The Huron Expositor, 1906-05-25, Page 2.y Haiti. -
s -S1 crag:91y
xert Tea B1
T_TAVE you ever tried to blend colors to match the
. shade of the red rose?
Pretty difficult, yet an expert can do it easily.
Why ? Because he can tell by looking at the rose
what colors are required to produce that tint or shade.
-He can make that precise color every day in the week.
just as the artist in colors—blends the tints of the red
rose, so my artists in tea blend the rich fruity flavor " di
Red Rose Tea.
With expert knowledge and intuitive skill he selects
the particular picking of rich, strong Indian tea and the
precise grade of fragrant, delicate Ceylon, and by skilful
blending produces the peerless flavor of Red Rose Tea—..a
tea which for delicacy and strength is matched by no brand
of Ceylon alone.
is good Tea
T. 11. Estabroolts
St, John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
RTH, FRIDAY,. •May 25 1906.
Bad Conduct of Members
Instead of increasing the _indem-
nity of, our members of Parliament
it would isena by their own state-
ments that it evould be anore fitting
that some of them should be tined
for olisorderly bendiest for that they
aboald be Wandler spanked by, !the
Sergeant t Arrafi. During a
cussion the &her ;night Mr. 'Len-
nox Joomplai.ned as followe:
He eriald not help referring Iothe
fact that there was far toe tmuch
interruption in the House when
members ;were making speeehes0 Hp
called attention to the discouote-
ous action of Mr. Finlay, etthe mem-
ber or EastTeterbaro, -who dast
night when Mr. Lalor rose to speak,
called tout : "Tut him Out, or
"get oat " or words to that ef-
feot, This kind of thing should not
. be tolerated in a deliberative as-
Mr. Barden, the Opposition leader,
said that he notieed quite often
evthea a Oenservative ettembet got
Ameba 'speak, -Liberal members, as it
Were, by preooneerfed arrangement,
would troop out of th.e chamber, and
the ;member !desiring to apeak Lad to
wait a couple of Minutes before, he
could be [heard. He xlid not think
this was bectoraing 'conduct sks the
part of members and he hoped it
:would not ,occar again.
6C"Wa.M121"4"MMM4..".4 •
Bdiforma Notes and. Comments
• It tsvas rotated in. Parliament the
'other day that Senator -box last ees-
sion attended to- his Parliament.e.ry
duties or dust eight days, and drew
$2,140. This is pretty good pay ;even
tar a. Senator. de it not about time
that saoh farsical -state ,of af-
fairs was being put a _Stop to?
* 0 o
A large 'number of new townships
will ;be laid ,out and surveyed in the
varthern part ;of the Provinoe of On-
tario) this season, and 21 surveyors
have been tselected to undertake
the -No.-ark. As far as possible the
township Will be of the new Size,
nine miles square. The names Of the
new !townships have already been
approved of and ,twenty of them
are to be named after an equal num-
ber of- Conservative members of the
Legislature, who will thus have
their names 'transmitted to posterity.
Among ,this latter number is Mr.
Henry Eilber, X. P. P. for South
liu r cm.
• * 0*
The Opposition ,in the Ontario
Legislature eeras Ito be lamentable'
weak notonly in numbers but in
apirit. They det slip seferal excel..
lent ;opportunities of making good
points against the Government. They
should have placed themselves on
record in oppasition to the appoint-
ment tof Leo many conarnissians and
the 'creation of so many new and
'useless ;offices. They failed to re-
gister a word against the - tiniest
and ;unequal railway taxation bill
and they sanotioned by silence the
continuance of the railway subsidy
system. These are all points on
Which they othould have cohnted.
• •
The Stratford ffleaCon very truly
saes: The cmembers the House
of ;Commons twill do well to. reconsid-
er :their attitude towards the ses-
eiaaal indemnity when the matter
comee lop again in • connection wita
the pensions Its,- ex -ministers, he
Do you like it? Then why
be contented with it? Have
to be? Oh,'nol Just put on
Ayeris Hair Vigor and have
long, thick hair; soft, even
hair. But first of all, stop
your hair from coming out.
