HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-05-18, Page 6:t 14. GE FOR Stein- A story and a 'half briek Wire in Harp -alley, The house ts heeted vrith fernaee and hos a name kitchen and woodshed at - tamed. 'There is a good well, good stable and non hertee on the enoperty. There are 3 1-6 aeres of land, Apply on the premises. FRANCES FOWLER. eV money on improveti quarter sections of 100 „ acres eech at front Se to 10;', per annum. Only first morVoilees taken. Ample securiey given. Terms Title System is perfect. From $300 up can be lent on farms worth from *1,000 to $2-,00e. For further partieulars write to me. J. A, JACKSON, Barris- 1CIOR SALE, a comfortable frame house in Egmond. .1.` vino with three aeres of land, collar and also a stable. Tile home contains 1 tee room, parlor, din- ing room and kitehen down steirs and two bed rooms and a large hall up ;deem Tbere ie plenty of hard and eoft water. The properey is close te both churoh and sehnol. Will be mold cheep, Apply to JANIE'S S. BROWN, orBox 3.ee, Seaforth P. 0. 1090-9 QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For ode, the East ea half of Lot 3 and Lot 4, on the 13th Coneesion of Bullett, containing. 925 acres, all eleared except efe acres of good hardwood bush. It is well fenced and tile drained. There is a frame house and two good bank bane. with stone istobling under both, and other outbuildings. A sprine creel( runs across the farm. It is welt adapted either for grain or grass. It Is within 7 miles of Blyth, and three-quarters of a mile from Harlot*, where there is a stege, bleck- smith ehop, post office and school. Will be sold on easy terms as the proprietor wants to retire. Arpl on the premises or address, Harlock I'. 0., S. PLUN - TREE. 1.095•tf -fietARM FOR SALE. --For %le, Lot 24, Coneession Stanley, containing 100 stores. Ninety aores aro 10 • acres of good hardwood bush, The farm is all even underdrained and well fenced. There ifi a two- storey brick house with slate roof, a firsteoless farm house. Bank barn, 40ft, x 80ft., cement siloepig pen, driving house; There are two never -failing wells, and Mk eere of *retitled and smell fruit, This excellent faxra is three miles from Brumfield and five miles from Olinten, with good gravel roads. For further rtioulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT OTT, Clinton P. O. 1048-tf MVeiniS FUR SALE -100 acres, Lot a, Concession • 5, II. It, S., Tttekersinith, Huron County, all seeded to grass, except 16 acres of bush. Winne house, orchard, 2 getal wells, land and bush the best. Also West half of Lot 6, Coneeseion 4, Tuckeremith, 60 wires, , school on corner, Baytield river terming it. On this place there is a bank barn, brick house, work -shop, driving house, pig and hen house, young hearing orehatd with handsome shade treete 2 wells, *Ater first class,. The buildings are new and up -to- • date and the land in the best conpition. A good lo - farms are offered for sale together or separately. if , not sold goon may be offered for rent. Apply to JOHN SPROAT, Egmondville P. O., Ont. 1906-tf 1 (Li OOD FARit FOR SALE. ---For sale cheap and on &X easy terins, Lot, 25, Concessien 4, McKillop,. This farm contains on aeree, all cleared and in tine condition. rifty aores are seeded to grass, six or seven in fall wheat and the rest all ploughed and reedy for spring crop. There is t- fine epring for watering the stock close to the buildings, a good brick houseetwo Large barns, one with good stabling underneath, also horse 'stable arid implement geese and a large orchard, It is within a mtle and a half of the -town of Seaforth. If not sold, will • hel, leased for a tern/ of years. Apply to the- undersigned, box 192, Seafortitle O., ROBERT GOVENLOOK. 1991-tf -IMAM. FOR SALE, -For Sale, Lot 5, Concession all cleared and in a high }tate of cultivation. It is well drained and well fenced. There is a large two - 'storey rick house St-1th woodshed aud kitchen. There is large bank barn and two smaller barnsand. driving hed. Two good orchards. There are two never fa4ling amines on the farm. evhtch make it an excellent one for either stock or °relining. There is atm a ptinep at the barn with windmill. This excel- lent ferin ts two miles from Ifarlock I'. 0., four miles from Myth, It will be seed on easy terins as the proprietress withers to leave the farm. This Ls the farm of the lete John Mills. For further particulars MRS. JOHN MILLS. 