -110M
a are k5leased to khlow aho, is improv- - Re i0ame Jbo Cana& forty' yeaIrs eaigbt ft-
Sifton, Avho was the former Minister pears. He also, dvocates bhw-t the %ie ldnl member (of the Ontario lag.
'of the Interior,' a�nd who, tUaffgh "o y Ito by, a dose or two. Of EQUINE COLIC CUPIA 414
rk Islhoald be Tai'ore evenly divid 1 and six years later was d in
still a member of the House. is ed between t1he-ISenate hufd bhe OOm� -:8miday evening of last *eek ' marria:ge 6o Miss Annie Bobinson give
Legislatuire- lwbo had t1he aywrage bo n at. the right time.
very seldom in his place, and :seems The grateful tea
Maps. . Mr.. Melntyre, Of 8'(kUtth r�iiss (his V10ice afgainst tihe raftway -occurred the ldeuCb, very suddenly MoWilliams, -of Wergus. F%dr thirty- timony
Ito take oinly a ver 'languid inter- Perth, on Vhe ather hand, propoises. subsidies gmuted, was Mr. Dowy. 48 in the
'.of &Irs. 'Thos. Graham, at' her r si- five years Mr. Alderson w of dozens of horsemen mote than bear out -all 'that 190
4-,A in affaiis, while Hon., Mr. _14 a
'Pre- a isdheme that membeers'Ve, appoini d r, r dence 'in 'Goderiob. She -was j Jego- employ of Ithe G. T. R., odoegsitatr has ever be
lionfaine, tw-ba wag MinL 'arine Ponse vative membor tor en 01aimed for this wonderful remedy. 90
Ji Y N �_ *_7 Z16
ster of M 'bar a fixed terin Qf �twelve yiears Kent. Referring bo ing 1t,o Jight a 4amp w1en shulse fell ing at itimes 'his residence i'
and t4bat retiremont ibe 101OMpUlsory stan*e, t1he Tordnfjo News ly Be wise, have a b
and Fisth-eries, Is deceased. T this circum- back [dead. 13he had been, wrl'ous IPAlmorobon jan'a gauthamplWli, ottle in your stable—$1.00. May
mo3gration department, or It&,6 ULd at' -the -age of 80 years. 'gays:
ill Ms (spring and for siome '11me Vlie 1past twelve, years be had been save
Univatry ond- of it, wbie objected in the ba, been ttroubled with repared and- sold
W6;Bn, Mr. Bowyer 200. P f K -ft,
W, 1%
h is 'uhder Any of lbese saheines,lye d
her rt, en�qaged -an Itlic Win-gham-Unddia
bhe direc-tioxi-of the Minister of In- an 6nipiloviemen . t (vn House fulo tbii grant and all" railway bat lhad (apparently quite reo rod run, and ireelded in Wilifeliam,where for t3he
ion. Enough has already leaked a- Vt t'acb6ry. What is wanted is day aftermun to teem of his felJjow citizens. Mt. Al -
to tlb'B lin6mber for Badt Kent, buit at-
lIto show'-ithis. Canada's interests in TIL S N
terior, -1-Ahat Ave )Tow Subsidies, Aillie aral pook be 1proved thimself Worthy 4 the, es-
anstruct- have, but loone Of them are satis. cepted Ithe principle idnivnelated 'by I on W d I -
evidently ineeds. roe, Premier ;said Ible ae. from ther Illness, The fain F 11
inaze i e jaes
bring Ithie Seh6ate More clawly into A guied a-lbat' tj�i' Maitland cemetery. Mrs. Graham derson was-' a:n adhorcht of the Xs V I
-was a:n exceptjiom
a I 4412111VI
the told dOuntr'y are aow Ivory exten- harmony twith Ithe people and make case was la native. of Irelaind, being orn O'barch of Zn�glwnd, and in political' -nRST DOOR NORTH OF PICKARIDUS, +I,
The dine was neoded badly bo near A341fast in 1820, and her ma:,den matters SmPwrtea the -Liberal
and twide spread. They -havia Senhtorg directly irespowiblo t4), bba provide 00mmlillicution. in ;f(be -viln_ party.
iame 1was Jane Kirk]patrick, VU
t-hes ifar beed under the =aivIdifeow poo�ple. 0Vly In this %vay* caIn it, be ter timeh0t'vve�e:ji. A
Her Ile leaves 'a widdw a" one Ban, 91EA
*be isl" ONTARTO.
a of Man moCher died, when she was, nine years Alp -Tv, of Widgham.
014141-2-5 -