Save have. Ayer's
Hair Vigor will not disappoint
you. It feeds the hair -bulbs;
makes weak hair strong.
The best kited of a testimonial —
" Sold for over sixty year'
Modo by T. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mime.
1/13Ck 114411aLatVatararri or
want la drink of water yoa mutat ask
or 4t and in- some oases pay mare
cirit. There wasquite an excite-
mept at the statiOni oet Saturday,
whOn• speoial arrived with at tbe
members of the Le'gislatore and
• prominent men from various tOovzis
en ;Omits to eleot a &tie foot the
capital of this Province. Sasleattion
is in the race with Regina. The lat-
ter is likely? to win although; a
prettier site Ulan this Could not be
found in all the Trailnee. ...just ea
cross the oivei 'there is an Cleve-,
tfon.of aver fifty feet overlOoking
the town. Here are fine public build-
ings 'already, hospital, high school,
'etc. It is be-ce where the nerterione
TioulaiRiel was captured.
vote ton ;the McLean retiolution dia
net settle Ithe question in the pub -
lie mind. We trust that the 'Govern-
ment will afford this opportunity
in toortriection with the recoosidera-
tion tof ithe pensions matter, for 'cer-
tainly the roountry is almost. as
strongly opposed to the $2,500 in-
demnity as 'it is to the pensions,
svalieh ;are totally inexcusable." This
is the gospel truth and members
may try to 'sever it ap as alautok as
they -dike but it won't stay ;covet-
ed. The question • will fill a good
many political graves at the next
election -if tit is not satisfactorily
settled befeee then.
- .
A Gus -ranted Cure for Piles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding
Files. Druggists are a.uitherized. to
refund money Iif PAZO OINTMENT
fails to 'cure in.8 to 14 days.. 50e.
What the Farmers' unThins.
In its review .of the reoent session
ef the Ontario Legislature. the Far-
mera' Sun makes several points
whieh 'are worthy of consideration,
but all twe have room for, are the
Titere ris 10,1so ,one sin •of omission to
neltk up against the Government—
failure ite imake provision tor the
charging 'of la royalty upon the out-
'. pot of all mines for the benefit of
'sthe Province. There are mines in
INew Ontario producing are worth
a ;dollar a ptund, and still 'not a
copper of this is to go to ithe ,Pro-
vincial treasury, where it belongs.
Men will become millionaires by ob-
taining oontrol of resources be
longing to the people, and all the
'people will get will be the paltry
plice ;of the land and e tax of
few cents per acre. It is impossible
iu.nderstand (how the Government
can ;justify even to itself the reser-
vation 'for the people of every dol-
lar to reoroe out of the Galles loca-
tion over and. above oost of oper-
ation and the charging of graded
royalties on the 'Output 'of two lo-
cations ion the line of the Temiskam-
ing Railway With its action. la -
fortunate speculators to take
for themselves practically ever dol -
Aar obtained Om ether locations
equally. '
i The Opp.osition.
The elre of the second session
t e
leaves Opposition weaker than
It 'was after the last general election
—not ;weaker in numbers, but weak-
er in tinoral standing before the
country. 'Not one member of the Op-
position ;side shood up to oppose the
subsidies to the railways, which
.ovent theough in the dying days of
the Session, land the only members
on the Isame_.side who spoke ton the
question of railway taxation sap -
,ported the 'unwise ande unjust aci
tion tof it:he Government •on this par-
ticular 'matter.
Often times in -.the/. sodden illness
of ehildran if a reliable remedy is
avalkable fatal. !consequences can be
ay -aided. Far these emergencies &r-
ents are urged to have on hand
ready far Immediate .uee Dr. Shoop's
Diptheria Dore, fDr. Shoop's Croup
there, !Dr. Shoop's Worm Core and
Dr. Shoop' Pain Panacea.. Children's
ailments demand promptness above
all else. There is nothing 'harsh or
that ican possibly therm in any of
these excellent household medi-
cines. Sold by- P. itt.berloart, Drug-
gist, tSeaf'orth.