2002x8 MIAMI FOR SALE -For sale, I.ot 8, Concession 8, ..1: L. R. S., Tuckertanith, containing 100 acres, of which 9 acres is gooti hardwood bush. The bahmee iswell fenced, tile dmined and in first-class condition. There are two good barns, one a bank barn 30 % 78 ft. with stone stabling underneath and the other 56 x 36 ft., and a eoinfortable frame house, three good wells and a neeerefailing spring at the rear of the lot, and a good hearing orebard. The ploughing is all done and 14 acres of fall wheat. It is within two mites. of the flourishing village of Iferisall. and within half a mile of a school house. Apply on the premisea or to J. CALDWELL, liensall P. 0. 198741 FARM FOR SALE. - Loe 1, Concession 6, H. R. S, Tueleeremithh. containing 100 acres ; 90 acres cleared and hi a good state of cultivation. There are 10 acres of good hardwood bush. Thefarm is rich arid clean, WC€1 fenced and wen underdmined. There is a good dwelling house, good bank bern and outbuildings. It is all seeded to grass, except. ten aoree, 3 never Wilber wells, one being a, drilled well near the barn, and 1 acre of orchard. This is a choice farm, with good gravel road leading to market. Will , be sold on exey terms ae the proprietor wiehes to re- tire. Apply ou the premises, or tuldress, Seaforth P• Meilen WILLIAMS. . 2003-6 (10- 0D PAnn FOR SALE -Farm for sale, Lot 1, 'CJF Con. 1, Hellen, containing. 100 acres, 95 cleared, good soil, no weedy, excellent situation, being two miles west of the flourishing town of Seaforth, on the Huron Road, On the premises is a two-etorey franie' house containing 8 rooms, summer kitchen, cemene raisternq, house is heated by furnace fuse put in. There are two barns and other outbuildings, one barn has stone basement with cement floors, small orchard with choice fruits, and it never failing spring at the barn. Possession may he had this fall and, if not sold, will be rented. Apply on the premises, or addrees tieaforth P. O., GEORGE C. DALE ete).0,3..tf FOR SALE -An excellent buildinglot,- centaining • three-quarters of an atire of land; part of the Meelann property, Egmondeille, opposite the recre- ation grounds, all ready for •building, There is a. good fence all round the lame a good hard Neaten well, the cellar is dug* out and a drain all round it, allo-a*drain from it. There are about 17 thousand of kiln ran briek. The brick elm be bought seperate- ly it desired. There are abet a number of loads. of sand and gravel end enough stone to buffet tion for a large house. This property will be sold cheap, I'M Mr, Little cannot drive the Bayfield and Seaforth stage and live in Bentonville and would like to- dispose of his property there. Any person desiring to buy this propert•y may learn all perticulars froM R. S. HAYS, Seaferth, or H. LITTLE, Bay2ficemekilx.4tt 000 FARM FOR liALE-Faxm for sale Lot 25 taining 100 acres, being ell seeded and pastured. - There are on the premises two good lam, one 40 floors, the othee Vole x 34, with drive %bed, etone etabling for pigs and hens, and a comfortable frame house with stone cellar and eement floor. A never feeling spring et the Imre and goad well at the house. There are about Reece .aetts bueh, the rest is it a good state cif cultivation, underdrain- ed with tile, and .weei fenced, good orehard. It is. situeted within te18,0 end a half miles from Brueeffeld, and six and a half miles from .Seaforth, and -the same from Homan. This form will be sold en reasonable terms, as the proprietor is goine-Weste For further particulars apply go E. J. CALDWELL, Box 33, elLeARM FOR SALE.--leor sale Lot 29, en the Oth .11: Concession of leibbert, containing 100 acres, in' a gond state of cultivation. There le on the prem- ises a brick home with brick kitchen mid o. good eele lar. There is alea a large bank bane 60 x 40, ane lean-to of 12 feet, with stone stabling underneath, Also- a shed, 80 30, and a driving home with every- thing complete. There are three never -failing wells on the premises, there ie allo a large orchard and _ good gerden. Thete am 10 stores of fall wheat sown and there are 40 acres seeded down. Either suitable - for hay or pasture, Ali the foil ploughing is done, The farm is well underdrained with: tile and well fenced with wire fenves. It is in a good localiter be - where there hi 8; POSt office and two churches, Meths there- is e g•ood gravel road miming past the fern). It . M good _cenditme and will be sold on reasonable terms. as the proprietor wiehes. to retire. For further partieulare apply on the premisee or -to CILAtitit4,1ES ABERHART, Stela Kee, Ontario.. The Great English .Rentecly. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins. Cures Nerv- ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des- voneleney, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Spey- Inatorrhcea, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses Price 11 per box, sixfor . One will please, ebr will cure. Sold by all ggists or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New ,pamplded 9naited free. Tho Medicine Cos °rowdy Windsor) Toronto, Ont, Money to Loan 1 Private and Compeey funds to loan on Real Estate Security at luwest current rates.of interest. - A. A. WATT, Real Estate and Loan Agent, 19etetf Brumfield, Ontario, ; Sore Throat and Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all 'throe Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets They combine the germicidal value of Cresolenewiti the soothing properties of slippery eltn.aad iicorica ee Can Obtain New Health Thnotegh the tate of tr:ar, Willianii" Pink Pills. Anaemia means bloodiessnees. Dr. Williams' Oink 'Pills 'actually meke new, aide and tblood, and thtue cure anaemia. When (the tblood is poor tthe !nerves tare 'starved and irritable. Then names thysteria,nenralgia, sleep- wear lout and ',depress the poor pale victim. Clara tWilliarns' Pink nerves and. gine); new strength to. every torgan. Miss Minnie Allen, of Montreal, says e twee? so weak and ir lellOWee bleat my friends thought I Nees going into consump- leo !appetite, Jand slid not eke's. well. The 'least exertiton &filed me temt, and almost 'breathless. My Sister advis- ed tree to take Dr. iWillia.ms' g'ink Pills, [and after tusing. them [Dor. a few weekea am again enjoying good Ihealth, 'and: -have good color. 1 tilaink every weak girl. shOudd take Williams Oink Pills." Dr. Milliards' IPink 'Pine will tare any 'case nf bloodlessness -just as surely as they- nu.red Mies' Arlen. The pale snaemin • needs may one Wing -new blood, Dr. Pink 'Pills make new, rich blood with every Idtose. That is why they (sure tall tocemmon diseases like anae- thon of the heart, .headeches and baokaehes, 1St. iVittes dance, partial paralysis and the secret troubles that' snake the lives of thousands Pink :Pills tare said by medicine deal- ers or hy snail at 60 cents a box tor a ix boxes [for $250 from The (Dr. Williams' 'Medicine Co., 'Brockville, -At !the Hat PICeTtage lumber mills a [few Mornings agio, just betters six a. at tEhe enet -of the _night Want twthile fixing machinery was cangiht in the belt, flung oround i Wee !abaft, and burled 130 teet acaoss tthe 'building. He died an hourr -Gnessley and Hunter, the well- known xevivalists _have secured a home in Taranto, where they expect fio 'remove in a few days. They *have bad their thane in St. Whomas for central foe their ,avserk and, few col - the -change is maw made. -A cionsignmeeret et Shetland ponies 'were sold at the Horse Be- pcSitery in 'Toronto last 'week. They were 'brought loot by Dalgaty tBros., of Deandee, ISooltland. In all e5 head were sold, 'realizing $13,602 $144 I eacile. One pair Sold for $434, tend, another f310, taed one single pony brouight $200. "'My dear lad, what was it?" I aele d impatiently. . "It came from the baek of the 'b he answered. "It was a Sound of fee "Something within the walls," I gued; "Mice, beetles." Montgomery shook his head. '‘C me and listen," he pleaded. the least imaginative young man In the world, and A puzzled me that he sh uld have taken this whhn. Perhaps it 1, as not fancy! Suddenlyt Mrs. Main's idiculecl, returned to my mind in a flow a memory. 1 Montgomery's room stood upon e back a the castle and, like all the remits which were In use, faced tbe ben lined, as had been prat eed throughout the castle, With oak. ont- gomery pointed to the pillow. 'My head, was there," he explained. , Lis- ten!" I lay down upon the bed and re ted. "There's nothing to be heard," said I. A silence ensued, "Don't you ear anything?" he asked. I shook ney head. "My dear b y, it was fancy," I said and was raisin t my head from the pillow when sudde ly ta, il : slight sound struck upon my ears and I paused in the act and In the e nter of my speech "I hear something ow," I said. "But It's only the patt r of Montgomery set his ear to the all. , was right; it was net rain; it wa the 1 "That's not rain," he 'whispered. He noise' of feet falling lightly upon a "What is behind this oak?" I asked. "There must be some passage here," I sounded With my knuckles on the board. "It's hollow," A careful inspection with the condle revealed a seam in 'the oak, Inch -might mark the site of hinges, a d to- - gether we pushed firmly on the anel. It fell back, slowly, being, as I ound afterWard, without lock or sprin and merely held in its place by disuse and dirt. Within, the light shone upon a black hole and a dark flight a stales leading downward. • . "We