Booming Town
Mr. Samuel Rennie, •cif Zurichavho
is on a visit to the Northwest,
writes from Saskatoon, Sask., on
May 7th, Ito the Herald, as follor(vsal
.1 got here on Friday and made my
way to the Royal Hotel, where Chas.
Mason, !formerly- of • Bruzefield, is
proprietor. Here if was made very .
welcome "and right at home. Had
reit been an old aegu,alatance of
Mr. Mason's I would have been -
hard set Ito get a night's •lodging. •
Mason 'feeds from 75 to 100 hungry i
men three times a day and sleeping
Thom is at a pfernium. At train ar-
rivals one an luardly. get standing
room ion the station platform or at .
any !of the seven large hetels and
boarding -houses. [All this throng is
oomposed of tro.iddlg aged and young
men—no Wtoraen—no, not one. Thie
place is ;certainly on the bosom. Four
years ego t was only an old Itroxl- I
ing post of the Hudsons Bay Co.,
and to -day 'nu:raisers 3,500 inhabitants
and s floating (population of from
1,500 to e,aoo. It is dazzling to 'one's
.eye B to see the hastle, bustle, and
'rustle. everybody 'en the rutn, seem-
ingly trying to get there' before tbhe
other fellow. There are reaeons
kor all this. Here is thedistribut-
ing point for material for the uriew
G. T. P. Grading is going on dust
a few tmiles out, 4.nd track -laying
will follow in a week or two. Here
are 4:onated seven chartered banks
andtpa many churches. Mere is ;trot
a single well •of water in the !whole
town. River wafter is used altogeth-
er, the taste being flat, but whiskey,
beer, ale and porter are flowing
freely at ten cents a ,glass, If yea
Sore Niples.
A vire tmaY be effected by apply-
ing Chamberlain's Salve as soon as
the 'child tis done 'nursing. Wipe it.
off With la aoft cloth befoire
the (child lbo nurse, Many
trained nurses use this salve with
the best treeults. 25 ;cents 'per box.
Sold by all druggists.
—Fifty-six bar tOdere have been
lioensed in loondon 'under the new
cenee Saw.
—Sir Charles Tupper, Lady Tap.
per ;and Miss Tupper, 'ailed from
Montreal last (week- fczr the old wan -
--Scerph Morrison, of Kingston,
'fell lof ta, load of hay on which the
was (riding, causing concussion of
the brain and1 pubOegaent death.
—By ;falling jfrom the roof of a
barn ;tin the farm of Sherman Mit-
chell, sDerehara; Oxford' 'County, jno.
Quinn., of the earcie township, Was
probably.fatally &Waxed.
• —The two year old daughter of
John 'Hudson, ,Deseranto mad, near
Kingston, 'attempted to. olimb up a
step ladder teaning against the all
She was thalf wet up wthen the lad-
der 1=61141g:her neck between
the 'steps and kitting her instantly.
—Wm. iLyeette-laged ,19 years, of
Sault Ste. Marie, bought headache
powders at a looal ;drug tore and
after ;taking them 'became violently
Although the doctors ;worked
with thim continually he died the
sante day.
—In. ;honor of -the 50th anniver-
sary of his birthday-, on Thursdar,
Mr. C. ;M. Rays, Vice-president and
General Manager of the G. T. R., was
the Iguesteof the heads ;of the 'var-
ious 'departments tof the system at
a 'banquet tendered at the Windsor
Hotel tin Montreal. Mr, Hays Was
born at Rock Island, Illionois, and
ceramenced his oeilroad career in
in 11873.
—Dr. C. A. Sippi, for many years
Bursar at the London Asylum for
*the tInsane, died Thursday afternoon
after a long and painful illness.
The deceased had in various ways
been a proMinent figure in that
coreneunity., He had u magnificent
voice, and was for years tenor so-
loist in It. Paul's Cathedral, 1as well
as ;choir leader, and as a saloist
bad Sesv 'peers in the country.