must see the end a tleas,", said Montgomery, and hopped into fhe dark - D MEDAL Time When Women Are Susceptible to Tylany Dread Diseases -Intelligent Women repare for IL Two Relate Their Ex-eriences. The "change of life" is the most critical period of the anxiety felt by women as it draws near is not without rea.son. Every woman who ne. glects the care of her , health at this time invites diseaee and pain. When her system is in a, deranged condition, or she is predisposed to apo- plexy, or congestion of any organ, the tendency is at this period likely to be. come active -and with a host of`nervous irritations, make life a burden. At this time, also, cancers tmd etunaors are more liable to form and begin their dee- tructive work. Such warning synaptoms as sense of suffocatittne hot fias. hes, headaches, back- aches, .elread of impending evil, timidity? sounds in the ears, palpitation' of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregularities,. con- stipation, variable appetite, and dizziness are.promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in life when - woman's great change may be expected. .• Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com- pound 'WM prepared to meet -the needs of woman's system. et this trying period of her life. It invigorates and strength- ens the female organism and builds up the weakenedlnervous system. 5,0001 REWARD will be paid to any person who proves tha Sunlight Stein contains any iojunous 'ehemicsils or any form of adulteration. Alight Those hvhb have taken other laza, tives 'without Satiefaetion-and those who thave taken etroth quantities of tiheir effect -will find pleasant ally no paip, griping, Dammam, or discomfort even in severe caSes. 'This candy bowel tlaxative-LAX-ETS-is only 6'icents, and •is 'solid by C. /Aber- -J-eitin Reid, cheee !Maker of the Maple leaf factory, near :Downey - this place. Michael Flynn's barn get ort fire, and Mr. Reid wan. over, to was Bound dead, Blood was running from this--enose• and month. at is supposed Ito he heart disease. ale fiern was biurned to the ground,. -Josteph IE. Phillips, former Man- ager of the York County Loan & Savings Cumpany, did. toot come up for trial at the spring sitting of the General Sessions ,.of the Peace in Termite da,t,t tweek as was • expected. He [wee, ,,haviever, re-coromit ted tor trial on la oharge eonspiring to defraud. His. tot 0,000 was cce- neived, anal he is noiev free until the September cessions. To Cure a Cold in -Ono Day Taice LAXATIVE BROM() Quinine Tablets. Drtigeists refund. money if it fails to Ecure. E. W. GROVE'S signaturee bn each box. 25e. -Ricthard a fanner eke - plowed iby /. M. Power, near Car- berry, Manitoba, eves seriouely and probably tfa tally injue ed. He was bringing a lead ed hay into 'town end in oottne manner fell 'beneath the .wtheels of, the wagon. It is 'net known lhow the accident happened. as there were 'no _eye witnesses. ' He Was seen iwelking behind the 'load and lit surmiseid that the 'horses ,tarted tto 11-mA away and in attempt- ing to 'regain the lines 'the be- neatih the (wagon. -Ft has 'been discovered that in ?the vicinity of Woodbridge, near Stockton, California, tthe Mokelue .ma !river has fallen twelve feet, t be bed of the river having 'dropped from the bffects of the eecent earth- quake aback. As the wa:terway has overflowed frequently 'farmers along the otream are highly pleased with the ohange, tsince it can carry.. ftar more erb.ter than heretofore end not °Ida/nit cif the earthnteake is the dry- ing Iv !of the, Tracy dake tl*..f -norbh western part of San 'Joaquin Sunlight Soap is better than other soaps, I but is best when wsed in the Saulight way. Buy Stuilight Soap and follow directions. 1 through Valley Park *diatrict, 25 tetathwest tof the team, for several days. Tthe peairie was swept clean, the fire licking nip hey tricke and barns, (leaping ever settlars' tiro guards, !wiping: out dry timber ie the send thins and destroying troung able pastiere lland in the 'river va.1 ley (was huirned. ever, the 0.asnage enonating K0,004. The ;careless nese of a young settler in throw dried grass daring a gale starte ttae fire. Coughs, raids, hoarseness, and other throe Itilments are quickly relieved by Oresolen *athlete. ten cents per box. All druggists -Mrs. Stanley Day, Mother oil Mrs. A. E, •Ahrens, tof Stratford, died tin New Market, New Jersey, ton May ,Ist. Mr. land Mrs. Day were residents la Stratford for a num- ber .of (years lprior tie bheir Traoving to the States. Boars the Tho Kind You Haw Always Bought ligrataro of .is perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. • Best