—Immigrants are Oimply pouting
into Cahada these drays through the
port at ZIQ tire bee, and. t demand
for passenger apace on the other
side of the Atlantic is fiko great that
the eteamihip oompanies are making
arrangements to put on the service
extra steamers. Two 'thousand six
'hundred more new settlers arrived
t week,' eleven hundred &etch -
men and women from the port of
Glasgow, and the balance foreigners
feem oontinental Europe, mostly all
'of the daboring class. Within three
weeks, eighteen thousand one hun-
dred and ;eleven immigrants, who
came 'out in the steerage, were land-
ed at Quebec, and fully :one third
mere, all bound for the Canadian
Northrwest, oame out as intermedi-
ate passengers, making a totp.1 of
.over twenty-four thousand new set-
tlers Ito arrive since th.e =opening of
*navigation. This is' If ully ten the u.s.
and more than arrived Last year
nomparatively, and the influx is
unparalled in the history Of Canada.
The dast orear 84,000 steerage immi-
grants were dahded aft Quebec, which
surpassed all previotis years, mad it
is lexpeeted that this will be increas-
ed 'by fully .twenty-five. p er cent. or
more Ithis season. The British • im-
migration is much larger this. year
than at arny time in Canada's 'his-
tory, and the &etch influx is a
magnifioent surprise. The Scotch
farmers seem to be sending their,
sons iand ;daughters to Cenada, judg-
ing by the large number arriving,
and the superior speeimens of man-
hood means much far Canada's fu-
ture tdevelpment. •
Runlight Omni is better than eater soaps,
but is best when need in the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions.
Manitoba and Northwest Notes
—John 'Wright, manager of the
Balmoral hotel, ;Virden, is dead.
—A $50,000 echool building has
just been 'completed in Moose Jaw.
—Over 1700,000 bushels of grain
has been !handled at Pilot Mound
during the ;last season.
—Sir Richard Cartwright disposed
ot a block •of land last week, situ-
ated inear Winnipeg, for $200,000,
The ;block contained 300 acres.
—The Maple ;Leaf Hotel, at Mort-
laoh was opened on- May 24th. The
opening was toelebrated by a house
warming ball.
—There tis still plenty of good
prairie dand in the vieinity of Vir-
den, which ;can be bought for from
.149eto $12 an acre. •
—"A 'few tditys ego Mr. John Dean
sold his fine 320 acre farm, Waft -
east of ,Moosof Jaw, to Mr. W. (Leon-
drd. The 'farm is well improved
add 'brought over' $25 an acre.
—Fire destroyed the residence of
Rev. D. ;J. McDonald, Baptist min-
ister at Austin, Man. The contents
were ;also 'burned. The loss wit! be
beaoO, as the insurance is small.
—Mr. George E. Taylor, koirtnerly
of the Ilegal firm of Meredith, Fish-
er & Naylor, of London, Ont., has
oome to 'Moose jaw to 'reside end
Will -Ipractise ,law there.
—A train load Of fat st4ers Was
shipped from ffnnisfail, Alberta, • on
ly- and, end there is a aufficient
nureber to Will three other trains a-
waiting transportation in the dis-
—The 'Provincial Government has
let the• Oontracts for the draining
of the lands southeast of Winnipeg,
between the Seine and Red Rivers.
Engineers are on the spot, and ;work
Will be began at once.
—The firm of MoCalltim, Hill & Co.
have purchased the fatin belonging
to Aid. Sinten, south a the reser-
voir, at Regina, condisting of 490
acres, at a price in the neighborhood
af *125,000, tor a little over $250 an
acre. ,It is also said that the atoll'
farm, sweat of the Sinton property,
has nirain iolignged hAnds and that
mourn, Hill al �o. are the Acw
cersgrttbshisPixiiaP as old. abut
$65 an are,
and the 01100 n&v paid is said to
have been $`15 an ciore. 'This land
&mid have been purchaice& five; or
six wears lagto*tor $20 an sore. !
—During ;April in the Calgary dis-
trict 89 oases of prifirie fire ofera ate -
ported by the mounted police.
These extended from *Red Deer on
the ;north, Itto near High River, and
from Morley ion the west to Brook.
" —The !farmers in the vicinity 'of
,Meose Jaw have decided to erect a
livery and tfeed station for their
acoomodation (while an town. Shareq
are placed at $25 each. The cause
'of thieaction is the ,of a 'raise
in prites lby local livery men. ,
—A 'silk trein valued at $1,5001000
en Tante tfrom Japan to New 'York,
passed through Winnipeg a Sew
days ago. This train had the right
of 'way toyer all trains and ishe Made
the tittle from Vancouver to Mont-
real iten hours faster than the •rog-
ntar- passenger 'trains.
—Jas. Hargrave, 0. farmer living
six miles south ef Carroll, Manitoba,
was kiiisid by lightning on May 15.
He ;was standing in the stable door
with sa pitchfork iehis hand yvhen
the flash ;struck and instantly kill-
ed him. He liral3 a bachelor, his per-.
ents diving at Brandon Hills. -
—A Ifieri,ous ;fire occurred en.. le -
gine a Ifew days ego. A large 1- •'-ok
block on the -front street occur.ed
as a hardware store on the fO• t
flat and ;affirms on second m. 1
ser lowly daMaged. Ex -Premier
Houltain had his •offiee in the build-
ing ,and his library destroyed.
—A Lfarmer, named August Moline,
of Clanwilliam municipality, near
Minnedosa, Man., was sentenced to
pay 'a fine 'of $75 er tspend 'elk
months in Brandon jail, for threat-
ening to ;shoot a county court bai-
liff, while the was making a se14are
of his ;pods under an execution.
Moline not having the money had
to go jail.
—The death. took place on Sadday
in St. Boniface hospital, Dianiotbs.
;of Mr. Burford Egan, of Chicago.
The voting limn was 82 years of age,
and had 'only been in Winnipeg for
a monthdle was a oivil 'engineer.He
scratched his tneck wbile inserting
a oar)! pin. From this trivia' in-
jury 'septic blood poisoning res it -
ed and. 'death ensued in a.few ys.
• —F. Coldwell 'was driving a • ou-
ble team of horses attaohed .to a isc
drill on his farm, near Marquette,
Ma nitoba' w hen they became fri t-
ened. andlgot -- ,beyond his pont 01.
In going through a gateway the
driver was •th.rown to the grolana in
front of the machine, and was an
over. Hie face and body was dly
gashed by the discs, and fears Ore
entertained that the' may die.
—On the evening of May • 15, we -
big berms belonging to Mr. til L.
Head, which the only oanapleted b ildo
ilia ;less th,ats a week ago, on this
farm 'two miles west -of Rapid City,1
were struck by lightning and bilinear
to tthe ground with their contests,
which ;included six valuable heavy'
horses, two 'rows, a bull, eome chick-
ens, all his harness and two ar-
loaxls Ail baled hay. Mr. Head's jkss
is $4,500.
--Regina eity eciaiicil has dee ded
to accept the tender af the Wa Ten
Bitumusous ;Paving Co. of Tor to,
tor the laying of bitalitlic pave ent
en the whole length Tot the iiain
business thoroughfare of the oity.
The ipavement is to be 40 feet ide,
and the 'contract calls for ce pie-.
tion by July 15 this' year. The rice
is 03 per square yard if :laid In a
broken stone foundation, or $3.25
cement, and the total cost will be
in the tneighbor'hood .of $44,000.1
—The selection of the capital i ef
the Province of Saskatchewan has
not wet been raade. There is a 'very
strong poll between Regina ; and
4askatoon. The latter lis paid to be
the more 'central but Regina 1has
the advantage of being the r,ea-
eiit ;seat of Government for t 'old
Northwest Territories, It is 1 said
the Legislatare is nearly efrenly
divided and twe of the memb rs of
the 'Government favor Basket n.
—Mr. Reece, of Omaha, had a ear
load ;of .horses burned on the C. d3.