for all household put., poses, Sunlight Soap's super- iority is most conspicuous in the washing of clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed With Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc- Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you bey Sunlight Soap if you find a•ny cause for complaint, follow directions Ce ' Buy it and Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto laps like a frog. followed. elow tliere was now silence; the foo teem. e wall continued for some irty s eps and brought us, as I. reek ned, t the foundations of the castle. Here we were fetched up promptly ay a blank wall of wood -no doubt a site 'tar encasement of oak as that in whit a the panel above was set Groping about, we fumbled upon a latch and oi ened the door quietly. The candle axed on the walls opposite. We were 1 the dark corridor leading -to the trees re. As this discovery flashed on e I heard once more the sound that had and Ho, er AWARDED 'Vete yin .0e the Tmats plest apeeial orders e orompt AT EMBITION 1904. Only medal for Ale in Canada. For vecial advice regarding this im- portant Hod women are invited to write to re. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., and it wi be furnished. absolutely free of c • The present Mrs. Pinkhara is the aughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pink - ham, her assistant before /ler decease, and for twenty-five years since her advice has been freely given to sick women. Read what Lydia E. Pinkham's Com- ound did for 3Are. Powless and Mrs. nn Dear Mts. Pinklumi "In my opinion there is no medicine made for women which can compare with Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound, and you have no firmer friend in the Domi- nion than am, At the time of change f life I suffered until I was nearly crazy, a was not fit to live with. I was so , to myself and others. I surely thong t that I weuld lose my reason before I got through, when fortunately an old friend recommended your Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Plahham's Vegetable Comp took it for five months and then off and on. until the critical period had passed, and it restored me to perfect health. Itly advice to suffering women is to try your Vegetable Compound, and they will not be disap- Another- Won:Ian's Case. I Dear MTS. Pinkbarn tet "As I owe my splendid health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I am very pleased to write and tell you my expe- rience with it. I am the moth'er of three children grown to womanhood, and have safely passed the thange oflife, and feel as young and as strong as I did twenty years ago, and I know that this is all due to your woman'i friend, Lydia B. Piukham's 'Vege- table Compound. I used it before m children weee born, and it greatly assis nature and saved me much pain (luring the change of life. I took it, off and on, ,for four years, and had but little trouble and sickness that most women have to endure." -Mrs. James K. Mann, 806 Bethurst St., Toronto, Canada, What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Powless and Mrs.' Igen; it will do for other women at this time of life. It has conqtered pain, restored health, and prolonged life in cases that utterly baffled phyeicians. 167 The Doctor "Are your bowel regular?" e knows that daily action,' of the bowels is absolutely essential to health. Then keep your liver active Always Aska small laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. &et and your bowels regular by fthing We have ao secrets! We eisidish a-, fe,Aree, co, the females ef all one medicines...Lowell. exam IWO mild, sure and safe, and am* pezfect, regulator of the, system. They gently unlock the secretions, elear away all effete and waste matter from tke system, and give tone and vitality to the whole intestinal tract, euring Constipae tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyteiep- sia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Jams dice, Heartburn, and Water Brash. Mrs. R S. Ogden, Woodstock, N.B., writes - "My husband and' myse7if have used Mil- burn Laxa-Liver Pius for a number of years. We think we cannot do without them. They are the only pills we ever take." Price 25 cents or five bottles for VAN at all dealer's or direct on receipt a priest. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. rearrisb b, Oat The Adventurers. you hear any sound of foot - "No, sir, but then was making a noise- with the dishei and Wil- liams walks very gentlie." "Oh, well," I murmired at length, "you must have been deceived, and If Williams was here he has gone since, and at any rate he won't Wan. his When the housateeper bad ret' ed I found Sheppard watching me. "What do you make of it, Ned?' , "I make nothing" I answeredj "It's practically impossible for any one to get into the castle. We have had the bridge up nearly all day, but-ayou know my old adage, that it's better to be sure than: sorry -we may as well -have a look around." t"the castle rooms and investigated all the corridors, peering into the dark corners. It was an arduous business, for I hardly realized the number of passages and crannies to be explored Presently we both came to a stop on a simultaneous thought. "This is real/v no use." I SAO. "It's quite impossible to exhaust all the possibilities of this Item. And I -still adhere to ney previous notion that Mrs. Main was hardly in a sufficiently pa- cific state to judge between shadows." "I'm with you there," said Sheppard cheerfully. "Very well, then; bed," said I, and to bed we went, admirably -tired with our excitement -and our labori. I must have been asleep for some hours when I awoke_from dead -uncon- sciousness with the presence of some one in the room oppressing me. Al- naost as I sat up heard Montgomery's "Are you aWeke, Greatorex? There's some one about the house." sat still, striving to dissipate the confusion of my brain. Somewhere, far off, I remembered that I had heard this before. But withra strenuous effort of the will I threw eft the dwindling hands of sleep and got out of bed. "We'll go and see," said I. "What time "I _don't know," said Montgomery es I lit a candle with fumbling fingers. "But my ,watch is over. I think it's about 12 or 1." "Now, young man," said, having pulled. on some clothes, "what about this alarm of yours?" "It was a noise -it woke me up," ex- plained Montgomery. "Sheppard re- lieved me at 11, and I turned. In, feel- ing very sleepy. thought I slept like a -log, but something got on my nerves, I suppose. oit any ratet it woke me C STOR IA For Infants and Children. -The Kind You liave Always Bought Bears the Signature of SIGN THF SAW PRINCE -OF MIDLOTHIAN MONDAY -Will leave his own stable,Lot 34, -Con. 8, Meleillop, and proceed West and South to Geome - Dale's, Constance, for noon ; then South to Charles ' Latin's, Teckersmitit, for night. TUESDAY -Will . Stanley, fer noon ; then South to Jamee H. Itost' f or . i night, WEDNESDAY - Will proceed by -way of ; Brucefield, to Ed, Nile's, for noon .; then North to eeed North, by way of Roxboro, to James Somer- ville's for noon • thee West and North to his own . stable for the night. FRIDAY -Will proneed Ea.st 1 to J. H. Campbell's, for noon I then South le. miles, I then Weet to his own stable for night. SATUR- DAY-LWill woeeed North. by way of Town Line, to 12th Coneeeteore to John Barron's, for noon ; then South to his owe etable, where he will remain until the followieg Morality morning. 2002x4 The panel fell back slowlee detected in Montgomery's room sound of delicate footfalls on the flags. Blowing out tbe :putting a detaining hand on %font the tone and ery, I drew back inns the niche of thai secret place. The sounds drew ne rer, dropping regularly on the air and cho- lug faintly in tbe -long tunnel. nd then a, figure, wrapped in der ess. but palpable to every sense leave al pf the sight, emerged, passed and ad - ed before us. Tbe footsteps patt red away into the distance. I waited a few moments, and n. stooping, shook off my boots, bid me my companion. do the same. hai done, "WC steppe& out into the corr doi and plunged into the blackness of the nient (To be eentinned.) STATE OF OHIO CITY OF TOLEDO. LUCAS 900.171iTY. NO. Frank J. Cheney makes oath thab h senior partner of the firm of F. J . Cht & doing! business in th City of Tol °panty and State aforesaid. and thet firm will pay die ilUTT1 of ONE HUN D DOLLARS for ea e and every ease of arrh that cannot. be eured hv the us Hall's Catarrh Cure FRANK T.CHEN Sworn to before me and subscribed in preeenoe fills 6th day of December, A. 1586, NOTA.RY Pu Han Catarrh Care is taken intern and beta eirectly on the blood and mu surfaces of the system. Send fortesti ials free. ey t id ED at - of EY ley Ily, 01111 Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa ion. af yea prefer ,to take medicin in Vablet 'foam yen can now eb ain Oh oop'i Restorative Tablet Ab- solutely ero change 1108 'been tin in the [medicinal ting,rediente. Sol by • Established 1879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronch ti recetoteer Is a long es1414Dhed and standard ri TS 47 for (he diseases Ind:rated. It ewes beemose,the air t .0. prolonged and con.lant treatment. .Those of