R., near frreherne, Man., on Friday,
May 11th, The train was en the
way to Strasbuig when the ear was
noticed to Ibe on fire. The car was
out out, and with the engine It Mee
was made to Reiland, but all that
°mild be done .Wils to placethe oar
(info 'siding, where it burned to the
trucks rwith thorsee valued at tiv,0
thousand dollars. The ear „next the
horses also had -an end bur d. •out
but it was saved by the tra
—The body of an .anknew
badly deooroposed, twas faun
vacant liouee eti a feria, fiv
in a
from 'McGregor. The gruesoMe 'dis-
covery was made by a neighbor's
'named Spence, !who, in passing the
plata, out of nine boyish. curiosity,
..entered it, end found the remains
badly decay -ed, 'suspended from( the
ceiling by a •Ira.lter-shank. The'body
was ;identified by -Harry Gale asthat
of ia trawn who had worked 'for (him
five tiveeks ago, but had left with-
out !warning, Ita ing with him the
halter that (was so identified 8113
the one taken. Mr. Gale, althengh
the man 'had worked for hi 'some
time did not his name The
man ;was ;recently out from ngland
and was 140 years of age.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath t at he is
senior partner of the firm of L Ji Cheney
& Co., doing business in the City of Toledo.
County and State aforesaid, and Tlhat
firm will pay the sum If of ONE NDRED
DOLLARS for each and every ease of OM.
mit Obi cannot be cured by the me of
Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK T. CHENEY
Sworn to before me and Lubseribed in my
presence this Oth day of December, A. D,
Hall's Catarrh Care it taken internally,
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfacee of the system. Send for teatimes -
tale free.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Tole o -O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75o.
Take Hallse Family Pills for cons pation,
Start for al
Good Saldry
By taking one of our home ;study
courses. Tb costa but . a trigto,
and only requires your spare
titre. Write to -day for particu-
Correspondence DepartMent
W. H. SHAW, Prinalpal.
DREAD is never better
thantheflour it is made of.
Often it is not nearly so
good, but that is the fault of
the bread -maker.
Without good flour, , good
bread is impossible, no matter
how skilfilly it is handled.
Now, good bread must
be good to eat, as *ell as
good to see or to taste.
Good -to -eat bread is bread
that nourishes.
In the matter of nutriment,
R yal
ousehold Flour
is supreme.- t represents the
best that is in the wheat,
ground to a snowy whiteness
and purified by electricity.
It produces bread that is
light, easy to digest and best
of all—nutritious. Ogilvie's
Royal Household is to be
had at all grocers.
Ogilvie Hoar Mills Co.,
"Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," contains
130 pages of excellent recipes, some ner
published before. Your grocer can telt
you how to et it FREE.
Pa at th.4
:Oven'yt Mouth
things right at
e Mooney bakery.
r k arepacked pipin
the ovens. Th
roof paper ax
you buy thern.
aseafteempi.suesomems•ossmosse eisesomemelesemit
ifOlt SAM
Thorbred Shortiovn
months old. ,.4p1y on Lot, gt,
ersmith, or address Brumfield P.
with4 lit
—For ea* $
its old, take
Apply an Lot
Esato A
There may be some
clothing as good as.
not at the price.
None better at any price.
It is not the price you pay for a furnace that makes it cheap
or expensive but the fuel it afterwards consumes.
A common furnace may cost you $5 or $10 less than a
"Sunshine," but if it eats this up the fast winter in extra fuel,
what do you gain? Nothing, but all the annoyance and extra
work that go with a poor furnace.
The "Sunshine" is in use from Halifax to Vancouver,
and we have hundreds of testimonials from pleased users.
Sold by enterprising dealers everywhere. Booklet free.
E. A LATIMER Sole Agent, Seaforth.
When you buy a knife for instance, you Besides the extra strength and superior
consider the quality of the steel in the workmanship, PAGE FENCES are dip -
blade. The biggest and heaviest knife isnot pod in e.. special white paintorhich on
necessaAly the best. Now there is just as top ofthe best ofgalvanizing, will lengthen
much difference in the quality and strength the life•of wire for years. And, also, this
of steel in fence wire as
white coating makes Wire
there is in a knife blade or
much more sightly.
razor. The Page Co. use Owing to the great
a high carbon leet
strength and elasticity of
wire, which though it ' PAGE fencing, one-
eosis you but little more, 0 third less posts are re -
is fifty per cent. (so%) retired, thus reducing the
stronger than wire in other 4.
As you get in PAGE
cost of the fencing.
fence is as strdng, as the
fences. The lightest PAGE
FENCES one-half
heaviestmore fence strengtbp of other makes.
Notice the lock in PAGE greater protection against
THE LOCK IN PAGE rust, better workmanship,
may have noticed also that ' Mei P1 R E" FENC ES. lbeeststeprostsap.pearcanaynz ,affoursde
others are imitating
it That is a good recommend for it to use other fences,even though you could
\\ hero we lead others followbuy them for one-half the price of theT
All PAGE wire is "COILED," not PAGE? tint, really ours co
rist you
Get prices before placing your order for Fence Getes or Lawn Fence.
eThhoji: PLaurticeolni: Seth. nOotolnufa ban.
3. B. McArthur, liensill.
N. 13. Gerry, myth. -
Wm. Aikenheed, Beusefield.
Oswald Welke.° jr., c romarty.
little, if any more./ 408
A. Matton,, Mitchell.
R. A. Hearn, Clinton.
R. McMurrat, Hayfield.
W. J. Scotus, Bornholm.
W.H. Hu brjes & Son, Walton. -
E. a, Litt, Du.blin, ,
--The u
r Sheep and
sex . Address F,gmondville
fern, mill Road" Tuckestnith. R0131lir
SALE.—For sale, a good mare, toy
and single harness. The mat* Owen
able driver er worker and suihible fi
or g nerd use. Apply to
MRS. A. YOUNG, Staforth.
FOR SALE.—For sale, u thorobred
ru bull" with reedetered pedigree,20 mon
and red in color. He was bred from rtee Cba
Annly on London read, Tnekersmith, amtm
Ditteefield, JAMES PERSON, Rime*
OR SALE, -5 Young northern Bulls,
also one general purpose and 1 egrieultural home; .
.I: and heifers" choice animals and of A 1 breeU
-they are 5 years old,mound and oodworliers. Piker*
the lowest and t-erms to suit Also 20th Cen
Otianti! aatA4 dean'
and 13ElactIt'Tahertais for seed. DA
1 SHORTHORN "CATILE--Beven firsteclass
butt, 2 from imported COW43, for sale at no
ate prime and AM, ea oy terms ; good young cows
heifers also for sale. All interested are Nodally
to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town,
distane-T telephone to farm. Wtite for eat
H. sunlit Exeter. ibss
Signed offers for tale on Lot 27, Concession %,
Hibbert township, a number of heifers and yew
cows with calves at feet V'yearlkig bull, 1 Berkshire__
hoar 0 months old, a right good aninell. The abo-1
etook are all regieterea in the Fateonal Stock "Z
cord:. Priees moderate,termovasylvieitors weleeme
DAVID HILL, Staffs P. O. 1906-tf
• •••-
HORT.HORNS.—Chokie bred bulls and fentrJ*4
JY different ages for e.are, about two dozen totr4...5t
from. Prices reasonable. Herd now headed
" Countsylvanns" (5096()). Re rs. gOt bY tbe be4
Booteti bred imported stock on both sides, glossydark
red in color, and well set on short legs. Terms e -e
misted cows 0' Insured ; others on and:kw**
Visitors weome. JowiN ELDER, Hertsall P. Oa
and Station. 10084f
pro ItENT.—A large lot suitable for a oldm
-IL also a eomforta le gable, in Seaforth. For
tieulars apply at Tee Exkostroa Orrice, Seaforth.