a eon ut n. ittboontiehirlo:aatt: relief from poughs or Inflamed eondlt1 us or Vapo.ercgoleno Is sold by druggists or rent pre- paid on reeelpt of pilee. fit including n, tuAiln of Crenolene e.re. awe far free illustrated bookint Lemma limes Co., Ltit, The followilig well known horses win tra- vel during tne season of 1906, as follows : BISMARCK- (4020) MONDAY -et, ill leave his owe stable, Lot 9, Con- kin'e, Concession 11, Moltillop, for noon ; then south to Samuel Pethiek's,for night. TUESDAY -To Char- les Riley's, Coneesdon 3, Meriiilop, for noon ; then to Seafortle atDiek's Hotel, !or night. wEDNES- DAY-To Win. titorey's, Concession 6, McKillop, for noon ; then to JohifeG. Grieve's, Concession 11, Moleillop, tor eight,. THURSDAY -To Nelson Nich- olson's, Coneeseion 13. }lunette for 'noon ; then north to Walton, at Emigh's Hotel, for night. Ma- - DAY -.North to John Clark's, Concession 10, • Grey, for noon * then to Win. Donetteson'S. Concession 17, G ee ior night. SATURDAY -To hie own stable for n on, where he will ren•aln until the following Monti y morniug. 2003-3 . KING CHARMING IV. No. 15671 GEIGER & HUDSON, Props. MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Hensall, and proeeed, by way of the London Road, to Shaffer's Hotel, Kippen, for noon e then east to Strong's Ho- tel, Tuekersatith, for night. TUEelielY-.North and east to Henry Chesney's, for nee*: the to Ditties Hotel, Seatorth, for night. WEDVESDAY-liv way of the end Coneession, Tuckeienntth, Huron Shrvey, tO Tholnas Coielmtn's. for noon ; then across to Mill Road, and west to Charles Wilsen's Hotel, Brucefielcl, her night. . THURSDAY -West 'to Coole .• Hotel - 'Varna, for neon ; then soutb, by way of Parr Lbie, to Lem Iltulsoiee, Hills. Omen, for night FRIDAY -West to Nicholson's Hetet, Bleke, for noon ,• then south to John Geiger's, Lot el, Concession 12, for night. SATURDAY -Home to his own stahle, where* he will remain until the following•M011daY morning. FIASHWOOD'S LAST • THOMAS DICICSON, Prole MONDAY, May 7th, will -leave bis own stable, Sea - forth, and prom,ed to James Carlin'e, Huron _road, at 3IeCanneeet o'clock. and remein for one hoer. TUESDAY -Will proceed west, to James McKay's, for noon ,• then to James McGee's, Charles Mason's farm, Mill =roiule, for night, WEDNESDAY -Will proceed north to G. W.. 'Noette, for nowt ; then to John T. We's, for .nighte THURSDAY -To James Dale's, for tioon ; then to Mat Annetrong's, for night. FRIDAY --To Georgia Love's, for noon, and. stay ue- til four ; then to Robert, Beattie's,- 11 miles east of Grieve's bridge, for night. SATURDAY -To N °en :table, vellere he will remain u»til the follow- ing Morality morning. The Ciydesdaie Starner)) " LORD HURON," will Eland lor service at the • Royal Hotel, Seaford], dining the season. 2003-3 ELECTRIC B. BERRY & BLAIR, Props, MONDAY -Will leave hN own stable, half a mile South of .Brueefleld, and go South to Kippen and East to Wm. Worlonaree, 10th Concession, Tucker - smith, for noon ; thee East, by way of aronutrty. and South to Farquhar, at Temperance House, for night. TUEeDAY-East to Ruseeklale, for neon ; then north to Mitchell, at the Melte House for night,. WEIP NESDAY-To Dublin, at the Dominion Hotelt for noon • then to Seaforth, at Dick's Hotel, for night. THURSDAY -To Walton, at Einigh's Hotel, for noon ; then to Blyth, at the Mason House, for !tight. FRIDAY -To Londesboro, at the Temperance House for noon • then to Clinton, at Grahatil'S Hotel, for night. ii'ATURDAY-To his own Stable, where he will remain autil the followieg Monday morning. CAIRNBROGI141 PRIDE) (10321) . 10, McINTOSII, Pop. 3IONDAY-Will leave his own stable. Lot 8, Coneeseion 12, McKillop, and proveed to Wm. Mor- rison, jr.'s, 100 Concession, for noon • then to Shannon s, 120 Concession. for night, TUESDAY- Weet, to William mere Hullett, for noon ; then to Mason's Hotel, Myth, for the night. WEDNESDAY ,-West to John Preffeee, for noon ; then to J. Inge ginhottenee, for the night. THURSDAY- To R. 0, Phelanee for night. FRIDAY -To eirm. Shane -see Grey, for noon ; then to James Houston's, for night. SATURDAY -Home to his own freebie, where he Will remain until the following Monday morning. 