„lRASSLA:*MrEtsrE—To rent, Lot 17.
rented fora term of ;*3.Applto
MORROW BROS.; Seaforth. 100041
GRASS FARM. TO RENT.—Etot half (of Let 0
' 'Concession 3, MeKillop, good pasture bade
vill be rented for A term of )Varti. APPly on UAW
Coneession 8, Meltillop. P. J. MoQUAID, Vet
umban P. O. 1000s8
r110.1=—The undersigned will rent bis farm
.1 the laake Shore to a 4tod tenant for a tedireft
five yeats. The farm congests of 210 acres Of
land, nearly aU under oultivatiOn and in good on,
dition. For lull termand particulars apply at co*
DANIEL 8,111%1, St Joseph P. 0. 10614
.1.1. in Eg, mondville, adjoining Seaforth; a comfort"
able fmme'hourse containing three bed rooms, sitting
room, dining room, large kitchen and wo,
There is n stone foundation under the 'elude nec
with good cement eietern in the cellar and soft water
pump in the kitchen. Thereetre three JON planted
with all kinds of the best fruit. There is aloe siege
stable. The property is in first-class repair In .0eri
respect and is a most desirable place.. Foseeean
ean he given at anytime and terms ill be made euy,
For further patticblare apply on the premises or ad
dress JOSEPH NOBLE, Seaforth.
I3ULL FOR SERVICE.—Mr. F. O'Brien Wilt keeF
for the improvement of etoek, on Lot 27, Oon,
Hibbert, the well bred bull, " Lord Dundonaldr
07089. This bull is sired by Trumpeter " (briPJ,
Ile has two straight crosses of imported blood on
dam's side, Lord Dundonald is of red color end 01
line quality. Terms—el for grade 00Ws and *5 1Ce
pedigreed Stock, payable December 1st, next. Ft
O'BRIEN, 2003s1i
QUORTIIORN 137514,—,11aving purchascd
klj' thorobred Shorthorn Bull, " Rosemary 118
(658137) from Mr. W. J. 'Thompson, the well Imo=
breeder and importer of Logan, I will admit to tin -
limited number of e0W/3 this season, for serace4
Resettle*. Heir," was bred by Alex. Lime, Cebou*
He 18 from " British Flag," imported, aud bls eAnt
Primroee 2nd," also imported. For terra
other conditions apply on Lot 27, Concession
Killop. JOHN G. GRIEVE. exeia
ANL Under and by virtue of the powen i cont-''xm' -
in a certain mortgage. which will be produced at
*time of -sale, there will be offered for sale by
auction on Wednesday, the 30th day of May
'clock in the aftornoon ot the Oommere
in e:rowo et fieti.totth, by Thomas Brown, auet
r, thc long -wing prverty, ntunely : Lot fwe---
27 mid the Easterly five feet of Lot Number t0,
in D. I), Wileon's Survey of part of the Tows
S'eafortl,, mid that portion of the unsurvexed
rm Lot Ntunper 27, in tbe first Coneession 01 ti
Township of MeKiIIo1, situate in the nimk ikt,
bounded by aa.rnee, Wilson, Centre and .Ann
as shown in the plan of D. D. wilsores surrey
said. The builds* on the propertY consok
one•ruid-a-balf story briek Immo, 10 a. 343, Ivith
Iditiona, 0 x12 each. There is a small orchard Ore
aing some eholee apple trees. The proper'
yeti in what is considered to be the bent -car
deiitaI Part of the town. Terms of Me—Ten ,
eent. of the purchase money to be paid down et tn6-
time of sale and the balance to be paid within LIAO
days thereafter. Further particulars will be tset.
known on the day of sale or can obtairmi Aa
Meantime froM tbe tindenigned. If. J. D.
Vendor Solicitor THOMAS BROWN, Alio
Dated at flensall this 143th day of mry, 1000,
Sore Throat end Coughs
A simple, vfgaarre 4.nd Safe reirody for ull
Cresolene Antiseptic Table
They cotnblne the germicidal value nrCresolepe
'11e, seething pro -rtlea at slippety elm and
411 Druoefete
Funds of private maim to3oa ,at lowea ratc4 of
interest. Apply to -
J. L. ICILIARAN" Barrister, ete,t
Soafortle OntattOs.