2003-3 The Grand Pereheron Stallion, VOLTAIRE (32082) . JOHN CHAMBERS2 Prop; AM Manager MONDAY -Will leave his owre etable, Town line, Ilay, and go west to the Goshen Line, Stanley. at 'John MeClinehey's, for noon ; then north two miles, then west to the Breese» Line, and south to Edward Boyce's, for night. TUESDAY -To Minium Badouee Take road, west, for noon ; then south on the Salable Line, to St. Joseph, then east to the 14th concession at Stephen Meidengees, for eight. WEDNESDAY - South along the 14th toneession, to George Weig- and's, concession 14, Stephen, for noon ; then south, to Thomas Keys*, for the nieht." THURSDAY -4o Elden, itt feunninghanee Hotel, for noon : then to Crediton, at Chas. Kientyleer, for night FRIDAY- .Narth and east to the thel. eoneession, at Arthur San- der's, for noon • then to Amos Wildfong's, lot 9, eon, 4, Hay, fox nigh SATURDAY -Hume to his own ntahle, where he will remain until the following Mon- - day morning. 2003-3 MASTERPIECE No. 1 1,822. MONDAY -Will leave his own etable, and proeeed east to Thos. Venner'S. boundry line, for 130011 ; then north tO ChiRelhuret, then euet to George 1.V. Wren's for night. TUESDAY --Ease to first corner sonth to James Anderson's, 7th concession of Usborne, for noon I then south to Thames Road, and east to We. Key's, Fatquhar, for night. WEDNESDAY -East oue mile, then north te 12th eoneeesion of Hibbert, to James Scott's jr„ for 119011 ; then west to Crom- arty line, then north to Staff% hotel for the night, THURSDAY -West to illugh eleMillan's lot 9, eon. 5, Tuckeremith, for neon ; then west' 'to Loedon Road, and south to Robert Cooper's for night. FRI- DAY -South to Rippe% wese to Hills Green to John Haggle's for noon ; and eoueli to Zurich road, and east to his. own etable till the following Monday morning. Masterpiece will stand at his Min stable from Friday night till elonela.e- morning, but Colonel Graham 12,10:3, will take his rout,e Saturday. SAT- URDAY -West to e -on. a, south to Rodger N'orth- cott's for noon ; then eatt to London Road, and north to his own stable till the following Saturtla,y. 2008 SIBERIAN No. 11933, Vol, 21 siOn 12, Teekersmith, and go north to Strong's no- te), for noon I then to Dieles Hotel, Seaforth, for the Alma, for neon t• then to. S. Mew's, Concession 2, Hulleet, for night. WEDNESDAY -To theeRottene bury Hotel, Clinton, fOr noon ; then to Mex. Inners', Coneeesion Stanley, for night. TIIUPeSDAY- West to John G. Steep's, for MOO ; then to Cook's Hotel, Varna, for night. FRMAY-East, to Mason's corner, Ito.ul, Tuckerentith, then south to W. D. Conetesion 2, L. It. S., for noon : then south to his ownettable for the night. SATURDAY -East dtoa ;711.1710ersilH:gr.ton's, tee noon : then return to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Mon- s 2002;3 THE PREMIUM CLYDESDALE GARTLY GOLD, 10,755 THE FAMOUS SHIRE PRIOR'S IIERO, 17,536 THE MAGNIFICENT CLYDE PRINCE OF AIRTON, Vol. XXVIII THE GRAND CLYDE COLONEL GRAIIAM. 12,103 Will fitand during the season at T. J. Berryer Sale and Exchange Sto,blek, Mill Street, Henson 2003 I T, BERRY, Proprietor. • MONDAY-- Will leave his Own Stable, Beeehwood and go to P. Wood's, Logan, for noon ; then to his own stable for the night. TUESDAY -To John Mur - ravel, for norm ; then to .I. G. thieve's, for night. WEDNESDAY -To John Lanese Concession S, for noon,: then to hie own fitable tor the nighe. THURSDAY -To the Dominion lfotel, Dublin, for IeltIICAY--To Martin Curtin's- Huron Road for noon ; then to James Dorrance's, lieRielop, for the night. SATURDAY -To his own etaelle for noon, remaining Until the ionnring Monday morning. 2002-4 Paz tzt CAI (3 co 0.1 ea el) on 0 ter Cie otz • a. 3 0 Royal Opi England ; pital, Lo -Over Sthu answered Street, Se ice street, aaa Seafortin for tlae Goderich at. Gt and AUU Ontario Of Huron. - C. It/feel Trinity Trinity M the Dolle vont, On need pone tor ty of U3 linY part rates and Orders le4 office, or gig <8 ere CD t150 13 1:6 4.3d4 -i" 23 tn no 1.1 co es es ee cer te CD seri _▪ I-. re; 0 * XII' o ts; ofikk nee of Ili understan stook and a. better orders 3, or at Lot bei Prompt The SUFFERING WOMEN who find life a burden, Call hive health ant strength restored by the use of Milburn s 'Heart and NerV Yat Nen The present generation of women and Orb, have more -than their share of • misery. Wit* some it is nervoufness and palpitation, with others:weak, dizzy and fainting spells, while with others there is a general collapse of tbe system, lifalburs's Heart and 'Nerve Ms tone up thaa nervei, strengthen the heart and make it beaS strong and regular, create new red blood oer. puseles, and impart that Se1130 of buoyancy to the spirite that is the result of renewed mental and physical vigor. Mrs. D. 0. Donoghue, Ont., writeie "For over a year was troublee, with payout,. ness and heart trouble. I decided to give Mil - burn's lient and "terve Pills a triad, sod sifnw always roam:amend them to my friends." Price 50 eerits per box or three boxes for all dealers ree at Tv Milburn Ogst kunit+i Toronto, Oat. tli Pup